#((anyway remember to go onto the deck or outside the ship and away from doors and windows if you wanna smoke in sinostra))
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ficoandleo · 5 months ago
"Why does this taste off? It tastes. . . ."
Romeo scrunches up his face then slams his hands against the table, standing and storming out into the hall. He leaves his dinner sat on the table, despite knowing that one of the cats will probably eat it if they're in the VIP room somewhere.
Should Romeo's underlings come forward about who prepared his dinner tonight and he catch a whiff of cigarettes on them they'll be lucky if they get a multi-hour lecture. . . .
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years ago
The Stowaway ~ SCB [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: Captain Changbin x Stowaway Reader
GENRE: smut, pirate au, first time, angst, speaks of drowning, oral F receiving, romantic smut.
A/N: Set between 1720 and 1750 
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Panting heavily as you raced down the boat docks you did your best to try and avoid being seen by the men that were chasing you. All of this because you had stolen some small apple and a loaf of bread from a food stand. Which they were going to throw away anyway since it was the end of the night.
What were they really going to do with it? It was almost midnight and you were starving, you hadn't eaten in almost four days, you needed something.
“Where did she go!?” One of them yelled in a rough voice as they lost sight of you in the darkness. Pressing your back against one of the wooden boats you held your hand over your chest as if they would find you just from the sound of how hard it was beating. If they found you there was no question about it you would be dead on the spot. No one liked thieves let alone female thief who had no family and no means of paying them back. They'd find you, kill your or worse cut your fingers off and leave you to deal with the gangrene or dying through blood loss.
"She must have gone through one of the houses. This way!" The smaller male said as he stared around, they'd been on your tail for almost twenty minutes not once letting up. 
You let out a small breath staying completely still until you knew for sure that the men were gone and it was safe to come out from your hiding spot. 
It wasn't as if you enjoyed stealing but it was the only way you could stay alive. Not many places except the brothel were willing to hire someone that was homeless. Being on the run for almost 3 years had no benefits besides the one where you got away from your family. You would rather spend your life on the run than one more minute with them. 
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The longer you stood on the docks the heavier your eyes began to get but you couldn't run into town now. The men would still be on the lookout for you and most of the pubs were overrunning with pirates. Pirates from all over the world had sailed all day and night before sleeping in a real bed before heading out the next day. As a kid, you used to dream of being a pirate, setting sail to see the whole entire world but of course, the dream would never come true. Females on ships were forbidden, it was a sign of bad luck and a sure sign that a ship would sink.
Staring up at the boat you had been leaning against you checked to see if there was any sign of someone on board. It would only be for one night, it wasn't as though you were going to be a stowaway and go on an adventure with them. One night of peaceful sleep was all you wanted.
It was highly unlikely anyone was on board the ship anyway, most of the men loved to drink at night and would stay in the hotels and brothels. There were no candles left burning that you could see and the whole place appeared to be empty so you threw your small bag through one of the portholes and waited. 
Waited to see if someone heard it and came running or if there was someone on the docks that would hear you but there was nothing. Finally somewhere comfy and somewhat safe that you could sleep for at least one night. 
Stepping onto the deck you looked around for any signs that someone could still potentially be there but it was clear. The whole ship was a mess, the deck was covered with a thick layer of filth, clothes were left everywhere it was a wonder the captain even let his crew live like this. Who were you to complain when it was a free bed for the night? Somewhere peaceful for you to eat your bread and apple and lay your head for one night. 
"Disgusting," You mumbled climbing down into the base of the ship to find it even more of a mess than the top. There were more clothes thrown over barrels, there was dust that covered everything down there that the clothes didn't touch. It was a wonder how anyone lived on the boat without going insane but you grabbed some of the blankets and began trying to make a make-shift bed on the floor. No use complaining about the filth when it was one of the warmest places you'd gotten to sleep in for a while.
As you laid there to yourself staring out of the window at the moon you couldn't remember the last time you had slept in a real bed...The last time you had gone to sleep without a weapon in your hand. It was going to be the first time in years you could sleep without someone yelling at you to get of their yard or that you couldn't sleep under a pub table. It was peaceful.
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Taking in a large breath of the sea air Changbin smiled to himself, it almost the middle of the day and he and his crew had been sailing for a few hours now. 
"Jisung!" He cried out as he looked over the state of the ship. This was supposed to be one of the most terrifying ships known to all pirates and men and yet it looked like the most revolting. 
"I'm sick of this place looking so bad, we need to look after it." He told his right-hand man, Chan, as they stood at the wheel of the ship looking out at the vast amounts of nothing that surrounded them. There was nothing to be seen for miles on end, just waves, birds and the off piece of wood left from wreckages. 
"Yes, Captain?" Jisung asked as he rushed over to Changbin looking up at him as he waited for further instructions. 
"Go below deck and fetch the mop bucket, I want this place cleaned up before we reach Midscape," Jisung nodded before disappearing towards the hatch and Changbin continued to stare at everything in front of him. Midscape was going to be their big break, the kingdom of Quinnar was about to hold a large festival which meant there were going to be plenty of opportunities for them. Plenty of ships to steal from, the seaside towns would be too busy focusing on the partying to notice food and drinks going missing.
"The usual job? Go in, steal and get out?" Chan questioned as he noticed how hard Changbin seemed to be concentrating. 
"Yeah, we'll need one of the boys on pickpocketing, we could get some jewels while we're there." Chan nodding along about to say something when Jisung came speeding over to the wheel, out of breath and as white as a sheet. 
"Girl...Below...Deck." He panted out as he looked up at Changbin anxiously,
"There's a girl, asleep below deck." The whole ship came to a standstill as they stared at Jisung, all that could be heard were the waves crashing against the side of the boat. 
"What do you mean a girl? A little girl? A teenager? A woman?" Changbin pressured to answer him but he was taking far too long, 
"Move." He grunted locking the wheel into place before heading towards the hatch of the boat. 
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Laying there was a girl Changbin had noticed the night before running through one of the pubs. You'd been clutching a loaf of bread and an apple the last time he saw you.
"What shall we do? Females are bad luck on ships." Seungmin muttered as he watched you sleeping, clutching a blanket around your body as your shivered. 
"Throw her overboard, we don't need bad luck," Jisung grumbled watching as you laid your head on one of his shirts. 
"Don't be stupid," Changbin hissed never taking his eyes off you. He'd seen people like this before, forced to sleep in rough places because they had nowhere else to go. Just from the state of your clothes, he knew you'd not had a real home for a while, 
"She's a stowaway-"
"She clearly had nowhere else to go. I doubt she meant to sail along with us," Chan cut Hyunjin off as he looked at his captain. Changbin had still yet to say anything on the matter as he continued to watch you sleep. 
"Let her sleep. When she wakes you tell her to come and see me in my cabin." With that he left, leaving the boys stunned as he walked away as if nothing had happened. 
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Waking up to seven sets of eyes staring down at you wasn't your idea of a wake-up call. You flinched clutching the sheets around your body as you stared at each of them. All of them looked as though they were angry at you, all except for one who was just sitting and holding some food. 
"I bought some food in case you were hungry," The blonde with freckles said as he pushed a small wooden tray towards you but you didn't move. 
"Our Captain wants to see you." Another one with dark hair and a mole under his right air said to you as you nodded. Completely in shock that you had woken up to them standing there, 
"I didn't mean to sleep so much...I-I just needed to crash for-"
"Don't explain it to us. Explain to Captain Changbin." Fear radiated through your entire body as the curly-haired boy spoke of his name. The most feared pirate in most of the kingdoms. 
"Changbin?" You stuttered out as you looked at each of the men. You hadn't even bothered looking for a ship name last night, you were too tired to care.
"Welcome aboard the Fae Rouge." The curly-haired man announced as he watched you stand up a little shakily. 
"Felix. Show her to Changbin's cabin." He ordered as he began cleaning up the clothes you had been using as a bed for the night. Staring at you as you and Felix began to leave, heading up the stairs, Felix allowing you to go first while he looked away. You were dressed in wenches dress covered in holes and dirt from all of the times you had slept in the streets. 
"We're on the water?!" You panicked looking around you as you saw nothing but sea, you were only meant to sleep until daylight. 
"Judging by the panic I guess you didn't mean to become a stowaway?" Felix questioned softly as he began to lead you over the main deck floor towards the Captains cabin below the quarter deck.
"I just needed somewhere safe to sleep." You admitted as you waited outside the door of the cabin. A huge wooden door with a dragon knocker on the front of it.
"Come in." A voice grunted from inside, your stomach began to do flips as you were ushered inside by Felix only to have him leave when you were standing in front of a desk. There was a chair behind it face out of the windows staring at the ocean. The chair turned and sitting there was someone you had grown to know through stories and wanted posters. His face was no different to the drawings you had seen, he was handsome and charming. There was a purple bandana wrapped around his head and a scar on his eyebrow that stopped hairs from growing. 
There were stories that he'd gotten the scar from fighting with palace guards in Atlantia when he was last there but other stories claimed it was nothing more than a birthmark.
"I'm sorry Captain Changbin! I didn't mean to, I just needed someone safe to lay my head for the night! I never would have climbed on board if I had known it was your ship," You spoke so quickly you'd barely had time to register what it was that you were saying to him. Doing your best to not be killed or thrown overboard to die.
"But you would have climbed on board if it was someone else's?" He questioned as he stared at you, impressed that you were so out-spoken with him.
"No...Yes but-" He cut you off before you could continue,
"Did you or did you not climb onto my ship without permission?"
"Did you or did you not set sail with us?" He stood up and rested his hands on the desk in front of him glancing at the map and then up to you.
"Yes, but I didn't mean to..." As you were about to explain your plan for waking up he cut you off once again.
"You're a stowaway, whether you meant it or not."
"I had nowhere else to go! I couldn't sleep in the streets for one more night," You finally cried out, raising your voice just a little as you stared at him. Changbin was taken back by it, not once had anyone ever spoken back to him but it impressed him.
"You have no home? No family?" It wasn't a way of being mean it was a way of finding out the truth. If you truly had nowhere to go he was going to take pity on you but never show it.
"No one, sir...I have no one." The room fell into silence and he sighed sitting back down in his chair. 
"Felix!" He bellowed out watching the door as Felix came through it, looking directly at his captain. 
"She's the new cleaner. Show her the ropes, for god sake get her some clean clothes." He grumbled before turning to look back out of the windows. 
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" You yelled out as Felix pulled you from the room, shutting the door and looking at you. 
"I'll find something in the cabins you can wear until we reach Quinnar. Then we'll have to buy you something suitable." You ignored the looks you were gaining from the six other men that were now on the deck. 
"I won't lie, they wanted to throw you overboard,"
"I don't blame them...Females on pirate ships always mean bad luck." You grumbled following him into another cabin to find seven beds lining one wall of the room, chests on the other. 
"Here." Felix began rooting through one of his chests to pull out some black breeches with eight buttons on the front. 
"Then I'm sure Chan won't mind if you wear one of his linen shirts," He pulled out a white long-sleeved shirt with the front dipped down, laces to keep from exposing the chest. 
"I'll let you change and then I'll introduce you to them all. You're going to be here for a while you might as well learn our names." He chuckled softly leaving you to change out of your dirty rags and into the new clothes. 
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"Changbin asked her to clean, he wants her on the ship." You hear Felix telling the boys as you came out onto the main deck. The shirt had to be tucked in with how long it was but it was comfortable and felt nice to be in fresh clothing. 
"We never learnt your name," Chan said as he watched you walking towards Felix, you stood beside the freckled boy. 
"I never learnt yours." You countered back making Felix smirk from beside you. He'd heard you inside the Captains cabin talking back to Changbin whenever you got. 
"I'm Bang Chan," The curly-haired man said as he looked at you, 
"Hwang Hyunjin," The boy with the mole under his eye said as he smiled at you, all of them going in a line until it got to Jisung who just stared at you. 
"She's not going to bite you." Felix hissed but he said nothing, 
"I'm Y/n." The boys stared at you, 
"No last name?" Felix frowned as he heard you only say a first name. It was uncommon for a female to go by just a first name unless they had been disowned or family killed off.
"No. Not anymore." You looked over at Jisung hoping that he would now say something to you. 
"Han Jisung." He grumbled as he looked at Felix before storming off towards the wheel. 
"Don't mind him, he's new to the crew and you're replacing him as the new guy." You nodded along and followed the boys as they began telling you what you could and couldn't clean around the ship.
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It was a few days into your time with them all and you'd grown to know each of them on a personal level. Except for Changbin who spent most of his time in his cabin or manning the wheel. The boys had arranged for you to continue sleeping below deck, making you a bed out of old blankets and a spare pillow. Although it wasn't one of the best situations it was better than anything you'd had in the many years leading up to this moment. You were being fed two meals a day, given a warm place to sleep and all for cleaning the ship which was no hassle for you.
The only problem there was on the ship was Changbin, he seemed to have a problem with you but you put that down to being a stowaway on his ship. Whenever you would do a simple thing wrong he would yell at you for it, causing a scene or just being rude in general. Changbin would give you all of the harder tasks if you had finished your cleaning for the day but the boys would try to help if and when they could.
"Jisung! Put it down! Y/n is perfectly capable!" Changbin squawked from the Helm of the ship. Even if Jisung had a disliking to you at first he let up in the end, doing his best to help with some of your chores. 
"Go and join the boys," You whispered as you continued washing the main deck. It involved using a single scrub brush to scrub each and every small wooden panel of the boat with soapy water.
"If you could not do this job you should never have climbed aboard." Changbin bellowed as you ignored him, scrubbing as hard as you could at the floor. This was one job that took everything out of you that you had to do every other day, spending almost your entire day going over the entire boat. 
"When you're done the windows in my cabin need washing." Changbin was now standing over you, watching as you scrubbed harder and harder. Changbin admired how hard you were willing to work for him but he wasn't going to say it out loud and risk being seen as soft.
"Yes, Captain." You spoke as you looked up at him, he moved away from you before disappearing back into his cabin leaving Chan in charge of the wheel.
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The floors were clean and there were still a few more hours of daylight left, Felix had called you out onto the main deck. 
"We'll be arriving in Quinnar in two days. You better sharpen your skills." He threw a sword in your direction making you laugh as you caught it by the handle. 
"Am I allowed on shore with you?" You questioned as he began to come towards you, holding the sword up as though he was ready to attack. 
"I can't see why not, I'll find you some clothes and then I'll show you around." You remembered Felix had said he had lived in Quinnar almost all of his life until he ran away to join Changbin. 
Watching you and Felix pretending to fight on the deck was beginning to irritate Changbin so he barged out of his room. 
"Since you don't know how to follow simple directions," He grunted as he took the swords away from you both, throwing them to Jeongin who scrambled to put them away. 
"I asked you to clean my windows since you want to learn to be a pirate instead...Show me what you've got." Frowning as you turned to look at Changbin you waited for him to explain what it was that he meant. 
"I saw you stealing the night you left, show me what you've got...We'll see if we can put you to good use." Standing up straight you looked at him wondering how this was going to work when he had set you up to the task. 
"You'll know because you're watching," He hummed at you,
"So it continues for the rest of the night...You'll steal from us and we'll see what you come back with at dinner." Nodding along with him you glanced over at Seungmin who was smirking. 
"Bet we catch you," Smirking back over at him you shook your head. 
"Bet you don't." 
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The end of the night came faster than you had been expecting it to and now all nine of you were crowded around a large table below deck.
"Well...You failed, I'm not missing anything." Changbin said smugly as he poured himself a glass of ale, you hummed standing up from the table. 
"I think you'll find, you're wrong, Captain." Taking out a large sack from under the table you poured the contents onto the table. Revealing everything that was inside from jewels, food, clothes, money and even the compass that Changbin kept on him at all times. 
"Impressive work." He complimented a small smile playing on his lips as he took the compass from the pile and turned it around in his fingers. 
"How did you manage to swipe this?" He questioned, truly curious to know when it never left his inside pocket. 
"You asked me to clean your windows. While I was cleaning them this afternoon I asked you to move from your desk and bumped into you." Thinking back on it Changbin smirked as he thought about the way your hand ever so slight brushed against his chest. 
"Even if you don't want to swipe on Quinnar she could perform for other sailors...Distract them." Minho chuckled as he remembered catching you singing one day while you were cleaning.
"She can sing, dance and maybe she can read to them." He finished as he stuffed food into his mouth. You had been helping the boys learn to read and write while you were spending your time on the ship at night. 
"You read?" Changbin questioned as you sat back down at the table, nodding your head. 
"My mother taught me as a little girl. I can also write and read a map." The more he learnt about you the more interested he began to grow. 
There would have been a time when Changbin never would have allowed you onto his ship but hearing that you had no one back home made him want to take a chance on you. No one deserved to be alone in the world and that was something he lived by. Taking in sailors that had no wives, family or means of living. It was how he had met most of the boys besides Jeongin who simply joined because he wanted to.
"You're just full of surprises," He hummed pouring you a glass of ale before going back to his food. 
Although he had been hard on you through most of your time with him you couldn't hold it against him. He'd taken you in and cared for you even though he could have just as easily thrown you overboard and fed you to the sharks.
"We should get an early night. We'll be sailing all day tomorrow with little rest at night." Changbin digressed as he rose from his chair, your eyes on him the entire time as he retreated to his cabin for the rest of the night.
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Quinnar was bright and loud as soon as you reached the docks, people were partying everywhere you turned to look. 
"I'll take her to go and get some clothes, then we'll start on the west side of town," Felix explained to the boys as you waited for him. Practically bouncing up and down with excitement as you looked around, it was your first time being anywhere this far from home and it was starting to set in that you had sailed there. 
"Follow me." Felix chuckled as he began to walk with you off the ship and down the wooden docks. Your eyes immediately went to the water it was crystal clear with white sand at the edges. 
"Can we go to the water after?" You questioned as you began to walk through crowded streets. People were dressed in top hats, suits and some women were out in the street topless. 
"They get excited about the festivals," Felix whispered as he noticed your gaze lingering on some of the groups that were getting louder and louder. 
"You should see them when they've been drinking," He laughed softly pulling you towards a small clothing stand and looking over everything before settling on something. 
"We'll take the black Bustier dress." He paid for the dress in full and an elderly woman took you by the hand. Eyeing you up when she noticed you in men's breeches and a shirt. 
"Ran away to play pirates did you?" She questioned as she led you into a small bathroom, you smiled weakly as she began measuring you.
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Coming out from the changing room you smiled as you reached Felix, doing a small turn to show off the black Bustier and lace dress that you'd put a white shirt underneath.
"Looks great, now you really are a pirate." He whispered in your ear pushing you back through the crowds to begin your work. Everyone was already standing on top of one another, they would rarely notice something going missing from their pockets.
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Later in the night as Changbin was heading back to the ship he saw you just sitting in the sand on the beach. Your feet were sitting by the edge of the water and you looked peaceful, a small smile on your lips.
"Do I pay you to sit around all day?" He snapped when he reached you, brushing off your hands you looked up at him. 
"It's almost midnight, the boys are all drinking I thought we had time off-"
"You thought wrong." You nodded before getting yourself up from the sand, dusting off your dress to follow him back to the ship but Changbin was taken by the bag of loot by your side. 
"Busy day?" You nodded handing him the bag as you began to walk back to the docks.
"Felix and I hit the west and then we got bored so we joined Jisung and Seungmin in the south." You smirked remembering everything you had done that day and now you were truly exhausted from everything. 
"There's one more thing I want you to do for me tonight," Changbin told you as he walked by your side. The two of you out alone as you headed towards the ship. As much as Changbin wanted to tell you how good a job you were doing for him he couldn't bring himself to do it.
"Go and get the boys, we need to sail now before anyone realises we're the ones that stole their goods." Nodding at him you headed off back in the direction of the town. 
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All of the boys had gone to the black pearl for a drink so it was going to be easy to find them but not so easy getting them back to the boat.
"Captain wants you back, he wants to sail home." You mumbled as Minho threw an arm around your shoulder, dropping almost his whole body weight onto you as you attempted to drag him out of the bar. 
"But we want to drink! CELEBRATE!" He screamed out as Jisung joined your side, helping you carry him a little while the rest of the boys - who were moderately sober - began to leave. 
"We can celebrate on board," You told Minho who began singing loudly in the street, 
"Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We'll take our leave and go!" When he realised no one was joining in with him he began to get louder and louder, jabbing your side telling you to sing along. You had sung on the boat for him a couple of times but never in front of anyone else. 
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"She'd not been two weeks from shire when down on her a right a whale bore. The captain called all hands and swore he'd take that whale in tow!" He screamed as you sat on the main deck, Changbin had begun sailing out of the docks the moment you arrived back with everyone. The rest of the boys had gone to sleep in their beds while you looked after Minho, 
"SING!" He screamed at you making you laugh softly as he threw up down the side of the boat. Rubbing his back softly you began to sing sweetly to him, not wanting to be as aggressive as his singing had been.
"Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We'll take our leave and go..." You rubbed his back and he got back up, patting your back roughly as he left you there to got bed.
"SHIT!" You screamed out as he hit you a little too hard, sending you into the freezing water. Head flooding with thoughts as you forgot how to swim, waves sending you down to the water as soon as you got some form of air.
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The water sent your body into shock as you tried to come up for air, flailing your arms around as though you were trying to climb rocks. Waves were crashing into your body knocking your back down whenever you got close to getting a piece of the precious air. 
"For fucks sake," Changbin cried out when he realised no one else was going to come after you. 
Dropping the anchors he began storming over to the side you'd gone overboard on, stripping from his shirt. Staring over to see if he could see any sign of you but it was pitch black. Climbing onto the railing he dove in after you swimming under the water when he saw you limply trying to reach for the water. 
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"Don't you dare die on me!" Changbin roared as he laid you down on the main deck, pushing down on your chest repeatedly before breathing air into your mouth. 
"You're not allowed to leave," He hissed as he continued pushing against your chest. Your eyes were half open as you looked around you, 
"Leave me alone...You hate me," You coughed up the saltwater spitting it down beside him on the floor. 
"Do you think I want you dead?" He scoffed as he sat you up carefully, handing you a cup of freshwater. 
"Would be an easy way to get rid of a woman on your ship,"
"And lose one of the best pirates I've come to meet?" He blushed looked down at you as you continued to sip on the freshwater, shivering as you sat on the deck soaked in water on a cold night. 
"Let's go and get you warmed up." He mumbled helping you up onto your feet, wrapping his shirt around you as he walked you towards his cabin. 
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"You can sit in front of the fire." Sitting you down in a chair he added some more wood to the small fireplace in his cabin and went to grab you some dry clothes to change into. Settling on some of his baggy breeches and a large white shirt.
"Why are you being nice? It's freaking me out." You mumbled as he gave you a blanket to change underneath, still turning his back on you so you would feel comfortable. 
"I've always been nice, I let you stay didn't I?" He countered as he looked at the windows in front of him, smirking a little as you spoke back to him with a little attitude. 
"Begrudgingly I bet," You grumbled folding your arms over your chest as you finished changing into the clothes he had given to you.
"I was the one that opted to stop them throwing you overboard," He raised his eyebrow at you truly not understanding why you thought he hated you or wanted you dead.
"I gave you a job, I gave you shelter. If I really wanted to I could have put you out," You cleared your throat when it was clear for him to turn back and he wrapped you in a blanket to keep you from getting colder.
"I could have let you drown," He scoffed as he looked at you knowing that he would never actually let you drown.
"But you didn't...what was it you said...Best pirate?" You smirked up at him remembering what he had said out on the deck.
"Shut up, you were hallucinating," You hummed as you stared at the fireplace, enjoying the warmth as it spread through your entire body enjoying it as you sat there.
"Thank you though...For taking me in...letting me work for you." Your eyes were beginning to get heavy as you sat there,
"Like I said. The best pirate just don't tell the boys," He chuckled looking at you as he saw you beginning to nod off in the chair. It was rather adorable how you got so tired just from sitting in front of a fireplace.
"You should get some rest, sea air and water can take it out of you sometimes." You hummed as you got up, ready to leave his chambers when his hand came to rest on your shoulder. Pulling you to come back into the room, there was no way he was going to make you stay below deck when he knew it was colder down there than anywhere else on the ship. Any other night would have been fine but not when you'd just taken a swan dive into the ocean and almost drowned.
"Take my bed, it's comfier than the sheets you're on." You remembered seeing the bed when you were cleaning once. It was a large double bed covered in pillows and blankets that looked to be hand-sewn, fit enough for some kind of king to lay on.
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Shivering and teeth chattering as you laid in bed you couldn't warm up despite the mound of blankets covering you. All of the warmth from the fire gone now that you were curled up on a bed,
"Relax. You need to relax your body," It was easy for Changbin to say as he laid on the floor in front of the fire taking most of the heat from you,
"Come up here," You stuttered out through gritted teeth, not caring if you were going to share a bed with someone. All you cared about was getting warm.
"Warm me up," You hissed looking at him with a serious look to prove you meant it and he got up, bringing one of the extra blankets with him and crawling in behind you. 
"Sweet mother of pearl, you are freezing," He hissed when he felt your feet grace over his leg, he threw the blanket he had been using over your both.
"Hold...Hold me." You looked over your shoulder at him and he nodded, inching closer to you as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
"Tell me why you took pity on me...Why keep me? You didn't know I was a good pirate then," You stuttered out body still shivering uncontrollably as he continued to hold you in his arms. 
"I saw you stealing the night before so I knew you were hungry and most likely tired...Then when you told me that you had no one-"
"You felt sorry for me?" You cut him off as you listened to him speaking to you,
"No. I knew what you were going through. I ran away from my family home as a teenager and I knew what kind of place you were in. No job. No home. You needed somewhere." Your body began to relax as you listened to him speaking to you so calmly and openly about himself. It was the first time you'd heard him speak of any kind of life before he was a pirate, none of the boys spoke about him before you only knew their stories.
"You ran away?" Concern leaked from your tone and he smiled weakly, it was the first time he told anyone this story. Even the boys thought he had been born into the pirate world.
"From Atlantia when I was 18." He chuckled weakly at the distant memory of his time there, everything was a first for him to speak about.
"I was a naughty kid, got into trouble too much, stole from people and was just a troubled kid. My family decided it was time to send me to work in a factory...I knew for a fact I didn't want to do I ran." Frowning as you listened to him you couldn't help but think about how much you had in common with one another, both running away from a life neither of you wanted. 
"I took nothing, I just headed for the sailors and asked for a ride to the next Kingdom. Then from there, I worked on different ships until I found Fae Rouge. Abandoned and left to rot in some random harbour. I stole her." Rolling over to look up at him you stared at him in the candlelight, just listening to him speak was enough to relax you in his arms.
"I was hard on you when you first got here because I needed to know if you had a thick skin. Pirates need a thick skin if they're going to make it." He looked down at you not realising how close you were to one another until he could feel your breath on his lips. 
"How did you get the scar?" You whispered running your hand up to his face, cupping it in your hand as you ran one finger along the scar on his eyebrow. 
"When I was a kid, it's not a good idea to go up to a horse from behind." He smirked as he remembered getting thrown back against the wall but he knew the rumours about the scar and why you must have asked. You went to brush your hands through his hair when he took your wrist into his hand.
"Sorry." You whispered going to move away when his grip around your waist tightened and he held you in place. 
"I never said I didn't like it," He whispered as he leaned in, brushing his lips against yours until you pushed them together. Gasping a little as you felt a jolt rush through your body, something you had only heard in stories from old people. 
Soon the kiss became heated and he moved his lips to your neck, kissing up and down your exposed skin as your hands worked their way into his hair tugging softly. 
The shock still hadn't worn off as Changbin stripped you down bare, himself included as he looked at you. Admiring your body as he ran his hand over your breasts playing with your hardened nipples, 
"Changbin," You breathed as he continued to massage them, leaning down to take your left nipple into his mouth. Sucking softly while his hand pinches the right nipple,
"You like that?" He questioned a little cockily as he looked up at you, you hummed back at him. You'd never experienced anything like this it was all new to you.
Changbin continued as he kissed down your body looking up at you as you whimpered. You could feel how wet you were beginning to grow between your thighs just from the small kisses and touches he was giving to you. 
When his head delved between your legs and tongue graced your clit making you whimper. 
"Sweet little noises, has no one made you feel good before?" You shook your head and he pressed a kiss against your swollen bud, licking and sucking softly as he watched you. Enjoying the way your face scrunched up and moans left your mouth. Changbin went slow with you, running his tongue up and down your folds occasionally dipping inside of you to see what you enjoyed. Each of your moans grew louder each time which only encouraged him as he slicked up a finger in your juices. 
"You might feel a pinch," He whispered slowly easing his finger into you feeling you clench around him tightly. 
"O-Oh fuck you're tight," He moaned despite it being his finger inside of you, there was no way he would last with you that tight. 
"C-Changbin." You whined when you felt a small pain, 
"I know..." He pressed kissing on your clit, 
"I know but it'll pass." He whispered as he continued to lap up your clit. 
The pain began to subside as he began to move one finger in and out of you. Your head spinning a little at the new sensations you were experiencing, each thrust of his fingers making you whimper and moan.
"Changbin....S-Something-" Changbin smirked as he could feel you clenching faster around his finger with each thrust,
"It;'s okay, just let it go," He breathed out as he continued to thrust his fingers, watching as your head rolls back against the sheets and you let out a sinful cry of his name. Something had tightened inside of you and finally snapped free as waves of pleasure rushes through your body making you see white.
"What...What was that?" You whimpered as he kissed back up to your lips, looking at you with loving eyes. 
"An orgasm," He chuckled watching you as you bit down on your lip, 
"I-I want more." He nodded kissing your lips softly going to kiss down your body when you pulled him back up. Running your hand down to his crotch, 
"I-I want you." You pleaded with him, looking down into his eyes. He nodded as he looked at you, kissing you sweetly as he towered above you. 
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Your legs were spread as the tip of Changbin's cock brushed through your folds, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you but he knew it was going to sting even for a little while. 
"Please," You begged him as he lined the tip up with your entrance, sliding into you with a loud groan. His hand digging into your hips to still himself from moving too fast too soon but it felt good. You were so tight around him it was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. 
"S-Shit," You hissed at the sudden sensation of fullness, biting down on your lip hard enough to draw blood. 
"Are you okay?!" He asked, his voice filled with panic as he looked down at you. Nodding at him you run your fingers down his chest, 
"You can move," You told him as you reached to grab his shoulder, wrapping your legs around his waist not wanting to lose the sensation of him inside of you. All that clouded your thoughts was how badly you wanted him moving in and out of you just as his finger had been. 
Changbin sank all the way into you and your eyes widened moaning out his name loudly as you clenched around him with each thrust. 
"F-Fuck you have no idea how good that feels Y/n." He purred in your ear as he continued to pushing and out of you at a steady pace, the head of his cock hitting that one sensitive spot that made your head spin.
"C-Changbin, don't stop." Your head rolled back as he moved a little faster inside of you, reaching one hand down between you both to rub your clit. 
"So good!" You cried out as your back arched away from the mattress the tightening sensation beginning to build up once again.
"T-That feeling is back," You warned him as your eyes shot open to stare up at him, he nodded rubbing your clit faster. 
"That's okay, you can let go...L-Lord knows I will." He grunted as he timed his thrusts in time with his hand on your clit.  
The warm sensation from before turned into molten lava as you felt yourself cumming around him, dragging your nails into his skin as you cried out his name. Changbin's fingers dug into your hips as he grunted, letting go inside of you as you whimpered feeling something seep out of you. 
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Holding onto you for the rest of the night Changbin promised to wash you off in the tub in the morning, if he did it now you would only get cold again. All you wanted to do was sleep beside him with him holding onto you but the door burst open revealing Minho who had finally come to realise what he had done. 
"Minho! Knock!" Changbin roared out as he covered you with the sheets so that Minho couldn't see your naked body. 
"I thought-"
"You knocked her overboard? You did. I got her...Go back to bed." Minho nodded backing out of the room without another word about it with bright red cheeks. 
"This will be fun to explain in the morning," Changbin chuckled as he laid back down beside you, looking at you as you took his face into your hand. 
"Even more fun in the future...Taking the seas together." You whispered as you leaned up to kiss him once again, wincing as you felt a pain rush through your body at the sudden movement. 
"Get some sleep," He whispered as he wrapped an arm around you, letting you get comfortable before he attempted to.
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King and Queen of the seas were what you were named in every town, drawings of the two of you strewn across every posted you came into contact with for the rest of your lives. It only made the adventures you had with him and the boys all the more fun.
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Tagline: @minholuvs @taestannie @sw33tnight @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @taeechwitaa @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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moonbaby26 · 4 years ago
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Title: Aftermath
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Continuation of previous chapter. Set after the battle with Apocalypse, you and the others are finally picked up from Cairo by allied forces and transported to a nearby aircraft carrier for temporary shelter/debriefing while you try to arrange travel back into the U.S. The reader helps Peter work through the continued emotional fallout from realizations of all that his father Magneto has done.
Warnings: Some cursing. More emotional baggage being unloaded. But also fluff/comfort, and eventual brief makeout session to help with the stress relief.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @drikawinchester , @n0obmaster69 , @alexloveskili , @what-a-silver-lining , @bluesprings18 , @weakmoony-stuff , @slytherinsi-mp , @wintwrsoldiwr , @tommy-braccoli , @amourtentiaa , @cringingmemeries , @bi-panicatthe-disco
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
Like Magneto had warned, it’d still been a long time before anyone had come to help. Trying to put back together some semblance of working communication equipment from the remnants of the jet, and whatever they could scavenge from the damaged homes and buildings all around had taken Hank and Moira long enough.
But even when Moira could finally establish renewed contact with the outside world to put out a distress call, finding a U.S. ally willing and even capable to fly into ground zero to pluck all of you out was another matter.
Unfortunately, you had eventually realized that the destruction here in Cairo hadn’t been all there was. Most population centers through the world had been impacted, many of the larger air and naval bases among them. It was hard to say how much had been Apocalypse, and how many had fallen solely because of Magneto though. From the little bit Moira did relay back to you all, the more metal any structure had had in it, the more likely it had ended up decimated.
It was only helicopters that finally came, no runway area available in all the rubble for any larger plane. When the soldiers exited them, you picked up that they were all speaking Greek.
“We’ll all be going to the island of Crete.” Xavier had confirmed, meeting with you all before boarding. “There is an allied naval base there, where U.S. officials will be awaiting to debrief us.”
It was no surprise that he could sense the unease in the majority of you, after all that had occurred the last time you’d been forced into helicopters with men dressed in military fatigues like this.
He had changed then to communicating telepathically with each of you individually, to give the soldiers no chance to overhear. Though the message was the same for everyone. “We will all be split onto only two helicopters. I will be in one, and Jean in the other. If they should even think of anything unsavory, we will, let’s say alter their plans to otherwise. But everyone stay at least paired please as precaution. Together, you are all your own best protection.”
