#(( —here comes dat boi / answered. ))
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blueskilled · 1 year ago
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⥫ @skullkxd asked: ⥭ ⥫ “Hello neighbor.” They are reading off of a clipboard. “Do you enjoy helping out your community? If so, I have a deal for you. Introducing, skull scouts.” They hold up a box of cookies in their other hand. “We are a nonprofit community using the money you donate to enrichen the lives of those less fortunate. Would you like to buy a box of Skull Roulette cookies for the mere price of ten dollars?” ⥭
≼ ⌬ ≽
"Oh, a small, brand new non-profit, I take it," Cryano laughed and reached up to run his fingers along the brim of his hat. "Once upon a time I found myself dabbling in such things. These days I mostly support those from my own, profiting business."
Though that wasn't to say he didn't have cases of the underprivileged finding their way into his school. After all, he built Blueberry on skill, not money.
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As his fingers reached the side of his hat, he skillfully flipped it up and off his head with a flourish, "That being said, I've had an awful lot of experience with these sorts of organizations, and it's not easy to pull wool over my eyes. I'm familiar with the vague sort of language you've been taught to use, my young friend. Hehe, or read. So tell me this, what sort of less fortunate are you supporting? And in what way? And also... What is in a roulette cookie?"
If the poor kid was intimidated and ran away, they weren't cut for this sort of business anyway. No matter what he did, he was doing this infant organization a favor.
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rabbitwitch2poems · 4 days ago
Part 6 based off a prompt by @ready-to-read7
I'm going to keep posting on here as well as AO3, but if y'all think a preview plus a link may be better let me know ^^
  It was a cave... A wet, echoey cave with huge platforms filled with tech and random things Danny's baby mind just didn't have the processing power to deal with. Overwhelming was an understatement to what the child was feeling. But hey, at least there was a cool dinosaur and a giant penny...and a creepy puppet in the back that looked like a mobster... (Danny looked a little closer and noticed some ectoplasm glowing from within but ignored it; that was future Danny's problem)        
     "Father, why have you returned so early with Superman, Wonder Woman, and a baby in tow?" The voice was hard to pinpoint for Danny seeing as the giant cave made all noises echo outwards. Thankfully the source of the voice made its presents known by the squeaking of a chair by the giant computer (Danny for a moment wondered why a hero with all the technology batman had would have a squeaky chair, he had to figure it was cause of the cave)          
    "I really hope you didn't have another fling" the small boy in a red and black costume said hopping down from the squeaky chair. Whoever this boy was, danger seemed to follow him. This was Danny's first impression based on two things,
1. the kid in a mask had a large sword and what looked to Danny like a thousands knives all over his person.
2. the amount of ectoplasm that this kid was expelling could feed an entire army of ghosts.      
     Also, what did he mean by fling? Did this man have more kids? Did he think he was going to adopt Danny? Well he wouldn't allow that! Sure the man seemed like he would make a decent father (he was intelligent, knew what he was doing, and focused on helping people so Danny assumed that transferred towards parentage as well) but if he had to choose a father he would rather Superman be his dad and he would fight anyone who tried to take him away from momma!
      "And now the child's eyes are glowing like the Lazarus pits grandfather watches over," this was said so bluntly that it took a few seconds for Danny to even realize all eyes were on him. He tried his best to play it off by smiling wide but he had forgotten how his teeth get when his ghostly attributes take over only causing his mother's frown to deepin. Danny frowned "sowwy momma, will exwain as bewst I can." With a deep breath and a kiss on the childs forehead his mother nodded.       
     The time has come for Danny to tell his mother what exactly was going on. He started with the basic of how he chose this world to be in, how he admired the three immensely and thanks to Clockwork (who he explained was basically time itself given a form) he was able to be reborn into this world, though even he didn't understand how or why he was in his core and in the possession of Luthor. He told them how Clockwork watches over the timelines within the multiverse and how he makes sure no deviations that could cause either that universe or the entire multiverse to unravel.   
   "So...he is kronos?" His mother asked causing Danny to pause for a second, "huh...kindwa? Nevew awskd... Wait dwos dat mean kwolcwork is my..." His mother confirmed with a nod, "great grandfather, yes my little one; seeing as my mother is Athena." Danny jaw dropped at that, oh he was so going to call CW gramps as soon as he could. Somewhere within the ghost realm CW shivered and turned to look at his mirror he used to check on Danny glaring at it.      
    Superman was in full attention to the little child's words while Batman was focusing both on the words and on quickly typing things into his small wrist computer to send to the main computer for later; only briefly stopping to ask questions. "So this realm you come from connects all worlds and multiverse together?" He asked and Danny nodded in answer, "baswiclly." Batman nodded at Danny, his emotions were starting to show more (it seems he allows himself to show emotions more when he is relaxed; as far as Danny could tell) curiosity and some kind of obsession floated around the man like tiny bats of different colours... One of them looked like a bat wearing a disco costume which puzzled the young boy.   
     More and more questions were asked, mainly about the ghost realm and how it worked which Danny couldn't really tell them in detail cause even he didn't know. They asked him if he had a name beyond what wonder woman had given him and he confirmed that Danny was his name,   "Last name?," batman asked bluntly, Danny pointed at his mother "hew wast name," it was an obvious answer to Daniel but the smiles on everyone's faces (even batman was slightly smiling though Danny could tell from his emotions floating around he was genuinely pleased) his mother hugged him close and kissed the top of his head causing the child to giggle happily.     
   Then came the tough questions, of where he used to live, he didn't remember much still, he remembered a crazy rich guy chasing him and wanting him to be his son, (this caused everyone including the child in red and black to laugh hysterically as Batman scrunched in on himself only to be hugged by superman, calming him down), he remembered a clone of himself that the rich man made to replace him (this caused Superman's emotions to flare with sadness and understanding which made Danny think he had an experience similar to him). They asked if that clone would be a problem and he shook his head, "she twavels a wot and hewps othwers," superman seemed to calm at his words confirming Danny's suspicions.  
      "Constantine called you  quote "your highness" what did he mean by that?" Danny sighed, he knew that question was going to come sooner or later. So he explained, he explained how the ghost zone had a rule of battle, where one owns what their opponent had upon defeat and how the last king of the realms, who basically kept order in the entire multiverse, was a tyrannical monster who was sealed away only to be brought back by worshippers. He explained the fight that almost killed him, that through some way and will he kept fighting (he knew it was to protect peopled he cared for, he just couldn't remember who, it was starting to make him slightly mad but he figured if they needed to be remembered they will) and eventually bested the king, sealing him away forever.      
     Superman and his momma where trying to absorb all the info but Batman seemed to already figured everything out, "so your people just let you come here?," the man asked and Danny paused thinking how to respond. " Well, yes and no,  vey wanted me to take the trone immedwiantly bwut CW swaid dis was fow da bwest, so fwostbit took ovew as my we...veasion?" His mother patted his head and corrected him "liaison," and Danny looked up at his mother pointing at her with a smile, "what momma swaid."       
     After all the questions we're finally asked momma let Danny down to explore, reminding him to be careful of the edges of the platform, "even if you can fly I'd rather you not risk it okay little one? Now go with Damian and let him show you around while I and my friends discuss everything." Danny nodded and turned around slowly marching up to the larger kid. Damian, the kid who had a bird symbol on the right side of his  chest and a red hoodie, looked down at Danny with apprehension, Danny looked at Damian, wearing a cute superman onesie his momma got him, with unblinking, semi glowing eyes and smiled impossibly wide at him.        
     The dinosaur was even cooler up close! It looked like one out of the movies and it was robotic. Danny could see some bent parts and wires sticking out of the joints, he wondered if the Batman one day would let him repair it, It would make a great security device, could even make it scare people in the shadows like the hero himself.
     The penny was bigger than Danny expected it to be and gave him an off feeling; like it was waiting for him to turn his back so the giant piece of metal could flatten him like a cartoon. Danny stayed away from the mobster puppet, but just over to the side of it were broken apart metal teeth and a strange looking ball with a strange green liquid in it. It wasn't ectoplasm, that Danny was sure; but it was eerie looking.    
    The entire time the young child was looking with awe at all the cave had to offer, Damian was watching him (it creeped Danny out) his emotions were as hidden as his father's, but every so often light waves of curiosity and suspicion would make it's way out. After looking at a hat that looked like it came directly out of Alice in wonderland Danny got annoyed at the quiet kid,     
   "Why are yew stawing at me?" Danny finally asked staring up at the slightly taller boy his eyes knitted together. The hooded kid looked down at him, "you feel like my grandfather and suddenly appear with one of fathers friends, I do not trust you for now and feel you shouldn't be allowed here so I am keeping an eye on you to make sure you to not plant anything." Danny was confused by every word beyond not trusting him. He huffed, "imma be a hewo like momma! I wuldt dawe to pwant things, even if I cwould thews no diwt to pwant them!" Danny was slightly floating up glaring back at Damian's scowl before being shocked back by a laugh.      
   "You remind me of Jon, I will trust you, for now," the red hooded child responded after finishing his laugh. Danny was starting to suspect that anyone related to the batman was as batty (heh pun) as the man was. This suspicion was confirmed when he heard a squeal coming from the elevator located near where his momma and her friends were talking.       
  "Superman you had another kid! And didn't tell me!" A girl wearing a purple hoodie (Danny began wondering if everyone here wore hoodies but then figured they were in a cave, was probably a smart thing to do) and basic jeans was quickly walking up to him before scooping him up from the air. "He is such a cutie pie! Hello there small child, I'm Stephanie and I'll be your honorary auntie ok?"       
     Danny didn't know how to react, on one hand the emotions of this woman where of compassion and kindness and love. On the other hand a random stranger was holding him and pinching his cheek. Naturally Danny whined, "stawwwwp." Funny enough the person did stop, mainly because another person grabbed her hand. He expected it to be momma or even superman but instead it was another girl who was wearing a black mask shaped like a bat like batman, but with the mouth piece covered with leather lazily stitched over.      
   The woman who grabbed Stephanie's hand made a few hand signals Danny didn't understand before walking back. Waves of embarrassment and sadness came from the purple woman holding him; what was her name again? Stephanie? Danny was sure that's what she called herself. "Sorry, I tend to go overboard, thank you Cassie." Stephanie put Danny down and turned to the adults, all of whom had made their way over.     
     Danny's mother scooped him up and hugged him, "we will need to work on your freeze instinct but you kept calm, very good my little warrior," she kissed the top of his head as Damian nodded from behind everyone in agreement. Stephanie looked on with wide eyes, "ohhh he's your kid WW? Sorry for being so... Quick to judge..just the onesie... and the floating..." The girl was stopped with a wave of Diana's hand and a small smile, "it's ok, it was a natural conclusion to come to," she responded quelling Stephanie's worry, "though touch him again without his consent and you will be on the floor," and the worry was back again, Danny sighed, his mother could be a tad overprotective, but then again he was a baby so that was understandable.     
    To quench his mother rising anger he hugged her neck, "it okay momma, just supwized." That thankfully seemed to help as love radiated from his mother and the worry stopped from Stephanie, replaced by adoration from the display of affection.    
   The reving of an engine turned everyone's gaze to the red motorcycle currently parking next to the batmobile as a man wearing a large red helmet got off. Danny's eyes were wide, if the kid in the hoodie had ecto oozing out of him for an army this man was exploding with the stuff and it felt like it was rotting! He wiggled out of his mother's arms and ran up to the man patting his leg, "yew, yew fiwed with bad ecto, I hewp." The man with the helmet looked down at him, one of the eyebrows of the helmet raising (Danny had no time for confusion on how that could work) and crouched down and booped his nose before looking at the adults staring on with their jaws dropped.    
    "Who's the brat and what does he mean by bad ecto?," the man said causing Danny to pout and punch him (it actually hurt red a little which shocked him but he made sure not to show it) "not a bwat! Bad ecto from ghost wealm, wotten gween, wepwace!" Danny emphasized this by patting the mans chest and pushing some clean ecto into him. The reaction from hood was not what Danny expected, he was hoping for calmness, mabey joy, or even shock. He did not expect the man in the helmet to fall to his knees and vomit.       
     The three main heros acted instantly,  Batman ran over to the mans side expertly taking the helmet off. Superman was gone in a second and by the next had an old butler with water and a box with a plus symbol on it. His mother scooped him up and looked at him with furrowed brows, "Danny Prince you will explain right now what you just did." He had never seen his mom's anger pointed to himself before, it scared him and the child started to cry,  
       "I...I ju...juwst w...was hewping, hewmet man had b..bad ecto, ghost enewgy, I wepwace wif good ecto, did nowt get aww, shouwd feew bettew soon."         
       His momma patted his back holding him close and humming a tune, "there, there, little one, thank you for explaining, but know now not to do so without asking first, all actions have consequences, what was meant to be good caused a mess to need to be cleaned up, now once red hood feels better you will apologize and we will head upstairs to Bruce's home and have a moment to relax... I think we all need it"
    Jason's head hurt and he felt like he just had fourth degree burns quenched with water from a glacier mixed with electricity; overall not how he expect his day to end, that was for certain. It had been an overall annoying day to begin with, first he wakes up early from a nightmare about that damn clown only to find out his safe house was out of cereal and coffee.     
   His afternoon was  decent, he stopped by some of the non profits he kept safe from bandits and assholes to check if all was going well and to donate some cash (which he may or may not have gotten from a drug den he busted up for dealing to kids) and was then off to the gym where he worked out for a few hours.     
     Wasn't till late into his nightly activities that shit went sideways, first black masks goons thought it would be a good idea to try and kidnap some homeless kids on his alley. Then a new crime boss tried taking over his territory so obviously Jason had to hunt him down and take out his goons. And now he is kneeling on a metal platform, dizzy as fuck, his skin both burning and freezing, and his stomach doing more flips than Dick during training.      
     When the world finally wasn't upside down he was alone with Alfred holding a glass cup of fizzing water.   "Its ginger ale master Todd, young Daniel recommended it to help with the... 'ecto sickness' as the young one calls it. Apparently whatever helped bring you back to us caused something to stick around."
     Jason drank the beverage with gusto as he slowly stood up. Making sure he wouldn't faceplant getting up was dear Alfred by his side. "do you need a moment to yourself? Everyone else will be waiting for you at the dining room area," Jason gave a short nod as he walked over to the batcomputer and sat down heavily, -man Bruce has to get a new chair- he thought to himself as he tried to make sense of whatever the fuck just happened.  
     Danny had to admit, the house was far better than the cave below it. It was huuuge! A mansion to be certain, one that Danny was sure that if he had a chance to explore; would probably take him days to see it all. Currently they were in the dining room, a giant area with ornate carvings along the corners of the ceiling and a giant chandelier situated above the very long table currently filled with six inhabitants.   
     His mother had just finished a long lecture to him about asking before doing anything to anyone for any reason (unless of course they were super villains then all was fair game which caused Danny's prankster of a mind to be riddled with ideas) and the butler (who Danny learned was named Alfred) had just put down the last plate of dinner. Danny was nonchalantly eating a rib, bone and all, when the man he helped walked in.    
    He stopped and took in the sight, everyone was watching Danny with worry (besides his mother she had gotten use to this long ago) and coughed , "so .....what's the deal with the kid?" Everyone's head swiveled to look at the man as well as Danny; who stopped mid bite. Bruce gestured to a seat and explained what was going on as Jason went to sit down. "Danny here is a being from a different reality, one that connects all realities, after events that happened to him he chose this world to start a new in. Diana found him as a crystal and when he appeared as a baby decided to become his mother and take care of him"      
    Jason looked at Bruce, his eyebrow raised and a snort exiting his being, "well...at least he isn't another one of your forgotten children I suppose, we will have a deeper chat about what it is he did to me, for now I'm hungry and tired." Everyone around him nodded as they all went back to eating.     
    After the dinner was finished Danny got to explore the mansion, with supervision of course, red hood took up the task at hand not knowing how hard it would be. Within the first few minutes Danny was alone wandering giant halls filled with paintings and suits of armor. It honestly reminded him a bit of the palace in the ghost zone just less...colourful.       
     This mansion had pretty much everything, giant gym in the basement, theater in a side room that could be it's own house, even a room for playing bowling! Daniel realized rich people were a little weird when he entered a room covered in animal heads (a relic long since abandoned by Bruce and family it's still well kept and dusted regularly by Alfred); Danny didn't like that room and so moved on.    Honestly this place has everything a person could need to live a secret life which Daniel guessed was accurate seeing as who's house it was.
     Only thing missing was a arca... -holy crap they have an arcade!- Daniel thought to himself and it was huge! It had a vr setup with moving floor, arcade machines of old and new types, and DDR! Daniel was so preoccupied staring at all the machines he didn't hear the man come up to him and screeched when a hand touched his shoulder. Turning around he saw a large man with short black hair that looked like it took hours to get to look right.
