#((I haven't been able to use Holly much yet so this is exciting!!
cloudpools · 2 months
⚜ @chaosmicjelly liked for a starter! (From Holly)
"Hey! Stop!" Holly was giving chase to the small gelatinous creature that was her current mission. Luca had said it was important that this particular enemy was dealt with quickly... But in his classic fashion, he'd kept the details vague. Once transformed into her alter-ego Iris, she'd quickly found herself face-to-face with Perrine... But it was hard to think something so cute was dangerous? Normally her enemies consisted of disgusting monsters or evil humans using awful powers... But this was...
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"I just want to talk! I won't hurt you!" Not yet at least. Holly's reflexes and strength were tenfold in her Iris persona, and she had her magical scepter in hand just in case anything went wrong. But it felt wrong to take out something so cute... Maybe Luca had gotten it wrong?
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broomsick · 9 months
hi. im sorry if im bothering but you're a norse pagan and i am too but i joined recently and haven't been able to gain much knowledge yet. i have a few questions, if you would like to answer them i would be very grateful:
• other than the eddas, is there any book that can help me as a beginner to the norse faith or maybe witchcraft?
• yule is coming up and it is my first pagan festival so could you please help me understand how to celebrate it, is there any norse deities in specific that i should give offerings to? (i plan on making offerings to skadi right now)
• i'm may have some european amcestors cause im indo european but i doubt that any of my ancestors were norse...could i still practice norse paganism?
•lastly, what are blots?
Hello there! Thank you so much for the ask. And welcome to this faith! I hope this path is as fulfilling to you as it is to me.
You'll be happy to know there are so much great ressources for norse pagans to use for research. I've actually listed a bunch of them in this previous post, in which I identified what sources were books and which were online ressources.
Now, Yule is a very exciting celebration for heathens! We know that it was a major festival in Iron Age Scandinavia. Traditionally, there would be a toast made in honor of the ancestors, one made in honor of the One-Eyed, to ask for success (he is even called Jólnir, "Figure of Yule"), and one made in honor of Yngvi-Freyr and Njörðr, to ask for fertility and prosperity. This is why these three deities are most often viewed as the main deities of Yule in nordic tradition. Thórr also has some associations with Yule, primarily due to the traditional yule goat decoration still present in Scandinavia today, which may or may not have had ties with him due to his association with goats. Whatever the case, he is also a popular choice within modern practice when it comes to the deities honored during Yule celebrations. You could also very well include Sól in your practice around that time of the year. After all, winter solstice celebrations often serve to rejoice and welcome the return of the sun as the days grow longer once again. It's for this reason that lighting candles or bonfires on the longest night of the year is a popular way to celebrate Yule: it symbolizes the return of light and warmth as the second half of winter commences. There are a few accounts of some sort of "yule log", a very long log decorated with candles, being burned during the twelve days of Yule, though the veracity of this story is debated. Still, it can be fun for us to incorporate a similar tradition into our own celebrations! For example, by decorating a piece of wood and burning it during a ritual as our own yule log. Decorating using greenery (real or fake) is also a popular way to celebrate Yule! It's a way to remind ourselves that despite the cold and the snow, the earth still lives and nature still thrives! Traditionally, one would use plants such as holly, ivy, or any evergreen tree, which stay green throughout the winter. I also can't forget the eternal norse pagan tip: when in doubt, hold a feast! To invite your loved ones around a table and eat homemade food is always one of the best ways to honor the Gods, and this goes for any festival. So much can be done even if you prefer to celebrate alone, or with just a few close friends! Just treat yourself to a hearty winter meal, and save some of it to offer the Gods, along with a glass of the alcohol of your choosing (I generally go for winter drinks, such as mulled wine, warm ice cider and the like). There is only so much I can list at the top of my head, and there are countless ways for you to celebrate Yule. Feel free to dig around for more ideas, and to experiment with whatever feels right! I'll now direct you to this wonderful video, which I discovered a while back and which does a wonderful job of explaining everything we currently know about Yule and midwinter festivals in the nordic cultures.
Now, norse paganism is a fully open practice! Everyone is free to practice it, no matter their ancestry. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, they would not be speaking the truth!
As for your last question, blót is an Old Norse term meaning "blood", which can seem scary when you put it that way, but it's nothing to be worried about! It merely refers to the act of sacrifice, or as we neo-pagans often say, offering. A blót is a ritualized offering made to the norse Gods! The celebrations around such an event can also be refered to as blót: the term "Yule" originally came from the Old Norse name for the main midwinter sacrifice, Jólablót, which is the name I give to my own winter solstice celebration. We know that during the Scandinavian Iron Age, there were many blóts scattered across the calendar! Among those: Þorrablót, or Husbands' Day, allegedly celebrating the God Thórr, Góublót, or Wives' Day, a celebration of the end of winter, Sigrblót, a festival to ask for victory, Alfablót, celebrated at the end of the harvest season during which offerings to the elves were made, Jólablót, and Dísablót, when offerings to the Dísir were made. Most solitary practionners of norse paganism do not celebrate all of these. After all, little is known about them! Scholars cannot even pinpoint the exact moment of the year when Dísablót was performed. For this reason, we are all free to practice them based on our own interpretations. Since I am a devout worshipper of Yngvi-Freyr, I offer to him along with the elves on Alfablót. Though Jólablót is arguably the most popular blót to perform among heathens, I have met practionners who did not practice it. The blóts you choose to perform are all up to you!