It’d been no question that you would board with Peter. On one helicopter it would end up being the Professor, Moira, Peter, yourself, and the white haired girl you now knew as Ororo Munroe. On the other, Hank, Raven, Jean, Scott, and Kurt.
Ororo had actually been rather nice to talk to, once she was no longer trying to blast you out of the sky anyway. You’d learned she’d been living on the streets of Cairo for quite some time, just stealing to survive before she’d run into Apocalypse by chance when he was first trying to recruit powerful mutants.
When she’d spoken about having no living family, and thereby no desire to stick around in Egypt any longer, Kurt had been the one to excitedly tell her all about the school. Which the Professor had already vowed to rebuild thankfully, inviting Ororo immediately should she wish to join you all.
Gladly, she accepted, and by the time the soldiers were sliding the helicopter doors closed, the sun was finally setting. The interior lighting was already dim, as you glanced over to Peter in the growing darkness, seated together on bench like seats along the inner hull. He’d been waiting until the very last moment you thought to see if Erik would come back, but he never did. Though you couldn’t imagine Magneto ever would have agreed to travel like this. Or that the Greek airmen would have even allowed it, still knowing he was wanted worldwide.
You did believe Xavier though. When the dust finally settled, you thought Erik would be back. He’d find his own way home. And to contact Peter again, he’d only have to reach out to the Professor. Which of course Erik would no doubt, as those two old friends always crossed paths again eventually from all the stories you had heard. They never gave up on each other in the end, despite all their differences in beliefs.
You didn’t fight it when you finally began to nod off. Even over the pulsing of the helicopter and the radio chatter coming from the soldiers’ headsets, it was all just white noise eventually. Peter had his arm around your waist, his head leaned back against the hull and yours on his shoulder as you’d both fallen asleep somewhere over the now moonlit Mediterranean Sea.
Waking up had been much harder. As stiff as you were from the helicopter ride, you still had been in no hurry to move as you’d heard your name called. Xavier was trying to round you all up before the soldiers got impatient.
They’d at least provided him a wheelchair you noticed as you all groggily reconvened on what was actually the flight deck of a large U.S. aircraft carrier now docked in the bay alongside the Greek naval base.
All of you certainly looked worse for wear, Peter especially had his glasses skewed almost comically now, hair mussed in about every direction as he yawned big, standing on one leg with an arm thrown over your shoulders for support.
Once you were all accounted for on deck, the Professor spoke quickly. “Given the state of things, there will not be any transatlantic flights available currently. We will be staying here in the short term. For all of you, you will be given medical treatment as needed in this ship’s sick bay. We have also been provided sleeping arrangements separate of the crew. I am asking all of you to please rest up as best you can tonight. Moira and I will speak to these gentlemen as to the events that have transpired today.”
The “gentlemen” Xavier referred to looked about as pleased to be here as you all had been to wake up in Stryker’s base. You knew little of actual military rankings, but from the amount of bars on the fronts of their uniforms, you’d guess they were pretty high up there in authority.
But the Professor only continued in your heads for good measure. “Please understand that non-mutants especially are on edge right now. There were fatalities and very extensive damages to some cities today. I implore you all to be patient with any persons you may encounter on this ship. I believe they’ve moved the majority of the crew to the mainland already to better quarantine us here and limit tensions. But please remember, that by your demeanor and your choices, you represent us all. I will reach out to you all as soon as I know anything more on our options for returning home.”
He’d bid you all good night then, leaving with Moira and the most senior looking of the men while the rest of you had followed some nervous looking officers to the lower decks. You got the sense that Hank and Raven now felt obligated to chaperone and protect the group, as the oldest of you now, only second to the Professor.
Raven had assumed her blonde, human appearance before the helicopters had arrived, but without his medicine Hank could only remain in his Beast form. You could tell how uncomfortable both he and Kurt now made the soldiers as Hank had requested to accompany you and Peter to the sick bay, while Raven went with the others to whatever living quarters you were being given.
You’d be lying to say that their obvious judgment on Hank and Kurt’s physical appearances didn’t bother you. But you tried to remind yourself that they also didn’t know any better. They didn’t know how ridiculously smart, and even a bit nerdy and loyal Hank could be. Or how kind, forgiving, and genuine Kurt was.
When you did get to the sick bay, the doctor on call also looked like he’d just been dragged in there against his better judgement. But he did greet you all, saying he’d been made aware that there was a broken leg he needed to set and make a cast for.
His reaction to the metal splint Peter already had though was almost something funny. You knew Peter wanted to joke so badly about his “dad making it for him”, but you’d all agreed before the helicopters had arrived to downplay Erik’s role in all of this if he didn’t show himself.
Xavier had promised to make clear to the U.S. officials that Erik had been on your side in the end though. Yes, Magneto had blood on his hands from past and present, but having the world pursue him any further would only lead to more violence. It wouldn’t undo anything that had already been done.
Beast had been strong enough to unbend the metal with his bare hands, carefully removing the splint. He’d also helped Peter get out of the flight suit and dirtied clothing to wash up. Though they’d just cut his clothing away from his broken leg with surgical shears, not to injure it any further.
They’d put a screen up for some privacy while they worked on him. You knew Hank would protect Peter, so you were okay focusing on yourself a bit as you also got undressed and a nurse checked you for broken bones. With your clothes off, you finally got to see how badly bruised you were everywhere. But they’d agreed that your only actually damaged bones were cracked ribs, which there was no real treatment for save going easy to give them proper time to heal.
After the examination, you were allowed to take a shower. Which was honestly more amazing than you expected, not realizing just how much dirt, sweat, and blood had accumulated through all of this. Afterward, you’d gotten dressed with some clothes they’d left you. A plain white t-shirt with a small U.S. Navy insignia, and dark blue sweatpants essentially.
They’d offered to escort you to where the others were bunked. But you declined, choosing to wait for Hank and Peter instead.
And it had been a while, but eventually they cane back out. You could see they’d gotten the same treatment as you while here. Both had showered, though Peter made a point to laugh at how poor Hank had had to help him essentially get a trash bag tied over his leg cast first so he wouldn’t get it wet.
They had on the same white t-shirts as you as well now. Though even in the largest size, Hank’s looked uncomfortably small. Hank also got the same blue pants as you, but for Peter it was only blue shorts to accommodate his cast. You all looked like you were late for P.E. class honestly, albeit maybe at a U.S. Naval academy somewhere. You’d gotten a good deal of amusement from that.
They’d given Peter crutches too, which he was clearly playing with as he tried to see how quick he could move on them. Hank reprimanded him more than once when Peter had almost fallen flat on his face a few times on your way to the bunks.
The soldiers hadn’t separated you into guys and girls for the sleeping arrangements. Probably because to them the separation was more mutant/non-mutant only in all reality. But it didn’t bother you any. Really you felt safer knowing everyone else was close. By the time you had gotten to the bunks though, it was already lights out and Raven was the only one still awake waiting for you three.
“Sleep where you want,” She said, motioning to all the still empty beds. It looked like this block was meant to house a lot more than just your small number, but had evidently been cleared out for your arrival. Still being on a ship though where space was at a premium and the beds were double stacked and inset into the walls, it would be sleeping like books on a shelf.
You’d walked down a ways past your sleeping friends to find some open ones. Naturally you started to climb into the top bunk, knowing Peter would need the bottom with his cast in the way.
But you didn’t even have both legs pulled in before he startled you by grabbing your ankle. “What?” You breathed in a whisper, not wishing to wake the others as you tried to look down at him in the dark. With the main lights off, there was only the faintest glow from small emergency type lights sparsely spaced along the walls.
Mostly you could just see the white of his teeth, knowing he was grinning back at you. In this moment it reminded you only of the Cheshire cat, mischievous and a little disconcerting.
“There’s room down here, goofball,” He whispered back.
“Peter,” You answered, the tone saying far more than the short response. You weren’t alone here, and it, well it just didn’t seem proper. With the immediate threat of death now finally passed (hopefully), it really felt more like being back at school for the moment. There were standards of behavior and-
“If one of Hank can fit in these, then two of us definitely will.” He was clearly unfazed by your sudden reservations, though seemed to realize the cause pretty quickly. “Raven doesn’t care. Where do you think Scott and Jean ended up? You didn’t even notice did you?”
You could hear the bit of amusement in his voice. But no, you didn’t count heads as you were walking by. Why would you? If Scott and Jean had made it into the same bunk already, it wasn’t your business.
Which, yes, admittedly if you felt that way, would the others be as okay with it for you and Peter? He’d rightly guessed that it was more the fear of being judged that made you hesitate, than actually being uncomfortable sleeping beside him. You’d already slept side by side in the helicopter on the way here after all, but that wasn’t quite the same as being in the same bed.
“Still waiting,” He reminded, squeezing your ankle lightly.
You knew if you actually said no, he would drop it. It was only your indecision that he was waiting for you to resolve. But, how often would you have this chance again? Thinking of it in those terms, you relented at last, climbing back down.
You could still see his smile in the dark, no doubt excited over the small victory as he scooted back as much as he could to allow you in.
Trying to get into a comfortable position was a little awkward at first, especially with his cast. But you eventually ended up both laying on your sides, your back against his chest as he wrapped an arm around you under your shared blanket.
You were quickly learning how much he seemed to be comforted by physical contact. It wasn’t long at all before his breathing steadied out and you realized he was fast asleep, his head nuzzled into the back of your neck.
The feeling was warm and pleasant though. Yourself following suit not long after, sleeping deeply at last for a long deserved rest.
When morning finally came, there was no real way to know it. There were no windows to let in the daylight. By the time you’d woken to hear the others’ voices and the fluorescent lighting buzzing back on when one of them hit the switch, you’d learned it was actually almost noon local time.
Which none of you were complaining about. But you were hungry now. Sleep had been the primary physical need beforehand, and with that now met, you needed some more calories to burn.
Peter especially. You could actually hear his stomach growling as you’d all gotten up and headed into the common bathroom to brush teeth, brush hair and the like with the standard toiletries they’d left in there for everyone.
“Yeah, I’m like a hummingbird basically,” He’d explained nonchalantly on your walk to the mess hall afterward. “I just haven’t fallen out yet here because I haven’t gotten to run since dickhead busted my leg. But normally yeah, high octane all the time to keep things going. My blood sugar tanks if I don’t keep snacking at least. Twinkies are a personal fave in the old survival kit.”
“Those are good,” Kurt agreed. “I like the little pies too,” He gestured a circle shape with his hands, “With the little...the dried purple fruit, what are those in English?”
“Raisins, my bro.” Peter responded. “Old raisin creme pie. I swap back and forth on those. Oatmeal pies are alright too, but you know where it’s really at is zebra cakes, man.”
“Zebra...cake?” Clearly Kurt was trying to envision in his head how a zebra would have anything to do with the naming of a cake.
“It’s got white icing with brown stripes,” You answered. You weren’t super into junk food, but you did grow up in the U.S., so a lot of this knowledge was entirely unavoidable.
“But zebras have black stripes?” Kurt replied with some bit of bemusement.
“I don’t think Little Debbie or Hostess are too concerned with accurate representations of wildlife.” Raven chimed in, halfway amused at the randomness of the topics you all came up with, but still looking quite unimpressed.
“They do have brown stripes when they’re juveniles, before they get their adult coat.” Hank corrected though, glancing down at her.
“So they should be called baby zebra cakes. Got it.” Scott finally piped up, though also clearly thinking this ridiculous.
Raven and Jean just exchanged a look of their own as Ororo glanced to you. “Is it always like this?”
“Pretty much,” You answered with a slight smile. It was good to see Peter meshing in so well with the others though, even if he was a little bit older. You hoped that whenever the school was rebuilt that he’d consider staying. Xavier always seemed to be able to make room for any young mutant willing to learn and also work as a mentor to the even younger kids.
You were all still chatting lightly as your group walked through the mess hall doors. But after being just the few of you for so many hours, it was a bit of a shock to see several tables worth of sailors look up at your sudden intrusion.
It was clear by the amount of still empty tables though, that this wasn’t near the normal occupancy rate. You remembered the Professor commenting that he thought a lot of the men had been forced to disembark to the mainland, just to make a larger bubble for you all.
And by all the expressions on the faces of those that were left, it seemed that most disagreed whole heartedly with that decision.
Your group quieted immediately, everyone picking up on those stares and the bit of whispering as you got in line together. The mess hall was set up cafeteria style, so you had to grab trays and slide them along, picking what you wanted as the kitchen staff would spoon out or serve whatever it was you’d chosen onto your tray.
“Maybe we should just take the food back to the barracks?” Kurt asked quietly, looking down with an evident bit of anxiety building.
“It’s okay,” Raven answered, “Just keep your head up. We won’t be long.”
You were conflicted though. You shouldn’t have to eat, segregated out of everyone else’s sight like some sort of criminals, just because your presence might offend someone. But then again, what purpose did it serve in the larger scheme of things if you antagonized these sailors into an avoidable confrontation right now?
As the Professor had said, tensions were already high. Throwing any spark into that powder keg couldn’t possibly end well.
Hank had volunteered to carry Peter’s tray for him, as Peter needed both hands to work his crutches. You were glad for that at least as you could only envision yourself dropping it all in spectacular fashion. Especially when Peter insisted on a triple portion of some kind of strawberry cake desert they’d had.
“I think we should go back to the bunks,” Jean spoke up though when you were all about to walk away from the line with your trays and drinks. “There’s one of them, he’s about to go off.”
You all paused, looking to Raven and Hank simultaneously, seemingly all deciding without speaking that they’d become the de facto leadership in the Professor’s absence.
“Fine,” Raven relented, obviously not wanting to roll over in this situation, but also remembering all you’d already been through recently. Just getting to eat in peace should be a reasonable thing to want.
But even turning the other cheek, didn’t seem to be enough.
“Hey!” One of the sailors called out before you could get close enough to the door.
“Keep walking.” Raven just directed.
“Do you even know what the rest of the world looks like right now!?” He kept on, standing up as his voice only grew louder. “My Mom and my little brother were in San Francisco. Their goddamn apartment building collapsed!”
Peter was the first one to stop, looking back then.
You could hear the tone in the man’s voice change though, and in that moment you knew he was not going to attack anyone. But it almost made it worse that he didn’t as his voice broke, nearly pleading to you all. “I don’t even know if they’re alive, if they made it out or not. The phones won’t work...no one can get through.”
“We didn’t do that,” Raven spoke up as calmly as she could, looking back to him as well then. “I’m sorry.”
“But you know who did, don’t you!?” He countered. “It was him. Wasn’t it? The one from Washington D.C. that could move metal. And he got away. You let him get away!”
The men next to the sailor were trying to pull him back down to sitting now, trying to remind him something about orders, making you realize they must have been given a similar talk as you all had. Don’t cause trouble, don’t antagonize, keep the peace because you’d been told to.
Even with two food trays in hand, Hank was now trying to usher you all through the mess hall doors just as intently as the man’s friends were trying to make him stop as well.
But Peter just twisted right out of Hank’s reach in a blur, calling back suddenly then. “It was Magneto. I’m sure it was. But he’s gone, man. He ran.” Peter looked pained, but shook his head. “His family was killed...but that doesn’t mean he had any right to take it out on the world. I hope you find your family. I really do, and I’m sorry.”
With that Peter shoved through the doors, going on ahead of you all and not looking back. His frustration was palpable as the crutches limited him. If his leg hadn’t been broken you doubted any of you would have seen him leave at all. Like he too wanted to run away now, instead of having to face the painful reality that this was.
Nothing was said about the incident for quite some time as you’d all eaten quietly in the barracks. The food was plain, the simple kinds of things that could be made in bulk to feed a large crew on a ship like this. Macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, rice, and the like.
You were sitting on the floor eating while Peter was sitting on his bottom bunk, now just picking at the strawberry cake he’d most wanted with a fork. “This was definitely some pre-made frozen crap they just defrosted and put whip cream on.” He commented in dry disappointment.
“Yeah, I guess it’d be hard to keep fresh strawberries for long on a boat,” You replied, sipping one of the soft drinks you’d brought back. At least these were canned to still be carbonated well, but it wasn’t all that cold anymore.
He smirked. “I’d go crazy living on this thing out at sea. Not too many steps up from a prison cell really.”
Though you could imagine submarine life would be even worse, you didn’t think he was far off base. “It takes a special kind of person to enlist that’s for sure.”
“Yeah,” Peter agreed, going back to silence for a while as he dissected the cake idly.
You’d about finished all your food before he spoke to you again.
“What do you really think of him, (Y/N)?” Peter asked you in a somber tone then. “I mean, am I an idiot for trying to get to know him? My whole life I thought about what it would have been like if we’d had a real dad. If it wasn’t just Mom stressed the hell out all the time trying to keep us from getting evicted, or me from getting arrested honestly, or her worrying about Wanda being depressed so much. It’s like we were always broken. I had this idea if we’d just had that missing piece of a father, that everything would have been fixed. But then I finally meet him, finally find out who he really is, and he’s just as fucked up as anyone.”
You moved your tray to the side, considering your words carefully as you got up to go sit beside Peter on the edge of the bed. “You’re not an idiot.” That was the easiest point to make first. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to know who your parents are.” But the rest, that was muddled and complicated.
“I mean, that was the first time I’ve actually ever met him in person. So I only know the stories really.” You continued. “I know the Professor thinks highly of him. They’ve always been close.”
“Xavier punched my dad right in the damn face the first time I saw them together.” Peter responded, turning his head to look at you directly. “Knocked him on his ass actually.”
You blinked. “Um, well...I have heard their relationship has had its rough patches too. They disagree on a lot of things as well. But they always seem to care about each other in the end, when it’s all said and done.”
Peter laid the last of the cake back down on the floor, before laying back down behind you in the bunk. “So you’re saying that’s what I have to look forward to? Alternating between wanting to kick his ass, and wanting him to stick around and have a relationship together?”
You could only be honest. “Not really what I was going for, but, I mean, that’s kind of Erik right?”
“But he’s killed people hasn’t he? How do I get past that?”
That was really the hardest question of all, wasn’t it? And now the one probably weighing on Peter’s mind the most after the interaction with that upset sailor in the mess hall.
“His sins aren’t your sins, Peter.” Was what you finally said, sighing and looking at your hands now in your lap. “Erik has lost so much too. His parents, your grandparents, I know they died at Auschwitz. The Professor told us that. And they experimented on Erik, tortured him to try and use his powers as a weapon. Erik ended up killing the man most responsible for that. But Xavier had tried to stop him anyway and ended up paralyzed for it. It was an accident though.”
You could feel Peter shift behind you, sitting up slightly in the bunk. It was most likely that he’d never heard any of this. You hated that it had to come secondhand from you. That you, this random mutant would know more about his own father’s history than himself.
But you continued. “And then what he told us in Egypt, about his wife and daughter....I mean, my God. Like you said, it doesn’t mean he can just go around hurting everyone else just because of what’s been done to him. But what would anyone else really do? How can we say where our own breaking points would be?” You weren’t trying to absolve him by any means, but how could you sit here and judge him either?
“Yeah,” Peter answered, sounding distant. “I mean, I tried not to think about it too much, everything was already so messed up. But I’ve got to tell Wanda all of this too at some point. And I don’t know how. We had a little sister, and she’s already gone. How do you...how do you even process that when you didn’t even get to meet them? How do you get closure?”
You heard him moving around like he was wiping at his face with his hands. You didn’t think he was crying, but maybe his eyes were trying to build up something that he wasn’t willing to allow yet.
“Can we just lay here for a bit?” He asked you after another moment.
“Sure,” You answered, laying back down in the bunk with him. This time you didn’t care if the others would pay any mind or not. He needed someone right now.
You were just laying the same way you’d slept last night with your back to his chest. But after a while you felt him tug at your side.
“Turn around,” He asked.
You did hesitate momentarily, knowing how much more personal that would be in the confines of the small bunk. But you allowed it, rolling over so that now you were nearly face to face, torsos touching as he wrapped his good leg over you before pulling up the blanket.
“Hey,” He smirked, seeming to cheer up at your awkward look. Your stomach flipped as you thought he was going in for a kiss, but he just ended up kissing your forehead once before pulling back.
Whatever expression you made then got a real laugh out of him.
“I was just going to tell you thank you.” He said teasingly, before leaning back in to whisper in your ear, “But you look kind of disappointed...did you want a little more?”
There was no question you were fully flustered now as you felt that heat rising in your face yet again. You’d have to make a mental note to apologize to Jean later if she was getting any of this broadcast to her. But then again, she did live in a house full of teenagers doing God knows what at any given time. Maybe she was already used to it. But you didn’t even want to think about Xavier possibly picking up on your current emotional panic either, that would be mortifying.
Sensing your spiraling distraction, Peter lightly touched one fingertip to the end of your nose. “Boop. Earth to (Y/N), have we lost signal? Overheated the engines already?”
You blinked. “That’s not funny.”
“Oh, it’s hilarious. And still waiting, dear. Always waiting...”
To be honest, when you finally kissed him, it was more just to wipe that smug look off his face. But on second thought, maybe that had been his plan all along. To taunt you into action. But it worked. It worked extremely well, as you’d both closed your eyes. His hand pressed into your back, making sure you stayed tight against him as you’d let it happen again and again. One kiss after another.
It’d been different too. The first ones back in Cairo had been so desperate more than anything, just a burst of emotion like a dying wish when neither of you had really expected to make it out of that desert.
While this now was far slower, much more thought behind each. It did make you forget everything else for those moments except the taste and feel of him.
But as much as you liked the sensations, you also knew you had to be the one to steer you both back out of it. When you felt his hand starting to move under your shirt, sliding up greedily across your bare skin, you realized he was already wanting more. And this wasn’t the place, not the time. Not yet at least. You weren’t immune to those feelings either, but it’d be much better if you waited. As much as you knew he hated waiting...
You’d pulled your lips away, but he then only moved to kissing your neck instead as you had to speak his name to try and call him back out of it. “Peter.”
“Mmm?” He responded after a moment, at least pausing, even though his lips were still touching against your throat.
You tugged his hair a little to try and get him to look back up at you.
He resisted slightly, not a lot, but you knew he was stalling as best he could before he finally relented. “Stop sign comes out huh?” He breathed, though not upset, just clearly having trouble coming out of the mood as his hand slid back out of your shirt to rest only on top of your clothes.
“Not exactly enough privacy here,” you responded quietly. Which was of course a huge understatement as the others were probably just out of earshot right now. If you were lucky anyway.
“It’s a big ship, babe. I’m sure we can find a place,” He joked, but only partially you were sure. As you really thought if you said the word right now, he’d make it his mission to find such a place immediately.
You toyed with his hair a little more, moving the messy silver strands out away from his eyes. “I think it’s getting to be pretty inevitable if you really want to know the truth.”
He leaned into the touch, just kissing your hand once more as your palm neared too close to his mouth. “You make it really tough either way, I’ll say that.”
You knew better than to lecture this one on the virtue of patience. But this was already the most physical you’d ever been with anyone as it was, and all so soon. Yet you knew it was only a matter of time. These new feelings were only growing. None of this would be fading any time soon.
You just laid your head back on his shoulder after a while, speaking to him, “Hey, after we’ve cooled down a bit more here, you want to see if anyone will allow us on the flight deck? It’d be nice to see the ocean at least before the sun goes back down. Get some fresh air.”
“Romantic stroll in the ocean breeze you say? Well maybe more a romantic hobble for me.” He chuckled dryly. “I’m game.”
(Continued in next chapter here)
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bunni-bino · 4 years ago
Being Jealous of Nami Wearing Luffy’s Straw Hat
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A/N : My very first scenario oneshot. It’s a bit long, and the actual main scenario doesn’t start until a bit later. I just wanted to be detailed and give a bit of context, so it’s long... Sorry. 😅
Summary : After taking notice of the special attention Nami is getting from Luffy, allowing her to wear his special straw hat, [Name] starts to feel a little jealous.
You weren’t one to get jealous easily.
Really, you didn’t see yourself as that kind of person. You considered yourself to be pretty laid-back and not giving a damn about anything. You accepted what you had and how far you’ve come in life with the amount of work and effort you put in to get there.
So why did your chest ache so much now?
From afar was Nami laughing alongside Luffy, with the latter’s prized straw hat upon the navigator’s head. The two were smiling and making jokes, it seemed, whilst Luffy was fishing, his legs swinging over the railing and above the ocean.
You stare at the pair from up on the upper deck, leaning against the railing outside of the kitchen.
“[Name]~ my angel!~ Would you like some chamomile tea?” The chef’s voice calls from inside the kitchen rather loudly, him exiting to meet you outside on the upper deck.
Noticing your silence and staring blankly at Nami and Luffy on the main deck with pursed lips, Sanji let a softer smile place on his lips as he strides beside you, tapping your shoulder gently.
Blinking, you snap back to reality and glance beside you to see Sanji and let a weak smile fall onto your lips. “Sanji. Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Did you need something?”
Sanji didn’t say anything, simply keeping silent as he too, leaned against the railing and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up to smoke. You watch Sanji a bit, before giving a glance back to Nami and Luffy, just as Luffy was reeling in a fish he caught, nearly falling off the ship.
“You haven’t talked to him yet, right?”
You close your eyes and let the curve of your lips tic upwards more at Sanji’s words and exhale softly beside him. “That obvious huh?” Sanji smiles as he pulls the cigarette away from his lips and huffs the smoke from his lips.
“You should say something.”
Ever since you saw Luffy willingly give his special hat to Nami on top of her head to wear, your heart ached so much that you had to find someone to talk about it with.
Who better than the love connoisseur himself?
Fortunately, Sanji was able to help you. Sure, he did cry tears at the thought of his captain capturing your heart, giving small curses to him as he did so, he did eventually calm down and explain to you that you were actually just feeling envious of Nami receiving special attention from Luffy.
Which of course, afterwards, made him proceed to curse Luffy a couple more times, sulking, and then praising Nami for being such an irresistible goddess. Which you chose to ignore.
“Yeah, if it was that easy.” You snort a bit at Sanji, shaking your head with a better smile, already feeling a bit better from just talking with him. Sanji let out a soft chuckle as well, turning his head to face you.
“Luffy’s a dumbass, so it won’t be too hard to sit him down and talk with him. Sure, he’ll be bouncing around so you’ll have to give him a hard knock on the head to make him sit still..” Laughing softly with Sanji, you were about to speak before being interrupted by a certain person’s yells.
“Sanji! Cook this Sea King for us!” Luffy shouts, pointing to the ocean where a sea king laid floating in the water, completely knocked out. Nami was beside him, holding the straw hat in her hands with a wide smile as well.
Sanji gave a small annoyed sigh but still smiled regardless, nodding. “Fine, it’s almost lunch anyways. Reel it in!” Sanji turns back to you, who was no longer smiling as bright and just watching the scene unfold below you.
“Usopp, Zoro! Help me bring this Sea King in!” Luffy shouts for his crewmates, who didn’t take long to come out and aid their captain.
Nami was now talking with Luffy and handing back the straw hat as the other two boys did the grunt work. You unknowingly frown slightly before turning away and walking off, heading down to the main deck, to get to your room. Sanji’s smile fades as he stares at your leaving figure, thinking of something to try and help you.
For now, he had to focus on prepping for lunch.
Everyone was currently in the kitchen, enjoying the delicious meal that Sanji had prepared with the sea king that was caught.
You didn’t take part in the activity, not quite feeling the appetite, so you used this time to relax in the bedroom and perhaps read a book. 
So, you were pretty startled when the captain suddenly called out for you, slamming the door open. “[Naaaameeee]!” 
Just as you look up, you found Luffy propelling himself right into you, knocking you both down onto the ground, with him on top. Grunting out in pain of the impact, you look up to see Luffy grinning down at you. “There you are! You missed out on all of Sanji’s food. He cooked the sea king I caught for lunch! Did you see it?”
He was peering down at you, hands beside your heads as he continued to lean down closer to you. Feeling your cheeks warming up at how close he was, you squirmed under him a bit and exhale. “Y-Yeah, I saw it, it was pretty big. I’m sure the food was delicious too.”
“Shishishishi- It was!” Luffy laughs heartily before slowly frowning. “You wouldn’t know, you didn’t come eat with us! Why?” You would push him off, but right now, you arms were stuck and trapped at your sides. “I just wasn’t hungry I guess. It’s okay though, it let you eat more, right?”
Luffy smiles widely, pulling back and slowly getting off, now sitting in front of you. “Yeah. I saved some for you though too. I didn’t want you to miss out on the delicious food.” He says, crossing his arms as he spoke. You were a bit taken back by this. Luffy, sharing and saving food?
You smile slightly and nod at Luffy, giving your gratitude. “Thank you, Luffy. I’ll remember to eat it later then, maybe we can eat together if I have a lot.” You offer, slowly sitting up straight and dusting your arms. 
The captain smiles at the offer before his lips began turning to a firm line. “Sanji said you weren’t feeling well. He said I should check up on you and talk. I noticed you’ve been quiet lately too. Is something wrong?” 
Luffy may be a dumbass and pretty reckless, but he isn’t blind. Naturally, as a captain of a ship, he had a crew to look after. He’s rather observant, so it wasn’t hard for him to notice that you’ve been different lately. 
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you simply shook your head and sent him a small smile. “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.” You assure, standing up, but Luffy just tilted his head down, his hat shadowing over his eyes. He reached his hand up and immediately grabbed a hold of yours.
“Tell me, [Name].”
Hearing the tone in his voice made you widen your eyes slightly. You only heard this tone when he was extremely pissed at someone, like Arlong for hurting Nami. You pursed your lips before exhaling in defeat, sitting back down in front of him, this time, at a distance.
“As you wish, Captain.” Luffy looks up, removing his hand from yours and crosses his arms once more, tilting his head to the side this time, satisfied with your answer as he waited patiently. “So tell me what’s wrong.”
“Luffy. Do you like Nami?” Luffy furrows his brows in confusion, clearly having not expecting that, nor understanding why you would ask that. “Of course I do, she’s my friend.”
“Your straw hat is your prized possession, right?” You ask another question, this time a bit carefully and slowly, since you didn’t want to outright say what you were thinking. You close your eyes and pull your knees up to your chest as he spoke.
“That’s right. Shanks gave it to me, you know that.” Luffy raises a brow as he takes off his hat, staring at it before looking up at you. “I don’t understand what this has to-”
“You wouldn’t just give it to anyone then..So, why does Nami get to wear it?..” You mumble, looking away as you frowned once more, almost pouting. 
Though it was quiet, Luffy heard you quite easily as he suddenly became quiet.
You exhale softly, about to turn and speak again. Hearing footsteps stopped you as Luffy stood right in front of you, crouching down so he was your height and suddenly smiled warmly.
“Is that all?”
Before you could react, you felt something press against your head and look up to see Luffy, his hand pushing the straw hat onto your head so it was secure.
Luffy’s closed-eyed grin plasters across his face as he pulls his hand back so the hat rested upon your head by itself, chuckling to himself.
“I like you a lot, [Name]. I was worried that something was really wrong, that I did something to make you want to leave the crew.” Luffy says, chuckling more with joy, glad that wasn’t the case.
“But if you wanted to wear my hat, all you had to do was ask. It’s my special hat, but I trust you with it.” He says, his smile became softer as he watched your flushed cheeks warm at his words.
“Luffy, I—“
“Whenever you want to wear it, let me know. From now on, only you will get to, okay?” Luffy hums, placing his hands onto your shoulders before grinning once again.
“Wear it for a while. Shishishi! It looks great on you. Now, come on, let’s go eat some sea king!”
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reinerispretty · 5 years ago
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt6
hello!! i wanted to say thank you so much for all of your wonderful likes, comments, reblogs, asks, and everything in between!! it really means a ton to me knowing that you guys actually like this story and my writing :) remember that if you have any suggestions don’t hesitate to send me an ask or a message, and pls share if you can!! much love to you all
pt 1
pt 5
pt 7
“Perfect,” he breathed out as his eyes saw the boat. “You hop down first.”
“What? No way! I’m the one that can actually firebend here. You go first so you don’t get hurt.”
“Do you always have to argue with me?”
“Only when your plans are stupid!”
A whisper came through the cell bars. She blinked her eyes open and sat up quickly. “Here to tell me I’m a traitor again?” She called out into the dark. 
“I’m actually here to rescue you but I can call you a traitor if you want.” 
(Y/N) never thought she’d be so happy to hear that voice. “Sokka!” She exclaimed. “What are you doing here? Where are Aang and Katara?” 
“It was too dangerous for either of them to come. I snuck on the ship to come break you out.” He jingled a set of keys in his hand. “Got these from the guard I managed to knock out. Impressive, huh?” 
“Yeah, yeah, my hero. Now open the door!” Sokka unlocked her cell. She turned around and he quickly made work of her ties. Once she was free, she stretched her hands and fingers, happy to feel the warm sensation of fire underneath her fingertips. “How’d you get onto the boat?” 
“I took a small rowboat and tied it to the mast. If the waves stay calm, it should still be there.” 
“And if they don’t?” 
“I guess we’re in for a swim,” Sokka shrugged. She smiled at him nervously before grabbing his hand and making a run for it. She wasn’t quite sure where she was going, but she let her feet lead her anyway. Her goal was to get to the top deck without running into any Fire Nation soldiers. Of course, luck wasn’t always on her side. 
They encountered soldiers at nearly every corner they turned. Luckily, they were so shocked to see the prisoner out of her cell and a Water Tribe boy that they had very little time to react before she and Sokka were knocking them out. 
The pair reached the top deck and doubled over on their knees, breathing heavily. Sokka helped her to her feet and led her to the side of the ship where his boat was. They looked down to make sure it was still there. 
“Perfect,” he breathed out as his eyes saw the boat. “You hop down first.” 
“What? No way! I’m the one that can actually firebend here. You go first so you don’t get hurt.” 
“Do you always have to argue with me?” 
“Only when your plans are stupid!” 
A column of flame shot past the two of them, missing their bodies by only inches. They looked at each other in surprise before (Y/N) quickly hid Sokka behind her own body. She shot fire balls from her hands back at the attacker. The smoke from their attacks dissipated quickly, revealing Zuko. He launched himself in the air, kicking flames at her face. She sent fire wheel after fire wheel at him until he was completely surrounded. She turned to Sokka. 
“You have to go.” 
“No, I’m not leaving you again.” As her back was turned, Zuko rushed towards her. Sokka reacted quicker than she could and used the force of his body to knock Zuko to the ground. She flinched as she heard the breath get knocked out of Zuko’s body. 
Before she could turn back to look at him, Sokka was grabbing her hand and pulling her over the edge of the ship. She yelled as they fell, but Sokka pulled her body into his to shield her from the impact of the water. 
She emerged from the dark waters with a gasp of air and scramble around frantically to find her friend. “I’m right here,” he said. He led her to the boat and lifted her up inside it. She collapsed on the floor of the boat, coughing water out of her lungs. Sokka climbed in after her and immediately began rowing them back to shore, where Katara and Aang were waiting. 
