#(( I know what you are tate ))l
onlyangel4 · 1 month
Hi can i request an smau with just met to love at first sight (maybe summertime fling) with lando based on Wherever u r by umi and V 🥹 happy ending!!
wherever u r. ln4. smau.
lando norris x actress!reader
lando always thought that love at first sight was some cliche created by the movies, something not applicable with real life. but then he met you
faceclaim: madelyn cline
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: emergency leg shave in a hotel sink before going out in monaco that i definitely do not belong at, wish me luck.
y/bff replied to your story: i can't believe you are going to an event alone, your confidence baffles me
y/ninsta: if it makes you feel better i said yes when i was drunk and now that i'm stone cold sober i am shitting my pants
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: two hours later and i am ready
y/nsightings posted a story
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written: y/n spotted outside a club in monaco, there is a massive celebrity event there tonight she told a fan that her plus one dropped out last minute so she is attending alone and is shitting herself, sounds like our y/n
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and 54,683 others
f1updates: lando, charles and alex, daniel and heidi have all been spotted outside the same club in monaco. there is an exclusive invite only event taking place. several celebrities have already been spotted entering the club including zendaya, yn l/n, tate mcrae and the kid laroi
view all 7,293 comments
user1: i would sell a kidney to get inside that club
user2: omg this is the event y/n was shaving her legs for
user3: she is so real for that if i knew that i was going to be in a room with f1 drivers i would shave EVERYTHING
user4: the summer break just started and they are already meeting up at a party they are all obsessed with each other
y/nupdates posted a story
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written: y/n spotted leaving the monaco party with an unknown man
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liked by user5, user6, user7 and 34,855 others
y/nfan: guys! so my boyfriend does a lot of work behind the scenes in film and tv so we got invited to this event in monaco. and i spotted y/n standing at the back of the party not really interracting with anyone because she didn't know anyone so i went up to her told her that i was a massive fan and she spent a lot of the night with us. we were dancing and watching lando norris' dj set when he saw her and goes "holy shit that is y/n y/ln shit you are hotter in person" and when his dj set was done he ran off the stage and over to us and we were about to take a selfie so i got this gem. honestly the best night ever.
view all 592 comments
user7: could that be who y/n was spotted leaving with
user5: omg that is such a lando thing to do
user6: i would not be mad at this couple
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landonorris posted a private story
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charlesleclerc replied to your story: alex is so mad that she didn't get the chance to meet y/n last night and you guys are just hanging
landonorris: man we are not just hanging, she is like actually perfect
charlesleclerc: oh dear are you what the kids call down bad
landonorris: i will forever hate alex for teaching you that
mclaren: so if you fancied inviting your new "friend" to the dutch gp no one would be mad, especially if she wanted to take part in media day
landonorris: you never miss a trick admin, i'll talk to her
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: beach day
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liked by landonorris, sabrinacarpenter, alexandrasaintmleux and 1,384,735 others
y/ninsta: monaco trip dump
view all 23,452 comments
sabrinacarpenter: can't wait for you to be back in la
y/ninsta: girl i have so much shit to tell you
alexandrasaintmleux: meeting you was a dream come true, can't wait until we get to hang out again
y/ninsta: love you so much, will have to visit again soon
landonorris: i made the cut !
y/ninsta: that night was too memorable to not include
user8: y/n what do you mean
user9: lando norris wtf is this crossover episode
user10: didn't she go on holiday alone, who took all these pictures
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y/ninsta posted a story
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written: first time on a private jet wtf never flying commercial ever again
landonorris posted a story
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written: and we arrived, so ready for the next part of the season
charlesleclerc replied to your story: if "we" is who i think it is alex is going to lose her mind
landonorris: tell alex her job is to make sure y/n doesn't get lost in the paddock
f1celebs posted a story
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written: actress y/n y/ln has arrived for media day here in the netherlands
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: exciting things coming
mclaren posted a story tagging landonorris and y/ninsta
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written: lando took actress y/n y/ln on a hot lap, click the link here to watch the whole thing
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liked by y/ninsta, alexandrasaintmleux, mclaren and 1,453,621 others
tagged: y/ninsta
landonorris: bring your girlfriend to work day
view all 78,934 comments
y/ninsta: i think you mean "almost kill your girlfriend at work day"
landonorris: babe i was actually going slow
alexandrasaintmleux: no you brought MY girlfriend to work
landonorris: well no...
mclaren: next time we will put y/n behind the wheel
y/ninsta: omg really !
landonorris: that is an awful ideal
user10: he has just beaten the norizz allegations by pulling one of the hottest women in hollywood omg way to prove us wrong
∘��···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
taglist: @formulaal @formulaonebuff @danielshoe @noooway555 @dilflover44
482 notes · View notes
ashwhowrites · 5 months
Wrong story
Heavily inspired by the film Miller's Girl. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it because Jenna Ortega is excellent 👌🏻
Modern AU
⚠️smut, smut and more smut
Summary - Y/N has a crush on her teacher, filled with inappropriate thoughts she needs a release. So she writes it out...and accidentally sends it to him.
I hope you guys enjoy this and love it! 🫶🏻
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Y/N knew it was a horrible idea to have a crush on her English teacher, but she couldn't help it. The second she walked into that class and saw him standing there in dress pants and a button-up, she was in trouble.
The first week, she did not learn a thing. She couldn't think straight when he'd look over at her. His dark eyes, his long hair that rested perfectly on his shoulders, and the tattoos that peaked through his rolled-up sleeves. She wondered if he had tattoos elsewhere, and how much of his skin was inked. Did he have naked skin that she could mark herself?
She also knew it was inappropriate to think about him the way she did. She spent so many nights in her dorm room alone, dreaming of being fucked on his desk. She wanted his hands all over her, his teeth on her skin and his tongue tasting her.
Now, she had more control over her thoughts and could pay attention in his class. Before she knew it, her writing and understanding skills blew him away. He talked to her about her work, always praising, and challenging her.
"Another great assignment," He said as he placed her paper in front of her. She clenched her thighs as he walked past, his scent lingering behind.
"Thank you, Mr. Munson."
He turned around and gave her a small wink, and she felt like she melted into a puddle.
"You are all dismissed, have a good weekend."
"He was so checking you out," Tate teased as she and Y/N left the classroom.
"Will you shut up! He was not," Y/N scoffed.
"Another great assignment, wish you used those fingers for more than just typing," Tate said in a seductive voice, deepening her voice to sound like Eddie.
"Oh stop," Y/N laughed as she shoved Tate. "I wish, but he probably has a girlfriend, someone his age. And not someone he'd lose a job for dating."
"Believe what you want, but I've got two eyes and I watched as he landed on your ass yesterday when you wore that plaid skirt. I bet he was having little schoolgirl fantasies." Tate gasped with a huge smile.
"Do you think of anything other than sex, you perv?" Y/N teased as they walked out of the building.
Y/N couldn't lie, she thought about what Tate said all weekend. Was he checking her out? Or was Tate poking at her crush?
Y/N folded her laundry and her hands touched the red and black plaid skirt. She felt a smile stretch across her face as she thought back to Tate.
Maybe she should see for herself?
Y/N felt a rush of confidence as she walked into Eddie's class. Her skirt flowed against her thighs and her black long-sleeved body suit hugged her body.
She'd deny it but she spent extra hours getting ready in the morning.
"You little slut," Tate snickered
"What?" Y/N asked, acting dumb as she stood in front of Tate's table.
"The skirt, the tight bodysuit. Someone is putting on a show."
"I just...wanted to find out for myself." Y/N shrugged, it wasn't a big deal.
"Ms. Y/L/N, mind taking a seat?"
Y/N turned around to see Mr. Munson waiting for her. She blushed and quickly ran to her seat, a quiet apology on her tongue.
"After you finish your book for the independent reading, I want you to write a story written in the same way as the author."
Y/N felt the color drain from her face. She didn't know the book she picked would matter. And there was no way she could write a story and face him after he read it.
The second class was over she walked up to his desk. Tate watched with delight as she stayed in the back.
"Um, Mr. Munson," she said shyly.
Eddie looked up and smiled. She felt her heart race as his full attention was on her. His eyes looked into hers.
"I wasn't aware the book we chose would matter, and the book I've been reading is a tad mature." Y/N blushed.
"That's alright. You are an incredible writer and I don't think you'll have any difficulties." Eddie explained
"That's not the issue. The book is um," she leaned down so Tate couldn't hear. Eddie noticeably shifted as her face got closer to his. His eyes were quick to look down at her chest before snapping back up. "It's smut." She clenched her eyes shut in embarrassment.
Eddie felt his face heat up as he coughed, "Oh! Um you...uh...yeah. Different book then?" he stuttered out.
"Thank you, Mr. Munson," she said before she rushed out of the room. Eddie couldn't help but look as she walked away. He bit his lip as his eyes traveled down to her exposed legs, then up to the roundness of her ass and the way her hips moved.
He jumped out of his daydream when Tate coughed. She sent him a little knowing smirk then went out after Y/N.
Y/N finished a different book and stared at the blank paper on her computer. The assignment was due tomorrow and she had gotten nowhere in the past week.
She couldn't focus, all she could think about was the dirty words in her other book. She was guilty of imagining the male lead as Eddie, so now she was distracted by how sexually frustrated she was.
She opened a new tab and let her imagination go wild. All the dirty images flowed into words as she typed. She clenched her thighs as she wrote about him. She needed it out of her system so she could focus on her real paper.
Finally, at midnight she finished her real paper. Her eyes burned and her fingers were sore but she finished the assignment. She yawned as she sent the paper to his email. Once she heard it send, she shut down her computer and headed to bed.
It was Sunday morning and Eddie dedicated the day to reading through all the papers he had to grade.
He looked through his email as he rested in bed, still in his boxers and naked chest. His laptop rested on his stomach as he scrolled until he found the one he was searching for.
He smiled once he found Y/N's name. He knew he wasn't supposed to have favorites, but she was so creative and smart. He was her top student. He loved watching her work and seeing the passion she had. It was something they had in common.
He opened her story and began to read it.
"Her skin was burning with desire as his skillful hands slithered up her thighs. She panted as he tugged her skirt down to her ankles, the air hit her bare cunt as she shivered. Her nipples hardened as he looked at her, his deep brown watched her expression as he slipped a finger inside of her. He felt his own desire crashing over his body like a wave. She put her hands behind her, her palms flat on his desk as she threw her head back. With her back arched, her hard nipples teased right in his face. He couldn't help but lean forward, wrapping his warm lips around her left nipple, swirling his tongue around the flesh. Another finger slipped inside of her, then another.
He was three fingers deep in her soaked cunt as his teeth scraped against her nipple. He removed himself with a pop before he moved to her neglected one. Just like the left, he wrapped his lips around her right nipple. His tongue played with her as his fingers picked up their pace. "
Eddie swallowed as he felt himself getting warm. He felt like he should have stopped reading. They discussed doing a different book, did she change her mind? He felt dirty for imagining himself in the fantasy, and even worse that he imagined it was her cunt around his fingers and her nipples in his mouth.
He scratched at the itchiness in his facial hair as he debated on reading further. He also wasn't sure if he'd be allowed to grade this.
He skimmed past a few paragraphs, maybe it was a big opener or something.
"His hard cock pulsed as she bent over his desk. His right hand worked down his body, he grasped his cock in a tight grip as he slowly jerked himself as he looked at her.
"Spread," his demanding voice cut through the thick air. She obeyed, her breasts against the wood as she bent fully over. She spread her legs apart, she waited for his next move with anticipation. He growled as he watched her cunt spread open, he licked his lips as he watched her wetness start to drip down her thigh. She shivered as she felt it.
"Touch me, please," she pathetically whimpered. He smirked at the sound of her wrecked voice. She panted as she heard his heavy footsteps move towards her. His left hand trailed up her spine, up over her shoulder, then harshly gripped around her throat. She choked as he cut off the air to her lungs. His hot breath fanned against her ear as he bit and tugged on her earring.
"I'll touch you when I want to touch you," his voice was low and deep. And his grip on her neck tightened. She felt her body growing weak as he controlled how much air she'd receive. He waited a few seconds before he released her. She gasped as she choked for air, her head feeling light. But she loved every second of it. Every second of being nothing but a body for him to touch, a body for him to fuck, a body for him to torture. He removed his hand from his cock, the building orgasm set aside as he focused on her ass in the air.
His right hand came down to slam down on her ass. The skin burned and flamed as he smacked it over and over. She gripped the desk until her fingers went white, her lip bleeding from how hard she bit her lip to stay quiet. The sound of his skin slapping her flesh echoed throughout the empty classroom. He growled as her skin changed colors and how his handprint burned into her."
Eddie looked around his room, almost scared that he was going to be caught. He felt his cock pulsing in his boxers and he fought to ignore it.
"Finally his thick and hard cock slid inside of her. Her soaked cunt happily stretched open for him. Her legs shook as he fucked her hard. The desk squeaked under their bodies, his hands bruised into her hips. She clawed at the wood as he took no mercy on her. He was fucking her so hard that her body jolted forward with every thrust. She wanted to turn her head to see him, but when she tried his hand pushed her head against the desk.
"This is what you wanted, isn't it? Wearing those tiny skirts to my class with that sweet cunt so easy for me to see. Do you think I don't notice you spreading open your whore legs when I'm lecturing? I can't imagine what you think when you fuck this pathetic cunt, but I know you think of me. But no toys are as big as me, huh?" He mocked. She whimpered at his words, knowing he was right. "And no toys are fucking you as good as me."
"Fuck, Mr. Munson, you fuck me so fucking good." She moaned"
Eddie stared at the screen in shock. Did he read his own name? Was she writing this as...herself? Eddie shivered at the thought, the movement caused his cock to move, and his tip hit something cold and wet. Eddie set his laptop next to him as he threw off the blankets.
He felt embarrassed when he looked down, a huge wet spot of pre-cum stained through his boxers. The pulsing was too hard to ignore, so he reached down to palm himself softly. Just a little touch to ease the ache. The simple touch caused him to moan loudly. He wanted to pull his hand away before he got too caught up but his hand at its own mind.
He slipped his hand inside his boxers, slowly jerking himself as he threw his head back. He sighed at the relief as his cock pulsed in his hand. His eyes looked over to his laptop, and his free hand reached over to scroll.
"He pushed himself fully inside of her, forcing her to feel just how big he was. He sighed in delight as she clamped around him. Like her cunt didn't want him to go anywhere. She was tight and wet, a perfect mixture to make his head spin.
"Feels like you were meant for me," he moaned. She began to move her hips back to match his rhythm. His hands were tight on her hips as the sound of their skin smacking filled their ears. She was moaning and whining, every sound drove him closer to his release."
Eddie moaned as he jerked himself faster. The images flashed through his head as he read. His head was thrown back in pleasure as he pictured her soft body bent over his desk. He was guilty of thinking about it before. Guilty of thinking about her hands and lips wrapped around his cock as he fucked her throat in between classes.
"She came with a loud scream of his name, her body limp against the desk as he fucked her through it. His hands were gentle as he traced up and down her spine, but his cock still drilled inside of her. She shook in sensitivity as he chased his orgasm.
"Cum for me, Mr. Munson," she whimpered, "fill my slutty cunt with your cum. Make me yours."
Eddie felt his eyes roll in the back of his head as he panted. His hand jerked himself faster, the feeling of bliss in his stomach. He read the last sentence over and over until his body thrashed as he came. His sticky cum painted his hand and stomach as he jerked himself empty. He imagined filling her cunt, and stuffing her full. The idea of his cum dripping down her thighs made him shiver.
He pulled his hand away with a hiss when he felt himself grow sensitive.
He took a few minutes to collect himself. Then the guilt rushed in. He slammed his laptop shut with his clean hand. He just jerked himself off to a student's smut. What the hell was wrong with him?
He got out of bed, legs a little shaky as he moved to his bathroom. He washed his hands and cleaned off his stomach. He couldn't look at himself in the mirror without disgust. He was an adult, he should have closed it the second he saw it was a sex story.
Eddie sat at his desk, his leg shook with anxiety as he waited for his class to come in.
His eyes looked up and caught hers. She offered a small smile as she walked in. He looked away and pretended to be busy with his desk work.
She tried to ignore the blow she felt as he ignored her. Maybe it was a hard morning for him. She walked over to Tate's table as they talked. Eddie noticed she wore a different skirt with a tighter-fitting top. He felt displeased with himself as he felt his cock get a little hard. He couldn't look at her without thinking of her words. And the disgusting thing he did while reading it.
"Y/N, please don't make me ask you to take your seat every day."
His tone was sharp and annoyed. Even Tate looked at him confused as Y/N blushed in embarrassment again.
"Sorry," she rushed out as she raced to her seat
"Don't say it, show me." He snapped
She shrunk in her seat, her eyes looked to Tate to see if they were thinking the same thing.
The whole class period he never once looked her way. Which was odd because he always looked over at her. Even when she raised her hand to answer all his questions, as she always did since she was the only one who listened to his lectures. He just ignored her and waited until someone else answered, even if it took minutes.
She couldn't help but feel neglected. It wasn't a big deal, but it made her feel like shit.
She sighed in relief as the class was dismissed. Tate walked over to her as the two began to walk out.
"Ms. Y/L/N? Can you stay back a second?" His voice called out
Y/N gulped and looked nervously at Tate. She sent a small smile and closed the door behind her. Leaving Eddie and Y/N alone in an empty classroom.
"Yes, Mr. Munson?" she asked, her voice shaking with nerves as she looked down at him.
He stood up and grabbed a stack of stapled papers from his desk. He looked into her eyes as he handed it over.
"Can you just read the first paragraph, please? To yourself is fine."
She took the paper, confused. But she did as he asked. The color drained from her face as she read the first few words. She sent in the wrong paper.
"I'm so-" she went to apologize but Eddie cut her off.
"This behavior is highly inappropriate. We discussed you would change your book. Not only is it against the school's rules, it is not appropriate to write about a teacher in that way. If you have a crush, write in a diary, not my assignment. And I'll need a new paper if you want to pass this class" His voice had no emotion as he scolded her. She wanted to shrink until he couldn't see her anymore. She was so embarrassed.
"I understand," she whispered with her head down, she would never be able to look him in the face again.
She kept the papers as she began to walk towards the door.
"Oh and Y/N?"
She turned around, her eyes on the floor.
"Even if this school doesn't have a dress code, I think you should dress more appropriately."
Any sort of confidence she ever had vanished with his words. She didn't say anything, she turned around and raced out the door.
Hot tears streaming down her face.
"What happened?" Tate asked as she held the crying girl in her arms.
"I sent in the wrong paper and now he knows I have this giant crush on him. You were wrong! He doesn't like me at all. And he wasn't checking me out, he was judging me for wearing slutty clothes!"
"He said that to you?" Tate gasped
"Not in those words, but he said if I had a crush I need to write it in my diary and not his assignments. Then he said I need to wear appropriate clothes in his class." Y/N cried as she hugged her best friend tighter.
"What a dick! He has no right to talk to you that way." Tate growled.
"Let's just get out of here," Y/N sighed as she let Tate go.
Y/N dreaded going to class the next day. She printed out the correct paper this time. Her head was low as she walked silently into the class, she dropped the paper on his desk. She didn't bother to look at him, no idea if he looked at her or not.
But of course, he looked. Her perfume alerted him that she was there before any movement did. He watched as the new papers landed on his desk and she walked silently to her seat. He eyed her outfit, completely different from anything she ever wore.
She was covered in clothes from head to toe. A big hoodie on her body with baggy sweatpants. He felt guilty seeing her body deflate in her seat. He knew he was wrong to ever say anything about what she wore but he couldn't handle seeing her in outfits he wanted to tear off. It didn't work, even in a hoodie and sweatpants he still imagined what was underneath.
The class seemed to go on for hours for both of them. She never looked up from her desk.
"Does anyone know the answer?" He asked out loud, his eyes already moving to her frame. He was met with silence.
"Do you happen to know, Y/N?"
She shrunk as he said her name, his and the whole class's eyes on her as she looked up.
"No, sorry" she whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. It pained him to see her high head so low. She shined with confidence and he took it away for his own selfish reasons.
"Her hand wasn't raised, Sir," Tate growled. She wasn't sure what Eddie's problem was but she knew it wasn't because he disliked that paper.
"My apologies," Eddie said with a tight smile. He answered for the class as he continued his lecture.
He dismissed the class a few minutes early. Barely able to keep himself together. He watched as Tate wrapped her arm around Y/N's shoulder as they walked out.
Eddie spent the night grading Y/N's new paper. He wasn't surprised by the perfect story she told. He was glad he didn't destroy her writing ability like he did with everything else.
The next morning he placed the paper on her desk. The compliment left his lips as a routine.
"Excellent work,"
She gave a small hum as she didn't look up. No thank you or smile sent his way. He ignored the pit in his stomach as he moved on with the class.
"The next assignment will be with partners, so please find someone you are comfortable to work with."
Eddie gave the class time to find someone as he grabbed the rubric for the assignment. He figured he'd see Tate sitting up front next to Y/N when he looked up, but he felt a lump in his throat when he saw Alex sitting there.
Alex was a good student, he was dedicated and smart. Since when did he know her?
Eddie passed out the rubric, he tried not to eavesdrop on the conversations happening around him.
"We'll probably have to work outside of class, so maybe I can get your number and address?"
Eddie kept the growl in his throat as he walked past Alex and Y/N. He hated the way she smiled and nodded.
It was dumb but Eddie acted out of jealousy.
