#((tumblr kept glitching out as I tried to write this reply))
So the poll for the next part of the Breakdown x Reader x Bumblebee fic came in and here are the results!
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The winner was the swimming hole! I wrote more cute and silly fluff because heaven knows we need more of it, I hope you enjoy, and if you like my writing style you can always commission me!
Also if you were among those who liked the first part and wanted to be tagged in the sequel I apologize because Tumblr is NOT letting me tag people right now!!
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"You look good."
"Do you think so?" Bumblebee asked earnestly, turning in the mirror to scrutinize his perfectly buffed finish as his uncertainty continued to get the better of him. Having spent the last few hours watching his partner fret over every last perceived flaw in his finish, Breakdown merely rolled his optics with a grin, conveniently ignoring how much time he'd spent perfecting his own appearance and worrying if their date would approve. In their shared defense, it was hard to properly prepare with only a single human sized mirror hanging on the wall of their tiny bedroom in the Dugout. Making a sound of frustration as he tried and failed to get a better look at his doorwings, the Scout turned to him for feedback. "I didn't miss anything, did I?"
"Bee, you cleared out two bottles of polish, any more and you won't need your headlights." he replied with a laugh. Bumblebee frowned in the adorably pouty way he did when he was more frustrated than mad, and Breakdown softened his smirk into a more comforting playful grin. "Don't be so nervous, you've got me here. There's no way they'll resist my charm."
"Right…" Bumblebee replied more confidently, turning back to the mirror and meeting his gaze through the reflection. "The same charm that gets your voice box glitching every time Y/N looks your way?"
Breakdown had his defenses low enough that he widened his optics in surprise at the question. It was true that he had the hardest time finding his usually ample words every time he saw you, but he wasn't going to admit that, not even to Bumblebee. A forced chuckle and a broad shrug of his shoulders dismissed the very idea.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." he replied with mock ease, confident that this afternoon would be different.
The words came back to bite him the second they pulled up to your house, where you were waiting on the front porch for their arrival. When you stood up and waved in greeting the Stunticon felt his spark go supernova as his processor went completely blank, enough so that he sat in a daze for a solid few seconds before realizing Bumblebee had already transformed, compelling him to do the same in a rush. Thankfully the sunlight was at the perfect angle to hide the glow of his blush as he faced you directly. 
"Hey guys, right on time!" you said eagerly, your bright smile nearly overwhelming both mechs as they beheld your outfit. While you'd chosen something practical that wasn't all that much fancier than your normal clothes, the fact that you'd put it on for them was simply too much for the lovestruck bots, who were both struggling to find their words as you approached. Just able to suppress a knowing but loving grin at their response, you kept talking to spare them an awkward silence. "You didn't specify where you wanted to go, Breakdown, so I hope you don't mind that I picked something out for us."
"Definitely!" Bumblebee agreed enthusiastically, not needing any context to agree with anything you wanted to say. Catching himself when Breakdown smirked at his expense, he returned the gesture with a well earned bit of side-optic and subtle sass, calling back to the antics that had gotten them into this situation. "This was a little… unexpected, after all."
Breakdown faltered at the reminder, expression betraying his fluster when you chuckled at the memory of him sauntering over to ask for a date for Bumblebee, completely oblivious to his own feelings for you before they'd become too overwhelming to ignore. Ever quick to repair his reputation, he coughed and put a characteristic spin on the memory. "Yeah, but uh, who doesn't love a bit of unexpected adventure?" Putting his servos on his hips for some added confidence, he refocused on the original topic at hand. "Where are we adventuring to, anyway?"
"Seeing as how it's supposed to get pretty warm once the sun is fully up, I thought the two of you might enjoy a trip to a shady swimming spot up the way." you explained, taking a look skyward to emphasize the growing heat as the sun continued rising. It had taken some thought to come up with an ideal date for one human and two bots, but you were confident the three of you could have fun without fear of being disturbed, and explained as much with an added benefit to sweeten the deal. "It's very private, and there's some valleys nearby for racing if you aren't feeling a dip."
Both mechs perked up at what sounded like a delightful afternoon, almost buzzing over the idea of having you all to themselves. Even if bots didn't swim thanks to their density, cool water was still a pleasant respite from the heat, and unlike earth vehicles they didn't need to fear rust from simply being exposed to water. Keeping his giddiness subdued, Breakdown replied for both of them, which was quite helpful seeing as how Bumblebee had briefly lost his voice from elation. "Sounds like a good time, you got the coordinates?"
"Right here." you said as you pulled out your phone, sending the text you'd prepared to their respective communication channels. You'd have to provide some directions to reach the swimming hole, as there was hardly a Google Maps route along the back roads, but you were confident these two had plenty of experience hunting down remote locations. It was your own turn to be bashful as you gestured to the supplies at your side, which you'd made as compact as possible but were still ungainly enough that you felt bad making an admittedly necessary request. "I've also got a bag and a cooler with everything I'll need. Would one of you mind carrying them?"
Thankfully the ask wasn't taken badly, and if anything, both bots looked elated at the opportunity to assist.
