#(( some point! but first i gotta get this off the ground lmao- also this post is supposed to be a mix of funny/crack & slight lore insight?
fuckery-labs · 2 years
day 8 of the «𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝_𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜» experiment. i can see the hat man. i’m not sure if i’m hallucinating, or fluffy or one of the who knows how many other hat-wearing people has broken into my house, but i think i’m gonna stare at the hat man until he leaves. i should really fix the holes in here….
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pennydoe · 1 year
PLEASE tell me more about the Saskatchewan slasher au, I desperately wanna draw some stuff for it, it looks so cool
OK SO BASICALLY it's in the 1980s cause i LOVE old 80 and 90s slashers, and The choir r more or less the schools newspaper/yearbook committee and stuff. Penny is the new girl, having recently moved to Uranium for the same reason in Legoland, y'know.. the weed smoking shit lmaooo but uh-
(this is all a wip btw i migjt change it cause i haven't really had time to myself the last few weeks)Basically Penny joins yearbook and the school paper to get to know some people, and she's a instant hit with them all, especially ocean cause ofc i gotta make it perfectdolls, but being in those two groups makes noel and especially ocean way to curious for their own good so they drag penny along to a abandoned house they've heard strange reports about and find smth in it (im still deciding if it's gonna be like a haunted book or some relic i honestly don't know) and it ends up in Penny being possessed by a demon/ghost/witch and essentially becoming Jane, but a extremely murderous version.
Noel and Ocean have to flee from Jane, or Doll-Face, and find the rest of 'choir' and they sorta have to figure out a way to save penny and also stop her from her murder spree, and first they gotta actually FIND HER and not let her kill THEM.
It's mostly Noel, Ocean, and Penny/Jane centered ofc cause the choir splits off into two groups to try to cover more ground, so Savannah (Ricky ofc, I just love the Savannah HC), Constance, and Mischa are all in their own group doing seperate research so they can cover more ground..
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uhmmm i don't really like Noel's outfit but i Aammmm struggling on designing it a bit, But Jane does wear the same stuff as Penny ofc and i'm still designing the rest of the choir.. Maybe i'll write a fic of if? Idk man.. i'm to stressed lately to really write
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here's some unfinished doodles from when i was first coming up with the idea, i really like the post of Jane in the second one so i migjt finish that ..
I wanna finish the designs for the others tomorrow but the issue is i have like... 6 school projects to finish and it's getting so bad to the point i tnink im developing marie antoinette syndrome.. it's either that or i'm paranoid lmao
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babygirlgh0st · 1 year
Modern Leper
Summary; Despite living with Simon Riley for several months now, the intricacies of his mind still find ways to surprise you; Tonight is nothing new for either of you.  Word count; 2,245 A/N; This is the first fic I’ve actually finished and decided to post for CoD! I rarely ever post my writing, so forgive me if it isn’t the best. I just really love Ghost, and my fiance deals with night terrors and I saw an outlet and decided to run it into the ground with this. The relationship dynamic for them is something I cherish and is loosely inspired by this song. I could write a three hour power-point on all the trauma this man struggles with, but for now y’all gotta deal with my drabbling instead lmao. No beta we die like men. 
I’m also open to taking requests, if you have anything to offer me :>  Warnings; Vague mentions of past trauma/gore/death, night terrors, ambiguous and complex situationships, minor physical harm (unintentional), hurt/comfort. 
It had taken you months to finally convince Simon to move in with you, just like it had taken nearly a year for him to admit to your not-quite relationship. It was based on understanding more than love or romance; The common knowledge that you shared the same weight as the other, that your weird quirks were complimentary despite their usually volatile state. 
You both understood each other's needs, traumas, the baggage you both carried within yourselves that you’d yet to find the space to put down. He needed space and quiet, a silent companion who never seemed to judge him for whatever ailed him at any moment, and you had a supernatural ability to read him like a book and offer what you could when he needed it without a word being exchanged. It was an invaluable bond you two shared, not quite love, but not quite friendship. You just knew each other like you were one and the same, and found safety in that fact. He had grown to trust you, and you found solace with him, and you were relieved when he relented to moving into your sad one bedroom apartment. Filling some empty void that always seemed to follow you in life. 
You had been having such a nice dream, something warm and soft and honey sweet for once, when the yelling started. It dredged you from the depths of sleep, like ripping off a band-aid or throwing ice water down your shirt, and you blearily shot up in bed in surprise as you blinked into the dark of your shared bedroom, seeking its source.
Simon had warned you about his night terrors, but you hadn’t fully comprehended just how bad they could get sometimes. Yelling, screaming, pained moans and thrashing like he was an animal caged, feral and in desperate need to escape himself. He’d told you that there wasn’t much to do about them, and apologized when he said to just let him be until they were over. He’d even insisted on sleeping on the couch for several months upon moving in under the concern that he’d hurt you or cost you sleep, or god forbid traumatize you even further than your shared line of work already had. 
It took you a few moments to process that it was happening again, blinking the sleep out of your eyes as you watched Simon jerk in his sleep across the bed, sheets twisted around his limbs in a way that you found both angelic and heartbreaking in the moonlight from the window. You were sure there wasn’t a single way he could appear to you that you wouldn’t find beautiful, though you knew better than to voice those thoughts out loud. 
He remembered everything if he was woken up in the middle of a night terror, though waking him up while in one of his fits was a feat of its own. You had relented to leave him be and fight his demons in his dreams undisturbed, until the neighbors started to complain about the noise. It killed you to see the haunted, distant look he would always get the following morning if he didn’t sleep through it, but he understood that it couldn’t continue, not in your subpar apartment. After a few too many noise complaints, things had to change. 
“Simon?” You called softly, voice heavy with sleep as you shifted to face him, watching him for a few moments. You knew that pinched expression, visible even through his balaclava that his face was an image of agony. You’d never learned what he had been through- never anticipated you’d get to know- but it still made you question the poor man’s past as you watched him squirm and groan in pain in your sheets. 
“Simon,” you call his name more loudly this time, shifting closer to him on the bed as you did. 
You had never let go of the hope that maybe one day, you’d be able to soothe away his nightmares with just your voice. That your presence alone could banish the horrors that he hid inside of himself, the things he fought back during the day that he couldn’t run from at night. You prayed for a day when you could simply whisper sweet nothings to him, and ease his pain without having to wake him. 
It had yet to work despite your insistent efforts, and after a couple more minutes of soft crooning and attempts to console him with no changes in his behavior, you relented to the one trick you and Ghost had found to wake him up; Sternum rubs. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said as you always did, before shifting to get out of bed and walk around to his side of the mattress. He’d attempted to grab or punch you the few times you’d had to resort to this specific method in the past, and you couldn’t blame him for it; it was an agonizing sensation to experience, and he had always been adverse to physical contact regardless of whether or not he had just suffered a night terror. You couldn’t fault him for lashing out when you woke him from painful dreams in an equally as painful way, even if it cost you a few bruises. At least if you were standing, you had a better chance of moving out of reach when he did come to. With a sharp breath in, you lowered your knuckles down onto the solid muscle and bone of his sternum and pressed, dragging your fist across his chest.
It didn’t take long for him to let out a shuddering gasp, a choked yell of “Get the fuck off me!” following after. It left you flinching, startled by the outburst despite this situation not being a new one. His eyes flew open in shock as his hand locked tight, too tight around your wrist in a grip that brought a squeal to your lips. You knew by now it would leave bruises, the skin tight and twisted under his calloused palm as he ripped your hand off of him.  
“G-ghost! It’s me, it’s me,” you chanted, fear evident in your words as you tried to not struggle against his grip. You had never been able to get used to the violence in his awakenings, the way he would shudder and heave like he’d been shot. His eyes were frantic, manic as he stared at the room around him, at himself, at you as if he had never seen you before in his life, your words foreign in his ears. 
“Simon… It’s okay. You’re okay, you’re at ho-”
“Shut up.” 
He panted heavily, releasing your wrist from his ironclad grip as he shifted to sit up in the bed. His eyes were squeezed tight, hands reaching to cover his face as he tried to reorient himself to the waking world. His body shuddered and rattled as if still stuck inside of his dream, somewhere else, experiencing who knows what. You stood silently beside the bed as you watched him, letting him calm down in his own time.
It felt like a century before he spoke, but his words were much softer despite the way his hands trembled against himself. 
“...I’m sorry, love,” he mumbled, fingers rubbing at his eyes as he forced everything in his mind down into the trenches of himself. Hiding away from your concerned eyes as you watched him like a hawk. His scars throbbed, his skin still clinging to the feeling of blood and dirt and rot as if he had never showered since everything had happened to him. 
“It’s okay, Si,” you said quietly, finally letting yourself move, breathe, as you made your way back to your side of the bed and settled back into the sheets there. 
“You… Can I get you anything?” You offered, always trying to be helpful after an episode. Always supportive and gentle and quiet in his presence as he struggled to hold everything down like bile in the back of his throat, threatening to spill out. A mug of tea, an ear, a shoulder, a warm bath, it was always the same with you despite him always pushing you away every time. He usually settled for silence and nothing more, and this time didn’t seem any different. 
Simon finally pulled his hands from his face, blue eyes exhausted as he stared down at your red wrist with a look of heartbreaking guilt. You knew he was staring; he always did when he’d hurt you after this happened, guilty and pained as he struggled to chew and swallow the reality of once again doing the one thing he always told himself he wouldn’t. 
“I’ll get you some ice,” he offered, no room for argument in his words as he shifted out of bed with a groan and disappeared from the bedroom. Your hand cradled your inflamed wrist, and as you looked down at it you could already see the angry, finger-shaped signs of a bruise forming under your skin. 
He’d always shown his care through action, insisting he was bad with words and worse with touch, so he settled on the little things to try and bring his affections across to you. Grabbing things that were too high for you to reach, doing the extra steps to make whatever task you had at hand that much easier, bringing you small souvenirs when he went on an assignment that you couldn’t follow him on. 
He returns with a deep rooted sadness in his eyes, silently asking for your injured hand as he goes to wrap a bag of frozen peas around it like you were made of glass; something so fragile, so delicate. It felt wrong to feel you in his hands, no matter how careful he swore to be with you, the feeling of staining or breaking you never leaving the back of his mind as he iced the wound he’d caused.
