#((you could also do it via email or smth too i would think
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years ago
rules: tag nine people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below
tagged by @army-of-bee-assassins
four ships: The Fondor, Rev-12, The Ulixes annnnnnd. hmm. The Uhuru
Sorry sorry I am in fact. A long time shipper, [gestures expansively]. I like when guys from things do all that stuff. But tis the season? And those are some cool ships I genuinely like from things i like. I'm being contrary AND genuine. I do it all....
Last Song: I was listening to The HU's Rumble of Thunder on my walk. and just now typing this to pull up what that last song was. So it has techincally changed by now but I think I've already shared Bii Biyelgee so lets go with what it was oringally. Mother Nature
Currently Reading: Uh? Books? like novels?? Carmilla I suppose?? Via emails. I think the Frankenstein ones have started coming in but i have. not yet cracked those open whoops. Orv my constant.... I mean technically I think were coming up on like. a year of that. And non books! That's between me and god tho. There's been some good ones too tho.
Last Movie: that was the mother fucking BAT TURTLES babey. I mean. Its called Batman VS TMNT if u are not following this particular blog meta narrative. Chefs kiss babey. I have already posted about it. I love it.
Craving: Lets all just agree that saying food is the correct/only answer im giving on the small talk fun times post and leave it at that. I could destroy a fucking greasy pepperoni pizza right now. I dont have one so ill figure smth else out. Actually someone was barbaqueing when i was out earlier so i could also fuck up like. burger. ribs. beeg hot dog. any of that good stuff... corn on the cob even...
Tagging: [classic disclaimers of no pressure, no worries, whether cause ur experiencing the horrors or just dont wanna] oh the usual suspects... @joelleity @deadgrantaires @paradoxgavel @palms-upturned
And as always literally anyone seeing this who wants to do it. Im 100 Percent serious when I say that, say I tagged u and tag me back I would love to see ur answers.
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 7 years ago
J2G Works Charm Review
HEY kind of random but I tried out a different charm manufacturer recently! I haven’t seen any reviews for this manufacturer so I thought I’d talk a bit about my experience. The manufacturer is called J2G Works, and they’re based in Singapore. Here’s their website:
 More info and pics under the cut! (also tagging @howtobeaconartist in case they want to share w their followers)
Since this was a sort of test-run, I only ordered J2G Works’s minimum quantity of 5 charms at 6 cm. I did double-sided printing with some custom parts without a layer of white between the front and back to give a transparent-color look. I also ordered double acrylic charms, but received single acrylic charms. I’ll talk a bit about the printing mix-up first. 
Acrylic Printing Mistake
So the first thing I wanna get out of the way is that they messed up the kind of charm I ordered. The charms I ordered were supposed to be double acrylic, meaning the image is sandwiched between 2 pieces of acrylic. This is more expensive and protects the image from fading or getting scratched. Vograce is the only other manufacturer I know of who does double acrylic, but I’ve had difficulties with Vograce in the past so I was excited to try double acrylic out with a different manufacturer!
However, when my charms arrived it seems they sent me single acrylic charms instead, with the image printed on the back of one sheet of acrylic. This is how places like Zap! Creatives and Acorn Press do their charms. You can see that my charms aren’t double acrylic from this pic:
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Notice how there’s only one piece of acrylic, and no indication of the img being sandwiched between two pieces of acrylic. To compare, here’s what the side view of a double acrylic charm (that I got from a zine) looks like:
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On double acrylic charms you should be able to see where the two pieces of acrylic meet. The charms I ordered didn’t have this. Plus I could feel the matte texture of the printed image on the back side like I do w/ Zap! Creative and Acorn Press charms.
I’m used to selling these charms so it’s not a big deal, but it was still disappointing + I paid the extra price for the double acrylic... I’ve emailed them, but I’m still waiting to hear back about getting some sort of compensation/refund for this mistake.
BUT YEAH NOW THAT THAT’S OUT OF THE WAY, l’ll talk a bit about the details working w/ J2G.