"I've got it!" Breakdown offered in a flash, beating Bumblebee before the latter could even open his mouth. A smug smirk was met with a brief pout, but the Scout got the last laugh as soon as his infuriating boyfriend had your things carefully balanced in his palm. 
"And I've got you." Bumblebee declared confidently before transforming, opening up his passenger side door with a flourish so dramatic it immediately trumped the smirk Breakdown had given him. It was now the Stunticons turn to pout, something you pretended not to notice as you wondered if these two would be competing with each other all day. Bumblebee conceded a small amount of ground to his partner to give you hope they intended to be somewhat reasonable. "We can swap who carries what on the way back."
"Sounds great! Let's get going!" you agreed, clapping your hands together in excitement. Breakdown bounced your items on his palm to test their weight before transforming around them, doing so in such a way both the cooler and bag ended up securely buckled on his passenger side. Unsure how such a feat could be accomplished but quite impressed, you rounded Bumblebee to approach his passenger side door, and in so doing caught the Scout off guard.
"Uh, right!" he fumbled as the reality of giving you your first ride in his cabin hit him like a wrecking ball. When just the touch of your hand on his door made his spark flare like a collapsing star, he knew he was in over his helm, yet he tried to sound nothing but exuberant as he adjusted the seat for maximum comfort. "Hop in!"
You quickly complied, and didn't miss how nervous he was as you stepped inside, the flow of cool air from his AC unit hitching like a nervous gasp as you settled against the comfortable leather. The Scout was in a daze for as long as it took you to buckle up, and by then Breakdown had pulled ahead on the driveway to secure the spot in front. 
-Enjoying your passenger, Lovebug?- the Stunticon teased over their private comm link, not missing how Bumblebee was more or less frozen to the spot by his crush. A surprised and sarcastic flurry of static retorted over the link before the Scout found his voice. 
-Jealous, Breakdown?- he replied as the two of them made their way down the long dirt road. Though they rarely pushed each other to the point of actual hurt feelings, Bumblebee found himself far too delighted by your presence to be miffed for more than a few seconds, a sentiment that was apparently shared by his partner based on how swiftly his own tone shifted. 
-No.- he said somewhat lamely, briefly driving at pace with Bee to look inside his passenger window. You were busy getting the directions pulled up on your phone, and the excitement for the day ahead was apparent on your beaming smile. Seeing you so happy quickly softened his sass, and he finished his earlier statement with much more open affection. -Just… drive carefully, yeah? That's some precious cargo.-
Bumblebee would have smiled if he was in bot mode, and turned his internal visual sensors back to look at you as he replied, his voice equally affectionate and soft over the private channel. -I know.-
"Alright, I think I've got the best way to get there!" you announced, bringing both mechs to the present as Bumblebee transferred your words to Breakdown in real time. Having calculated a course across back roads and partly through the woods, you were confident the three of you could find your way, and were quite eager to get going as the sun crept higher in the sky. Your enthusiasm was matched by both bots, who quickly set about combining your information with their own experience to chart a course to the swimming hole. It took less than an hour for them to find the overgrown dirt path you'd once used in the past, laughing and joking about asking for directions all the while, and by the time they approached the end you were almost bursting with excitement. 
"There it is!" you announced as a gap in the trees gave way to a giant dip in the forest floor. Bumblebee was careful to apply his brakes as he nosed up to the rocky edge of an apparent cliff, the sound of rushing water meeting his audials as his tires went from dirt to smoothly eroded stone. Breakdown kept an equal pace at his side as they both arrived at the edge.
A sizable waterfall had worn out a stony chasm in the earth that was broad and deep, allowing the creek to gather about twenty feet below in a pool where the clear blue water rested before it tumbled over a second waterfall at the far edge. Broad expanses of flat, smooth stone in the shade were coated in soft moss while those in the sun collected the heat. It was a human's dream swimming spot, but you only hoped a bot might find it similarly inviting. "What do you think? Does it look big enough for bots?"
"I could go for a dip. Bee?" Breakdown inquired as he spotted a bot sized expanse of flat stone in the shallow water. The spot would be perfect for lounging in the sun without having to worry about his armor growing scalding to the touch, and he was even confident the pool had enough depth for them to submerge up to their chests after its sharp drop off from the shallows.
"Nothing showing up on my scanner, we're in the clear." Bumblebee confirmed after a final check for peace of mind. Beyond the expected denizens of the forest, they were the only ones present for miles, meaning the three of you could relax without any fear of disturbance. Opening his door so you could exit, Bumblebee transformed into bot mode as Breakdown did the same, looking over the edge to determine the best way down the sheer slope. Finding it easiest to climb, he offered you his servo, allowing you to climb on so he could place you on his shoulders. Having you so close almost made it impossible to speak without the giddiness seeping into his voice. "Hold on tight."
You grabbed a hold of his horns for support, and the Scout stiffened with a blush, a reaction Breakdown found adorable enough to let out a small chuckle. He knew just how sensitive those horns could be, and was endlessly amused at his partner's harmless expense as they scaled the stone wall, especially with Bumblebee biting his lip from more than concentration the entire way down. Keeping your items expertly balanced on his broad shoulder, the big mech had no trouble finding his own way to the bottom, where his pedes met solid stone and he righted himself for a look around.
