#(<- has gastrointestinal distress disease)
recapitulation · 2 years
why am I in gastrointestinal distress
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
Confidential Human Questions
I was walking past the door to the cockpit quietly because I heard Captain Sunlight on a video call with a client, but then I heard, “Was that a human? Call them back; I have a question.”
This ought to be good, I thought as I spun on my heel.
Captain Sunlight was just calling my name as I reached the doorway. “Ah yes, thank you. Would you mind answering a human-related question?” She stood in the middle of the room, yellow scales bright in the good lighting. She managed to look up to my height without making it seem awkward.
“Sure,” I said. “What’s the question?” I stayed in the doorway. The room was a little crowded, with Wio in one pilot’s chair, tentacles manipulating many controls at once, and Kavlae doing something to fix her own chair with a hand tool. Judging by the way her head frills were flaring with frustration, she wasn’t done yet.
The client on the big screen curled his own tentacles. “I’m concerned about my ship’s human,” he said, turning his pointy squid head to make sure he wasn’t overheard. He lowered his voice and spoke closely to the screen. “We only have the one, you see, and I don’t want to ask any awkward questions directly.”
“I understand,” I said with a nod. Captain Sunlight ushered me into the room, then stepped out to talk to Zhee about something. I heard the distinctive click of his bug feet.
The client was still talking, with agitated twists of his pebbly gray tentacles. “We don’t have a medic onboard, just an automated medical suite. The human will be going home soon — limited time work contract, you know — but I’m honestly worried about infection spreading there, since I think this human caught it by meeting up with another. I gather that this other is on good terms with ours, and may be going to the same place either way, but I don’t want to contribute any contagion from my ship.”
“What kind of symptoms are we talking about?” I asked, mentally going over the short list of diseases that I knew of which could jump between species. This might be worth consulting our own medic. “No one else onboard is affected?”
“No, just the human,” he said, making vague loops with his tentacles. “There’s a malignant-looking growth, along with fatigue and gastrointestinal distress. The human has been acting a little… unpredictable.” He looked behind himself again. “I very much don’t want to cause an incident by prying, especially if this is something she knows to be terminal.”
I opened my mouth then closed it, choosing my questions with care. “Is the growth about here?” I pantomimed a roundness at my own stomach. “How long since she met with the other human?”
“Yes, exactly there! It’s been approximately half a standard orbit. What is it? Do you know?”
He was so sincere and worried that I had to smile. “Good news! In my opinion as a professional human, that’s not a disease at all. Your human is going to be a parent.”
Instead of relaxing, he looked confused. “Humans gestate eggs for that long? Shouldn’t she have laid them by now? She looks awfully uncomfortable. Oh no, are they stuck?” Now he was getting alarmed. “I had a relative who got eggbound once, and it was dire!”
I raised my hands in a calming gesture that I hoped he understood. “No, no eggs. Humans give live birth.”
“Live what?”
“Just — we lay the babies, already hatched.” I looked to my various crewmates for support, and found four different sets of eyes watching in curiosity. “All of you lay eggs, don’t you?”
Several nods answered me, along with, “Well not personally,” from Zhee. “But yes.”
I sighed and turned back to the screen. “It’s extremely normal on my planet. Just think of it as carrying the nest around internally. There are pros and cons to the whole thing, but yeah. At any rate, it sounds like she’s planning to join up with her mate at home, and raise their offspring together.”
The client looked fascinated. “Is there anything I should do? Or not do? I can make sure my crew is informed.”
“I understand it’s an uncomfortable process. Just be gentle, and encourage rest,” I said. “Oh, and have other crewmembers handle anything that involves bending over or moving heavy things.”
By the swift tentacle motions offscreen, he was typing notes.
Another thought occurred to me. “I don’t know how long until you reach her home, but if things take too long, you’d better hope your medical suite is up to overseeing a childbirth. They’re very painful, sometimes dangerous. And messy.”
He stopped typing, eyes wide. “I need to check with someone about changing our schedule. Thank you, goodbye!” The screen went blank.
I looked to the captain. “Were you done talking with him, I hope?”
She nodded. “Yes, business is concluded. Which is good, since I don’t fancy having to track him down because he forgot to pay us.”
“Yeah, me neither,” I said with a glance back at the screen. “I didn’t even get to tell him how loud human newborns are, or how often they cry. I doubt there’s a crib onboard.”
Zhee made a disparaging hiss and wandered off in a cloud of opinions about species without the good sense to hatch at a properly capable stage of development.
Wio snorted. “Judging by the speed they just took off at, I don’t think they’re going to need one.” She pointed a blue-ringed tentacle at a display that showed the other ship departing in an all-fired hurry.
I shook my head. “Best of luck to all involved!”
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
Is autism and bowel/digestive problems a popular thing? Does anyone know what causes it or what can help? I have been to doctors and hospitals so many times over the years and never get any results or help.
Hi there,
Unfortunately people with ASD have some difficulty with the gastrointestinal tract. I’ll leave some excerpts from articles below. Warning: they are very long:
Of the many medical comorbidities associated with ASD, GI distress has gained significant attention because of its reported prevalence and association with symptom severity. In fact, out of the children that Leo Kanner described in his landmark article defining “infantile autism” are described as having eating/feeding or dietary problems, supporting an early association of ASD with GI issues. Of the GI problems reported in subsets of autistic individuals, the most common are chronic constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Gastroesophageal reflux, bloody stools, vomiting, and gaseousness are also elevated in some autistic individuals, as are signs of GI inflammation, such as lymphoid nodular hyperplasia, complement activation, and elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines, and intestinal pathologies, such as enterocolitis, gastritis, and esophagitis. Increased intestinal permeability is linked to autism and hypothesized to have detrimental effects not only on intestinal barrier integrity but also on the systemic metabolome, with potential for translocation of intestinal metabolites or bacteria and consequent immune activation. Furthermore, food allergies, altered dietary nutrient intake, and metabolic disruptions have been associated with ASD.10–12 Autistic individuals with comorbid GI abnormalities exhibit altered carbohydrate digestion. Taken together, the variety of GI conditions, dietary issues, and enteric immune abnormalities reported in ASD individuals suggests that GI dysfunction can contribute to the manifestation of core symptoms of autism.
Characterized by difficulties with socializing, and often accompanied by repetitive behaviors, this neurodevelopmental disorder harbors many mysteries.
Despite its prevalence and a glut of research, the causes behind ASD are still not fully understood.
Although ASD primarily impacts the brain, over recent years, links with other systems have become clear — in particular, gastrointestinal (GI) issues seem to occur more often in individuals with ASD than in the rest of the population.
In one study, compared with typically developing (TD) children, those with ASD were six to eight times more likely to report GI symptoms such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.
Other studies have shown that children with ASD who experience GI problems are more likely to have more severe symptoms of ASD. Also, treating the GI symptoms can sometimes relieve the behavioral and social symptoms of ASD.
Interestingly, behavioral issues are found alongside other conditions that impact the gut. For instance, people with celiac disease are more likely to have autism-like traits and other psychological symptoms. The gut and behavior seem tied together in some way.
According to many researchers, the GI issues that come with ASD might be due to two factors: firstly, inappropriate immune activation causing inflammation of the tract; and, secondly, differences in the types of gut bacteria that are present.
