#(​also i got antsy waiting for my wife to review my changes)
ekingston · 2 years
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It’s something, Lena thinks, taking on what feels like the entirety of National City’s late-night, mild-to-highly intoxicated population with a fondness for violent gunplay, as well as her own near-insurmountable desire to drop out of the game and onto her knees before the world’s goofiest Greek goddess.
It’s something, she thinks, and that something is agony.
You & Me & Holiday Wine chapter 12 is now up on ao3!
It’s a long one, just under twelve thousand words, so, you know. Settle in. Maybe grab some coffee. Maybe make it Irish; I’m not changing the rating to E, but this chapter made me seriously consider it. Because of all the blasphemy. And the— other thing.
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thewiredgarden · 2 years
Reficul x Sin x Lzet
Quick heads up for future requests, Please give me a bit more detail than this. I struggled a bit to think of anything to write about due to how little attention Sin and Lzet have.
Reficul sighed a bit as she leaned back in her seat, visibly checked out from today’s meeting. She wanted to get home to her wife, not be in a discussion of semantics and logistics. Lzet looked over at her, watching as it was becoming more and more apparent that she was over the whole meeting. He sighed slightly, rubbing his eyes as he quickly made more notes for her to read later, knowing that none of the words being said were really getting through. The moment that Kcalb began to wrap down the meeting, Reficul stood up and practically ran out the door. Lzet pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, shaking his head. He sounded exhausted as he apologized for her sudden departure before extending his own wings and flying after her in a rush. 
“You know Boss, it’s a bit rude to run out of a meeting like that.” He looked to the back of her head, already guessing the dismissive look that she was likely giving him. 
“Do I usually care about things like that, Lzet?” Reficul responded, sighing, before taking his hand. She appreciated always having one lover by her side; it made a lot of the monotony bearable. If she could only have the added privilege of bullying Ivlis in those meetings, that would be the proverbial icing on the devil cake as it were.
“No, but you were the one that got most of those devils to even join, and that should count for your undivided attention in these meetings.” Lzet shook his head, realizing that it was a bit hopeless to actually convince her to change her ways. The fact that she hadn’t said another word in response tipped his train of thought to look at her a bit more carefully. “You’re more antsy than usual to get home, is everything okay?”
“Everything is perfect, which is why I want to get home.” She rolled her eyes, kissing his cheek and stealing the notes that he was holding. “Thank you for these. I’ll review them later.”
“I’m not done with them, yet.” Lzet quickly took them back, trying to get them organized again. Reficul smirked and rolled her eyes at him, feeling a general calm come over her when they eventually began to near the castle. When they “landed” Reficul was barely using her feet at this point, moving through doorways and halls before finding Sin and tackling her from behind. Sin remained unmoved as she smiled and reached behind her back to Reficul, scooping her wife up into her arms and kissing her head repeatedly. 
“Oh my, did something happen at the meeting?” Sin smiled warmly and looked at Lzet, opening up her arms for him as well. He sighed as he was accepted into the embrace, Reficul getting herself comfortable.
“No, nothing happened. That’s the problem. It’s boring and dull and I wanted to be here with you.” Reficul huffed, pulling her wife and lover close to her, seeming to melt between the two.
“You’re so silly today.” Sin giggled gently, wrapping around the two. Lzet did struggle to get away slightly, but gave in quickly. The notes of the meeting could wait, he guessed. “You look tired, Refi.”
“I am.” Reficul could barely speak now, her eyes shut to mere slits as she felt herself grow even more comfortable. Sin smiled gently, looking at Lzet whose eyelids were also growing heavy.
“How about we all take a little nap?~” Sin gently snuggled into the two, squeezing them gently as she lifted the two and slithered them to her chambers. The trio settled in for a little nap once they arrived at the large bed they found themselves sharing these days. Reficul smiled to herself, opening her eyes to look at the two most important people in her life. She didn’t know what she did exactly to be able to live this life, but she was grateful for it.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Lost in Zero Gravity (P.2)
Title: Lost in Zero Gravity (Part Two) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 3,072 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior Author’s Note: Song inspo for this fic
Part One || Part Three || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
“You must have made a really good first impression,” Tatiana commented, blowing out a ring of smoke. Her charcoal lined eyes creased with her pleased smile.
You shrugged, “I was just working.”
“Don’t try to be modest now. It’s not becoming on you,” she laughed in response.
She had called you into her office to tell you that you had been specifically requested for an assignment. It seemed Tony and Steve’s mob were going to be taking a vacation and they wanted you available. You were not one to turn down a paid vacation, especially if they were going to be there. As dangerous as they were, they had been a good fuck and Tony had made sure to get you off. That was far more than probably eighty percent of the people you had been with since you started working the service.
You hated the smell of the cigarette smoke and it was always the hovering stench in her office. She was going to kill herself far too young and maybe shave a few years off your life in return for however she made you stand in here. You adored her, there was no doubt about that. But you wished she would kick the habit.
“Where are they going?” you asked, feigning that you were contemplating about refusing the assignment.
“Riviera Maya.” You narrowed your eyes and she said, “It’s in Mexico.”
An inclusive resort no doubt. It could be fun. Maybe you could ask someone to travel with you so you would not be completely alone when they were not wanting to bed you. Or maybe not… some time alone might do you well.
Tatiana added, “Wives are going to be there though.”
“So, why am I gonna be there?” you asked honestly.
Tatiana snorted, “Oh, stellina.” She took another deep inhale exhaling as she said, “There are so many things there to keep the spouses occupied. They’re rarely together except for dinner. It’s just for appearances.”
Rich people’s lives sounded exhausting.
“You just need to be out in the open, keeping yourself available for them whenever they have an opportunity to slip away and have some fun with you. Otherwise, just keep yourself occupied with the beach and nice drinks. I know you hate suntanning but there are shops to poke around in. I know you like shopping.”
“That I do.”
“Maybe they’ll give you extra.”
“I don’t want to go around trying to get greedy.”
Tatiana smirked at that. “That’s my girl. I trained you well.”
Pushing your sunglasses up onto your head, you hopped up onto one of the barstools on the bar you had just walked by and circled back to. You had yet to see either Tony or Steve and you had been here since yesterday. The place was relaxing and the room was great. You had basically sunk into the bed, having one of the best nights of sleep you had had in a long while without any noise from Elisha in her room along your wall back home. Leaning over the counter, you asked for a strawberry lemonade.
“Strawberry lemonade? It’s a party, dollface.”
You recognized that voice and you straightened back up, turning your head to look in his direction.
