#(<- gonna refer to it as this. bc its not gonna leave my mind anytime soon.)
her-canine-teeth · 7 months
if orpheus & eurydice was a coin. the jackieshauna is the other side
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Christmas Greetings from them [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Aether, Albedo, Amber, Barbara, Beidou, Bennett, Childe, Chongyun, Diluc Ragnvindr, Diona & Fischl.
Notes: .. AYE- TIME TO START WORKING- :DDD the child-like characters (qiqi, klee, diona, and paimon—) are all platonic. so no worries there- i also have to randomize Diona’s and Sucrose’s ;;w;; i’m just gonna imagine what’ll like if the two characters interact- some of this are long, some are short. So sorry abt the inconsistency :pp hope ya’ll like this! (Bc this is the first time i’ve done something like this- 🤧)
Ps: I have to cut this into several parts bc there is a maximum word count in one post- ;;w;; so i only added the ones that appeared here.
Additional Notes: based on the “wishes” thing. So like,, ya know, how we believe that if we make a wish on a star it’ll come true kind of thing? So,, when making a wish or prayer or something, they do it in a prayer position and think of it- and that person somehow receives it?? (I’m still not sure abt this part ;;w;; but let’s wing it-!). Also,, I refer “wish” as a prayer- 🤧 sorry if its confusing- hshs
Warning: some of the characters are OOC ;;w;; sorry-
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With Paimon
“Oh? Is it already that time of the year again?”
“Of course it is! Don’t tell me you forgot-!”
“Oh-! Of course not, Paimon. Not with you constantly reminding me..”
“C’mon! Say your wishes! Oh.. also! You should probably say your wishes for your s/o!”
“Hmm.. you know what, Paimon. You could be useful sometimes.”
“Hey! What does that suppose to mean?!”
“Wishing stars.. this is for my beloved [Y/N], I wish that we can get to spend every Christmas season together. Though I may travel a lot, and may leave you one day, I hope that you’ll still love and cherish the limited time we have together. Always keep smiling that brilliantly for me, even if I’m gone. As much as this is becoming cheesy, keep me in your heart, okay? I’ll keep you in mine in return. Merry Christmas, [Y/N].”
With Sucrose
“Sir Albedo-! Are you still busy with your research?”
“Hm..? Oh, Sucrose. Precisely, I’m almost done with it.”
“You should probably get some rest, sir! It’s almost Christmas Eve!”
“Christmas? Eve? Eh..? Is it already that late?”
“D-Don’t tell me you didn’t notice the time..?”
“I suppose so..”
“You should probably make your wish now! The stars are still out, so it’s not too late to make right now.”
“Ah, I forgot about that. Thank you, Sucrose.”
“Y-Your very welcome, sir Albedo-!”
“Stars that grants wishes, hear my wish. This is for my (princess/prince), my muse. How are you faring? I hope that you’ll come back soon so that we can celebrate this season of Christmas, and possibly more. Can you see the stars from where you are? Can you see how bright they are right now? I really do miss your presence.. I miss the sparkles in your eyes when I discover something new. I wish to see those again. Keep shining brightly for me, okay? Merriest of Christmas, my love.”
With Jean
“Amber? Are you still patrolling?”
“Acting Grandmaster Jean! Yep! I was about to head outside to patrol the area-!”
“You’ve been working very hard. I praise that trait though please don’t overwork yourself.”
“Hehe~ don’t worry, acting grandmaster Jean! I’m doing okay!”
“Well then, have you already wish?”
“Wish..? Ah! I forgot!”
“*chuckles* Of course. Better make that wish now before the stars vanish.”
“Okay! Thanks for reminding me, acting grandmaster Jean!”
“My pleasure, Amber.”
“Wishing Stars. I hope it isn’t too late to make a wish now-! I kinda forgot, so sorry.. hehe. Anyway, this is for my partner! How are you out there? Actually, where exactly are you? I kinda forgot where you went.. hehe, sorry. Make sure to eat plenty of food, okay? It’s important to eat 3 times a day to maintain a healthy body-! Also, you shouldn’t mind your weight! As long as you’re healthy, it doesn’t matter if you weigh alot! I’ll still love you no matter what! Merry Christmas, [Y/N]! Come visit me again!”
With Noelle
“Oh? You’re still awake, Barbara?”
“Hm? Oh, Noelle! Good evening! Hehe, yeah. I was thinking of what wish I should make.”
“Ah. The legend of the Wishing Stars. I’m surprise that you believe in that sort of things.”
“Well.. it isn’t bad to dream, right?”
“I suppose. If I may, why not wish about your s/o?”
“[Y/N]..? Hm.. actually, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea-! Thanks so much, Noelle! You’re truly a good friend!”
“Hehe.. I’m just glad that I’m a help to you, Barbara.”
“O Wishing Stars, hear my wish. This is for my beloved [Y/N], of whom I wish to see again. Please let them be unharm. I wish I could accompany them in their journey but I have my role here as well. So I wish them the best in their travels. Please come visit though, I wish to see your face again, [Y/N]. And I wish to heal all the wounds that was cast upon you. Though I cannot heal the scars, you shouldn’t be afraid to show them. For they tell a tale of an adventure you went through. Come back in one piece okay? Merry Christmas, my beloved. Sweet dreams.”
With Ningguang
“.. huh? Oh, what a surprise seeing you here, Ningguang.”