However, the picture is still incredibly murky, and studies produce differing results, finding different types of inflammation and various changes in gut bacteria.
Children with autism experience more gastrointestinal symptoms
Gastrointestinal concerns are frequently reported by parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Researchers from the UC Davis MIND Institute evaluated the presence of GI symptoms in preschool-aged children with and without autism.
The study included 255 (184 males/71 females) children with ASD between two and 3-5 years of age and 129 (75 males/54 females) typically developing children in the same age group. Pediatricians specializing in autism interviewed caregivers during the children’s medical evaluation. They asked the parents how often their children experienced GI symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, painful stooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, blood in stool and blood in vomit.
The researchers grouped children in two categories: those who experienced one or more GI symptom and those who never or rarely had GI symptoms in the last three months. They compared the children in the two groups on measures of developmental, behavioral and adaptive functioning.
The study found that preschool-aged children with ASD were 2-7 times more likely to experience GI symptoms than their typically developing peers. In fact, almost 50% of children with ASD reported frequent GI symptoms - compared to 18% of children with typical development. Around 30% of the children with ASD experienced multiple GI symptoms.
I hope these sources can help. I have GI issues too and have to resort to stool softener
Anyway, thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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darkmaga-retard · 20 days
Story at-a-glance
Dairy products offer essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin K2, B vitamins, protein, and probiotics, including the unique pentadecanoic acid, known for its beneficial metabolic effects
Dairy consumption can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay, while promoting bone health and gut microbiome support
Dairy intolerance is common, but understanding the difference between A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins in dairy can help those with sensitivities benefit from dairy without adverse effects
The A1 beta-casein variant may cause digestive issues due to its breakdown product, BCM7, while A2 beta-casein may be easier to digest and less likely to cause gastrointestinal distress
Switching to A2 dairy products has shown potential benefits, including reduced abdominal pain and inflammation, and improved lactose tolerance in some studies, even for those without diagnosed lactose intolerance
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Take this as constructive criticism or just me sharing my views. ITS NOT AN ATTACK
But I would really won't rely on doctors saying Lyme is just bunch of bs, I don't have it but I have 5 doctors at home and about pain , Man doctors are such sadist according to my sister who is a practicing doctor , she says if a doctor says you will be in mild discomfort it means it will hurt like bitch but if he/she says it won't hurt it means it will hurt but will be tolerable . My personal experience with medical professionals have also not been good I have been gaslighted so many times my symptoms were normal till I ended up in ICU so, no doctors/medical professionals are not always right.
Secondly, Andrew huberman is a piece of shit for what he did but supplements/probiotics do make a difference. Probably some supplements won't do things companies say, as companies often reach with thir claims like saying green tea will help you with weight loss, no for that you will have to drink a lot but saying green tea is not beneficial for health is false. As someone who was on very extended period of antibiotics, probiotics and yogurt has helped me immensely and it's still something that helps me when I have gut issues.
Anyways not an attack , I enjoy reading your work ✌
First of, I agree, doctors are shady as hell and esp as a woman, navigating the medical system and getting someone to take you seriously IS a challenge
I had already explained how Lyme disease is a legitimate illness caused by tick bites and "Chronic Lyme" is a separate "condition" that's unrelated to it.
Lyme disease is not a severe or life threatening condition btw. It's literally a very minor, completely treatable and fully curable condition that will go away with 2 weeks of antibiotics
Manyyy doctors have commented upon Bella's illness and how it makes no sense she has been suffering for 10+ years from ...a tick bite???
Also she has literally posted her medical history and it's all fake 😭😭
So yes, I stand my ground that whatever Bella has, isn't a real condition that can be verified by actual medical professionals :/
Another thing is that Chronic Lyme's symptoms are hella vague and not at all specific to cHroNic lYme, like if all your symptoms can be experienced by an average person, then how tf does one determine who is sick??
It's not like there hasn't been medical research done into this super rare disease and the entire medical community has been unhelpful to Bella. It's that, it's absurd and insane for this condition to persist over a lifetime??? Like that's not how it works???
I completely agree that doctors can be wrong but Chronic Lyme not being a real condition isn't some doctor's personal opinion. It's a medically disproven condition aka SCIENCE has proven that its not legit??
Obviously even science can be wrong sometimes, so maybe in the future we'll know about how Chronic Lyme is a super rare and advanced condition or whatever idk
Now about probiotics, research has shown:
"The majority of studies to date have failed to reveal any benefits in individuals who are already healthy.” The bacteria seem to help only those people suffering from a few specific intestinal disorders. “There is no evidence to suggest that people with normal gastrointestinal tracts can benefit from taking probiotics,” says Matthew Ciorba, a gastroenterologist at Washington University in St. Louis. “If you're not in any distress, I would not recommend them.” Emma Allen-Vercoe, a microbiologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, agrees. For the most part, she says, “the claims that are made are enormously inflated.” (from an article published by Scientific American)
Even with vitamin supplements, unless somebody has a serious deficiency, I don't see how taking supplements is prioritised over consuming actual vitamin rich food??? It's literally just a capitalist technique to make people buy shit they don't need. Imagine brainwashing people into thinking they should take vitamin c pills instead of yk... eating oranges or whatever???
Probiotics help those who have intestinal issues, which as per your description, I think you do. Majority of people already have gut bacteria and don't need to take probiotic supplements for it??? Or they can consume probiotic enhancing food like yoghurt (which I love 🤤)
I'm not attacking the concept of probiotics, just the way they're marketed and sold to the public to be some miracle cure when it's just as easy and convenient for people to eat food meant to help with healthy gut bacteria instead of yk paying for unnecessary supplements.
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hallabou · 5 months
Unveiling the Green Marvel: Exploring the Myriad Health Benefits of Matcha
In recent years, matcha has surged in popularity as a revered health elixir, captivating health enthusiasts and coffee connoisseurs alike. This vibrant green powdered tea, celebrated for its rich history and ceremonial significance in Japanese culture, has transcended traditional boundaries to become a global wellness phenomenon. With its distinctive flavor and an array of purported health benefits, matcha has earned a special place in the pantheon of superfoods.
The Matcha Marvel Unveiled:
Derived from the same Camellia sinensis plant as green tea, matcha is distinguished by its unique cultivation and preparation methods. Before harvest, matcha leaves are shaded from sunlight, prompting an increase in chlorophyll production and amino acid content. After harvesting, the leaves are meticulously stone-ground into a fine powder, preserving their nutritional potency.
Unraveling the Health Benefits:
Rich in Antioxidants: Matcha boasts a formidable arsenal of antioxidants, including catechins, notably epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which neutralize free radicals and combat oxidative stress. Research suggests that EGCG may offer protective effects against chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular ailments.
Enhanced Mental Clarity and Focus: Unlike the jittery highs and subsequent crashes associated with coffee consumption, matcha provides a sustained release of energy due to its synergistic blend of caffeine and L-theanine. This unique combination promotes alertness and cognitive function while fostering a sense of calmness and concentration.
Supports Weight Management: Studies indicate that matcha may bolster metabolism and aid in fat oxidation, making it a favored ally in weight management endeavors. Moreover, its high fiber content promotes satiety, curbing cravings and promoting feelings of fullness.
Promotes Skin Health: The abundance of antioxidants in matcha contributes to its skin-rejuvenating properties, shielding against UV damage, reducing inflammation, and promoting collagen synthesis. Regular consumption may impart a radiant complexion and combat premature aging.
