#((They all have the same zip-up short sleeved hoodie!))
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antihibikase-archive · 2 years ago
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Pokemon Blight / Blur - Aspertia Trio Character Sheets
Nuvema gang here.
A peculiar troublemaking trio that specialize not only in seeking out ideals as youthful heroes, but with the weather as well; Nate utilizes rain, Hugh utilizes sandstorms, and Rosa utilizes hail!
Nate Blake - A new hero emerging from Aspertia City. Having obtained his own Pokemon and Pokedex, he leaves on a journey with his friends in his quest to become a hero- a hero that spreads smiles, unlike The Hero of Truth.
Hugh Obsidian - A young trainer who has been preparing for his journey ever since that fateful day when Team Plasma attacked, leaving him and his friends scarred, and his sister with her Pokemon stolen. Even with his recklessness, he still manages to be the most sensible and responsible of the trio.
Rosa Whitefield - An excitable starlet, and Unova's next sensation- or so she claims. Though she seeks the thrills of life and to have the spotlight on her, she's more keen than she lets on- her intuition is almost never wrong.
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azzifuddfanpage · 30 days ago
I can fight
thank you so much for the anon who gave me this amazing prompt: you can read it here!
2.1k words (why was this supposed to be my short one)
Tw: none but I didn’t edit so good luck 😺😺
themes: fluff/ angst (not really, paige is just a jealous gf but what’s new)
Paige was in her dorm after practice, her hair still damp from her shower, and only a towel wrapped around herself.
She was about to dig through her closet for a hoodie and some basketball shorts when she heard her phone buzz on the table. 
Paige had been expecting a text from Azzi within the next ten minutes, telling her she was ready to get picked up from her rehab. 
Hearing her phone buzz, she wandered over hopefully, picking it up and watching as the screen lit up.
While she did see an Azzi notification, it was not the one she expected. 
“Azzi35 posted” her instagram notification read. 
Paige was immediately doubtful, maybe it was a glitch, Azzi never posts, especially not without telling paige first. It had to have been an add for sure- paige was just surprised she never heard anything. 
When she clicks on the link, Azzi’s dimpled smile fills her screen as she holds up what appears to be a tight body suit. 
Paige holds down on the video as the video jumps to each outfit. Starting with the body suit.
Paige feels the heat in her core burn as she sees the way her ass is accentuated by the way the tight material of the one piece clung to her curves, pulling her in at all the right places, highlighting her girlfriends perfect body. 
The definition of Azzi’s abs is slightly visible through the light material, and paige can’t help her self but zoom in on the fat of her ass as she watches as Azzi turns slightly to show off the rest of the look. 
Paige continues to watch the video, the feeling between her legs growing as Azzi switched into a two piece light blue set that made the tanned color of her skin pop. 
Paige watched the video the rest of the way through, resisting the urge to stop it, but she couldn’t hide the thoughts running through her mind as her beautiful girlfriend flaunted infront of the mirror.
Next Azzi appeared in the brown two piece- that showed off her belly button piercing, and had a zipper right between her breasts. 
“The zipper will not be of much use if she ever wears that around me.” Paige thought to herself as her eyes focused in on the way the pants sat loosely on her hips.
Even when paige thought the video couldn’t get much worse, paige watches as Azzi holds up a tight tank top and shorts. 
“Fuck” paige mutters under her breath, as her eyes wonder Azzi’s body, as she reappears on the screen in the tight black short set.
Paiges eyes wander up her tan legs, seeing the way the material bunches at her abs, and she can just see where the curve of her ass sits at the edge of her pants. 
She smirked as Azzi turned and checked herself out, (paige was doing the same- and had no right to be talking) but would definitely flame her for it later- but not before making her wear it in front of her so she could be the one checking her out. 
She watched needily as Azzi slipped on a tight robe, reminding Paige of the times Azzi would sneak into her room, body wrapped in nothing but a loose robe like that one, and let paige’s hands wander as she made them breakfast. 
As the video went on, and Azzi was now bundled in a zip up and sweats, paige felt a smile tug at her lips as she saw how warm and cuddly Azzi looked all wrapped up in the oversized sweats- paige lowkey wished that Azzi was wearing paige’s sweats but…
Lastly, paige saw the finally tight long sleeve, that drew paige’s attention straight to her breasts, and surely anyone else who was watching would see the same thing, paige would think to herself.
Paiges heart was still beating, Azzi’s beautiful body still flashing in her mind as she clicked on Azzi’s contact- not before saving the ad to her camera roll-, and called her. 
Azzi answers right away “I take it you just saw my ad.” 
“Babe I’m dying, why did you post that now when I can’t immediately put my hands on you.” 
Azzi rolls her eyes  “baby I don’t think it would have gone over well if I had filmed that in front of you. Remember the time I showed you the pink blazer and shorts I wore to the D’Amelio’s, and you almost didn’t let me leave the house?” Azzi reminded as paige smacked her lips together dramatically, 
“Chill, I’m your girlfriend of course I don’t want other people to see how beautiful my girl is.” Paige said pouting into the phone. 
Azzi felt a smile curl onto her lips at the thought of how protective Paige was. 
“You’re cute when you’re jealous.” Azzi said teasingly into the phone.
“Mmmm.” Paige breathed into the phone, Azzi’s words warming her chest. 
“You’re just cute period.” Paige started. “Looked so good in that ad baby. Didn’t even know what to do with myself. If I don’t see you soon might just start touching myself now.” Paige said, her voice a low growl, that made Azzi’s stomach drop to the floor. 
“I’ll be done in 15 minutes and you can come pick me up.” Azzi said her brain running in 50 different directions as she thought about all the things her and paige might have planned. 
Azzi thought she could hear the sound of the music of her ad playing again. 
“Paige are you seriously watching it again?” Azzi asked letting out a soft laugh. 
“Uhm ofc- you didn’t just think I was gonna watch my girl show off her precious body on the internet for my view to be less then everyone else’s… needed to see it on the big screen.” Paige continued, holding her iPad up to the camera that showed Azzi’s ad playing on repeat.
Azzi laughed. 
“I love you baby- be good and maybe I’ll put it back on and let you take it off of me when we get home.” Azzi continued, her eyes scanning paige’s face.
“We’ll see, you should see some of these comments, though. Gonna make it hard for me to just sit back and hear them all talkin bout my girl like this.” 
Azzi laughed as paige began to read some of them outloud. 
“Body so Tea British are coming.. man facts, that’s a bar though.” She continues “Marry me Azzi..” Paige rolls her eyes “she’s already married.” Azzi laughs.
 “Can Paige fight.” Paige scoffs throwing her head back as she plops onto her bed, “Brrooo I can’t do this I’m bout to say something.”
 “Paige calm down, they are just comments” 
“nah I’m bout to like that comment.” Paige said defiantly. 
“Paige Maddison! Don’t even think about it.” Azzi warned shaking her head. 
Paige let out a long sigh “when the season is over and one or both of us are not at UCONN anymore, I’m literally letting the world know how bad I can fight.” 
Azzi smiles “Paige I may be the peoples princess, but I was yours before I was anyone else’s.. you don’t have to fight for me baby. I’m yours.” 
Paige smiles “I love you princess.”
“I love you too,  feel better?” Azzi asked
Paige rolls her eyes “for now.” 
“But I’ll feel a whole lot better when they know you’re off limits.” She muttered. 
“Mommy fudd.” She sneered under her breath. 
“Alright that one literally sounds like something you would say under a fake account or something don’t even play with me right now.” Azzi laughed as paige pouted at the comment. 
“That was one time okay- and I couldn’t help myself.” Paige replied a blush covering her face and she smiled bashfully.  
“Alright baby I love you- the trainer is coming back in to do the shock therapy, but you can leave now and I’ll be ready when you get here. But until then you’re banned from reading any more of my comments until then.” Azzi said, wagging her finger through the screen. 
Paige rolled her eyes, “fine but only if you give me kisses for all the trauma I’ve endured reading those comments.”
Azzi returned the eye roll, “ugh don’t even start with me right now, I swear every other video on my for you page is an edit of you and girls thirsting over your fingers.” Azzi groaned. 
“Don’t even act like you don’t like them.” Paige said smirking. 
“The edits or your fingers?” Azzi asked teasingly. 
“I guess we will have to test it later, but my guess is probably a tie.” Paige said pretending to actually contemplate the pretty obvious answer. 
Azzi and paige continue going back and forth teasingly each other until Azzi’s trainer comes back in and has to hang up against the blondes defiant arguments. 
10 minutes later, Paige is in a car waiting for Azzi to come out of the training facility. 
A few more minutes go by and paige feels herself getting a bit impatient. 
To pass the time, she decides to look at the add again, and it still has the same effect on her and as soon as they get alone time she is showing Azzi just how much she liked it. 
She goes back to the comments and sees so many talking about if she can fight. 
Paige feels a brief moment of cockiness. 
A mixture of annoyance and confidence she sets up her phone, “man fuck it.” She says under her breath, recording herself doing the rizz hands, a couple boxing jabs at the phone before doing like a shimmy down her body, trying to turn it into some kind of dance. 
She leans back in the seat as she scrolls through the audio options, landing on a Rocky Balboa sound, and posts to her story without giving it a second thought. 
“Yeah I can fucking fight.” She mutters to herself. 
Within minutes the fans were already having a field day over the TikTok, screen recording it, making connections between that and their previous accusations, Azzi was gonna be so done with her. 
 it takes her only a few minutes for her to see a screenshot of the comment on Azzi’s video asking if paige could fight, pasted over the video of her hilariously uncooordinated stiff punches. Paige felt a wave of satisfaction grow over her knowing that she had indirectly claimed her girl. 
Her eyes scanned over the video, settling on the caption at the bottom that read, “omfg she is letting us know she can fucking fight. Damn Paige, claim your girl then.” Paige smirked and saved the tik tok edit and then put her phone down. 
A couple long minutes later, she saw Azzi’s figure- wearing one of her own hoodies- waddle out to the car, a compression sleeve covering her left leg. 
Paige greeted Azzi with a warm kiss, wrapping her fingers around her back, pulling in the warm body of her girlfriend. 
Paiges hands linger on Azzi’s back as she pulls away guilty.
“so I did a thing..” paige starts, a blush covering her face realizing her rash actions as she looks down at the seat. 
“that sounds ominous, what did you do..” Azzi asks cautiously, trying to interpret the red blush that is quickly spreading over paige’s cheeks. 
 “uhh yeah so I saw more comments about me needing to fight so yeah I uhm- fought.” 
Azzi gasps, bringing a hand to her forehead , “what does that mean paige.” 
Paige pulled out her phone and went to her story, she held it up so Azzi could see. 
Azzi watched as her girlfriend through uncoordinated punches and paired it with a stiff body roll. 
Azzi looked up from the phone, raising her eyebrow at paige. 
“What? I only added the body roll so people would be less suspecting- it could mean anything.” Paige shrugged. 
Azzi smiled, shaking her head in disbelief, “you are crazy.” She said as she gently shoved paige’s phone away, pulling her in so she could place a fat kiss on her cheek.
Paige giggled as Azzi’s lips tickled her skin. 
“you’re not mad?” Paige asked, raising an eyebrow as she placed her hand on Azzi’s neck. 
Azzi shrugged “private but not a secret.” 
Paige’s smile spread across her whole face before she pulled Azzi into a kiss, wrapping her up in a tight hug. 
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vxtanne31 · 4 days ago
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GYM Crush
Modern AU Vi/Reader: both Vi and reader are in late 20s/ early 30s
Synopsis: you just moved to a new town and get a gym membership. Little do you know you would catch the eyes of Vi.
Warning: MEN AND MINORS DNI. F/F, switch reader,switch Vi oral(Vi and R receiving) fingering (Vi and R receiving) mentions of smoking, weed use. Mentions of breakups, parent death.
Reader is muscular, athletic, femme Dom, semi masc.
New town, new job, new life. This is what you told yourself as you walked into the gym. You had just joined this particular gym because it was a no bs gym. You wanted a place where people were focused on lifting and not on socializing. A gym with little to few people using tripods to film their workouts.
You wore a zip up large black hooded sweatshirt with sweatpants and black converse. You were sweating already from your cardio as you went to the locker room to change for your lifting session. Your headphones were still blasting as you unzipped your hoodie and stripped off your baggy short sleeve you had on under it.
A tap on your shoulder made you jump. “Jesus fucking Christ!” You turned around in your sports bra to come face to face with a pink haired woman. You removed one of your earbuds.
“Oh shit dude I’m sorry!” The stranger exclaimed. They were sincere but you could tell they were trying to hold a laugh. “I was just asking if I could get by you. My locker is next to yours.
“Oh, oh yeah I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have my music so loud.” You closed the locker and moved out of the way for her.
“Thanks,” she gave you a dazzling smile. She was about the same height as you, maybe half an inch shorter. Her hair was shaved on the side and she had the prettiest blue eyes. Tattoos lined the back of her arms to a piece on her back. You couldn’t make out all of it since she wore a grey tank top.
‘Shit I’m staring,’ you thought.
You averted your eyes to put on more deodorant and a tight compression short sleeve. You closed your locker and put your earbud in again to go back out into the gym. You felt a pair of eyes watching you but you didn’t look her way.