"You'll get weeks and weeks of in-class work time so don't worry about working out of school hours." A huge lie, he jeopardized his lesson plans and would deal with the consequences later.
"Bummer, I was kinda using that as an excuse to ask you out," Alex said, Eddie watched as she blushed and giggled into her hand.
He shouldn't be jealous. He knew that. He's the reason they can't even look at each other. He acted childish and was cold. He rejected her and embarrassed her, and fuck did he regret it. He regretted making the adult decision, he wished he caved. He wished he smashed his lips against hers and turned that story into reality.
"Maybe you don't need an excuse?" She shrugged with a smile. Alex was cute and he always caught her eye. Not the way Eddie did, but it was clear that would never happen. It was selfish, but maybe Alex could make her feel better about herself again.
Eddie gulped as she wrote down her number and passed it over.
Shortly after that, Alex and Y/N spent more time sitting next to each other in Eddie's class. He watched the class work together, his eyes kept shifting towards her. It had been a long week of no words shared between them. She still covered her body and kept her head down.
All she focused on was Alex. She kept her eyes on him and never once shifted to Eddie. But his eyes were always on her.
They kept laughing and she smacked his arms. He'd smile at her reaction and push to make her laugh harder.
"Please stay focused," Eddie demanded from his desk. His annoyed tone made Y/N finally look up. He stared at her as she didn't look away. He didn't move a muscle, he hoped if he stayed still she wouldn't look away.
"Sorry, we'll go back to the project," Alex said, Eddie growled as he spoke. Y/N snapped out of her daydream and smiled at Alex as they went back to their assignment.
"This Friday I'm throwing a party, and I would love to see you there. Maybe as my date?" Alex asked, he sent a warm smile her way as he held her hand.
She felt her heart race and smiled.
"I would love to."
Friday arrived faster than Eddie wanted. He knew he wasn't supposed to be upset that she was going on a date. He should have been happy for her, but all he felt was jealousy.
"Wow, wow and wow."
Eddie looked up as he heard Alex's voice. He looked in the direction of Alex's eyesight and felt his breath being kicked out of his lungs.
Y/N walked in with a huge smile, and a flowy black dress framed her body. She wore light makeup that made her face light up. Her confidence was back.
"You like? I was thinking of this for our date," Y/N said as she wrapped her arms around Alex's neck.
Eddie rolled his eyes as the couple leaned in for a kiss.
"Take your seats," Eddie demanded, and the couple pulled away.
"Sorry, Mr. Munson," she said, smiling as she took her seat and dragged Alex to sit next to her.
Eddie ignored the shiver her voice sent through his body. Hearing his name leave her lips sent Eddie into a spiral.
During the class, Eddie focused on not blowing up. His hands were in a tight fist, and his fingers were white. He clenched his jaw as Alex's hand rested on her bare knee.
He watched as Alex whispered in her ear. Eddie didn't what he said, but the way Y/N's eyes went huge and her mouth opened with a gasp, made him guess a few things. He watched as her thighs clenched together and Alex squeezed her knee before it traveled up her thigh. His hand went higher and higher until it disappeared underneath her dress.
The class was dismissed and Eddie couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Y/N, can I speak to you?"
Y/N and Alex stopped at the door
"Um, yeah," she said confused, Alex pecked her cheek goodbye as he walked out.
"Can you shut the door?"
Y/N was confused but closed the door, and then walked over to his desk.
"How can I help you?" she asked
"I'd appreciate it if you and your boyfriend kept your focus on the project and not each other," Eddie said he stood tall as he placed his hands on his desk and leaned forward.
"The project is finished, Mr. Munson. And we still have a few days before we turn it in. I don't think we are doing anything wrong." she argued. She was tired of him telling her what to do with her life.
"Him feeling you up underneath a table isn't doing anything wrong?" He argued, his eyes dark as he glared over at her. He leaned forward, even more, his face close to hers.
She tried to ignore the heat she felt between her thighs as he leaned over her with his tight shirt bulging out his arms. His tie dangled in between them as she looked up at him.
"And whispering in your ear? I'm sure I can think of a few things he had to say." Eddie said as he rolled his eyes
Y/N couldn't help but feel an exciting feeling bubble in her stomach, was he...jealous?
"What do you think he said?" she asked, as she leaned forward. Her voice was low as she looked into his eyes. She could see the lust in his eyes as he licked his lips.
"Something along the lines of wanting to be under your dress, between your legs, and make you scream his name," Eddie growled. He watched as she smirked, a tingle worked through his body.
"Was that his thoughts or yours, Mr. Munson?" She challenged.
"Pardon?" Eddie asked, his tone a little shocked as his eyes widened.
Y/N didn't back down, she placed her hands on his desk, mocking his posture, as she leaned forward.
"Nothing, it just seems you are kinda jealous? I mean you shouldn't be, right? Since you had me in the palm of your hand and sent me away." Her words sent more tingles down Eddie's body.
He chuckled in mockery as he bit his lip. He smelled her perfume, turning his brain into a puddle. His lips were inches away from hers, teasing him as they puckered.
"You'd like that, huh? You've got Alex, and still wondering about me? Shame for that poor boy."
"I think I would. He's cute and knows how to touch me. But he'll never be you, Mr. Munson." She confessed, the more she spoke, the closer they got. Their words went down to whispers.
Eddie felt that jealousy burning through him again at the thought of Alex touching her.
"You are jealous. I can see it," she smirked. Now she had him in the palm of her hand. She tossed all her fucks out the window as she grasped his tie in between her fingers. "So why don't you do something about it?"
Eddie took her challenge and ran with it. He knew there wasn't a single thought in his head that was going to send her walking away like last time.
He wanted to cave
He stood up, his tie falling through her fingers
She watched as he walked around the desk, but she didn't move. He walked over to the door, the sound of the lock turning as she waited.
She gasped when his hands landed on her hips, and he shoved her body against his. She loved the feeling of his hard chest and cock pressed against her.
He pushed aside her hair and pressed his lips against her neck. She moved her head to the side, giving him more room as she melted into his touch. His lips were hot and wet against her soft skin, he moved close to her ear, sucking on the skin right below it.
Eddie's hands trailed down her body and bunched up her dress. He removed his lips from her neck and pushed on her back. She took the hint and bent herself over his desk. He held her dress against her back with his left hand, she shivered when he yanked down her underwear with his right hand.
"Did you touch yourself when you wrote that story?" He asked, his right hand massaged her ass.
"Not immediately, but I did when I woke up." She confessed, her thoughts took her back to when she read it over and over as she fingered herself. No idea she sent it. "Did...did you?" She shyly asked, her eyes staring forward at the whiteboard.
She jolted forward when his right hand cracked down on her ass. She gripped the desk as she moaned when he cracked down a second time.
"I did," he admitted, she felt a smile spread across her face.
"Really?" She asked she turned her head to look at him. She purred in delight at the hungry look in his eyes as he stared at her ass, his hand massaging the skin gently as the skin burned.
"I read it when I woke up, soaked my boxers before I even got to touch myself. Quite the imagination you have, pretty girl."
She blushed when his eyes snapped up to hers. He gave her a cheeky smile.
"I came so hard, thinking of painting the inside of your pretty cunt." He reached up and unzipped her dress, she stood up so it fell at her feet. She kicked it aside and turned around.
She stood face to face with him, her body naked as she reached and unbuttoned his shirt. He sat back and let her strip him, he loved the feeling of her hands skimming down his chest as she worked his belt.
She dropped to her knees as she pulled down his dress pants and boxers. She licked her lips as she softly wrapped her hands around his cock. He moaned as her touch set him on fire.
She licked up his length then wrapped her mouth around his thick tip. He dug his hand into her hair as she forced him further down her throat. She kept taking him until she felt herself gagging around him. He praised her as he bucked his hips forward. She felt his tip hit the back of her throat, she didn't pull back until he did.
She panted as his cock left her mouth. He felt amazing in her throat and tasted better than she imagined. She couldn't help but grow even more excited as he waited to see what he felt like inside of her.
She raised to her feet and jumped on the desk, she spread her legs open and grabbed the tie that still rested around his neck. She yanked the tie as he smirked. He allowed her to drag him forward, his lips hungrily landing on hers. She moaned as his tongue easily slipped inside her mouth. Their tongues battled as he slipped two fingers inside of her.
He swallowed her moans as he fucked his fingers inside of her, stretching her out. She tried to keep up with the kiss but struggled as his fingers felt amazing inside of her.
Eddie pulled away but kept his fingers pumping inside of her.
"I knew you'd be tight," he moaned as he removed his fingers. She watched with heavy eyelids as he sucked his fingers clean.
"Just fuck me," she whined as she clawed at his chest.
He laughed at her eagerness, but he wasn't patient himself. He grabbed his cock and lined his tip with her entrance. She spread her lips open as he began to shove himself inside of her.
Her head was thrown back as he filled her completely, she felt herself being stretched by his length.
His eyes were lost as he stared at his cock moving inside of her. He watched as he pulled out, his cock soaked in her before he pushed himself back in. He loved how easily he slipped inside of her.
He wrapped her legs around his waist as he picked up his pace. All his pent-up aggression, regret, and jealousy flowed through him as he took it out on her.
She gasped and whined as his pace quickened. His skin smacked against hers, and she let her body fall back. Her body jolted and her breasts bounced with every thrust. His hands touched up and down her body. He touched every inch of skin he could reach. He loved watching as her eyes shut with bliss and her body gave into him.
"Fucking beautiful," he moaned as he leaned down to smash his lips on hers. Her brain spun as he fucked and kissed her all at once. His hands were soft as they skimmed down her stomach, goosebumps rising on her skin. Then his hand slipped between their bodies as he began to rub her clit. He removed his lips from hers to kiss down her chest, biting the skin.
"Fuck, Mr. Munson, getting close," she whimpered. She wasn't surprised by how fast her orgasm was approaching. Her body has never felt anything like this. His kiss, his touch, and his cock worked perfectly together to make her stomach burn.
Eddie had flashbacks to her paper, growling as he remembered the fire he felt when he read his name. And how she begged to be filled by him.
"Yeah? You wanna cum? Soak me in your cum?" He teased, his fingers moving faster against her clit as she shook beneath him.
"Please, please," she begged
Somehow his pace got faster and she could feel his balls slapping against her. It didn't take long for her to snap and the instant relief of an orgasm washed over her.
She reached up and gripped his neck as she came. She bit into his shoulder to silence her screams.
Eddie hissed as her teeth sunk into his skin but he loved it. He hoped it left a mark and he could see it every morning before she came into class.
"Good girl," he praised softly into her hair, he gently removed his fingers from her clit. Careful to not make her too sensitive as he chased his orgasm.
"Fill me up, Mr. Munson," she whispered heavily into his ear. Her hands tugged on his hair. His hot lips landed on her neck as he silenced his own moans and growls as he emptied himself inside of her.
He gave a few final thrusts as he pushed his cum inside of her. He breathed heavily as he slipped out of her. He slipped his arms around her body as he pressed her against him.
She panted and waited for the air to return to her lungs before she pulled away.
"Yeah, you definitely read it." She joked as she let out a breathless laugh.
He chucked with her and pecked her shoulders and neck. His kisses moved up and all around her face.
He stepped back and grabbed her dress, he helped her get it on as she slipped off the desk with wobbly legs. He turned her around as he zipped the dress, kissing her spine until the material covered the skin.
She turned the favor and helped him get dressed. He was fully clothed and she noticed her cunt was still bare.
"Where is my underwear?" She chuckled as she looked around the classroom floor.
"Right here," Eddie teased as he waved it in the air. She rolled her eyes and tried to grab it but he raised it over their heads.
"Nah uh, I think I'm going to keep this." He said as he slipped her underwear into his back pocket. The sight itself made her cunt pulse. "I think you should walk out of here with my cum dripping down those thighs as you tell little Alex that date is no longer happening." His voice was deep and dark as he wrapped his hand around her neck.
She turned submissive all over again under his touch. She nodded without a single thought. He smiled and pecked her lips, slowly pulling away so she'd chase his lips.
She pouted when his touch left her completely and he grabbed paper and a pen from his desk. She watched as he scribbled something down.
"This is my number and address, I'll see you tonight, don't bother dressing up. It'll be on my bedroom floor, anyway." He winked as he slipped the paper into her hand.
She sat shocked as he smirked unlocked the door and walked out.
But she couldn't help the huge smile across her face when she saw her underwear peeking out from his pocket.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
(18+!!) ok wait so… It’s Halloween… you’re out with Tate… he can’t keep it together because your costume makes him horny.
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Tate holds your hand tightly as you both venture down the sidewalk. His costume is eerily familiar. He wears a long, black trench coat and his face had been painted in likeness to a skeleton. His blonde, usually curly, hair is slicked back out of his face. His grip on your hand tightens as you pass by other people your age, some shamelessly taking in the appearance of your revealing costume. Much to Tate’s annoyance, you insisted that Halloween was the one time of year you had an excuse to dress like you were begging for it. The delicate lace that decorates your cleavage distracts Tate more than once. His cock strains against the zipper of his jeans just from lingering beside you. At times, he takes a moment to trail behind you to catch a glimpse of the mounded flesh of your ass cheeks from under your tiny skirt. You know what his game is, of course, and occasionally brush the back of your hand across the front of his jeans. Tate doesn’t take to it lightly, and after teasing him for the forth, and final, time, he has no choice but to trap you behind a big, oak tree in the park and bend you over. His fingers make quick work of your panties, tugging the thin, soaked piece of fabric down your long legs. Your ass jiggles around his hand as he sinks his fingers into your dripping cunt, curling them upwards to press against your sweet spot. “Thought you could tease me and get away with it? In that little, slutty costume?” He mumbles huskily against the shell of your ear, tickling his nose with the freshly-washed hair on the side of your head. You smelt like vanilla, and a hint of coconut. A sweet and sensual scent that had Tate moaning softly against you. Tate spits, directly onto your needy cunt, using his fingertips to spread the saliva over your pulsing clit. “Tate, please, I need you inside me,” you plead, reaching around to grasp onto his throbbing cock, sure to be staining his boxers with smears of pre-cum. Tate unveils his rock-hard length, stroking it with a mix of your arousal and his saliva. He teases you, circling your entrance with the leaking tip of his cock. Caving to his own eagerness, it’s not long before Tate is stretching you out with his girth. Your fingernails dig into the flaking bark of the tree, trying your hardest to find the leverage you need to soften each ravaging thrust. Soft whimpers turn into loud, destitute moans. Tate’s hand wraps around your mouth to stop the ruckus you’re making in an attempt to shield you from the eyes of passer-byers. “That’s it baby, take my fucking cock. You love how it fills you to the fucking brim, don’t you?” Tate’s grip on you only get tighter as he slams into your poor, little cunt, using it to alleviate his painful desire for you. Stars appear behind your closed eyelids when Tate’s free hand slithers down between your body and the trunk of the tree to stimulate your swollen clit. “Uh fuck- can feel you squeezing tight around me, let up sweetheart, you’re going to make me cum,” Tate seethes behind clenched teeth, the lewd, squelching sounds each thrust pulls from your dripping cunt pushing you both a step towards release. It’s not long before the intense pleasure of Tate’s tip nudging against your sweet spot sends you over the edge. Tate holds you up as your orgasm washes over you in big, tremulous waves. Tate growls into your hair, a few last thrust just enough for him to let go inside of your clenching walls. When he pulls out, he’s quick to pull up your panties, rubbing over the cloth to make sure his cum stays with you. “You’re gonna walk around the rest of the night with these soaking wet panties. And I don’t want to hear a single complaint. You little tease.” He tucks himself away, and taking a hold of your hand again, he begins to pace down the sidewalk like nothing happened. Even though, you can barely stand on your two feet from how weak your legs are now.
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verycoolusername1 · 27 days
Angel Boy
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Summary: In which Luke gets a partner to call his own, making him your angel boy.
Social Media AU(fc is Olivia Rodrigo) - Luke Hughes x Singer!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: hate comments(they get cleared tho ofc), swearing,
A/N: I love Luke, and I love Olivia(and Louis, loved him since Enola Holmes). And yes, I did make a cameo in this fic cause why not??
And I made y/n friends with artists I like so enjoy their cameos too. And the podcast I wrote in here is not real(I wish it was) and James does not exist either, Amelia and James are lovely tho I have you know
And for the sake of this fic imagine that Louis is Luke in the photos that goes along with this please!
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Yourusername just posted!
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Liked by conangray, verycoolusername1, and 12,854,876 others...
Yourusername: Life lately
Tagged: conangray
Conangray: Are those my glasses??
Yourusername: @/conangray I have no idea what you mean 😁
Tatemcrae: my favorite girl <3
Yourusername: @/tatemcrae my favorite gal <3
Username4: WE GOT TATE AND Y/N CONTENT BEFORE GTA 6 😭 (liked by yourusername)
Username5: Y/n looking as wonderful as ever!!
Laufey: missing you more than ever now 😞
Yourusername: @/laufey I'll visit you soon promise!
Billieeilish: AHHHHH WHY ARE YOU SO HOT 🔥 🥵 😍 😫 😩 😳
Yourusername: @/billieeilish: YOU THINK I'M HOT?? 😍
View more...
In real life
"Hello everyone, and welcome back to My Life is a mess podcast, I am your host, Amelia. And today we have a special guest. We have the lovely and talented Y/N Y/L/N." Amelia introduced.
"Hi guys." You spoke into the microphone.
"I wanted to be the first to say welcome back to the podcast. I missed you tons!" Amelia told you.
"I missed you too." You smiled at her. "It's great to be back."
"So, Y/N, I heard that you're a hockey fan, and you're a fan of the New Jersey Devils. And you know I was just wondering who your favorite player was." Amelia wondered.
"Favorite player? Oh gosh!" You chuckled. "Uh, I would have to say um number forty-three, Luke Hughes. We're close in age, and he's good, really good. I think if I ever met him, I would embarrass myself."
Amelia laughed at your words. "You embarrass yourself? There's no way!"
You shook your head as you laughed. "Anyways, yeah, Luke Hughes is my favorite, and all his haters can just leave at this point."
"I have never heard more truer words." Amelia agreed. "Is there anything you wanna say to Luke if he's listening or watching this?"
You scratched your neck as you came up with a reply. "Uh, hm, I'm single? And I would love to write a song about you if I'm given the chance. A happy song not sad, I could never do that."
"Why did that come out as a question?" Amelia busted out into laughter. "Oh and yeah I'm single? I think."
You joined her in the laugher. "I didn't know what to say!"
3 days later...
Luke was just about to get on the ice before he was stopped to do a tiktok.
James, the interviewer looked at him. "What music do you listen to in your spare time?"
"Oh uh recently I've been listening to uh Y/N Y/L/N." Luke answers.
"Y/N Y/L/N? now that is definitely a shocker coming from you." James eyes widened in shock.
"I mean what can I say? Their voice is soothing and just perfect in contrast to what their lyrics are in their songs." Luke chuckles.
"How do you feel if they wrote a song about you?" James asked.
"Uh I would definitely feel great if it wasn't a sad song, can't be crying to a sad song about me you know." Luke shrugged.
"Yeah I see what you mean." James agreed. "Now get on the ice, you're done with this today."
Username6: Luke listening to Y/N Y/L/N is definitely a shocker from my little country boy
Username13: @/username6 little?? THAT MAN IS HUGE
Username7: Pushing the Luke and Y/N agenda to a 100
Username8: Hey so um this is actually crazy!
Username10: If they don't date I'm gonna riot
Username11: Y/N changed him and they haven't even met yet 😭
Username12: Luke Hughes turning into a pop girlie was not on my 2024 bingo card
Username14: @/username12 I don't think it was on anyone's 😭
Username15: Y/N is gonna freak when they see this
Username16: @/username15 oh for sure lmaooo
2 months later...
Gossippage101 just posted!
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Liked by ynfan101, thatshouldbeme, and 145,763 others...
Gossippage101: Singer Y/N seen out recently with their mysterious man... could we see a love album come out of this?? 👀👀👀
Username17: dare I say that's Luke Hughes?
Username18: @/username17 WAIT NO YOU MIGHT BE ON TO SOMETHING
Username20: Already with a new man? Haven't even been a year. 😒
Username21: @/username20 Yeah, and Luke hughes? He stooped so low. He could do so SO much better.
Username22: they seem like a weird fit but if they're both happy then...
Username23: @/username22 who cares if they're happy yn is going to break Luke's heart and make him the villain like they always do with their albums
Username24: @/username23 I know damn well you ain't talking, Y/N doesn't sing about their exes all the time so just shut your mouth cause you'll never be as successful as them or Luke for that matter
username24: @/username25 thanks queen <3
7 months later...
Yourusername just posted!
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Liked by: lhughes_06, junialin, and 11,478,952 others...
Yourusername: Game day!!
Yourusername: @/tatemcrae you were literally here with me you hockey nerd
Username28: it's y/n's world we're just living in it
Username30: I absolutely live for their friendship
Trevorzegras: the devils<<<<the ducks
Yourusername: @/trevorzegras I hate you
Two weeks later...
lhughes_06 just posted!
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Liked by: yourusername, _quinnhughes, and 564,437 others...
lhughes_06: What's nine plus ten? 21 😝
Yourusername: Welcome to the club, angel boy!!!! ❤️🖤 (liked by lhughes_06)
Verycoolusername1: Ik luke would never say this but I saw the opportunity and took it
Jackhughes: He's growing up 🥲
lhughes_06: @/jackhughes Can't stop, won't stop 🙂
Nicohischier: happy birthday :] (liked by lhughes_06)
Trevorzegras: well someone's getting old 🤣
Lhughes_06: @/trevorzegras Haha.