"Right, where do these go?" he said as he noticed several potential spots that would allow the three of you to relax together.
You were oblivious to the slight hesitation from Bumblebee before he helped you down to the ground, your excitement quickening your steps as you led the way to a patch of shaded stone beneath a solid outcrop on the far side of the waterfall. Walking around the rim of the pool, you arrived and took your things back from Breakdown to start unpacking, opening your bag and reaching past the towels and lawn chair to grab the essentials. "It's comfiest under that shady spot. How about you two have a look around while I change and get my sunscreen on?"
Though he hadn't a clue what you meant by "change" or "sunscreen", Breakdown had little time to think on it as he and Bumblebee stepped away to explore the scenic swimming hole, his partner's earlier blush still lingering with a dazed smile. Snickering to himself, he gave the Scout a playful nudge as soon as you were out of earshot. "You good?"
"Fine!" Bumblebee hissed, shaking his helm and clearing his vents to return himself to the present. Looking over the pool and to the second waterfall it fed, his optics lingered on the clear view of the treetops above, which were bursting with lush emerald green leaves that swayed in the gentle breeze. He turned his helm back to Breakdown as the Stunticon kneeled to test the water with his digits. "Nice place, huh?"
"Yeah, really digging the scenery." Breakdown joked as he swirled his servo in the warm shallows, subtly glancing back at you to make his point.
Once more the mech's confidence proved his undoing, as he had not been prepared to see you stripping away your clothes to reveal something much smaller and more form fitting underneath. Yellow optics went wide at the sight of more of you than he'd ever expected to behold, and he snapped his helm back around just in time to avoid getting caught staring. "What are they-?"
It was Bumblebee's turn to chuckle at his boyfriend's expense, even if he was similarly affected by your exposure the second he caught a glimpse in the corner of his optics. "Humans don't swim with their clothes on, Breakdown."
"Oh." the Stunticon said simply, unsure how he was going to survive the afternoon and tempted to let himself sink to the depths of the pool to save himself the embarrassment that was definitely coming his way.
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commander-rahrah · 3 years
Cyberpunk: Twin Flame
After I finished playing Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time, I was deep on the tag and found this post by @cannedmuffins about Johnny and V being given the option to have linked psyches in the end and was immediately so inspired to start writing a Johnny x Fem!V fic. So I did it... Thank you cannedmuffins for sharing this AMAZING idea, and being OK with others writing fics based on it! ♡
So I just posted the first chapter on AO3 but wanted to share a tiny little bit here on Tumblr, and if you are interested you can check out the rest there ♡
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"Do it.” His voice was solid, his face stern.
V blinked, still trying to process what she had just heard from Alt. Her mind reeling as blue lines of code made strange shapes around them, “Wait, Johnny—“
“Wait, what?” He interrupted, flashing her a look. “This is what we wanted, right? A way so we can both make it out of here. Alt just gave us that.”
She struggled to find the right words, “Do — do you even know what you are agreeing to?”
“Yes.” He replied immediately.
“No.” V put a hand onto his chest, looking up at him through her lashes. “Do you really know what you are agreeing to, Johnny? Linked psyches? You’ll never be free of me. We’ll be —“
“Together.” He finished for her. “In our own bodies even.”
She tried to stay pragmatic, not letting herself get lost in the idea of that word. Together. “Who still share all their pain, and emotions —.”
“Together.” He interrupted her again, his voice more of a growl this time. His organic hand grabbed onto hers that was still planted to his chest. He intertwined his fingers through hers, noticing them shaking. “Why are you so afraid?" When she didn't answer, he kept going, "You just stormed into Ara-fucking-saka's tower — alone. No one in this city could do that. I couldn’t do it, I had a crew. But you, you did that for us — to give us a chance. This is the answer we wanted."
“You’ll —,” Her smoky voice cracked as her throat suddenly felt thick with emotion. “You’ll get bored of me. You’ll miss the freedom. You don’t want to be chained to me, to this.” She looked down at herself, brows furrowed. “You’ll resent me. You’ll hate me.”
“I don’t hate you. I won’t hate you. I could never.” Johnny’s usually gruff voice had turned soft, almost a whisper. His metal fingers gently moved some of the hair out of her face.
V looked back up at him, her light eyes studying his dark ones. She gulped at how intensely he was staring at her. She couldn’t hold his gaze and glanced back down. “You’re basically signing up to serve a life sentence with me. It’s — it’s till death do us part.” She choked out, a hard lump forming in her throat as she tried her damn hardest to keep her tears at bay.
“I do.”
“What?” She asked breathlessly, blinking in confusion.
Johnny took his metal hand and placed it gently under her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I do, V.” Curling his fingers forward he moved her face to meet his.
V took in a sharp breath before his lips crashed onto hers. His mouth pressed against hers, carefully at first as he waited for her to kiss him back. A low noise escaped Johnny’s throat as he felt her lips press harder against his, deepening the kiss. V didn’t want to admit to herself how long she had wanted to do this. How she wished she could have figured out some glitch with the Relic weeks ago. So she could have reached out and touched him. Kissed him. Comforted him. And from the sounds Johnny was making, his grip on her, it seemed he did too. But here in Mikoshi...
