#(( This version of the song DOESN'T HAVE ANY LYRICS AVAILABLE ))
tuneonin · 8 months
🎤 :3
Send 🎤 to catch my muse singing while they think nobody's around!
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(Song: "Whatcha Gonna Do When There Ain't No Jazz?" by Esther Walker)
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"♪ Every day you read about something else we must cut out How can folks get by with reformers crying: "Don't do this and don't do that! Don't you dare to kiss!" Now if by chance they stop the dance, kindly answer this:
What're you gonna do when there ain't no jazz? How ya gonna step when you're full o' pep if they're gonna stop syncopation? How ya gonna get recreation? How ya gonna chase those doggone blues everybody has? Won't the nights be long and weary? Slower than the darned ol' Erie? And what're ya gonna do with your dearie, when there ain't no jazz?
They took away your liquor! They didn't tell ya why! They are going to take tobacco from ya, by and by! They'll have us all like angels before they get through! Feelin' mad and looney, that's why I'm askin' you:
What're you gonna do when there ain't no jazz? How ya gonna step when you're feelin' full o' pep if they're gonna stop syncopation? How ya gonna get recreation? How ya gonna chase those doggone blues everybody has? Won't the nights be long and weary? Slower than the darned ol' Erie? And what're ya gonna do with your everlovin' dearie, when there ain't no jazz? When there ain't no jazz? ♬"
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odysseyeurobeat · 5 months
Literally just me gushing about eurobeat
Y'know what? Tumblr, you get a little treat. I don't have much better of a place to post something long-winded like this, so here we are.
I love eurobeat music. Big surprise from the girl with it in her handle, right? But I don't just love one kind of eurobeat. No, I'd go so far as to say I love it all. This genre becomes an absolute buffet of delightful, energetic, silly fun when you forget about trying to look for ways it "doesn't count", and try to look for the ways it does.
I love early eurobeat! I love the stuff that's indistinguishable from early Italo Disco, the formative things where the tempo was still low and the disco vibes were still high! That's Eurobeat and the first few volumes of Super Eurobeat are great for this!
I love later eurobeat, too! Even if some of the sounds aren't always my favorites, I love that folks were trying new things and dabbling with new sounds, experimenting in ways that in previous years seemed prohibited! Comparing some aliases who have been going for multiple decades from this period to when they started is also super fun!
I love traditional eurobeat, if I could pick a name for it! Faster, more rave-influenced, whether or not it's still got some disco elements in it, themes about nightclubs and love and loss and betrayal and that ever-ubiquitous fire! Maharajah Night has some great examples, leading into the bulk of pre-200 Super Eurobeat volumes!
I love J-Euro! It turns out, folks in Japan have different ideas and tastes and approach the genre VERY differently than the folks in Italy do, and I love how it sounds! I love how the sound design is so different and the speed jumps a little higher!
I love indie eurobeat! I love hearing how new and amateur producers take a crack at the sound, and seeing what folks do as the tools for making it grow and evolve! Even virtual versions of the synths the masters used to use are available now, and it's fantastic to hear how those things sound in new hands! I love the ways indie producers bend, break, and work around the rules of the genre and still deliver a uniquely "eurobeat" experience! Without this category, I would never have found DJ Command, DJ Bouche, Turbo, Vikas Beatbox, the Galaxian Recordings crew, and so, so many more!
I love happy eurobeat! The nature of the genre makes it so straightforward to pair its signature energy with joy, delight, empowerment!
I love sad eurobeat! That very same energy that powers joy and happiness can be just as powerful for driving home sorrow and sadness, and some lyrics even carry strong emotional weight (we're well past the days of eurobeat being only about Burning Love Car Baby Fire Desire Tonight Drift Tokyo, y'know)!
I love fandom eurobeat! Yup! Vocaloid, Touhou, MLP:FiM, Vtubers; whatever you may be a fan of, chances are good there's a eurobeat remix out there (or even an original) that suits your fancy!
I love Initial D eurobeat! How could I not, right? The classics are classics for a reason, and eurobeat and drift racing are a uniquely fantastic pair. Of all the things eurobeat could be about, it's one of a few that really knock it out of the park!
I love feminine eurobeat! Masculine eurobeat is great too, but it already gets a lot of love in the other categories, so I want to celebrate those eurobeat songs that feel quite the opposite while still being perfectly eurobeat! Eurobeat is broad enough to express feelings like this, too!
I love songs that aren't quite eurobeat, but have elements of it! And I love eurobeat songs that heavily include elements from other genres, too! Eurobeat is like any other genre-- it has not always had the same chances to rub shoulders with other sounds in the dance space, but when it does, some wonderful things happen! And the whole music world is enriched for that cross-pollenation!
I love the songs I used to dislike! To think I'd go from vastly disliking Norma Sheffield's discography, to adoring it so fully! Disliking "Higher Higher More and More" to seeking it out from time to time! Not being fond of SAIFAM/BBB's style, to knowing some of its songs by heart!
And most of all, I love that I get to MAKE this stuff for a living! I do not take the fact that this could've not worked out trivially, and I hope I've rewarded your patiences well with a lot of new favorites and starting points for diving deeper into the genre over the last... almost 20 years, now!
And that's just the tip of the iceberg! I understand some eurobeat isn't to everyone's taste, but I think if you haven't tasted all that there is out there, you owe it to yourself to see how you feel about it. You might be pleasantly surprised!
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teacup-crafter · 5 months
Okay I'm sad to have to do this but :(
This is my original song, My Special Company. (a Sherlock & Co. fansong)
I don't know what the quality sounds like it was wonky to upload
But I can definitely tell you I'm not happy with the results.
Unfortunately I have to give up this project, just... Leave it be for now
Because I'm not in a position where I can use any other instruments than what's available to me on walkband, I can't work on this stuff too loudly. and because my horrible awful "MoDeRn" phone doesn't have a headphone jack- I can only use bluetooth headsets with my phone. AND THE BLUETOOTH HAS LIKE A 1 SECOND DELAY. HORRIBLE AWFUL NO GOOD.
I'm not able to play around on instruments the way I want, and I get way too anxious working on this that I'm just. Not making progress.
So I'm leaving My Special Company here, and maybe someday I'll make a better version. I don't even remember what exactly it sounds like, I just remember that I definitely should have re-recorded the piano part haha, I had a little "twinkle" thing planned idk if it's in there
One last thing- you may notice a few references from adventures up to and including Blue Carbuncle, you might wonder why I didn't include other references- that's bc I started on this song around cardboard box pt 1. Yeah 😭
Lyrics under the cut. Arguably the best part of this. In fact just ignore the MP3 file and just read the lyrics /j
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
The thunder comes!
A thousand feet marching
To the sound of BIG DRUMS
The clouds part
and the sky bleeds,
as I meet you
Get me involved with ming pottery
And soon I realize I don't wanna be free
From this life, and your mind
As we go and we do it all, ooh-oh
Adrenaline and tension,
Brilliant comprehension
The thrill of the seek
And their shocking redemptions
Tell the listeners about this lovely place-
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
221A, 221B
The listeners hear all that we seek
221A, 221B
Stay tuned until next week
Faked deaths, faked murders
We keep it short
No matter where he goes
He's got my support
Suicide, still alive,
Though our shoes didn't make the fall
I can't deny that twinkle in your eyes
Is what I think you'd call "sensory delight"
To go out with the boys?
Or stay? Well, I choose you, ooh-oh
Adrenaline and tension,
Brilliant comprehension
The thrill of the seek
And their shocking redemptions
Tell the listeners about this lovely place-
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
221A, 221B
The listeners hear all that we seek
221A, 221B
Stay tuned until next week
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
221A, 221B
The listeners hear all that we seek
221A, 221B
We're keeping their attention, stay tuned until next week
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A is where I wanna 221B
It's where I'll always be
Hope it was enjoyable. Fun fact: for so long whenever I started a new paragraph on my notes app the 1st word suggestion would be "EX-PLO-SION"
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m0ckest · 1 year
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Bailey-Moon Low-CC Makeover
Octavia & Thorne Bailey are today's hottest musical power couple, with Octavia being the lyrical genius behind all of Thorne's hits. But due to multiple public mishaps, his image has started to falter and fans are starting to realize who the real talent is of the duo is. Their good-natured son Orange has an interest in music, but due to an entire life of wanting-for-nothing, he is also a bit naive.
No-cc version available on the gallery @m0ckest🖤 See my other low-cc makeovers here
Years ago, Thorne's career blew up when a song written by him and his then-girlfriend, Octavia, caught on and was played to death on the radio. With her help since then, he's managed to become a huge name in music. He's also amassed a reputation as quite a party boy. The tabloids have loved him as a subject, eating up photos of him blacked out drunk, possibly spotted on secret dates, and a plethora of other stupid shit.
Still, Octavia stays. The public wonders why. Her confident stature and surefire wit say I'm better than this man but she's never bad-mouthed him or expressed any desire to break up, either publicly or to her fans.
What they don't know is that Octavia simply does not give a fuck. She doesn't care that her husband is an idiot who might be sneaking around with the actress of the week.
What they also don't know is that for years, Octavia has been lowkey building her brand. She has a solid foundation of fans who love her song-writing, a growing community of readers for the short stories she self-publishes, and the tightest network of publisher, developers, writers, and musicians from Del Sol to San My that one can find. It won't be too long before her first book is announced, and when fans start demanding a solo album... well, it's already in the making.
She's extremely happy with life with her son, as well as her feats. She's seeing bright stars and soft clouds for her and her son's future. The only thing that concerns her is how close Orange and Thorne are and how closely Orange's mannerisms mirror his fathers. He's a charming boy, but how will he be when he gets older?
No-CC except for my defaults and a couple skin details. I’ve added some relevant relationship levels, preferences, skills, degrees, and more.
Unedited, no-cc:
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black-arcana · 2 months
LACUNA COIL Enlists LAMB OF GOD's RANDY BLYTHE For New Single 'Hosting The Shadow'
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Italian goth metallers LACUNA COIL have released a new single, "Hosting The Shadow". After their successful collaboration with Ash Costello of NEW YEARS DAY on previous single "In The Mean Time", the new track includes a guest appearance by Randy Blythe from LAMB OF GOD.
LACUNA COIL comments: "'Hosting The Shadow' is a trip through light and dark, where silence reveals its hidden secrets. Obscure moments can become occasions to evolve, to learn to master one's own shadow — which is crucial in order to prevail.
"Randy Blythe did an incredible job on this track. We absolutely adore his voice and his evil laugh! Our admiration for him is infinite and to have him as a guest on this song is a dream come true. Partnering with a friend you respect immensely, that also kicks ass on stages around the world: it doesn't get any better than this. We're looking forward to the day we can perform 'Hosting The Shadow' live together!"
Blythe adds: "I was super excited when LACUNA COIL asked me to sing on a song with them. Not only am I a big fan of their music, they are truly beautiful souls who have been like family to me for 20 years now. We've played shows together all over the world, and I've always wanted to jump onstage and sing with them. I can't wait until it actually happens with 'Hosting The Shadow'!"
This past June, LACUNA COIL announced the departure of guitarist Diego Cavallotti.
Cavallotti, who joined LACUNA COIL in 2016, initially as a fill-in guitarist following the exit of Marco "Maus" Biazzi, later said in a social media post that "this decision is not the result of my dissatisfaction or desire to explore new opportunities."
When LACUNA COIL announced Cavallotti's departure on June 17, the band wrote in a statement: "As we step into a new cycle, writing and recording our next album, we are parting ways with Diego 'DD' Cavallotti. We thank him for the many unforgettable moments shared over the years and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours.
"All future live plans remain unchanged and the new songs are taking form, we can't wait to share them with our fans."
LACUNA COIL recently completed the "Ignite The Fire" U.S. tour with support from NEW YEARS DAY and OCEANS OF SLUMBER.
In April, LACUNA COIL released "In The Mean Time", featuring Costello. The song's title is a reference to the mean times the world is living in, as well as a reference to the state the band itself is in, between cycles.
In July 2023, LACUNA COIL released the official lyric video for a new track called "Never Dawn". For the song, the band partnered with CMON, the renowned board game publisher behind the popular game "Zombicide".
In a recent interview with Brazil's Sonoridades Inc., LACUNA COIL singer Cristina Scabbia spoke about the progress of the writing and recording sessions for the band's follow-up to 2019's "Black Anima" album. She said: "I can't really tell you a lot. I can tell you that we are progressing very fast. We are almost, like, 100… We completed, let's say, the demoing. We still have to record the rest of the songs, but we will soon — probably after the tour, after the [May 2024] North American tour. And if everything goes as projected, before the end of the year [it] will be released. And that's already a big news, because we always say, 'We don't know. Maybe.' … I absolutely love the songs. I'm part of the process. But I'm very pleased."
Asked if "Never Dawn" will be on the upcoming album, Cristina said: "I think it will be. I think it will be, 'cause it will make sense. And it also fits with the other songs — it really fits with the other songs. Many heavy songs."
LACUNA COIL has spent some of the last couple of years promoting "Comalies XX", the "deconstructed" and "transported" version of the band's third album, "Comalies".
"Comalies XX" was made available on October 14, 2022 via Century Media Records.
"Comalies" was originally released on October 29, 2002 through Century Media Records. The LP, which featured the band's breakthrough single "Heaven's A Lie", has reportedly gone on to sell over 300,000 copies in the United States alone.
Photo credit: Cunene
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
In that pleasing tiktok which, he's wearing rings again which he hasn't been since the shows I think. Do you know if there's any significance to those specific rings?
It's also interesting they deleted the one using style fast which makes me wonder if some intern accidently did it otherwise makes no sense.
