#(( ft tommy ))
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oddzyrus · 3 months ago
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more silly tommy (@lesbian-lobotomy) and ozyrus interaction
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the-sleepwalker-503 · 2 years ago
tommy, how's sunkist? how's that sweet puppywuppy
Gordon retracts his hand. So no one else can see the things he's seeing. Great.
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"H-how's Sunkist? Been a while since I've seen her too."
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"Sunkist, Sunkist is okay! I think she likes it here, she's been singing all kinds of happy colours!"
Tommy starts booking it in the direction of a house.
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"Uh- dude! Slow down, man! Is this it?"
Gordon comes to a halt beside him. The taller man is pointing at something.
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"Like, that's her favourite tree! But...she won't let me touch it :(."
Gordon looks up at the tall, three-storey house in front of them. It even has a garage. He turns his attention to where Tommy is pointing. Behind the fence, growing out of the backyard, is a tall, dark tree.
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"Oh woah, sweet house. This yours?"
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"No. The fence won't stop her though."
Gordon looks closer at the fence. There's a dog-shaped hole in it.
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breathe-2am · 8 months ago
Buck as in young. Buck as in up. Buck as in the trend. Buck as in the fight against restraint. Buck as in his first scene is him fuckin in a stolen firetruck. Buck as in short and one syllable and easy to shout. Buck as in bark. Buck as in the punchy B, the clacking K. Buck as onomatopoeia.
Evan as in two syllables. Evan as in soft vowels and lower lips curled under teeth. Evan as in exhale. Evan as in gentle. Evan as in sighed. Evan as in stressed, as in ground out, as in snapped. Evan as in hurt, as in pain, as in trouble. Evan as trouble. Evan as in be still. Be quiet. Behave. Be Daniel.
Evan as in there were three other Evans at the academy. Evan as in everyone calls me Buck.
Evan shortened to Buck. Evan grew up to Buck. Evan compartmentalized to Buck. Evan Buckley. Buck. An offered hand, a tight grip, a firm handshake. Buck as in being a firefighter is my life okay? It is the only thing that I have ever done that is important and that mattered. Without it I don't have- Buck as in you will still be Buck. And we will all love you. As Buck.
Evan as in take care. Evan as in I think you're adorable. Evan as in nobody meant to exclude you. Evan as in you have nothing to apologize for.
Evan as in Tommy's.
Evan as Tommy's.
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omegawolverine · 5 months ago
cant get over droid and puffer thinking tommy and tubbo were brothers
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firewasabeast · 5 months ago
Good Day for a Breakdown
(This fic features Juniper from my Uncle Eddie series. You can still read this without ever reading those stories. Juniper is Buck and Tommy's daughter.)
By the time Tommy and Juniper started their day, Evan had been at work for a couple of hours. He wasn't supposed to be working today. They were all supposed to be heading to the zoo together.
But the opportunity for overtime came up, and they'd been saving for a trip in the summer.
So, Papa and Juniper day it was!
Tommy had the whole day planned and everything seemed to be right on schedule for a full half hour... then it all fell apart.
First, Juniper's toast wasn't buttery enough. Then there was too much butter. Then she didn't want toast at all, and wanted cereal instead.
After cleaning up half the cereal that ended up on the floor, Tommy and Juniper headed to her bedroom to get dressed.
That's when the screaming started.
She wanted her white shirt, but not that white shirt. She wanted the specific white shirt that was in the laundry room soaking in stain remover after an applesauce incident the night before.
The pants Tommy tried to put on her were too tight around her tummy, then the next pair were too loose and “wiggly.”
Also, she hated every single pair of shoes she owned.
When Tommy looked at the clock and saw it wasn't even ten yet, he decided right then and there that the zoo was no longer in question.
Cue the next round of screams.
When Juniper turned two, everyone joked that they better get ready. The terrible two's would come, and they'd come with a vengeance.
Except they didn't.
And that made Buck and Tommy feel exceptionally lucky.
Until Juniper reached three. That's when her terrible two's started.
Things had calmed down recently. Her outbursts were less frequent and were usually over within a few minutes.
