hinamie · 5 months
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i have so much band!au content in the pipeline my brain is Rotting but enjoy these two for now
jjk band!au
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choccy-milky · 4 months
Might I suggest…
Sebby in a maid outfit? 🤔🥵
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the scenario is that their class/year is doing a maid cafe (for some reason) and if any dudes from other classes come by to try and see clora in her maid outfit / request she serve them food, seb gets in the way✋✋ LOL
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crescentfool · 6 months
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happy mochizuki monday, have a little doodle i made based on a convention i went to this past weekend :)
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mugentakeda · 7 months
the tapping of his fathers pacing on the tile is almost enough to drive him mad.
“don’t let your brother’s incessant whining cause you to falter. this is merely a short visit to discuss the matter at hand, and then you’re on your way right back to ba sing se. he will try and whisper doubt in your ear.” the firelord stops to shake a finger at him. “do not listen to him for anything! i will help you in the best of my ability to have this taken care of.”
“i’m not,” iroh snaps impatiently, digging his palms into his eyes. “i’m not listening to him, father. he doesn’t care for lu ten and he doesn’t have to. he has his house and i have mine. empty words have little meaning to me at the moment.”
his father purses his lips. the sting of his stare digs down to the core.
“you say that,” azulon snaps, “but i believe this to be a family affair. its possible lu ten was taken advantage of because he was too busy protecting ozai’s wife and ozai’s children to protect himself. if that’s true, then ozai owes him. i don’t give a damn if he cares about him as his nephew or not. lu ten honored his house, so he shall honor lu ten in return by shutting his trap for once.”
iroh doesn’t have the strength to respond. he’d left ba sing se in a rush after receiving the news, and ordered the shipmen to get him back home on the double. he’s sick, he’s tired, he’s terrified and angry, and he misses his son something awful. the last thing iroh cares about right now is what ozai does or has to say.
there’s a heavy, sad sigh from above him. azulon slowly makes himself comfortable on the sitting cushion next to him, grunting as his bones creak. he sets the knocked over teacup straight again and refills it. the familiar heat and fragrance does nothing to soothe iroh, however.
“there is nothing i can say to make you feel better as of right now,” his old man mutters, sitting the teapot back down with uncharacteristic gentleness, “nor can i say anything sure about ursa or the children. but lu ten, he…. he is a remarkable young man. thick skinned and ornery. lightning generation at only 21, can you believe that? he beat you by a whole year. you must have faith in him.”
“it’s not about having faith in my son, father, of course i have faith in my son. but i have no faith in whoever has- has stolen him from me!” iroh suddenly exclaims, gesturing wildly. azulon flinches as his hands come dangerously close to knocking over the tea again.
your boy flagrantly disrespected you and stayed home to laze around, ozai had hissed, his narrow eyes locked straight up at the throne. both were kneeling before their father’s throne, side by side. i don’t know why you even bother. if he thinks he’s so grown up then he can save his own skin.
iroh didn’t bother to respond. he has nothing to say to his brother even on the best of days. all his life, he’s been nothing but a background character to iroh. always insisting on holing up in his room or office, never joining family dinners or celebration banquets. never one to offer his congratulations, but expects his older brother to offer his. yet, he always liked to think his word was of any significance to iroh. that he was always to be heeded. respect to his elders only means something to his little brother if there’s something to be gained.
flagrant disrespect. lu ten did not disrespect him if iroh never directly asked or ordered anything of him in the first place. he implied it, and lu ten pushed back. it hurt, but it would’ve also been the boys first true venture outside the fire nation. so iroh understood the hesitancy.
iroh would’ve just had lu ten by his side in his war council anyway. he would’ve never seen the battlefield or the city until iroh leveled it. not a spot of green would be spared by his men.
he had envisioned himself shooting a hole right through the flimsy palace wall with his lightning, and his son by his side. winning.
nothing has gone the way you made it out to be, great spirit. i don’t feel very lucky, as of late. the evening sun peaking through the tall windows of the corridor offer his thoughts no response. the general sighs heavily, and continues on his way.
the royal procession had gone through the beach house, along with the rest of the island. not a trace left behind. no sign of a struggle, either.
the procession claims it’s like they vanished out of thin air, sir, jee had whispered.
delicate situations such as this one call for holding the ones you trust most closer than ever. thus, iroh took only his personal guards from ba sing se back with him. jee is a rugged and introverted man, one that iroh knows can keep a secret, so he has been acting as his messenger man and valet for the time being.
another member of his most trusted circle is one of his longest working servants, one that belongs to iroh’s house personally. her name is su, and she is a stout woman around his father’s age. stern and silent, but trustworthy. she was the one that kept a close eye on lu ten from a distance during the periods of time iroh wasn’t around in his youth. she had been the midwife at his birth, she had been the one to pick the wet nurse.
and she had slipped iroh a journal outside of lu ten’s room. leather bound and stained in a deep red, with delicate embroidery of lotus flowers decorating its cover. it looked like something the lady ursa would gift him.
i came across this left behind in lady ursa’s garden, your highness, she had murmured fiercely. i snatched it right up and held it for you upon your return, lest it fall into the wrong hands.
the dark, warm silence of iroh’s own chambers is a small comfort, but the cold leather of the journal in his hands chains him to the cruel reality.
one of the vows iroh made for himself when lu ten came into puberty was that he would never violate his son’s privacy. he’d like to think that his son’s life possibly being in danger is a good enough reason to break it, but it still feels… wrong. especially now that he’s an adult himself.
it’ll be like eating a dollop of wasabi, he tells himself. spicy and painful one moment, then fading tingling the next.
with a sigh, he cracks it open to the back page. a few lines of familiar scrawl.
and the reason i torture myself trying to ignore all these things about him that bother me is because….
he looks away, shame crawling up his back. the candle sitting at the corner of his desk flicker along with his irregular, fear ridden heart.
a dollop of wasabi, he reminds himself. he opens his eyes again with a long breath and looks back down at the journal once more.