“Really, it’s okay,” you reassured him a second time, offering him a gentle smile as you let him ice your wrist for you. It felt like he was licking a wound like a dog, trying to erase the accidental damage he caused like he always tried with himself. He only offers you a curt nod at your words, and once he’s decided your wrist is sufficiently encased in the frozen peas does he let you go and return to his spot in the bed. 
“It was the coffin, this time,” he says in a low voice, rough from yelling and the cigarettes he tended to chain-smoke every second he was off base and out of your shared home. 
You turn to stare at him in surprise, not expecting him to be open about what happened as your mind reeled from just that one sentence. He stares down at his hands in his lap as he speaks, but you can tell his eyes are looking at something beyond your gaze. 
“It… Isn’t the worst one, but it’s still not great.” Simon laughs bitterly, shaking his head to try and rid his mind of the memories. Some part of him still felt like he was stuck down there trying to claw himself out, nothing but the rotten bones of someone else to help him along. 
You aren’t sure what to say in response. A part of you wants to pry, to take the mile he’s offered with the inch given and see what horrible things seem to follow him like a shadow, but you can’t bring yourself to respond. Instead, you open your arms to him, head cocked to the side in question. 
A hug. Simple, easy, comforting- For you at least. He looks up at you quietly for a few moments, the air easy and calmer in the space between you both as he considers your offer. His eyes are raw and wet when he finally relents, folding himself easily into your arms. 
You make a point of ignoring the way his shoulders silently shake as he presses himself against you, his own arms going to loop around your waist with that same fragile care he’s always given to just you. An olive branch in the distance he always held between you, for his safety or your own you weren’t sure. You accept it all the same though, hands light and gentle as they go to rest against the back of his head, his shoulders, his spine; petting him like a wounded dog, some poor pet dying on the side of the road. 
“You’re safe now, love,” You whisper in hesitance, body wound tight like a live wire as you wait to do something you shouldn't, cross some unspoken boundary you weren’t able to pick up on in this uncharted territory; But the moment never comes. His shoulders still shake, his face finding refuge in the pulse point between shoulder and throat, and you both act like your skin isn’t damp as you let him hide inside of you. 
You don’t think you’ll ever find the right word for what you two have. It felt like something too delicate, too raw and wounded to be love, but it felt like it went deeper than just simple understanding. Beyond the realms of your minds or bodies, beyond the atrocities the two of you had both committed and been subjected to. 
All that really matters to you though is that he trusts you, and you trust him, and you decide that that is all that matters. 
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vt-scribbles · 2 months
Hey um, sorry if this is an intrusive or unhappy question, or anything, but: how long did it take for you to get your fics off the ground, find an audience? I've been working so hard for so long on my own stories, and... nobody's really biting. I know it's a marathon, not a sprint, but it's hard not to feel discouraged. Some perspective and perhaps even advice from someone who's much farther along than me would be appreciated, if you could spare some for a stranger.
Idk if I'm really the right person to ask! I am far from what other people would call 'successful' in that department- The Harvester has like 10 active people following it at any point, and Find Your Wings has 0 audience currently [when looking at the big picture] LMAO
I get it though, I'm in the same struggling boat.
The genuine advice I can give is you gotta just keep doing it, be passionate, be obsessed with your own thing. If you are, your freak energy will attract other freaks who like your Whole Thing you got going on.
Also, keep in mind that The Harvester, which is infinitely more well known [but still such a tiny fish in the sea] was based on an existing property, Steven Universe.
Getting fully original stuff of the ground comes from a lot of being a freak, posting about it often, being open and approachable, and getting lucky.
Nobody ever wants to hear about the Luck part of things, but it's a lot of that. Also, in order to get found, you need to go be friendly with other creators, other authors. Make them feel seen and appreciated, and be honest and genuine about it for the sake of community, not benefiting yourself, and you'll bring people to you. But ya gotta love it for its own sake first. Audience will come naturally if you genuinely love something and act like it.
EDIT: Also I hate to say this but it came up after I originally responded- speaking from experience, people will smell if you're desperate for an audience or feel downtrodden/ignored/lesser. And it's a turn-off. While there's value in being vulnerable and honest sometimes online and being human... if you're constantly down on yourself or spend more time complaining about things than you do building yourself up and hyping your work, it'll be depressing to try and follow the projects.
A lot of folks don't wanna hear that part, and neither did I. But when I started being positive more often than negative, the people around me started changing into a more positive community.
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torao-chan · 10 days
First post won't be connected with the other, which'll be a long chain, but here's the sketches that led up to me buying a new, proper notebook for sketching in.
This series of pages took place over, like, three or four (five? time's weird) months, until the frequency increased to the point where we felt our creativity was really beginning to find it's footing again.
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This first batch was all built off of inspiration given to us by fanaticsnail's sub Kid fics asdlkjkgldjsfkg We never ended up finishing them might still finish the top kid on the second page though because none of them Hit The Right Vibe we were going for alkdsjlkgjkdf We were still fighting Perfectionism off at that point
Some specific notes:
Shoes are still a weak point of ours. Like a lotta human related things. We just gotta keep practicing until we get there 😿
We wanted to try and figure out drawing Bepo cause!! He's so cute alksdjlkgfdg Still trying to hit the middle ground between Oda's style and our furry art style asdgfdshf >w>;;
We did a lot of body and expression studies and I have a spare page that has since gone missing of more of these no idea where that went
Hands my beloved-beloathed. Love drawing them, suck at it.
Along with trying to nail the Kid that stuck in our head from this fic, we also tried to nail the Killer that came from discussions around this fic. Both we're not happy with, but neither we've given up on yet ( `д´)9 they haunt us in our waking moments. lurking the back of our mind. we'll nail it eventually
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These pages are when we started going 'but... what if we made keychains'. Still may end up using some of these sketches for keychains and/or stickers or something.
Some specific notes:
We wanna turn the rook-rook on the first page into a bookmark for Lil' Red >w>;; may not get it done in time for their birthday though
Also want to make a dangle Hot Cross Bun keychain so he may make a reappearance too!
Really, really still love the LuLaw-SunMoon dangle charm concept. That IS going to become something eventually.
Tobiuo on the second page is fanaticsnail's OC >w> we wanna make a something for her still asdlkjgflkd just still trying to find something that Hits Right
Really wanna make a NYEP Luffy sticker. Haven't given up on that concept yet either laksdjklgfdg
If you've seen one of those base sketches fully developed, no you haven't 😏 I'll come back and link it after a certain date lmao.
Also some base sketches for gift ideas for residual. I will find something that clicks ( `д´)9 I swear ittttt
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A mixture of maybe sticker? Designs? And some general furry warm ups alongside my dreams of a Friendly Flower Pal reversible keychain set, which still needs to be seen accomplished. Also also; Guard Point Chopper - Marimo Zoro - Puffle!Luffy as a sticker set is still Prevalent in my mind.
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The base concept sketch for this reversible keychain which just needs to be printed out now! Along with the complete brainrot for this post that slapped me across the face that One Morning. And also. Booty short concept Lil' Red and I came up with after discussing my Birthday Cake that week lmao.
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Last sketch before the new sketchbook was bought, which was the attempted drafts for this art born of the fanfic brainrot Minniaa gave me asdlkjglkfdj. Sexy and happy poses, apparently, I struggle with greatly. But angst? Can nail that in a heartbeat; an old friend, if you would aldskjglkfdg
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le-trash-prince · 1 year
OF Episode 9 Thoughts
I had to watch without my friend this week so it was a less exciting experience without the usual screaming, but this ep was so good. Honestly I don’t know why people are worried about the show not having enough episodes left to wrap up all their plot lines because they cover SO MUCH GROUND in every episode
first off I’ve been internally screaming about SandNick since the promo pics dropped AHFKFJDJDJD THE WHIPLASH THIS CREW HAS PUT MY THROUGH TODAY.
Ray peaked in his full problematic era and it was finally to the point where I could fully enjoy it. Go girl, pressure Mew into having sex. Cheat on the boy you’ve been chasing for years, give Sand that toxic romance energy!
Top spent this whole episode in a precarious balance of trying to do right by Mew but pushing things too far, and he was always one sentence away from getting punched.
Atom son, you can’t say you weren’t warned or that Boston promised anything more. Boston’s “what the fuck?” was me too LMAO he just wanted to mind his own business doing photography research 😭
I loved Nick coming in with “the logical conclusion is for us to have sex”
disappointment of my life that it didn’t click for them I WOULDN’T HAVE MINDED IF THEY WERE ENDGAME
smh at Ray crashing their roommate time tho THE MOST AWKWARD EXPERIENCE AHDJFJFJF
The SandRay convo in the river was the healthiest communication we have seen from any of these boys. Again we see the transformative effects of water 🙌
Also I was just so glad to hear Sand say so many things that needed to be said. That Ray could have gotten him arrested, that he treats Sand like a possession, that he needs to be nicer to Sand!
Mew falling asleep on his own couch is the realest sign of being Not Okay. I think he really needed some time with his parents, even if he couldn’t talk to them about what he was going through. Sometimes having an outsiders perspective that you’re not doing well can mean so much. I really think they were the catalyst for Mew sobering up. I’ll dig more into this later.
Honestly a relief that Top showed up at Mew’s to talk to him and not because he was stalking him and his moms. I can only deal with one stalker per episode thanks 😔🤚
Nick kissing two men in one ep YOU GO SON
The BostonNick bathroom scene was everything to me I need a separate post for this SHDKFJSJDBFBDBE I’M SO SAD MY FRIEND COULDN’T WITNESS THIS WITH ME WE’VE BEEN WAITING SINCE THE PILOT TRAILER 😭😭😭😭
I am begging Ray to go to therapy and to learn about ethical non-monogamy that man needs a counselor and two boyfriends
I don’t recognize the song that was playing during the SandRay sex scene but it definitely seemed like a brit rock song which is on brand and I appreciate
I’m so glad Sand didn’t do Ray’s social service for him oh my god THE BIGGEST RELIEF
I’m also glad Top decided not to show the video to Mew! So many good decisions this episode!! I hope he recognized that Mew has been through enough of that kind of drama and that there are better ways to learn about this kind of thing.