     "Whoops! Sorry little guy, I guessed you would have gotten mesmerized by this place, Stephanie just loves her games and bruce loves indulging us sometimes," the man said, worry emanating off the man calming Danny slightly (but man, if he wasn't use to having his heart stop as a ghost he would have had a heart attack!)
     Slowly he breathed in, his mother taught him some techniques after a hectic tantrum over a toy. "Deep breath in, hold, slowly out" she would say, repeating it like a mantra to calm him down.  The man saw Danny breath deeply and cocked his head, "ya know...for someone who is barely a toddler you are very intelligent young man," Daniel giggled at that and the man smiled, "there we go all calm? Okay well I'm Tim, one of Bruce's kids it's nice to meet you."
     Tim gently ruffled the toddlers head, "let's get you back to the adults ok? They are a little worried about you...cept Diana but that's just her normal state of being," Tim stated and Danny nodded, "momma best wawwior." Daniel giggled at the man who picked him up with wide eyes.
       It had been a fun day in Danny's opinion, he got to go to space, met momma's friends, answer some questions, and see a giant house that a man dressed as a bat lived in; Overall a good day. Sure he had to deal with his mom lecturing him again and yeah he felt embarrassed that he got caught, but hey for someone only turning one in a couple days he has had a lot of fun. He was sure he had made the right decision in living here. 
       After dinner his other tucked him into bed and read him a story about a boy who was the child of a god (his mother chuckled as she read it). After finishing the chapter and putting the book back Diana sat on the edge of Danny's bed and petted his head,
    "know this little one, no matter your situation , no matter your past, you are my ward, my child, I love you and will always be there for you, anyone who dares to harm you will answer to me."
     Daniel smiled wide, tears in his eyes as he held his mother close a warm spreading from both. Slowly the two separated, his mother tucking him back in and slowly  exiting leaving the door open just a crack after turning off the light. Danny slowly drifted away to dreams of his new life to come. 
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years ago
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀rekindled, john price
divorce can either turn dark or be a smooth ride down lala land. john and you've been divorced for a while now, but it's not really much of a secret that he just can't stay away from you. especially when he has returned from being whisked away with task force 141.
♔ ˖ ✧ — general warnings: female reader, her/she pronouns, female anatomy described, black reader written in mind, ex husband!john, established past relationship, john and reader have a set of twins, reader gossiping with her friends, italics means a flashback, profanity usage, slight second chance lovers trope // smut warnings: oral (f.receiving), standing position, dirty talk, possessive!john prince, some love bombs are dropped, breeding kink, description of making out // word count: 4.4k, // ao3 // minors dni.
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YOU AND YOUR EX-HUSBAND DIDN’T REALLY LEAVE ON A BAD NOTE. But You didn’t leave on a good note either. Your marriage just slowly became dull. Of course, you still had your beautiful twin boys that seemed to steal that charming smile John had. However, you were fully aware that attempting to stay together for the sake of the kids—did more harm than good. The divorce was finalized and the two of you were okay with co-parenting, actually, you’ve been doing it for over a year now. It’s been working well considering what John did for a living, so the majority of the time the boys were with you. When he came back home, they stayed with him. 
It was okay. You were okay being newly divorced, having a nice paying job that you enjoyed, your two sons striving in academics and extracurricular activities, and you even oddly joined a book club also. The book club was filled with different types of women. From the women married to rich bachelors to the freshly divorced who snuggled up with their pool boys after the children slept. They were quite an odd crowd to hang around, but you were genuinely happy. Although you couldn’t relate to your husband buying you a brand new Mercedes or having a sultry affair with your child’s teacher, this group of women knew how to have fun when they wanted to.
Maybe that’s how you whine up at the town’s local bar with them. After realizing how hot and steamy the chapters of this month’s book club book were, you and the ladies decided to go into town for a drink or two. It’s the least you guys could do after a long week of student-teacher conferences and football tournaments. 
“Do you ever miss him?” Blonde-haired Cheryl asked as she down a shot of tequila. Her face scrunched up as she picked up the lime slice to suck on. “You know? John?” She adds to ensure that her question was meant for you.
“What is there to miss? We divorced and went our separate ways. Our boys are happy, and that’s all we care about.” You answered truthfully.
“And what if she told you he just walked in right now as we’re speaking.” Thirty-two-year-old Sheila asked. Her brown skin glistened under the bar light as she leaned back into the booth seat. She twirled her finger around a coil on top of her head before letting out a drunken dreamy sigh. 
“He isn’t coming back to town until next week.” You answered. The two women stared at you as if you’d grown another arm out of your body. You were sure it was because they drank too much, but Sheila had pointed at the figure that stopped to greet the very popular bartender that had seen everyone who stepped foot in here at their lowest. 
You followed where she was pointing, and your breath hitched in your throat. There John was chatting with the bartender—completely making up for the lost time of him not being around. Your teeth nibbled at your lower lip as you quickly turned around before he could fully notice you. You watched as Cheryl placed her head in her hand with a cheeky grin on her face. 
“What?” You asked as you leaned forward to capture the straw in your alcoholic beverage. “It’s not a big deal; he could be here to meet someone. You know, we’ve divorced you guys. He’s allowed to date.” 
“Mhm, okay.” Sheila laughs. “Why are you suddenly so fidgety? You can’t even sit straight now.” 
Now it was Cheryl piecing the pieces together. She’s been with you from the start of the divorce and even asked her husband to be your lawyer. She and Sheila knew you so well. Yes, she knew that you haven’t gotten laid since the divorce, claiming so many times that it’s messy to introduce a man in your life so soon. Despite you and John being divorced for a while now. But Cheryl was calling bullshit. She then covered her mouth in complete shock as the alcohol gave her a boost of realization. “You didn’t!?” She shrieks loudly, and that causes some people to glance in the table’s direction.
“Did what?” Sheila asked as she looked at her before popping another peanut in her mouth. 
“You gave him some, didn’t you?” Cheryl asked. She collected the untouched tequila shot meant for you and downed it with ease. “You gave John some before he left and didn’t even tell us. Here I’m thinking you were practicing abstinence?” Her manicured fingers pointed at you like you were on trial for the Salem Witch Trials. 
“What? That’s nonsense,” Now you were taking huge gulps of your drink. Even took the skinny black straw from the drink and down it until it was burning your insides. 
“She did. She sees him and suddenly can’t sit straight. Don’t even want to see him. So, she must have enjoyed it.” Sheila laughed. “Spill the details now, or I’m throwing this peanut at your forehead.” 
You couldn’t even lie your way out of this. What they were saying was true. Before John had to leave, right after dropping your sons back off to you—one thing led to another, and you found yourself gasping out his name and seeing stars in the moment's bliss. You hated to admit that was what you had thought about since he left. When your eyes closed to go to sleep, you visualized that moment of him being in between your thighs that night. Your cheeks even heated in embarrassment as you sat here trying to deny it happened. Having sex with your ex-husband was messy, especially when you have been telling your friends that you've been going out on dates and attempting the dating pool again. 
“He dropped the boys off, and it just happened, okay?” You threw your hands up in defeat. “One thing led to another, clothes being torn off—you guys know the deal.” 
“But did you feel anything, or was it just sex?” Cheryl asked.
“Like, did he fuck you with meaning or like a one-night stand?” Sheila asked.
“Sheila!” Cheryl shrieked as she playfully smacked her arm. 
“What, Cheryl? I think this is an important question to ask, considering the circumstances. If he fucked her like a one-night stand, he just wanted a last little taste so he could go on about his life. But if he fucked her with some meaning, maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t want to let go just yet.” Cheryl had taken a sip of her vodka tonic and gave you a grin. “So which one was it, Y/N?” 
Which one was it? You couldn’t even remember. You sat twiddling with your thumbs as the memories of that night came swirling around your brain for you to remember.
“They’ve been playing all damn day, so I figure that would be ready for bed when they get here,” John commented as he tucked one of the children in.
You only hummed at his response as you leaned down to tuck your other son in. It was good that they were going to bed at a reasonable time since they had school the following morning. You just were grateful that John was being a responsible parent and returning them at a good time that worked for both of you. As you two left the twins' room, you felt like this feeling was a little too familiar. The tucked the boys in, the each giving them a kiss goodnight and then sneaking out of the room not to wake them. It felt strange now, knowing with the divorce finalized—the two of you didn’t go to the shared bedroom together. Instead, John would share his farewell and just leave. 
You were still getting used to your home's subtle silence now that John wasn’t here. You knew that if he were still here around this time—you would hear the laughter of your three favorite boys playing video games or watching television. But now it wasn’t like that. You no longer heard John’s loud laughter that echoed through the halls, no matter how hard he tried to keep it down. It was just silence. 
“I’m going away for a couple of weeks, possibly a month max.” John breaks your thoughts as he stops you from going further down the hall. He noticed the grasp he had on your hand and quickly dropped it. 
You were used to talks like this. Once again, it was different with you two being divorced this time. Your lips form a straight line as you realize that you’ll have to give your sons the talk. “Did you tell the boys?” You asked.
“Of course, they took the news quite well. Shockingly,” John chuckles as he rubs at his facial hair before sighing. “I just wanted to let you know also.” 
“They’re not our little babies anymore; they’re getting so big.” You admitted. “But I appreciate you telling me,” You added. 
He gives you a grin of satisfaction before he shares his farewells to find his way out. However, now it was you stopping him from departing. “Just return back to us—I mean them, in one piece.” You gave him a genuine smile that you knew he had to return. 
“And if I don’t?” John turns to take a step forward, once again closing the gap between you two as you stand in the hallway. 
“I’m going to come to save you myself if I have to. I am not going through these boys' teenage years alone, you smug asshole.” You said as you were trying to bite back a grin. 
John glances at you with a twinkle in his eyes. His heart pinged at the sight of that grin. Some days he found himself questioning what went wrong without realizing that nothing can go wrong in a relationship. However, people can outgrow each other. They can just realize that it wasn’t working out anymore, and John was trying so hard to attach that statement to the two of you. He just couldn’t. The captain couldn’t let you go. He was quite upset that he let you go—that he sat and let the divorce happen. 
“So please, John Price, return in one piece quickly.” You repeated. You noticed his eyes glancing at your lips and soon staring back at you. He did that when he wanted to kiss you. You’ve known him for years to tell that.
“And if you want one last kiss, just get it over with, John.” You threw your hands up in defeat, knowing that this would only complicate and confuse things. But then again, this could be the last time you see him. 
With that, he’s kissing you. He’s kissing you so hard that you forget to breathe for a second. Your fingers grasped at his shirt to get him closer. Your back was pushed against the wall as John deepened the kiss. His tongue glides across your lower lip, aching to taste you. His guess was you were drinking wine before he dropped the kids off because, on Sunday nights, you spent it drinking wine and indulging in a bubble bath. Of course, he remembered that. He knew you more than he fuckin’ knew himself. 
Your lips parted without a fight or fuss just to let John in. His tongue slithers in your mouth, and you can’t help but moan at the feeling. John’s kisses always took you to another universe. They were so intense that they made your knees go weak. They made you sit and think about them. They had you wanting more. Maybe this kiss and the fact that you haven’t been laid since the divorce had you eager for more. His lips disconnect from your lips to kiss your jawline and then to your neck. His facial hair tickles you, and you bite back a childish giggle as you notice how fast he moves. His hands lingered in the pastel pink silk robe that seemed to loosen each second. 
“Fuck, I missed this,” John whispered before he planted a kiss on your swollen lips again. 
“We’re going to wake the boys. We should go into the room,” You said between the subtle breaks of the kiss. “They’ll question why you’re still here, you know?” 
“We’ll figure that out when we get there.” He leads you to the master bedroom that once was shared by you two. The scent of John still lingers around even though you even redecorated the room to your liking.
Your back pushes against the room door to close it shut as your eyes watch John tugging the shirt he wore over his head. Your teeth got caught in your lip as you took him in. From his broad shoulders to the battle scars. The sight of him had your panties wet and forced you to clutch your thighs shut. He took two steps to be closer to you again, his eyes taking in your features. From your coils that fell in your face due to your wash-n-go style to those eyes that put him in a trance every time he looked at you. His hands travel down to untie the knot of the silk robe.
Your skin is now garnished with goosebumps as soon as the crisp air in your room hits your skin. Your nipples had already hardened from just the sight of John, so they immediately poked through the silk fabric. John’s mouth watered at the sight of you. He always thought you were the most beautiful woman he had seen. His tongue wets his lips before he gets on his knees without a word to help you step out of your panties. He’s prompting one of your legs over his shoulder without a care, and without warning, he’s indulging in your taste. The flat of his tongue gliding across your wet folds. John missed this. He missed being between your plush legs, hearing you whimpering his name and clawing your fingers through his hair.
His tongue flickers at your clit, which got you talking. Your hand went up to muffle your moans, but as soon as you felt John’s tongue trace the outline of your entrance—you had lost any grace to keep your voice down. Your knees buckled slightly at the feeling of him in between your thighs. John ignored your pleas and cried about how good he made you feel. The only thing on his mind was the thought of tasting you. Making you come so good that when he left—he was the only thing on your mind. Was that selfish of John? Probably so, but he didn’t give a damn. 
Teasingly he placed a kiss on your thigh before going back in. His nose nuzzled at your pubes as he took his index and middle finger to insert inside of you without warning. He let his tongue flicker at your sensitive bud as he thrusts his fingers inward. Your juices dripped down his slender digits as he fingered you. His eyes make eye contact with you as he’s curving his finger just to hit that spot that causes you to yell out his name. 
“John baby, please. I’m about to-“ Your words stopped abruptly when you felt him remove himself from you. Your orgasm blew away as quickly as ever as John stood up off his knees. He’s staring at you with so much lust in his eyes—it was the same look he gave you the night the twins were conceived. 
His bulge was noticeable in his pants; you took it upon yourself to tug him closer in a heated kiss. The taste of you now encrypts your tongue while you undo the button on his pants. You let your hand rub at his bulge, causing him to groan in the kiss. As you were helping him out his bottoms, his callous hands fully tugged the silk robe off. The robe decorated the brown wooden floors alongside John’s clothes, and with each passing minute, you became whole again. 
He lifts you up easily, and a chill goes down your spine at the feeling of his cock brushing against your entrance. You were expecting him to carry you to the bed. You wouldn’t have minded him taking you in a missionary position where you could feel extra stroke; he put his all in. Or doggy style, where you could muffle out his name in the fluffy pillow. But instead, he’s using the door to lean your back upon, and with one hand holding you up—he using his other to help guide you upon his cock. Your arms snake around his neck in a strong grasp from the feeling of his thick cock stretching you out and the fear of him dropping you. You two had never done a position so vulgar, so this came as a shock to you. But the only thing you could do is indulge in the glorious feeling of John. 
It was such an amazing feeling. It felt like John was the only thing you could stutter out. How his hands guided you up and down his cock had your eyes lolling in the back of your head. Your teeth nibbled on your lower lip to muffle your moans because you didn’t want to wake the boys. With each thrust upward, you felt your juices dripping down your thighs. When you made eye contact with John, you didn’t think you could get any wetter than you already were. He looked so wonderful like this. Balls deep inside you, uttering how well you’re taking him and how beautiful you look. Were you falling back in love with him, or was that just the way he was fucking you that had your brain all mushy inside. 
“You haven’t been giving this pussy to anyone else, have you?” John questioned through his rhythmic thrusting. 
You couldn’t muster up an answer until he fully tugged himself from thrusting upward inside of you and slamming himself back into your wet pussy once again. This time repeat the question so you can answer him loud and clear. 
“No, I’m all yours, John.” You whimpered out with tears of pleasuring, staining your lash line. 
You leaned in to kiss him deeply, your fingers combing through his hair, just wanting to feel closer to him. Although your bodies were already swapping sweat and intertwined closer than ever, it just felt right at the moment, wanting to be closer to John. His thrusting became quicker, and you knew he was most likely about to cum. You could always tell when he was about to come.
Cause when John came, he came a lot. Big heavy loads of his cum just oozed out when he came. He had a thing where he would always come inside you unless you told him not to. But it didn’t shock you; he told you before you two got engaged that he wanted kids. You always joke that it was why you were graced with twins instead of one child. 
His face would get as red as a tomato, and the only thing you could hear him say as he cast soft kisses upon your neck and collarbone was your name. 
“Y/N..Y/N..I love you, Y/N.”
When the two of you were being tugged down by the intense feeling of your orgasms, you quickly went to tug on your rob. Your skin felt hot, sticky, and you smelt like him. You were shuffling in embarrassment as you collected John’s clothes off the floor and shoved them in his hands. You couldn’t even progress the fact that he uttered those words to you. 