…well, that’s the crux of it. i just don’t know how to finish that sentence anymore.
that tells him a whole lot of nothing.
iroh flips the page back again, and is immediately overwhelmed by completely filled pages. then startled, by the sheer amount of times his own name pops up to his searching eyes among walls of scrawled text.
unease curls in his gut, like a dragon slowly rising from a slumber.
the ink doesn’t look too old. and su had said she found it in the lady ursa’s garden. and then jee said the royal procession claimed the fours’ trip to ember island was only to last three days, tops.
and as far as iroh knew, lu ten had been keeping quietly busy after iroh’s departure to ba sing se. lu ten willingly buried himself in paper work, always hunting for things he had the power to make into his business. training with lightning generation was grueling, and took hours, on top of the meditation necessary. and it takes a clear mind to even work with lightning, so…
had he done something recently to upset lu ten, and didn’t realize it? what things about iroh did lu ten torture himself trying to ignore? dramatic wording like that is difficult to overlook.
the general thinks back to how well his son can hide his emotions. lu ten’s court face beats even ozai’s, so it made him a gnarly pai sho opponent, but… he never did the backhanded comments. he can lie, but he’s a man of action before a plotting one. so you’ll never see the storm coming until it hits you directly in the face.
the letters he got back from him in ba sing se were… neutral. unbothered. he hadn’t seemed very troubled at the palace gates during his departure, either. tired and a bit wary, maybe.
but now that he thinks about it, the way lu ten looked at him had been… strange. his eyes had an emotion swirling in them that the general couldn’t read.
he rapidly rolls over the most recent letters in his head, the days right before leaving, trying to think of what he might have done to set lu ten off-
…the tiff they had on the evening before iroh’s departure.
he had forgotten about it completely.
spirits, he’d forgotten about it by the time he stepped foot on the shore. the elation of finally arriving at ba sing se, the first big step toward fulfilling the biggest thing he’s wanted to accomplish his entire life, the ultimate win, decades of planning and dreaming, inspired by agni herself…
he’d been caught up in the heat of the moment.
it didn’t even turn into an actual argument, that’s how small the tiff had been- a few things thrown back and forth during their private dinner, and the rest of it had been spent in awkward silence. iroh had let his hurt get the better of him, and he got testy.
the only thing that spoiled his ongoing luck, his relief of finally being able to go and crush his country’s most stubborn opponent, to make the second biggest win since sozin- was his own son not joining in, or showing any interest.
and that wasn’t even it. the closer iroh and his advisors got to bringing their planning to a conclusion, the more withdrawn lu ten became. whenever iroh brought it up, his son would close like a firelily in the night.
i assumed you were above teenage rebellion, iroh had muttered. i understand you want accomplishments of your own, but-
teenage rebellion? you’re joking, right? why do you always insist on- on patronizing me whenever we don’t agree on something? if you think you’re gonna guilt trip me into changing my mind, you’ve got it all wrong.
the disbelieving, ever so slightly shriller tone lu ten’s voice took on reminded iroh of his mother. she always had the habit of raising her voice a few pitches when she got upset. it reminded iroh of a coyote-eagle, once upon a time. the older lu ten got, the taller and leaner his face and physique became, the more time they spent apart, it’s like a vivid repeat of his mother. he even became a hand talker when iroh hadn’t been looking, just like fuhua.
(are habits hereditary, or had fuhua died after running away, and came back to haunt him?)
it’s probably best to start a bit further back in the journal. it might provide the context this father needs. he flips the pages for a few moments, and stops at random.
i spoke with a gentleman from the earth kingdom today during my observational trip through the colonies closest to the homeland. if you didn’t look close enough, you would’ve thought him to be any old fire nation fisherman, but i know green eyes when i see them.
his wife was a sailor that hails from caldera city. they met across the seas, in a neutral port town. they have two young twins, just barely older than zuko and azula. isn’t that something?
now, that is something iroh never bothered doing when he was a young man- it’s only now that his joints won’t let him run around chasing skirts anymore that he’s become a people person. but he’s proud of his boy for taking that initiative and having such a sense of responsibility, to go and mingle with the common man. an empathetic ruler that’s popular with his people will have the surest and furthest reaching authority, after all. iroh couldn’t name a single councilman off the top of his head that would be willing to even breathe the same air as a commoner, much less a colonial mutt.
however… this isn’t a colonial. he’s too keen on the idea of his family members’ abductors being petty, revenge seeking crooks from the earth kingdom to be okay with the idea of his son even conversing with one. for all they claim to be true and steadfast, them sneaking in and attacking an unarmed woman and her young children in their beach house just to get back at iroh is all too realistic of an idea.
but lu ten wasn’t unarmed. lu ten is one of the strongest men in the fire nation, and iroh isn’t even being biased about that. it takes prodigy to conjure lightning, and mastery to control it. and lu ten was very protective of ursa and the children- almost too protective. back in the day, during celebration parties at the palace, lu ten would damn near prowl around a pregnant ursa to fend off the careless crowd, lest they bump into her and jostle her. and he’d only been just a young teenager himself, so it was like watching a polar bear puppy that thought itself a snarly guard dog.
then a few years ago, there had been an incident where lu ten claimed zuko’s instructors were smacking him around. he’d grabbed both of the men by the collar and dragged them both viciously through the palace and right out the door- only after the sharpest scolding iroh’s ever heard since his mother was still alive. he’d never seen his son so angry. he’d chuckled at the way those old instructors had babbled apologies and fell to lu ten’s feet, while patting ursa’s back gently as she floundered.
no, it’s doubtful that an old fisherman had anything to do with it. earth kingdom or not. this is just something he needs to talk to his son about once he’s found. it would take a group of very strong benders to take lu ten down, at the very least.
he was wisecracking and friendly. we talked about his business, the officials that take care of the town and the surrounding environment, how he met his wife. he even shared his lunch during our time together- grilled fish, fragrant with sumac and citrus, and a chilled earth kingdom style mint tea. it was refreshing and unique, and i want to do it again. you’d think the fire nation would pick up these little things as it expands, but it just drowns it all out. i’m not sure if that’s a good thing. what made the food good was its earth kingdom style and seasoning, after all. what made the man interesting was his earth kingdom raised manner.
