#((sorry for the rant but uugh!!))
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mewtwoandme · 2 years ago
Everytime you post an update with these Mewtwos dealing with their emotions it seems you and mewtwo just can't win
Mewtwo being hard on Newt because of the prepaid asswhooping and her disowning him and it leads to him not wanting her to stay his house? People telling Mewtwo to get over it or saying he should NEVER forgive her ever in life
Mewtwo pointing out that his other sibling fucking bounced after she kept a secret he nearly died for? Now he's a hypocrite and going too far!
This dude can't win at all he must just be happy go lucky 24/7 with his dysfunctional family and they must never grow alongside him, they must always be in the right from newtwo to mew to Lakota even if they hurt him, he must just grin and bear his transgressions
Idk man it sucks to see because you clearly put your all into representating EVERY perspective and EVERY consequence to flesh these characters out and if these ppl had it their way they'd be chucking Mewtwo into the volcano for every little thing. I know you're probably used to it by now but damn. Goddamn. You have my appreciation for creating such a detailed yet simple to follow story. I hope you know that this story you've written is beautiful.
Thank you so very much ^^
When telling a story with multiple characters, it's difficult to portray everyone's individual struggles, emotions, and pov's, but that's exactly why I wanted to do it this way. Normally, with stories, it's always focused more on just one character's pov. And even when there is focus on multiple characters, sometimes each character gets their own individual arc, showing their struggles as a story or series goes on. In my story, everyone is struggling all at the same time and not individualized into separate arcs, because I planned it that way.
With what my characters are going through right now, all they're trying to do is make good decisions in a rather stressful situation, no one is in the right and no one's in the wrong, they're all just trying to do their best amidst their own inner turmoils. But people are so quick to choose who to root for, that there's someone who's more right or wrong or who's more justified in their actions than the other when here, that's not the case at all. I don't see much storytelling that does this, that's why I wanted to do it this way, when it shows where everyone is coming from and what emotions they feel. It is more difficult to do admittedly, because of the fact that the audience's opinions are so divided. Lakota got a lot of hate for supposedly "taking Newtwo's side" in the argument she had with Mewtwo, Newtwo got hate for being discriminatory towards her brother and disowning him. Mewtwo sometimes still gets hate or is disliked because of being too emotional, and Mew got some hate for leaving without telling them when she'd be back. I'm still going down this route regardless because it's necessary to the story I'm trying to tell.
I do have a personal rant I'd like to get off my chest though, so read under the cut if you choose
I've had many people tell me how my Mewtwo is "overly sensitive and/or emotional" trust me, I just roll my eyes at those people. It's not the easiest to portray such a complex character like Mewtwo's but people are so used to how he is portrayed in the anime, cold, distant, ominous, broody, bad tempered, continuously in a state of contemplating and having an existential crisis....that's what he's always been known for. God forbid anyone else wants to take different routes to expand on a character's personality and vulnerability for character growth. I always get things like "What have you done to him? He used to be so strong and badass, now he's just a whiney wimp!" (A petty child's argument in my opinion) and "That's not the Mewtwo I know." Well no shit Sherlock, this is MY interpretation of him. Given everything he's gone through, the vulnerable side of him that involves his trauma was never explored and I wanted to explore it further. It's not like I just make shit up on the whim just for him to start crying or breaking down, I make him go through real and possibly relatable life emotions that people irl experience when they've undergone trauma and Mewtwo has valid reasons for his emotions. Abandonment, the crippling feeling of doubting your self worth or value to others, the feeling of always needing to be independent because no one was there for you to rely on etc. are just a few of the things he still struggles with from time to time. A lot of recent events that have happened in the story have opened up some old wounds and triggered trauma responses. Especially Newtwo disowning him, the feeling of not being worth his own sister's time and love, and Mew, just up and leaving when Mewtwo needed her. Also, regardless if it's been 20+ years since Giovanni, that still lingers with him and what happened with Howard Clifford was more recent and that fucked him up too. You can't simply get over it, as some say. When you're traumatized, it can take years and years to heal. But sometimes you don't heal at all, sometimes the emotional damage is permanent and it changes you as a person, and you have to find ways to manage it in order to function on the daily. And if it sounds like I'm speaking from personal experience, it's because I am. Sometimes trauma...doesn't always make you stronger...