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask. :)
An account like Pleasing would probably have quite robust approvals for a TikTok, I'd say especially with Harry's hand, so I think that chaos was intended. Pleasing's Tik Tok has a clear soundscape that doesn't fit with. So I don't think intern, I do think HS knew and I think it was deleted because he's particular and cares about it being cohesive. Once it went viral they didn't need it the deletion adds to the mystery.
The rings he wore in the TikTok today are ones he wears quite often:
H&S are custom Gucci, he's worn them since 2019 and represent himself. An etched version is available for sale
Stevie Nicks gifted him the large pink stone ring in his first ever show at the Forum for Fine Line's launch in December 2019. He wore that in the Falling Music Video also.
The Ruby Ring is one he has had since May 2017 when his Debut Album came out, I think it is about his solo career, but it's a ruby...
The mosaic ring appeared in 2021 I don’t know the meaning but it’s so pretty! This posts thinks it could be about Robin. Alessandro has a similar ring
The pearl ring has a woman holding the pearl and also appeared in 2021. I have more detail on this here First seen at the Grammy's March 2021, Peace ring not seen much since.
And it looks like his Gucci lion on the end
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He doesn't talk about them so we can only guess any meaning, also impossible to know if the first time we see a ring is when he got it, unless it changes hands like the Haylor one. The ones wonder if may be to do with Taylor are:
the Rose, he wore this 6 March 2017, just before his first solo album. He wore it all through the promo and was lost at an Ariana Grande Concert in August 2019 and he seemed worried. The reason I wonder if it could be connected to Taylor is the rose. He references roses in LOML Lyric video, she only uses roses in Lyrics, videos in connection to him and he got the rose tattoo while they dated. He wore it on the cover of Rolling Stone when he left the table when the interviewer brought her up.
Haylor Ring - it was hers, she gave it to him in 2014 when Style came out, he wore it up to 2017. It's in his last B&W Instagram in 2016 and on Carpool Karaoke in 2017.
Gucci Lion - he has at least 3 Gucci lion rings, silver with a purple stone, which is a custom combination, gold with a black stone and gold with a purple stone. He got all 3 in 2018, first seen in silver in Japan in October 2018. Taylor wore the earrings from same collection in the lAWYMMD video 10 months before he wore the ring. Gold first seen here October 2018 when a fan found it at Coachella it has an inscription of 'second time's a charm'. Taylor wore one at Electric Lady Studios to the wrap party for 1989 TV in April 2023. Taylor also wore one at Zoe Kravitz birthday in maybe December 2021. Taylor & Gucci lion
Ruby ring, It's also on the Rolling Stone Cover from 2017, and at the Today Show when he played Stockholm Syndrome in May 2017. IDK - it's red, he refers to her as red in his songs (e.g. grapejuice) and they started dating in the Red era and I think it's his favourite album of hers, he refers to it a bit. But this and the Rose may just be about his solo career.
Grateful Dead ring it appeared while they dated in 2014, she referenced it in Delicate.
Peace Ring appeared while they dated in 2013, the timing and that he also wore it during the Falling Music Video along with the Ruby. I have a detailed post about this ring and why it is Haylor.
Other rings:
The Camille ring - an oval garnet he wore while they dated from July 2017-2018. Different to the square ruby.
Bear ring - not seen in a long time. From 2013
This round gold stone or diamond ring from September 2021
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herrlindemann · 1 year
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Sonic Seducer - July 2015, interview with Till and Peter
Youth-threatening Teutonic Roc bogeyman for some, almost cult-like revered New German Hardship light figure for others: In the development of German-language music, no one has polarized the masses to an even remotely comparable extent as Rammstein singer Till Lindemann and his troupe. After firing on all cylinders at the boundaries of good taste with his infamous cult formation over the last two decades and, at the same time, mastering the rise to become the most successful local rock act, the notorious industrial metal oddball is now also catching up with his English-language solo project 'Skills In Pills' dirty grin for the next general attack on morals and customs.
He almost took part in the Olympic Games as a competitive swimmer in the early 1980s; After his apprenticeship as a basket maker, Till Lindemann has been one of the most controversial singers and lyricists in the German-speaking music landscape since the end of the 90s at the latest. Someone for whom nothing and no one is obviously sacred: a devious pyromaniac who sets himself on fire on stage while he loves to talk about taboo topics that grab headlines such as necrophilia, cannibalism, drug abuse or sex in all love and life situations. Hot iron in the truest sense, some of which can also be found on Lindemann's solo debut: On 'Skills In Pills' the Berliner has teamed up with his long-time friend and Hypocrisy/Pain mastermind Peter Tägtgren, who combines Lindemann's darkly erotic adult fairy tale with the corresponding atmospheric, hard industrial -Metal substructure supports. Till Lindemann and Peter Tägtgren in a not always entirely serious conversation about pill madness, bizarre fetishes and failed family planning.
The lyrics on 'Skills In Pills' are quite controversial and will definitely make headlines here and there. Will the record also be released in English-speaking countries and available there in a clean version?
Till: The record will be released worldwide. I don't know yet if some songs might need to be toned down. Maybe we need to change the word cunt to aunt. With Rammstein it's almost a kind of tradition that people are always indignant. I'm already used to it. This time it will certainly not be worse than with Rammstein.
With English-language texts throughout, this time there may even be worldwide scolding! Is it at least a little intentional to piss off the audience with such offensive lyrics?
Till: No, it just happens. The lyrics arise as they arise, not out of any need to stand out or piss off anyone. Even if I wanted to express it in a different way, it always only comes out the way people know it from me (laughs). I can't do anything about it. There's always a wink somewhere in my songs. If people don't understand the humor, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm not forcing anyone to buy the record.
Is it important to you today that your humor is understood?
Till: Until about ten years ago, it wasn't important to me that I was properly understood. It was important to me what people thought and how they perceived me. Today I'm more relaxed. Not to say: I don't care at all whether people understand me correctly.
Peter: If you don't understand the humor on this album, then you have a serious problem. Everything on this record can of course be understood with a grin. In my opinion there is a really brilliant artist behind it who can juggle words very well. There are also some serious songs like ‘Home Sweet Home’ which is about cancer. But the majority of them like ‘Cowboys’ or ‘Golden Shower’ are really not serious. Funny adult stories.
Can you identify 100 percent with the lyrics?
Peter: Absolutely. I think every man can do it. Maybe not necessarily complete with the lyrics of ‘Golden Shower’; Personal preferences tend to differ. But the rest has a really good sense of humor.
And maybe the transgender song 'Ladyboy' doesn't mean you?
Peter: I hope not!
Till: You have no idea...
Do you ever wonder what's going on in Till's head?
Peter: Sometimes, but if I'm honest, I don't really want to know. I see what he's singing about. Maybe some things shouldn't be said at all.
Till: It was such an intense time. Peter knows me extremely well now.
The album sounds like a lot of fun in the studio - like a real man's record.
Peter: Oh yes, I can only confirm that. We really had a good time while working on the songs.
How did the recordings go? You both are known as passionate party makers who like to have a blast!
Till: (laughs)
Peter: It wasn't that intense. Both of us can definitely handle a beer or two and a few whiskeys on top of that. Let's put it this way: first comes work, then comes pleasure. We can both be very disciplined when it counts. We share the attitude that you shouldn't waste time unnecessarily, but rather get things done as quickly as possible and then celebrate properly.
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Which of you can tolerate more?
Peter: We haven't tried that yet, but we'll find out. We tried to drown our new record label. The result was that I was the first one down.
How would you describe Till? His strengths, his weaknesses?
Peter: A guy with a million ideas. So far I have always been the driving force in my projects - this time it was a very nice feeling that someone else took the reins. I think Till is more determined and ambitious than me. I think we complement each other quite well. We didn't have to fight each other in the studio to impose a certain opinion, but we could always agree on what was best for a song.
Till: Peter compensates for my weaknesses with his strengths. We are like plus and minus. And vice versa. But it works really, really well. Peter played all the instruments. All I had to do was finish my lyrics, travel up to his studio and sing everything. I would consider my use of words to be my greatest strength. Peter and I are the so-called perfect match.
What was the most difficult part of creating this album?
Peter: Everything except the lyrics and the music! The songs basically composed themselves. Then of course there is the ugly side, which no longer has anything to do with the music and is all about business. That's always the moment when it starts to get annoying. That was a real downer. Lindemann was originally planned as a purely leisure activity, as a kind of holiday hobby or perhaps as group therapy. We couldn't have known at the beginning that everything would degenerate like this and develop into a big thing. People caught wind of it and everything got bigger and bigger from then on. We are both artists, we prefer to have nothing to do with the business side.
Were there big discussions about the pieces?
Peter: Actually everything went pretty smoothly, but there were still some tracks that were pretty hard to crack and that neither of us were really happy with for a long time.
Till: Peter is this type of real metalhead who always has a guitar in his hands and is constantly strumming something to himself. Fortunately, he had no intention of including any solos in the songs. I hate solos. Right from the start he was really thundering on the guitar - I even had to rein him in a little at times. I'm more of a gothic person: atmospheric keyboards, slow bass and everything a little more atmospheric. Pianos, strings… Peter can arrange that very well too. Nevertheless, I sometimes had to cool down his metalhead spirit a little so that a song could develop in a relaxed manner.
No disagreements regarding content at Lindemann?
Peter: Few. Of course I have a different musical background than Till. But the more songs we wrote together, the easier it became. At some point something clicked and we understood what we wanted and how we needed to go about it.
Aren't you worried that your collaboration with Till will be held against you in tight-knit metal circles?
Peter: No, absolutely not. When you start making music young, you feel like you have to fight everyone and everything to prove yourself. Today I don't have to prove anything anymore, I just do what I want. If I get the idea to record a blues album, then I record a blues album. You should only listen to what you want to do yourself and not pay attention to what others might think or expect of you.
Till, did you ever feel like you had to prove yourself with Rammstein? Rammstein appeared so confident right from the start.
Till: Every young artist feels like they have to prove themselves. You're always under a certain amount of pressure to improve from time to time. Even today. We certainly exude a certain self-confidence. But this is not God-given, but is based on many different creative processes.
You recently explained in an interview that you would have liked to hide in the early days of Rammstein and found your role as frontman rather unpleasant. Seems like you've gotten used to being the center of attention.
Till: I'm actually not that concerned with being in the spotlight or the focus. With Lindemann I'm just fulfilling this agreement, which was filled with a lot of Jägermeister, to do a joint project with Peter at some point. Originally I just wanted to record a song and put it online. Peter said he would like to write a whole album together. Then we started working on the next track and after a short time we had five pieces finished. So we thought about an EP. But then we had so much fun that we worked on more pieces. It just bubbled out of us.
In your opinion, do you communicate different things in English today in a different way than you would in Rammstein or in German?
Till: I haven't thought about that yet.
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Peter: For me it's easier to express myself in English than in Swedish. Even if I'm talking to a Swede! Sometimes you just use English terms because you can express things quicker and easier than in your native language.
Would you also sing these lyrics in German?
Till: No, definitely not. My message from the start was: If I ever started a side project, it would definitely not be in German. That would be too much competition and friction with Rammstein. Rammstein is Rammstein, Lindemann is in English and I feel extremely comfortable with that. At first I wasn't so sure whether I should actually do it because my English isn't very good and you can still hear the German in me.
Peter: I said from the beginning that I found his pronunciation very appropriate. The rawer and edgier, the better. It would sound very strange if Till Lindemann sang the lyrics in perfect, slurred American instead of his rolling pronunciation. That wouldn't be Till.
Instead of English, you learned Russian at school in the old GDR - would an album in Russian also be conceivable?
Till: It would definitely be a challenge. I probably couldn't do it off the cuff, but would need to brush up on some things and need someone to help me with the lyrics. But an album in Russian is conceivable. Maybe even very soon! It would also be worth considering making a record in many different languages such as French, Spanish, Italian etc. I speak a little Spanish. We've already done Spanish songs with Rammstein.
Your first attempts at non-German were with Rammstein. Have you already tested what it would sound like?
Till: The record company back then wanted us to do “Du hast” and “Engel” in English. Why we did ‘Pussy’ and ‘Amerika’ in English is a mystery to me today.
What did you discover about your artistic abilities while working on ‘Skills In Pills’?
Till: I was very surprised that everything worked out so well. Before our project, I listened to Richard's [Kruspe, Rammstein guitarist] album. We are both from the East. Richard fled before the Berlin Wall came down. We met in Berlin sometime after the fall of the Berlin Wall, before he moved to New York. Suddenly he spoke English fluently and also started making music in English. I really admired that. Above all, I admired his courage in taking this step. And it was a big step from a boy from a small town in East Germany to suddenly making English-language music in New York City. I was proud of him and wondered if I could do the same. But it was crystal clear to me that I would sing in German for the rest of my life. Because people like it. There were many voices who asked that Rammstein never sing anything in English.
People have always wondered about your texts, how much autobiography there is in them. This also applies to the new, sometimes quite revealing to coarse lyrics like 'Ladyboy', 'Golden Shower' or 'Fat'.
Till: A lot. I don't have anything more to say about it. I don't want to explain the lyrics too much.
Is writing a form of self-therapy for you?
Till: It's definitely a good thing. Sometimes it feels good to talk about certain things. Not always, but in certain situations. When someone very close to you dies, it can be very liberating to write about it. When you wrap it up in music as beautiful as Peter's, of course it's all the more beautiful.
What are the lyrics to the title track of ‘Skills In Pills’?
Peter: Of course it's about this society in which people pop a different pill for every occasion: one to sleep, one to stay awake, one for a headache, one to last longer. Pills, pills and more pills. At the same time, you condemn drugs, but you don't count all these pills, while they are almost as addictive and just as harmful. Of course, a headache pill isn't comparable to coke, heroin or marijuana, but at the end of the day they're just drugs.
What is your favorite pill?
Till: The blue one (laughs).
You've already caused a stir with your first outtake 'Praise Abort' - a single about the 'blessings of abortion'. You obviously like making enemies!