Fortifies Immune Function: The immune-boosting potential of matcha stems from its polyphenol content, which bolsters the body's defense mechanisms against pathogens and enhances overall resilience.
Navigating Potential Considerations:
While matcha offers a plethora of health benefits, it's prudent to exercise moderation and be mindful of potential side effects. Excessive consumption may lead to caffeine-related symptoms such as insomnia, jitteriness, and gastrointestinal distress. Additionally, individuals with sensitivities to caffeine or those on certain medications should exercise caution.
Matcha: A Versatile Wellness Ally:
From traditional tea ceremonies to trendy cafes, matcha has seamlessly integrated into diverse culinary landscapes, lending its vibrant hue and distinctive flavor to an array of beverages and culinary creations. Whether enjoyed as a soothing latte, incorporated into smoothie bowls, or infused into savory dishes, matcha transcends boundaries to captivate palates and nourish bodies.
Final Thoughts:
As the wellness zeitgeist continues to evolve, matcha remains a steadfast emblem of vitality and rejuvenation, revered for its unparalleled health benefits and culinary versatility. Whether sipped ceremonially or savored as a culinary delight, matcha serves as a potent reminder of the profound connection between nourishment, culture, and holistic well-being. Embrace the green marvel and embark on a journey of vitality and renewal with each sip of this esteemed elixir.
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puppyexpressions · 1 year
5 Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe During A Cookout
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Summertime and cookouts often go hand-in-hand. From barbecued ribs to potato salad and sweet treats, many family gatherings revolve around this warm weather tradition. Our pets are family, and most pet owners want to include their pets in family gatherings and activities. Many pets enjoy the added attention from visiting family members, and they likely will drool in anticipation of a delicious piece of steak or burger that may accidentally fall from the grill.
 However, grilling and cookout activities can be dangerous to pets, and lead to burns, skin irritations, choking, and sometimes deadly gastrointestinal (GI) problems. We want to ensure your pets are safe during summertime cookouts, so follow these five cooking safety tips.
#1: Keep your pet away from the grill while cooking
The sizzling aroma of fresh meats and veggies on the grill can be enticing not only to people, but also to pets. However, an active grill holds many pet hazards. Pets should be kept more than three feet from grills, because the dangerous grilling flames and heat can lead to burned paws and singed whiskers on curious noses. Therefore, never leave an active grill unattended. 
Additionally, ensure you prevent pets from accessing the fat and meat trimmings that build up and become trapped below the grill. Pets lack the proper enzymes to digest rich, fatty foods, and ingestion can result in GI distress, inflammation, or potentially deadly pancreatitis.
#2: Never leave grilling accessories in a pet-accessible area
Many tools are required to ensure a successful grilling venture. However, these tools can injure pets. Ensure you keep all grilling tools, such as skewers and cooking tongs, out of paws’ reach to prevent traumatic injuries from sharp edges, or burned tongues in pets trying to sample your recipes. Additionally, store charcoal bags in a pet-safe location to prevent ingestion. Although charcoal is not toxic to pets, ingestion can still lead to GI problems, choking, or blockages that may require surgery in some cases. 
Store all plastic ware and storage containers in a non-pet-accessible location, to prevent a dangerous ingestion. Your pet also may be tempted to lick residual food particles off the foil, and accidentally ingest some of the foil, which can lead to GI blockages. Diagnosing this type of blockage can be challenging because the foil is not visible on an X-ray.
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#3: Avoid sharing your plate with your pet
We understand that your pet’s longing eyes and drooling muzzle can be impossible to ignore while you prepare your barbecue feast. However, many popular grilling foods, spices, and side dishes are dangerous to pets, and can lead to GI inflammation, blockages that may require surgery, or potentially deadly toxicities. Never hesitate to call your if you are concerned that your pet has ingested a toxic food, and always keep the ASPCA Animal Poison Control number readily available. 
Common cookout foods dangerous to pets include:
Raw meats
Hot dogs
Garlic, onions, or other members of the Allium family
Corn cobs
Salty snacks, including pretzels, chips, peanuts, and popcorn
Desserts, or any chocolate
Alcoholic beverages or desserts with alcohol
Sugar free foods, such as jello
#4: Use caution with bug repellent and sunscreen around pets
The rising temperatures bring an abundance of biting insects, including mosquitoes and fleas, which can carry infectious diseases and parasites dangerous to pets. Bug repellent and citronella candles are as much summer staples as swimsuits and cookouts. However, never use human-intended insecticides on your pet, and ensure your pet is a safe distance away when you apply bug spray to yourself or in the yard. Most commercial repellents contain ingredients that are dangerous to pets.
Veterinary-prescribed flea, tick, and heartworm prevention products are the safest, most effective way to protect your pet from hitchhiking pests. Additionally, excess ultraviolet exposure can lead to sunburn, or skin cancer, in some breeds. Never apply sunscreen directly on your pet without veterinary advice. Many human sunscreens contain ingredients such as zinc oxide, or para-aminobenzoic acid, that are toxic to pets.
#5: Ensure your pet can be identified
You can easily become distracted during the chaos of family or friends arriving to share the fruits of your barbecue labor. Ensure that your pet is microchipped, and wearing a secondary identification such as an embroidered collar or tag. Curious pets may accidentally sneak out the front door during the excitement of arriving guests. A microchip is the safest, most effective, and only permanent means of identifying your pet, should they go on an unplanned adventure. Always ensure your pet’s microchip registration is kept up to date with your current contact information.
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‘Reflections on a Radical Plot’, Charlotte Salter-Townshend in conversation with Clodagh Emoe
Imma magazine
Reflections on a Radical Plot offers insights into the journey and multifaceted engagements of Crocosmia × woven together with histories, folklore, and symbolism of Crocosmia and the various species of plants which have presented themselves in the plot on IMMA’s front lawn.
Clodagh Emoe creates works that explore how meaning is formed through our connection with each other and the natural world. Her collaborative project, The Plurality of Existence… (2015-2018) with individuals seeking asylum led organically to Crocosmia ×, a participatory project that was also developed and realised with individuals seeking asylum. Crocosmia × was commissioned by ‘…the lives we live” Grangegorman Public Art and supported by IMMA. The artwork Crocosmia × found a natural home in IMMA, as a plot of wildflowers on the lawn of this stately building.
Studies indicate the value of plants both wild and cultivated on human well-being. Increasingly, researchers acknowledge the importance of daily contact with nature. Even the ‘plucky plants’[i] that find their niche in urban environments have manifold positive effects. Growing on walls, in gutters, between cracks in the pavement, and along railway lines, these wild plants provide much needed refuge and food for animals including pollinators, but they also have a positive effect on human well-being.
Plants referenced in the collection of folklore are brought back to our attention in her organic, ghostlike prints of nettle, forget-me-not, primrose, herb Robert, ribwort plantain, nipplewort, prickly sow thistle, common thistle, opium poppy, wild violet, and western willow herb.