Not today though. Today was nonstop, and Tommy felt every bit of it.
There was no nap for Juniper today. The mere mention of it had her throwing her books to the ground in the living room, even taking a couple and ripping out the pages before Tommy could get to them.
Playing outside was a disaster, because she wanted to put her hands in the dirt and when Tommy finally said okay and she did it, she hated the feeling of it on her hands and was immediately yelling for him to get it off.
Later on, when he grabbed her up to stop her from slamming head first into their back door, she bit down on his shoulder so hard he yelped and nearly dropped her.
Tommy remembered watching videos when the temper tantrums first began. The gentle parenting ones where the moms tried to reason with their hyperventilating children.
He hated those videos.
There was no reasoning with this child. Not on one of these days.
He gave up on cleaning the individual messes. They could stay right where they were until she went to sleep.
If she ever went to sleep.
He had to get through bath time first. Where the water wasn't the right temperature, and the bubbles were too bubbly, and she threw every bath toy over Tommy's head and against the bathroom wall.
Tommy looked at his watch, 7:00 staring back at him. Evan should have been home an hour ago.
They didn't let themselves worry if the other was late, not until three hours had passed without a text or call. Otherwise, they were to assume the other was simply running late and would be home as soon as possible.
With a sigh, Tommy pulled the plug in the tub to let the water drain. Which was apparently an act of war in Juniper's eyes.
When he finally got her into bed, she denied every bedtime storybook he offered her. She ended up falling asleep while sobbing into his chest.
After gently getting her settled into bed, Tommy headed out into the living room to clean up. That's when the front door slowly opened and Buck walked in.
“Hey,” he greeted quietly with a smile, knowing Juniper would be out by now.
“Hey,” Tommy replied, leaning in as Buck walked over for a kiss. “Get a last minute call?”
“Sort of,” he answered, glancing around at the disaster that was their living room. “Wow. Busy day, huh?”
“Yeah, um.” Tommy turned, bending to grab some of Junie's toys. “What do you mean, sort of?”
“Got a call at like five after six. Didn't expect it to take so long to get wrapped up.”
“C shift wasn't in yet?” Tommy asked.
“They were there. Just getting in. It seemed like it would be a quick call.” Buck shrugged. “It had been an easy shift, so I figured I'd help out.”
Tommy stood there in the dead center of their living room, Juniper's toys tossed all around, with two of her teddy bears in his hand. He nodded, tightening his lips together until they were nearly white. Once he found his voice again, he cleared his throat. “Well, at least it was an easy shift, right?”
“Yeah, it really was.” Without asking any questions, Buck picked up a couple of broken crayons from the floor and headed into the kitchen to throw them away. He acted so nonchalant about it that, had Tommy had any crayons in his own hand, they would have crumbled into little dust with how hard he was clenching his fists.
“Did you cook that chicken tonight?” Buck called out.
Tommy sighed. “Uh, no. No, I never had a chance.”
“Mm,” Buck hummed, disappointed. “Can't refreeze it. We'll have to throw it out tomorrow.”
Tommy tossed a blanket from the floor onto the couch. “I will take it out when I leave for work in the morning.”
“I hate to waste it,” Buck said, opening the fridge and pulling it out. “Maybe I'll make something with it really quick. That way you'll have something for lunch tomorrow too.”
It wasn't a slight against him, Tommy knew that. But it felt like it. It felt like Evan was telling him, “You're basically throwing money away, Tommy. You really couldn't shove some chicken in a pan and throw it in the oven? I guess I could do it after working twelve hours of overtime. Oh, and I'll also be making you lunch for tomorrow, which you didn't bother to do for me today.”
He was usually on the other side of this. Usually the one reminding Evan what he actually said instead of what Evan heard.
But today sucked, and everyone and everything was against him.
“Is there anything you're craving?” Buck asked, heading back to the fridge for more ingredients. “Nothing fancy though. It's gotta be a one pot meal and-”
“So you could have come home?” Tommy questioned, abandoning the mess in the living room to come talk to Buck. “But you went on a call instead?”