Peter: Definitely our families. But seriously: all people who feel offended by this text should get in line! But that's just the way it is: Some people don't really think about it before they start a family. You may have never heard of condoms or other forms of contraception, bang all day and end up sitting with a whole bunch of kids. Then the woman cheats and everything goes down the drain. You're kind of digging your own grave.
Till: Some people are really irresponsible with their children. They want children, but don't know how to raise them, how to teach them things and prepare them for life. And in the end there are only freaks running around outside, as you can often see.
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purplearmy13434 · 3 months
Okay, so I just listened to the demo version of Epiphany and I'm speechless!!! this is a literal masterpiece. As someone who got her heart broken by a boy who doesn't love her back and still loves him even more, this song hit me hard.
Let me copy the lyrics for you: It's a song completely in English:
@ Epiphany (Jin Demo Ver.) Lyrics
here's the link, but i also copied the lyrics in here:
[Verse 1]
Making me so guilty
l've been crying' so really
You belong so tell me why you always going on (Going on)
Making me so easy (A-a-ah)
l've been tryin' to worry (A-a-ah)
You belong so sorry tell me why you don't be afraid
I don't think about you Save me
So amazing
Please be by my side, you You're my lullaby
I don't think about you Save me
So amazing
Please be by my side, you You're my lullaby
So epiphany
[Verse 2]
So now we are gone
And I will be wrong
And let us stay and live, yeah So 'cause we are wrong
Oh, promise not be afraid
I don't think about you
Save me
So amazing
Please be by my side, you
You're my lullaby
I don't think about you
Save me
So amazing
Please be by my side, you
You're my lullaby
So epiphany
So epiphany
So epiphany
Oh, yeah
Talking 'bout you any more (Oh-oh) Talking 'bout you any more (Oh-oh) Talking 'bout you any more (Oh-oh) I want you more
I don't think about you
Save me
So amazing
Please be by my side, you You're my lullaby
I don't think about you
Save me
So amazing
Please be by my side, you You're my lullaby
So epiphany (O-o-oh, o-0-oh) So epiphany (O-o-o-oh)
So epiphany (A-ah, 0-00-oh-oh, yeah)
You can listen to the song on Youtube or Soundcloud but it's not uploaded by any official accounts because it's a hidden track, that is only available to listen to on the Proof CD.
Listening to this masterpiece, I realized something. What if the demo version and the final version of Epiphany are a series?
Both of the versions are very emotional, but they are slightly different. It seems like the demo version is from someone's perspective that can't let go of their unrequited love even though they might have tried it severeal times. While the final version is also from the perspective of a person in unrequited love, this person is slowly starting to let go as well as finding their own worth.
But first let's start with the Demo version: We can see that Jin sings "I don't think about you" which could indicate someone trying to fool the other person into thinking they are not in love with them anymore, or even more, they are trying to fool themselves. Something like: If I just say it often enough, it'll become the truth. If I fool myself into thinking I don't love this person anymore, then I'll eventually fall out of love.
But immediately after that, he sings:" Save me So amazing Please be by my side, you're my lullaby". In my opinion the person in love is asking their loved one to save them from this unrequited love.It's just like saying: 'Save me so I don't have to force myself to not think about you.'
But the "So amazing" reminded me of how some people kind of like the pain of unrequited love. I know it sounds crazy, but I sometimes have this feeling. There's days when you just miss a person so much that you don't want to be happy, you just wanna be sad, curl up in your bed and listen to emotional music and cry. Or when I'm watching a Kdrama and the main character gets hurt or disappointed by their partner/love interest, these scenes when everything totally escalates and they need to distance themselves from one another. That's when I think: "The main character should distance from their partner until the partner realizes and feels how incredibly hurt the main character felt. Those scenes when they see them crying intensely and breaking down. That's when the person that caused the pain is understanding what they did. I then feel extremely relieved for the main character (or any other character who is going through this), because their pain is recognized and it will cause the other person to think about their behaviour and what they did wrong. And for the character it's good to let their feelings out, to just get rid of all of the negative feelings and to just empty out their feelings.
Anyway: back to my interpretation of Epiphany. So the 'so amazing' could indicate that the character also kinda likes this hurt because it keeps them from losing their feelings. However, it could also be connected to 'Please be by my side, you're my lullaby". Because if you look at it this way, the character describes how wonderful it would feel to have their loved one right beside them. Because this person is giving them the ultimate feeling of comfort, just like how a lullaby sung by parents does.
Still, we can see that there is this unrequited love, that doesn't always feel that great, indicated by several lyrics: "Making me so guilty, l've been crying' so really".
However there's this hope flickering through the whole song. Hope that, even when the love might not be exactly right, everything will work out in the end. A reason for this is the unwavering love that the character feels for their loved one. With that they are ready to ignore all the negative things and just focus on the positive aspects.
We can see it in Verse 2: Apparently the relationship is over or something, or the other person left, and the character is admitting they might be wrong about everything working out. However the lyrics go on and the characters asks their loved one to still try, even though it's wrong. But maybe even more because of that, they shouldn't be afraid. (Hope that makes sense.)
So to conclude, the demo version is overall a song that talks from the perspective of a person that is yearning for a love, that they know could be bad, but the person is willing to try everything to make it work. Therefore the song is also a bit hopeful, hopeful to transform a wrong love into a right love.
Now to the 'final' version of Epiphany. Let me include the lyrics of this one as well:
"BTS - Epiphany (English Translation) Lyrics
[Verse 1]
So weird, I for sure loved you so much
Adapted to you with everything, I wanted to live my life for you
But as I keep doing that I just can't bear the storm inside my heart
The real myself inside the smiling mask, I reveal it entirely
Again, we have a person, that seems to love someone unconditionally. But it's different this time. Yes, both song versions start with a negative side of their love, but this one really elaborates on the pain. The person is saying their love made them change everything about themselves which is starting to hurt them.
I'm the one I should love in this world
Shining me, precious soul of mine
I finally realized so I love me
Not so perfect but so beautiful
I'm the one I should love
In this version of Epiphany, Jin sings about how a person is realizing that their own selfmselfuch more worth than an unrequited love which is hurting them. The person is opening their eyes and starting to love their own self.
[Verse 2]
I'm shaking and afraid but I keep going forward
I'm meeting the real you, hidden in the storm
Why did I want to hide my precious self like this?
What was I so afraid of?
Why did I hide my true self?
On Genius Lyrics I read that the song is about how loving oneself is often hard and lonely but at the same time one of the "greatest progressions a person can undertake".
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I'm the one I should love in this world
Shining me, precious soul of mine
I finally realized so I love me
Not so perfect but so beautiful
I'm the one I should love
I may be a bit blunt, I may lack some things
I may not have that shy glow around me
But this is me
My arms, my legs, my heart, my soul
This is when the realization suddenly hits (=epiphany) that you're never perfect, but you are YOU and that is already enough.
I wanna love in this world
Shining me, precious soul of mine
I finally realized so I love me
Not so perfect but so beautiful
I'm the one I should love
I'm the one I should love
I'm the one I should love
The final Epiphany version is therefore about realizing your own worth and opening your eyes towards something that hurts you. It's about realizing that you are the most beautiful and important person in your life. No one else.
Final Epiphany is like an update to the demo version. It's a mindset update. It goes from "I love you more than myself even though you hurt me", to "I love myself and that's better than loving someone who hurts me, because I am important."
I kinda really love this.
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margridarnauds · 1 year
Hello, please talk about some TV show and song recommendations. :)
I've actually been wondering for ages if you've heard of the concept musical, Lady M, which has been releasing promo songs here and there. I want to emphasize that I'm not SOLD on it, not 100%, since (1) They've only released three songs and (2) They talk about inventing "an original backstory to Lady Macbeth's villainy and downfall" and they how "chilling flashbacks of her haunted past are woven into this reimagining of the famous tale", and that sort of thing can go either really, really well or really, really badly (I am begging people, she doesn't NEED a tragic backstory, especially if it ends up being trauma porn), BUT Lady Macbeth's song, "What Must Be Done", DOES fuck. If the rest of the musical ends up being garbage, I'll still have this song.
Another concept musical that I've been really impressed with (and now has had a concert performance that was recorded and is available on Spotify, so I can judge it more accurately) is Treason: The Musical. I've been supporting this musical since 2021, so I've been very interested to see whether this would do well or whether it would be one of those musicals that get a bit of traction and then burn out. It seems, at first glance, to be one more cynical Hamilton rip-off (not to name names...but. You know. You Know™), and I think that it WAS born from the Hamiltrend, in the sense that I don't think it would have been created without it. But it has its own unique folk sound that sets it apart; it isn't mindlessly following the trend, and honestly I would say that the weakest parts of the show are the moments where it DOES sound like Hamilton (namely, James (V)I's parts). They even use the lyrics to one of my folk songs, "The Unquiet Grave/Cold Blows the Wind" as a bookend to the musical -- and it's impressive that I LIKED it since I'm a die hard proponent for the "Dives and Lazarus" musical setting for the song (most non-D&L settings are...boring, which is criminal in a song about a ghost coming from the grave to tell her boyfriend to stop crying over her.) Favorite songs include: When Will I See You Again, Blind Faith, Burn, The Day Elizabeth Died, No Happy Ending.
Finally, no song/musical recommendations list of mine would be itself without me plugging my beloved Marie Antoinette: The Musical, specifically the 2.0 version (DO NOT watch the German, I BEG you, if you want to have any affection for the musical left). It features my favorite feral gremlin musical lady protagonist, Margrid Arnaud, who we're first introduced to when she splashes champagne on the Queen of France, and she only gets more unhinged from there. She's everything that people say they want from a female Blorbo -- She's pathetic, she cries on stage over a situation she absolutely partially caused, she might or might not be fucking the king's scheming goth cousin while pining for Marie Antoinette's boytoy, she has daddy issues, she has mommy issues, she has half-sibling issues, she leads a mob to Versailles, she commits perjury and gets off free during the height of the Reign of Terror, she calls down the wrath of God on the aristocrats. She's like Madame Defarge on speed with positive character development. Literally no one is doing it like her. Have some of Margrid in her natural element, from the Korean proshot (which I'm not legally allowed to say whether I have a copy of it.)
Speaking of Storming Versailles, have some Je Veux le Monde from 1789 -- every single production of 1789 has had Woman Problems in some capacity (hilariously enough, NEVER the same Woman Problems, so you get to pick your poison), but the song fucks.
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theghostpinesmusic · 5 months
And now it's time for some music from the other drug band I'm obsessed with!
(To be clear, it's my impression that the Goose guys don't tend to indulge much while performing at least, and Phish famously almost stopped being Phish due to Trey's pre-sobriety drug issues. So it's not really either band that does the drugs, but...oh man, the fans definitely pull their weight.)
Anyway, darkly humorous, slightly misdirected pejoratives aside, I wanted to focus my next few jam band posts on Goose's Capitol Theatre run from April. These shows were a bit of a surprise, as they were announced two (three?) weeks before they happened, and they happened in the middle of a six-month break from touring that the band initiated after replacing their longtime drummer. I wrote about that and my thoughts about in detail awhile back so I won't rehash those thoughts now, but suffice to say these shows were 1) unexpected and 2) incredibly exciting to watch as they ended up being Cotter's first "live" performances with the band (i.e., not a prerecorded video shared online after the fact). I was particularly excited to see the band plan a four-night run in one venue, as that meant four shows with no repeats, which in turn meant getting to see Cotter really dig into the band's catalog for the first time.
I obviously didn't travel to New York to see these shows in person because I don't sleep on a bed of money, but, needless to say, I tried my best to watch all four of these shows as soon as they became available. I watched the first two live online (including the first one on the same night I got back from a snow camping trip that included a hilariously wild fifteen-degree night spend on an exposed ridge), and then watched nights three and four a few days after they first aired.
I suspect very few people read these posts to begin with (thanks if you do!) and I imagine even fewer of those people are actually interested in watching whole concerts from the bands I write about, but if you are interested, I believe all four full shows are still available to stream for free on the band's YouTube channel, and they're all really good, exemplary shows. I'd start with night one, though, if I had to pick.
So, to get to it: I'm focusing my posts about the run on some highlights that the band's YouTube as well as the Relix YouTube channel (the company responsible for the livestreams in this case) shared afterward. This first one is just sort of an excuse to ramble about the Cap run a bit, as it doesn't really contain any long-form improvisation at all.
I really love the "Seekers On The Ridge" suite, so much so that I've actually written a bit about it before. But I like this version and what Cotter adds to both songs, and since Relix uploaded this to their channel, I figured it was worth a share to kick off this next series of posts.
"Seekers" has two parts, but they're almost always (with a few memorable exceptions) played together. They're a great, collective example of a subgenre of Goose songs that I wrote a bit about in my previous post including these songs:
If you don’t already know, Goose has a whole pile of songs that contribute to a larger mythology/legendarium (think Phish’s Gamehenge, but less goofy). Of the ones I can think of off the top of my head, most of the songs that fit into this sub-oeuvre tend to be more prog-rock-style in their composition, and the lyrics vague, mysterious, and more than a little Joseph-Campbell-esque. I don’t write about most of these tunes because, with the notable exception of “Elmeg The Wise” (which I’m sure I’ll get to someday), they aren’t typically songs that get jammed out.
And yes, for some reason this Relix-sourced video is only in 720p, even thought the shows were definitely streamed in (at least) 1080p. Oh well.
Trevor sounds great on this video, and was one of my favorite parts of this run, even as I went in expecting to pay the most attention to the new guy. I don't know if they just have him up higher in the mix than usual, or if he's leveled up during the band's mini-hiatus. Maybe both?