“You must get out of here before the boys see you.” You were avoiding looking at him because you knew you would want more. You knew you couldn’t say those words because it would further confuse you. 
You were expecting him to argue against your words, but John collected his clothes and started to put them on. The two of you were silent as you sat on the bed, attempting to collect your thoughts. You had just slept with your ex-husband and enjoyed it. Actually, you were eager for me. 
And the last thing John said to you before leaving the bedroom you once shared was to give the boys one last kiss for me. 
You leaned back into your seat, watching as your two friends were a giggling mess.
“I can’t believe you kicked him out afterward. You could at least let him sleep in the guests' room.” Cheryl said. 
“Hell, he had his head in between her thighs. Might as well sleep in the master bedroom.” Sheila adds.
 Sheila would finish her drink and check her phone, “Oh shit, the wife has come to pick us tipsy stranglers up.” She says as she looks at you. “I mean, you can always ask John for a ride. Considering you already…you know.” 
Cheryl snickers as she tugs her jacket on and collects her belongings. “Sheila, we have to be serious. He can’t know what we know. Now I’m heading to the ladies' room before we leave; you coming?” 
“Oh yeah,” Sheila says.
“I’ll meet you two outside.” You slipped on your jacket and moved by the crowd in the bar to exit. Purposely avoiding the direction that John was near. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to see him. You just knew seeing him would mean you’ll bombard yourself with feelings that you've been thinking about since he left. You’ll be forced to think about how maybe letting him was a huge mistake. 
As soon as you stepped outside, you called the babysitter for your sons to let them know that you were on your way home. Your back leaned against the brick wall waiting for Sheila and Cheryl—of course, they would take forever in the bathroom when you needed to run away from someone. You tugged your jacket further on your body once you felt the crisp nightly breeze brush by you. Suddenly, you could feel someone standing next to you. And you knew it was him. 
For one.) he probably saw you leave in such a hurry you would think you left your oven on at your house or two.) Cheryl and Sheila didn’t actually go to the bathroom. They most likely drunkenly approached him and said that you were waiting for him. 
“We need to talk.” It seemed you two said at the same time. 
Now you were facing him, the sound of the bar door was pushed open, and your two friends bubbly stumbled out, arms linked with each other as they walked towards Sheila's wife's car. 
“Bye, John,” Cheryl drags out his name with a childish grin, not hiding that she knew you two slept together. “Y/N? Are you coming? They can drop you off also.” 
“She’s in good hands, Cheryl. I’ll make sure she gets off safely.” John gives her a half grin, and you look at your friends, trying to telepathically tell them not to leave you alone with him.
But Sheila only winked at you before wishing her farewells to you and John and dragging a tipsy Cheryl away. Now the two of you were alone. Just you, him, and your thoughts about that night before he left.
“We should get going. The babysitter is waiting for us—I mean me.” You said, and with that, you followed John to his car. 
Too many memories hit you all at once when you were in the passenger seat. The scent of John, obviously. The one crayon marking from one of the twins was on the dashboard. The driver's side that you occasionally would glance at John and watch him drive. He’ll always catch you staring before you look away in embarrassment. Gosh, you couldn’t forget the times that seat was reclined back, and you climbed on top of him like a hormonal sex-deprived woman. But you shouldn’t be thinking about this at the moment. You wanted to have a clear conversation with him without anything sexual getting involved. 
“Is this the part where we awkwardly talk about what happened?” John questioned. His eyes stared ahead on the road, and you just felt so little in his car.
Facing your feelings head-on as soon as that question comes out. Your fingers toyed with the bracelets that decorated your wrist before speaking, “We had sex. What more is there to say?”
You could hear your ex-husband tapping at the steering wheel. He clicks his tongue before speaking, “That’s what it was? Doesn’t seem like it, but okay.” He makes a turn, and you take note that he was purposely taking the long way back to the home you two once shared.
“Okay?” You asked. “Is that why you’re taking a long way home? Come on, John. We’ve taken this route before when we want-” You stopped midsentence realizing what you would say.
It was the same way he would take where he would pull over after a romantic date, and the two of you would engage in a heated quickie. He would take the same route if you two needed to argue a little longer to prevent your sons from hearing it when you were home. The last time you took this route, your lips parted to utter the word divorce; the rest was history. 
“Because we need to talk. You know more than I know that what happened was more than just sex.”
You grew silent, slowly slumping in your seat. “But what’s next if I say I felt more?” You asked. Your arms cross over your chest, sighing. “We can’t just get together.”
“Why not?” John stops at the red light, forcing you to meet his gaze.
Oh, that gaze. He knew what he was doing. He knew that right now, the way his eyes drank in your looks as if you were the finest bottle of whiskey made your heart flutter in your chest. You looked away, not having an answer to his question because there weren’t any. Deep down, you wanted to give you and John another try. 
It was only right that you rekindled the old flame that blew out.
After a minute of silence and the low hum of whatever generic pop song was playing on the radio, you asked. “So, how does this work?” 
“I guess we take it one step at a time.” He gives you a reassuring smile that you return.
“One step at a time.” You repeated before finally relaxing in your seat.
One step at a time at rekindling your marriage.
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​━━ ♡ TAGS // @takemichiluvr @astennu @maydayaisha @introvered-violinist @diorlov3er @xintothewoodswegox @erieniee @photosbyameil @monstas1ut2 @princessd4isyjr @indiecursor @pranksterfan13 @mommiej @sweetsummerpie @caramelanins @alinvert @blackwolfqueenzz @attemptedgull @arctic-writes @h0rror-wh0re @yoshimurah @honeyhoneyyyyyy @hellshedevil @shamelesshoefairy @koresflora
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eastons-creations · 8 months ago
My ultimate fic recs
Made a poll and a lot of people said they would want this sooo here we are! These are the best fics I’ve read (: The og post
Top 3
1- To Be Alone With You By Shay_Fae
In the summer of their sixth year, Remus Lupin tried to kill himself.
2- Something Just Like This By shadow_prince
a fake dating modern AU where Sirius has been telling Mrs. Potter he's dating someone for 9 months and she demands his "boyfriend" comes on their family vacation. Queue: shenanigans between wolfstar and jily as they lie their asses off.
3- Text Talk By merlywhirls/mssrsmoony on ao3 or @juuuuzou on here.
Sirius is in boarding school, Remus is in hospital, and they don't know each other until Sirius texts the wrong number.
Other recs bellow break (in no order)
Wading in waist high water By @colgatebluemintygel
Remus is a PhD student and hobbyist baker who finds himself adrift following his father’s death. On a whim, he enters the Great British Bake Off and is swept up in a flurry of curdled custard, shrunken souffle, and under-proved dough. Remus expects to be challenged and to embarrass himself on public television. What he doesn’t account for are the friendships he develops with the other contestants and the deep connection he forms with his teenage crush, Sirius Black: charming ex-boy band member and Bake Off host
Beneath a big blue sky by @eyra
The four-by-four heaves its way down long, twisting lanes, little more than dirt tracks scuffed into the surrounding fields and hemmed in by serpentine walls of flat, grey stone. They truly are in the middle of nowhere: the countryside rushes past, all rolling green hills and vast, endless skies, and it's odious. Sirius wants to murder James with his bare hands. Sirius and James accidentally find themselves on a Yorkshire farm during lambing season. The farmer’s son thinks that’s a bit annoying, actually.
A brief history of dragons by @eyra
It's lovely up here; all meadows dotted with wildflowers, wind-beaten tracks criss-crossing this way and that through the fields, weaving inland to the pinewoods. The sun's hot on his back as he passes ramshackle stone walls, long since crumbled to piles of ancient rubble and scree, and then the path winds downwards, still following the line of the coast until Sirius finds himself outside an old white cottage, tucked away behind the hill with a rose garden that faces out to the sea. Sirius moves to Cornwall for the summer and meets a rude, beautiful boy who is writing a book that may or may not be about dragons
Let’s play pretend by MsAlexWP on ao3 but @languagelessonswolfstar on here
After James and Lily died, Sirius Black's therapist told him not to date for a year. And that's just as well. He's got a 13-month-old baby now and quite enough to deal with, thanks. But the nosy neighbors in his building keep trying to set him up and won't take no for an answer. Enter Remus Lupin, another single dad who pretends to be Sirius's boyfriend, just to get the old lady brigade off his back and nothing more. Nothing more at all.
Forever in a state of mind by orphan_account
Deaf Dance Choreographer, Remus Lupin, has a simple life. Working, taking care of his son, and running his YouTube sign channel. When he unwittingly becomes involved with Deaf Pride Activist, Fleamont Potter, he doesn't realise how much his life will change. Especially after he meets YouTube star and makeup artist, Sirius Black.
Sugar rush by Stricklymarauders
James, Sirius, Peter, and Dorcas have been best friends for years and are starting their senior year of highschool. To Sirius' dismay he doesn't have any friends in his history class, but after eventually showing up, he finds he sits next to a tall curly hair boy who takes his breath away, Remus Lupin. He decided right then and there that he must make this boy fall in love with him and recruits James to be his wingman, until James is distracted by Remus' best friend with a personality as fiery has her hair, Lily Evans.
Dating Remus lupin by Children_of_the_Shadow
Remus Lupin is a mystery to the whole school; the boy who's quiet, aloof, and cold. He also happens to be queer, which is enough to gain Sirius's interest. What Sirius never realised that dating Remus Lupin wasn't quite as easy as it looked.
Blends by rvltn909
Words got in the way sometimes, but Remus got the sense Sirius knew what he was trying to say. Another coffee shop au.
Camp Casanova by Farquad on ao3 but I believe @lord-levi on here.
All lonely 11 years old Remus Lupin wants is a friend. But when he arrives at Slughorn's summer camp for teenage boys his world turns upside down since he finds himself sharing a cabin with three other boys; James Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. As the years pass by Remus finds himself birthing friendships, fighting bullies, but above all battling his own feelings which soon gets out of control. He struggles to keep his biggest secret, and he wonders how he could've fallen so deeply in love.
Turn on my charm by Bethanlovescoffee on ao3 but @bethansfandoms on here ❤️ (all of their fics are worth the read honestly)
Sirius Black is a YouTube phenomenon. A YouTube phenomenon who develops a crush on his video editor.
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pablitogavii · 2 years ago
Prank wars Pt. 2
Summary: Yet another prank you pulled on Gavi..;)
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: smutty smut ;))
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"Girls you are crazy! He's gonna get so mad at me!" you whine as your friends suggested yet another prank for you to pull on your boyfriend.
Since last time (which you definitely enjoyed a lot!) you were getting used to being the prankster in the relationship. It was fun testing Pablo's limits sometimes..
"Yeah but he might fuck you like a beast again!" Sienna smirked and Aurora closed her ears being disgusted that we were talking about her little brother like that.
"How are we supposed to make it happen anyways??" you said and they shared the whole plan with you smirking when you finally agreed.
The plan was to talk about "faking orgasms" just as Pablo comes home so that he can hear it...and see what he might do about it.
It was 9pm, right around the time Pablo finished with his trainings and when you heard front door opening up you started your planned chit chat.
Pablo unloaded his bag tossing sweaty jersey into a laundry basket ready to hug his girls after an exhausting dat of training. He slowly walked towards the living room wanting to surprise you but instead he heard your friends talking about an interesting topic.
"Have you ever faked an orgasm with Pablo?" one of them said and Pablo smirked knowing the answer to that question anyways. He quickly became a pro in making his girl cum hard and he takes quite a pride in that.
"Yeah...I do it often" your answer almost made him choke on his own saliva as his presence became known to the group of girls.
"Amor! Welcome home, cariño" you were quick to rush to hug him and kiss his lips which he did not try to kiss back saying he was going to shower and sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about what you said...you fake orgasm with him often? How did he not know that!?"
"Do you think he heard it?" you come back and they all nod including Aurora who smirked and said that her brother was definitely going to be pissed about this one.
"Alright, let's go ladies...our girl is gonna be busy tonight!" Sienna jokes and you laughed shaking your head and walking them to the door.
"Amor! They left. Come to the living room" you called cleaning up behind your little hang out and he walked from the bedroom in only his grey sweatpants and shirtless with wet hair...he was fresh out of shower and he looked delicious.
He sat on the couch turning on TV and watching some old football game completely lost in thought. He had never felt worse than right now, feeling like a complete disappointment.
You came back from the kitchen sitting besides him while tossing your legs over his lap and running your hands through his wet curls. His eyes were glued on the TV and form the way his jaw was clenching, you could tell he was pissed off.
You slowly moved closer starting to kiss from his sharp jaw to his neck and he closed his eyes feeling himself getting hard when you found his weak spot but couldn't get in the moon with the new knowledge he learned pulling away from your instead.
"What's wrong??" you play dumb a little guilty to prank your boy but you knew he will soon give a reaction.
"Nothing.." he just said continuing to watch the game you both knew he didn't give two shits about.
"Then come here...I missed you papito" your voice hot higher just the way he liked it and it was harder to hide the clear hard on in his sweatpants.
"I missed you too princesa.." he said but his hands were still not making an attempt to touch you and you were starting to grow frustrated. You moved to straddle his lap rubbing your wet panties against his hard on and he winced placing his large veiny hands on your ass out of instinct and you smirked kissing his lips again.
"Then show me.." you whisper into the kiss and just when he was starting to relax those words start echoing in his head and he pulled back removing his hands from your body.
"So you can fake an orgasm with me again!?" he said through gritted teeth and you smiled moving your head to the side which was only angering him more. Was this funny to you!?
"Amor.." you tried but he cut you off angrily
"Don't 'amor' me Y/N! Why didn't you tell me!? Better yet, why did you tell your friends who are going to tell all my friends how shitty I am at fucking my girl!?" he was freaking out and you thought it was enough
"Pablo." you tried but once again he wouldn't let you talk
"I'm shit! I can't even make my own girlfriend cum! And when people start talking everyone in the world is gonna know my girl fakes orgasms with me!" he was freaking out so you did all you could to shut him up and kissed his lips roughly which took him by surprise.
"It's a prank idiot! Do you think I can really act that well!? Like you got me screaming on top my lungs most of the nights anyways.." you say with blushed cheeks and demeanor changed as his hands grip your ass tightly making you wince.
"You think that's funny do you princesa!? HUh!" he screamed slapping your ass roughly and you moaned excited to see dominant Pablo surfacing once again.
When you didn't reply he spanked you again while carrying you to your shared bedroom and tossing you onto the soft king sized bed.
"I asked you a fucking question!? You think it's funny to mess with me like that!? I think I need to fuck all those creative ideas out of you for good.." he said and you smiled nodding your head while he tore your panties entering you in one swift motion while making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"P..Pablo..uhh fuck.please" you were a moaning mess underneath him as he hit all the right spots with just enough force to make pleasure overtake all your senses.
He was brining you right to the edge before slipping out of you and leaving you shocked and unsatisfied...you begged him to cum but he was determined to teach you a lesson this time getting tired of these little pranks of yours.
He laid besides you and you crawled on top of him knowing you needed permission to slip him back into your heat so you did all you could which is beg while rubbing your desperate fold against his hard member.
"Please..I'll be good..I promise..I won't prank you ever again Pablito" you said with tearful eyes hoping he will show you mercy and he thought to himself for a moment while you kissed from his face to his neck seductively.
"Never again?" he said and you looked into his eyes kissing his lips a few times while nodding and repeating your promises again and again until he finally raised your hips and slipped back inside of you returning all the needed pleasure.
"Ahh fuck never again.." you moan as your orgasm washes over you making you clench around him like a vice making him fill you up while holding your chest down agains this own.
"Yeah..you definitely don't fake anything princesa..." he smirked proudly seeing that your thighs are still shaking as he laid you down and helped clean you up before kissing your lips lovingly.
"You are so cute when you are angry Pablito.." you say and he turns to look at you still catching his breath from the intense high with a big smile on his face.
"Don't forget what you promised or I am never letting you cum again princesa" he warned and you smirked moving closer to him and whispering into his ear while touch him member that slowly started to harden again.
"You fuck me so good and all my friends know about it.." you say and he smirked nodding his head before grabbing your wrists and pinning them about your head before hovering back on top of you.
"You're my little prankster" he smirked and your smiling face before kissing down your neck losing himself in pleasure of being with you.
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greynatomy · 2 years ago
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Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Wrote this in like half an hour. Also, Jake is just a name I chose.
Let me know what you think!
Late in the morning, Jenna is home alone when a knock on the door pulls her attention away from the show she’s watching from the comfort of her bed.
“I’ll be right there.”
She gets out from under the covers and walks out to the front door, not caring that she was still in pajamas. Opening the door, she sees someone she wasn’t expecting to be on the other side.
“Jake? What are you doing here?”