Edwards.73: Welcome to the club! (Liked by lhughes_06)
lhughes_06: @/edwards.73 we need to hang out soon!!
Comments on this post are limited.
3 months later...
Yourusername posted on their story!
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Vera - To be continued???
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235 notes · View notes
universalitgirlsblog2 · 4 months
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" If I was you,I'd wanna be me too"
" I see it , I like , I want it , I got it "
" I am the best "
" Who? You are better than me ? No No No na na na"
" I am hot hot hot hot like fire "
" I am so fancy "
" I can't relate to desperation "
" My " give a f**ks" are on a vacation"
" Walked in and dream came trued it for you"
" I-T G-I-R-L , You know I am that girl "
" While y'all busy hating, I am flying across the country "
" My tongue is sacred, I speak upon what I like "
" Yes and ? "
"I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am rich, I am that ,I am gonna go get that bag and I am not gonna take your s-"
" I am protected, well respected, I'm a queen, I'm a dream I do what I wanna do and I'm who I wanna be 'Cause I am me"
" Oh, Mickey, you're so fine! So fine, you blow my mind,Oh, Mickey, you're so fine! So fine"
" Hey, yeah, whoa-ho, I'm on a roll , Ridin' so high, achieving my goals"
" Queencard, I am hot , my boob and booty is hot"
" I am a star,star , star "
"Look so cool, look so sexy like Kim Kardashian Look so cute, look so pretty like Ariana"
"Whatever goes around eventually comes back to you So you gotta be careful, baby"
" But everybody's gotta go on , Don't they? (Yes, we do, baby), So if you need a hero (if you need a hero) , Just look in the mirror (just look in the mirror) No one's gonna save you now,So you better save yourself"
" But you just can't give up now, 'Cause you gotta save yourself"
"I'm fearless a new bitch, new crazy climbing up, next one"
" If my scars are a part of me, I got no fear, no fear"
" I was born to be somebody, Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me,I'll light up the sky like lighting,I'm gonna rise above,Show 'em what I'm made of,I was born to be somebody,I was born to be, And this world will belong to me"
" Feel it , believe it , Dream it ,be it "
" Find someone you know will put you first ,Find someone who loves you at your worst"
" Gotta keep, gotta keep, gotta keep your head up"
"I will prove I can conquer anything,So from my head to toe I'm taking full control"
" Better watch out,Going for the knockout,And I won't stop,Till I'm on top now,Not gonna give up,Until I get what's mine,Better check that I'm about to upset,And I'm hot now,So you better step back,I'm taking over,So watch me shine"
"Who says, who says you're not perfect?Who says you're not worth it?"
" Who says you don't pass the test?Who says you can't be the best?Who said, who said?Won't you tell me who said that?Yeah, who said?"
"Don't need permission,Made my decision to test my limits'Cause it's my business, God as my witnessStart what I finished,Don't need no hold up,Taking control of this kind of moment"
" Somethin' 'bout you,Makes me feel like a dangerous woman"
" Nothin' to prove and I'm bulletproof andKnow what I'm doing"
" If you think they're looking at you,They're looking at me"
"She's so gorgeous, she's successful "
" Style icon, size zero,And my boots from Valentino,I'm a self-made runway queen,And my dad is Alexander McQueen"
" Narcissistic, my God, I love it"
" I'm a girl's girl, I'm a boss in a man's world"
" My mama said, "Marry a rich man" ,And I was like, "Mama, I am that rich man"
" Of course she was sad,But now she's glad she dodged a bullet"
" Can you make my heart stop, Hit me with your kill shot baby"
"She's got my attention, she's confident"
" We just go hard,We just go hard till we see the light"
" Even if the waves hit and sprinkle thorns, I'm the winner in the end,Even if you shake and push me, I'm unbreakable,My opponent is Woman in the mirror,I told you no matter how much the world tries to put me down,You make me feel special"
" I want you on my team,So does everybody else"
" I put my armor on, show you how strong I am,I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am"
" I'm unstoppable,I'm a Porsche with no brakes,I'm invincible,Yeah, I win every single game,I'm so powerful,I don't need batteries to play,I'm so confident,Yeah, I'm unstoppable today"
"When all is said and done,You'll believe God is a woman"
"Everybody tells me that it's so hard to make it It's so hard to break in, there's no way to fake itEverybody tells me that it's wrong what I'm feelin'I shouldn't believe in the dreams that I'm dreamin'I hear it every dayI hear it all the timeI'm never gonna amount to muchBut they're never gonna change my mind, noTell me, tell me, tell me something I don't know"
"I'm on my way,I know I'm gonna get there someday,It doesn't help when you say, "It won't be easy"
" Riding over the trail of thorns,You made me boost up "
" Walk like a majestic lion,Eyes glinting with so much desire "
" I'll climb higher,Top of the world I itched for ,No biggie if I were to fallI'm antifragile, antifragile "
"Imagine having everything we ever dreamed"
" You've gotta believe it"
" Bigger is better And better is bigger?"
"You've got to have your star on the door,You want the world, nothing less,All the glam and the press,Only giving you the best reviews"
"And I was like, "Why you so obsessed with me?"
" Even if all the boatmen together become strangers to us(that is, even if everyone turns against us)Then we will become oars ourselvesand cross (the sea) on our own"
"Why others, we'll ask ourselves only,about the path to followWe'll find it here somewherein the waves only"
"So sue me, For looking too pretty tonight"
" But I'm not gonna dull myself because you dull yourself"
" Feelin' myself can't be illegal, illegal"
" Yeah, it feels so good to be so young,And have this fun and be successful, yeah,I'm so successful, yeah"
"That's my life is a beautiful galaxy, Be a writer, the genre is fantasy"
"Écoute chérie"
I don't know about lyrics but I like vibe of the song !
" I'm the Wonder Woman, let me go get my rope,I'm a supermodel and mommy, sí, mami"
" Do you think I am Fragile?"
"I am not afraid of storms,For I am learning how to sail my ship"
This song vibe reminds me of those mog edits lmao , you can listen to this song to upgrade your beauty self-concept!
" Imagination, life is your creation"
" Diamonds under my eyes"
"Manifest it (yeah), I finessed it (I finessed it)"
"Just like magic ,I'm attractive ,I get everything I want 'cause I attract it"
"I'm just in love with myself,Crush on me "
"I'm sure of myself every moment,I'm more confident than scared,I'm unaware about fear,I hope you and I will always shine"
"Trust me more than anyone else ,I make myself shine "
"Love myself so that I don't lose myself,I don't mind such prejudice that never end,I'm satisfied with myself reflected in your eyes"
"I'm my own wannabe,I'm a masterpiece for me"
"The confidence in me shines more on me,You always shine on your own,My satisfaction that will make me shine more perfectly"
It is all about the vibe !!
" Call me babydoll "
This song can help with beauty self-concept.
"Love to hate me, praise me, shame me,Either way you talk about me"
"I'm glad to be your inspiration.Who, baby, who's (guess who?)The topic of your conversation?,I am "
I don't even need to explain this one lol !
"I know what you are,Uh you’re a queen"
"You are the main character,You are the bright one,You’re a queen"
"No matter what anyone says,By yourself,You’re a queen"
"I know what I am (I know what I am),I know what I want (I know what I want),I never gon' change (I never gon' change)I never gon' trade"
"You know I've been a boss for my whole career"
"On this perfect day,Nothing's standing in my way,On this perfect day,Where nothing can go wrong"
"I'm the whole damn cake and the cherry on top"
"I'm a bitch and a boss, I'ma shine like gloss"
I like the vibe of the song !
"She doesn't cry anymore, no looking back"
"Life has its dings,Oh, thanks for the wings!"
"It is my fate to be so great!"
"I'm a baddie, ba-ba-baddie, baddie,Pretty little risky baddie"
"This time I'm only lookin' at me, myself and I,(I'm goin' solo) I'mma do it on my own now"
"Like the flowing wind,Like the stars above the clouds,I want to go far away, I want to shine brightly"
"All of the Barbies is pretty (damn),All of the Barbies is bad,It girls (It girls) and we ain't playin' tag"
" Never needed nothin' else,Just a lil' love from myself"
"Don't like the back seat, gotta be first"
"All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus"
"I know what I came to do,And that ain't gonna change,So go ahead and talk your talk,Cause I won't take the bait,I'm over here doing what I like,I'm over here working day and night"
"Let's find a light inside our universe now,Where ain't nobody keep on holding us down"
"You've shown me I have reasons,I should love myself"
"I live the way I want, what more do you want, That's my style
"Who cares if I only do what I like, huh,This ain't your life,Useless thoughts can go away"
"Bad vibes, get off of me"
"Treat my goals like property,Collect them like Monopoly"
"You shine brighter than anyone else One"
" Shine , dream , smile "
"And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate,Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake,I shake it off, I shake it off "
"When I'm a supermodel,And my hair will shine like the sea,Everyone wants to look like me"
"Cause I'm young and I'm here and so beautiful"
"I believe in myself,My back hurting is for my wings to come out,I believe in you, even if things are bleak right now,The end will be great"
"I made a decision, I will have unconditional trust"
"You've been down before,You've been hurt before,You got up before,You'll be good to go, good to go,Destiny said it, you got to get up and get it"
"Get mad independent and don't you ever forget it"
" You either wanna be with me, or be me"
"If I was a rich girl,See, I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girl,No man could test me, impress me, my cash flow would never ever end,'Cause I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girl"
"You say I'm sexy,So bad, they should arrest me"
"Feelin' myself, I'm feelin' myself, I'm feelin' my"
"The whole world according to moi"
"All things fabulous,Bigger and better and best"
"I'm the boss right now"
"It's not the diamonds, it's not the pearls,I'm that girl, it's just that I'm that girl"
"From the top of the morning, I shine"
"Y'all study my fashion, it shows in your pics"
"I look better in person, you'll see when we meet"
"I been in my Birkin, I stay on my grind,I stay on my hustle, I stay on your mind"
"Ooh, I'm so perfect, I make them nervous"
"Prettiest out here, that shit for certain"
"I'm the trophy of the game, everybody tryna win me"
"Uh, I'm who they wishin' to be"
"I'm a prodigy, R.I.P Thun-Thun '
"C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T,That's me, I'm confident"
"I am the top, super lady"
"Those irresistible eyes are savage, got all qualities of a Queen, The Baddie"
"I am blessed by the Heavens"
"Now I'm givin' myself,Nothing but love"
"Please, no comparisons, 'cause you know they can't"
"I got all I need, you know nothing else can beat,The way that I feel when I'm dancing with my girls,Perfect energy, yeah, we flawless, yeah, we free,There's no better feeling in the whole wide world"
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
Temptations (Kit Walker x nun fem reader) smut
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Requested by @mrsmarch64 thank you so much for this request sorry it took so long to write 🥰
Summary: reader is one of the sisters at the asylum and has the hots for kit which leads to something else
Warnings: smut, kit being accused of crimes, asylum, sex, oral reader receiving, virgin reader, Christianity, religion, getting caught, punishment, solitary confinement
Taglist: @spill-the-t @iluwmycats @lili-tate @evanpeterswifeyy868 @jademunson @evanpetersfansblog @howtobesasha @lustforeverrrr @fand0mh03
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
Working in the asylum was hard you didn't like the hard punishment the patients get expecially one person in particular kit walker. You knew from the get go he was innocent you saw it in his eyes when you would have discussions as part of his treatment.
As the months grew you began to have feelings for kit, he didn't know until he caught you giving him lingering glances in which he gave you a smirk in return. You knew you shouldn't feel such feelings towards anyone the feelings of lust, desire, neediness. But that all changed when kit came along.
You and kit were in the kitchen he was helping you make bread for the local bakery. You were kneeding the dough whilst kit was cleaning up some of the dishes that you weren't using anymore. "You know sister y/l/n I still don't get why your the only one of the nuns and workers that is nice to me why" kit's voice broke the lingering silence between you both.
You were caught off guard you stopped kneeding the dough you breath hitched in your throat. You didn't know how to approach this or what to say, "well I could tell you were innocent from the moment I saw you kit I saw it in your eyes and in your time spent here you never laid a finger on anyone only spoke your innocence and truth".
Kit watched you closely noticing you haven't moved from your spot your eyes focused on the dough in front of you. "Sister your the only one who believes me here I can't thank you enough" kit whispered you hadn't realised he was right behind you, "you don't have to thank me" you whispered back the heat rising through your body.
You knew you shouldn't feel this way you made a vow to God you knew it was wrong to even feel this way. You felt kit's hands on your arms his mouth closer to your ear feeling his hot breath on your neck the scent of his last cigarette still lingering almost bringing you to your knees.
"But I want to sister, I saw the way you look at me it's definitely not how the lady of the cloth should look at someone" he chuckled his hands rubbing your arms your breath hitched feeling like shocks of electricity through your body.
"Kit we can't what if we get caught and plus I'm a woman of God we simply can't it's a sin" you whimperd feeling his erection against your back making your mind cloud with lust. You wanted to desperately just let him take you then and there but you had it drummed in your head that it was sinful and in this places eyes it was probably the worst thing to to give in to your sexual desires to a patient.
"I mean with the things that happen in here I think this is the last of anyone's problems sister" his breath tingling on your skin sending shivers down your spine but you knew it was right plus you couldn't fight it anymore you wanted him and he wanted you. You turned around now pinned against kit and the counter. Kit's arms on the counter shielding you in a devilish smirk on his lips his eyes scanning you like prey making you weak at the knees.
His eyes bored into your nervous ones, you could see the lust in them how they darkened as he thought about all the unholy things he wanted to do with you right now. You swallowed a lump in your throat trying to speak but before you could even get a word out kit crashes his lips on yours. Filled with hunger and passion your eyes wide open in shock before slowly closing them responding to the kiss.
You hands on the back of his neck holding him close the worry of you not being a good kisser in the back of your mind. Kit's hands on your hip pulling you closer till his erection poked your thigh, he pulled away from your lips traveling to your neck sucking and slightly biting on the exposed skin. "God I want you so bad" he groaned you couldn't help but let out a small moan a sound that never left your lips before turning your cheeks a flush pink shade as kit continues his work on your neck.
Your hands pressed against his chest as his own went to the back of your thighs guiding you on the counter your uniform bunching up revealing your bare legs to him. His lips pressing up your leg till his head was under your dress placing a kiss on your clothed clit an audible gasp leaving your lips. Your skin burning with desire while kit's fingers hooked your underwear peeling them off your legs and onto the floor.
"You ready sister y/n?" He asked looking up at you through his long lashes the sight made you even more wetter. You nodded your head unable to let the words leave your lips. "I'm going to need you to use your words sister" kit softly chuckled a small smirk tugging on his lips seeing the effect he had on you already. "Yes kit please" you whimperd pushing your thighs together desperate for some sort of friction.
Kit slotted himself between your legs kneeling down placing his lips on each of your thighs one last time before pressing a sloppy kiss on your clit. A loud gasp leaving your lips, your head pulled back, jaw slack the feeling overwhelming yet so good. Kit kitten licked your clit stimulating you hearing the sounds of your moans fill his ears.
"You know sister your gonna have to keep quiet" he teased yet warned.
All you did was nod trying to keep your mouth shut in fear you would get caught. Kit continues his work on your throbbing heat the pleasure unbearable for you since this was the very first time you did anything of this sort. Kit then darted his tongue in your entrance his nose brushed over your clit adding a whole new pleasure to the mix. You had to put your hand over your mouth to block out the moans leaving your lips "Oh god" you moaned against your own hand as you felt yourself close to the edge.
Kit never missed a beat bringing you to your first orgasm keeping your hand secured on your mouth tears brimming your eyes completely overwhelmed of the feeling of euphoria. Kit went back to licking you through your high your legs slightly shaking from overstimulation. Licking up your arousal kit pulled away from your heat standing straight licking his lips. You went to jump off the counter to return the favour but kit stopped you before you could even get off.
"What you doing?" He asked his brows furrowed, "returning the favour" you said feeling slightly embarrassed kit smiled shaking his head. "Nah you don't need to worry about that this is about you right now I want to make you feel good" he stated kissing your lips again letting you taste yourself on his tongue. freeing his painful erection kit lined up with your entrance you took a deep breath squeezing your eyes preparing yourself for what's coming next.
You felt the pain as he slowly pushed into you. "I'm gonna need you to relax I know it hurts but I promise it will go away" he reassured you peppering your face with his lips distracting you from the pain. Before you knew it he bottomed out staying still letting you adjust to the foreign feeling. Kit stretched your walls perfectly as you told him to move once the pain turned into pleasure.
Thrusting into your wet pussy, your hand holding him close by the neck your breathing was heavy the sweat building up as he thrusted into you with a passionate pace. The thought of getting caught and the fact you gave yourself to god left your mind all that occupied it was kit and the way he made you feel.
"Your so beautiful" he whispered against your lips making you want those plump lips on yours.
"Kiss me" you said kit smiled before giving in to your need for his lips. Kissing you with the amount of passion his hips gave into you. It felt more than a quick fuck meaningful if you will. Kit swallowing your moans feeling that knot form one more time until.
"WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE!"  A voice startling you both heads snapping to the person who caught you. Your heart dropped seeing sister jude standing there in horror kit pulled out of you quickly fixing yourself dreading what's to come next.
"Sister jude I'm so sorry" you pleaded making your way over to her. "My office NOW you too Mr walker" she said coldly your heads hung low following your boss into her office for your punishment.
Standing behind the chair sister jude sat on her own eyeing you both up clearly thinking about the punishment you both will receive. "You sister y/n I expected more from you not to give into the temptations of the devil" the disappointment oozing in her tone. "I'm sorry sister jude I know I shouldn't have but I'm only human I just wanted to see what it would be like just once" you whimperd the tears brimming your eyes.
"No sister jude it's all my fault I came onto her please don't punish her" kit pleaded with jude who scoffed at you both. "You are both equally as guilty" you couldn't even hear anything anymore everything else was a blur all you remembered was the backs of your  legs stinging and you were sent to your room as well as kit you were also punishment in some sort of solitary confinement in your room for a week.
All you could think about is kit and the whole kitchen situation late at night. You missed him already you wondered if he regrets it since it got him into trouble but you wouldn't find that out till you were out of punishment.
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jazzyoranges · 11 months
Tara Carpenter nsfw headcanons
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
incredibly cuddly. like… baby koala cuddly
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
her favorite body part on you is your tummy or arms. Tara likes to hold on to anything she can while cumming, and your arms always seem to be accessible. Tara’s favorite part of her body are probably her thighs. she thinks it’s cute you’re so enamored with them
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
g!p or not, Tara wants you to cum on her face. you once asked her what the obsession was and she responded with “Baby Tate says nut keeps that skin clean” with a shrug, and you’re left a little dumbfounded afterwards
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
before you got together and were just friends, you let Tara borrow a hoodie. she’s masturbated in that hoodie far more times than she’s liked to admit. after time it looses its smell of you, but you’re already together so she can now have the real thing anytime she wants
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
she’s had a few hookups here and there. Tara knows what she’s doing, but she’s always figuring out ways to make you cum :)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Tara likes positions where she can see your face. something about how intimate it is watching your dumb little smile while Tara’s furiously bouncing on your fingers like she’s in heat
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
kind of in between, slightly (very slightly) leaning towards sillier. both of you kinda just go with the flow and it works out
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Tara shaves once in a while. countless times you’ve said you don’t care, so she mainly does it for herself
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
such a fucking romantic. this girl can be so corny sometimes it’s not funny. she’s just in a constant state of :3 all the time
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Before your relationship, Tara simply masturbated at pictures and scenarios she’d make up in her head. Now, Tara purposefully masturbates to tease you. Pictures and videos of her moaning your name or you’d come home to a needy Tara knuckle-deep in her pussy
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
…humiliation. she’s your whore, and your whore only :) g!p or strap-on, she likes it when your cock slaps against her face.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
definitely your apartment. sam was so close to finding out once. despite how her orgasm felt so much better afterwards, the heart attack wasn’t worth it
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
you hate it, but Tara likes when you get jealous. she doesn’t make you jealous on purpose cause she knows it’s one of your insecurities but when you do… she likes how your eyes darken. her usually happy and upbeat partner staring down someone? hot.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
knives are completely out of the question for obvious reasons. also, cuckholding. as much as she’s yours, you’re also hers and Tara doesn’t like to share
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
definitely giving. hearing you moan is music to her ears
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Tara definitely likes going slow, but only because she loves to edge you. sometimes you get impatient and start to take control and Tara lives for it
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
loves quickies. this woman can’t get her paws off your body for one second. you’re happy to indulge in your girlfriend so it’s okay
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
definitely likes to experiment! butt plugs, mirrors, cameras, she likes experimenting
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
i’d say Tara can go for 3, maybe 4 before she’s completely drained of energy
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
g!p or not, Tara loves her trusty strap. it’s about average in length, but god is it thick
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tara teases you within reason. nothing too mean, but just enough she knows she’s not going to be able to walk tomorrow. so like… lots of nudes
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
you’ve gotten multiple noise complaints. it was not fun when an older lady confronted you about your… lovemaking with Tara
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
one time she accidentally called you mommy… let’s just say you happily fed into her kink
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Tara has noticeable bruises on her lower hips due to you gripping on her love handles like your life depended on it
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
borderline high. Tara won’t do anything you don’t want to do, even if she really wants to. worst comes to worst, you edge her until there’s tears in her eyes if she was being a brat
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if she’s overstimulated or done most of the moving, the woman is out like a fucking light. Tara can still function after having sex, but she does prefer a nap or going to bed after
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marchswifey · 1 year
Tate Langdon’s NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He likes to give you a lot of cuddles and he likes to watch movies or play video games with you
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes your tits and your stomach and on himself he likes his hair, its style and color
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He will cum wherever he likes, the most he cum on your chest
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He secretly wants to try the role-playing game, the thought of seeing you dressed in a sexy doctor's onesie turns him on a lot
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He is very experienced thanks to porn but he never had a real relationship before you (if we don’t consider Violet)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes you to ride him so he can see your boobs bouncing while you fuck him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
If he’s feeling playful he makes a lot of jokes during the time.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps it shaved for you but sometimes small blond tufts can be seen
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s romantic most of the times, asking if you’re feeling good or if you need him to slow down
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I feel like before you he did it a moderate amount but now that he’s with you he just shows up in your room when he’s feeling needy so you can help him
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He will literally do almost everything
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Everywhere in the house but he prefers your room since around the house there are the other ghosts who would probably watch you
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally everything about you, especially if your wearing anything revealing
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He won't do anything you don't want him to do
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Doesn't mind either, but likes giving to you more than receiving. He loves getting to see how good he makes you feel and he loves that the faces you make are only for him
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It goes pretty fast, not too hard though
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not fond of them, he likes to take his time and go multiple rounds. If you both are desperate he wont hold back, but it isnt a must for him
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is open to try things and take risks when it comes to your sex life
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Since he’s dead he can go on until you can’t take it anymore
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Although he enjoys pleasing you with what he has, he can't deny wanting to see you trembling, panting, and crying while he abuses your body with toys
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He teases a lot like yeaaaa
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He tries to be quiet, but his grunts come out and they’re loud
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He would play Nirvana on the radio while you’re having sex
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I'd say he's average size 5 to 6 inches but he is thick so yeah
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Fault high once the two of you got close. He has a lot of pent up feelings to let out, so he's got about a 8.5/10
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Usually he doesn’t fall asleep since he’s a ghost, he lays on your stomach while you play with his hair, that's how you two cuddle
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goldengleams · 9 months
cut my hair - l. hughes
In which you and Luke come back to each other after you cut your hair.