Also, I've been curious to hear them play this a second time during summer tour because while the band has typically performed the "Seekers On The Ridge Pt. I" chorus with a sort of slow, epic feel (see how they play it the second time through here at 4:13), the first time they play it in this version (at 2:19) they keep the verse's shuffle going. When I first heard this, I (and a bunch of other nerds on the internet) laughed about how Cotter must have missed a cue and played the chorus incorrectly the first time, then "fixed" it the second time through. Watching this video again, now, though, it's obvious that the rest of the band plays this first chorus the same way as Cotter (Rick keeps the same strumming pattern, Jeff keeps shuffling, etc.) and there's no real break to indicate the rest of the band wanted to do something else while he's doing something "wrong." I think they might just play it this way now. Which is interesting, and...fine? Anyway, just a nerd thing I was thinking about while watching. Forensic music nerd-dom!
I've said this before, but the transition between the two parts of the song (starts at 5:55) is one of my favorite Goose musical moments.
I feel like the second part of "Seekers" in particular is a Goose song that Cotter's jazzy touch really stands out on.
Otherwise, as advertised above, this is a pretty standard version of a great song (or pair of songs). The next few posts will be both jammier and wordier, but I think I'll save those for another day. I should probably get some actual work done at some point today.
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year
I have strong opinions about translating songs, derived in large part from listening to a lot of anime song covers. And I've been thinking about this because of "Useless Angel," the recent official English version of "DadadadaTenshi".
For comparison, here's the original Japanese. English subtitles are available.
Now, if you compare the official English lyrics to the translation of the Japanese lyrics, you'll notice a few things. The first is that the English grammar and pronunciation are...not exactly how a native speaker would say any of that. (It's not as bad as "Your Affection," you can definitely tell it's supposed to be English, but...writing the lyrics on screen is appreciated.)
Once you get around that, you'll notice that the lyrics are very different. For instance, the tenshi overcomes her uselessness with angelic power, while the angel uses her angel powers to overcome her flaws. Similar vibes, but the literal meanings are pretty different.
But if you were listening to the Japanese lyrics, you'll notice that the English lyrics sound very similar. "Dame [×4] na atashi wo; aishitene!" doesn't mean quite the same thing as "Darn it [×4] not a perfect girl; 'I love you' back!", but it has the same meter, same stressed syllables, and similar phonemes. "Useless Angel" doesn't always sound like it was written in English, but it does always sound like it was written with the melody in mind.
Most Anglophone anime song cover artists (or whoever they get their translations from) don't do this. They get a literal translation from some source or another, then find some way to contort that translation into the song's length, and that's it. Sometimes they don't even bother swapping synonyms around to make the syllable count match; they just get close enough and give some words extra notes or vise versa.
And that sounds like shit!
Lyrics aren't just a sideshow playing alongside the melody; they are the medium through which we hear the melody. Having lyrics that sound wrong—whether because of mismatched syllable count, mismatched syllable stress, or just trying to force words to blend together when they don't—is like playing an instrumental piece with out-of-tune instruments. Sometimes not even the right instruments—like, they didn't have a drummer, so the spare bassist just strummed their bass when the drummer should have hit a drum, and argh string instruments are terrible at percussion why are you doing this?
Song lyrics are not prose, they're poetry. They're art. Much like how anime subtitles should convey the essence of what the dialogue means over a literal translation of the words in the script, and much like how anime dubs need to follow the lip flaps even if that makes them deviate farther from the original Japanese, song lyrics need to be translated in a way that follows the song, that conveys the essence of how the song is supposed to feel.
Anyways, I can't stand most English anime covers, especially covers of songs I like. By contrast, I've been listening to "Useless Angel" on loop for days, interrupted mostly by "Dadadada Tenshi". Half of its lyrics are mumbled word salad, but none of them sound wrong.
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yuuana · 8 months
Music Monday #237: ATEEZ - Everything release: December 2023 genre: Kpop, K-R&B cw: flashing, arson, a relationship dissolving on screen
And now for something completely the same: ATEEZ's final unit MV from WILL, in which everyone cries and things end up on fire. Look, no one ever said K-dramas lacked in, well, drama. ;) The lyrics spoil the story, but if you really don't want any spoilers, watch the video before continuing further.
Obviously a solo song from Jongho was going to be a ballad - in previous years, when the team was less busy, his solo content was a series of covers for kdrama OSTs. He's main vocalist for a reason and don't even get me started on his Mayfly-V stage during Kingdom. Everything is every bit as soulful and heart-wrenching as any ATINY could have expected, a song about loss and regret and knowing you can never make right the things you did wrong, but oh, if you could.... The soft piano opening, the way Jongho pours his whole heart into his voice from the soft opening to the soaring high notes of the climax that then trails off into soft wistfulness once more to the end ... you may need to keep a tissue close for this one.
This music video, unlike previous unit videos, is almost entirely story mode, as Jongho flexes his acting chops once more, now with less baby face. Most of the flashing is at the very start, where the video flashes through snapshots of the scenes we'll see play out a bit more in the video, so the bigger warning is really if watching a relationship fall apart on screen is a bugbear of yours. The lyrics already spoil the narrative, since the song starts out talking about never being able to see the other person again, but the video offers more context to why things ended up that way.
Interestingly, this video was shot entirely on sound stages - yes, even the snowy night scenes, which was a surprise to me, too. And it's not CGI snow - watching the behind the scenes, I was surprised and impressed at the number of practical effects where others would have gone with computer-generated. Some of the fire at the end is very obviously computer-added, but it's combined with actual on-set controlled fires that the old-school film fan in me quietly appreciates. Plus the snow. So much fake snow, it's a delight ... until Jongho told me how they made the fake snow and now all I see is that. XD
And now ... the lore paragraph! As with Youth, Everything is firmly planted in the A 'verse, with Jongho as a former basketballer living with his girlfriend until they break up because he's been a shit boyfriend. This means we've moved along the timeline a little bit, though that fits with the lyric in Youth talking about being in their twenties - Zero Fever implied Heroteez were still in high school. Of course ATEEZ lore has never been entirely linear and considering ATEEZ were already in their twenties during Fever era, the warehouse scene from the diary could just as easily be happening closer to this than first appearances lead us to believe. So once again we're left with more questions ... and the recent teasers ATEEZ have released have been no help at all - I have no idea where Not Okay is going to fall and ANITEEZ are in Halateez garb, soooo. Who knows. Not me. XD
This is the last WILL unit MV ... so of course yesterday KQ put out a performance version of MATZ which has almost no footage overlap with the original MV. I had initially assumed the difference in shooting days (Everything was one day, the other three shot for two days each) had to do with Jongho being on his own for this project. But now I'm wondering if secret performance versions also contributed, since the other three have dances and Everything doesn't. I suppose we will have to wait and see.
WILL is still available for purchase, ATEEZ just wrapped a two day concert extravaganza (based on what I've seen from it so far) in Seoul to kick of another world tour (additional dates in Japan in February, further tour details to come later), and oh yeah, Coachella in April, so another busy year of travelling the world, kicking butt and taking names.
Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Bluesky | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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maellor · 2 years
Finrod's and Galadriel's interaction is much better in Finrod Zong than it is in Rings of Power, in my opinion
Rings of Power:
Finrod: "Do you know why a ship floats, but a stone cannot? Because the stone sees only downward. The darkness of the water is vast. [...} But the ship has a secret: for unlike the stone our gaze is not downward but up, fixed upon the light that guides her."
Galadriel: "But sometimes the lights shine just as brightly reflected in the water as they do in the sky. It's hard to say which way is up and which way is down. How am I to know which lights to follow?"
I'm sorry, what?? What does he mean a stone faces only downwards? A stone does have a side facing upwards. And their gaze is fixed upon a light that guides the ship? I'm sorry, it simply doesn't make sense. (It's not as if they are talking about returning to Valinor, like later in the episode)
And Galadriel, can't you see that the shapes and lights reflected in the water are distorted??
I get that all this is a big metaphor, of course. But it is simply badly written, in my opinion.
VS Finrod Zong:
[...] And looking back,
My brother told me:
"See, sister, see
Pride is betrothed to Death.
Here one must be as everybody else
And I'm afraid I cannot do that."
But I said: "Brother,
I'll go ahead nevertheless.
We have no hope left,
But there shines a new dawn."
See, my brother, see
My heart knows no rest.
We share one soul,
And yet our paths are so different!
But at the end of all partings,
In the land free of grief and misery,
A golden dawn will shine
Upon the joining of our hands.
(Lyrics translated from Russian)
I just feel like their interaction in F-Z is very well written, in comparison to RoP. It is more poetic, not only because it is song lyrics, but because the use of language brings out all the emotions. It is something that could be read on one of Tolkien's books, I think. On the other hand (the one Maedhros is missing), their conversation in RoP leaves me confused and unsure. It doesn't give me any feelings of longing, hope, love etc. And Tolkien is always about the FEELS.
Now before y'all come at me saying that Galadriel is a child in that scene in RoP and an adult in F-Z, I want to point out that both scenes are flashbacks.
Also, for those of you new to the Tolkien fandom, or those who haven't digged too deep yet, Finrod Zong is a Russian rock opera based on Finrod's life. It is GOOD. One version of it is available on YouTube, so feel free to check it out!
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
And, Again with the Art!
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This illustration is for Tin Soldier #13, Flour Power. It's been through some changes!
Woo! Finally came up to one with lyrics!
I'm doing some civil disobedience here, with a metred amount of disobedience. I'd be willing to pay songwriters a reasonable amount (like, an amount comparable to something a human being would pay for a single/MP3) for the ability to reprint/remix music with credit and a link to the original. I would be willing to work with a reasonable copyright of 2-7 years. That's not an option right now. So, I rewrite lyrics and link you to the original on YT (which has paid for the privilege of skirting copyright and can afford it), with credit. And I try to give views to the artist's official account, if possible.
I also use song titles, because we seem to have decided those are not unique enough to be copyrighted, but I have no idea if that, or the rewritten lyrics, will hold up if someone gets pissed and comes after me. This is, conceivably, a risk, but any jailbreak is.
My lyrics are Creative Commons, BY-NC-SA. I would go full public domain, but Disney likes to pull things out of there and copyright the hell out of their version, so I gotta add something to keep them away. Just in case! So, with that disclaimer out of the way, here's a parody of Master of the House that tells a different story. You can listen to the original and read along in mental stereo! (To substitute, or "sub" means to use a thing as another thing, or alter it with magic enough to do so. "Master of the Kitchen" doesn't scan, and Maggie has asked to learn about substitutions. But, by all means, reblog and make the obvious joke. Any publicity is good publicity!)
Welcome, mon Dieu, sit yourself down
And meet the greatest handler around
As for my friends, they do their best
But I can manage any request
I’ll settle the debt
Aren’t you glad you met
This guy with few supplies
Who’s a nervous wreck?
Master of the Sub, confidence is key
Specialize in baked goods and psychology
Answer with a nod, service with a smile
Invisibles require you to be versatile
Keeping track of gods and favours
And remember to be nice
But nothing costs you nothing
Before you buy, you’d better know the price!
Master of the Sub, herder of the cats
Ready with some poison or a friendly chat
Water down the wine, I can fix the taste
Somebody will want that, it won’t go to waste
Everybody loves a handler
Everybody's trusted mate
If you need it, I’ll do it
Screw it! My own mental health can wait!
Master of the Sub, always finds a way
Available for counseling both night and day
Servant of the gods, slave of the possessed
Confidant, psychologist, and total mess
Everybody’s first defender
Everybody's chaperone
But though I’ll help you through it
Screw it! When it counts I’m on my own!
Food beyond our means. Food beyond belief
Mix it with some bouillon and they’ll think it's beef
Turkey tastes like sheep, chicken tastes like rat
I can fix the texture, they won’t notice that
Deities are always welcome
Residents are pushed aside
Help them make the best deal
Then I mind them while they’re occupied!
Pay 'em for their skills, careful who they kill
Negotiate the prices and pay all the bills
That’s survivable, just a little pain
Don’t call a god to fix it, or you’ll pay again
When it comes to filling orders
There’s so many tricks I know
All these chains of deals, questionable meals
Screw it! That’s the way the money goes!
I thought the park might be more fun than school.
But gods in heaven, will you listen to this fool?
Master of the sub? Couldn’t cast a spell!
Confidant, psychologist and dull as hell!
Very little skill. Story’s pretty tragic
Guess he’s halfway clever, but where’s the magic?
I’m s’posed to write a paper, what do you want me to do?
It’s still not three pages even with the part about the zoo!
Master of the sub!
Master of the yuck.
Confidant, psychologist
I may upchuck.
Servant of the gods, slave of the possessed
Devious, incompetent and clinically depressed!
Everybody needs a handler!
Everybody likes his grub!
Let’s all learn to substitute!
Let’s all admit the point is moot
Let’s all learn to substitute from the Master of the Sub!
And, here's the shaded version. It has slightly different lyrics, but I think the newer ones are better.
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No pen-paper-scan version of this, 'cos I didn't make one. Tin Soldier is a thing. I wrote it. Go read it!
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loummyficfest · 2 years
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This is the list with all the prompts for the new version of the Loummy Fic Fest. The prompts that are cross out are already taken. This list will be constantly updated whenever the authors choose them.
The author sign up's will be available until January 6, 2023 at 2 p.m. EST. You can find the form here.
1 - Louis and Harry didn't know each other but one night they had a one night stand. From there Louis discovers he is pregnant with him. They discover their journey as parents and as people who fall in love and in the end decide to become a couple.
2 - A fic where harry is into ANR (adult nursing relationships) and how he discovers it and brings up to louis, if you decide to make it a/b/o it would be shorter or it might not be and louis would try ways to induce lactation but please it make it with so much fluff and the ANR parts don't have to be sexual all the time :)
3 - Omega Louis is a single mom to a 2 year old with another on the way. His boyfriend broke up with him (maybe because he couldn’t handle parenthood/found someone else), leaving him touch-starved and broke. Harry comes along when Louis needs him the most.