“Uh, well, I wanted to ask you something. Can I come in?” Without waiting for an answer, he steps into the house. Taken aback, Jenna just moves out of the way and closes the door, moving to the kitchen where Jake follows.
“Again, what are you doing here?”
“Well, since it’s Valentine’s Day…” He walks closer to Jenna , but she walks around the kitchen island to put some space in between them. “… and I wanted to know if you had any plans later cause if not, would you wanna get dinner with me.”
Now, Jenna was speechless. She finally notices the teddy bear and heart shaped chocolate box. Basic. She thought. Jenna opens her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the front door opening and fast footsteps running in the house.
A little boy, looking around three years old, can be seen running around holding a bouquet of an assortment of flowers. The boy is looking for someone, finally seeing Jenna, his face lights up and runs towards her.
“Happy Batine!” He says holding up the flowers.
Cooing, Jenna gently grabs the flowers to smells them, putting them down on the counter. Then she bends down, picking the boy up, cuddling him close.
“I love them. Thank you so much sweetie.”
“Welcome!” He says, looking at Jenna with a proud look.
A while later, they hear the front door close and this time slower footsteps are heard.
“Elias? Where’d you go bud?” A voice asks.
“Papa! I Batine!”
“What? I was gonna ask her to be my Valentine!” You day, reaching out to tickle his tummy. “Hello, my love.” You say, bending down to greet Jenna, with a kiss.
“Hi, honey.”
“I got this new ice cream flavor cause they didn’t have what we wanted…”
As this is all happening, Jake was pushed away, seemingly forgotten about by Jenna and not given any attention by the others so he clears his throat.
“Oh!” Jenna exclaims, pulling away from you, still holding Elias. “Sorry, Jake. Forgot you were here at all.” He smiles awkwardly at her.
“Who dat?” Elias asks.
“That’s just someone Mama used to work with.” She exclaims. This makes Jake’s eyes grow even bigger than they already are.
“K.” He replies, snuggling into Jenna’s neck.
“Have you thought about what I asked.” Jake asks, completely ignoring the fact that Jenna was taken and her partner and apparent child is next to her.
“I didn’t have to think about it at all, the answer was gonna be no straight away.” Jenna says straightforwardly, taking him off guard.
“What? Why?” Still insisting, he tries to walk towards her, but you step in before he does so.
“Look, dude. She said no, so take the obvious hint and leave.”
“Who even are you?” Was asked with attitude.
“Her husband, now leave our house before I physically do it for you.”
Jake looks at Jenna, hoping she would say something, but she just stares at him with a blank look. Finally getting the hint he leaves, making sure to slam the door.
“He always asks me out that I usually just walk away from him.”
“Well, let’s forget about that and go back to our bedroom for some family valentine snuggles.”
“Sounds perfect.”
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basu-shokikita · 4 months ago
Kloktober 2024 Day 28
Conspiracy theory or propaganda
So today's entry is special because it's possibly my last one unless I managed to do something else in the following days, and because it covers two prompts at once. The aforementioned, obviously, and also the one about OCs.
I already posted about Molly during last year's Kloktober though it's not necessary to check that one to read this. She just...certainly appears here.
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“Rivalry turned friendship? Did the long time feud has finally come to an end? Dethklok’s guitarists Skwisgaar Skwigelf and Toki Wartooth were spotted in the Bahamas beaches very cozy with each other!” The Dethklok Minute Host said, as footage of the pair flashed on the screen. In one of the photos, Toki was hugging Skwisgaar from behind, in another, they were holding hands while walking along the shore. 
“In fact, fans are beginning to theorize that there might be something more amongst the musicians!” He continued, as a third picture showed their grainy silhouettes in what seemed to be an intimate moment under an umbrella.
“I’ve known ever since I first saw Dethklok live.” A brunette girl with low ponytails declared on camera. She was wearing a shirt with a badly edited image of Skwisgaar and Toki. “Their energy on stage, the sexual tension…” She giggled, adjusting her steamed glasses. “It’s clear they’re not just bandmates, they are f-”
“I used to dream about them making out during a show or something.” Another girl was shown. She had long black curls and half-lidded eyes. “Or one of them confessing their feelings during an interview, you know? I can’t believe they’re finally together!” She jumped in excitement. “So excited for the next Dethklok concert!” 
“Duh, Skwistok is, like, legendary amongst musician pairs”. A blond girl with short hair declared. “They’re soulmates, it was clearly about time for them to realize that.” She shrugged. “Toki even dated a woman that looks like Skwisgaar!”
“Conspiracy or truth?” The Dethklok Minute Host pointed at this screen. “Are Skwisgaar and Toki exploring something else besides death metal harmonies? Guess we’ll have to find out! Stay tuned for the next Dethklok minu-” The TV was turned off before he managed to finish.
Charles turned with the remote in his hand. “I thought you promised me you’d be careful, boys.”
“Hows was we supposeds to knows about the papapizza was in the beach too?” Toki threw his arms in the air. “You tolds Toki you has reserveds it for us!”
“Well, see, that’s the point.” Charles said. “You’re not safe anywhere from paparazzis. That’s why I told you to be careful.”
“You didn’ts says dats expleaseticivelies!” Skwisgaar countered with an accusing finger. “You didn’t says dats at alls!”
“I did, in fact, I said it, uh, many times.”
“You lies! You lies through yours mouth!”
“I believe the expression you’re looking for is lying through your nose and-”
Toki gasped, covering his mouth. “Yous calling me a liar?”
“I don’t-”
“You calls us liars?” Skwisgaar frowned. “You ams aware dat ams homes of phonics and we cants fires you for dats, rights?”
“Alright.” Charles raised his hands in an attempt to stop the nonsense. “I’m merely trying to protect your privacy like you asked me too, but if you want the press to accost you about your relationship then by all means go ahead.” Without expecting an answer, he left.
“He gots mads.” Skwisgaar said.
“How ams they always know?” Toki was looking at the ceiling. “How can theys know befores us?”
Toki gazed at Skwisgaar. “The goils. They says they knew we ams in loves since forevers ago. Hows?”
“Eugh, Tokes, de fans ams insane, remembers?”
“Ja, buts…” Toki seemed unconvinced.
Skwisgaar suddenly turned serious. “Wells actuallies, I knows somet’ings abouts dat.”
Toki turned to him, intrigued.
Skwisgaar took a deep breath, like he was about to reveal the most compromising information in the world. “Dey has a special cults whats reunites every fridays nights. Dey gathers in a circles wif a candles and pickstures of us in de middles…” He paused. “And dey prays to…”
Blue eyes bore into him. “Ams you shores yous ready for dis?”
“Yeah! What ams dey prayings for?!”
“Homos sex!” Skwisgaar blurted with a cackle and Toki rolled his eyes.
“Ha has…very funnies, Skwisgaar…ams totallies dyings from laughters…”
“Oh, come ons!” Skwisgaar hugged him by the necks. “What ams you worrieds abouts? They knows nothingks!”
Toki forced a smile. “Ja, yous probably rights…fans ams weirdos…”
“They ams.” Skwisgaar turned on the TV, except this time he was looking for a different channel. “Just delusionals peoples.”
The battered man was dragged by a couple of individuals wearing long, dark cloaks. Their faces darkened, they wordlessly brought the man inside a basement, where many more people in the same attire were reunited. 
“Agh!” The man screamed as he was shoved inside. He was so roughed up he couldn't tell if the light was red or it was the blood in his eyes. “Let me go!” He tried to free himself from the handcuffs to no avail.
One of the cloaked individuals whispered to what seemed to be the leader of the place.
“Bring him to me.” The leader said, in a surprisingly effeminate voice. 
In a flash, the man was tossed into the cold concrete, and the cloaked people gathered around him in a circle. They all held the same book in their hands though he couldn’t see what it was. The leader approached him and they all began chanting incomprehensible words.
“What is this?! Where am I?!” He felt something wet under him and looked down to realize the floor was stained with blood. When he looked up, he saw the leader being handed a guitar that she handled like a weapon. “No!” He tried to escape when she walked closer but he was surrounded by all sides. “Why?!”
The leader’s hood fell on her shoulders, revealing a brunette girl with low ponytails. The light was reflecting on her glasses and didn’t allow him to see her eyes. “Why?” She repeated, still raising the guitar in the air. “Well, for Skwistok.”
“Don’t take it personal.” She said, completely devoid of expression. “You’re just a sacrifice to preserve Skwistok.” She paused. “So they’re always together.”
“What the hell are you- no, no, no! Wait! No-” The guitar crashed against the man’s head, cracking his skull in half. His torso fell on the floor, lifeless as the chants grew louder.
“Skwistok real! Skwistok real!” The group recited, raising their arms in celebration.
The girl smiled, wiping the blood off her cheek as someone took away the guitar. A new candle was lit and added to the hundreds of candles surrounding the basement.
Outside, a sign on the door read “Skwistok Cult”.
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Chapter 12 Nemo dat quot non habet (No one gives what they do not have) - Cartagena Part 7
Taglist: @glitterypirateduck @letsreadallday @jamesrifftapes @mmyrrhh @sofasoap @sinyaaa
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‘‘Amazing. You made it to almost one minute before talking’’
‘‘Pah, fuck ye, Lt’’ Soap grumbled, trailing behind Ghost up the hill. The Lieutenant’s big frame made a perfect shield to go prowling through the scrubland. The scorching Spanish sun made them both sweat like crazy, or that’s what he hoped, because Ghost seemed as immutable as always. ‘‘What happened?’’
‘‘We won the war’’
‘‘We… what?’’ The Sergeant almost stopped in his tracks, but the lowly chuckle coming from his superior officer made him roll his eyes and continue walking after him. ‘‘Arsehole’’
‘‘Ask precise questions, get precise answers’’ Ghost grunted, avoiding a big fallen trunk, with Soap on tow. ‘‘Ask stupid open questions, you get what you get’’
‘‘Ye slept with my sis last night’’ The younger man chuckled, but then frowned. ‘‘Wait, that sounds awful’’
‘‘I slept in the same room as your ‘sis’, MacTavish’’ Ghost corrected, with another low grunt. What in the fucking hell. It was too hot for that shit. ‘‘And I’ll remind you that it was your bloody fault it came to that, you horny mutt’’
Behind him, Soap let out a barked laugh, followed by a curse when he almost slipped on fallen bark pieces.
‘‘What can I say, I’m a man in love’’
‘‘Is that what they’re calling it these days?’’
‘‘Dinnae give me tha’, Lt, I saw the beds’’
Ghost grunted for the third time. Of course he did. The very moment he had stepped out of the room to go to the bathroom after waking up, Soap had slipped inside to tickle Riot awake, and almost got a fist to the nose.
‘‘Shut up, MacTavish’’
Behind him, Soap chuckled loudly again. They still had a long way until the house.
‘‘What did you call her before?’’
Soap looked up at his Lieutenant’s broad back, focused until that moment in watching where he stepped.
‘‘Cridhe? Ah, it means ‘heart’. You know, her name’’ He grinned widely when Ghost turned slightly to glare at him. ‘‘Chris, cridhe’’
‘‘You’re awfully corny, Johnny’’
‘‘Aww, but ye like me like tha’, aye?’’
Ghost grumbled something under his breath that Soap didn’t quite get, but he imagined the Lt wasn’t calling him pretty, or smart. Still grinning, he waited dutifully while Ghost looked around, and then continued their way.
‘‘You’re very close’’
Soap’s grin widened. Oh, boy. He had been waiting that moment for months. The moment where Simon would start asking.
‘‘As if raised on the same tit!’’
‘‘For fuck’s sake, MacTavish’’ Ghost looked back briefly, scowling under his balaclava, but he couldn’t really be angry at Johnny. Not while seeing the absolutely joyful look in those baby blue eyes. ‘‘Forget I said anything’’
‘‘No, no, no, ye did’’ Soap sniggered, looking arround to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. Birds chirping, distant seagulls, a dog barking somewhere. Peaceful. ‘‘She’s my friend. My partner in crime. But jus’ tha’, I assure ye’’
The only answer he got was a non-comittal grunt. Of course. Johnny chuckled for himself again, glad that things were going as he expected. Now, if only he could give those two a little push forward.
‘‘Ye sound jealous, Lt.’’
‘‘And you sound insufferable, as usual’’
Soap chuckled under his breath, trying to wipe the sweat that was prickling his eyes, dropping from between his brows.
‘‘If ye need help to chat my sis up, Lt, ye could…’’
‘‘Oh, for fuck’s sake’’ Ghost grunted, and pressed his earphone to activate it. He had been less than pleased with the darn thing when Gabi handed the devices, but somehow he could make them fit under the mask. With a bit of a stupid bump, but it worked. ‘‘Let’s check if these things work. Ghost to Riot’’
‘‘Oi, was talking t’ye’’ Soap laughed, and tapped his Lieutenant’s big back, dodging the shove that was aimed at his head just by sheer luck.
‘‘I’m here’’ Riot’s voice sounded quite annoyed as well. Maybe Gabi was giving her another insufferable and helpful lecture. ‘‘What’s on your mind, Lt?’’
‘‘What’s the best thing about dating ghosts?’’
Soap groaned, rolling his eyes. Of course Simon would deflect with a fucking joke. Just this time it wasn’t aimed at him. Pffft, what would be the best thing about dating ghosts anyway.
Wait a minute.
‘‘How did you sleep?’’
‘‘Stupid is not a good look on you, Gabi’’
‘‘It was just a question!’’ Gabi tried to pout, but ended up laughing, knowing she had been caught.
Riot rolled her eyes while driving, right at the speed limit, trying to give the boys enough time. Thankfully, the road was deserted.
‘‘With you it’s never just a question’’ She grumbled, her eyes focused on the road and the rear mirror. ‘‘Out with it’’
‘‘So… did anything happen?’’ Gabi giggled, looking at her, and laughed louder when Riot cursed under her breath. ‘‘Ah, come on, Johnny told me the beds were together’’
‘‘We made love passionately, so many times I fear I might be pregnant’’
Gabi gasped, but the deadpan tone that Riot used made her narrow her eyes right away.
‘‘You’re bullshitting me’’
‘‘You don’t say… Joder! (fuck)’’ Riot hit the brakes, hard, and the van came to a halt when a boar family gingerly started to cross the road. ‘‘Putos cochinos (fucking pigs)’’
‘‘Aww they have little piggies’’ Gabi took out her phone and started to snap photos at the seemingly endless line of wild boars crossing the road, taking advantage of the early hour and the solitude. Riot shook her head in disbelief.
‘‘Well, at least that’ll give them enough time to get to that roof’’ She checked her watch, sighing, still unable to shake that dread feeling off. ‘‘You should probably put the bulletproof vest on before getting off the van when we arrive just in case’’
‘‘Ugh but it’s so uncomfortable. And anyway, does the Policía Científica wear it?’’ The redhead pretended to pout, and then giggled at the gelid look Riot gave her.
‘‘You will wear the fucking vest or you’re not getting out of the van, are we clear?’’
‘‘Ok, ok, mami’’          
‘‘Don’t. Call. Me. That’’ The sergeant huffed, her fingers tapping impatiently on the steering wheel while the endless line of boars continued crossing the road. ‘‘It is bad enough that you didn’t bring a helmet. You’ll wear mine’’
‘‘It’s just an excuse if any neighbour walks by’’ Gabi said, cheerfully. Too cheerfully to Riot’s opinion. ‘‘I don’t think I’ll need a helmet’’
‘‘You’ve watched too much CSI’’ Sighing, she turned the engine on again when the last of the boars, an enormous, elderly individual, strutted right in front of them until it disappeared among the bushes.
‘‘Well, anyway…’’ The redhead smiled, turning in the passenger seat to look at her companion. ‘‘Tell me’’
‘‘Tell you what’’
‘‘Did anything happen?’’ Gabi wiggled her eyebrows, incredibly amused with the sour look on Riot’s face, half covered with her mask.
‘‘Life isn’t a sitcom, Cruz’’ Riot grunted, gripping the steering wheel and tempted to tear it off and smack the younger woman with it, but she kept her eyes on the road.
‘‘Ghost to Riot’’
Both women were startled when suddenly their comms came alive, but for Riot it was a relief.
‘‘Oh, thank God’’ She mumbled, annoyed but thankful. ‘‘I’m here. What’s on your mind, Lt?’’
‘‘What’s the best thing about dating ghosts?’’
‘‘What?’’ Gabi blinked, looking at Riot, and giggled a bit when she saw the befuddled look on her eyes.
‘‘What’s the best thing about dating ghosts?’’
‘‘They’re transparent’’
Over Gabi’s giggles they could hear Soap groaning in the line, complaining about how bad the joke was, but Riot couldn’t help it.
She chuckled.
‘‘Ye cannae possibly find tha’ funny!’’
‘‘She has taste, MacTavish’’
‘‘Taste my arse!’’