She breathed heavily as Sokka rowed before slowly sitting up. “Thank you,” she said. “I don’t like the idea of anyone rescuing me but...I’m glad it was you.” She coughed again and rubbed her neck, her face becoming hot. “I mean, I’m glad you did it.” 
“Even if you do annoy me, you’re still part of our family now. Plus, it’s kinda cool to actually see you use your firebending.” She smiled. “Especially against Zuko, man, it really seemed like he had something personal against you.” 
She laughed bitterly. “I guess you could say that.” It hurt, knowing that Zuko viewed her as a traitor, but it hurt worse knowing what the Fire Nation had turned him into. He was irrational and angry and almost nothing like the Zuko she used to know. 
(Y/N) hated crying, but ever since she had left the Fire Nation, she had been doing a lot of it. She didn’t even realize she was crying until she noticed Sokka looking at her. He stopped rowing to scoot closer to her. “Are you okay?” She wiped furiously at her eyes and cheeks before shaking her head. 
“Zuko and I used to be best friends.” Sokka inhaled a sharp breath. “And we kinda, sorta, were almost engaged.” This time, Sokka let out a whole gasp. “He didn’t always used to be like this, I promise! He was nice and we used to do everything together. I hadn’t seen him in over two years and then when we finally saw each other again...” She gestured loosely around them. “It hurts a lot, barely recognizing someone you cared about so much.” 
Sokka remained silent for a few moments as he stared at her. Then, taking her hand in his own, he tilted her head up to look at him. “I know how much it hurts, losing someone you love. But it gets better. I promise.” 
She smiled sadly. “Thank you, Sokka.” She pulled away from his touch but touched her own face where his hand once was. It felt tingly. 
“Besides,” Sokka said as he started rowing again. “You’re way too awesome to date someone with a horrible ponytail.” 
(Y/N) couldn’t contain her laughter.
The adventures (Y/N) shared with her friends happened at almost every turn. They narrowly evaded escape from Admiral Zhao, had visited the Northern Air Temple and flown on gliders for the first time, and had travelled to the Northern Water Tribe so that Katara and Aang could master waterbending. Their trip to the north had resulted in disastrous circumstances. Once again, (Y/N) had to fight against not only her nation, but one of her old friends. It saddened her deeply to fight against people she had once loved, even if she knew she was doing it for the right reasons. 
The battle in the North had strengthened the group’s friendship exponentially. No longer did (Y/N) feel like she was an outsider, or that she needed to tread carefully in what she said to her friends. She was able to laugh around the campfire with them and also make them laugh, like the time she had told them she had accidentally caught Zuko’s pants on fire when they were children. She felt comfortable and, most importantly, she felt safe. 
She developed a different kind of relationship with each member of their small family. Aang, although older than her but somehow younger at the same time, had become averse to firebending ever since he had accidentally burned Katara. He made (Y/N) promise not to try to teach him and resolved that he would take down the Fire Lord without firebending. She knew it was impossible, but he seemed so upset about it that she agreed. Instead, they spent their time together exchanging history. Aang told her what it was like growing up one hundred years ago, and (Y/N) filled him in on everything he had missed since then. Even the small stuff, like the invention of bubblebaths. 
Katara had more than warmed up to her since (Y/N) first joined their group. (Y/N) had really tried to make an effort with Katara, since some part of her felt responsible for her mother’s death. They cooked together, did the laundry together, and even walked into town together when the boys weren’t paying attention. They eventually became so comfortable around each other that she had poured out her life’s story to Katara on one rainy afternoon. After she was done talking, she realized that when speaking with Katara, she didn’t fear disappointment or apathy. Instead, her Water Tribe friend provided her with the best advice she could give, and a hug warmer than any she’d had in the Fire Nation. 
It was Sokka and (Y/N)’s relationship that took the most drastic turn. After their experience in the Northern Water Tribe and his loss of Yue, Sokka quit his small digs at her. He knew that she understood what it was like, to lose someone that you loved. Their time together was no longer filled with snide comments about the other’s upbringing; instead, Sokka had been teaching her how to fight! She knew some martial arts, since it was the basis of firebending, but she had never fought with a weapon before. On relaxed days, they trained together. She taught him hand-to-hand combat and he taught her how to fight with a sword. 
“You’re a fast learner,” Sokka said after one of their lessons. They sat together at the edge of the lake they had camped beside. He used a stick and a piece of string with a hook on the end to create a make-shift fishing pole. 
She smiled at the compliment. “Wish I could say the same about you.” He shoved her and she laughed. “You’re not too bad yourself. You know I can’t give you a regular compliment. It’d go to that big head of yours.” Despite himself, Sokka let out a smile. 
“You’re so mean to me,” he said. “Are you this mean to all of your friends?” 
“Only to the ones I especially like.” She thought back to her time in the Fire Nation. She could do that now, without getting very sad about it. “Back home, I always had to watch what I said. I was around the royal family a lot, so it was rare when I could really say what was on my mind.” She turned to Sokka, squinting her eyes from the sun. “Teasing is just the way I show that I care. I don’t mean to be well, mean.” 
“I don’t really think you’re mean.” 
“Good,” she grinned, tucking her legs into herself. “Because you haven’t seen nothin’ yet.” 
“Have you guys caught anything yet?” Katara called out. “I’m starving!” 
She stood quickly, shot her flames at the water, and took the fish that floated to the top in her hands. “Coming!” She shouted before running back toward camp. Sokka gathered his things to run after her. 
“You let me fish for an hour when you could do that this whole time?” 
i know what this chapter looks like. and yes. but all in due time. 
Tag List!
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker
969 notes · View notes
subbing-for-clones · 4 years ago
Stranded Part 2
Savage Opress x Reader
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Word Count: 2.7k
WARNINGS: Mentions of death and decomposition, mental illness, fear terror and FLUFF
       Savage's eyes fluttered open to the sun shining brightly through the trans-durasteel panes that decorated the walls seemingly without rhyme or reason. The little one was frying some kind of thin meat strips on the stove and sipping hot caf. Without turning her head, she called over to him.
"How ya feeling?"
"Not great but better."
She turned and strode over to him, still laying down.
"I couldn't do this yesterday but I can today."
"What do you mean..?"
    She placed her hands on his bare broad chest and closed her eyes. A warm tingling sensation wafted over him. It felt like sunshine, utter joy and flying all at once. When she pulled away her eyes were a little fuzzy.
"It takes a lot of energy but you can transfer your life force to something and heal it. I was kinda low yesterday," she turned matter-of-factly back to the stove.
    Savage had only ever had painful experiences when it came to using the force or having it used on him. He hadn't ever thought of it as anything other than a weapon. He wanted to ask about it but shy away from the topic. Instead, he stood and stretched. He didn't have an ounce of pain. This woman who found him once again amazed him.
While the two unlikely pair ate their breakfast, her eyes didn't leave him, slightly squinting.
"You haven't been like this very long?"
"No. I was altered by the witches of my home world."
"Huh. Did you ask for this?" truly curious she stopped eating.
"No." she cocked a brow at his response, waiting for an elaboration.
"My species is subservient to our women. We live separately and go through deadly trials to be chosen by one for breeding or whatever they want really." He continued eating as the information he provided was simply normal for him.
"Was this..." she waved her hand at his body. "For breeding?" his cheeks slightly tinged in a deeper gold.
"No. I was chosen to act as a weapon for one of the sisters. She abandoned me when I didn't live up to the expectation." the woman noted as his eyes darkened. Wanting to change his mood she lightened up.
"Well, I'm happy you're here Savage. You have much to learn in the ways of the force.. you're strong but your energy is incredibly dark but you... you do not feel that way....." she trailed off in thought and muttered, "certainly an enigma. Very interesting," she tapped her finger against her chin.
    Savage's heart fluttered. He had never received any kind of praise from a female before and he didn't really know how to process it. His flush only deepened when she once again undressed in his line of sight, slipping on a shorter, loose grey dress.
"When you've finished, dress and meet me outside,” she skipped out the door and shouted something unintelligible into the trees.
    Savage silently hoped she wasn't completely insane while he quickly washed the dishes for her. He pulled on his pants and his long black kilt. Remembering that she had cut off his shirt for a sling he huffed and left the tattered remnant. When he came out, he saw what could've been a scene in a holovid. She stood with under a ray of sunlight, skin shimmering in the glow with a bright smile gracing her face. Her hands were pressed to the forehead of a green Varactyl while a dozen small song birds of every color fluttered around her.
"I think I should call you 'princess,'" he stepped forward cautiously.
She giggled melodiously.
"Mira here won't hurt you I promise. You think I look like a princess?" she flushed and batted her eyelashes.
"More than anyone else I've ever seen."
She extended her hand out to Savage.
"Come here," she cooed. He slowly made his way to her and took her hand. It was soft and warm, she held it for just a moment, running her thumb over his knuckles.
"Do not be afraid. Mira is a friend," she placed his hand where hers was just a minute ago on the Varactyl's head.
"Close your eyes and reach out to her with the force. Gently."
    He stood there for a minute before he felt anything. All of a sudden it felt like wind was rushing around him. He could see trees flying past him and a breeze danced against his skin. He leapt from trees, gliding through the air.
    She watched with satisfaction as his and Mira's eyes were closed and their breathing synced slowly. She felt their signatures meld for a moment. Savage pulled his hand away and looked at her wide eyed but grinning. Mira chirped happily beside him.
"Good, you made the connection. Rather quickly I might add. Mira is a receptive one. Very friendly. She's been with me a couple years now."
"I...I felt what she feels when she hunts," he was smiling at the creature fondly.
"Yes, that seems to be a favorite time for her."
"That felt much different than any other time I've used the force.... was that the light side?"
"I'm sure the Jedi would say yes but I am no Jedi. I don't see the force as light or dark."
Savage looked confused. Everyone called the force light or dark. The woman continued,
"Take a knife for example. In the wrong hands... a knife can take an innocent life, used to rob someone or threaten them other ways. However, in the 'right' hands it can be used as a medical instrument, carve wood or simply chop produce. I think of the force in the same way. The intent is what matters to me. Did you want to hurt Mira when you reached out to her?"
"No..no I didn’t," he stammered.
"That’s why it felt different."
    Savage understood what you were saying and turned back to Mira. The animal nudged him gently with her head affectionately.
"Let's go for a ride. I wanna finish stripping the ships you landed on. I haven't been to those ones yet. If you have anything else there, now’s a good time to get it."
    The woman strapped large bags onto the sides of the Varactyl. She hopped up onto Mira's back and once again extended her hand out to Savage. He climbed up and took his seat behind her. When Mira lurched forward, he gripped the woman's waist tightly so he wouldn't fall off and she laughed.
"Hold on tight handsome it's not a long ride but it's a turbulent one."
"A-alright princess."
      The added weight did nothing to slow Mira down. She was light on her feet and graceful. Leaping high into the air and gliding back down into the canopy. Princess whooped and cried out in excitement whereas Savage just held her tighter. His chest swelled with the rush. He was terrified but also having fun. He was a little disappointed when it ended and the ships were in sight. He slid off first and held his hands out for the princess. She beamed down at him and let Savage lift her by her waist with her hands on his shoulders. Her breath hitched when he pulled her down to him to set her on the grass underfoot. Quickly turning away to hide the heat rushing to her face.
"Alright, anything you wanna take, toss it in the bags. I'm gonna look through some of the others.”
    They parted. Savage always traveled light so he didn't have much to take with him. Some extra med gear and clothes, that was it. He hesitated in the cockpit looking down at the talisman that Mother Talzin gave him. It lay in pieces. He exhaled a silent apology, acknowledging that he probably wouldn't find his brother anytime soon. He slipped the pieces gently into his pocket and made his way out. After securing his few belongs in the saddle bag on Mira, he turned around to look for the princess. He could sense her nearby but couldn't see where she was.
He ran back to the hazardous pile of crashed ships.
He sighed relieved when she popped out behind his transport smiling ear to ear. His heart still pounding.
"It’s not huge but there's a Kriffing cargo ship buried under your transport and a fighter. Help me lift them. Cargos are gold mines."
    She stood shoulder to shoulder with him; well, shoulder to rib. Both of their arms were raised. It was shaky at first but they managed to move Savage’s large transport off to the side with the force. The fighter was much easier to shift. She grabbed his wrist and cried out excitedly, pulling him along to the sealed door.
"Could you cut it open with your saber?"
He smiled as she watched him ignite his saber and cut through the thick durasteel.
"Yes! Cutitopencutitopencutitopen!" she chanted excitedly and squealed.
Once he kicked the obstacle out of their way she shrieked and dove practically head first inside. When he entered, he was hit with the heavy scent of death. Four Weequay bodies lay scattered and half rotted around the cargo bay. Savage covered his nose with a disgusted look on his face.
The woman however didn't seem bothered by it as she sifted through the containers.
"This was a pirate ship... I haven't seen many of those," her whole top half was inside a rather large container while she spoke.
"Usually lots of credits, jewelry, spice.... not really useful to us right now but if we ever make it out of here, we'll be rich." He made his way to the sleeping quarters and took the standard med gear and hygiene supplies that was fairly standard to each room.
    When he came out, he found her pleasantly surprised as she held up some lovely dresses in bright colors to her form.
"I think I can tailor these to fit..." more thinking out loud than actually talking to him. She walked deeper, into the cockpit and tried to fire up the engine to no avail. She didn't have hope, it looked like they nose-dived into the ground anyway. She sighed and checked the common area.
    Rations, some cook ware in better shape than hers was, liquor... other odds and ends that would be decently useful. Savage found her holding a Sabacc deck.
"Do you know how to play?" She asked coyly?
"Yeah... some of the other nightbrothers taught me when I was a pup. Do you?" She shook her head.
"Well, I'll show you. We can play together." Her face lit up and something warmed in his chest that he'd never felt before. He pointed his thumb back towards the cargo bay.
"I found something you might be interested in.." she followed him; arms full. He fiddled with a small electronic box and powered it up.
"It won't connect to the net out here but it looks like there are some downloaded holovids,” he turned back to face her. She had dropped everything she was carrying and stared at him in amazement.
"I...I've never seen a holo-player out here before," he smirked.
"Well princess if you can charge it, we can see what's on it."
    The two of them loaded up what they had onto Mira. Princess did a thorough once over of the other ships. Finding a blaster with a decent amount of charges was the second best find next to the holo-player. They found a few sewing kits, more rations and med kits, and some crop seeds which also excited her.
They had ended up spending much longer than she wanted to searching through the wreckage. The sun was starting to set and it was falling fast.
"We need to get going. It gets dangerous at night... things come out.." she shifted uncomfortably on her feet looking up into the trees. Mira let out a quiet warning chirp. Savage lifted her up and put her on the Varactyl's back, climbing up behind her. This time when he held her waist it was more protective.
"I think I can sense them... what are they?"
Mira took off but it was slower, more cautious than when they came here to begin with.
"I don't know.. I've never seen them clearly. I know they have two arms, and three long sharp claws. Their hide is tough and... very rough. No fur.."
    Savage held his saber in one hand, not yet igniting it. He could see in the dark but these creatures still hid. The sky was a deep, dusty blue as dusk swallowed the atmosphere. It felt different at night. Like the air was hungry.
"I will keep you safe," he said as his eyes darted around. Once they broke the tree line it was only a short distance to the cabin. They unhooked the bags from Mira and she dashed behind the house up the barren hills, as far away from the forest as she could get. Savage and princess walked into the house.
"I've never seen them leave the forest. They've never come out of the trees into the clearing so the house and the yard are safe as well as the hot springs and hills behind us. Savage nodded in understanding.
"Stay here," his voice rumbled, "I'll fetch wood for the fire."
    She nodded before he left with his weapon in hand. Princess started putting away their various findings and set some rations out on the table. They were going to have to go hunting again tomorrow. She felt his shift in the force. Fear had a particularly unique wavelength. She took the blaster and right before could get to the door he kicked it open with his arms filled with wood. He hurried inside, dropped the wood and latched the lock. His face was blanched.
"Are you alright?" she asked slowly reaching for him.
"They just stood there. Behind the trees. Watching."
"You have night vision?"
He nodded and looked down at her.
"I... I’ve never seen anything like them. So.. gangly. Tall and.." he shuddered and shook his head, controlling himself. If she lived here for so long it was safe but when he turned back to face her, she had regressed.
"Beasts in the trees....." she still stood but her eyes were blown, her arms crossed over her chest; trembling.
"Beasts in the trees...." she repeated
He quickly gathered her up in his arms and sat on the bed. Her terror radiating off of her. He shushed her softly and rocked gently. With a finger under her chin, he tilted her face up to his.
"Come back to me princess," he whispered soothingly.
"It’s alright, you're safe. I will keep you safe. I've cut down bigger and scarier things in my life. My planet has a rancor infestation. I have you. It's alright," he continued to whisper and hold her until she came down. She splayed her hand on his chest over his hearts. Their strong beat acting as an anchor. She buried her face in his neck. Her breath hot on his skin.
That warm feeling pooled in his chest again. He ran his fingers across her forehead, swishing away the hair that had fallen over it. She finally pulled away to look into his eyes.
"T-thank you Savage... I don't know how much longer I could've lasted alone out here. I feel like I'm breaking as soon as the sun goes down." He thought about his next words carefully as he stroked her cheek.
"My people live in darkness. I have lived with and fought against its terrors all of my life. I swear to you I am strong enough to keep you from harm. Today I found myself... almost glad to have crashed here. Because of you, and what you can show me. But, mostly you princess," his face was hot. She pressed a tender kiss to his cheek.
"We should eat. You especially. I imagine you're starving. The rations aren't bad with the hot sauce I found," she smiled coyly at him.
    They ate in a comfortable silence. This time he watched as she slipped off her dress out of the corner of his eye. A feeling of want tingling under the surface. When they crawled in bed together, she wrapped her leg around him and lay her head on his chest. Listening to his hearts beat while he held her close to him.
She stayed like that all night and for the first time in years, she slept through the night.
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panda-noosh · 4 years ago
on the ocean {Leo Valdez x Reader}
Words: 9.8k
Summary: Living on a boat has let you see plenty of weird things in your life. Leo Valdez might be the weirdest, so you don’t really understand why you decide to help him when he comes running onto the boat you call home, crying out for help.
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: nothing
Notes: support my writing or ask me about commissions! - so this is a thing now.
The sea is nice this time of day.
  You've docked, thank goodness. The constant sway of the ocean can take it's toll on anyone – including someone who has lived on a boat their entire lives. It's nice to take a break from it every once in a while.
  Now, with the sun slowly dipping behind the skyscrapers of New York, you lean against the railing and watch the people clatter onto the boat you call home. They struggle with suitcases and fussy children. A woman drops her ticket and starts crying, clearly exhausted from hours of travelling. You watch the process with a fond little smile on your face, enamoured by the people who will soon be sharing your space, the people you may soon come to know as close friends if all works well.
  There's tons of them getting on at this stop, but it's always the same with New York; considering how beautiful the city is, you're always shocked to find so many people wanting to flee from it, so many people wanting to spend their time on the ocean rather than amongst the skyscrapers and hot dog carts that you've heard litter the streets of New York. You, personally, would love to have a look. Just once. Just a single day where you can clamber off this cruise ship and take a dander through the streets, seeing what all the fuss is about.
  But you like it here. You like the rock of the ocean sometimes. You like the swish of the wind as it catches in your hair on nights where you can't seem to drag yourself away from the decks railing, too enamoured by the oceans sway to move.
  The commotion down below does not faze you. It never does; you've been here long enough to have seen almost everything by now – children threatening to throw themselves into the harbour, people genuinely falling into the harbour, tickets getting lost, suitcases being tipped the wrong way so the poor passengers clothes go sprawling into the ocean. After so many years of unpredictability, you've become immune to surprises.
  Until you see him.
  You don't recognise him – not at all. His dark curls, his short demeanour, the oil stained overalls hanging from his lanky body; you would surely remember him if you were to have seen him anywhere else, but his face doesn't ring a bell. Neither does his voice, which reaches even your ears despite how high up you are in comparison to him.
  He sprints through the centre of the crowd, nudging shoulders with everyone as he yells apologies left, right and centre. He's grinning, despite the startled tone in his voice. He pushes right to the front of the line, where he is stopped abruptly by a hand slamming into his chest, very nearly knocking him backwards.
  You have to crane your neck to see what is going on. The strange boy stands panting in front of Arnold, one of the ships dock workers.
  “Look, man,” the boy says, jumping from one foot to the other. “You have to let me through. You have to.”
  “Ticket,” is Arnold's only response.
  The boy groans, glancing over his shoulder in desperation. You don't even know what he's looking at, but it's clearly something terrifying. Even without knowing what it is, your stomach does a nervous flip.
  “I need a ticket,” Arnold repeats. “Or else I can't let you on. I'm sorry, son.”
  “Oh, come on!” The boy throws his hands up. “Why are you so boring? You ever broken the rules in your life?”
  You're moving before you even know why – you don't know this boy, have never seen him before in your life, but there's something about the way he's stumbling over his words, something about the suspicious red scrape on his cheek that tells you he shouldn't be out in the open like that; something is wrong.
  You clamber down the steps until you reach the entrance. You shove past the new passengers until you slam into Arnold's back, nearly stumbling over your own two feet in your haste. Arnold spins, catching you before you can fall face-first into the angry queue of passengers still waiting outside, clearly angered by the disruption.
  “You made it!” you exclaim, looking directly at the startled boy in front of you. “You're a bit late, aren't you? I cleaned my room for you, and this is how you repay me?”
  “Y/N?” Arnold asks, tugging you back protectively. “You know this boy?”
  You raise a brow as if confused that Arnold does not know who this boy is. “Of course I do. He's my friend. Mum and Dad said I could meet up with him once we docked in New York.” You frown. “Did they not tell you?”
   Arnold's face goes red. “No, they did not.”
  “Weird.” You turn back to the boy, putting your angry expression back on again. “Come on. You've held up the line long enough.”
  The boy looks between you and Arnold, eyebrows high on his forehead; you grab his hand and drag him through the door before he can expose your act as the lie it is. He stumbles in after you, shooting a “Sorry, man!” at Arnold before you pick up the pace and trail him upstairs.
  This is so bizarre; you've just lied to Arnold for seemingly no reason. If he goes to your parents and asks about who this strange boy is, you're going to be in so much trouble.
  But too late now.
�� And call it scandalous, but the only place you can think to take him is your bedroom, so that's exactly where you go. You push him through the door, slamming it closed before you spin and say, “What's your name?” because that seems like an important piece of information to have from someone who you have just dragged into your bedroom.
  “Leo.” He says it like he's in a daze. His brown eyes dart back and forth, inspecting your room. His fingers don't stop moving, fiddling with a piece of scrap metal you hadn't even noticed he was holding. “Uh. . . Pretty sick place you've got here.”
  “It's my bedroom.”
  “Your cabin, you mean.”
  You level your eyes at him. “My bedroom.”
  He stares back at you. His face is mischievous. Does that make any sense? He just has the expression of someone who could potentially burn the entire world to the ground, a smile sharp as knives, eyes bright and glittering.
  Finally, he hums and says, “Okay. Well, thank you very much for saving my backside out there; I don't usually like my first impressions to consist of screaming, but here we are.”
  “Why were you screaming?”
  He raises a hand as if to silence you and starts pacing back and forth for absolutely no reason. “That is a secret. Top secret. I'd have to kill you if I told you.”
   “Or I'd have to kill you.”
  He pauses, glancing at you over his shoulder. “I suppose. But less talk about murder, please, and more talk about why you just did that.”
  Your stomach curls. “You looked. . . in trouble.”
  Leo blinks. “I mean, good observation, but half the people with toddlers out there looked like they were in trouble, too, and you didn't shove them to the front of the line and give them a free ticket to. . .” He pauses, looking round your room like he expects to find a map of your route hung on the wall. “Where is this thing going, anyway?”
   “Northern Ireland,” you reply. “You didn't know that?”
  “I just saw a big transportation device and hopped right on it.”
  This conversation just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
  And this boy is weird, too, but in an endearing type of way. You watch from the door as he walks back and forth, picking up tiny ornaments, examining them with a slight frown on his face. At one point, he picks up your laptop and closes his eyes, before shaking his head and saying, “It's on its last legs,” and you're too stunned to even respond.
  Finally, it gets too much. You dart forward and snatch a pair of socks out of his surprisingly strong hands, tossing them on your bed. His eyes snap up, wide and startled.
  “Tell me what you were running from,” you demand.
  Leo frowns, slowly letting his hands drop back to his sides. “I already told you-”
  “Top secret, yes, I heard, but we both know that's bullshit-”
  “You do curse like a sailor!”
  You slap his shoulder. He laughs, pulling away. “I'm serious! I'm freaking out right now, alright? If my parents find out I let you on this boat, they're going to throw me overboard!”
  Leo rolls his eyes. “They're not going to find out. I'll stay super extra hidden, how does that sound?”
  “How are you gonna do that? You need a place to sleep-”
  “I can sleep in the engine room if you just show me where that is.”
 You raise a brow. “No one can sleep in the engine room; it gets very hot in there. You'll probably die from the heat.”
  Leo's eyes sparkle with what you can only recognise as amusement. “Well, lucky for me, I'm also very hot. I'll balance it out.”
  “I'm serious.”
  Leo groans. “Listen – you've done enough. You got me on the boat in the first place, so you can forget about me now, alright? I'll take matters into my own hands.”
   “You realise this is my house, right? I'm not just going to let you walk around; god knows what you'll get up to.”
  “The gods set me up in the first place.”
  You blink. “What?”
  Leo shakes his head, curls bouncing. “Nothing. My point is, I will be fine. I'll go play some table tennis with the retired ones out on the games deck, yeah? What harm could I possibly be doing?”
  You stare at him; it would be so stupid of you to just let him do whatever, but it was stupid dragging him on this boat in the first place – what's one more mistake going to do?
  You sigh and nod. “Fine. But please pretend you know me; if my parents ask-”
  “I'll say you fancy me and you wanted to impress me, it's fine. I've got this!”
  “No, that's not-”
  Leo walks towards the door, not once looking back. “I've got this-” He pauses, hand hovering over the door handle as he turns his neck to look at you. “What's your name again?”
  “Y/N. Y/N L/N.”
  Leo grins. “I've got this, Y/N L/N. You can trust me.”
  You should never have trusted him.
  Arnold doesn't always come banging on your door at nine in the morning, but when he does, you can safely assume the ship is going down. You've hit an ice berg. All hell is breaking loose and there is a ninety percent chance you are going to die.
  So when you are awoken this morning by the sound of him yelling your name, his fists slamming against the mahogany door, you're fairly certain this is it; you are going to die.
  You bolt upright, blinking rapidly. “What? What is it?”
  He stumbles into the room, wrinkled face bright red, sweat dripping down his temples. Slowly waking up lets you realise the ship isn't rocking quite as bad as it should be if you were going down.
  You rub your eyes. “What the hell, Arnold? What's going on?”
  He speaks through gritted teeth, spittle spraying everywhere. “That friend of yours, Leo Valdez; get him under control before I throw him overboard.”
   You blink, certain you've heard him wrong. For just a moment, you've completely forgotten who Leo Valdez actually is, but the moment of peace is shattered when the realisation dawns on you. Yesterday. Bringing that strange boy onto the ship, claiming he was your friend.
  You stumble out of bed and follow Arnold all the way to the bridge.
  “Why are we here?” you demand, even though you already know the answer, even though you can already hear Leo yelling up above.
  Arnold doesn't respond; he simply shoves you forward and lets you take control of the situation, which is overall just a bad decision on his part. Still dressed in your pyjamas, you stumble through the door, your stomach dropping once you see Leo standing beside Anna, the ships captain, his head bent over the controls, his voice loud.
  “The alignment is way off,” he says. “If you'd just let me have a touch of the wheel, I could-”
   Anna shoves her shoulder into Leo's chest. “Would you fuck off? Who even let you in here?”
  “I found my way here,” Leo replies. “Because I couldn't help but notice that the alignment on your ship is shit, and-”
  You rush forward and grab his arm, pulling him away from Anna before the tall ginger girl can backhand him overboard. Leo stumbles into your grip, whirling around with a frown that quickly morphs into a big, cheeky grin once he sees you.
  “Y/N L/N! My friend! You'll tell your captain here that she should let me have a look at the wheel so I can-”
  “Leo, what the hell are you doing in here? Passengers aren't allowed on the bridge!”
  Leo frowns.
  “You are a passenger, remember?” you hiss. “Now, let's go before-”
  He shakes his head, slowly turning back to the wheel. Your grip tightens on his arm, ready to pull him back if need be. “I'm sorry, Y/N, but do you know how dangerous it is driving a ship with wonky wheel alignment?”
  “We'll call the mechanic in.” You tug his arm. “Let's go, Leo, seriously-”
  “Why would you waste time doing all that when I could just-”
  “Y/N, get him out of here.”
  You groan, finally putting all of your strength behind the next pull on his arm. It's enough to have him stumbling out of the bridge behind you, and you kick the door closed before he can even think of turning back and continuing with his havoc.
  He whirls on you as soon as the door is shut, Anna rushing to lock it. “I just wanted to help!”
  “Leo, do you know how dangerous it is for someone to be distracting the captain whilst she's driving?” You shake your head, running your hands through your hair. “How long have you been awake?”
  “Oh, many hours. Many, many hours. It's hard to sleep when-”
  “When a ship's wheel alignment is off, yes, we all heard you!”
  Leo huffs, folding his arms over his chest; he looks like a toddler, lower lip jutted out, eyes lowered as he kicks  the toe of his boot into the floor. His curls dip into his eyes. He looks kind of cute like this.
  You look away. “What happened to you just staying on the games deck with the retired old people?”
  “Mildred beat me at ping pong last night and told me not to come back.”
  He sighs, letting his arms drop to his sides. “Okay, I get it. I stepped out of line. I do that when I'm on edge.”
  You raise a brow. “Why are you on edge?”
  He doesn't respond, which just irks you even more. Trying to get a straight answer out of him is seemingly impossible, so you don't even know why you're bothering – but you are. He just confuses you. There's so much you want to ask, but very little he's willing to share, and you suppose that's fair. It's up to him who he shares his secrets with.
  You decide to start small. “How could you tell the ships alignment was off?”
  A tiny smile pulls at the corner of his mouth, like it's a funny story. “I just know. It's kind of a special skill of mine.”
  “Oh? You spend a lot of time on boats?”
  “No.” He pauses. “Well, not technically, but I built a boat once.”
  You blink, certain you heard him wrong. “Sorry?”
  “The Argo II it was called,” he continues. “I loved that thing.”
  You look at him; he can't be much older than you, surely, and that is much too young to be creating entire ships. You've barely finished school.
  “You built a ship?” you parrot.
  Leo nods, distractedly looking at the soft play area on the games deck. Even at this time of morning, children are running and screaming as they dive from the top of it, landing in the soft blocks at the bottom.
  You, however, turn all your attention on Leo. “You're insane, you know.”
   “I've had my suspicions.”
  “I'm serious; you've just told me you built a ship. Like, an entire vessel, and you're acting like it's no big deal.”
  “It isn't a big deal.” Leo smirks, nudging you with his arm. “Unless, you know, you want it to be a big deal, then I will gladly take the praise.”
  “It is incredible.” You catch yourself and frown. “But you're still insane.”
   Leo laughs. It's a pleasant noise, a little high pitched, a little maniacal, but you find yourself smiling at the sound of it. It ends in a happy little “aaaah,” before Leo turns to you and says, “I really am sorry, by the way. I'll try and stay out of trouble from now on.”
  “Thank you, Leo,” you reply. “Have you had anything to eat yet?”
  Just at that moment, his stomach awakens, growling loudly. He claps his hands against his abdomen and frowns, before turning to you and saying, “Apparently not.”
  “Come on.” You grab his hand and start towards the canteen. “I'll get Esmerelda to make us some breakfast.”
  Leo can actually be a lot of fun when he isn't trying to rip the controls of the ship from the captain's hands.
  He's funny, which is one thing you didn't expect; he just seemed too jittery in the beginning, forever fiddling with that piece of scrap metal, eyes darting back and forth, like his brain was never working at anything less than one hundred miles an hour.
  He's also very polite, with the occasional sarcastic comment thrown in the direction of someone who looked at him weirdly, which there seems to be a lot of. As the two of you stroll through the ship together, you can't help noticing the eyes that follow you, and honestly, you don't really blame them. Leo certainly is a bit different; he walks with this skip in his step, and his voice is always really loud, even when there's nothing to be loud about. He's still dressed in his oil stained overalls, his curls bouncing around his head with little to no care.
  You don't know why you find it so endearing.
  The two of you spent the day doing everything, and that is no exaggeration. You played ping pong, despite Mildred's protestations that the gaming deck wasn't big enough for both her and Leo. You ate ice cream. In fact, you ate everything, until Arnold was telling you to slow down and make room for dinner later.
  Dinner which you missed as you decided to spend the evening with Leo.
  He took you down to the engine room, claiming to have put some AC in there that wouldn't affect the mechanisms of the boat, but would simply cool the room down enough for him to sleep there.
  “Not like I need it,” he says, flicking on the lights in the corridor leading to the engine room. “I can handle heat.”
  “There's no way you installed an AC system into the engine room in a night,” you reply. “You're not that good.”
   Leo smiles playfully. “See, that's where everyone goes wrong – they underestimate me.” With that, he pushes open the engine room door, revealing everything beyond – the whirring machines, the chugging engines, the steam billowing from contraptions you don't even know the name of, which is a little bit shameful considering you've lived amongst this stuff your entire life.
  Where there should be smouldering heat, there is no such thing. Leo steps into the room and sighs in bliss, closing his eyes. You watch the curls blow away from his forehead. You reach forward, testing the air with your hand.
  Your eyes widen at the feel of cold air brushing against your fingertips.
  “How did you. . . Is this real?”
  Leo opens his eyes and grins, grabbing your outstretched hand and pulling you in after him. “I told you I was good.”
  “Leo, this is . . . You did this in a night?”
  “I did this in. . .” He frowns, glancing at his invisible wrist watch. “About three hours. It was easy enough once I figured out where you keep all your tools.”
   You can't even begin to form words; it's such a simple thing, an AC, but this boy is the same age as you, and he has been here not even a full twenty four hours, and yet he's improving the ship in more ways than you would have dreamed of.
  You turn to him. He looks right back at you. “You're quite good with tools, aren't you?”
  “You could say that.”
  “Where did you learn all of this?”
  “My dad.”
  You raise a brow. “Is he a mechanic?”
  Leo smiles; he does that a lot, though you're yet to learn why. “No. He's in the – uh – higher up's, I guess you could say. My mum was the mechanic.”
  Leo's smile fades. He coughs and turns away. “Yeah. Was. Now, how about I show you where I slept last night?”
  Without any elaboration, Leo starts towards the back of the room, the hottest part of the entire ship. You remember your dad warning you, time and time again, never to step foot in the engine room at all, but especially not this part of it. You smell the smoke billowing from the coal shafts, hidden behind insulation. You feel the heat, even through the AC, pressing against your skin.