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Something that was interesting to me was that the charms came individually packaged in little plastic bags! This was a nice detail and saves the trouble of bagging them for whoever I would sell them to later. The charms also come with a protective film on the front and back that should be peeled:
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The protective film on the front is v noticeable and easy to take off, but the one on the back is a more transparent, thicker plastic that’s a bit harder to take off. It’s also not totally noticeable, so I have a feeling that customers who buy my charms may not take off the back film if I give the charm as I’ve received them from J2G Works... so I guess in that sense having them individually packaged could be a hassle if you wanna take the films off before giving them to customers, but eh I think it’s a neat touch.
As also pictured above, it also comes with a keyring already attached. You can e-mail to order charms without the keyring if you want to attach your own (phonestraps/etc) but the keyring comes attached at no additional cost.
Minimum Quantity/Pricing/Shipping
J2G Works’s mimimum order quantity is 5 charms at $1.91 USD per single acrylic charm (aka the kind of printing that Zap and Acorn Press does). The default charm size is 6 cm (approx 2.4 inches). Considering the low order quantity and the relatively large size, I think this is a great deal! Zap’s minimum order quantity for 2″ acrylic charms is 25, while Acorn Press’s minimum order is 10. They don’t offer any bulk discounts of orders less than 100 charms, but I think the price is still reasonable for those who want to order in small quantities at a time. 
Here’s a size comparison to 2″ charms from Zap Creatives and Acorn Press, btw:
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Also, I’m not sure if J2G would split the minimum order of 5 between different designs... their website just says “minimum purchase 5″ and has a location for uploading one file for that order, so probably not. But still, for someone like me who gets worried about ordering in bulk and selling charms bc I don’t do conventions that frequently, being able to order charms at 5 charms per design is useful. 
The only downside about pricing and ordering in small quantities is that since they’re Singapore-based and I’m US-based, shipping is v expensive. My charm order for the double acrylic charms was around $12, but the shipping was around $30. The shipping isn’t so bad if you add more things to your order (they offer a lot of other services) but it’s definitely not ideal if you only want to order a small quantity of items.
Based on my past experiences with Zap! and Acorn Press, I thought customization was kind of a hassle with J2G. Here’s what J2G’s Template looks like:
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The way their template works is that you literally put the front and back of your charm in the boxes, and that’s it. It’s really straightforward for people who just want acrylic charms of their art, but it makes it difficult for those who want to customize how the charms are printed and cut.
Unless you email them, they do the cut-line and loop hole themselves. I can definitely see this being a problem for people who want to put multiple loops and non-silhouette cuts for their charms. I’m not really sure what the protocol for customizing the cut would be, but I’m guessing you’d have to email them and put the desired cut on a different layer like one would w/ Zap’s or Acorn Press’s templates.
Their template also doesn’t have any indication of where the white in between the front and back layers should go. I asked J2G over email what I should do if I wanted transparent-colored parts of the charm (which is what I wanted for the roses), and they told me to put the transparent-color parts on a separate layer from the opaque-color parts. 
Anyway, I think this style of template is definitely nice for those who don’t have much experience with setting up charm files, but for those of us who are used to setting up files I can see doing charm customization via email correspondence as a negative part of the ordering process.
Printing Quality
I’m gonna go through a couple things one by one, but as a summary I’d compare their printing quality to Acorn Press. (And I like Acorn’s charms, so overall I’d say that’s a plus)
Colors Like with most manufacturers, the colors are a bit darker and duller than the colors on my computer. One nice thing that I noticed is that the white parts are pure white, unlike the white parts in Zap charms (which are usually a little grainy). Here’s how the white looks on J2G charms:
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Notice the white in the eyes doesn’t have any grains in it. On the other hand, here’s a Zap charm:
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Here, you can see in the eyes and teeth that the white isn’t pure white. 
This isn’t a huge deal bc it’s not noticeable from far away, but it’s something that’s always bothered me about Zap’s printing, ahaha. 