“I suppose it is quite a surprise, seeing as we coincidentally bump into each other in a hill. Tell me, what business do you have here?”
“I could say the same with you. It isn’t everyday you bump into a Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, in a secluded place like a hill no less.”
“I believe it’s the same reason as yours, peace and quiet.”
“Ah, same. Though, there’s another reason why I’m here.”
“Oh? And what is that?”
“To see the stars. Have you heard about the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“Ah, I’ve heard about it but never really took an interest on them.”
“Well, the simplest explanation is that when you wish upon a star, it’ll come true or be sent to that person.”
“Interesting. It is quite interesting what a human mind can come up with.”
“Hm.. myth or not, I was thinking of doing one anyway.”
“Go ahead. Don’t mind my presence.”
“Kinda hard when you’re the Tianquan..”
“Do you wish to make me leave then?”
“Nah, you can stay.”
“I have no idea on how to do this but- o wishing star, hear my wish..? Can you send this wish to my second mate? I wish you were here, to celebrate the holidays with me and the crew. It’ll be a blast if you were here.. Though I understand that you can’t be here because of your personal reasons. Though it would be nice to see you again.. I hope that wherever you are, they are treating you well. Your health comes first, okay? Stop thinking of others for a change.. though that’ll be impossible knowing you.. just keep smiling, okay? Your smile is a treasure afterall, a treasure that I selfishly want to keep. Merry Christmas, my second mate. May we cross the seas together again.”
With Barbara
“Oh, it’s you again, Bennett. Are you injured again?”
“Hey Barbara! Nope, not today!”
“Thank goodness. I see that lady luck decided to give you a break atleast.. anyways, if you’re not injured, why’re you here then?”
“Ah, I came to ask you on how to send a letter or something to [Y/N]! I don’t know what to get them, and I don’t have a clue on where they are either-! Besides, it’s almost Christmas..”
“Hm.. I’m not sure if this is true but why not give her a wish from the stars?”
“Wish? From the stars?”
“You know.. the legend of the Wishing Stars.”
“oh.. Oh.. OH! I see! That’s brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that?! Thanks Barbara! I owe you yet again!”
“*chuckles* I’m happy to help you whenever, Bennett. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas too, Barbara!”
“Wishing stars, can you please send this to [Y/N]? I know I haven’t gotten anything for you this year, but next year, I’m gonna make it up to you! I’ll give you the best gift ever! Hope you’re doing well! Fischl is doing great, along with the people in the Adventurer’s Guild. Oh, and guess what? I didn’t get hurt today! I guess lady luck decided to give me a break.. hehe.. you know.. it isn’t the same without you. But take your time! You don’t need to come back immediately! I’ll wait for you! Even if it takes years for you to come back, I’ll wait! So please, come back okay? Me and the Benny’s Adventure’s Team will be waiting for you! Eat healthy and smile more! Merry Christmas! Love ya!”
With Teucer
“What are you thinking of, brother?”
“! Teucer! You know it’s rude to sneak up on people-!”
“Actually, I’ve been calling you for the past minute. You just haven’t responded to any of them.”
“.. really?”
“Really really.”
“Well, now that you have my attention, what do you need?”
“Mommy is asking when we will meet your s/o.”
“Eh? They want to meet [Y/N]?”
“Yep! Their curious on who they are after you mentioning them a dozen times in the letters you sent for them!”
“.. I guess I’ve been mentioning them a bit too much.”
“So, when? When?”
“Well, not anytime soon I’m afraid.”
“Aww.. what gives?”
“Their on a journey afterall. When they get back, I promise I’ll let them meet [Y/N].”
“Goodnight, Teucer. It’s almost your bedtime.”
“Goodnight, brother..”
“Stars above, would you listen to my wish, I wonder? Will [Y/N] even receive this? Oh well, couldn’t hurt to try. How’ve you been? Hope you’re still alive. Actually, I’m pretty sure you’re still alive. You’re strong afterall. Anyways, my family wants to meet you. You’ve already met Teucer which made the rest of my family jealous because, for some reason, they also want to meet you. I mean, who wouldn’t want to meet you? You’re amazing in every way, [Y/N]. When you return, I’m gonna ambush you and kidnap you to meet my family. That sounds like fun actually.. hm.. might as well do that. Also, you better be getting some sleep. I don’t want to see any bags under your eyes. Hahaha.. Merry Christmas, [Y/N]. May the Tsaritsa protect you from harm.”
With Xingqiu
“.. oh, it’s you.”
“Eh? Aren’t you atleast excited to see me?”
“Not really..”
“Boo.. and here I consider you a close friend-!”
“Well.. you are certainly a friend. But are we really that close?”
“That’s cold coming from you, Chongyun.”
“.. did you just made a pun?”
“Yes. And I have no regrets.”
“*sigh* why are you here?”
“I came here to inform you about something I found!”
“If its a prank, then leave me out of it.”
“It’s got something to do with your s/o~!”
“I got your interest, didn’t I?”
“*sigh* on with it.”
“So, one of the books I’ve read contained a legend called the legend of the Wishing Stars.”
“The legend of the Wishing Stars? Sounds like a fantasy that someone came up with during story time.”
“Well, anyways. It says, if you wish upon a star during the night, your wish, or prayer, would be heard.”
“And how is this related to [Y/N]?”
“Well, since [Y/N] is out and about, why not make a wish for their safety?”
“But how would we know if that’s true?”
“Couldn’t hurt to try now, would it?”
