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the-flower-karasu · 1 year ago
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@thecafeleblanc asked;
"I'll just say it: I always got a weird vibe from you and Makoto's sister. Do you...like her?"
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Me...and Sae-san???
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[She laughs, before giving a playfully smug smile in his direction]
My, I didn't think that was any of your business, Kurusu. Besides, we're co-workers. I don't think Nijima-san is the type to date co-workers, do you?
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If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous~
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the-flower-karasu · 1 year ago
Incorrect Quotes Akeshu #79
Akiren: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!
Akechi: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?
Akiren: I don't know, surprise me!
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the-phantom-crow · 4 years ago
((Continued from here)) @thecafeleblanc
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Easy; I’ll make you comfortable, take you out to dinner, ply you with gifts, make you feel like the most sublime person on earth, so you will never suspect that, when I take you home, that I have a knife with your name on it~
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appleyjuiceboy · 5 years ago
@thecafeleblanc​ wishes to speak to the Palace Ruler. 
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“...I knew that you were going to try and sneak in here. What purpose do you have in this place?” 
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blxe-skys-of-coxrage · 5 years ago
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Here is the prince, washing off and cooling down from a grueling training regiment when he spots an unfamiliar black mop of hair. Looking up from his dampened towel, Dimitri speaks up, “Yes, may I be of help? Are you new to the academy?”
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chainsawlove · 5 years ago
[He finds Juliet after school and has arrived with an ornate white box full of white chocolate dipped strawberries, a carefully wrapped bundle of white 'mystery flavor' lollipops, and a white bottle of *chainsaw oil.*] Happy White Day.
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            “  OH. MY. GAWD.  ”   Juliet squealed. She curled her fingers around the gifts and held them close. Happiness flowed through her, warming her skin like the rays of an early summer sun. Her customary grin exploded into a radiant smile. Akira always put a giant smile on her face. He was always so thoughtful and kind and hot, it was why she fell so hard for him.  Juliet planted a kiss on his cheek and she could feel the warmth of his skin. Her mind felt like a pleasant buzz. 
            “  You know, the sweets are amazing, but I’d rather eat you up. ~  ”
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corruptedpersona · 6 years ago
Au with @thecafeleblanc
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   ~ {  ♥️  ♥️  ♥️  }  ~
                  The pain that once   BURNED   like fire had faded away to an icy numbness. Black filled the edges of his vision   &   the only thing he could hear was his own staggering footsteps towards the nearest place for shelter. His breath came in ragged, shallow gasps. People stared as he passed them, clearly acknowledging something was wrong with him, though they did nothing to help. It was the first time he had a hard time blending in with the crowd. Akira inhaled a trembling breath, sweat accumulating on his skin   :   icy cold. He knew what was happening to him, though he did not expect it to happen so soon. 
                  He was dying. 
                  DEATH   was nowhere near as merciful as he had dreamed of it being,   &   with each hurried step he took he felt himself grow weaker. The clock ticked   ;   his time left was limited. Oxygen was slowly being ripped   &   snatched from his lungs leaving scars of   REGRET   on the weak tissue. Every waking minute was pain. Every movement sent screaming agonies dancing across the vulnerable flesh. His surroundings blurred into a new   SICK   reality only the broken could see. He was shattered. He was a ghost in his own machine. A ghost floating in an   ACID   lake slowly nearing the departure of earth. Only one question taunted him   .   .   .   Heaven or Hell   ?   ?   ?   Oh wait, even worse. 
                  It belonged to Nyarlathotep.
                  He turned   &   hid in a dark alley. Anything to escape the   LINGERING   eyes. Darkened gray smudges of wool threateningly surrounded the sky   ;   like a predator would encircle its prey. A startling low rumble rang loud in the cool air, the sky roaring with satisfaction. Trickles of liquid hit the ground with as much force as a small child. Hungrily, drizzles turn into canon fires, barricading everything in its way. A sense of cleanliness caressed the atmosphere, washing away all impurities. Though unfortunately he could not enjoy the weather during his current predicament. 
                  He was alerted when he heard another pair of footsteps behind him. Some thug perhaps   ?   ?   ?   Akira didn’t have time to deal with their bullshit. But he was vulnerable. If his heart was still functioning he was certain it would have been   POUNDING   hard against his chest. Akira turned a corner,   &   waited. Akira’s shaking hands searched for the butterfly knife in his pocket, wrapping his sweaty fingers around the handle. He waited for the stalker to turn the same corner he did. 
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   ~ {  ♥️  ♥️  ♥️  }  ~
                   He was quick. As soon as the person turned the corner, Akira mustered enough strength to push them to the nearest wall, a hand on the other’s chest with his blade at their throat. A small trail of   BLOOD   trickled down his victim’s throat, but when they uttered his name Akira froze instantly. It was only then did he realize who this stalker was. 
                   “   A-Akira   ?   ?   ?   Why are you following me   ?   ?  ?   ”   he removed the blade immediately. Great, he didn’t want the other to see him like this. 
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shiftxdxquilibrium · 5 years ago
I want you to break into hell with me and rob the gods blind.
“I mean aren’t we doing that now?”
The depths of Mementos wail around them, but all Pilot can see and hear is Joker. She strides forward, goggles ‘round her neck as she wraps her arms around his neck. Pilot smiles, grinning ear to ear as she presses their lips together.