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glitterfartsprinkle · 1 year ago
hi sorta personal bullying rant.
just remembered how 2 days ago i was laying in the bleachers like a hotdog and awoke to someone i wont name but i will say are the worst saying "move your fatasss" and. Throwing? A toddler tantrum? Like stomping and shit when there were so many other places to sit? ma'm me are in the gym auditorium i am but a spec of a person in this place. i dont even know if this is a vent. but its some stupid shit that happened
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parkakeet · 1 year ago
damn the fanfiction is flopping 😭
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maburito · 3 years ago
People talk about the american election system but the french one is just as much bullshit...
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trentsleatherboots · 5 years ago
Right now Im at that point of being so utterly fucking confused and done with myself.
I dont know what I identify as. I dont know if I even count as trans. I dont know who I am.
Its so weird because whenever I see post op trans guys I get this horrid horrid feeling of jealousy in my gut like "I fucking want that" but on the other side Ive lost any and all hope of ever starting transition because Im stuck in a non supportive household with no money and an insurance that will cover next to none of those medical bills and Ive basically given up at even trying at this point. Meanwhile the transgender system in my country is so fucked that it can take up to 2, 3 or even 4 years before even starting medication because you get put on an insanely long waiting list and need to get forced gender therapy.
And not only that but the regret rate of post op trans people is so fucking huge I dont want to change my body only for it to turn out it didnt help my mental state at all and making an abomination of myself that cant revert back!
I only know I dont like being referred to as she, or any other girly nicknames. But really wtf does that mean. I have hormone problems and need to sort it out but with what support and money?
Im so tired Im so done Im so sick of myself I want it all to just stop. Why cant I just be normal.
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snail-is-wired · 6 years ago
Every. Single. Person. Who I talk to one-on-one asks me about my sexuality. Whether I like boys~ or Girls~ like idk and you dont need to know either I got other shit to figure out and the last thing on my mind is telling you something that personal???? Its absolutely none of your business!
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heoneyology · 6 years ago
It hurts to see his reputation being ruined like that by couple rumours. I will never understand why people hate him so much. I get it, he did some problematic things in the past and if somebody can’t get past that why won’t they just ignore him? I also have idols that i’m not so fond of but i don’t send them and their fans abuse, i just don’t care about them. It’s not that hard 🤷🏻‍♀️
honestly it does 😩 and you’d think after having him as an ult for 7 years I’d be used to this by now but, people really just… go out and find a reason to hate him? isn’t that tiring? he’s doing so well for himself and I’m so proud of him and I hate seeing these things circulate around him.
I hate the fact that people always take news articles of him or rumors of him and twist it to whatever agenda they’re trying to fulfill?? and make him out to be this terrible person??? and it’s been going on for him since debut.
and I get it too!! he’s not perfect, and I know that! there’s been times where I’ve been disappointed in him but it’s also nice to see that he’s learned, as well. but all people really see him for is those mistakes, not the changes he’s put into place from them. but really, if you don’t like someone, why not ignore them like you said anon? I have plenty of idols I also don’t like or am not fond of. I don’t willingly seek out all their social media posts and follow their life just so I can talk shit about them or hate them or harass their fans. that’s tiring. that’s also tiring for them, too. no matter what mistakes they’ve made or how problematic they may be, they’re human and we should hope that they learn from them and move on. and their fans are human, too. neither deserve the verbal abuse.
it’s really not that hard just akldjfkldjsf don’t like zico? okay ignore him. mute him. don’t pay attention. save yourself the time??? why people don’t get that I just???
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scarystag · 6 years ago
i love when my teacher tells the class the due date for an exam grade while im absent, only brings it up 3 days before it’s due, and says we have to write an essay and have something to present that can’t be a poster
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druggeddraccus · 7 years ago
I will never understand long division again. I've failed at it in middle school and now I've got this test coming up that's going to fucking destroy me.