Warnings: alcohol, underage drinking, angst, college melodrama Word Count: 4.5k words (let's go!!!)
A/N: Super excited for this one! This is inspired by “cut my hair” by Tate McRae and I would encourage you to listen to it while you read! Hope you enjoy and leave me some requests while you’re at it :))
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Just wanna cut my hair, lose myself, make you sweat
Go out and get messed up, find myself in your bed
Just wanna cut my hair, little black dress, can't forget
Just wanna show you whatever she do, I can do it better
"Yo, Moosey, is that Y/N?"
Luke couldn't help but follow your figure from across the bar. He could always find you in a crowd, no matter the amount of people or the size of the room. His hand dropped from the shoulder of the girl standing next to him, his date for the night.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think so," Luke said to his teammate Mark standing next to him. He suddenly felt hot, pulling on the collar of his shirt to allow himself to breathe a little easier.
"She looks good, man." Mark wasn't wrong, you did look good. Your head was thrown back as you laughed at something your friend said, looking happier than he had seen you since you fought before winter break.
Luke wanted to slap Mark but he knew it would do no good and he would be lying if he said he didn't agree with his comment. It had only been a few weeks since you had stopped talking, but he felt like it had been years.
You looked different, but it was a good different, he thought. Your hair was short now, right at your shoulders, highlighting your collarbone and your chest in the strapless black dress you wore. You were surrounded by a group of your friends. He recognized them as the ones who had picked you up from the house he shared with his teammates that fated night. He remembered how hard you had cried, unable to look at him after you fought about him leaving for New Jersey and the trust issues that clouded your vision. Luke remembered how he was unable to answer when you asked when the last time you had gone out on a date was. He wished he could've shown you how much he cared but he was too afraid to admit that he didn't want to lose you. He couldn't admit that he was just as afraid as you were. And then, before he knew it, you were storming out and you were on a break.
Luke regretted that moment. He couldn't tell you, because he was too nervous to text first, but he wanted to apologize. If he could have stopped himself from ever pushing you away, he would've never ended up standing with someone he didn't know.
Luke and a few of his teammates had been invited to a sorority formal, which is how he ended up in the back of a more formal bar far away from campus with a date he barely knew. Rutger's girlfriend had begged a few of the guys to go with some of her sorority sisters and Luke and Mark agreed, but he wanted nothing more than to be by your side.
"Dude, you're staring" Mark commented. "Maybe you should go talk to her."
"I don't know if she'd even give me the time of day," Luke said. “I fucked up.”
"You'll never know unless you try, Lukey. Besides, you probably just caught her on a bad day. What did you say to her anyways?
"I told her that she was overbearing and that I was going to leave soon anyways,” Luke said, close to Mark’s ear so his date couldn’t hear him.
“Oh,” Mark stammered. “Yeah, that’s bad, Luke.”
“Thanks,” Luke chuckled humorlessly.
“She’ll hear you out, dude. Just tell her how you really feel. Trust me, girls love honesty!" Mark said, already moving away from Luke to follow his date to the dance floor.
Luke sighed, rolling his eyes at Mark's immaturity. He knew he was so focused on his future that he had lost sight of the present-his college teammates, his classes. Most importantly, he had lost you. Maybe this was his chance to get you back.
I've been playing nice little too long, yeah
Drivin' on the high road hit a dead end,
I'd tell you but we just don't talk,
I've been having selfish thoughts
Your friends were so excited to go out and celebrate the first week of second semester. You could tell some of your girlfriends were crushing hard for some of the guys in the bar, but your mind was elsewhere after spotting a certain someone across the room.
For almost all of break, besides the holidays, you had been trying to figure out how to move on from Luke Hughes. You and Luke had clicked immediately, and even though you had tried to take the relationship slow, it was no use. Within two months, you were dating. Luke was proud to see you cheering for him at games and you became a staple at Thursday movie nights at his shared hockey house. You and Luke fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
Which is exactly why you couldn’t figure out why your boyfriend had started sending short messages and declined your affection starting after Thanksgiving break. Luke constantly claimed he had hockey practice or a team bonding event, but it was all proven to be false when you showed up at his doorstep one night to confront him.
Rumors found Luke Hughes like a moths to a flame. Whether it was his future in the NHL or his relationship status, your Michigan social media gossip pages never missed a beat. That week in the fall, Luke was apparently single and talking to a girl from the sorority the hockey team regularly hung out with. You never thought you were the jealous type, but with Luke’s odd behavior and his lack of communication, you thought the worst.
Even now, as you stood in the bar, you got a chill as you thought about the night you confronted him. Luke had the nerve to sit on his bed as you paced in his room, asking him simple questions that he had trouble answering.
He knew that you cared so much about your relationships with others so he used it against you, saying you were bombarding him with messages and he was sick of it. You couldn’t remember every sentence you spoke, but you could remember the hurt you felt when you realized that Luke just didn’t care about you like you cared for him. He had said it himself, he wouldn’t be around much longer, implying that you should both just move on. You didn’t wait for him to deal the final blow, instead, you called for the breakup and left before he could say anything else.
“Earth to Y/N! You want a drink?” Your friend, Caroline, asked. She waved her hand in front of your face to get your attention.
“Uh, I’m good. I didn't expect him to be here and I'm a little overwhelmed,” you replied. You hadn’t locked eyes with Luke, but you were afraid the moment was coming sooner than later since you struggled to tear your gaze from his tall figure.
“How about a shot then? They’ve got those green ones that are really good, and will make you forget that tall idiot who has been staring at you all night,” Caroline tried again.
I've been working hard while you're six drinks in,
Tossin' in the dark, feel you under my skin,
Once I start I just can't stop,
I've been having selfish thoughts
You were about to decline her offer when you saw who Luke was standing next to. You recognized Rutger and Mark easily, but you had only just got a clear view of Riley Jones, a sorority girl standing next to him. You had forgotten that there was a sorority formal the first week back from break, and of course, you had ended up at the same bar.
“No fucking way.” You muttered under your breath, but Caroline was too attentive.
“He’s with Riley. He’s at the stupid sorority formal with that girl who’s in our biology class, C.”
Caroline gasped, always perfectly dramatic in every situation. “It's always the sorority girls, I swear!"
You nodded, finally able to turn your head away from Luke’s direction. Sighing, you pulled out your phone to check the time, only 10:23. You had made a deal with your friends that you couldn’t leave until 11, but that deal seemed much easier when your ex wasn’t factored into the equation.
“He shouldn’t even be here, it’s the middle of the season and he can’t drink, anyways,” you grumbled to your group of friends. They were hoping to have a Luke-free night, especially with the start of the new semester, but you all had forgotten the sorority that would be gracing the bar with their presence that Thursday night. Caroline rubbed your arm, assuring you that you weren’t alone in this situation.
“Well, he's definitely an idiot for losing you, but he doesn't seem too interested in his date," Caroline said. "Don't focus on him, the night is still young! And, not that you needed it, but you seriously just had the glow-up of winter break. Luke's missing out.”
"New year, no more being sad over stupid boys!" You lifted up your nearly empty drink to clink it with your other friends' glasses.
Your other friends chimed in and you laughed, Caroline wasn’t wrong. Despite crying over Luke for a few days, you refused to lay in bed and rot just because he had made you feel small. Instead, you opted to take out your anger at the gym over break, so you knew your dress that night fit you better than ever before. You had also decided to do a hair transformation and cut it quite short, a style your friends at college hadn’t ever seen on you. You knew you looked different and you felt confident.
“Why don’t I get us the shots before we hit the dance floor? On me!” You could feel your layer of liquid courage settle over you. Luke was closer to the bar than you were, so it was almost inevitable that he would see you if you got the drinks.
"You know he's over there, right Y/N? Don't look now, but he's staring at you." Your other friend, Lexi, said to you. Of course you knew. Luke was one of the tallest guys in the bar and he easily towered over the other guys that were hovering close to your friend group. Just as you went to look at him, he redirected his gaze to Riley and laughed at something she said. The nerve of him. You rolled your eyes and stood up a little. If he wanted to play hardball, so could you.
"Yeah, I wanna give him a taste of what he's missing."
“Okay, get it girl!"
You sauntered over to the bar, leaning over just enough so that your chest was on display in the new black strapless dress you had bought. It hugged you just right and showed off your assets quite well. The music was pulsing and the lights were pretty dark, so it was a shock when you felt a hand on your back.
There's no right way to say it,
Want you so bad, I hate it
Good girls, so overrated
So overrated...
Luke watched as you pulled out your phone to check the time. Even from across the room, he could see your bright lockscreen light up your face. The glow illuminated your bright smile and your dimples, and suddenly he wished he was right next to you to see it.
"Hey Luke, want to dance?" Riley's voice caught his attention. She was standing right in front of him, staring up at him with her big brown eyes rather excitedly. He hesitated, unsure of what to say, but Riley just kept on going.
"Mark said you liked to dance, so I thought..." Riley continued to ramble but Luke had already tuned her out. He didn't really care that he was caught in Riley's scheme for the night, he just didn't want it to look like he was actually with her.
"Mark's an idiot," he chuckled. "I don't dance."
Riley rolled her eyes, unimpressed at her date who was standing up against the wall. "Can you at least just put your arm around me again? My ex is like, right across the bar and I need to make him at least a little jealous."
Luke didn't mean to ignore Riley's plea, but he had lost you in the crowd. You weren't standing next to your friends anymore. He felt his heart rate pick up at the thought of losing you again. He scanned the room and finally found you leaning over the bar. If he could get Riley to move over a few steps, he could maneuver his way to the bar counter and maybe-
"Are you looking at Y/N?" Riley asked. It wasn't exactly a secret that you and Luke had broken up. All pictures of him had been removed from your social media and Luke hadn't been playing his best hockey by any means. Luke's trance seemed to end abruptly as he cleared his throat to try to come up with an answer, but it was no use. In the time he had been pondering his plan, some guy had sidled up next to you. Luke recognized him, his name was Chris, he was in your major and lived down the hall from you. He always said hi to the two of you when you passed him on the way to your room and Luke couldn't lie, he was pretty fit, too. He let out a shaky breath.
"Uh, no," Luke fumbled. "I was just thinking about getting another soda up at the bar."
"Luke, I know you've been staring at Y/N over there all night even though I'm your date," Riley hummed, seeming only slightly disappointed. "You should go talk to her. Girls are a little scary, but we just want to be loved. Look, I'm gonna go chat with my ex across the bar and show him a fun time, okay? You got this."
Riley walked away from Luke, leaving him standing there a little dumbfounded. Was it really that easy? Chris seemed to make it look easy, standing too close to you at the bar countertop, making you laugh as you waited for whatever you had ordered.
Luke found himself moving closer to the bar without really having a concrete plan in place. Would you ignore him? His runaway thoughts ended when he heard his name called.
Just wanna cut my hair, lose myself, make you sweat
Go out and get messed up, find myself in your bed
Just wanna cut my hair, little black dress, can't forget
Just wanna show you whatever she do, I can do it better
"Luke! Hey man!" Chris called. In his drunken state, he had practically whipped around and made you fall when he caught sight of Luke. When you realized who Chris was calling for, you immediately shook his hand away and turned back to the bartender who was almost about to get to you to take your drink order.
"Chris, don't," you tried to say as quietly as possible. Luke was getting closer to you to try to say hello but you wanted none of it. You ignored Chris and Luke greeting each other and kept your eyes trained in front of you. You refused to give in.
"I gotta get back to the guys, I'll see you later, Y/N? We can watch that new episode once you get back!" Chris called, giving you a side hug as you said goodbye.
"Hey, Y/N," Luke said. His voice sounded soft and timid and you couldn't help but feel your stomach fill with butterflies. This was the closest you and Luke had been since before Christmas and now it was the middle of January.
"You look beautiful, I love your hair," he tried again, finally standing next to you. You hated how tall he was in the moment, his frame completely isolating you from anyone else, since you were at the end of the bar.
"Thanks," you said. "New year, new haircut is how the saying goes, I think."
Luke laughed nervously, sitting down on the barstool next to you. He had let his hair grow out over break, you noticed. He was turned towards you, trying to get you to talk to him. You felt your face get hot at the thought of him being right there. He was so close, yet the last time you saw him, he pushed you so far away.
"I didn't know you were here," he tried, wanting you to look at him. You couldn't help the scoff that escaped your mouth.
"Sure you weren't staring at me all night? Caroline said she caught you ignoring your date, Hughes."
You held back laughter at the way his eyes widened. Caught. The bartender finally turned your way and you ordered shots for you and your friends, handing him your fake ID and flashing a smile as he handed it back to you quickly. Luke asked for a soda and he went to prepare your orders.
"I didn't know you were seeing Chris."
"I'm not, he just has manners and actually enjoys being in my presence, Luke."
Luke coughed, trying to break up the awkward tension between you two. His mind went back to your first date, where he had taken you ice skating. He remembered how hard you laughed when you fell, needing him to lift you up and hold your hand tightly to stay upright. Even thought you barely knew each other outside of a mutual friend, the conversation flowed easily. You two had never been awkward around each other, even in the early stages of your relationship.
"So," Luke began.
You rolled your eyes and put your hands on your hips, turning square to him. His gaze dipped to your neckline where your chest was accentuated and you almost laughed. While you hadn't dressed for him that night, it was like fate brought him to you just so you could make him weak. Perfect.
Couple years back so sensitive, yeah
Movin' like that gets repetitive, yeah
Singin' bout the same old stupid ass things
Sad girl bit got a little boring
"I haven't heard from you in a while, Y/N."
"Well, you weren't interested in texting me anyways so I thought it would be easiest," you taunted him. “Remember when you told me I was too much to deal with?”
"I wanted to apologize for that," Luke sighed. "I wasn't thinking straight and I took it out on you, I'm sorry."
"Glad it only took you two months to realize you were an asshole and lost the best thing you ever had."
Luke was stunned at your bluntness. You stared right at him when you said it, your confidence unwavering. Fake it until you make it right? Your heart was beating fast. You didn't really drink often, but when you did, Luke knew how unfiltered you could be. He always found it amusing, the way your cheeks would flush and how sassy you became. It never failed to make him feel hot all over.
"God, where is that fucking bartender?" You mumbled, quickly looking past Luke to avoid another awkward sentence spilling out of your mouth. You were already two drinks in and wanted to keep feeling good.
"You're right," Luke said, still staring at you. "I know you wouldn't say that if you were totally sober, but I agree. I fucked up and ruined us.”
You could barely focus as the bartender asked you for your card and you fumbled to get it out of your phone wallet. Luke quickly got his card out and handed it to the man instead.
"Luke, don't. You're not even supposed to be in here mid-season," you chided. "And you don't have to pay for me, we're not together."
“Would you ever want us to be together again?” Luke asked quickly.
Luke’s question made you freeze.
“I’m not doing this here, Luke.”
“Just answer the question, Y/N.”
“I never wanted us to be over, Luke. But you made me feel stupid for wanting all of the things you gave me at the very beginning. I wasn’t going to stick around just to get my heart broken.”
You felt lighter now that the truth was out in the open. You’re sure Luke knew it too, by the guilty look he wore on his face. Everyone told you how good you and Luke were good together, but it was the two of you that still couldn’t figure things out.
“What if we get out of here? We can talk about how terrible I was back at my place,” Luke asked. He looked hopeful, almost too content. Three months ago, you would’ve jumped to do anything Luke suggested, but now, with him taking another girl out and his actions, you swiftly shook your head.
“Can’t, the girls and I are staying out for the night. But I hope you have fun with Riley, enjoy your night, Hughes.”
The shots and his soda were set down in front of you, breaking up the moment.
“I hate when you call me that,” Luke grumbled. You smirked knowingly. You always called Luke by a nickname, never his last name.
“Well, I hate when my ex is at the bar with another girl, but here we are,” you fired back.
"Riley went off with some other guy. Her ex, I think," Luke admitted.
"Sounds like fun," you shrugged. You tried not to get your hopes up at his statement. Luke had hurt you in the past.
"We only went together because Rutger set us up, Y/N. I don't even know her."
"Well you looked pretty smitten with her from across the bar, Luke." You said back, not caring that you blew your nonchalant cover. You tried to pick up the small tray of drinks, but stumbled in your haste to steady yourself.
"She's not my type, I thought you of all people would know that, Y/N. She literally just went to go fuck her ex in the bathroom."
"That doesn't make me feel any better Luke, oh my god," you scoffed, a little disgusted that you knew more information about Riley than you needed to know.
"Y/N, wait," he urged, standing up now to tower over you again. Luke's skin was glowing from the heat in the place and he looked at you breathlessly. "Hear me out, please. I know I fucked up, I know that. But I was scared that you'd leave when I play pro hockey and I didn't want to get left behind."
You took in a breath, unable to say anything. Suddenly, it felt like you and Luke were the only ones in the whole room.
“Give me one more chance, please,” Luke said quietly. “I hate that I hurt you.”
No right way to say it,
Want you, so bad I hate it
Good girls, so overrated
So overrated...
As you held the tray, you quickly glanced over to your table, where your friends were staring at you. You were unsure of what to do. You could keep walking towards your friends, forget Luke, and move on with your life. Or, you could do what the new you would do-make him sweat over the mistakes he made, maybe end up in his bed.
“You sure you won’t get sick of me?” You questioned. For the first time that night, Luke could see how sincere you were, the old you that he had loved and lost. He wouldn’t mess up his chance again.
"I could never get sick of you, Y/N. I hated not being able to call or text you and I missed your hugs and the way you laugh when you watch The Office, because you always have it on and you love how sarcastic it is, and how you-" Luke couldn't finish what he was saying, even though you would've enjoyed hearing it, because you had put the tray back down and stood on your tippy toes to kiss him. Your lips crashed against his and you swore you could feel fireworks going off inside your body.
The drinks on the counter were forgotten as his hand traveled to your back, trying to pull you closer to him. He toppled back on his barstool and you stood between his legs, feeling him press up against you. You let out a breathy laugh as you realized how hard he was in his dress pants.
"Jesus, Luke," you whispered in his ear, dropping your head to his shoulder, only a little embarrassed that you just made out with him and your friends were probably watching.
"Don't laugh," he stuttered out. "It's been a long break." You could see how blown his pupils were, pure bliss all over his face as you stood eye to eye.
"I'm not laughing," you said, but couldn't help giggling. "And yeah, it was a long break without you, but I don’t ever want to fight like that again, Luke. I’m serious.”
"Don't move yet," he begged. Luke's hands found your waist and he held you in place, blocking the hard on he was sporting. You smirked as you ran a hand through his hair, you had never seen him so desperate before.
“I was trying to have a serious moment, Moosey.”
“I know, I just can’t focus, not when you’re in that dress,” Luke mumbled, face buried in your neck. You felt your whole body shiver and you knew you wouldn’t last too long. His breath danced along your neck, making you want more.
"I'm glad you like it," you whispered. "I guess I'll have to wear it more."
"Hope it's easy to take off," Luke trailed off, alluding to your intimate moments that he craved.
"Well, what if we move soon and we call an uber and go somewhere a little quieter than this? Then we can talk." You mused. He looked at you contentedly and nodded quickly.