Also so glad MewRay talked things out and parted cleanly. Sometimes ppl really do gotta date a friend to figure out that it doesn’t work.
I appreciated the MewCheum convo a lot too.
Honestly this episode ended way more cleanly than I was expecting after part one. I think if Top had shown Mew that video, Mew really might have lost it and just killed someone.
Next week’s preview looks so good!!!
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quincyhorst · 3 months
Some Concering Things About (Manga) Samuel Mayo: The Post
Some add-on to the previous Samuel post. This draft was originally meant to combine his profile analysis too, yet that ended up being dispersed in previous posts. So this will be focusing only on manga!Samuel and few stuff I originally wanted to say on his backstory.
Overall... Samuel in the overall Yabuten manga is weird. He just randomly goes to bully some keeper children just because of their nationality (🤨), shoots twice to flex on them, and gets humilliated in BOTH occassions. And worst part is that we just don't see him again...
But while I was reading his chapter, there's some particular things that stood out with me.
First off the initial context; Samuel comes to Endou during his quest of catching 100 shoots. When he appears, he seems to inspire fear on the crowd, to the point one of the passerbies straight up introduces him the following way:
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アイツは激しいプレイでたくさんのケガ人を出しているあぶないFWだ! He is a dangerous forward who has injured many people through his intense play!
DeePL translates this phrase quite differently, but I do believe that Google Translate's the more accurate one, mainly because the word "ケガ人" means wounded person. Either way, I feel like you know what's going on: Samuel has injured many, many people on the field, enough for even some random to know about it. Worrying.
(He also very rude towards footballs >:( )
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Also, said previous passerby also tries to warn Endou when he accepts to catch Samuel's shoot.
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あいつのシュートは危険だ! That guy's shot is dangerous!
For a non-player to be THAT worried of Samuel and his aggresive play, it makes one wonder 1- How did RM pass to Liocott on this specific scenario, BUT ALSO 2- Why Samuel does keep his position on a national selection. Seriously (Unless he got a red card and this is his way of coping. LMAO)
One last line that honestly concerns me a lot comes from Samuel himself after he uses his hissatsu Dragon Ground/Land Dragon/whatever.
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荒ぶる牛をも倒すこのシュート。 "This shot can knock down even a raging cow."
...I genuinely don't want to know HOW he came to that conclusion. I really don't want to.
I'm aware this is Inazuma, the franchise where 13 year old bear killers exist, plus some instances where animals are fought on by other characters. And to add, we're ALSO at the Tenya Yabuno manga, where things are more hashtag hardcore. So it wouldn't be too surprising (Although horrifying) that in that Ina11's Spain there might have happened the situation of literal soccer bullfighting.
I mean, in the same manga Endou brings a bull to train... Who knows, maybe Red Matador did the same too, but it went south (?
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Either way, I think that's all what we gotta say about Samu for now. If his manga profile truly shows the personality he's meant to have, then that's... Something to say the least. Specially when removing the backstory I did for him. I actually don't know to say if I like him or not.
But hey... Remember that every medium of Ina11 tends to play by its own rules at times, so... You don't have to worry much if you want to go a different route than what's shown here.
Personally, in my setting Samuel is a bit too rough when attacking, yes, but not enough to cause actual injuries. </3
...Okay, bye for now. Here's a random happy Samuel for ya >:D
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We in Spain are called 'red matadors'.
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chellyfishing · 1 year
the girlies are going through it so i’ve watched even more stuff lately
i forgot in the last post that phil and i are keeping up with my adventures with superman (we are going to watch the newest one[s] today!) and this show is just. exactly what i want in superman media. because it’s superman! it’s why i love superman!!!!!! it’s just colorful and fun and he’s so puppy!!! and it’s incredibly anime, like they’re really out here wearing their inspirations on their sleeves and i love them for it. if you like superman who is actually superman and not batman but wearing blue this is the show for you. (and!!! he’s got the underwear!!)
bella and i also have started only murders in the building season 3. not much to say yet cause only two episodes but we’re off to a good start! i shan’t spoil who is IN THIS SEASON OH MY GOODNESS but i will remind everyone who forgot like we did that paul rudd.
we unexpectedly marathoned our flag means death the other night cause i had still not yet watched it and uhh. i mean do i really need to go into this one? xae was also there while we watched and he ended up getting sucked in to the point he was literally yelling at the show by episode nine. (also: when lucius was like “i know i’m not cute but i’ve decided to carry myself as if i am”? that’s the energy i want to embody from now on.)
as for movies: i think i should have included in the last one but am not sure about the order of things because time is fake that i saw insidious for the first time. i actually wrote a little mini-essay in my head about gender roles in that movie but it wasn’t as egregious about it as, say, a quiet place. like insidious doesn’t make me low-key a bit mad like that one does lmao. it has some real good spookenings! too bad the sequels are apparently real bad cause i would like to have continued the story, but it’s not killing me or anything. like that cliffhanger didn’t make me tear my hair out or whatever. it’s patrick wilson he’ll be fine.
we watched an irish film called the hole in the ground which is about a hole in the ground (that has some evil fey creatures in it). it was good! it’s very beautiful and quiet and atmospheric and i am a slut for atmosphere. this is for if you want a straightforward but artistic horror film.
then we watched the night house, and i guess horror movies don’t feel the need to have warnings because it’s a horror movie and you know it’s going to be horrific but we both wish we’d been warned ahead of time how much this one deals with suicide. it was really good and i could probably write a lot on it but it was also quite heavy and hit really hard. the ending had us both nearly in tears. recommended but with that warning.
(we rewatched the menu afterward to bring the mood back up. good-ass movie.)
and last night!! we watched red white and royal blue! i read the book ages ago but bella and rose were both going in pretty much blind and i’m so pleased with how much they loved it. i think it was a good adaptation. they kept what made the book a good read (it’s just a little modern romantic fairy tale with two men) and i think they conveyed the vibes of the developing relationship well. the lads played the roles well and with a lot of heart and sincerity. let’s not try to force either of them to come out over it though please? also in that vein: i am afraid that the release of the film is going to revive The Discourse about the story, so this is a reminder that mcquiston wrote it around the 2016 election as a way to cope and escape to a better and more just world. they know what it is and what it says.
can’t remember what else i’ve watched besides quite a bit of black mirror. i’ve been kind of choosy with the episodes because i’m still fucking haunted by the first one!!! why did they do that!!!!! but i gotta say. sarah hawkinson on youtube was so right. nosedive might be the best episode of the whole thing. just flawless. I could watch that ending scene ten thousand times i love it so much. special shoutout to joan is awful which is another current fav. maybe if i get through the whole series i’ll do a full ranking.
oh. and still playing zelda. haven’t got another divine beast but have fought a looooot of lynels. now just going around trying so hard to get guardians to drop ancient cores. not a sign of a giant one yet and i need THREE MORE PLEASE COME ON.
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voidimp · 3 months
im embarrassed to say but i dont know what kind of setting oli and cameron are in. is it like dnd or modern times? are vampires and necromancers publicly known or a secret?
technically they belong to a few different settings, one of them is modern but i dont do much w that one anymore, theres the games they originally came from (oli was my first character in sunless sea & cameron was from a game of blades in the dark that never really made it off the ground), sometimes other miscellaneous things. BUT we are not here to talk about those. we are here to talk about lor.
if youve seen any of my posts about some kind of victorian cyberpunk nonsense, thats lor. (if you havent, dw, i dont mention it super frequently.) its not The Most Accurate description, but it gets the point across well enough — basically a cyberpunk setting with a victorian(ish) aesthetic. i say "ish" bc like... really the architecture is where its the most accurate, but even thats a little loose. in terms of fashion,
some of it is more edwardian, some of it is like that fake victorian vampire aesthetic, theres some influence from ouji/lolita styles to some degree... and then blend that in with some more typical cyberpunk stuff, from the fashion to the technology to the neon signs... its kind of a weird combination & im still trying to find the right balance with a lot of stuff lmao.
in-universe, lor got its start as a kind of trading hub, since its sort of in the middle of the map in relation to the other continents. the cultures in any given part of the continent have a lot of variance, largely influenced by the cultures of whichever other continent is nearest. the main sort of country (yet unnamed) of the story with cameron & oli mostly takes influence from the us (bc of my personal familiarity) & the uk (bc of the settings they originally came from), but theres still a bit of a mix. id love to get more into developing the rest of the world eventually, but i gotta focus on whats immediately relevant first.
as for vampires, demons, etc... its the kind of thing everyone Knows About but doesnt Talk About. its not a secret that they exist, but its mostly discussed in hushed tones, and people arent gonna just out themselves. theres definitely some prejudice at play against people who are inhuman (or "manufactured" humans, but thats like. a whole separate thing), and secret identities are a pretty big part of the story as a whole. this is actually pretty central to the main city (also yet unnamed lmao), which has a second sort of underground city within it. everyone knows its there, most people frequent it, but theres a sort of unspoken rule that you dont speak about what goes on there. its very common for people to wear disguises, particularly masks. undercuts became a popular hairstyle because someone tying their hair up, in combination with wearing a mask and perhaps a hood or hat, can help to obscure their identity. maybe not to the point of being totally unrecognizable, but at least to the point of causing uncertainty. (this is definitely not bc i just like undercuts & wanted some sort of reason to justify so many characters having them.) even if you do recognize someone, you pretend you dont. of course, sometimes tarnishing your own reputation just a bit can be worth it for the sake of blackmail or rumors... people do love a bit of drama.
magic & such has less of a stigma around it, mostly because it tends to not be very strong. its rare for humans to be capable of magic; its more something people are born with than something they learn, so no like. wizards walking around with spellbooks or anything like that. generally someone capable of magic will have one small thing they specialize in, & while they can hone their skills, theres really not much of a way to learn more. even demons, who are much more in tune with magic, have limits; camerons influence over weather, for example, is fairly weak (since theyre only a half demon), but even their fathers magic doesnt go beyond the scope of weather manipulation. its also harder to prove — are they psychic or are they just observant? did they really infuse that drink with magic or was that just the natural effect of the ingredients? did they actually bring someone back from the dead or— well, that one is best not mentioned.
anyway i think. thats about it for the... basics? maybe this went beyond the basics a bit lmao. i think ive said enough for one ask but if u have any more questions tho feel free to ask!!