Slowly, Buck closed the fridge door and turned to Tommy, staring at him for a moment before asking, “A- Are you mad at me right now?”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“I think that's a question for me to ask, because I have no idea.”
“Evan, I-” Tommy huffed out a breath, motioning back toward the living room. “Do you not see the disaster back there?”
“Yeah, I mentioned it when I came in.”
Beginning to get a little pissed off at Evan's obliviousness, Tommy walked back over to the living room, grabbing two books off the floor and bringing them to Buck. “She destroyed these before I could stop her. Tore the pages right out. One's the mind-numbingly boring My Two Daddies book you got her-”
“And the other was the one my mom gave me when I was little. They're trash now.” He dramatically dropped the books into the trash can to further prove his point... whatever his point actually was.
“That was right after the second time I had to blow in her face to get her to stop holding her breath.”
That's when the full realization finally hit Buck. “She had one of her breakdown days, didn't she?”
“Ya think?”
“It's been a while. I thought those were over.”
“Oh, no. She just laid dormant until she got me alone. Which I shouldn't have been, because you weren't even supposed to work today.”
Buck paused. “Wait a minute,” he said, glaring over at Tommy. “Are you mad because I took overtime? Overtime that we both agreed I'd take to help pay for our trip this summer?”
“We agreed to taking some overtime,” Tommy replied, “but you didn't tell me you'd taken overtime for today until after you said yes.”
Buck cocked his head to the side. “I didn't know I needed your permission to work.”
“That's not what I-”
“Do I need to ask for your permission on a daily basis? My regular shift starts back in two days, should I ask if it's okay to go now, or wait until the day of? I think Bobby would prefer to have a little extra time to find someone to fill in should it not please you.”
“Maybe I should have Carla come over on the days you're alone with Juniper if you can't handle her.” Buck knew that wasn't fair before the words left his mouth. He'd been alone with Juniper on one of her breakdown days. It was like endless torture.
The worst part was Tommy stopped fighting back right then and there. He stared at Buck, lips pursed. After a few seconds, he nodded, eyes now wet and red-rimmed. “I'm gonna go for a run,” he said softly, defeated.
He turned for the door, grabbing his shoes on the way out.
“Wait, Tom-” By the time Buck had found his voice again, it was too late. Tommy was out the door, closing it quietly behind him.
When Tommy walked back into the house nearly two hours later, it was dimly lit. He could hear soft jazz playing in the living room. As he stepped in further, he saw that the house had been picked up, all of Juniper's toys put away. The little disasters from the day were gone, just a memory now.
He could hear Evan in the kitchen, could smell something cooking. Tommy's stomach growled, a reminder that he'd never been able to sit for lunch.
When he reached the kitchen, Evan was next to the stove, freshly showered and changed into sweats and one of Tommy's t-shirts. He wasn't messing with the food. Instead, he was working on something beside it. As Tommy got a better look, he could see that it was the book his mom had given him when he was young. Buck was concentrating hard as he taped the pages back together.
Tommy's chest ached. He knew it should make him feel better. Should make him feel relieved, happy, thankful. Anything other than a complete and total failure.
Buck turned then, jumping slightly when he saw Tommy. “I didn't hear you come in,” he said, a cautious smile on his face. “I think we should put your book up until Junie's a little older. I kept the other one in the trash,” he continued with a nervous laugh. “You were right, it sucked.”
And that's when Tommy broke. His face crumpled and his shoulders fell and within a matter of seconds Buck had his arms around Tommy, holding him tight.
Tommy accepted the hug, tucking his head into Buck's neck and wrapping his own arms around Buck's waist.
“I'm so sorry,” Buck whispered into the space between them. “I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry.”
“I'm not-” Tommy sucked in a shaky breath. “It's not because of you.”
Buck turned his head, leaving a gentle kiss on Tommy's temple. “I'm still sorry.”
They stood there for a while in silence, Buck running his fingers through Tommy's hair.
“All I kept thinking,” Tommy said after a few minutes, sniffling as he continued to cling to Buck, “was that my drill sergeants never made me cry. One day alone with a three year old broke me.”