Thanks for reading! You can check out the rest of the chapter on AO3
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Okayokayokay I haven’t seen this and I’m a huge Dabi stan as well as a massive Keigo stan. But can to do a female reader x Dabi where he hasnt seen his girlfriend do makeup because usually shes too busy with like college or something to do it and he comes over/she goes to meet him and sees her with really sparkly and pretty eyemakeup and genuinely doesnt know to to react? Bonus points if she wears one of his jackets or hoodies and its SUPER big on her extra bonus points if she wears leggings with it and he starts to feel some things👀
I’m mad at Dabi for things he’s done in the manga 😠 but let’s be honest I’d still let that asshole ruin my life. Plus he and I be runnin the Endeavor hate club together so 😌 I’m happy to write for my favorite beef jerky boy.
Had almost finished this and then tumblr mobile glitched out and deleted a hefty chunk of it 🥲 BUT WE PERSEVERE so it’s a little later than I wanted to post it but it’s here!
Your fingers hover over the keyboard as you stare at your screen in shock. Your eyes go from your essay, to the clock, and then back to your essay. You’d actually finished. Holy shit, you’d actually finished. The clock reads only 8pm and yet here you were with a fully fleshed out and proofread essay. You had anticipated the damn thing taking you well into the night, as evidenced by your choice of comfy clothes. You wore your favorite pair of leggings and one of Dabi’s hoodies you had kept from the last time he had spent the night at your place. He still didn’t know you had it and would probably throw a hissy fit when he found out but it’s worth it. The sleeves extend to the tips of your fingers and the bottom hem reaches your mid-thigh, not to mention the material had long ago been worn soft so wearing the thing is way cozier than any of your own hoodies. In summary, the hoodie is yours now and if your boyfriend has issue with that he can fight you over it.
As you came to terms with your suddenly free evening, you briefly debate texting Dabi to see if he’s free, but then it occurs to you that going out to see him would mean changing clothes and you are far too comfortable for that shit. You lean back in your chair and think for a moment. How should you fill your sudden free time? Your eyes land on your long abandoned makeup bag and a smile brightens your face. It’s been ages since you’d experimented with make up but now there’s nothing to stop you. So you grab your makeup bag, rush into your bathroom, and spread out the tools on your counter that you’ll need to make your masterpiece.
Dabi is in a mood. It isn’t a bad one necessarily, but it sure as fuck isn’t a good one either. Instead of hanging around the league, where surely at least one of those idiots would grate on his nerves and truly turn his mood sour, he had decided to pay you a visit instead. He vaguely remembers you saying something about an essay the last time the two of you talked, but he was also fairly confident he could convince you to abandon it in favor of entertaining him instead. Which is how he found himself scaling the balconies outside your apartment building until he found yours. He tried to tug the door open only to find it locked. He tugged it a second time still no luck. He decides the best move is obviously to break the glass of the door and just climb in that way.
The sound of the glass shattering draws you rushing out of the bathroom only to watch your boyfriend climbing in through your balcony door. “I- you- wha- DABI!” You sputter as you take in your broken door. “What? Door was locked,” he shrugs. “YOU COULD’VE KNOCKED! I swear to God...” you start to lecture but Dabi tunes you out because he’s just noticed your appearance. He had never seen you wear more makeup than concealer and maybe some eyeliner, and even that was a rarity since classes and work typically occupied your time and energy too much for you to bother putting in even that much effort. Now, your eyes are beautifully framed in silver and blue, eyeliner winged perfectly in a way he’s sure must’ve taken several tries (he knew all too well from the multiple times you’d had to stitch him up that you didn’t have the steadiest of hands). Dabi isn’t one for compliments so he’d never admit it, but your eyes have always been one of his favorites of your features and the work you’d done highlighted them in the best way possible.
When he finally drags his eyes away from yours, they begin to drink in the rest of your outfit. God, how he loved you in leggings. You almost never wear them when you leave the house so it’s a treat when he does catch you in them. It’s your hoodie, however, that really captures his attention. It’s massive on you and vaguely familiar. He stares at it in confusion for a long while before finally it clicks. Something hungry and possessive begins to burn in him as he very carefully says, “(y/n),” causing you to pause mid-rant, “is that my sweatshirt?” “What? Oh! Yea it is. Why? Problem with that?” you reply cheekily. Dabi takes several steps closer to you until he’s well within your personal space. “Take it off. Now.” “Ugh, I know you’re possessive of your stuff but come onnn, it’s comfy!” you protest. “No babygirl, you’re keeping the hoodie after this. I mean take it off,” he tries again as his hands find your waist and pull you against him, “before I have to burn it off.”
That you could do.
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RFA Members X Reader (Soulamate AU)
Zen : [the first words your soulmate says to you tattooed onto your wrist]
*taken from Deep Story Route, as I wanna play 707 again lol*
You could barely sleep the night before your eighteenth birthday, knowing that you’d be able to find the first words your soulmate would speak was all you could think about
Imagine how you felt when “WTF. How did it get in here?” Showed up the next morning
Your older brother found it fucking hilarious, your sister was sympathetic and your mother was concerned your soulmate was the abusive type
You tried to hide it, and avoid looking at it
I mean, come on, if your soulmate had that reaction to you - were they really your soulmate??