  Once you've walked far enough into the room for the heat to be prominent again, Leo reaches back to stop you going any further. Without looking at you, he says, “Don't think you can go much further than that, I'm afraid; I'll take it from here. I need to grab a few things.”
  You grab his hand. “Wait, you can't-”
  He shakes you off him and steps deeper into the engine room. Your chest constricts, panic seizing you; only professionals have ever wandered this deep into the ships depths, because they know what they're doing. They wear the protective gear. They've trained for years.
  Leo hasn't even been on the ship an entire day.
  “Leo!” you call out, stepping forward as much as you dare. “Leo, this isn't funny! Come back here!”
  “I'm fine.”
  The sound of his voice, unharmed and unwavering, makes the breath leave you. You slouch against the wall, craning your neck in any attempt to see where he is, but you only catch glimpses of his dark curls as he parades back and forth, the sound of metal on metal being heard with absolutely no context.
  You don't understand how anyone can walk so deep into what is essentially a pit of flames and come out unscathed; what's even weirder is the fact that Leo slept in there last night.
  “Please keep talking to me,” you call. “If my dad finds out I let you in here-”
  Leo pops his head around the corner, grinning from ear to ear. Black soot stains his nose, but besides that, he looks unharmed. Around his waist is a velvet tool belt that he definitely was not wearing before. You frown, gesturing towards it vaguely.
  Leo looks down as if only just noticing he'd put the thing on. “Oh, this. It's my tool belt.”
  “Yes, I can see that. But. . . why?”
  Leo shrugs and walks past you. “It's special. Shall we go? Now that you've seen I'm not actually lying when I say I put an AC in-”
 “Which is still insane, by the way.”
  “You've said.”
  Together, the two of you clamber out of the engine room and walk back to the deck. The dinner crowds are just starting to disperse now, people heading out onto the main outdoor deck for a few after dinner drinks with the family. Toddlers are perched on parents shoulders, falling asleep after such a feast. Around you, the lamps are being turned on to illuminate the impending darkness that will soon ensue.
  Leo hums thoughtfully, gazing up at one of the lamps; it's flickering.
  “That one's always been like that,” you say. “Nobody's come to fix it. Nobody really minds it.”
   “It puts the aesthetic off a little bit, doesn't it?” He shakes his head, stopping right in front of it. “No, we can't let that continue.”
   “What are you-”
  He reaches into his tool belt and pulls out a light bulb – just one, the perfect size and shape for the lamps lining the deck. You narrow your eyes, jaw dropping open as Leo starts climbing onto the railing, reaching his small arms above his head to get to work on the lamp in question.
  “Hold my legs, will you?” he calls down to you.
  And even though you're in a daze, growing only more and more confused by this strange man, you lurch forward and wrap your arms around his knees, keeping him from slipping off the edge of the deck and into the murky waters below.
  In seconds, the bulb has been changed and the lamp is working just fine. Leo hops back down beside you, grinning brightly as he tucks his screw driver back into his tool belt.
  You hook a finger through the pocket, tugging him closer so you can peak inside; at first glance, it looks empty, but you're certain that can't be right – he's just put his screw driver inside it. He's just pulled a light bulb out of it. How can it be empty?
  Leo laughs, gently prying your fingers off. “I told you it's special.”
  “Where did the screw driver go?”
  He presses his index finger to his lips. You scowl, swatting his arm until he throws his head back in laughter.
  “I'm glad you're enjoying yourself,” you grumble.
  Leo nudges you, his laughter slowly descending into a simple chuckle. “Oh, lighten up. The screwdriver is in there.”
  “Who are you, Leo Valdez? Where the hell have you come from?”
  He swipes his tongue along the inside of his cheek, deep in thought for a moment. Finally, he turns to you and says, “I'd have to kill you if I told you.”
   “Or I'd have to kill you.”
  His eyes sparkle. “Or that, yes.”
  “We don't even know what they are. We've never had a warning signal like this before.”
  “Let me see.”
  Your dad shoves to the front and ducks his head down to see into the flashing screen in the control room; an emergency alarm had gone off in your room only moments before, startling you from a peaceful sleep. Another night spent traipsing through the ship with Leo had left you utterly exhausted, but hearing that high pitched beep woke you into full alert. You joined both your parents and the rest of the crew in the control room in seconds.
  “It's in the shape of a trident,” Arthur, one of the control experts, says, pointing at the glowing trident flashing on screen. “What could that even mean? Who's sending that?”
  Your dad frowns. “I have no idea. Is it some kind of prank?”
  “There are no other boats around for miles, sir. None are even showing up on the radar.”
  You fiddle with your fingers. You hate this unpredictability, especially when you're so far out to sea. There is nobody here to help you if all goes wrong, and anyone who can help is miles away; the ship will surely be in tatters by the time anyone can reach you.
  Your dad sighs, raking his nimble fingers through his slowly greying hair. “It's okay. It's okay. We'll figure it out.” He turns and catches your eye, stopping midway. “Y/N, go back to bed.”
  “What's happening?” you ask.
  “Nothing terrible.” He places a hand on your shoulder, gazing into your eyes lovingly, but it doesn't matter how he wants to play it off – you can recognise fear in your fathers eyes, and it's there now. He hates the unpredictability just as much as you do. “Go back to bed and get some sleep; if anything happens, I'll come wake you in plenty of time.”
   “What about the passengers?”
  He raises a brow. “Is this about your little friend Leo? Arnold was telling me all about him.”
  Your cheeks heat up, and you flick your eyes to the floor.
  Your dad sighs, squeezing your shoulder. “The passengers will be safe, too, Y/N. I wouldn't have kept my family on this ship if we didn't have the most state of the art safety precautions put in place. It's going to be fine. Don't stress about it.”
   Don't stress.
  That's so easy for him to say having been trained in the art of keeping a straight face for other people. You, not so much.
  Nonetheless, you leave the control room and head back out onto the deck. Your exhaustion is finally starting to creep up on you, but you know you won't be able to sleep. You'll sit in bed, tossing and turning with the waves, and your night will be made into hell; you don't really fancy that right now.
  And so, you walk along the outside deck, hair blowing around, the lanterns up above illuminating the path you have memorised by now; in fact, you truly think you would be able to walk through this very area in pitch darkness without a care in the world. The metal beneath your feet is so familiar, holding stories from your childhood, bringing you back to a time when you would walk across here, holding your parents hands, wondering why on earth anyone would want to live life on land over the sea.
  “I thought you'd gone to bed.”
  Your eyes snap up. You have to narrow them to see clearly, but you can make out the shape of Leo Valdez sitting on the edge of the railing, his feet dangling over the water, his knuckles white with his grip. His curls are windswept, brushed over his forehead. His cheeky smile is on full show, his glittering eyes running up and down your form before finally meeting your own.
  He frowns when he sees your expression.
  Quickly you avert your gaze, tucking your hands into the pockets of your massive hoodie; you don't even know where you got it from, just that you found it laying on the floor and threw it on before barrelling through the halls to see what all the commotion was about.
  “Is that my hoodie?”
  Your cheeks heat up despite the cold night chill. “No.”
  “Pretty sure it is.”
  “So what?”
  “Looks good on you.”
  You mumble a thank you.
  “You gonna tell me what's got you so glum?”
  You hollow out your cheeks, kicking a pretend stone. You imagine it flicking beneath the railing, landing in the water to make those mini waves you were once so fond of.
  The railing creaks as Leo turns his body to face you. “Hey. You alright?”
  “I'm okay,” you mumble. “Can I sit up there with you?”
  Leo holds out his arms. You waddle over, letting him pull you onto the railing beside him. Once you're seated, he keeps one arm around your waist, holding you close to ensure you don't fall head first into the water; you should probably let him know that you used to sit on this very railing every single night, that you know how to keep yourself up, but you don't. You instead move a little closer to him.
  “What's on your mind, champ?” he asks, jokingly ruffling your hair.
  You scrunch up your nose, swatting his hand away. “Just worried, that's all.”
  “Worried about what?”
  “The ship. The journey. We got a warning signal sent through to us, but no one on the crew knows what it means; they've never seen it before.”
  Leo's eyebrows knit together. “How have they never seen it before?”
  You shrug. “I've been asking myself that, too. My only guess is that someone's hacked the system from another boat and is sending random symbols through to mess with us, but Arthur said there's not another boat for miles.”
  “What did this warning signal look like?”
  “It was like that. . . that thing.”
  Leo leans forward, meeting your eyes; he looks almost desperate, his tan skin suddenly pale. “What thing?”
  “You know.” You click your fingers, trying desperately to remember the name. “That thing that god used to hold all the time. The . . . The big water stick.”
  Leo's eyes flash. He jerks back, arm falling from your waist so fast you nearly tumble into the water. “A trident?”
  “That's the word.”
  “Oh, gods.”
  Before you can say or do anything, Leo spins around and hops off the railing. He reaches up and grabs you, pulling you back into his chest, setting you on the floor despite your squeal of shocked protest.
  “Leo, what the-”
  “Go back to your cabin and don't leave,” he demands. “I mean it, Y/N. Lock the doors if you have to. Only come out when I say.”
  You blink, completely lost by now. Part of you wants to burst out laughing, certain all of this is some big joke, but Leo's eyes are wide, and he's breathing heavily, and you've never seen him act like this. Ever.
  “Go, Y/N!” He scrapes one hand through his hair, the other dipped into his tool belt. He mutters to himself as he pulls out the most random of things; bubble wrap, a pack of Tik Taks, a Stephen King book, multiple wrenches, one of which he throws overboard as his frustration grows.
  You grab his wrist. “Please explain what's going on.”
  His eyes shoot up. “I don't. . . . I can't really explain it without sounding crazy.”
  “You sound crazy all the time.”
  “Fair.” He pauses, glancing around nervously, before he leans in and says, “You ever heard about the Greek gods?”
  You pull away, frowning. “Leo, I'm being serious. You looked really scared-”
  “Have you ever heard about the Greek gods, Y/N? I'm asking a serious question.”
  “Of course I have, but-”
  “Heard of Hephaestus?”
  “Yes, but-”
  “Well, I call him dad.”
  You blink. Leo doesn't stop moving, continuing the search for whatever he's looking for inside his never ending tool belt. Under his breath, he mutters, “Please, please, please don't let it be them. Please, please, please.”
  Your silence must span an awful long time, though it only feels like seconds before Leo is flicking his eyes up, frowning and saying, “Why are you still standing there?”
  “What the hell does Hephaestus – the Greek guy – have to do with the warning signal we got?”
  “Oh, yeah, I could explain that, I guess.” He tugs another wrench out of his pocket and rolls his eyes, tossing it into the ocean. “That makes me a demigod; my mum's a mortal, my dad's. . . . Hephaestus. That means loads of monsters are constantly on my ass literally all the time.” He sends a pointed glare at the ocean. “I must have done something to tick off the sea nymphs-”
  “Sea nymphs?”
  “Because they've all been trying to kill me for weeks!”
  You shake your head. “Is that what you were running away from-”
  “When you saved me? Yes, it was, and thank you for that, really. Means a lot.” He grabs your arm, swirling you towards the exit. “Now, please let me return the favour by staying in your cabin.”
  He pushes you forward. You stumble, catching yourself on the door before spinning back to face him. “So you think these. . . these sea nymphs have found you? That's what the warning signal was?”
  “It makes the most sense,” Leo replies. “Rookie mistake on their part; they're giving me a lovely head start on-”
  Something slams into the underside of the ship.
  You're thrown into Leo, chest smashing against chest, chins smashing against chins. You're a tangle of limbs when you land on the floor, Leo on his back with you on top of him. Neither of you have a chance to even be embarrassed, though, before a melodic voice is drifting up from the waves, so appealing that it nearly drives you directly over the edge just to go and find it. It lifts your spirits. Everything is right in the world so long as you continue to hear this lovely, lovely voice. . .
  “Snap out of it!” Leo grabs your arm, pulling you to your feet. “Okay, so they have definitely found me.”
  “Come to us, son of Hephaestus, and we shall spare the innocent mortals on this ship.”
  Leo groans. “Always with the bargaining! Can't you guys just die already?”
  Your eyes widen. Your hands are trembling. This is too much for you to handle. “Leo, please don't make them angry.” You glance over the railing, seeing nothing but the swirling waters below. “Uh, hello, friendly sea nymphs; he doesn't mean that. He's a little bit cranky right now because he hasn't slept much, but I promise-”
  Leo hisses, tugging you away from the edge. “Would you just-”
  Another wave crashes against the ship, knocking you and Leo to the side. Your shoulder slams into the glass, and this time, the sirens go off. The entire ship is notified of danger. Soon, every deck on the ship will be flooded with innocent people, people who have no idea that any of this is going on, people who could potentially be in danger if these mystical sea nymphs don't get exactly what they're asking for.
  Leo curses, scrambling upright. “Okay, maybe we don't have as much of a head start as I thought we did.”
  “You think?”
  Another wave. Your feet slip from beneath you, sending you sprawling. Leo cries out your name, scrambling for your hand, but he's just as drenched as you are. He slips, crashing to his knees as you slide down the length of the deck, scrambling for anything to hold onto. Eventually, your feet crash against a barrel lodged against the wall, stopping your impending doom for a few moments longer. Below, passengers are screaming, and you can't even bring yourself to think about what is happening to them, what they must be seeing right now.
  “Leo!” you cry out, choking on water. “Leo, where are you?”
  “Leo Valdez is ours,” the melodic voice chimes in. “He has taken our existence as a joke for far too long; it's about time our people show him some respect.”
  “Okay, okay!” You gag, fighting to keep your head above the waves splashing into your face. “I get it! He's a little shit, but please, give him one more chance. I'll – I'll keep him in check as best I can. I'll-”
  “We don't want to hear it.”
  The ship rocks again. People scream. One more hit, and you're certain they're gonna go through the hull. One more hit, and this entire ship is going to go down, taking thousands of innocent passengers – and Leo – down with it.
  You can't let that happen.
  With difficulty, you lift yourself from the grip of the waves coursing along the deck. You do one final check for Leo, but he is nowhere to be seen – you can't even hear him, which really just confirms the severity of this situation. You need to do something quick.
  You say a silent prayer to Hephaestus, and you feel stupid for it, but you're willing to do anything right now just to make sure you get to see Leo's face again, that stupid grin of his, those bouncing curls you never got to touch because you were always so afraid it would seem too intimate.
  “Please save your son. Please let him be okay.”
  You spin on your heel and dart towards the exit.
  Throwing yourself into a crowd of screaming people is jarring, but you push through. Shoving your shoulder into anyone who gets in the way, you sprint for the bridge. You throw open the door, grab Anna's shoulders and push her out of the way. She stumbles, but she doesn't even have the energy to say anything to you; when you glance at her, you can see her pale face and wide eyes, her hands trembling as she utters, “I don't know what's happening,” over and over, a woman traumatised before she's even seen the severity of the danger.
  You turn back to the wheel and inhale deeply. You've done this before. You know what these controls mean. You have gripped this wheel plenty of times, steered this boat enough times to know what to do. Your hands tremble. Your mind is blank, but maybe that's for the best.
  You grip the wheel. As soon as your hands make contact, that voice drifts back into your consciousness, startling you to reality.
  “Son of Hephaestus is ours. In a battle, water always wins over fire.”
  You grit your teeth and yank the steering wheel. Passengers scream, but it's not their screams you're focused on. In the back of your mind, like the sea nymphs are right behind you, you can hear them squealing as the ship is yanked from whatever grip they have on it; you like to imagine you broke their arms or something.
  “Curse you!” they screech. “Mind your own business, mortal!”
  You yank the wheel again. Anna flies across the room, crashing against the window, screaming your name, but you have to keep going. You have to dislodge the ship from their magic before they take over entirely.
  You yank the wheel one last time, and finally the ship lurches forward. Passengers scream. Anna starts sobbing desperately, begging you for mercy, and the sound is heart-breaking; you don't understand why she can't hear the sea nymphs herself, because when they speak, they are clear as day in your head.
  “I'm sorry,” you grit out. “I'll explain later.”
  And then you slam your hand into that big red button on the dashboard. The propellers erupt, jumping into high gear. In your head, the sea nymphs scream. Outside, an explosion rocks the ocean, shaking the ship just a little bit before you press the engine button and send the ship forward.
  For a second, the world is quiet. Your headache fades away. The passengers are all silent, waiting for the next heart wrenching move to be made.
  You pry your hands off the wheel, spin on your heel and sprint out of the bridge.
  On deck, people cower on the floor. There are head wounds, and unconscious individuals, and you promise you'll apologise to all of them individually when you next see them, but for now, you need to see Leo. You need to make sure he's okay. You need to know that none of that was in vain.
  You sprint back to the outdoor deck, slipping only briefly on the water still crowded upon it. The ship rocks back and forth gently now, sloshing the water over the edge, making it easier to wade through it in search of the Valdez boy.
  “Leo!” you cry out. “Leo, where are you?”
  For just a moment, nothing happens. You are convinced the deck is empty. The tears erupt to the surface, spilling over your eyelids before you can stop them, because you're certain you've failed. You got rid of the sea nymphs – only by the grace of god – but you were too late to save Leo.
  And then something flickers in the far corner, just behind an overturned barrel.
  You squint, heart stopping in your chest. Part of you thinks you imagined it. That is until the flames flicker again, followed shortly by a groan of protest.
  You gasp and dart forward. You slip to your knees in the water, grabbing the barrel and rolling it out the way. Laying on his side beneath it is Leo, blood pooling from his side, a tiny flame dancing in the palm of his hand.
  You don't even question the fire right now – you can't. You press your trembling palms to the wound in his hip, biting your bottom lip in any attempt to look tough, but it's really no use – you're terrified. You don't know what you just did, how much damage you just caused, but you know for a fact it's going to take a lot of explaining to get you out of this one. You can already hear Arnold scolding you for letting Leo onto the boat, into your life. Someone like him is such a bad influence.
  But then his soft brown eyes flicker open, and you don't really care.
  A sob slips from your lips. Tears slip down your cheeks. When you speak, your voice wobbles, on the verge of cracking.
  “I thought you were dead. I thought I was too late, Leo.”
  He groans, more like a man getting out of bed than a man who's just had a piece of timber sliced through his hip. “I will be if you don't get me some nectar right now.”
  You pull back. “What?”
  “Nectar.” He clicks his fingers and points at his tool belt. “In there. Grab it for me, will you?”
  You dip your trembling hands into his belt, plucking out a gold bar about the size of your index finger. As soon as Leo sees it's unwrapped, he snatches it from your hand and pops the entire thing in his mouth, sighing in bliss once he's swallowed it.
  “You can let go of me now,” he says.
  He chuckles weakly, before wrapping his soft, gentle fingers around your wrists and pulling your hands away from his hip. Instead of letting you go, however, he holds them close to his chest, leaning his chin on your knuckles so the two of you can watch as the wound stitches itself up in slow motion.
  Your heart thunders. “So you weren't lying when you said you were the son of Hephaestus.”
  “I wish I had been lying.”
  “I think it's pretty cool.”
  “Yeah.” You swallow thickly. “Just don't be bringing that sort of trouble to my door again, or I'll throw you overboard.”
  Leo got his own cabin once your parents saw the damage he took.
  You were able to play it off as him having no part in the havoc. To your parents, and everybody else concerned, Leo was nothing more than a victim in the entire ordeal. Your parents lodged him in one of the spare cabins, giving him the medical treatment he needed, despite the nectar doing most of the job for him. All he was really suffering with was a bit of muscle pain, but for the size of wound he suffered with, you feel like he got away lucky in the end.
  You've been visiting him most nights, just because. His company is nice, and he seems to enjoy yours, and the two of you get on really well. You kind of dread the day you're going to dock in Northern Ireland, the day he's going to clamber off the boat and never look back. He'll probably forget about you.
  That thought really, really hurts, so you try not to think about it.
  Today, you decide to bring him some croissants Anna made. The plate balanced in your hand, you raise your other one to knock on his cabin door, only to freeze when you hear someone else's voice ringing through the dimly lit corridor.
  “So they just. . . killed the sirens on their own? Where the hell were you, Valdez?”
  “I already told you, Jason, I was completely out of it. I got hit with a wave and went flying backwards, right into a piece of broken wood. It went through me.”
  “Still. It's not everyday a mortal takes on a mythological monster on their own; how did they even see them?”
  Leo sighs. His bed springs creak. “I have no idea, but it was incredible. They're incredible.”
  Your heart flutters, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
  “Sounds like you've lost the battle, Valdez,” the unfamiliar voice says.
  “What do you mean?”
  “You know what I mean. It sounds like you really like them.”
  Leo pauses. Your heart thunders; you shouldn't be so anxious to hear his response, but you'd be lying to claim otherwise.
  “I do.”
  You close your eyes, biting your lower lip.
  “Gods, Jason, I think I do. I don't even want to get off this boat.”
  “Man, you can't just go travelling through the sea your entire life.”
  “I know. I know.” Leo sighs again. “Maybe they'll agree to come with me; you guys are still sending that chariot to come pick me up from Northern Ireland, right?”
  “That's still the plan, yes.”
  “Do you think Y/N will come with me?”
  This Jason fellow pauses. Part of you wants to burst in the room and cry out “OF COURSE I'LL GO WITH YOU” but you hold yourself back, because would you really ever leave?
  Yes. Yes, you would.
  “Ask them,” Jason finally says. “But Leo, you realise long distance could work, right?”
  Leo scoffs. “Slow down there, pal. I don't even know if they like me back.”
  “You just told me you saw them crying over you when you came to.”
  “Emotions were high. They'd just killed some sea nymphs for the first time.”
  “Take it from me, Leo – they like you. All evidence points towards it.”
  Leo grumbles something beneath his breath before finally saying, “They'll probably be here soon, man, so I should go.”
  “Oh yes. The nightly visit. Have fun. Be safe.”
  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Bye.”
  Jason laughs. “Bye.”
  You take a few moments just to breathe; you're overjoyed, which is a weird feeling for you to have. The days following the sea nymph attack, you spent the majority of your time either in Leo's cabin or your own, struggling to come to terms with everything you did, all the people you hurt, the truth that was brought to your attention. It was such a struggle getting your head around it, and trying to certainly put you in a slump.
  But hearing this piece of good news has lifted your spirits, if just a little bit.
  Once you believe you've gathered your wits, you knock on Leo's door. He says, “Hellooooo?” and you enter, giving him the most subtle smile you can muster whilst showing off the plate of croissants.
  He sits up in his bed, the quilt falling from his chest; he's wearing a pair of cloud patterned pyjamas, provided by the laundry department of the crew. He rubs his eyes, trying to pretend he's just woken up, even though you know better than to believe him.
  You place the croissants on the table beside him before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. He smiles at you, warm and a little bit awkward, so unlike the smiles he usually gives you. You can only assume it has something to do with the conversation you accidentally eavesdropped on.
  “What's wrong?”
  His smile falters. “What?”
  “You look a little weird.” You lean back against the footboard, folding your arms over your chest. “Something you want to tell me, Leonardo Valdez?”
  “That's really not my name.”
   You raise a brow, waiting for him to answer the question.
  He stares back at you, an eyebrow arched. “I really have no idea what you're talking about.”
  “Who's Jason?”
  Leo isn't even smiling any more – his expression is one of complete dread. “Are you kidding?”
  You giggle, nudging his foot. “Who is he? A friend of yours? He seems nice. Can I talk to him?”
  Leo throws his head back, crinkling his eyes shut as his cheeks burn a bright red colour. “Don't start. Did you actually hear all that?”
  “I was outside the door with my croissants. Heard every word.”
  “I'm gonna throw myself overboard.”
  “You can't do that.”
  Leo cracks open an eye, glaring at you like you've done something wrong. “I'll do whatever I damn well find necessary.”
  “If you throw yourself overboard, I'll never get to go to Northern Ireland with you.”
  Leo's head snaps up. “Wait-”
  But you push on. “If you throw yourself overboard, I'll never get to tell you that I like you, too.”
  “If you throw yourself overboard, I'll never get to kiss you.”
  Leo swallows, eyes dipping to your lips. “Okay. You've got me convinced.”
  You kiss him.
  His hands travel to your jaw, calloused fingertips like butterfly kisses against your jaw bone. Your own hands find their way into his curls, a place they've wanted to be from the very day you met him. The kiss is small, timid, testing the waters more than anything else, but it's perfect just the way it is. Leo grins against your lips like he's won some award, the cat who got the cream. You're half tempted to pull away and tell him to stop being so cocky, but you decide against it when the feel of his lips drags you back to the moment.
  You pull away. “You should have told me you liked me.”
  “It works both ways.”
  Leo scoots over, patting the free space next to him. You bundle yourself beneath the covers, shoulder-to-shoulder with him, facing the cabin window; together, you watch the sea rise and fall, rise and fall, sending the mildly damaged boat to it's final destination.
  “I can fix the hull, you know,” he says. “It'll take me an hour at most.”
  “I know you can.” You tilt your head against his, inhaling deeply. “But I think I like you here a bit better.”
  He wraps an arm around your shoulders, tugging you into his side. “Guess I'm bedridden for a bit longer, then.”
  Northern Ireland is really pretty.
  Leo Valdez is even prettier.
  He holds your hand as the two of you get off the boat. An emotional goodbye to your parents (and Arnold) has left your eyes puffy and your mood a little dipped, but your spirits are slowly beginning to rise with the realisation that a brand new chapter in your life has finally opened, and Leo is there to help you navigate through it.
  He squeezes your fingers as the two of you stand on the harbour, watching your home drift back to New York. The stars sprinkle the sky, little rips in the night sky, slightly dulled by the street lights dotting the Belfast docks.
  “You'll be back there soon,” Leo says. “I promise. I haven't kidnapped you.”
  You laugh. You're always laughing with Leo. “I know. It's just different.”
  “Yeah. I can imagine.”
  You swipe a hand beneath your eyes. Your home is now a mere dot in the distance. “Are your friends here yet?”
  “Probably.” Leo glances at his non existent wristwatch. “I can imagine they'll be making a pretty bold entrance right. . . about. . . now.”
  On queue, a golden ball of light emerges from the night sky. You flick your eyes around desperately, but the harbour is completely clear besides you, Leo and the dock worker who is too busy tapping away on his iPad to pay much attention to the spiralling ball of gold currently impending upon the dock.
  The chariot crashes to the floor, shaking the trees and the wood beneath it. Leo is grinning, his hand squeezing your own a little tighter in his excitement; it's been weeks since he last saw his friends, and from the stories he's so keen on telling you, his friends are more like his family.
  “That's them,” he needlessly points out.
  Together, you walk to the golden chariot. Six other demigods spill out of it, two of them slapping each other's arms, bickering about something.
  “-landed a little more gracefully.”
  “Oh okay, Percy, how about next time, you try controlling the wind with Frank snoring behind you!”
  “Maybe I will! I'd probably do a better job than-”
  Leo raises his hand. “Hey guys!”
   All six of the demigods spin around, their arguments now ceasing to exist as they catch sight of you and Leo. A girl with choppy, braided hair takes one look at your joined hands and immediately covers her cheeks, grinning from ear to ear.
  “Oh, I thought Jason was lying!” She throws herself into Leo's arms. “I'm so proud of you!”
  “Thanks, Pipes,” Leo grunts. “Good to see you, too.”
  “And you!” 'Pipes' squeals, throwing herself into your arms next. “You're so pretty! How on the gods green earth did Leo catch your eye?”
  “Woah, okay!” Leo pushes Piper away, scowling. “Leave them alone for a bit, alright? We're both tired.”
  “I'm sure you are,” the blonde haired boy in the purple shirt chuckles. “Come on. How about we go get some McDonalds?”
  The big dude with the baby face narrows his eyes, glancing over his shoulder at the golden chariot. “Can we get that through a drive through?”
  “We can if I drive!” Percy exclaims, snatching the keys off the blonde boy and darting to the front seat.
  The other demigods grumble their horrors, clearly not pleased with the idea of Percy driving, but they follow him anyway.
  Leo and you hang back a little bit. Leo squeezes your hand. When you look over, he gives you a wary smile.
  “Welcome to the family, I guess.”
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madsthewordclown · 4 years ago
Fire Lily | Pt. 10
warnings: none ig?
Eventual Zuko x Reader
a/n: sorry it took me so long to get this up! I took some time with my family over the holidays and struggled a little to get back into Writing Mode. This chapter is very focused on Y/N, and at this point she’s basically blocking out thoughts of You-Know-Who. She’s got more important things to worry about. Also, I just feel like Sokka and Y/N would vibe. I think anyone who would end up with Zuko would have to get along really well with Sokka. Anyway, enjoy!
Fire Lily Masterlist
Y/N found ways to be useful and tried to stay distracted. It turned out to be very useful, having a firebender on their ship. And, as it turned out, Y/N could make a career out of acting. Even Toph said so, which Y/N felt was quite the feat.
There were, of course, whispers about her. Y/N wasn’t stupid. She knew that not everyone trusted her. But Katara seemed to, for whatever reason, and Sokka was slowly coming around. Toph already liked her well enough.
“Where’d you learn that?” Toph asked Y/N as they sat in the small room that they shared with Sokka and Katara in the belly of their ship. “I’ve been meaning to ask. I recognized your bending. Those are earth bending forms.”
“I wondered why they weren’t so… Ka-pow!” Sokka punched the air for emphasis. Sokka tended to be very goofy, Y/N had noticed in the past few weeks aboard the ship. But Y/N could also tell he had a tactical mind. Sokka was crazy intelligent; you could tell even from his nonsensical rambles.
“My father gave me an earthbending scroll when I was little.” Y/N thought back to the moment. It had been a surprise when he came back from a visit to the city. “He thought it might help me, even if it’s not the same kind of bending.”
Y/N didn’t mention that she spent most of her time neglecting practicing. She didn’t want to firebend at all for a long time. But in the past few weeks, the others had needed it. So, Y/N delivered. Casually lit a flame in her hand to trick enemy ships.
Y/N didn’t want to admit it, even to herself, but it felt good, even in small moments.
“Well, it sure does work!” Sokka replied, putting his arms behind his head as he leaned back on his cot. “You know, Fire Girl, I wasn’t sure what to think of you at first, but you’ve really helped us out.”
“Yeah, it’s been great kicking some Fire Nation butt with you,” Toph agreed. Sokka and Y/N laughed. There really hadn’t been much butt-kicking, but it was a nice sentiment. Y/N had mainly stood back and let the others lead the way when they’d captured the ship from Chameleon Bay.
Sokka had actually offered to spar with her with the hook swords. Y/N had declined for the moment. She kept the hook swords underneath her cot. She’d have to rely on what bending she could do, for now.
“And,” Sokka added with a smile, “I think we look great in the armor.”
It was nice, Y/N thought, to sit and laugh with Sokka and Toph. They didn’t trust her completely yet, and with good reason. But Y/N had a feeling that they could get there.
And it was nice to laugh despite their situation. Aang wasn’t awake yet, and Katara spent every moment she could by his side when she wasn’t providing the ship with fog cover. But here she could light the lanterns and take a minute to laugh. It was almost better than the tea shop.
Y/N tried not to think about Lee—Zuko. She had to keep reminding herself about that. He wasn’t her friend, not really. He wasn’t from the Earth Kingdom at all. He was Crown Prince of the Fire Nation. A firebender. And apparently obsessed with hunting the Avatar, as Sokka kept saying.
The Avatar. Y/N hadn’t been there when it had happened—when the lightning struck Aang down. Azula’s lightning, and Zuko had joined her. Y/N’s sadness and anger was almost overshadowed by heavy disappointment. The boy that she had known was grumpy but kind as well as caring. She remembered the careful hand he’d placed over hers. Lee would’ve jumped out of the palace with Iroh, and she would’ve followed him. But Y/N knew Lee was gone.
“The armor isn’t very comfortable,” Y/N noted, leaning back on her cot and enjoying the feeling of her light clothes after a day up on deck.
“Sometimes you have to suffer for fashion, Y/N,” Sokka joked. “Speaking of fashion, I think we all need some new clothes. You guys stink.”
“Speak for yourself.” Toph reached over to punch Sokka in the arm. Y/N laughed. Sokka wasn’t wrong—she was wearing the same clothes that she had been when she went to the palace in the first place. While they had been washed, they had definitely seen better days. There were a few tears in the sleeves of her dress, and it was stained with dirt, and the neck was starting to stretch out.
Y/N was grateful that they’d managed to find her a pair of pants on board, although they did look a bit ridiculous with her rag of a dress over it. The apron she had was tossed overboard shortly after they had reached the boat. Y/N might have set it on fire first, but that was nobody’s business.
Y/N had trouble sleeping on the ship some nights. It was always rocking at least a little bit. But she had a cot and having other people in the room turned out to be a comfort. There was the constant rhythm of Sokka and Toph’s breathing, and then Katara’s when she would finally slip in after hours spent watching over Aang.
Y/N’s months spent traveling felt so far behind her, but she could remember when she had to sleep outside on the ground, sometimes in the middle of the woods, if soldiers were nearby. Luckily, lighting a fire was always easy, if not terrifying. Y/N curled up under her blanket and let the soft sounds of the ship lull her to sleep.
“You’re a liar. If you would have just told the truth I would still be here.” Y/N recognized the voice, but she couldn’t see it. Everything was dark. Her hook swords were in her hands.
“Why did you have to let me take the fall?” Jet’s voice whispered.
“I didn’t mean to,” Y/N called back, desperately. “I didn’t mean to!”
“Y/N, calm down!” Suddenly, her brother was in front of her, holding out a hand. Y/N looked down and saw the molten metal of the hook swords dripping down onto the dirt, handles charred beyond repair.
“I can’t,” Y/N’s chest heaved. “I can’t.”
“Listen to me, Y/N,” Bihun said, stepping closer. “I don’t have much time.”
Suddenly, Bihun’s hand seemed to begin to fade, bits and pieces of it seeming to float off into the air like ash.
“Y/N, look at me.”
Y/N finally tore her eyes away from the burnt handles of her swords and met her brother’s eyes.
“Boiling rock, Y/N. Don’t forget it.” Bihun’s entire right arm was gone now, grey bits of ash floating through the air. Bihun smiled kindly, and Y/N wished so desperately to reach out to her brother, to hug him, but her feet felt stuck to the ground. “Now wake up.”
Y/N awoke, sweat sticking pieces of hair to her forehead. She wiped it away. Y/N was startled as she noticed Toph standing over her.
“Finally, sleepy head. Up and at ‘em.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Y/N swatted, pushing her blanket off of her before standing. “Where are we today?”
“Heck if I know,” Toph responded, turning away to lead Y/N out the door. “That’s a Sokka question. I can’t see anything past this ship.”
“Am I up on deck again?” Y/N asked, changing the subject.
“You’re the only firebender we have, Y/N, even if you aren’t very good,” Toph stated in answer.