‘‘No, thank you’’
‘‘Are you in position?’’ Gabi asked between giggles, watching from the corner of her eyes how Riot’s shoulders shook lightly while both men continued bickering back and forth in the comms.
‘‘Almost. Just got to the house’’ Soap grumbled, between static and rustling of branches. ‘‘I’m watching the Lt’s arse while he climbs up’’
‘‘Don’t drool too much, Johnny’’ Ghost’s voice sounded strained, but just as deadpan as ever.
Riot sighed, stopping the van again on the side of the road to wait.
‘‘Let us know when you are both in position’’
‘‘Yer crabbit fur ye wanted tae be 'ere, ogling tha’ arse, sis’’
She blushed furiously under her mask, half listening to Gabi bursting into giggles next to her.
‘‘How can you understand him when he speaks that way?’’
‘‘Practice’’ Riot grumbled, looking out of the window, just at the same time that Ghost grunted the same thing on the comms.
For a bit, the only sounds coming from the comm where Soap’s grunts while climbing the house’s side to follow Ghost’s steps, and rustle from Ghost setting up the rifle no doubt.
‘‘I have one for you, Lt’’ Riot suddenly grinned under her mask, and Gabi looked at her, raising her eyebrows.
‘‘Let’s hear it’’
‘‘Ach, no’’
‘‘What did the fish say when it swam into a wall?’’
‘‘Steamin’ Jesus’’ Soap’s voice sounded half exasperated and half amused, still huffing and puffing.
‘‘Go on’’
‘‘Dam’’ She smiled widely under her mask, in a way that made her eyes wrinkle, and her deadpan tone also made Gabi giggle against her will.
‘‘Oh, you two are terrible’’
‘‘Fer fook’s sake’’
‘‘That was good’’ Ghost rumbled, approvingly, and in her mind, Christine could almost picture the way his brown eyes would be tingling while chuckling silently. With that lopsided smile that made her…
Focus, Vega.
‘‘Glad you liked it’’
‘‘I canae believe ye find tha’ funny’’
‘‘We’re in position’’ Ghost’s voice was back to his usual cold, deadpan tone. ‘‘Visual from the side. Can see the front of the house, and the patio, with the blown out pool house. No visual of the interior beyond through a couple of windows’’
‘‘Understood. Moving the vehicle to position’’
The van parked right in front of the main door, covering the entrance from unwanted attention from potential passers-by.
Perched upon the roof of the house chosen to be the watch point, Ghost checked the surroundings with the scope. Everything seemed calm, but the something that had been gnawing at him since the early morning was still there. That unknown weight on his mind
And now, there was something else weighing on him.
A friendly cat had appeared out of nowhere mere minutes ago, a fluffy little thing with orange and white fur and a pink collar, much to Soap’s delight. But the cute critter had decided that Ghost was her new best friend.
Currently, she was lying on his head, purring like an engine, and he could feel the low rumble even through his mask.
‘‘Cannae believe she prefers ye’’
‘‘She recognizes the superior being’’ Ghost grumbled, but deep inside, he felt pleased. Somehow, the unrelenting purr was making him think that there was a possibility that they’d come out of it unscathed.
Soap snorted, lying prone on the roof next to him, checking the surroundings as well with his binoculars after securing a rope to the chimney.
‘‘Nothin’ from this side’’
‘‘Copy. Keep looking’’ The Lieutenant followed with his scope the two women when they got off the van. ‘‘Checking comms. How copy’’
‘‘Loud and clear on my end’’ Riot’s voice sounded calm, like in Belarus. Focused. Then, she hesitated. ‘‘Why do I hear purring?’’
‘‘A friendly cat took a liking to me’’ Ghost chuckled lightly, his grin widening under his mask when he heard her giggle. ‘‘Name’s Crema, per her collar’’
‘‘Is she cute?’’
‘‘Orange and white, and very cuddly’’ He moved his head slightly, amused when an affronted Mrow came from above. ‘‘But I’m afraid I’ll have to make her leave soon’’
‘‘Aw’’ Riot seemed to laugh on his scope, forcing Gabi to put a bulletproof vest. ‘‘On your sign, Lt’’
‘‘Last check’’ Soap murmured next to him, scanning the perimeter with the binoculars. ‘‘Clear’’
Moving slightly, Ghost grabbed the cat by the scruff of her neck, and placed her carefully next to him on the roof. The fluffy creature didn’t seem happy with it and protested loudly.
‘‘I know’’ Ghost murmured, resuming his position. ‘‘But it is what it is’’
‘‘Are ye talkin’ to the cat??’’
‘‘Intelligent beings recognize each other’’ Ghost mused cooly, grinning for himself when he heard Soap cursing under his breath. ‘‘Riot, Gabi, green light’’
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phoebepheebsphibs · 6 months ago
Yo I found the first short story I ever wrote and finished
It's a backstory / origin story for Peter Pan and Captain Hook⋆。°✩
I also posted it to AO3
            Peter popped open his eyes to find himself staring straight into the grimy, oily face of a pirate. His head throbbed, and he was momentarily stunned as he tried to remember what had happened. The last thing he recalled was swimming on the shores with his friends, when suddenly, a cry rang out. All the boys started running and screaming that some sort of ambush was happening. And then without warning, a large club struck the back of Peter’s head, knocking him unconscious. Peter now found that he, along with his friends, was not only on the deck of a man o’ war boat, but they were in the captivity of the dreaded pirates that roamed about the island they called home. The pirate smiled a disgusting grin, complete with missing teeth and breath reminiscent of a herd of cows, and he said in a gravelly voice, “Good morning, sonny! How’s dat head o’ yours?”
Peter scrunched his face up at him, partly because he was infuriated at him for having the audacity to kidnap him and his friends, and partly because what was left of the pirate’s teeth were black and half-rotted.
“Leave ‘em be,” said an old, scruffy pirate. The old man who spoke had a white beard, and curly grey hair to match it. He also had an aura of wisdom and intelligence about him, as if he had been given an education (if and when he was a young boy, which was hard to believe). Under his leather jacket, he wore a blue and white striped shirt, though it was difficult to distinguish the color from all the grease stains and rum spilled on it. He held a pocket watch in his hand, wore shoes that had silver buckles on them, and a small, rusty sword hung by his side.
“The captain wants ‘em perfectly whole. No ruff housing. Now, how many are there?”
One of the younger pirates looked about and began counting them. “One, two, three, four… er, I believe that they are all here, sir, all sixteen of ‘em, sir.”
Peter looked around frantically, counting with him. There were only sixteen, but that couldn’t be right- there were seventeen boys. One was missing! Who was it? He started counting again; this time making sure to say their names along with them. As he began, he pondered his own name, and how plain it was in comparison. There was Nyx, sitting with his mouth gagged next to a fat pirate. Dioscuri, who was also gagged, sat next to Erebus, who wasn’t gagged, but instead had a blindfold over his eyes. Pontus was unbound and unconscious on Erebus’s arm, while Hermes and Aether were tied up together. Eros, Typhon, and Jason were tied at the wrists. Icarus- the youngest- was silently crying next to Coeus and Meleager, who were being carefully watched by two large pirates. Ares was blindfolded and gagged, and Aeneas was slumped next to a lanky pirate with one eye and a peg-leg. Bellerophon and Perseus were being restrained as they started to wake up… but where was Lernaean?
“Where is he?!” Peter shouted angrily. “Where is Lern?”
The pirates all started laughing at him until one came forwards and picked him up. “Best not waste your breath, youngin’, or else the captain will – “
Suddenly the older pirate, who seemed to be in charge, placed a hand on the pirate’s shoulder. “Leave ‘im alone, I said. The captain’s orders.”
“Aye, sir,” he answered, as he slowly placed Peter on his feet.
“And he’ll want to see that one. Come with me, lad,” the old pirate grumbled. Peter obeyed, seeing as he had no other choice. He took one last look at the other boys… and followed the scruffy pirate off the deck.
            Peter and the old pirate walked down from the deck and into the hull of the ship, which was surprisingly larger than he had expected. On every wall there were paintings of kings, monarchs, heroes from long ago, and even glass frames filled with an assortment of weapons. There were some frames that held poisons, ancient artifacts, a few interesting looking insects (at least he hoped they were insects, and not pixies, which were rumored to roam around this area), along with medals and trophies, which were no doubt stolen. Peter passed by a door with a lock that looked… broken.
“What’s in there?” he asked warily, wondering if the answer would be one he wouldn’t like. He was correct.
“Crocodile.” The word sent chills up and down his spine.
“A… a crocodile?”
“Yup. Big’un. Gonna’ sell him on the open market.” The old pirate said this so calmly and without feeling that it almost comforted Pete.
“Keep walking.”
Peter did as he was told. After a few seconds of silence, he worked up the courage to ask, “What’s your name?”
“Jedidiah Smee,” he said. His eyes were old and sad, as if some part of his life had been stolen away. “And your name is?”
“Peter,” he answered somewhat dejectedly.
“What’s with that tone in your voice?” Mr. Smee inquired. Peter hesitated at first, but then answered him. “All the other boys have names that are interesting and adventurous, but mine is so simple. So plain. I’ve been meaning to change it, but…”
Peter stopped after he felt the Smee pirate looking at him. His eyes had a curious gaze, and he sighed intensely.
“Boys,” he scolded, “always working everything into a big muddle. Listen here, lad, and listen good! Your name is an embodiment of who you are. You are not a representation of it, it is one of you. All those names you are thinking of, you’re only thinking of the people behind those names. Your name will mean something too, one day. But only if you put some meaning into it.”
Peter was shocked by Smee’s bluntness, but took it all in. He meant to continue the conversation somewhat more, but they had reached the captain’s quarters. He felt his mouth go dry as Smee took a heavy gold knocker and knocked on the door.
            A voice from the other side of the door answered, “Come in.”
Smee opened the large door, and shoved Pete inside of a room filled with beautiful paintings, a suit of armor in the corner, and an open closet filled with pistols, crossbows, cutlasses, and a small glass chest filled to the brim with diamonds, emeralds, and several other stones that Peter couldn’t possibly hope to know. Smee then slammed the door closed behind him. Pete instantly tried to get out but was interrupted by a familiar voice which said “Hello, Pete. How’ve you been, chap?”
Peter turned slowly to see a young lad, about his age, with sandy blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and an unforgettable smile which was thin and mischievous. The boy was around his size, maybe taller, though Pete never would have admitted it.
“Lernaean! You’re okay!”
When Peter had entered the room, Lern had been smiling; but now he had a most ugly scowl on his face.
“Do not call me that, please,” he said as he stepped out from behind the large desk in the center of the room. Peter was slightly baffled at this but became increasingly more so when he noticed his clothing. “Lern, your shirt… it’s… nice. I mean, it’s got gold thread! And brass buttons, and your belt is brass too, your boots are freshly polished, and that coat! It looks like the kind that kings would wear! What has happened? You look positively…”
“Smashing, no?” Lern asked, smiling proudly. He flashed the coat around to show it off. It was silk, red as blood roses, with white fluff all around the edges, and the interior was a vivid violet colored satin. He gave a smirk to Peter and stated that “Only men of high value and political savvy wear these garbs! What do you think of it? I’m sure we could get one for you.”
“Well, I thought you looked rather ridiculous, actually,” Peter mumbled. He had hoped that Lernaean would not hear him, but his hopes were in vain.
“What!” Lern shouted, looking straight at Pete with a glare of anger. “This is the finest fabric in all of London! Why, I don’t doubt that the Prime Minister himself doesn’t have a coat like this – “
“When have you been to London? Did they take you there? Did pirates take you?!” Peter asked him. Lern looked stunned at realizing he had let the secret out. But this look was soon replaced by a smug smile. “Well, why shouldn’t they? I am Captain, after all.”
Pete nearly toppled over after hearing this. The room began to spin, and he couldn’t catch his breath.
“Yes,” Lern answered, with a devious smile. “I am Captain. And not Captain Lern. I am Captain James. It’s my original name. Rather catchy, don’t you think?”
Peter suddenly felt nauseous. And not because he was seasick. Lern had betrayed them all.
“How could you?!” he shouted at him. Peter couldn’t understand it. This was his best friend. His mentor, of sorts. This was the lost boy who had trained him from the first day he left St. Ives’s home for orphaned boys. They had always fought the pirates together… side by side. But this “friend” of his now looked at Peter with a scowl.
“How could I? Is that really what’s swimming in your brain?” Lern… James started to circle around the room dramatically. “Well, let’s see what I did… I lived in caves and in rotted out trees for years, scrounged and hunted for food every day, existed like a ragamuffin and fought the ones who should have been my allies all along! How could I? It was easy! Easy to accept food, clothes, and a way back to my home!!”
That was the turning point. There was no thinking now. There was anger in its place. Pete lunged at the wall and grabbed a large sword hanging there.
“Why, Peter!” James said excitedly. “I’ve been waiting to see if you had any wits about you!” James produced a sword from his belt and began to engage Peter in a sword fight. They circled each other about the room. Pete’s thoughts turned to the scoundrels just a floor above them.
“Don’t worry about those blundering fools up there,” James said, as if reading his mind. “They have their orders.” Peter’s senses were tightened in his rage. He had never had this kind of fury or strength in his head. All he could think about was James and on how to fight him. The time when the stole a barrel of gunpowder from the pirates. Step left. When the created a peace treaty with the Indians living in NeverLand. Step left again. Telling stories long past their bedtime-if they even had one, anyway. Keep your eyes on him, don’t look away. His head throbbed with thoughts, his heart burst with emotions. They circled around each other like vultures, until James broke the silence.
“I bet you’re wondering… ‘Did that traitor have us captured?’ Well, the answer is yes.” His smile was sickening. Peter didn’t even care what he had to say. At least that was what he kept telling himself. James continued. “- But those ruffians had it all wrong. I just wanted a conversation, just wanted you to understand why I came to them. I wanted you to join me.” He had to stop this constant conversation, this displeasing dribble from that thin, weasley mouth. Peter made his move. He jumped, swinging his sword with vigor. James dodged it and clashed his sword with Pete’s.
“Very nice!” he taunted. “You should teach the men upstairs – “
“Shut up!!” Peter shouted. He tried again. James slashed his weapon and attempted to knock him aside, but Peter swung again as fast as he could and clashed swords with James. The force propelled them both to opposite sides of the room. James was undeniably surprised, but Peter kept his mind and eyes focused on his opponent.
“Well,” James calmly stated, “I didn’t expect you to have a backbone. Very well. I shan’t let it happen again.”
James let out an angry cry and rushed at him. Peter, now at James’s desk, jumped over it, and did an incredible acrobatic feat over James’s head, landing behind him. James twisted around to face Peter and the two of them had at it. STAB! Dodge to the right. SLICE! Parry off the left. WHOOSH! Rush to the other side of the room. JAB! Create a new move on the spot. Element of surprise was key, yet both were so competitive, so unrelenting, and so fiercely talented, that one could barely even touch the other. This might have gone on for hours, if a knock hadn’t come at the door. By now the boys were near breathless and soaked with sweat.
“Hold on,” James gasped, “while I tell the man at the door to shoo.”
“Have at it, Jim,” Peter sneered, falling over himself and into a small couch in the corner. He glanced about the room, which was now an awful mess. The wallpaper was shredded, and everything was strewn and rearranged. The desk was moved to the side of the wall, and the wardrobe was knocked over onto the side of the desk. James walked over to the door, where the person on the other side was banging ferociously upon it. James was about to open the door, when it suddenly flew open, sent him flying towards the end of the room, where he landed stunned in Peter’s lap.
            It was the crocodile.
It was bigger than any Pete had ever seen. It had to have been at least 25 feet long, 4 feet tall, and so heavy that the boat seemed to rock whichever way the beast moved.
Smee wasn’t joking about it being big, he thought to himself. Without warning, James made a sudden break for the door. But the monster of a reptile saw him. He was as smart as he was enormous and swung his tail around like a whip. The door slammed shut, and the two boys were trapped. James readied himself with his sword. Peter’s adrenaline kicked in once again, and he got his weapon ready.
James made the first move. He swung at the creature with such precision and order, that if he had been dealing with any mere mortal, they would have been in serious need of medical attention. But this creature was no mere mortal, and ripped its massive arm through the air, and met James’ sword. Peter came into the fight at this point and hacked away at whatever was closest. He dodged the croc’s tail and arm and gashed at some portion of the monster. It didn’t relent, nor did it seem to notice any of the pain or injuries, as they were small. James was an excellent swordsman, as was Peter, but it was to no avail. James swung once more, but it meant nothing.