…what made lu ten think it was a good idea to write such things in a journal, and then be so careless to just forget it in ursa’s garden? he’ll have to thank su for her keen eye. if someone lacking critical thinking happened to pick this up and turn it in to his father, he’d have to deal with his son having allegations of sedition on top of everything else.
iroh, personally, is more than happy to let all traces of chilled tea get drowned out. it’s a frequent and light hearted debate between a father and son, the do’s and don’ts of tea. iroh is a stickler for tradition and enjoying the natural flavors. the fire nation boasted only the most fragrant flowers to enhance only the most delicate flavors of only the finest tea blends, after all.
his son claimed it all tasted like dinky dirt water, and stubbornly stuck with his cold hibiscus teas with herbs, and his heavily spiced and creamed saffron teas. it had been a big joke back then, but now… not so much.
a whole lifetime of a father making his son tea, sharing one of his passions. conversations over tea, tea for soothing a sore throat after screaming matches with councilmen, tea to wash down sea water accidentally swallowed at the beach. traditional methods, ceremonies, porcelain pots precious enough to buy a whole town- but it’s dirt water. yet an old fisherman from their greatest enemy shares ice water with a few mint leaves in a tin cup, and its unique.
and he wants to do it again.
the personal betrayal somehow hurts more than the blatant treachery written out plainly on the paper.
to be honest, i think that it’s a great shame that a good man like that has to be careful on his own property-property he paid for with his own money and built with his own hands- due to being from the earth kingdom, even if he has a strong marriage to a fire nation citizen. i thought about it for a long time, and realized that even if he wasn’t loyal to the crown, i didn’t mind. i don’t get angry at the idea, and i don’t think i ever have. i didn’t even think about it until i left. he made good company, offered to share his food with me, and introduced me to his beautiful children as if i was his new neighbor. i think community like that is something the fire nation needs. especially the nobility, who you’d think all have iron sticks shoved up their asses.
interactions like that are the most important ones to me, because they challenge me the most. i hate to cheapen that by thinking i just enjoy being challenged to spite my traditions and elders, or to be contrarian. that’s what coming of age means to me- looking inward, and asking the big questions.
…this can’t be why lu ten has been so distant lately.
the general slowly shuts the journal in dull horror. how long has this sickness had time to fester his son’s soul?
he swallows hard, and gingerly slides the journal in the folds of his robes. under no circumstance can anyone get their hands on it.
and later, when his gut quits churning and the candles around him quit threatening to set his room on fire, he’ll read this whole journal, front to back. brand every sentence, every symbol into his eyes. then he’s gonna burn it, bring his son home, and ask him what the hell he’s thinking.
the next morning, after letting the foul scent of burnt leather fade from his chambers, iroh finds jee.
“what can i do you for, your highness?”
“i need you to bring me the finest bounty hunter money can buy,” iroh murmurs. there’s a madness in his eyes and in his grip now that he’s had time to ponder the contents of his son’s journal, and what they entail. “and no matter what, it stays between us. i do not care what measures you must take to keep it that way.”
jee swallows hard and salutes with purpose. the poor man must be able to his see stress all over his face, but he’s barely containing himself the way it is.
this was no kidnapping. the blasted earth kingdom has everything to do with it, naturally, but it was no kidnapping.
jee returns to him that evening, followed by a lovely young woman, head to toe in black leather. her gait oozes confidence, and her narrow eyes scream danger.
this is definitely not the kind of finest iroh meant by finest bounty hunter money can buy, but he’ll take it.
“…i’ve, uh. fulfilled your request, your highness,” jee says. he looks flustered, and is clearly refusing to even glance at the woman.
“with a few breaks in between, i’m guessing. your collar is uneven, soldier,” iroh deadpans. he’d call it a shame if he wasn’t curbing an episode at the moment.
jee makes a faint noise of distress and fumbles with his uniform, blushing a deep red. iroh realizes that was the wrong thing to say at how the fair lady scowls at the crude jab.
she shoves past jee with an aggressive shoulder clip and crosses her arms before the general.
“i was promised a shitload of coin in exchange for some missing royals,” she says, voice clipped. “i don’t like to work with your kind, but good money is good money. and i can promise better and quicker results than any phony bounty hunter in the world- my companion is a shirshu. she can sniff out a rat from a whole continent away.”
a shirshu, eh? it would seem my luck has made its return after long last.
“impressive,” iroh praises truthfully. he’s a weak man for crass and foul-mouthed women. “i’d like to take a look at this beast, and then we can discuss the details and prices. i also hope you’re alright with keeping this transaction under wraps, my dear.”
she sneers. “you can call me june. and i’d highly suggest keeping a few steps away from my nyla, for your own good.”
jee clears his throat. “i’d listen to that one, sir. her creature is something else.”
iroh hums pleasantly, and keeps a few paces behind june as they go. a strange calm has washed over him now that the universe finally makes sense to him again; he has a few more people he’d like to question, and he’ll be all set. then sooner, if he’s lucky, rather than later, his sister-in-law, his nephew, and his niece will all be found and returned home, safe and sound. his son will be in his arms, whole and unharmed. ba sing se will simply have to wait.
and if they’re lucky, the dragon of the west won’t have thought up a better solution to finally grinding their sorry ashes into their own dirt by the time he gets back. but regardless, he will win.