You continue through your life, eventually moving on from finding your soulmate
You try and date a couple of guys, but, expectedly, nothing feels right
Until, seven years later, you download a messaging app to be able to text your online friends when... something goes wrong
You’re talking to someone called “unknown”, guiding you to an apartment building and, having nothing else to do, you follow along
As soon as your inside an apartment, the chat changes into a normal group conversation between people talking about nepotism
You’re about to leave the chat and the apartment when someone called 707 notices that you’re there
“WTF. How did it get in here?”
Zen - you’d heard that name before, but your heart stopped
Was this it? Your soulmate?
You were in shock for moments until you decided it best to say something before they lose they’re minds
As soon as the chat ends, someone’s calling you - you see it’s Zen and before even letting yourself think, you pick up
“Hey...” his voice is breathy and you can feel your heart pounding and your head swimming, so you sit down.
“Hey...” you sound shyer than you meant to.
“I... I know this might sound strange, but I just have to check... what do you have tattooed on your wrist?” His voice sounds hopeful. Had he been waiting for this? You smile at the hope in his voice. So I guess this was your soulmate
“I have WTF. How did it get in here? Tattooed on my wrist.” He laughs. “Seriously? I hated you for that when I woke up with that on my wrist. My mum thought you were gonna be abusive!”
“At lease you didn’t have to question everyone who greeted you.” You gigle at the image.
“I’m sorry.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll make it up to you someday.” You feel your heart flutter
“I’d really like that.”
Saeyoung/Luciel/707 : [you can finally see colour when you make eye contact with your soulmate] (AU where you meet at the party and nothing bad happened lol)
You had gotten used to seeing black and white by the time you turned 25
However, as you watched your friends fall in love, find their soulmates (small world - most of them found their soulmates in college), you kind of started feeling a little lonely
Saeyoung however, hated the black and white. It made his eyes bleed and his chest hurt. His computer screen was black and white - full of coding. He knew, because many of his co-workers told him so (they tried not to talk about their ability to see colour, it never ended well for them)
His chest hurt, knowing this was all he’d ever see. Black and white. He thought it was a perfect contrast to his life
Statistically, most soulmates were to be found in college classrooms - same interests and such
Perhaps your soulmate wasn’t the college type
You thought about him a lot, even while you applied for your masters
You made friends with people you had stumbled across online - a party planning committee that you actually quite enjoyed talking to
Especially one guy - 707, who never failed to actually make you smile with his hilarious comments
As you both grew closer, as did the date for the party, you felt part of you hoping that this was it. He could be it...
Saeyoung would never let him admit it to himself or god forbid, say it out loud, but he wanted the same thing. You were hilarious. And cute - when he saw you, hacked into your tumblr account and saw the private photos of you with friends and family on your Facebook, part of him wished he could see colour. What hair colour did you have? What colour eyes...
When the day came and you tried your best to choose something nice to wear - trusting your mother who helped choose the colours.
It took Saeyoung ten minutes to tie his tie as he was leaving. He was gonna be early at this rate - and while his hands were shaking, he took his damned time. He didn’t want to know. But he did. And he didn’t.
If you weren’t it, then who could it be?
And if you were... then, he was doomed.
You stood near the door, flinching every time someone walked through. Your whole body was tingling - barely able to talk for the heart that was pounding in your throat
Zen and Yoosung were so sweet, and you felt slightly terrible when you kept turning around to look at the door, but they didn’t mind. They could tell something had changed between you and him
He stood outside, pacing. He just had to do it. Had to get it over with.
So he walked in
And for a second, your heart broke - you saw him in black and white
Until he saw you
The eye contact was blinding when suddenly there was colour
And it was beautiful
And you were walking over to him, smiling
He thought you were beautiful - in colour and grace and how could he be so lucky to have you as his soulmate?
“Oh God 707, it’s a pleasure to finally meet thee.” You curtseyed and your hair fell off your shoulder and he shivered
And he laughed
“I can’t believe it was you.” He says, softly, barely louder than a whisper and you smile, pushing your hair away from your face
“I had a feeling when I met you.”
Yoosung : [a wristband clock that counts down until the moment you meet your soulmate]
You wake up, feeling nervous
You and your mother (practically one of your best friends) have been waiting for this day since you learnt what it meant
Nearly as soon as you’ve woken up, your phone is ringing and your mother is talking your ear off, about how to act and what to say and you don’t have the heart to tell her you aren’t listening as you doze off into nervous day dreaming
What would he look like? What would he say when he saw you? Would he be disappointed? You were hardly a model... a little chubby actually
You used to be teased about never finding a soulmate, despite the fact that your clock was counting down
They said it was a glitch, but you had enough faith to last you
Your first day of college. Today.
Would he be in your class? Or would you bump into him around the campus?
You got ready, heart pounding as you checked your wrist almost obsessively
Yoosung has been waiting for this moment since high school. At least, that’s what he’d tell people (truth was, he’d been dreaming about his soulmate way back in primary school)
He felt nervous as heck - couldn’t sleep, eat or even play LOLOL in the days leading up to today. The day.