The scaly demon waved his paw at him and James was knocked into the desk. What’s more, the oil lamp fell over, and spilled across the floor, creating a pool of fire which began to grow. All the meaningless treasures were starting to catch fire, and James was in the middle of it, his sword out of reach. The beast gave a powerful swipe at him again, causing the desk to come crashing down on him. Peter watched with fear, a fear no man could have denied. But, as he witnessed James’s demise, he became filled with an emotion he didn’t realize was inside him. It was an anger, not at James, but at the crocodile, for having the audacity to attack his friend, even though this “friend” was a traitor. He jumped up onto the crocodile’s back, and ran across it frantically, carefully dodging all the obstacles the behemoth tried to give him. Pete jumped over the croc’s mouth, which was wide open, and waiting for an innocent child to fall in. He skillfully avoided the teeth and trapped his sword sideways in the devil’s mouth. Peter landed in a roll, but caught himself, and kept running. The terrible terror tried to give chase, but felt the sharp weapon trapped in its mouth, forcing it to keep open, and was distracted. Peter rushed to James’s side, checking to see if there were any major injuries.
“Hold on, Lern!” he cried. He quietly mumbled something to Peter that he couldn’t hear. “What? What did you- never mind, just keep still.”
He did as he was told, as Peter lifted the heavy wardrobe off his friend’s back. “It’s James, not Lern.” He shouted, once he was free.
“Oh. Sorry. But come on up, we’ve got to get out of here. I’ve distracted the leviathan, we can go!”
The two boys turned towards the door, just in time to see the jaws of the villain close shut, twisting the steel sword in half. Peter swallowed the screams trapped in his voice, and James attempted to keep whatever fluids were still left, inside of him.
“Now what, genius?” James whispered. Peter’s mind raced as he tried to come up with an idea. The reptile from hell turned its enormous head to look at them. He looked hungry, and they no doubt looked like appetizers. The dragon fiend took one step forward. That was all Pete gave him. He grabbed the first thing he saw within his reach – a large jewel – and chucked it at him. It hit the gruesome creature between the eyes and left a considerable mark there. Pete was inspired! He began throwing everything at him- an hourglass, an inkwell, a box of chocolates he found under the desk, shoes, hats, a fork, a broken frame, a radio. James caught on and began throwing things too. The creature was too big in a room that was too small, and getting smaller by the minute, what with the flames and all; he couldn’t find a place to sidestep the items being flung at him. James threw a vase at the monstrosity, which once again brought forth its tail, and sent the vase zooming into the wall, where it met a crashing end.
James was terrified, and frantically looked for a weapon to protect himself. He saw his sword, right where he left it, surrounded by flames. The handle was burning. He grabbed at it, just as the abomination curved his tail around once again to dodge a random object being tossed at him. The tail slammed against the wardrobe, which fell over and onto James’ hand. He screamed in pain, and hysterically began to free himself from the burning mass crushing his right hand.
Meanwhile, Peter was running out of objects to deliver, when he heard the cries of his battle-mate.
“Peter! Help!”
Pete rushed to the wounded boy captain.
“Why is everything falling on you?!”
But there was no time. Peter desperately lifted the desk off of James’s hand, to reveal a cut up, bloody, bruised, and considerably singed hand. James, try as he might, could not hold in his tears of pain and anguish. It was completely crushed, with small shards of glass here and there. He looked Peter in the eyes, with a burning anger. He gritted his teeth, and growled, “Cut… it… off.”
Peter was taken aback by this. “What?”
“Cut off this bloody stump of a hand! It’s no use to me now, and it will get infected. Cut it off!”
Peter was so stunned, and so much chaos was happening around him, he mind could not handle arguing with him. He looked about for a weapon, any weapon! He noticed a dagger, which had been jabbed into the floor. He pulled it out and inspected it. It was a magnificent weapon, with sparkling steel, and a leather handle. He held it against the flames to heat it up, then prepared himself.
“Are you ready?”
James took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. “Yes. Do it,” he answered.
Peter raised the dagger high, then brought it down swiftly. It was a clean slice, no hesitation. Peter felt as though he would not be able to hold in his lunch, and silently prayed that the contents of his stomach would remain where they were. James could not contain his anguish, however, and purged into the corner. But they had forgotten their companion.
            The crocodile looked at them with starving eyes and drooled across the floor. Ashes, smoke, and the orange glow from the many flames gave the room a dangerous feeling, which made the boys’ fear grow. James, terrified out of his wits, did the only thing he could think of. He tossed the disembodied limb at the brute, hoping to startle or distract it. The savage animal opened wide it’s abominable jaws and swallowed the severed hand whole. Peter didn’t know whether or not crocodiles could smile or laugh, but he was willing to bet this one could. Peter was not going to waste another moment feeling frightened; he got off his knees and plowed toward the colossus, dagger in hand. The dagger felt right wrapped in his fingers, better than the swords he’d been dealing with. It was a match made in Heaven. But the dagger belonged somewhere else- in between the eyes of the behemoth. He ducked under the slash of its tail, dodged the swipes of its claws, and strategically avoided the view of the crocodile. He had to draw it’s attention away from James and to the other side of the room.
“James!” he called out, “Get to the door!”
James nodded his head and slowly started crawling towards the door, careful to avoid the hind legs of the crocodile. Peter continued his diversion. He couldn’t let his friend die. James got closer to the door, while the croc got farther away from it. All the while Peter was slowly being backed up into a corner of flames. Finally, the inevitable happened. The monster gave a fearsome brandish at Peter, knocked him over and into the very edge of the room, with nowhere to turn. In the confusion, Pete had lost his dagger. He scanned the room, looking for it. He suddenly saw it- lying under the belly of the beast. The animal snarled at him and began to open his mouth. Peter looked into the dark abyss, and truly believed that this was the making of his demise. He was going to die. But before the foe could swallow him up, a shrill whistle sounded off. Both Peter and the crocodile turned their heads to see what had made the noise- it was James! Standing in the open door, with a strange instrument that resembled a harmonica in his hands.
“Come and get me, you sorry excuse for a reptile!”
And with those words, James threw a rather large cuckoo clock at the fiend, who snapped his jaws at him, and swallowed the clock, then promptly began choking on it.
“Peter! Hurry now or be baked alive!”
Peter inhaled deeply and began crawling under the crocodile’s stomach. He grabbed the dagger, crawled out the rest of the way, then took to his heels, just as the monster finished his unbearable meal. James slammed the door shut, then locked it.
“Hurry!” He yelled. “Up on deck!”
            The boys ran down the hall, then up the stairs. Peter was the first up, and was taken ahold of by the brutes up on deck as well. He had forgotten that the pirates were still an enemy, after the ordeal downstairs.
“Stop! Let him go!” James shouted.
“Cap’n Jim!” Smee called out. “You’re injured!” His gaze fell upon Peter, and the seemingly harmless old man suddenly had a darker interior. “Did that wretched boy-“ “No,” James interrupted. “He actually saved my life downstairs. But we must evacuate immediately. The ship is soon to be lost. No saving it, just get to the longboats. NOW!” The pirates all began scuttling and rushing about.
“Smee,” James continued, “help this young chap to free those boys, then get them all to the longboats.”
“Aye, sir,” Smee said, then turned to Peter. “Well, best get a move on, Peter!”
            Peter and James sat on the beach together, watching the sunset behind the fiery inferno of a pirate ship. In the distance, a large crocodile tail swept away in the water.
The pirates had started a campfire several feet away. Peter’s band of boys had run off into the nearby jungles.
“How’s your arm?” Peter asked. James looked down at his right arm, which was in a sling, and wrist was bandaged and had a hook attached.
“It’s fine for now. Some of the mates have started calling me ‘Captain Hook’.”
Peter couldn’t help but snicker at that. James chuckled a bit too. “It better stop soon, though. I don’t think that I could stand being called that for long. But at least it’s better than Lernaean.”
Peter smiled for a bit, but the smile soon faded away. James wanted to stay with the pirates. He quickly changed the subject. “Where did you get that whistle? The one you used to distract the croc.”
James smiled and pulled out the contraption on a cord. “It’s called a ‘pan’. It’s a musical instrument, although I can’t seem to play it correctly. Worked fine for a diversion, though.” Peter looked at the ‘pan’. It was delightfully mischievous, he thought. It had a considerable wonder to it. James noticed that he seemed to enjoy it. “Like it, eh? Well, then, here have a blast.” He tossed the pan over to Pete.
“Really? It’s mine?”
“Sure. I can’t play it, and you already like more than me. And you can keep that old knife, too.”
“It’s a dagger.”
“Whatever it is, it can be yours.”
Peter looked at the two treasures in his hands. A good, sharp dagger, a mysterious musical device. It was almost too good to be true for a curious boy like him. “Why are you giving me these things?”
James’s smile evaporated, and he looked away to the men ‘round the fire. They were swapping stories, jokes, and whatever beverages they had salvaged from the shipwreck. “I want to stay, and I want you to let me stay.”
Peter looked at him, not knowing what to say.
“You really want to stay? Why?”
James smiled, watching the grown men laugh and roughhouse around.
“This is my setting. This is where I find my calling. This, with those men you consider brutes and villains and drunkards and scalawags, is where I truly feel at home. I feel my place with them, and out on the open waters, the sea breeze in my face, and…” He paused. He looked at Peter, who he found smiling at him. He couldn’t help but smile, too. “It was never right with you and the others, chap. I never felt… truly at home, more like a lad living with those who are familiar to him but aren’t his family. But don’t think that I never enjoyed being with you. Because… when I had no one, I had you and Nyx and Typhon and Ares and – well, you get it, don’t you?”
“Of course,” Peter answered. He could barely speak, there was such a lump in his throat. He was no longer sorry for Lernaean. He felt proud of James, because James had found the thing his heart had longed for. James smiled brightly at him.
“You should go,” Pete whispered. James nodded and shook Peter’s hand.
“Goodbye for now, mate.”
Suddenly, James began to change. He aged, grew taller, grew a goatee and mustache to match! His clothes changed as well, changed to fit his new appearance. He was now a full-grown man, with long hair and a long face. His eyes were older, and now had a sense of purpose. His wounds had healed, and on his right wrist, was a shining gold hook. His red royal jacket was new, and his boots with buckles finely polished. He now had a bright red tricorne hat, with a large purple feather. And his belt had a new, long cutlass with a golden handle. He looked himself over, smiling slyly at his new style. Peter’s mouth was agape, he couldn’t believe it. James had grown up.
“Well,” James said, his voice now low, and more matured, “I’d best be off. But just one more question: do you still distress over your name?”
“Not so much anymore. Why do you ask?”
James shrugged. “I had an idea for a name for you. Inspired by that musical thing. Pan. ‘Lord of the wild’. Rather catchy for you, eh?”
Peter mulled it over for a minute, then answered. “I believe I will make something of my own name, thank you.”
James nodded, then walked away.
“But it is catchy, I’ll admit,” he whispered to himself, hoping not to be heard. He must have been, however, because James began to laugh hysterically as he sauntered towards his comrades.
“Better get on with it, little Peter Pan! Find your lost boys in the wood!”
Peter took his possessions and ran into the forest, thinking it over. Peter Pan… rather good, he thought. Lost Boys… a good name for his troupe. Off in the distance, he heard a rooster crow. He mimicked it perfectly, crowing into the jungle, as a proper ‘Lord of the wood’ should.
For he was Peter Pan, and adventures awaited him in Neverland, where Lost Boys never grew up.
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blueskilled · 1 year ago
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⥫ @wrongtrain asked: ⥭ ⥫ "What even WAS that thing, though?!" emmet pointing loudly at a duraludon what the hell is that thats not a unovan pokemon o___o. (ask memes my beloved.) ⥭
Pokemon SCVI Starters
≼ ⌬ ≽
"That, my good man, was a duraludon!" Cyrano harped proudly, puffing his chest out for good measure. "This pokemon originates from the... Ah..."
He stood a moment and closed his eyes, searching deep and long for the answer he was looking for. He knew he knew this. He knew it was in there somewhere. He'd personally brought these pokemon over into his Terrarium!
". . ."
It was... Not Unova, clearly. Otherwise, the subway master wouldn't be having this kind of reaction. Was it in the... West? North? No... He couldn't even remember the direction relative to the academy...
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He lifted his head with a smile, "Well, would you look at that. I plum forgot! They're pretty amazing, though. It's a steel and dragon type pokemon!"
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cxhleel108 · 1 year ago
S7 Thots for this week: Why is everyone here actually delusional asf???
(Apologies for posting this late guys I was very tired when I started writing this…I was also high asf so be mindful of that while you read lol.)
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• Oh great now #Raphne is going through shit and everyone’s gonna have to dedicate their whole life to fixing it!
• Bryson laying it on THICC this morning I know dats rightttt😛😛😛
• No seriously why ze fook are we helping them with their issues? I need these people to go back to university or wherever and take a communication course cuz y’all are clearly lacking.
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• Tanya so messy for asking that. Girl you know exactly who tf it is why you lowkey telling on yourself like that?😭😭😭
• #Raphne is 100% completely done y’all omg! (Bullshit)
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• Willow is STILL talking as if anybody give af about what she got to say. Someone get this woman a hobby I’m begginggggg.
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• I love having bathing suits worth mentioning now😍
• Ain’t no way they tryna force a argument between me and my partner over this Raf and Daphne mess…bitch.
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• Talk less sir.
• Why is there always some of the girls trading jealous looks when it comes to this challenge. The point is to literally kiss everyone and y’all still be getting salty, get over it??? Maybe I’m just crazy but I would literally not care.
• Once again Willow is putting on a show for her imaginary friends and nobody in the real world is gagging.
• Wow, now all of a sudden we don’t know how to kiss each other properly because we couldn’t help another couple stop arguing over fucking sheets😕
• How am I having more chemistry with Raf than my own man? God help us.
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• Omg Evan came back for me y'all😍😍😍😍😍
• Paying gems magically brings back chemistry to our couple I guess.
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• Girl you deserve a 10 backwards.
• That joke bullshit…BOO! CORNY! LAME! 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
• Bryson real lucky he’s cute or I wouldn’t allow him to be acting like a 12 year old about his feelings.
• #Raphne is back together woohoo! (They’re literally gonna break it off again as soon as Daphne founds out bout Raf’s crush)
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• Don't force me to have a moment with her ew! That ho is NOT my friend.
• There’s quite literally no reason to speak to everyone about the recoupling. NO REASON!
• Outfit time!🤩
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• Eat! Eat! Eat!
• Thought Bryson was finna ask us to be his girlfriend right then and there ugh I need him to hurry up.
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• Vicky if you can see how close me and Bryson are then why would you…never mind why even ask at this point.
• Bonnie has been trying to get with Tanya since the beginning of time. Girl just give up PLEASE.
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• Girl who tf is you-
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• Why did we get dressed up just to go speak to 3 people???????????? Chile anyways it’s outfit time AGAIN✨
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• LMAOOOO she's such a loser I almost feel bad...almost.
• Uma you know good and well you meant to record them boys fighting. Fuck outta here with that excuse💀
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• Y'all will not let Jake REST oh my goodness.
• Oooo y’all the way Bryson is fighting for us…kinda feeling butterflies in my stomach and elsewhere🤭🤭🤭
• Everyone here is so delusional when it comes to Tanya holy fuck. Actually no, this happens every season. Why do some of these people think that just because THEY feel a good connection with MC that automatically means she wants them? Like baby that’s not how this works…
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• Oh Bryson don't end half of the villa like that-
• Daphne don’t ask me if I think you and yo man gon make it niece you don’t want my answer to that lmao.
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• 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂
• Why y’all ain’t make us do a surprise dumping so we could get Willow out? WHY IS SHE STILL HERE SHE LITERALLY HAS NOTHING TO CONTRIBUTE NOW????
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• Oh I can tell you how! First, we're gonna walk in there and start marveling at every single thing in the room, specifically the bed, even though we've already been in there. Then, bet y'all won't see this coming, we're gonna find a box filled with naughty things😱😱😱 After that, we get to work and all that can be registered is the feeling of our partner's soft lips and how their hands caress our body in every place possible and then after a while we both reach our climax at the same time. Then our partner says they love us blah blah blah, we get some text about what's happening tomorrow and it's prolly the baby challenge or something equally stupid and ridiculous, and then we cuddle up and go to bed.
• If everything I just said is in next week's hideaway scene, everyone who likes this post owes me $10. I'm just playing, we all know everything I said is definitely happening. Keep your money💖
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bluewavesofchange · 7 months ago
The guardians of the Pharaoh
Sea and shadows: the Queens of the abyss
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I don't own Yugioh or it's characters
Violence and blood.
