#(( Also - i just learned that Chihiro may download and stream movies but she buys Physical Copies for things that have sentimental-
not-bcring · 2 years
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「 ☆ 」   Stumbling along her merry way, arms are heavily laden with bags of goods for the weekend. Apparently working herself ragged has been worrisome for Hope’s Peak authorities lately, and they suggested that she use the break for something not productive, but enjoyable. Normally she would apologize to ease their concerns before going back to her usual routine. But, as luck would have it, when out shopping, she wandered across the newest installment of a horror series she’s rather fond of but hadn’t the time to watch yet. So, this weekend was set aside for a marathon of terrifying films and non-nutritious but satisfying snacks. 
She can always work twice as hard next week to make up for the break.
Varying snacks, drinks, and instant meals— figuring she might as well do some grocery shopping while out —fill the lumpy bags, the small bag with her precious DVD carefully hanging on her arm. Peeking around the load as best she can, moving from side to side to try and get a clearer view of where she’s going, she chokes back a startled yelp as her foot catches on a stone and sends her scrambling forward a few steps. Regaining her balance with a relieved sigh, she takes another step before crashing right into another body with a THUMP. 
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❝  O-Oh! I’m sorry!  ❞  Chihiro says before she’s even realized who she bumped into, shuffling the bags in her arms to try and keep them from falling. One leans, sending a bag of chips onto the ground, Chihiro attempting to grab it before having to give up, fumbling to keep the other bags from following suit.  ❝  I should have been paying more attention to where I was going.  ❞  She continues her apologies, deciding to focus on what’s more important.   「 ☆ 」 
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