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transvampireboyfriend · 5 months
people who are good at small talk are so mesmerizing to me. yesterday the lady next to me at the salon was talking about milk and then she got to cheese and as she was talking about cutting cheese she said "im a serrated knife kind of person" and that prompted the girl doing her hair to start talking about kitchen knives and her own preference. podcasts hosts would commit murder for such a skill in segues. i am in awe of her
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rotary-phonecall · 4 months
One thing I WILL dispute about "That can't be Felix, how would Felix be wearing Ted's clothes? Theyre in the hole" is: 1) it could be a different fit & 2) Ted WAS in gym clothes when he died. I feel like we're forgetting that part.
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mejomonster · 2 months
past mejo would be thrilled to learn i officially know how to cut and dye my hair exactly how the fuck i want it to look <3
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lynxalon · 6 months
HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTT THAT CRITROLE EP WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! im SO glad we had the set up of the last one so we could have the big thrills of this!!!!!!!!! this had everything!! it had ira's bad (and good!) decisions! it had sam's out of pocket wacky can shenanigans!! it had deception and sneaking! it had badass plays and some.. eye-catching talents 👀 it had gross shit that's kinda actually sad if u think about it! it had walking (running) away from explosions (NOT a sunglasses moment this was a loserfail) it had .. terrifying parents. it had imodna momence !! :D it even had some unprecedented wins for our typically fighty/flighty adventurers!!! i will ABSOLUTELY be watching that again come monday!!!!!!!!!!
#lynx speaks#cr spoilers#now to expand upon these!!! i am THRILLED that there has been a more overt notice of orym's hex 😏#thats what i've been excited for for aaaaaaages i adore orym esp when he gets a little more fucked up#what can i say im a bit of an angst fan myself :D#fcg gave ira SUCH a bad time tho like CMON BBYYYYY 1 MINUTE ?!?!?!?!?!! yall r LUCKY yalls r cool af#also tho.... ira actually saving fearne like 👀 i see it!!! i think simply everyone likes fearne and everyone would save her 😎#and team infiltrate i loooved imogen's use of that damn .. what was it called ? the damn static bomb that was sick as hell!!!#and hey!! both teams got in and out without anyone catching on that it was bells hells helping!#is that a first for bh? cause it sure feels like it TBH like the feywild malleus key stunt did NAWT go this smoothly#even with the bumps they had they did terrific frfr#esp with imogen setting up oryms badass fighter play and launda and chet setting each other up for success#and it does FEEL like imogen is more powerful on ruidus just from the plays she makes like the static spell and how it set Everyone up#to protect them all and keep their enemies in bad positions so that bh had good positions#they barely got hits and orym and chet took the brunt of it#they got out everoa and themselves without too much hassle and i'd say team mcfuckin 'splosion did pretty fucken well too#more damage on their side but. thatssss not their fault thats mainly on ira (and fcg 😂)#gosh. goshhh. what a good fucking episode. and sorrowlord zathuda. and liliana. fuck bro.#zathuda is SCARY#and liliana i meaaaaaaan. hun what did u THINK 🧐 imogen meant when she told u to run?? 🤔 'did she know' u know the answer to that.#i was definitely excited cause. we knew the volition were gonna fail in killing liliana. but i felt in my heart that she was gonna#feel betrayed by imogen. despite creating the scenario in which imogen must 'betray' her.#i LOVE fucked up mothers cant waaaaait to see what happens next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
Meanwhile with Steve & Frigimon {of series: D i g i m o n 02} #TheBeginningSpoilers
Frigimon (Yukidarumon); Steve calls it "Frigimon" when at home: So, "That" one says they made us - or more like, 'you' - a Chosen to "befriend" "that other one"... Steve, low laughing under breath: "It" may have "said" that, but it's definitely wrong. Frigimon: Oh? You seem to have a strong feeling about this... (but it's expected of my partner). Steve, voice returning to normal 'cheery' tone: The thing it doesn't know is that I initially messaged Koushiro of my own volition. Frigimon: But it claims it 'made' you all do that... Steve: And again, it's definitely wrong... because it also doesn't know - or even understand why - how Koushiro initially reacted to me, much less the others in our group. Frigimon: Oh?? (Curious) (Tell Me More, Steve) Steve, swivelling around in chair: Koushiro rambled and info-dumped about different types of systems and coding for a solid ten or so messages back-and-forth before I finally clued Koushiro in more deliberately that I knew about "you all". STEVE: AND, at the start, Koushiro was hesitant to actually talk more to us about it all, even though we made it clear we all mostly knew since "that battle". Frigimon: But Koushiro came around because you were persistent? Steve, laughing: It's not so much "persistence" as "something that naturally fell into place" once I got more of a 'feel' of what Koushiro was like. Koushiro sounds extremely analytical on the 'Net, but apparently is also super formal in person, just in ...different ways. Frigimon: So, you're saying you didn't "pursue" Koushiro but couldn't the "naturally falling into place" still mean-- Steve, shaking head: No, not that either. Steve: Because I also initially wasn't sure if Koushiro actually wanted to be my "friend". Frigimon: ... Steve, clasping hands: Even if it could do everything that 'new' Chosen said, it doesn't understand that these aren't things you can "force". And even if it could, I wouldn't acknowledge it, because it's not a part of my culture... So it's not relevant to me. Frigimon, hmmng: The other monsters "like that" must really dislike us, then. Steve, quirking eyebrow with a grin: "Us"? Frigimon: Well, I don't like those notions, either. I can't really imagine myself being partnered to anyone not you, nor for any other "reason". Steve: ... Steve, quietly: {Thanks.} Frigimon: ... (After all, it is us.)