"And you can drop off the shots as a peace offering to my friends when I grab my coat," you said. Luke looked a little nervous but you assured him your friends wouldn’t make a big deal. You knew you weren't very convincing, but it didn't matter, because Luke was practically jumping up to carry the tray of shots over to the table where your friends were sat. They tried not to stare at the two of you as you walked over, but it was no use. There were grins on all of their faces as you said your goodbyes and grabbed Luke’s hand to pull him out of the bar and into an Uber to start the real fun of the night. And if Luke pressed you up against the outside of bar, made out with you the whole uber ride, and kissed you until you knew nothing but his name, that was a secret you'd never tell.
Don't forget to like, reblog and comment! Let me know what you want to see next!
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sadgirlbaby · 2 years
FAMILY TRIP - tate langdon x fem!reader (part 1) [smut]
CW: cussing, fingering, cumming, dirty talk (?)
SUMMARY: you and tate have been dating for 2 months and he just joined you to go to greece with your family. the only problem was that tate couldn’t resist your beauty in front of your parents.
part 2 here
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you hated family trips, you hated them so much. but this time was quite different - you had invited your boyfriend. tate obviously accepted to join you since he couldn’t live without you for a couple of weeks.
your parents didn’t like tate at all, they used to say the he was a problematic boy with lots of disorders. according to them, tate needed professional help and definitely not from a dude like ben harmon.
after an entire day you had finally convinced your parents to accept tate for your vacation in greece.
“how long is it still going to take us to arrive?” you asked annoyed and bored.
“I don’t know, honey” your mom replied. you rolled your eyes in boredom.
you looked out of the window and watched the road - there wasn’t many cars, nor much buildings, the sight of the countryside was pretty cool - you always liked nature.
“tate, you okay?” you turned your head to check on your boyfriend and noticed he was cutely sleeping on you. you smiled as you saw his face wrinkled on your thigh.
“is he sleeping?” your dad asked and he looked through the rearview. you nodded your head.
suddenly you heard some trash music playing at the highest volume and you immediately screamed - “what the fuck! turn that shit off!”.
“hey! language!” your mom yelled. your father was literally laughing out loud and tate woke up. he was half-asleep and half-awake, he stood up off your thigh and rubbed his sleepy eyes.
“dad! you woke him up!”
“it was my point” he laughed but you didn’t.
“it’s fine, baby” tate looked at you and smiled, then you leaned your head on his shoulder.
“you’re so beautiful when you’re sleepy” you said and tate smirked (pretty embarrassed). “you are more” he said back and kissed your lips.
it was been an hour an a half since you didn’t kiss tate’s lips so you made that kiss more intese. his lips were like a drug for you but tate misunderstood - soon he placed his hands under your t-shirt and you couldn’t hold a soft moan. it was a hungry kiss, full of lust and need. you both loved each other so much.
“tate, not here” you said.
“your mom is half-asleep and your dad is concerned on driving, let me touch you” he whimpered. his eyes reminded you a puppy’s ones. you hesitated but then you said no. tate looked disappointed and as much as you were eager of his touch, that was an inappropriate moment.
as soon as you turned over, tate started to leave soft kisses on your neck to get your attention. “tate, not now.” you repeated so he sighed and mumbled something you didn’t understand.
“dad, can you put another song? I don’t like this one” you said.
“what do you want me to put?”
“kurt cobain!” tate replied.
“and who’s this?” your dad said and made a confused face.
“forget it” tate said and lazily leaned his head on the seat. in a couple of minutes you felt his cold hand on your thigh and his big dark eyes on your figure.
“I told you no” you repeated for the 100th time. tate didn’t say anything, he just kept staring at you and slid his fingers down to your skirt.
you tried to stop him but it was too late - he put your panties aside and his fingers reached your entrance. “don’t you dare-” you couldn’t have said anything else as he’s slim fingers abruptly entered into you.
you gasped and immediately put one of your hands on your mouth trying to hold moans as much as possible.
“what’s going on back there?” your dad sounded suspicious.
“nothing, mr y/l/n” tate replied and put an angel face. as soon as your father put his eyes back on the road, tate pushed his fingers back inside you and this time you accidentally moaned.
luckily your father was distracted by the music and he didn’t hear any moan escaping from your mouth.
“tate, stop please… I’m begging you…” you whined but tate was a stubborn boy - “I’m not gonna stop until I can feel and taste your cum” he whispered into your ear. to be honest that made you even more wet and tate noticed it.
your father started to sing the song on the radio so he was surely distracted. “see? no one here cares if we shag in the car” tate said. “we’re not shagging and we won’t shag.”
“mmh why not?”
“they will see us, we may feel in safe in the back seats but they’re not that far from us, they can see and hear whatever we do” you pointed out.
tate didn’t speak after that, he just made you understand that he was needy of you so he slipped his fingers deeper into you. you wanted to moan so bad, you needed to let out all the screams you were holding but the presence of your parents in the front seats didn’t let you do that.
it was too much pleasure and tate was sending you over the edge.
“cum for me” tate whispered into you ear so that your parents wouldn’t hear him.
in not a long time you finally cummed onto tate’s fingers - he knew you were going to burst in a big orgasm so he kissed you right before you could let out a single moan.
when he took his fingers off you, you let a long breath out and you looked at tate exhausted - he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked them savoring all your cum.
“we’re arrived!” your mom announced. you and tate looked at each other and smirked. you both couldn’t wait to finish in the hotel what you had started.
reminder: requests are always open and you can request about whoever you want. currently taking requests for ahs only!
taglist: @demxnicprxncess @kitwalkersgfff
-> click on the ask/request bottom or just comment if you want to be added in my taglist!
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acesofspadess · 1 year
This Is The Voice
a/n: everyone needs some more Niall
summary: you're the mega mentor, and Niall doesn't know that
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“This is the last knockouts ill ever get to coach and im really excited because our mega mentor this season is one of the greatest singers and people of all time.”
“Shes a legend in the industry.”
“She is an EGOT”
“So the mega mentor this season is……… Y/N L/N! Or Horan to Niall”
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“Well this like a full circle moment for me. You were here as Adams advisor in the first season and now you are mega mentor in my last season.” blake looked down at 29 year old you who was reminiscing. “What does that say about our relationship.”
“That whenever you're here I lose.” you laughed at him as he shook his head. “You let yourself lose to an 18 year old Blake.” his eyes widdend at that, “Oh man, i forgot you were only 18. I feel so old. And now your married too.” he shook his not wanting to think about it any more.
“You still havent seen Niall yet?” Kelly and you had a moment to chat before the artist came in. “no and I feel so bad. I've been super slow on my answers to his text. I just want to hold him.”
I've know Y/N since she was around 18, we got to perform together in Vegas almost 12 years ago.
“Im so glad it's Blake’s last season. Hes just had a very good vibe.” Kelly filled you on some behind the scenes.
“Oh thats good, he really can be a pain sometimes.
And I've also been able to work with her and tour with her and learn from her. Shes so young and has taught a lot of artist with singing and being on stage. I love that all these artist are gonna get that same experience today.
There was a knock on your dressing room door and you opened it to see Chance. “Y/N!” He cheered as he opened his arms up for a hug. You laughed and thanks the heavens you werent wearing heavy makeup as he was wearing white. 
Y/N… shes a legend in the industry. Grammy award winning artist.
“And when was the last time i saw you?” you laughed at his question. “Probably Grammy’s 2020…?” he shook his head, “how could i foget miss album of the year.
Her being a top tier artist for so long and having so many experiences is something that we could all grow from. 
After Chance had run down his artist for you, you waited for them to come in and laughed at whispers you heard. “Well hello there, I love your hair.” you told Nariella whose hair was similar to your ginger colour. “I actually got the idea from you.” you both laughed and whispered an ‘i like you already’. 
I just think its so amazing for her to be here and represent black women and girls. Shes definitely someone i look up to.
It was finally time to see your love. Niall was supposed to be meeting Riley… but you didnt let that happen. You were facing the camera, your back facing the direction Niall would walk through. 
“Riley Tate-”
You turned around at the sound of his voice and he immediately stopped talking. “Hi love.” you  were smiling so hard at his reaction to seeing you before he scooped you up in a hug and twirled youn around.
“Why are you here- wait. Your da mega mentor?” his accent was thicker because of the surprise and you loved it. 
I mean to work with Y/N L/N the queen of pop… im getting goose bumps thinking about it now, its just amazing being in her presence 
Thats your wife Niall
Say it again 
“Well now that your here i was going to ask you if you wanted to come to a golf course with me.” Niall had his head on her shoulder and he could feel the laugh that came from her at his words.
Shes an absolute legend, and she teaches me something everyday, i cant wait for her to teach my team.
“Alright love, Gina, shes really shy, reminds me of you when you came to write for the band.”
Niall laughed his beautiful laugh as you hid your face in your hands. “Don't remind me.”
“You might have to tell her to speak up.” you nodded at the information and were ready to see her. “And then she sings, and a different person comes out, a lot like you.” you cooed at his comparison seeing how much Gina meant to Niall.
“Now Kates kinda got the jazzy, Amy Winehouse-y vibe.” you ‘oo’ed’ at the information. “Lets see what they got.”
You watched as they walked around the corner and saw them subtly freak out at seeing you. You got up from your seat with the help of Niall(not that you needed it but he always held his hand out for you).
“Look who ive got!” Niall cheered from behind you as the girls gave you hugs.
I saw the ginger hair and Niall leaning on her and was like- please… ITS Y/N”
“How are you?” you asked hugging them both.
I was not expecting Y/N to be in the room with Niall. I was very starstruck.”
“Im gonna sing ‘somebody that i used to know’,” Gina shared her song and you marvelled at the softness of her voice. “Im very close to my dad, and he was a DJ and that was a song he always loved.”
“Thats beautiful Gina truly.”
Listening too her sing brought chills to your skin. 
You cheered as she finished and let Niall say what you know hes been holding in.  “And that sass that youve got this week.” Niall admired with a little laugh. “Really?” you loved how she went from this marvellous singer to this soft spoken girl. “I wasnt expecting that.” Gina thanked Niall before she looked at you and you shook your head.
“You gave me chills seriously, the only thing is ‘for lack of better wording’ understanding your words.” you watched as she took the advice and applauded her silently knowing if you were in her possician you would have certainly started crying.
“Yeah keep those words separate. Its very easy to go-” and you watched as he broke off his words in example. “You know what I mean. So give your self a bit of space.”
“I like that bub. I like that a lot.” 
You listened to him sing the words slowly and closed you eyes in sereness. “That staccato.” you pitched in. “her first audition to right now,” he looked at you threading his fingers with yours, “completley diffrent person.” you laughed softly squeezing his had. “I was just like you when i started, you can ask him.” he kissed your temple lightly in admiration, “she still is. Cant give her a compliment without her hiding away. Huh, beautiful?” you did as he knew you would and tucked your face into his neck. “See.” 
You turned your head to watch Gina and Kate play fight as theu swapped places. “I really wish you guys liked each other.” you joked sitting up properly. “I know so much hatred in here.” Niall joked back with you adjusting in his seat. “Its just awful.” Niall lost it, throwing his head back in laughter, letting you hear his laugh again. That would always be your favourite song. 
“Ooh we've got a guitar.” you saw the shaped guitar and immediately fell in love. “Its my baby.” Kate spoke. “Gonna have to get me self one just like that,” you all laughed before Niall looked at the gap between your seats and pulled your seat closer to his. You grabbed his hand and kissed it before looking back up at Kate. “what song are gonna sing love.” you asked as Niall sat back in his seat. “Im singing ‘Call Me’ by Blondie.”
“Oh lets hear it.” 
Kate had the stage presence of a lifetime. “Very good!” you clapped proudly. “Thank you.” you smiled as Niall began to speak. “My favourite parts are when its chilled.” You agreed with him softly as he continued to speak. “Dont stay with the-” Niall sang in a high pitch for example and you nodde your head. “Towards the end it gets a bit crashy for me. I wonder if there's a way of toning it down?” he looked to you for advice. “Tone down the crashing for more like ‘TOMS’ or something like that?” you offered and he took it. “Yeah so we can offer some more jazziness.” he agreed while drumming in the air, “you wanna come back up Gina?” You smiled widely hearing the softness and joy in his voice when he talked to her. “Im thrilled to pieces. I asked a really close friend of mine when were younger, who is now very successful, what is the best piece of advice you can give me. He said ‘have fun’. So i hope your having fun and getting to meet people that youll remain friends with forever.”
You watched Gina and Kate turn to each other and you hugged yourself. “Awwe that makes me so happy.” Niall grabbed your hand and held it in the air. “And one day you might marry them.” you all laughed before Niall spoke up again. “You're the best ladies.” you watched as they walked away and Niall rested his head on shoulder again. “I love you. You're amazing.”
“I love you too Ni.”
Niall taglist:
@youcan-nolonger-run @ravenclawdirectioner
@luxiorchive @maeflowers653
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sc0tters · 1 year
A Needed Apology | Nico Hischier
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summary: you go to a bar where you think it’s a coincidence that you run into Nico, little do you know that he planned it all.
song: Uh Oh - Tate McRae
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, toxic Nico is still here.
word count: 1.43k
authors note: originally when someone request this song I had no clue what to write for it but I was listening to the playlist that I made for the celly and this song came after the song from part one and I realised that this is how you guys are getting the part two for this! If you want to check out the rest of the celly playlist you can do so here!
pt 1
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It had been a rough four months for you.
You truly thought that Nico was the reason why your problems started but it seemed that leaving him only caused more. Sure it was easy finding yourself a little one bed apartment in the heart of Newark but you couldn’t stop thinking about him.
Nico was everywhere, literally. The billboards, the ads, the local news and newspapers, even on social media because you had followed the Devils for such a long time that your account didn’t seem to notice when you unfollowed the Devils as the universe wanted you to feel the pain of seeing Nico content scattered throughout your for you pages.
A friend suggested that you put yourself onto a dating app, not because they wanted you to find some rebound but because they thought you needed a confidence boost.
Well what a real confidence boost it was when you were in the middle of swiping through different profiles and you were faced with Nicos. Sure it was hypocritical but seeing him on there was a punch to your gut, however, it did make you think back to his alleged mistress that he had been seen with the day after you broke up with him.
It was like a last resort when your friends dragged you to a bar, the shitty week you had combined with the pictures of some girl leaving a restaurant under the comfort of Nico’s arm meant that you were in dire need of a pick me up.
Despite what the steady stream of girls in and out of Nico’s life the captain truly did miss you. He didn’t enjoy sitting at home on the couch alone because all he’d end up doing was just stare at your seat.
Yes you were that kind of couple, your big L shaped couch had a cushion that you sat on and it was right next to Nico’s.
His coping methods certainly weren’t healthy but it was very much like bandaid on a duct tape size hole. For every girl in his bed it was less space that you had available for you to haunt his mind.
It was a major blow to the ego watching you walk out of the door to your apartment, yes you were putting on a brave face for your friends but that didn’t stop Nico from growing irritated.
You two were meant to be the total end game of couples, the big proposal with the Disney princess wedding, it was all meant to be in your future but you just threw it all away.
And for what? Sure Nico hadn’t accepted any type of boyfriend duty over the last month but that wasn’t his fault, he had been going through a rough patch as an ice hockey player and as an NHL team captain so you had to be put on the back burner.
It honestly surprised him when you left he couldn’t even really process what happened because two days later and he was already on a flight starting a fourteen day road trip.
Your dating profile had thrown him off. Really he had no clue why you were on that app, not when he was trying to get you back at least.
Sure his efforts might have been unsuccessful, he tried calling your friends, even showing up to their apartments asking where you were but none of them ever said a word usually acting like they weren’t home.
They had also blocked Nico from everything on your phone so that he couldn’t try to call, because they all knew you’d go running back the moment he called.
So when he finally got a sighting of life from you as the captain stared over Jacks shoulder to see your Instagram story with the caption girls night.
He knew what he had to do. Yes it was a little unorthodox but Nico knew the only bar in the whole of Jersey that you went to with your friends. The group loved the atmosphere and the bartenders so you guys were never going to change things.
And that’s how it happened, Nico walked in and within milliseconds he had found you.
You were talking to some guy who seemed to find everything you said hilarious.
Nico didn’t often get jealous but when you put your hand on the boys arm it unlocked a part of the captain that only you could find.
That was the thing about you two, Nico did love you and that part was real. But the fame and stress of being captain had officially gotten to him and maybe that meant it would be better if you weren’t in his life anymore. At least then he couldn’t fuck your life up anymore than he already had.
Yet when that guy leaned down to kiss you it had the Swiss man striding over to you quicker than he could try to apologise “hey schatzi!” Nico called out causing your head to quickly whip around.
You thought you were dreaming when you locked eyes with Nico “you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” the boy you had been talking to spat as he sent you a glare “keep that bitch bro,” he added as he turned his attention to Nico.
The captain really wished that he didn’t say that “what’d you just call her?” He scoffed as he furrowed his eyebrows “a fucking bitch,” the younger of the two boys repeated himself.
All you could do was watch on as Nico grabbed him by the shirt “that wasn’t very nice,” Nico pointed out as he clenched his fist causing you to realise what was going on.
It was like clockwork as you quickly tried to get between the two of them “he isn’t worth it Neeks,” you placed your hand on the captains shoulder as you sent him a serious look.
But that didn’t seem to work “he can’t be calling you shit like that,” as right as Nico was you didn’t want to cause a scene “if you let him go I’ll talk,” you offered as you pursed your lips into a thin line.
Clearly that’s why he came over to you right?
Nico didn’t even have to think about it as he dropped the boy sending him a glare that caused him to scurry off “outside,” you motioned to the door knowing that your friends would kill you if they saw you with him.
He grabbed your hand as you pulled him outside “and I’m not your fucking schatzi anymore,” you added as you scoffed.
The captain had to say that he really thought it would be easier getting you back “baby-” Nico tried to reach out as you continued pacing back and forth at the entrance of the bar.
You sent him a glare as you stopped “I dumped you Neeks I can’t be your baby anymore either!” You added as you began to grow frustrated.
Nico sighed as he held his hand out for you to grab so that he could pull you closer “I know I fucked up baby,” he mumbled as he let his hands fall to your waist as you stood between his legs.
It was pathetic the way you practically melted into his touch “let me make it up to you,” he proposed as his voice went soft.
Anyone who saw you would have thought that you were a couple calming down after a night, not one who was trying to get back together.
But when you remained silent it gave Nico the green light to continue talking “I missed you ya know?” He confessed as he tucked your hair behind your face giving him a chance to really look at you.
Your lips formed a pout “no you didn’t,” you shook your head “not when you’ve got all of those girls.” That was your way of telling him that you knew about them all and that you weren’t actually impressed by it.
The boy smiled “they don’t compare to you,” he whispered as he hooked his two fingers under your jaw.
That should have been the moment you ran away “promise?” You asked voice barely a whisper at this point.
Nico nodded “of course I do baby,” before you knew it the Swiss man leaned in to kiss you. It wasn’t earth shattering or suffocating either, it was hungry but sweet. He let his tongue swipe across your bottom lip and just as you were about to let him in you pulled away.
“Take me home Neeks or lose me forever,”
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This song is literally this whole series summed up give it a listen if you’d like x
It was your first full day off in a few weeks where you hadn’t a single thing to do and you were very glad there was no obligation to get out of bed before noon. Louis Vuitton had thrown you straight into the deep end, since they knew you were capable from your past experience with them during your internship. This meant countless meetings and store visits, as well as fittings and shoots. You were grateful that they immediately put you so far up the ladder in terms of responsibility, thankful for the fact you weren’t just the coffee runner, but it had been extremely tiring to say the least. You’d finally gotten the hang of it now, finding a way to balance everything so you weren’t running around like a headless chicken, and you wouldn’t have to leave your house seven days a week in order to get all your work done before the deadlines. However, the process of doing so had stretched you thin. Pairing that with the fact you and Mia had to unpack, decorate and go furniture shopping amongst other things had worn you out completely. Kylian and Elliot had been really helpful though, doing all the heavy lifting and assembling so you and Mia could focus on reducing the number of cardboard boxes crowding your apartment to zero. Sometime earlier in the week, you had crushed your last cardboard box under your feet, you and Mia throwing it into the recycling chute ceremonially as you could finally say that you were officially Parisians. It made your lie in today that much sweeter, knowing that you could stay in bed all day if you wanted to, since there was absolutely nothing waiting for you to do once you decided to get out of it.
So when your phone rang at 8am, you completely ignored it, burrowing further into the thick quilt as you brought it around your chin. It rang again a minute later and you still refused to acknowledge it, whoever it was would just have to wait until you felt like being sociable. You scooted over, nearer to your bedside table, to pick up the device and put it on do not disturb when it pinged, a text flashing at the top of the screen just before you could.
Y/N pick up the phone please!! Emergency! 😩🙏🏿
Are you dying? You typed out quickly, rolling your eyes.
Is your apartment on fire?
Did you lose your job?
What?? No.
Then leave me the fuck alone to sleep Kylian.
Please, I need your help. I’m gonna call again, please answer 🥺
Of course, if anyone had to be inconsiderate and spoil your perfect plan of being lazy today, it was going to be him. You picked up on the third ring, holding the phone to your ear as you moved to roll onto your back. You stared at the ceiling, trying to come up with ways of torturing Kylian for ruining your day and waking you up before noon.
“Hello, Y/N. Good morning. How are you?” You could hear the hesitancy in his voice as he spoke, nervous; you could tell because he was speaking so formally. It was kind of funny, and if you weren’t slightly pissed at him, you’d laugh because you knew he was scared about how you’d react to him waking you up. He knew you weren’t a morning person so he’d have to have a pretty good reason as to why he was calling this early. You don’t give an answer to his question, just to get under his skin a little more and also because you were halfway conscious, your brain still hadn’t fully woken up yet.