“.. how would I know this isn’t one of your pranks?”
“I promise it isn’t! Most people know of it actually-! Even the traveller!”
“Traveller? Oh.. I guess it can’t hurt to try it out.”
“Hmhmm! I gotta go now though. Afterall, I just escape from home. See ya!”
“And off he goes. *sigh* he really does do what he pleases.”
“Xingqiu didn’t actually tell me how to do this so I’m gonna guess instead. Stars in the sky, is it true that you’ll grant my wish? Well, it’s not like you can answer so I’m just gonna guess that’s a yes. How are you, my snowflake? I presume that you have a safe journey in wherever you are. If you ever feel peckish, just eat some ice cream, it always works. Nothing exciting is happening right now. Xingqiu and Xinyan are their usual annoying selves, and Xiangling tried to feed me a new recipe she made. Say, when are you coming back? Where exactly are you? Maybe I can follow, wherever you are. But my duty as a exorcists lies here. I hope that pendant I gave you serves its uses to repel any ghosts that dare to haunt you. Oh, it’s almost Christmas. Merry Christmas, snowflake. I hope that next year, you would be here with me instead of somewhere else. Until we meet again.”
Diluc Ragnvindr
With Kaeya
“And what exactly are you doing here?”
“Is that a way to talk to a regular customer here?”
“Shouldn’t you have duties to fulfill, Cavalry Captain Kaeya?”
“Oh? We’re using our titles now, master Diluc?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“*laughs* alright alright. I surrender.”
“Are you really here for the wine? Or are you here to annoy me as usual?”
“Well, I will admit that I initially came here for the wine but I brought a present for you, for Christmas.”
“I hope it isn’t another vase.”
“*laughs* of course it isn’t. Do you know the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
“Aren’t you going to make one?”
“Why would I participate in a childish myth?”
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt to try now.. especially to your beloved s/o.”
“.. you’re just trying to provoke me.”
“And it’s working~”
“C’mon~ don’t you want the best for [Y/N]?”
“What’s your end goal?”
“.. pardon?”
“What will you gain in the end if I do make a wish? Don’t tell me you’re doing this out of the ‘goodness’ of your heart.”
“... hm.. I still wonder that.”
“You’re just playing around with me, aren’t you?”
“Look, we all want the best for [Y/N]. If you want to do it, then do it. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t. I just came to inform you about that silly legend.”
“.. do you even believe in that?”
“Who knows?”
“I gotta go now. Merry Christmas, sir Diluc.”
“I can’t believe that I’m participating in a silly legend but, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try. Wishing stars, shining brilliantly in the night sky, would you hear my wish? I wish the best for [Y/N]. I wish they are faring well and that they aren’t having any problems with enemies like Hilichurls or Treasure Hoarders in wherever land they are in. But, won’t you guide them back to me? I admit that I miss them dearly and I worry about them constantly. I miss everything about them, their smile, their laughter, their eyes, their hair, their warmth, everything. I want to hold them in my arms again and kiss them. When I meet them, I’ll remind them of my love again. Hopefully, next year, they would stay by my side in the winter season. This is a wish I hold dearly. May Barbatos.. or that bard.. keep you safe. Merry Christmas, my love. I’ll be waiting for you here.”
With Mona
“.. who are you?”
“Me?! Why, I’m Mona! The famous Astrologer of Teyvat! I have mastered and know astrology more than anyone in Teyvat!”
“Yeah.. and I’m a dog.”
“I- You don’t believe me?!”
“Urgh-! And who are you?”
“Hmph. I’m Diona. One of the bartenders in Cat’s Tail.”
“... how are you working when you look so young though?”
“It was honestly just a joke at first but big sister Margaret decided to hire me for real.”
“.. ah, I see.”
“So, why are you here?”
“Well, this is the best view of the stars of all of Teyvat.”
“Ah, I guess so..”
“Say, do you know of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“My dad used to tell me stories about that.”
“Well, I supposed it could be use as a bed time story.”
“Wait, it isn’t just a myth?”
“Who knows? There’s no proof of its existence but some people swear they could hear the person’s voice in their head. It’s still unclear on how this things happen, but that’s what makes it wonderful, don’t you think? So many mysteries yet so little answers..”
“.. I don’t think like that.”
“Hmhm.. All I wanted to do is to make a wine so disgusting that nobody would want to drink it. I don’t really see anything else besides that.”
“Ah.. I see.”
“Say, if I make a wish right now, would they receive it?”
“Well, it’s not certain but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Afterall, we humans just keep trying, never giving up. That’s one beautiful thing in humanity.”
“Why don’t you make a wish right now?”
“Hrm.. okay.”
“Just put your hands in a prayer position and close your eyes and wish in your mind.”
“O shining, wishing stars. I’ve only heard about you through dad and this random lady. But would you hear me out? I just want to know if my friend is okay. Their name is [Y/N]. I wanted to know if their safe and alive. It’s only been a few days, but I’m already missing them. They better be alright or else they’ll be in trouble when they get back! I want them back so that I can finally achieve the dream of ruining the wine industry! Hehe.. I hope they aren’t overexerting themselves out there, I know what their like and I’m honestly worried. Please bring them back to me in one piece. I still have to teach them the bow-! I want to give them the present I have for them. I made it myself, a bracelet! Dad help me make it! Merry Christmas, [Y/N]! Come back and be my partner in crime again!”
With Bennett
“Hey! Fischl!”