Double-Sided Printing From what I can tell, the double-sided printing doesn’t have as opaque of a white layer in between as Zap’s charms. Here’s the back-view of the J2G charm in slightly-strong natural lighting:
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The front of the charm is pretty clearly visible on the back of the charm. Here’s how double-sided printing from Zap looks in comparison:
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I don’t see the other side of the charm almost at all here. If I hold it against a strong light it becomes visible:
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The back is VERY visible against a light for the j2g charm, tho:
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That may just be because the back has a lot of dark colors against the light parts of the front. 
The colors are actually opaque enough imo, it’s really only noticeable against semi-strong light, especially from the back view. Here’s what the front looks like in the more neutral lighting:
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And here’s what the back looks like in less-strong lighting:
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I think what’s mostly making the front show through on the back is the texture, which is what I’ll talk a bit about now.
Texture Kind of an annoying thing is that the texture of the front is very visible on the back. It’s like this weird embossed texture on the spots where the front and back don’t align? Here’s a pic that can maybe show how the texture is weirdly embossed:
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It’s most visible in strong lighting, but you can feeling just by running your fingers over it. :T I’ve bought charms that have this texture on it before tho, so it’s not a huge deal... I don’t have any double-sided Acorn Press charms, but I think it’s Acorn Press that has this oddly textured finish. You can kind of see it on this single-sided charm I made thru Acorn Press:
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People still buy charms like this so it’s not a super big deal, but I just prefer a less textured finish on charms. I think it distracts less from the back image on the charm, too. This might’ve been solved if J2G gave me the double acrylic charms like I ordered, but I’m not sure. :T But yeah, this was the main issue I had with the printing.
Customer Service
For me, I found the customer service to be very friendly and flexible! Like I noted throughout, I had some customized parts for the charm and they were very accommodating and polite about that. They normally respond in about 1 business day, but it depends...? I think they actually have 24 hour customer service (?!) which is wild... they once sent me an email at midnight Singapore time, ahaha. Communication was also never an issue, which I know can be a problem for people who use Vograce. (English is widely spoken in Singapore and I spoke in English in my emails, which was never a problem). 
Another nice thing about working with them is that it seems like they have a quality control aspect to their process or smth...? I used a chalky/fuzzy brush for this charm so they emailed me to let me know they didn’t think my lines would print well. (I told them I’ve printed w/ these lines before, so I would be fine with the quality.) That’s just a small thing, but idk it’s nice that they reach out to the customers abt printing concerns. 
Lastly, they also email you some pictures of the finished charms before shipping! I don’t know if they do that so you can voice any concerns before they ship, but idk I thought it was nice. 
ANYWAY yeah that was my experience with them. Here’s a quick run-down of the pros and cons:
Low minimum quantity (ideal for me personally)
very cheap price per unit, especially considering the charm size
comes with keyring attached
individually packaged
friendly and responsive customer service
relatively decent print quality
messed up my order (single acrylic rather than double acrylic) which was kind of a bummer
template not very customizable
texture from front image visible on the back image
shipping is expensive
I think I’ll definitely use their services again because they have some other charm options that I’m interested in... but I’d only use them for the more straightforward charms rather than ones that need more specialized customization for cuts/loops/opaqueness. I’d also recommend ordering a minimum of 25 charms from them considering the shipping price. But yeah, overall I had a good experience with them and I think the charms are of the same quality as other charms I’ve seen sold at artist alleys. :^) 
Thanks for reading, hope it was useful!
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coythewatchdog · 8 years ago
How did you do an RP in private?
((We’re using tumblr’s messaging system ^u^))
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hahanoiwont · 7 years ago
superhero au!
Superhero au.
