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It’s amazing how just a few tweaks to your school website can improve your enrollment numbers. Digital marketing for schools should always start with the understanding that your website is the “engine” that all of your marketing efforts should be driven by. Read More.. https://elevateeducation.marketing/2021/11/11/digital-marketing-for-schools-website-webinar/
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Let’s just say that…your education marketing goals include increasing web traffic. Your hard work is paying off, and traffic is ticking up. Looking at a Google Analytics traffic report even gives you the warm fuzzies. You might even treat yourself to a Starbucks Trenta to celebrate!  You still have to make sure that all of your marketing strategy ducks are in a row to convert leads to new students. Why are there so many ducks, you ask? Because your lead to enrollment ratio is only as good as the attention you pay to the details.  Download the complimentary education marketing checklist. https://bit.ly/LeadToEnrollment#EducationMarketing #EducationLeaders
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Digital marketing for schools must include reputation management for educational leaders.  You have to be living under a rock to be unaware of how reputations are trashed in a day, regardless of the truth of online content.  Schools need to protect their name, their brand, and their leaders’ reputation. When your team starts to put their school digital marketing plan in place, make sure they include a reputation management scan. This first place to start is on Google, because that is where most people start their online searches.  Read the tips for managing your Google search results and download the Reputation Management Checklist.https://bit.ly/EducationDigitalMarketing#digitalmarketingforschools
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Can the “Plan to Win” strategy inform school marketing strategies?  Skinner said, “I told people, never, ever take the Plan to Win down and leave it down—do whatever it takes to replace it“. People might see that and think, ‘Oh, Plan to Win’s down. There must be a change strategically.’”Who is Skinner and why does it matter? Do you recognize Big Mac? Or Quarter Pounder with Cheese?  Read more, and download the free marketing strategy checklist. https://bit.ly/Plan2Win2022 #educationmarketing #EducationLeaders
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Higher education leaders understand that a organization's reputation is one of the most important assets a school has. Research attributes as much as 60% of market value to an organization's reputation. Instant information and simmering unrest creates substantial potential for repetitional damage, whether  true or not. It is crucial to implement a proactive plan to prevent reactive damage control. Download the Thought Leadership Checklist.https://bit.ly/EducationReputation #highereducationleadership
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Looking for the "dazzle" for 2022 #educationmarketing plans to justify next year's marketing budget? @ElevateEducationMarketing believes dazzle just doesn't get it done.  Foundational ingredients - flour and eggs - make the cake rise.  Foundational marketing ingredients are essential to make enrollments rise.  Download the free Education Marketing Strategy checklist to get it right for your #2022MarketingPlan.https://bit.ly/FlourandEggsMarketing
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Chicken or egg? It depends on how strategic your #EducationMarketing planning is.  Many serving as an #EducationalLeader would say it is the CHICKEN, of course! Anyone with a brain would know that.  At @ElevateEducationMarketing, we believe the answer to the question is... "It depends..."  Read the blog to find out why, and download a free marketing strategy checklist. https://bit.ly/ChickenOrEggMarketing
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elevateeducationmarketing #EducationMarketing is increasingly challenging in rapidly changing cultural, economic, and personal health climates. Nimble marketers understand the crucial role of timing and messaging adjustment, as well as flexible conversion strategies. Need to talk about your education marketing strategies? Book a complimentary 30 minute online consultation.
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88% of #educationleadership knows thought leadership enhances the organizational brand, builds school prestige, protects #EducationalLeader reputation, drives web traffic, and increases enrollment.  Download the free Thought Leadership Strategy Checklist to maximize positive impacts.https://bit.ly/NotThatWay
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Now you're talking... a #highereducationmarketing viewpoint. Allow us a few moments to help change the narrative from... "Don't talk to me that way... I don't want your sales schmooze..."  Read More...
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