Nettles are nutritious and are an example of food as medicine: “Three doses of nettles in the month of April will prevent any disease for the rest of the year”.[9] Nettles are also vital for wildlife, the leaves providing food for the caterpillars of small tortoiseshell, comma, red admiral, and peacock butterfly. The stinging hairs protect the plant from grazers, allowing all sorts of insect life to thrive undisturbed. Nipplewort is a ‘weed’ of cereal crops. It has become less frequent with modern agricultural practices. The flower buds were thought to resemble nipples. Hence, it was believed to help heal sore nipples. This is an example of a theory known as the doctrine of signatures, popular in medieval times. Willowherb is also known as fireweed, because it grew where bombs had struck during the Blitz in London. It is a plant symbolic of upheaval and survival. Dandelions are considered the classic ‘weed’. Originating in Europe and Asia, it is estimated that dandelions have been in cultivation since the Roman times. They are used as remedies for illnesses including liver problems, gastrointestinal distress, fluid retention, and skin ailments. The plant is also a tasty and highly nutritious vegetable. During the seventeenth century, European colonists introduced dandelions to North America. Native American peoples also developed their own uses of the dandelion after it naturalised.
For the purposes of scientific record, botanists and collectors press and preserve plants as herbarium specimens. Bridging across science and art, botanic artists paint plants with great accuracy and detail. Clodagh develops this further, using unique ecological printing process that captures an image of the subject using the very essence of the plants. What appears as a mirror image reveals the trace of natural dye from the front and back of the plant left on each page, a duality presenting the plants’ dimension and depth, like the poetry of the asylum seekers who collaborated in The Plurality of Existence… and Crocosmia ×. This ecological printing process captures the complexity of these plants, revealing that being is a process in constant flux and in dialogue with the environment. At times, plants are potential, lying dormant in the soil. Later, they decay and return to the earth, showing us that death is just a part of the life cycle. “Deep in their roots all flowers keep the light” – Theodore Roethke.[10]
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medlama · 2 days
Tocilizumab: An Essential Medication for Managing Autoimmune Disorders
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Tocilizumab, also known by its brand name ACTEMRA INJECTION, has become an essential treatment for various inflammatory conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and cytokine release syndrome (CRS). More recently, it has played a critical role in managing severe cases of COVID-19. But what exactly is Tocilizumab, how does it work, and what should patients know about its uses and price? In this post, we’ll walk you through the key aspects of Tocilizumab, its significance in healthcare, and what to expect if you’re prescribed this medication.
Tocilizumab: An Overview
Tocilizumab is a monoclonal antibody that targets the IL-6 receptor, which is involved in the body’s immune response. IL-6 is a protein that can cause inflammation, particularly in autoimmune diseases where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. By inhibiting the IL-6 receptor, Tocilizumab helps reduce inflammation and prevent damage to tissues and organs.
Initially developed for autoimmune disorders like RA, Tocilizumab’s scope has broadened, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is typically administered as an intravenous (IV) infusion or subcutaneous injection, depending on the condition being treated.
Tocilizumab – Uses & Introduction
Tocilizumab is a versatile drug with multiple applications. It is commonly prescribed for autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis, providing relief from debilitating joint pain, swelling, and other symptoms caused by chronic inflammation.
In addition, Tocilizumab is approved for treating cytokine release syndrome (CRS), a severe side effect of cancer therapies like CAR T-cell therapy, where the immune system releases excessive cytokines, leading to dangerous inflammation. In such cases, Tocilizumab helps control this immune overreaction and prevents life-threatening complications.
More recently, Tocilizumab has gained recognition for its effectiveness in treating severe COVID-19 cases, particularly in patients experiencing acute respiratory distress. By reducing the immune system’s overreaction to the virus, Tocilizumab offers critically ill patients a better chance of recovery.
How Does Tocilizumab Work?
Tocilizumab works by targeting and blocking the IL-6 receptor, a protein that plays a critical role in immune regulation. While IL-6 is necessary for normal immune function, excessive IL-6 levels can trigger harmful inflammation, especially in autoimmune diseases and severe infections like COVID-19.
When administered, Tocilizumab binds to the IL-6 receptor and prevents it from signaling the immune system to produce more inflammation. This reduces symptoms such as pain, swelling, and fever, bringing balance to the immune response while still allowing the body to fight infections or other threats.
The drug’s impact varies depending on the condition being treated, but many patients experience significant relief, particularly those with RA and CRS. In the context of COVID-19, Tocilizumab has been shown to lower the need for mechanical ventilation and improve survival rates in severely ill patients.
ACTEMRA INJECTION, the branded version of Tocilizumab, is available in two forms: intravenous infusion and subcutaneous injection. The choice between these options depends on the patient’s condition and the severity of their symptoms.
For instance, rheumatoid arthritis patients may prefer the subcutaneous injection for its convenience, as it can be administered at home. Conversely, patients with severe COVID-19 or CRS may require IV infusions, which are given in hospital settings.
Although ACTEMRA INJECTION is generally well-tolerated, potential side effects include headaches, high blood pressure, respiratory infections, and injection site reactions. More serious but rare side effects, such as liver damage and gastrointestinal perforations, make it necessary for patients to be closely monitored throughout treatment.
Tocilizumab Injection Price: What to Expect
The Tocilizumab Injection price can vary based on factors such as dosage, form (IV or subcutaneous), and location. Like many biologic drugs, Tocilizumab is not inexpensive, with costs ranging from several hundred to a few thousand dollars per dose, depending on the treatment plan.
Many health insurance plans cover Tocilizumab, especially when prescribed for FDA-approved uses like rheumatoid arthritis or CRS. However, if you’re concerned about out-of-pocket expenses, it’s essential to explore options regarding the Tocilizumab Injection price. Medlama can help you explore financial assistance programs that may reduce the cost of treatment. Talking to a healthcare or pharmacy counselor can help you secure the best possible offer, ensuring access to this vital medication without significant financial strain.
Side Effects and Monitoring During Treatment
While Tocilizumab is effective and generally safe, patients should be aware of potential side effects. Common side effects include:
Upper respiratory infections like colds and sinus infections
Headaches and dizziness
Injection site reactions such as redness, swelling, or pain
Elevated liver enzymes, which may signal liver stress
More serious but rare side effects include gastrointestinal perforations and severe allergic reactions. Tocilizumab can also weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of infections. Therefore, it’s essential for patients to be closely monitored, particularly those on long-term treatment for conditions like RA.
Patients will undergo regular blood tests to ensure proper liver function and monitor for any potential complications. Despite the risks, the overall benefits of Tocilizumab make it a powerful option for patients who haven’t responded to other treatments.
Conclusion: A Vital Drug for Multiple Conditions
Tocilizumab, marketed as ACTEMRA INJECTION, plays a crucial role in managing autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, as well as life-threatening conditions like severe COVID-19 and cytokine release syndrome. By targeting the IL-6 receptor, it reduces inflammation and provides relief for patients suffering from chronic immune conditions.
While the Tocilizumab Injection price can be high, many patients find the benefits outweigh the cost, especially when financial assistance programs are available. If you or a loved one has been prescribed Tocilizumab, it’s essential to understand the medical and financial aspects of this treatment. For personalized support and assistance in navigating treatment costs, talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacy counselor at Medlama, who can help explore the best options for managing your care.
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petfurri · 3 days
Is Your Dog's Skin Condition Untreated? Azathioprine May Be the Solution
Skin conditions in dogs can be frustrating for both pets and their owners. Conditions such as allergies, autoimmune disorders, and infections can lead to discomfort, itching, and inflammation. If your dog is suffering from a persistent skin issue that isn’t responding to conventional treatments, Azathioprine might offer a solution. This article will explore how Azathioprine can help manage skin conditions in dogs and improve their overall quality of life.