Virgil is a supervillain a la that post about grad school villains. He started out doing it for extra credit but he also needed the cash for student loans...that shit aint cheap yo
so he’s a small-scale “”””supervillain””” mostly making a nuisance of himself by stopping traffic, doing minor vandalism in costume, and sometimes kidnapping notables for like an hour before realizing he can’t keep a plant alive and should not be in charge of a person (’you’ve captured me!! what are you going to do???’ ‘eh i mean you’ll probably get rescued soon, my powers aren’t really meant for long-term kidnapping and I don’t wanna have to take care of you. you think i want another mouth to feed? nah. hey wanna see a meme?’).
(if Sleep exists in this au he’s a common kidnapping victim. son of the mayor or smth. Virgil has learned to hold up a starbucks before kidnapping him tho. not worth it if he can’t bribe him with sweet sweet caffeine. they p much chill for a couple hours until the hostage negotiators come)
basically, Virgil’s not a big enough deal to get shut down permanently. regular cops usually take care of him well enough without superhero involvement. he gets his extra credit for villainry and sometimes some cash from a shadowy organization via crow or some shit. he’s not sure how they know where he lives or what exactly they’re paying him for but hey, more ramen money. whatever gets food on the table.
On the other hand, Patton is a hard-working police officer who really should be in any other job. He’s just too nice for it. But he gets a lot of the suicide calls or emotional trauma stuff because he’s just so damn good at making people feel safe, and no one else wants to do those calls, so he stays on the force. He used to be an EMT, too, which is really helpful. He rooms with Virgil and Logan and Virgil’s weird cousin.
He pretends to be unaware of Virgil’s extracurriculars because he can see that Virgil needs the money and is too proud to ask for help. He does help him patch himself up when necessary and sometimes thinks about going back to his own ‘night job.’
(he used to be a superhero but quit that and EMTing after he realized how much it was draining him physically and emotionally and how deeply unhealthy the whole thing was. credit to Logan for that) He thinks he’d feel better knowing Virgil’s already spoken for as an archnemesis by a hero who won’t seriously try to hurt him. He seriously worries that Virgil will catch the attention of an edgy ‘shoot first and angst about it but make no attempts to fix the mess you’ve made later’ heroes, and he’ll end up in the hospital or worse.
but also, Patton needs that work/life balance and he just can’t maintain it while hero-ing. and Virgil knows what he’s doing, right? he’s a cautious guy. So Patton just tries to be on call when he notices Virgil’s got the first aid kit out or when he talks about ‘evening plans’ (fuck’s sake dude we all know you don’t go out for fun).
For his part, Logan wanted to be a biochemical engineer, but right now he’s taking some time off school. His powers are probably some sort of sensory (?) and he doesn’t fully understand them himself, mostly bc he likes to pretend they don’t exist. but he was getting splitting headaches at school and he just couldn’t go on. He does online courses when he can but he feels really ashamed that he couldn’t do grad school/college, which he was supposed to be good at. He was planning on staying with Patton and Virgil until the end of the lease and he doesn’t know what he’ll do after that.
But then one day Virgil came home freaking the fuck out about something and asked to talk to him, and guess what, he’s got this crazy ‘supervillain for extra credit’ idea. Someone’s got to make sure this fool doesn’t get himself killed. And Patton’s got into police work, and Logan doesn’t want him to go through compassion exhaustion again, and really none of his dumb housemates can take care of themselves (he loves them tho). So he does mad science in the broom closet to try to give Virgil something of an edge over any hero whose attention he might catch and helps him hide his villain-ing from Patton and tries to figure out what he’s gonna do with his life on the side.
He comes up with this crazy graph that shows the optimal balance of super heroes to villains in a healthy society (not enough villains=not enough active heroes when something really bad goes down, as it does every few years, somehow; not enough heroes=obviously bad). He keeps an eye on superpowered activity in the city.
Sometimes he thinks about getting active himself, both to preserve order and balance (if you’re the villain [ie Virgil] you can control the collateral damage to your plots, but if you’re the hero and your roommate is the villain you can both work together to provide for both of your needs [extra credit, enough good hero/villain balance, and safety of roommate] without actually harming anyone...but for either he would need to be able to use his powers effectively and he’s still kind of in denial), and to keep Virgil from getting his fool ass killed, and to keep an eye on Patton while Patton insists on running right into every single superpowered crime scene. In the meantime, he frets over numbers and helps Virgil write coded emails to his grad board about his ‘’’extensive’’’ villainry.