“You’re going to make me work for it huh?” He said after realising you weren’t going to say a word.
“Hmm.” You replied.
“Yeah you know what, lemme just cut to it, I’m really sorry to wake you up so early, I know it’s your off day. But I really need your help. Please.”
“And you couldn’t ask anyone else?”
“Achraf’s taken his boys to Disneyland, Elliot’s got some sort of training course today and Ethan’s a little shit who said no before I’d even asked.”
“And what makes you think I’m going to say yes to whatever you’re going to say next?”
“Because you love kids? And you love me?”
“Spit it out Ky.”
“Jirés is literally on his way right now to drop off Isayah and Lana, he asked me to watch them for the day last week and I completely forgot that it’s actually today. I need your help to entertain them, I don’t know what I’m going to do with them for a whole entire day.” He groaned; he sounded very stressed out and in that moment, you sort of felt bad for him.
“You’re so lucky your niece and nephew are two of the most adorable kids in the world.” You heard him release the breath you didn’t realise he was holding, letting out a huge sigh.
“I owe you Y/N.”
“Big fucking time.”
“I’ll be there within the hour.” You hung up, dropping the phone on the bed and you sighed loudly yourself. You dragged your body out of bed into the shower, the piping hot water helping you to wake up and feel a little less tired. You decided to wear your baby blue Juicy co-ord tracksuit, something you could move around freely in just in case Isayah and Lana were not the type of kids who liked to sit around doing nothing. You hadn’t seen them since they were born, which was quite a few years ago, so you’re not even sure they’d remember you. You were just finishing up your mug of tea when you heard a knock at the door.
“Hey!” You smiled, opening the door to see Kylian with Lana standing behind him, her arm wrapped around his thigh as she peeked shyly around his leg. Isayah stood by his side, Kylian hand resting on his shoulder.
“Come on guys,” he ushered them into your apartment, mouthing a thank you as you closed the door behind them. They had made their way to the sofa in your living room, perched on the edge, their little legs barely touching the floor. You squatted so you were eye level with them.
“You guys probably don’t remember me, my name is Y/N, I met you when you were tiny little babies.”
“She’s Elliot’s sister.” Kylian added and Isayah smiled at you, now he knew you were linked to two people he liked, you couldn’t be too bad of a person. But Lana still looked slightly scared of you, and you didn’t blame her, you were technically a complete stranger. You noticed she was carrying a small blue unicorn teddy, and an idea came to mind.
“Do you like unicorns Lana?” You asked gently and she nodded, the ghost of a smile flashing across her face.
“Me too! What’s your unicorn’s name?”
“Lola.” She spoke softly.
“That’s a lovely name. I have a unicorn too, his name is Twilight. Do you and Lola want to meet him?”
She nodded again, more eagerly this time and your heart swelled a little, glad she was warming up to you more now.
“I’ll go and get him.”
“Isayah, stay with your sister, I’ll be back.” You heard Kylian say before his steps grew louder as he entered the room with you.
“You still have Twilight?” He asked as he flopped back first onto your bed, grabbing the teddy from behind his head and throwing it to you.
You caught the toy, fond memories of your childhood coming back to you as you ran your hand over the soft black fur.
“He’s my best friend, I can never get rid of him.”
“Y/N he’s like a billion years old, you’ve had him since I’ve known you.” He laughed, shuffling further up the mattress so he was lying down completely now.
“What’s that got to do with anything?” You stretched your free arm towards him, shoving his leg. “And get your nasty shoes off my bed.”
He angled himself so his feet dangled off the bed instead, his arms bent at a right angle as he used his elbows to support his weight while he sat up slightly.
“Half his rhinestones are missing, his horn is more grey than it is white, you don’t think it’s time to get rid of him?”
You gasped dramatically, your hands coming to cover Twilight’s ears as you frowned at Kylian playfully.
“Don’t listen to him Twilight. Ky is just jealous because you’re my number one guy.”
“I’m not jealous of a stuffed unicorn, be fucking serious.” He rolled his eyes. “Twilight can’t do half the things I can do.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
You honestly hadn’t meant for the question to sound suggestive, at all but from the way Kylian was looking at you, chin slightly raised, his eyes almost as if they were closed so you could only see the dark of his pupils, and a smirk on his lips so small you were probably imagining it, you wondered if perhaps it had come out more suggestive than you had intended. You’d been spending a lot of time together recently since you’d moved to Paris, and in good fashion, as your heart liked to toy with you from time to time, your feelings for him had arisen again causing a problem for you. It had been so much easier when you were at opposite ends of the country, and barely talked and you had your own boyfriend to distract you and keep your mind off of Kylian and his stupid pouty lips and his mischievous eyes and ridiculously large thighs, his boyish smile with those goddamn dimples and goofy nature and the way he seemed to know what you were thinking before you did. To be honest, most of the time you spent with him, Mia and Elliot were there also, a buffer you were very grateful for, but even in those moments, there were times when it felt like it was just the two of you alone. Times when you’d feel the burn of Kylian’s gaze on the back of your neck, or his hand lingering a little too long when they accidentally brushed along your waist, his hugs a bit tighter than you’d remembered them to be in the 16 or so years you’ve known him. You didn’t want to think anything of it, for all you knew, he and Renée were still dating. They hadn’t been spotted for a while in public but that didn’t mean they weren’t still together, just low-key. Since he may have suggested they had gotten back together after your graduation, you hadn’t asked him anything further about it, she wasn’t a topic the both of you frequented, ever. You tended to steer clear of any relationship talk since he had Elliot for that and you, Mia. And frankly, you personally didn’t want to hear anything about it either. You were probably imagining the tension and misconstruing Kylian’s intentions, hence why you tried to avoid spending any time alone with him for too long, fearing one of these days, your heart will win over your head and you’ll do something the both of you would regret.
“Have you guys eaten?” You asked, desperate to change the conversation and hoping he didn’t notice.
“Nah,” He shrugged, standing up and walking over to you. “I was going to take them to McDonald’s for breakfast.”
“Kylian, you can’t take them to McDonald’s at 9 in the morning.”
“Why not?”
He rounded the bed, almost directly in front of you and you bolted for the door instead, mumbling something about showing Twilight to Lana. The room had gotten stuffier the closer he got to you, the walls were beginning to close in and you felt you had to escape, quickly. You’re starting to regret the day already, not knowing how much longer you can survive spending time alone with him. Entering the living room, you held out the toy in front of you, Lana eyes growing wide as she smiled.
“Twilight, meet Lana and Lola.” You handed the toy to the little girl and she seemed so pleased, you were glad you could make her that little bit more comfortable around you.
“Jirés said she’s been grumpy all week because she’s missing Melissa. Even seeing me this morning couldn’t get her to smile like that.” Kylian suddenly appeared next to you, his warm breath brushing your ear as he whispered. You jumped, squealing as you punched his arm mid-sentence, moving back from him.
“You know I hate being creeped up on.” You tried your best to ignore the heat rising up towards your cheeks, willing them to go back down. Maybe they could burn the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach instead.
“Sorry. Just can’t believe she’s happier seeing that toy more than she was seeing me.”
“Twilight 2, Kyky 0.” You smirked.
“Shut the fu-“ He stopped himself looking down at Lana and Isayah who were conversing amongst themselves, not paying him any attention at all. “Just shut up.”
“Hmmm, I was going to say we make pancakes for breakfast but since you want to be so rude, you can get none.”
You crouched down in front of the two young children again, grabbing their attention.
“What do you think guys, should we make some pancakes and give none to Kylian?” They laughed and nodded excitedly.
“Lana? Isayah? You’re going to leave me out like that?” Kylian clutched his chest, feigning hurt and he stumbled backwards, making his niece and nephew laugh even harder.
“Maybe you can have one.” Lana said.
“Just one?” Kylian wiggled his fingers in front of them, slowly sneaking up on them like the grinch. They knew what was coming, and jumped up on the sofa, cowering away from him in one of the corners. “Maybe if I tickle you, it’ll change your mind.” He added, before leaping on them. The sound of their sweet childish laughters filled the room as Kylian tickled them mercilessly.
“Uncle Kyky, wait!! Please.” They tried but he carried on, and you watched on fondly. He was a good uncle to them, he would talk to you about his niece and nephew often, you felt like you knew them personally too. You knew he was very protective over them, and loved them a lot, and it was nice to see how much they adored and trusted him also.
Kylian would make a great dad, you were thinking, an alternate perfect life playing out in your head where the both of you were completely honest with each other, and from that honesty, the birth of a relationship, one that progressed naturally and ended up with you and him and your kids, a dog, white picket fence, the works. You were totally lost in your thoughts that you didn’t realise the noise had stopped and the three of them were now looking at you.
“Uhh…what’s going on?” You asked, blinking away your silly pipe dreams, your wishful thoughts disappearing in an invisible cloud of wistful smoke.
“Well Lana mentioned not giving me any pancakes was actually your idea,” Kylian started, rising from the sofa. “So, I think we have to tickle you too.”
“Oh…” You backed up, towards the door, as Kylian and his niece and nephew neared you. “Guys…oh come on. Lana?? I thought we were friends!”
She giggled, shrugging her shoulders.
“Get her!” Isayah shouted before all three of them charged at you, giving you barely any time to escape to the kitchen. There must be something in the Mbappé family because they were all so fast, catching up to you in no time, Isayah and Lana tickling your sides while Kylian held your arms together so you couldn’t fight them off.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You half pleaded, although it didn’t sound very genuine because you couldn’t control your laughter.
“What do you think guys, should we stop?” Kylian looked down at them after a few minutes of their tickling assault, and they nodded.
“My arms are tired now anyways.” Isayah said.
“And I wanna play with Lola and Twilight, come Isayah.” Lana took his hand and dragged him out of the kitchen, leaving you and Kylian alone. He watched them turn the corner into your lounge before spinning his head around again to look you straight in the eye. There was a shift in the atmosphere, the playful vibe disappearing entirely, a more serious one replacing it as his eyes stayed fixed on yours. Holding eye contact is something that always made you nervous, you could only maintain it for a few seconds before you had to look away, and with someone like Kylian, the butterflies that fluttered into existence when his eyes bore into yours made it so much harder. Your eyes fell from his, and only then did you notice his hands were still wrapped around your wrists.
“Hmm?” You could still feel his eyes on you and you wished you could free your hands to cover your face, it felt so hot, you wondered if he could feel the heat radiating from your cheeks, since his face was hardly a few centimetres from yours, his body practically leaning against yours.
“My hands.” He had them trapped either side of you in his tight grip and there was no way you were getting free unless he loosened them.
“Why do you run away whenever we’re alone together?” Your head snapped up, your eyes meeting again as your brain processed his question.
Shit, he noticed?
“You didn’t think I’d notice?” He asked, reading your thoughts as though you’d pasted them on your forehead in big bright neon letters. You needed him to get out of your head. Out of your heart, your thoughts, your very being.
“W…what?” It all felt too close and intimate, there was barely an inch of space between the two of you, so your words came out in small hushed tones, although you felt like you needed to shout, because there was no way he could possibly hear you over the thunderous beating of your heart.
“You bolted earlier, in your bedroom.” His hands were still around yours, his palm burning against the skin of your wrists, almost as though he was branding you. Funny that, because according to the imprint he’d made on your heart you’d been unable to rid yourself off for the last decade, you'd basically been branded his since you were 11.
“Ky, let go of me, please.”
He wasn’t actually hurting you, but this whole thing was making you uncomfortable, you didn’t want to admit anything to him, you wanted an out, a change of subject, fast.
“Answer my question Y/N.”
“We have to make breakfast-“
“You’re deflecting.”
“Kylian we had dinner a few weeks ago alone, I didn’t go anywhere.”
“You’ve been shying away from me since then.” He kept pressing, it didn’t seem like he was going to let you go anytime soon. You prayed for a distraction of some sort, something, someone to get you out of this.
“If I was avoiding you, I would’ve hung up on you this morning. We wouldn’t be here together right now.”
“Y/N if I wasn’t holding onto you right now, you’d have been out of that door.”
He was absolutely right, and you were surprised he’d noticed your behaviour around him recently, you thought you’d been quite subtle with it.
“Uncle Kyky?”
You had opened your mouth to feed him another obvious lie, when Isayah walked into the kitchen, and you closed your eyes, silently thanking the gods for answering your prayer. Kylian turned to face him, and you managed to free yourself from his grasp while he was distracted by Isayah, grateful to the little boy for his perfect timing.
“When are we gonna make the pancakes, we’re hungry.” He pouted.
“Go and get Lana, we’ll do it now.”
“Yes!” Isayah leapt up with his fist in the air before running out of the kitchen again, yelling Lana’s name.
You busied yourself with getting out a mixing bowl and a frying pan for the pancakes purposely; they were at the other end of the kitchen, far from Kylian so you could pretend you couldn’t feel his gaze practically burning holes in the back of your zip-up hoodie. You were surprised you didn’t spontaneously burst into flames. It was silent apart from the clatter of your pots and pans as you pulled out the frying pan and got to work preparing breakfast. You didn’t look at Kylian once as you told him where to find specific ingredients, ignored the fluttering in your stomach when his hand lingered on top of yours when he passed you the milk from the fridge. You focused on Isayah and Lana, helping them to mix everything and flip the pancakes, Kylian watching on affectionately, you completely unaware as you thought he was staying away for a completely different reason. He eventually joined in, and the atmosphere had gone back to the playful one as the four of you decorated your pancakes with fruit and syrup and tons of whipped cream. Surprisingly, the kids had managed to not mess themselves up too much, and had now ran back to the living room again to carry on playing, leaving you and Kylian to clear up alone, again.
“What did you have in mind to do with them today?” You asked, quick to start a conversation, focus the topic on the day instead, leaving no room for Kylian to bring up anything else.
“I’m not too sure, I was thinking the zoo?”
“Oh my gosh!” You leapt up, thinking of something to do and getting a little too excited about it, startling Kylian.
“Jesus Y/N, I almost dropped the mixing bowl.”
“Sorry! But I just got an idea, you remember that farm yemma used to take us to? The one where you get to ride on the horses!”
“And Elliot fell in that pile of horse shit!” He remembered, laughing as the memory replayed in his mind.
“That was hilarious, he was so mad we refused to walk with him the rest of the tour.” You laughed together for a while at the thought of 7 year old Elliot covered in manure. He was so angry that day because you and Kylian kept cracking jokes.
“What do you think? Isayah and Lana would love that right?” You asked once the both of you had calmed down. He cocked his head towards the door and smiled.
“Why don’t you go and find out?”
“This is so cool! Uncle Kyky I’m a cowboy!” Isayah shouted, grinning as he rode the horse around the large pen, his long fluffy curls blowing about his face as he waved his hands in the air. Kylian looked at him through the camera, taking a video to later send to Jirés (and keep for himself also).
“Yeehaw!” Kylian yelled, causing Isayah to break out into fits of giggles before he shouted it back. You had just returned from feeding and petting the chicks with Lana’s hand in yours. After hours touring the entire farm, Isayah had wanted to try the horse riding but for Lana, they were too big, and gave her quite the fright, so you offered to do something else with her which she would be more comfortable with, and you’d both had a great time with the chicks.
“He’s really enjoying that isn’t he?” You asked as you joined Kylian outside the pen, standing by his right side.
“Having the time of his life.” He smiled at you before looking down at Lana.
“Woaaah what are you wearing Lana?”
“You like it?” She took the lollipop out of her mouth to smile a toothless grin, showing off her yellow chick beanie you’d gotten her from the gift shop after she’d begged you to. You couldn’t say no to her, she was just too cute so you’d bought it for her, the both of you picking out a tractor for Isayah also.
“I love it, you look very pretty cherie.”
“We got you one too Uncle Kyky! Surprise!” Lana pulled her hand from behind her, revealing a beanie exactly like the one on her head, but in a bright shade of red instead.
“Oh! Nice!” You sniggered at Kylian’s very fake enthusiastic response under your breath, as he took the hat from his niece and pulled it over his head. You took your green one out of your pocket and wore it too.
“Y/N, these are hideous.” He whispered to you, low so Lana couldn’t hear you, his eyes still trained on Ishaya as he was nearing the end of his ride. The little girl had long let go of your hand, busy trying to climb the wooden fence of the pen so she could hang on with her two feet resting on the lower plank as she watched her brother.
“I know, but she was so excited about all of us matching.”
“So this is your fault.”
“Really? We’re doing this again?” You stepped back from him so you could look at him fully, raising your eyebrow. What you didn’t expect was for Kylian’s hand to find it way to the small of your back, pulling you towards him so his lips could hover near your ear.
“I don’t think tickling will cut it this time, I might have to find some other way to punish you.” You couldn’t help the way your knees buckled slightly at his words, he was like a hot grill, you were a mere cube of ice, put the ice anywhere near that grill and it was bound to melt, a perfectly normal and expected reaction.
“Ky come on.” You tried to reason with him, your head begging you to find the strength to fight your heart and body which wanted nothing more than to lean even more into his touch and flirt back.
“What?” He widened his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, feigning innocence while his hand had still not left the dip just above your butt, neither had he made any move to put some space between the two of you.
“You know what you’re doing, you can’t…I cant…you have a gir-“ The words that were struggling to leave your mouth were suddenly cut off by Isayah running towards the three of you, having finally finished his ride.
“Y/N! Did you see me??” You pulled yourself away from Kylian hurriedly, as though you’d been caught by your parents with his hand down the front of your jeans. You tugged the gate open so Isayah could come out of the pen; he was bouncing up and down excitedly.
“Of course little man, you were like a cowboy! Did you enjoy yourself?”
“It was so fun!”
“And look, Lana and I got you a tractor and a hat like ours so we can all match!” You smiled as Isayah pulled the green hat over his head.
“Can I go on the horse again?”
“Maybe next time, it’s getting late and we have a long drive back home eh?” Kylian said as he fell into step with you, Lana and Isayah, heading towards where you’d parked the car.
“Promise?” Isayah pouted.
“Promise.” Kylian held out his hand, and Ishaya took it, the both of them doing some sort of secret handshake before he lifted the little boy off the ground and put him on his shoulders.
“Isayah you’re riding Uncle Kyky now!” Lana laughed, and you pulled out your phone to capture the moment quickly, all of you with your matching hats and equally matching smiles. You picked Lana up, settling her on your hip so she was at a similar height to you all, allowing her to fit into the picture as you flipped into selfie mode and held your phone up and took the pictures.
“Send that to me later.”
“Hmmm mm.” You replied to Kylian, scrolling through the pictures you’d just snapped.
“Beautiful family!” You hadn’t even seen the older lady appear in front you, her hands clasped to the side of her face as she beamed at the four of you.
“Your husband no?” She pointed to Kylian before cupping her hand over her mouth to whisper to you, although it was definitely loud enough for him to hear too, likely deliberate on her part. “Very handsome.”
“Uh, thank you.” You laughed nervously, not sure how to react so you just let her believe it, hoping she’d be satisfied enough and be on her way.
“Here take, for the pretty girls.” She pulled two flowers out of the basket she was holding, placing one behind yours and Lana’s ear.
“What do you say Lana?” Kylian prompted, and the girl laid her head on your shoulder shyly, before saying thank you.
“Of course. Have a good evening.”
“Thank you, you too.” You replied before she went back on her way.
“Uncle Kyky are you and Y/N like mummy and daddy?” Isayah asked as Kylian was helping him to settle into his seat in the car.
“That lady, she said husband. People call daddy mummy’s husband sometimes too.” You had just strapped Lana into her car seat and were about to slip into the passenger seat yourself when you heard his question, your breath catching in your throat as you started to cough. Kylian’s eyes met yours in the mirror above the dashboard as you tried to control your coughing.
“Uh, no, Y/N and I are not like your parents. Now come on, let me buckle you in so we can hurry. Who wants McDonald’s on the way home?”
“ME! ME! ME!” Isayah and Lana sang in unison, his query long forgotten at the mention of a potential Happy Meal and you were grateful for the change of subject once again. As much as you’d enjoyed yourself today, especially with Kylian’s niece and nephew, you couldn’t wait for the day to finally be over, to be back home in your own bed and hopefully not think at all about the other things that transpired today. Kylian slid into the driver’s seat and you purposely avoided his eyes, choosing to look out of the window instead as he pulled out of the parking lot onto the winding country roads.
“Y/N.” You felt a hand on your shoulder, rocking you gently, the voice accompanying it just as soft. “Y/N, wake up.”
“Hmmm.” You groaned as you stirred, rubbing your eyes. You didn’t even realise you’d fallen asleep, lifting your head from the car window, a dull ache in your neck due to your awkward position.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“No, it’s okay,” Kylian reassured you. “You seemed really tired, even Jirés didn’t want to wake you when he picked the kids up.”
“Oh they’re gone already?” You turned your head and sure enough, the back seats were completely empty. “I didn’t even get to say bye.” You pouted.
“They fell asleep too. There was no point in waking either of you, Jirés was already here waiting for them.”
“Here…” You finally took in your surroundings, registering the fact you weren’t even in your neighbourhood, let alone outside your apartment.
“We’re uh, we’re outside my apartment.” Kylian said, answering your silent question. “I kinda wanted to ask you something?”
You turned to face him. His eyebrows were scrunched and his nose was twitching, you could tell he was trying his best to not show he was nervous. You wondered what was on his mind.