1 hour and 10 minutes and 15 seconds
He couldn’t wait to meet them.
But he was worried they’d be dissappointed when they saw him. He wasn’t “hot” or anything particularly special. He didn’t have much going for him when he thought about it...
But he tried not to think about it as he locked his front door behind him
30 minutes left and you realised that you were definitely going to be meeting them on campus. You were 10 minutes away, so you’d have twenty minutes to spend, anxiety ridden and nervous as fuck
20 minutes left and his hands were sweating. He couldn’t stop it, so he wiped his hands on his jeans, hoping to god it’d stop before he met them - what a great first impression
10 minutes left and you were heading to class, heart pounding in your throat
5 minutes left and he started heading to class, taking one last drink from a water fountain (he was stalling)
A minute to go... excitement and anxiety
5 seconds to go and your eyes were glued to the door
3... 2... 1...
The door was halfway open when your clock reached zero and fell to the floor - people around you hear the soft clink and try and find the matching pair
You see their hand, frozen on the door handle, and he walks in, his face red
He’s actually really fucking adorable, and you smile
The girl who had sat next to you moved out of the aisle and motions to him that he should sit next to you
His soulmate
Sat in the third row to the front, smiling and blushing and a part of him dies
He manages to walk to you, sitting down next to you and because of the chairs, his thighs brush against yours and his breath hitches in his throat
“Hi, my name is [Y/N]” you say softly
“I’m Yoosung Kim.” He replies, still red
Jumin : [whatever you write on your skin, it appears on your soulmate’s skin]
The first thing Jumin learnt about you was that you really needed to get a planner
You scribbled appointments and assignment dates all over your hand
At first he was rather annoyed by it - people constantly assuming he was doing it to himself.
So he got himself a pair of gloves and forgot about it
He had to focus on business and... learning about business
Although, occasionally, when he felt lonely in his large home with no friends or no real family to talk to, he’d take his glove off and trace the doodles and cursive font
He liked to imagine that his soulmate and him.. they’d be different from his father, trying to ignore his heart in favour of the young girls he fel privy to
He’d make sure that when he found them. He’d never let them feel second best
A couple years into your twenties, you decide it’s best to get some kind of job or internship as you complete your PhD
Coincidentally, C&R International was hiring for interns in college looking for some extra credits and you jumped on the opportunity
They had assigned you to work with a wonderfully hardworking lady named Jaehee Kang
It was a stressful job, and you barely ever saw your boss, Mr. Han, however you didn’t mind that based on the effect he had on others around the office
It wasn’t until two months into your job when Mr. Han has apparently lost a pair of gloves that you actually met the man
Jaehee was swamped with work when he called her in, however you jumped out fo your seat, telling her you’d handle it, to which she gave you a grateful smile and started back on her work
“Mr. Han, you called?”
“Yes. I need you to go and retrieve a fresh pair of gloves from my home. As soon as possible.”
You nodded swiftly and left, asking Jaehee for his address and scribbling it onto the inside of your palm before grabbing your coat and leaving
Junk sat at his desk, typing when he felt the all too familiar scribble on his skin and looked down instinctively (it was reflexive, even with his gloves on)
His address. In cursive. With a small ‘gloves!’ Written next to it
His soulmate was his intern
You came back in record time and knocked on his office, waiting for a couple moments for a calm “yes, come in” before entering
He sat where you had last left him, and gave him a professional smile as you reached out to hand him his gloves
He held out his left hand and you saw scribbles across it
I didn’t know Jumin wrote on his hands — wait, that looks like...
You glanced down to your hand and your eyes widened
You looked back up at him and he smiled in a way you’d never seen before
“I think we should get to know eachother, Miss. [L/N].”
Jaehee : [you can hear your soulmate’s thoughts when you want to]
When you were young - too young to know how to control the thoughts that popped into your brain every once in a while - you’d let them talk
Whoever they were calmed you down
You’d be in the middle of hiding in your closet from the arguing downstairs when - pop - they were back
I need sugar and flour and...
They were baking... you smiled whenever their thoughts invaded your mind. They took you away from reality
An escape you welcomed whole heartedly
Years later, when you were diagnosed with anxiety, their thoughts didn’t come to you as often as they used to
Apparently, stress can have an effect on the ability to hear and transmit thoughts
No wonder they hadn’t tried to reply to your thoughts... who are you?
So.. she was stressed
And you fell into a numb state of mild depression - no real desire to go out or eat or.. anything
Your mother eventually forced you to find something - anything to do. So she took you to her favourite coffee shop on a Monday morning, before the big rush of customers came and you followed
You hadn’t bothered to brush your hair or anything - what was the point anyway?
So when a woman dressed in a sharp form fitting suit came flying into the store with purpose and grace, your heart skipped a beat without you realising
Your anxiety lifted for a moment
Wow, she’s gorgeous
Your thought was loud, almost echoing inside your head and she flinched
Could she hear me?
At that, she began looking around, and as soon as her eyes landed on you...