Steve was standing there, leaning on the counter. He was a sight for sore eyes. He was only in swim trunks, aviator glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. That did not hide the fact you knew his eyes were running unabashedly over your body. Your stomach fluttered at the sight of him, thinking of how he handled you last time.
“I bought this specifically for this vacation,” you said, hopping down from the stool and turning around for him to let him see the whole suit. When you turned back around, he was grinning. “It looks good right?”
He nodded, “You look damn sexy.”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
“My wife is here,” Steve said, and you frowned instantly at this immediate change in conversation. Was he trying to kill the mood so quickly? He said, “I know. She’s got her little masseuse guy here to keep her entertained, so I should be able to have my own fun. But I’m trying to be good.”
Picking up on his hint, you sauntered towards him. Your hand came up, resting on his chest. “Why do you have to be good if she isn’t being good?”
“I had to hold it in until she ran off,” he told you.
You pulled his sunglasses down to see his eyes, keeping them on the bridge of his nose. You smiled when you were able to actually meet his gaze.
“Well, when do you get to not be good?”
“Right now,” he said and you smiled in response. “It’s why I came and found you. I saw you yesterday. Wandering around. Took everything in me to not come up to you. Looked like you found yourself a nice little boyfriend though?”
“He was trying really hard but no… no dice for that guy,” you told him.
You pushed his glasses back up and your arms wrapped around his neck. He grinned back at you, his fingers tracing along your exposed back.
“I’m assuming you’re liking what you’re seeing?”
“Very much,” he murmured, his fingers playing with the hem of your suit.
You nuzzled your nose to his. “Hmm. So we know where this is going?”
You stood in front of the mirror, completely bare. Steve had brought you back to their villa. Tony’s wife was gone, off to a spa treatment. The room had a wide door open to the patio overlooking the ocean. There was a hot tub and pool on the patio and although you wanted to indulge, you refrained. You got undressed for them instead, waiting for them to get antsy enough to take charge. It did not take long as you predicted.
Tony came up from behind you, nude as well. His hands ran across your breasts, cupping.
“Don’t you look marvelous…” he murmured, his fingers tweaking at your erect nipples. You bucked ever so slightly, and he smirked. His nose came to nuzzle into the nape of your neck. “I knew I chose right… a perfect gem.”
“You still seem to like what you’re seeing?”
He chuckled, one hand snaking down to toy with the top of your sex.
“You’re gonna look even better underneath that mirror.”
You turned in his arms, your forehead pressing against his. “A man that likes to review his work. I don’t know if I should be worried.”
“I didn’t get to where I am by being a half ass.”
Steve was at your other side and he enveloped you to him. To both of them, you asked, “Any critiques?”
“Loaded question,” Steve chuckled. “I mean, the biggest is you haven’t sunk one of your holes on either of us. I mean, it’s been a whole five minutes. What’s the hold up?”
“Sorry, I was enjoying the company.”
He kissed the tip of your nose lightly, “And I’m sorry for being so charismatic.”
“I’m assuming you can’t multitask then? Be charismatic and fuck me at the same time?”
A low growl left his mouth now, “You’ve got a mouth on you.”
“Are you complaining?”
“Not at fucking all,” he told you pulling you over to the bed.
Steve was looking upwards, and you knew he was taking in the sight of you hovering over him as you sunk onto his length in the ceiling mirror. His eyes were swimming with arousal and you hoped to always be the cause for that.
“Y/N, you got a gift,” Wendy said, pointing at the table as you walked into the brothel’s kitchen. You had come in to get a drink but smiled seeing the bouquet and gift.
“Really?” you asked, letting your backpack fall from your shoulder and along with your carry-on drop to the ground. You had just gotten back from Mexico; that was quick if it was from who you thought it was. Upon seeing the flowers, you knew your assumption had been correct. They had asked you what your favorite flowers were and even though that was extremely obvious why they were asking, you had told them all the same.
The bouquet was large and there was a nice heart balloon in the center. You smiled, leaning in and smelling the flowers deeply.
“Where’d you get those from?” Elisha asked, coming into the kitchen. You shrugged, smiling sheepishly, and she rolled her eyes, giving a little laugh, “I know exactly where those came from.”
“There’s also this,” you said picking up the gift bag from beside it, waving it at her.
“That’s dangerous,” Elisha commented, grabbing the bloody mary that Wendy had made her. They must have had a rough night.
You shrugged again, opening the bag. Your lips curled into a smile as you pulled out a bright blue teddy. “Cute,” you giggled. Elisha and Wendy shook their heads, taking a drink. You held it up against your body and asked, “Think they want me to wear it for next time?”
“I don’t think they bought it for shits and giggles,” Wendy snorted. “How was the trip?”
“It was nice.”
“Good to hear it. You should relish in this.”
“Oh, I am,” you said, putting the teddy back into the bag. You thought of the extra money that Steve had tucked into your bag, remembering that you should tuck that away. It was smarter to not spend all the money that was thrown at you. That is what fools did; you needed to think ahead.
The dress was loose and casual, perfect for the saloon they had asked you to meet them at. They had sent a car for you and met you at the curbside. When you got out, you looked around, cocking an eyebrow at the sight of them dressed in nice, pressed jackets. You were going into a dive bar, what were they doing?
Tony took your arm, Steve trailing behind. “Hmm, a sun pattern,” Tony commented, his fingers pulling at the fabric of your dress.
You gripped his arm, smiling. “I like to be a shining beacon in people’s lives.”
Tony chuckled in response, his grip tightening on your waist. The bouncer did not ask for your IDs; they must know them. It was dimly lit, packed. There were dancers on the stage and your eyes were drawn to their movements. The woman dancing had curves to die for.
“Where we going?” you asked as they led you through the bar. Your eyes ran around the tables the further you went in. Did they have a reservation?
“For the real party, sweetheart,” Tony told you, his lips brushing your ear. You shivered at the touch.
It was dark back here and you tensed. Tony felt it, a light chuckle leaving his lips. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I got you.”
Two men were standing in front of a door and they opened it when they saw the three of you approaching. There was a table with a group of other men, looking like they were waiting for the three of you. There were a handful of other women sitting around the perimeter of the room behind the players. They made brief eye contact with you, sizing you up quickly before averting their eyes again.
“Took you fucking long enough,” one of them drawled at Tony and Steve.
“Sorry, we were waiting for our lucky dame,” Tony returned.
Tony kissed your hand as you sat, before he turned away and sat in his chair. Steve’s hand grazed you affectionately, before he sat down as well.
You sat quietly, watching them play. It was poker, that much you knew. It was intense, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. They were taking this seriously and you surmised they were gambling a bunch of money.