Y/N frowned at the slight insult, although it was true. She knew little beyond a few earthbending forms, but she was the only firebender on the ship. If they came across other Fire Nation ships, she was their best shot at convincing them to let their ship pass.
“Go get your gear on,” Toph said, pulling her own brown cloak over her head. Y/N was a bit jealous of Toph’s very lightweight disguise—the first time she put on the Fire Nation armor she had almost fallen over. She also wanted to puke a little bit when she saw herself in the mirror.
After a solid ten minutes of struggling—a great improvement from the twenty it had taken the week before—Y/N placed the heavy helmet over her head, opting to keep the face plate tucked away in a pocket for now. She didn’t particularly like having her face covered. It made her feel less like herself and even more like a Fire Nation soldier, although it did come in handy to have her facial expressions hidden when they came across other ships.
Y/N made her way up to the top deck of the ship with only slight difficulty. The Fire Nation armor was much more mobile than she had imagined.
Y/N blinked at the sudden brightness of the sunlight streaming down onto the ship. The open ocean was already enough to deal with, but no one had ever said anything about how hot metal ships could get with the unblocked sun shining down on them all day. Luckily, Katara seemed to be periodically dousing the deck with sea water.
“Y/N!” Sokka called, walking over to where Y/N was standing. He was also in his Fire Nation get-up, but he wasn’t wearing the faceplate either. “Ready for another day?”
“Sure,” Y/N deadpanned. “It’s too hot to function.”
“Where’s that fiery spirit, huh?” Sokka grinned, bumping Y/N with his elbow. “Get it?”
“No,” Y/N lied, trying to ignore the terrible joke. “Do you know where we’re at?”
“Not really,” Sokka admitted. “My dad tried to describe the general area to me, but I haven’t spent enough time looking at the Fire Nation maps.”
“I’m just glad we’re through that pass,” Y/N shuddered. “As long as we don’t go back there.”
“Yeah, the Serpent’s Pass is… difficult,” Sokka agreed. “Keep an eye on the water and let me know if you need anything, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded. “Any news on Aang?”
“Not yet,” Sokka frowned. “But I have a good feeling about today.”
“Sokka!” Hakoda called from across the deck, waving an arm to beckon his son.
“Duty calls!” Sokka dismissed, turning and leaving Y/N to look out onto the wide expanse of sea.
The one advantage of Y/N’s position is that she wasn’t usually asked to do many chores. Not that she would mind helping, but Hakoda had said that they never wanted to have to struggle to find her if they came across another ship.
The clear sky clouded halfway through the afternoon, darkening the sea beneath them and turning the sky a depressing gray. “What was that about a good feeling?” Y/N asked Sokka nervously as he came over, three scrolls tucked under his arm.
“It’s not storming, is it?” Sokka pointed out, sitting down on the floor of the ship, armor clanking. “Look at these maps with me.”
Y/N hesitantly took a seat next to him, sliding the helmet off of her head to wipe the sweat from her brow. She enjoyed the cool breeze that swept by. Sokka took his faceplate out of his pocket to put on the edge of the scroll to hold it down.
It was a map of the Fire Nation, Y/N realized. The country was shaped almost like a loop of islands, Y/N realized, with the capital city of Caldera, home to the Fire Nation palace in the center of it all.
“We’re about here, I think.” Sokka pointed to a blue spot on the map, just off the shore of the Earth Kingdom.
“By the colonies,” Y/N realized, gasping lightly. She hadn’t realized how close they were to her home.
“Yeah,” Sokka said nonchalantly, before seeing the look on Y/N’s face. “Are you okay?”
“I hadn’t realized we were this close. I used to live there.” Y/N pointed to another spot on the map, her finger nearly touching Sokka’s on the scroll. “Just a handful of miles north.”
Y/N stood, looking to the north. Land was just barely visible in the distance. Somewhere on that piece of land, a little way inland, was her parents’ home. She briefly wondered if they were still there.
“That’ll be our first stop after the invasion, then,” Sokka offered. “Well, maybe not the first stop. But it really would be a good waypoint on our way to… whatever’s next.”
“What is next, Sokka?” Y/N asked. She surprised herself with the question. She realized none of them knew what a life without the war was like. Even when Y/N was too young to be aware of it, it had affected her.
“I’m not sure,” Sokka admitted, looking at Y/N with kind eyes. “But’s it going to be awesome.”
“Do you know what ‘boiling rock,’ might mean?” Y/N looked back down at the map. It was silly, her dream wasn’t real. But weirder things could happen, she was sure.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s a landmark of some kind. But it’s not on this map.” Sokka recognized Y/N’s expression fall. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Y/N assured him. “Just thought I’d heard of it somewhere.”
Y/N was not prepared for when the Avatar stepped out onto the deck that night. She had been the only one who hadn’t gone to visit him while he was out. She felt like it was wrong. She didn’t really know any of them well, least of all Aang. And Katara watched over him like a hawk. Y/N felt like she needed the privacy.
Y/N also did not take into account how Aang might react when she casually lit a torch for Hakoda with her firebending. She hadn’t thought of how backwards the Avatar’s world would seem when he first awoke. It was weird for all of them, but at least they were conscious for most of it.
Y/N sat with Sokka and Toph as Katara spoke with Aang and brought him back inside for another healing session.
When the Avatar resurfaced again, Sokka brought Y/N and Toph over to where Aang and Katara were sitting to explain the invasion plan.
“We’re working on a modified version,” Hakoda added.
“It’s Sokka’s plan,” Katara snapped before turning back to Aang. Y/N had sensed some tension between Katara and her father since arriving on the ship—she had seen the other girl storm off a few times. It appeared that she wasn’t wrong.
“Yes, Sokka’s plan,” Hakoda looked at his daughter out of the corner of his eye, a confused look on his face. “We can’t execute a massive invasion without the Earth Kingdom’s army, but the Fire Nation is still vulnerable.”
“So, we’re planning a smaller invasion,” Sokka explained. “Just a ragtag team of our friends and allies. We’ve already found Pipsqueak and the Duke.”
Pipsqueak and the Duke waved from where they were chowing down on noodles a little way across the ship.
“And our biggest advantage is we have a secret… you!”
“Me?” Aang blinked.
“Yep!” Sokka said proudly. “The whole world thinks you’re dead!”
Aang’s face paled. The Avatar stood quickly and ran to the side of the ship. Y/N wondered if he was about to be seasick over the side. She averted her eyes. Sokka stood to go and reassure Aang.
Y/N looked out over the ocean on the other side of the ship and noticed the shadow approaching. “Hey, there’s a ship!” Y/N called. Sokka and Aang turned around to look.
“I’ve got this.” Aang’s glider snapped open. “The Avatar is back.”
“Wait!” Katara rushed to Aang’s side. “Remember, they don’t know we’re not Fire Nation.”
“We’ve got it,” Hakoda said, putting a hand on Y/N’s shoulder.
“I hate not being able to do anything,” Aang muttered.
“Don’t worry, buddy,” Sokka reassured him. “We’ve got a firebender on our side.”
“What?!?” Aang looked around frantically. Y/N gave a shy wave. She’d have to explain that later.
Katara helped Aang and the others get below deck as the ship came into view. A man in a uniform matching Y/N and Hakoda’s called out to them. Y/N took the faceplate out of her pocket and slid it into place.
“Commander, why are you off course? All Western fleet ships are to be moving toward Ba Sing Se to support the occupation.”
“We’re from the Eastern Fleet, actually,” Hakoda corrected. “We’re delivering cargo.”
“Nice of Admiral Chan to let us know…” The Fire Nation commander replied. Y/N got a sinking feeling. They weren’t convinced.
“Are you questioning my authority?” Y/N called out, praying to the Spirits that she sounded confident and in-charge.
“Who exactly are you?” The commander questioned. Y/N thought of a lie—a Fire Nation name she had heard from home.
“Captain Yai,” Y/N replied as smoothly as she could manage. “And who are you?”
“Commander Muso,” the man replied. “I didn’t know Admiral Yai had a daughter.”
“I didn’t know our army promoted insolent men to command,” Y/N answered.
“I didn’t know our army promoted a girl to command,” Muso sneered. Y/N dared to light a fire in her palm and watched as Muso recoiled.
“I would hate to have to issue a challenge, Commander. Be on your way.”
“Yes, of course, ma’am.”
“Captain,” Y/N corrected.
“Yes, Captain,” Muso amended glumly, motioning to his men. Before long, the Fire Nation ship was pulling away. Y/N let out a breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding.
“That was awesome, Y/N!” Toph cried as the others emerged from below deck.
“Thanks.” Y/N smiled.
“And that was a really lucky guess with Admiral Yai,” Sokka added.
“I know!” Y/N felt the excitement catch up to her. She had been pretty cool.
“Nice work, Captain,” Hakoda praised, giving Y/N a pat on the shoulder. Y/N smiled as the Fire Nation ship faded out of sight.
Fire Lily Masterlist
taglist: @kaylove12, @akariblue, @wolfiemichele, @aquatickanye, @sunflowerr-mami
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chaseatinydream · 4 years ago
pirate king (60) || atz
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“You shouldn’t have done that, Wooyoung-ah.”
At the sound of your voice, the head gunner turns away, completely silent, dark anger boiling beneath his skin. He’s clearly not in the mood to have a talking to now. But you have no fear, not anymore, anyway, and seat yourself next to him on the bed. Your bed, you realise.
Wooyoung’s mouth is pressed in a tight line, edges of his lips curling white in something crossed between a frown and a sneer. There’s a big bruise on his cheek, presumably put there by Jongho again, and he’s looking away very determinedly, set on not meeting your eye.
Unfortunately for him, your stubbornness more than rivals his own, and you’re not about to let him off the hook so easily. He punched his captain, for god’s sake. That’s not typical Wooyoung behavior. “We can sit here all day, you know? I have all the time in the world.”
You really don’t (haha brain, very funny joke), but fingers scratch irritably over the cover of your pillow, Wooyoung chancing a quick glance at you before his eyes have flitted elsewhere. The tension is so thick it’s practically suffocating the two of you alive, but you’re not about to give in anytime soon.
You wait.
Waiting doesn’t take long. Wooyoung’s personality loves comfortable silences or noise. Awkward silence? Not so much. He opens his mouth once, hesitates, closes it, and opens it again with a swallow.
“How... how’s your hand?” He’s still not looking at you.
“This?” You raise the empty stump, the phantom itch still throbs strangely. You’re strangely calm for someone who’s just lost their hand, but knowing death is right on its tail really puts things into perspective. “I’m fine. I was injured by Gunho during the battle and, well, you know the rest.” you shrug, turn away yourself. He really doesn’t, but it’s easier not to go into the specifics.
Wooyoung flinches a little, but you see it. Then an angry growl leaves his chest, fingers digging so hard into your pillow they turn white. “I should have killed that bastard when I had the chance.”
“You couldn’t have known what he was going to do.” You tell him gently, glance out of the porthole and watch the sky outside slowly turn from inky black to midnight blue. Silence lingers between the two of you for a moment before Wooyoung finally puffs out a breath, licks his dry lips.
“How’s Captain?”
Your captain snorts a little as you dab water at his nose. “If Wooyoung had been serious about beating me up, I’d have a lot more than a broken nose.”
“Well,” you shrug, bringing your knees up to your chest, “you nearly broke his nose, gave him five different bruises, very big ones, I may add, and almost gave Master a heart attack.” Wooyoung makes a satisfied noise, patting his raw knuckles fondly.
“He deserved that much, at the very least.” He mumbles, drags a hand across his face, but he looks relieved. “Five bruises was letting him off too easy.” You glance at him for a second, turn back to the world outside, the sky and sea separating as the first hints of day draw a line of light across the horizon. Beyond the heavy wooden door of the sickbay, orders are called, the thud of boots resounding across the deck as the crew rush to carry out said orders.
“I’ll be fine, really.” You find yourself saying, though he hasn’t asked. His eyes find yours and more words start to spill out of your mouth unchecked. “I might have lost a hand, but at least I’m not dead, am I?”
The second you say that, you feel like you’ve somehow slapped both Wooyoung and yourself in the face, metaphorically, of course. At least I’m not dead, your heart gives a little self deprecating chuckle, and you resist the urge to cut off that loose tongue of yours for its stupidity.
Great job, you.
“Get ready to storm the island! I want every one of us to find that Captain Kang and drag him to the Treasure by the knees! Do you understand me?” You hear Mingi shout from behind the door of the sickbay and you make to rise to your feet, “we should go check out what they’re up to-”
But you’re stopped by a familiar hand. “Wait.”
Frowning, you turn back, arch an eyebrow. “Why?” You ask, a little confused. Wooyoung glances up at you with deep green eyes, soft and serious with emotion, and one by one, his fingers lace around yours, squeezing gently. Your heart skips, tumbles a beat, but you keep your eyes on his face. “Wooyoung?”
“Just listen to me for a moment.” He says, voice pleading and for some reason, it makes you nervous, like you’re not ready for whatever emotionally weighted words he’s about to unload on you. “I just need to say something.”
The two of you probably really should get going, but something about the way he’s talking makes you pause, nod for him to go on. “When I was on that island... and we realised that it was a trap for the Treasure...” a shudder runs down his spine, the pad of his thumbs tracing small circles on the inside of your wrist, “I can’t begin to say just how damn terrified I was. And while I was running back to the ship, all I could think about was just how stupid I realised I had been.”
“You couldn’t have known it was going to be a trap, Wooyoung.” You remind him firmly, intent on stopping him from blaming himself just like his captain did, gods were all of them going to be like this? “No one knew, not even Captain, and we all came out fine, so there’s no harm done-”
“That’s not what I meant.” Wooyoung interrupts. The chains rattle as his hand falls to his side, as heavy as his words. “What I meant was... pushing you away, thinking that by distancing myself, I was keeping you safe, but in reality I was just a coward who didn’t have the balls to face my feelings.”
“When I was running back to the Treasure, one thought kept replaying in my mind.” He bites on his lower lip, an agonized look crossing his eyes as he stares at you so longingly, so painfully. “What if the last thing you remembered of me was leaving you alone on that mast and removing myself from your life without knowing how I really felt? What if...” he chokes, head bowed, “what if the last thing you had thought of me was that I hated you, and you died without knowing just how untrue that was?”
You don’t even know what you’re hearing right now. The words, you hear them, but you don’t really hear them. Wooyoung doesn’t hate you, that... that’s amazing to know, but why do you feel like that isn’t the end of it quite yet?
“Chin Hae.” He looks into your eyes, so piercingly you couldn’t look away even if you tried. “I’m scared of women. I’m terrified of them. I have scars all over my body, and I can’t forget the way they touched me, how I was forced to serve them until Captain rescued me. After I left that life behind, I played women like toys because I wanted to convince myself that I was no longer the victim, no longer the powerless.” He takes a deep breath, searches you with a defeated smile. “But it seems like I was wrong, and I find myself powerless in front of a woman once again.”
Your thoughts swirl like the raging waves, a jumble of noises and words and so much emotions. “Wooyoung, what-”
“I love you, Chin Hae.”
“Wait, give me a moment-” You try to collect yourself, but Wooyoung smiles gently, squeezing your hand lightly again and that affectionate, familiar gesture grounds you like a lifeboat in the middle of a storm.
Gentle eyes meet yours.
“You don’t need to love me back.” He tells you, smiling a little wistfully. There’s peace in that lopsided grin, as if a massive weight has finally been lifted off his shoulders, as if he hasn’t just dropped the emotional equivalent of his 42 pound cannon right into your arms. “I just wanted you to know. You... you’re really precious to me, Chin Hae.”
You try to find words, and only one comes to mind. “Buh...” You’re immediately disgusted by your own apparent inability to form complete sentences. What is your brain made of, clay?
At your flustered state, Wooyoung breaks into peals of laughter that resemble an entire pod of happy dolphins, slapping his thigh in amusement. Fumbling about, you throw your headrest at him, only making him laugh harder when it bounces off the wall next to head. “Wooyoung!”
“I’m sorry!” He laughs, not sounding sorry at all. You glare at him, not amused, but squeeze his hand back, like you always have.
“I don’t know how I feel yet.” You tell him honestly, linking your fingers together. Wooyoung nods earnestly, purple hair falling into his eyes. “You... you might only be saying this because you almost lost me, so I want you to think about what you feel again, after all of this has calmed down... before you tell me this again.”
Wooyoung shrugs. “I know what I feel, but if it makes you feel more assured, alright then. I’m fine with waiting.”
A breath of relief escapes you, and you nod seriously, but before you can say anymore, there’s a knock on the door, and it swings open to reveal-
“Captain.” Wooyoung rises to greet his captain a little awkwardly, scratching his head. The corner of Hongjoong’s lips lift in a slight, weary smile at the sight of the two of you seated on the bed, pausing slightly at the door.
“Am I interrupting something?”
“Not at all.” You wave your captain over and Hongjoong takes a step, but his toe dances lightly at the door right before it crosses into the room, and stops to squint a little at his head gunner.
“You’re not going to throw another punch at me the second I step into this room, right?”
Wooyoung lets out a humored chuckle. “God, no, even if I wanted to.” The ice broken, he bumps shoulders with his captain and Hongjoong finally cracks a smile, although it seems a little... off, somehow. “Though I still think it would have been an improvement to your looks if I’d broken a few things on your face.”
Your captain gives a good-natured snort for someone who’d just been beaten up less than half a day ago. “Well, it’s good to have you on the same side again. I was wondering if I could borrow your gun and your eye in,” he glances out of the door onto the deck with a grim smile, “maybe about a few minutes or so.”
Something about the way he says that has something sinking in your chest.
“Just my gun and eye?” Wooyoung tries to lighten the tension by joking with a raised eyebrow, similarly on edge at the tone of his captain’s voice, his fingers shifting towards the long flintlock at his hip as he gestures at himself. “You know you have to get me too, right? We’re kind of a package deal.”
“I might throw in a bonus if you come along.” Hongjoong shrugs, still gazing out of the door. The angle the two of you are at, you can’t quite see what’s happening on deck, but the shouting from outside is loud enough to reach your ears and you’re immediately tensed.
“Appreciative enough to spare me bilge bailing duty for a week for rearranging your face?”
“Maybe. If you ask nicely. Actually, no.” Hongjoong replies, turning to look at the two of you with a smile that’s a little too strained for your liking. “Well, someone has just approached the ship from the island, and-”
“Captain Kang says he wants to talk.”
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starr-fall-knight-rise · 5 years ago
Humans are Space Orcs, “Negligence.”
Sorry this is so late guys, was on a plane all day and didn’t have time to post. hope you like anyway.
He was lying in the dark, a soft light trickled in from the viewing window on the side of the wall. THe sound of the distant engines lulled him like the sweetest sort of lullaby rocking him gently to sleep, and shifting the covers of his bed so he was never quite still. It was neither hot nor cold at that moment, lying with a blanket half draped over his bare torso, though there was nothing on his shoulders, legs or feet.
It was a perfect inbetween.
Outside a glowing planet, bright white in the distance, almost seemed like the moon of earth when examined in the right light, not that he was examining anything at that moment.
His eyes were closed, his body still, and his mind no more than a blank pool of water, so still it may have been glass.
Time here had no beginning and no end.
A whisper came to him in this darkness. A sweet voice that didn’t startle him towards wakefulness, but brought him plunging deeper into the warm comfort of dreams. He could not hear what the voice was saying through the tones seemed familiar, warping in and out of of two familiar languages though never settling on just one.
The voice wove patterns through his reams, and at one moment they seemed to knit themselves into a shape, a familiar shape that lay beside him in the darkness, a shadow of a shadow.
He sighed deeply, and a warm presence brushed over his skin.
Tracing fingers, and a hand which ran up the side of his body making him shiver. The pressure grew more intense as the gaining pressure brushed over his skin coalescing into a hand, which slid to lay on his chest.
He sighed deeply into the darkness as the hand rested against his chest, a warm and comforting presence.
He reached up a hand, searching for this other figure somewhere in the darkness.
And was violently awoken as the ships mechanical alarms began to scream.
He bolted upright, alone in the Captain’s quarters, half dressed and being continually defined by the roaring of the sirens and the flashing red lights.
He stumbled to his feet, and immediately pitched hard to the floor as his body was suddenly and violently reminded that he did not have FEET but in fact a single FOOT. 
He scrambled beside the bed searching for the prosthetic, which he strapped on in record time clawing his way to his feet half dressed as he sprinted form the room, the sole of one foot bare and cold against the floor.
The administrative deck was mostly empty, but not completely, and bleary eyed officers, working over-night peered from their open doors as he ran past.
“GET TO THE EMERGENCY BAYS!” He shouted as he ran, and they did as ordered, hurrying after him with bleary expressions.
His heart hammered inside his chest as he ran cursing internally.
He didn’t want to loose his ship only a few days after having it. This was a disaster! If something happened he wasn’t afraid to admit that he would cry like a baby, like big ugly crying, there was definitely no stopping it.
Admiral Vir knew all of the alarms to his ship, he had to in order to fly one, but never in his life had he ever expected to hear an alarm for mechanical failure. The harbinger had never had any sort of problems, so why would this one?
He plowed down the stairs, nearly bowling over a two of their three resident tesraki, who squealed and hurled themselves into the wall on his passing. After that, he almost trod on a Celzex, and was ford to leap over them with a yelled apology as he raced downwards and towards the engine bay.
When he finally reached the engineering on deck seven, the alarms were off, and a crew of gathered engineers were already waiting. Some of them were dressed in their nightclothes, but many of them were still i their jumpsuits as the ship was constantly monitored in shifts.
“Whose job was this!”
THe room was silent!
“Whose job was this!” Nairobi was livid, and despite her dark skin covering the blood that must have rushed to her face, he didn’t need it to visualize the steam of absolute rage that must have built up inside her head.
“What is going on here!” He was almost surprised at the authority in his own voice as he marched up the deck and towards where Narobi was still stewing with rage.
From this vantage point, he could see one of the engineers holding his hand to his chest as two others had comforting hands on his shoulder
He looked remorseful and lowered his head, “Sir, I am so sorry sir…. I don’t know what happened.”
Admiral Vir took a deep breath and tried to calm his voice, “it’s alright, just tell me what you remember.”
He shook his head, “A pressure gasket blew on the coolant system, sir. I, my hand.”
He was cut off as one of the others stepped in front of him, a hand still resting on his shoulder, “It hit him in the hand pretty hard, sir. We think it might be broken.”
He frowned hands on hips only vaguely aware that he was shirtless in all of this, “A pressure gasket, don’t we have someone who checks those systems every day? How could a pressure gasket have been blown.”
Nairobi, still seething but actually calmer now that he was here interjected, “Yes we DO have someone who does that, sir, but whoever should have been doing it, hasn’t been doing it.”
Upon hearing those words, everything inside his head suddenly snapped into very clear focus. The bleary grogginess of his mind fell away, and he was left with his thoughts clear and unclouded.
He didn’t notice the room as it shifted nervously before him.
“Someone hasn’t been doing their job?”
His voice shot from his tongue like ice, and the room around them seemed to grow very cold very quickly.
On the other side of the room, there were a couple set of pattering footsteps as the Finnari came clattering onto the deck trailing behind Dr. krill and Dr. Katie, one in her pink pajamas and the other as bright and alert as usual.
All of them sensed something wrong almost immediately.
Dr. Krill dragged the finnari with him as he moved to the injured man, clearly holding his hand.
The finnari, sensing danger in the air shifted back at first, but hurriedly followed the Doctor’s footsteps after a moment, coming up to where the injured human was grimacing and clutching his hand.
Krill had the man sit on the floor while the Finnari stayed out of his way, but still managed to squish up against the human their heads resting on either shoulder.
The human seemed surprised though not particularly displeased with the way things were turning out. Despite his pleasure, however, the rest of the room, well the rest of the room could not have said the same, and like the empaths they were, the Finnari could feel it.
The humans might have described the feeling as if the air had gone suddenly cold, but that was not really a good description. It was simply a secondary explanation of a primary fact: there was danger here, and everyone in the room could sense it.
Blood had drained from arms and legs and moved into the core. Sense had sharpened, hearing had improved and focus had been drawn in.
And that is why the room was cold.
The source of the cold?
The human standing at the center of the room.
Finnari huddled together at the back of the injured human watching the micro expressions on the lead humans’ face as he toggled through emotions in quick succession.
When he ended, he ended in a place that was suspended between rage and calm. His face grew relaxed, the muscles in his body released, but the sheer anger in his single green eye was enough to make them cower.
The power of the human’s unspoken rage washed over the crowd, until even Narobi the mechanic was silent with it.
“Let me see the evidence.” He said 
LIke the chill they were all feeling, his voice was clipped and soft. The edges unfeathered by slurs or mumbling, each word fell from the tongue like a shard of glass, sharp and precise with delicate cutting edges.
Nairobi came forward something held in the palm of her hand, “You see sir, these gaskets are supposed to be checked every day. This buildup around the head si something you only get when one of these has been left in for a while to allow it to accumulate. Judging from my experience, this gasket has not been checked for over a week.”
Silence in the room.
Another cold wave radiated from the man’s body, and the Finnari huddled even closer together.
A vein on his neck was clearly visible, pulsing along the side of his throat.
The delicate blue lines spidered under his pale skin in the unforgiving light of the engineering fluorescents  from above.
The human stalked forward, his feet nearly silent over the floor despite one being made of metal. He was even on his feet, with no hitch or pause despite his injury.
His mechanical eye remained uncovered and quizzes around the group, its appriture opening and closing and  whirring slightly in the silence as it turned on every face in the room.
They backed away.
He moved forward.
“Whose job was it?” He asked his voice as melodic as hissing wind through forest trees.
Narovi had to lean to the side snatching a clipboard from one of her subordinates before walking forward towards where the Admiral stood.
He glanced at the list, cheeks tightening imperceptibly as he did.
He glanced up
“And tell me, what is the worst case scenario for negligence like this.”
Krill, finished with his work, looked up at the Admiral, having never heard him sound like this before today.
His working green eye flashed with barely contained rage.
“Sir, worst case scenario might have caused a fire of some sort. Someone could have died, luckily we have warning and checks and pressure releases to keep that from happening, but if it had gone on any loner, or if that gasket hadn’t failed like it should have, than this man could have been killed.
Admiral vir paused thoughtfully for a moment before walking over towards the injured man.
The Finnari whimpered and backed away slightly as a hand came down to rest on the man’s shoulder.
“You alright?”
“Yes sir.”
“Head up to the infirmary and take a few days off.”
The man nodded and then paused, “I just need a day sir.”
“Whatever it is you need, you take.” He said, the coldness in his voice replaced by the hints of something warm. He glanced down at the finnari, “Go with him, and keep him company.”
They were only too pleased to leave, and did so without argument.
He waited until the last sounds of their footsteps had faded before turning to the crew.
“Corporal Ridger.” His voice had dropped downwards into ice again, and the entire engineering crew shivered 
No one moved for a moment until a soft set of footsteps came from the shadows and a single man walked onto deck his head down, “Yes sir.”
“You’re fired.”
The entire crew flinched in shock and surprise. The older members of the crew looked at each other in near abject horror having never heard something so definitive pass from the man’s lips before.
The man’s head snapped up, “But sir.”
“But NOTHING!” The Admiral roared. The man lept back in fear cowed by his sudden switch to aggression. When he was silenced, the Admiral switched back to quiet, “Your negligence could have killed someone.”
“I will do better, sir.”
The Admiral shook his head, “No, you won’t. You have already proven that you don’t care about your job. As an engineer I know you knew the potential consequences and yet decided to go through with your decision anyway, which means that a part of you does not care about the safety of this ship and the people on it. Therefore, I can only conclude that you cannot be trusted as a member of my crew.”
The crew sat in stunned silence, “Petty officer, take this man to the brig, and Lieutenant! Set a course for the Europa station.”
“Yes sir.” Two voices chorused in unison before running off.
The man was escorted protesting from the engineering floor.
Nairobi had lost all of her anger brom before and was now staring at Admiral Vir was incredulity.
“Sir, are you sure-” ‘Yes I am sure.” He turned around to the rest of the silent room, his voice calm again arms crossed over his chest, “I know that this may seem harsh to the vast majority of you, but I need you to understand something.”
He paced in a wide circle around the room making eye contact with each and every one of them as he passed.
“This ship relies on you to keep us in the air… you are the only people who stand between us, and death however much you would not like that to be true.”
He paced hands behind his back now, “I need you to understand that I will not tolerate negligence. Everyone on this ship needs to be here 100% and dedicated to doing more than the job requires and nothing less than what is asked. Someone could have died today because of what he did, and I will make sure that that does not happen so help me god.”
Body stiff, back straight he turned to look at them one more time, “Now get back to work, or to bed, all of you.”
It was at these words that the group of them scampered away, rattling over the ground and out the door with great abandon.
At the corner of one of those hallways, conn turned to look at Sunny who leaned sideways against the wall.
The look on his face was annoyed.
“Please never think like that when you are around me, ever.” ANd then he floated off.
Admiral Vir waited till they were all gone and then sighed.
All of that just to ruin a nice dream.
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imanonymousfanfic · 4 years ago
Kid's Lipstick (2/2)
I enter the kitchen, head throbbing like I’ve split my skull open. I’m sluggish, barely able to stand like a bag of bricks in water. The smell of burning cigarettes and fried food sickens me, making me regret coming in already. I crawl into a chair, letting my heavy head fall onto the table with a loud thud. The impact rattles my skull sending a wave of pain through my head. I throw myself back, groaning out in agony as the throbbing increases. The others chuckle. They’re talking amongst themselves but I’m too destroyed to bother absorbing their conversations. I look over to Killer, who is cooking breakfast, staring directly at me as he blindly chops food.
“Water,” I ask him in a pained tone. He nods , grabbing a glass from the cabinet. I bury my face into my arms. All the bright sun shining through the windows is killing me. It’s unbearable. Heat cracks a joke about me, this I notice, making the rest of them laugh as they chomp down on their meals. Someone pokes at my arm, I peek, seeing it was Wire sat beside me doing it.
“Stop laughing, it’s not funny.” I mumble, my voice echoing from my folded arms.
“You were really drinking hard last night.” Haikei proceeds to tease. I sit up, looking at the man directly in his black circular shades. I snatch the cigarette sitting between his fingers and smush its lit tip into the table.
“Your smoking is going to make me more sick than I already feel! Kid said no smoking in the kitchen anyway.” I hiss, flicking the crushed cigarette back at him. An arm appears in front of me, placing a glass of water down. My dry mouth looks at the liquid hungrily, wanting to inhale an entire sea’s worth. I begin chugging its contents back hurriedly, feeling as though nothing will be able to quench my thirst at this rate. Before I can finish, I reach for the jug sitting in the middle of the table, lifting it to the glass without putting it down on the table. I keep filling myself until my stomach reaches its limit. I smack the empty cup down on the table, gasping viciously for air.
I burp loudly the sound of my greedy behavior echoing loudly through the room, shortly followed with an apology. I laze myself down on the table again, whimpering quietly to myself. Everyone gathered around the table is staring, eyes wide as they fork their breakfast into their mouths.
“What? Why are you staring?” I grouch at them. Oscar and Wire pull their gaze away. Silence fills the room with nothing but the sound sizzling food, which reminds me that I’m both famished and nauseated, a combination I hate more than anything. I know that my hangover won't end until I replenish my body, but the word food alone makes me want to regurgitate my own organs.
The door swings open and in comes Noe, grinning widely, seeming as fresh and energetic as ever. “Hey guys!” He greets. His eyes fall to me, peeking briefly from beneath his bucket hat. He chuckles amusedly. “Woah, you look like shit dude!”
“Fuck you Noe,” I spit, he brushes off the harsh response, patting my back as he walks past me and slides into one of the free chairs. The boys greet him, throwing in a couple jokes as they do.
“Well, I like the lipstick, it suits you.”
The room falls silent. I look to the others, who were all nervously exchanging glances, mostly between Noe, Killer and I. I look at the glass to see the burgundy print faintly along its rim. I rub at my lip, hard, seeing a minor shade red transfer onto my finger. I look back up at the guys to see they were staring at me as if I knew what was happening. I drop the glass and jump out of the chair in panic, fumbling over my words. I rush to the door, slamming it behind me in panic.
I rush to the medbay, hoping to catch Senior, he might know something. I throw open the door to see Kid sitting on a cot, clutching his temples with a pained expression. He and Senior both look over to me, Senior seeming caught off guard. My eyes meet Kids then Senior again. A smirk spreads across his lips. He already knows. My words stumble again, making a random jumble of sounds but no words come out. I throw the door closed and dart towards the sleeping quarters, the only place left that I can be safe.
I catch my reflection in one of the windows. I come to a hard stop, gliding on the freshly washed deck, nearly tumbling to the floor as I do. I study my reflection, seeing the familiar shade of lipstick staining my lips and the area surrounding them. It’s not a clown's job, that’s for sure..
Oh god... Oh god.
I take off once again, running down to my hammock and throwing myself into it, wrapping myself into a tightly enclosed cocoon. I pull my pillow to my face, screaming loudly into it, straining my throat as I do. As my voice dies out, I fall silent. I’m aching and frustrated and don’t remember anything.
“You know when we had that talk last night I was anticipating the situation to be resolved.” Killer's voice cuts the silence. Of course.
“I don’t remember a single thing after we talked.”
“That was obvious the second you entered the kitchen.” He retorts, seemingly monotoned. He’s not the least bit impressed with me.
I stir angrily. The shock in my system is fading but my heart is still pumping hard, mercilessly attacking my head.
“Are you here to make me miserable or do you have a point to make?”
“Hm,” he hums, “you can figure this one out on your own.” His tone harsh, different from usual. Instead of sounding like the heartless pirate he is, it almost sounds spiteful to my response. He turns, making his way out of the room shutting the door behind him, leaving me to sit in silence.
I really need to sleep some more.
More steps come and the door cracks open. Now frustrated,  I peel open my hammock and look over to see Noe walking over to me with a mug in his hand. The smell of coffee fills the room.
“What happened man?” He questions, plopping down against the wall next to me. He hands me the mug. I shake my head.
“I’m just really embarrassed.”
“Why? It’s not like you stripped and danced naked in front of us, although, that would have been fun.” Noe chuckled. I would have smacked him if he was in arms reach. I roll my eyes and plop my head down in my pillow again. He lightly sways my hammock, sitting silently in my company.
“How am I ever supposed to come back from wearing the captain's lipstick? This will haunt me for the rest of my days on this ship.”
“Stop being such a drama queen,” Noe shrugs, slurping his coffee loudly.
“Go fuck yourself Noe,” I mumble turning away from him, “you’re shit at offering comfort.”
“Sleep off the alcohol. We can talk when you’re less miserable.”
“Yeah hopefully then I’ll have the energy to bruise your face.”
The door to the sleeping quarters shuts.
I break from my deep slumber to loud stomping approach the room, the door slams open, almost falling off its hinges. The sudden commotion makes me jump and squirm in the hammock before falling out, landing fast first on the ground.