Vi was indeed, watching you. Damn she thought you were attractive. She had not seen you before because she would have remembered. You were built too. Definitely spent a good deal of time in the gym. Good, that meant you would be here a lot.
A day or two later you spotted the gorgeous girl you saw in the locker room lifting with a tall, good looking man. ‘Her boyfriend?’ You thought for a second. Definitely wasn’t the vibe you were picking up from their banter in the corner, but you could be wrong. You looked away to make sure you weren’t caught staring.
You had just finished warming up and were getting ready for deadlifts. It was one of your best movements. Might as well show off.
“Jayce,” Vi whispered excitedly as he finished his bench press.
Jayce sat up and looked at Vi, “she here? Where?!”
Vi motioned her head to where you stood. “Oh her? Yeah she’s cute. Definitely your type.”
“Cute? Wait till she takes off her sweatshirt. She’s fucking jacked.”
Jayce chuckled, “you could always go say hi?” Jayce wiped some sweat off the back of his neck with a towel.
Vi shook her head. “No way in hell dude. She doesn’t want anyone talking to her. Look at her face. If looks could fucking kill… Also what if she isn’t into women?”
Jayce watch as you took off your sweatshirt and got your lifting belt out. Your arms were covered in traditional black and white tattoos, your hair in a bun. Your shirt was tight but you wore loose black sweatpants. “I am not great at clocking lesbians, but I can even tell she’s into women. Didn’t you tell me it’s an ‘energy’ that women give off? Do you feel it?”
Vi pursed her lips and studied you. You had just finished your first reps, watching your form in the mirror in front of you. When you put the bar down, you both locked eyes in the mirror. You smiled at her, making Vi blush at being caught.
“Shit she saw me!” Vi ran her fingers through her hair nervously.
“She smiled at you though. That’s a good sign!” Jayce got up from the bench so Vi could have a turn. “So what do you think? She like girls?”
Vi laughed and nodded, “yeah think so. I’ve been wrong before though. She’s definitely edgy.”
You were finishing up your last set of four deadlifts as you looked over at the girl you saw a few days ago in the locker. She was so freaking hot and toned as hell. You always had a thing for the athletic girls, preferring someone who liked fitness as much as you. You felt so thankful you chose this meathead gym.
‘This is pathetic’ you thought to yourself.
It had been at least two weeks of both of you saying ‘hello’ when you passed in the gym, the tension unbearable. You cursed yourself for not having the courage to just talk to her.
Meanwhile Jayce kept trying to talk Vi into approaching you.
You walked into the gym right after Vi and Jayce did. They were scanning their ID’s in when you opened the door. Vi froze and watched as you smiled at her, move past her to scan in and walk into the gym.
Vi’s face turned as pink as her hair as she watched you leave.
Jayce snorted in laughter. “Dude it’s getting sad now. Go talk to her.”
Vi glared at her friend and put her elbows on the counter. “Hey can you let me know the name of the girl who just scanned in?” Vi tried to make her voice as sweet as possible.
The bored looking front desk guy shook his head. “No can do, gym policy. Listen to your friend and ask her yourself.”
Jayce let out a ‘HA’ and Vi punched him on the arm. “Ow! Don’t be mad at me because you’re too chickenshit.”
Vi grumbled and walked to the locker room. Looks like she just missed you. She walked out the lifting area and saw you getting ready to bench. Jayce was right behind her.
“Go ask if she needs a spot,” Jayce whispered and gave Vi a little push on the shoulder.
Vi felt her hands clam up a bit as she started walking towards you. But as you were about to look up, Vi turned back around and walked quickly back towards Jayce.
“I-I can’t dude,” Vi stuttered but Jayce shook his head.
“Violet, stop being such little bitch.” Jayce turned his friend around and gave her a shove.
You were watching this exchange out of the corner of your eye and smirked. You pretended not to notice.
Vi sucked a big breath of air through her nose and walked over. “Hey, um do you need a spot?”
You took out your earbud and looked over at her. “Hm? Sorry didn’t catch that.”
Vi couldn’t help the color hit her cheeks at the sound your voice. “I uh- do you need a spot?” She rubbed the back of her head.
You smiled, you didn’t need a spotter since this wasn’t your max day but how could you say ‘no’ to your gym crush? “Yeah that would be nice. I’m y/n by the way.” You reach your hand out.
Vi grabs it, feeling the firmness of your shake. “Violet, call me Vi.”
“Nice to finally meet you.” Vi’s hand is large, warm and calloused. Your hands aren’t really soft either from the lifting bars you grip.
You started your sets, Vi was standing over you, her pretty face in your eye line. She was so hot but seemed so kind. You wondered how someone so good looking could be so nice.
Vi was thinking the same of you. She watched the way your abdominals flexed as you stabilized yourself on the bench, how your arms moved as you pushed the weight up, your eyes flashing up to her’s. Her heart fluttered at the proximity to you. She was thankful Jayce pushed her to do this.
After spotting you, Vi introduced you to Jayce and you greeted him warmly.
After a few moments of small talk there was an awkward silence. “Uh well, thanks for the spot. See you two around.” You turned to go finish your workout.
Jayce gave Vi a pointed look. Vi called out your name to get you to stop. You turned back around.
“Would you like to grab some food after this? There is a diner down the street.” Vi could feel her heart thunder again, waiting for your response.
“Sure that would be nice. See you soon Vi.” You waved at her and put your earbuds back in.
Jayce pat Vi on the shoulder as you walked away. “See!? Wasn’t so hard!”
Vi wanted to slap her forehead. “What if she thinks I’m straight and asking her out as a friend?”
Jayce rolled his eyes. “Sorry to say Vi, nothing straight about you.”
“What if she’s straight?” Vi rolled her eyes at Jayce.
Jayce mimicked her “listen I know I’m the hottest dude here. She didn’t even look at me. And I’m not blind, she was into you.”
Vi smiled sheepishly and walked over to the dumbbell section. “Yeah well gotta get the workout done now to make sure she’s not waiting.”
By the time she had finished, she saw you waiting at the tables by the entrance. You were on your phone, your headphones in as you bobbed your head to the music.
Vi walked in front of you as not to scare you again. “Hey ready to go?”
You took your headphones and nodded, standing up and throwing your backpack over your shoulder. “Yeah, just us? Or is your friend coming?” You watched as Vi’s cheeks turned a little pink.
Vi started to sweat, wishing she came up with an excuse for Jayce not going “I- I figured it would be just us, unless you want to-“ you cut Vi off by grabbing her hand.
“Let’s avoid all this panic. I think you’re hot and I would like to get to know you.” You stepped closer to her, in her personal space.
Vi’s shoulder’s dropped in obvious relief but straightened back up. “Think I’m hot huh?”
You scoffed, “yeah, like you don’t know you’re hot already.” You laughed nudging her shoulder with yours and walked with her outside.
The date went really well. You both learned about one another. You learned that Vi was getting her masters in kinesiology and did boxing in her free time. She learned that you were a powerlifter and did Krav Maga.
Vi was down hard. She loved how much you had in common with her. You were athletic but a total nerd when it came to movies and books. You both sat at your first date for hours until Vi said she had to get to her class.
You both planned to meet at the gym the next day. And so went a routine of working out together and flirting over texts.
“Dude just ask her to go back to your place after? It’s been like three weeks of both of you working out together. It’s cute but come on!” Jayce sat on their couch as he rolled a cig for them. “Why haven’t you met on the weekends?”
Vi ran her hand through her hair as she paced in their living room. They had been rooming together for the past year. “I’ve been busy teaching kickboxing for extra money dude, you know that. Grad school doesn’t pay for itself.”
Jayce finished rolling and lit it, taking a deep inhale. “Just invite her to kickboxing. Teach her a few things… then when everyone leaves you both can roll around the mat and scissor or whatever you lesbians do.”
Vi stopped pacing and gave him a pointed look, she bent over and snatched the rolled cigarette. “Asshole,” she took a drag and then coughed. “Fuck I am so bad at smoking.” Tears pricked her eyes.
Jayce laughed and took it back from Vi. “Yup.”
Vi did invite you to boxing though which you said yes to right away over text. You were so excited to see her outside of the gym. You had been thinking about her almost everyday. Watching her lift could have been foreplay for you. It was so hot how she easily lifted heavy weights, the cut of her tank showing off her chiseled arms.
Vi was dying to kiss you. She loved how hard you worked in the gym, how thick your thighs were. She would stare at your ass while you squatted over twice your weight. The tension was palpable, the adrenaline of the gym combined with the unspoken desire was driving Vi crazy.
You arrived to the boxing gym on Saturday morning, earlier than Vi asked you to. You watched as she trained a group of kids, teaching them how to punch. She didn’t notice your arrival as you sat with the parents and blended in. Vi was so cute with the kids, encouraging them punch harder on the bag.
Vi looked at her watch. She asked you to come at 10:30AM after her last class. It was 10:15AM, you could be there any minute. Vi’s sky blue eyes searched the room and saw you sitting with the parents talking sweetly to a mom. She knew those last fifteen minutes would drag.
You watched as the last few minutes of the class rolled by, talking to one of the mothers about how much her kid loved Vi. “My kid is excited to come here every weekend,” she boasted. “Vi is so sweet with them.”
You nodded and spoke with the mother on how you knew Vi and what a great person she was. You then heard the words you were waiting to hear.
“Okay kids, same time next week!” Vi’s voice rang out as the kids dispersed.
You got up from your chair and walked over to Vi as the kids walked to their parents. She was wearing a short sleeve compression shirt with her hands wrapped all the way up to her elbows.
Vi’s face lit up when she saw you walked over. “Hey there gorgeous,” she beamed and looked over your shoulder, waiting for the last of the kids and parents walk out the door.
It was your turn to blush at Vi calling you gorgeous. “Hey there, was just talking to one of the moms and she was telling me how much her kid loves you.”
Vi smiled warmly and nodded, half paying attention as she watched the last parent and child walked out.
Once you two were the only ones left, the tension thickened, both of you closing the space in between one another. Vi looked down at your lips and then back to your eyes. “Fuck it,” Vi whispered and pulled you in by the back of the neck, lips colliding with yours.
You responded instantly, fingers threading through Vi’s cropped pink hair. The kiss was electric, the weeks of buildup reaching a peak. You pressed your body against Vi, your chest brushing against her’s.
Vi swiped her tongue over your bottom lip, the kiss becoming heavy. She moved a hand between you, her fingers slipping underneath your shirt, feeling the soft skin of your side.
Your hands tugged Vi’s hair, earning you a moan against your lips. You broke the kiss to come up for air, a trail of saliva connected your mouths. Vi’s eyes were dilated, her lids low as she gazed back at your mouth.
Vi wasn’t ready to come back to reality. She captured your lips once more, gripping the back of your thigh and moving you down to the mat. Vi held her weight above you, a knee slipping in between your legs.
You were lost in the moment, the feel of Vi’s soft lips making your head spin. You gripped her slim hips and pulled her down on top of you, your body easily taking her weight. Vi rolled her hips into you, her thigh pressed against your core. You slipped your knee up higher to provide Vi with the same friction.
Vi moaned against your mouth, her pussy aching to be touched. She was soaked, she felt the slickness as she rubbed herself against your thigh. Then, her mind started to spiral. Was this too soon? Did you want this?
Vi broke the kiss, both of you out of breath. “Should we slow down? Shit I don’t know what got over me-“
You cut Vi off with a reassuring kiss,
Your hands roaming her back and up to her ribs. You figured you’d be honest, after all it was obvious that Vi wanted you as much as you wanted her. You leaned to her ear to tell her what you wanted to for a while. “I want to taste you Vi,” you whispered hotly, placing a kiss to her jaw.
That is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard, Vi thought, your admission making her clit pulse. “Fuck baby, we need to get out of here,” she sat up on her knees. “My place isn’t far from here?”
You sat up and nodded your eyes tracing over Vi’s body. “Lead the way.” You sat up with her and helped her lock up before you followed her out.
Vi wasn’t lying, her apartment was a few blocks away. She had her fingers threaded with yours as she pulled you along. You didn’t realize how big her hands were until she grabbed yours. I want those fingers inside me.
Vi walked as quickly as she could, the walk feeling like an eternity. She got to the building and pulled you into the elevator.
As soon as the doors closed, you pushed Vi against the elevator wall and kissed her, hands moving under her shirt to touch her toned stomach. “Fuck Vi I’ve been wanting to do this since I first saw you.” You moved your lips to her neck, attacking the sensitive flesh.
Vi’s knees almost buckled from the assault, her body thrumming with excitement.. it was sexy how you just took what you wanted, not shy at all. “Yeah? I thought you were the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
The elevator got to her floor, both of you almost missing the stop. Vi grabbed your wrist and led you down the hall to her apartment. She swiped the key fob and pulled you into the apartment. You were both instantly hit with the smell of weed and the sound of the TV.
“Oh hey you two, ‘bout time.” Jayce sat relaxed on the couch with three of his guy friends playing video games.
Vi wanted to strangle Jayce. “Thought you were hanging out at Victor’s house today?”
“Eh, he was busy, we were thinking about getting food if you guys wanna join?” Jayce smirked, knowing full well what he was interrupting.
“Jayce, get the fuck out,” Vi gritted and pointed towards the door.