“Hm? Ah, why isn’t it Bennett from the Benny’s Adventure Team. To what I owe a pleasure to?”
“I was just wondering if you’ll be going to the party that the Adventurer’s Guild is hosting. So, are you going?”
“Hm. If one has time, then perhaps. Not everyone has free time afterall.”
“Ehh? You’re still busy? Shouldn’t you relax for a bit? Whenever I talk to you, you always seem busy.”
“It is, afterall, a Prinzessin der Verurteilung noble duty.”
“Ah.. I suppose.”
“Is there anything else you would like to say before we part ways?”
“Oh yeah! Do you know of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“I am aware of it but how does this have any interest in our current predicament?”
“.. uh..”
“What mein Fraülein is saying is, how did this legend became an interest to you?”
“Ah! Well, it’s becoming popular among the people around this time of year. Maybe you can make a wish for.. [Y/N]?”
“.. perhaps.. we’ll try to find some spare time later on to do the wish.”
“Alright! Well, I gotta go. See ya later, Fischl, Oz!”
“Farewell, young lad.”
“Are you, perhaps, planning on making a wish right now, mein Fraülein?”
“There is no impending dangers around us, correct? Then perhaps, I can spare some time right now to get it off my mind.”
“Whatever you wish to do is what I’ll abide to, mein Fraülein.”
“O great, shining Wishing Stars, hear thy wish, one that is coming from heart. One wonders how the other fares? Have the Gods and Goddesses gifted them protection in wherever they are? Because making the Prinzessin der verurteilung worry like this is unheard of. Still, I would be utmost be grateful to find any sign of them still active. I, Fischl, Prinzessin der verurteilung, want them to return immediately in whatever journey they are in. Though I would still understand if they need more time to search for what they need to search. I.. honestly miss them and their warmth. I want them to hold me again, to reassure me that I don’t need to be perfect always. Ah-! I broke off of character! My apologies-! Anyways, since it is the season of winter festivities, I wish them a merriest of Christmas. May next year come and let us celebrate it together as one. I’m forever in love with you, please come back to me in one piece.”
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scandeniall · 4 years
falling in love
Pairing: sakusa x reader
Warnings: none for once ??? Usual college/aged up
A/n: Yeah it’s almost 3am and I just soewed this out. Idk if it even makes sense but I wanna be in luv with him lol. Also; the references to no limit to you (bc even months later it’s still top 3 one of my fav things I’ve ever written)
Falling in love with sakusa is slow and steady. Its weeks of being an acquaintance and friend of a friend. You were friendly enough, considerate of his space and that he wasn’t the most outgoing guy in the world. Paying attention when he made his way into the conversation as you all sat at a group dinner. It’s the not shoving your social media in his face unlike other people trying to get a highly sought after athlete to follow them.
It’s months of getting to know one another as friends ignoring the tiniest spark whenever you two would meet up for lunch. So tiny, it could’ve been a hallucination. Getting his number one night as the two of you found yourselves outside of a party (one he’d been forced to go to and wanted nothing more than to leave), the rest of your friends having the time of their lives on the dance floor. At that point he’d watched you and got aquatinted enough to know that you were relatively genuine. He’d detected no ulterior motive. Late night texts were his thing. After a busy day of classes and practice, where he’d remembered you’d texted a joke the day before. He’d shoot a quick apology for his poor conversation and offer his own meme as consolidation.
It was just over a year of knowing one another that it’s the first time as friends he felt nervous to hang out with you and couldn’t exactly pinpoint why. It wasn’t a date by any means, just a mutual friend’s birthday dinner. He’d offered to pick you up as an apology for his horrible texting one week in particular citing that it was on the way. It was the first time you’d ridden in a car just the two of you and the way you offered a breathless greeting and apology for taking so long to come out (thus putting you two behind schedule, something that had garnered the tiniest bit of annoyance) had his own breath caught in his throat. He’s not even sure he uttered any real words when you’d complimented him.
It was at the end of the night, seeing you delirious with exhaustion yet as happy as ever, finally having a break from the reality of classes that his crush might’ve started. Your insistence that he texted you when he made it back home safe and the fact that you even stayed up to make sure he did stirred something inside of him.
It was something he’d pushed down. ‘It was only because of the atmosphere’ is what he tried telling himself. Yet he couldn’t shake the way he actually enjoyed hanging out with you in a way that was different from hanging out with Komori or his teammates out of obligation. At some point the two of you began studying together and that unveiled a new layer of yourselves to one another.
You learned that he needed nearly complete silence to study and he had to force himself to not focus on the tiniest muffle coming from your earbuds. He learned that when you began to stress to got extremely fidgety and would have to shoot you a look whenever you clicked your pen one too many times. Sometimes you’d have to break from the libraries harsh fluorescent lighting because he worked best there on the quiet floor. The compromises you made as friends in even school were because there was something oddly comforting about the presence of one another when studying. For you, it was how studying with him actually forced you to be productive and not get distracted like you’d do with your own friends. For him, it was the sheer comfort of having someone there, someone who didn’t try and talk with him and ultimately let him be.
It was early into your third year of college when he finally asked you out. At this point you’d been friends for nearly two years and sitting on feelings for at least a year. It was a simple date, takeout from a place the two of you mutually agreed on and a movie at his place. A clean spot for his first date with you. The date had been nothing special but you’d gotten to truly witness first hand just how meticulous his cleaning habits were in his own personal space.