You both knew
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hdawg1995 · 6 years
My Stardew Valley started flipping out cause i was playing it for 14 hours strait and it legit did some creepy pasta stuff so heres a creepy pasta
reality: somewhere around hour 10 Kent’s sprite only loaded half way (his eyes and up) or not at all. Willy was just a shadow- even when interacting with him. at one point he phased though Haley (and it was the only time his sprite was fully visible) side note: me and my sister declared willy a ghost because the fishing in my game was such lack luster. Gunther was probably the same since i never saw him at the museum but was still able to donate. lastly Alex glitched though a already glitched haley- she was on the beach even though her schedule wouldn’t have put her there. i wasn’t able to interact with her but a part of me wonders if i went to her house (where she was suppose to be) if i would see her shadow and would be able to interact with her there, but i was too far in a “yup. totaly writing a creepy pasta about this now” mood.
The Creepy pasta:
i really don’t know what to say now other than everyone was right- a game about a fun little town in a sleepy valley being secretly evil? yeah, its true. 
i was playing Stardew Valley one day with my sister- i had woken up in a sour mood and i wanted to cheer myself up. at one point she came by and hung out with me, watching me play on my farm and the normal day to day antics with the pelican town NPCs. we were laying on my bed since it was the only place comfortable enough to play on the laptop for hours on end.
i lost track of time. everything felt too real, like i was getting lost in the game. this is normal, but i knew there was something wrong when it took my sister kicking me in the head snap me out of it.
“oh my god i’m so sorry! i meant to nudge you!” she declared and it was fine, really, but when i glanced back at the screen Harvey was talking to me. i don’t even remember interacting with him- must have clicked him when i get hit in the head. it seemed normal enough; he was mentioning he was having trouble making ends meet so he’ll have to get patients from somewhere else. 
i went back to playing as we chatted about nothing when something struck me.
“hey...” i asked my sister as i paused the game. “Doesn’t harvey normally say he’ll find patients from the nearby towns?” she blinked a few times at me then silently checked the wiki.
there wasn’t an answer there, so we shrugged it off. wouldn’t be the first time NPCs change their dialog. Sebastian mentions that me and sam are his only friends after so many hearts.
speaking of which, i wanted to give him a present today. i had forgotten the quarts at the farm so i rounded back, heading past Sam’s house. i got lost in the game again- it was like the only thing i could hear was the game, the only thing i could feel was the cobble stone under my feet but that wasn’t right- i was in bed.
when i walked by Sam’s house Kent walked out. i smiled and talked to him only... His sprite wasn’t there in the dialog box. his text was also jumbled and didn’t make sense. the prompt to continue the conversation came up and when i clicked it the text was less garbled but Kent’s image was just his eyes. he said “I’ll watch out for you”. 
i snapped out of it at that. i looked over at my sister to ask her if that was normal (it wasn’t) but she seemed so transfixed on the screen it was my turn to snap her out of it. i smacked her on the head and she flinched but seemed alright.
“sorry, i meant to nudge you.” i joked, but she didn’t seem to hear me. “I thought Kent came back from war?” she questioned and i tilted my head. “Umm. yeah he does, in year two...” i turned back to the screen and Kent was gone.
“You were just talking to Sam- he said his dad died?” 
we both stared at each other before taking out our phones to chick the wiki. sure enough it says Kent returns in year two- alive.
we decide my games glitched and i keep playing while my sister makes a bug report. it took me far too long to realize dialog nor included in the game showing up out of no where- and for only ONE person for that matter- was anything BUT a bug. by the time i got to the farm and had gotten the quarts for Sebastian the report had been sent and my thoughts died in my throat. 
a few in game days later i realize Harvey has been acting weird; hes been following Haley around. i don’t pay much attention to the doctor (Sam, Sebastian, and Shane being my favorites i tended to look out for them, not so much HAley or Harvey) but i didn’t think they shared a pattern at all.
i brushed it off and decided to head down to the beach. Alex’s cut scene triggered so i say back and watched. it seemed normal until his sprite changed to the surprised looking one.
“Did you hear a scream just now?”
>no? what scream? >.... >yeah! it sounded like Haley!
my sister swore and looked up the wiki again. con confirm: not part of the cut scene. i thought for a moment and decided that no, i didn’t hear anything (but i really hadn’t). Alex seemed worried and went to investigate. the scene ended but Ale wasn’t on the beach anymore. i was really starting to freak out and debated turning off the game. before i could exit to the desktop i got lost in the game again- the fishing mini game is the devil but i mastered it none the less. i didn’t even remember casting my rod. 
it was getting late so i headed home. Harvey was standing on the bridge to the beach. i didn’t talk to him since it was mid night. i needed to get home.
when i woke up it all seemed normal. i decided to take the fish i got last night and sell them to willy. i wasnt sure how to get the fishing scene in the valley more lively like he’ll some times says so i figured if i sold the fish directly to him it would help. when i went down to the beach i saw haley but she wouldn’t talk to me. she stared out at the ocean, her dialog box just dots. her expression sad.
when i went to see willy he wasn’t there. at first i thought i was at the dock at the wrong time, but something cold pressed against my arm and i snapped up out of the game and looked at my sister- she was holding the Gatorade she had gotten earlier to my arm.
“you were ignoring me again. Sib i think somethings seriously wrong with your game”.
i agreed but i couldn’t stop playing. i explained this and she got worried, fiddling with her phone again.
i can’t stop playing. i have to keep playing. 