Steve was staring across the table at the first man who had spoken to them when they walked in, his eyes narrowed. The other man was not flinching but something must have been a tell for Steve because he pushed chips forward.
“Well, senator… I’m gonna raise you,” Steve commented.
Your heart stopped a bit, hearing him call him that. Your eyes narrowed at the man across the table. You did not pay attention to politics but the way the man’s face scrunched at Steve’s tone… you knew he had to be one. A senator. What had you let them drag you into?
The man chewed on his lip before throwing his cards down on the table without showing what they were.
Steve’s mouth broke into a wide grin and he held out his hands.
“Fuck you, Rogers,” the man snarled before getting up from the table. He buttoned his suit jacket, leaving the room without a second glance.
“Sore loser,” Steve commented, much to the amusement of the other men at the table to your surprise. You thought they would be more angry about losing the money they had but maybe the man had been a common enemy.
They gathered up the chips, tossing them into a bag. Tony’s hand snaked around your waist.
“Wanna spend this?” Tony asked, grinning broadly, holding the bag up to you as he guided you towards the door. You giggled and he kissed your cheek. “Steve’s treated us. But especially you, baby.”
Pulling your dress back on over your head, you straightened it, making sure it was covering your ass. It was short and you did not need to be flashing anyone on the sidewalk.
“You sure you don’t want me to order you a cab…?” the man asked from behind you, taking a long drag on his joint. He was still lying in bed, watching you get dressed.
Confidently, you turned around, fluffing your hair. You shook your head, “It’s not too far. I’ll be fine.”
“You’re a tough cookie,” he said, shooting you a smile.
“I try to be,” you said winking at him, grabbing your purse.
You left his place quickly, heading back to the brothel. It was not a lie, it was not far.
The distance did not matter though when it came to what was waiting for you outside.
A hand closed around your arm, yanking you into an alley. You screamed but another hand slapped across your mouth as you were slammed up against the wall. Your heart was pounding, your eyes wide in fear staring at your assailant.
Your fear melted away to a mixture of anger and disgust. You would recognize those hazel eyes anywhere. You had stared into them far too many times as he towered over you, beating you into submission. You had run away from them far too many times, locking yourself in the bedroom until he got tired of trying to beat the door down.
Garnering strength from a place you did not know existed, you shoved him away, much to his surprise. He did not expect you to fight back, and he stumbled back.
“Have you been fucking following me?” you demanded, your chest heaving.
“Just interested to see what you’ve been doing since you ran off. Looks like you are visiting a bunch of men,” Jared sneered at you, getting back on his game and closing the space between you. Your fists clenched by your sides and he noticed, smirking. “You gonna hit me?”
“No,” you spat.
“So, what’s got you leaving someone’s apartment this time of night, baby?”
“That is none of your business.”
He shoved you back into the wall and you winced against the cement scratching at your skin. You swallowed it though, clenching your jaw, glaring at him. You were acting far braver than you felt. Jared always had the power to make you feel small and weak and it seemed just his presence had that same power. You felt just as helpless as you did a year and a half ago. He was frightening; you knew what violence he could unleash.
“What’s this?” Jared asked, yanking at your purse.
“Nothing, it’s my purse!” you said, your hands closing around it to try to yank it back from him.
“Looks pretty expensive, Y/N… Marc Jacobs? What have you been up to?”
He gave another hard yank, and the chain broke and you hissed against the pressure against your shoulder as it snapped away from you. You reached for it and he shoved you back again, harder this time and you let out a pained noise. Your eyes searched the buildings that surrounded you, hoping someone would be looking out the windows and be able to come to help you. It looked like no such luck.
He yanked out the hundreds the man you had just left had given you.
His eyes were dark, glowering at you. “Where’d you get this?”
“From work!”
His backhand was swift, knocking you off balance. But he was there to catch your falling momentum only to slam you up against the wall for the third time, his forearm pressed into your throat. You gasped, trying to breathe.
“You left me to spread your legs all over the city?”
“What are you talking about?” you exclaimed pitifully, trying to deny it. Your hands clawed at his arm and he only pressed in harder, making you gasp more desperately.
“I saw you go into that building with that man. Yes, I was following you! And you come back out with all this money? I shouldn’t be surprised. You always were a worthless slut.”
Tears pricked at your eyes and he growled, “You always did cry too soon for my liking.”
Your purse fell to the ground and his other hand reached up between your legs. You tried to fight him, and he socked you this time. Your head knocked against the wall and you saw stars.
Jared pushed away and you crumpled to the ground, gasping for air. You squeezed your eyes tightly, trying to gain back some sense of balance.
“Hey!” you heard someone shout from far off.
All you could see was Jared’s shoes coming in and out of your vision. You felt a sharp pain in your stomach making you lose all your breath before his shoes were gone. You blinked again before losing consciousness as you saw a new pair of shoes come into your line of sight.
Tags: coconutqueen21
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my-sherlock221b · 4 years
Supernatural Rewatch Ramblings: Wendigo
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The long line of the MoTW series in Supernatural starts off with the Woman in White which is fairly well- known legend/ myth in most countries.  Then we get this one next which claims origin from the Native American mythology.
Here is a review of the Wendigo episode with thoughts from me and @soulmates-for-real​
I have always wondered why they were not so inclusive or better at being inclusive as a show. Yes, they did have many women and people of colour in important and strong roles, both positive and negative (though they could have done so much better!). But they steered clear from some of the huge mythology lores like that from Native Americans, Hindu, Latin American cultures. This may have been a wise political strategy to avoid conflict and so they stuck to the Judeo- Christian core but still managed a rather radical take on it!
Spoiler alert:
*God was the final villain?! Who would have guessed? And that the angels were dicks, relentlessly, and demons were in fact ex-humans.*
So back to Wendigo.
What a monster the Wendigo is!! In later seasons when we got only angels and demons and some vampires etc the other monsters were monsters in and of themselves. Like they were born that way—needing to eat human pituitary glands or whatever.
But Woman in White and Wendigo, and even Dead in the Water, or the Shapeshifter --the monster was created by circumstances. Betrayal and infidelity leading to murder suicides, extreme starvation leading to cannibalism and eternal hunger.
Far more terrifying than someone who is born a ghoul perhaps.
So here we are in Wendigo, at the forest/camp site with these fake, charming, rather useless camp rangers who carry M&Ms (nice touch and throwback to E.T. !), don’t wear shorts ( which anyway seems like a weird thing to wear when there is grass and stuff—why would you want to expose your legs?!), can’t see bear traps ( Seriously Dean?! ).