Understanding Skin Conditions in Dogs
Dogs can experience a variety of skin conditions, including:
Allergic Dermatitis: Often caused by environmental allergens, food sensitivities, or flea bites, this condition leads to itching, redness, and inflammation.
Autoimmune Skin Diseases: Conditions like pemphigus and lupus can cause the immune system to attack the skin, resulting in painful lesions and infections.
Infections: Bacterial or fungal infections can also lead to skin issues, causing discomfort and requiring specific treatments.
Seborrhea: This condition causes flaky, greasy skin and can be related to other underlying issues.
Symptoms of skin conditions may include:
Excessive scratching or biting
Red, inflamed skin
Hair loss
Lesions or sores
Foul odor from the skin
If your dog is exhibiting these symptoms, it’s important to consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Traditional Treatments for Skin Conditions
Common treatments for skin conditions in dogs include:
Antihistamines: These can help relieve mild allergic reactions but may not be sufficient for more severe cases.
Corticosteroids: Often prescribed for inflammation and itching, steroids can effectively manage symptoms. However, long-term use can lead to significant side effects, such as weight gain, increased thirst, and susceptibility to infections.
Topical Treatments: Creams and shampoos may be used to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation but often provide only temporary relief.
Immunotherapy: Allergy shots can help desensitize dogs to specific allergens, but this approach can take time and may not work for every dog.
While these treatments can be effective, they may not provide sufficient relief for dogs with severe or chronic skin conditions.
How Azathioprine Works
Azathioprine is an immunosuppressive medication that inhibits the activity of immune cells. By suppressing the immune response, Azathioprine can help reduce inflammation and alleviate the symptoms associated with autoimmune skin conditions. It is particularly beneficial for conditions where the immune system is overactive and attacking the skin.
Benefits of Using Azathioprine for Skin Conditions
Effective Symptom Control: Azathioprine has been shown to be effective in managing the symptoms of autoimmune skin diseases, leading to improved skin health and reduced discomfort.
Reduced Need for Steroids: By utilizing Azathioprine, pet owners may be able to minimize or eliminate the use of corticosteroids, reducing the risk of long-term side effects.
Long-Term Management: Azathioprine can be used as a long-term treatment option for chronic skin conditions, allowing for consistent management of symptoms.
Improved Quality of Life: By effectively managing skin conditions, Azathioprine can help your dog feel more comfortable and active, enhancing their overall well-being.
Potential Side Effects
While Azathioprine is generally safe, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects:
Bone Marrow Suppression: Azathioprine can decrease the production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, increasing the risk of anemia and infections.
Gastrointestinal Distress: Some dogs may experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, particularly during the initial stages of treatment.
Increased Susceptibility to Infections: Due to its immunosuppressive nature, dogs on Azathioprine may be more prone to infections.
Liver Toxicity: In rare cases, Azathioprine can cause liver damage, necessitating regular monitoring of liver enzyme levels during treatment.
Pancreatitis: There is a potential risk of pancreatitis, which can result in severe abdominal pain and vomiting.
Monitoring and Follow-Up
If your veterinarian prescribes Azathioprine for your dog’s skin condition, regular monitoring is crucial:
Blood Tests: Routine blood tests will help monitor your dog’s blood cell counts and liver function, allowing for early detection of any potential issues.
Veterinary Check-Ups: Regular visits will help assess the effectiveness of the medication and determine whether any adjustments are needed.
Observing for Side Effects: Be vigilant for any signs of side effects, such as lethargy, vomiting, or unusual bleeding, and report these to your veterinarian immediately.
If your dog is suffering from a persistent skin condition that hasn’t responded to traditional treatments, Azathioprine may provide the relief they need. By effectively controlling the immune response and reducing inflammation, Azathioprine can help your dog regain their comfort and quality of life.
Consult your veterinarian to discuss whether Azathioprine is a suitable treatment option for your dog’s specific skin condition. With the right care and monitoring, you can help your furry friend lead a happier, healthier life, free from the discomfort of skin issues. Understanding your dog’s health needs empowers you to make informed decisions that positively impact their well-being.
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healthymefityou · 1 month
The Link Between Gut Health and Your Mood
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The gut-brain axis is a sophisticated communication network that connects the brain and gastrointestinal tract, and it plays a key role in the relationship between gut health and mood. This relationship has a big impact on how we feel about ourselves emotionally and mentally in general.
Trillions of microbes called the gut microbiome reside there and are essential to the production and regulation of neurotransmitters including GABA, dopamine, and serotonin. These hormones are crucial for controlling mood, and abnormalities can result in illnesses like anxiety and depression. The gut produces around 90% of the body’s serotonin, which is commonly known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter. A happy mood and emotional equilibrium depend on serotonin, which is produced and functions well in a healthy gut.
The vagus nerve, which is important in transmitting information about gut health, digestion, and emotional states, serves as a conduit for communication between the gut and the brain. 
While a diseased stomach can transmit distress signals that result in emotions of worry, tension, or melancholy, a healthy gut delivers good signals to the brain that support a sense of well-being.
Your gut flora is directly impacted by what you consume, which in turn influences your mood. A healthy gut is supported by diets high in fiber, probiotics, and whole foods; this can elevate mood and lessen the signs of anxiety and melancholy. 
On the other hand, diets heavy in processed foods, sweets, and bad fats can damage the gut flora, which will have a detrimental effect on mental and emotional well-being.
Does gut health prevent mood swings?
Because the stomach is involved in controlling the synthesis of neurotransmitters, lowering inflammation, and handling stress — all of which are critical for emotional stability — maintaining gut health is necessary for minimizing mood swings. 
Because it generates about 90% of the body’s serotonin, a neurotransmitter that profoundly affects mood, the gut is frequently referred to as the “second brain”. Proper production of serotonin and other chemicals that contribute to stable moods is supported by a healthy gut. 
Furthermore, a healthy gut microbiota lowers inflammation — which has been connected to mood disorders — and strengthens the body’s ability to withstand stress, which helps to further minimize emotional swings.
Through stress management, regular exercise, and a balanced diet to support gut health, people can cultivate a more stable emotional state and lessen the occurrence of mood swings
Signs of bad gut health
Are emotions and gut health interrelated?
Important exercises for improving the gut health
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Feeling Feverish? It Could Be a Symptom of These Emerging Diseases
Feeling feverish is a common experience, often dismissed as a minor inconvenience or a sign of a routine infection like the flu. However, in today's rapidly changing world, a simple fever could be an early warning sign of more serious or emerging diseases. Understanding the potential causes of fever and seeking timely diagnosis is crucial to managing health effectively. With the help of SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, you can gain access to accurate testing and home sampling services, making it easier to diagnose and treat these conditions promptly.
Understanding Fever: A Common Symptom with Many Causes
Fever is the body's natural response to infection or illness, acting as a defense mechanism against pathogens. It’s characterized by an elevated body temperature, typically above 100.4°F (38°C). While fever itself is not an illness, it is a symptom that can indicate a wide range of health issues, from mild infections to more severe conditions.