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world-a-to-z · 4 years ago
🚨HLITF 🚨 Shinonome Ayumu’s Special Story
Story of the Ring Necklace
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"This is the first time I give you something like this"
I don't know if we'll get this story translated. I hope so, cause this would be a nice complementary story. It’s only one episode long but it's so cute and I am sorry that it took me a long time to finally done translating it (6 months or more 🙃). Here's my attempt to translate and summarized the special story.
(Ps. I think you could access it for free on HLITF special story on 100恋+)
(This story was told from Ayumu’s POV)
There was a feature on TV Show talked about giving a ring as a gift to significant others. It talked about a ring that is very popular among women. Typical Ayumu was thinking that his MC would like that kind of thing, but he doesn’t have any plan to give a ring to MC.
Announcer “You have to show your love once in a while.”
Commentator “Many men, in particular, believe that their girlfriend’s affection will continue unconditionally. But that is not true... hahaha.”
 Annoying. I feel like I’ve been hit on my sore spot.
Ayumu was thinking that if it was his old self it would be impossible to get bother by thing like this. Honestly, he couldn’t deny that he is a bit curious about what kind of reaction he would get if he give MC a present.
I wonder what she would look like if I give her a present. Will she laugh or cry? Either way, I’m sure it’s a face that only me could see. 
.... I don’t think it’s a bad idea to see such a face.
So that is how Ayumu ended up in Department Store. Ayumu went to a jewelry store after a lot of thought and he felt uncomfortable because there were a lot of women. He keep reassuring himself that it wasn’t because of that feature on TV Show. It because he thought it would be nice to surprise his girlfriend. Ayumu took courage and he gets closed toward the ring section. 
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So many... This could take longer than I imagined.
The aesthetic sense in me won’t allow me to compromise.  (T/N: Seriously, this guy.. 😂)
My girlfriend seems to be happy at whatever she’s given though. I’m sure she wouldn’t know the difference between the ring.
There’re so many design of the rings. Ayumu’s couldn’t choose one, so he examined each rings seriously. That’s until the store clerk came and gave Ayumu hand to choose a ring for mc. The store clerk was asking if it would be a present to his girlfriend and what kind of woman MC is.
Ayumu “... Persistent, stupid, noisy”
Ayumu “... Stupidly honest, straightforward, self-righteousness “
Ayumu “And stupid”
Store Clerk “You said stupid three times in total! I could feel your love!!”
(T/N: hahaha everyone could see through that he is a dork for his mc but him and mc!)
The store clerk then suggested to chose according to the meaning of the stone. The store clerk explained that each ring is decorated with different stone, just like flower language, stones also have meanings. So they began to choose the ring based on the meaning of the stone. Although Ayumu thought that it would be useless that his MC would never know the meaning of stone and it would be just a bother to try explaining it to her, he thought that it’d be more meaningful than just choosing based on the design. (T/N: I think at this point we all know that he is just being tsun while keep telling himself that it he doesn’t really think too on it when the truth is that he really took his time to choose one! 😆)
While listened to the store clerk’s explanation, Ayumu suddenly saw.. a simple red stoned ring. 
That certainly is...my birthstone. I remember my girl told me before.
Ayumu “Ruby..”
Store Clerk “Ah, I think it’s perfect!”
Ayumu “eh?”
Store Clerk “The meaning of the ruby is...”
Finaly Ayumu bought the ruby ring and because MC couldn’t wear a ring at work so he also bought a chain so MC could wear it as a necklace. It couldn’t be help that romance is prohibited at their department so in order to avoid any mess she could wear it as a necklace. If MC wears a ring, her superiors won’t be silent. Ayumu also thought that it would be a great insects repellent. (T/N: Somehow I love it when Ayumu’s getting petty and jealous.)  
At the end it was told that MC has contacted Ayumu that she would come to his apartment. By the time Ayumu’s going home, she would have eagerly been waiting at home. 
But maybe it’s okay to be honest once in a while.
I’m going to give her the ring.
While imagining her reaction when I give it to her, I walk back home with a light step.
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その意味は "情熱 · 生命 · 愛情"
そしてーーー オレからの"愛情"を込めて。
The Red Shining Ruby. 
The meanings are 'Passion • Life • Love'
For the girl who works with 'Passion' more than anything else.