Jayce and his friends looked at each other, exchanging knowing glances. You should have been embarrassed but you couldn’t help but snort a laugh at the awkward silence.
“Should I stay at Jack’s house tonight?” Jayce was trying to hide his smile, his lack of hurry obviously pissing Vi off more.
“I will literally pay you to leave right now,” Vi glared.
“Really, how much?”
“Jayce I fucking swear-“
“Okay okayyyy, jeez Vi you really do need to get laid.” Jayce got up from the couch along with his two friends. He walked into his room and got a bag with some extra clothes and a toothbrush. He was about to leave but turned, “hey just wipe down any surface you fuck on after you’re done.”
Jayce’s friends laughed as they all left and shut the door behind them. Both you and Vi looked at each other, cracking a smile.
“Hey I gotta take a quick shower if that’s okay?” Vi took your hand and pulled you towards her. “I’m gross from boxing this morning and teaching the kiddos. You can hangout in my room?”
You nod and lean in to give her a sweet kiss. “That sounds good to me.”
Vi smiled against your lips. “Hope you didn’t have plans for the rest of the day.”
You shake your head. “Nope, all yours.”
Vi’s heart fluttered and she gave you another kiss, leading you into her room. There was a punching bag hung on the wall. It was kinda messy but not terrible. She needed to fold a shit ton of clothes though. “Go relax on the bed muffin.”
“Muffin?” You laughed and sat on the bed, a pile of clean clothes on top.
Vi took the pile of clothes and put it with the other pile. She then handed you the remote to the TV. “I have all the subscriptions, go ahead and make yourself comfortable,” she have you a peck on your lips and grabbed a towel to head to the shower.
You kicked off your converse and sat back on the bed. You felt so relieved that you showered and shaved your entire body before this. You weren’t expecting anything but you wanted to feel sexy before seeing the woman you’d been pining over for months.
You rested back on the pillows, smelling her body spray. Her scent stirred something within you. There was such a magnetic pull she had, like an attraction that was so intense it made your head spin. Vi was also so incredibly kind and loving especially for how she grew up.
Vi told you about her parents dying when she and her sister were young. She told you about how they were adopted by their parent’s friend and grew up in a rough part of town. You knew that you barely scratched the surface of her trauma.
You shook your head of those thoughts for now, knowing Vi wouldn’t want to see you brooding over her at a moment like this. It would have to be questions for later.
Vi was taking the quickest shower of her life, scrubbing her body and washing her hair. She was imagining you sprawled out on her bed, patiently waiting for her to come out. She was nervous as hell though, you were the first girl in a while who made her feel this way. She hadn’t felt this way since her ex Caitlyn.
Caitlyn was from an upper class family, they both attended the same university for undergrad and had dated throughout college to two years after they graduated. Caitlyn dumped Vi for a rich girl Maddie, leaving Vi heartbroken for years. She had tried dating throughout her 20’s but never really found someone who compared.
Now reaching 30, she finally found someone who she seemed to really like. Vi was determined to not fuck it up. She turned off the shower and got out, drying off and preparing herself to see you.
You put on a random movie, trying your best to look calm when Vi walked in. You didn’t want to look like you were counting the seconds till she got back. The sound of the water turning off caused your body to tense, the anticipation of seeing her almost unbearable.
Took a deep breath and leaned over, gripping the sink, a towel wrapped around her waist. Fuck. She forgot a change of clothes. Vi had a choice, to awkwardly scramble to Jayce’s room and pick something out, or just walk into her room like this.
She said she wanted me didn’t she? Vi reassured herself, running her fingers through her damp pink hair. Fuck it.
You heard the bathroom door open, the sound of bare feet padding over to Vi’s room. The doorknob turned and in walked a half naked Vi. Your eyes widened, gazing at her exposed chest. Her breasts were pretty, the nipples a light pink. Your eyes trailed down to her abdomen, lightly freckled to the towel hung low at her hips.
“Have a nice shower?” Was all you could come up with, your face turning red.
Vi smirked, drinking in your reaction to her partially nude body. She turned around to get some deodorant, giving you a full view of her giant tattoo back piece.
“Yeah, all clean,” Vi turned to see you move to sit on the edge of the bed closest to her. Her nerves instantly came back as you reached out and hooked a finger at the white towel around her slim waist, pulling her to stand between your legs.
Vi smelled fresh, her skin was warm from the hot water, her hair was wet and hanging over the side of her face. Her body was impressive, you admired the work she put in to look like that.
Vi was used to being the one in control during sex. Hell, most of the women she was with preferred that. Since Vi was more masc, it was the role she felt like she had to play. But you, you made her feel like she was the one about the be ravaged.
You sensed the shift in Vi and took advantage of it. You stared up into her powder blue eyes and pulled the towel from her waist, letting it fall swiftly to the floor.
Vi stood there frozen, watching your eyes drift over her body. She let you drink her in, refusing to shift under your gaze.
You reached out and trailed a hand from her neck, down to a breast, finger lightly tracing over her nipple. You heard Vi’s breath grow heavier and heavier, watching your hand’s movements. You continued, tracing down her chiseled abdomen, muscles flexing as you made your way down to her sex. She was neatly trimmed with a stripe of pink hair to match her head.
“You’re fucking beautiful Violet,” you whispered as you took your thumb and gently circled it over her clit.
Vi gasped and bowed her body forward at your touch. You took the opportunity to kiss her soft lips, dragging her to straddle your waist. Vi complied and cupped your face, kissing you deeply and arching into your hand.
You continues to circle her clit with your thumb, Vi rocking into your touch. She moved her fingers to your hair to tug.
Vi could feel herself getting wetter by the second, her hips moving to your gentle rubs on her clit. “You’re killing me,” Vi gasped against your mouth.
You fell back onto the bed, taking Vi with you, lips still locked. You pulled at the back of Vi’s thighs signaling her to move her body up. “Then let me taste you. I’ll make you feel even better.”
I’m gonna cum in five seconds if she keeps talking to me like that. Vi’s mouth hung open, eyes hooded as she moved up to straddle your face. Vi saw you reach for a pillow and helped you, placing it under your head.
“Just relax and enjoy the ride…muffin.” You gripped Vi’s hips and raised your head to take a long lick through her wet folds, your eyes closed as you drank her in. She tasted wonderful, clean and a bit like her lavender soap.
“Ha ha- ah,” Vi’s snarky remark was cut short by the feel of your tongue. Vi licked her bottom lip and looked down at you, wet hair falling into her face. She reached down and ran her fingers through your hair. “Go ahead, eat me up baby.”
You moved slowly, dipping your tongue into Vi’s center, then moving up to suck on her clit. The moment you sucked on her clit, she bucked into your face, her pink strip of hair tickling your nose. You moved a hand up to grip her chest, teasing a nipple in between your fingers.
“Ah- fucking hell muffin!” Vi rolled her hips in time with your tongue. She gripped your hair tighter, holding you still to ride your face. The feel of your nose bumping her clit was driving her closer to the edge.
You opened one eye to look up at Vi. She was thoroughly enjoying herself. Guess your nickname was ‘muffin’ now. Coming from Vi it was cute though.
You flattened your tongue so Vi could use your face to get off. Vi braced her hand on the wall next to her bed, the other still tugging your hair.
“Suck my clit again! Please-please ah!” Vi rambled as you complied with her wishes. “F-fuck you feel so f-f-fucking amazing ah! Shit I’m so close baby.”
Vi calling you ‘baby’ made your heart skip a beat. You grasped Vi’s firm ass with both hands and held her in place, sucking her clit.
Vi didn’t have time to warn you. Her orgasm hit her like a freight train, her clit pulsing hard in your mouth. She cried out, her voice ringing through the apartment. No wonder she asked Jayce to leave.
Vi released your hair to grasp both hands on the wall, blunt nails scraping against the drywall as she let out a string of curses. After a minute, Vi had to raise herself from your mouth, her clit overstimulated from the intense orgasm.
Vi moved off of your face and collapsed next to you, both hands dragging over her face. “Holy shit that was fucking good.”
You turned to look at Vi’s pretty face, your own covered in her wetness. You wish you could have held her to your face to make her cum for a second time. You gave Vi the space though, waiting until she was ready again.
Vi turned to looked at you, meeting your face, still wet from her orgasm and hair disheveled. It was fucking hot. She reached out and wiped your chin, gripping your face to bring your lips to her’s. The taste of herself on your lips drove her mad. Vi pulled your body to her own, nipples brushing the fabric of your sweatshirt. “You’re wearing too many clothes.” Her hands gripped your chin.
“Then take them off Violet,” you countered, moving down and nipping the pad of her thumb.
Vi groaned at the sound of her full name and attacked your lips with her mouth, her tongue demanding entrance. She unzipped your hoodie, moving it off your body. You helped her remove your clothes, taking off your shirt and sports bra. Vi’s eyes glued at the sight of your small breasts, silver barbells pierced each nipple.
“These are hot,” Vi mused as she brought her tongue to your nipple, the metal barbell clanging against the back of her teeth. You forgot how to breathe as Vi locked eyes with yours, her mouth attacking your breast. She pulled at your sweatpants, her fingers undoing the drawstring.
Vi stood up and pulled your sweatpants and underwear off in one swift motion. Her eyes darkened as she roamed them down to your exposed pussy. “You’re so fucking pretty.” She dropped to her knees, her eyes not leaving your core and grabbed your thighs, hauling you to the edge of the bed. Vi put your thick thighs over her shoulders and placed a kiss to the inside of one of them.
Your breath hitched as Vi nipped at your skin, trailing down to her destination. You were soaked after tasting Vi’s pussy and making her cum. Her taste still lingered on your tongue.
Light blue eyes flashed up to meet yours as she flattened her tongue against you, warm and firm against your clit. You arched your body, crying out in pleasure. Your hand threaded through her pink locks, tugging as Vi gripped your muscular thighs to hold you in place.
Vi was in heaven, her tongue pushed into your entrance then moved to suck your clit. She kept her eyes glued to your face, watching yours as you licked your lips and squeezed your eyes shut. Two long fingers moved down to insert themselves into your pussy, the intrusion making you gasp. You were tight. Vi pumped and curled them in time with her tongue, bringing you closer to the edge. Her other hand moved up and gripped your breast, playing with the pierced nipple between her fingers.
“Ah Vi right there! I’m so close!” Your fingers tightened on her cropped hair, the shaven side grazing and tickling your inner thigh.
Vi sped up, the noise from her licking and pumping fingers seemed to drive you closer to the edge. Vi could feel her own arousal drip down her thigh, your taste and moans making her own pussy throb with need once again.
Your orgasm crashed through you as you called out her name, your thighs grip Vi’s head as she continued to suck your clit, riding you through the orgasm.
Vi moaned as you came against her mouth, your taste driving her mad, her hips rutted against the edge of the bed to seek friction.
After you came down from your orgasm, you had to push Vi off your clit. “Ah shit Vi give me a second,” you panted.
Vi lifted her head slowly, a pussy drunk expression on her face. She whined and tried to pull your legs open again. “But you taste so good.”
You laughed and sat up, Vi still kneeling by the bed. You stared at her strong, naked frame, licking your lips as your eyes trailed down to her sex. You saw how she needed another release.
“Let me take care of that for you.”
“Oh I intend you to,” Vi whispered hotly.
Vi urged you back onto the bed, crawling up to hover her body over yours. You pulled her close, her body now flushed against yours. Vi rutted her hips, your thigh in between her legs. She couldn’t handle the throbbing of her neglected clit any longer.
You could feel Vi grind against you, your thigh now soaked. You moved too hand down and grasped her ass, encouraging her to continue. “You wanna cum on my thigh?”
Vi buried her face in your neck and whined, her hips rutting, clit throbbing against your leg. “You- ah! feel so fucking good.”
Somehow this wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to watch her cum. “Do you have a vibrator Violet?”
Vi froze and sat up to look down at you. “Uh yeah it’s in my drawer. Why?”
“I want to use it on you. Is that cool?” You moved her hair from her face.
More than fucking cool. Vi answered you with a nod and leaned over to her nightstand, pulling out her purple vibrator.
“Oh I have the same one!” You took the toy from her. “Lie back beautiful.”
Vi scooted back onto her pillows, sitting up slightly. You moved next to her by the pillow and whispered hotly in her ear. “Open your legs for me. Let me see you.”
Vi bit her bottom lip, her face already flushed from your words. She opened her legs, her knees bent.
You hummed and turned the vibrator on low, moving to kiss Vi’s neck as you trailed the vibrator to her nipple. Vi jumped slightly, the back of her head hitting the headboard with a ‘thunk.’
“You’re so pretty like this,” you whispered against her neck.
You licked and kissed the tattoo at her neck. You moved the vibrator down Vi’s abdomen, her muscles twitching as you trailed further down to her mound. You hesitated for a moment, but didn’t make Vi wait too long as you brushed the vibrator over her clit.
“F-fuuuck,” Vi’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, body jumping at the sudden sensation. Her knees connected for a second but you used your other hand to force them back apart. You removed the vibrator.
You clicked your tongue, “none of that. Keep those legs apart Violet or I’ll take it away.”
Vi whined and complied, her hand moving to grip the meat of your inner thigh. “Please no, I won’t do it again.”