In the context of emerging diseases, fever can be an early and sometimes the only initial symptom, making it important to recognize and address promptly. Here, we explore some of the emerging diseases where fever might be one of the first signs.
1. Dengue Fever: A Growing Threat
Dengue fever, caused by the dengue virus and transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, is an increasingly common concern in tropical and subtropical regions. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nearly half of the world’s population is now at risk of dengue.
Symptoms: Dengue often starts with a sudden high fever, severe headaches, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, and a skin rash. The fever can last from 2 to 7 days and is often accompanied by a drop in platelet count, leading to complications if not treated properly.
Diagnosis: Accurate diagnosis is critical, especially in areas where dengue is prevalent. SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd offers comprehensive testing for dengue, including NS1 antigen tests and dengue antibodies, which can help in the early detection and management of the disease.
2. COVID-19: The Continuing Global Health Crisis
Despite the rollout of vaccines and treatments, COVID-19 continues to be a significant public health challenge worldwide. The virus has shown a remarkable ability to mutate, leading to new variants that can cause infections, even in vaccinated individuals.
Symptoms: Fever is one of the most common early symptoms of COVID-19, often accompanied by a cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of taste or smell. In some cases, gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea and nausea may also be present.
Diagnosis: Early testing is key to managing COVID-19 and preventing its spread. SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd provides reliable home sampling services for COVID-19 testing, including RT-PCR and rapid antigen tests, ensuring that patients can get tested safely and conveniently.
3. Malaria: The Resurgence of an Ancient Disease
Malaria, caused by the Plasmodium parasite and transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes, remains a major health threat in many parts of the world. Climate change and increased travel have contributed to the resurgence of malaria in areas where it was previously under control.
Symptoms: Malaria typically presents with a cyclical fever, chills, sweating, and flu-like symptoms such as headaches and muscle aches. Severe cases can lead to complications like anemia, respiratory distress, and organ failure.
Diagnosis: Rapid diagnosis and treatment are essential in managing malaria. SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd offers testing for malaria through blood smear microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests, enabling early detection and effective treatment.
4. Monkeypox: An Emerging Zoonotic Disease
Monkeypox, a viral disease similar to smallpox, has recently gained attention due to outbreaks in various countries. The disease is primarily transmitted from animals to humans, but human-to-human transmission can occur through close contact with infected individuals.
Symptoms: Monkeypox symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, and a distinctive rash that progresses from macules to papules, vesicles, and pustules. Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes) is also common and helps differentiate monkeypox from smallpox.
Diagnosis: Given the potential for monkeypox to spread and cause severe illness, early diagnosis is crucial. SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd provides testing options for monkeypox, including PCR tests, which can confirm the presence of the virus.
5. Zika Virus: A Growing Concern for Pregnant Women
Zika virus, another disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, has been a cause of concern due to its association with birth defects in babies born to infected mothers. While many Zika infections are mild, the virus poses significant risks during pregnancy.
Symptoms: Fever is a common symptom of Zika, often accompanied by rash, joint pain, and red eyes (conjunctivitis). In some cases, symptoms are so mild that they go unnoticed, making it important for pregnant women in affected areas to be vigilant.
Diagnosis: Pregnant women who suspect they may have been exposed to Zika should seek testing immediately. SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd offers Zika virus testing, including RT-PCR and serological tests, to ensure timely diagnosis and management.
6. Lyme Disease: A Hidden Threat
Lyme disease, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and transmitted through tick bites, is becoming more common as climate change affects tick habitats. The disease can have serious long-term consequences if not diagnosed and treated early.
Symptoms: Early signs of Lyme disease include fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes. A distinctive bull's-eye rash, known as erythema migrans, often appears at the site of the tick bite.
Diagnosis: Early diagnosis is essential to prevent chronic Lyme disease. SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd provides testing for Lyme disease, including enzyme immunoassays (EIA) and Western blot tests, which are critical for confirming the diagnosis.
7. Leptospirosis: An Overlooked Disease with Serious Implications
Leptospirosis, a bacterial infection caused by the Leptospira bacteria, is commonly transmitted through contact with water contaminated by the urine of infected animals. It is more prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions, particularly after heavy rainfall.
Symptoms: The symptoms of leptospirosis can range from mild flu-like symptoms, such as fever and headache, to severe illness, including jaundice, kidney damage, and meningitis.
Diagnosis: Timely diagnosis is crucial, especially in areas where leptospirosis is endemic. SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd offers comprehensive testing for leptospirosis, including serological tests and PCR, to help in early detection and treatment.
The Importance of Accurate Diagnosis and Timely Testing
While fever is a common symptom of many illnesses, it should never be ignored, especially when it could be a sign of an emerging or serious disease. Early and accurate diagnosis is critical to managing these conditions effectively and preventing complications.
SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd plays a pivotal role in the timely diagnosis of these and other diseases. With a commitment to providing reliable and convenient home sampling services, SmartCare Diagnostics ensures that patients can access the tests they need without the stress and inconvenience of visiting a clinic or hospital.
Why Choose SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd for Your Health Needs?
SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd is a leader in the field of diagnostics, offering a wide range of tests that cater to various health needs. Whether you’re feeling feverish and need to rule out an infection, or you require routine screenings for chronic conditions, SmartCare Diagnostics has you covered.
Key advantages of choosing SmartCare Diagnostics include:
Comprehensive Test Offerings: From routine blood tests to specialized screenings for emerging diseases, SmartCare Diagnostics offers a full suite of diagnostic services.
Home Sampling Convenience: With home sampling kits, you can collect your samples in the comfort of your own home, avoiding the hassle of clinic visits.
State-of-the-Art Technology: SmartCare Diagnostics uses cutting-edge technology to ensure accurate and reliable test results.
Secure and Timely Results: Access your results online through a secure portal, with fast turnaround times that ensure prompt follow-up care.
Patient-Centered Care: SmartCare Diagnostics prioritizes your health and convenience, providing support and guidance every step of the way.
In conclusion, if you’re feeling feverish and concerned about your health, don’t delay in seeking diagnosis and treatment. SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd is here to help you navigate your health journey with confidence, offering reliable diagnostics and the convenience of home sampling to ensure you receive the care you need when you need it.
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I just had a conversation with my advisor. she has done a lot of volunteering work etc. like that genuinely was her job. Not in the notion of what we think of a volunteer to be but she has gone to Africa as a teacher and gained valuable experience, like the west is actually doing more harm to these kids through volunteer organisations. My point is that she has experience and valid opinions in those regards. But this morning, after hearing about my interest in biology and the science competition I won by making a video on prions (malformed proteins that cause neuroDEGENERATIVE diseases like Parkinson’s), she told me about a book she read called the mind body connection and how it said that people with autism and Parkinson’s disease have low gut bacteria. And that giving them probiotics can “treat” their symptoms. She said “ I worked with a lot of autistic kids and they’d have a lot of stomachaches” and proceeded to look at me like she’d made a great discovery. I question the reputability of her claims. It pisses me off when people talk about treating autism, and the claim of probiotics for Parkinson’s also seems fishy. What’s your opinion on this? Does the “research” work?