“hey” she got my attention. “theres this stardew turmblr account -joja apologist. they have a farmer whos a demon.”
“cool.” i kept playing. i should give Sam a present. “No listen they’re making posts about their stardew game acting weird.”
i tried to turn to face her but thats all i did- face her. my eyes were locked on the screen as Kent walked by. i went to talk to him again and the same thing happened- jumbled words and no sprite and then just his eyes and the declaration that he’ll watch out for me.
“They did Harvey started attacking people so they would HAVE to go to him for meds and stuff.” she sounded worried so i hummed in reply. 
then i remembered Alex’s broken cut scene.
“Haley!” i scrambled over to her house and found a cut scene waiting for me. in it Harvey was telling Emily something. my farmer walks up to them and Harvey greets me, but his portrait is distorted some- he has wide eyes and a grin that seems to reach his ears. he asks me to try and comfort Emily- she just lost her sister.
I felt sick at the thought; this was wrong. very very wrong.
<But i saw her the other day. <no... no not Haley.... <*give Emily a hug*
My sister stared dumbfounded at the screen. i asked her if that tumblr blog saw anything like this and she begins scrolling. as im watching her i’m faintly aware of a sound... like dripping or maybe clicking? i glance at the screen and scream, shooting up and off my bed as Harvey’s portrait changed to have hyper realistic eyes and teeth. the eyes were blood shot and seemed to follow me and my sister as we shifted on the bed to get away from the laptop.
“w-what the FUCK” she yelled. i clung to her protectively, thoroughly convinced his digital doctor was off his possibly very real rocker and could possibly do something to us.
the mouse moved on its own now. it selected to give Emily a hug and the farmer did just that. the cut scene went on, Harvey’s portrait no longer the disturbing version (well it was still disturbing with the wide eyes and chestier grin but at least now it was pixels again). he said he did all he could for Haley and that he was sorry. he then left my farmer and Emily alone.
“Turn it off.” my sister stated as we continued to stare at the screen. “Turn it off.” I nodded numbly and didn’t even both with the proper exit and just held the power button down. 
only it didn’t work.
i held it down for what felt like forever but the laptop was still alive- and it was midnight again.
“Oh fuck no...” She whispered and i scrambled to get my farmer home. when the day ended and the game saved and felt a lump form in my throat. what if Haley is forever dead in my save now? and what about willy? and...
“Wait wheres Alex?” i muttered as i went to town. i bumped into pam and in my frantic scrambling clicked her. to my horror she looked scared. “Did you hear? Alex nearly drowned at the beach! to think, wouldn’t a guy as athletic as him know how to swim?” she then went on her way. i paused for a moment directed my farmer to town again. Alex walked out of the clinic and when i talked to him he seemed fine. gave the normal dialog too.
“Why the hell are you still playing?” My sister shouted from behind me- i didn’t even notice I've scooted directly in front of the laptop, blocking her view. “I thought you were going to exit the game.”
thats right. yeah. turn it off. right.
then Harvey walked out. his sprite was normal but it felt like it was watching me. curious, i moved my farmer down towards Sam’s house. to my horror Harvey was following me.
“Holy shit. HOLY SHIT!” my sister grabbed me and shook me hard. “Holy Shit turn it off! turn it off!”
i stopped my farmer and opened the menu and screamed when i saw Harvy moving towards him even when the game was paused. i unpaused it in time for him to be stopped right next to my innocent little farmer. i kept moving towards Sam’s house.
“Holy shit...” my sister whispered. i told her to check the blog and she did.  “What are you going to do?” she asked, her eyes transfixed on her phone.
“Kent is watching out for me.” i reminded her as i entered Sam’s house.
as i expected, there was a cut scene. in it Sam was playing his guitar and Vincent was in the kitchen. Kent walked out and when he saw my farmer he ran over.
“Hes after you now, isn’t he?” he two eyes of the veteran with PTSD looked though the screen at us. i nodded. “Talk to Sam. you have enough hearts with him.” and he was gone, cut scene over.
i looked over and my sister and she nodded, confirming that the blog said something simular- they were instructed to talk to Gus though. i ran strait to Sam’s room and the door opened then closed behind it. Sam stopped playing his guitar and walked over to my farmer.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be safe.” he said. Sebastian stopped playing the key boards and walked over to my farmer as well. i didn’t even notice Sebastian in the cut scene.
“Thats because i wasn’t there.” his dialog box popped up. “Harvey thinks i’m at home.”
both me and my sister just stared at the screen. Sebastian... heard me? we didn’t have much time to think about it as the sound of a crash and something hitting something very hard was heard. My farmer moved on his own with Sam and Seb following him.
outside of Sam’s house was Harvey- the creepy hyper real version- and Kent. Harvey was crawling away and Kent looked like he had just been to war again. when Harvey's sprite was off screen Seb and Sam gave my farmer a hug before they turned to face the screen. Kent joined them, his portrait going back to normal.
“You can close the game now.” he said. “S-Save it first!” Sam interrupted. “If you don’t he’ll chase you again!”
my sister had taken the mouse from me and was directing the farmer back to the farm. we saved and closed the game.
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