Sam is still restless and bristling at Jess’s death, as well as angry at Dad. All those years of separation do not seem to have given him any peace in his relationship with his father. Now to add massive insult to his already injured sense of self—he has lost his girlfriend in exactly the same way as his father lost his wife—making them even more identical.
So he is cranky and unwilling to give in to any of Dean’s suggestions. He denies his own nightmares, refuses good advice and food and is generally misanthropic. While Dean on the other hand seems to be enjoying this like a happy jolly road trip. The monster is almost like a secondary priority now.
What is most important, (and this becomes even more obvious in a re-watch post finale)—what is THE most important thing is that Sammy is riding shotgun, is in front of his eyes and safe.
Miserable and bitchy but safe.
That allows Dean to dial back a bit and bring into focus what has always been, for him, the really important part of their lives—saving people. This is always more important to him that hunting things. So, when he finds out about someone’s brother being lost and the coordinates match what his dad has left, well there is no choice really.
They have to find a way to save him.
If they find Dad there, well, good, but that is suddenly not a priority for him at all. He turned up at Sam’s doorstep, and as we know from the finale, waited there for HOURS since he was unsure of his welcome, then broke in at 3 am or something like an idiot….but anyway…..all that was because Dad had been away on a hunting trip and hadn’t been home in a few days…blah blah blah.
The first contact Dean makes with Sam who left home to go to college is to recruit him to help find Dad—the same guy who told Sam that if he went away to stay away.
And then suddenly now that Sam is with him, finding Dad is like meh. If we find him somewhere by the wayside while you and I hunt monsters Sammy, then yeah sure, great.
If not…well….we have stuff to do you and I…saving people, hunting things. The family business. 
And John Winchester….well, what can I possibly say about him without taking up pages in ranting?! Why did he ditch the first monster? Why was he in SUCH a hurry to leave that he left his journal behind??
My theory of course is that he had to run away from the Woman in White since he had been unfaithful to Mary ( yes yes I know it had been YEARS at that point, but hello, this man made his life a crusade for revenge and sacrificed his kids’ lives also to that darkness, so…yes, being with Adam’s mother was an infidelity and you can’t change my mind on that !).
So naturally John was afraid he would be killed.
But still….he left coordinates for the next hunt in the journal and just ran off?!
The other question is what the hell is happening in motels across USA? Guys like these can just check- in on fake credit cards, leave a room full of satanic and serial killer-y documents, sometimes dead bodies, lots of salt at the door and windows, and just disappear without checking out….
Though the police do seem quite alert and swift in action in the Pilot compared to some of the laidback and clueless ones we see later.
What is most interesting is to see the character of season 1 Dean emerge.
He sass, he boss, he flirt, he lie, he charm, he fight, he save.
In fact, the very first time I saw Supernatural, it seemed that Dean occupied so much of the narrative space that I barely noticed Sam except as a foil to and a brother to Dean.
Now in the re-watch what is fascinating in retrospect is to watch Sam slide into ‘the life’ without a hiccup. He reads the journal, he figures out it’s a wendigo, he gets the civilians to cooperate, he also fights and saves.
And that look he gives Dean in the car?
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Well, those who missed the signs in Pilot and didn’t ship Wincest from day one, surely started doing it then!
This is also the first episode that gives a clear parallel to the Sam and Dean relationship through the B plot. When Haley says she MUST go to find her brother –Dean nods in instant understanding while Sam is pissed off at having to ‘babysit.’
We see this in many more episodes in the future, and what is fascinating is to see Sam gain insights into his brother with every such parallel. To recognize what being the big brother has meant to Dean and how much he has done and given and even suffered for that. We will discuss this in more detail in the next episode review! ( Dead in the Water)
The chemistry and ease, almost a fluid sense of flow between the two actors is unmistakable in this episode. Even as Sam is really being a bitch and Dean is being a jerk, there is a definite undercurrent of something holding them together. It may be all about revenge for Jess’s death and finding Dad for Sam, but he will still stick with Dean and want to protect him as fiercely as Dean wants to protect Sam.
Sheila O’Malley has given a detailed explanation for the acting styles of Jared and Jensen and what she said about Jared is spot on and brilliant. He does what she calls active listening.
It is amazing how once you realize that you notice it all the time.
The reason why Dean can manage such perfect comedic timing or non- verbal communication is because Sam is always ALWAYS tuned into him. Listening, watching, reacting, observing.
Once again, for those of you interested in the meta and more erudite and informed reviews that this one 😊 do read what Sheila O’Malley has written.
Here are some excerpts which will entice you!
“David Nutter, who directed the pilot, also directed episode 2, and there’s a new DP here, the phenomenally talented Serge Ladouceur, who is still shooting the show. If the DP for the pilot, Aaron Schneider, helped establish the dark mood and horror-movie feel of the series, then Ladouceur just helped deepen and strengthen that continuum. The look of the show has changed, by Season 9. I would say that it has a more glamorous look now, more colorful, while certainly still very dramatic (even melodramatic). Supernatural is (and has been) one of the best looking shows on television.”
“The ranger comes in to talk to them, and they pose as environmental studies majors at the university in Boulder. Sam says they are “working on a paper”, clearly improvising, and you can watch the glorious schtick of Jensen Ackles as he adjusts to the new information of who he is supposed to be pretending to be. God is in the details, people, and it’s the detailed scene work of both Ackles and Padalecki that keeps this show going. David Nutter referred to Jensen Ackles once as a “meticulous actor” in terms of his preparation for every scene, no matter how small, and it pays off. He knows what the fuck he is doing. So does Padalecki. I couldn’t give two shits about the demons. It’s that DYNAMIC that is so entertaining and watch-able.”
And here are some thoughts on the episode from @soulmates-for-real, my partner in crime for the rewatch 😊
Except the fact that Sam is quite secretive about his nightmares but his body language is quite open and his expressions easy to read. On the contrary, I saw Dean posturing a lot with other people, pouting, flirting, making eyes...trying to be all nonchalant. But when it comes to Sam we see a different Dean - the more antsy and angsty Sam gets, the more intensely Dean reacts to him and you can see Dean's concern shining through. Leading to Sam coming to some kind of resolution and giving Dean 'that look' at the end! 