Hi there,
I wouldn’t use the word “cure” or “treat” autism. But I do think symptoms can be more manageable. It is true that autistic individuals can have GI issues. According to PubMed Central:
Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are amongst the most common medical conditions that are comorbid with Autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Despite their prevalence, GI disorders are often overlooked. Untreated GI distress in children with ASD has been linked to many issues in this population, including sleep, behavioral and psychiatric disorders. It is thus essential to understand the presentations of GI problems in children with ASD. In this chapter we will discuss the GI disorders commonly associated with ASD, how they present, and studied risk factors.
The link to the article will be here:
From my experience I’ve also had GI issues my entire life. Since I was a kid and even to this day. My neurologist gave me magnesiumoxcide citrate to help with my constipation, and it’s been effective.
My main point here is that there are some negative effects when it comes to being autistic, from the way you think to how your own body works. And if some of these effects can be manageable, that I think that great and could help many people.
These are just my thoughts and opinions, besides the excerpt from the article. I know some will think differently and will have different opinions. If so, you are free to share.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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eliteayurveda · 2 months
The Physical Effects of Crohn’s Disease
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Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune condition that affects the whole digestive system (GI). Because it is an inflammatory disorder, it can create significant issues in other parts of the body as well.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a category of intestinal illnesses that induce digestive tract inflammation. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are two of the most well-known of these disorders. IBD affects 1 to 1.3 million people in the United States, and it is estimated that 780,000 Americans have Crohn’s disease.
The primary distinction between the two is that ulcerative colitis affects only the colon, whereas Crohn’s affects the entire digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus, making Crohn’s patients vulnerable to a wide range of physical and mental difficulties.
Digestive difficulties, abdominal pain, and weight loss are common Crohn’s symptoms. The disease is potentially fatal in severe situations. Crohn’s disease patients typically experience flare-ups of disease activity followed by a period of remission. Remissions might be temporary or long-term.
Crohn’s disease has no cure, but there are various lifestyle changes and medicines that can improve quality of life and enhance the odds of a prolonged remission.
System of digestion
Crohn’s disease mostly affects the digestive tract. The lower section of the small intestine (ileum) is the most prevalent site of disease activity. Inflammation can also cause edema and thickness in other sections of the intestines. Thick scar tissue can eventually constrict the lumen or completely obstruct the bowel. If this occurs, you may require surgery to remove a portion of your bowel.
Ulcers can form anywhere in the digestive tract, including the intestinal wall.
Fistulas are irregular pathways that can form between different parts of the colon or between the bowel and the bladder, anus, vagina, or skin. This allows bowel contents to bypass a portion of the intestines. It may result in nutritional malabsorption. Fistulas that lead to the skin might cause intestinal discharge to collect on your skin.
Fistulas affect approximately 30% of Crohn’s patients. Fistulas increase the chances of infection and abscess formation.
Crohn’s disease patients may also develop anal fissures, or small tears in the anal canal lining. Cracking, bleeding, pain, and itching can all result from fissures.
Chronic diarrhea, paired with inadequate food absorption, can result in vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition.
Crohn’s disease raises the risk of kidney stones, gallstones, fever, and liver damage. Flare-ups can develop canker sores in the mouth, which usually go away with the gastrointestinal symptoms.
People who have Crohn’s disease are also more likely to acquire colon cancer.
Mental and emotional well-being
The body and mind are inextricably linked, and Crohn’s disease symptoms can cause mental distress. While the fundamental cause of Crohn’s disease is not emotional, flare-ups can occur during emotionally difficult situations. Coping with a significant chronic condition is stressful enough, so it’s critical to keep an eye on stress and emotional levels.
The circulatory system
Anemia can be caused by poor iron absorption. Iron deficiency anemia, if left untreated, can cause cardiac problems such as rapid or irregular pulse. You may develop an enlarged heart or heart failure over time. Iron deficiency during pregnancy is linked to premature birth and low birth weight. Anemia can cause growth and development delays in children.
IBD increases the risk of getting a blood clot in a deep vein (deep vein thrombosis) or a clot that plugs a lung artery (pulmonary embolism) by threefold. This risk may be increased if you are hospitalized.
Corticosteroids, which are used to treat Crohn’s disease, may increase your chances of getting high blood pressure. Crohn’s disease is occasionally treated with immunomodulators and biologic treatments. Immunosuppressive drugs may raise the risk of lymphoma, a kind of blood cancer.
The skeletal system
Crohn’s disease, in general, does not weaken bones, but patients can experience associated difficulties, with or without inflammation.
Arthralgia affects about 10% to 20% of persons with IBD. These joint aches and pains are not caused by inflammation or joint injury. Arthritis affects approximately 30% of patients with IBD. Inflammation causes this form of joint pain. Arthritis can cause joint stiffness and irreversible joint damage.
Doctors may not be able to detect if your arthritis is caused by Crohn’s disease at first. When it is, your symptoms normally improve along with your digestive problems. Corticosteroids may raise your risk of bone fractures, joint discomfort and swelling, and osteoporosis if you are being treated for Crohn’s disease.
Central nervous system (eyes)
About 10% of persons with IBD suffer vision difficulties. The most frequent of them is uveitis, or inflammation of the uvea, which is the middle layer of the eye wall. This can result in:
sensitivity to light and pain
redness blurry vision
When Crohn’s disease is under control, symptoms normally improve.
The skin (the integumentary system)
Crohn’s disease patients are at a slightly higher risk of developing erhthema nodosum or pyoderma gangrenosum on their ankles, shins, or arms.
Erhthema nodosum is characterized by the appearance of red pimples on the skin. Pyoderma gangrenosum is characterized by the development of pus and severe ulcerations on the skin. Both usually go away along with the other symptoms of a Crohn’s flare-up.
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nevaparker · 2 months
The Comprehensive Compilation of Adverse Reactions Associated with Cabergoline 0.25mg
Cabergoline 0.25mg is a frequently given prescription for many medical disorders. However, it is important for users to be aware of the possible negative effects that may accompany its usage, as is the case with any pharmaceutical. This page provides an extensive list of side effects linked to Cabergoline 0.25mg, including both typical responses and more severe cautions and long-term concerns. Through comprehending these adverse consequences and acquiring the knowledge to handle them, people may make well-informed choices about their therapy and overall state of health.
Cabergoline is a medication used to treat medical conditions such as hyperprolactinemia and Parkinson's disease
Cabergoline is a pharmaceutical compound classified as a dopamine agonist. It is often used in the treatment of disorders such as hyperprolactinemia, which may result in complications such as infertility, irregular menstruation, and lactation in both males and females.
Medical uses of Cabergoline 0.25mg
Cabergoline 0.25mg is often used for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia, a medical disorder defined by elevated levels of prolactin in the bloodstream. This medicine effectively reduces prolactin levels and effectively manages symptoms such as infertility, decreased libido, and irregular menstruation.
Adverse effects on the digestive system
Typical gastrointestinal adverse effects of Cabergoline 0.25mg may include nausea, emesis, constipation, and stomach discomfort. To reduce side effects, it is crucial to consume this drug with meals.
Neurological Adverse Reactions
Individuals using Cabergoline 0.25mg may encounter symptoms such as vertigo, somnolence, or cephalalgia. It is recommended to refrain from driving or operating heavy equipment until you are aware of the impact of this drug on your abilities.
Adverse effects on the cardiovascular system
Certain people may encounter alterations in blood pressure or heart rate while consuming Cabergoline 0.25mg. Regularly monitoring these measures and promptly reporting any major changes to your healthcare professional is essential.