Even as he let out a laugh, Buck rubbed at Tommy's back soothingly. “The army should rethink bootcamp. Let angry toddlers train the soldiers.”
“Graduation rate would go way down.”
Tommy's stomach growled again, and Buck leaned back so he could look at him. “You hungry?” he asked, wiping a tear from Tommy's cheek.
Tommy nodded. “Sorry you had to cook after working all day.”
“I didn't mind,” Buck assured him, taking his hand and leading him to the table. “I told you, it was an easy day, plus I don't have work tomorrow.”
He pulled out Tommy's chair, not letting go of his hand until he was fully seated. He kissed the top of Tommy's head before going into the kitchen to fix them each a bowl of soup.
“Did you wanna get a shower before you eat?” Buck asked.
He shook his head, wiping at his eyes. “I didn't really run,” Tommy admitted. “I walked to the end of the block and sat on the curb for an hour and a half.”
“Did it help at all?”
“Not a bit. God, Evan, it was such a bad day,” he said, resting his head in his hands. “I didn't mean to take it out on you.”
Buck walked over, sliding Tommy's bowl over to him before sitting down beside him. “It's not like I made it any easier. I wasn't even really paying attention.”
“I just... I had the whole day planned. We were gonna go to the zoo, have lunch out, be back home for nap time. Then I was gonna take her with me to the gym so she could go to that kids class she loves, make dinner, have her fed and bathed. We'd clean the house up together, and I'd get to read her a story or two, then she'd be fast asleep by the time you got home. And then we'd have dinner together and, well,” he shrugged, “you know.”
Buck tried to hide a grin, reaching out and taking Tommy's hand. “Honey, she's asleep, I think you can say you'd like to fuck me.”
Tommy groaned, hanging his head down dramatically. “I would. I really would.”
Buck laughed. “Well, some of those things were accomplished.”
“No, she's only asleep because she screamed herself to sleep. I had nothing to do with it.”
“We're also having dinner together,” Buck pointed out. “And I'd be more than happy for you know,” he added with a wink, “after dinner.”
Tommy gave Buck's hand a squeeze.
“This is really good,” he said, taking another bite of the soup. “Thanks for cooking.”
“Thanks for eating with me.”
“Thanks for fixing my book.”
Buck smiled. “Thanks for being such a good Papa that our kid isn't afraid to have a bad day.”
Tommy smiled back at him, even as tears filled his eyes again. “Thanks for being the best partner I could ever ask for.”
“Thanks for loving me.”
Tommy lifted Buck's hand, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “Always.”
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evansbuck-ley · 4 months ago
in the back of his mind tommy always had a fear that he would turn out like his father. a drill sergeant, someone who caused harm and pain with his words of venom instead of his fist. and the thought of becoming a father terrified him even more.
frankly, for a long time, he never thought he would become a dad. no one ever stayed around long enough for him to even think about it. that was until evan buckley, the man that turned tommy’s world upside down for the better. and tommy started to believe that this is something that he could do. so when buck decided to give tommy a second chance, he knew to not waste it. he knew he was going to give this incredible man everything he wanted.
and he did, they bought a house together six months later, engaged after one year and married not long after that. and when buck started dropping hints about them having a baby, he gave him that too. they of course talked about tommy’s fears and buck did everything he could to reassure tommy. he went to therapy and talked it out, but that fear was still there. that was until the moment he held his new born son for the first time. baby henry who was so new, so fragile, so soft. who curled his hand around tommy’s finger and snuggled his head into tommy’s chest.
tommy vowed that day he would be nothing like his father. he showed henry love, taught him empathy. held him close while he cried after a nightmare instead of scolding him for being a wimp. told him how blessed he was to be his father instead of telling him he was his biggest mistake. taught him it was okay to play with dolls and dress as a princess with his sister and cousin rather than calling him hateful names.
and in the process of helping raise such a wonderful little boy, he also helped heal the child inside of him that spent years begging for a father who cared.
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tonyjalapeno · 5 months ago
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I've still got my one life, and I intend to use it the best way I can (with you)
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616scarletvision · 6 months ago
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Wanda's hallucination of Vision, Billy and Tommy.