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tellerford13 · 7 years
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We don’t own the bikes, brothers, or any “related” Sons of Anarchy, trust us, if we did we wouldn’t have the time to write. No money is being made from our stories. So, please don’t sue. It’d be a fruitless endeavor indeed. That being said, Harley, Journee, and any other newbies are ours, and we don’t share. :Whispers in creepy voice: “My precious.” The universe This reality is a mix of cannon, and our own ideas. We strive to keep the boys cannon, but since we will be shifting around some of the events, that will reflect in our writing and their personalities as well. It’s our goal to provide you with quality fiction, and solid, fleshed out OFC. We appreciate constructive criticism and love LOVE reviews, they are a writers life blood and definitely help encourage us and inspire us. We will be posting on our Tumblr where we’ll have fun pictures from time to time as well. http://tellerford13.tumblr.com We’ll also be taking requests for one shots, preferences or imagines for all things Sons at our other Tumblr, so check it out and send your thoughts!http://tellerford13oneshots.tumblr.com/ And just for fun, we’ve decided to start a Pinterest for the story! So if you want a glimpse at our girls and see into our world, check it out! https://www.pinterest.com/tellerford/
#SurpriseChapter! We love our readers. We hope you’re enjoying the impromptu posts as much as we’re enjoying writing them.
                                                Mo Astor 31
“You look antsy, Jackie. What’s doing?” Chibs drawls. If it was anyone else, I’d bullshit them.
“Baby J sent me a text.”
“Something wrong?” he asks, standing to his full height.
“Lee’s ex patched back into the GB, and he’s sniffing around.”
“Ahhh. Now I see.” He shakes his head. “Ye can’t be worried.” “Not about her. I need to make sure he knows it ain’t never going to happen. You know how it is. If you don’t have a crow, you’re technically still up for grabs.”
“Guess I know where we’ll be headed soon as this is all stored,” Chibs says with a smirk.
“Like we weren’t heading there anyway,” I mumble.
My phone chimes and I tense. I open the phone and burst out laughing at the photo that pops up of Baby J holding a blissed out and smiling Lee. I got you, bro.~ J
“Things looking up?”
“Your wife is something else.”
He grins. “What’d she do now?”
I always thought Chibs was a happy guy, but seeing him with Baby J, I can tell how much of it was a front.
I turn the photo towards him, and he releases a bark of laughter.
“What’s going on over there?” Tig asks. I shut the phone down quickly.
“The girls are wanting us to hurry over to meet them at the GB’s. They’re having a family day.”
“Look at the two of ya, all domestic and shit.” He pats Chibs shoulder, and we exchange a glance. Lee is thawing the iciness between us.
“That a hint? Cause I can get me old lady on the search for ye,” Chibs shoots back.
“To give up all this easy pussy, she’d have to be a fucking superhero stripper.”
And this I why you can’t help but love Tig. The image of a stripper dressed as wonder woman dances in my head.
“You headed to the Jellybean tonight?” Bobby asks, eavesdropping from across the room.
“I wasn’t planning on it, but I could go for the Jellybean.”
“Keep fucking around, and you’re going to end up with wife number four and the clap again,” Clay says from around his cigar.
“It was twice,” Bobby says making us all laugh. “Why the hell aren’t you running to the clinic every week?” Bobby asks putting Tig in the hot seat.
“I’m a whore, not a hooker. I keep it safe. I can’t use my dick if it rots and falls off. I seen where some of these girls have been, but they can all go for a ride on the Tig train as long as I’m wrapped.”
I make sure to keep my face neutral, but I’m stunned. Tig always seemed reckless about everything. It’s surprising to hear him put so much thought into anything that doesn’t deal with safety and protection of the club.
“Alright, we’re done. Everyone’s free to go. Church on Monday after work,” Clay says. I feel like a racehorse who just heard the sound of the starting gun. I nod Chibs to follow me out.
It’s never been a secret between me and Chibs that our girls are an item of sorts, but we’ve never talked about where we stand.
“What’s up, brother?” Chibs asks following me away from the others out to the garage where we won’t be disturbed.
“We both know we call the girls wives for a reason. But we never talked about what it means for us. I know Baby J. She’s feeling frisky and probably wants to play with Lee.”
“Yew know I got no problems with that,” Chibs says.
“Yeah, I know. What if they want to pull us into the game?”
Chibs blinks, and silence between us falls.
“I got no problem being a watcher Jackie. It’s a thing I’m working Mo Astor into. So you dunna have to worry about me there.”
“You freaky bastard,” I say, lifting my hand slightly for a low five. We clasps hands with a laugh.
“How the feck did we luck up with this two?” He asks.
I shake my head. “Divine intervention. We both dragged our heels longer than we should’ve.”
“Aye means we got to make it up to them now.”
“You up for that?” I ask.
“Aye. Been waiting a long time for this,” He says with a nod. An understanding passes between us, and I know things are going to change.
The club is packed by the time we pull up. All the kids have been banished, and the adults are out in full force. Couples are lined up outside, dancing to music being played over speakers and brothers are playing dominos and drinking outside. We park our bikes and move inside. The inside is a mirror of the outside.
I scan the area for the girls and spot Kick instead.
“You find the girls. I got a conversation to have,” I say.
He nods his head, and we part ways.
“Kick, let me holler at you for a minute,” I call as I walk over to where he’s watching others shoot pool.
His eyes widen, and I smirk. Yeah, motherfucker, you messed with the wrong woman. I have no problem staking my claim.
“We got a conversation to have?”
“Yeah, I think it’s best we do it now before shit gets out of control.”
“If it’s that serious ink would be involved.”
I clench my jaw.
“I don’t think you want to do this here.”
He scowls. “Let’s take a walk then pretty boy.”
I clench my fists and remind myself this ain’t my home turf.
I light up a cigarette to cool my nerves and we step outside, away from the crowds.
“Heard you were pushing up on my woman.” I say around the smoke from my inhale.
“Woman ain’t the same thing as an Old Lady. She tell you? Used to be she could handle her own shit. Naw, wait. This sounds like your lackey.”
“Keep my woman’s name out your mouth. Say some shit about her or my sister and watch how fast I fuck you up for free.” I say, taking a long drag.
He laughs. “Still acting like a damn pit bull for both of them? Newsflash she’s married, and Lee ain’t claimed.”
“Ink or not that shits mine. If you want me to prove it with my fists, we can take it to the ring. But it’d be pointless. Your ship done sailed, son.”
He cocks his head, and I ready myself for the potential battle.
“It’s like that.”
“Yeah, it is. Unlike you, I’m not letting her go. So get used to me around and us together.”
“We’ll see.”
“Don’t fuck with me, Kick,” I growl.
“Yeah, I hear you.”
“Jay, why are you holding up the party?”
I glance over at a tipsy Journee with her arm wrapped around Lee and smirk. Lee’s lips are swollen, and her shirt is unbuttoned just shy of showing too much cleavage.