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mango-ti · 1 year
btw I saw 2! praying mantis just out on the field when i went out to help my mom walk home with groceries??!
the first one we ran into I noticed because i thought it was a weird looking plastic straw (i have bad eyesight don't make fun of me) and stopped to look and was like "wait what the fuck" and there was another one way further up ahead
I'm so fucking happy i always thought praying mantis were cool af and always wanted to see one irl, but i didn't think i would see one literally a few minutes from my house!!
3 photos under read more so no one who doesn't like bugs has to see them
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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same!!
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dedbuny · 2 years
having the joker as one of my main special interests is crazy bc im always surrounded by my other friends who also either like him and/or agree w his morals, but then i was at work the other day n had to actually defend him against my boss who rly likes batman i felt like i was being put on trial as an accomplice
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piastri-lover · 1 year
only her; lando norris
summary: in which you and your boyfriend go on holiday together, but the only pictures he seems to share are of you
pairing: lando norris x reader
authors note: this is my first one of these but i keep seeing other people's so i really wanted to try!! please send in any requests u have and i'll try and do them asap!!
yourusername 📍santorini, greece
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tagged: landonorris liked by pierregasly, landonorris and 1328947 others yourusername honey, honey, how he thrills me x view comments
user1 im so fucking jealous of her -user2 why shes just an attention seeking whore --user1 bitch who are u to talk
carlossainz55 why does he looks so goofy in the water? -yourusername who taught u the word goofy lol --carlossainz55 lando :))
landonorris prettiest boy ever (and ig shes kinda cute too) -yourusername think hes kinda mid icl
landonorris love u baby x -yourusername ig i love u too --landonorris i take it back ---user3 i want what they have
user4 im sorry but why does she literally have the perfect body liked by landonorris -user4 ahh lando liked
user5 does no one else think they're only together bc she's a golddigger and he likes her body -user6 i do always feel like there's no chemistry --user7 its their relationship why do u care??
landonorris 📍santorini, greece
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tagged: yourusername liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55 and 5927462 others landonorris her.view comments
carlossainz55 u were on holiday for 2 weeks and u only have pictures of ur gf -landonorris only ones worth posting
user8 carlos is saying what we're all thinking -user9 can't believe she's manipulated lando like this --user10 bitch u better be joking
yourusername we went to 4 diff islands and they're the only photos u have -landonorris i can post the one of u after that night in mykonos --yourusername nvm these are great
yourusername don't know who that guy is but i LOVE his hands -user11 omg she's so real for that
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tagged: yourusername liked by pierregasly, oscarpiastri and 3183640 others landonorris thanks for 100k likes on twt, i think she looks as pretty as ever xx view comments
user12 how does she still look so good -user13 fr like i don't even know why she made such a big deal out of it --user14 attention seeking i bet
yourusername i hate u -landonorris love u 2 baby xx
oscarpiastri did u take any other photos in greece -landonorris wdym i've only posted the prettiest views --oscarpiastri smooth
user15 i wish i was her -user16 i wish i was lando so i could just stare at her all day
georgerussell63 lando's giggling at all the comments about how pretty y/n is -landonorris fuck off no i'm not --yourusername i wish u were that's kinda hot ---landonorris i 100% was
yourusername 📍greece
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liked by landonorris, alexalbon and 793583 others yourusername bc lando refuses to share photos from holiday... view comments
user17 yk they were staying in the best hotels -user18 joys of dating an f1 driver
user19 ik that lando was just the most romantic on this trip liked by yourusername
landonorris these photos are mid compared to the ones on my page -yourusername ur mid compared to me --user20 facts liked by landonorris
landonorris am i right in saying the third photo is before u fell over and grazed ur knee -yourusername fuck offffff --landonorris love u bitch
user21 i want what they have -user22 witty banter in comment sections?? --user21 no lol good looks
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landonorris replied to your story:
landonorris look so good baby xx
yourusername thank u my love missing greece so much
landonorris yeah me too
yourusername the food the music the hot weather the views
landonorris looking at u everyday
yourusername oh shut up
landonorris never ;) see u on friday x
yourusername yeah love u ig
landonorris i kinda love u as well
landonorris 📍santorini, greece
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tagged: yourusername liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 4193759 others landonorris missing her hours x view comments
user23 okay i do kinda see why he likes her she's stunning -user24 i don't know how lando norris of all people pulled her --user25 she's everything and he's just ken
maxfewtrell @/yourusername pls come get ur man he hasn't shut up about u since he got home -yourusername don't tell him but i do kinda miss him --landonorris i fucking knew it ---yourusername nvm im over it
yourusername ik u took other photos post them bitch -landonorris these the only pretty ones --yourusername idk how someone is so cute and infuriating at the same time
user26 at this point i'm not even convinced lando went on holiday i think he just took photos of y/n liked by landonorris
user27 she's stunning
user28 lando dump y/n and pick me instead -yourusername @/landonorris u heard them --landonorris sorry baby but the people have spoken ---yourusername @/user28 hope ur ready to deal with his snoring lol ----landonorris Y/N FUCK OFF!!
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hitomisuzuya · 1 day
this is gonna b a very self indulgent req.. bear with me here, also happy birthday!! ☺️
i was thinking like a mix of rough but soft dom scara i love ur soft dom scara fics <3 with breeding and creampie kink pls, but also v fluffy aftercare at the end. like lots of kisses and hugs, a lot of smut fics i like never rly have it written, and the aftercare oneshot/drabble u did w scara i rly liked
i hope this isnt too much 😭 im not that picky when it comes to fics so i dont rly ever write reqs but i love ur work so i took the chance ! have a good bday !!!!