AVENGERS WEST COAST V1 #62: "THE WITCHING HOUR!" written by roy and dann thomas and drawn by paul ryan.
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gromky · 8 months ago
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fireburningonthedancefloor · 9 months ago
I’m getting movie night vibes.
From what we’ve seen in the S2 Begins episodes, I think Chimney and Tommy bonded over a shared love of movies.
Buckley Headcanon: the Buckleys were the type of parents to limit their kids screen time — except when they were sick. When Daniel got sick, he watched as much TV as he wanted, and then that was the only thing he could do because of how weak he was from chemo. Afterwards, the Buckley parents didn’t want the reminder of a sick kid and Maddie and Buck weren’t allowed to watch TV or movies.
Then Maddie was under Doug’s control and only watched what he wanted to watch when he wanted to watch it.
And Buck was traveling, so he spent more time in the car listening to music (and became a music connoisseur) than watching movies.
But now…
The Buckley siblings are dating Chimney and Tommy.
So they all get together for Buckley-Kinard-Han movie nights where Buck and Maddie indulge in their movie buff partners’ hobby and watch fondly over a bottle of wine shared between them while their partners geek out together.
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apartmentsmoke · 11 months ago
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tfw you're already tired and now you have to go fight a fire and break it to your date that you can't stay at his lame but heartfelt party :(
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the-sleepwalker-503 · 2 years ago
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Gordon turns and walks back out the door, not looking back. He hears the team calling for him. The anxiety spikes. He picks up the pace, not caring where he's-
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"see ya. where you goin' man?"
Gordon lets out a harrowed laugh and backpedals, stumbling backwards into someone. It's Tommy.
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"Mr Freeman, wha-"
Gordon grabs him by the arm and pulls them both in the opposite direction until they're at a safer distance. He points at the figure of Benrey, only his upper torso sticking out of the sidewalk still.
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"That's not real right? You don't see it? Tell me you don't see it, I'm suh...I'm seeing things."
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"...No, that's, uh, that's Benrey, Mr Freeman. Do you not- don't you remember him?"
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denzartriste · 11 months ago
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"Do you know what you look like?"
"No - well..It's just, um. ...Gold. I look like gold."
(Closeups under cut)
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cruesuffix · 1 month ago
have you ever stalked who mick follows on instagram? why is he following random girls… (i’m actually so sorry for bringing this up but i felt alone in knowing this and i just want to know if anyone else has noticed this lol 😔🙏)
i would be lying if i said i never stalked around on micks insta follows (or the rest of the bands insta follows tbh!). i’ve stalked his twitter follows too and i’ve noticed he’s followed a couple of fans on there too! very interesting to see the difference of his twitter follows and his insta follows though… made the mistake of just checking one account and… all i’ll say is that mick and vince have something in common 👀 i also read a comment like a couple of months ago that said vince and micks twitter likes were… very similar but twt disabled the whole “seeing someone else’s likes” feature so idk how true that was. either way i kinda wish i was a fan back when he was still semi-active on twt i probably would have gotten a follow! (but then he would have seen how unhinged i am about him and i think that would just make me deactivate ngl!)
(oh also, tommy still follows mick on insta- at least the last time i checked he did and… that was a while ago i’ll be honest- idk if he still follows him on twt though. i wonder if he forgot to unfollow him or… maybe didn’t want to unfollow him?? my tommymick heart will believe the latter ofc!)
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fyrewalks · 3 months ago
did you bring the latkes? // @strangewonderful
"Did I bring the latkes," Tommy repeats, voice rising in pitch with each syllable. He looks down at his hands, each fist wrapped around an expensive bottle of wine, and then at Andie's, holding a platter of cookies, carefully balanced and wrapped in plastic wrap.
"No, I did not bring the latkes," he hisses. "I cant make latkes." Tommy's a decent enough cook, but anything that involved frying was beyond his skill. Not to mention, it brought out firefighter-induced anxieties. He's seen too many kitchen fires to trust any bit of oil, no matter how shallow.
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spookyscaryy · 2 months ago
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ms PAINt . im having a lot ov trouble w wall dwellers . let me cope
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