I groan loudly. “I don’t want to exist today,” I mumble, with my face still pressed into the ground, already feeling the bruise forming on my forehead. My head is still reminding me of my poor choices from last night. The extra sleep helped, but god I’m being punished for it. I roll myself over and look up to the silhouette blocking the light shining from the door. I can faintly make out Kids face. He’s pissed.
“I’m on watch duty aren’t I?”
“You were, I let you sleep in.” The captain growls down at me. For once he’s a little merciful. What the hell happened to make everyone act so weird?
He kneels down in front of me, lifting my head back and swiping his finger over my lips roughly. “There’s an enemy not too far ahead, we’re gonna them.”
I swat his hand away, tugging my head back from his hand. “Okay, I’ll get to the infirmary… and stop touching me.”
He narrows his eyes at me, making me freeze. I frown at him, what is happening? I scoot back a little bit and shakily stand myself up. Kid follows my actions, staring me down like I was hiding something from him. I know something is going on, and it's just hanging in the air, but I can’t deal with this now.
I bundle my hair up and tie it into a high ponytail, giving him the side eye as I turn to my trunk, kicking its side making the lid bust open. I tear off my crop top from last night and replace it with my work t-shirt, it still has a couple blood stains, but they match its icy blue color. Next is the gun Kid gave me, I load it, counting the bullets I have. He told me only to use it when someone attacks me while tending to someone. I’ve only had to use it a couple times.  I’m not supposed to fight, most of the time at least.
I fill the pockets of baggy pants with the bullets and slip my blade into my boot. Firmly sticking the cover inside so it doesn’t fall out. I throw my supply belt over my shoulder, tightly locking it over my chest and between my boobs. I catch him staring but his eyes quickly divert, his emotions making it hard to think about anything else. He remains still with his rage silently building as I continue to ignore the elephant in the room. I avoid look again, catching his gaze is typically the tipping point when he’s angry. I kick the trunk again and the lid falls closed. I make my way towards the door, spotting Killer strolling past, eyeing us down casually before disappearing again.
“You think you can just act like nothing happened.” Kid calls out to me. I come to a halt, nearly at the door and turn on my heels to face him again, almost jumping when I see his chest right in front of me. I look up to see his angered expression has softened slightly. I kick the door closed, unable to concentrate on him with the crew outside barking orders as they try to prepare for a fight.
I’m too tired to have this conversation now. Why now?
I sigh out. “Kid, I need to prepare the medical supplies. Seniors foot is broken, I have to work twice as hard.” My body itches. The curiosity in me is begging for answers but it feels more troublesome than rewarding at this rate. Everyone is acting off, and this is the last thing I need is to be messing up because of last night. “I don’t remember and I don’t want to try to right now.”
His eyes grow cold again, appearing angrier than before. Huffing out, he storms past, throwing me off balance as he does on his way out. I shouldn't have said that, in that way. It’s bothering me more than anything that he’s staying so calm about it. I spot the blond again by the door frame, silently watching me with his arms crossed, pretending to be casually hanging about.
“Yeah, yeah, I get the fucking message.” I huff out on my way out.
I beeline straight to the infirmary, helping only a couple men with ropes on the way when they needed me to. I open the door to see Senior sitting at his deck, leg propped up in his large cast. He’s reading that damn medicine book that's impossibly heavy with insanely tiny writing. He tilts the book at angle to give a look through his reading glasses, followed by a cocked brow.
“So.” He begins, just as I was hoping he wouldn't. I throw my head back, irked by his insistence to talk about Kid and I. He’s not the only one. It’s almost like the crew wants to be involved with this pointless drama. You would think as pirates they’d be too busy to worry about that.
“Not today, please.” I whine at him, grabbing one of the mouth rinses from one of the cupboards.
“That’s for mouth injuries.” Senior reminds me, without even looking up from his book. I often wonder if he has a third eye.
“Yes, well, I can’t get the taste of alcohol out of my mouth despite brushing my teeth twice today.” I throw the medicine back into my mouth, swirling the gross medicinal liquid around my mouth, making sure it’s coating my mouth entirely before spitting it out in a bucket.
“Maybe don’t get drunk.”
“I can break your other foot for you.” I snarkily respond slapping his casted foot. He hisses in response, giving me the stink eye. I wink at him, chuckling softly as I begin to  carefully pocket the medical supplies on my belt, organizing them by level of emergencies.
“Are you going to be alright on your own?” Senior questions me, now taking his feet off the table.
I adjust the belt over my shoulder, huffing annoyedly. “I don’t have a choice. I just hope none of the heavier boys need me to carry them.” Senior chuckles in response, clearly amused at the image.
“If it comes to it I’ll be out in a matter of seconds. You’ll be fine, it’s not an Emperor.”
I hum in response, thinking to myself quietly about last night. There’s not much I remember, just Kids eyes angrily staring me down as I make my way into his room. I drank almost half a bottle of whiskey on top of all that lager. Damn...no wonder my head feels like a balloon ready to burst.
I pop a pain killer in my mouth, chugging the glass of water on Seniors desk. “I’d usually kill you for that, but in your state I’ll forgive it.”
“You’re so merciful,” I sarcastically retort with an eyeroll, making my way back to the door. It swings open right as my hand reaches the handle and there stands his large figure. The light from outside burns my eyes, making me squint painfully as I stare up at him.
“Give us some privacy.”
I swallow the ball growing in my throat and step back, letting Senior step out on his crotches. Kid slams the door behind him, making me jump. His eyes are dark, filled with rage that I only ever see when he’s fighting. The ball in my throat drops, now pitting in my stomach instead.
He’s always been hard on me, snapping orders and reprimanding me when I’m wrong, but he’s never looked at me the way he does now. His nose crinkles as he snarls at me, bearing his teeth, ready to bite at any second. I look to his arm, seeing the veins in his arms bulging from his fist constantly balling up. He’s fighting with himself to stay calm. I can't look into his eyes, his gaze feral and ready to bite like a pack of hungry wolves. The anticipation for him to speak pains me. I continue to back up, stopping as my back hits one of the cots. I bite down on the inside of my lip, feeling my face wanting to show my fear, but that will only make this worse. I keep my eyes down to my boots, awkwardly looking down as I wait for his yelling to start.
“How dare you think you can talk to me that way.” Kid hisses at me through clenched teeth.
“Don't get mad at me if I can't remember what happened, stop humiliating me!” I bark back at him, my emotions finally getting the best of me. My spiteful cold attitude has held up so far but hearing the aggression in his voice breaks me.
His demeanour switches suddenly, and laughs tauntingly. “Can I remind you, you’re the one who went to bed wearing my lipstick.” His cruel teasing finally breaks me. I fold my arms over my chest, chewing hard on my bottom lip as I fight the tears pricking in my eyes. He waits for my response but nothing comes. I stare at the wall, angrily sulking, eyes watering and nose burning, viciously blinking the blurry vision in my eyes. .
He nods simply, his eyes boring into me. He’s quiet, meaning for once he’s thinking his actions through. He’s such a cruel man and I can’t stand being a victim of his merciless ways. He flashes me a dissatisfied grin. He turns away to the door, attempting to put an end to this conversation for now. If I leave it like this I will be in more trouble.
“Exactly as I thought from last night, you’re just talk.” He writes me off, waving his hand over his shoulder like I’m useless.
Asshole. I snatch the nearest item to me, a therapy ball sitting by my feet and launch the firm object at him. It smacks into his head with a loud thump before ricocheting across the room. Kid turns on his heels slowly, his eyes catching mine. His face contorted into a terrifying expression resembling what a demon would appear as in the skin of a human. His eyes pierce what little armor I have left. All my rage slips away, melting into panic.
My jaw clenches with my hands now shaking vigorously as I try to keep calm. I suck in air between my teeth, standing tall on the ground I decided to cross. “You cannot come in here mocking me and dehumanizing me for something I don’t even remember doing, you asshole!”
“You’re telling me how I can act?” Kid questions me, stepping towards me.
My words stutter uncontrollably, cursing the gutsiness my rage gave me. “I-I” Never once have I raised my voice at him and now I already regret it.
He kneels before me. I tear my gaze away, but he turns my face back to him. “What? So now the cats caught your tongue? Do I need to cut it off?” He laughs, now seeming more amused than angry at this rate. For the first time I’m struggling to understand what is happening inside of his head and I can’t stand it.
“So you’re embarrassed of kissing me?”  His question takes me off guard. My eyes widen as thoughts jumble in my head. Oh god. My exaggerated confidence has deflated completely, leaving me defenseless
He turns to the door, I release the air held in my lungs, hoping this is the end. He locks it, forcing every muscle in my body to tense. My goddamn luck betrays me everyday, but who am I kidding, this is Kid.
“So tell me why you came into my room last night telling me that I gross you out and I’d be the worst person to love, yet you still only think about kissing me?”
The air in my throat hitched, almost making me choke. Parts of the distance memory faintly come to mind. I don’t remember it, but I remember doing it. The blood in my face collects, turns my cheeks into an overheated mess, turning my knees to jelly. The incoherent words hang off my lips in a jumbled mess once more.
“So, you’re just too embarrassed to say you like me?” Kid asks me smirking even more now. Why is he smiling?
I dip away from his hand trying to grab me, his fingers brushing over my shoulder. The suppressed anger in him is building a tension in the room I can’t bear to face. He hasn’t been merciful, he hasn’t been kind, it’s so obvious now that since this morning it’s all been calculated. He wants me to confess.
“No, that’s not it at all!” I hiss in return. I dodge his grasp again, jumping away from his hand as it reaches for me. He turns to face me properly, slowly approaching as I calmly back myself away, feeling the walls as I go until I hit a corner. He leans down to me, his golden eyes flicking between both of mine, face sitting inches away. He hums amusedly, with his cool breath lightly fanning over my face.
“You can’t be embarrassed of your Captain.”
“I’m not,”
“Oh?” Kid sadistically smirked, “but you wanted to hide when everyone saw the lipstick on your lips.”
The words in my mouth stumble into a chaotic mix of sounds that mean nothing again. Kid laughs at me, before pulling out a lipstick from his pocket, brandishing it to me as he opens it to apply a fresh layer, covering his lips in the dark burgundy, watching me as he slides the make up across his lips. Once done he closes it, placing it back in his pocket, while his other hand wipes away the corners that he over-lined. He flashes me a toothy grin, running his tongue along his teeth, purposely torturing me with anticipation. He leans down closer to my face, the smirk fixed on his lips. All of my breath leaves my lips. He can’t be serious, not now.
“I enjoy seeing people suffer, you know that right?” I nod hesitantly in response. “Good,” he hums approvingly, wrapping his fingers around the belt on my chest. My heart stops, awaiting his next move. For once I can’t predict him and completely at his mercy.
He tugs on the belt, making me crash into him. Both of his hands cup my face, pressing his lips onto mine, holding me tight as he exhales the brewing emotions in him. He pulls away, parting the aggressive kiss, letting me breathe in finally. Completely overwhelmed and paralyzed by his actions, I stare at him with shallow lungs as I struggle to relax. I’m nauseated fromm my stomach nervously flipping. Why did he kiss me if he’s so angry?
“You came into my room last night yelling at me, telling me I’m the asshole for saying I liked you.”
“You are,” I quietly croak.
“Yeah,” he tuts back, an evil smirking spreading on his lips. My eyes grow wide, he’s planning something. He drags his finger over my bottom lip. “You’re not allowed to yell at your captain, throw bottles at his door, or-” The ball in my throat grows and regret fills me. I don’t want to drink ever again. “Be embarrassed of your captain.”
“I’m not!”
“You’re not allowed to lie either!” Just as I go to open my mouth again he kisses me, pulling me over his now kneeling leg, running one hand through my hair while the other pulls the hair tie out. My hands run over his shoulder grasping onto him as we deepen the kiss.
“You’ve fallen for my trap.” He laughs out, breaking the kiss. I tug my head back seeing the devious glint in his eyes. The panic sets in and I begin to struggle away from him as hauls me up and pins me to the ground. I push against his hands, quickly realizing my defeat. I whimper out, begging him to stop as he starts to cover me in kisses, planting his lipstick all over me, the creamy makeup covering me from my chest up to my forehead. I can’t help but giggle, but curse at him, infuriated by this. He pulls away, looking down at me with pride, appreciating his work.
“You can’t wash it off until the end of the day.”
“WHAT?” I yell, now trying to kick myself away from him.
“Discipline for your bad behavior.”
I hum angrily, eyes burning holes into him. I would be angrier if it wasn’t he wasn’t kissing me moments before. He picks me up from the floor, giving me the hair tie back. I snarkily sneer at him, tying my hair back up once again. He smirks at me again, headed for the door with me following shortly behind. I’m not ready for all the mockery I’ll be enduring for the rest of my life on this ship.
“Do I have permission to kick anyone’s ass who pisses me off?” I ask him.
He gives me a quick glance, smiling widely. “Only if they can handle it.” A smile creeps on my lips, I know I’m a bright crimson by now, but it’s all out of the way. Maybe my drinking helped me make better decisions than I thought. Part 1
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boymeetsweevil · 5 years ago
the most magical place in hell
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Grouping: (For Science) Reader x JK
Word Count: ~3.1k
Warnings/Themes: implied sex, 5 is a crowd annoying friends since that’s the vibe these days, d*sn*y please don’t sue
Prompt: “For Science, I miss this couple sm. Any scenario would be fantastic! For inspo, did JK and OC get to go on a vacation, (jk expressed he wanted to in his journal) if so how did that go? Any fun new experiments?”
A/N: This commissioned fic is part of the Changes with Luv project, hosted by FicsWithLuv. Here you can find more information about the project, cause, places to donate, and ways to commission a piece or offer your services if you are a content creator. Thank you!
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On the third day of the cruise, Jungkook rolls over in his sleep. His hand reaches for you. His palm meets the bare skin of your shoulder already moving despite how pale the morning light is under his lashes.
“What’s happening,” he mumbles before grabbing more greedily at you. There’s not too much resistance as you let yourself be dragged a few inches across the sheets.
“We have to get up. Breakfast starts in 10 minutes, remember?”
You lean down to press a peck just above his brow bone and he groans. As you pull away, there’s a sweet waft that hits him and lets him know you’ve already showered and gotten ready. Now it’s his turn.
He gives himself just until you gather your things and shut the door to the room. Then he’s pulling himself out of bed with every ounce of energy he has left. He brushes his teeth with his eyes closed, does a perfunctory shower with the lights off like it’ll give him some more sleep. But he’s still dead tired as he throws on an outfit and heads out the door.
The walk to the dining area was exciting 3 days ago. The decadent decor, the view from the high balcony separating his floor from the others, the grand 20’s style atrium with Mickey Mouse memorabilia incorporated throughout. Everything used to be exciting 3 days ago. Sadly, the first day passed and things quickly lost their charm.
As he scoops a smiley-face omelette onto his plate in the buffet line, he searches for your face in the crowd of families scarfing down their first meals of the day so they can take their kids to the waterfall pool on deck 6. By the time he reaches the end of the line, there’s still no sight of you among the tables. So he ventures outdoors where there’s less seating but considerably more sun. He thinks back to his quick routine in the room. Did he remember to put on sunscreen?
When he finds you, you’re stretched out on a beach chair and taking in some of the sun. His mood is partially lifted when he sees just how content you look getting warmed like a lizard on a rock in your tiny bikini. He stands over you deliberately just to see you pout and pull down your sunglasses with a huff.
“Oh, it’s just you.”
“Who’d you think it was?”
“I thought it was Hoseok about to ask me to take his profile pic again.”
Jungkook chuckles a little before sitting in the open seat next to you. “Couldn’t have been him. Too early.” “That’s true.” You sit up then, peering at his plate. “What’d you get us?”
“Us?” His smile is warm. “I thought you’d have eaten by now with the way you left the room.”
“I was looking for an empty spot for us. It was your job to find the actual food.”
“No one else would willingly wake up this early,” he cuts a fraction of the omelette before holding the bite up to you. “But I guess it’s only fair.”
You open your mouth happily.
“Permission to board the S.S. girlfriend?”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m wasting fuel in the port,” he continues to hover the fork just outside your reach, even when you jump forward with a nip.
“Permission to board,” you grumble.
He laughs like you told a great joke and gently feeds you the bite. With soft eyes, he watches you point to different things on the plate and dutifully feeds you your fill. This might be the first time he’s been able to spend a few moments alone with you since the five of you got on the cruise. He finishes up the bit of toast you couldn’t finish and the few blueberries that didn’t interest you. He must be staring because you turn to him in your reclined position and return the favor.
“You’re looking a little red. Did you put on sunscreen?”
“I think I forgot. I was trying to get ready fast so you wouldn’t have to sit around alone.”
“I wasn’t alone,” you reach into the bag you brought for sunscreen. “Yoori was with me. She left for the gym maybe 2 minutes before you came out here.”
“Oh,” is all he says.
Jungkook scowls a bit as you rub the lotion onto his face. That Yoori and Hoseok, and probably even Taehyung, might be spending more time with you on this trip than him is starting to be the horrible icing on this shitty vacation cake.
“Why don’t we take some time to—” He begins but a large shadow looming over the two of you makes him stop in his tracks.
“Hey,” a man with thick blond hair and even thicker muscles nods down at you. “You were at the adult lounge last night, right?”
Jungkook’s mouth drops open. Thor—or the actor who plays him during the Marvel day activities—has come up to your spot. He’s got the Ragnorok breastplate on with board shorts adorning his chiseled lower half. From the top up, he looks just like the real thing.
“Wow. Yeah I was, I’m surprised you remember,” you hold a hand over your eyes so you can look up at “Thor”.
“How could I forget. You and your beautiful friend were quite the sight yesterday.”
“Oh, uh. Thanks.”
In all his excitement, he overlooks the flirting. Jungkook stands up from his seat then and sticks out his hand. “Thor” shakes it hesitantly.
“Hey. I know you’re not the real thing, but it’s great to see you. I wasn’t at the adult lounge last night, so we didn’t get to meet.”
Jungkook makes sure to puff out his chest so “Thor” will notice the print of his button down shirt. Tiny little hammers.
“Do you like the shirt?” He beams. 
“Thor” squints down at the animated hammers.
“I can’t say I really know what’s on it, but sure.” 
“They’re...they’re Mjölnirs.”
You gasp, clapping your hands over your mouth. 
Jungkook drops “Thor”’s hand at the same moment, disappointment turning down the corners of his mouth.
“Nothing. They’re just drawings. Have a good day, man.”
“Thor” chuckles before looking back down at you. “Cute kid,” he says before sending you a wink and making some comment about getting to rehearsal.
Yoori returns from the gym that moment, nearly running into “Thor”. He gives her an appreciative once over which she returns smugly. Her expression changes as she approaches you and Jungkook looking like you had both seen a car crash.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing,” you respond quickly with a subtle look at the back of Jungkook’s head to tell her ‘not now’.
“Well,” she plops down on the end of Jungkook’s beach chair, “How was breakfast?”
“It was fine,” Jungkook sighs and scoots back so she’ll have some room. “We finished a little while ago. Now we’re just making plans for the rest of the morning.”
“Couple stuff...I’ll go get myself a plate, then.”
You wait until Yoori’s disappeared into the dining area to turn to Jungkook. He doesn’t look angry per se. Just resigned.
“What were you saying before?”
“Hmm,” his eyes are far away, “I was just saying we could take some time to ourselves.”
He wants to say he feels like he’s barely seen you since he stepped on the ship, but he doesn’t want to make you feel bad. The funny thing is that you weren’t even looking forward to the trip before the first day. The tickets for this Marvel cruise were a last minute gamble. You had dropped many not-so-subtle hints about wanting to go somewhere a little less kid-friendly, but he’d waited until the last minute.
At first it seemed like the best possible last choice a person could have. You were all fans of the comics and movies with the exception of Taehyung and Yoori. Taehyung was more of a DC fan and Yoori just sort of let the movies wash over her. You’d been worried that the week would be torture for you with all the screaming kids around. But you were actually having the time of your life. Meanwhile Jungkook was having a less than ideal time.
“Sure. Like what?”
“Maybe we could relax? I’ve had research video meetings the last two nights, so I haven’t really been up for the late night stuff. And I’m just barely up for the morning stuff.”
“Hmm. What about the spa? I haven’t been there yet and it’s on my list.”
“The spa?” Yoori comes out with a mountain of waffles and rumpled-looking Taehyung and Hoseok behind her. “Yeah, let’s go to the spa!”
“Actually, I think Kook just wanted to—”
“I heard it’s actually pretty decent on this boat. They have a hot rock massage where all of the rocks look like the Tinman’s suit.”
“The Tinman,” Jungkook practically chokes.
“I think she means Iron Man,” Hoseok grins sleepily. “Anyway, I’m down for the spa thing too. Never too early to have a tiny lady go in on my thighs.”
“You’re literally so nasty,” Yoori glares back at him.
As your other friends bicker, you flash Jungkook an apologetic look. He shrugs because that’s easier than fighting it. He relishes the second plate of food you get for him and lets you feed him the bites in between kisses and mini-reapplications of sunscreen. It’s all the rest he gets that day. The spa is probably the least relaxing moment of his life.
He doesn’t even get to sit near you. Instead, he gets roped into the men’s section where Hoseok’s tiny lady goes too hard on his thighs and the resulting yelps make Jungkook’s ear drums pound. Taehyung falls asleep two minutes into the Iron Man hot rock massage and snores in a way that’s nearly identical to the 60 year old guests napping nearby.
You emerge from the women’s section with Yoori looking like you’d smell and feel like a rose petal. But Jungkook doesn’t ever find out if you do, because he’s being thrown right back into more “fun”. Somewhere in the back of his mind—between Black Widow meet and greet and the Ant-Man lunch show—he thinks that he would probably be having actual fun if he had some time to breathe. Although, he figures it’s enough to just breathe you in. He feels slightly less drained looking at your smiling face and wide eyes as a wild Hulk appears behind you at the pool after lunch, spraying you lighty with comically huge muscles and a comically tiny water gun.
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“You’re not coming?”
Jungkook groans, partly out of guilt and partly out of exhaustion. It’s nearing 10:30 at night and you’re getting ready to go to the adult lounge again. This time it’s for all-things-Spiderman trivia and drinks. He wants to want to go. But he can’t find the strength. He figures too much sun and too much socialization is the answer.
“You’re not staying,” he counters as he does his best to sit up in bed. There’s a nice soft glow bleeding in from the giant picture window of the suite that looks onto the water and there’s some Loki pajamas calling his name. Your tight little dress is calling to him too. I’d look better on the floor, it says.
“I figured this would be a lot more lowkey than everything else we’ve done today. There’s no water and no noisy families. Or screaming Hoseoks.”
“You heard that earlier?”
“I did,” you grimace. “He must have really pissed off that masseuse.”
“I’m pretty sure he just talked with her like he talks normally.”
“Can’t fault her for that, then.”
There’s a beat of silence as you test the security of some strappy heels. Naturally your eyes wander from the shoes to your boyfriend. He’s tapping away at some emails on the ship’s slow wifi no doubt. If you couldn’t tell how tired he was from the slope of his shoulders and the bruise-like shadows under his eyes, the giant yawn he barely stifles is a giveaway.
“Maybe I could just—”
The door to your suite swings open, revealing Taehyung looking frightened in a silky peach button down as Yoori pinches Hoseok’s ear.
“You’re coming, right? Please tell me you’re coming.”
“She’s coming,” Jungkook pipes up from the bed. His eyes never leave the screen of the computer as he types away, but he blinks slow and long. Your heart aches a little.
Taehyung breathes out a sigh of relief and links arms with you. You get one last look at your exhausted boyfriend before you’re pulled out of the room entirely.
“Do you think they’ll even bother asking about the Garfield version?” Taehyung’s question shakes you out of your worry.
“Pfft, no.”
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On the fourth day of the cruise, Jungkook is awakened earlier than he wants yet again. A large clap of thunder and the bolt of lightning flash from the other side of the window. He crawls quietly around your sleeping form and throws on his glasses. There’s heavy rain too—a sure sign that the pools and sundecks will be closed. Out of habit, he checks his email and sees a message from the ship coordinator.
Esteemed Guests,
As some of you may know, two performers at last night’s dinner show in House of Mouse theatre (Deck 5, room 6B) showed signs of a stomach bug during the performances. For the safety of the rest of the cast, staff, and guests, we will be postponing today’s shows to sanitize the performance rooms and allow the actors time to recover. Room service will still be available.
We know this is a large inconvenience, and to thank you for understanding, please check your trip accounts for a refund for today’s fares. Additionally...
Jungkook can’t help the fist pump and small hoot he lets out. The email gives him the same feeling he gets on those days when he wakes up hours before his alarm only to discover his professor had cancelled class for the day. With a skip in his step, he returns to bed.
When he wakes up hours later, it’s natural. You’re still spooned to him, still soft and warm and pliant in sleep. He runs the tip of his nose along your neck while the fog of sleep lifts. The smell of your soap and skin is warmed with sleep. The sniffing must tickle you, because you stir before arching against him in a morning stretch. He moves so he doesn’t get in the way of your swinging limbs and smiles to himself. It feels like it’s been forever since he last got to hold you like this without the threat of someone whisking you away.
“Morning,” your voice is gravelly from disuse. “What’s going on. What’s the plan?”
“There’s no plan.”
You’re still half asleep, but you have the social awareness to let your voice go high with incredulity. “No plan?”
“No plan. They sent an email.”
“Read it to me?”
He reads the formal apology while you turn in the covers so you can embrace him while you wake up. By the time he’s done reading, you’ve sat yourself up to look at his phone screen as well.
“Sounds good,” you chirp.
“Really? I would have thought you’d be disappointed about not having a packed day. You’ve been zooming around since we got on board.”
“Yeah, but this was supposed to be our time together. It’s only natural that your friends would tag along.”
“So they’re my friends now?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Only when they’re annoying.”
As if on cue, the front door sounds with knocking. Taehyung is the one who calls out about breakfast plans, but you know all three of them are out there. It’s almost a menacing thought.
“Your friends are here,” he groans. His head falls back onto his pillow defeatedly. They’re likely to burst in any second.
“Don’t worry.”
The sound dies down momentarily when Yoori mentions the extra keycard you gave her for emergencies. Hoseok and Taehyung continue to jiggle the door for sport while chatting idly. Meanwhile, you crawl underneath the sheets and re-emerge on Jungkook’s side of the bed. You look him over, as if searching for something. He’s about to ask what you’re looking for when you reach out and pinch both his cheeks suddenly. While he’s mid-yelp, you swoop in and nip at his lips. It’s quick but it was just harsh enough that his face looks blotchy and his mouth starts to swell.
He whines. “Is this because I called them your friends?”
“Just trust me,” you hiss before your hands disappear further down the sheets to tug off your own underwear and throw it towards the door.
A moment later, the door swings open to reveal Yoori, Hoseok, and Taehyung. Their smiles are bright until they take in the scene. Jungkook’s hair is a mess, his cheeks are flushed, and his mouth looks like it’s been lightly ravaged. Though you’re mostly covered with the sheets, the underwear that is very clearly not on your body and the way the sheets drape over your head as you lay between his knees tell a very convincing lie.
“I think I just caught that stomach bug.” Yoori says lightly, still smiling. Hoseok peers behind her, looking mildly interested.
“I hate it when I remember they have sex with eachother,” Taehyung buries his face in his friend’s shoulder looking mortified as Yoori slowly closes the door.
“Yeah, it’s kind of like walking in on your aunt and uncle doing it. But, like, 12 times worse.”
Jungkook basks in the new silence for a few moments before it’s replaced with the rustle of sheets.
“What are you doing” he trails off to a whisper as you tug the waistband of his underwear down. Your hands still.
“You don’t want to have boat sex?”
“No, no, I do. I wanna have boat sex.”
He nods intensely and you laugh at how earnest he still is. Jungkook’s cheeks flare up, now doubly red from quiet excitement.
“Guess I should have just proposed this, huh?”
“Yeah,” you hum thoughtfully while moving on your knees to straddle his hips. “I can't see how this would have ruined anyone’s fun.”
“I can think of a couple people’s fun we just ruined.”
“I really meant my fun. Speaking of which,” you settle onto his lap and begin to grind.
He shudders, head falling forward with a sigh. This, he thinks, is the real happiest place on earth.
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years ago
Come Together || Nicky Horne
Author’s note: After far too many episodes of pining for this beautiful man, I finally decided to write something. This fic starts off where Episode 8 of the Boat Party leaves off on and is, essentially, what I wish and hope would happen but never will because Fusebox likes to torture me. I feel like this is the part where I should tag @kittidot​ because she 100% knows the pain of continually pining for Nicky week after week. And she's just a wonderful friend who’s always SO supportive of my writing, she deserves a little love.
Warnings: this contains descriptive NSFW scenes, please click away if that isn’t something you’re comfortable with reading
Word Count: 4,714
Summary: When a bottle of wine gets opened, out pours the feelings with it
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Standing outside of her open door, Nicky casually draped himself against the side, watching her for a moment before gently tapping his fingers against the door. “Knock knock!”
She pushed herself up so she could see who was at the door and her bright smile danced over her face as she met his eyes. “You know, you don’t have to say ‘knock knock’, you just actually knocked!”
“I’d never thought of it that way!” Nicky had a smile teasing at his lips as he made his way over to the unoccupied side of her bed and he flopped onto it, actually grinning as she shrieked when he bounced her with his body weight.  “You know…” tucking his arms behind his head, he turned his face to look at her, only to find her already staring back at him. He didn’t know what to say, not really. He just knew he wanted to be around her and see her smile once more before he went to bed. “I still don’t get why it's a banana boat. Why not a carrot?” She cracked a smile at that and Nicky let out a long sigh, looking up at the ceiling of her room. There was a dimly lit ceiling light that was flickering every once in a while and Nicky  couldn’t take his eyes off it. If he did, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to look in her eyes and not blurt out his whole conversation with Elladine. “I don’t know why I’m asking myself these questions. I must be tired.”
Nicky heard the girl next to him yawn and he looked towards her, his heart thumping as he watched her rub her eyes sleepily. “I can’t believe how much we did today, I’m exhausted.”
Stretching his legs, Nicky’s eyes went back to the flickering light. “Right?”
In his head, Nicky was silently cursing himself.  Why couldn’t he think of something better, something funnier to say? Instead, all he said was ‘right’? What was wrong with him? Outwardly, he changed the subject. “I wanted to check that you and Bill were OK. So, how’s it going with you?”
She let out a heavy sigh and sat up on the bed, Nicky following suit. “Bill… he doesn’t like uncertainty. But it’s hard, because he never wants to have the serious conversation to work things out.”
Nicky’s shoulder was pressed directly against hers and her leg brushed his every time she fidgeted. “Ooh, Elladine can feel that way sometimes as well. And I mean, things have been a bit up in the air with the two of you.” Nicky thought back to the trip earlier, how he sat at the beach and watched as Bill stroked her hair, his arm wrapped around her as much as he could with lifejackets on. As Nicky watched her in the arms of someone else, he wished to himself he could feel her soft skin against his own, wished it was him she was in love with. “But you seemed to be getting on really well when you went for that swim. Speaking of… Elladine and I had a chat this evening. About it being hard on us when she’s away so much.” He didn’t want to bring up Elladine, their chat had also included some conversation about how Ella noticed the way Nicky looked at the girl he called his best friend.
Elladine wasn’t wrong, he looked at her like he was in love with her. Because he was. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested in Elladine, he was. But this girl snuck up on him before he could even realize it. Elladine understood though, she wanted to try to work things through with him but she also wanted to give him time to think, he needed it.
The girl next to him moved her body so it was facing him and Nicky's breath caught in his throat as her night shirt slipped off her shoulder more and exposed more of her smooth skin. “What happened in your talk with her? Are you okay?”
Nicky let the words tumble out of his mouth, and he was so relieved to tell her what had happened. No matter his feelings for the girl, she was his best friend. “I was kinda nervous. But I thought, if Yasmin can open up then so can I. I said that I know how important her work is to her, but it’s hard when it takes over during ‘us time’. We’re gonna try and save work talk for particular times.  Then we can focus on each other when we’re together. But it felt good to talk about it properly. That’s a long way of saying thank you for the chat yesterday.  It made me think about things.”
The girl sat quiet, a thoughtful look on her face as she bit her lip. “Oh no!” Nicky gasped out, trying to get her to release that damn lip so he could focus on anything other than the thought of biting that same lip and the type of sound she’d make as he did so.
As predicted, her mouth dropped open in shock. “What is it?”
Nicky racked his brain, searching for anything he could say to change the subject. “Bill never got crowned the Banana Boat King!”
Her face dropped in disappointment and Nicky regretted bringing up Bill. “I think he’ll be okay. We didn’t have a crown to give anyways.”
Nicky needed to get out of the room for a moment, he needed to collect his thoughts. “I’ll go and ask Bill if he wants to donate his bottle of wine to us. Then we can share it.”
Her mouth slowly formed a smirk, causing Nicky’s stomach to fill with butterflies. That damn smirk, that damn lip, her shirt falling off her shoulder, all the accidental brushes of leg against leg and hand against hand - it was official: she was trying to kill him. “As long as you don’t hog it all!”
Nicky feigned offense, a hand pressed to his chest. “Would I do that to you?” Before she answered, he pushed himself off the bed, the need to take a breath of fresh air overwhelming. If he didn’t, he may act on impulse and ruin the friendship they’ve grown over their time in the villa and the year after. “I’ll go and ask Bill. Don’t go anywhere!”
As he shut the door, Nicky leaned against the locked door, breath coming out in fast pants. The effect this girl had on him was insane, like nothing he’d ever felt before. It drove him absolutely crazy.
Gathering his composure, Nicky made his way to the main deck of the ship and found Bill leaning over the railing, eyes traveling over the sea and to the moon before returning back to the water again. “Wishing you could be up there right now?” Nicky leaned next to Bill and smiled silently to himself as the other man jumped, pulled out of thought.
“Wishing the stars could send me the answer, to be honest.” Bill replied before shaking his head and laughing. “I sound like something from Lottie’s quiz now, which was the catalyst for us getting into a fight.” Bill’s light gaze settled on Nicky. “You’ve talked to her, yeah? How is she?”
Nicky sighed, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “Honestly, not great. But it’s not my place to say much else. I think you both should have a chat, one about everything. Put everything on the table, that sort of thing.” It was quiet between the two men for a moment, both of them awkwardly staring at the other. “I actually came to find you. Are you going to drink your bottle of wine?”
Bill thought for a moment before breaking eye contact. “No, you’re welcome to take it. I wasn’t going to drink it alone anyway.” Bill turned back towards the dark waters, staring at the moon’s reflection rippling, their conversation was over. So Nicky went and swiped a bottle of some sweet wine - which he knew was her favorite - and made his way back to her room, taking a deep breath and knocking on the door.
“Knock knock!” Much like earlier that night, she smiled at him, shaking her head after she opened the door to let him in.