For the girl who does everything to protect the 'Life' of people.
and... with 'Love' from me. 💕
Aah the last one is so cute and pure. 😭 I am not okay. It’s not okay to be this sweet. My heart cannot take it... 
I love the explanation of this ring because one, Ruby is Ayumu's birthstone. Two, its meaning is explained splendidly by Ayumu and the last that it's matched so well with his MC!! Uugh I want to see MC's reaction so badly.
I love the Gerbera pendant and this Ruby ring. Those two things have deeper meaning about Ayumu’s perspective of MC in their relationship. I like them both. It always been so consistent since the first season. Despite his tsun nature, he always think and care about his MC.
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And this! I found these really interesting especially after reading Ayumu's season 0.
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Okay, this is supposedly to be a summary of special story but here I am ranting, so I think that's it for now.
Now just imagine when Ayumu chooses ring to pop the question I think he would be more bewildered than this!
I hope I could translate more cause there're special stories from last year event that I really like. Especially the one from his benefits for being 1st on 2019th General Election! I would try my best 🥲.
Have a nice day everyone! Take care ☺
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vronism · 3 years ago
rant below sorry
So. okay. I'm so anxious and all over the place this week. everything, and i mean EVERYTHING had been acting up. Anxiety; I'm moving to a dorm on wednesday and im so stressed. I am so uncomfortable living in one room with other people, I feel like im a burden all the time and having to live with it 24/7.... its gonna be so hard. unbearable. but i cannot afford a different housing, and, uugh. I dont know, honestly. Then theres ADHD, i cannot focus on anything for longer than 5 seconds, I cannot finish a stupid sitcom i started binging on netflix. i switch tabs back and forth between netflix and youtube and spotify every two minutes. It goes for drawing too, I cannot stick to anything and it reflects in my drawing and it just discourages me. Depression, too, like... I'm not enough, I will never be enough, for my mom, for the gaming industry, even for social media. my arts not good enough. my body's not good enough. I'm annoying unlovable piece of shit my mother prefers my dog to me. im just so tired.
I'm taking my meds and all, they just doesn't work anymore???? i cant afford therapy. my old self destructive habits all came back. I just want people to enjoy my art since I'm not enjoyable as a person but. i don't know.
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booksweet · 4 years ago
Hey sofi..
i feel what you're going through right now.. even my parents have been yelling at me for no reason sometimes. Reasons like why am i crying or upset in general.. not realising how it has been with everything online etc.
I also kept pretending and pretending till one day i bursted. And i don’t want you to go through something like that. So take a deep breath. What keeps you engaged? Is it writing? Cooking? Baking? Whatever it is.. even going on a run counts.. something that'll keep you focused and a bit distracted from the current tensions.. you are atm overwhelmed i suppose and whenever we are upset we tend to make decisions we won’t agree usually with.
So i need you to take up one of your comfort tasks and do it. You're in class maybe, but take some time off after that. Indulge your emotions into that task, do it wholeheartedly. Give it your best. Do the task as if there is no tomorrow. The task can even be listening to songs and crying (that helps me).
I've said this plenty times and i'll say this again, my dms and inbox are always open.. i am always here if you wish to rant or talk to.
Times are difficult and sometimes we cannot handle it, things go out of proportion for us.. but we should learn how to balance it out.
Take my advice and lie down and meditate.. be it for just 5 minutes.. do it. It will help you.
I love you sweetcakes.
hey, koko...
I don't even know how to begin this, but first I want to say: thank you. Thank you for your words, thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for concerning about me and everything.
It's currently night over here, but I read this by the morning when everything happened and I was so overwhelmed and stressed and full of awful feelings, that I had just to go to the bathroom and cry. I mean, I cried a lot, but, you know what, crying always makes me feel better. Spcially after fight with my parents, it's so tiresome, you know? We go round and round and I'm blamed for something it's not my fault or I'm blamed for something I can't control. And idk it seems they don't see all my efforts and just see what they want to, mainly when it comes about expectations. It's like... it's like she always expects the worst from me, even tho I know I don't deserve it. I could be worse. But I'm not. And uugh I can't even have my mental breakdowns it's so hard because none of them respect when I'm the one who needs some space.... But I'm ranting again.