You smiled against Vi’s neck and moved the vibrator over her clit once more. It was on low, making Vi arch into it hard, craving more. You complied but only turned it up one level. You were transfixed, removing your lips from her neck to watch Vi’s pretty pussy thrust against the vibrator. You looked up to meet Vi’s fucked out expression, eyelids heavy, mouth open, cheeks red, eyes glued to your lips. You kissed her roughly, her mouth slack from pleasure.
Vi moaned against your lips but broke the kiss, a trail of spit connecting you both “Please, I-I need your fingers.”
You gave Vi a lazy smile, stealing one more kiss and moving to settle in between her legs. You turned the vibrator up another level and stared at her as you inserted your forefinger and middle finger into your mouth, sucking on them.
Vi’s head was dizzy with pleasure. Your naked body on full display, the way you kept eye contact, the attention on her clit. It was all too much. She watched as your fingers made the way down to her center.
“Oh fuck fuck, fuck!” Vi moaned as your fingers slid into her. You curled them against the spongy tissue and pumped them slowly, turning the vibrator to the third highest setting.
“Tell me when you’re going to cum pretty girl,” you breathed out, turned on by the display before you.
Vi bowed her head, breathing becoming heavier and heavier as she tipped closer and closer to the edge. “I’m so close, please!”
“What do you want Violet?” You kept the same pace, your head tilted in a teasing manner.
She moved down and grabbed your hand with the fingers inside her. “f-faster, fuck me faster!”
You complied and picked up your pace, watching Vi’s face as her eyes were tightly shut, her mouth hung open. She looked fucking gorgeous as you pushed her to the brink. The sounds coming from her wet pussy was obscene, your fingers soaked . Vi bucked hard against the vibrator. You reached up and kissed the tattoo on her cheek. “Cum on my fingers pretty girl.”
“I’m cumming -oh fuck!” Vi’s walls tightened around your fingers, contracting as she rode out her high.
Vi was vocal, her head thrown back, muscled abdomen tensed and legs shaking.
You pressed soft kisses to the inside of her thighs as you gazed up at the most gorgeous girl you ever laid eyes on. As she came back down, she twitched away from the vibrator. You removed the device and turned it off, placing a firm kiss to her pussy before lying next to her on the bed.
Vi scooted down so she could pull you into her embrace. She kissed the top of your head as you rested your head on her chest.
“Holy fuck that was, yeah, that was the best sex I’ve had in a loooong time.”
You kissed her peck, running your fingers over her belly. “Was gonna say the same thing.”
Vi turned her head down to look at you “yeah? Thank Janna for that.”
After a couple of minutes you both decided to get under the covers. Both you and Vi talked for a long while, about your lives, your family etc. Vi would always be touching you, whether your hand or waist or her leg over your thigh. She would occasionally interrupt your talking with a peck on the lips.
Before long it was dark outside. You both had finished another round of sex and were sweating from the exertion. Vi was resting in between your thighs, her head against your stomach.
“Do you want to wash up with me?” Vi asked hopefully.
“Don’t you want me out of your hair? It’s getting pretty late.”
Vi sat up on her elbows. “I -no! I was actually wondering if you wanted to spend the night. I mean you don’t have to- if you have other plans I get it…” Vi’s voice drifted off, her eyes never met yours.
You ran your fingers through her pink hair, pushing the thick locks from her face. “I’d love to spend the night.”
Vi’s powder blue eyes finally found yours. She gave you the most genuine joyous smile. “I like you… a lot.”
“I like you a lot too.”
Please please PLEASE let me know if you liked it!
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mikavlcs · 2 years ago
Sweater Weather
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Summary: Wednesday gives you her sweater to wear on a cold day in Jericho.
Word count: 0.8k
Notes: it’s midnight here, so guess who’s officially 18... anyways this is literally the second story i ever wrote, based off an incredibly generic prompt. i never posted it bc it’s so short but i wanted to post something today so... hope you guys enjoy!
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Admittedly, the current predicament you were in was one entirely of your making.
Today was one of Nevermore’s yearly field trips. And because there was apparently no other civilization within fifty miles of your school, that meant you and your peers were spending the day in Jericho. 
It was basically just another Outreach Day except you weren’t being used for free labor.
As always, you checked the weather the night before. The reports showed that Jericho would be sunny with a slight breeze for most of the day, so you wore a long-sleeved shirt and a light zip-up hoodie. And that choice served you just fine as you walked down the main streets of the town.
But you swore that each section of Jericho had its own weather patterns because the moment you stepped into Pilgrim World, the sky completely clouded over and the air around you chilled. 
A fitting atmosphere for the bleak “theme park” you supposed, but not what you were expecting.
Given the circumstances, you were fine, but poor Enid was shivering within minutes of the gratuitous tour Principal Weems was making everyone take. 
You watched from your spot next to Wednesday as Ajax tried his best to warm her, rubbing his hands up and down her arms, but her short sleeve shirt was doing her no favors and you felt bad.
Decisively, you ventured over to her, giving Wednesday a quiet “be right back” before you went. You unzipped your hoodie and slipped it around Enid’s shoulders. She accepted it with a bright grin and hug which you returned eagerly. 
You were happy to help your friend, and besides, you would be fine.
But the temperature kept steadily dropping as you and your classmates were guided around the park and before you knew it, you were in the same dilemma Enid was only ten minutes ago. You tried your best to appear unfazed by the chill in the air, knowing Wednesday would have no sympathy for your situation. The breeze that began making itself known was making that a challenge, however.
Briefly, you considered asking Enid for your jacket back, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do that to her. So you resolved to just keep moving and tough it out alone.
Well, not entirely alone.
Wednesday, ever observant, noticed your plight immediately. Actually, she had predicted it would happen the moment she saw you hand your jacket off to her roommate. Your kindness was easily one of your best traits in her eyes, but too often it got you into situations like this where you would deprive yourself of something for someone else’s benefit and suffer for it.
She watched your pathetic attempts to subtly warm yourself for a few minutes longer before finally taking pity on you. 
Wordlessly, she slipped the oversized black sweater she was wearing off and handed it over to you. You looked over, glancing between her and the sweater, your confusion palpable. Wednesday rolled her eyes.
“Take it.”
Confusion turned into disbelief when you realized what she said. You simply stared, incredulous at the thought of Wednesday Addams—tough, stoic Wednesday Addams—offering you her sweater to wear.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“I- Are you sure? What about you?” you stuttered, not wanting the smaller girl to be cold for your sake. Wednesday scoffed, sounding offended by the mere insinuation.
“Please, I slept in mortuary cabinets for fun when I was younger. I still do on occasion, actually. This is child’s play. Now, take the sweater. Your constant shuffling is incredibly distracting.”
She punctuated her last sentence by all but shoving the article of clothing into your arms. This time, you took it with a grateful grin and slipped it over your head. Immediately, the soft material warmed you, encompassing you in Wednesday’s scent in the process. You closed your eyes, basking in it, before looking back at Wednesday.
“Thanks, Weds,” you leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Wednesday cringed, feigning disgust at the affection even as her cheeks began to burn. She flicked her gaze up to yours, her signature glare a bit softer than usual.
“I took pity on you in this single instance. Do not expect it to happen again.”
“Of course, Wens,” you chuckled. Movement in your peripherals caught your attention and you turned to see the rest of your group heading off to the fudgery. You faced Wednesday again with a warm smile. 
“Come on, let’s get this stupid tour over with, and afterward we’ll head over to the Weathervane. I’ll buy you whatever you want as a thank you.”
You linked your pinky with hers, gently pulling her along to trail behind the other students. And if Wednesday brought her hand up to lightly trace the skin your lips touched the moment your back was turned, well that was no one’s business but hers.
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 2 months ago
Had this on drafts since before October
What I think the Alex and Henry would wear (post-canon!!)
Alex - He doesnt have a fashion style, first and foremost. Funny graphic t-shirts, non-boring ties (a little colour, at least), same with suits (he gotta wear them for public events, and he doesn’t dislike them, he’s neutral about them, but they are boring, he likes to spice them up a bit every once in a while). Not to say he isn’t profesional, he is, but like, he enjoys a bit of self expression. Reds, some blues, whites and blacks, browns, greys, honestly he can make any colour work. Usually t-shirts, hates long collars because he feels suffocated, he likes these hoodies than you can zip and unzip. Thinks bow ties look dumb (I don’t care what the movie adaptation or Casey has to say. Alex hates bow ties). Tank tops when it’s hot. Puffy jackets during winter (he’s a bit embarrassed but he cannot handle the cold). No make up, although sometimes he enjoys a little glitter. He likes cowboy hats (obviously) but he doesn’t really wear them, if it’s very sunny or he wants to sneak out without being noticed, then a cap. Loves wearing Henry’s clothes, specially his shirts. Definitely not kakhis (they are for white people) but he does love chinos. Just, big fan of jeans. Loves shorts, you will be seeing his legs until it’s at least November, or a very cold fall. Random sneakers, he doesn’t care about shoes as long as they’re comfortable and he can run with them. He likes cowboy boots too, the only problem, same as with the hat, is than he has absolutely no occasion to wear them. Sometimes patterns, but depends on the pattern. When Henry was first learning how to embroider he sew Alex a tiny heart on the sleeve of one of his jackets. It was kinda wobbly and clearly a beginner’s but Alex loves it so much. He made fun of Henry for it and called him sappy but wherever he wears that jacket he just stares at it for like five minutes. Usually his socks are mismatched because he can’t be bothered to find a pair (he insists than they’re just socks and it literally doesn’t matter because it’s not like anyone is gonna see them). Hates wool. Sometimes shares shirts with Nora. No belt unless his pants are too big on him (and, being the first son, they are all tailored to him so). Sometimes belt if he thinks his outfit looks “empty” or that the waistline of his pants looks bad without it. His glasses are either 1) practically new cause he barely uses them (he only started using them after moving in with Henry, cause Henry basically forces him to) or 2) old because they are the same ones he had since he was a young teenager, and never changed them cause they never broke and he barely wore them anyway. Silk. Tight pants but not tight shirts. He wears earrings duh tiny gold dots on his ears. His key and Henry’s signet ring as a necklace under his shirt, eventually a ring on his heart finger.
Henry - Currently slowly developing a sense of style, do not judge harshly. Blues, whites, greys, and browns. Currently testing out colours and patterns. No tight clothing thank you. Jumpers, gloves, scarfs. His hands get so cold, seriously, begins carrying gloves around always. Cardigans. Only hats he wears are caps (and, according to Casey, his cowboy hat in the be-). Loves sneakers, so comfortable, after being forced to wear dress shoes so many times comfort is his number one priority. Comfortable clothing, shirts a bit loose (not too much), trousers that don’t stick to his legs, dress shirts unbottoned at the top. He loves wearing clothing and not feeling it against his body every single minute, not feeling the top button against his neck, tight but not choking, not feeling his shoes squeezing his fingers, not feeling his belt press against his stomach. More freedom, more room to move. Jackets, corduroy, no earrings but always felt curious about them, who knows what he might choose in the future. Likes necklaces and begins wearing more. Plain t-shirts (Alex is very sad😔 he tries to get him to wear shirts that say things like “my depression is chronic but this ass is iconic” and Henry keeps refusing😔). Usually wearing t-shirts and shorts around the brownstone, still getting used to New York’s weather. If it’s particularly hot he steals Alex’s tank tops. Manages to only own white socks (he never really noticed until alex pointed it out). Unlearning lots of internalized homophobia caused by the monarchy and dressing how he wants (not to say he is feminine, he isn’t and I hate when the fandom makes him out to be because it’s very clearly out of the need to have every queer couple comfort to heterosexist standards, but he does enjoy a bit more unisex clothing than if he tried to wear before everything, his grandmother would have called unmanly and not meant for a prince). Pez helps out, a lot, he’s very happy to even tho he’s a bit too bold for Henry (he’s still getting used to actually choosing his own clothing, let’s go step by step). Hates flip flops, he feels weird wearing them. Tries knitting, it’s a complete disaster. He will learn to embroider eventually, and you’ll find him in the evenings embroidering little, tiny, almost unnoticeable details onto his clothes while listening to a podcast, audiobook, or just music (definitely not saying this cause I do that too) (loves self expression, after having it being denied for him for so long). Expensive taste🫣. Not really into rings because they remind him of his signet ring (except, eventually, a very specific ring on his left hand).
(Alex and henry are the worst dressed couple at the red carpet. God bless.)
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 1 year ago
Do you have any physical description of the ROs?
Thank you thirteenth anon for coming to the fashion show with our latest super villains that we arrested. In any case, the best one will be released, and the others will have to do community services (become trees in a play). Which one do you pick?
