#((Richard really dose love this movie tho don't tease him to hard bails u_u))
ducknotinarow · 2 years
BaileyRichard [Childhood] -  Tears - Find my muse crying.
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The old couple sat on the bench of the doc, as they finished the story. The older women saying the story was beautiful and like the old man Richard slightly nodding his own head. It was a beautiful story he thought, sat on the floor Infront of the couch Bailey was relaxing over across himself. Thier fingers gently combing through Richard's hair as they were softly tugging sections back to work his hair into a braid. Richard didn't mind, or well he wasn't paying attention was far more the case in the moment. Richard far to invested in the movie playing right now. A story about a couple who had a summer romance, gone wrong torn apart. Yet they found each other and ended up together only for the women in her old age o forget. Her husband through read her journal to her all the time claiming it to just be some romance book story. But it was theirs! Richard's eyes were brimming with tears, so close to falling. He was just so invested in the story line. Eyes widen when the women..she. She "she remembered him" Richard breath out breaking the silence between Bailey and him just now, not too sure if they were looking at him, just in case Richard lowered his head to rest his chin to his knees. Just enjoying the movie as it was coming to a close, the eagle in part wonder if now the couple could just keep living on happily ever after. Sadly not this movie was bittersweet, to say the least. As tears made his vision start to blur, he sniffled a little needing to reach up and wipe at his eye hoping it be enough to dry his eyes up. Man, why did this movie hit so hard? it was so over the top and dramatic. Not to mention Richard took some issues with parts of it and yet. The tears kept coming rolling down his cheeks, wetting his feathers and darkening them as they made their way down. he shuffled back messing up Bailey's work as he needed to push his glasses up to better rub at his eyes. He didn't catch the slight break in his voice as he gave a slight sob under his breath. Having trouble getting himself to calm down. A slight hitch from the back of his throat. He could feel eyes on him, as he turned looking to his boyfriend. He froze up. FUCK! Was all he could think, repeatedly, Quick to turn away and look far off to the right as he tried using his sleeve to dry his eyes with better now. Man, the last thing he wanted was to hear Bailey tease him for crying over some stupid romance movie. "it's sad...she remembers him but then" He tried to defend himself but as he spoke up it sounded stupid to get so worked up over. Letting his face drop into his arms instead. "I mean I think my allergies are uh acting up?" he didn't have any to be causing a so-called reaction, in the first place. Slightly tucking his head in further to his arms. He couldn't help it he got so pulled into the movie. The way it ended just hurt they were together sure, but it was done in such a sad way! He tried to shuffle over to the side some, put distinct between them. "Don't say a word okay not a single giggle it was a sad movie!" Richard now defended as if his life depended on it. Lifting his head up as he peaked over to the rooster again, "They loved each other, and they got to die together. It's sad. Cause she probably forgot him all over again, but he got to see her remembered him once more time before they passed away" Richard stated as if the rooster hadn't been watching the same movie. Turning away again giving out a slight huff, he was far more annoyed that he was caught crying over this just now. Over anything else, feeling his face grow warm from the embarrassment setting in on him. Boys weren't meant to get worked up like this..well boys in his family at least. Ugh he could just hear his mother and father right now. Biting at his bottom bill he buries his head back into his arms, tail feathers flicked behind him. "Stupid movie" he muttered against his feathers.
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