And well, I tried to make it up the best way I always do. Pretending. But then I cleaned my room, I finished watching my morning classes and showered, and after sleeping the whole afternoon I felt I was fine and better. But I still think about it and it tires me as hell. Because I feel guilty for something it's not up to me.
I'm so sorry you're going through hard times too, sweet Koko, I'm sorry. You don't deserve to be yelled at for any reason :( my DM's and all are always open for you, even if you need just someone to listen to you and release any stress or bad feelings you have. Okay?
Love you, sweetie 💛
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duskholland · 4 years ago
i went on a late night walk with this guyy, i know he likes me and uugh i wanted to hold his hand so bad but i cant. i know we wouldn't last is we got together and i dont wanna break his heart. im scared to tell him abt my feelings jdjsjsjs sorry i had to rant to someone i dont know irl
AHHHH i only just saw this i’m sorry! if you haven’t done anything yet, i guess i’d just advise that honesty is the best policy. if he likes you, why can’t you be together…? don’t sabotage yourself by keeping things bottled up. communication is always key, and it’s always better to talk about your feelings than keep stuff bottled up (even tho it’s hard!!!)
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shadowturtlesstuff · 5 years ago
again but better thoughts while reading
 so my spelling is terrible in this but you know i was more focused on the book than how to spell. 
Chapter 1) good intro and good starting tone. The lady next to her sucks. Good small establishment of shane.
chapter2)shane characterisation is still consistent. I like her two new roommates (will be best friends) . My guess is the boy in the kitchen will be pilot. Family means but not intentional. Has no confidence. I was right about the boy
Chapter 3) intro of pilot properly. He's good. I love the inner monologue of shane. Trying to keep eye contact, the surprise of having a normal conversation. It sets her character well. Intro to her blog which i would love to actually read (i hope there's at least one entry we can read) pilot is a musician but not. Business major. What crap. 
Chapter 4) i really feel like shane, she is just typical fangirl/ dork and i love it. Its weird being english and reading about the things that shock them like pasta in bags.i understand the watermelon.we do get to read ‘shanes writing’ but its her personal jornal not her blog.
Chapter 5) fun chapter. Intro to rome. Love the idea that shane is heavy handed and violent. Short, not alot happened other than small character establishment.
Chapter 6)intro to creative writing class which i want/need in my life.more beatles. Woman on plane works at starbucks, will she make more appearances? 
Chapter 7) the drama???or at least wht will be the drama. Pilot has a gf, called amy (wish it was me) (wait no, bc i know that plot doesnt actually like amy anymore bc he obviously likes shane. So i take it back. I want to be shane, i mean i basically am like her but oh well.)
Chapter 8) parents. Overprotective, think they know best. Urgh. guarantee one of shanes new friends fight back to her parents to support her life choices, that do not include doctor.
Chapter 9)gets an internship at travel mag company. Thats it…..
Chapter 10)rome. Looses purse. Pilot to the anxiety riddled rescue by telling his own life story about his wallet to help calm her nerves.distracts her. Basially he would do anything for shane already.re count of rome trip from her jornal again which is a good touch to further the plot. This is making me want to read dan brown (ish) all of two books i own of him
Chapter 11) the postcards are a nice touch that i hope someone reads???? Travel buddies..just saying.chad..hmmm,im like shane,well see if he is good enough for babe. Her GODDAM stupdi mean cousins being mean on her facebook, and babe seeing (best friend moment) about pilot and the whole teasing about having a boyfriend.
Chapter 12) he didnt see (but i think he did but istn sayin anything) paris i shappening. Babe is bff confirmed and i want her as my friend 
Chapter 13)angry birds addiction starts. Level three, weak, shoulder touching it romance confirmed.awwww pilot 100% waited to sleep so he could see shane safe in bed
Chapter 14) pilot with a french accent, enough  said. The flirtinggggg.  The plane woman  is back??in paris with them????
Chapter 15)pilots choices of the back in time thing are both wit shane. Its so obvious and i love it. Pilot as a fake fangirl about the eiffel tower. More flirting,kind of. Oh god chad no.he did it. Goddammit.nooo he wull run babe and shanes friendship and maybe her and pilot. ‘Assbucket’ indeed. Her an pilot are fine and i really believe her and babe will be because when she nearly gets robbed babe giver her a sympathetic smile. Not much to go on but i have hope.