"We got flashback descriptions, so I guess it was only natural that anon birds would enquire as to descriptions of the ROs! Kay: Stocky, somewhat husky build. Farmer's tan. She has very strange eyes, yellowish with horizontal pupils, and a pair of curling horns. Her hair is fluffy and grey-white. Usually zipped up in a hoodie and sweatpants, but when she's got to be active, say... for a villainous mission, she strips down to shorts and forgoes sleeves. (Which happens to reveal extra fluff on her arms and legs). Teddie: Fair skin, short brown hair, green eyes. On the shorter side, and not heavily built. Teddie's physical appearance is kind of dominated by his Extra Bones. He's always rocking a number of awkward protrusions from his body. For instance, during the first meeting half of his brow has an extra ridge sticking out of it, plus a large pauldron like plate on his shoulder. Shit sucks. Wil: Regardless of set gender, Wil looks more or less the same. Xe's very tall and toned, pale with short ash blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Black lipstick, black eyeliner. Just wears a whole lot of black to be honest. Studs, chains, buckles? All of those might make appearances in xer outfits. Boots, distressed jeans, a couple ear piercings. Great abs. Don't ask why I already know that detail. Mallory: I have to asterix Mallory since they do not actually look the same all the time. However, they're korean and have dark eyes and hair. Often a little ambiguous so far as gendered appearance goes. A casual dresser, but a fairly fashionable one. Always smiling a lot. Pay close attention. Control Group: Short and compact, a little bundle of muscle. Curly brown hair that's shoulder length when down, but usually isn't. Skin on the darker side of olive. Favours leather jackets, jeans, combat boots. Sharp eyes. Alistair: Tall and muscular, though we're not talking body builder here. Dark skinned and dark haired, which he pulls back in a braided tail. Clean shaven, wears glasses. Decent dresser, often rocking a backpack. Where do you think he keeps all the pasta? Habitual smiler, very expressive with his face."
My money is on Wil.
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cyrenescreams · 7 months ago
Hii cyrene do you have any specific details about the designs of the characters in a 101 reasons? (Totally not looking for art ideas)
Hi Ýr! You asked so I’m going to use this an excuse to ramble <3 under the cut for convenience 
This is like current timeline I guess 
longer hair.  it’s definitely at least shoulder length by now 
Definitely used like Bobby pins to keep his bangs out of his face 
Beanies obviously both the plain navy one and the embroidered red one 
I’m very fond of the track suit skin so he definitely wears those. He probably just claims it is easier than picking out clothes that actually match 
Lots of moles and beauty marks because obviously 
Reading glasses I can’t explain this one but it is true just plain wire frames that he hates but his boyfriends love 
He more or less only wears longs sleeves which covers it but he absolutely still wears the friendship bracelet 
Karl paints his nails but they never match any sort of theme because he doesn’t really care 
His hair is sort of shaggy but not overgrown 
He definitely had braces at the start but got them off at some point 
On that same note he was the kid who exclusively got neon green bands on his braces 
The worst gamer tee-shirts you have ever seen. Only bad puns 
He cuffs his jeans to show off his fun patterned socks 
His socks while all having fun patterns never match 
He also wears his friendship bracelet
He’s a converse guy 
Definitely has some scar on his cheek from a dumb dare that he did as a kid. It’s a fun reminder of better times 
he wears the friendship bracelet and also like fifty others that Ponk made 
Also keeps a hair tie on his wrist for his partners 
His hair is definitely growing out but not quiet to the length that Quackity’s is yet 
Plain tee shirts and jeans 
He has no style and cannot be bothered to develop one 
His clothes definitely all fit a bit awkwardly because he refuses to get new ones 
He has a chip on his front tooth from playing football 
A beauty mark under one eye. Why? Who knows 
Messiest hair ever. He definitely run his hands throw it a lot when thinking and just totally fucks it up 
Probably some little scars on his arms from the car accident and playing sports growing up
freckles everywhere absolutely everywhere on his face that’s it though
Some boring short hair cut 
He definitely had his ears pierced as a kid and still wears boring studs because he likes the piercings but doenst want to draw attention to them 
A hoodie and zip up guy. Always wearing like three layers of baggy clothes 
Black or dark blue are his go to colors 
Doesn’t wear the bracelets because he doesn’t like the wrist feel but will occasionally wear necklaces 
He seems like a silver guy 
Crooked teeth because same 
freckles everywhere part two 
Definitely has a little gap in his front teeth 
Hearing aids 
His hair has definitely grown out quite a bit. Maybe a bit longer than Quackity’s 
Has a severe case of roots always showing because he’s too lazy to dye it right away syndrome 
Faint scars on his arms and face from the accident 
Also a hoodie guy 
He can match colors and patterns on his clothes but usually just wears plain colors or green. 
The sort of guy to wear his sneakers into oblivion. They have only luck and ducktape holding them together 
Just the main boys to keep this from getting too long but as always I love to ramble 
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new-berry · 7 months ago
WAGust here have the opening of Glitter (which is not the name BTW)
Virgil /Iris /Trent (endgame) NSFW not true.
It’s obvious now. With Trent, eyelids low, body relaxed and sprawled, replete across the bed. His expression is too pleased to be mocking, but there is the hint of a smirk in the smile he gives Virgil.
It’s blatantly obvious now. Now that he has Iris tucked under his chin, a slight weight on his chest. Her hair is catching in his beard, teased up from their hands. Well yeah, with the weight of this additional evidence, clearly they had been flirting with him.
Hindsight and everything. “Talk later?” Trent motions to pull a sheet over them and Virgil nods. Iris snuggles closer in, then flapps a hand behind her, tugging impatiently at Trent until he brackets her back.
“Big talk.” Her voice is slury, edging into sleep. “Big plans for you too.”
“Demanding.” Virgil knows they can both hear the smile in his voice, Trent’s tucked into the back of her neck he could see it if he looked.
Trent drops his hand on Virgil's stomach, spread out wide and claiming. “Big talk,” he agrees.
“Who looks hotter?” Vigil recognises Trent, of course he does. Bellingham takes a moment longer. Back to back black and white shots of the two of them staring directly into the camera. Mostly naked which is not a surprise for Jude since it’s a job modelling underwear. Virgil takes a long look down Jude. No one else is here, no one else notices him. Noticing.
Trent’s jeans are undone the waistband of his underpants showing, the the zip undone, the plane of his stomach made fashion by the black and white shot.
“Virg come on.” Trent’s name flashes up, another shot of him, the cute little model he was paired with looking over his shoulder getting a piggy back.
“Need you to back me man.” Virgil watches the comments stack up.
“Don’t make me ask Robbo. Need your vote.”
“Pretty girl.” Virgil finally sends back. “You’re second, but by a long way.”
It’s a day later when Trent sends a picture of his unhappy face. Then in quick succession someone doing Iris’s hair from the back in a white shirt. Virgil had looked up her name. Captainly interest. And then a shot of Trent framed by the mirror he’s taken it in. Iris is just visible, smiling in the corner of the image.
She’s dwarfed by the armchair she’s sitting in. Her toes are barely touching the ground. The white shirt she’s wearing swallows her arms, just the jut of her collarbones, a sharp magnet for his eyes. The bow of her wrist, laid bare by the undone buttons of the sleeve.
Virgil saves the image. Zooms in on it. Her eyes are on Trent, his eyes are on the shadow between her slightly parted legs.
The next day Trent sends another picture, this one is just him, pouting at the camera, the hood of his hoodie pulled over his head. He’s got the same pair of briefs on as before. The hoodie is unzipped and the jeans are off. Just him and his abs and his thighs, gleaming slightly from whatever they put on him for the photoshoot. Pulled down so low they push public decency.
Virgil rolls his eyes at himself. Trent pushes his buttons more than any decency. He almost casually jerks off, half surprised his dick is in his hand, legs sprawled out loose and easy.
He flicks between the pictures Trent has sent. Trent’s thighs firm and taunt, the part of Iris’s legs, her fingers that don’t stretch all the way over the arm of the chair. He deletes the pictures of Jude that get in the way.
“They gonna put that in Times Square?” he sends. He frowns at the mess and kicks his shorts off. No one around to see.
“You didn’t send one back.” Trent says. It’s such an out of the blue request that Virgil starts to stretch his arm out for a picture before realising. Virgil holds his hand over the camera icon for a moment. Then he angles it so his chest and face are showing. The background is the huge window in the villa.
It’s high enough up that it’s not obvious he’s naked in the image. Maybe it comes across anyway.
He sends it without over-thinking. “Thanks for a thirst trap when Iris is here man.” Trent tells him. Virgil grins. “That’s literally just my face.” Virgil sends back.
In his mind he can hear Trent splutter. It takes a day but when he wakes up Trent has finally responded. “Iris said you can be the face for Guess next time. Except she’ll need a ladder to get up for the piggy back.”
Virgil puts his coffee cup down with infinite care. For a second the barely there weight of an imagined Iris rests on his back. Not some stupid modelling job. Sitting down she'd be able to rest her chin on his shoulder. It’s a half formed thought where she’s, they’re, looking at, he doesn’t know Trent maybe, sprawled in front of Virgil the way he hasn’t been for years now.
For a moment it changes, Virgil sitting on the chair that Iris had been on. Her kneeling in front of him. Stupid getting hard before he’s had his morning coffee like a teenager. A teenager who’s developing an embarrassing crush on his mate's girlfriend. While nursing a memory of nights with that mate as well.
“We can stick some cushions down in case she falls down.”
“Would you let me fall?!” It must be Iris who texts because Trent doesn’t use exclamation marks.
“Never.” Virgil sends back without thinking. He gets a series of smiley faces that wouldn’t ome from Trent.
Iris is holding the phone when they send a picture of the two of them snogging in a nightclub. The branding of Formula One over Trent’s shoulder.
Trent’s got her slightly bent over, his hand on the small of her back holding her steady, his hand in her hair keeping her mouth in place.
Virgil sends a shot of the DJ more to prove he’s not moping alone. He picks up the skinny little brunette who’s been making their interest clear all night. He’s fun, game and flexible in a way that Virgil can appreciate. Cute through Ruben is, and the name made him laugh, he’s only a distraction.
He’s pretty though. He holds his hands above his head when asked. Can be almost bent in half when Virgil fucks into him soft and gasping after Virgil has made him come twice. It’s civil enough when he leaves.
“This green juice is disgusting” when Trent sends the picture he’s holding the glass on top of his thigh, it’s sunny but not that sunny. Trent’s skin glistening like he’s on a yacht in Monaco not a backyard outside Manchester.
From the pink toe nails Iris is there with her own disgusting green drink. And from the length of leg showing wearing even less.
Virgil had looked her up plenty. Got his hand around his dick thinking of her and Trent just as often. She’s short. Maybe that’s just all the leg she has. It’s a trick of the algorithm that he keeps seeing her face now whenever he opens his app. It’s a slip of his finger that he keeps opening the pictures.
He’s mesmerised by a video of her walking in a purple sweater of some kind. Some kind of nonsense fashion chaos happening around her as she looks forward. Unfazed by the fireworks around her, sure all the eyes are on her.
A message from Trent pops up. It’s just a picture, Iris has her leg over his, the pale slash of her thigh with Trent’s visible under it. Her hand is reaching for his phone, it’s an ill timed shot, maybe taken by accident. It must be her that sends after: “tell Trent celery juice isn’t disgusting. Protein shakes are disgusting.”
Virgil doesn’t let himself think too much when he says “no wonder you models are so tiny if you think that’s decent food. Tell Trent he needs better date ideas.”
Then he goes to the gym. The gym understands. It’s got his back. And his quads and his delts. Virgil doesn’t leave his phone behind but he doesn’t check it until his shoulders are drooping with fatigue and his forearms shake opening his bag.
His message has a heart attached. That is taken off. And attached and taken off and then attached again. Virgil can see them play fighting in the sun around Trent’s place. How careful Trent would need to be to not hurt her. How easily anything would show, the translucent film of her skin a canvas for makeup trends, not for…. Virgil shakes the thought away. Trent could hold her in place one handed. Vigil could cover both her narrow wrists in one of his palms.
He could fold her fingers though his. Held palm to palm the back of her hands pressed to the ground, or the bed, or a wall.
Held above her head. The slender rise of her ribs would be more prominent, her back arched. Virgil slams the door shut on those thoughts. He takes a shower instead. Focuses on the burn in his muscles putting his own hands up to wash out his hair.
Doesn’t think about the picture he took of his sweat soaked back, muscles defined from the too vigorous session that he sent without thinking too much.
It only took a few days to pick when it’s Iris sending the messages not Trent. Hers have a careful ‘please’ attached. The spelling is still bad but she swears less.
So it must be Trent who sends back “lookin’ jacked baby.” And Iris who sends the heart eyed face and the howling wolf.
Trent takes the picture of her using a
barbell for squats in the gym. He’s in the mirror, shirtless with black shorts barely clinging to his waist. Her technique is good to Virgil’s critical eye. She isn’t using that much weight though.
“How are you on defence?” Virgil asks when Trent sends a picture of her in his England shirt. She’s drowning in the fabric.
“I’m just here to cheerleader.” She sends a wine glass and pom-poms - Virgil had to look the emoji up,
A short on the glass resting on her leg, overfilled and dribbling down the side.
“Messy.” Virgil sends, ignoring how how his cock feels in his pants.
“Clean up crew.” Trent’s head is down licking across her thigh. His hand pushing her shirt, his shirt, up blocking the view between her legs.
Virgil doesn’t reply. Keeps waking up the phone to look at the picture. He wonders if there is a way to suggest videos. Wonders what Iris was wearing under the shirt.