4 - A fic where Harry is a CEO or some type of big boss but he is very tough and touch starved but he has to keep the tough exterior. Enters Louis who is very cuddly and cute that Harry can't resist him.
5 - Childhood best friends to lovers with a lot of pining/slow burn. Or a Love Rosie au with Alex!Harry and Rosie!Louis, abo it would be amazing or also mpreg for the part where Rosie (Louis) finds out she's pregnant!
6 - A fic inspired on Saturdays (FITF). Louis and his partner have a thing (a romantic routine or a fun routine just the two of them) every saturday. His partner always insists that he doesn't want any baby (the reason is up to the author) but Louis, on the other hand, has always been obsessed with having a baby and starting a big family. One day Louis accidentally gets pregnant (his and his partner's baby), he keeps the baby, runs away from his partner because he’s too afraid of what would happen since he always said he didn’t want it, and becomes a single mom for a while until the partner finds him and their baby. The Saturdays’ lyrics inspired scene can either be expressed from louis or his partner point of view depending on the author. Preferably Larry please :) and angst with happy ending bc saturdays is a sad song but with hopeful bridge <3
7 - Louis as the single mother of a very active pup that gets his arm broken in school and has to be taken to the hospital where Harry is the pediatrician. They fall in love but are too shy to tell each other. Very fluffy fic / omegaverse please ‼️
8 - Chicago AU. Canon Au. Where Harry and Louis broke up and Harry decided to have kids with another person (woman or man is up to the author) but when Harry came up to the radio and listened to the song decide to get closer again to Louis. In the end they also had a baby together. Fierce arrogant protective Harry feat broken sweet wounded feminine Louis.
9 - Louis gets hurt/feels sick while in the park with his son. The kid sees Harry in the park and begs him to help his mommy. After that, they start meeting in the most unexpected ways and get closer. (Louis’ son plays a big role in helping Louis understand his feelings towards Harry). Can be ABO.
10 - Chicago but from Louis’ partner POV. He’s heartbroken to know that Louis, the love of his life, his ex (or could also be just fwb) the person that he thought he would spend the rest of his life with, now has a baby. Little did he know that it's actually his baby. Louis broke up with him and kept the news from his partner because he didn't know how his partner would take the news. Yt's one thing to create baby names for fun but to actually have it and at such a young age OR where the relationship doesn't really have strong commitment? angst with happy ending please and preferably larry pairing :)
11 - Harry as a single parent of twin girls in a small town. Louis is the new townie that has just moved in the house next to Harry's with his daughter. Their children become best friends which leads them to get closer every time. Fluff - Friends to lovers kind of fic - Omegaverse
12 - Where Louis goes with his little daughter who belongs to the Scouts to sell as many cookies as she can to earn a nice bike. Upon arriving at Harry's apartment he falls in love with Louis and in addition to buying the cookies he also offers to help his daughter sell them. Harry goes on a crazy journey to get the #1 spot of all the girl scouts and win the bike for the girl (which he really only did to get the attention of that sexy milf). I want this with a lot of fluff but also smut scenes after louis falls in love with harry (smut tags: pregnancy kink, feminization, dirty talk, riding, belly kink, body worship) I also want there to be a lot of sexual tension between them, harry himbo because he's my favorite and louis wearing feminine clothes and be the hot milf he is.
13 - Louis is having cravings and Harry's always taking care of his omega, including late night runs to the supermarket and strange cravings of such. One day as they’ve been walking in a park Louis starts craving some waffles. They're lucky to find a shop nearby but that shop only sells waffles in the shape of genitals. They get it before louis starts to fuss and he moans at the taste of the chocolate dripping down the length of the waffle…you can imagine what can happen next (Harry could also be the one who works in the shop and has to hear some pornographic sounds in the middle of the day)
14 - Louis and Harry are roommates who are also friends with benefits, but it's a secret from their friends (please include tags like cockwarming and belly worship), until Louis has a pregnancy scare and they both find out that they are okay with actually having a baby together.
15 - Long hair Harry Beefy Boxer Alpha falls in love with cute physiotherapist Omega Louis who loves to wear cute dresses and has a little porcupine as a pet. They always had sexual tension but when Harry rut erupt Louis offers to help Harry and just like that he gets pregnant (little did he know this triggers in him a soft heat so he could conceive since they are a fated pairing) absolutely 100% consensual and happy pairing just opposite character grumpy animalistic Harry feat ratio sweet Louis. A bonus with all the pregnancy journey with Harry hiper protective towards Louis and his sweet cravings.
16 - The nanny AU. Louis as Fran and Harry as Mr Sheffield! The kids fall in love with Louis and he becomes their mother and eventually Louis gets pregnant with Mr.Sheffield's baby. Lots of sexual tension with Louis in the iconic outfits Fran used to wear!
17 - Louis and Harry are in the same college. Harry is the single father of a baby girl and is having some difficulties with the mess of diapers, bottles and pacifiers all over his flat. Louis, who’s very experienced with kids because of his sisters and started college this year, meets Harry and they end up talking about his struggles with the little girl, and Louis saves the day offering some lessons to Harry (19!harryx19!louis pleeeease)
18 - Cruel King Long Hair Harry and pack Alpha falls in Love with cute, innocent slave omega Louis who teach him forgiveness, love and goodness. They have a beautiful family with many pups, slow burn with steamy sex and slice of life if possible.
19 - Lou is engaged to the most dangerous gang boss in the country, Harry, but the thing is, he didn't know who Harry really was. An enemy of Harry's surprises them at a dinner that Louis was going to tell(but don't) Harry that he was pregnant, and that's when Louis finds out about Harry. He gets desperate, runs away, and hides from Harry because he's upset that he lied, but mostly out of fear. The unfolding would be, Harry looking for Louis, because now his enemy's knew about him, Louis struggling to survive pregnant, and maybe the enemy finding him first, when the baby is born because he was admitted to the hospital, something like that... drama with a happy ending pls 
20 - Similar to young royals, Harry is a prince or just really rich, and Louis is a broken student(but very smart), they fell in love DEEPLY. Everything was fine until Harry's parents found out and they decided to threaten Louis to break up with Harry, to the point where Louis couldn't fight them, so they give Louis some money to disappear and tell Harry some lies. I don't know, but the thing is , Louis is pregnant. Maybe a few years go by and they meet again? It's up to the author, but with a happy ending super mommy Louis and daddy Harry when he finds out 
21 - Based on that chapter of Malcolm in the middle where Harry was obsessed with Louis gaining weight during the pregnancy
22 - Louis is a girlboss who decided to be a mom but ends up falling in love with his sperm donor 
23- Louis is a college student and pregnant so the father of his child doesn't want to be involved on it but he has his best friend Luke (hot luke) and his ex harry and Louis loves both 
24 - Louis is 21 and an university student who is studying finance, he's basically bored with his routine it's nothing special with his bf at the time, he undergoes an accident and gets admitted to the hospital where after lots of check ups he gets to know that he has a concussion and can get pregnant. His world stops, his bf breaks up with him, he's utterly devastated and sad, always crying in his room etc etc. Then he finds a club for similar people online and decides he'd try something so he gets ready to go there and there's a lot of people and he feels normal again, happy even. Bring in our hero (preferably harry) the owner of the club and they get to know each other insert steaming romance and smut with slow burn eventually he gets pregnant and his partner helps him through it and they get married
25 - omega louis and alpha harry are in college almost broke, and harry has some issues with his parents so they’re not funding them. In the middle of all this, louis’ scent starts to change. Harry thinks Louis is pregnant but Louis brushes off the topic every time Harry tries to talk about it. Harry is determined to confirm his mate’s pregnancy so somehow get his mate to do the pregnancy test. After it’s revealed that Louis is in fact pregnant, he breaks down and tells Harry that he’s scared of being a mother at such a young age because they don’t have a great condition.
26 - An au based off of that one famous reddit post! Louis is a pregnant omega who has cravings and  one day when his neighbor makes something delicious, Louis smells it and shyly knocks on his door to have some and the handsome, tall, built alpha indulges him happily. After that, he gives a plate of the food he makes to Louis everyday because he didn’t want the  pretty, chubby omega to struggle and waddle to his door for food every time, even though he secretly loved to watch him waddle. Preferences: I don’t mind a larry pairing but I would love to see louis getting paired with a man outside of 1D, feminization, soft and shy louis, i’d also like lactation kink if the author is ok with it ofc
27 - Famous harry, non-famous louis, public relationship with articles that go out about them (occasionally), strangers to lovers, lots of fluff, (you can do light angst if you want), but they meet randomly, start to get to know each other, (you can make the storyline however you want), the media loves their relationship and louis, he gets pregnant randomly, they talk about it since it’s unexpected and work everything out, when they tell the world, everyone freaks out, you can also include social media where harry posts pictures of louis and his pregnancy and everyone gushes over it, and at the end, he proposes to louis in front of everyone at the Grammy's. This prompt might be a bit vague but I want you to write it however you desire, these are just my tags and basic plots to the storyline that I would like to see.
28 - Louis is a single mom to a cute little alpha who gets jealous every time an alpha gets close to his mom, so when Harry a sweet and silly alpha comes into their lives, the boy will do everything possible to separate them until one day he realizes that the love that harry has towards his mother is very pure and sincere so he joins him in order to help him woo his mother.  (A super soft and horny fic at the same time, with a lot of sexual tension between Louis and Harry, Louis milf x long hair Harry)
29 - Louis and Harry are dating. Louis comes from old money, and Harry? Harry comes from a family of farm workers who spend their every working hour to survive another day. Despite having different lifestyles they manage to fall in love. Promises of a future together, children and their own farm are made. One day Louis sneaks Harry into his parents house where they are discovered while having an intimate night. Louis’ dad is set on killing Harry but Louis promises that he will end it with Harry and marry the guy his parents want him to. As long as he lets Harry live. His dad agrees. Louis is sent away, without getting to say goodbye to harry. Both heartbroken. Louis ends up in a loveless relationship for years everyday thinking of the life that could’ve been. Getting tired of living that life he decides to pack up and go back to his old town without letting anyone know. He ends up renting a room from a sweet elder woman who allows him to stay as long as he helps tend to his garden. Louis is enjoying his life there but there’s still something missing. More like someone. When he goes to the local farmer to buy some milk and eggs, he is shocked to see that the farmer is Harry. (Harry being a widower with a small child)
30 - Where Alpha Harry's pack gets attacked, leading to many of the pack members, including his omegas death and His 2 year old pup disappearance. A couple hours away Omega Louis is out jogging when he hears a small cry, being curious he goes to look where the cry is coming from. There, abandoned by a small creek, is a small pup. Louis being the gentle heart he is, takes the pup with him and decides to mother it.
31 - Harry and Louis’ first baby just started to speak properly so Harry makes fun of mommy Louis’ accent with the help of their baby. (Inspo) 
Everytime the baby is learning a new word Harry teaches them how to say it in his accent and then tells Louis to ask their baby that word but his pronunciation is very different so it confuses the baby, he then tells the baby to start asking his mommy how to say certain words so they can laugh at Louis’ pronunciation, louis get a little annoyed but never too much, he just goes with it and start enjoying the fun and then turns the game against Harry someway.
32 - ABO !! - Louis tells Harry he is pregnant and Harry gets way too excited, when they’re a month away from the birth they start going to baby clothes shops to find things for their baby, Harry finds a very cute bear suit for their baby and buys it. louis thinks he is adorable and let it go, the baby is born and Harry wants to dress their little boy with it almost everyday, he does as much as he can but babies grow fast so Louis worries that his alpha gets sad starts to order the same suit every time is too small for the baby and replace it during laundry days so Harry never notices, he does anyway and one day he tells Louis and Louis gets kind of sad because Harry knew about it all the way long, they talk and asks Harry why he never said anything and he says that it was something sweet to do for him. (inspo) We just noticed that the link is not the right for this prompt, so if the person who sent it can message us with the right one, we'll appreciate it.
33 - Mama Louis lost a baby and never wants to have a baby again, a healing journey with maybe a rainbow baby in the end.
34 - pregnancy denial trope. becoming a parent when it's unexpected. Harry’s reaction, Louis' reaction and how it topples their whole life upside down
35 - h&l alpha son starting to get the teenage moody alpha hormones. One day he release all his anger on his sweet mother when he tried to talk to his son & harry don't really appreciate that
"He might be your mom, but he is my wife first & nobody talks to my wife like that "
36 - Louis and his kid are on their way back from the beach when suddenly their car broke down, came mechanic harry to the rescue.
37 - ABO where alpha Harry’s a single dad to a little boy (alpha) and he needed a last minute babysitter, so omega Louis volunteered to help. Louis becoming a quick favorite (lots and lots of mommy Louis, protective pup, and Harry seeing how good Louis is with his kid and warming up to him and falling in love)
38 - where harry is the dreaded CEO of an international company and where Louis is an employee who puts his heart and soul into his work, despite his best efforts he seems to be unable to get noticed for his prowess by the boss, who is known for being a cold-hearted bastard, but seems to become the favorite person of a small child who claims him as his mommy from the first time he meets him. Louis, however, does not know who the father is.... (harry) (a super soft and horny fic, with a focus on the mother/son relationship,) (may be omega verse, but in that case the baby an alpha, and both Styles with a fondness for smelling Louis)
39 - The prompt is based on what happened to Hotch after Haley's death in Criminal Minds. It's supposed to be a comfort fic with a tragic start but a happy ending, (could have smut if the author wants) not a lot of drama, (maybe a bit of it relating to Harry's grief/guilt). Harry Styles was not always a "happy" person, in fact he was very serious and closed off, but after he met Kiron during law school his life changed for the better. They got married and had a son River, a beautiful boy with curly brown hair and the most beautiful hazel eyes one could ever see. They were having a happy life until Kiron was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, they did everything they could but he couldn't make it. A few months after his ex-husband's death Harry is going back to the BAU, going to therapy and taking care of his son  River. He's still struggling with grief and keeping his promise to his ex-husband: to make sure River knows how Harry was not always that serious and that River really knows what love is.