Chapter 16)okay so, fav chapter, she finally spills her guts that she has anxiety basically, that she is premed with strict parents and this is scary whilst pilots lies in bed with her to relax her bc he heard her crying. He only ecoureges her slightly before going back to his bed and sleeping. My heart, i swear, soon the roles reverse and pilot will say why he is in london and all that.
Chapter 17)babe and shane bffs confired. Chad is the worst confirmed. Of course it wasnt  break up call. Of course she wants to vist. Of course pilot is to cowardly to break up and just accepts them going to paris together. Of freaking course.
Chapter 18) do not get over pilot, it wont work. Rugby guy nooooo!im team pilot how dare you kiss shane! Wow, city of glass mention. I want to make a list of every bookmentioned.
Chapter 19) pilot is not himself (obviouls) shane is worried. She is still lying to her parents an feeling bad about. Rugby guy is thankfully a no go. Pilot finds out about the kiss and guy and is clearly silently jealous. 
Chapter 20)aww shane! Im sorry pilot sucks currently. And a stupid guys trip with flat four. No. and devil chairs. 
Chapter 21)1)love the book talk.  The loneliness is kicking in, pilot man up for gods sake
Chapter 22)this red-head plain weirdo is back and going through her list like some sort of mentore. Omg!!! No. amy is here, i dont hatte her but can she not. Also, her dad…. No! (this is the stand up moment i was on about, i hope)
Chapter 23) i do not like her dad. At all. Nooo shane...no. they found out. And acted like assholes.
Chapter 24) n1!ahhhh no! Amy has her notebook. The end is nigh.im going to cry i feel like shane. 
Chapter 25) the family dinner-family outing. Niether of them manuped and shane is depressed
Chapter 26)back in america. Still hasn’t told pilot but you know it is a slow burn
Chapter 27) I, wait? Marry, some guy? Like no. I know it’s been what six years but no. I refuse.i don’t like this so called Melvin. It’s okay she doesn’t want to marry him. She goes to see pilot and finally mans up and tells him and asks if she made it and and pilot finally man’s up and tells her no she didn’t. They get stuck in an elevator
Chapter 28) the elevators doing something. Shane wants to re do London cuz she hates life
Chapter 1?) they are both back in London? Both having the same what ever is happening? 
  Chapter 2) omg. Plane lady took them back to staRt over and pilots mad about it (obv)
Chapter 3)so… they got mad but started over and I’m excited. 100%they won’t press the restart button. I’m calling it now. Cuz pilot knows he now has a chance to do the what if’s/
Chapter 4) they keep there distance but we all know it won’t last
Chapter 5) tipsy Shane? Shawarma
Chapter 6) babe thinksthere is something going on with them( again)
Chapter7)the story about fake pilot, and the kiss. Ahhhhhhg
Chapter 8)they found the button. Shane doesn’t want to go back. I do t want them to go back. They don’t go back thank god
Chapter 9) da Vinci code flirting somehow.. Shane tells him it won’t happen u less he breaks up with last Amy.
 Chapter 10) he will break up with Amy and laris is gonna happen. 
Chapter 11) so Shane is happy again, pilot broke up with amy. Shane tried to make peace with the devil chair.
Chapter 11) they are so adorable. Aswwwwewhwhehruysnwjw
 Chapter 12) Uwuwnfhueia we get more Shane and pilot flirting, 
Chapter 13) the opposite game is adorable. I like that they get to be themselves together without the awkwardness. The start of the move game. Thats my fav. 
Chapter 14) they still have the angry birds obssesion but unlike me and supercard they know when to stop.the dance ‘move’ ahh i love. The line ‘but you do.’ just shows how much they know each other and how pilot would do anything to make her smile. And the lost move (not really a move but totally a move.) once again proves their love. Also we had that plot moment where he talks about why h chose to go to london. I adore shanes rant (?) about the things she loves. And then pilot doing the same thing. Shane vs chair is my life, like i battle chairs too. 