I have only scratched the surface of how norse pagan holidays can be celebrated! I hope you'll find as much information as you need to prepare for Jólablót, and I also wish for you to have lots of fun celebrating it! Do be sure to trust your gut when it comes to celebrating pagan holidays. It all comes down to you, your preferences and what feels right. Have a great rest of the day, and please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any other questions!
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dollywheeler · 1 year
September 25th, 1996
Dear diary,
Things have been crazy busy as we've been training a lot to prepare for homecoming. Not only have we upped our cheer hours in preparation for the halftime show, but I've also been helping Whitney out with preparations for the dance on Saturday - mostly with crafting decorations. I'm probably the worst person she could have asked, because crafts are so not my thing. Pretty sure my lanterns would have been trashed if it hadn't been for Elena's help - she's one of the new Sophomores on the team this year.
The dance is setting up to look great, however, and I've been practicing the homecoming routine as much as possible before school. Sandy and Selena altered one of our routines from last year for this weekend. It's very flashy because we can be more creative with it, and not too difficult because people don't really care about technique or tumbling all that much. They just want a catchy song and a good show - which it definitely is in my opinion.
It also means I've been able to practice it better because there aren't too many parts I have to skip when practicing in the basement.
Because I've been getting home late each day, I've barely seen mom or dad. I can tell mom is still on cloud nine from last Friday though, as she's jumped into 'fall cleaning' with vigor. It's always a little terrifying when she comes around with a moving box and a 'donate first, regret later' attitude. I figured out years ago that the best strategy is to just get a few things to donate set aside beforehand so she'll leave your actual stuff alone. This year I just picked up some clutter from the dollar store and a teddy bear we got for free at the fair last spring. And Whitney was planning on throwing some stuff away so she gave it to me for this very reason. It wasn't much, but she hadn't given me much warning. She seemed more than happy with it though, so I guess I have Mike to thank for that.
I don't know if she told dad about the dinner next Friday. I sure as hell haven't. It feels weird keeping something from him, but I can hardly tell him we're going to dinner but he's not invited. I'm pretty sure he isn't, anyway. I know they've always had a weird relationship, but he's still his dad right? And like, it's not like he ever gave him a chance. Besides, even if your parents are cringe or annoying you can still sit through dinner with them for one night and bite your tongue! It's not that hard and just for one night!
For now I'm just going to focus on this weekend, though. I'm so excited for the dance - my dress is gorgeous and I can't wait to wear it. I'm nervous though; I've never had a date before.
OH, I haven't even gotten a chance to write that down yet!
Daniel asked me to the dance!!!!
I was waiting for the gym to clear out after basketball practice on Monday so we could get our extra hours in, and when the team was dismissed, Daniel gently grabbed my hand and pulled me behind the bleachers. Not behind-behind the bleachers, just hidden from view a bit so we could talk privately. My heart was pounding but he seemed relaxed as he asked me if I wanted to go to the dance with him. He just had that same dorky expression, clearly hesitant for my response even though he had to know what my answer would be. He looked so relieved when I said yes even when he hadn't looked all that nervous to begin with, so I know he'd just tried to be stoic.
Anyway, it was really, really sweet <3 He's taking me to dinner before the dance, so we can have a proper date with just the two of us but can also enjoy the dance with our friends. I'm so excited; I seriously cannot wait.
Love, Holly <3
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bonefall · 1 year
two questions:
1. do you have a masterpost of bb? more specifically, do you have a timeline masterpost? i can't remember if i've read it or not
2. was explaining your sol possession thing to a friend who is also into warriors @alphabetbill. she was curious about the whole possession thing in general, specifically with bramble in whatever arc he gets possessed in (i haven't read it so i haven't read your posts on bb for that yet)
anyway love reading ur posts in general, haven't stopped thinking about them for like a month. rereading warriors and doing my own rewrite now bc man, this got me hella excited
My inability to create a proper masterpost is legendary. ADHD culture is saying, "Today I will do X" and then doing both Y and Z as X never happens.
But I DO have THIS, the Better Bones History Lesson. It's a great overview of everything so far! I plan to eventually compile all the little details of each, but start there.
On Possession
The rule of possession is that it's VERY hard to do if you don't let them into your heart. Any ghost can do it in less than one lesson, but they need to be channeled first. It would be possible, for example, for Mapleshade to possess someone... but not until she got someone to channel her.
Ashfur couldn't have done what he did if he didn't have help, and if he didn't know to strike when Bramblestar was already out of his body. Bramble is currently the only example of an unwilling possession.