At one night out with his best friends H meets Louis Tomlinson, a pre-school teacher going out with his friends to celebrate his friends' anniversary. 
They start to date, Louis meets River, they have a beautiful mother-son relationship, and the rest is history. 
The fic in my imagination would be mpreg but that can be changed if the author is not comfortable, it could also be ABO too, only if the author wants. I would like to be credited for the prompt if that's okay (louisisgxlden on Twitter and Ao3). If it's the author's choice to have smut on the fic, the author can put whatever kink they would like with the exception of watersports, knife play, the piss thing and that kind of hard(?) stuff.
40 - Based on the movie Bridget Jones's Baby where Louis is pregnant but he doesn't know if the baby is from his ex or his actual boyfriend.
41 - Just an AU where Harry takes care of his little pregnant kitty and showers him with love and cuddles.
Louis is a bratty kitty hybrid
Louis is called by Harry as "my sweet wife"
Harry pampering Louis too much smut (feminization, pregnancy and lactation kink) — (Taken from prompt #13 from the last fest)
42 - Louis works as the secretary of Harry, CEO of a big company. Louis is in love with his boss, pining over him since the very first day of work. Somehow, Louis ends up seducing him and they start a kinda friends with benefits relationship, but Harry has commitment issues and wants to keep their thing strictly FWB. Louis ends up pregnant but doesn’t wanna tell Harry (bec of the commitment issues) and decides to raise the baby on his own. Louis resigns and finds another job as a cashier at a café owned by his friend. Harry tries to contact him but Louis never responds. Months later, Harry enters said café and sees Louis with a small baby bump. He sees Louis and his friend (café owner) being too friendly and calling each other babe and he assumes that they’re together. Harry can’t allow that. Lots of pining and jealousy please, possessive Harry is a must. Louis is also stubborn but the pregnancy also makes him needy and horny. (pregnancy and lactation kink) — (inspired by #64 from the prompt list from the last fest).
43 - Established relationship au - pregnant louis going to the last LOT show as a surprise with a sign asking harry to do the gender reveal + his daughter getting up on stage to dance tpwk (or whatever song you like) with him. Flirty and emotional harry. lots of fluff and maybe some smut post concert (louis roleplaying a groupie showing the dom/sub dynamic and the aftercare)
44 - ABO - forbidden love au. Louis goes to church as an attempt to ease the pain following his closest friend's death, the one who's child is expecting after agreeing that friend-parenting was the best way to do it. Now he's five months pregnant and can't stop thinking if this was the smartest choice considering the world isn't kind to single mothers. Priest harry comes into the picture with his wise words and charming smile to help the omega see he's more capable than he realizes to be. They fall in love eventually. Louis confesses his feelings after a rough night at the church booth following some sweet love making full of tears and dirty talk. Totally inspired from my policeman's premiere outfit.
45 - Harry is a famous tiktoker who goes around central park and one day interviews Louis' son who has an adorable obsession with ice. Based on this tik tok , it could be abo or not that's up to the author but if it is maybe louis could smell like harry's favorite food, and harry could smell like rain forest and mint.
46 - Louis is an omega and very successful in his career (which is an alpha dominated career). He has a big omega sister who is already married and has two pups. Louis is focusing on his career and wants to be child free because he doesn’t see the purpose of having kids on his own when he can be a fun omega aunt for his sister’s pups. Until one day, his sister and his husband die in a tragic car accident leaving Louis as the sole guardian/caretaker for the young pups. Then Louis has to learn how to be a mother for his sister’s pups, dealing with grief, and maintaining his career at the same time.
Would love to see Louis is afraid of driving a car so he chooses to go with public transportation/taxi no matter how inconvenient it is for him and his two pups.
47 - Fic Idea, where Harry is a superhero/antihero, like Spiderman or Deadpool, and Louis is his bf/couple. At some point, they found out L is pregnant, but H has a lot of enemies so maybe something happens to H or L (up to the writer). Happy ending please!
48 - Fic inspired by Mastermind - TS. Louis has been obsessed with the idea of being with Harry since the first time he saw him; so he does everything he can to get it. But something doesn’t go according to his plans… his pregnancy. Now L is scared that H finds out and thinks L did it for his plan.
49 - Louis has a 4 year old daughter (Harry's child). He raises her all by himself with the help of his mum or a friend. Harry doesn't know about it, he's a famous superstar and a womanizer (I think it'd add more to the plot but it's okay if he's not a womanizer in the actual fic). Their relationship ended badly and it's the reason why Louis never told him about the baby. Harry is 5-6 years older than him. Louis and his daughter live in London and he somehow pumps into Harry and they meet. Louis tells him the truth and even if he's in shock Harry wants to be part of his daughter's life. His fame plays a big role in this. Their daughter brings them closer and kind of forces them to fall in love all over again. It needs to be angsty, fluffy, smutty and maybe abo with a happy ending.
50 - Louis is a feral omega with a young pup (maybe 1/2 years old), and he does everything he can to survive and make sure his baby is safe. One day, they pass into Styles’ pack territory, and someone from the pack finds them. L gives fight because he’s scared of losing his pup, but they catch them and they take him to the Alpha’ pack. With L as an omega who doesn’t know who to act, H like a super protective alpha and a cute pup, angst and fluff.
51 - ABO - Harry is doing his tour and Louis went with him. Louis is already pregnant. In the last show H feels from stage how L is in pain (is in labor) and runs quickly from stage to be with his omega.
52 - Louis keeps running into the same alpha and pup everywhere he goes, and everytime it ends up with the small pup crying for his “mommy” (Louis) at first he finds it cute but after a while he becomes worried when he realizes the child’s pleas were lasting longer. The alpha assures him that there’s nothing to worry about, that it’s just a pup being a pup. But even with the reassurance from the alpha, Louis is still worried about the pup. Or the au where Louis has a horrible accident resulting in him getting amnesia and forgetting the two people he loves the most. His alpha and pup.
53 - A Love Rosie AU. Please give us more about Louis being a mom and maybe in the end the author can get Louis and Harry to have another child. It doesn't have to be ABO but it has to be mpreg. (There is already a prompt with a similar idea. The prompt #5)
54 - H&L just started dating. L is very shy and has been mistreated a lot in the past. H is the first nice guy that L dates after a string of bad/toxic guys. Could be a little older than him? More mature. So he’s ecstatic to have found such a nice guy. Couple of months into their relationship L finds out he’s pregnant (maybe he’s sick?). He’s devastated. He cannot believe that he’s going to lose the first guy he actually likes. So he hides the pregnancy for weeks. Eventually it is too obvious to hide so he has to tell H. (Maybe end up in the hospital?) H is super supportive and falls in love with the baby instantly. Lots of pregnancy/breeding kink after that. Would be good to see the aftermath of the birth too! Especially with H already talking about getting L pregnant again ❤️
55 - Harry is a professional kickboxer who has a gym where he trains puppies and adults. Louis is a single mom with a puppy and would like to learn the basics to be able to protect his puppy. 
(abo and feminine louis would be appreciated :))
56 - au where mpreg is normal and some people are born carriers
Harry is 31 and a successful lawyer in a city. He doesn't do serious relationships, just casual hook ups. His best friend is a carrier and a single parent for a 6 month old baby girl. Unfortunately he dies in an accident, so being the Godfather Harry takes in the baby.. he doesn't have much time nor experience to take care of the baby. Insert nanny louis he's 25 and completed a child nursing course kinda? So he hires him and there's steaming romance, smut, a lot of kinky smut, but Harry makes it clear that there's no strings attached. Eventually when the baby turns 1 louis finds himself pregnant and doesn't tell that to harry but starts avoiding him. 
When Harry gets to know it Lou is already 3 months in and Harry suggests him to abort the child, but Louis wants to have it so there's some angst. Louis decides he'll quit the job but Harry can't take care of the baby alone and the baby loves louis sm so he requests him to stay. He does but he hates Harry and avoids him. When the child is born Harry regrets everything and wants to live together with both the babies and louis. There's some angst, some romance and a happy ending
57 - Harry is the man of the moment, he is a singer and he is touring, he is also married and has a baby with Louis who can be an ex model or something different (a pretty Louis) and he left a month ago bc of his tour and Louis can’t handle their 6 month old baby so whenever the baby is crying he opts to just get them in the car and play harry’s songs, one day he was at his limit so decides calling Harry’s assistant to get them a plane to Harry’s tour, they surprise harry on tour and baby gets immediately happy just by seeing his daddy.
58 - Where Louis is a hybrid cat in a world where his kind is rejected, that's why he has lived on the street since he was 12 years old. Now 8 years after all the things he has lived, he was found by Harry, a firefighter, after he responded to a call of a fire near where louis was living (an alley with a small house made of cardboard boxes in the middle of the dumpster). lou was meowing because he was very cold and very hungry. Seeing him so sad and alone harry decides to help him and take him with him, louis at first doesn't want to because he is afraid and he already had an ugly experience where someone tried to abuse him, but seeing that harry seems to be a good person and has good intentions he decides to go with him.  It is here where their story begins, harry teaching him many things that the kitten doesn't know (the internet, cell phones, television, etc.) even helping him to speak since lou doesn't know how to do it very well and he doesn't want to say a word either. After a while, they both start to fall in love and Lou has her first time with Harry. In one of lou's heats they do it again and this is where he gets pregnant, what they don't know is that hybrids can have more than 1 baby, later they find out that Lou is expecting 3 hybrid babies. I want the story to be full of fluff, love and kinky smut, with sexual tension, I want louis to be a little obsessed with harry and his cock and having sex with him since he liked his first time, also I want them both to be jealous especially louis since harry being a sexy fireman there are many people who are interested in harry. Possessive H and even more so with lou pregnant, pregnancy kink, belly kink, lactation kink, 69 position, louis wearing panties and being feminine, wearing very tender maternity clothes please.
59 - Fic where louis has suffered a miscarriage and he meets a heartbroken Harry who has a newborn and louis helps him with breastfeeding and taking care of the baby and they heal each other and fall in love.
60 - A fic where louis is 33 years old, in the process of divorce and is an omega milf with a 5 year old puppy. He is a very successful mom, as he is the editor of one of the most important magazines in the UK. Harry, a 20 year old alpha, wins an internship at Louis' place of work and it is here that they meet. Harry falls in love with Lou and even more so because he has a thing for milfs, but Lou ignores him because he knows he is much older than him and he doesn't agree with that and he has a son so he doesn't want anything to do with Harry. Harry doesn't give up and does everything to make louis fall in love and have something with him, this starts with a lot of sexual tension and them fucking in secret but louis always in denial to have something more with the boy, until one day they decide to do it bare and lou gets pregnant, he doesn't know what to do because first, he is very much in love with harry and second he is afraid that he will leave him because he will realize that he is very young and has a lot to do with his life, so he hides the pregnancy and when harry finds out because of his different smell louis lies to him and tells him that it's not his baby. Harry gets angry and thinks he "cheated" on him with his husband (since he hasn't divorced him yet because the alpha doesn't want to leave Louis) and leaves him, Harry continues with his internship because he needs it and ignores Louis. It's 4 months of angst for both of them, harry seeing his omega everyday with a puppy who is not his and louis somewhat depressed and tired of having to carry a baby in his belly and taking care of another little one by himself. louis' still husband shows up at his office because he keeps begging him not to leave him, they fight and when he tries to hit lou harry goes to defend him and that's when in the argument he finds out that the baby is his. From here the author can decide how to continue with the story, but make it a happy ending please. I would like a jealous harry who is very obsessed with lou's body, even more when he is pregnant, kinky smut, harry calling lou's dick a clitoris because it is too small, his hole a pussy and well practically feminization in its maximum splendor, that Lou also wears sexy working clothes (dresses that highlight his figure and sets with skirts). There may even be a scene where harry meets and takes care of louis' puppy and they get along very well, so much so that one day the puppy calls harry "dad" because his dad never spends much time with him and so confuses the puppy.
61 - Louis is a single mom of a 5 years old girl and has literally dedicated every second of the past five years to his daughter. He is just now starting to go out with his friends more and it is during one of his nights out that he meets Harry. They go out to get to know each other properly and Louis immediately tells Harry about his daughter and the fact that she will always come first. Harry doesn't have a problem with that and they become serious. Fast-forward a few months later Louis figures it's time for Harry to meet his daughter, except it doesn't go according to their expectations (the little girl doesn't open up with H and it's really awkward). It happens multiple times which leads to Louis breaking up with Harry because he wants someone his daughter likes and that's not the case with him. Somehow Harry conquers the girl and gets to have Louis (cute moments between the girl and H where they do things for Louis).
62 - Harry and Louis are married and have a 3 year old and a new born baby. After having their second child Louis really let’s himself go. He doesn’t shower as often, looks tired all the time. Gained weight, never wants to have sex. Harry although still madly in love with his husband can’t handle being ignored or not having sex so one night he ends up sleeping with a coworker resulting on a continuous affair. Louis finds out and divorces Harry. Harry does everything he can to win Louis’ love back. Louis knows Harry still loves him but is so heartbroken. He decides to change. He takes his life back and spends more time with his children. He also starts working out, starts dressing more revealing (such as crop tops, tight jeans, shirts etc) he even gets his belly button pierced. After a while he even begins to date and ends up dating a guy but despite dating him for a little bit he knows he’ll never love him the way he still loves Harry. Everything else is up to the author.
do’s: single mom slash milf louis (late twenties) and new next-door neighbor harry (early twenties). homosexual louis & bisexual harry. Harry plays with louis’ kid (name the kid “Moon” if it's okay). sharing a bed. Louis wears Harry's clothes that are way too big for him. lactation kink, anal & rimming/face-sitting. angst with a happy ending. fluff (crack as well if the author can). abo or not abo is fine. a love triangle is okay as long as it's a larry endgame.
don’ts: bp louis, infidelity, mcd
63 - L&H in an established relationship where Louis is 5 months pregnant and the pheromones have made him horny as hell, it gets even worse when he wakes up and walks into his kitchen and sees his sexy husband fixing her sink with his shirt off. Maybe he has a fetish for men fixing things. Hot and kinky smut please. Harry calling lou a sexy milf while doing it and obviously the pregnancy kink stuff with h telling l about wanting to keep him full of his babies.