Chapter 15) what is tfios? Ooohhh. Fault in our stars. (i googled it)i probably shouldve known by the whole always part. The dance move came back to bite pilot in the ass and now they are dancing together. Ew chad. Yes shane! That is what chad deserves. 
Chapter 16) they get intimate and gigly and happy and aaaawwwhww
Chapter 17) im glad shane still rememebers to be friends with babe and not forget her in her lovestick state currently.
Chapter 18) her postcard….the questions that haunt her so much. Sort of accepting them herself too. She finally got to do wrecking ball, they miss internship , oh no…. Start if a downall?? 
Chapter 19) shane and pilot have fallen HARD
Chapter 20) the article is off the table. Amy is there. What the hell. No. omg pilot no, you moron. THEY BROKE UP!!! Which is fair, a break is needed. They both get back on track and then try and find a balance. Hopefully. Oh her laptop….shit...the feels when all your work is just gone. Tries to reset bc she is so depressed bc she thinks she failed again. 
Chapter 21) she cant go back (thankfully) a bookstore is always a good haven to go to when your breaking down.
Chapter 22)the redemtion (?) time to try and fix everything and get back on track.the determination and the readiness to try and make everything better for herswelf, herself, and no one else is good. She makes friends with the people in her office and works harder than befire, try to get herself out of her comfort zone and experience things
Chapter 23) the confrontation with her parents. Oh god. I hope this goes well. Its going as well as it can go. Im happy shane is sticking up for her dream so she can be happy, uugh the whole dad speech of ‘i do everything for you, i know best because im older,’ i hate it. Ooohh she is making up with leo, talking ot him this time. Im happy. Leo is gay. Cool. i hate how he got broken up with becuase of his stupid family, it sucks. ‘There is no normal.’ perfect words. 
Chapter 24) her thing is in the thing!!!( also good job me with words.) her article got published (there we go)this is where she learns she can be with pilot and be successful because tracy is with a famous author and they make it work with harder schedules. Trys to talk to her parents. This time she will make there relationship work.
Chapter 25)urgh ‘you live under my roof,on my dime…’ blah blah blah. We hate controlling parents that dont see that overprotecting and controlling their childs life does more damage than good. Babe suggest self discovery trip. Babe is a grat friends. 
Chapter 26)the button thing will work…’im mad at pilot. Or am i mad at me.’ she cracked the code. She loathed herself because of her fear of failing, but because this time she worked on herself to make herself happy she no longer hates herself. Yet she still feels the same (ish) feeling that even though she worked harder and got further that she has no summer job when she gets back to the states, her parents still wont allow her choice of work.PILOTS BACK!!!!!!! She was about to press the button and he swooped in with his music.
Chapter 27) he still follows her blog and got help from babe. His speech, finished with lamppost. Where can i get a pilot?he uploaded their song. Working through the divorce thing again but it will be better because he has shane to talk to about it. Ahhh she got a job!!! Happy ending!!! My heart!!!eeeee…
epilogoue) she becomes a successful author. Her parents have accepted her and support her. Pilots a musician. He takes her to the weird plane lady and they gobe the locket back, then he makes the ultimate move. With pictures of where they fell in love he uses the beatles russain doll things to hide a ring and when she finds it she obviously says yes. And that its unfair cuz she cant top that move. 
sooo...thats it.
i really enjoyed this book. i cannot wait for her next book. this post is longwinded i apologize but oh well? again i will link my website and review as soon as its done. so far in about five hours all i have is a paragraph so it may not be as soon as i want it to be
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trans-guy-positive-blog · 7 years ago
gosh i feel really down at the moment dysphoria is horrible and i keep being misgendered (i'm not out at school so i have to use my deadname and my father keeps misgendering me at home) uugh sorry for ranting but i have no one to rant to and i really need positivity right now... ;;;
I'm so sorry, I know it can be tough dealing with that. We have lots of dysphoria tips in the FAQ that may help you out, and I know you can get through this! -Matthew
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meet-me-onthe-equinox · 7 years ago
If you’re feeling like it, maybe something with big brother Jack and baby Natalie? THANK YOU you precious pearl!
