bohowords · 7 years
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Décadence de l’âme - 2018
Me he perdido En la representación de un mundo en que no encajo.
Lo veo, desvaneciéndose, Rompiendo contra la corriente que lo arrastra todo. Y lo ves, Luna, silente testiga Sabiéndome culpable del crimen entre las olas cometido a no otra alma más que la mía propia.
“Tristeza, fiel adversaria que abraza con amor de madre La condena que me impones será también la tuya Ligados para siempre en este eterno y amargo cortejo Forjaremos juntos el arte imposible a los bienaventurados.” Ricardo Gabelo Lara
My rapidograph illustrations are the ones I treasure the most. I always finish/start the year doing one of them. Because they take a longer time to be done, I get to have a more conscious process, which in a way lets me get to know myself more. Anyhow, I’m doing a colored version of this later on. I’m really proud of the overall process of my work, and forward is the only direction I can keep going towards. ♥
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bohowords · 7 years
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Testing out some new brushes
Prints available here
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bohowords · 7 years
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Now what is Love, I pray thee, tell?
It is that fountain and that well.
Where pleasure and repentance dwell;
It is, perhaps, the sauncing bell
That tolls all into heaven or hell;
And this is Love, as I hear tell.
Yet what is Love, I prithee, say?
It is a work on holiday,
It is December matched with May,
When lusty bloods in fresh array
Hear ten months after of the play;
And this is Love, as I hear say...
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bohowords · 7 years
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“Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all - And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm ...
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bohowords · 7 years
"Because, by now overcome I don't know — since seeing you gives me death, what not seeing you would give me. It would be something fiercer than death, anger, frenzy, and sharp pain, It would be death - for I have calculated its severity in this way - because giving life to an unfortunate man, is like giving death to a fortunate one."
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by Nature Magick
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bohowords · 7 years
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
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bohowords · 7 years
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I do not love you except because I love you. I go from loving to not loving you; from waiting to not waiting for you...
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bohowords · 7 years
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Manifestation XXXIII
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bohowords · 7 years
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Pablo Neruda is one of my favorite poets. His book Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair is the best anthology I've ever read. He translates feelings into words. Every word he writes, brings you closer to nature. I love the way he describes woman and love as forces of the universe...
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bohowords · 7 years
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Keep reading
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bohowords · 7 years
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Keep reading
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bohowords · 7 years
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a handshake, an apology stolen before spoken a gaze, a gratitude robbed of tenderness (of yours, a secret)
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bohowords · 7 years
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