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oletus-carousel · 2 years ago
🎠 [a strange introduction] 🎠
The Exile, known mostly by the further pseudonym of “C.A.” and not her full name, is strange in many ways though her appearance is misleadingly regular. They are Carrie Astor, but occasionally refer to themself - or are uncommonly referred to by others, mainly their former colleagues or associates - as “Carousel”. 
They are associated with at least two different canon locations, White Sands Street and the Moonlit River Park. The merry-go-round in the park is a common place to find them when not in their manor room, and is likely the reason for their nickname. 
She goes by any pronouns, but mostly uses she/they, and is believed to be in her early 20s. Her birthday is on April 1st.
She has a short, lean build, with a paler skin tone thanks to not being able to go out much. Despite this, there is a light dusting of freckles across her nose and cheekbones at all times. Her eyes and hair are both a dark brown in colour, close enough to be mistaken for black at a distance. Her hair is cut short to end around her ears, and the fringe extends just below her eyebrows in a straight-as-possible cut. 
However covered-up she makes an effort to be, her skin is littered with scars. She wears white gloves at almost all times, and they are rolled down towards the shoulders before they meet her shirt sleeves. They are secured up her arms by a variety of metallic bands, many in varying materials and stages of rusting. On the occasion that she’s wearing shorter gloves that only cover her hands, tightly-wrapped bandages instead obscure her forearms. 
The iris of her left eye often doesn’t follow where she’s actually looking, appearing to focus inwards. She wears a form-fitting black shirt with the collar popped out properly, sporting silvery buttons for fastening. She also wears plain black pants that end in cuffs, one rolled up at her left knee. The other is allowed to fall down to her ankle in order to obscure as much of her eerily-realistic prosthetic right leg as possible. 
Each of the cuffs has a small silver button on the back identical to those on her shirt. Often, there are two belts across her clothes - one horizontal to secure her pants as normal, the other stretching diagonally from her left shoulder to the corner of the shorter belt - both with a variety of loops and pouches to hold all manner of supplies. A small dagger sits in a sheathe at her hip, near her left hand for quick access. Among these supplies are snares that she uses in-game.
In direct contrast to her regularly formal attire, she has wrapped bandages around her left foot up to her knee, in such a manner that only her toes and heel are visible. She is never seen to have a shoe on. When wearing a jacket, she wears a plain black hoodie that zips over her belts and such. Finally, an opal pendant hangs at her neck in a two-sided point cut. Sometimes it’s the genuine article, but other times it is a rubber replacement for safety’s sake.
When a puppet, her eyes are black buttons with green stitching in the centre. They are made in the shape of a four-leaved clover, with her eyelashes [save for the singular ‘stalk’ lash thread at the bottom] being stitched in the same colour as her hair. Strangely enough, the tufts of stuffing are only positioned at key points - where her joints would be - on her right side, and additional tears are found around her waist where her prosthetic is initially fit. 
~ She started off with a temporary job at Hullabaloo as an escape artist, but soon left when she had an accident during a show that resulted in the damaging and eventual loss of her right leg from the hip down. Unwilling to put any pressure on Bernard, they disappeared entirely from the grounds, leaving no trace of their existence on the premises save for a letter to an old friend tucked away beneath his door. 
From here, it is believed that she had her prosthetic fixed and met Luca [for their outfit inspiration] and Tracy around the time where they [the latter two] were together in the manor under Burke’s care. 
Leaving again, she found that their father had a job at White Sands Street, and lived in or around the premises for an unknown amount of time before both she and Mister Astor [the Hypnotist] were separately summoned to Oletus. 
The letter told her that her ‘old friend’ [the Acrobat] was safe, and she could be too. 
She still feels lost even in the manor, floating from place to place, and wants a sense of security and clarity as to what happened in her past - much was a blur of light and sound, and she has a naturally bad memory. Her father may have played a part in this altered state of mind, as well as the later manipulation of all manor game participants.
It’s believed that Carrie took part in at least two Manor games, but was given the Mnemosyne/Dionysus drug after the first. This caused her to completely forget the results. Her only memories are recollections spurred by old friends’ presences and other outer stimulus. 
Ada’s hypnotherapy could possibly induce more memory recovery, but they remain hesitant around the Psychologist because of her possible connections to their father.
She is a contain/decode [or support] type.
External Traits/Quirks * Trainee - She gains a 20% decoding buff from her experience with equipment, both watching Burke and in their Hullabaloo performances. * Place To Place - They have a 10% movement speed increase [to 110%] if being pursued and a 10% decrease [to 90%] if not. * Flight Response - Her Heartbeat has no stages. Instead, it beats at full force and opacity for as long as the Hunter is present. * [Potential] "Lockup" - The Exile's kiting movement speed decreases by 1%/2%/5% [depending on how much damage she's received] for each 20/10/5 seconds she kites above one minute. Alternatively simplified with a base value as opposed to changing with damage. 
Key Item * Snare - The Exile uses long lengths of ribbon, tied over gaps or entranceways, in order to slow down the Hunter by: 5% if they're in pursuit of another Survivor, 10% if they're pursuing her for a duration of 2s (this effect's time is stackable, up to 10s, but the slowing percentage is not). When found in chests, the ribbons are older and subject to tearing, so they can only be used twice.
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my-wayward-son · 2 years ago
Trans truths #5
It’s often the clothes that count most for validation and passing.
This tip, though primarily a clothing, touches on many other subjects. Feel free to send an ask if you’d like more information on something. I do intend to circle back around with some other posts addressing the other stuff. The idea with these posts is to give you info in small bites.
So— A major thing that comes along with starting T is… sweat. Your face, your back, and anywhere skin touches skin (or when skin touches a medical device, such as a feeding tube, insulin patch, prosthetic silicone sleeve, etc.).
When purchasing a new wardrobe, focusing on light fabrics, wick-away materials, and affordable quality goods is the way to go.
Here are my shopping secrets:
Cotton t-shirts—you will need a ton of them, even if your closet is already stocked. Changing shirts multiple times a day is not only ok, but also beneficial to keeping your body bacteria/acne free. I know I’m a little high-brow when it comes to labels, but I put my trust in Abercrombie and it’s brother-brand Hollister. Quality is great, most basic T-shirts are 100% cotton, and there are numerous basic fits (crew, v-neck, henley…) to suit your preferences. The basics frequently appear in the clearance section at about half price from the new collection, so they’re often surprisingly affordable. You can order up to 10 of the same item at a time, so if you find your wonder-fit, you can stock up.
Shorts and sweats— I recommend wearing shorts as often as possible. If they’re not your thing, consider at least wearing them at home for the sake of comfort. Old Navy’s Breathe On collection is my go-to for shorts and athletic pants. The athletic pants fall like Addidas new material trousers (the ones with the side stripes). The shorts are a 9” inseam (I think, based on how they fall on me), set with an elastic waist with a drawstring, and made of the softest blend of new materials I have ever felt in my life. Seriously, their quality rivals LuluLemon and other high end brands. Not only is the fabric soft as a cloud, but it’s incredibly thin, and still extremely opaque. A couple caveats: These are definitely athletic style. The price and color availability varies wildly depending on the season (up to $30 regular price and as low as under $10 when on sale). Be careful to purchase from the adult men’s section; the children’s section also has Breathe On items, but they are extremely poor quality. No idea why.
Hoodies— The best I’ve found is the Alternative Eco Zip Lightweight Hoodie, which is available on Amazon at this link: Alternative Men's Eco Zip Lightweight Hoodie https://a.co/d/dUCmpwt . They vary in price from $40 to under $20, depending on the size and color availability, but these hoodies are absolute life savers. They’re a cotton and new material blend that is both super soft and very thin, making them a go-to for fall and spring weather. They’re so light and comfy that they can be worn in hot weather too, for buildings with extreme air conditioning and situations with a lot of sunlight exposure (they’re not UPF, but opaque enough to keep you covered).
Socks— I’m a stickler about quality and fit, so I turn to Bombas for all my sock needs. They are a bit pricey and rarely on sale, but they’re also very charitable— one pair bought is one pair donated to folks lacking clothing resources. They have about a million styles and fits, but the athletic styles (running, golfing, sports, etc.) are quite thin and sweat-absorbing, regardless of the material blend. Bombas socks do live up to their reputation as the “perfect sock.” They don’t slip down your foot with wear, the arch support is amazing, and they last forever (seriously, I’ve have a few pairs I bought six years ago that are still in circulation.).
Underwear— As all the internet buzz claims, MeUndies does make quality and fun products. Now, you do have to start a subscription in order to make them affordable, but once you’ve been on for ~ 7 months, you’ll have plenty ( just mind how long you compile laundry and you’ll be fine). The undies are super soft (new material blend), and the color and pattern choices are extremely amusing. If this is the first time you’re wearing men’s underwear, I recommend going with briefs (boxers are a little tough to wrangle with jeans and such, and boxer briefs can lead to an unfortunate cameltoe if you’re not wearing something underneath (however, if you have incontinence issues or use a catheter, the boxer briefs are great for holding everything in place). Additionally, briefs with an open fly make packing more comfortable (definitely more on that in a different tip post).
Pajamas— I highly recommend 100% cotton poplin pajama pants and shorts. The Gap makes great quality products, and they’re frequently on sale due to seasonal releases. For shorts, browse the men’s boxer section (just to be clear, I recommend wearing these as pajama bottoms, not actually as underwear.) They refresh the prints regularly, so more often than not, you can find some in the clearance section. The pants fall loosely with a straight leg cut, so no need to worry about curves (especially if you just wear them at home). They also have an elastic waist and a drawstring. The boxers also have an elastic waist. The one downside is that the pants and shorts can get super wrinkly in the wash, so you may want to fluff them after they’ve been in the washer and before they go in the dryer.
If there are any more clothing tips you’d like, feel free to drop an ask.
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74daysofsewing · 2 years ago
McCalls M7734
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I made everything in the pattern pack and took images. The pack consists of a plain tee, a polo shirt, a pair of shorts, trousers, a hoodie and a baseball cap and bag.
It's a pretty decent pattern pack - the shorts and trousers are basic and make a nice set. I had mine in the style of board shorts and then grey work trousers. I did add in a little pocket to the trousers as I had a scrap of black satin that was the right size.
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The little fake fly is really nice and makes for some nice interest if you plan on tucking in the tops, and if you have a small metal button these would also look nice in a denim as jeans.
The two tshirt options are really high necked - it's nice as it covers the dolls soft body totally, but can also look a little suffocating in the plain tee - although that might just be me and getting my seam allowances messed up.
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I shortened the sleeves and waist a little in the polo shirt to make it look a little more different from the other plain tee and I will 100% be using that option for the future as I think it looks really stinking cute - despite the fact the colour I picked made April look like she was working for UPS.
The shirt in this back is a winner in my books. I had this adorable remnant in my stash and if I had enough I'd make myself a version out of this too. The pattern calls for snaps and not real buttons but I figured if you were going to sew buttons on the thing you might as well put button holes on it too.
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April is wearing a pair of jeans I made her from the trouser pattern in this set, with a couple of modifications (nice deep pockets, coin pocket, back pockets, top stitching etc) and the shirt from this packet. Isn't the shirt super cute? I'd call this particular pattern a winner.
I had some issues with the hoodie. Firstly, the hood needs to be SO BIG to cover the dolls head and with all her hair it's just not practical - she's got a super high ponytail in so it doesn't cover up the collars of things she wears, and trying to find an open ended 8 inch zipper was a nightmare! I have the zip NOW, but at the time I ended up just photographing it without it on.
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I added a little collar and honestly... I think it looks like the cutest little bomber jacket for summer! it's got little pockets (very little) and fits really nice over other clothes - she's got a tee and the shirt on under this and it's still not too bulky.
The hat and bag... sigh.
I messed these up a bit and it's got nothing to do with the patterns. For some reason, the art of bag making is lost on me so much. I've honestly tried so often to make a bag and I fail every time. No idea why!!
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I made a couple of little books and comics for April to put in her bag, and that was that!
I highly rate this pattern and think with a few tiny alterations you could make a very varied looking wardrobe with this packet - the lack of 'boys' clothes and over saturation of dresses and skirts make this a really nice addition to anyones collection.
You could use some really nice alternative fabrics to really change the look of these items - like making jeans, swim shorts, or combats from the trousers, or a little leather bomber or jean jacket with a patch on the back out of the hoodie pattern. It might be really cool to combine them both and make one of those really popular jackets with the jean body and jersey sleeves.
If you have a boy doll, or just like a little variation in the patterns, i would pick this one up for sure.
Items needed: knits and woven fabric, thin elastic, velcro, interfacing, 7 buttons and an 8" open ended zipper. That should cover each item on the packet cover.
Here is April wearing everything in the packet:
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April is an Our Generation Doll and has (mostly) the same measurements as a typical American Girl doll, although I think her movement is more limited as her joints are only back and forward, with no ball rotation. She's had no modifications or changes other than her hair being up in a high ponytail.
I am NOT a doll collector or an accomplished sewist, I do this for fun and mostly give the end results to the littles in my family.
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another-dra-anew · 5 days ago
BTBB Designs
Under the cut for length, written descriptions of all the kids appearances!
Side note, all students wear their class band! I'm... pretty sure I've shared the lore about those, but they're bronze bracelets that identify students by both class, and talent.