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Fingering. Breeding kink. Creampie. Degradation. Soft/rough Dom! Scaramouche. Aftercare at the end❤️
For the rest of my requests with Happy Birthday in them, I am banking those birthday wishes away for next year 👉👈 I have been meaning to write more aftercare🥺
"That's right, you just keep looking at me just like that," Scaramouche's hand caressed your cheek. The look of worship of in your eyes as you turned your cheek into his hand sent an erotic thrill straight to his hard cock. You shivered as the comforting blanket of his dominance washed over you.
Scaramouche loves to bask in your worship for him, and you enjoyed basking in his dominance.
He brushed some hair out of your eyes, skimming his thumb under your eye before caressing his way down your body. You let out a soft moan, moving your body into his touches. You were craving any little touch he would provide you.
Wanting to see you curl into his touch again, his hand travelled further down your body. His caress on your stomach reminded him of the true goal. The reason why his cock was straining hard to be stuffed to the hilt inside you: to breed you.
Breed you so thoroughly that would inevitably drip from your hole. A pocket of cum would lead to a belly swollen with something else. He got harder just thinking about it.
Growing impatient, Scaramouche possessively caressed your stomach before moving down between your legs. His finger found your clit, pulling a soft gasp of pleasure from you as his finger wagged and circled the sensitive nub.
He gathered the slick rapidly pooling onto your pussy onto his index finger. His cock pulsed harder seeing you eagerly grind your hips into his finger. "So wet it's pathetic," He taunted, pushing his finger inside.
His back handed taunt made your walls squeeze on his finger. Smirking, he pumped it in and out of you a few times, his eyes glued to the way your juices made his finger glossy. "You are suffocating my finger, kitten," He said, swallowing a moan as he pushed in a second finger.
You gasped in pleasure as he scissored your walls apart. Your hand went to his wrist, squeezing it so he would push his fingers deeper inside of you. You struggled to form words feeling his fingers curl into your sweet spot.
"Shh, it's okay, kitten," Scaramouche cooed almost condescendingly, increasing the pace of his fingers. "I need to stretch you out so I can fill you to the brim," He drank in the way you struggled not to shake from the jolts of pleasure as his palm rubbed over your clit.
Your hand tightened on his wrist as he angled his fingers up to nudge against your sweet spot, making stars burst behind your eyes. Your toes curled as you bucked your hips up into his thrusts. He chuckled when you could barely form syllables.
"Already cock drunk and my cock isn't even inside you yet," He added a third finger, making you writhe as his fingers rubbed on a sensitive spot. "Start singing, slut. Tell me how much you want to be stretched and filled," He hissed firmly, groaning as your walls clutched tighter.
"Please, please," His fingers curling extra into your sweet spot shocked you into speaking. "Cum inside and breed me please," You pleaded around strained moans, earn you a faster pace that made his fingers squelch in and out of your sopping cunt.
"Say pretty please," Scaramouche had this incredible ability to purr commands. He pulled your hair, gently yanking your head back. Your cheeks flushed with further adoration as you sat up, your legs shaking as you bucked into his fingers.
You reached around to put your hand on the back of his head. "Pretty please cum inside of me," You ran your fingers through his hair, practically making him purr softly. His cock strained harder as you delivered a few submissive kitten licks to his mouth.
Pulling his fingers from your pussy, he roughly pushed you back down on the bed. His cock needed to buried inside of you now. He hastily drapped one of your legs over his shoulder, bending your knee towards your chest, giving him better leverage to fuck his cock to the hilt inside of you.
He groaned as he pushed his cock inside, shuddering in pleasure as it sank into your tight warmth. "Fucking hell, get pregnant," He bottomed out with a determined snap of his hips.
The louder moans tearing from your throat as he picked up a pace that was a unique blend of gentle but dominant made his cock throb harder inside of you. "Cry for me," He moaned, his hand hovering over your throat for a moment before dipping down to rub your clit. "Moan and squirm while I breed you, whore."
Scaramouche's mouth watered seeing the buldge poking up on your stomach. Your body twitched in pleasure as his cock head hit into your sweet spot. The building intensity of your orgasm stacked with each thrust, making your head spin and tears well into your eyes.
"Please, please, please," You babbled, your fingernails scratching at his skin as you struggled to anchor yourself on him somehow, your breasts bouncing from his thrusts. His fingers pinching and rubbing over your clit snapped the coil of your orgasm.
He grit his teeth as your pussy clenched around his cock, begging to milk him empty inside of you like he promised to do. Satisfied with reducing you to the state he'd demanded of you, his thumb brushed a few tears away from your eyes. His thrusts turned sloppy for a few beats, lost in the feeling of your cum flooding his cock.
Scaramouche leaned down, capturing your lips in a passionate, open mouthed kiss. He pushed his tongue the into your mouth to muffle his moans. "Such a good girl," His teeth bit gently at your lips, "taking my cock so well."
You mewled in such sweet bliss into his mouth as his cock ribboned cum inside of you. His thrusts were slow and deliberate, intent on fucking his cum deep inside of you. It was a long few moments before his hips slowed to a stop, his eyes feasting on his cum trickling from your hole.
"Thank you," He murmured, burying his face into your neck as he pulled out "for letting me be so rough with you," He nuzzled against your neck. You put a hand on the back of his head, stroking your fingers through his hair.
You smiled, your body limp and exhausted hearing him purr softly in your ear. "Who knows, maybe I will get pregnant," You swore you thought you heard him purr a little louder.
"Don't you move," He said as he sat up. You watched him get out of bed, and pull some sweat pants on. "Let's run you a warm bath, and treat you to a massage while we soak," He disappeared into the bathroom.