“We talked about this!”
As Nicky plopped back on the bed, he held out the bottle to her. “Wanna open it?”
“Erm,” her face twisted in confusion and Nicky laughed. “I don’t have a bottle opener!”
Nicky silently held out his hand and she passed the bottle back, the neck warm where she had her hand wrapped around. “Neither do I!” Rubbing a hand over his forehead, he sighed. “Sorry, I didn’t even think about it.” “No biggie, I’ll go find one. Now it’s your turn to stay right here!” She held up her hands like Nicky did earlier and he laughed, settling onto her bed and closing his eyes, his legs crossed at his ankles. “Make yourself at home!”
“Don’t worry babe, I already did.” Nicky joked out and he heard a small chuckle from her before the door to her room closed.
Once she had left, Nicky sat up and took a look around her room. It looked like everyone else’s, it was a cruise ship room after all, but it was littered with things that made it so her. Her fruity smelling lip gloss lay on its side next to the eyeliner she continually wore, a book on the nightstand that she had told Nicky about was dogeared, and - oh man, some lacy red lingerie was laying on the back of a chair.
Nicky wasn’t sure, but he almost surely would have remembered seeing those when he came in for the first time. They were certainly unforgettable and he was glad he had seen them for the first time on his own; picturing her wearing those had his mouth drying out and his boxers tightening and right as the door reopened, he adjusted himself and hoped she wouldn’t question what he was looking at.  
The only thing running through his mind was curiosity. Did she pull those out while he was away and contemplate putting them on? Is it possible that she could feel the same way he did?
“Here,” she handed him a clear plastic cup filled to the top with some wine and Nicky laughed as he slurped at the top to keep it from falling out.
“We have all night! If I didn’t know any better, you’re trying to get me drunk quickly.” Mischief crossed over her features. “I’m trying to get both of us drunk! We deserve it!” She sipped out of her own cup and a drop of wine slipped over her bottom lip and Nicky physically had to restrain himself from leaning it over and sucking the droplet into his own mouth.
This was going to be a long night.
An hour later, they were taking sips from the bottle of wine, passing it back and forth instead of fussing with the plastic cups and potentially spilling anywhere.
“Can I ask you something?” Her head was resting against the headboard, next to Nicky’s feet.
“Girl, you can ask me anything!” Nicky was feeling the effects of the wine and he had lost his gray tee about twenty minutes ago, it was getting hot in the room.
“What do you think would have happened if I came down before Elladine and I had picked you? Or picked you at one of the earlier recouplings?” Her cheeks were rosy and she refused to lock eyes with him, opting to pick at the deep maroon color painted on her nails.
“I mean, we’re mates right?” Nicky laughed, glancing towards the red lace that was always in the corner of his eye. “We would have gotten along no matter what.” He didn’t want to say what was actually going through his mind: that he would have been overjoyed, that at each girl's choice he hoped she would choose him, but her eyes never even glanced over him. It was probably his fault, early on he had made a promise to himself, that he would stay loyal to Ella. So he compared her to his sister, and it killed him a little inside everytime. She was nowhere near being a sister to him, she was everything he wanted and more.
“No, I mean like if I picked you because I liked you romantically.”
Her name fell from his lips and Nicky found himself pushing himself up and moving closer to her, his hand resting on the bed near her upper thigh. “What are you trying to say?”
She buried her face in her hands after setting aside the bottle of wine. “I don’t know!” Nicky stayed silent, studying her face and as she opened one of her hands a peeked an eye out, he sent her a soft smile and gently pulled her hands away from her face. Absentmindedly, her hand clutched his and Nicky looked down at their connected hands. Her soft skin against his guitar calluses felt right. “There was a time I thought maybe we could have become something, but you never saw me as anything more than a sister.”
Nicky wasn’t sure if it was the wine or the fact that he had the chance to get his feelings off his chest, but he found himself blurting out everything he was thinking at that moment. “Out of everyone in the villa, I would have been proud to say that you were my partner. When you walked out that first day, you spared me no glance. You could have chosen me but you didn’t! So I figured you’d never see me that way.” Nicky let out a breath he was holding. “I told myself that I’d stay loyal to the person who chose me first and that was Elladine, but if you chose me at a recoupling… that would have changed so many things.”
“Nicky,” the way she whispered his name felt like being called home, like a soft blanket wrapping around his shoulders by his mum when he was sick. It felt exactly the way love should: soft and warm, fiery and comforting.
Reaching up to cup her cheek, Nicky pushed back some out of place strands of hair, much like he saw Bill do to her in the ocean earlier in the day. The sudden realization of what was happening caught up with him and he jerked his hand away, moving across the room to sit on the chair by the vanity.
And then his arm brushed something lacy and he blushed before pushing it to the floor, trying his best to ignore the pictures in his head. “We can’t do this.” He looked up and saw her face twisted in confusion and hurt. “We can’t do this to Bill and Elladine. We just can’t.”
Rubbing his hand up and down on his face, Nicky took a few deep breaths and looked at the girl. Tears were silently streaming down her cheeks and he wanted to cross the room and pull her into his arms, kissing all the tears away. But that mental image got pushed to the side by the thought of her tasting the sea salt off Bill’s skin earlier while Nicky watched from the sand and he pushed that thought to the side. “Nicky,” she sobbed out his name this time and his heart broke. “Please, Nicky.”
He wasn’t sure what she was pleading for; he wasn’t even sure she knew, but either way it ripped his heart in half. “When I talked with Ella, she also brought up you. She’s not blind, she saw the way I’d look at you. And I promised to try to work past those feelings so that she and I could try to work out even long distance. But you’re sitting there, and all I can think about is pulling you into my arms and kissing away your sadness and I’m so drunk and this isn’t fair to you.”
Without even realizing it, Nicky found himself kneeling next to her, his hand wrapped securely around hers. “You were always my first choice.” Her voice came out soft between hiccups. “No question.”
It was now or never, and since he’d told her everything else, he might put the rest of it out there. “You’re still my first choice.” Wordlessly she tugged on his arm, pulling his face close to hers. He knew what she wanted, he wanted it probably as much if not more. “If you don’t want this, I need you to stop me now.”
Without responding, she wrapped her arms around his neck and connected their lips. Nicky’s hands found her hips and as a thumb slipped under her loose shirt, he rubbed circles on her bare skin. Without breaking the kiss, she pulled him up and he followed her lead, laying his body on top of hers before his mouth left hers and trailed down to her neck, nipping and licking a trail to her collarbone before she tugged on his hair and brought his mouth back to hers. Their tongues met and Nicky felt her wrap her legs around his hips, drawing him as physically close as they could be with their clothes on. She tasted like tears and sunshine and Nicky found himself licking into her mouth more, eager to taste as much as he could. She was intoxicating; he was probably more drunk on the taste of her than he was from the wine.
Pulling back with a nip to her bottom lip, Nicky pushed some of her mussed hair away from her eyes and rejoiced in the whine that escaped her. “Did you pull those out earlier when I left you alone?” Nicky pointed to the pile of lace that was laying discarded on her otherwise clean floor and the deep flush on her neck and cheeks told him all he needed to know. “While you were gone all I could do was picture you in them.”
Her hand reached up to cup his neck and she stroked the sensitive skin there, causing Nicky to shudder and close his eyes. When he opened them, he saw her watching him intently and he leaned down to brush a kiss across her lips again. “Do you want me to put them on?” Nicky rolled off her and lightly tapped her bum when she got up from the bed and she giggled, picking them off the floor and glancing back at Nicky who was laying on his back, his hands resting just above the waistband of his pants and watching her appreciatively. “Don’t look while I change! Cover your eyes!”  
“Yes ma’am,” Nicky drawled out, one of his hands dropping on his eyes and shielding his view from the girl.
As he felt a body straddle him, his hands immediately went to cup her ass and as he felt the rough lace he groaned. “You can open your eyes now.”
His eyes landed on her face but quickly traveled down her curves, stopping to appreciate the red lace on her chest before moving his gaze lower, eyeing the underwear as well. “Red suits you.”
Smacking her hand gently against his bare chest, she laughed. “That’s all you have to say?” He gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her upper body down so her clothed breasts were pushed against his chest.
Kissing her deeply, he pulled away only to growl in her ear. “What I could say is that it makes you look sexy as hell and makes me want to do everything to you that you’ll let me. It’s so much better than anything my imagination could have come up with.”
She moaned as his teeth grazed her earlobe and Nicky’s hardon pressed insistently against her. There was no way she couldn’t tell how much he wanted her.
“Please,” she whimpered out as he pressed kisses up and down the valley of her breasts.
“Use your words,” he teased, delivering a harder nip to the part of her breasts that were uncovered and she let out a loud moan, causing Nicky to do the same thing a few more times.
“Please touch me.” She whispered and that was all the confirmation he needed to reach around and unhook the bra, throwing it onto the floor before cupping her breasts in both hands and thumbing her nipples softly.
“If you don’t want to do this, we don’t have to. We can stop and go to sleep and then go back like everything is normal tomorrow.” Nicky took his hands off of her, despite it being the last thing he wanted to do. What they were doing now was bad, but if they went all the way, there’d be no point of return. He wanted to make sure this is exactly what she wanted.
“Nicky, I can say this with complete certainty: you’re what I want. I’ve sobered up, and this is still what I want so, please,” there she was with the pleading again and Nicky hooked his arms around her legs and flipped them over so he was laying on top of her. “You’re in a lot more clothes than me.” She pouted, her bottom lip sticking out obscenely and Nicky pulled at it with his teeth before raising himself off of her and peeling his sweatpants and boxers off.
“Better?” He teased, settling himself back on top of her, his boner pressing right against her clothed center.
“Much,” she replied, tracing her nails lightly across Nicky’s chest and wiggling her hips against his own, his moan drew out a giggle from her lips and he quickly went to cover her mouth with his own. “Nicky, I need you.” She was panting against his mouth and her hips were moving against him on their own accord.
Raising himself off her body, Nicky knelt down by the lower half of her body and dipped his calloused fingers into each side of her panties before pulling them down, making sure to kiss up and down her calf as he did so. “Do you have a condom?” He asked, his fingers finding his way to her wet folds and rubbing a few light circles on her clit.
“Nightstand drawer,” she moaned out, her hips moving to meet his fingers. Pulling away, Nicky rubbed her wetness from his fingers onto his cock before slowly reaching over to grab a condom and roll it on his hard length.
As he sunk into her, Nicky groaned out her name in time with her calling his and as he thrust into her, his eyes never left hers, wanting to savor this moment while he could. When he felt her come around him, he buried his head in her neck and kissed and bit more hickeys onto her previously unblemished skin before his thrusts sped up, chasing his own release.
After discarding the condom in the trash, Nicky flopped back on the bed, pulling the sheet up and around their naked bodies before turning over and spooning her, an arm resting lazily around her waist. “You weren’t kidding earlier when you said we did a lot today, I’m way more than exhausted now.”
Nicky heard her stifle a yawn before laughing sleepily, sinking back farther into his chest. “Night, Nicky.”
“Night babe,” he replied before leaning over and pressing the button to finally turn off the flickering ceiling light.
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She was awake before him and the feel of her nails tracing pointless patterns on his naked skin roused Nicky from the deep slumber he was in, goosebumps forming in the wake of her path. “Morning,” She didn’t reply, opting to continue the swirling on his chest. “Are you okay?”
Shaking her head, she buried her head in his chest and Nicky’s heart dropped into his stomach at the thought of her being upset. Gently smoothing down her hair, he held the woman close to him and whispered calming words, hoping that they would help soothe her into telling him what was the matter.
Minutes passed and her breathing evened out again and seconds later, he heard her soft snores fill the room. Laughing to himself, Nicky pulled her closer to him and closed his eyes again as well.
It could have been minutes or hours, Nicky wasn’t sure, but all he knew was that Seb was pounding on her door, asking her if she’d seen Nicky anywhere, he was late for their podcast recording. She called back saying they accidentally fell asleep in there and Nicky was going to be out in a moment before rolling over and grabbing her discarded sleep shirt off the floor.
“Hey, are you gonna tell me what was the matter earlier?” Nicky caught hold of her wrist and gently traced his fingertips along the inside of her arm. “I was worried.”
She began to speak and then stopped herself before letting out a big sigh and trying again. “It’s going to be hard to see you with Elladine today.” Sitting down next to him, she didn’t close the distance between them so Nicky did, their hands just barely brushing each other. “I don’t know what I should have expected… We can still be friends right?”
“Hey, I wouldn’t have done what we did last night if you weren’t the one I wanted to be with.” Nicky’s eyes tried to seek out her own but she wouldn’t look away from their connected hands. “I’m going to tell Elladine that I’ve thought about what I want and that what I want is you, even if you’re not ready to give up what you and Bill have going on.”
“I told you last night, you were always my first choice. You still are.” Once her eyes met his own, Nicky immediately felt at peace. “Whatever Bill and I had in the villa is gone, we’ve not been good for a long time. We’ve only stayed together because that’s what everyone expected of us.” Silence for a moment, and then, “I will always care for him, but only as a friend.” “Same with me for Ella,” Nicky admitted. “I’m nervous as to how this is gonna go.” “Me too,” she replied, biting her swollen lips.
“We’ll figure it out together?” Nicky questioned, moving to stand up and holding a hand out to pull her up with him.
“Yes, together.” She agreed, leaning up to press a sweet kiss to his lips. All their shared kisses from the night before were full of passion and lust, but this one, the one filled with pure love and admiration had to be Nicky’s favorite. “I’ve better let you go, Seb’s probably already planning my demise.”
“Yeah, and you’ve gotta spend some time with some makeup today.” Nicky teased, gesturing at all the hickeys covering her neck.
“I’ll see you in a little bit?” She asked, reluctant to let go of his hand and Nicky felt himself feeling the same. He knew that as soon as he left her he’d be counting down the seconds until he got to be in her presence again.
“You know it babe!” He replied before leaning down and kissing her softly once more. With one more glance back at her, Nicky shut the door behind him and came face to face with Seb. “Hey,”
“Finally tell her how you feel?” Seb clapped him on the back and Nicky grinned at his friend.
“Yeah, is it that obvious?”
“I’ve never seen you look happier,” Seb’s honest answer was shocking to Nicky but Seb quickly covered it up with a smirk. “That, and the billions of hickeys covering your neck.”
Nicky’s hands flew up to cover his bruised neck and he blushed as Seb laughed. “Don’t we have a show to record?”
“Sure, but after you’re gonna have to tell me this: where do the hickeys end?”
“Mate, you don’t even want to know!” Nicky laughed.
As he and Seb joked around for half an hour on their podcast, Nicky’s mind swarmed with all the possible outcomes telling Elladine could bring. He knew he could handle it though, because no matter what, he had someone special waiting for him afterwards.
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jaysworlds · 4 years ago
i wrote a mermay fic :)
i wrote a fic! for mermay! because i love mermaids!
it’s freddie/alexei, who are my ocs who i adore but you don’t actually need to know anything about them to read it (course if you read it and then WANT to know more my ask box is always open :)
Word count: 6365
Content Warnings:
-near death experience
-a lot of ocean shenanigans
-like one mention of a dead body
Alexei loves the sea, always has. It’s always been a refuge when everything gets too much. He knows it could kill him, but he’s never felt safer than when he’s sitting underwater, getting washed back and forth by the waves.
It kind of makes sense that he goes into diving. He doesn’t think he’d survive a job in an office for hours every day, unable to get outside. He hates being trapped.
He loves diving. It suits him perfectly, really, getting to spend every spare moment in the water.
He doesn’t spend a lot of time with his co-workers outside of work, though he should. It’s always safer to have a diving buddy, he just … like diving alone, if he has the option.
It’s not the safest, but he accepted long ago that it probably wouldn’t be old age that killed him, and drowning is better than the alternatives.
They say it’s rather pleasant.
He’s good at it, anyway. All the money he can spare goes into keeping his gear in good condition, and he’s not in the habit of being reckless.
But it’s not skill that saves you, down there. It’s luck, and everyone’s luck runs out eventually.
Alexei’s runs out on a cold weekend at the beginning of October. The diving season is over, and so he’s not working, just diving for fun, and he’s alone.
There’s a ship (or what’s left of it) about a hundred and eighty-five feet below the surface. He’s been there before, and he loves it, just drifting through the empty corridors. It’s a little deeper than the recommended dive limit of a hundred and thirty feet, but he’s done much deeper dives, and he doesn’t worry too much.
It’s cold as he’s driving down the beach, sky overcast, but the sea is perfectly calm. It’s a good day for diving.
The beach is almost empty. It’s not surprising, on a day this cold, but it’s nice not to have to manoeuvre his car past a thousand people who’ve parked on the ramp clearly marked access required at all hours – do not obstruct.
There are only a couple of other people on the pier, and they wave to him as he parks and starts unloading his things. He knows everyone who works here, and everyone who dives regularly, and they know him.
He’s got a boat, a tiny thing that just about fits him and his gear, and he loads it up, humming to himself. The wind picks up a little, blowing his hair into his eyes, and he pauses for a moment to tie it back, looking out at the grey sea. He likes days like this.
There aren’t many other ships about. Not many people still dive at this time of year, and those that do mostly stick to shallower waters.
He leaves a slip of paper with where he’s going scribbled on it, just as good practice, and then heads out onto the sea, the wind playing with the strands of hair too short to make it into his ponytail.
The wreck isn’t far, but it’s too deep to see and so he has to rely on his instruments to tell him when he’s made it.
His instruments aren’t the best, but they do the job, and his life doesn’t depend on them working.
It’s about forty minutes from the docks, he knows that, and the time is about right when the GPS tells him he’s arrived. The boat bobs gently as he cuts the engine and starts collecting together his gear.
The sea is grey and opaque, and he stares down into it for a moment. Some days it’s almost clear enough to see down to the wreck, but not today. Today he can see barely ten feet.
It’s alright, though. He doesn’t need to see.
It starts raining as he’s pulling on his gear, and he shoves the bag with his dry clothes under a seat. The rain isn’t heavy, just pattering quietly on the surface of the sea, and for a moment he stops to listen. It’s comforting.
He didn’t come all the way out here to listen to the rain, though. He checks his gear twice, just to be sure, and then tips back off the edge of the boat.
The first few seconds of being underwater are always his favourite. The cool water pressing in around him makes him feel safe.
His weights start pulling him down immediately, towards the wreck nearly two hundred feet below him, and it’s not long before the surface is completely out of sight and he’s surrounded by dark water on all sides.
He has a flashlight, but it’s not much use here. He could see a few more fish, maybe, but the fish come up to him anyway, curious. They’re only small, nothing big around here, and they scatter when he reaches towards them. He laughs softly, waving his hand back and forth and watching them flee.
He pauses to check his equipment at fifty feet and a hundred feet, but everything’s fine. Better than fine, really, though he fumbles with pressure gauge and nearly drops it. It’s fine, though, everything’s attached to him, so he couldn’t lose it anyway.
He doesn’t bother at a hundred and fifty feet. He’s nearly there and everything’s going so well that he doesn’t think he even needs to.
It’s not long before the wreck is in sight, a huge, hulking shadow looming out of the darkness. He watches it get bigger until he’s standing on the deck, looking around at the rusted metal jutting out of the dark. He’s been here before, several times, but looking around at the ship he can’t remember the route he used to get in. The first door he tries is rusted shut and won’t budge, as is the second, so he drifts over the edge of the ship, looking for a hole big enough to get in.
There is one, the edges sharp and ragged, and he drifts through it and into the belly of the ship.
It’s a big place, the metal walls covered in algae, and small fish dart out of his way if he disturbs anything.
It’s still too murky to see far, and after a few minutes of wandering aimlessly, squinting to see, he remembers his torch and fumbles with it, trying to switch it on. He’s struggling with the switch, though he never usually struggles, but his gloves seem to be getting in the way and he drops the torch to take them off, forgetting that the strap isn’t around his wrist. The torch sinks slowly, disappearing into a tear in the metal of the ship’s floor. Alexei watches it disappear, almost confused, and then realises he needs that.
The hole isn’t big enough to fit him, so he reaches into it, hoping his torch hasn’t fallen far. The metal is sharper than he expects, and after a moment of trying to find it he feels a rush of cold water against his bare skin and tears his arm out of the hole, confused.
His wetsuit’s torn all down the arm, blood oozing from a shallow cut and being carried away by the water, but he can’t feel it, so it can’t be that bad.
It’s cold, though, without the protection of his wetsuit. The water drifts in and out of the tear, cold against his skin, and he shivers, trying to hold the rip closed. It doesn’t work, of course, and he can’t swim like that anyway, so he lets it go and resigns himself to being cold.
The cut on his arm is still bleeding, but he isn’t worried about it. It doesn’t hurt, and there are no sharks around here anyway. He’s unlikely to get eaten.
His torch is probably a lost cause, but it’s fine. He should probably start heading up soon, as soon as he’s found his way out of the ship.
He has time, though. It’s not a pressing matter.
The ship creaks as he moves through it, swaying a little in the currents around it. It’s at an odd angle, and it’s a little disorientating to manoeuvre through. More than once Alexei manages to swim into the walls of the ship, or a doorframe he’s trying to get through. He’s not moving fast enough for it to really hurt, though, just drifting aimlessly through the dark water.
He’s just started looking for a way out in earnest when he hears someone call his name and hesitates, looking around. No one came down here with him, and he didn’t think anyone had planned to dive here today.
The sound comes again, but he shouldn’t be able to hear anything, not underwater like this. Even if there is someone down here, how would they be speaking?
He checks his radio, but it’s silent, the light off. It wouldn’t work this far down anyway and he drops it, forgetting the strap isn’t around his wrist.
Whoever it is calls again and he forgets about the radio drifting towards the ground, trying to head towards them. Sound carries strangely underwater, but it sounds clear enough.
It sounds like his father.
“Hello?” he calls, or tries to, but his voice is lost in a rush of bubbles.
They call out again, more urgently this time, and he kicks his feet, trying to move faster through the wreck. He doesn’t know why, but he needs to find them.
And find them he does.
He’s seen bodies underwater before. The way they drift back and forth, buffeted by the currents and staring unnaturally.
That doesn’t make it any easier though, not this time.
It’s his father. He doesn’t know how; his father has been dead for years, but somehow…
Alexei sobs. It’s lost in a rush of bubbles past his head.
His father smiles, and it looks so wrong.
“It’s okay,” he says, and reaches out, towards Alexei. It should be comforting, but it’s not. “Come here.”
Alexei hesitates, not sure what to do. He wants to reach out, misses his father so badly it hurts, but this … this isn’t right.
“I don’t…” he starts, and then stops. He can barely speak through the regulator, and he reaches up to pull at it. It’s tight, and his fingers faulter with the straps.
“Alexei,” his father says, with more urgency, and Alexei gives up trying to take it of carefully, tearing it away from his face hard enough that the tube snaps. His remaining air disappears in seconds, and without the added buoyancy he sinks towards the floor of the ship.
“Alexei,” his father says again, and Alexei finally reaches towards him, not caring about much else.
His father smiles once more, and Alexei just manages to brush his fingers before he disappears, melting into water.
“No!” Alexei cries, and suddenly he’s choking, lungs filling with water.
It’s at this point, of course, a little too late, that his mind catches up to what’s going on.
He’s fucked up. He’s fucked up, and he’s going to die.
He’s not as upset about it as he should be. Lux will miss him, he knows that, but there are worse ways to die.
Maybe if he’s lucky they’ll even find his body.
His lungs are already burning, and his vision is beginning to blur and fade.
It’s going to be over soon. It’s going to be over soon.
Except … it isn’t.
It’s dark, when he wakes up, and he aches all over, but he’s alive. He feels alive, at least. Not that he really knows what that should feel like.
He feels around for his torch, but he dropped it back in the ship, and so he has no chance of looking around. The floor is damp, though, cold stone, and it feels like an underwater cave.
How did he get here? He doesn’t remember any cave systems around the ship, and it would have taken a miracle for him to somehow make it here himself, but who else could have dragged him into a cave like this, especially as they would have had hardly any time before he drowned.
Things are starting to come back to him, and he’s starting to realise how stupid he was. He can recognise the symptoms of nitrogen narcosis, though he’s never had to actually experience it before.
He kind of understands why you’re not supposed to dive alone, now. He hadn’t done anything wrong, it had just been … bad luck.
He should be dead, really. He doesn’t understand why he’s not.
He’s been sitting there for a few minutes, anxious, when he hears something moving about in the darkness. He reaches for his knife this time again, which he doesn’t remember dropping, but that’s gone too.
It goes silent again as soon as he moves, and he exhales slowly, nervous.
Nothing happens for a moment, and then the sound comes again, slower this time.
“Hello?” he calls, squinting into the darkness as if he has any chance of seeing what’s going on.
There’s a long silence, and then…
“You’re awake.”
Alexei exhales slowly. So it’s a person. That’s good, at least.
“Seems that way.”
“Good,” the person says, after a pause. “I thought maybe you were dead.”
Alexei huffs a faint laugh. “I nearly was. I guess I have you to thank for that?”
“I guess so,” they say. They sound kind of nervous. “I’m glad I could help.”
Alexei nods, though he knows they can’t see him. “Where … am I? Did you take my knife?”
“A cave,” the person tells him. “And … yeah.”
“I didn’t want you hurting yourself. Or me.”
That’s fair, Alexei supposes. He was somewhat manic earlier, and he could have lashed out.
“Fine. How deep are we?”
“How deep?”
“Yeah. How many feet?”
“How many…” the person laughs softly. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
Alexei sighs, feeling around for his gauge. It’s still attached to him, thank goodness, but he can’t see it in the darkness. He should’ve gotten one of the ones with the light-up faces.
“I can check my gauge,” he says. “But I don’t have a torch.”
“Oh,” the person says. “You can’t see.”
“No,” Alexei says, a little confused. “Can you?”
The person doesn’t answer. “I’ll get you a light,” they tell him, and he hears a quiet splash.
“Okay,” he says, although he thinks they’re gone.
They’re back a few minutes later, and he hears the faint clink of metal on stone.
“There,” they say, and something touches his leg.
He picks it up, cautious, and finds that it’s a torch. Not his, it’s heavier than his, an older model, he thinks, but when he pushes the switch it still lights up, though it’s dim.
He checks his depth gauge before anything else, and finds that he’s nearly two hundred and fifty feet down. Nearly sixty feet lower than he’d been in the ship.
How did he get here? He’s sure he didn’t sink that far in his narcosis induced haze. He’d still been in the wreck when he lost his oxygen.
He sighs, turning the torch towards the person on the other side of the cave.
It’s hard to make them out properly in the dim light, but they’re not quite what he expected. They’re still half in the water, just their head and shoulders visible above the dark water, but they’re definitely no one he knows, no one he even recognises from the dive school.
They’re not wearing any kind of gear, as far as he can tell, not even a wetsuit, and that … that’s stupider than what he was doing. It’s not safe to free-dive around here, especially not at this time of year, and especially not if you’re going to be exploring.
“How did you get down here?” he asks, kind of amazed.
They shrug, as though it doesn’t matter. “I live not far from here.”
“I mean … how did you get this far down with no equipment?”
He’d hoped they’d have something, perhaps a spare regulator, because he’s no free-diver and he won’t make it to the surface from here without something.
They laugh a little, surprised. “Why would I need equipment?”
“So you don’t drown?”
They laugh again. “I won’t.”
Alexei shakes his head, rubbing his hand over his face. “It’s your funeral, I suppose.”
“You’re the one who nearly died.”
“I guess,” Alexei says, though he’s not convinced. “Thanks, by the way.”
They smile. “You’re welcome.”
“I’m Alexei.”
They smile again, a little brighter. “I’m Freddie. Hi.”
“Hi,” Alexei echoes. “You planning on getting out of the water?”
Freddie shrugs. “Not really. It’s comfortable.”
“It’s freezing.”
“To you, maybe.”
Alexei sighs, looking up for a moment at the roof of the cave. “I don’t understand you.”
“I don’t understand you either. Why did you pull the mask off your suit?”
“Nitrogen narcosis,” Alexei admits. “I wasn’t thinking straight.”
“What’s that?”
“What’s…” Alexei trails off, confused. It would take an incredibly skilled diver to free-dive this deep, but this guy doesn’t even know what nitrogen narcosis is? “Drunkenness of the deep, you know.”
“I know what drunkenness is.”
Alexei shines the light back at him, watching him squint, and studies him for a moment. He’s got dark skin, hair pulled into a messy bun, and he’s resting his head on his arms, looking sideways at Alexei. Something about him seems … off, but Alexei can’t tell what it is, and he’s starting to suspect that maybe the nitrogen narcosis hasn’t worn off as much as he’d thought it had.
“Can you get out of the water?” he asks, cautious.
Freddie eyes him for a moment and then sits up a little. “Alright. If it’ll make you feel better.”
He pulls himself out of the water with apparent ease, and Alexei shines the torch down his body, not really caring if it’s kind of weird.
The light glints off scales, deep red as far as Alexei can tell, and he switches the torch off, angry with himself.
There’s a silence.
“Are you okay?”
“Go away,” Alexei says, a little petulantly. Telling what’s almost certainly a figment of his imagination to go away probably won’t do any good, but maybe it will make him feel a little better.
“Did I do something wrong?”
That throws him off a little. Freddie sounds … anxious, a little concerned, and real or not Alexei feels a little guilty for snapping at him.
“No, it’s just … I’d rather be alone right now.”
There’s a long, drawn-out silence. Alexei would like to believe Freddie’s left, but he can still hear breathing, soft and low.
Maybe that’s his own.
He picks the torch up again, cautious, and flicks it on. Freddie’s still sitting in the cave, tail wrapped around his body, and he jumps when the beam hits him.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I just … can I help?”
Alexei sighs and turns the torch off again. “No.”
“Are you sure?”
Alexei puts the torch down, though he’s careful not to let it roll away, and pulls his knees up to his chest. “Yes.”
“What are you upset about?”
“I’m going to die down here.”
“No,” Freddie says, and he sounds very sure about it. “You’ll be okay.”
Alexei just snorts, not bothering to respond, and hears Freddie sigh.
“You’ll be okay,” he says, again. “I can bring you food, if you need, and…”
“You’re not even real.”
There’s a long silence. Alexei kind of hopes saying it out loud snaps the hallucination, though maybe a hallucination is better than being alone.
“I’m real,” Freddie says. He sounds a little confused.
“Sure,” Alexei says. He’s pretty sure arguing won’t help, and he doesn’t really have the energy.
“I am,” Freddie insists, and Alexei feels him shuffling around in the dark. “I promise.”
“Sure,” Alexei says, again, and hears Freddie sigh.
“Really,” he says, and something cool brushes Alexei’s wrist.
It takes him a moment to realise that Freddie’s touching him, and he snatches his arm away, shuffling away and picking the torch up, shining it in Freddie’s eyes.
He seems almost frozen, hand hovering in mid-air.
“Don’t touch me,” Alexei says, a little too harshly. Real or not, Freddie’s a stranger, and he didn’t ask.
“I’m sorry,” Freddie says, withdrawing his hand.
Alexei shrugs, leaning against the cave wall and leaving the torch on. He doesn’t want to be taken off guard again.
He doesn’t really know what to think, honestly. He doesn’t know if it’s normal to be able to feel a hallucination, but if Freddie’s not a hallucination then…
“Maybe I should go,” Freddie says, after a few minutes of silence. “I … I can bring you some food, if you want?”
“Alright,” Alexei says, and he thinks he’s kind of relieved.
“Okay,” Freddie says, nodding to himself. “I just, um… what do you eat?”
Alexei thinks about that for a moment. “I don’t suppose you cook your food?”
Freddie shrugs. “I … don’t know?”
“Fine,” Alexei says. “I can eat most fish, just … bring my knife back, please.”
“Okay,” Freddie says, though he sounds a little nervous. “Please don’t use it on me.”
“I won’t,” Alexei tells him, and leans against the wall.
Freddie nods and wriggles over to the entrance to the cave, dropping himself through the hole and disappearing into the dark water.
Alexei keeps the torch trained on the hole for a moment, to make sure he’s actually gone, and then switches it off. He doubts there are any spare batteries around here.
If Freddie comes back, he tells himself, then he’ll have to seriously consider the possibility that he’s actually real, somehow, and not a symptom of the nitrogen narcosis that hasn’t completely worn off.
He’s not sure which outcome he hopes for. If he is real then at least Alexei isn’t alone down here, at least he has a chance of survival, but mermaids being real is kind of a lot to process, really.
Maybe they’re just very good at hiding.
He doesn’t mean to fall asleep, but it’s very dark, and the only sounds are his own breathing and the soft back and forth of the ocean lapping at the mouth of the cave, and they lull him to sleep after a few minutes.
When he wakes it’s to someone calling his name gently, and he sits up. Sleeping on the floor of a cave hasn’t done wonders for his back, and he aches, but he fumbles around for the torch.
Freddie’s back, still half in the water, and he waves when the beam of the torch hits him.
Maybe he is real.
“Hi,” he says, and pulls himself out of the water, offering Alexei his diving knife and a dead fish.
“Thanks,” he mumbles, taking them both. The fish is a large salmon, and he spends a minute trying to set up the torch so he can gut it.
Freddie’s watching him, but he tries to ignore him, carefully descaling and gutting the fish, leaving the offcuts in a small pile.
The knife isn’t ideal for the job, and he makes a bit of a mess, but food is food, even if he has to eat it raw in a cave in the dark. At least he won’t starve.
Water is probably going to be more of an issue, but he doesn’t ask about that right now.
“Can I have those bits?” Freddie asks, pointing at the pile of offcuts, and Alexei nods, curious.
He drops the scales and bones out of the cave and eats the guts, humming to himself, and Alexei huffs a faint laugh, chopping his part up into neat slices, or as neat as he can manage with the knife he has.
“Why don’t you eat those bits?” Freddie asks, when he’s finished and watching Alexei eat.
“Taste bad,” Alexei tells him.
Freddie wrinkles his nose. “That’s not true. They’re good.”
“If you say so,” Alexei says, a little amused. “I don’t like them, though.”
“Weird,” Freddie says, thoughtful. “There were a lot of people in the ship, just now.”
Alexei frowns. “The ship you found me in?”
Freddie nods. “They were collecting your stuff, I think.”
“Right,” Alexei says. They must be friends of his, who’ve realised he never went home and come looking.
He must have been here longer than he’d thought.
“Yeah,” Freddie says. “They were upset, I think.”
“They must think I’m dead,” Alexei says, and buries his head in his hands.
Poor Lux. He wants to find her, tell her he’s okay, but he would never survive leaving the cave without equipment.
“Are you okay?” Freddie asks, quiet, and Alexei glances up at him. He reaches out and then pulls his hand back, apparently remembering how Alexei reacted last time.
“I need to get home,” Alexei says, although he has no idea how. “My friends will miss me.”
“Oh,” Freddie says, and he sounds almost disappointed.
“Was Lux there?” he asks. “She’s … tall, white hair?”