“I was just playing catch up with our friend, Kick here.”
“You know it’s impossible to get a girl back when she doesn’t want you, right?” Lee says.
I smile. My girls coming in to smooth things over and drive the point home before I end up ruining the night they have planned.
“They couldn’t wait to see you,” Chibs says with a shrug. The calculating bastard knew I’d lose my head if he left me out here too long.
“I was finished here.” I toss the finished butt to the ground and turn my back on him refusing to acknowledge his presence further.
“You trying to steal my woman, Baby J?” I ask playfully as I wrap my arm around Lee and lean into Journee.
Lee reciprocates the action and relaxes against me.
Feeling her warm body tucked under my arm chases away any lingering agitation from before.
“First of all, she was mine first, and now, I was just warming her up for you.” She winks, and I laugh.
“You hear that Chibs?”
“Aye Jackie boy. She had a lot to say this one.”
“You two been putting your heads together again?”
“More than that,” Lee says huskily. My cock swells as I remember the show they put on at her house a few months prior.
“The girls have something they want to show us,” Chibs drawls.
Here we go.
“You got something to show me, baby?” I whisper brushing Lee’s lips with my own. I’m instantly rock hard and anxious for what’s to come.
“Mmmhmm,” she purrs.
“Don’t be shy. Show me.”
“We were hoping you’d say that,” Journee says. “Daddy, can we play?” The tone is a new one. I can’t help but watch in fascination as they take their roles. Journee has always been more soft-spoken and reserved, but fiercely independent. Seeing her give everything over to Chibs is a new experience.
“Aye Little Lass. You know Daddy likes to watch.”
“Jay?” Journee turns to me with wide brown eyes. “When have I ever denied you anything, brat?”
Her grin is answer enough as we make our way inside through the crowd, and down the hallway to their room. It’s late, and everyone is too drunk, high, or into what they’re doing to notice us.
Inside the room, we hang back waiting for the girls to reveal their plans.
“Lee had a rough day. I thought we could help her relax,” Journee says. Her full lips curve up into a smile as she leads Lee over to the bed. This is new for her. Before, Lee always took the lead. Seeing my woman so pliant and eager has me straining against the seam of my jeans. Journee grips her hair tight and tugs her head back, baring her neck. She nibbles her way down the graceful length, sucking on the pulse point. Lee moans.
I’m mesmerized as Journee runs her hands up Lee’s lush frame and cups her breasts. “I think you’re wearing too many clothes, baby.” I damn near swallow my tongue as her nimble fingers undo the buttons, revealing the black bra that stands out against her creamy mounds. The black pencil skirt quickly follows along with the bra. I can barely focus on the peaches and cream skin revealed because Journee is in constant motion. Her fingers pinch, and pull at dark pink nipples.
Lee leans back against her, taking everything she’s giving.
“My good girl learned her lesson. I reward her when she takes what I give and asks for nothing more.”
“Jaysus,” Chibs whispers echoing my thoughts out loud.
“Isn’t that right?” Journee asks lightly slapping Lee’s swollen breasts.
“Yes,” Lee rasps.
“Come and sit on the bed,” Journee says guiding her over to the bed with mussed sheets. My head is filled with filthy of images explaining how the sheets became rumpled. “Spread your legs wide. That’s my girl.”
Her brown hand skims down Lee’s torso and disappears into her panties. Lee whimpers. “So wet. You like being watched, don’t you? Like showing them what I do to you.”
“Yes. Oh, yes.”
“You want to come?” Journee whispers nipping at her bottom lip.
“I do.”
“Hmmm. First one’s on the house,” Journee kisses her lips as her fingers work furiously and the wet noise and whimpers fill the space. A rose flush creeps over Lee’s body. Her blue eyes darken and dilate. Her back arches and I know she’s close. I drink in everything as her body trembles, and she cries out. Journee removes her fingers and holds them out looking at me coyly.
“Come have a taste.” I’m moving before my brain can make a conscious decision. I suck her slender fingers into my mouth as I stare into Lee’s glazed over eyes. She whimpers.
“She’s so greedy. Already begging you to come again with her eyes before she’s ridden out the orgasm. Take her panties off and sip her from the source Jay boy.”
I peer into familiar brown eyes. She’s beautiful right now, fully whole, and in control. The traces of Kyle’s abuse are a distant memory, and I’m a mixture of proud and aroused. I drop to my knees, stripping Lee of her panties and bury my face between her thighs. She’s leaning back on her elbows watching me, and Journee is attached to her breasts. The sight of her, the two together and the taste of her sweetness on my tongue are an addictive combination. I grip her thighs as I make love to her with my mouth. She’s rocking against me and burying her slender fingers into Journee’s hair as we slowly work her higher. She’s dancing for us, singing in breathy sighs and moans as she rocks her hips. Her lips are berry red from the bruising kisses she’s sharing.
Journee’s hand moves down to caress her clit and her slick walls pulse around my tongue. I hum, and she cries out.
“She’s close. I think she deserves to come, don’t you.”
“Mmmhmm,” I agree.
Her body vibrates, and she comes with a soundless scream.
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tellerford13 · 8 years
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We don’t own the bikes, brothers, or any “related” Sons of Anarchy, trust us, if we did we wouldn’t have the time to write. No money is being made from our stories. So, please don’t sue. It’d be a fruitless endeavor indeed. That being said, Harley, Journee, and any other newbies are ours, and we don’t share. :Whispers in creepy voice: “My precious.” The universe This reality is a mix of cannon, and our own ideas. We strive to keep the boys cannon, but since we will be shifting around some of the events, that will reflect in our writing and their personalities as well. It’s our goal to provide you with quality fiction, and solid, fleshed out OFC. We appreciate constructive criticism and love LOVE reviews, they are a writers life blood and definitely help encourage us and inspire us. We will be posting on our Tumblr where we’ll have fun pictures from time to time as well. http://tellerford13.tumblr.com We’ll also be taking requests for one shots, preferences or imagines for all things Sons at our other Tumblr, so check it out and send your thoughts!http://tellerford13oneshots.tumblr.com/ And just for fun, we’ve decided to start a Pinterest for the story! So if you want a glimpse at our girls and see into our world, check it out! https://www.pinterest.com/tellerford/
                                                           A/N: Sorry this is coming in late tonight. Mr. Teller didn’t want to stop talking. Chibs has so much to say too so … we’re breaking our every other week rule for the next chapter, so expect an early Valentine’s day present. ;)
                                              Mo Astor Chapter 20
“You got plans tonight, baby?” Mom asks as I wipe my hands off with a rag done with the final oil change of a day. Perk of the job here, I don’t do weekends.  