Chapter 5
Rozu was having fun tormenting the pharaoh, hanging onto his little love while giving him brief glimpses of her true nature. And he couldn’t say anything to Yugi as he was too busy dealing with his friends who were in danger…
First they were reunited with Téa, the brown haired girl looking at little Rosie with a surprised glance, asking Yugi where she had come from. Rosie gave the same answer she gave the tri-coloured hair teen, that she and her mother was kidnapped and somehow ended up in this digital world. And just like Yami, Téa wasn’t convinced. This seemed like some kind of a trap…she tried to convince Yugi that something didn’t seem right and that they shouldn’t trust this child, Yami wishing he could hug Gardner for having some common sense.
Rosie seemed to tear up having heard this and runs off into a nearby cave. Yugi glares at his friend for saying such things and chases after Rosie. Téa and Yami could not understand why Yugi was acting this way; he should be smarter than this…
To be honest, Yugi didn’t understand it either. He would’ve found this suspicious too but there was something about Rosie that seemed familiar to him…a deep sense of connection that he didn’t understand…something long since forgotten...
Rozu couldn’t help but smirk to herself. In just a matter for an hour or so, she had Yugi’s trust. He wouldn’t even listen to his friends as she drew him in deeper and deeper into her web. She needed to continue this innocent act till they could get out of this place and return to Lillian’s body before the sire could regain control. She would then act as the raven haired girl long enough to separate Yami and Yugi and making the pharaoh watch as she tears his friends apart and destroy everything he held dear…she would plan something special for little Yugi…perhaps if she could find a way to erase the boys memories, wiping Yami from his mind forever would be a tasty form of torture…
She found herself at a set of doors at the back of the deep cave tilting her head curiously she dissolved into a shadow and slipped into the room, finding a court room and Joey Wheeler was on trial…well this is interesting. And the Judge was one of the Big 5, Johnsen to be exact and he was a nice big hunk of meat…she licked her lips as she snuck into the ceiling, taking the form of a serpent and slithering over to where the Judge was sitting.
Joey was doing well when he started this duel but not he was struggling and his luck didn’t seem to be working…what the heck was going on? He was looking at the cards in his hands, trying to figure out a strategy when he heard something moving above his head, a hissing sound filling his ears. He looked up at the ceiling and noticed the panels shifting ever so slightly. Johnsen was getting annoyed, unaware of the danger that was about to befall him…
“Make your move Joseph!” the judge commands with a firm tone but Joey wasn’t listening, his eyes trained on the movement. He watched as it was moving towards his opponent, “Do ya not here dat?” he asks the other man who just laughs, “All I here is myself winning and taking over your bod-ahhh!” his words are cut off by the panel above his head flies open and the tail of a long snake shoots out, wrapping around the man’s and yanks him up, dangling him in the air. Joey’s eyes widen as he jumps over the banister and rushes to his aid.
He climbs onto the podium and grabs hold of the tail busy strangling the man who was struggling against it as his wind wipe was slowly being crushed. He was waving his hands around in a panic as Joey was trying to free him, “Just calm down man! I won’t let ya die!” Why was Wheeler trying to save the man who was trying to steal his body? He didn’t know but he wouldn’t stand by and just watch the guy be strangled to death.
Nothing was working as the snake seemed to be inhumanly strong, Johnsen’s face was turning blue from lack of oxygen, and Joey resorted to something crazy. He opened his mouth and sank his teeth into the scaly skin of the serpent, drawing blood as he hears a shrieking sound comes from above and the tail releases the Judge man, dropping both duellists to the ground as it slithered back up into the ceiling. Johnsen gasps for air as he holds his throat while Joey was hunched over vomiting heavily, the acidic taste of the serpent’s blood tainting his mouth.
The next moment Yugi and Téa bursts in through the door, the teens relieved to find one of their friends…but confused at the scene before them. Joey looks up and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, a grin on his face, “Yug! Téa!” he stands up and jumps over the banister and rushes to his friends and hugs them, “Boy aren’t ya a sight for sore eyes!” the teens return the hug before glancing at the Judge who had calmed his breath and was looking at the kids, he had to admit that he was grateful to have been saved…
Yugi looked up at Joey, “What happened here?”
“Well me and Mr. Jansen over ere when a snake came down and attack im. But good ol Joey Wheeler managed to save im.” He said proudly before the ceiling above Johnsen came down as the head of a massive red and black serpent like dragon came down and swallowed the Judge man. The 3 teens stood frozen in fear as the creatures golden eyes stared them down before slithering away.
This was the 2nd member of the Big 5 that had been eaten by some kind of monster (Gansely doesn’t count because no one knows what happened to him). The 3 friends are stunned silent until they hear crying coming from under one of the benches, Yugi approaches the noise despite Joey and Téa’s protests…he finds Rosie and lets out a sigh of relief as he holds out a hand to her, “It’s ok. You’re safe now…” she sniffles as she takes his hand, letting him guide her out from under the seat.
Joey raises a brow as he looks at this random kid, “Who’s dis?” Yugi picks her up and holds her close as he rubs the little girls back to try and sooth her, “I found her after Gansely disappeared from our duel…she was alone and scared. She says she was taken with her mother and ended up here.”
Téa was about to say something when Joey speaks up, “It was probably dos Big 5 bastards and dis Noah kid dat took us. What’s yer name sweetheart?” he asks the little girl with a big goofy smile on his face. She wipes the tears from her face as she sniffles, “R-Rosie.” Joey takes her from Yugi and tosses her in the air, catching her carefully making the little girl giggle, “Dat’s a pretty name. You can call me Joey Wheeler, one of the top duellists in the world!”
Rozu wanted to roll her eyes at the blondie but she putt a big smile on her face, she didn’t even need to manipulate this one, he seemed to already like her, “That’s awesome!” Joey couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride by this one kid acknowledging him. He puts her on his shoulders as he twirls around with her making her laugh.
Yugi smiled at this, Yami and Téa slammed their palms into their faces. What was with these two?!
They left the destroyed court room, going to look for the others, Rosie staying on Joey’s shoulders as he yammered on about his duelling skills, the little girl more than happy to listen to him. Téa followed behind them, a frown on her face as she had her arms folded across his chest. Meanwhile Yugi stayed at the back, Yami stopping him for a moment, ~Yugi, something’s bothering me.~ The shorter teen looked up at him, ~ What is it Yami?~ the spirit looked over at the little girl, ~ Something is off with Rosie…I don’t trust her. ~ Yugi follows the pharaoh gaze before frowning; ~ She’s just a kid. She’s scared and doesn’t know where she is. ~ he watches as she was laughing at one of Joey’s bad jokes.
Yami shakes his head, ~ There’s something evil about her. I’m sure she is the one responsible for the disappearance of Gansely and those creatures that attack Crump and Johnsen. ~  Yugi was about to respond when the other rests his hand on his cheek, looking deeply into his eyes, his face filled with concern, even a hint of fear, ~ Please Aibou…I’ve been around the shadows and the darkness for a long time…I can see a person’s soul and can tell whether or not they possess a good heart or one of evil…and that child over there is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before…I don’t want to see you getting hurt…I don’t want any of our friends getting hurt. ~ he leaned forward, resting his forehead against Yugi’s, ~ I won’t survive it if I lose you.~
Yugi could feel the overwhelming worry Yami was feeling, the pain and the grief the radiated off the spirit. The shorter teen reaches up and rests his hands on the pharaoh’s cheeks, his fingers glowing as he sends soothing energy through the other to calm him, ~ I trust you Yami…but I still think you’re over reacting…I’ll be careful ok? I promise. If trouble arises I Know you’ll save me. ~ he smiles softly, Yami feels the soothing aura of his little angel flow through him, calming his soul. He would keep his Aibou safe, even if it meant sending a little brat to the shadow realm…
Rosie watched Yugi and the pharaoh, frowning as she didn’t like what she was seeing. The spirit was already suspicious of her and now he was manipulating Yugi…she needed to break them apart…and she needed to be careful moving forward, at least until she was back in the real world…which was why she didn’t devour Nesbit’s soul when the group of teens found Duke and Serenity duelling him…poor Tristian and already lost, the teen having fallen into a pit of lava…and Nesbit even getting away when he lost to Serenity.
At least everyone was together again…well almost everyone. Yugi was very worried as they hadn’t found Lillian yet or the Kaiba brothers…he truly hoped his sister was ok and better yet still alive…
Speaking of the brothers…
Seto groaned as he slowly came to, his head throbbing as well as his side. The f@%& had happened? He could feel someone shaking him hard, a muffled voice calling his name. His vision slowly cleared and he saw it was his brother, tears streaming down his face as he looked scared, “M-Mokuba?” he slowly sat up and the small child threw himself at the other, clinging to him tightly as his body was trembling while he sobbed, “Thank god you’re ok! I thought…I thought…” he sniffled as he gripped his brothers cloak, Seto wrapped his arms around Mokuba, trying to console his little brother, “I’m alright…what…what happened?” he looked around, finding that they were in the woods again.
Mokuba pulled back and wiped his face, “Noah was showing us events from our past and was taunting you…then you suddenly fell to the ground in pain and…and…and…” he whimpered, seeing this all happen to his strong brother had scared him and hearing that scream of pain was even worse. Seto laid his hands over the kid’s shoulders and squeezed them firmly but gently, “Mokuba calm down. I’m alright.” the boy was still shaking, “Mokuba look at me…” the kids slowly looked up and stared at his brother, his eyes still wet with tears, Seto pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently dries his brothers face, “Breath with me, 5 seconds in, 5 seconds out. Can you do that for me?”
The boy hesitantly nodded and took a moment to calm down. Once Mokuba was wrecked with emotions anymore, he finished what he was saying before, “You blew up Seto.” o…k…that didn’t sound right, “I…what?” Seto was beyond confused, how could he have blown up if he was right here? “Not literally. There was like a ball of light that burst from you…like what happened to Yugi back at the peer yesterday. And when the light cleared you were passed out on the ground.” Seto narrowed his eyes as he stood up, “It’s probably just some trick form Noah.”
He tries to think back and remember what had happened…he had Lillian’s necklace in his hand and then he was overwhelmed with pain…wait where was her necklace?? He looked around and found that it was missing. Mokuba watched his brother as he searched the ground for something, “What is it Seto?”
“The necklace…it’s gone!” he almost panicked, almost. But he realized they weren’t in the same place as what they were before he blacked out…so the that item was probably gone for good…just perfect…he sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair but he didn’t even have time to think about it any further as the scene changing once again and they were back in the Kaiba manor the day they were adopted by Gozuburo…so they were stuck going through this again…
They were show memories of their time with Gozuburo, how he forced Seto to spend hours upon hours of none stop studying, getting his possessions being taken away when his work wasn’t up to standard. But something was off about all this...none of the memories they were shown included the abuse and humiliation Seto had to endure, none of the beatings, the whippings or even that damned dog collar he had been forced to wear…if Noah really wanted to make him suffer, he would force him to relive his worst moments but there was none of that…Surely if the brat could peer into his mind and see his memories he would be able to see everything the older Kaiba brother had to endure…what was Noah’s game?
But there was something else that was bothering him, where was Lillian? Sure Yugi and his gang of losers were here too but they weren’t at deaths door just a few hours ago, well except Wheeler when he got struck by lightning but he didn’t count as important. There had been no sign of his girlfriend since waking up in this world except for the memories of her…he hoped she was alright and that he would find her soon…
The brothers eventually ended up at Nesbit’s factory, a place Seto had destroyed when he had taken over Kaiba Corp…technically he had screwed over every member of the Big 5 but he didn’t care. They were scum to begin with, working as pawns under his step-father. He was glad when he was finally able to get rid of them but trapping them in cyberspace. But that seemed to have backfired as they were now working for Noah…
Arriving at the factory had brought a problem, Nesbit (using Tristian’s body) attacked Seto with a wooden sword, the taller teen and tried to defend himself with a pipe but it got knocked out of his hand. Before Nesbit could making another move, a robot monkey came out of nowhere and attacked the man…(yes…a robot monkey attacked an ex-weapons creator who was currently inside the body of a teenage boy…who ever thought of this scenario must’ve been on some good drugs).
Joey then appears out of nowhere and kicks Nesbit through a garage door. A second later Yugi and the others arrive, Seto searching the group of geeks for his girl but she wasn’t with them, he did see a little girl with reed hair and brown eyes. What they were picking up strays now? Yugi asks him if he was alright and if he had seen Lillian but the CEO simply shook his head. This wasn’t good…where was she? And who was the Pipsqueak with them?
Before he could ask about the child Nesbit drives out of the garage on a motor bike and grabs Mokuba, riding away from the factory. Refusing to lose his brother he got a bike of his own and followed the possessed teen that had his little brother…ending up on a long highway over a large expanse of ocean…
Seto loses sight of Nesbit and ends up crashing his bike when he jumps a gap but he survives it and ends up facing Lecter in a duel…something he didn’t have time for…
Rosie had stayed with Yugi the entire time, being extra clingy, refusing to let go of him as she pretended to be scared…she needed to keep Yugi on her side…she stayed quiet as they travelled on a 3 wheeled truck to find Seto, seeing a rocket flying through the sky and into space…the heck? They soon find Kaiba facing the last member of the Big 5 and Rosie was determined to devour his soul…so she let her shadows free…watching as Seto summoned his Blue eyes, sending up into space to destroy Lector’s satellite, debris falling from the sky…perfect. Her shadows attach to the pieces of metal, morphing them into terrifying beasts that roared and screamed as they started to not only attack Lecter…tearing the man apart pieces by piece, forcing the teens to watch in horror as he begs for mercy with also screaming in pain…but the shadows turned their attention to the teens, snarling at them, exposing their bloodied teeth as they flew at Yugi and his friends…after all if the monsters attacked Rosie too it would take suspicion off her.
Joey and Duke tried to fight the monsters off but one of them bites into Duke’s forearm, sinking its long teeth into his flesh as he winces in pain. He tries to get it off but struggles, Joey is at Serenity’s side to protect her as a bat like creature was snapping at the girl while Yugi was trying to protect Rosie and Téa…
Seto was having his own problem as he was dodging and fighting back against these freaky monsters, narrowly missing its sharp teeth. He was knocked to the ground and nearly has his face torn into by a corrupted looking version of Kuriboh but he manages to grab hold of it and keep it away. But one of the other little freaks bites into his thigh, wincing he tries to kick it off.
Yami can’t stay back anymore and takes over Yugi’s body, glaring at Rosie and decides to do something about the brat. He punches one of the beasts that was trying to attack him and rushes to the railing, holding the child over the edge, Joey looking at him in horror, “What de heck are ya doin?!” Yami doesn’t listen as he glares at the little girl who was looking at him in fear as she holds onto his forearms. The Millennium puzzle glows as a glowing eye appears on Yami’s forehead, “Call them off! Now!”
Rosie’s face slowly shifts, her lips curving into a smirk, her eyes flashing gold, “And if I don’t?” her forked tongue flicks out of her mouth. Yami snarls at her, “Then I hope you can swim.” He tosses her over the side of the bridge, screaming as she plummets into the sea. The shadow monsters instantly leave the teens and follow the little girl into the ocean.
Duke sinks to his knees once he is free and grips his bleeding arm, putting pressure on it, Seto doing the same with his leg as he looks over at the others, thinking what the heck had just happened…and did Yugi just kill a little girl?!
Joey growls and grabs Yami by his jacket and is about to give him a piece of his mind when the whole bridge shakes violently…out of the water rises a giant woman made of shadows, towering over the bridge, her eyes are bright gold and her hair flowing around like wisps. She has a nasty snarl on her face as she glares at Yami, slamming her giant fist into the road, completely destroying the section she hit. Joey grabs his sister and holds her close while Téa goes to Duke to help him.
Yami and Seto can’t take their eyes off the behemoth of a woman...feeling like they had met before. She only has eyes on the pharaoh though, “How dare you you little insect!” she reaches out to grab him but suddenly a large spike of ice shoots out of the water and impales her arm. She screams in pain as she tries to pull free but it’s no use as her arm starts to freeze. A rumbling is heard in the distance…Yami rushes to the railing and his eyes widen as he sees a massive tsunami heading straight for them…he yells at his friends to run but the shadowy beast slams her free arm into the other side of the bridge, destroying it and cutting off their escape route, “You’re not going anywhere!” she laughs manically however it slowly fades when she notices a figure busy surfing the humongous wave…her eyes widens as she realizes who it was and tries to get free from the ice that’s encase her arm.