(and btw this happens in what I call the Reckoning Era, which is TBC. I give time periods a unique name, like for example, the Campaign Era is the time after MV but before Brokenstar's reign)
Other times that cats have been possessed, all of these willingly;
Jay's Wing, Half Moon, and Lion's Roar to channel their gods to oppose Holly Leaves
Fallenleaf, with Sol, back as Hollyleaf and Holly Leaves.
Firestar and Brokenstar, when they were rebuilding SkyClan
Rootspring when he was imprisoned, Hawkfrost used his body to pummel Darkstripe
Applefur, Ratscar, and Redwillow were probably possessed by Dark Forest cats when they were lording over ShadowClan in OotS, after the death of Russetfur, to make them stronger.
When you're possessed, your extra spirit acts like something sharing your body. You are able to fight against it just as much as it can fight against you. Fallenleaf traps Sol within herself, but still has to be careful to not let it take over.
Meanwhile, if Ratscar and Shredtail were possession-buddies in ShadowClan for that time in OotS, they would be fighting with more synchronicity. Like the strength of Shredtail is amplifying Ratscar's blows and reaction time.
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stingray-sins · 3 years
[ Part I here ]
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Somewhere only we know... tw: teens been teens
Part II
The Girls were huddled together leaning on top of each other so they could admire the school gymnasium. It wasn't just any day in March, it was the first week of March and the cherry trees were blooming this late spring. The reason was key: The graduation ceremony for the high school teens.
─"Come on ‘Cesca, walk faster we are going to lose the front row!" ─She shook the purple-haired girl to join the crowd of girls who waited with a respective bouquet of flowers to those of higher levels.
─"I don't understand what is special about a graduation, they come and go, how much emotion to see them leave? I would be grateful to leave once and for all" ─Francesca maintained, taking clumsy steps as she tried to walk faster─ "Besides, why are you making me carry these flowers?"
The taller girl stopped short right infront of Francesca to get closer to her face as she covered her mouth in a whisper symbol.
─"The bouquet of flowers has a symbol of gratitude to our superior classmates who have given us support and security during our stay at school..." ─she glanced sideways as adults passed by, probably in as part of a faculty student tutor and then returned to her flirty habitual attitude more mischievous. ─"The bouquet of flowers is an excuse to approach the boy you like and ask him for his Daini button 'Cesca… How long have you been here now?"
─"A year and a half? Wait, his Da- what?"
─"More than enough," ─the girl laughed as she pushed a curious purple-haired girl into the central courtyard. Inside the Gymnasium there was a precise number of parents talking with their children and guests, some were taking photos and others were arranging the last moments of the uniform on that student who was about to leave, but among all the crowds some familiar faces stood out. Holly held a camera in her hands while she begged her husband for one more photo with their "little boy" who did nothing but ignore her, The youngest of the group was stunned by the great tumult of people gathered that special day, but he returned to lose his attention when he felt his mother's camera flash on him.
The red-haired boy lay seated, he did not have a school uniform as usual but a more loose clothing that would help him not feel so uncomfortable in that wheelchair.
─"You know Jotaro, all these events always seemed like a waste of time to me from an early age..."
─"I could say the same" ─he said in a tired voice and somewhat mentally ashamed by the loud pleas of his mother in the background.
─"But I can't help but feel excited about this day" ─He looked up to meet the taller boy's blue-ish eyes. ─"You know, it would have been an honor to have graduated this year with you." ─The black-haired man placed his hand on Noriaki's left shoulder, patting it gently in agreemen─ "…And rest assured that next year the feeling will be the other way around."
Kakyoin was a bit surprised to hear Jotaro's words for a moment but seeing him smile subtly elicited a response with the same smile, they knew everything they had been through and it was not minor. What he appreciated the most was being able to be enjoying that moment, that second chance. Behind them were heard quite loud screams of girls holding flowers for the tallest, this time the discussion was who had the largest and most colorful bouquet of flowers that was worthy for that man. Holly was delighted with so many girls in the place, she without a doubt knew that her son was one of those who always shone wherever he was but witnessing it was quite fun for both parents and especially for the little one who went through the same steps.
─"I see we have company" ─Kakyoin laughed without turning his chair at all without waiting for a response from Jotaro other than a big heavy sigh expressing all his discontent with the voices of the girls─ "Speaking of Girls… Do you know anything about ‘Cesca? I thought she would be with us this day."
─"I haven't seen her since the morning, first thing in the morning I heard the bell and I immediately ruled out the possibility of another guest upon hearing those high-pitched voices asking about 'Cesca and dragging her to school leaving her breakfast half eaten in furniture at the entrance of the house."
─"After all, she adapted quite well to a culture totally unknown to her" ─Kakyoin smiled, seeing Francesca in the distance being dragged to the gym.
─"I suppose so" ─the black-haired man stopped his answer as he observed the same thing as his red-haired companion, it made him a bit of noise to see her holding a bouquet of flowers while arguing with her level friend, it was not that it bothered him that she was participating in the graduation if not that he knew exactly that the girls of her age by holding a bouquet of flowers fully meant a reason to get close to who he liked but his question was, was that really the reason? A strange start in his chest brought him back to earth.