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starlightshore · 2 years
I've only seen one Danny phantom episode in my life and it was the one where he cloned himself or something so my question for your au is how would he even achieve that is it possible???
(sequel to this post can be found here!)
ok this will. sound insane. but there's actually three "cloning" methods Danny has done in the show. so I have no idea which episode you're talking about
The methods go as such:
Vlad clones Danny, makes a 12 year old girl Dani (with an "I") among other clones who end up as failures. I feel this is a bit messy and IRL cloning as a concept makes me uncomfortable, so in my AU Dani (Ellie, as the fandom calls her to avoid confusion) is just a different timeline Danny
Danny can split his two halves into two people using the Fenton Ghost Catcher. I'll cover how i'll take this story-line in a different post (i gotta rewatch the ep first lmao)
Danny, as a ghost, naturally has the ability to make duplicates. This is what I'm going to be covering in this post
erm. this post covers #body horror and #gore (kinda, it's... cartoony ghost "gore" it's my take on a scene from the show, so nothing like, graphic but still could be upsetting to someone!) so ignore the read-more if either is a squick for ya O:
tho! that said, i write down some of my ghost biology headcanons in here as well :>
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(image descriptions are provided inside the image)
Ghosts are 100% ectoplasm while humans are 100% flesh. Danny, as a halfa, is a mix of both. He's not completely 100% nor 50% -he's 80% of one side at a time.
I like when fics give Danny more "ghostly" side effects that go past just having super powers, like being naturally colder or having a slower heartbeat and breath. Not making noises, like when walking. etc. you get the point.
in contrast, Phantom is more human than other ghosts, breathing when others don't. while Phantom floats as if unaffected by gravity, he tends to stay closer to the ground and keeps his legs more often than not. Not sure if I'll do Ghost Language or anything of the sort, but Danny struggles with learning it when its supposed to be innate to otherworldly beings.
Each both blood and ectoplasm (so you'd see green/red flecks of it) and on the surface, seem 100% normal to their forms. But inside, Danny's organs are transparent (the ectoplasm in the cell tissue makes them semi-invisible) while Phantom has a human bone structure underneath. As ghosts are usually pure ectoplasm and thus constantly shifting shape and states of matter, this skeleton can switch from organic to ectoplasm when needed. (thus, danny can still have a ghostly tail). This means Fenton is lighter than a normal human, and Phantom is heavier.
Normally ectoplasm is corrosive and reacts badly to humans (so no "the entire school gets infected with ghost powers" plot in my AU) so Danny's blood being mixed in both forms should be impossible. The chemical reaction doesn't happen because Danny's entire existence is a paradox. His body is connected to every timeline of himself, bouncing physics off him like oil to water. if his parents were to ever study him they'd get massive headaches.
ghosts are like, literally not of this world. they're from a different dimension where physics (while they mirror our world) are completely different. in a sense, you could say ectoplasm is dark matter (which contrary to common belief, is not dark, it's invisible!) it exists around us and has a gravitational pull on the universe. the portal doesn't move you to a different universe, it shifts your perspective. that's what ghosts do- they just move in a different axis than us.
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As mentioned above, Danny's body normally has a human skeleton, but becomes into pure ectoplasm goo when the body "separates." It actually is still loosely connected with a gaseous ectoplasm (so it's less like losing a finger and rather becoming a sticky hand toy with extra steps)
Danny also has 'guts" which are just more compact ectoplasm goo. He's very "human" for a ghost! Which means he can "breathe" with "lungs." They're not really functioning like actual organs -the lungs expand but the heart is a ghost core and he has no "blood" but rather the ectoplasm naturally swirls around in there. (Well, he does have some blood, just mixed in)
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Gross ghost biology aside, Danny doesn't know about any of that. He does his best to not think about it. (which, despite being a dumb teenager, still is very aware of his sci-fi horror anatomy. dude loves space and sci-fi and horror. of course he knows)
Ghosts can "filter feed" on the ectoplasm (as mentioned, it's actually dark matter!) that exists in the background of our atmosphere. Halfas can convert the energy their body has (as in, calories gained from when human) and create more ectoplasm to create ghost rays (or wail!) or even duplicates. As expected, it's a HUGE calorie burner and exhausting.
Ghosts (and halfas) can recharge with pure ectoplasm -something that Vlad doesn't tell Danny, which is why Vlad can duplicate a lot while Danny struggles to even make a single clone.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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Octopath Traveler Job Skills in a Nutshell (Main 8 Jobs)
Busy with school work rn so I can't post Primrose's Chapter 1 Badly Summarised today
But I still wanted to post some shitpost so here you go
I'll probably do the 4 advanced jobs at some point
Heal Wounds: Here have HP now don't be too reckless
Holy Light: The power of god and anime
Shattering Veil: It's okay the bad elemental magic will hurt less now
Luminescence: The power of god and anime but MORE
Heal More: Here have MORE HP now don't be too reckless
Reflective Veil: No u
Revive: Wake up! All of you! Yes, even you
Aelfric's Auspices: Here have the key to the destruction of all enemies and/or bosses in Orsterra now have fun
Fireball: Haha fire go boom
Icewind: Haha ice go boom
Lightning Bolt: Haha lightning go boom
Analyze: Imagine thinking you can hide your weaknesses from me lmao
Fire Storm: Haha fire go boom BOOM
Blizzard: Haha ice go boom BOOM
Lightning Blast: Haha lightning go boom BOOM
Alephan's Enlightenment: [Enemy name], I choose you... to die by my intense magic abilities
Collect: Give me your money... please? 👉👈
Tradewinds: Haha wind go brrr
Rest: Brb gonna recharge my HP and SP first also lol what's a status ailment
Trade Tempest: Haha wind go BRRR
Donate BP: You get BP! You get BP (on the next turn)! Everyone gets BP (in future turns)!
Sidestep: Imagine hitting me with your physical attack lol
Hired Help: ... Pst! Hey! If I pay you can you help me in battle
Bifelgan's Bounty: BOOM! Heck yeah money!
Level Slash: Tfw there are multiple enemies with sword weaknesses and you want to hit them all
Abide: I am now stronk
Spearhead: Get poked lol also I act earlier in the next turn now thanks
Incite: Hey you! You wanna go? You wanna go huh?
Cross Strike: I will gut you like a fish
Stout Wall: How dare you hurt me with your physical attacks, see I have res now
Thousand Spears: Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke-
Brand's Thunder: I will slam this sword into the ground at you and you will perish
Lions Dance: You're stronk now but for physical damage only
Moonlight Waltz: Haha dark magic go brrr
Peacock Strut: You're stronk now but for elemental damage only
Mole Dance: Hey you! *Gives physical res*
Night Ode: Haha dark magic go BRRR
Panther Dance: I bestow upon you the power to be speed
Bewildering Grace: Either "here you go you deserve only the best" or "Fuck You" there is no in between
Sealticge's Seduction: Sharing is caring but maybe not if you're the enemy and this attack now affects all of you
First Aid: You get HP now but only you
Icicle: Why don't you... cool off for a sec
Rehabilitate: Status ailments, begone!
Amputation: I'm a healer, but...
Empoison: Whoops my hand slipped, have fun suffering
Vivify: Hey you! Wake up! Just you tho
Dohter's Charity: Sharing is caring :) Now we can all have the goods
Steal: Give me your stuff. Now.
Wildfire: Ah man, that's gotta... burn
HP Thief: Hippity hoppity your HP is now my property
Shackle Foe: Your physical attacks are doing less damage now? Whoops, my bad
Armour Corrosive: You have less physical defense now? Whoops, my bad
Steal SP: Hippity hoppity your SP is now my property
Share SP: Fine, I guess you can have some of my SP
Aeber's Reckonning: You wanna see some real speed, bitch? *Obliberates enemies*
Rain of Arrows: You get shot with an arrow, you get show with an arrow!
True Strike: I will shoot specifically you with an arrow
Thunderbird: Well wasn't that... shocking
Leghold Trap: Oh no, you're acting last for two turns now! I wonder how that happened
Mercy Strike: Fine, I guess I'll spare you
Arrowstorm: Everyone gets shot with arrows!
Take Aim: No seriously guys, take aim
Draefendi's Rage: I Will Obliberate You All
Yeah look I don't know what I'm doing
Who even does on this site
Anyways I'll continue working on school work and Primrose's Chapter 1 Badly Summarised so goodbye y'all
What am I doing this isn't even funny
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murdereraisuha · 2 years
Chapter 6 part 4 liveblog and summary (Tower 1 and 2, part 1)
Oh jeez I’ve been so focused on other stuff I didn’t realize the update dropped yesterday. Alright let’s get this show on the road.
Since this update is really long, I will be making multiple posts so please block the tag I use for liveblogs, #update screaming, if you don’t care about this stuff.
Obligatory warnings for spoilers and possible mistranslations.
Since no one in the fandom seems to know how to keep spoilers out of thumbnails, I already got a glance of the overblot, and I just gotta say hooooooooo boy. I love what’s going on with the face.
Okay onto the story. When we left off last time, the gang was about to split up into 3 groups to venture into each of the 3 towers of Tartarus. For this recent update, it looks like the story is split up so you can read the adventures of the 3 groups in any order? I’m watching this on youtube, so I have no idea how this is arranged in game. Anyway, I’m going to start off with the Pomefiore trio + Yuu group.
We start off with the group commenting on its cold and foreboding atmosphere. They try the elevator, and it doesn’t work at first, but then it suddenly turns on. Vil is apprehensive of it, but they enter and Ortho welcomes them to Tower 1 of Tartarus.
Ortho says some nonsense about Night Raven Quest, then pulls up a screen with Star Rogue and tells them to beat the game if they want to continue. The group sucks at video games and can’t beat it, so Ortho lowers the difficulty to beginner for them so their adventure isn’t over before it even begins. After they finally beat the game and Ortho rambles for a bit about character classes, Ortho says he’ll see them again at stage 2 and lets them out of the elevator. The gang proceeds to head down the stairs, deeper into Tartarus
As they walk, Vil starts up a conversation by berating Rook for leaving NRC and his duties as vice dorm leader in the midst of chaos, when the rest of Pomefiore would need him most. Epel is frustrated on Rook’s behalf, but Rook accepts Vil’s judgement. Vil moves on to Epel and Yuu going on this rescue mission despite how weak they are. However, with that said, Vil also admits that he was really happy when he heard that they had come here for him. And then hugs and kisses time.