Turning her head, she can see the Grail down below. Before, she would’ve felt guilty. But now, there’s a thrill of adrenaline. They’re going to steal the holiest of holy relics and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
It’s a high all its own and it’s delicious.
“I call dibs on any tiara we find.”
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frozenexecutioner · 5 years ago
[He's waiting in Mitsuru's room -- a master thief can break in anywhere -- holding a pristine snow-white bag in his lap. He's got that fake innocent smile on his lips -- bright eyes and a hint of a smirking curve of the lip. The contents of the bag? Three things, as is tradition: a bottle of whipped cream, a white bottle of massage oil, and *white silk rope.*] Happy White Day, Mitsuru.
White Day 2020 from Akira @thecafeleblanc
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“Well well, a phantom thief has found his way into my private abode?” She feigned shock at the sight of the fluffy haired male that sat perched on the edge of her bed, knowing all too well just how simple it would be for someone with his  skills to have gained access to her humble city apartment. The bag in his lap caught her eyes and she couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle as her mind raced considering what could be held within. “You spoil me, mon tresor~”
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electricea-a · 5 years ago
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“Hey, Akira…!” He raises one hand invitingly, his sudden gesture causing a slight splash in the water.  “Come on in, the water’s great!”
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batteredmettle-archive · 5 years ago
thecafeleblanc replied to your post: squanto
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the-flower-karasu · 1 year ago
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@thecafeleblanc replied to your post “What bible character are you?”:
[He mumbles something unintelligible. Seems like he's uncomfortable.]
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If you've got something to say, then please, go ahead and share it with the class~
[Her expression is subtly, but playfully, sadistic]
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exounecrosis-blog · 6 years ago
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            All of his focus was on the front windshield   &&   not the rear view mirror.  The Prince hummed, trying to catch the wind against his face   &&   hair. He loved driving the Regalia. The sun flashed   &&   flickered behind tall trees, his surroundings were for the most part covered in green. There were a million smells along this road, both old   &&   just born. He wish he could close his eyes   &&   pretend he was flying. His three friends were   thankfully   fast asleep in their seats,   &&   he was left with his thoughts. 
            Unknown to the Prince for now, the sun had grown weaker. Beautiful   &&   clear as it had been, the morning   (   as the day approached the completion of its first half  )   had become damp   &&   misty. Heavy clouds moved from the north   &&   were invading the area around him. It seemed to be fog,   &&   perhaps this fog was also rising from the ground, but it was difficult to distinguish the mists that rose from below   &&   those that came down from above. It had become difficult to discern the bulk of the more distant mountains. He squinted, cursing to himself. How odd, it was sunny just a moment ago   .   .   .   
             He turned his head, expecting Prompto to be sleeping peacefully with his mouth slightly open.  Noctis nearly jumped out of his seat. Either the mist was so heavy he couldn’t even see his friend   .   .   .   or he wasn’t there at all. His anxieties were kicking in, though he tried to remain calm. He called for the other, but there was no response. He looked over his shoulder next, only to realize neither Gladio or Ignis were in the vehicle either. His heart began to hammer against his chest. Was he going insane   ?
            He focused on the road in front of him, gripping the wheel tighter. He was not going to have panic attack right now. He needed to remain calm. Seconds became minutes, but he continued to drive further into the thick fog. Noctis believed he was having another realistic dream. After ten minutes passed, he could barely make out something in the distance. Well, several things actually. The closer he got, he finally realized what he was saw. 
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            “   Buildings   ?   Where am I   ?   ”    he was more than confused. Did he make a wrong turn   ?   The fog died down a bit,   &&  soon he was able to distinguish the world around him. But that didn’t help him one bit. He had no idea where the hell he was. He knew he was in a town of some sort, but this was   .   .   .   completely different from what he was use to. The structures were different. Gods, he was going to have a heart attack. He needed to park the Regalia    &&   talk to someone, anyone. He never thought he would ever want to talk to other people   (   considering he was quite the introvert   ).
            He could feel people staring at him.
            As soon as he found a place to park he could feel the eyes of the people directly on him. It was as if they knew he wasn’t from around here. Did his face give it away   ?    
             The sun had disappeared long ago, replaced by grey   &&   rain. Small droplets fell on his head,   &&   a groan left his lips. Great, just great. Outside the drizzling rain had begun again. It pattered around him,   &&   on the roofs   &&   leaves, like a million, tiny, stealthy feet. Noctis found himself running into the nearest building, somewhere to offer him shelter. He barely noticed the small sign that read LE BLANC. He entered, drenched   &&   shivering. The Prince was a mess.
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the-phantom-crow · 5 years ago
((continued from here)) @thecafeleblanc​
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[The last enemy falls and Goro spins to face Joker, looking annoyed]
What’s with the attitude? I don’t have time to be nursing your bruised ego!
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appleyjuiceboy · 5 years ago
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@thecafeleblanc​ said: 🗝 What do you think your life with Rumi would have been like? Send 🗝 to force my muse to talk about a topic they never want to speak of
Maruki went silent for a moment, a broken smile on his face. 
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“You’re rather to the point, aren’t you? I loved her, even if I was just a meager scientist at the time. If we could’ve stayed together... I’m sure that we would’ve been married. 
...Unfortunately, reality isn’t that nice now, is it?” 
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blxe-skys-of-coxrage · 5 years ago
😘 for Dimitri
😘 Would my muse have sex on the first date? 
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“NO! Goddess forbid I wind up with a bastard!”
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