“No. You need me to do something?”
She sighs. “Listen. Lee ain’t Wendy or any of those other waste off skins you’ve had for girlfriends. You need to put some effort in to keep her. It’s Friday night. A nice dinner and a movie or something goes a long way. You guys are more than just friends now. You can’t keep treating her the same way you used to.”
“Do I do that?”
“Take it from the lady who works in the office with her and the garage with you. Yes, you do.”
“Trying not to make the same mistakes Ma. I know how Lee is. You hold on too tight, and she gets antsy.”
“Ain’t nothing confining about a little romance. Trust me. Your Father was good at that.” She shakes her head and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. “That man had a way of making me feel like I was the only woman in the world he saw. Even with all the things he had on his plate. He made time for me. It’s why I was willing to walk to that man. Loyalty and love are everything. You do whatever you have to do to keep that once you have it.”
The sincerity in her voice opened my ears wider than they usually were when she spoke. Even after all this time, I could tell she missed my dad. What they had was special, and I respected her advice when it came to that. I’d seen this life chew up and spit out so many couples.  Hell Bobby was on wife number four, and still dreaming of forever after, because the big softy was romantic to the core. Maybe that was a requirement for all Elvis Impersonators.
“What would you suggest? And don’t play dumb, cause if you brought this up, you already have a plan.
She smirks and blows out smoke. “Can’t fool you, can I baby? Get her out of Charming. Go up the road to that nice new Italian restaurant they opened. There’s a movie theater near there or a place to go dancing. I know she and your sister always liked to go do that. Those two damn near gave us gray hair being out all night, after losing the prospects we assigned to trail them.” She shakes her head, and I laugh.
“And then you put me to the task.”
“Hah. Yeah, I did, and I think it made it worse instead of better.”
“What? They were safe, weren’t they?” I say with a sly grin.
“Yeah, and your rap sheet got longer.”
“And people got the picture and started staying away, didn’t they?” I took the job of guarding my girls very seriously. There was a time when Sugar got locked up, and Baby J had come to live with us for a spell. Given Menace’s position, and the fact that Sugar’s parent’s hated the club, there was no way Sugar could leave her or send her off with family. It had cemented our sibling-like bond.
“That they did, baby. You did a good job with those two. My little Samcro princess and my bonus baby.”
I shake my head at the satisfied smirk that lines her lips. She’d gotten exactly what she always wanted, Lee and I together and Baby J with a Son. One she respected and liked. I don’t know what woman wronged my Mom in her life, but she couldn’t stand ninety percent of females. Hell, I only think Aunt Luanne and her work so well, because Luanne is a follower who knows her place. My Ma’s shrewd like that. Can’t bitch too much when she’s taught me everything I know about ensuring my place and never letting anyone else get the upper hand.
I keep my mouth shut until I’m ready to make my move. It allows people to underestimate me. I like that. It gives me a chance to come up with a plan and execute it flawlessly. You make mistakes in this world, and you end up in a pine box.
“So dinner and a movie or dinner and dancing? I think I can manage that.”
“Good. And this time…keep your hands to yourself unless someone tries to touch her. Nothing ruins a night out worse than arrest.”
I snicker. “I Hear you.”
“Good. “ She tosses her butt to the ground and stubbs it out with the toe of her black high heel. “You might want to make reservations. Be a shame to make the drive and not get a table.”
“Why don’t you do it Ma. Since you did everything else.”
“It’ll be my pleasure.” She winks and walks off as I laugh.
Her words had me thinking about our interactions in the garage. We weren’t stiff, but I kept my hands to myself. Lee had always been the type to keep business and pleasure separate. She had to, in many ways, to keep her legitimate standing with the upper crust of Charming. Her beauty, schooling, and good reputation allowed them to overlook her Samcro ties. She was a much-needed bridge. One they should know had been claimed.. There’d been a number of square ass dudes who’d tried to tie her down. They didn’t see at heart; she was always made to be a biker’s woman.
She’d never be happy with some laid back, casual dude who wanted 2.5 kids, a white picket fence, and nothing to do with her family. Hell Tig, the most fucked up of us all, was her father figure. Someone outside the life would never be able to handle or understand that. Civilians were too damned judgmental for their own good.
I move to an area where I can see her without her seeing me. Dressed in a well-worn pair of faded jeans with ripped knees and a Samcro t-shirt she’s knotted at the waist to show a sliver off tan toned flesh, she’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever set eyes on.
I don’t want her doubting her importance or her place in my life for a second. I’ve always been good at pushing her boundaries without toppling her. I have no problem doing that now to let everyone know we’re very taken. It’s healthier than killing people who cross a line with her.
She turns her head towards my mother, and genuine adoration colors her brilliant blue eyes. Seeing the affection between two off the woman I love most makes me smile. Yeah, she deserves more, and I can step it up and give it to her.
I finish cleaning in the sink, scrubbing my hands with the orange scented Pumice soap, careful to get under my nails and around my cuticles. I had plans for these tonight, and they needed to be spotless to be worthy of entrance into hot, wet places.
Satisfied with my hands, I splash water on my face and pat it dry with paper towels and pitch them in the bin. It’s Friday, and I’m calling it a day. We don’t have any pressing repairs that can’t wait or be finished by a prospect.
I make my way to the office and lean into the door.
“You about done in here, Lee?”
“I don’t know?” She turns to face my Ma. “Am I?”
“Yeah, you two get out of here. I’ll close down tonight. Unlike you two, my only plans are a party at the clubhouse.”
Lee looks at me confused, and I smirk.
“What’s she talking about?”
“Mr. wonderful here got you a table at that new Italian place at seven tonight. If you hurry, you’ll have enough time to get all dolled up before you leave.”
“Did someone mention dolls?” Tig asks shuddering as he comes into view, silent like always.
“Yeah, Tiggy. The kids are going out for a nice date.”
“Where you taking her?” he asks, eyeballing me.
I stand my ground forcing myself not to respond to his lasers as they bore a hole through me. I ain’t going anywhere, so he needs to get used to it.
“The cute little restaurant up the road,” Mom says.
“Apparently that’s where we’re going,” Lee says with an almost shy smile I know I want to see more often.
“Huh,” Tig grunts. “Take care of my girl.”
“Always do,” I say refusing to back down under his crazed glare. Tig could back up his bark, but I had no plan to give him a reason to do that.
He nods and walks over to kiss her on the forehead. “Have fun tonight.”
“I will, Tiggy,” she says kissing his cheek. He softens, and I turn away feeling like I’m intruding on a private moment.