Of course in the time you’d known him, you’d seen his cleanly nature in action. It’d manifested itself in the the mask he frequently wore and the hand sanitizer he carried often. You’d always noticed the way he glanced at public tables and admired the fact that he was never too shy to ask for a different one at a restaurant when it was obvious that it had hardly been cleaned in between guests.
His desire to immediately wash his dishes, and wipe down the table post dinner caused him to offer you an apology yet you didn’t care. The way you just wordlessly helped him confirmed that his crush was indeed real. When it got chilly, you didn’t feel obligated to cuddle up for warmth and even gratefully accepted the blanket he offered you, separate from his own.
In the nearly two years you’d known Sakusa, neither of you had ever initiated any sort of physical contact. Yes there was the occasional glance of one another’s shoulders to show the other something, but it’d always been platonic. That first date ended with the first of many hugs and a cautious look asking for permission to kiss his cheek.
That first date quickly turned into a second and third and fourth and fifth, the two of you sharing your first kiss sometime between the third and fourth. Itd been after one of his games, one your school had won. You’d waited up for him, the promise of boba on you if he won. Not that he really wanted it, but more so felt drawn to hang out with you. “We’re gonna win”
The kiss was quick and what others would have attributed to being “a moment.” It wasn’t unusual for silence to envelop the two of you. You’d been privy to many comfortable ones after learning to gauge when sakusa needed a moment to cool off from conversation. As the two of you just walked from the shop, drinks in hand and back toward campus he’d paused and asked to try something. Neither of you knew it, but inside both of your nerves were going crazy. The slightest shaking lasted the remainder of your time together unsure if the kiss really happened or if you’d just imagined it.
It’d been two months of dating exclusively before you two became an official couple. The kisses from there became more frequent but for some reason there was the hesitation to jump into anything official. So instead, the two of you spent that time getting to know one another in purely a romantic context.
At some point you’d joked asking when he was going to officially become your boyfriend.
“Do you really want me to?” Itd been a thought that had been at the front of his mind lately. He’d been trying to find the right time to ask as well, getting annoyed at the questions his teammates would ask about you in the locker room. He watched you intently analyzing your reaction to his words as your amused look turned serious than softened before you indicated that you really did. And so he asked and it became official.
It was the way that even after the honeymoon stage had ended that he still felt drawn to you. Even when you bickered about your room not being clean [enough] when he came over or about your annoying own clicking habit, neither of you wanted to bicker with anyone else. Even during your first serious argument that resulted in you admitting that you loved him his heart both dropped and swelled. He’d been the one to fuck up that time, the argument being quite heavy. That night he left with a kiss on your temple and a promise of seeing you soon.
It was the way that the days the two of you didn’t speak felt like hell to him. He was more irritable towards others and found himself stress cleaning whenever he could (something his teammates witnessed as he wiped down his locker for the 50th time in a span of 5 minutes). The usually cautious player may not have performed differently to outsiders, but when he didn’t see you in the crowd during the home game he was off.
Making up felt like a weight had lifted off his heart. He’d swallowed his pride and reached out first. Returning those 3 words for the first time had him feeling like he was on cloud nine.
From then the love between you and Kiyoomi continued to grow. It was never perfect, with the two of you always having something something to work on. But, it was you.
The day he’d revealed to you that he’d signed to MSBY post college was one of his favorite moments. The two of you had been at his hanging out when he’d given you the unmarked envelope. He’d watched your face go from confused to realization to excitement as you read aloud “we welcome your commitment to MSBY Black Jackals-.” It was one of those times he didn’t mind the camera you’d shoved in his face insisting that you were filming a once in a lifetime moment. He’d found himself smiling at the kisses your scattered over his face, ignoring what usually would’ve made him grimace in disgust for the love that overpowered it.
He’d considered the next step in your relationship for a while the question of asking you to move in with him ultimately flowing out of him at graduation. It was the start of a new journey and he wanted you by his side.
Moving in was no easy feat. Learning to live with another person and their habits got to the two of you at times but you were determined to stick it out. Once the initial struggles faded, and you’d gotten into the swing of things he was met with a different kind of love. The love of a domestic life with you. Love was never easy, and potentially being harder when you were young. Yet you’d waited it through. Slowly built a friendship and the foundation of something great. Sakusa has no intentions in proposing anytime soon, yet knew for a fact that he wanted you and you want him.
a/n: i honestly coulve kept going but uh i gotta go to bed and this shit is long nough
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alkhale · 5 years
Omg omg can one of the causes of fights between mini shanks n mini mihawks be bcs Hoku doesn't call him "Brat" ????
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(First scene Mihawk is fifteen, next scene is 16 along with Shanks, best reference is the young Mihawk Oda drew but I found a slightly older version someone made, it’s colored by a deviantart user but I don’t know who the original artist is so credits to them!)
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When fifteen-year-old Mihawk finally woke up, wild, ink black hair pushed back over his headit was to something soft and warm beneath his head and the flash, secondary instinct to grab his sword at his side, as though the hilt and his palm were connected entirely.
And then a soft laugh hit his ears.
A simple click and the memories returned, easy and a bit bitter to swallow, but he was not a fool and he was not an idiot. 
Dracule Mihawk, on a quest to become the strongest swordsman alive, had challenged the current reigning king of said title, and lost. Quickly, decisively and fairly. There was nothing more to dwell on the matter aside from his own lack of discipline, of training, and of certain skill.
Though such an action very much might have warranted losing his life, he was not dead.