64 - Where Lou is a 24-year-old who moves to New York to work, he never planned to have children or get married. For that reason he never had very long relationships and had mostly one night stands. One day he meets Harry at a nightclub, they talk, get along well and when they arrive at Harry's apartment a little drunk, they fuck without realizing that they don't use protection. After that they don't talk to each other anymore, 2 months pass and Louis finds out he is pregnant, but since he never saved Harry's number and almost doesn't even remember his face, he decides to continue with his maternity on his own. After another 4 months he meets up with Harry again at the place where Louis works (the author decides where) but neither of them remember that they knew each other before because they were very drunk at the time, so they go out on a date, they fall in love and Harry doesn't care that Louis is pregnant so they become a couple. From there they begin a story full of discoveries about the pregnancy and louis being happy to start a family with harry. When lou meets harry's friend he is surprised to see again the boy that his friend never stopped looking for after that night together and even more when he sees that he is pregnant and it is because of him that lou and harry remember that they already knew each other and that the baby belongs to both of them. What's missing from the story is up to the author to decide, that the scenes that have smut are sexy and hot and that Harry is very obsessed with seeing Louis with his huge belly and the milk coming out of her tits.
65 - Au inspired by the tiktok page meals she eats where Harry starts a tik tok page where he cooks meals that will help Louis get pregnant. When they eventually do and the baby is born Harry starts making videos where he dresses matching with his child. Lots of doting Harry. Like, sickly in love with louis!
66 - H is some type or rich guy (could be abo?) maybe a CEO or an aristocrat. He meets Louis who is the opposite of him. Barely makes meets end. Harry doesn’t really care and they start dating. Pretty early in the relationship Louis finds out he’s pregnant. All of Harry’s friends are kind of assholes who try to convince Harry that it was all a plot so that Louis could be settled for life financially. Louis suffers because of this. (They could be talking to Louis without Harry knowing?) Harry will take no slander to Louis and will protect him and their relationship. Caring H and super protective.
67 - Louis being an omega and footballwife who accompanies his alpha Harry to each of his games with his cute puppy. He always supports him and gets excited when Harry scores on the field and Harry dedicates his goals to his beautiful babies. A plus if there is a scene of lou and h fucking in the locker room because harry wants to fill lou with his puppies.
68 - Just Harry going feral after seeing his pregnant Lou in a bikini while sunbathing in their house swimming pool.
69 - A Daddy's little girls au with Harry as Monty and Lou as Julia. If there are some parts of the movie that the author doesn't like it's okay they can change them. It'd be amazing if the girls call Lou "mommy" at some point.
70 - Want something apocalyptic like independence day, 2012 these old sci-fi movies(alien invasion, tsunami etc) Lou preggs? (if it works for the story) and with more kids, husband Harry being some kind of authority? Maybe they get separate, struggling to find each other, Louis and their older kids being badass, lots of action and a happy ending for the world pls lol
71 - Louis or Harry is an alien and having babies 🥺
But I prefer a cute alien Louis, maybe he glows in the dark or something in his body changes color according to his emotions (eyes?) or his skin very lightly glows the color, and he's here to experience love? Or on a mission? And get pregnant with Harry's babies, just some cute interspecies family (could be like in marvel universe that we know that other species exists, or is up to you guys writers) 
Avatar by James Cameron by the way, for the love of God 🙏
73 - High school pregnancy struggle
Popular OR nerdy cute Louis
Badboy don't care about anything OR popular Harry
Cliche fic like the old days please
74 - Louis and Harry have been dating since the freshman year of high school, there last year in high school Harry moves back to England where his family is from promising Louis that he would come back for him, but that promise never comes.   5 years later Harry decides to reach out to Louis in hopes of maybe rekindling a friendship with him but by then Louis is a different person, not really wanting anything to do with Harry. But Harry being his stubborn self won’t let Louis go this time. (Have Louis have a child that Harry doesn’t know about until one day Harry sees him with the kid) makes H wonder if maybe it’s his kid (which they are)
75 - where L and H play on the same team and Louis is returning to play after having a baby with her husband/alpha Harry. scenes of them celebrating with their baby after winning a match, of H defending L from the opposing team, of them playing with their baby on the court and being the crowd's favorite family (and if the author wants scenes of pregnant L going to watch the matches).
76 - Harry Styles is the renowned criminologist newly arrived in Doncaster to solve the series of murders that have been haunting the town and try to find the culprit behind the crimes. In one of his interviews with witnesses he comes across a little omega with a starry-eyed stare and a cute three-month-old belly. Worried about the danger that surrounds him, he sets out to take care of the boy until the case is solved, not knowing that the passing of the months would lead him to fall in love with him and the puppy that was about to be born. In that town where he only hoped to find one more case for his work, he ended up finding the family he had longed for. (Prompt 10 of LFF 2022)
77 - We're the Miller's au where in the end they (h&l) adopt the two kids
78 - Divorced h & l share custody of their kids. H is getting married L is sad, but a vacation with the family ends up in them rekindling their relationship (feminine loui, jealous Louis, cocky harry) side plot men their neighborhood all have crush on loui
79 - Pretty omega louis goes on a seaside vacation with husband and son, and rugged alpha fisherman Harry runs a sushi restaurant there. (this harry) (louis has a boypussy)
80 - Alpha Harry always knows his daughter-in-law (omega louis) is pretty, but things got worse lately, louis was pregnant with his son's baby and that fat ass got plumper and juicier. (louis has a boypussy)
81 - Louis’ partner dies, and since the husband (dead) was the only provider he had, he responds to an ad in the paper for a wife needed. Harry was a lonely man, living on a farm. It was about time he found a wife, who he hopes he will be able to love, so he puts an ad in the paper. Based on historical times if possible :)
82 - I would love to read an "The Incredibles" AU of Harry as Mr. Incredible and Louis as Elastigirl, and their kids as super powers too, would be AWESOME! ABO or MPreg.
83 - A fluffy and "found a family" fanfic, ABO or not (but preferably ABO), in which Louis and Harry are best friends secretly in love with each other, but who are destined to become a family or something more when a baby is left on their doorstep on a cold December night.
84 - Where Harry is a cold and apathetic CEO to everyone and that everyone in his office thinks he must be a horrible person and they only know that he is married because of the ring on his finger (if it is abo, it could be the bite or the smell too) and even so they wonder how a human being of that level of coldness can be married.  One day, there is a big party at his company, an event where he can take his family and then everyone is surprised how sweet his wife (louis) is and how playful and silly he is with his kids.
85 - Where louis is a newly graduated doctor and is a few days in the emergency area, one day a 19 year old boy enters the emergency room with a newborn baby with a high fever both with tears in their eyes, louis helps the boy and his baby and discovers that the boy is a young first-time father and that his old girlfriend didn't want the baby so she left the child with the father (it can be abo if you want, I have no preference)
86 - A fic where Lou is a punk rock princess and he has a band (the name can be chosen by the author) where Harry is the guitarist and they have a secret romance. I want the fic to talk about their tour, have sexual tension between h and l, have h get jealous and possessive every time lou gets off stage and lets the fans touch him and punish him for it in his dressing room. That in one of his adventures lou is pregnant and that's why everyone finds out who is the father (h obviously) and lou continues with his tour in that state, that you can see his cute belly with the clothes he always wears (crop tops and short and sexy things) like the ones in this image)
87 - ABO Harry dilf silver fox and louis sexy milf with their twin puppies (2 years old) make the two of them be a hot and very sexy couple. Smut kinky, lactation kink and that they are very loving with their babies and harry can't stop wanting to get lou pregnant, that's why lou gets pregnant again, so it's a story of them taking care of their twins and h taking care of lou because he is pregnant again. And that h is a successful business owner and lou is a model.
88 - A fic based on this tiktok and all the journey about the pregnancy of lou and h taking care of them, being the protective and possessive husband.
89 - Just 19 louis and 19 harry being young parents id love to see it!
90 - Harry is a single dad, living a carefree life together with his son. Louis’ past has made him anxious and shy. The Styles’ feel like they could help him.
91 - Canon divergence. Everything is basically the same (events leading up to December 2022) except, well, Louis is pregnant. His belly starts showing at one of the shows and the fans start to notice. They joke about him going to be a mum soon but little do they know, they're actually right.
Main pairing is Louis and Harry
They haven't officially come out yet but are still together and publicly talk (they're both very active on twitter)
Fluff. Lots of fluff and domesticity. Discussion about starting a family, shopping for baby clothes, picking names, trying (and failing) to hide the growing baby bump—neither of them is subtle in hiding it as well, morning sickness, Louis laughs whenever someone calls him mum, etc...
The internet is losing their shit
It's up to you if you want the kid to be a boy or a girl (or maybe both??? 😱)
Just L and H becoming parents while dealing with the spotlight.
92 - Where single mother Louis comes back to town with a kid, everyone wants to know who the father is (including Louis), turns out it was Harry (but not even Harry knew that). could be some drug involved idk. could be friends to enemies to lovers too
93 - Uni AU! Harry is the football captain, Louis is a cheerleader, they are both secretly sleeping together and no one knows about it until louis randomly gets pregnant but they’re excited because they’re in love and they go through the experiences of finding how to stabilize their impending parenthood and lovely relationship.
94 - Louis and Harry are both famous, but they’re exes. They are seen again on live TV where they are playing fill your guts or spill your guts, louis asks harry how good he is in bed, he says 10 of course, they finish the game. Backstage they start to talk again, plan to hang out, start to go on dates over the course of a few months, starts to date again after like 3-4 months of talking, as their relationship progresses, louis gets pregnant, harry writes a song about how good in bed louis is, they have a maternity shoot as the cover of vogue and the rest is entirely up to you.
95 - LOUIS MILF AU: Harry is a 25 alpha rockstar singer who loves to sleep around cocky, arrogant, feisty and doesn't believe in real love (pls long hair beefy),  enter Louis a sensual confident sexy and caring Milf 36 years old mom of a 3 years old pup Laurie, shy and mute fan on Harry and worst: a successful Yves Laurent stylist and the next personal stylist of Harry after Alessandro leaves Gucci. 
They start as casual sex because Louis didn't want to commit because he fear his son would become affectionate to Harry and this would overcome his job. After all,  they fall  in love with all the consequences. 
Feat possessive overprotective harry and minx seductive Louis.
Harry and Laurie have many sweet fluffy moment "father-son"
Laurie is Henry Cavill's son, is up to the author to include him also as a rival to Harry.
96 - ARRANGED MARRIAGE AU: Harry (long hair pls) is the pack Alpha of the most important powerful tribe in Britain and Louis is the pack Luna  given to marry him and bear his pups. The only problem? Harry is the perfect leader: fearful, caring, charismatic, but he isn't interested in a mate and prefers discretely to sleep around to satisfy his rut and the necessity he wants. Louis is pure and virgin but fierce and doesn't want a marriage without love. Enemies to lovers. With a tone of jealous and possessive Harry and primal ritual and sex. It would be cute a side alpha to make Harry jealous like Michael.
97 - Fluffy fic with sweet, soft mommy louis and harry who's his boyfriend and their little newborn pup (very vague but..)
98 - Pregnant housewife louis' hormones are acting up and he misses harry who's a busy CEO and he wants his attention so he starts acting bratty and harry gets annoyed (idk maybe L riles him up during his meeting or something because H won't pay attention to him)
99 - Harry and Louis have been together for quite some years and have a newborn child. Not long after their birth Harry, a successful (any job) has to get back to work while Louis stays at home. Even though it was Louis' choice, when Harry starts neglecting his family, he cannot help but feel desolate. Harry never spends time with them, leaves early in the morning and comes home late, doesn't help Louis around the house and even their sex life is at pause. Not only that but he also arrives late at family dinners or hang outs with Louis' friends (and a lot of bad things) embarrassing Louis. Louis can't take it anymore when something bad happens (either to his child or something else) and Harry doesn't make an effort to be there. How and if they rekindle is up to the author but please if there's a happy ending make Harry work for forgiveness and don't make Louis instantly caving in.
100 - Established relationship H&L. Out of the blue Louis starts ignoring Harry, his advances, his touches and gets sadder every day. Basically Louis is gaining weight and that makes him uncomfortable with himself and around Harry. Louis really tries to avoid any sexual/any type of touch, being naked around him etc. The truth is Louis is pregnant but just doesn't realize. It could be abo with Harry noticing the different smell but wanting Louis to tell him he's pregnant himself hence why he doesn't confront him, but that's just an idea.
101 - They've been trying to conceive for four months, with no avail. Louis is feeling more broody by the day. Flicking through forums and magazines in the midst of his working day when they pop up on his social media writing accounts only make Louis want to be a mother even more. Being a writer is a dream he always wanted, so landing a role as an author suits him perfectly. He can choose his working hours alongside the topic, meaning most of Louis' work revolves around same sex love relationships. He's a romantic at heart.
His husband of two years and six months, Harry, is a full time mechanic. He's previously worked further afield, but when the pair decided to try for a baby, Harry realized he needs to be closer to home. And so, opening up his own business provides both stability and close geographical distance. It works.