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I Am Uncomfortable.
Moving on, Rook and Epel explain Epel’s unique magic to Vil, then the conversation is interrupted by their first encounter with phantoms.
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Alright. These designs are pretty cool. That one in the back looks kind of apple shaped and the other one has a bunch of gold stuff like a queen would, so I wonder if the phantoms each group encounters will be related to them in some way.
After taking care of the phantoms, the group discusses how dangerous it would be for these creatures to be let loose above ground. They then approach and enter the door to the asylum for phantoms.
While they’re looking at the boxes/cages the phantoms are kept in, Ortho announces his presence and locks the door behind them. This is “stage 2″. To complete the stage and leave, the group must find an ID card or password to open the door. The ID card they got from the staff won’t work; Ortho has erased the record of it from the system. This is a treasure hunting game. The ID card the group needs is held by one of the phantoms shut in the cages, so the group must search the cages to find the right one. However, since this is the beginning, Ortho gives them a hint by pointing out just 3 cages that they will need to search.
Ortho takes his leave, and the group begins the game. Of course, the first cage, which Rook opens, is a bust. Epel has a much harder time than Rook opening the second one, which is also a bust. We get another phantom design though.
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I think this one is a seal? Okay no the things that look like fins are just ink blotches on the ground, so it’s more like a slug with stubby little arms. I think I’m gonna retract my previous theory lmao idk what this thing is.
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And finally, the third cage has this. It’s kind of creepy how this one sounds kinda like a little girl, it makes me think that the phantoms reflect the characteristics of the mage that created them. This one has the ID card. The group is surprised that the hint was true and ponders about why the Shroud brothers are toying with them. After the awakening of a few phantoms prompts them to leave the asylum, VIl talks about how the Shroud bros can’t immediately unfreeze the phantoms despite having total control of the facility. He concludes that this whole “game” business is to make them waste time until the phantoms unfreeze.
They continue on, then the scene changes to the gate where Ortho and Idia are talking about the group’s progress and how fast the Titans are unfreezing. Pretty interesting conversation, not gonna translate it cause this update looks like it’s massive and if I do much translation it’ll take forever lol.
Going back to the Pomefiore group, Rook notices something walking on the stairs. Based on its size, Epel thinks that it’s Grim and starts to call out before Rook stops him since it’s actually a phantom. After its stopped, Epel worries about Grim, but Vil and Rook assure him that Grim’s smart and probably just hiding somewhere. They think Grim was just kept separate since he had to really recover from blot and succumbing to his feral nature as a magical beast. Rook and Vil ramble on for a bit about claw/nail care, then Epel asks them about how the two met, and Vil says that he only met Rook months after they entered NRC. Bruh we’re facing the end of the world here what the hell is this casual conversation?
Okay they’ve gotten to the next asylum now. This one is much colder than the last, so the phantoms still must be frozen. Epel tries the card they found previously on the door and it doesn’t work, and Ortho’s appearance confirms that “stage 3″ is about to start. The game this time is “let’s help a person in distress”. There is a researcher slowly freezing to death in a cage in this asylum, and the group needs the ID card that she has to leave.
The group starts breaking open cages to try and find her. Epel is getting better at opening the cages, and using the sound of her cries for help they finally find the cage she’s in. However, she turns out to be a phantom who rejoices in her new freedom before attacking. After retrieving the ID card, the group discusses the phantom’s ability to talk like a human before they leave the asylum. Deeper down, Tartarus is even colder, and the player has the option to express worry about Grim. Vil reassures them, then the group hears a series of loud thuds as the stairs begin to shake. It turns out to be a chonky boy.
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Look at the size of this lad. Absolute unit. I try to avoid screenshots which make it obvious who’s video I’m using, but I had to get the size comparison + Jade just throwing a pie at this thing in here cause it’s so funny to me.
Anyway, this thing is actually the “Phantom Titans Earth” kept in Tower 1 that we heard about from the old guy in the last update. The group runs away to the hanger with the Thunder Spear and they frantically search the room as the Titan pounds on the door behind them. Thankfully, they find it quite fast.
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After Vil uses the activation key, it transforms into this:
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Pretty cool. However, it’s really big, heavy, and powerful, so much so that Vil is struggling to handle it. They fight the Titan again, and then...
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omg I love this, their little chibi forms are so cute
They blast the Titan into the massive pit and it falls down towards the bottom. However, the attack uses most of the Thunder Spear’s battery. Since they’ll be defenseless against the Titan without it, they decide to rest in the hanger and check in with the other groups while they wait for the Thunder Spear to recharge. Instead of continuing with the Tower 1 group, I’m going to switch over to Leona and Jamil in Tower 2 now.
The two start their journey by briefly pondering how many floors Tartarus has. Leona asks Jamil to give him one of his “useless, jangly hair ornaments”, and then he yeets it into the pit to try and gauge how deep it is.
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oh yeah I can already tell that this group might be my favorite of the three.
Like the Pomefiore group, the two approach the elevator, it opens for them, and Jamil guesses that it’s a trap and tells Leona to stay back. However, Leona ignores Jamil and just strolls in. Ortho appears and is disappointed by how unphased the two are by his appearance, and Leona says it’s because it’s easy to predict what a robot’s thinking.
Ortho then announces that they will be facing their 1st test. Jamil is apprehensive and cautious, Leona ignores him again and complains about how annoying he is. Their challenge turns out to just be the hydra whack-a-mole game that Leona played before. Jamil is still worried about what Ortho could be planning with this, says he’ll be the one to play, and even worries that the controller might be rigged to electrocute them if its touched. Bruh why are you being so worried in general & concerned over Leona’s safety???
Anyway, Jamil goes first and gets an instant game over.
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Someone save this man.
Ortho lowers the difficulty down for him and talks a bit about the monsters they’ll face in Tartarus before letting them out of the elevator.
While walking, they talk about the cold a bit and Jamil offers to let Leona borrow his clothes (Bruh???) if he’s cold before Leona tells him to cut the act already or he’s leaving him behind. Jamil then confesses that he’s worried about the students left behind at NRC who don’t have their leaders. The conversation cuts off when they notice a dark area ahead where enemies could be hiding, and Jamil yet again asks Leona to stay back while he checks ahead. BRO Leona is not your responsibility why are you being like this.
The video didn’t even show the fight with the phantom so I’m gonna assume it’s the same as phantoms the other group met. Awww.
Blah blah talk about blot and what dangers could lie ahead
Leona: Hah... what a scared herbivore.
Jamil: Wha!? I’m not scared. I’m just covering for your recklessness!
Leona: Ah, I see. Do as you like.
Jamil: I’ll do so.
Right after that, they enter the asylum and Ortho appears. He says he’s been thinking about what Leona said about a robot’s predictableness, so he’s tried to make this more interesting for them. He points them to a piece of paper on their right which just has “dour” written on it in English, and tells them that is half of the password needed to move forward. The other half is in one of the cages. Ortho doesn’t give them a hint before he leaves, I guess he doesn’t like them as much lol.
In the first cage they find “lion”, but “dour lion” doesn’t work as a password. The next one is “fin present”, and Leona guesses that the password could be “find our present”, putting “dour” in the middle of the fragment they just found, but that doesn’t work either. Jamil keeps the memo from the third cage from Leona and goes directly to the door to input the password. The door opens.
Leona: I thought that there was a possibility that that pipsqueak lied about everything, but it looks like that wasn’t so.
Leona: Well then, what was the password?
Jamil: ... I think it would better if you didn’t know. I’m in a very bad mood right now.
Leona: Just say it.
Jamil: ... *sigh*
Jamil: The memo had “best!” written on it.
Leona: Best? If you combine it with the first letters that we found...
Leona: “do ur best!”... Do your best?
Leona: Those guys... They’re making fun of us!!!
Jamil: Look, as I predicted you got mad. This is why I didn’t want to say anything.
I know I said I wouldn’t translate stuff but ghgklfsgsklsdlkf
As they continue down the stairs, they discuss how Ortho has seemed to change between now and back when everyone was playing games together. Back then, Ortho didn’t seem to have much in the way of actual emotions, but now Ortho seemed annoyed when Leona called him a robot and the surprise he had for them in the asylum seemed to have been created out of malice.
Then, a phantom crawling from below ambushes them.
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Mr. President, get down!
Leona is predictably pissed by this. The girls are now fighting The two start butting heads again over Jamil’s behavior’s being a nuisance. Leona tells Jamil that even if he tries to hide it, he can tell that he got injured in the recent fight, and that makes him a liability. Leona: “I would’ve been better off with that lying octopus bastard” Jamil: “unlike Azul, I’m a trained bodyguard. I’m much more useful than that frail guy.” 
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Leona abruptly walks off into the next asylum. Jamil thinks to himself that Leona will soon regret his flippant attitude before following him.
Ortho welcomes them to the third trial, notices how serious they look, and worries how they’ll fare while being in such bad moods. I wonder why he’s using different words for the challenges each group faces.
Anyway, this trial is “he who controls water controls everything”. This trial has to do with the vats of cooling liquid embedded in the floor. The duo hear cries for help from a cage deeper in the room and spot an actual researcher there who’s stuck in the liquid due to his foot being caught by a rope attached to a sinking cage. Ortho reveals that the rope is actually a cable which, if cut, will open every cage in the room at once. To save the researcher before he drowns, they have to find a key which will let them unlock the guy’s leg from the cage. I’m not 100% clear on the details of what’s going on here so take this previous paragraph with an especially large grain of salt.
Jamil tries to think of a plan first, Leona just immediately starts busting open cages. After a few cages, one cage appears empty at first so Jamil approaches to investigate, but it turns out to be an ambush and Leona has to help him. Afterwards, Jamil thinks to himself that even though Leona is a pain, it’s best to endure it and stick with him. They argue a bit more about Leona’s recklessness until they finally find the key.