“Uh…so the nominees for this year’s Ballon d’or get released soon, and I was wondering if you’d um, want to come up with me and um, I don’t know, stay with me until they’re out?”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him look this terrified, considering he had been nominated for the award four times before already, climbing higher and higher on the list with each passing year. But maybe there was something different about this year, you didn’t know, you weren’t really a big football fan, you didn’t follow Kylian’s career closely. Of course you supported him unconditionally, and had been to a couple of his games, but the rules and everything about the game went straight over your head, relying mainly on Elliot and Google to give you updates. Now in this moment, he was seeking your support, and you didn’t want to let him down, despite not having a good feeling about the two of you being alone together with absolutely no one to provide a distraction should you need one.
“Come on,” You opened the car door, stepping out and shutting it as you walked around the vehicle to stand in front of the glass doors leading to the lobby. “Let's go up.”
He smiled at you, a warm and genuine smile, handing his keys to the valet as you both made your way up to his apartment. The ride in the elevator was silent, it wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t wasn’t awkward. You were glad to finally make it to his apartment.
“What time are the nominees released?” You asked kicking your shoes off at the door.
You pulled your phone out and checked the time, settling on his sofa. You’d only been here once since you moved to Paris, very briefly with Mia and Elliot; the four of you tended to hang out at Elliot’s place most of the time.
“Okay so five minutes.”
“You want a glass of wine?” Kylian appeared at the entrance to the lounge, a dark green bottle in his hand.
“Red? You hate red wine.”
“I know, but you like it.”
“So you just have red wine lying around? For me?”
He shrugged as if it was a completely normal thing to do, have things in your house that you’re always in, but you don’t like for someone else who has only been here once.
“I also have those frozen kimchi gyozas you like if you’re hungry.”
“You said they taste like rubber.”
“They do, I much prefer them fresh. But you seem to like them so much.”
“Do you also have-“
“Milky bars and Oreo’s in the pantry even though both things are completely disgusting. And Ben & Jerry’s Vanilla Pecan Blondie in my freezer, though I still can’t understand why you want to mix nuts and ice-cream.”
You were at a loss of words, wondering why he had kept all these things in his apartment when you had only been there once.
“Kylian…” You started, but didn’t know how to finish your sentence. You weren’t sure what words should follow, what you should say to him, how to say it to him. He scratched the back of his neck, as he set the bottle on the coffee table in front of you, coming to sit down on the other end of the couch.
“It’s not that deep Y/N, don’t make a big deal of it.” He mumbled, and you suddenly felt a bit stupid for thinking it had a deeper meaning. Friends do stuff like this for each other all the time, clearly.
“Right. Yeah.” You tried not to sound too deflated, leaning across onto the table to grab your phone instead, to remind you of why you’re really in his apartment.
“It’s 8:30. Let’s just get through this huh?”
“Okay,” He nodded, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, completely ignoring the change in your tone of voice. You googled the Ballon D’or nominees for 2022, clicking on the first article that came up, posted a few seconds ago. You read through the list of names listed in alphabetical order slowly as you scrolled, getting closer to the section labelled “M” when you saw his name, and despite how you were feeling towards him at that moment in time, you couldn’t help the excited squeal that left your lips.
“Good squeal?” He opened one eye, peering at you.
“KY YOU MADE THE LIST!” You couldn’t help yourself again, you jumped into his arms, yours wrapping around his shoulders as you could feel his smile grow wider along your neck. He held you so tight, whispering “oh my god” as if he couldn’t believe it himself.
“This is your year Ky, I’m so proud of you.” You pulled away smiling at him, as his eyes bore into yours.
You could’ve been staring at each other for 10 minutes or 10 years, you hadn’t a clue, all you knew is one minute your eyes were fixed on each other and the next, Kylian’s lips were fixed on yours. It came so fast and hard, you hadn’t expected it at all, his mouth swallowing your gasp as his hands caged your face. Your head lost the battle this time, your heart and body rejoicing as you chose to lean into him instead of push him away, causing him to lie back on the sofa so your legs were straddling him, your body flush on top of his. His hands ran down your back and around your side to find the zip of your hoodie, pulling it down so you could free yourself from it. You leaned back, pulling both the hoodie and the tank top you were wearing over your head and onto the floor. Kylian got rid of his t-shirt too, his toned chest rising and falling with heavy breaths as he watched you hover above him with eyes glazed over with lust and lips slightly swollen. His hands then gripped onto your bare waist, setting your body on fire as he sat up, one of his arms wrapping around your back. Your lips were back on each others in an instant, the kiss hot and heavy as he pushed his tongue into your mouth and you gladly welcomed him, the pads of your fingers gripping onto the skin behind his head. Your hips rotated involuntarily and you felt his grunt in the back of your throat as he bit your lip.
You pulled your lips apart with a pop, leaning your forehead against his as you continued your movements, unable to get enough of him. He pushed down on your hips, so you could feel him more through your trousers, and you couldn’t help the loud moan that left you, the added pressure turning your insides to mush.
“You’re going to kill me.” He whispered through ragged breaths, his lips dancing along your neck. “I need you.”
You don’t know what switched but you suddenly remembered where you were, and who you were with, like someone had poured a barrel of water over you. You came to your senses, and you jumped from his embrace, knocking back into coffee table and almost falling over, but Kylian managed to catch you last minute, his arms wrapping around your waist.
“Jesus Y/N are you trying to split your head open on my table?” He tried to pull you back towards him but you peeled his arms away, stepping back.
“Y/N? Did I do something wrong?” He reached out for you again and you shook your head, your arms coming to cover your chest.
“Kylian you have a girlfriend.”
“I have a what?”
“God, we shouldn’t have done that. I’m gonna go.” You bent to pick up your tank top but he grabbed onto the other end, so now it was taut between the two of you as he wasn’t letting go.
“Kylian stop it.”
“Y/N stop it.” He mimicked you, but there wasn’t a smirk or anything playful about his reply. He looked very serious.
“I’m not playing games Ky, you have a fucking girlfriend what’s not clicking?”
“We broke up.”
“And you’ll get back together tomorrow. It wouldn’t be the first time.”
“No we won't, I haven't spoken to her in 2 weeks.”
“That hasn’t stopped you before. You’ve been broken up like 6 times. Or maybe the media lies.”
“You keep tabs on my relationships?” He smirked this time and you wanted to reach over and pull his lips right off his face, you had no idea how he managed to find the humour in this situation when it absolutely wasn’t funny in the slightest.
“I’m not doing this again with you Kylian. Give me back my top, please.” You ignored his comment, pissed that he somehow found this funny, when you infact felt kind of sick about it. You don’t regret kissing him, but you absolutely didn’t want to feel like you were getting in the way of something or being the other woman or just another rebound.
“Renee and I are done for good Y/N.” You were still rooted to your spot, unsure of whether to believe him or not. You’d been in this position before, one where you’d let yourself be vulnerable for him but he had your heart ripped out of your chest and left it in tatters right in front of you anyway.
“I’m not going to hurt you again, I promise.” He said again when he noticed you still hadn’t moved towards him, stepping closer to you. You didn’t move back from him or walk away either, so he took it as permission to close in around you, his hands taking yours as he brought it to his lips.
“I want you. I always have.” You still refused to look at him so he released one of your hands, holding your chin between his forefinger and thumb instead as he lifted your face so you had no choice but to meet his eyes.
“I can’t even begin to explain when but it’s always been you Y/N.” His voice was lower now but it felt like he was screaming it, it was so silent in the room. Apart from his hushed voice, all you could hear were your breaths and rapidly beating heart.
His eyes seemed genuine, they were soft, and searching yours, waiting for an answer.
“Ky…” You were scared, scared to give your heart again to someone who had already possessed it for so long and brought you so much pain without even realising it. Who knows what he could do now he knows he actually has it, right there in the palm of his hand.
“I know.” He responded, reading your thoughts like you’d projected them on the jumbotron. It made you wonder, how all of these years, you’d both gotten it so wrong, especially him, knowing you as well as he did.
“But I’m here now.” His hand skimmed your face, stopping on the left side where his thumb stroked gently along the angle of your cheekbone.
“We have so much to talk about.” You whispered.
“Do you want to talk right now?” You didn’t even know when but his face had gradually gravitated towards yours, so much so that his lips brushed against yours lightly with every word he spoke. So much had happened between the two of you over the course of your friendship, so many unspoken words and half finished sentences that you really needed to fucking finish, but right now in this moment, it felt like it didn’t matter, that bridge could be crossed tomorrow, you just wanted him, to finally have him.
You shook your head.
“Kiss me Kylian.”
You awoke the next morning to the feeling of kisses being pressed into your neck, Kylian’s arms wrapped around your midriff tightly.
“Do you not know how to sleep past 8am?” You groaned, spinning in his arms so you were now facing him, your eyes fluttering open as he lifted his head, moving from your neck so you were both looking at each other.
“To be honest, this is probably the best sleep I’ve had in months. You should sleep over more often.”
“Maybe I’ll sleep on the couch next time.”
“It’s big enough for the both of us.”
“Who said you’d be joining me?” You teased, a small smile on your lips. He flung his leg over yours as he shifted to lie on top of you, his entire body weight resting against yours as he clung unto you.
“You’re never getting rid of me Y/N.” He said with his face buried in your neck as his arms wrapped around your shoulders.
“Get off me you big baby, I can’t breathe.” You pushed against his bare shoulders with your hands and he lifted his body so he was leaning on his palms, which were either side of your head as his eyes met yours.
“Good morning.” He mumbled, his eyes flicking down towards your lips before he looked back up at you.
“Good morning.” You whispered back, barely able to get the words out as his lips fell onto yours, brief but very sweet. You felt like you could kiss him all day. You were about to chase his lips with yours when he pulled away but you were interrupted by the loud grumble of his stomach.
“Someone’s hungry.” You laughed, Kylian rolling off you as you sat up.
“Well someone wore me out last night. Didn’t know you were so insatiable Y/N.”
You blushed, bringing the quilt up to cover your cheeks as they heated up.
“Don’t be shy, that wasn’t a complaint.” He leaned over to kiss your cheek before standing up from the bed, walking over to his wardrobe.
“I’m going to go and get us some croissants and coffee from the bakery across from the street.” He added, pulling some clothes out of the closet and putting them on. Your head was resting against the cushioned headboard as you watched him, his back flexing when he pushed his arms through his jumper. He caught you watching in the mirror in front of him with your bottom lip between your teeth and he smirked.
“Like what you see?” You made eye contact through the mirror and there was a brief moment of silence before you tore your eyes away, unable to hold his for any longer as you felt a knot in your stomach starting to tie. You picked up the pillow behind your head instead, throwing it at him, the tension in the room lifting slightly, the both of you laughing as it bounced off the back of his head.
“Shut up.” You muttered as he walked back over to you.
“I’ll be very quick. Make yourself at home.”
“I’m gonna get dressed anyways, I have to leave soon, I gotta be at work in a couple of hours.” His lips instantly turned up into a pout, hating the thought of you leaving so soon. Your eyes zeroed in on his lips, the pinkness and puffiness of them looking incredibly inviting.
“You can’t call in sick?”
You were itching desperately to kiss him again.
“Hello? Y/N?” You didn’t even realise you’d zoned out until he was clicking his fingers in your face, a smile on his lips as you blinked and shook your head.
“Sorry, what did you say?” You asked.
“First my back and arms, now my lips, I'm starting to think you only see me as a piece of lean, sexy, brown skinned meat just for your pleasure.”
“You want me to bring up what you said to me last night, when my leg was over your shoulder and you were bal-?”
“Alright, alright, I get it. Touché. Let’s move on huh?” He interrupted, laughing as you nodded in agreement.
“Sounds like a great idea. So you were saying?”
“I was asking if you can call in sick for work today. I don’t want you to go.”
“If I could, I would believe me, but we have an important meeting today, we all have to be there.”
“Okay so I can come over after you finish then?”
“And have Mia’s nosy ass in our business? Absolutely not. The only reason she hasn’t blown up my phone is because she’s still not back from her research project in Normandy so she doesn’t even know I didn’t sleep at home last night. I want us to talk over everything, properly, figure out whatever,” You wave your hands in the small space between the both of you. “This is, before it even goes that far. I’ll come here straight after work instead, okay?”
He nodded, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips, giving you exactly what you’d been craving.
“But you’ll stay for breakfast this morning at least?”
“Sure,” you replied, kissing him again (you really couldn’t get enough of his lips, this could be a major problem) before he left the apartment. You fell back in the bed with a sigh, thinking about the events that had transpired the previous night. If anyone had told you that morning, that in 24 hours, you’d end up in Kylian’s bed, in an entirely non platonic way, you definitely would’ve pointed them in the direction of the nearest asylum because they’d have had to have been deluded out of their minds. But apparently, you hadn’t misread Kylian behaviour recently, the way he’d touch you, keep his gaze fixed on you, speak to you; he’d wanted you just as much as you’d always wanted him. And for the first time in forever since this stupid back and forth with him, you’d felt hopeful, there was nothing standing in the way of the two of you being together right now. You smiled to yourself, his scent on the quilt overcrowding your senses, before pulling yourself out of bed and walking into the lounge where the both of you had haphazardly removed and forgotten your clothing between rough kisses and heavy petting. It was a miracle you’d even made it to his bedroom…the third time round.
You were zipping up your hoodie when the doorbell rang.
Maybe his hands are full, you thought as you made your way to open the door, wondering why Kylian didn’t just punch in his code and let himself in.
“Hey, did you forget I was supposed to come over? You didn’t answer m-“ The voice stopped when they realised it wasn’t in fact Kylian who was behind the door as they looked up from their phone. “Y/N?”
Your breath was caught in your throat, your hand frozen on the door handle as your limbs turned to stone. Outwardly, you looked at the picture of calmness and serenity, however, you were anything but. Internally, you felt like a fish out of water, your mind was racing and panic was beginning to set in but you tried your best to keep your composure, plastering a smile on your face.
“Hi! Renee! Umm, hi!”
“Hi…” Her left eyebrow rose as she squinted slightly at you, and you would bet all the money in your bank account she was questioning what the hell you were doing at her ex boyfriend’s house at 9 in the morning, looking like you’d most definitely spent the night. “What are you doing here?” Her voice was sickenly sweet, but there was a spiteful undertone.
“She was running in the area, and just came over to say hi.” Kylian suddenly appeared behind Renee, answering her question for you. You couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbled out of you at his words, at how easy it was for him to lie, to brush everything aside and dismiss all that had happened last night, the promise of what was to come between the two of you completely out of the window.
“Awhh you got me a drink?” She cooed, pulling one of the paper cups out of the cardboard holder as you tried to tie the laces on your ice blue Air Jordan 1s as quickly as possible so you could get the fuck out of there.
“Babe, you know I don’t like oat, I only drink almond or hemp.” You guessed she’d picked up the cup meant for you. Or maybe it was for her and Kylian had made a mistake, this whole morning was looking like one big mistake anyways so that would make sense. You brushed past her and Kylian, muttering something about being late for work as you rushed towards the elevator. Kylian shoved the other coffee and the bag containing the pastries into Renee hand before running after you, reaching you as you stepped into the elevator, pressing the ground floor button repeatedly in the hopes it would close before he he managed to stop it, but his hand swept across the door at the last second. The metal door opened fully to him and you turned yourself away as he entered.
“Fuck Kylian, I asked you. I said more than once, you have a girlfriend and you stood there and you lied straight to my face.” You were trying so hard to keep it together, you’d cried one too many times over him, shed too many tears because of his inability to be honest with you, to be straight up and just let you know you’re not the one for him, instead of dangling you on this never ending string.
“I didn’t lie to you. I told you we broke up-“
“You said you hadn’t spoken to her in two weeks.”
“I haven’t-“
“Bullshit! Don’t stand there and lie to me again Kylian! She said you knew she was coming. Unless you’re both telekinetic, I’m sure that would require at least a text message.”
8th floor.
“I forgot, it completely slipped my mind in the moment, she was the last thing on my mind-“
“When I was in front you naked? Offering myself on a nice shiny platter.”
“What am I to you Kylian? Just the girl who’ll let you fuck when you miss her right? Twice on your couch and three times in your bed, what’s that, an orgasm for each time you’d broken up?” You’d finally reached your limit, wiping furiously at the tears that were slipping down your face, as you turned away from Kylian.
“Jesus Y/N, that’s what you think of me? Of us?”
You scoffed, looking at the numbers in the lift getting closer to zero as you descended, and there and then, you hated Kylian even more, just for living on the 16th floor because it took way too long for you to reach the ground floor.
“You’ve given me no reason to believe any different.”
“You think I just have random things for you lying around my apartment for the sake of it.”
“No big deal, remember?” You reminded him, your fingers bent in quotation marks as you repeated the words he’d said to you earlier yesterday.
2nd floor. Thank God, almost there.
“Of course it’s a big fucking deal.”
“Ground floor.” The voice announced over the speaker as the lift doors opened and you walked out quickly, hoping Kylian hadn’t seen your tear streaked face, taking a deep breath, not realising you’d held your breath practically the whole way down. He grabbed your arm, stopping your brisk walk so suddenly that you flew into him, your back hitting his chest and he held you there. You’re sure he could feel the rise and fall of your chest as you sobbed, trying to keep as silent as possible to not draw any attention to yourself. It was early, there wasn’t anyone in the lobby thankfully enough, besides the doorman and security who were too busy conversing between themselves at the other end of the lobby to notice you and Kylian.
“YOU’RE a big fucking deal to me Y/N, I care about you. Too much.” He continued, his arm around your waist, holding you close to him as you fought to free yourself from his tight grip. It was all too overwhelming, he was much too close to you, you couldn’t think, you couldn’t move, you couldn’t breathe.
“Too much?” You spun yourself in his arms, so you were now facing him and could see his eyes soften when he saw you’d definitely been crying. You pretended not to notice.
“You care too much Kylian? You couldn’t even tell your ex, if she’s even that, the real reason I was at your apartment at 9am in the morning.”
“So you wanted me to tell Renee we spent the night together?”
“Don’t you dare flip this on me.” You finally managed to pull his arms away from you, stepping back as you pushed your finger into your chest. “I never asked you to lie. You do that shit all on your own. You promised me Ky, you promised you wouldn’t hurt me this time.”
“Please just let me explain.”
“No.” You’d heard him out so many times, you’d let his sweet words reel you back in where he wanted you, let it cloud your better judgement. But today, you had to cut yourself loose.
“I gave you so many chances Kylian, so many, and you fucked each and every one up. Well now I’m done. We’re done.” Your voice broke as you finished your sentence.
“You don’t know me anymore Kylian. Forget my face, my name, my number.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Yes I fucking do. I’m not wasting my time on you anymore. I never want to see you again.” You flick your head towards the ceiling. “Don’t let me keep you, your girl is waiting..,babe.”
You don’t stay to hear anything more he has to say, leaving him behind and walking out into the bustling Parisian streets and letting the busy atmosphere sweep you up, anything to keep you from focusing on and thinking about the man you’d known and loved your whole entire life you’d just left behind forever.
This ended up being just shy of 10k words I’ve never written that much before 🫣
One more part left ksnskdkdkd with how much I dislike the miscommunication trope I can’t believe I’ve written 5 diff one shots abt it (justified tho) ☝🏿 and this is the first time they haven’t made up by the end of the chapter so it’s definitely about to get much worse before it gets better, but it’ll all come to a head soon enough, and thank y’all for still sticking with me. Also here is some cute content of kylian with his niece and nephew bc it genuinely makes me so 🥺🥺. As always please leave your thoughts, honestly your comments and asks keeps me going 🫶🏿
Tag list (i hope this was everyone sorry if I missed you out 🥲)
@lululuvsfooty @nayeoniie @cherimbp @karotland @m4k444 @cixstar @lovefks @kyksgirl @marialikescherries @http-isabela @mrswhitethornbelikov
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joelswritingmistress · 11 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 16
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Joel burst in through the doors of the police station. Right away you spotted him and rose to your feet from where you were speaking with Officer Tate at a table.
"Hey," he breathed, greeting you with a hug. "I'm sorry."
"You don't have anything to be sorry for."
Officer Tate maintained her professionalism and welcomed Joel into the conversation as you continued to provide whatever details you could remember over the course of the last few days.
"This isn't exactly a cyber crime," she informed the three of you, "However, I am going to contact thee cyber crimes unit to see if we can locate the origins of this photo."
"Thank you," you said simply and then added, "We also had two run-ins with Vic Champagne."
"Define run-in," Office Tate requested.
You glanced at Joel and then back to her. "We were out the other night and Vic approached Joel. I didn't know who he was at first. He was confrontational and it caused Joel to leave to diffuse the situation."
"Did he threaten you?" Officer Tate asked Joel.
"No." He shook his head.
"He threatened me," you spoke up, knowing you had sort of told Joel that he hadn't. You saw Joel glance over at you out of the corner of your eye. "He told me if I continued what I was doing then he would run me out of town."
"Continue what you were doing?"
"By being with Joel," you clarified. "He basically said to stop hanging out with him or else."
"Go arrest the bastard," Jessie chimed in enthusiastically. In other circumstances her tone would have made you laugh but you couldn't even smile.
"Easy." Officer Tate put her hands up and then refocused on the flyer on the table, placing just her fingers on it. "I'm going to start with this and I'll get someone out to the Champagne place to see if we can get him to fess up about any of this." She then added in all honesty, "Doubtful."
"And if he doesn't?" Joel asked.
"Well, then we're going to have to prove that he was the one who either took this photo, shared it or created and distributed the copies." She put a hand up when all three of you tried to intervene, "That means we're going to get peoples' doorbell ring cams around your house, see if there are any cameras within an eye shot of the coffee shop and so on. It's going to take some time so you have to be patient. Because there is no way Champagne is confessing to any of this."
