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traceyc-uk · 1 month ago
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„pweaaaaase! sit with us!“
cassie would try to win the new fifth year for the slytherin table hehe.🥹
(based on your comment at the munch munch scenario, i needed to do this!🤍)
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I loved this munch munch post, how could he say no to that adorable pouty face 🥹 though I don’t know how much of a win it would be…
The other house tables would breath a sigh of relief once they see his terrible table manners
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Only half exaggerating, he’s actually very well behaved
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viehlei · 2 months ago
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Man gosho maybe I am too harsh with you sometimes...♡♡♡
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submastrain · 1 year ago
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Happy New Year!! ✨
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tondw0o · 3 months ago
I LOVE your Beej 😭💕 idk if you’re still taking requests but I’d love to see a screen cap redraw of the moment of him seeing the sandworm come down in BJ1 👀 (his terrified expression makes me feral)
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beesinspades · 11 months ago
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hopelessly in love with the dreamy commission of my oc Elijah I got from the amazing @artofalassa, whose art you should check out immediately if you haven't already!! 🧡💛
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mintytealfox · 7 months ago
How do you feel about this minty
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This is so INTERESTING and SAD 😭😭😭😭
My initial thoughts on this is that he believes he fulfilled his greatest wish, to be free ;; Free from his ever shrinking hamster wheel of a life. But the "Haven't I?" makes me wonder if he doesn't fully believe what he just said. That there are things that are making him doubt that what he did actually freed him, that he actually just put himself in another cage. ;; So he is lying to himself still with that "I am free I have nothing else to wish for! DUH............right?"
It also makes me think that now he doesn't know what to do, what to strive for. Big 'well....what now?" vibes AND its not like he can live life amongst money and people like this orz
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mjn-air · 9 months ago
IKEA says The Lemon Is In Play
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yesssss this is the good stuff
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skyblueartt · 8 months ago
Hi! I just wanted you to know that ur art style is so cute and * eats Henry cus he's cute as fuck * yeah :]
Hi! OMG Wow, thank you so much ahh! That means a ton to me- tbh I was havin a pretty damn rough day and this brought a smile to my face :")) Here- have Henry in my more cutesy style, confused that you wanna eat him HAHA
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civetcider · 12 days ago
ok but what if we... DID get you started on that Roblox game ?
i've been playing for like 3 years now, i have nearly 7 million coins and an achievement score of like 1600 and im a royal guild truther!!!
this is walker, he was a first real rareish dragon i ever got, i guess i thought naming him walker would be funny since he doesn't have legs, i want to give him a legendary color potion but i keep forgetting, he has ghost element witch i think is super cool
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this is cruiser, the second rareish dragon i ever got! because she was my main dragon for a while yueshi are probably my favorite dragon in the game, she has leg color, eternal element and is 5 mut, yueshi used to be worth a good bit, but they brought them back recently and made them really easy to get so she's kinda cheap as hell now but she's still cool 2 me
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this is patty, my big fucking seal, she has leg color isn't she awesome
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this is fruity, she also has legendary color and wild eye aura
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this is my fucking crab, his name is crusty
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this is billy, once i was trying to change one of her colors and i accidentally got rid of her legendary color and i had to spend a million damn dollars to get it back
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this is bleeb
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also my roblox avatar looks awesome, my banana swag
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 years ago
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f-x-spirou02 · 7 months ago
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Oh... Spifan elle-même, tu es mon rayon de soleil. Merci pour vos reblogs. Vraiment très sympa...) >°< ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💋💋💋💋😭
@spifan ❤️💋🌸
P. S. Il n’y a pas de temps libre pour rédiger un article en réponse. Par conséquent, retrouvez cet article avec Spirou d’un artiste inconnu. Mais pendant mon temps libre, je dessinerai certainement un art pour vous ^^ ❤️
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catliker49 · 1 year ago
I checked out your blog... and i wanna say
*gives you bunch of stickers*
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THANK YOUU!! <:'o)
You're so so very Sweet!!!!!!!! TAKE MY THANK YOU CAKE!! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE STICKERS!! AHH!! Keep being so so Wonderful and look after yourself!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
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good-beanswrites · 1 year ago
🎬: Please do not remind me Kazui and Kotoko didn't get their songs covered by Es 😭 It was such a disservice. I'm gonna just chalk it up to Kazui's voice is so deep that Es couldn't sing it properly and by the time Kotoko's MV was shown to them, the first trial ended before they could even sing it.
Or, y'know. Your AU, so Es did cover their songs too.