Mihawk half turned to the woman who was waiting behind him, kneeling with a warm grin playing on her lips that allowed a thin glint of white from a canine of hers to peek out.
“You’re a funny one, aren’t you?” Hoku said, “I’m never sure how to handle types like yours.”
Mihawk remained silent for a moment, dropping his eyes down to his hands. He considered their scabbed, rough feel hidden behind now clean white bandages. He touched his chest where he was no longer bleeding, tight white bandages wrapping neatly around him along with nothing but a bruise along the side of his face where the legendary Wado Ichimonji had decked him sideways and knocked him into the ocean without mercy.
“I did not ask to be treated,” Mihawk said calmly.
Hoku looked even more amused now, eyes a little half-lidded when she looked at him. Her heavy, sturdy coat hung over her shoulders but was pushed back to reveal the warm tan of steady arms–hands that knew work. He could clearly see the outline of her own blade–a notable, ungraded and legendary short sword by the name of Mau who earned its reputation far and wide.
This woman, Mihawk knew. He did not concern himself with the particulars of the legendary Straw Hat crew aside from their captain, Zoro, whom he longed to beat, and this woman, Hoku, since she was the only other crew member to carry a sword.
“I know,” Hoku said. Mihawk realized she had moved his head to her lap while he was unconscious. “I only did your hands, by the way. Chopper did the rest.”
Mihawk continued to stare at her.
“He thinks you have potential,” Hoku said simply. “You trim buds, but you don’t kill them off before they can bloom, do you?”
He understood now why he made it out with his life.
“You fight with that blade,” Mihawk said, though he posed it as a question. Hoku seemed to be considering whether or not he was worthy of an answer and he took no offense to this. He did not know of this woman’s skill, but he knew it existed. She had earned her rank and place. Her sword spoke to that.
“Not as much anymore,” Hoku said instead. “The two of us are a bit retired now and I definitely don’t take challenges like that monster. I’m more of an artist at heart.”
Mihawk had heard about that too. “But you craft.”
There was something pleased in her expression by his knowledge of this, though a touch wary. It made Mihawk a bit more interested himself. He turned, on his knees as he faced her with his hands on his lap.
“Yes,” Hoku said, a little warm. “I do.”
She tilted her head to the side for a moment, as though listening. “That’s a good sword. It kept you safe for now. It’ll do what it can to bring you as far as it can go.”
Mihawk touched his hilt and then looked at Hoku.He stared at her for a moment longer than he would have liked and then stood. Hoku blinked, curious as he remained standing before he promptly bowed to her.
“Thank you.”
And then Mihawk turned, a young man and his sword, and left.
Hoku watched him until he disappeared, a small, fond little huff escaping her lips.
“Told you there’s no point in talking to him,” a lazy voice called above her. Hoku didn’t even look, shrugging helplessly as heavy feet came to rest behind her. “Not much of a chatterbox.”
“Neither are you,” Hoku said. She rubbed the back of her neck, “Dunno. I just feel like you won’t see people like him often. He’s a bit cute. Like a stray, maybe?”
“You called that golden axe the other day cute too,” Zoro snorted. Hoku leaned back against his legs, rolling her shoulders and stretching her arms high as she relaxed. “Might have to give him a scar to remember next time.”
“Ah, you’re soft on him,” Hoku said. “You like him.”
“Brat’s gonna come for my head next time.”
“I dunno, can’t you guys trade titles in the future without chopping each other’s heads off?”
Zoro set a hand down on her head. His fingers splayed out and Hoku turned to look up at him.
“That eager for me to kick the bucket?”
“Oh, please,” Hoku mused, tipping her head into Zoro’s hand. Her humored her, leaving it there for now and curving his fingers below her chin. “I don’t plan on letting anyone take your head anytime soon.”
Hoku made a face. “I’m speaking for Luffy, not for me.”
“Yeah, yeah, get off your lazy ass. I need a coating.”
“I’ll charge you one day for all you owe me. Nami’s keeping track.”
- - - -
Shanks really was lucky.
He had felt good about this beach the moment his crew set anchor on the other side of the harbor. He and Buggy were racing to see who could find the biggest and best catch and bring it back to the ship by dawn–
And truly, this was without a doubt, the best catch.
He knew it was her in an instant. It’d been a little while and he’d only caught glimpses of her in the newspapers, her captain making headline after headline as the marines raced after him. But that moon-white hair, the slope of her shoulders hidden by a cloak and–
She was just sitting there, where the grass of the forest met the sand, her back to everything else as she seemed to watch the ocean a safe distance away. Shanks thought he must be dreaming at first or perhaps this island had a secret mirage.
But he caught sight of their ship, her ship. A legendary ship anchored several leagues away and knew–
It was fate.
Something curled in the pit of his stomach. His heart pumped blood fast and hot through his body, fueling liquid courage all the way down to his fingertips. He was a year older now. He was less lank more muscle. He was taller too, maybe even taller than her now, he’d like to think, though he never minded a tall woman, he fancied the idea of cupping his hand under that curved chin and raising it to his–
Shanks’ eyes landed on a heavy bough of flowers beside him. Pretty, bright red things. A smaller branch of silver flowers grew below it. He considered them both, teetered dangerously and cursed under his breath, snapping the branch of soft silver flowers clean. 
He had to ease into this sort of thing after all. Coax her sweet so she wouldn’t slip off, make her a bit interested enough to stay.