This whole time, the researcher has been panicking. However, once he’s free, Leona asks him to stand and it turns out he’s tall enough that he wasn’t actually in any danger of drowning. Bruh.
With that taken care, the duo get the guy’s ID card so they can continue on. They encounter the Titan of this tower, the ice phantom “Phantom Titans Crystal”.
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I like the spinning halo of ink around its head and its smash attacks, very cool monster.
Leona holds off the Titan using his unique magic while Jamil searches the hanger for the Thunder Spear. Jamil finds it, but realizes that he doesn’t have the magical ability to handle it so he runs back to get Leona.
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Using the Thunder Spear, Leona launches the Titan into the pit. With that, they settle down to wait the 3 hours it’ll take for the spear to charge. I thought we had to hurry??? Alright whatever I guess we didn’t have to hurry that much. Leona even takes a nap lmaoooooo.
I think I’ll end this post here and begin the next one with Riddle and Azul’s adventure. Stay tuned.
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euphoric-barnes · 3 years
his solace. — b. barnes
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synopsis: in bucky's list of people he wanted to make amends with, there were two names that he considered as his 'top priorities'—his friend, yori and you, his girlfriend.
pairing: bucky x fem!reader
genre: fluff fluff fluff—okay maybe a pinch of angst
warning(s): mentions of nightmares, a bit of tfatws spoilers, mentions of insecurities, violence, soft bucky, non proof read HEHE, one swear word
wc: 1,367
notes: idk what this is but... ive been wanting to post this so- also i suck at titles lmao
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bucky enters his apartment to see you on his couch sleeping, probably waiting for his arrival. ever since he tagged along with sam on the mission about the flag smashers, he's been texting you non stop—giving you updates because he felt bad for departing without telling you. bucky silently drops his bag on the ground, beside the couch as he walks towards you, kneeling on one knee as he watches you sleep with a smiling forming on his face.
then, he remembers what sam said.
but you gotta make them feel better. you gotta go to them and be of service.
bucky sighs, gently brushing the hair off your face. bucky vividly remembers his nightmares to the point even though he is awake it haunts him. especially when he's with you as you smile widely at him, after all, you are the happiest when you're with him. how many times has he heard you say that? probably a lot more then sam made fun of his staring problem. bucky would smile widely but the moment you turn your head away, bucky's smile would slowly slip off with his guilt eating him up.
he couldn't believe he hurt you back then.
it was so clear. you were younger, probably in your teenage years. you were on the ground, staring at him with wide eyes as you quiver in fear while he slowly walks towards you. other hydra agents who were with him in that mission were sabotaging innocent people. then, bucky would wake up, not seeing how he hurt you. but that wasn't the point, he knew he has to tell you the truth.
bucky didn't expect you'd be one of the avengers, fighting alongside steve to defend bucky—hide him away because people couldn't get that he was brainwashed. then the rest was history. bucky have slowly hut surely fell in love with you.
"bucky, stop staring." you mumble as you open your eyes, turning your head to him. bucky cracks a smile as you grin at him. bucky leans in, kissing your lips with his arm draping across your stomach as you cup his jaw with your hands. bucky pulls away, staring at you loving eyes, admiring your beauty. "how was the mission?"
then bucky pulls you up, sitting behind you as he lets your back rest against his chest with his arms around you as he holds your hands, playing with your fingers while he tells you all about the mission, from breaking zemo out if prison to taking the shield from walker. then, he gets to the part where he and sam talk about his amends.
slowly, he trails off then he pulls his arms away from you. "doll, we have to talk." bucky says seriously as you sit up straight and turning to him. bucky stares at the ground as he tries to build the courage to tell you. he takes one deep breath in before starting, "you know how i have a list of names that i'm making amends to,"
"and i have a person in my list i haven't been really truthful to."
"yori?" you ask and bucky sighs, shaking his head.
"there's another one." bucky says as he takes the small notebook, turning to the right page as he gives it to you. you grab it and look at it. right at the very bottom was your name, just like yori, it had been encircled a couple of times, emphasizing that it was a priority.
"why's my name here?" you ask and bucky sighs, running his hand through his hair.
"doll, i hurt you back then." bucky admits. "i don't know how, but i think i hurt you bad. most of the times it's what i see in my nightmares. you were so young back then, everyone was being beaten up and shit, i saw you. you stared right back at me when i was walking towards you. i- i'm so sorry, doll."
you stare at him, sighing. you close the notebook, putting it on the coffee table as you look at him. "buck, you really have got to stop beating yourself up with the things that you did as the winter soldier." you simply said that got bucky looking at you as if you were insane.
"y/n, doll, i kept this—"
"bucky, tell me about that nightmare." you said and bucky looked at you. you smile at him and bucky sighs. how could you be so kind?
"the whole town was a mess because hydra messed the whole town up, barging in people's house and then i saw you. you were looking at me with big wide eyes as i slowly walked up to you." bucky said. "that's it."
"bucky," you softly call. "i was 17 that time—"
"it was a long time ago but it doesn't mean you should just forgive me right away!" bucky exclaims.
"oh my god, james buchanan barnes, let me finish!" you exclaimed, laughing and bucky got even more confused. how the hell are you taking this lightly? you offer your hand out to which bucky hesitantly places his. "i was 17 that time. i was confused and scared at that time. a man pushed me, running off. i was at the ground, crying because i didn't know what to do. then, you saw me. not the winter soldier, you."
you look at bucky as he stares back at you. "you helped me, bucky." you mumbled. "you think i wouldn't remember that kind of thing happening to me?" you asked and bucky just listened to every word you said. you scoot closer, cupping his jaw as your thumb slowly caresses his cheek. "you were surrounded by hydra agents. they could have knocked you out, tortured you right at the spot, but what did you do? you took me away and hid me somewhere."
bucky couldn’t believe it. “no.” he mumbles.
“yes.” you contradict. “they give you these orders, turning you to some kind of weapon but bucky, if you were awake in those times, would you have done that? no, you wouldn’t.” you softly say. “i always go wherever natasha goes. the first time that i didn’t was when i fought alongside steve to protect you. steve was confused why i did it but he didn’t question it.”
“so, i didn’t..?” bucky trailed off and you gave him a smile, shaking your head off.
“stop beating yourself up and start seeing the good in you. you’re not perfect, i know but they are still a part of you and i love you. so much.” you said and bucky tugged on your hand lightly, making you wrap your arms around his shoulders as he wraps his arms around your waist. bucky softly sighs, hiding his nose on your neck as he takes in you soft scent that never failed to give him solace.
“i love you, doll.” bucky softly says as he closes his eyes savoring the moment as if you’ll go away. but he knows you won’t, it’s just that no matter what he can never get enough of you. “so much.”
“come on,” you said, giving his shoulders pats as you lightly pull away, cupping either sides of his jaw. “what do you want to do?” you ask and bucky bites his lower lip, smiling as his eyebrows move up and down. you let out a groan, “you want to watch the hobbit again, don’t you?”
“thanks, doll!” bucky enthusiastically says as he pulls you closer, pressing his lips against your cheek, his stuble tickling you causing you to giggle. bucky pulls away as he sets up the movie just the way you taught him how to. when he’s done, you look at him with a wide smile, opening your arms wide as he plops on the couch beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
bucky feared that you would have left him after telling you the truth, not knowing he would be happy with the information he got. he was relieved that even though the winter soldier took over him through those years, he knew that somehow he still fought against him even though it was difficult.
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did i went ooc? i’m sorry it’s my first time writing for him 😭
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kitawarheit · 3 years
Hey guys! I decided to post it here too~ Anything this is some Frank x Danny x female reader insert hella self indulgent smut~ Ngl, had someone ask me, "how far do you take your dirty talk?" aaaand here's the example I guess?? lmao Either way it was fun as hell! Enjoy! <3 Can also be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31056830
Tags include: dub-con (ish), verbal humiliation, dirty talk, name-calling, spitroasting, f/m/m threesome
The Fog had been a living hell, for sure. You dare say you were getting used to this “Entity” and its foul games. The pain didn't seem to feel as bad as when you first got here—or maybe that was just your mind knowing you wouldn't truly die? Your cruel resurrection was inevitable in this hellscape. But, you found solace in the small things. To start, you had the other survivors. The companionship was at least enough to keep you sane (for the most part) until you found a way out. But was there?
Trial after trial, your morale drained slowly—that is, until your curiosity was piqued. Some of these vicious killers were... well, human. For the most part, maybe. Take The Legion for example: although they switched off, they were all still four human punk-asses. Sure, being cat called while chased by Frank or having insults hurled at you while Julie choked you to death wasn't the most ideal thing... But it was a breath of fresh air. There were others, yes, but the most talkative or entertaining ones were primarily Frank and Danny—The Ghostface, as they called him.
Speaking of those two—back to the predicament at hand. How the fuck are two killers allowed to be in a trial at the same time!? It wasn't fair! Not only for obvious reasons but more personal ones... Sometimes, you wanted to punch Frank in his stupid face for his chastising, filthy mouth. But, that was only really because of how hot and bothered it actually made you. You knew back before this shit, you were really into dirty talk and stuff, but here? Now? Surely, The Entity knew and was doing this on purpose.
No, you were absolutely sure The Entity was doing this on purpose when you saw the second killer was Danny. He had a nasty mouth on him too—a bit more aggressive than Frank overall, but it still didn't help you not be affected by his “teasing”. But why? Sure, you enjoyed their talk, even if your brain tried to yell at you that they were there to murder you, not sweet talk you to bed. But did The Entity even give “graces” like this? No, no—it must be for the killers. After all, they were the ones that essentially gave power to this thing.
No matter why or for who, it didn't matter. You weren't going to look this gift horse in the mouth. You deserved a slice of pleasure too, right?
So, here you were, being dragged into the old ski resort lodge, two sets of hands moving over every inch of your body, making you squirm between them.
“Hey, hey,” Frank cooed in a smug tone as you were turned to face him. “Settle down, kitten, we haven't even started yet!”
“She can't help it,” Danny mocked behind you, grabbing your ass, which made you give a squeal of surprise. “She's gonna get double fucked! Any slut would be excited by that.”
