#((Though there is mutual respect))
nobodymitskigabriel · 8 months
I've said this before but dont really buy most of the Dean and Gabriel headbutting that's present in Sabriel fic like I get he'd be a hater at first but come on dude they like each other. What I could TOTALLY buy is John and Gabriel headbutting and I think it'd so much funnier. John trying to process the fact that Sam is going steady with the archangel Gabriel who is also is a massive dick. Trying to figure out how to convince Sam his boyfriend sucks without coming off homophobic. Comedy gold.
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burkleswinifred · 23 days
angel specifically from btvs, they could never make me hate you. ❤️
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brownglitter · 3 months
the other day at a mall I saw this couple walking close to me where the guy was carrying all the shopping bags and the girl was walking freely but his shoelace was untied, and he asked the girl to hold the bags, but she just bent down and tied them for him.
it sounds like a really simple thing couples do but I love it when I see both partners respecting and willing to help each other
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iicynox · 2 years
Manifesting Theseus and Melinoë being besties in the new game for the sheer comedic potential of the utter EXASPERATION Zag will feel as a result
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bonefall · 1 year
just saw a post by goobiestar where tigerclaw has been put on babysitting duty and they doodled him surrounded by tiny babies thinking "i cant believe bluestar is making me babysit a bunch of drooling pathetic whiny pieces of--" and with bonefall tigerstar being a genuinely good dad (at least when his babies were tiny) i have this image in my head of firepaw imagining this is what's happening and then it cuts to tigerclaw calmly playing teeterstrike with the babies
I'm telling a super different story from the other guys in my orbit LMAO, I've noticed that also. A lot of my.... fellow satellites? Companion Comets. Peripheral Planets. Lean into the comedy angle of Tigerclaw being a nasty little boy
I especially love that one comic (I think it's Blimbo?) Where he sees his younger sibs and just starts kitty-smacking them like a real cat lmao. Top tier. If the punchline is "KITTY SMACK" you'll kill me every time.
But yah BB!Tigerclaw is really important to understand as like... a guy. Just a shitty guy, has some good things about him, but ultimately the darkness within him is run-of-the-mill. He isn't special. Firestar comes to understand that any one of the dozens of assholes in his life could have become Tigerstar-- and that's TERRIFYING.
Evil is mundane and common. Goodness is complicated and unique.
So your image is spot on lmao. Young Fireheart watching him from across camp like, "ill PROVE his evil to bluestar. Look at him now. What is he doing with swiftkit. Something horrible im sure. He probably hates kittens"
And Tigerclaw is pressing his mouth to Swiftkit's baby belly and going PTHHHBBBBB.
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nesonkin · 1 year
Sonic Prime has a chance to pull the biggest power move and verbally and explicitly confirm Shadow as one of Sonic's friends
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faeriegirl · 11 months
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Emily Bronte/Traverse
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justmwahstruly · 5 months
Hold isa/POS (I miss my wife/j)
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hey dottyyyyy
i hope this looks okay enough shjdsbjhdjbfd I just doodled it real fast i don’t feel too great rn but i hope this isn’t awful
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wyrcan · 16 days
fell asleep but i’m rising from my slumber to tell y’all to be nice to writers, for fuck’s sake
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iam-tryingmybest · 1 year
one thing I love about rtte is how little they try to make the snotlout/ fishlegs / ruffnut love triangle make sense
they really were just like “ no actually we want you to be confused by this <3”
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ahalliance · 1 year
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this is so tenmartha core
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idledreams4 · 4 months
"Would you really unfollow someone because they said they had a problem with fictional incest?"
Yes. And I will encourage anyone who thinks that's obscene to either block or unfollow me
I know that fiction isn't reality
These are characters. They do not have feelings, they are not governed by laws or morality, they are objects.
If I told you "hey I think a fork and a spoon should make out" you'd probably be like "weird, but whatever you're into man"
But if I dare say "hey I think Sam and Dean Winchester should make out" suddenly it's "nooooo!!! You can't do that!!!! They're related"
Guess what? The fork and the spoon are related too. They're both utensils.
You only have a problem with the second statement because the characters are human characters. This can apply to any humanoid or vaguely anthropomorphized character. Once something has human traits you forget that it's just an object.
Sam and Dean Winchester exist only in ink, film, and the minds of the creators and fans. They are not out there driving around in a 1967 Chevy Impala, hunting monsters and stealing credit cards to pay for cheap motel rooms.
You cannot police objects, and you cannot police fandom.
And you know what, since the callout post this is responding to brought rp/kink into it, I'm going to do the same:
That's all that should really need to be said, but allow me to continue for those who can't get it through their thick skulls.
Roleplay is FANTASY
What is fantasy? NOT REAL
Murder? Rape? Assault of any kind? All harmful when commited by real people.
But me writing a story where Blorbo from Hyperfixation drugs, kidnaps, and brainwashes OC is not harmful because the characters aren't real
A BDSM scene where my partner ties me up and uses whips or flogs on me is not harmful because it is pre-negotiated and has safety measures in place to make sure we are both safe and comfortable.
If two consenting adults agree to roleplay as siblings or step siblings that is no different. If they want to introduce a parent/child dynamic all the power to them. These things aren't harmful because they are not real.
I'm not going to sit here and advocate for actual incest. Absolutely the fuck not. But I am going to keep writing stories about my favorite twins going on little dates, or being horribly codependent thanks to their mother, or just being flat out abusive and terrible to eachother. Why? Because. Its. Fiction.
Make sense now? Are we all on the same page finally?
Oh, before I go actually. Anyone who consumes media portraying incest and immediately thinks "this is ok and I'm going to do it" lacks the ability to critically consume media that the vast majority people have. They are not the average, they are outliers.
Anyone who uses media to justify doing bad things is pathetic, and a coward who can't take responsibility for their own actions ❤️
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annalyticall · 28 days
Not to be a hater but sometimes Solas / Lavallen posts are surreal to me like they'll gush over something Solas does or says to Lavellan like it's the most heartbreaking romantic love in existence meanwhile it reads to me like an existential horror
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euthymiya · 1 month
your tag made me giggle LOL I agree! turn around, logan!!
Cuz why did we get the teasing of the century with that SO CLOSE STEPH so close yet so far and the mirror just BARELY shows his v-line like GO LOWER. LET ME SEE LOWER
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butchford · 2 months
If there's one thing to understand about kabumisu it's that it's aromantic butch yuri.
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why is everything (showing other people respect. being patient and kind. not flying off the handle about stupid things. emotional regulation and self-control. et cetera.) so easy when I'm not around my parents and so so so so hard when I AM around them?
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