Cabergoline 0.25mg is used to treat a variety of illnesses that arise from excessive production of the hormone prolactin. It may be used to treat pituitary prolactinomas, which are tumors of the pituitary gland, as well as certain menstruation issues and issues with fertility in both sexes.
Possible cardiac valve impairment
An important concern connected with Cabergoline is the possibility of cardiac valve injury, especially in those who are prescribed greater dosages for a prolonged duration. Consistent monitoring of the heart is crucial in order to promptly identify any anomalies in the valves.
Potential for Fibrotic Reactions
The use of Cabergoline has been associated with the emergence of fibrotic responses in diverse tissues, such as the cardiac, pulmonary, and abdominal tissues. If you encounter symptoms such as respiratory distress or edema in the limbs, it is advisable to promptly seek medical assistance.
Potential for the Development of Tolerance
Prolonged usage of Cabergoline might result in the development of tolerance, necessitating greater dosages to get the same therapeutic outcome. It is essential to adhere to the recommendations of your healthcare practitioner and refrain from altering your dose without seeking their advice.
Effect on Hepatic Function
Cabergoline has the potential to impact liver function in some people, resulting in increased levels of liver enzymes. It is advisable to undergo regular liver function tests while taking this drug in order to monitor any changes and avoid any problems.
Controlling and Reducing Side Effects
If you are encountering adverse reactions as a result of consuming Cabergoline 0.25mg, do not worry; there are strategies to address them. Here is a method to effectively control and reduce undesired consequences.
Titration and Surveillance of Dosage
Seek guidance from your healthcare professional about the possibility of modifying your Cabergoline dose. Regular surveillance may aid in monitoring the body's response to the medicine.
Implementing lifestyle modifications to mitigate adverse effects
Modest lifestyle adjustments may significantly alleviate adverse effects. To promote your general well-being, it is important to ensure that you stay well hydrated, follow a balanced diet, and make regular exercise a priority.
Drug Interactions
It is essential to be aware of the potential interactions between Cabergoline and other drugs for your safety and well-being. Now, let's explore the possible interactions and contraindications that need to be monitored.
Important Drug Interactions to Be Mindful Of
Cabergoline may have adverse interactions with some drugs. Ensure that you regularly update your healthcare practitioner about all the drugs you are currently taking in order to prevent any possible drug interactions.
Interactions with Specific Medications
Certain drugs should be avoided while using Cabergoline owing to the potential for adverse interactions. Take note of these contraindications to avoid any potential consequences.
Specific considerations for certain demographics
Customized strategies may be necessary for administering Cabergoline to various groups. Below are important factors to consider for pregnant or nursing women and geriatric patients.
Cabergoline is used to treat hyperprolactinemia (high levels of prolactin, a natural substance that helps breast-feeding women produce milk but can cause symptoms such as infertility, sexual problems, and bone loss in women who are not breast-feeding or men). Cabergoline is in a class of medications called dopamine receptor agonists. It works by decreasing the amount of prolactin in the body.
Women who are currently pregnant or breastfeeding
When you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is crucial to have a conversation with your healthcare professional about the potential advantages and disadvantages of using Cabergoline. The utmost importance should be placed on ensuring the well-being of both you and your kid.
Geriatric Patients
Cabergoline may need special care for elderly people. Close surveillance and possible dose modifications may be required to guarantee the safety and efficacy of the medication.
Summary and Concluding Remarks
Understanding and addressing the possible side effects, interactions, and concerns of Cabergoline 0.25mg may seem challenging, but with enough information and help, you can successfully handle them. It is important to constantly seek advice from your healthcare professional for specialized assistance that is specifically targeted to your individual requirements.
Ultimately, it is essential for both patients and healthcare practitioners to have a thorough understanding of the potential adverse effects of Cabergoline 0.25mg. By being knowledgeable about the possible hazards, closely monitoring for any worrisome symptoms, and seeking advice from a healthcare expert as necessary, people may manage their course of treatment with more assurance and security. It is important to emphasize that taking a proactive approach to managing and maintaining open lines of communication are crucial in achieving the most favorable results while using Cabergoline 0.25mg.
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mrvethospitals · 2 months
Understanding the Causes of Your Pet's Stomach Upset
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An upset stomach is a common issue that affects many pets. As a pet owner, it's essential to understand the potential causes and how to address them. At MrVet Hospitals, we prioritize your pet’s health and well-being, and we’re here to help you navigate the reasons behind your pet’s stomach upset.
Common Causes of Pet’s Stomach Upset
Dietary Indiscretion
Pets are naturally curious and often ingest things they shouldn’t. Eating spoiled food, garbage, or non-food items can easily lead to gastrointestinal distress. Ensure your pet’s environment is free from such hazards to prevent dietary indiscretion.
Food Sensitivities and Allergies
Like humans, pets can develop food sensitivities or allergies. Common culprits include dairy, poultry, wheat, and beef. If you suspect a food allergy, consult with a veterinarian to identify the offending ingredient and switch to a hypoallergenic diet.
Internal parasites, such as roundworms, hookworms, and giardia, can cause significant digestive upset. Regular deworming and fecal exams are crucial in keeping your pet parasite-free and maintaining a healthy digestive system.
Bacterial Infections
Bacterial infections, such as Salmonella or E. coli, can cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms. These infections can result from contaminated food or water. Ensure your pet’s food is stored correctly and water is clean to prevent bacterial infections.
Medications and Toxins
Certain medications and toxins can irritate your pet’s stomach lining. Always administer medications as directed by your veterinarian and keep toxic substances, like household cleaners and certain plants, out of reach.
Stress and Anxiety
Pets can experience stress and anxiety, which can manifest as stomach upset. Changes in the household, such as moving or introducing a new pet, can trigger stress-related digestive issues. Providing a stable and calm environment can help mitigate these effects.
Chronic Conditions
Chronic conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or pancreatitis, can cause ongoing stomach upset. These conditions require veterinary intervention and long-term management to ensure your pet’s comfort and health.
Preventing and Managing Pet’s Stomach Upset
Regular Veterinary Check-Ups
Routine veterinary visits are essential for early detection and prevention of gastrointestinal issues. Regular check-ups can help identify underlying problems before they become severe.
Proper Diet
Feeding your pet a balanced and high-quality diet is crucial. Avoid sudden changes in diet and introduce new foods gradually to prevent stomach upset. For nutritional advice specific to the requirements of your pet, speak with your veterinarian.
Ensure your pet has access to fresh and clean water at all times. Proper hydration supports overall digestive health and helps prevent stomach issues.
Safe Environment
Keep hazardous substances out of your pet’s reach and provide a clean living environment. This includes securing trash cans and keeping harmful foods, such as chocolate and grapes, away from your pet.
Stress Management
Minimize stressors in your pet’s environment. Create a safe and calm space for your pet to retreat to and consider using calming aids, like pheromone diffusers, if necessary.
When to Seek Veterinary Care
If your pet’s stomach upset persists for more than 24 hours, or if you notice symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or loss of appetite, it’s essential to seek veterinary care immediately. Early intervention can prevent more severe health issues and ensure your pet’s swift recovery.
At MrVet Hospitals, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care for your furry friends. If your pet is experiencing stomach upset, our experienced veterinarians are here to help diagnose the cause and provide effective treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and ensure your pet’s optimal health and happiness.
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