─"Highly strung?" ─Noriaki returned a satisfactory smile as he focused on the dislocated face of his partner, he knew from first source that he was a boy focused on his thoughts and it was not easy to get any expression or direct emotion out of him but there were acts that fully indicated what his mind was going through and this time it was the dilation of her pupils when she saw that bouquet of flowers on the girl's arm.
─"Not at all" ─Jotaro growled, returning his hands to his pockets as he adopted a more rude posture. ─"Let's go for her if you want."
He instinctively placed both hands on his friend's chair, gently pushing the chair, like never before. Fast memories flashed through his head of how recovery had been for the red-haired boy, she still felt guilty about not being there at the right time and once again felt the weight of the world on his shoulders.
─"Noriaki!" ─Francesca shouted excitedly as she quickly approached the boys while still holding the bouquet of flowers. ─"I thought you weren't coming today..."
─"And here I am"─he gave a sincere smile as he looked up. ─"I was impressed that you participated in the flower delivery this year, from what I see you have someone in your sights, huh?"
─"In sight?" ─Francesca raised her eyes in curiosity and then directed her to the flowers and let out a laugh─ "I really don't understand very well about delivering flowers, I'm just accompanying..."
At that precise moment the companion of the purple-haired girl came out from behind her, she had bright eyes and clung the flowers to her chest more. Without a doubt, she did not expect to be face to face with the black-haired boy and despite having a disinterested attitude she still brought I get his second uniform button. she bowed slightly to Jotaro handing over the flowers as a symbol of offering while she closed her eyes asking for his second button.
─"My second button?" ─Jotaro asked as he looked down to see the girl leaning towards him. ─"I have not the slightest interest in that silly tradition, save the flowers, they can serve you for another boy yet."
While in the distance an army of girls was heard surrounding both of them between shouts and threats of who had the most perfect bouquet of flowers. Francesca was leaning on Kakyoin's chair still with the flowers in her hand.
─"What's that "second button" Kakyoin?"
─"I thought they had explained to you since you carried the flowers for the tradition, 'Cesca" ─Noriaki laughed as he turned the wheelchair a little to be able to look at her in a better way when talking ─"Daini button is a very old tradition in Japan, it turns out that it happens in every high school graduation ceremony in which a boy presents his second uniform button to the girl in the form of a confession of love and admiration. It is said that its origin dates back to the ancient military who gave that button to their partner and / or lover as a symbol of pure and lasting love, and it should be the second position that in this way their uniform would not open and it would not look messy when serve... Although I like the story more that the second button is awarded because it is the one that is closest to the boy's heart, both stories have the same meaning at the end of the day."
─"I must confess that I adore the traditions of this culture, it suits me quite well despite not being fully aware of it" ─Francesca laughed in the same way as she looked again at the bouquet of flowers in her arms. She didn't even know what she was holding that bouquet of flowers for, in a year and a half she didn't know anyone enough to offer it in exchange for a button.
From the group of people a group of boys appeared, the one who was leading without a doubt attracted attention. His combed hair and his perfectly fitted uniform with a cloth faithfully tied to his right arm only hinted at being from the school board. He locked eyes with the lower one, smirked as he placed his left hand on her chest to remove the second button from him and place it in the girl's hands.
─"I was looking for you, my dear Kohai" ─he stared into her eyes while she did not know how to react to such a random event, the boy was quite popular with many people and that he chose Francesca among many others was only to raise his status with a foreigner─ "When the day is over I would like to exchange a few words with you."
That said, he removed a couple of flowers from the purple-haired bouquet and cut them to make a nice ornament in her hair, leaving the place with the utmost delicacy of a school president. Francesca didn't understand a single thing that just passed but it was evident that her face was taking on stronger shades of red. Kakyoin had been left blank with that event but he didn't care about that at all, beyond the boy and the reaction of 'Cesca about it, he was looking at the reaction of his friend. He was still surrounded by girls but his attention went directly to them, again the same look with his dilated pupils this time clenching his fists marking his knuckles tightly.
─"Do you know that boy ‘Cesca?" ─Asked Noriaki without taking his eyes off his friend subtly.
─"Know him? The truth…" ─she didn't know how to explain it, it was something so surprising that she couldn't even think the words right─ "He was in charge of teaching me school my first days here, don't misinterpret me, Daisuke is a very kind and attentive boy and from the On the first day he mentioned that he could call him Senpai" ─ she took a brief silence when he saw that the black-haired man was walking briskly towards them─ "you know, Jotaro never waited for me in the mornings to walk to class and many times I ended up getting lost in dead ends... Daisuke... He offered to help me but I never expected it to end this way."
─"I understand" ─Kakyoin sighed as he tried to lighten the heavy atmosphere that had remained, and that was going to remain for the rest of the day. ─"Jotaro, I suppose the students should enter... the sooner the better, right?"─But Jotaro did not take Noriaki's words into account, he knew perfectly what he was trying to do but he couldn't get the other out of his gaze, pointing to 'Cesca, specifically the flowers in her hair, in a very rude way he released some weighty words.
─"Take that off, you look... ridiculous." ─His gaze defied the crystalline gaze of the girl who was not going to give her arm to twist so easily.