“You're right,” Frank practically purred, sliding his hands under your shirt and making his way up to your chest. “I'm surprised she's not already trying to tear out of her clothes.”
“Fuck you,” you hissed weakly, trying to squirm from their grasps—but, the both of them proved to be too strong and they kept you firm in place. “Let me go...!”
“Oh, don't worry, kitten,” Frank said, lifting his mask to sit on the top of his head as he eyed you over. “You'll fuck me soon enough~”
You were too busy examining the details of a face you hadn't seen without the mask to notice Frank giving a nod at Danny. There was a chuckle behind you and, suddenly, Danny had his hands over your torso, ripping open your shirt and pulling the ruined garment off, letting it fall to the floor. Another squeal escaped you as you tried to cover your arms over your chest, face flushed. Of course, Danny wouldn't let you do that as he gripped your wrists and held you in place.
“Fuck, she's got some nice tits,” the man behind you mused.
“Hell yeah, she does,” Frank agreed, brandishing his knife. “Let's get a better look, though...”
Before you could make a protest, Frank's knife slipped under the front of your bra, harshly tugging upwards to tear it in half. Quick on the move, Danny let go of your wrists to let your arms hang low so that he could swiftly tug your destroyed bra off and down to the ground.
“D-Don't touch me,” you shrieked, only to have them do just the opposite. Danny's hand cupped one of your breasts, while Frank toyed with the other, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. You were trying so hard not to make noise, but the look on your face must have given you away.
“What a slut,” Frank laughed, making you jolt as he pinched your nipple. “Hmm? You like having killers play around with your tits?”
“Look at her face,” Danny cooed. “She totally does! Nasty bitch~”
Your mind was failing to think of words to says, insults to hurl, threats to make. But, it didn't matter, they were too strong for you and you had nothing to fend them off with. And if the heat pooling in your core had any say in the matter, you were likely going to break anyways. Sooner, rather than later, if they kept this up.
You tried to at least keep quiet—if you couldn't make threats, the least you could do was not make any moans. Your focus was brought back to the situation as Frank cupped your chin, forcing your head up to look at him. For the moment, he had let go of your breast and Danny took full advantage of that by cupping both in his hands, squeezing them.
“Fuck,” Danny grunted behind you. “I've gotta get my dick between these sometime...”
Frank seemed to be searching for something in your face as he looked you over, yet abandoned that endeavor rather quickly. He let go of your chin and scoffed, grabbing hold of your hips now.
“I bet you anything she's already fucking soaked,” Frank mocked, emphasizing his last word as he popped the button of your jeans. “Let's just check that... 'Kay, kitten?”
Frank slipped his palm over your stomach, making his way down as you squirmed in Danny's grasp. He slipped past your pants and toyed with the waistband of your panties briefly before finally slipping his hand down over your folds. There was no warning when Frank brought his head closer, dipping under your chin to bite harshly into your neck, at the same time he pushed two fingers into your pussy. You were already losing yourself, but there was no way you could hold back the moan that ripped past your throat at Frank's actions. You could practically feel his smirk against your neck...
“Ho~ly fuck,” Frank cooed as he released your neck, pulling his head back to look at you while he pulled his fingers out from your jeans, just to hold them in front of your face. Of course, Frank was right —you were already wet by now. “This bitch is a total whore! Look at how wet she is already!”
“Damn,” Danny laughed, pinching both of your nipples in an attempt to draw noise from you. “I guess we got lucky with this one, huh?”
You whimpered softly as Danny pinched again, squirming as you watched Frank make a show of licking his fingers clean. Your mind teetered on the edge between wrong and right, just a touch away from going over and begging for them. In some pathetic last attempt to escape, you tried to pull away again. Frank clicked his teeth and gripped your hips again to hold you in place, Danny giving a light grind into your ass. Fuck, you could already feel how hard he was.
“Please,” you spoke softly, trying not to look Frank in the eye. To this, he roughly grabbed your chin and forced you to look him in the eye, a smirk tugging his lips upwards.
“Please what, kitten,” he sneered, bringing his face even closer to yours. ...That was it. That was the tipping point and your brain tumbled down the wrong side. But, you didn't give a hot damn. You needed this... and you needed it now.
“Don't tease me,” you breathed out, flashing Frank a look—oh, did he know that look well. The look of letting go and giving in to carnal desire. It was show time.
“That's what we wanna hear,” Danny chuckled, his voice more clear now and you could only assume he took his mask off as well. “A slut in the end—can't resist having some cock in you, right? Even if it's from a killer?”
Frank gave a vicious grin from ear to ear, letting go of your chin to dip his head down against your neck.
“Good girl,” he purred, giving another firm bite before working on pushing your pants and panties down. This time, when he bit into you, you let out a soft whimper, wiggling your pants and panties down the rest of the way to help, then stepped out of them.
Behind you, Danny removed his gloves, letting his bare hands slide down your chest, savoring the warmth of your skin as he kept moving further down. Sure, he knew Frank was right—but he couldn't help to feel for himself as his fingers dipped between your damp folds, his fingertips gliding up and down some. Your breath had already started to become labored from his small actions alone, surely stroking his ego more than it was. You wanted to savor the moment, but Frank seemed a bit impatient.
“Lemme have her,” Frank spoke, a bit of a grumble behind his tone. “I got an idea~”
Frank seemed to enjoy simply tugging you along and keeping you out of the loop. Throwing you over his shoulder like he would to carry you to a hook, that instinctual fear almost began to rise. As Frank started to climb the stairs with you, Danny followed behind, looking just as impatient as the other man.
“Don't worry, baby girl,” Danny cooed, patting your cheek some. “You're not going on a hook. We got something better in mind for you!”
On the second floor, there were a few empty rooms with faded memories of what this place once was, long ago. In one of the rooms, there was a large mattress and pillows, cigarette butts littering the ground with the smell of smoke still rather fresh. This was probably Frank's sort of make shift bedroom, if you had to guess... You almost wanted to ask (why, you weren't sure), but the wind was briefly knocked from you as Frank threw your body on the mattress with ease.
“You're gonna love this, kitten,” Frank hummed as you coughed a bit. “All just for you! I know a little whore like you can probably take more... But we'll start here, okay?”
You weren't sure what he meant and you weren't given any time to dwell on it before he rolled you onto your stomach, just as Danny came around to sit on the mattress, close enough to your face that you could practically feel the warmth radiating from his body. Grabbing your hips, Frank lifted your bottom half up to meet his crotch as he let his erection rub against your ass through his jeans. With a chuckle, he shoved his hips forward, forcing your face into Danny's crotch, making you both groan.
“I know you're excited, kitten,” Frank sneered, giving a harsh slap across your ass. “So get to work! I'm sure my friend here would love to see how talented that slut mouth of yours is~”
Propping your torso up just a bit, you looked up at Danny as he began to unfasten his pants, pushing them down a few inches just to make it easier to take his aching erection out. You couldn't help but stare for a moment, impressed by his girth. Damn, were all the killers like this...? Taking your distraction as hesitation, Danny ran his fingers through your hair, gripping tightly as he tugged your head forward a bit.
“I'm not gonna wait all day, bitch,” Danny sneered, purposefully rubbing himself against your lips. You whined a bit at the tight grip he had on your hair before obeying—placing one hand on his thigh to steady yourself as the other gripped the base of his cock. You gave one long, broad lick along the underside of his cock, dragging your tongue up until you flicked it off of the tip. Frank rubbed the side of your ass he slapped earlier, as if silently giving praise at the little show.
“Ohh,” Danny groaned, flashing a smirk down at you. “I can already tell she's used that mouth well before. Think she's tried to use it to bargain for the hatch?”
“Probably,” Frank said with a laugh, giving your ass another slap, causing you to gasp out. “At least, I wouldn't put it past her.”
You could feel yourself throbbing, started to become impatient yourself. But you weren't going to beg—oh no, not yet. To keep yourself quiet, you took a few inches of Danny into your mouth, sucking lightly as if to savor him. Danny groaned and muttered small praises to you, so focused on him that you were deaf to the sound of Frank's zipper being pulled down behind you. When you felt his rubbing the tip of his cock against your slit, you gasped, but were unable to stop the soft moan you gave.
“Oh, you're gonna feel so good around my cock,” Frank cooed, rubbing a bit more incessantly. You started sucking harder around Danny's length, trying not to give in to the feeling of Frank rubbing against you. Trying was the key word, but your body acted first, trying to rub back against him for more friction. He gave a click of his tongue and used his free hand to keep your hips still.
“You want it, kitten,” Frank asked with a mocking tone. “You gotta beg for it~”
Danny yanked your head up and off his cock, making you wince as you glanced up at him. Seeing the smirk on Danny's face made your heart jump and you were all too sure that Frank had the same look on his face. Flushed, you chewed your bottom lip a bit, as if a bit embarrassed to say it out loud. Frank gave you an encouraging, yet hard, slap across your ass, making you squeal out and tremble a bit.
“P-Please,” you squeaked out, whining as you tried to press back against Frank. “Fuck me, Frank...! Please...!”
“You want my cock in you,” Frank chuckled, giving another smack to your ass. “Say it, bitch!”
“Y-Yes,” you moaned out. “I want your cock in me, Frank! Please!”
“What a total cock slut,” Danny laughed as he brought your face close to his cock again, making sure you had him in your mouth before releasing his hold on your hair. You felt Frank lining himself up, pushing just the tip in before gripping your hips with both hands. Without warning, he suddenly gave a single, sharp jerk of his hips, thrusting himself inside you to the hilt, causing you to lurch forward and deep throat Danny. You almost gagged on him from the sudden force, but Danny only groaned, cursing under his breath.
“Fuck,” Frank groaned, keeping still a moment. “She's tight, too... Damn, she feels good!”
Frank pulled you back some, letting you off of Danny's cock to catch your breath, watching you cough a bit from the surprise forced deep throat. Once you were mostly settled, Danny gripped your hair again to guide you back to his throbbing length, rubbing the back of your head encouragingly. Frank pulled out most of the way before speaking up again.
“That was your warning,” Frank taunted, rubbing his thumbs over your hips. “So you better get ready—'cause I'm not stopping until I've filled you up, got it?”
