#((but book 3 has more shao wan mentions i think as w e l l))
@hyeyouuu asked : hello! this is the link to some excerpts from Lotus Step that mentions Shao Wan (and Mo Yuan). would you be able to have a look through it and translate anything that you find interesting from it? i’ve mostly relied on google translate so i’m not sure i get the nuance for some of the important parts 🥺 thank you!! have a nice day 🫶 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_T_leG-kRcsj5PAC4ZwP4dGCMXwMKtDlgGOwAbkcLao/edit
Well, as the kids say, this is my division ; )
I've read all of this so none of it is really new information to me, but I will translate some excerpts for you since we're all content starved around these parts! A lot of these I see are really just passing mentions that don't have much to them, but I do see two excerpts that are a little meatier that I can throw down there for you!
If you're interested in Mo Yuan and Shao Wan and you haven't found it yet, you can also check out THIS COMPILATION of them that I pulled out of the pillowbook extra as well!
It made sense if this nine-colored lotus pond was God Zuti's apostle Shuang He. The formation Youwujie, after all, was made by God Shao Wan to protect God Zuti when cultivating.
The fact that Youwujie and the nine-colored lotus Shuang He appeared at the same mortal realm hundreds of thousands of years later required some thought, but wasn't impossible. After all, when God Zuti had feathered and gone in order to protect the mortals, she had not disappeared in the Realms, but rather the mortal world outside of them.
God Zuti, God Shao Wan - one was born from the first light in the universe, the God of Reality, and the other was the first god of the Demon Clan. These two goddesses of the ancient times were of the same generation as the former emperor of heaven and earth, Donghua, Kunlunxu's High God Mo Yuan, Qingqiu's Fox King Bai Zhi, and the owner of the Peach Blossom Forest, Zhe Yan. His Third Highness, born after the calamities of gods of the distant times in the upper time, was quite different from them generationally. When the world was first created, it was the ancient times. After the ancient times it was the distant times, and after the distant past, the upper past, and after that, was this time.
About these two infamous ancient goddesses, there were plenty of notes in the history books, but there were not many that could be found now. The books about Shao Wan have largely been hidden within Kunlunxu by Mo Yuan, and the books about Zuti were missing.
The world knew that God Zuti had feathered to help God Shao Wan send the mortals to the mortal realm.
At that time the mortals were weak, and could not survive long in the Realms. God Shao Wan pitied the mortals and used her godly power to open the Ruo Mu Door which connected the mortal world to the Realms, and sent the mortals there. Then, there were no seasons or mountains and rivers in the ten billion mortal realms that allowed the mortals to survive, and so God Shao Wan asked God Zuti to help. God Zuti spread out a path of hundreds of thousands of red lotuses and sacrificed herself to the chaos to birth all the things that allowed the mortals to live.
"It's been many years since you last made a prophecy. You saw the outcome, didn't you?" The white-clad woman began, tails of eyes curving gently with the intention to smile. She was originally of a most beautiful but most cool appearance - as if her flesh and bones were made of ice and snow, dressed from head to toe in white and even the singular ornament upon dark hair was a white jewel encased in a phoenix feather. One could only think of a a frozen soul, a frozen earth. But her eyes were not of the same cool feeling - the ends flicked upward a little, and when she smiled her eyes became enrapturing.
"You know I found a way to open that door, but you don't want me to die." The white-clad woman sighed. "But no one can defy the will of heaven." As if she was resigned. "You are the light god, the god of reality, wise and able to see the will of heaven. You know it best, that it is destined to be and no one can change it, not you nor I." Her gaze settled on a place far away. "Mo Yuan - he can't either."
And then she changed the subject abruptly: "I came to find you because I know what your duty is. You know it as well. These tens of thousands of years you have been hidden away in Mount Guyao - isn't it because you've seen the final ending, and have been waiting for me to find you?" She lifts her eyebrow, and the tail of her eye lifted as well - cool and gentle and alluring, but with an edge, "Why now have you gone back on that decision?"
For a long moment there was only th sound of the wind. The yellow-clad one said: "I don't have the heart to."
The white- lad woman laughed as if surprised: "You can't bear it? But what is there not to bear?" She put her hand upon the other's shoulder, fingers sweeping past the yellow clad one's dark hair like chicken feathers. "The most unfeeling one in the world is you. Born from light - you don't know what the seven emotions nor the six desires are, but now you can't bear to see me die?" A hint of merriment appeared between cool brows. "No one in the realms can obtain a reluctance to part from you. I have obtained it and therefore I have no regrets in this life."
The yellow-clad one ignored her teasing, and shook off her hand. "No regrets? And about Mo Yuan?"
The white-clad woman's smile slowly disappeared from her face. After a long time, she said: "He…I never thought whether or not I regret it." She stepped back, and sat down on a stone stool to the side, fingers pressed against her forehead. Expressionless, now she seemed as cool as frost. After a long time, she said: "I can't have regrets, and I dare not to."
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