Hatano Hair: Has short, curly hair (3a, looser curls). Her hair is cut short, it's not the most defined because she spends so much time pulling it out of the way, and washes it more frequently than is best for her curls, so it's not the most voluminous. Doesn't really have distinct bangs, but has stray pieces that fall over her face a bit. Shirts: Dark red jacket, slight purple tint. It's a hoodless zip-up, wears a light gray t-shirt underneath. Pants: Dark blue denim skirt, cool toned and gray tinted. Has black calf-length running tights on underneath. Shoes: Running shoes, primarily the same color as her jacket, and gray socks. Misc: N/A, bar her class band.
Higa Hair: Would have curls (3c/4a) but has fried his hair; not meaning "oh he uses relaxer", he uses a straighter religiously, and is heat protectant averse. Brushes his hair back away from his face once it's straight, but has some stray pieces falling forward. Shirts: White button up, worn under a brown, plaid sweater vest. The main color of the vest is dark brown, secondary color is light brown, tertiary is a golden yellow. Button-up is tucked into his pants, sweater vest is not. Pants: Black dress pants, does wear a belt, but it's only partially visible/is only visible at certain angles and positions, because of the vest hanging over it. Shoes: Brown dress shoes. Misc: N/A, bar his class band.
Inori Hair: Short undercut, the hair that isn't shaved isn't long enough to go like... past her head, but she's able to pull it back, so that's exactly what she does. Shirts: Non descript black hoodie. Probably has a logo for the hospital she works at, but that necessitates me designing the logo. And that is so not happening. Has light blue scrubs on underneath, but her shirt isn’t visible. Pants: Light blue scrubs. Shoes: Black slides, has white socks on with them. Misc: Wears a mask (light blue) out of habit. Habitual mask wearer (also light blue). Tends to talk low, so if I made sprites, she'd have it pulled down in some, because it's easier to parse what people are saying if you can see their lips.
Iranami Hair: Long hair, tied back into a ponytail with a yellow ribbon. Has side bangs/face framers, but they aren't too significant, and are long enough she could still gather them into her ponytail. Shirts: Has a sleeveless black bodysuit on, it covers her collarbones, and ends right at her neck. Wears a pastel pink mesh top over the bodysuit. The top is entirely off her shoulder, it's hem sits at around her chest level, it's held on with a mix of will and skill. It has loose sleeves and a loose fit, so either her arms are held out enough that her shirt is able to hang off them, or her arms are against her sides, and are pinning the shirt against her. Why? Aesthetic. Pants: Loose pastel yellow pants. They're very flowy, if she stands right, it looks like a long skirt. Shoes: Has a pink sneaker on her right foot and a blue sneaker on her left. Her pants meet her shoes, so her socks aren't visible, but they're black. Misc: Wears gloves, they aren't fingerless, but instead, have only the tips of the fingers cut off. Blue glove on her right hand, pink glove on her left. Has face paint on, but she's between designs there for now </3.
(directly copying this from discord)
Kobashikawa Hair: Has locs, the longest ones are about halfway down his neck. Has had to redo some, but most of them are rooted, they're a bit over two years old. Has a few gold spirals around some of the longer locs. Shirts: First layer is a white short sleeve, only the collar can be seen. Over that, wears a dark blue v-neck pull over, it's pretty thin/light, has a loose fit. Wears a black aviator, which has fur lining it (though only the fur on the collar is visible), which he removes during chapter 2. Pants: Dark brown jeans. For the sake of differentiation, it's between the primary and secondary shade on Higa's vest; they're lighter and warmer than the primary color, and a bit less saturated. Shoes: White and blue sneakers. They look expensive. Misc: Has a pair of old fashioned aviator goggles he wears around his neck, notedly are always lopsided. Has a thin gold necklace, lacking any sort of pendant. Wears a few gold rings.
Kurokawa Hair: Long and wavy (2b) hair, has simple bangs which she straightens. Shirts: Black v-neck short sleeve shirt, and a purple cardigan, which is longer than her shorts. Cardigan has two front pockets, mastermind confiscated the bag of items she brought with her, but was kind enough to fill her pockets with some trinkets, such as the smelling salts she had. Pants: Black running shorts, they have white trim, and are fairly short- come to around her mid-thigh, if that (in part, theyre short because shes tall). Shoes: Has custom made sneakers from a collab she did, they've got a white/purple/black color scheme. Her socks (color dependent on what goes best with the color distribution on her shoes) go past her ankles, but aren't too long. Misc: Sports a variety of necklaces and bracelets, but any rings are on necklaces; she doesn't like how they feel/gets nervous about losing them. No set designs on these, I imagine a lot of them incorporate crystals.
Maeda Hair: Very messy, choppy hair; it isn't too visibly a hackjob, but it's uneven in weird ways. The longest strands aren't able to reach his shoulders, but they do go down his neck. Has bangs, but they aren't really combed to fall straight across, so you can see his forehead at points. Also has face framers. Shirts: Plain white shirt, long sleeve. Wears a patchwork cardigan, comprised of large knit squares. Fits him pretty loosely, cardigan ends at around his wrists if he's standing straight. Knit squares sporadically alternate between three shades of green. Pants: Blue straight leg jeans, they're a bit faded from wear. Ripped, and a bit dirty- there's a few mud stains towards the bottom of either leg, and he has his jeans cuffed. Shoes: Plain black running shoes, white socks that go above his ankles. Misc: Obtains a rose quartz pendant from Kurokawa during the prologue. Shape is generator tower and it's on a silver chain. Pendant rests around the middle of his sternum, well below his collarbone, he wears the necklace under his shirt around 50% of the time. Has a lot of hair ties on his wrists (5-10), they're all black.
Maki Hair: Long, and straight, her hair is still blonde, but it's a less saturated shade than canon (more similar to viable shades in real life). She has dark red lowights, and her canonical orange hair has been dyed over with the same red. Shirts: Wears a dark green mockneck, and a dark brown chore coat. The mockneck is a bit cropped, but her pants are high waisted, so her midriff isn't visible. Pants: Black cargo pants, they’re a bit big on her, she has them cuffed so the ends hit the top of her boots. Shoes: Black combat boots. Misc: Has black fingerless gloves, they're knit.
Mekaru Hair: Long, with a slight wave. Naturally has curly hair (3b), but she never learned how to care for curls, only how to keep them from forming; years of doing this means she's able to brush her hair out, and rather than getting frizzy, it just negates most of the curl. Shirts: Wears a dark green sweatshirt, with a white button-up underneath. The collar of the button up is visible, along with a button or two. The sweatshirt probably has a logo, but... see Inori's hoodie. Pants: Wears a black knee-length skirt, most similar to a pencil skirt, but it isn't form-fitting/doesn't cling to her legs. It's straight, doesn't flare out, pleat or fold, but she's got more mobility than would be allowed by a pencil skirt. Has sheer black tights on underneath. Shoes: Black oxfords. Misc: Still wears glasses, they're round, with a wire-frame. She's near sighted in her right eye, far sighted in the others.
Ōtori Hair: Accurate to the Valentine's themed art Linuj made for popularity poll results; but without the spike! Slightly messier, he still has his side bangs, but there's more stray hairs here, and his main bangs are also a bit less concentrated. Shirts: Wears a black tank top, has a dark purple hanten on over it. Hanten is a bit modernized, so it's a bit less padded than traditional. Inner lining of the jacket is red, and there's non-descript dirty gold accents on the pattern. Pants: Dark blue slacks. They're straight leg, and fit fairly loosely. Shoes: Black loafers. Misc: Has a simple silver ring tied onto a silver chain worn around his neck.
Taira Hair: Choppy bangs, on average they come just past her eyebrows, but the ends are inconsistent lengths. Has side bangs that end around her chin, and the rest of her hair is in two double buns, which are tied down, closer to the bottom of her head, as opposed to being formed at the top. Shirts: Wears a dark green zip-up hoodie. It's zipped up most of the way, but you can see that she has a black shirt on underneath. Pants: Blue jeans, they're on the lighter side of things, but aren't pale. She's drawn on them + has some stray embroidery-esque stitching, but there's no explicit canonical design for this detailing. Shoes: Nonslip black shoes. They're sneakers, but they can pass for work-appropriate dress shoes. Misc: N/A
Tsurugi Hair: Similar to canon, except Tsurugi cuts his hair himself, and is incapable of not fidgeting with it. Has a bit more motion, some more stray hairs, but no noticeable changes to length. Shirts: Wears a white athletic shirt, it's short sleeved and loose fit. Fabric is very lightweight and flowy, length is a bit odd; if he lifts his arms, he would be in dress code trouble, but similar to Maki and her high-waisted jeans, he's saved by his jacket, which he has tied around his waist. It's yellow, and at rest, the shirt pools on it a bit. Pants: Dark blue jeans, they're baggy and slightly ripped. Shoes: Black converse. Misc: Wears a RIC hearing aid on his right ear, it's yellow. Has string bracelets on both forearms, and has a plethora of bandages on; he prefers patterned or brightly colored ones. Has three bracelets; his class band, a plain silver bracelet, and a bracelet composed of a silver chain.
Tomori Hair: Straight, it's a bit longer than shoulder-length, reaching the top of her shoulder blades. Has straight-across bangs, they're thinner than Kurokawas, and lay a bit less evenly. Shirts: Wears a white camisole under a yellow cardigan. Cardigan is a lighter shade of yellow, is buttoned up, and ends past the belt loops of her jeans. Camisole is slightly loose, and has thin straps. Pants: Green straight leg jeans, they have pink flowers embroidered on the sides, going from her knee to her ankle. Shoes: Pink and white sneakers with yellow laces. Her socks are green, but they aren't really visible. Misc: Golden earrings. The base of the earring is a small star, two chains hang from it, each ending with another small star.
Uehara Hair: His hair is shoulder length, he has half of it pulled back (half up half down, the part that's pulled up is in a very sorry excuse for a bun, it's a mess), and has bangs. Uehara's hair is fine, so his bangs are on the wispier side of things. Comparable to a curtain bang, they get longer the further down his face. Shirts: Wears a cropped blue hoodie, it's cropped. Nothing saving him from getting dress coded! Typically I match colors to hair/eyes to a degree, just for consistent palettes, but Uehara's hoodie is darker than his eyes. Pants: Wears black jeans, they're crust pants. He's working on them, he's got ~10 patches on at the moment. Mostly things he's been given, but there's a few custom made ones. Notedly, has two interlocked Mars symbols embroidered on the cuff of one of the jeans. He chose that spot since he can roll down his jeans, and tuck the embroidery away under his boots. Shoes: Black platform boots, they're similar to Doc's in build (ie height, etc... Jadons), but he doesn't have 200 for shoes. They've got large white lilies painted where his heels are- only on the outer sides, there's three on either shoe. Misc: Has a lot of piercings (face and ear), and made to fade tattoos around his knees. Nothing firm on the piercings, but I tend to like hitting everything when I draw him; eyebrow piercing, minimum one nose piercing, something around the mouth, etc. Doesn't have as many ear piercings as he'd like, because a bunch of them are still healing. Likes chains for his piercings, but tends to just go for simple studs since they're best for sleeping in. Has a small, thin, silver rosary, which isn't really seen since it's worn under his shirt.
Yamaguchi Hair: Canon compliant, has a white beanie on. Shirts: Wears a red pull over, it's a bit visibly old, there's holes worn into it. He can probably pass it off for street style. Has a dark green undershirt on underneath. Pants: Black dress pants, also has a belt on. Pullover is sort of french-tucked. Shoes: Black and grey shoes, they're similar to Taira's where they're sneakers, but could pass for formal wear. Taira's are more formal/professional than Yamaguchis. Misc: N/A
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thelivingmemegod · 1 year ago
What are your thoughts on the Rainbow Vision dolls? (There's like three different bands in it)
I don’t know why but Dollect separates Shadow high from Rainbow high completely but it does so the Rainbow Divas and Royal Three will be first, then Neon Shadow.
Royal Three: Tiara Song!
I don’t entirely love her base outfit. It’s again, the fault of RH’s super short torso’s but her bodysuit and skirt look awkward. Her cropped jacket is cute though. Lover her boots, mic, nails and tiara though, all fire.
Her second outfit is so fucking Kpop I love it.
That half blazer, turtleneck bodysuit and skirt combo feels like irl kpop girlies have worn it and it’s perfect. The only thing I’d change is, once again, make them short boots. Both because I’d like them better and because it’s more actuate to kpop girls shoes. They’re rarely ever performing strappy heels like this.
Her third outfit feels like a personal style one, so it’s pretty simple and nice, and the strappy heels work!
Royal Three: Tessa park!
Love her stage outfit. She looks a lot like K/DA Akali (both the Popstars and All Out eras)
I love her leather half pants (especially with the print down the side), long sock, sneakers and crop shirt, sunglasses and mic but the real show? RACING 👏 JACKET 👏 ITS SO COOL I also seriously love her sneakers they’re soooo good.
Her second outfit, I’d like much more if it didn’t have. The weird thing on it. I have no idea what that is. But I love the pants with the underwear band showing and the short, sports bra like top. The strappy heels don’t look bad but I’d probably keep her sneakers on for that. Her third outfit is mostly the same, but the top is swapped for a plane tshirt and I like it!
Royal three: Minnie Choi
CUTE. GOD. My favorite stage outfit by far.