It’s basically like a resume except you have to convince the people involved that you’re super evil.
Logan is good at resumes.
All three of them are plugging right along and Virgil’s actually getting his student loans paid on time with enough money for food and rent besides (one day he even takes them out to eat and they Do Not Talk about how he got the money to do that), and they all think maybe he can do the villain thing for a few more years and then get out of the game forever, when Virgil’s weird cousin gets caught doing some shady-ass stuff.
Turns out he’s in way over his head with some sketchy folks, owes a lot of people money, and used Virgil’s name for half of it. Virgil is in sudden desperate need of more money than he can get through legal means and, of course, Refuses to tell anyone about/ask for help with his predicament. It is strongly recommended to him by his academic adviser that he step up his supervillain game or show up at the bottom of a river south of Manhattan.
Virgil freaks the fuck out and proceeds to dig himself into an even deeper hole, suddenly going for much larger schemes, robbing banks, being less obsessively careful about collateral damage with each plot because he just doesn’t have time to and he’s too desperate.
Cue Roman.
Roman was literally just going to the bank, innocent of all wrongdoing and Not Picking a Fight because he swears this new move is gonna work out, he’s not gonna get arrested to aggravated assault or unauthorized use of an unregistered superhuman ability (it was self-defense! and defense of others! he was rescuing people!).
He happens to be at the bank when Virgil is robbing it. And, well, Virgil isn’t gonna hurt anyone, but Roman doesn’t know that. He ties his shirt over his face to hide his identity and superheros it up, saves the day; Virgil runs away pretty significantly battered but not permanently injured or caught. And now there’s a new superhero in town and Virgil suddenly has an archnemesis. Just what he was avoiding. Great.
Meanwhile, Roman is shocked to learn that he’s being applauded for saving people for once (as opposed to like. arrested) and graciously accepts his new title. Hey, being a superhero could work! He said he was gonna try something new in this town and he will! He’s gonna save the day!
The two of them happily counter each other day after day: Virgil’s getting enough publicity as a villain that his grad board is happy even without him doing any genuine harm, he’s staying one step ahead of the shady figures that come looking for him by name, Patton has made contact once or twice with the new hero and used his office reputation to become Roman’s primary police contact, Logan thinks Virgil is bonkers for all the new levels of villainy he’s doing but he has to admit this is the most alive he’s ever seen him; Roman is enjoying the fame and adoration of being a hero and he’s been cast in a musical and life is looking up for everyone.
But Roman also works in a coffee shop to pay the bills (three jobs. so tired.) and there’s this stressed-looking student who keeps coming in with bruises and sprains and one time he broke his arm in what Roman is absolutely certain wasn’t an accident, and he talks on the phone with people sometimes that really seem to distress him, and he seems like a genuinely nice guy, right? A little guarded, sure, but he’s polite and he tips well and what kind of hero would Roman be if he didn’t at least try to make friends with this troubled but charming young man?
So Roman introduces himself to Virgil in their civilian identities and the two of them are friendly! free coffee here, book recommendation there, on slow days Roman will sit with Virgil and they’ll just chill for a while. Each of them quietly considers the other his friend, but Roman is Concerned about how Virgil is so fucking jumpy, keeps getting these calls that he claims are from his academic adviser but honestly what kind of adviser would be so terrible to talk to, he has all these bruises that show up continuously and his excuses are all plausible, realistic, and backed by evidence provided by Virgil himself, but something just doesn’t seem right.