Freddie considers for a moment. “I think so.”
Alexei nods. She doesn’t dive very often, but she would’ve come down if they thought he was in trouble.
He’s glad he didn’t die there. He would hate for her to find his body.
“How will you get back?” Freddie asks.
“I don’t know,” Alexei admits.
Freddie considers for a moment, opening his mouth as though to say something, and then apparently changes his mind. “Oh,” he says, finally. “Okay.”
Alexei closes his eyes, painfully close to tears, though it’s stupid. He’s lucky to be alive.
“Do you know if there’s fresh water around here?” he asks, just kind of hoping that Freddie will leave.
“Yeah,” Freddie says. “Why?”
“To drink?”
“I can probably get you some,” Freddie says, although Alexei can tell he doesn’t get it.
“Please,” Alexei says, and he nods, slipping back into the water.
Alexei turns the torch off and puts a hand over his mouth, trying to silence himself, though there’s not one to hear him.
He can’t help crying, really. He misses the triplets and his friends from the dive school, and he just wants to go home. He can’t live down here.
He doesn’t know how long Freddie will be gone, and he stifles the tears as soon as he can, taking deep, shaky breaths. He’s going to be okay. He has to be.
Freddie comes back a while later with what looks like a bucket, though an odd one, full of water.
“Here,” he says, and offers it to Alexei.
It’s fresh, despite being carried through the salt water, and that’s kind of impressive, honestly.
Alexei drinks a little of it and then puts it aside, careful not to spill it.
“Why do you need fresh water?” Freddie asks, curious, and Alexei shrugs.
“Humans need water to survive.”
“But there’s salt water everywhere. Is that not good enough?”
Alexei shakes his head. “If I drank too much of that I’d go crazy and then die.”
“Weird,” Freddie says, thoughtfully. “Humans seem kind of fragile. No offence.”
Alexei shrugs. “I guess so,” he says. “We’re pretty hardy in some situations, though.”
“Like what?”
Alexei doesn’t really want to sit here talking, but it’s not like he has much else to do, and Freddie’s so curious. It’s kind of sweet.
“Sometimes people survive huge falls,” he says, humouring him. “And there’s this thing called hysterical strength, that helps people do crazy stuff like lift cars in emergencies.”
Freddie considers that. He looks a little sceptical, and honestly Alexei doesn’t blame him. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Alexei says. “It’s pretty cool.”
“Can you do that?”
“I assume I would, in the right situation. Never happened, though.”
“Huh,” Freddie says. His tail is twitching, just a little, where it’s laying on the stone, and Alexei wonders if it’s just a nervous tic. “That is pretty cool.”
“Have you talked to humans before?” Alexei asks, and Freddie shakes his head.
“No. We’re not … really allowed. Kind of dangerous, you know?”
Alexei nods, a faint smile pulling at his lips. “Makes sense. Humans can be kind of … shoot first, ask questions later.”
“Yeah,” Freddie says. “I probably shouldn’t have rescued you, honestly, but it felt unfair to let you die.”
“Thanks,” Alexei says, kind of touched. “I appreciate it.”
Freddie’s really nice, honestly. It takes a few days for it to really sink in that he is real, but Alexei knows well enough that the nitrogen narcosis has worn off by now, and anyway, he thinks he actually likes Freddie.
He’s very chatty, full of questions, and Alexei tells him about his life, about Cas and Lux and Gem and his friends from the dive school, about life on land. Freddie tells him things in return, about his friends and the city he grew up in, and it’s honestly fascinating.
It’s nice enough, living in the little cave, but Alexei’s still pining to go home. He likes Freddie, really he does, but he misses the sun, and he misses his friends, and he just wants to go home.
Freddie doesn’t want him to leave. He never says it outright, but Alexei can tell from the way he reacts when he talks about.
He kind of gets it, that Freddie likes him around, but he can’t help it, and he just wants to see Lux again.
Freddie must realise eventually that he’s unhappy, because he asks one day.
“Do you really want to go home?”
Alexei glances up at him. “Yeah.”
Freddie sighs, tail flicking back and forth in the water. “Is it … because of me?”
“No,” Alexei says, rolling the torch back and forth across the ground. “You’ve been really kind to me, but I just … miss it.”
“I’m sorry,” Freddie says. “I could … I could take you home?”
Alexei stares at him for a minute. “You could?”
Freddie nods, biting at his bottom lip.
“Could you have done that this whole time?”
“I … kind of,” Freddie says, not looking directly at him. “But I … didn’t think you’d like it.”
Alexei exhales slowly. “Why not?”
“It’s kind of … invasive?”
“What do you mean?” Alexei asks, cautious. He wants to get out of here, but he’s not sure how far he’d go.
Freddie glances up at him for a moment. He looks almost shy. “I … breathe out the kind of air you need, you see? I could get you back to shore.”
Alexei thinks about that for a moment, letting it sink in. He thinks he could deal with that. He trusts Freddie.
“Is that what you did to get me here?” he asks, and Freddie nods.
It’s like … CPR, kind of. He’s done a couple of first aid courses, he’s fine with CPR.
“Okay,” he says, and exhales. “Okay.”
“Okay,” Freddie echoes. “You’d, um. You’d have to let me touch you.”
Because they haven’t. Not since Alexei pushed him off and said don’t touch me, because Freddie’s good like that. He hasn’t pressed.
“That’s fine,” Alexei says. “I don’t … mind being touched, exactly. I just don’t like it when it’s without warning.”
“Okay,” Freddie says, nodding, and Alexei can see him thinking about asking, but he doesn’t. Not now.
“When can we go?” Alexei asks, after a moment’s silence, and Freddie shrugs.
“We should go at night.”
“Okay,” Alexei says. “When is that?”
“Soon,” Freddie tells him, and he nods.
“Just … tell me when, I guess. I can’t really go anywhere.”
“Yeah,” Freddie says. “I should … go tell someone where I’m going. I’ll be back soon.”
“Okay,” Alexei says, and watches him disappear out of the cave.
It’s a while before he comes back, and Alexei is half asleep when he hears the familiar splash and feels around for the torch.
“Hi,” Freddie says, waving a little when he switches it on.
“Hi,” Alexei tells him. “Are we going?”
“Yeah,” Freddie says, a little sadly. “It probably won’t take too long.”
Alexei nods, casting around for his mask and pulling it on, then standing up and walking over to sit by the edge of the cave. Freddie hesitates for a moment and then offers him a hand, cautious.
Alexei gives him a tiny smile and takes his hand. His skin is cool, kind of damp, and he smiles back, squeezing Alexei’s hand gently.
“Come on,” he says, and pulls Alexei out of the cave and into the ocean.
It’s just a good as ever, and Alexei closes his eyes for a moment as Freddie starts towing him. He’s surprisingly strong, stronger than he looks, and Alexei opens his eyes again just to watch him moving, fascinated.
They swim for a few minutes and then Freddie stops, waving his tail lazily back and forth to keep them in place. Alexei thinks he says something, inaudible through the water, and then he cautiously leans in to press their lips together.
It is kind of like a kiss, no matter what Alexei tries to tell himself, though it’s not like he’s ever kissed anyone but Lux. Still, it means he can breathe.
He thinks he probably wouldn’t mind kissing Freddie even if not for the oxygen.
They can only move for a few minutes at a time before Alexei’s lungs start to burn, but they cover a surprising amount of distance in that time. Alexei barely has to do any work at all.
It’s only about half an hour before the ground beneath them starts sloping upwards towards the surface, and maybe five minutes from there before they break the surface and Alexei gets his first breath of fresh air in weeks. It’s dark, the moon casting a little light over the waves, and the beach is abandoned.
He can see the dock from here, easily close enough to swim to.
“I guess this is it,” Freddie says, and Alexei turns to face him. He hasn’t let go of Alexei yet, but he doesn’t mind so much.
“Yeah,” he says. “Thank you for looking after me.”
“It’s okay,” Freddie says, earnest. “I’d do it again.”
“I hope you don’t have to.”
Freddie smiles a little. “Yeah. Me too. Still, I’d like to see you again?”
“I’ll visit,” Alexei offers, and Freddie smiles.
“I can come up to the dock, if you’d like.”
Alexei nods. “I work there,” he says, “I’ll be there most days.”
“Okay,” Freddie says, pulling him a little closer to press their foreheads together. “I’ll see you then.”
“See you,” Alexei says, and Freddie finally lets him go, letting him find his own feet.
It’s only a short swim back to the beach, and he stumbles out onto the sand, looking out at the sea one last time. Freddie is still floating there, and he waves when he sees Alexei looking.
Alexei waves back and then turns towards the road, pulling his mask off and letting it hang around his neck.
It’ll be a miracle if his car is still on the dock and even if it were he left the keys in his boat, so no chance of getting home that way. He’s not sure what the time is, but hopefully the buses are still running, because walking all the way home isn’t an appealing prospect.
It’s not until he’s actually getting on the bus that he realises he has no money, and the driver raises an eyebrow at him.
“I’m sorry,” he says, running a hand over his face. “I’ve had … one hell of a week.”
The driver laughs. “I can see that. Just get on, I’m not making you walk.”
“Thank you,” Alexei says, genuine. “I’ll make it up to you.”
The man just waves a hand and lets Alexei walk into the back.
He doesn’t sit down, not wanting to get salt water on the seats, just stands and clings to the pole as the bus bumps along the country roads.
He’s so tired, and he can’t wait to see Lux again.
It’s about a ten-minute walk from his stope, and he feels dead on his feet when he gets to the peeling yellow front door. The bell’s been broken for years, and he knocks harshly. Someone will still be up, he’s sure.
It’s Gem who opens the door, in their pyjamas, and for a moment they just stare at him.
“Surprise,” he says, and does half-hearted jazz hands at them. “Not dead.”
“Holy shit,” they say, and beckon him in. “Cas!”
“What!” Cas yells, down the stairs. “I’m busy!”
Gem rolls their eyes. “Tell Lux to come down!”
Alexei can imagine the expression Cas is making, but a couple of minutes later Lux jogs down the stairs and Alexei gives her a little wave.
She just stares at him in the same way Gem did, as though she can’t believe he’s here. Not that he blames her, really.
What she signs, finally, and then fuck.
Surprise! Alexei signs, and gives her a tired half-smile. Not dead.
She narrows her eyes and runs over to stand in front of him. Idiot. Hug?
He nods and she wraps her arms around him, soft and familiar. He buries his nose in her shoulder and hugs her back.
What happened? she asks, when she pulls away, and he just shrugs.
Explain later, he offers. Sleep now, please.
She sighs and shakes her head. Shower first. Then bed.
That’s reasonable enough, and he lets her push him into the shower before she disappears, presumably to tell Cas what’s going on.
A shower does him a world of good, washing the salt from his hair after days, but he’s even sleepier by the time he stumbles out and dries himself off.
Cas is waiting for him when he gets out, but he doesn’t ask questions.
“Good to have you back,” is all he says, and then he lets Alexei wander down the hallway to his room and collapse into bed.
He has no idea how he’s going to explain in the morning, but he’ll find a way. For now he just falls asleep, so glad to be home.
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skzsauce01 · 5 years ago
42nd Moon Pt 8
Description: By some stroke of luck, you get off the waitlist of your biology class. You’d never have guessed you’d find your soulmate there, let alone that he already has a girlfriend… Or that he comes from a fraternity of werewolves.
Warning: death
Word count: 2.5k
Pairing: werewolf!Hyunjin x fem!reader, werewolf!Jisung x fem!reader
Chapter List
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“It’s rare to see you alone these days.”
You turn away from the ocean to see Jisung stepping out of the boat. Levanter, the cruise ship the wolves all booked tickets for to celebrate Chan’s Ph.D. and the 00’s bachelors, hooted quietly above you two.
“Well she needs a maternal figure,” you reply, turning back to the rails as Jisung drapes a jacket over you. “The first few years are the most important to a child’s development.
Jisung lets out a low hum and looks at the night sky. It looks like rain. “It’s the twentieth moon, tonight, isn’t it.”
“I try not to keep count.”
A comfortable silence falls upon you two. Jisung turns his head slightly to look at you as you keep gazing at the sky.
“Do you think she’s up there?” you wonder.
You pull up your sleeve.
Jisung bites his lip. “I think so.”
“Want me to deliver any messages?”
“Y/N…” he warns.
He turns around and leans back with a sigh. “Maybe… that I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For not saving her in time.”
You raise a brow but don’t press further. “I’m sure she never blamed you.”
“How do you know that?”
“You’re soulmates,” you answer. “A perfectly compatible pair. You don’t seem like the type who would blame her if your roles were reversed, so she wouldn’t either.”
He frowns, not entirely convinced. He gnaws on his cheek for a moment before saying, “Then help me apologize for one more thing.”
You tilt your head.
“For loving someone else.”
You remember your conversation at Jolly Land. You scoff humorously and roll your eyes. “It’s been years and you still haven’t asked her out or told anyone who it is. I’m starting to doubt if there’s actually someone.”
“I’m pretty sure the boys already know.”
“Oh really? Then who is it?”
He blinks at you thrice.
“Jisung! Y/N! Time to assign rooms!” someone calls from the inside.
Jisung gives you a sheepish smile and turns towards the voice.
Because all the other girls in your group were adamant about spending their night on a cruise ship with their significant other, you end up having to room with your own soulmate. Thankfully, Chan got you a room with separate beds. 
The arrangement turns out favorable. As Hyunjin is reading to his daughter a bedtime story, a knock sounds at the door, beckoning for the male.
“Hyunjin?” It’s Jisung. “I need to see you for a minute.”
You look at each other, wondering what could be wrong.
“I got it,” you tell him, taking the picture book from his hands.
Hyunjin thanks you and exits the room.
Jisung’s one minute turns into eighteen. By the time Hyunjin returns, the toddler is already asleep. 
“Welcome back-- What happened?” you ask in a hushed tone, referring to a small scratch on his cheek.
“I, uh, tripped,” he blushes. More like threatened.
You open an antiseptic wipe pack and hold it up to him.
“Thanks,” he whispers, not moving.
You don’t move either.
“Oh!” he realizes, taking the wipe from your hands and going to find a mirror himself.
Before he makes it to the restroom, he pauses in his step and does an about-face. 
“Y/N,” he begins.
“Is it weird? Sharing a room with me, I mean. I can go outside. Or something. If you want.”
“No, it’s fine,” you shake your head. “I’ve shared rooms with Jisung before, so it’s nothing new.”
“Oh. Jisung, huh?”
You nod. “I’m going to bed now if that’s okay.”
“Yeah. Just turn off the lights; I can see in the dark.”
That night, a storm rages outside. Hyunjin is glad you insisted on bringing speakers to play white noise for his daughter. However, he himself cannot seem to fall asleep. He sits up with a sigh and looks over to your unconscious form. 
Do you always curl up like that when you sleep? Hyunjin almost feels bad for the blankets. And are you… are you shaking?
Hyunjin gets out of bed and walks to your side.
You let out a scared whimper, still asleep. A nightmare, he concludes.
“Y/N, are you okay?” he asks again, reaching to brush some hair out of your face.
You quickly grab his hand and hold it close to you. He can definitely feel you shaking now, but it subsides the longer you have his hand in your possession. 
Hyunjin silently screams in the dark in panic. What should he do? The threat Jisung gave him to “stay off your bed” stings his cheek. At the same time, he isn’t going to pull his hand back and leave you shivering alone. 
Out of options, he sits awkwardly by your side with his arm stretched towards you.
You rub your face against his palm, sending heat across his entire being. It’s suffocating, but he doesn’t mind one bit. It has been a long time since he felt this, he realizes sadly to himself. He lifts up the wrist that glows weakly of his soulmark. Will he ever again after two years?
“Jiii…” he hears you mutter. 
“What?” he whispers.
You don’t reply and instead snuggle closer to him.
Ji? As in Jisung or Jin, like Hyunjin? 
Hyunjin frowns. Is he even allowed to hope for the latter after all he has put you through? 
Still, he can’t help but wish.
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The next morning, you apologize profusely for making him put up with you all night. He waves you off, but you can see the circles under his eyes. Thus, you take his daughter out for breakfast and leave him to catch some shut-eye.
The rain is getting worse, but you find that she is sufficiently distracted in the daycare center, so you leave her there with some apple sauce before going to find your own breakfast. 
Once inside the dining hall, you immediately get an eerie feeling. The place is less staffed than yesterday, you realize as you pick up a plate, but people do tend to skip breakfast. Still, you fidget with the plate uneasily, sliding it from your left hand to your right. You spy some toast and are about to walk to it when suddenly, a hand grabs you by the shoulder. 
You let out a small yelp and whip around only to see Jisung looking back at you.
“Sorry, did I scare you?” he laughs nervously while scratching the back of his head.
“It’s fine,” you assure. “Good morning.”
“How’d you sleep?” he asks, grabbing a plate and following you.
He leans towards you as the two of you wait in line. “Did Hyunjin, um, try anything?”
You aren’t really sure what he is referring to, so you shake your head. “I was having nightmares and kept him up all night though.”
His brows are now etched with a different kind of worry. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, these things happen,” you shrug. “I just feel bad for Hyunjin. He’s sleeping in the room now; I should probably pack some food for him.”
Jisung disregards the second half of your statement. “Do you want to talk about them? You always say that makes things feel better.”
“Just nonsense,” you laugh lightly, putting two portions of toast on your plate. “There was a giant squid monster who kidnapped the baby. I tried to save her, but it took her underwater. I jumped in and couldn’t see or hear anything. I just felt… stuck?”
Jisung nods knowingly. “It’s probably because of the storm last night.”
You place a few more things with your toasts. “It doesn’t seem to be letting up either.”
“Do you want to switch rooms with Jeongin and room with me tonight? You can snuggle up with my fur if that’ll help you feel better,” he offers. 
You pour a cup of tea as Jisung gets his coffee. The two of you sit at a table. 
“I think I’ll be fine tonight,” you decline. “Anyway, you have yet to finish your answer from last night.”
He raises a questioning eyebrow.
“You were about to tell me about this quote-and-quote crush you’ve been having for years.”
“She’s real!” Jisung objects to your tone.
You laugh at his pout. “Who is it? Maybe I can help you talk to her. Since I’m a girl too, it’ll be an easier segway.”
“She’s-- she’s…”
Jisung pushes some food around on his plate.
You look up to where the voice came from to see Felix and Chan walking in, bobbing their entire bodies to music.
“I see me in you! Neowa isseul ttae nan al su isseo!”
Jisung shrugs apologetically. “Maybe later?”
You frown. “You said the boys know anyway.”
“Well, uh, I never told them; I think they just figured it out,” he shrugs.
“So I’m just dense.”
“Yep!” says a Jeongin who slides into a chair next to you.
“Oh sorry,” he smiles cheekily. “What were you guys talking about?”
You raise a brow at Jisung as he diverts the conversation elsewhere.
The rest of breakfast is rather uneventful. Well, Felix did accidentally flip his plate over onto Seungmin, but that isn’t too extraordinary. 
You excuse yourself early to deliver Hyunjin breakfast. On the way, you stop by the daycare and find Hyunjin’s daughter playing with an interactive book. You smile contently and continue on your way. 
Once you’ve arrived at your destination, you quietly ease the door open. You find your soulmate still sleeping, so you slowly set down the food when--
The first thing Hyunjin sees when he jolts awake is you, wide-eyed and hands sticky from spilled juice. All is still for five seconds after the shock. Then the alarm starts blaring through the halls.
The noise snaps you back into reality. Once it does, there’s only one thing on your mind. You toss down what you are holding and bolt out the door for the daycare room. 
“Y/N!” Hyunjin calls after you, but you are already gone.
As predicted, the daycare center is in pandemonium. Out of the handful of children, you immediately spot the one you’re looking for, crying and trembling.
“Shh, shh, shh. It’s okay; it’s okay,” you coo as you pick her up into your arms.
You make your way through a panicking mob to the deck where the lifeboats are. By the time you are there, you can already feel the ship leaning towards one side. The rain is still as relentless as ever, beating down on you so hard, you can barely open your eyes.
“Women and children first!” yells a uniformed man. “Row away from the ship as soon as possible once your boat has been lowered!”
Hyunjin has finally found you as you are dashing towards a lowering boat with his child outstretched in front of you, begging people to let the toddler on.
“Y/N! Slow down!” he yells. 
But it is too late.
Because of the rain, your feet slide out from under you. Your body continues towards the edge of the ship, and your head meets the metal railing. Just then, another wave lurches the boat, sending your limp body flying overboard.
“No!” he cries as he takes on the same dangerous feat of sprinting across the deck. He makes it to the rails and dives in after you. He reemerges as a wolf and realizes a new problem now: you are no longer holding onto his daughter. In fact, at least ten meters lie between the two of you, and the distance is only growing. There is no way he can go after you both.
He looks to his right to his helpless child. He looks to his left to your unconscious form. Who does he choose? How can he choose?
As he extends his left paw forward, something soars overhead and lands in the water in front of him. A mess of silver resurfaces, and Hyunjin knows what to do. He switches paws and swims and swims and swims until his daughter is between his jaws.
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“You howling idiots!” 
Minho’s exasperation falls on deaf ears as Jisung drags you onto the lifeboat, panting and coughing out seawater. Behind him, Hyunjin follows with his daughter whom he hands to Seungmin.
As much as Jisung wants to collapse onto the floor and stay there for ten hours, he can’t. He flings you onto the ground and begins resuscitation. 
“Come on, Y/N,” he mutters. He checks your chest. No breaths. “Come on, please,” he begs, “I can’t do this again.”
Not again.
He is fifteen. There were two ice cream cones in his hands as he approached the pool. He smiled slyly, knowing his soulmate arrived before him. 
“Come out now, wherever you are! I know you’re here! My wrist is itching. Come help me with these cones so I can get to it.”
When no response came, he frowned and walked to the edge of the pool, calling her name. Suddenly, the itching turns into a sharp, searing pain.
Two ice cream cones were left forgotten on the concrete that day.
You look just like her; hair slightly frizzing from the moisture, lips parted though no air escapes between them. Not responding no matter how Jisung pumped at your ribcage.
“Please… Y/N, please…” he cries.
“Jisung…” Minho places a hand on his shoulder after the tenth minute. “It’s too--”
“No!” he screams, slapping his friend away. “I’m not letting this happen again!” 
Pump. Pump.
… Pump…
“Mr. Han Jisung? I’m Doctor Kim.”
Pump. Pump.
“It’s too late, Son. She’s gone.”
Pump. Pump.
“12:27 pm.”
Pump. Pump
“No-oo...t” He lowers his head helplessly onto your chest, fist pounding on your body in agony. “A-again…” 
“Please… Not yet, Y/N… Please, I’d do anything. Just please, wake up…” And then to the sky. “What do You want? First my soulmate and now her too? Wasn’t the first time enough? Just take me instead and get it over with! Take me instead! Please, just--!”
Maybe he finally hit just the right spot or maybe all his earlier effort finally paid off, but as his fist comes down one more time, water shoots out of your mouth. A gasp is heard from the entire boat. With newfound energy, Jisung gets back into CPR position. A few more compressions later, and you turn to your side, coughing and drawing in short breaths.
“Y/N!” Jisung wails, scooping you into his arms.
You wrap your arms around him weakly to comfort him through your coughs.
“Thank you…” he cries softly into your neck. “Thank you for coming back… Oh, thank you.”
Hyunjin stares at the two of you with a pang in his heart. He rubs his soulmark gingerly as he watches Jisung entangle his fingers in your hair. He watches as you drop your head on Jisung’s shoulder and as he encircles his arms tighter around you, flushing your entirety against him.
To his right, he hears his baby cry and Seungmin breathing a sigh of relief. The child is placed into his hold and he rocks her mindlessly. 
He’s made a mistake. A ten-kilogram mistake that’s taking your place in his arms right now. You would have never guilted him to have a child. You would have never left him. You are so perfect for him, and now he’s going to lose you, if not already.
~ ad.gold
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madsthewordclown · 4 years ago
Fire Lily | Pt. 11
warnings: slight angst I guess?
a/n: this chapter is a bit shorter than the last two I believe. It’s mainly just Y/N having some bonding moments with the Gaang. I honestly feel like she’d vibe with all of them in different ways? Anyway, I’m excited. This is set during The Awakening.
Fire Lily Masterlist
Y/N almost wanting to cry with relief as she took off the Fire Nation armor. The ship had stopped in the port of a village and Toph and Sokka had invited her to come along to find dinner. Hakoda had said that the armor wouldn’t be necessary for the trip, so Y/N would get to put it away for the night.
Maybe she’d be able to find a shirt while they were in town. She had a small amount of money of her own—she had offered it to be used for the crew, but for whatever reason, Hakoda had declined. Y/N had a hard time figuring out Hakoda. If their roles were switched, she probably wouldn’t have trusted him. But he was treating her no differently than the others.
“Ready to go?” Katara asked, peeking her head in the doorway of the room they shared.
“Yeah.” Y/N eyed the hook swords that laid next to her cot. She made the difficult decision not to bring them. They were far enough into Fire Nation territory that her bending probably wouldn’t be questioned. Plus, they had Toph.
Y/N met Katara, Sokka, and Toph in the hallway outside of their shared room.
“Let’s see if Aang wants to go with us,” Katara suggested, her expression pained. Even though Aang was awake, Katara will still obviously worried about his condition. The kid seemed to have a tendency to overexert himself.
Y/N and the others followed Katara to one of the upper levels of the ship. Toph handed her a brown cloak on the way. “Better safe than sorry,” she explained.
Y/N tugged the cloak over her shoulders and secured the clasp. They finally came to a stop in front of a metal door similar to their own. Katara knocked softly before entering. Y/N and the others followed.
“Hey, Aang! We’re going into town to find some dinner if you want to come!” Toph smiled at Aang, who was leaning back on his own cot.
“I am pretty hungry.” Aang sat up, a hand on his stomach. He was obviously still a bit weak, and it made Y/N’s hands feel jittery.
Sokka stepped forward, holding out a piece of cloth to Aang.
“Here, put this on. It’ll cover your arrow.” The arrow was already mostly covered by Aang’s hair. Y/N didn’t think it looked right on him, although she had only seen him twice before the battle with Azula.
Aang looked affronted, flopping back down onto his mattress. “I’m not going out if I can’t wear my arrow proudly.” It made Y/N’s heart twinge. She couldn’t begin to understand what Aang was facing. It was enough to fight a war without having to let go of your own culture’s traditions.
“Aang, come on,” Sokka pushed. “Be practical.”
“Go ahead without us,” Katara said softly, putting a hand on Sokka’s shoulder before turning to Aang. “We’ll catch up.”
Y/N averted her eyes, feeling like an intrusion. Sokka nodded. Y/N was startled to feel Toph grab onto her hand to pull her from the room, the door shutting softly behind them.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m starving,” Sokka announced. Y/N hummed in agreement. They hadn’t been able to stop yesterday, so they were living on leftovers. Plus, they weren’t able to eat regular meals. As it turned out, the Fire Nation didn’t respect their schedule.
The three made their way up to the deck of the ship, the port they’d landed in visible. There weren’t many people out and about, from what Y/N could tell.
“Is this a true Fire Nation island? Or a colony?” Y/N asked aloud.
“I think it’s a colony.” Sokka threw the hood of his own cloak up over his head. “We’re too close to Earth Kingdom mainland. The important thing is there are no soldiers.”
“Well, we’re here,” Toph pointed out. “All of the villagers must think we’re soldiers.”
“Oh, yeah. I guess you’re right.” Sokka led the way down the gangplank and onto the wooden dock. “C’mon, let’s find the market.”
They continued to walk into the streets of the village. While there weren’t many people around, Y/N noticed a few faces peeking from windows. They looked to be Earth Kingdom citizens. Y/N noticed a woman and child in the Fire Nation’s signature red walking down the street calmly.
“Have you ever been to the colonies before?” While Y/N hadn’t technically lived in the colonies, she had lived right on the outskirts. Her father’s estate was still Earth Kingdom territory, although they were still subject to the occasional visits from Fire Nation soldiers. But the village they went to for food, and where Bihun went to school, was Fire Nation territory.
“No. They seem like a bit of a drag,” Toph admitted, kicking a stray pebble in front of her.
“This one must be pretty new,” Y/N mumbled, looking around at the darkened houses.
“What makes you say that?” Sokka questioned.
“When I was little, the village near my house was a lot like this. Earth Kingdom citizens were afraid to leave their homes. The Fire Nation people, not just the soldiers, constantly belittled us. There was a Fire Nation boy that picked on me at the market once when I was little.
“But it’s not like that anymore. It took a while, but it became a lot more like everyone was coexisting. My older brother went to school with Fire Nation kids. Most kids stuck to their cliques, and it wasn’t always peaceful, but… it was getting better. Or at least, it was before I left. This is more like an occupation.”
“Huh. That’s… interesting,” Sokka hummed.
“The soldiers definitely caused more trouble than anything. But people are just people. Eventually, they’ll figure out how to coexist as long as someone isn’t pitting them against each other.”
“That’s an interesting perspective,” Toph observed.
“I hope I can go back once the war is over.” It was the first time Y/N really had an idea for what came after. “I want to find my brother and see my family again.” The dream Y/N had the night before came back to her. Boiling rock. She could tell that Sokka wanted to ask what she meant about her brother and was grateful when he kept it to himself.
“Look!” Toph pointed suddenly. In front of them, a man was rolling a cart full of bags of rice across the road.
“Yes!” Sokka punched the air in victory. “Food!”
“Finally.” Y/N smiled, feeling her heart flutter as she set off running alongside Sokka and Toph to catch up to the man.
The Avatar was gone. It was probably the worst-case scenario. They had pulled out of port and were on their way when Katara went to bring Aang a tray of food. The wind had picked up, and the weather seemed to be going bad. The added wind going west was helping the ship move along at a very quick pace. Sokka said that they’d probably officially be in the Fire Nation within hours.
Y/N watched the stormy skies with a furrowed brow. Aang had taken his glider. The added factor of the turbulent weather made it that much worse. It was already dark from the setting sun, covered by the dark clouds. Y/N remembered how weak he still appeared and shuddered. He hadn’t eaten anything before he left, either.
Y/N pulled her cloak tighter around her body to shield herself from the wind. The ship lurched in the water, and suddenly Y/N regretted eating so much rice. She could tell that Toph felt the same as the girl held her stomach.
“He can’t have gone far,” Y/N reasoned, approaching Katara, who was obviously beside herself. “I’m sure he must have found land not too far from here.”
“We have to find him,” Katara stated simply, her eyes severe. Y/N put a hand on the other girl’s shoulder in an attempt to be comforting.
“And we will. We just have to wait for the storm to die down. I’m sure your dad and Sokka have a pretty good idea of where we are.”
Katara’s face darkened more at the mention of her father. Y/N sighed.
“I don’t mean to intrude, but… why are you mad at him?”
“It’s just…” Katara bit her lip, glancing towards the floor. “After our mom died, Sokka and I were so lost. And then Dad had to leave, and I understand why, I really do, but… we needed him.”
“I think it’s okay to be a bit mad.” Y/N looked out at the dark water. “It isn’t really his fault, I guess. He had to leave. But you’re allowed to feel that way.”
“But I shouldn’t be mad at him,” Katara argued. “I know he had to leave.”
“That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt.” Y/N thought of her own father. He would have left, too, if he were asked to fight. “But he did leave for you. He probably hoped that you wouldn’t have to fight. My father never wanted my brother and I to have to fight.
“He tried to keep us away from it all for so long. I didn’t even go to school because he was worried about my bending being discovered. And he was doing what was best for us, and I see that now. But I never had friends, and despite everything he tried to help me, I’m still scared of what I am. And that hurts. But I still love him, and I forgive him for all of it, because now I understand that he just wanted my brother and I to be okay.”
Y/N had surprised herself with how much talking she had done. “I’m sorry,” Y/N backtracked. “That probably wasn’t super helpful.”
“No.” Katara smiled. “Thank you, for talking to me.”
Y/N looked up as the rain finally began to fall, pelting the hull of the ship as the vessel swayed on the sea.
“Come on,” Katara offered, lifting her hands and waterbending the droplets away from them. “Let’s go inside. We’ll find Aang as soon as it stops.”
“This is the only area he could have landed.” Sokka pointed at the spot on the map. Y/N lit another lantern as she, Katara, Toph, and Sokka sat in the captain’s room with Hakoda and Bato. “Any other spot is too far away.”
“That’s too big of an area,” Katara protested, the worry still evident on her face. Toph yawned. They had all been awoken as soon as the rain had stopped, which turned out to be right before the crack of dawn.
“The wind was blowing to the northwest,” Y/N piped up, eying the map as she lit another lantern. “And with his condition he probably couldn’t be far from the coastline. He probably landed somewhere in the center of that region, because we were about—” Y/N pointed to a spot on the map— “here when the storm started, and he would’ve had to slow down when the rain started. And with the possibility of lightning, he’d have to have been flying pretty low.”
The others stared at Y/N for a moment in shock. Y/N shrugged. “I spent a lot of time in the library.” Her mother had spent countless hours tutoring her, since she couldn’t go to school. Bihun was convinced Y/N learned more at home than he did at school.
“I’ve also done a lot of traveling recently,” Y/N added, feeling her cheeks warm slightly.
“Alright,” Hakoda coughed. “We’ll head in and drop you kids off there. You can find Aang and then lay low, and we’ll meet you again later for the invasion.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Sokka stood, pulling Hakoda and Katara into a hug. Y/N’s heart ached, suddenly feeling the strong absence of her own family. It had been so long since they’d all been under the same roof.
“Let’s go,” Katara said determinedly as Sokka and Hakoda let go.
Katara gave the ship fog cover just in case as they creeped closer to land. Y/N was in awe of the land in front of them. It was rocky, with jagged hills. Y/N thought she could see the orange glow of lava in the distance. They were definitely in the Fire Nation.
The ship moved as close to the land as possible, letting the gangplank fall down into the shallow water. Katara did the rest, parting a dry path across the sand.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” Y/N checked with Hakoda one more time. She knew it was valuable having a firebender on the ship.
“Go,” Hakoda insisted. “We can handle it. And we don’t want people to come around asking too many questions about Captain Yai.” Hakoda smiled. “Besides, my kids seem to like you.”
“Thank you,” Y/N said gratefully, reaching to shake Hakoda’s hand. Before she could react, Hakoda was pulling her into a brief hug.
“Take care of them, and we’ll see you in a few weeks,” he said.
“I will,” Y/N promised. She would do her best. She’d already failed once before at taking care of her friends, and she wasn’t eager to fail again.
“Coming, Captain?” Toph called from down in the sand where she was waiting with Sokka and Katara.
“Yeah,” Y/N shouted back, walking down the gangplank. When she hit the sand, she turned to and waved goodbye to the others on the ship. “Let’s find Aang.”
Fire Lily Masterlist
taglist: @kaylove12, @akariblue, @wolfiemichele, @aquatickanye, @sunflowerr-mami, @nadiblue
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