#((W!Ryoshu is still missing
w-corp-clerk-anon · 4 months
[Aisles Q and sub-aisles under the number 17 are being shut down unthil further notice due to situations out of our control-W corp administration]
Day 3 of the war: Welp, if you read up, we just got a notification for all employees to "Warp" back as soon as possible, so with the guidance of W.P. and the aid of the still standing employees we are evacuating the area and doing a emergency shut down. While going back to our stations we found out that some of our missing employees ended up in a space in-betwen dimensions while trying to teleport away; the place doesn't looks too different than our basement honestly, except for the flesh in the walls.
We also found Larry in there... but with a notable problem, he didn't put anything besides his underwear under that costume, so not only he somehow lost his costume, but he also forgot to put on his uniform today.
There is also another problem, due to recent events, we now have to deal with Paperwork (lots of them), angry costumers, a caged raccoon (we told Aisha to leave them alone, but noooo, she said and i quote -"I always wanted a raccoon"-) and the fact that "Donnie" may or may no had tried to skewer one of the poor things.
As of now, we are currently trying to stabilize the barrier to avoid them from geting out unthil further notices from the higer ups, but for now we have to stop Aisha from releasing the furry beast of apocalypse from it's cage. -"please let me al least interview it to ask the why they went afther us"
-"Aisha, im not your boss, but i also don't want you lose more fingers than the ones you lost today"
Edit: forgot to add but, remember when i said that Aisle Q shutted down yesterday? well turns out that the higers ups decided that it would be TODAY to make the annnouncment official... no wonder why we kept getting more civilians from the other districts unthil now while trying to fight them away -"*Sight*, i need a drink and a change of clothes, good thing we all got told to leave our wallets in our personal safes, but i don't know if the others did the same"
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Weird Question.
What does a good Limbus Company Tier List look like?
[Warning: Long]
Gacha games are, at least in part, games about optimizing limited resources. There is a daily stamina limit, and weeklies and dailies that you need to feed that stamina into. In turn, you receive an amount of rewards that need to be spent to acquire and upgrade units. Limited rewards. And you need so many just to upgrade one unit. Decisions need to made, resources allocated. You only have so much, you want to get and use the right stuff without wasting anything on someone you find out is trash 90 levels in. Right?
This is an aspect of Gacha that is often missed in discourse about pngs of anime waifus: the emotional and intellectual labor of investing into a unit, the constant worrying about if you are making the most optimal choices, and the satisfaction of planning well. How a lot of attachment to a character can stem not from their design or personality but just because they're all you had that countered this boss node and lord almighty they clutched out the win with 0.1% HP after you dumped all you had into raising them. I could talk about it all day, it' super interesting to me. But to refocus, the major consequence of this kind of game design are tier lists.
Tier lists will tell you, at a glance, what units are worth investing in and what's worth avoiding. Good tier lists will provide comprehensive explanations and guides for each unit to contextualize their placement. Bad tier lists won't. They can be the combined knowledge of an entire community for a game, they can also be an edict laid down without compassion or transparency. Again, absolutely interesting. And again, to refocus, Limbus doesn't really have one.
Ok, there are Limbus tier lists. Esgoo has great tier lists on which IDs and EGO you should prioritize when considering Uptie 4. Obviously those are his opinion, all Tier Lists are at the end of the day, but he has a whole hour of discussion covering the why's and hows of each category. There is a Prydwen tier list for units, but its rarely shown to new players in any of the PM communities I'm in and is instead largely chastised to my knowledge. I've seen Sinner tier lists, meme tier lists, so on and so forth. None of these are the Tier List.
Maybe its just a sign of the times, but I remember when Gachas had the Tier List. Community vetted, moderator approved, above any all all others. Offered freely to newcomers and watched feverishly by veterans after a new unit is released. Nowadays I feel like I rarely see them.
Limbus doesn't have the tier list. You may wonder if it even needs one and I think you'd have a point. Boiling an entire ID's value to a letter grade might seem unnecessary, especially as Limbus is a bit different as a Gacha. IDs are easy to get, and though the level cap continues to raise (in a way many others find alarming and I'm inclined to agree) it's still less than a week's effort to max one out. I've played games where it took a month of currency to get a single Unit useable. THere just isn't as much drive to worry about leveling the wrong things, investing incorrectly because basically anything works.
There still are obvious differences in the strengths of each character ID. True, most if not all are "useable", but you're probably better off leveling Pequod Yi Sang than Seven Yi Sang. You are definitely better off leveling Pequod Ishmael than Sloshing Ishmael. Its fair to want a quick cheat sheet to communicate those ideas at a glance, with explanations for those who want to delve a little deeper.