So when Virgil mentions that his cousin suddenly moved out in the middle of the lease and he needs to find a new roommate and can he post a flyer in the coffee shop? Roman jumps at the opportunity. He’s been renting one room by the month in a shitty part of town and this is a hell of an upgrade, and also, maybe that nagging in the back of his head when Virgil shows up battered will go away. (maybe if he’s there no one will hurt Virgil. what monster would bring deliberate harm onto such a genuinely nice, snarky guy, wonders the superhero who brawls him on the regular)
He’ll have to keep his superhero-ing on the DL from his new roommates (though he’s thinking about telling Virgil, because Virgil seems like he can keep a secret and Roman really wants to have someone to talk to about this), but unlike Virgil, Roman knows how to use strategic stage makeup to hide bruises and minor imperfections. Also, his villain must be kind of weak, because he never seems to do too much damage? Sometimes Roman thinks he doesn’t really want to be a villain, he’s just kind of sad and lonely, like Megamind. Thoughts for another time.
So now, in one apartment, we have:
Patton, former EMT; former superhero of respectable fame; currently a cop assigned to Roman’s superhero persona and also any calls involving emotional competence; knows Virgil is a supervillain but pretends not to; responds immediately to all calls involving superpowers in case it’s his deeply misguided roommate and he needs help;
Logan, one accident away from becoming a super-something if only he could figure out what; provider of Virgil’s biochemical defenses for when superpowers alone are not enough; helping to cover both logistics and material needs for supervillainy (also created Virgil’s outfit because you can’t do crime in a hoodie you heathen, no one will take you seriously, Virgil had to talk him down from including a necktie); searching for his place in life; not entirely certain why Virgil is stepping up his illegal activities but not happy about it; currently househusband to all of his roommates;
Virgil, extremely stressed grad student; villain for fun and profit and mostly because he needs the money to not get murdered; a bit of an adrenaline junkie; really staring to get into this villain thing but he sometimes wishes he didn’t have to be the bad guy; definitely feeling hunted by shadowy entities and organizations and trying desperately not to bring anyone down with him;
and Roman, the hero. who is beginning to think he and his villain might have been friends, in another life.
It is both a sitcom and a shitshow of epic proportions while everyone tries to hide each other’s secrets without letting ppl know what they know, Roman comes clean to Virgil and Virgil freaks the fuck out about it, Patton frets about everyone and everything until he’s stressing himself sick, Logan makes chemical explosions in the broom closet and the whole block is evacuated every other Tuesday and they all have to pretend not to know about it, Roman wants to get a dog and also for Virgil to get out of whatever abusive relationship he’s Clearly In, Virgil wants a nap, Patton wants a nap, they all want a nap.
What I’m saying is: Superhero au.
@stella-scriptor another one for you, buddy
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lil-crossing · 8 years ago
What I want to see in the next Animal Crossing!
        Okay, so ever since the talk of the switch I have been ever so hopeful of an Animal Crossing title for it, and not just a crappy spinoff, either. Especially after the release of the switch I feel like this is something very likely to happen, given the villager icons you can choose from on the switch profiles and other hints. Anyways, here are what I feel like would be some entertaining additions to the next Animal Crossing title. This is a looooong list so pls bear with me.
Way way WAYYYYYY more slots to hold patterns like in HHD, like I am so amazed HHD was the first AC title to have this.
The ability to place PWPs wherever they will fit, also like the placement used in HHD.
Get a notification from Isabelle when you start the game that informs you of a new villager wanting to move in, you can then choose the location of their house so it doesn’t interfere with paths or anything.
I think it would be really cool to be able to edit the layout of our town as an alternate option to filtering through random ones. Similar to the acnl editor, but in the initial startup of the game. Choosing where streams, ponds, beaches, buildings, etc. are instead of having to settle on one.
Be able to choose your native fruit.
Similar to HHD, you can unlock special items from encountering certain villagers and they can be placed in your catalogue. Like how some have the sloppy series, etc.
A bigger campsite, like the RV one that was introduced in Welcome Amiibo, but has tents as well as more RVs that are not just specials. Like, have 2 RVs there that rotate everyday, one being a special character and the other just a normal villager, and of course spaces available for use with amiibo cards.