─Come and take them from me, coward" ─she said that as she turned around entering the establishment, the red-haired boy sighed while the taller one returned to put his hands in both pockets.
─"It can always be always worse"
The ceremony had been quite emotional for many, boring for others but it had concluded in the best way, each student had in mind what awaited them in their future, The families would meet again and go home as it should be to have a small celebration with their recent graduate and after that they were finally free for the day, or the night as the sun was setting. The trio was sitting on the same bench as always looking at the stream that did not offer much. Noriaki for his part did not leave his chair and gave him the facility to get closer to the limit of the paved street and the stream, Francesca lay sitting with a half-drunk beer while admiring the button that had been given to her in the afternoon and Jotaro did not even He'd had his beer, he was just sitting staring at the creek meditating the whole fucking day.
─"What are you planning to do now Jojo?" ─The purple-haired girl took him out of her thoughts again, who left the button next to her to sit comfortably leaning on her legs. ─ "Are you planning to stay studying here or leave?"
─"Leaving sounds more ideal with what I intend to study" ─he blurted out softly without looking at her, he felt strange, all that day he had felt strange and he didn't know what was the reason for his stomach ache. He had defied more intimidating people, received deep wounds and now he could not be reassured only by an unfamiliar anxiety.
─"It's nice to hear you decided with your ideal… I still don't know what I intend to do in the near future" ─she looked at him for a good moment while she smiled warmly─ "but at the same time I must be frank with you; It will be sad not to see you at home anymore..."
Jotaro looked down with an air of surprise, Francesca inspired a serenity in her words as well as sincerity. He was so confused mentally that he couldn't find words to answer, perhaps it was true after all that that day he had been uncomfortable seeing her differently, and perhaps he had been holding back the feeling for too long.
─"I suppose" ─he blurted into the air to direct his gaze but he felt that he was slipping more and more to have her close to him, he felt awkward for the first time in his life, dazed and excited but there was no objection from them both.
Offering his left hand to the smaller one took it gently and that was what powered him to get closer to her and end the action with a kiss, subtle and without much experience. After a few seconds they separated without having anything to say, it was something totally out of the ordinary. Jotaro looked away indecisively as Francesca placed her free hand covering her lips.
─" was thinking..." ─Noriaki mentioned aloud as he turned his chair to look at them but meeting that surprising kiss made him turn to the stream once more, he covered his mouth with his right hand while letting out a subtle laugh─ "it was about time... I just have to do you the last favor" ─he said to himself as Hierophant Green made his appearance like tentacles crawling on the ground to take that button that Francesca had left aside on the seat and bring it to him─ "I'm sorry my dear bud, but it's not you, it's them."
That said, he threw the button that shone with the contrast of the light to the stream to observe how it went with the stream, he was not going to leave at all but he was going to grant that quality time to his friends. Something obvious a long time ago but he was going to have all the patience to wait just as they had with him in the hospital.
The kisses were concealed but continuous, each parting to regain air was a silly smile from the pair to make awkward movements such as combing the other's hair, fixing the uniform, brushing the index finger over his heated opposite cheek. Jotaro took her small hands to open them and deposit the second button of his uniform in those.
─"I thought you found the tradition silly" ─Francesca celebrated as she squeezed her hand, holding it gently to her breast.
─"And I keep thinking about it, but I know you like it that way." ─He smiled serenely, still sitting on that bench, that anxiety and stomach pain had disappeared, he could feel full and reciprocated. Francesca for the part of her couldn't stop smiling. It was something totally new for both of them, a feeling of happiness after a haunting nightmare.
─"Can I speak to you again? Or should I still pretend that I haven't seen anything?" ─ Kakyoin raised his voice and made them both start and separate taking their respective drinks while looking at different parts of the landscape. As he approached the most exalted was the purple-haired one who, taking both beers, announced that he would go to deposit them in the nearest garbage can, clearly hiding her embarrassed face.
Standing close to his partner and friend he let out a couple of laughs as he only hid his face under his hat, he watched the girl from a distance and it was he who this time placed a hand on the left shoulder of his embarrassed but happy friend.
─"I see it wasn't a bad day after all, you lost that tired look in your eyes and you even lost your second button. It is impressive how a mere impulse can change a person's mood but my question is Jojo: "
What do you expect from this now?
The question bounced in every corner of his thoughts that night, was he happy? Was he blissful? worried? Was he... scared? He got up from his bed taking a deep breath to rub his right hand over his face. He did not expect his impulse to be reciprocated, he was expecting a possible rejection and now it was accelerated, there was no co-relationship between his mind and his heart in those moments and it was what overwhelmed him. Placing both feet off his bed she looked around him, his room lying completely dark and only a beam of light reflected a couple of magazines on his study table. More than magazines, college brochures.
He got up slowly to go to the kitchen, late at night the only thing he could hear was his footsteps on that cold old wood that he had for a floor that squeaked step by step. Opening the refrigerator door he looked for something to drink while he leaned on the kitchen counter looking at the liquid that was inside the container.