Sorry it took me like 9 years >_
[AO3 Version] [Ask for more prompts]
The Strongest Wind into Breeze
Maybe she’d been fooling herself the whole time, ever since that conversation with Leslie where April had ranted off about everything she knew would happen if she said yes. Not yes to Andy, but to herself, to her fate. She did, eventually, and that precious demon baby soon proved her wrong.
Jack made the hellish path of motherhood April had never really stopped dreading look so easy. It didn’t take long for her to understand his simple needs, to which she responded before he let out a second whine. No bawling, not a sole tantrum at the grocery store, not even the smallest fight with the other kids in the playground. All in all, April was starting to believe she wasn’t such a terrible mother, after all.
Now she knew the truth, though. April just couldn’t take the credit; she wasn’t a good mother, she’d just hit the Jack-pot. The boy was genuinely good-hearted, much like his father, and the shyness that he might have taken after her had prevented him from making any sort of scene, or arguing with kids Jack wasn’t interested in in the first place.
But, on nights like this, April cursed herself for believing it was always such an easy ride. Turns out, Natalie had inherited none of her mother’s quietness, and funnily enough, the baby’s needs were harder to figure out the more she expressed them. Thus, Nat’s crying would get louder with each of April’s misinterpretations, and her hopelessness increased with every scream. April loved her daughter more than anything in the world, but she would never be the mother Nat deserved.
‘‘I’m no good at this,’’ April muttered in bed, her sore back against the headboard. A single tear fell from one of her wide eyes, leaving a darker spot on Natalie’s onesie. The little girl still writhed in her arms, crying for something that probably hadn’t even been invented at that point in history.
‘‘What?’’ Andy asked above the noise, getting a bit closer to her for better hearing.
‘‘I can’t do this, Andy!’’ she yelled this time. ‘‘I don’t know what she wants! I never do.’’
‘‘Of course you don’t, honey,’’ he wrapped one arm around her. ‘‘Nat doesn’t speak English yet.’’
‘‘But hey, you’re doing amazing, babe.’’
‘‘Shut up,’’ April said, although not sure what member of her family she was really talking to. ‘‘I’m a terrible mother, okay? I’m sorry your big project went to shit.’’
‘‘My… My project?’’ he frowned, puzzled. ‘‘What do you m-’’
‘‘Nothing,’’ April hugged Natalie tighter, yet again addressing both of them. ‘‘I’m sorry. Forget it.’’
Definitely, she was losing it, and even worse, she was taking it out on the one who least deserved it, the one who had supported her, cared for her and comforted her along the way. April didn’t obviously mean what she’d said, as it usually happened when she was angry at something she couldn’t really identify, but that looked quite a lot like herself. At times like these, she was lucky her husband wasn’t too quick at grasping her poisonous words.
April lifted her head from the inconsolable baby she was holding, only to see Jack standing by the threshold. He was so silent, like a ghost… How long had he been there?
‘‘Hi, baby,’’ April smiled. She felt some of the mounted tension leave her body as she spoke. ‘‘You can’t sleep either, huh?’’
Jack shook his head and approached the edge of the bed.
‘‘Why is she so sad?’’ he asked.
‘‘She’s not sad,’’ April said softly, her voice barely audibly above Nat’s screaming. ‘‘She’s just…’’ What?! ‘‘I don’t know.’’
Jack eyed at his mother, understandingly, as if he could see her desperation despite never having felt such thing himself. Sometimes, April would see something in that look, something in between wisdom and empathy that shouldn’t dwell in the eyes of a three-year-old.
Without a word, Jack stretched out his little hand and placed it on Natalie’s cheek. And then, something amazing happened: silence. Everything stopped – the crying, April’s swelling nerves, the hint of concern in Andy’s expression, even time itself. Jack had always a calmer way of solving things, and stroking his sister’s cheek was just another example of it.
‘‘See?’’ Jack half-smiled, his big eyes fixed on the now peaceful baby. ‘‘She was just sad.’’
A second tear ran down April’s face, yet it was a completely different one. She couldn’t be proud of herself, but she was sure proud of what she had. Andy kissed her temple as Nat drifted off in her arms. And, in that moment, she knew they would make it.
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