#((anyways come pester Mallew tonight))
tragicquartet · 6 years
((I LIVE. And hoo boy, the last few months have been a heck and a half. For those of you who have not been keeping up with me on Twitter/Discord, here be-ith the short version of everything that's happened: I spent most of December, including Christmas, sick as a dog, had a change in my lab schedule in early January that ate up more of my time/sanity, lost my grandfather in late January, got out of mourning just in time for my anxiety meds to be adjusted in February, and now I'm here. Good. Freaking. Gravy. Anyways, there will be a flurry of replies later on this afternoon/into tonight, and then, once those are up and taken care of... The new plot begins. Mallew is going to wake up, and there's more than a little that's happened to him in the interim between when he fell asleep and now... I wonder how 4 months of peaceful sleep, far away from the Wrath that plagues him has changed him. I do wonder, indeed. :3 Anyways, y'all tune in for the plot post tonight, then feel free to mess with him. Should be fun. Stay awesome and talk to y'all later!))
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