He emerged a few minutes later, the water running in the tub with pleasant scents following him out. He scooped you bridal style off the bed and carried you to the bathroom.
You sighed, feeling yourself melt as he put you down into the water. He quickly shed his sweats and got in behind you. He set his beautiful fingers to work on your sore muscles. His line of thinking was that more relaxed you were after being bred, the better the chances of the satisfying goal. His hand dipped into the water to caress your stomach.
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
this is…
the most ravenstan thing i’ve ever purchased
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ft this iconic trans rights avril lavigne sk8rboi shirt
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Hear me out ok? In the middle of the night u just get rlly needy and horny but u dont have the guts to wake vesper up so u use his belly mouth instead to get off. Idk if im mistaken but i think u mentioned about vesper's belly mouth is awake even in the night?
[Yep, correct! Fem reader.]
TW: Somnophilia; Dubious consent then enthusiastic consent.
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It's its own special type of Hell, living with Vesper.
Not because he treats you badly. Quite the contrary, as soon as you started making efforts to accept your new reality, he was the first one to volunteer any sort of help, hoping to make you feel as comfortable here as you did in your home, back on the surface. And, putting aside the volumes of mixed feelings you have regarding all this, it's... Sweet of him to at least care about your comfort.
That's not the problem.
The problem is your ceaseless libido.
Ever since you woke up in this ring, in his mansion, you've been burning up with arousal. You're always some degree of wet, sensitive, mind heading to the gutter far too frequently. You want everything and everyone, you want Vesper's touch on your body at every. Possible. Moment. You want him to slip his fingers and tongue anywhere he can and you want him to pick you up like a fucktoy whenever he pleases- Because it feels like nothing will ever sate you these days.
When you brought these concerns to the King, he was more than thrilled by the knowledge, though also a tad empathetic. It must be jarring, yes, he cooed, but you'll soon come to embrace your own desires. They're your true nature, after all.
It was... A strange conversation. To say the least.
Thankfully, Lust is the last place in the universe where you can be judged for excessive sexual cravings. It isn't the possible judgment of others that stops you from going all in, your own thoughts are what makes you hesitate.
Because, even if Vesper has made it very clear that you're to deliberately seek him out when you're bothered -No matter what he's up to- He can't possibly mean all the time, right?
It's common sense that you're not supposed to wake the Icon of Lust from a dead sleep just so you can have sex. How selfish of you! He's a King, he needs his rest.
But Gods... You're so fucking horny.
You can feel your heartbeat in your cunt. Maybe it's from sleeping in the same bed as him, where his loose fluff spreads sometimes, getting into the sheets, contaminating them. That must be the cause of your misery, in retrospect.
Well... You could get up. Look around, have a drink, return to bed after cooling off and enjoying the view from his lavish home. But you're comfortable.
And his smell... Oh, you inhale the pillow between you two faintly, it's addictive.
You don't want to get up. At all. Leaving this room sounds awful.
The tiniest bit of light creeps in through a gap in the massive curtains of your resting chambers, allowing some of the faint reddish glow of night to slink its way in, highlighting the form of your massive, recently proclaimed husband. Vesper sleeps soundlessly, a hand over his chest, the other, once holding you to his side, now dormant on the sheets, fingers periodically twitching. He sleeps bare, to absolutely no one's surprise. Legs faintly parted, offering a view you admire shamelessly in the dark. You've no doubt he has watched you like this before, so it's more than fair you get to ogle as well.
He's gorgeous. He's hot. So hot. You're married to the hottest thing that ever lived. Gods, he's such a whore.
Another flare of heat travels its way up from your loins. It would be exceptionally easy. All you'd have to do is palm at his exposed slit for a moment or two and he'd pop those treats out for you. All for you. He wouldn't even care, it's probably normal for Vesper-
With a shake of the head, you push said thoughts away as hard as possible. See? Not a moment of rest, all these gross ideas swimming around like they belong, like it's right. You're above something so rude!
But you're not above touching yourself in the same bed.
In your humble defense, you need this. You really need this, or you're going to scream and drag yourself on the ground like a bitch in heat. Panties are swiped aside with great haste, both hands quickly darting for the crux of your fire. It takes literally no effort for you to be able to slide two fingers into yourself, then three, trying to roll your clit in the best angle at the same time. It's clumsy, hurried, and unfortunately, fruitless. Instead of relieving you of this insurmountable heat, all it does is incense you further- Wishing it was more, better, bigger.
Wishing it was Vesper that's fucking your little body the way he pleases.
A whimper almost makes it past your clenched teeth.
Beside you, there's sudden movement. A large tail swatting back and forth -Wagging?- While Vesper's brows furrow and his breathing hastens rhythmically, like he's sniffing. When you halt, mortified, so does his stirring.
What a bright idea. As if the King of Lust wouldn't feel your desire right next to him.
Childish irritation settles in you as you sit on your own stewing arousal, sulking. Until a loud rumble jolts you, that is. After a pause of stunted blinking, you put two and two together.
While the demonlord may be fast asleep, a part of him is clearly active. Gaze falling to Vesper's abdomen, his sizeable second mouth can be seen parted, greedily flicking a fat tongue over sharp chops. It pants, a dopey sort of smile, muscle lolling as it very easily detects some poor horny sap nearby.
Or, maybe it recognizes you already. This certainly isn't your first meeting with Vesper's second mouth.
Amused, getting a couple of nasty ideas, you smile at the organ. " Hello there... " You whisper to it.
It doesn't react too much to the sound of your voice, although gleefully wets its lips and chuffs, waiting. You're sure it'll settle back down given enough time.
It's just a matter of ignoring it.
Fuck it.
