#((he’s still pining over the ventriloquist sham but he would never admit to it))
ask-mrbadboy · 1 year
Hey Slappy, have you ever considered a slave to be your friend, or is that a relationship you keep purely professional? Do any of them stand out as your favorite?
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I made a mistake a LONG time ago in, *gagging* befriending a slave. Some of you may have been around when I was partnered up with this scrawny loser named Jimmy O’James, but when he was around, he was everything a guy could dream of when it comes to slaves. He did everything that was told of him, didn’t fight back, and he went above and beyond in serving my hand and foot. To be completely honest with you, I was smitten. I thought this human was unlike any other, and I let my guard down to be his friend.
But do you know what HAPPENS when you let your guard down? You get attacked. You get let down. You get betrayed and abandoned. We were on-and-off don’t get me wrong, he’s left me and I’ve left him quite a few times. But we always ended up back together, for better or for worse. I thought I could trust him. I told him everything, more than I care to disclose here. And he TURNED HIS BACK ON ME. He told me I was no better than my sick freak of a brother Wally and LEFT ME, for a new better life without me.
Jimmy O’James, if you ever turn your face up in these parts ever again, I swear you’ll wish you never have met me. I hope your life is just as miserable as it was when we were together.
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