Also another thing for post-MILGRAM hangout where Es joins in too...KARAOKE (didn't Milgram have some sort of karaoke-related event running earlier?) Or maybe they have their own karaoke party at someone's home (I know someone has a karaoke set at home!), so they sing their songs and encourage Es to sing too...and pleeeeease sing "half" and "harrow" too (this will lead to Es finding out they've been eavesdropping on their singing. Hey!). Bonus that Deco's song is such a bop in the AU that everyone sings the songs they covered.
...my train of thought is still running, but I just imagined this AU's Milgram allowed everyone to gradually accept their faults that almost led them to their crime. Soooo Mahiru is still just as sweet, BUT rocks it when she sings "Psychogram". Also Amane, I like to imagine at this point she can be a bit more of a kid (I can dream!), so she's sort of bouncing around when she sings "Positive Parade" and "Animal" while the girls dance with her.
But with that said, I hope we'll get more Es' song covers! Or at the very least make up for "half" and "harrow"...and c'mon, Es didn't get to sing at all this trial. What gives?!
RIP I know 😭 I'm hoping we'll get a bunch of covers to fill the trial hiatus, and that they'll start with those two!! I know some people were worried that they would never get covers because they didn't reach 1M before the trial closed, but I think that's an oddly unfair requirement for the later prisoners. So I'm confident we'll get them at some point!
Kotoko's does make a bit more sense -- it was right at the end of the trial, and there wasn't much too break down in the lyrics because she was very forthcoming with information/intention. And I like that explanation for Kazui's! Es was intimidated by his voice and didn't want to do it an injustice by singing it poorly. Maybe Kazui makes a snide comment that they would have actually understood his crime better if they'd studied/sang his lyrics like the others' 😅
And I love the post-Milgram thoughts! Given Yuno's mvs and her written response about liking karaoke, I can definitely see her taking everyone out to her favorite karaoke spot. I like that too because the covers were kind of an indulgent inclusion of mine -- I knew they didn't quite fit in during the trial hiatus but I really wanted it to happen asdfdsn. Like, I know Amane wouldn't do frivolous things, and Kotoko/Shidou/Kazui would try to take the situation seriously and not play around. But if it's all after the experiment... >:3
Thank you 🎬! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for those covers soon 😤🤞
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mintytealfox · 5 months ago
Minty...minty did you see the new deduction skins?
OH MY GOSH I DID I DID I DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID 🥳🥳🥳😭😭😭😭😭😭👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I have seen TWO of the three movies here AHHH 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
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I NEED to watch Frederick's movie PRONTO -SLAMS DESK- apparently this one is called "Hangover Square" I had never heard of this one somehow so this is gonna be EXCITING 👀👀🙏🙏🙏
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But Alice in "Alice in Wonderland"!!!!! this one was a given 🤣 I am sure we all expected this one hah and I am so happy with the 'drink me' bottle there lol hehehehehehehehehehehe but everyone knows this one unless yall still want a breakdown lol XD
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Edit: found a better image ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The 1949 version~
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AND there is the mention of 'FATE' several timesssss!! And he is just this guy trying to make it through but is clumsy and accident prone, and constantly bullied, but regardless he keeps trying and works hard and is kind ;; Even the 'love of his life' was laughing at him until she realizes she had been acting poorly. (gosh the fact that he even bought them gifts for the dinner ((AND WORKED HARD TO GET THE MONEY FOR IT, although a little dirty with pushing the snow onto the next property so they have to pay him so he can shovel them out next oh my gosh LOOL but they were kinda a rude at first and had it comin PFF) OH and that reminds me that he fakes being on the verge of death and freezing for food and a roof over his head after getting to town lol) makes my heart HURT STILL AAAAAAAAAH)
But I think it is so interesting they went with the most kind hearted character who is just vibing even though his life is misfortune after misfortune. Then after it all, ends up stumbling into everything he could ever want by the end ;;
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brawngp2009 · 3 months ago
3 & 30 for the ao3 wrapped asks!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? — "a little beast"!!! couldn't be more proud of it to be honest because that one is a lot "firsts" for me — first fic in english i posted, first one in f1 rpf fandom, my first shovson fic as well. it's my hungarian grand prix. is it perfect? no. but it was an important stepping stone. sort of a leap of faith i had to take. AND ACTUALLY it has pretty decent stats.
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30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? — it's probably the writing itself. i thought i forgot how it's done because i had a big break when i just thought about writing fics FOR YEARS and never wrote anything (dozens of silly star trek and star wars fics that never happened. rest in peace). so basically the unfounded courage to write that i've gained all of a sudden was the biggest surprise.
ao3 wrapped asks‼️
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defiledtomb · 2 years ago
Id’s love language is violence and my oc is a fuckin brat.
They’re gonna break her bones (affectionately)
Ah, and so the brat-taming begins, no? Id will get them, that is true, if you choose it. And they will relish watching MC squirm.
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