“Do anything you want to me, Frank,” you whined out, glancing over your shoulder at him as your mind clouded with lust. “Please use me...~”
“Damn,” Danny scoffed, turning your face to him again with an amused grin. “She's a compliant little cock sucker.”
“Ohhh,” Frank cooed, fingers digging into your hips. “You just sealed the deal there, babygirl~”
Listening to Frank, you knew this was your one second to attempt to brace yourself. Taking Danny back into your mouth, you pressed your tongue against the underside of his cock, but let your jaw hang slack. If Frank's “warning” was anything to go by, you wouldn't need to be doing much head movement, anticipating his thrusts would be enough to do that for you.
And that it was. Frank showed no mercy, no easing you into it—no, he immediately started with a rough, somewhat quick pace as each thrust would push you back down onto Danny. You had let yourself go well before this point, so there was no trying to suppress your moans, loud and needy as they were. The small vibrations from your moans sent a shiver up Danny's back as he gripped your hair tight again, seeming to be holding back the urge to straight up fuck your mouth.
“Shit,” Danny hissed, leaning his head back some as he savored the feeling of your mouth. “It's gonna feel so good to cum down your throat!”
The anticipation and promise of his words excited you, more so than you thought as your inner walls clenched down around Frank, drawing a low moan from him.
“Easy, kitten,” he groaned, the bruising grip on your hips never letting up. “I know you're a fucking cumslut—nghh—but no need to rush it~”
Frank's pace started to deepen as he was back to burying himself all the way in with each forward snap of his hips. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as everything started to become overwhelming—the way Danny almost hit the back of your throat every time you were shoved forward, the lewd sounds of skin slapping skin from the force of Frank's hips, the pleasurable throb that came each time Frank's cock rammed against your cervix. You were a mewling, moaning (and if you could move, you'd probably also be writhing) mess between the two men.
You could already feel that familiar heat starting to coil down in you as you practically drooled onto Danny's cock, doing your best to rock your hips back against Frank. His grip was stead-fast, but he seemed to let up just a tad to enjoy you trying to fuck yourself back onto him. It earned you a groan from the man behind you, your wet walls throbbing around him in a pleasurable thrum. You were close, you knew it—but it seemed Frank knew this too.
“What a whore,” Frank groaned as he stilled his hips, swatting Danny's hand away so he could grip your hair instead, wrenching your head off of the other man so you could speak properly. Danny made a groan of protest, but allowed it as he was just as eager to hear your cries. “You wanna cum, bitch?”
“Yes, please,” you whined out, frustrated from being so close to your blissful high.
“Yes, what,” Frank sneered.
“I want to cum...! Please, let me cum!”
“And you wanna take our loads like the good little cumdump you are, right?”
“Yes! Fuck, yes, I-I want to be filled by you both...!”
“Atta girl~”
Frank promptly shoved you back down on Danny as he went back to his brutal pace, close to his own release. As you were shoved down and fucked hard, you finally snapped, your orgasm tearing through your body like a tidal wave. You moaned loud around Danny's length and your pussy clamped down and convulsed around Frank, both being the final push they needed to fill you. Frank bit his lip as he moaned behind you, burying himself all the way before cumming hard inside your willing cunt. Danny gave a few thrusts into your mouth, hand back in your hair, and held your head in place while he released in your mouth, groaning low.
“Swallow you fuckin' cumslut,” Danny growled, keeping a firm grip on the back of your head. You didn't need to be told twice as you swallowed a few times, making sure to take down every last drop. Satisfied, Danny pulled you off of him and released your hair from his grasp. Behind you, you could feel Frank pulling out, taking a moment to admire the view as his cum dripped from you, a few drops hitting the mattress below.
“Damn,” Frank hummed, giving one side of your ass an appreciative rub. “Now that is a good fuck!”
“Fuckin' right,” Danny concurred with a laugh before lifting your chin to meet his eyes. “Give us a sec and we'll get you ready for round two, babygirl. Don't think we're done with you yet~”
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years
Please. 🥺
some of these are both smut/angst and others only smut or only angst OK? ok
SMUT AND ANGST VERSION WOOP now we’re talking bby
warning; SMUT/ANGST. gn!reader x skz. subxdom, use of alcohol, sex under influence, minor injuries, penetrative sex, degradation, punishment, nicknames, choking, mentions of blood, slight dacryphilia, mentions of tobacco
he’s more pouty but seeing you with scraped knees makes him mad
mad because he cares so much about you 
“y/n you’re being stupid”
you fall into his arms, just as mad back at it
“if im so stupid then leave” 
he looks at you, dumbfounded but then mad
“fine, then i’ll leave” he says, clearly hurt by your words but holding tightly to his pride, storming off.
as the door closes you panic, feeling lonely and paranoid at the same time
you never really being good with alcohol anyways
so him leaving you in this vulnerable state made you feel,,, bad :((
you run after him and eventually catch up 
right as you get to him you stumble, scraping your knee and your hand
he turned around quickly, filled with worry but also pure rage
“you’re so stupid y/n” he says leaning down and looking you into your glossy eyes
“h-help me channie” you say, your voice frail
he sighes, picking you up and the two of you going back home
be scared be real fucking scared
you aint walking for a week nuh uh
fucks you DEEP 
deeper than ever
boy is mad as fuck, he just lashes out on you for being so stupid as to walk home alone in the middle of the night. 
he complains and scolds you whilst he’s railing you oop
“fucking stupid, walking like that all alone”
you are practically crying underneath him, not sure if it’s from him scolding you or from how DEEP this man goes 
pounding some sense into you LMAO
lots of choking OOF
denying your orgasm until you’re crying
“yeah thats right, cry for me” (lmao cue twice)
“what if you get injured y/n?” he says, holding your hand on your way home
“i didn’t!” you say confidently 
“then whats that?” he says, pointing at your bleeding knees
“n-nothing” you say, limping forward
“should listen to me more” he says quickly, puffing his cheeks in frustration
“i do listen, just,,, just let me have f-fun!” your head spinning. 
“but thats not having fun y/n, thats called being stupid and destroying your health” he spits on the ground
“alright then let me, not like it’s affecting you in any way” you slur out, changbin looking at you through hooded eyes as he exhales loudly
“maybe if you’d stop being drunk all the time you’d actually see how it is effecting me” he says, letting go of your hand causing you to stumble over your own legs
you hit the cold concrete in the dark as he walks home
“come back when you’ve thought about your actions”
he paces back and forward in the hallway, waiting for you
the door creaks open and you, looking like a mess, appear infront of him
“where were you? i was worried sick y/n! you cant just do-”
“shush,,, i want a,, a hug” you stammer out, getting closer to him and smelling of cigarettes and alcohol
he pushes you away, glaring at you through dark eyes
“do you even care about me?” 
you tilt your head, feeling more unstable for every second that goes by. 
“of course hyunnie!” you smile lazily at him 
but he’s not buying any of it
i feel like he holds grudges for a long time??? idk just me??
“i’ll sleep on the couch, dont come close to me”
bruh his voice and tone is so cold, it send shivers down your spine
you nod, tears bubbling up in the corners of your eyes. 
“im not helping you!” jisung says, you rubbing your thighs together, always feeling needy when drunk
“pl-please sungie, i-i wont drink ever again i-if you help,,, me”
he cocks his eyebrow at you, licking the inside of his cheek
“mhm.. you think im stupid enough to fall for that? what do you really think of me babygirl/babyboy”
you scratch the back of your head, not knowing what to answer
“y-you fell for it last time~”
he scoffs, pissed at the fact that you came stumbling through the door in the middle of the night
him waiting for you and being filled sick with worry
he leans closer to your ear, feeling the smell of liquor 
“why should i help you? sluts like you dont deserve me”
you whine at his words, not helping with your neediness
“please,, jisung i,, just help me!” you were started to get pouty to which he chuckles
“beg nicely”
“where were you”
his voice is like LOW low
he sits with his legs spread apart
bruh his gaze?!??”! its like black, just blank
you try to ignore him, shuffling around awkwardly but only stumbling from being drunk
“sit” he pats his lap you gulp, having no other choice but to listen
you sit down on his lap
your eyes are running all over the room, looking everywhere but at felix
“was my slut out drinking?” 
he only says that when he’s mad, ONLY
so now you’re scared but you nod, barely having your eyes open
he hums, his voice vibrating through your ears
“you agree, you’re a slut?”
you nod again and before you know it theres a hand wrapped around your throat, pushing on the sides and making you feel even more lightheaded. 
his mouth gets close to your ear
his warm breath desending down your cheek
“dont make me do this kitten”
he gets a call from one of your friends that tell you that you’re passed out on the street
he picks you up, you barely standing on your own two legs and the entire way home he didnt say a word
as soon as the door to your home closes he starts yelling at you
“dont you have any thoughts in that dumb head of yours?”
you start tearing up from his loud and stern voice, leaning against a wall. 
“i-im sorry minnie” 
that being the only sentence he understood, the rest sounding more like blabbering
“are you really sorry y/n, are you??!”
“y-yes,,, just tired~”
without saying anything more he grabs his jacket and leaves
slamming the door behind him
at first you dont understand but then the silence takes over, leaving you wrapped with a lonely blanket as tranquility
“m-minnie?” you call out as if he was still there but being met by nothing but pure silence
you slide down against the wall, crying as seungmin peeks through the door, feeling bad for making you cry 
he grabs the bottle from your hand, placing it beside him as the two of you were drinking at home. 
“but whyyy?~ we were just getting started innie~”
he looks at you with a puzzled expression
your cheeks flaming hot and your eyes drooping down
“cant you just stop y/n?”
you meet his brown eyes, not understanding what he meant
“hm? whatchu mean~?
he sighs loudly, seeing you roll around on the floor
“why can’t you just control yourself? why do i always have to take care of you?”
you laugh, your thoughts gone with the wind
“thats funny innie!”
poor boy gets frustrated and lays down, hovering above you
“is it funny if i do this?”
he kisses you, slowly trailing his fingertips downwards
OK I HAVE ONE REQUEST LEFT IN MY INBOX SO GOTTA DO THAT!! and after that im gonna start posting/working more on fics even though... i feel shit about writing fics because they never turn out that good huh.... AH WELL at least im trying T-T 
hard/soft thoughts are always welcome ><
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