#(-this is long i am so sorry asnfjknjknr-)
sbareum-blog · 8 years
rose colored
she was dazed. everything prior had not shown signs of such a thing to occur. there was significant amount of sunshine and the air seemed still. however when she looked out the small window near her bed, she had seen blankets of smoke pilled onto every surface possible.a blizzard had somehow abruptly swept through the area and caused it to look like a ghost town outside.usually during this time of day she could look out and see people rushing to their destinations yet no one seemed to be outside.little particles of snow were still falling from the murky sky and only adding onto the pesky mounds of snow that were sitting on the pavement. from the looks of things, it also took out the electricity with it. areum groaned as she gotten out of the bed, her feet hitting the chilled floors. thankfully the light from the window illuminated the room enough for her to navigate her way around without breaking a bone. she flipped the small light switch on the wall just in case she was wrong about the power outage. she wasn’t.
a sigh escaped her lips as she leaned against the wall in defeat. the chilled air in the room was causing her to lose feeling in her finger in toes; she just wanted to go back under her blankets and go back to sleep. it seemed quite impossible due to the freezing temperatures. maybe she should go and steal warmth from chaeyeon. as the name registered in her mind she felt the world tilt a little too far to the right. chaeyeon. she was afraid of the dark.
she found out about the others fear unexpectedly. on one of their movie nights, a power outage had occurred and caused the room to fall into a sea of black. areum felt the other girls hand  vice around own so tightly that it became a little painful. areum looked over in the dark and how almost ghostly her face seemed in the darkness.a little too pale. a smile fluttered on to her face. it seemed the girl was afraid of the dark. how cute. another reason to add onto the impossibly long list of things that she loved about girl.her immediate response was to raise their joint hands to her cheeks and place a small kiss upon them. “it’s okay, it should turn back on in a couple of minutes. remember that i’m her okay, i wont let go of your hand.” she mirrored her response by playing with the small strands of hair that fluttered out of the ballerinas neat bun. they had stayed awake, whispering secrets and other nonsense to each other, describing their events of the day, and telling about their aspirations until finally the lights were returned and sighs of relief were filling the air. she resurfaced from that sea with a deeper understanding of the other. 
a gasp escaped her lips as her hand grabbed for the phone on the nightstand, quickly scrolling through her contact list. chaeyeon. areum had to call her to make sure she was fine. she was met with a automatic response and a no signal looming over the top. she cursed again and began to make her way out the door, not minding,not knowing, the fact that she was in fact barefooted and in her sleepwear. she would leave that embarrassment for later.
areum quickly made her way through the familiar route to the others apartment, her heart beat ringing in her ears. all of the worst possible scenarios popped into her head making her pace quicken a bit. was she hurt? was she crying? she wanted to scream at the worries that felt like a weight in her mind.a mantra of the girls name signaled around them all. when she finally made it to the small wooden doors, her civilized side fled out the door as she began to bang as hard as she could on the aged doors, forgetting that she in fact had the pass code to the door.again, another embarrassment for another day. her voice cracking as she yelled the dancers name.”yeona-ah are you okay? you’re not hurt are you?” when the girl opened the door she quickly buried her face into the crook of the dancers neck, trying to push off the ill feelings that ailed her. she was just being incredibly silly. her arms tightened around the waist of the girl taking in her homey scent. the tension quickly released from her muscles as she embraced her.again she felt the words on her tongue. no it wasn’t the right time.apologies were whispered into her skin as she wished she could do better, be better.
she quickly began to notice that something was off.a almost foreign feeling seemed to loom in the air. she didn’t trust it. it felt almost suffocating,as if invisible hands had a vice around her throat. the hairs on her neck stood as she tugged at the nightgown she currently had on.”i wasn’t really dressed for this to happen so excuse the pajamas.i would have hated for my neighbors to see me, they would think i was crazy.” she shook the two pigtails on her head laughing.
they spent the rest of the day snuggled in blankets, hands lanced in an invitation. she told her about her daily events,about her future plans and wishes,how she was saving up to go on a small vacation to jeju during the spring, anything to keep her mind away from the idea off the looming darkness that was yet to come. as quickly as things began to settle, the sun began to peak through the curtains, casting rays of rose colored hues into the room yet they stayed in the small apartment. as quickly as the day began, the sun began to set over the horizon and the lights began to diminish in the room. never once did her hand leave the others, promising her that nothing bad would happen while she was there. everything seemed fine when they laid down for sleep. the air seemed to had settled and the snow stopped failing from the sky. it led them to believe that maybe tomorrow the mess that was happening would be cleaned up.however that idea fell into shambles when she awoke the next morning.
when the next day arrived she felt different. she seemed to almost taller than when she arrived, her limbs longer, her hair reaching farther down her back. that should've been the first sign to what had occurred but she just pushed those thoughts to the back of her head blaming her nerves. she looked at the strand of hair twirling on her collarbone, noticing that it was a gorgeous mahogany color. she dismissed this a little slower as she became a little skeptical. okay maybe she drunk something funny. that had to be it or maybe she lost her mind. the last one seemed more realistic. the final nail in the coffee was when she looked over to the girl next to her, a gasp getting stuck in her throat. why was she looking at herself? it was an exact carbon copy of herself peaceful resting near the window. a shrill scream filled the room as she surveyed her own body, picking up the tattoo on her arm.she knew those tattoos. those were chaeyeon’s tattoos. had she died in her sleep? it didn't make any sense for her to be in this position, strangely looking at her own body in someones eyes. she watched the memories play across her eyes, a twitch appearing near her temple. these weren't her own memories  by far, it seemed they also inherited each others thoughts. it was a surreal thing-to see the way she looked at things. well of course her mind would be as beautiful as she was. she shook the girls her own body, panic thick in her voice. “yeon-ah wake up, something weird is happening! I think i died in my sleep! you look exactly like me, i look like you.oh my god are we both dead? do we call the police? i don’t think they can help us . ”
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