Shanks ran a hand through his bright red hair and walked forward, lightly swinging the branch.
When he was only a little ways away, she seemed to finally register his approaching presence, as though he were a deer who’d broken away from a herd of things. She still faced away from him, tilting her head to the side as though listening curiously before she started to turn.
Shanks stopped as close as he dared for now, a few steps from her–and he kept in mind to treat kindly the fact that she let him get this close and that gave him hope–he dipped the branch low.
Those ocean eyes blinked, slow and curious, round at the bundle of flowers presented before her before looking up.
“I didn’t think there was treasure on this island,” Shanks said with a bright, sunny grin. “But it looks like I found some.”
“Brat,” Hoku said, pleasantly surprised. He withheld a wince at the name. “Huh, I guess Robin was right. This island is getting a little more popular now…”
“I think it was fate,” Shanks said. He shook the branch. Petals fell, dappling her hair and she looked up, amused at his antics. “Did you miss me?”
“I hardly thought about you at all,” Hoku said, a small smile on her lips. Shanks inched a step closer. “I thought we wouldn’t meet for ten more years.”
“I don’t think my heart could take such a thing,” Shanks crouched on the sand beside her. Hoku looked amused, watching him with vague curiosity. Her hair was a little longer and he’d fight to run his hands through it once.
“Too long for–” Shanks’ eyes dropped down and he stopped. He blinked, once, twice, and then a third time for good measure.
There, stretched out in the sand before her, was a youthful face. A face not much older than his own. A hardened face who Shanks recognized from the waves he was making. A face that was currently attached to a head that was very much resting on the soft and supple skin of Hoku’s thighs, fast asleep and–
Dracule Mihawk was sleeping on Hoku’s lap.
Shanks stared.
“Oh,” Hoku said, following his eyes. “He’s another rookie like you. Maybe you two have heard of each other–”
Shanks stared at Hoku as though she’d driven a knife right through his heart. His eyes went soft, staring at her in his best, most charming sense of a puppy-dog face. Hoku stared at him with round eyes, blinking. “What’s that look for? All I said was–”
As though summoned, Mihawks’ eyes finally slid open. Shanks gaped at him. Hoku looked down. The young swordsman seemed to consider several things for a moment before promptly he sat up–to Shanks’ relief–and turned to Hoku.
“He developed an even stronger technique,” Mihawk said.
“Oh, you noticed,” Hoku grinned. “He never stops advancing, you know. You’ll have to run to even get close to catching up.”
Mihawk’s golden eyes flickered before he nodded. He moved, standing up and Hoku let her hands fall into her lap. Shanks continued to gape.
“What’s the matter with you?” Soft fingers tapped the side of his face and Shanks’ head jerked to the side. His cheek connected with Hoku’s warm palm, ocean eyes curious as she watched him. “You seemed confident as a lion just a moment ago–”
“I wasn’t aware you two were acquainted,” Shanks said, a wide, quick grin curling on his lips. He flashed Mihawk a sharp look who simply stared blankly back at him in return. Hoku moved to pull her hand away and Shanks quickly reached up, cupping his hand over hers.
Hoku arched a brow.
“Lovely dove,” Shanks said, voice a little low, eyes a little pleading, expression soft. His fingers moved lightly over the back of her hand in a way he hoped was distracting. “What do I have to do to be spoiled like that?”
Hoku blinked. She seemed confused by his question for a moment before something must have clicked and then she laughed. Shanks’ eyes went half lidded at the sound and Mihawk raised a brow at the redhead’s expression.
“Challenge the greatest swordsman alive,” Hoku said, eyes a little wild. “And we’ll see what happens.”
Maybe I should play a little sick next time. Shanks wondered. I wouldn’t mind being spoiled like that–
“And you should really just let me coat your sword for you,” Hoku said, ignoring Shanks and pulling her hand away. He pouted at the loss and Hoku faced a calm Mihawk. “I promise it’ll help–”
“I’m not good enough to have you coat for me,” Mihawk said simply. “Not yet.”
Shanks huffed, “Dove, I’d gladly let you do anything to or for me–”
Shanks stopped.
He was fairly certain his heart might’ve too.
Red, soft, flush red colored her cheeks. Hoku’s eyes were a little wide, almost soft at Mihawk’s words. She looked hopelessly embarrassed, flushing in pride at the praise as she reached up and placed a hand over her face as though to hide the entire view, crumpling a bit.
“You can’t just going saying things like that,” Hoku said, sheepish and soft. “Really now–”
Shanks wanted that face engraved to memory. He wanted that face to be made because of him. He wanted it under his fingertips. He wanted it, begged for it beside him. He wanted to see it color darker, a little more flushed, eyes soft on him and his hands running low and pushing, playing, trying to see how much more he could–
Shanks paused. Maybe this time Buggy was right and a little bit of that passion was bleeding a bit toward somewhere else.
“HOOOKKKKKUUUUUU!” Shanks and Mihawk froze, the loud, resounding voice boomed across mountains, echoing blaringly clear. “WHEEEEEERREEE ARRREEEE YOOOUUUU?”
They both looked to each other, realization coloring their faces as to who the voice belonged to and–
Without another word, Hoku stood. Her head turned toward the sound of her name, at her call, eyes warm, the expression on her face–
Something Shanks wasn’t sure he knew how he ought to feel about. It reminded him of her moment with Zoro. A simple call of her name and yet–
Something too far for him to ever grasp. Something that shouldn’t be touched. Something he couldn’t touch.