You thanked Jessie before she parted ways and drove back to the house before focusing your attention on Joel. He looked more than just a bit defeated.
"I'm sorry," you said to him, the same way he had to you. "You don't deserve any of this."
"I don't want you to be by yourself," he said, "But I'm starting to think that being with me is a hundred times worse."
"Believe it or not, it's a hundred times better." You managed a genuine smile but it didn't nothing to resolve the confliction in Joel's eyes or the somber look on his face.
"I mean it," he said, barely able to make eye contact with you. "If it weren't for me you wouldn't be dealing with all this."
"No, if it weren't for Vic neither of us would be dealing with all this."
"At the end of the day, regardless of who's at fault, you're going to be at risk just by associating with me."
"I don't care."
"Well, I do." Joel motioned to his chest and you sensed his voice harden. He then softened up again and shook his head. "I just.."
You reached for his hand and ran circles on his palm with your thumb. "Please don't distance yourself from me." When he looked up at you, you actually begged. "Please."
What you had together was too real to just let go. It wouldn't be right or fair to allow someone like Vic Champagne to dictate and ruin it.
Joel placed a hand on the side of your face and leaned in to kiss you. "You deserve better than this," he said quietly.
"I deserve you," you said back. "Maybe Vic will get arrested and we'll win."
"Just a small battle," Joel reminded you. "He wouldn't just stop. He single-handedly, or many him and few others, destroyed my name. I can't do a damn thing without people looking at me funny.. or smashing my mailbox."
"What if I get finish my master's.. and then we get the fuck out of here."
Joel gave a barely-their smirk. "Maybe."
You pulled him in for a hug and he held you there in the parking lot for a long while.
"I should get back to work," Joel said. "If you'll be okay."
"I'm okay." You gave a nod. "I'm going to do the same."
"I'll call ya."
"Okay." You looked him in the eyes and then closed yours to kiss him. "Don't leave me."
"I won't."
You both let out simultaneous sighs and parted ways to head back to your respective places of employment.
Joel drove with the radio off toward the outskirts of town. He winded down each wooded road with racing thoughts of all that had taken place for the better half of that month. The good and the bad felt overwhelming.
"Fuck." He whispered the word to himself and felt a headache creeping in. The only thought was that maybe after Halloween was over, things would die down a bit. On the same tangent, he couldn't help but wonder if they had something planned for the thirty-first that was even worse.
Joel wasn't scared for himself. He was scared for the only woman who dared to look his way; who dared to be kind and befriend him. Become lovers was just an unexpected bonus that left him feeling even more protective.
As the truck rounded the bend in the road that gave a clear view of the junkyard's main gates, Joel straightened up his posture when he saw the flashing lights of two police cars down by the bays. Accompanying them was an ambulance.
"What the hell?" He said to himself, as he attempted to hurry down to see what was going on.
Joel barely had the truck in park when he hopped out of it and ran up to the ambulance where Ronnie sat on the back with his legs dangling off. A deep swelling pooled under his eye, blackening the area.
"Ron." Joel's shook his head frantically and approached, but was pushed back by one of the paramedics.
"Give him space," the man instructed.
"What happened?" He asked, still attempting to get by.
"Let him over here," Ronnie barked.
The paramedic eyed Joel up and down in s way that oozed with disapproval. However, he stepped aside and Joel stood in front of his friend and boss.
"What happened?" Joel asked again, grazing Ronnie's black eye with the backs of his fingers.
"Vic Champagne, that's what happened."
"What?" Joel stepped further into his personal space, breathing heavy and clenching his jaw.
"I tried to step in between him and your motorcycle, but the second son of a bitch tackled me from behind." Ronnie shook his head. "He destroyed the bike, kid. I'm sorry."
"Fuck the bike," Joel hissed. "They need to be arrested." He turned toward one of the cop cars and marched up to where Steve and Rich were talking back and forth. "Are you two going to arrest this asshole, or what?"
"We're here, aren't we?" Steve asked, putting a hand out to the side.
"He just beat the shit out of a fifty-five year old man who's made a living his whole life in this town."
"Who's one mistake was hiring you," Rich said in a snarky fashion.
Steve put a hand on his chest and a look as if to say, 'shut up'. "Look, we have the statement and we're collecting evidence from the security camera. If the old man's story checks out, which I'm sure it will, Vic Champagne and whoever was helping him, will be arrested and charged accordingly." He added, "We have officers going to his house as we speak."
"And is he actually going to serve time this time?" Joel motioned to Ronnie, noting how banged up he was.
"You should be the one to talk about not serving time," Rich intervened. "None of this is your business anyway, Miller. So you might as well just go home."
"You have no idea what you're fuckin' talking about," Joel growled back. "I didn't spend any time behind bars because I was attacked and strangled."
Rich made motions with his hand as if to say, 'blah, blah, blah'. It made Joel smack the side of his cruiser with his hand.
"You want to add destruction of police property to-"
"Enough." Steve stepped in between the two of them.
"You hear about the photos that are being spread around town?" Joel asked, looking Steve right in the eye. "Hmm?"
"What photos?"
Joel put a finger right in his face. "If you ever cared about her, even a little bit, you'll find whoever's doing this shit to her, to me and now to Ronnie and put a fucking stop to it. Because I guarantee it's the same asshole that kicked the shit out of the kindest man I know." He motioned to Ronnie. "That man is like a father to me with a heart of fucking gold. If you let this all go, you might as well give up your fuckin' badges because you ain't protecting this community from shit."
He spit on the ground and wiped across his mouth before rejoining Ronnie at the back of the ambulance.
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum @ghostwritesthings @strawbunnyx @ayamenimthiriel @noisynightmarepoetry @jiminstinypinky @tuquoquebrute @pedr0swh0r3 @runningmom94 @mellymbee
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i-heart-yellowstone · 4 months
6 - Questionable Law
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Part 7
Raised Fair Share Of Hell
Tag list @bvbwestfall l @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close @kmc1989
Shutting the top cabinet above the stove I opened the oven letting the fresh smell of baked biscuits fill most of the house. I heard multiple sets of footsteps begin rushing down the wooden and creaky steps before I saw Kayce, Tate and Faith all pile in the doorway of the kitchen. “I figured this would get y'all up this morning.”
“What did you make exactly. I swear I recognize that smell.” Kayce shifted the air trying to place the familiar scent.
I pulled the tray out and laid it down on the kitchen island. “You should know what these are quite well, Dutton.”
“Biscuits! How did you make my mother's biscuits?” Kayce’s face lit up with excitement and awe.
Laying down a rag on the kitchen island I held up the piece of paper that was inside the pocket slip of the apron I was wearing. “I found this in the cookie jar up on the fridge. It’s her handwriting and so I thought I’d give it a shot. So you’ll have to tell me if they’re crap or not.”
“Mmm.” Faith tore a piece of one biscuit and gave the other part to Tate before they both moaned at an enjoyable taste.
Kayce tore half of one apart and tossed the bite into his mouth where I saw a cheeky grin cross his face before he moved around the island cupping my face in his hands. “You’re amazing. Have I told you that?”
“Not recently I must admit.” I smiled back up at him before he pressed his lips down onto mine. He wrapped his arms around my body tugging me closer to his chest deepening the kiss.
Faith and Tate replied in disgust. “Eww!”
“You know what had to happen to make you two right?” I warned them feeling Kayce giving me a confused look when we had slightly separated from one another. “A whole lot of kissing.”
Faith corrected very off guard. “You mean when animals get together.”
“Faith!” I scolded her, feeling my face turning red.
Kayce shrugged his shoulders lightly, chuckling. “You should know they’ll learn all kinds of life growing up on a ranch.”
“Just because I know it doesn’t mean I want her to say it out loud. Uh, come on kids we gotta go to work.” I glared at him removing the apron and hanging it up on the hook.
Kayce picked his hat up from the hook, sitting it on his head and shrugging his jacket on. “I’ll see y’all later tonight - Alissa!” He called my name from the front porch barely having the front door shut behind him.
“Wait here.” I touched the kid’s shoulders crossing the living room and out onto the porch seeing two black police trucks pulled up at the edge of the steps and I saw an officer come up to us. “Can we help you, officer?”
He didn’t even look in my direction. “We’re here to make an arrest, Mrs. Dutton.” He moved around his back twisting his arms around his back, handcuffing my husband right in front of me.
“You can’t do this.” I told him watching him push him down the wooden steps to the police truck.
Kayce called over his shoulder, getting his head pushed inside the truck. “Alissa, call Jamie!” The truck door shut and I watched them drive off feeling my stomach twisting in knots so quotation like it had years ago.
“What do you mean you joined the Navy!” I gasped sitting on the couch with a large round pregnant belly considering I was at my 6th month mark on the calendar.
Kayce was standing in front of me in my parents cabin living room seeing I was clearly upset with him. “Alissa, I’m doing this for our family. For our little girl and you so that you don’t have to use my father’s money to raise her.”
“But we agreed we would raise her together. That's one of the reasons I accepted your proposal.” I throw my hands up in the air feeling tears welling in my eyes.
He noticed the tears coming to sit down on the couch beside me. “Lissa Rae, please don’t cry. Okay I’m not happy about it but I’m trying to do the right thing here.” He wrapped his arms around my shaking body and I buried my face into his shirt sobbing for a few minutes.
“Promise me! Promise me that you’ll fight like hell to come home to us when it’s all said and done.” I lifted my head up from his shirt clutching it under my fingers.
Kayce touched my face with his freehand, keeping one hand rubbing my back. “You don’t have to worry. I’ve never broken a promise to you and never will.”
“Thank you, Kace.” I mumbled snuggling up against his chest and he kept his arms around me just keeping his little family as close as he could for as long as he could before he was shipped off to the Navy.
“Wait out here and don’t go with any strangers.” I told the two kids who I had to sit down on a wooden bench outside the sheriff's office. They didn’t need to hear whatever they were accusing him of. I opened the door and shut it behind me eyeing the officers. “What exactly are you arresting him for?”
“We aren’t at liberty to disclose that with you, ma’am.” An officer responded.
I snapped with a sharp tongue. “I’m his wife. So you will speak to me about whatever the hell you are charging my husband!”
“I didn’t switch any barrel of a gun on purpose. So if you want to point fingers at someone he told me to do after someone told me that they found my gun bullets in Monica Long’s brother.” Kayce began explaining from the night that had killed Lee. John had cremated his body and a few days later he told me they asked to see Kayce’s gun when they did an investigation on how the other guy died.
“Did he waive his right to an attorney?” The office door suddenly opened and I watched his brother Jamie enter the room presenting the lead cop with his lawyer card.
The native guy named Rainwater throws his hands up with a scoff. “He requested an attorney and like magic one appears.”
“We can’t help that his brother went to Law School. Now can you please let my husband go because he hasn't done anything wrong.” I cut in the conversation.
Jamie glanced back at me. “What are the claims?”
“That officer is claiming that Kayce made him switch barrels with him to cover up the fact that he had to shoot the Long brother in self defense.” I entered the conversation standing behind Kayce’s chair.
Kayce ran a hand over his mouth. “When he told me to switch barrels with him I didn’t think you would then accuse me.”
“Kayce.” Jamie sent him a warning out of the corner of his eye.
I throw my hands slightly up. “It’s an easy fix and they’re trying to turn it into something bigger.”
“Is there any forensic evidence that ties my brother to the scene other than a ballistics match to your weapon?” Jamie asked and neither of the officers said a word where he got to his feet heading to leave the room. “You see where I’m going with this. If you have no real evidence then I think it’s time we leave. So switch barrels and everything will be cleared up here.”
The officer got up from his chair taking his gun out along with Kayce’s and slowly switched the barrels before he handed him the gun back. “I’m sorry.”
“Let’s go, you two.” Jamie touched his brother's back leading us outside. I took Faith and Tate by the hand until we were standing outside of the Dutton ranch truck. Jamie had called a car to bring him there. “Just remember that the next time you may get arrested, say nothing until I get there.”
Kayce nodded, looping my hand in his. “Thank you for helping me.”
“I’ll pay you back in biscuits. I managed to re-create your mothers.” I grinned leaning my head on his shoulder and Kayce nodded in agreement before Jamie smiled back at us.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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richincolor · 1 month
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New Releases - Week of August 27, 2024
We've found eight different new releases to shout about this week. Are any of them on your TBR? 
Bridge Across the Sky by Freeman Ng Atheneum Books for Young Readers
A raw and honest historical novel in verse about a Chinese teen who immigrates to the United States with his family and endures mistreatment at the Angel Island Immigration Station while trying to navigate his own course in a new world.
Tai Go and his family have crossed an ocean wider than a thousand rivers, joining countless other Chinese immigrants in search of a better life in the United States. Instead, they’re met with hostility and racism. Empowered by the Chinese Exclusion Act, the government detains the immigrants on Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay while evaluating their claims.
Held there indefinitely, Tai Go experiences the prison-like conditions, humiliating medical exams, and interrogations designed to trick detainees into failure. Yet amid the anger and sorrow, Tai Go also finds hope—in the poems carved into the walls of the barracks by others who have been detained there, in the actions of a group of fellow detainees who are ready to fight for their rights, in the friends he makes, and in a perceived enemy whose otherness he must come to terms with.
Unhappy at first with his father’s decision to come to the United States, Tai Go must overcome the racism he discovers in both others and himself and forge his own version of the American Dream.
The Sticky Note Manifesto of Aisha Agarwal by Ambika Vohra Quill Tree Books, Harper Collins
“How have you gotten out of your comfort zone?”
That’s the Stanford admissions prompt that valedictorian shoo-in Aisha Agarwal can’t answer. Her life’s been homework and junk food. So, when her crush, Brian, asks her to winter formal, Aisha thinks her fate is changing . . .
. . . until Brian stands her up.
As if on cue, a banged-up Volkswagen arrives outside the dance; the driver profusely apologizing for being late to pick her up. Does Aisha know him or what he’s talking about? No. Does the Stanford essay convince her to take him up on the ride? Absolutely.
To Aisha’s relief, seventeen-year-old Quentin Santos isn’t a kidnapper, but he is failing math. They strike a deal: if Aisha helps Quentin pass math, he’ll help push her out of her comfort zone, using a series of sticky note to-do’s—dares—that will not only give Aisha content for her essay, but will turn her into the confident person she’s always wanted to be.
From New Year’s Eve kisses to high school parties, Aisha’s sticky note manifesto is taking off. But when she falls for the wrong guy, hurts her best friend, and still can’t finish her essay, victory feels far from reach.
Is winning worth it if you end up losing yourself in the process?
Indiginerds edited by Alina Pete Iron Circus Comics
First Nations culture is living, vibrant, and evolving…
…and generations of Indigenous kids have grown up with pop culture creeping inexorably into our lives. From gaming to social media, pirate radio to garage bands, Star Trek to D&D, and missed connections at the pow wow, Indigenous culture is so much more than how it’s usually portrayed. These comics are here to celebrate those stories!
Featuring an all-Indigenous creative team, INDIGINERDS is an exhilarating anthology collecting 11 stories about Indigenous people balancing traditional ways of knowing with modern pop culture.
Bvlbancha Forever, by Ida Aronson and Tate Allen
Walk With The Earth Mother, by Maija Plamondon and Milo Applejohn
Roll Your Own Way, by Jordanna George
Digital Eden, by Raven John and Asia Wiseley
Amplification/Adaptation, by Em Matson and Nipinet Landsem
Welei (I Am Fine), by Bianca “binkz17” and Rhael McGregor
Saving Throws, by James Willier and Sam “Mushki” Medlock
Dorvan V, by Alina Pete
Uncured Horror, by Gillian Joseph and Wren Rios
Airwaves Pirates, by Autumn Star and PJ Underwood
Missed Pow Wow Connection, by Kameron White
Twin Flames by Olivia Abtahi Lee & Low Books
When djinn start to show up in twins Leila and Bianca’s small Virginia hometown, the only way they and their families will survive will be if the twins can get past their differences and start to act like sisters again.
Twins Bianca and Leila could not be more different from each other. Being both Argentinian and Iranian in a small town has always been hard, but with Leila shunning her heritage and Bianca embracing it, the two walk very different paths. They run in different circles of friends, and barely talk anymore. Leila’s a homebody who loves to craft and plans on marrying her high school sweetheart. Bianca’s more anti-establishment and plans to get out of Dodge as soon as humanly possible.
But on their eighteenth birthday, the neighbor’s barn is burned down–and it doesn’t seem to have been caused by anything normal like an electrical or fuel source. When Leila encounters a mysterious monster arising from the fire, suddenly she gains strange powers–and can no longer touch iron or even eat foods with high iron content.
What are these creatures and where are they coming from? What do they want with Leila–or other people in town, for that matter? Can the twins learn to rely on each other–and their cultures–to banish them? It’ll take a sisterly reconciliation for the girls to find out and to save their hometown in this New Visions Award-winning fantasy adventure.
Everything We Never Had by Randy Ribay Kokila
From the author of the National Book Award finalist Patron Saints of Nothing comes an emotionally charged, moving novel about four generations of Filipino American boys grappling with identity, masculinity, and their fraught father-son relationships.
Watsonville, 1930. Francisco Maghabol barely ekes out a living in the fields of California. As he spends what little money he earns at dance halls and faces increasing violence from white men in town, Francisco wonders if he should’ve never left the Philippines.
Stockton, 1965. Between school days full of prejudice from white students and teachers and night shifts working at his aunt’s restaurant, Emil refuses to follow in the footsteps of his labor organizer father, Francisco. He’s going to make it in this country no matter what or who he has to leave behind.
Denver, 1983. Chris is determined to prove that his overbearing father, Emil, can’t control him. However, when a missed assignment on “ancestral history” sends Chris off the football team and into the library, he discovers a desire to know more about Filipino history―even if his father dismisses his interest as unamerican and unimportant.
Philadelphia, 2020. Enzo struggles to keep his anxiety in check as a global pandemic breaks out and his abrasive grandfather moves in. While tensions are high between his dad and his lolo, Enzo’s daily walks with Lolo Emil have him wondering if maybe he can help bridge their decades-long rift.
Told in multiple perspectives, Everything We Never Had unfolds like a beautifully crafted nesting doll, where each Maghabol boy forges his own path amid heavy family and societal expectations, passing down his flaws, values, and virtues to the next generation, until it’s up to Enzo to see how he can braid all these strands and men together.
Our Shouts Echo by Jade Adia Disney-Hyperion
Survival Tip #1: The world is going to shit. Whatever you do, trust no one.
Sixteen-year old Niarah Holloway’s only goal in life is to get through it unnoticed. That, and to spend her first summer in LA building a doomsday bunker in her backyard. Because if the past few years have taught Niarah anything, it’s that the ocean levels are rising, minimum wage is a scam, and the people who are supposed to protect you will hurt you. Now the only thing that helps Niarah stay afloat amidst the constant waves of anxiety and dread that threaten to drag her under is her new mantra: Be prepared.
But Niarah wasn’t prepared for Mac Torres. Not for his disarmingly cute face, or for his surfer lifestyle, or for the way his smile resuscitates her heart. Mac is a bomb that blows Niarah’s world to pieces, but instead of disaster, he fills it with sunset bonfires, breakfast burritos, and new friends.
For years, Niarah’s life has revolved around ignoring the demons of her past, avoiding the problems of her present, and preparing for the catastrophes of the future. Now Mac—with his sunshine laugh and infectious optimism— is determined to show her another way to be. But in a world where the worst feels inevitable, can one summer be enough to light the way to a hopeful future? Can one summer be enough to fall in love?
With Love, Echo Park by Laura Taylor Namey Atheneum
Seventeen-year-old Clary is set to inherit her family’s florist shop, La Rosa Blanca—one of the last remnants of the Cuban business district that once thrived in Los Angeles’s Echo Park neighborhood. Clary knows Echo Park is where she’ll leave a legacy, and nothing is more important to her than keeping the area’s unique history alive.
Besides Clary’s florist shop, there’s only one other business left founded by Cuban immigrants fleeing Castro’s regime in the sixties and seventies. And Emilio, who’s supposed to take over Avalos Bicycle Works one day, is more flight risk than dependable successor. While others might find Emilio appealing, Clary can see him itching to leave now that he’s graduated, and she’ll never be charmed by a guy who doesn’t care if one more Echo Park business fades away.
But then Clary is caught off guard when an unexpected visitor delivers a shocking message from someone she thought she’d left behind. Meanwhile, Emilio realizes leaving home won’t be so easy—and Clary, who has always been next door, is who he confides in. As the summer days unfold, they find there’s something stronger than local history tying them together.
Libertad by Bessie Flores Zaldivar Dial Books
A queer YA coming-of-age set during the rigged Honduran presidential election, about a young poet discovering the courage it takes to speak her truth about the people and country she loves.
As the contentious 2017 presidential election looms and protests rage across every corner of the city, life in Tegucigalpa, Honduras churns louder and faster. For her part, high school senior Libertad (Libi) Morazán takes heart in writing political poetry for her anonymous Instagram account and a budding romance someone new. But things come to a head when Mami sees texts on her phone mentioning a kiss with a girl and Libi discovers her beloved older brother, Maynor, playing a major role in the protests. As Libertad faces the political and social corruption around her, stifling homophobia at home and school, and ramped up threats to her poetry online, she begins dreaming of a future in which she doesn’t have to hide who she is or worry about someone she loves losing their life just for speaking up. Then the ultimate tragedy strikes, and leaving her family and friends—plus the only home she’s ever known—might be her only option.
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