But I ask again, what would it even look like?
By what categories and traits do we subdivide these IDs? How can you convey that W Ryoshu is a self sufficient DPS monster tahat requires no synergy to be good while Maid Ryoshu has AoE built into her kit as well as strong poise gen that also does good damage at a glance? Put one in an AoE group and the other in DPS? Is that truly accurate when part of attack weight is that it's great against Abnormalities, the most common type of one-on-one encounter?
I ask the question "what would it look like" because I truly don't know. Limbus is a complicated, evolving game. I don't think that makes it special or standout in any particular way, but for an example it could be that Seven IDs are top tier next event because of temporary buffs and that throws a whole tier list on its head. I don't know of many Gacha that do stuff like that.
That's kinda the end of the thought. The best I can come up with is a list consisting of three tiers: "great, good with the right team comp, and don't. Further explanation available upon request." That's not very helpful, is it?
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player-1 · 1 year
Hell's Chicken recap (post Canto 4)
Not sure if anyone rewatched the Hell's Chicken cutscenes (especially after Canto 4), but I love the multiple hints and pain to any future Cantos. In semi-order, here's a few moments I caught:
-Yi Sang w. Samjo's infodump on the multi-winged/legged chicken delicacy of K Corp: Oh yes, I'm already aware of this (BECAUSE DONGRANG TOLD THEM IN Lo9!!)
-Don w. Bongy!Heathcliff: (Sniffles sadly) And here I was hoping to dress him up like Fixers del Artedecer Ardiente (Burning Sunset Fixers/Fixers of the Burning Art (Liu Assocation??)), there's no need to insult him so!
-Me on 20:57-22:13 after skimming Dream of Red Chamber's Wikipedia: Wtf, Hong Lu!? Now I know your family life sucks, but you don't be to be so blasé about it! You're just brushing it off like Don!! (Just check out Liu and Base ID Hong Lu for the hint :)
-Meursault w. Outis violently slapping Bongy!Heathcliff: The force of impacts is similar to a soldier interrogating a captive enemy (Outis...wtf kind of soldier were you!?)
-Sinclair w. Ryoshu insulting Gregor's cooking skills on the battlefield: :O She's speaking with full words for once! -Gregor getting a headache after Ryoshu threw down the Mr. Krabs insult.
-Outis prefers instant-made food...Enough said.
-Also Gregor: Come on Ishmael, don't listen to Rodion. You and I were as thick as thieves in the early days (Veteran bonding? Another hint of Dante going MIA before the main story or them being in the company for years before?) [25:43 Sees Ishamel join Ryoshu's side, easily hearing the pain in his voice] -I...-I feel so betrayed right now.
-Sinclair immediately understanding Ryoshu's acronyms down to a T without question (CHICK: Chirping hesitation isn't cool, kiddo and RAFTS: Restaurant already fated to shut) And many more). It's honestly ironic since book/Limbus Sinclair explains art and emotions extremely heavily while Ryoshu shortens it, but they still have that artistic appeal.
-Ryoshu channeling her inner Yoshihide and traumatizing any poor soul who witnesses her "artistic talent" (ie. Don witnessing the horrors she committed on the chicken kebab that she refuses to explain with words).
-Yi Sang getting nostalgic over spoiled milk he drank the day before and not getting sick from it, but also getting embarrassed if anyone implies he eats terribly-cooked food on a regular basis (mostly likely ate spoiled food in his captivity and probably not remembering how to cook for himself cause of Gubo): Oh honey :(
-Sinclair taking the mantle in Round 2 w. cooking (hassled by the mom group excluding Ishmael), probably because he cooked for himself (terribly though) after his family got prosthesis replacements: Oh honey! :(
-Everything about Yi Sang's potato monologue (and 48:05 for the nervous panic in his voice when Don throws it away), also his reference of shredding chicken with his hands as a custom in his hometown at 39:47 (S Corp/District 19, but there's no further info on it's culture or Singularity).
-Meursault after verbally butchering Don's dish: Yi Sang, if this is your particular taste in food, I personally ask you to throng my teeth and prong my tongue this instant. Yi Sang: ...I have no excuse. (Also on par with book Meursault being an accountant and being extremely thorough on explaining things with brutal honesty)
-The Limbus gang actually succeeding in turning a Distortion back into a human through sheer luck and bullshittery (even if it's w. Dante and Heathcliff's help, Taii and Moses will definitely have an aneurysm if they ever found out).