─" Did your insomnia return?" ─He raised his head while Francesca walked to the kitchen anyway, her attitude was more relaxed than usual and she sounded even more calm and pleasant than other times─ "do you mind if I accompany you?"
He nodded as she positioned herself close to him leaning on a large counter, neither of them said a word and a little discomfort was noted in the position that the black-haired man had, his breathing was more agitated and she could predict it with the liquid inside the container.
─"Did you regret what happened this afternoon?" ─She sighed without looking at him, she had both arms crossed and her gaze was still focused on the kitchen window. ─"You don't need to worry about that Jojo, it's understandable that it was a mere impulse of the moment and..."
─"I'm not" ─he mentioned abruptly as he left the semi-empty container on the counter and took the girl's hand again abruptly to have her face to face, without saying more, they both found their faces again while a more intense kiss took hold of them. the situation, something more heated when brushing their bodies and emitting subtle moans when pressing each other. A carnal desire awoke them both together with the pleasure of rubbing themselves, feeling a distinctly new experience... When he separated for a moment from the girl, she lay sitting on the counter with both legs open and breathing agitatedly, for her part she could not say much since she was the same and even uncomfortable with those pajama pants that imprisoned him. As he approached again, the question returned to his mind
"What do you expect from this now?" and opening his eyes surprisingly, a ghostly hand took Francesca away, who did not fall to the ground just by clinging to said hand. Doubts returned to his head, but he in turn wanted to enjoy the moment that his heart desired, why not allow himself to be happy one night without worrying about tomorrow?
─"What was that?" ─Francesca got up while trying to regulate her breathing and fixed her pajamas─ "What's going on in your head?" ─Leaning on the counter, he looked at the kitchen floor in shock, still trying to catch the air─ "You don't need to hide your thoughts with me, I just want you to be honest with me."
─"Shut up!" ─he screamed and Francesca opened her eyes wide and then closed her mouth slowly but not completely, no words came from her but she couldn't stop looking into her eyes while she was against the light─ "Sincerity ? Sincerity is that this would not work, not for months or for the rest of the duration of this feeling, you understand?" ─His words were increasingly harsh and his voice was breaking more and more─ "In a couple of days I will go away, you will still be here... our destinies do not cross at any time and even if it were the case, there is no full possibility that this it works so... let's forget this, you have a great future ahead of you rather than waiting for one that will never come."
She had taken the words out of the girl's mouth, without a doubt words sometimes hurt more than a simple kick and this moment indicated it as such. She followed him with her gaze, watching his large back disappear into the darkness, the fact that he had faced the issue did not hurt so much, but it hurt her to understand it and know that it was not really going to work as he thought at one point when he was on that bench.
─"I would have preferred the excuse of your virginity a thousand times, Jojo" ─she tried to take it with humor while hiding the pain in her eyes, she walked towards the dark corridor pressing her hand on her chest, releasing her last words with a hopeless and surrendered voice-─ "but I totally understand your decision... I just want to know one last question, was the feeling reciprocated?"
Jotaro was sitting on the floor of his room, he was looking at the ceiling as if it were giving him the answers he needed at that moment but he did not say anything and he could feel the silence of the girl once more that she finished him off. break.
"Good night, Jojo and have a good trip."
he hid her head once more in his arms without abandoning the position that held his stomach, the moonlight this time shining on him and she knew that at least that night he would not touch his bed. He didn't want to sleep, didn't want to close his eyes; everything was a torment in his head but he only let out a sentence in all that remained of the night.
─"If it was reciprocated and I waited for it... more than a year ago"
[To be continue...->)
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pixie88 · 4 years
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A/N: Another talented writer asked me to do a Dominic Wright FF so here it is. I’m matched with his counterpart so I based him on Adam I just hope it have done it well. This might be a one shot piece or I might continue I’m not sure yet. Let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged!
Find my other Lovelink FF HERE on my masterlist under Lovelink - One shots. Along with my Rory Bear & Shopping Trip (Rory O’Brien), My Science Buff & The Naughty Teacher (Marco Bottazzi) & Tattoo Artist to Businessman (Blake Bailey) FF.
Comments always welcome!
Word count: 2542
WARNINGS: ⚠️ NSFW & Fluffy fluff
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Lovelink.
Pairings: Dominic x MC - Leona
It's been 3 weeks since Dominic left for Paris. We have been texting every day, but it just not the same I miss him, he sends me pictures of places he's shooting which makes it hurt more. He's in the most romantic city in the world and I'm stuck here in the states!
"Leona, what do you think?" Kelly snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry, what?" I ask.
"I said do you think Carter will like this bracelet for his birthday? I had it engraved it cost the earth, but he's worth it!" (I zoned put after bracelet)
"Leona!!! You aren't still pining over that boy are you?" She asks again snapping me back to reality.
"You mean Dominic!" I tell her. 
"Yes, him! I don't know why you didn't dump him as soon as he told you he was leaving the country! No way would I let Carter travel to a different country without telling me how long he's going to be. Especially to Paris! Are you sure he's not been with his ex and taken her there?!" Kelly chimes.