MORE THAN 1 PWP A DAY. I get SO MAD having to time travel just because I want more than one streetlight in my town.
Also, NO MORE RANDOM PWPS!!!!!! I played for YEARS with only a couple of suggestions from my villagers, I never was even suggested the police station!!!!!!! If we have to unlock them based on time played or town status or pay bells to unlock them, sure, that’s cool, BUT NO MORE RELYING ON SUGGESTIONS!!!!
Shops have way more items available to purchase, and on top of a bigger in-store selection, I think it would be cool to have kind of like a revolving catalogue where you can order things (like maybe have whole series in there or something) that also changes everyday along with the store’s inventory.
LARGER MAIN STREET!!!! I thought the town in HHD was a really good size for a main street for the next AC title. Also, the ability to choose the exteriors of the buildings on main street like in HHD.
More specialization of the shops on main street. Like, instead of just having the typical ones we have had for AGES maybe introduce some new ones, like a pet store (more on this later) or a restaurant like what there is to choose from in HHD
Possibly link your HHD catalogue with the new AC title? That way you have items unlocked and it gives you a little head start on items you can choose from.
BE ABLE TO DESIGN PANTS!!!!! Maybe there is a reason this isn’t a thing yet that I am completely ignorant about, but I WANT TO DESIGN SOME DAMN PANTS!!!! There are hardly any to choose from in the game so I am blown away that this hasn’t become a feature yet in all of the AC titles. Also, being able to design shoes and socks would be cool, too. But if anything, pls just let us design some pants.
Ability to have pets!!! So we can have some uninvited cockroaches roaming around but lord forbid I have a cute lil kitten or puppy??? You have no idea how much I loved the little hamster cage, but it can only do so much. I think it would be neat to get rid of the cockroaches and be able to purchase animals from a pet store on main street that can roam around in one (or all) room(s) and if you leave the game unattended for a length of time, you would come back to PEE in your FLOOR and you would have to clean it instead of stomping on cockroaches.
Either pick from different sets or create your own set of beginning villagers with amiibo cards for when you start up a new town. More often than not, my villagers starting out are all uggos.
Be able to automatically access your bank account without having to go to an ABD. Like maybe we have a device similar to our TPC that acts kinda like a smartphone or something and we have an “app” for our bank that we can use.
This device could also let us talk to villagers like the HHD phone or order items or talk to other players online if we have their FCs.
Be able to choose the town hall and train station exteriors during the startup of the game instead of having to wait and get a perfect town rating in order to do so.
MORE CUTE FURNITURE SETS!!! Idk about you but I loved the sloppy series and alpine series and I wish there were more cute pale series to choose from, like maybe have a whole pastel series that goes with the pastel table introduced in HHD.
More expensive home expansions, but they also expand faster. This doesn’t have to be the replacement for the current situation, but just to have as an option I think would be cool.
Be able to design furniture with Cyrus not just remodel it. Like we could start with a base item, but redesign it using something similar to what we use to design clothes and patterns. AND we could create QR codes for these like we would be able to for outfits and stuff.
A “global store” where people could post items they don’t want anymore kind of like an online flea market that we could access by either going to Re-Tail or on the TPC device. People could also sell their designed items on here if they didn’t want to do QR codes.
Train Station allows you to travel to ANY town with gates open and accepting random visitors. Kind of like how club tortimer pairs you up with random people on the island, you could go to a random town. No FCs necessary and it would be a fun way to make more friends to play with in the future!
Also, with having people visit your town, you should be able to select the level of access they have to it. You should have a little menu while there are people visiting that shows  who all is in the town and also what level of access they have. This can be adjusted at any time and there would be about 3 levels:
Restricted: Can only WALK around and talk to villagers and observe the items in your town. (how each visitor would start out)
Intermediate: Can buy, pick up, do anything in your town, but a notification will pop up on your screen anytime they want to do something and you will have to approve their action.