-Vergi spacing out the second Don kept explaining the story past going into Eubong's, and Charon taking the Bongy plush and puts it on her window! :D
If there's anything else I might've missed (or not wanting to clog up the post with a full list), feel free to comment.
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dlamp-dictator · 11 months
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Okay, so I told myself I would try and get Railway done by the last last week of Season 2 since I was still mostly dicking around with my teambuilding and not making anything meta out of stubbornness, and that day is quickly approaching. Originally I was going to be lazy and just use W Corp because Charge is busted, I have Don Telepole, and I will play Meta if it means getting through a bad/annoying series of fights over with faster.
I also want to at least try and be original and do something a little out of pocket, to beat this challenge my way using strategies and units I personally like using or want to use. To that end, before I ultimately cave and just Uptie 4 Warp Don for the mother of all Charge Teams I wanted to give Railway an earnest go the way I'd prefer to. And my inner Hod is acting up this week so I'm going to try and built a (Non-N Corp) bleed team.
Keep in mind I'll be bring all these units to Level 35 over the week and possibly going to Uptie 4 a few of them, namely Ryoshu and maybe Meursault. I wanted to hear the fandom's opinion before I dive into this.
That said, here's the quick summary of this team.
Yi Sang is here for Crows Eye View to buff Don and Meur's clash/coin power with that much needed haste boost.
Don is here for her good clashing numbers and declaring duels.
Heathcliff is actually more on support than a mainstay since I don't feel like dealing with his ammo.
The Zwei IDs are there to tank and Faust fuels her own Fluid Sac.
Outis is an emergency tank/rupture gal.
Ish is here to support Yi Sang's sinking if need be.
Okay, onto the breakdown.
Yi Sang: Yi Sang is going to be the on the active team is probably the most important member of the team. Along with his good clashing and Sinking application for chip damage, Crow Eye View practically required for this team so I can boost Don and Meursault's speed and let them access their extra bits as they hit +7 speed. Sunshower being a good AoE ego also helps.
The Bleed Team: With the understanding that I'm going to be pushing hard with the bleed team characters like Kurokumo Ryoshu, Rhino Meursault, and Hook Hong Lu are a must. I was debating between Tingtang and Hook, but since I have little in terms of bleed potency already I went with Hook Hong Lu. I'm hoping that Hong Lu can put in the work for bleed potency, but I can't be sure sense I only use him in mirror dungeons at the moment. I know Steam Machine's gonna' be a pain with their Bleed-Cap, but that's what Seven Outis, Molar Ish, and Yi Sang are for in case the first round with it feels too tedious. I'm tempted to put Heathcliff on the bleed team, but I'll be saving him for when I really need his Quick Supression since I can not afford to lose an expensive unit like him early on. and I can actually do stuff with his support passive with this team.
The Tanks: From what I've gleamed Zwei Faust and Zwei Gregor sync well with each other, and I'm gonna' need some damage sponges and Aggro because I can NOT afford for ANYTHING of the DPS units to die in this run. Everyone is too vital to go missing save for maybe, ironically, Rabbit Heathcliff. Faust is especially useful since she fuels her own Fluid Sac and the only thing we're really hard pressed on is Envy, but overall have units with good clashing so it shouldn't be too bad.
The Extras: Rabbit Heathcliff is here to get 45 Sanity on the first boss, then spam the shit out of Quick Supression to delete Steam Machine ASAP. Ironically, he'll be the one I'm saving until maybe the third or fourth cycle. I need at least one DPS unit I can switch out at any given time and Heathcliff is too valuable to risk losing early on. This is the same mentality I have for putting one Seven Outis and Molar Ish. Seven Outis is mostly here as an emergency unit with good clashing just in case I either lose a tank near the end or when I feel like I'll really need that spammable base EGO rupture chip damage. Molar Ish is there to help support sinking with Yi Sang along with also having good clashing power. Mostly emergency units at the end of the day.
The Supports: I have no good Rodion or Sinclair IDs, at least for Railway, so I'm gonna' be using base Rodion's passive and if I have the thread to spare I'll Uptie Zwei Sinclair for his surprisingly decent support passive. Heathcliff is ironically on the support team too since he can boost quite a few of my units with this time with his pierce boost, namely Yi Sang and Ryoshu, but Hook Hong Lu might get some usefulness out of this too if I play my cards right (or wrong).
And... that's the team. Any thoughts so far? Anyone I should Uptie 4 first before I dive in? Is this actually going to be possible or am I'm just screwed and should Uptie 4 Warp Don for MAXIMUM CHARGE TEAM to get through this?
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