#((Uh oh...))
dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 59)
Two more weeks had gone by, a new sense of normalcy beginning to take hold within the household. Uzi would wake up around 4 or 5 am, sometimes she would be dizzy enough to get sick, other times she was woken up by hunger pains or just a random ache in general.
Then N would be up soon after, either sensing something being wrong or just jostled awake by her movement and he would do his best to make her feel better, sweet nothings, kisses, cuddles, anything and everything.
The hunger was increasing, the silicone chips weren't enough and neither was the oil, but she didn't know what else to do.
She was having a dream…
She was… outside. Not just home, outside of the bunker, flitting between buildings, sniffing the air and feeling the rough concrete beneath her claws as she dug them in. Her stomach growled painfully and her tail swung low.
There was a worker walking through the desolate city streets, looking around, wary and scared. Their back was hunched over, looking up and to the side.
She slunk closer, the worker had blue eyes, glasses, and no hair… as far as she could tell, but it might have been hidden under his helmet. It didn't matter anyway. Her stomach growled louder.
She glided down further, perching in a peice of rebar as she readied herself, wings arching backward as they prepared to lunge her forward.
Then the wind was screaming down around her as she rocketed towards the ground at high speeds, tackling the drone from behind as he let out a terrified yelp, they both went skidding across the slick ground for a moment before they stopped, her claws dug into his back, through his clothes and deep into his casing.
“No! No- no! Don't kill me! Please!” He screamed and begged, but Uzi quickly shut him up, sinking her teeth deep into his neck, oil gushed into her mouth as her prey thrashed wildly, trying desperately to buck her off as his voice box gargled.
Her tail wrapped around him, holding him down as she sunk her teeth deeper, savoring the taste of fresh oil, she held him until the thrashing slowed to a stop, hands came up to try to pry her off but were quick to loose function, until he finally went limp.
She waited a few more seconds before releasing the body, letting it slump into a heap in front of her, she licked the oil off her lips, growling in delight as she looked over her kill.
Then, without another moments hesitation, used her claws to rip him open, exposing the tangle of wires, metal frame, and dead core to the world. The oil wasn't what she was after…
She sunk her open maw into the open chest cavity, and began to eat her meal…the titanium, the silicone, and rubber all mixing into a heavenly cocktail that had her closing her eyes, she was starving…
She woke up far more gently then she expected after a dream like that. She felt around in her mouth only to realize she was drooling and snapped up. N was sound asleep beside her, hand outstretched like he had been holding it in his sleep.
She was drooling? After having a dream about hunting and eating someone…
Hunger hit her fast and hard, harder then it ever had before and she doubled over, clutching her stomach. She hissed in pain, squirming helplessly against it. N was jostled awake, and he turned on the light before trying to comfort her.
“Uzi… what-?”
“Hungry!” She yelled, not having the wherewithal to say anything else, N just blinked before running off into the kitchen, finding that the cabinets were all empty, Uzi had eaten everything in the house And he'd only bought more snacks a couple days ago.
She'd mentioned that the snacks were not working as well, but he hadn't expected how quickly he'd gone through them. Okay N, think, clearly snacks weren't working, what else could it be?
What had seemed to work to sort out her cravings before? Silicone chips, oil, rubber chews…
What were drones made out of again?
Like a lightbulb that had gone off in his head, he sprinted out the door without bothering to change and made the trek to the nursery, scaring the life out of Mrs. Rayn, who looked like she'd just gotten there, which made sense… it was 5 am.
“N!? What are you doing here at this hour?” She yelped at him, looking from side to side.
“I'm sorry. Do you- do you have the material to print a body just… lying around?” He asked quickly, face flushed as Rayn looked at him suspiciously.
“If you're asking me to print a baby N, it would take a few days, and I'd need to have proof of Uzi carrying neural network code.”
“No! Uh, not that. I just need the raw material.” He explained, trying not to give away his immense fluster, or the fact she was carrying a neural network code.
She stared at him before sighing and going into the back, coming out with a roll of titanium, a little brick of silicone, and a ball of rubber. “Here, don't know what you need them for… but here.” She handed them off and he quickly said thank you before sprinting back through the hallway to his apartment and skidded inside the door.