“Well get out of here before I change my mind,” Ma says waving her hand.  I wrap my arm around Lee’s waist, lift her off her feet, and carry her off.
“What are you doing?”
“Escaping while we can. It takes two seconds for shit to go to hell around here,” I say.
She giggles and relaxes against me. “Well, I’m going to need my purse.”
I return to the office and Ma hands her purse. “Ah, to be young and in love again,” She says.
Lee tenses and I squeeze her and jet out before my mother can freak her out more. It’s funny…I’m usually the gung-ho one who jumps into everything, but I can’t with her. At least not on the surface. She’s had too many men who counted disappoint her.
I ignore the whistles and hoots sent our way as we exit the garage into the sunshine.
“How long you need to get ready?”
“How pretty you want me?”
“You’re already drop dead gorgeous, Lee. The clothing doesn’t change that.” She gasps. “Oh, I forgot how much of a charmer you could be.”
“Just stating a fact, darling,” I say as I brush her lips with mine and set her down by her car.
“I’ll meet you at your house in say … one hour? It’ll give us both enough time to clean up and then hit the road?”
“Sounds good, to me Teller.” She pauses and studies me.
“What?” I ask.
She shakes her head and smiles as she unlocks her car and slips into the driver’s seat. I’m getting under her skin. Darling, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
I hurry back inside to my dorm and open my closet. Tucked in the back are a nicer pair of jeans and a button up. A knock sounds on my door.
I pull out the black button down and glance over my shoulder at Candy. The slender bleach blonde is poured into a pair of low-slung jeans and a crop top that barely covers her implants. Turgid nipples push out the thin white material.
“Ma need something?”
“No. I just thought I could help you get cleaned up.” She enters the room swaying her nonexistent hips.
“I’m taken.”
“Never stopped you before,” She purrs.
The words make me wince. She ain’t wrong.
“This time’s different.”
She pouts. “You sure about that? We always had a good time Jax.”
“Out.” I snap my fingers and point, and she huffs, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she stalks out.
I walk over, lock the door behind her and place my head against the door.
Sending away free pussy isn’t easy for any man. Especially when it’s a habit, but I’d cut my own arm off before I hurt Lee. She’d been betrayed enough to last a lifetime. Pushing away I head for the shower, wishing I could wash away my shady past as easily as I do the sweat and grime of the day. I let one heartbreak color my entire view on women, and now I had to pay for it, in the form of convincing my woman I could stay true to her.
“This is really nice,” Lee whispers as we walk up to Host/Hostess podium.
“Yeah, it is. I’m starting to think we might be missing out not getting out of Charming more often.” “Hah. Don’t let Gem here you say that.”
I smirk. “You know I’m smarter than that.”
The clientele makes me glad I left my colors at home and stepped up my attire. Blending in is an important skill to have, and while dressing up isn’t my thing I can do it when necessary. Lee’s little black dress and sky-high heels are worthy of a suit. The strapless number shows off her delectable collar bone and strong arms. I want to cover her in hickeys so any man would know in a glance she’s taken and well pleased. I find myself staring down anyone who looks for too long. I covet the shit that matters to me.
“Can I help you, sir?” The man in the black slacks, white button up, and black tie asks.
“Yeah, I have a reservation for Teller at seven.”
He opens his book and searches. “I see you here sir. Just one moment and I’ll show you back to your seat.”
I nod my head, wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to my side.
“I can’t believe you went through all this trouble for me.” The awe in her voice makes me feel like I’m on top of a mountain.
“Anything to see you smile, darling.”
She peers down, and a pink tinge appears on her cheeks. She’s got her walls down. It’s a beautiful sight because I know it doesn’t happen often.
“I want to believe that.” I tuck my finger under her chin tilting her face to look up at me.
“You should because I’m going to be spending my time proving it. You know I’ve never been an all talk kind of man.”
“I do know,” she whispers and I can’t help but peck her delicious looking lips.
We’re shown to our table, and I know mom must’ve pulled some strings because it’s a damn Chef’s table, set apart from the main room.
“Oh my God,” Lee whispers looking over the table.
“I know,” I say equally impressed.
The candle light flickering at the table paints her face in shadows. I’m lost in her eyes and in the moment. I’ve never done anything like this with a woman. It’s intimate and grown up as hell. What we’re doing isn’t playing at a relationship, it’s building a strong one.
We make small talk as we drink wine and eat food I can barely pronounce. I never imagined I’d be here doing this, but she looks right at home. It drives home just how unique my woman is; like a diamond made under pressure in the earth.
I reach across the table and take her hand, willing her to understand how much she means to me, even if she’s not ready for the words circling around in my brain.
I’ve been hit by lighting.
My eyes are opened, and my hurt is about to explode, yet I can’t say a word. It’s like having a secret too big to keep under wraps. My thoughts flash to Baby J. She’s a safe place. Once she comes back from her honeymoon, we’ll talk. I need help figuring out how to handle this. The last woman I gave myself completely panicked and bailed. That left a mark, and I refuse to watch Lee do the same. She’s a runner. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. I can’t find myself on the wrong side of her walls. It would break me to lose all those years we’ve spent being each other’s best friends.
“What are you thinking about?” She asks as she scoops up a bite of Death by Chocolate.
“How lucky I am to be here with you like this right now.” I bring her hand toward my mouth, brushing her knuckles lightly with my lips.
She smiles and tilts her head. “Laying it on thick.”
“Being one-hundred percent real. The way we always are with each other.”
“I’m not used to this side of you.”
“What side?”
“This grown up serious side. It’s dangerous.”
“Why?” I ask.
“Because it makes me want things that scare me.”
“You’re not alone in that, babe. But we both know I’m good at getting what I want, and the way I see it, as long as we’re on the same page, that’s not a bad thing.” I shake my head and smile at her.
Her brow furrows. “And you think it’ll be that easy.”
“Not easy, but when you really want something, it doesn’t matter how far you have to go. It’s never too much.”
Her eyes widen, and I clear my throat. Time to shift topics. “So, what do you want to do next?”
“There’s more?”
“If you’re up for it. I know accountants keep early hours.”
She kicks my shin under the table, and I jerk laughing.
“Oh screw you, Jackson. I see I need to remind you where I come from.”
The fire in her eyes makes me grin.
“The let’s pay the bill and see what you got.”
“What are my options?” She asks, sounding more like a general preparing for war than a girlfriend on a date.
“Movies or dancing?”
“Oh, Teller. I’m going to mop the floor with you. You’ll be begging me to leave before the night is through.”
I toss a couple hundred on the table and stand ready for a night of grinding and debauchery with my woman.
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