Unrestricted: Can do anything (like how it is now) without needing approval.
When having visitors in your town, you can also see them on your town map in real time like you see yourself. Instead of little people icons, though, they should be like numbers based on who got there first, #1, and so on. I feel like they would make it easier to tell who is who. But who even knows if we will have a map like the one we’re used to with the switch. I feel like the Wii-U might have been better in the whole dual screen aspect of the game.
We can also choose to see villagers on the map in real time.
Have other parts of town that we can access. Like maybe there is a little hill that leads up to the neighborhood where all the “special” characters live and stuff like that.
Ability to work at more shops than just the cafe. Have the jobs be more like mini games though.
Ability to demolish or move home without destroying your town.
When selecting “give me something” from an amiibo villager, their catalogue should pop up so you can choose what item you want.
MORE SANRIO ITEMS!!!!!!! The sanrio sets are so dang cute I love them!!!! Either collab with sanrio some more or make some more items that going along with the cutesy themes they have! Or maybe some san-x related items, like bring in rilakkuma etc.
A music shop!!! I think KK should have his own little record store where he performs during the day and it closes at night when he goes to the club B)
Able Sisters have a section in their shop for QR codes from all over the world via internet. If not connected, then it could just be empty or maybe you could only access it by talking to mabel or sabel or smth.
A Hotel!! This could be where people who are visiting your dream address start out, they could go to sleep there too and start a new day or something.
Possibly upload your HHD buildings to your town to replace the ones on main street.
This whole “smartphone”/TPC replacement thing:
Cell phone: call and talk to your own villagers and amiibo villagers
Email?: maybe. Could replace mailbox for letters only, not deliveries.
Initiatives can still be viewed on this
Timmy and Tommy “online” catalogue
Online Flea Market from players all over.
Bank Account: can access everything you’d be able to at an ABD
Music: could change background music to a KK song if one so chose
Can contract out Leif for a sum of bells to landscape your town. Select from some different colors, themes, flowers, if you are not very talented in the ways of landscaping.
Can get paths from Nook’s homes! It would be cool if Nintendo made some paths that actually matched up with the grass and stuff that you could purchase from Nook.
Where multiple face items like glasses, bandages, binkie so long as they don’t interfere with each others’ placements.
Be able to wear accessories over “makeup” I think our miis would look really cute with some of the accessories in the game!
Be able to hold more than one mii mask at a time.
Be able to start the game by choosing the villager’s appearance like in HHD, no more random appearances based on weird questions
Instead of just a couple exterior house choices, there should be more in a catalogue at Nook’s, but some are only available after you have upgraded your house x amount of times.
Furniture collections with more items. Rooms that are upgraded are really big and it kinda sucks when some series only have like 10 items in them.
Be able to see what an item is while it’s in our pockets!!!! I hate having to go home and display it in my home to see what it is and whether or not I want to keep it.
ALPACA VILLAGERS!!!!!!! So many of the special characters are so cute I wish we could have regular villagers that are that cute who are able to move into our town. Also walruses like wendell would be really cute.
Ability to access the time from within the game, maybe with like a special clock or something similar to the way we can have a fortunes told to us through the lovely phone, but only that phone.
Access to our storage room and regular inventory when we are in the “room editing” mode. It would save so much time if we didn't have to exit out of it every time we needed a new item.
More villagers in the town!!! Like maybe 14 or 15
Kick out unwanted villagers at the town hall and accept requests of certain ones wanting to move in. Like see which villager it is and either accept them and pick a spot for their house or deny them.
Able to change camera angle for more diverse screenshots like HHD
A town hall with a room that is able to be reserved for events that you can set up, like harvest festival dinners, toy day party, bday parties, etc. And with these events all the villagers have to show up. You can also decorate the room with items from your catalogue or choose from different pre-made themes.
So as you can see this list is long as heck. Feel free to add to it and let me know what you think,  I always love seeing ideas and talking about Animal Crossing with people!!!!!!!!!!
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