“Uzi?! I’m back! I have something that might help!” He shouted, briskly walking into the bedroom with the items he'd acquired. But…
Uzi was gone.
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dailyjadenep · 3 months
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feelo-fick · 2 months
⬤UTLAWS // Mini MV
We ABSOLUTELY never watch it! / ABSOLUTELY never say it! / ABSOLUTELY never hear it! / There is NOTHING we need to know!!!!
Bright moon is in the sky! / Crescent moon is in the shadow! / Take the unforgivable thought! / Take the unapplicable exception!
DIJIIIIIIIIII HE GETS AN MV (sorta)!!!!!!!!!!!! for a pretty simple looking 20 second video this took me FAR too long, but then again capcut isnt the best editing software in the world.
so yeah i got suddenly possessed to edit a short video of him with this song cause RAAAH ITS SUCH A BANGER!!! and some of the themes fit him, though i admit its not toooo fitting -- some of the lyrics fit meg more BUT its a song about moons and rabbits!!!!! it HAS to be about him!!!
i didnt do the part that had the lyrics i put in the caption even though those fit him best because... well its kinda complicated + animated and ive already suffered enough by just doing these simple overlay layers and keyframes.
anyways i had a lot of fun with this!!!! i heart diji. youre gonna get a lot of him because ever since that fairy brothers post ive been brainrotting on both of them alot >:)
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beatriceportinari · 2 months
love friday afternoons. doing fuckall eating peaches and maltesers
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hey adam lute asked if you remember to do the dishes?
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"Hah..dishes, funny joke! I don't remember any 'dishes'..silly..wait..OH SHIT-⚡"
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trickarrows-bishop · 1 year
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shardkn1ght · 7 months
Why do I kinda wana draw voltron fan art again.....
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indigitalembrace · 4 months
I know you want to see your friends, but I think what we really need might be O or Sonny. maybe if we could bring them back with your compiler or something, they would know how to help save you before it's too late.
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... What. Ha! No, friend..... don't be silly..... We don't.... need them...... anymore...... They both betrayed me....... What makes you think...... that they'd want to help me? What makes you think I NEED THEM?
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krenenbaker · 10 months
I'm going to smooch Sebek right on the crown of his lil head
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kimmiessimmies · 11 months
Winter 08: Release (11/31)
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Sadie felt her heart sink and swallowed the lump in her throat.
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"Drinks! Coming through!" James's voice sounded. As he put the tray of drinks he was carrying down on the table, his arm briefly brushed against Sadie's.
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She looked up at him, and as their eyes locked, he winked at her. It comforted Sadie just a bit. At least there was James, her "stage boyfriend". They had been good on stage together tonight.
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James had sat down across the table, but his gaze hadn't yet let go of Sadie's.
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itsbebebrainrotting · 11 months
Wait did the explanation say that if the cursed team loses they say goodbye all of their LIVES and eggs or am i misremembering. Cuz thatd suggest the characters go on hardcore/limited lives if the cursed team loses...
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maddiethesapphic · 1 year
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side profile practice with Crowley and Aziraphale good omens has taken over my mind this will not be the last time i post abt them
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justarandomsimp77 · 2 months
Nigg fykkerr
Stoppa datta
Are you having a stroke??? 😰😰😰
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maxwell-mtv · 1 year
Another random Shane headcanon that popped into my mind while getting ready for the day:
I bet Shane loves to watch those stoner 90s films like Clerks or Mall Rats
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wolveswarrior · 1 year
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Felix: *“I will kill that pink b*tch” stare*
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Based on this
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deathtransformed · 10 months
response to @luposcainus's open starter from here:
            "Really, now?" Gemini couldn't help the small smirk that was trying to appear from his lips. Wasn't Caspian such a nice man? Trying to believe in the goodness of others, including him?             "Hm." His shoes echoed as he slowly close the space between them as he walked towards him. There's no point in deceiving him anymore now that Caspian found out who the other person was, hiding in the shadows of Sherlock Holmes. Leaning closer, he whispered against his ear. "If I suddenly stab you in the stomach and watch as you collapse in my floor with blood beginning to pool on your body, I wonder if you'd won't think of me as a bad person, Cas." Gemini smile to him was devious as he pulled back to look at him in the eye.
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