Guilty eyes glance from Vesper's peacefully resting complexion to the shifting mouth beneath, and you gulp, self-control falling victim to rabid want. Again.
Slowly, silently, you wriggle out of your undergarments, keeping your breath in check as you move to straddle Vesper's abdomen. Given the size difference, and he seems to plump in a couple areas, you have a difficult time stretching your legs enough to encompass his waist.
Little does it matter, as you don't even get to sit before that muscle has already slapped itself onto your soaked cunt with a decidedly loud PLAP. Cosmic luck alone prevented you from moaning immediately. Vesper turns his face, then settles once more.
This might have been a bad idea.
The mouth is merciless on you, drool slathered on your tights, ass and belly as it gluttonously slurps at you, making lurid sounds you hope to whatever's out there won't wake the King. Terrible idea or not, it's well worth the trouble, because it's exactly the type of pressure you need to get off.
A sweet sigh makes it past your lips when shaky legs lower, having to brace your palms firmly on each side of the bed when the mouth starts smooching tenderly at your lips. How... Sweet. Cute.
Then, suddenly, it latches on. Literally. Its size allows the organ to wrap around your groin easily, applying an all-encompassing suction delicious enough to have you rolling your eyes and jerking your hips forward, nerve endings frying on a pan. God fuck yes, you didn't know it could do that!
An orgasm approaches fast, likely due to how long you've been waiting for it, building up tension. As sensation makes your lower body jerk and tense, shaky legs press you harder against that hungry maw, almost nicking yourself with bold teeth. It feels wonderful. Delightful.
Even asleep, only Vesper can make you feel this good. It's almost too funny a concept to be true.
Nothing halts the flow of keens and gasps you offer when it pauses its slurping to shove that roving muscle into your pussy, flirting with your entrance a little before feeding you more and more and more of itself, until you're groaning at the fullness. The first experimental undulation it makes is so strong that you legitimately moan out, loud and clear, dropping squarely onto Vesper and holding on for dear life as your jostled with each thrust.
You're sure you're drooling on his belly, though it hardly matters, eyelids fluttering, nonsensical pleas chanted in the dark.
" Oh fuck- Yes- Please please please, I need to come. Fffuck, I need to come... "
You're so close! It's right there, you can't wait to get licked and sucked as you ride it out, it'll be so-
" Mm, why didn't you say so? "
You don't even get to have a moment of shame when realization dawns. Large hands grab onto your hips and screw you onto the demonlord's tongue hard enough to make you see stars, the movement in your walls so frantic that you have no choice but to howl in bliss before a single excuse could flow past your parted lips.
And all you can do is flail and cry in overstimulation when Vesper continues sucking at all the arousal you can offer him.
" My Queen should want for nothing. "
His sickly magenta eyes leer at you from the darkness.
" You will come. "
It's a promise.
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killakalx · 6 months
killa ur one of my absolute fav jason writers so i felt the urge to share w u what has been rotting my brain recently. all i can think abt is ak/rh!jason meeting robin!reader for the first time. at first he’s angry, enraged, really, seeing flashes of red and green prancing across rooftops like you don’t have a care in the world. he has half a mind to beat some sense into you, knock that ‘i’m invincible in this suit’ mentality right out of your pretty little head. until he sees you up close, because that kevlar vest can’t hide the swell of your chest, and of course he notices the way your cape flares out to accommodate for the curve of your ass. just imagining the way he’d get obsessed, always cornering you in dark alleys just to rile you up and make you feel guilty that somebody like him has your panties all sticky and your thighs clenching, only to leave you high and dry ‘til the next time he ‘coincidentally’ runs into you during your solo patrols. kicking my feet js putting this into words he’s actually taken over all my thoughts i can’t function 😵‍💫
omg wait ilysm nonnie ☹️❤️ im glad my writing for jason is what you like!!!
ok i’m gonna edit ur take just a lil bit bc if you want me to be so honest rn, the idea of reader as a robin implies to me that reader’s still kinda young. ik that isn’t the fact but i just associate robin with being tiny and thrilled to get your life destroyed by an old man in a bat costume. now if we go about it like reader’s being mentored by b-man and has been for a long time, so it’s obvious to jason that she’s got that lil invincible flair? i’m all for it. cuz i feel like jason has beef with anyone who subjects themself to the same things he did when he was under batman’s wing.
now i’m not gonna say jason’s a stalker but yk. he’s definitely keeping track of you. judging your every move and making sure to be as hypercritical as possible, just to distract him from how badly he wants to ruin you himself. two things immediately came to my mind when i read this and it was brat taming and corruption, but jason as a brat tamer is always in the back of my mind somewhere 🫣 he’s almost looking forward to the moment he gets you to pounce on him with some sneaky shit, waiting for you to pull something just so he can show you how easily he’ll have you right under his thumb. and every time he corners you it’s a little game- he’s wondering if you’re feeling feisty and wanting to give him a hard time or if you’re gonna be all calm and collected and try to outsmart him. he almost finds it pitiful, really, if not entertaining.
then suddenly you’re looking forward to the moment he’s got you really cornered, head to head with him and he’s giving you that death stare even from under the blank helmet. “i know you like this stupid little game,” he’d taunt after getting you in a chokehold all the way up against his chest and pelvis. “aww, he didn’t teach you how to get outta this one yet?” when he definitely has, and you can’t quite figure out what exactly you’re supposed to do when you’re caught off guard by the little tingle between your legs. not to mention how the tight grip around your neck has you gasping… god you’re ashamed of yourself, and he can tell with the look of frustration under that cute cowl. you can’t tell that he’s enjoying this too, and he makes sure of that. just know that he’s eager to hear your half-assed protests and how you “shouldn’t be doing this with him” while he’s… 🤭 mmmm ak!jason todd w a corruption kink save me pls
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