Working from home suits Louis to the ground, with a sense of relief that he can continue working somewhat during his trimesters - even up to the birth if he so wishes.
All hope seems to be lost though, with every failed conception. Louis is tired of being prodded, examined and poked. He's about to give up hope, but wavers when he inhales the scent of Harry's burnt toast. Normally, that would turn his stomach no end, but not on this particular day. And for a moment, Louis wonders, if just maybe he's carrying a bundle of joy after all.
102 - ABO where louis is an omega, single mother, the baby is only a few months old when they move in next to harry. He and Harry become friends and etc etc. Where Louis's baby is immediately soothed by harrys scent and his alpha. Like they are destined to be father and son/daughter.
(Idk something like that, about destiny, could include a bit of "magic/supernatural" elements regarding like soulmates, soulbonds, scents and destiny)
Ps: sorry for my messy prompt idea, good luck to everyone writing!!)
103 - Mom Louis who has a cute little girl and meets silver fox Harry. Harry isn’t good with kids but for a reason Louis’ daughter really likes him. Alpha Harry/ Omega Louis.
104 - College AU (ABO)
Louis is always sleeping around. All the men want him and he knows it. Until at a party he meets Harry, the alpha is handsome, big and strong, but very shy. Louis talks and flirts with him and then takes him to his room. Harry tells him it's his first time and Louis gives his best to make it unforgettable. After that they meet in the halls, classes and end up being friends with benefits. They fuck in many places (includes somewhere in college) and enjoy it until Louis notices a change in his smell, he doesn't tell Harry out of fear and starts ignoring him. Harry tries to find him and talk to him until he succeeds. The Omega tells him what happened crying and very scared, but Harry comforts him, they decide to have the baby and then everything flows with a cute mommy Louis, talking to his baby, finding clothes for her, feeding her and spoiling her and Harry being a strong daddy assembling her crib, fitting her room, changing her diapers, etc.
I would like to see a feminine and horny Louis and also a shy Harry, but learning to be dominant in bed (tags: happy ending, feminization, dirty talk, rimming, overstimulation and all things smutty).
105 - Omega Louis becomes a porn star with no choice, he has to raise his pup up. Louis often plays as a cheating milf wife in porn, he was very shy at first, but got fucked too well by those big beefy co-workers, he is a cockslut now. tags : boypussy louis, 2 cocks in pussy, both holes filled.
106 - Nick and jess au where harry as nick is irresponsible and lazy but he does everything for louis to make him happy and louis as jess a school vice principal super upbeat and colorful and quirky and super responsible anyway their friends have a kid like ruth where her and nick bicker like little kids but they love each other and louis really wants a kid especially when he sees harry and ruth together but harry isn’t sure if he’s ready yet.
107 - After the pics of the baby blue sweater vest i just can’t unsee father of two harry so please i need a very domestic fic where they have a 6 year old daughter and a 8 month old and louis works from home so he’s always with the baby and harry is maybe like a teacher so he picks up their daughter from school everyday and sometimes he has to stay for a few hours longer and she’s there with him and then when they get home harry immediately takes the baby off louis’ hands so he can shower, refresh all that stuff and then they make dinner together and yk that dad thing where they grab the kid from the armpits and kinda flies them around then sits her on the chair for dinner he’s that i need that and then sometimes they have someone babysit so they can have a romantic night in just the two of them.
108 - AU normal married couple with kids and they’re going through some tough times bc one of them (it can be either) hates their job and they want to do something else something they’re more passionate about but it will take some time, maybe they won’t get payed for a while or payed very little or maybe it’s far like jim and pam from The Office.
109 - AU where louis’ dad hates harry yk like in those het couples where the dad hates the daughters husband so harry is always seeking his approval and respect but he tries too hard so he makes a fool of himself like phill dunphy and claire’s dad in modern family. (Add the kids in here cause otherwise there is no mommy Lou)
110 - AU where louis and harry adopt a baby and everyone says louis is the mom (bc he stays home with the baby and stuff like that) but louis doesn’t really like that but then one day (and this is the scene i imagine) they’re in the kitchen facetiming their family one of their moms or smth and louis has the baby in his arms and the subject comes up again where they refer to louis as the mom and harry is like cmon he said he doesn’t like it and louis is a tiny bit annoyed but then the baby out of nowhere says it’s first word and it’s mama to louis and then he gets all emotional and has to leave the room with the baby and harry waits a minute turns off the phone and goes see if he’s okay and louis now accepts being mama.
111 - Alpha harry has had many sex partners, all of them curious why he prefer to be little spoon, some say he just likes to lie on women with big breasts, some say he has an oedipus complex, well, maybe he has, but the culprit is his childhood nanny louis.
No one knows he was bullied in primary school, though now 24 he is charming and beefy.
Everytime he comes home crying, omega louis would give him the softest cuddle, lull him to sleep and everytime when louis' pretty face gets closer, when his hourglass curve is outlined by the clothes, there's some strange feeling coming up. Then he notices Louis starts smoking, starts wearing loose clothes to hide his dainty body. One night he saw a tall strong man forcing him to resign from his work, they arguing but their body touching, all of this happened right at harry's house porch. Shortly after, his mom told him she will find another nanny for him.
12 years later, he met louis again, he still beautiful at his 30, still shy when he told him pretty. Harry couldn't resist his years of desire, they fuck at that night. Then he knows that Louis was pregnant with his ex' pup, but that man emotionally abused him. Finally he made up his mind and broke up with him not long ago.
Harry knows Louis desperately needs to be loved, but he can't stop his jealousy of that man. Everytime they fuck, the images of louis being like a bitch in heat to pleases that man is keep coming up his head. He wonders how beautiful Louis would be when he's slutty. Harry doesn't care if it hurts Louis, he pretends to be bored when he gets his cock ridden, then Louis really pleases him like a little bitch afraid of being abandoned.
112 - ABO universe - Alpha Harry, Omega Louis and Louis's adopted son Noah (alpha). Kid belongs to Louis' sister who died mysteriously. Louis and Noah arrive in Styles territory with pack leader Harry. Harry is very strict and doesn't smile a lot (a nonsense kind of person) but falls in love at first sight with Louis. Soft only for Louis and Noah. Olivia is a bad person who might be the daughter of councilman of Harry and wants to marry Harry, but Harry doesn't pay any mind to her. Later, Harry wants to marry Louis and adopt Noah and pass his alphaship to Noah after his retirement. 
Problems start when Noah's biological father (who is the villain and is the alpha of the enemy pack of Harry's) comes into the picture to take Noah. In actuality he wants to forcibly take Louis as his mate. That's why Louis was running away with Noah from time to time.
Don't want - any past relationship (even its mention) of both Louis and Harry. No cheating. 
Want - passionate love story with going against all odds.
113 - ABO - Pack alpha & rich Harry. Louis with son Noah. Louis' brother is getting married (probably Niall/Zayn) to Harry's cousin (maybe Liam). In the beginning, Louis dislikes Harry because of minor misunderstandings (like he is a playboy and rich brat) but Harry falls for Louis. Now Harry wants to marry Louis also and adopt Noah but his mother doesn't want him to marry a middle-class omega with a child and instead wants him to marry Olivia to maintain high status in society but Harry considers her only as a friend. Olivia tries to create misunderstandings between H & L but fails. Later she joins hands with Noah's biological father to remove Louis from his way. Noah's father kidnaps Louis and Noah but later, Harry saves them and his mother also accepts them. 
Don't want - any past relationship (even its mention) of both Louis and Harry. No cheating. 
Want - passionate love story with going against all odds.
114 - Omega Louis is one of the most popular boys (part of a sorority) in uni and so is alpha Harry (part of frat). Harry also has the biggest ever crush on Louis like he’s obsessed with him and his scent please. There’s a prank battle that goes on between the frat and sorority and one night the frat brothers decide it would be a genius idea for the head of the frat (Harry) to sneak into the sorority and get some dirt as the sorority girls are super secretive. When he sneaks in he’s super surprised to find that the secret they’ve all been hiding is that omega Louis has a baby and they all help him take care of it and support him. Harry also gets caught but promises he won’t tell if Louis goes on a date with him. Naturally Louis despite being stubborn about it at first agrees to go on said date and yeah whatever the writer wants from there to happen. Give me himbo, flirty Harry being just ditsy and adorable and obsessed with Louis.
115 - Louis is pregnant and insecure with his body but his partner is in love with how he looks and tries to convince him of it every day.
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herrlindemann · 1 year
Sonic Seducer - June 2017, interview with Paul
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Provocations have been part of the Teutonic craft at Rammstein since the early days. So far these have been directed against the establishment or the disdainful bourgeoisie. There have been quite a few live recordings over the years, so a completely different approach should make for a frenetic new fireworks experience. With the extraordinary film document 'Rammstein: Paris', however, the Swedish star video director Jonas Akerlund, who has been responsible for the video clips of the superstars in Hollywood for many years, has created such a manic, powerfully edited marvel from 30 camera perspectives that a concert visitor cannot be taken, alternate with crazy close-ups in a staccato editing sequence that is unparalleled. Surprising effects, which one would not expect in a live recording, round off the experience, but also have a polarizing effect on the fans. After a successful theatrical release in 46 countries, the Director's Cut is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray (the audio version on CD, vinyl and digital) in various configurations, some of which are very exclusive, for the home cinema format, and the inclined fan is after the unusual cinema experience something, certainly came to the conclusion 'PARIS KILLS, I have to see that at least one more time!'. The home cinema look-up now comes up with 30 minutes of additional playing time and contains the songs 'Sehnsucht', 'Links 2 3 4', 'Haifisch', 'Amerika' and 'Ich will' and continues the 'Made in Germany' tour from 2011-2012 a cinematic monument. The first part of the following interview is part of the 12-page title story of the previous issue, in which detailed impressions of the production of the new album can be found. Hear from Paul first-hand how the band responds to critical voices about 'Rammstein: Paris' and which concert variants are conceivable or not and some personal impressions.
Is it still surprising to you that, no matter which country you play in, your audience always knows the lyrics of all the songs despite the German language? It is also noticeable on the Paris recording that the songs are practically sung along with everyone.
Paul: It doesn't really surprise us anymore. We don't know anything other than the whole hall singing along at once. It's more like people from Germany who attend our concerts abroad are totally surprised and no longer understand the world when they see how many visitors are in the halls and how loudly they are singing along.
These effects, for example with Till's snake tongue in the song 'Mann gegen Mann', which are actually quite unusual in live recordings, were these also what you had in mind?
Paul: There are different opinions in the band. Let's put it this way: we think that's okay.
Was it planned from the outset that the film would be released in cinemas or was a DVD/Blu-ray recording originally planned?
Paul: That's a good question, I don't really know anymore. I imagine we were already on the clock to consider a theatrical production. But it could also have been the case that we first decided that we would see what the result looked like and then we would think about what we would do with it.
How do you as a band assess the result of the film? There were relatively polarizing opinions after the film's release, ranging from euphoric enthusiasm to criticism about the editing being too quick, too few long shots and hardly any audience images.
Paul: In principle, we as the band Rammstein see it the same way as the fans.
In my opinion, the Akerlund film has become something special and extraordinary. Our editorial team doesn't think it's so bad that there are a few critical voices. Since enough other Rammstein DVDs have already been released, we think it's good that you did something like this.
Paul: Personally, I see it that way too, I sometimes miss the long shots and longer shots of the individual musicians and the audience. I don't like the quick cuts that much and I don't like some of the effects that much. But the experiment was definitely worth recording in this form, both for the cinema and at home. The film is generally unique among live recordings and unique in this form.
Can you also imagine the recordings with an orchestra?
Paul: Personally, I think it's really bad when bands start with an orchestra at an advanced age and then, in the worst case, also sit on chairs. I hope the cup passes us by. We once had the idea that we shouldn't play as a band together with an orchestra, i.e. not guitar and drums, but that the band would actually become part of the orchestra and take over the appropriate instruments such as piano, timpani or triangle and play the Rammstein songs in this constellation . So it shouldn't look like Metallica and it shouldn't lead to such a strange result. But we're not there yet, we're having too much fun playing our songs as they are. So we put the idea of doing an opera house tour aside for now. If so, then it should really be completely classic and not 'rock meets classic', I always think that's really bad. In addition, we always have classical elements in our songs. We have often had strings, trombones and completely orchestral passages. It could also quickly happen that a complete orchestral implementation has no effect at all. When I think about it, it really doesn't feel good. What do you think about that?
Well, from my point of view Metallica's implementation failed and they still released it. I could imagine this well with some of your songs, but less so with others. I would imagine Till at the burning triangle would be quite funny. Pyrotechnics are unlikely to be allowed in any philharmonic hall. In this respect, Rammstein would be deprived of a characteristic element and would actually focus purely on the orchestral implementation. It really has nothing to do with ‘old people’. There is the ‘Gothic Meets Klassik’ event in Leipzig once a year. There, scene bands of different sizes study their songs with an orchestra or these songs are professionally arranged for live performance with an orchestra. Sometimes this works better and sometimes worse. The audience and the bands themselves have always been very moved. Some bands pick this up again later.
Paul: Well, I might be a bit too radical if I reject that completely. It probably really depends on the songs and how it's implemented. When an orchestra really gets going, it can be really good and moving, and you're absolutely right. But if it just comes out with some weird mayonnaise, that's really not nice.
You've played a few festival appearances and occasional concerts in recent years, but eight years is a long time since your last album. The other band members have released solo albums or books, for example. What does Paul Landers do?
Paul: Everyone in the band does it differently. I started windsurfing at some point. I then grab a small board with a sail and then we set off. Olli once introduced me to it and I fell into it. We pack up the boards and go to South Africa or Hawaii and then we start there and we're happy about it. I generally like to travel or go climbing, that's fun too. I also have a family and of course they want to see me too, and that's nice.
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