Her pearl top and jacket and zip pleated skirt are SO cute topped with those BOOTS I love it here. I especially love the paneling of the boots, kinda draws back up to the skirt. I also really, really love her heart mic.
Her second outfit I like…a bit less. Because it feels like the black and pearl accenting gets a little too busy for the doll scale. If it was full size I think it would be just fine.
Third out is why I think it’s that. Cuz pair that skirt with a normal tshirt and it’s just fine, the skirt is really cute actually.
I do have one question: If you’re gonna make molded socks AND shoes. Why not just make them boots then? My only gripe for her anyways let’s go!
Rainbow Divas: Meline Luxe!
God just. Look at her. Look at her she’s so-
The brown eyes check, the golden curls, check, the EXTREME high low skirt and half shoulder top. With the chains and sequins and tule I just AH-
I crave and need a slip dress like the second outfit and those CHAIN STRAP HEELS I AM-
Rainbow Divas: Ayesha Sterling!
The extreme high low but in a different way from Meline and it also has floof all around the hems, that’s 1. What’s two is that dark skin, silver outfit and hair CONTRAST IM GONNA-
Second outfit, beautiful wonderful. I adore this sequin two piece and the FEATHER BOA AHHHH-
Rainbow Divas: Sabrina St. Cloud!
Once again, the sequins and the top bit and the belt and the heels I just UGHHHa
Then mis ma’am in her skirt and top set with that cunty ass fur coat and. For once. I like the sparkly socks and shoes. I like it here. Plus the gold and pink accessories??? GIRL GN IM PASSING AWAY.
In summery:
Neon Shadow: Harley Limestone!
I love her stage outfit, this huge hoodie and shorts that almost touch her socks that are only a little longer than her knee high lace up shoes. I love her like greeen sleeves and the chunky Japanese characters on her hoodie. I love her barbed wire cat ears too.
(Fun fact I used to have converse that tall and I LOVED THEM. I grew out of them and I’d kill to have them again but they’re super expensive now)
Second outfit is fire. The printed top, white and green jacket and the almost…cargo color jeans with the cat heads on it? It’s very hot topic and I love that for her. Her steel toe high tops are amazing and I love all the studs.
Neon Shadow: Uma Vamhoose!
She looks good! The blues and purples work pretty well together, mostly with her hair. I like the sequin top and net one underneath. The spit pants are cool but I do wish the actual pattern was the same on both legs. Like that is…the same pattern. Heels are cool, I like the hat.
Second outfit is hella cute! Cute tshirt, cool trench coat with the leather-y sleeves and the rhinestones on them. Skirt is really cute, the purple and blue are really nice. Love the shoes.
Neon Shadow: Mara Pinkette!
Firstly, I think Mara’s skin wasn’t a great choice color wise. Because everything but her eyes washes her out really badly.
Love the like…Disney hat-but-cat hat she has on? Then the pink crimps are nice, her short sleeve jean jacket rocks and I love her t-shirt dress and the sock type-boots. Her outfit is great honestly it’s just her skintone.
Next up, I love this outfit! Dress is cute as hell, studded boots with pink soles and the jacket is super cute.
The band is distinctly very hot topic and I love that for them
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bukkum · 1 year ago
7 Must Essential Gym Wear Items in Everyone’s Wardrobe
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However, the modern world is characterized by speed, therefore, leading a healthy life means exercising regularly. If you are an experienced professional at the same time or it's like your fresh start in the fitness world, you need comfortable and appropriate workout clothes. This article will discuss the seven essential gym wear items that every woman needs to have in her closet. The focus would be on T shirts for women and their different varieties like sports T shirt for women, half sleeves T shirt, etc., especially for women’s clothing brands.
Comfortable T-Shirts for Women:
You cannot miss having the basics of all the gym wear which are the comfortable t-shirts. Comfort is key when choosing workout attire. Pick T shirts for women made out of breathable fabrics like cotton or moisture-wicking fabrics. For these T-shirts, there should be enough movement while doing these exercises. Women's gym T-shirts can be easily found in the market so that a woman can do her exercise in comfort and with some style added to it.
Women's Sports T-Shirts:
Sports-specific T-shirts are an investment that changes the game for women who take part in high-intensity workouts and sports. The T-shirts are made of sophisticated fabrics that are sweat absorbent thus it keeps the body cool and dry during vigorous exercises or sporting events. Consider attributes such as breathable mesh panels and comfortable designs that support your normal movements during work.
sleeveless, short sleeve, and long sleeve choices serving various preferences and workout conditions. It is important to pick a T-shirt that fits with the kind of daily exercise you undertake.
Gym T-Shirts for Women:
These gym-oriented sports T shirt for women are designed functional and fashionable at the same time. The gym T shirts for women meant specifically for women are mostly moisture-wicking so they don't make it difficult to exercise because of excessive sweating during the workout regime. There are several styles such as sleeveless, short-sleeve and long sleeve which meets individual tastes and workout weather conditions. Womens T shirts should fit the exercise activity you perform daily.
Half-Sleeve T-Shirts:
The half-sleeve is a nice compromise in between sleeveless and long-sleeved alternatives for T-shirts. Such kinds of accessories provide coverage with additional airflow. Such shoes are fit for warm up workouts where your feet get cool but not too hot. Half sleeve T shirt is an essential component of every woman’s workout shirt collection regardless of whether one is engaging in weight training or some form of cardio exercise.
Printed T-Shirts for Women
Printed T shirts for women have come up as a stylish addition to women’s workouts. Sometimes these are even functional and fit the same purposes as normal workout gear. The printed T shirts for women might be adorned with motivating words, wild colors or bare styles and all these are great ways of showing your personality as you jog along. Go with fabrics that will give you both style as well as performance—a real winner combination.
Moisture-Wicking Fabrics
It also follows that when considering various types of womens T shirts moisture wicking fabric should be number one. Moisture wicking technology pushes sweat out of the way, ensuring fast drying and comfort against being stuck in damp/sticky clothing. This aspect is especially important in cases of increased sweat production produced within hard training sessions. Ensure to buy T-shirt brands with specifications on their moisture wicking abilities as this will keep you dry through your gym session.
Versatile Layering Pieces
Adding some versatile layering pieces to your gym’s wardrobe goes beyond a t-shirt. Such items include very light hoodies and zip up jackets that can help you warm or cool down in fluctuating temperatures. Due to this, these layering pieces are a must during your training session because they can always be replaced or subtracted depending on the temperatures and your levels of comfort.
Other gym wear essentials to consider
Supportive Sports Bras
You also need to consider what you will be wearing underneath the gym T shirts for women since they're only part of an outfit that you will put on to wear during the training session in the gym. Every female's workout wardrobe should never miss on a supportive sports bra. The sports activity is very demanding and hence, you need a tight-fitting sports bra that will provide the much-needed support. A good sport's bra does not just provide comfort, it promotes the longevity of breast tissues. Go for the bras which have moisture-wicking properties as this will go along well with the T shirts for women you want to put on.
High-Quality Leggings
Leggings are an essential piece of gym wardrobe that complements upper body wear. Go for pants from breathable and stretchy fabric that will be comfy while supporting your movements. Leggings should fit well without sliding down when doing different exercises and should provide enough flexibility. Moreover, most of these leg apparel have integrated sweat-absorbing techniques that keep you dry right from the upper part down below throughout an exercise program.
Athletic Footwear
Athletic footwear completes every gym outfit. Buy appropriate shoes for your particular workouts like running, weight lifting, or cross-training. A good pair of socks can improve performance while at the same time cutting down on a player's susceptibility to an injury. Get shoes that are arched supporting and cushioned well fitting for you to maintain stability and comfort in your workout sessions.
Sweat-Wicking Headbands
Small but important accessories include sweat-wicking headbands that help you keep sweat out of your eyes and under control. The function of these headbands is to soak up and control sweat that could disrupt workouts. They also provide elegance to your gym wear as it comes with different styles, colors, and patterns that harmonize well with womens T shirts and leggings.
Every individual who is serious about leading an active life must create a comfortable and fashionable gymwear collection. sports T shirt for women are the most important part of this wardrobe and help one engage effectively in a proper workout. There are various types to choose from such as sports T-shirts, half sleeve, and printed ones depending on your favourite sport and taste. These seven must-haves in gym wear are a crucial investment for gym enthusiasts, who want to enhance their workouts by merging comfort, fashion, and functionality. Therefore, arm yourself with motivation, a workout, and your wardrobe to lead you toward attaining the ideal physical figure.
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shirtsbargain · 1 year ago
What You Need To Know About Purchasing Blank Apparel Wholesale
There’s always the option of reselling. Get apparel in bulk from a reputable retailer and sell them for a profit. But if you are in the business of fashion as a retailer, an entrepreneur or a fashion designer, you will consider wholesale purchases at some point. Investing in bulk apparel is more comprehensive than you think, but quite advantageous too. 
Here’s everything you need to know about purchasing apparel wholesale.
Cost Savings
Businesses often turn to buying wholesale apparel simply because of the cost-saving potential. Sports Apparel retailers mostly buy wholesale blank jerseys to lower the cost of goods. During colder seasons, most designer boutiques in the USA invest in wholesale blank sweatshirts, as the product will be in high demand and procuring them wholesale can net bigger profit if competitive pricing is also maintained.
Variety and Diversity
When buying wholesale, you get access to a huge array of brands, styles, colors and sizes. Some retailers only invest in apparel from specific brands. For instance, many Performance-wear retailers invest in Sport-Tek T-shirts wholesale as the brand is known for some of the finest sports and performance wear in the wholesale industry. You can have a diverse inventory with optimal investments in various styles. You can buy wholesale zip-up hoodies when the trend gains momentum or target professionals and business people by procuring wholesale blank jackets. This variety enables your brand to appeal to a broader customer base or specific segments.
Quality Control
Many wholesale suppliers are known for their quality control measures. They often work with established manufacturers, and their products undergo stringent inspections to meet industry standards. This allows you to offer high-quality items to your customers.
As your business grows, you’ll need to scale efficiently. With wholesale apparel, this becomes easier. If sales are down and you are not keen on expanding your inventory, you can still buy in bulk from suppliers. For instance, apparel stores specializing in golf apparel can buy bulk polo shirts, as in smaller quantities like a dozen or so to keep inventory spend minimum during off-seasons. During golf seasons, they can buy in larger quantities from the same supplier with all the benefits they got off season.
Among the many reasons why most apparel stores invest in blank wholesale t-shirts from top brands is customizability. T-shirts and most other apparel can be branded with your logo or unique design elements. Because you’re buying wholesale, you’d be spending much less than you would when buying garments individually from other retail distributors.
Faster Inventory Turnover
Wholesale apparel allows for quicker inventory turnover. The ability to buy in bulk means you can introduce new items and styles to your customers more frequently. If it’s Summer and you don’t have the right products in stock, you can get short-sleeve t-shirts from the supplier in a jiffy.  If it’s fall, you can just buy blank hoodies wholesale. And when it’s winter, you can buy a few dozen jackets that your customers would want, at a great price. This keeps your store or brand fresh and appealing, enticing customers to return more often to browse new stock.
Profit Margins
Buying wholesale apparel can lead to healthier profit margins. With lower costs, you can price your products competitively while still enjoying higher profit margins. 
Working with reputable wholesale suppliers often ensures reliability in terms of product availability and delivery. You can establish long-term relationships with suppliers who understand your business needs, making inventory management more efficient and predictable.
To summarize, considering wholesale apparel for your fashion business is far from a bad move as it offers enough benefits to give you a competitive edge. It also empowers you to serve a broader customer base, and keep your inventory fresh. 
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years ago
Hi mom, I was thinking of asking: what's your style? (What do you like to wear)
Hello anon darling..
thank you for the ask. my style? hmm i would describe is casual and comfy. Not too feminine but not too masculine either..
I love wearing skinny jeans, leggings or jeggings with t-shirt with cardigans, flannel, jacket (denim or leather), or hoodie (either zip up or pullover). If it's not cold, i usually wear thin shirt but like 3/4 sleeve length. Sometimes when it's bad hair day, i wear baseball cap (trucker style) or beanie.
I mostly wear plain and my clothes are in dark shades of colors. so any dark color but mostly they are black, burgundy, dark red, dark green or navy blue.
my jeans usually ripped jeans or dark / vintage color.
i dont mind wear dresses but usually when it's on formal occassions and i wear high heels with it.
for shoes, i love sneakers or something like low ankles converse shoes style or just anything casual. i usually pick more colorful or more pattern in shoes to balance my plain clothes. I recently posted shoes i just bought if you wanna know one of the shoes style i like.
i sometimes wear make up but daily, i dont wear make up. I really pay attention with my hair. i have been dyeing my hair bright burgundy color for years now n i love my perfume n i love wearing watches.
at home, i love wearing sweatpants or short n sweatshirt or tshirt with hoodie and get comfy.
i guess that's all. let me know if i miss anything. haha. how's your style? what do u like to wear?
also if you are the same anon that has been sending me bold ask, u might need to pick an emoji or something so i know it's u. But it wasnt u, n u plan to send more asks, i would still need u to pick emoji or something. i have a bad memory, so yeah, it will help. lol. Sorry didnt mean to be difficult.😆
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