#((when it comes to other supernatural phenomenon and therefore being the first to believe emily))
theheadlessgroom · 11 months
Emily's kind words were enough to make Randall's heart ache, the squeeze that seemed to come over it enough to make his eyes water again, but he resisted, blinking the impending tears away as he smiled at her, so grateful for her presence, her patience, her love...it also made him laugh a little bit (if hollowly), as he asked her, "I don't suppose I'm this stubborn in the future still?"
Would he ever grow out of this, he wondered? This tendency to conceal his feelings, to bottle them up and tuck them away like a shaken bottle of alcohol? He knew it wasn't healthy (his mother always told him as such, encouraging him to be open with her, especially after a hard day at work), but he just couldn't help it-it was better that way, he felt, to shield his emotions, lest someone see him as either a wet blanket or a brute...he couldn't decide which was worse.
Still, Randall sighed, trying to put these questions, these thoughts out of his mind, as he took her hand and held it, briefly losing himself in the softness of her touch, a part of him wondering what he did to deserve such an angel, someone he could trust as much as he did-never would she frown upon him for expressing how he felt; if anything, she wanted him to be open-more open than he was used to being with most others around him. It was a little strange, to be so...vulnerable with someone...
...but he couldn't imagine anyone better to be his true self-emotions and all-with.
"Thank you," he murmured softly, eyes aglow with adorations and appreciation, hoping quietly that she too could be the same, to be her most authentic self with him...
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