The wave is quickly growling closer as the teens don’t know what to do as Seto yells at them to brace for impact, cling to the rails as they wait for the wave to hit…however it never comes as a large dome of ice forms around them, shielding them from the torrent of water as it hits, covering the frozen dome and washing Rozu away as she screams and laughs hysterically…
The ice slowly melts away once the water had receded, leaving Yami, Seto, Duke, Serenity, a robot monkey Tristian and Téa standing on the bridge…mostly unharmed…
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stuffedwriting · 5 months ago
Cavern Captivity
The gun-filled ship of Captain William Scotch sits on the crimson water as it’s cracked its way through some sandy world with strange mile wide, deep, black, holes. William’s interest peaked, he called out to his two most trusted and untrusted crew members: Lady Charlotte Peacock and Quinn Mclain, “Ante up you two!” They approached and Quinn objected with his cutting accent “Oi! I wa just drinken’ me head off now yer makin’ me do dis shite? Gimme a focken break first.” Charlotte joined in, “He’s right Scotch. We just had that disaster of a cruise we sneaked on and now you’re jumping at another one of your adventures. I won’t go.” She crossed her arms in defiance then Willam spoke to sway her, “Oh Lottery don’t be that way. You can’t lie to me! I know you’re looking at those pits the same way I am, you’re dying to know aren’t you? Plus I want to show ol’ McFucker over here what we do! You know, show him the ropes, get to know him!” Charlotte sighed at his teasing as spoke with a small smirk invading her lips, “Damn you Willy, you know me too well. Still, how will we get down there?” He chuckled, “We took Quinn’s ship’s crane didn’t we?” Quinn interrupted, “ Oh no, you can’t be focken serious!” The two giggled in unison and replied, “Oh yes we are!” He shot back with a tired look, “Foine. But how de hell are ye gonna get da damn ting over dare? I doubt the two o yous can drag that much metal.” William smiled, “You know how to disassemble it don’t you? Come on, the nearest hole isn’t so far.” Quinn became increasingly annoyed, “Yur a real pain in de arse ya know dat? How do ya know dares anyting down dare? Could be fuck all for all we know!”
The pairs’ smiles never wavered as William answered, “That’s the best part! I have absolutely no idea what there could be! Crystals, people, animals, we don’t know until we check!” Quinn’s eyes widened when he heard the possibility of undiscovered creatures, “Animals? Ah you got a point dare Capin, I’ll go take apart ta crane.” Quinn disassembled it and put the pieces on sleds and laid them on the sand. William and Charlotte met him when he was finished, “Aw dare you are, everyting ready for ya.” William pat his back, “Atta boy, I knew it was a good idea to take you with us!” Soon they miss miserably dragged the metal to the hole and they each stared into its depths in amazement, first William, “Blimey…” next Charlotte, “Magnificent…” then Quinn, “Fuck me, would ya look at da size of it…” William took himself out of his trance and addressed his companions, “Right you two, let’s put this thing together.” They turned the heaps of parts back to a small crane attached to the sleds to keep it stationary. They climbed on the latch and William shouted “Geronimo!” as they lowered themselves into the darkness.
When they reached the bottom the light from above showed dozens of caverns as passageways all reaching out and twisting in every direction. William spoke first, “Alright gang, let’s split up. We’ll cover more land that way.” The two looked at him in pure annoyance and they said in unison; “Shut up William.” Not knowing if he was joking or not, nor caring. Charlotte picked a random direction and started descending into the darkness as she told the men behind her to turn on their lights and give the extra to her.
Far into the complex of the tunnels Quinn felt a crawling, itching feeling on his arm, as he moved his gaze and hand to scratch it he saw what looked like a centipede mixed snake wrapped around his limb. He gave a quiet sound of surprise yet loud enough to stop his companions. He smiled at the newly discovered creature, “ello ya little bugga.” At the sight of the insect Charlotte’s eyes widened and screamed which echoed off the walls. She protested, “Quinn… what in the shit filled Seine is that.” He laughed and replied, “Oh dis? Dis is a newly discovered species! Can ya believe it?! Alien life! Just gotta name it… Ah! Scolopendra Serpentes.” William interjected, “Those are fancy science words, how does a gypsy like you know that stuff?” Quinn answered, his giddy smile at the bug on his arm as he remembered, “Da whole camp paid for mah college, I’ve always loiked animals, day never could take me away from ta horses and dags wit us. So when I got to mah university I knew I wanted to be a zoologist. I failed my tests in da end and had ta join a minin’ boat but I got ta loik at fish so it’s all good I suppose.” Charlotte spoke, panicked, “That’s really interesting Quinn but please could you get that fucking thing out of here?!” He unwrapped it from his arm and threw it to the side and William teased, “Do you know anything about birds? Because I got this peacock that I just can’t seem to tame.” The “bird” in question shot back, “Could you help me first because there’s this really bothersome ape I know.” Quinn smirked, “Bricker all ye want, I know you two fancy echudder.” At this the pair quietly told him shut and continued in silence trying to ignore their embarrassment.
Soon, during aimless their walking, Charlotte stepped into the darkness and suddenly her foot did not fall on stone, but instead on air but before the rest of her body could join her in her foot’s free fall William grabbed her arm and pulled her close, she clinged to his clothes. Quinn looked at them then shined his light towards the cliff and his eyes widened. Staring at giant glass globes in the vast cavern. Then he started laughing, laughing in pure excitement, either these were built by a civilization or were miraculously naturally formed. Whatever the case, it turned Quinn’s knowledge hungry mind ravenous. As soon as the others saw the same Quinn was already climbing down and they scoffed out a laugh and joined. It was still pitch black as they reached the wall of the sphere, with the help of their lights they saw what was inside the glass, a city of strange, long limbed and bodied pink creatures the size of people. Their lights reflected off the ground inside, so some part of this orb of a structure had water in it. Quinn remarked, “Holy hell! A city! Intelligent life!” William stared, “What are they? They look like pink lizard gummies.” Quinn smiled as he answered, “Tey look like Olms!” Charlotte gave him a confused look, “What’s an Olm?” Quinn thought for a second, figuring out the best way to get the information across, then replied, “Ya know Axolotls? Tose pink water salamanders? Dey live in rivers, Olms live in caves. Tay’re longer and blind. Tease tings we’re looking at must off evolved tah same way.” William asked, “Should we go talk to them?” Quinn spoke, “Nah, tey live in tah darkness and unter water, I doubt dey speak English. Aye missy, ya got a paper and pen? Need to write tis stuff down.” Charlotte tore out a blank page from the notebook she used to write her poetry and handed it and a pen to him with a “Here.” With that he took notes and drew a rough sketch of the beings he laid his eyes on. Afterwards they all sat in awe, taking in the entire situation’s alien beauty. Then, after they had their fill, they decided to return to the ship, back through the caves, another scream from Charlotte and subsequent call of laughter from the others when she saw another bug, and finally clinging to the crane’s claw as it raised them back up to the sand.
Later, once they reached their ship, William took the wheel to venture once again into the Crimson Storm. Once they came out of it, the air turned cold, flecks of snow fell down slowly and beautifully. Charlotte looked down to see the water had changed from its bloody red to a familiar, clear icey, blue. Then suddenly there was a loud metal bang and William raised his head to see the source, he shouted in annoyance. “Really?! An iceberg?!”
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paisholotus · 1 year ago
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Stella's Pov
Walking into the foyer, holding Erik's hand, I called my grandkids, Lua, Yarri, and Aja to come downstairs. Erik looked up at me, and I smiled, rubbing the back of his head.
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All three of them ran down the steps in pajamas and smiled, except for Yarri, who isn't the smiley type. "Mi wa yuh guys, tuh meet Erik; he'll be staying with you for a couple of days." I said. Bringing Erik towards the girls, introducing him to them. Lua and Aja smiled while Yarri folded her arms and said, "He's cute." Causing Erik to look away, blushing.
I gave Yarri a look and told the kids to show Erik around while I go call his dad, since he kept asking before we got here. He hesitantly followed them, and I blew him a kiss and waved them bye. I walked upstairs to my office. I sat down in my chair, holding my head in my hands, my head running with a million thoughts of how I was going to do this. I sat up with a determined mindset. T'chaka was going to, except for the fact that Erik was going to be there, and he was going to get to know his family, whether he liked it or not.
I picked up the kimoyo beads that Ramonda gave me last time I was there. I would have used my phone, but they sadly don't use those. Only when they have to come to America does it help them blend in. I pressed the bead to connect to T'chaka, waiting for him to answer. After a good while, he finally answers, and it appears he was lying down.
"What do you want?" He said it groggily. I glared at him through the hologram, and he chuckled, obviously thinking it was funny. As if I was supposed to forget everything that happened a day ago, fire grew in my belly as I got angry. But apparently, he thought that was funnier. I took a deep breath and smirked, leaning back in my chair. "I have the boy." I said, with all seriousness. He stopped laughing and glared at me, slowly getting out of bed, careful not to wake up Ramonda. He walked into the bathroom, closing the door and giving me the most vicious glare he could.
"YOU DARE DISOBEY MY ORDERS!" He yelled. I looked around the room, and before chuckling, I knew he wasn't talking to me. "Careful now, yuh, wake up, yuh, wife. And mi nuh memba eva taking ordas fron yuh." I said, laughing. He looked around the room before cussing under his breath in Xhosa. "And what do you plan on doing with them? Hmm, what will this solve? Don't you think he's going to hate you when he finds  out?"He chuckled darkly.
I turned hard as I leaned back forward. "Yuh, tink Intimidating and guilt-trippin, gon save yuh? Yuh murda dat boys fada in cold blood. As far as wah mi gon do, him gon get to know his family whether you like it or not." I said, dangerously low.
He put both hands on the bathroom counter, glaring at me, "over my dead body." He said, slowly. I smiled at him and said, "Well, mi guess mi gon have anotha body tuh turn into dust." I said, finally ending the call.
Even though I felt strong at that moment, I started to hyperventilate as tears ran down my face. I've never been so heartbroken for a child. But also for my friend. N'Jobu, T'chaka, and I grew up together; I was the oldest. I didn't really get along with T'chaka, but me and N'Jobu were the best of pairs; he was the kindest friend I could ever ask for. T'chaka had always had a temper and was spiteful when he wanted to be, never in public but behind closed doors. You'd think you were looking at another person. But never in my life did I think he could do something like this.
"Gamma! We're hungry." I quickly wiped my face and stood up, walking them back downstairs to get them something to eat.
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thebananwithaplan · 1 year ago
(lordofthelostworld) Whenever it was that the Announcer should have some time to himself, perhaps once the kids he was babysitting were asleep, a voice would call out to him, seemingly disembodied in nature. “Hey, pal. You got a moment?”
It was far too goofy-sounding to come off as ominous, as it was quite the caricature of a Brooklyn accent.
“I was just hopin’ to ask something a teensy bit personal, while the yella’ fella ain’t around.” Ah, he meant the host. “Now, you don’t gotta worry about word gettin’ out. I ain’t from ‘round here and quite frankly, I’ve got no interest in blackmail or anything. Though I’d understand if you don’t wanna, considerin’ the circumstances.” After all, whoever this was could not be seen. This could all just be some weird dream, not at all anchored to reality.
“From your perspective – is this ‘Dancing Banana’ guy a good person? Or is there anything about him dat ain’t so great?” There was a short pause. “I figured since ya work closely with ‘im, you might know a thing or two. For clarity’s sake.”
You know what. This 'babysitting' thing was not as easy as it looked, especially if this was for two whole weeks. Even though this was a much more casual setting in comparison to the show that he worked on, the nephews were still a little demanding despite of it; Peel still more or less so (being that he's the production manager).
'Help with our homework' this, 'Do the dishes' that, 'Please play Mario Kart with us' here, and 'can we go somewhere' there. At one point, Announcer couldn't tell if this was any easier than being told around by the same boys on an ACTUAL day at work. Little did he know, the nephews were indeed testing the sentient microphone (per their uncle's request).
Then again, he did bring it upon himself to accept the deal; he can't let the boys have a single complaint against him. If he did, he can kiss that potentially high amount of money goodbye.
🎙️ "Phew..... another day, another couple dollars...." With the boys already asleep by now, he could finally go take a rest himself. Slumping down on the couch, he was pretty much nodding off to sleep when all of a sudden...
...A disembodied voice spoke. One that wasn't his own.
🎙️ "H... hello???"
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🎙️ "Who's there??"
Shoot. Did he leave the door open? Is he actually dreaming right now? Tried as he could to look around the little living room, the Announcer could not find a matching body for that voice. Last he checked, announcers weren't supposed to have their own announcers... were they?
He can barely afford to pay for himself, what would make anyone think he can afford for another?
Then the mysterious 'not-announcer's' proposition and his question wanting to be answered. About DB, nonetheless. Gee, even when the banan' isn't here does he STILL attract all sorts of attention...
🎙️ "Well.... nobody's really ever perfect, let's be honest here! Anything we imply about the things he 'may or may not' have committed... all just jokes and Hollywood acting to entertain the fans and bring in the views and money! Promise!" Despite the nonsense that the living meme would make them all go through, they were still very much close-enough friends that trusted each other enough to not out each other outside of show and studio-related business, dream or not. Because if he's being honest, he himself is no saint, either...
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chen-chen-chen-again-chen · 2 years ago
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For the WIP Game! (I went and updated the original post so it has links to all the answers, if folks want to check those out. Sometimes my brain good!)
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe asked me about the WIP called Will suck dick for books! 😆😆 I did not anticipate that folks would ask about works in fandoms they are not familiar with but I am LIVING FOR IT~~
I'm also going to go ahead and tag @fatalfangirl here because (methinks??) you have partaken of the Haikyuu. Going to also tag @thewesterndoor because YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID lolol jkjk who got me into Haikyuu and whose Take/Ukai fics I ADORE.
Fandom background: Haikyuu!! is an earnest and hilarious volleyball anime where everyone is gay and chaotic and loveable. It's SO SO GOOD and like all sports anime, it is not necessarily just about sport but about FEELINGS~
Pairing background: Takeda Ittetsu/Ukai Keishin
Takeda (Take-chan): looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you, English teacher, glasses nerd, his superpower is bowing at like 1000 km/h, head coach but he knows nothing about volleyball at the beginning of the series (he just stepped in to fill a void b/c he a good human), cries easily, tries to use poetry to motivate high school athletes, terrifyingly good at holding his liquor, in my headcanon he's a beast in the sack
Ukai: looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll, Reformed Gangster Vibes, in his late 20s but his energy is always Kids Get Off My Lawn, lightweight, easily manipulated by cute English teacher into coaching a high school volleyball team even though he has full time jobs running a convenience store and helping out w/ the family farm because (in this fic) he's Weak for Dat Ass
The fic: a canon-adjacent and canon-compliant take on (some of) the events in the series, but focused on the relationship between Takeda/Ukai, these baby adults who have somehow accidentally co-adopted 14 chaotic teens.
There's fake dating, nerding out about books, soft boyfriends being super soft and domestic, dating/married even if they don't realize it, and a backstory involving writing your phone number in the back of a book, lending it to a hot stranger, and somehow running into them seven years later.
U want a snippet? here's a snippet. I has lots of snippets. (This bad boy is sitting at like 75% in my drafts folder):
"Look, are you going to buy something or not?"
"Are you going to coach the boys' volleyball team?"
"No. You should try a meat bun, they're pretty good." 
The Nice New Teacher buys a pizzaman, which is kind of adorable. "I'll come back," he says, but it's hard for him to sound threatening around a mouthful of steamed bun. 
And another, a little later on:
Keishin's gotten used to being accosted by the Nice New Teacher every few days, so he's a little weirded out by a sudden radio silence. In that time, he reviews the store inventory, decides to implement a new organization system for the frozen foods, and even washes the windows. It's a slow couple of days, okay? 
He literally just finishes throwing GunGun bars at a couple of punks from the volleyball team - the one with the shaved head catches the protein bar in his teeth, what the hell is Take-chan teaching them - when the store phone starts ringing. 
"Lo, Sakanoshita Market." 
"Ukai-kun!" Take-chan exclaims. He sounds breathless and excited, as if he's been eager to talk to Keishin all day, which is kinda adorable and - weird, Keishin corrects himself, weird, and not adorable, and definitely not a little bit charming. 
"You again," Keishin sighs, as if he's got about fifty million other things that he could be doing with his time, instead of re-reading One Piece. 
And then later, after Keishin's ass is well and truly Trapped:
"Er, thanks," Takeda says, flushing.  "I, ah, as you can see, I… I have a lot of books." 
"Do I need to stage an intervention, Sensei?" 
Takeda scratches the back of his head. "My mother was a librarian," he says, laughing a little. "So I come by it honestly." 
Keishin finds himself squinting at a silver flask resting between a bunch of cookbooks. There's writing on it in English, in fancy Gothic lettering, and he manages to just make out Will suck d- before Takeda suddenly materializes there, his smile very bright. 
"Hope you don't mind red pepper, there's a lot of it in the yakisoba!" Takeda says, his voice a bit higher than usual. "We should eat!"
THANK YOU for letting me blather about this fic in a fandom other than Carry On, LOLOLOL!!! It's so fun to come back to this and definitely makes me excited to FINALLY FINISH AT SOME POINT THIS YEAR RAWR~
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