Kelly is one of my oldest friends, but she's also the vainest and most materialistic person I know. She never thinks before opening her mouth, which has got me in trouble over the years.
"No, Kelly he hasn't run off to Paris with his crazy ex! You might not let your boyfriend off his leash, but some of us have more trusting relationships!" I snap back at her.
Nikki tries to hide her smile and Kelly gives her an un-approving look. I get up from the table gather my stuff and leave the coffee shop.
When I walk out into the cold air I pull my phone out and text Dominic but just as I'm typing my text as a notification pops up on my screen.
*1 New Message from Dominic*
I smile as I open the text.
[Hey gorgeous girl, I don't know why, but I just had a feeling I needed to text you! So here it is I miss you, baby girl! How's your day going with the girls? I hope Kelly isn't getting on your nerves too much? I got some great shots today. ILY XX]
[We are too in sync it's scary! I literally pulled out my phone to text you when your text popped up! I miss you too! I could do with a Dom hug right now...! Argh I just walked out on Kelly and Nikki. Kelly droning on as usual. It got to me so I'll probably have to leave it a few days before I speak to her again. Have you got any shots from the Eiffel Tower yet? Glad your day is going better than mine. ILY2 xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Leona, I don't get why your friends with someone that makes you so miserable!? See we might be in different countries, but I still know when my girl needs me. What has she said this time? I told you I wasn't going up the Eiffel Tower unless it's with you! ILYM XX]
[I know, but she used to be fun then her grandparents died and left her all that money it changed her now she's just a snob! Your girl needs you stateside! Have they told you when you're coming home? She said the same old rubbish how I should've dumped you when you told me that you were going to Paris. She also thinks you've taken Holly to Paris with you haha. I know neither of us have been up it, but you could go up and take pictures, so I can experience it through your photos! ILYSMM xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Money does bring out the worse in people. You have no idea how much I want to be back home with you. There is a meeting later, so hopefully, I get an idea then. I'm glad you haven't listened to her. Definitely haven't brought Holly with me, she's in court next month. No! I will only go up there with you so we can experience our first trip up the tower together ;) I have to go now. What's ILYSMM? ILY xx]
[Oh, I do! I have everything crossed for some kinda date! I stopped listening to her in the 5th grade! Haha. Wow, that's quick do you need to be back here for that? Secretly hoping you do! OK, we'll have to go one day to do it together! I love you so much more duh! :P ILY xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[I text you as soon as I find out. I'm not sure yet. I might need to be stateside. We will soon I promise. Speak soon. Haha OK ILYSMM xx]
I grab a taxi and make my way home.
Later I'm watching The Notebook when I hear my phone.
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Hey hot stuff, I have news you are really going to love. You know I did that small art show and that if it all went well, I would be offered to take part in the huge exhibition? Well, I got a place at the exhibition they loved my work! That's not the best bit they want me to enter a piece that includes the local sights! But I may have told them a little white lie...I told them I need my "assistant" and they are willing to pay for my assistant to fly to Paris, but they will have to share my hotel suite with me. But that's not all we also get to take a plus one to the exhibition ;) ILY XX]
[Dominic, that's great! Congratulations I'm so proud of you! Your assistant? I didn't know you had one? Lucky assistant :( Looks like you and your assistant will have fun. ILY x]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Leona!!! You don't get it, I told them you are my assistant they are booking you a flight as we speak! LEONA YOU ARE COMING TO PARIS! I WANT YOU TO BE MY PLUS ONE!!!! ILY XXX]
[WHAT?! No! I don't believe you! Why would they do that? DOMINIC YOU BETTER NOT BE MESSING WITH ME!!!! ILY XX]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[I swear on my life they are booking you a flight I will get all the details in a bit. I'm not messing with you! I'm serious. I guess it's a way to keep me sweet? Either way, I don't care I'm just so happy you're going to be here. ILY xx]
[But I have work I'm not sure I can just drop it like that! When will you know? ILY xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Crap, I didn't think about that I just got excited when they said they would fly you over. Please say you'll come? Please? I should know in 5 Minutes. ILY xx]
[I'll see what I can do once you've found out when the flight is. ILY x]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Thank you, thank you, thank you! So, they have sent the ticket to your email apparently. ILY xx]
[I'll have a look now. ILY xx]
I quickly check through my emails there it is at the top my ticket to Paris. It leaves tomorrow morning at 8amand I return in 7 days. (How am I going to sort work out with just over 12 hours before my flight leaves?!)
I text my dad.
[Hey Dad, short notice, but I only got the invite about 20 minutes ago. So Dominic invited me to Paris to see him. I'd be gone for 7 days from tomorrow, but if you can't get cover don't worry I'll tell him I can come.]
*1 New Message from Dad*
[Leona, that sounds like too much of an opportunity to miss out on. Plus, I know how much you've missed that boy. Go! Leave it to me, I'll get cover. You go have fun, but I want to see loads of photos when you come back.]
[Dad, you are one in a million you know that right? Thank you! I will take loads or get Dominic to take some! Thanks again!]
*1 New Message from Dad*
[I do as you always remind me. Have fun, I'll see you when you get back.]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Did you get the email? ILY xx]
I decide to play a prank on him.
[I did, but I've spoken to my dad, and he said it's just not possible to get cover at this short notice. It was a nice thought while it lasted. ILY x]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Oh, what? That's a shame, but like you said it was a nice idea. I'm bummed now I was so excited about being able to see you. ILY xx]
[Lucky for you, I fly out tomorrow! I was joking my dad was fine with it haha. I love you xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Leona, that was mean! But I'm too excited to be mad. What time do you fly out? I love you more xx]
[I'm sorry, but I'll make it up to you! 8 am so I should be with you about 5 pm US time. ILY xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[How exactly? So, about 11 am here. I will be working so I can't meet you until after I'm done. There will be a driver waiting at the airport for you. ILY xx]
[I'm thinking it's been a long time, so with fewer clothes between us. Oh ok, I guess I'll just go back to your suite and wait on the bed naked for you ;) ]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[God, now all I can think about is you naked on my sheets and finally being able to hold you. I need to sit down or have a cold shower! ILY XX]
[You better hurry back or I'll entertain myself. I better start packing. See you tomorrow. I love you xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[I will be as quick as I can. I can't wait to see you. I love you xx]
After a long 9 hour flight, I'm here! I'm in Paris!! I walk through looking for a driver with my name but I'm greeted with his gorgeous smile, his eyes light up when he spots me. I drop my bags I don't want to not be in his arms a moment longer I run over to him. Dominic picks me up and spins me around "Leona, you're here! You're really here!" he puts me down.
His lips crash to mine, I don't want to stop kissing him, but I pull away. "Dominic, what are you doing here? I thought you had work?"
"I managed to move it all so I could be here to meet you," he smiles.
"I'm so happy you're here to meet me! So are you free for the whole day?" I wink.
"A matter of fact I am! Why don't we get your bags and head back to the hotel so I can show you how much I've missed you"
I blush.
We walk over to get my abandoned bags and there is a car waiting for us out front. We pull up to the hotel it's beautiful.
We make our way up to Dominic's room as soon as he opens the door the view is stunning! I hear the door click shut, his arms come around my waist, his lips brush my pulse line before they reach my ear "God I've missed you!" he nips my ear which sends my body into overdrive.
I turn to claim his lips with mine. His tongue invades my mouth we're in a rush our clothes fall to the floor as he backs me against the wall. His lips move from mine to my neck kissing my sensitive spot just above my collarbone, he continues to move south, his tongue lightly sweeps over my nipple leaving my body tingling and anticipating his next move.
He nips my belly before he throws one of my legs over his shoulder, his mouth finds my centre, he parts my folds and works on my clit, making me arch off the wall.
"Dom....inic crap that feels..." 
He pulls away "Like I need to try harder to make you speechless" He doubles his efforts.
I look down, he's set himself free working his hand up and down his hard member. I pull him up to me "I need you! All of you!"
He doesn't waste another second he wraps my legs around his waist. He thrust hard into me, filling me. He slowly draws out each thrust before forcefully thrusting back in. This pushes me so close to the edge I'm looking over it.
I drag my nails down his back, he hisses at the sensation. His lips claim mine again with the taste of me still on them. He groans against them, he's close. I can't hold back anymore, it's been 3 long weeks "Yes! Dominic!" I fall over the edge.
Dominic hits his own climax "Fuck! God! Leona!" We are barely catching our breath, he's still inside me "Let's take this to the bedroom" He pulls us away from the wall and carries me to bed.
We don't leave his hotel room until the next day.
A few days later we are in the car all dressed up for this exhibition. Dominic is nervous I can see it all over his face.
I take his hand and he looks at me and smiles. "It's going to be fine! Stop looking so nervous!"
"It's not the exhibition I'm worried about" He points out the window.
I turn we're have pulled up to the Eiffel Tower.
"Dominic, what are we doing here?"
He smiles "I thought we could go up it together as we planned," he says.
"Now? What about the exhibition?"
"We can be five minutes late," he takes my hand and leads me out of the car.
"So, this is what you're so nervous about? I thought you didn't mind heights?"
"It's not the heights. Come one, let's go" we get to the 3rd floor as we step out of the lift there is a guy holding a bouquet of roses.
He hands them to me "I hope you like them" Dominic says.
"They're beautiful. Did you plan this?" I ask.
He blushes "I did. The day you told me you were coming to Paris" He takes my hand and leads me to the railing.
The view is beautiful Paris is lit up! "Wow, it's beautiful! I'm glad we have done this together!"
"Me too! Leona, there was another reason why I brought you here. I've wanted to ask you for a while, but face to face"
He takes a breath, "I love you with all my heart, I can't imagine my life without you. I'm done looking for the one as I have found it in you. So, will you be my girlfriend?"
I feel like I'm going to burst "Dominic, I would love to be your girlfriend!"
His lips crash to mine and I wrap my arms around him.
I am his girlfriend and he is my boyfriend!
Here it is lovely especially for you @khoicesbyk​
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