“Well, it was nice seeing you again, brat,” Hoku grinned at Shanks, holding a silver flower up. Shanks blinked in realization. “Thanks for the flowers.”
Turning to Mihawk she added over her shoulder, “Rest up. See you again, Mihawk.”
She beamed at the two of them and promptly set off, never once looking back as she followed the continued calls of her name, hurrying maybe just a bit.
“Alright, spill it you sly dog. What did you do and what did you say to get her to treat you like that?” Shanks nearly pulled tufts of red out. “You were in her lap! Her lap, you dog! And that face–do you understand how cute she is?”
Mihawk stared at him as one would a bug.
“Who are you?”
- they’ll all meet again
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
Yes this is Detective 🍰 at your service, Your Highness. 🕵️✨
"I enjoy you seeing try tho, maybe i shouldn't have given you hints so you can try guessing longer," too late ;D well unless you have other stuff that you want me to try guessing- try playing hard to get by being more cryptic with symbolisms and/or recognizable but subtle references. 🤔🧐 Idk how to give an example but i'm used to doing that 😰 maybe... Look back on our crazy ass drama when you haven't known who the secret mystery anon was yet 😍 oh how i missed those times when you're going through a crisis bc of me 😎 i feel like trying that again 😎 but if u really want examples id try to think of some by later or tomorrow after our first day of exams 😋 as your loyal advisor why shouldn't i give you some when Your Highness asks for it? 🥰
I can relate with not liking your actual irl name tbh, my in-game name too is basically a name i'd rather like to be called or the name i put when games needed it 😌 and fyi since you have shared smth abt you, i have like 3 names. You and your siblings are really being 💅💅💅 with that royalty references 🤨🤨 if you're curious if im laughing when reading your messages: DEFINITELY. Im like cackling everytime bc it's so fun to talk to you 🤬😍 like most of the time, i dont like how passive-aggressive ppl are on the internet (typical GenZ behavior tbh 🙄 i mean i am GenZ too but i'm much more like a polite person bc im sexy 😎) but when it comes to you, Ein, it feels so funny and actually not offensive 😍😍😍 (this is coming from a person who gets offended easily by ppl who display rude attitude)
Thank u too for the goodluck wishes!! I gave up studying lmao it took me like 2 hours to finish one SIMPLE lesson bc i keep spacing out 💀💀💀 so yeah continuing is futile, i'd just speedrun it in the morning 😍💗 Gonna do my best and not die bc my Queen actually cheered me on 😳😋💨 i def wont leave u bc as your royal advisor, you might do more impulsive shit than ever before so u better consult me first if you have some tempting thoughts to actually act on 🤬🤬🤬 this is for your safety and so you won't regret anything 😩 your kingdom would def be in shambles at anytime with one dumb mistake 🤬💨 so dont decide stuff with your goofy ass impulsively and without your royal advisor's approval 😌😌😌 Gotta get you married off to either Prince Vyn of the Richter Clan or Emperor Diluc of the Ragnvindr Kingdom 😍 so behave your self young lady ✌️😌
I'm happy you're enjoying the playlist i sent you 😍😍😍 tbh im sorry to break it to you but like clair de lune and merry go round of life is too repetitive for me already so im so done with those popular pieces😌 there's so much more classical music out there SO ALSO tell me if i should send more playlist links bc for sure i do have a bunch to send you 💪💪💪
BONUS: *classical music playing in the mansion* "These music is my favorite" (what you said). "Actually you're my favorite music." (what diluc said). idk figure it out maybe 😋 i have your "voice" in mind but if you have other interpretations then that's cool. Yes it's cringe or whatever but anything for this man 💪💪💪
Also i think ur now experiencing my long-ass asks 😍 how do you feel about it 🎤🎤🎤
— 🍰.
you're not only a criminal (refers to the mystery game) but also a detective now? i see🤨🤨
yeah ik, its too late now 😔😔 bae idk how to be cryptic when im a blabbermouth and a honest person😇😇☝️naurr bc i was just said the "come out and show yourself" as a joke but somehow you really did gave me hint and that's how it all started🧐🧐 ngl i miss those times too (i sound like a grandmother reminiscing her youth days😟) examples would be very much appreciated, gl on your exams again, show the teacher who's the girlboss😼😼
us dissapointed on our parents now 🤝🤝🤝 but ig i got used to being called like that(my irl name) oooh three names? cant relate i only have one word name😶😶😶
we are girlbosses😼😼😼 mom said we may not be rich but we are rich in terms of name. mom is the real mastermind here💅💅
uhm as u should? im putting on my make up clown everytime i answer your ask and u won't laugh? thats offending maam🤨🤨 (oh no what i have done to you to say things like this😟😟 but slayy😼😼) im afraid that one day i might offend ppl for acting like this so im glad you're finding it punny👉😻👈
tbh i dont study even though i have a big exams coming up, i just give my all to my stock knowledge (self reliance at its finest😼☝️) and somehow i still manage to pass when most of the time i just listen to my instincts (if the answer sheet is multiple choices)
i will dear advisor🙄 (affectionate) but maybe i wont bc ik you will clean the mess i always do😽😽 im sorry but im not dainty like those other young ladies so lemme do what i want😾😾 and why marry one when i can just marry two and create a harem😏😏
ik merry go round of life is repetitive already but i still love it bc that masterpiece got me feeling like a royalty 😔👉👈 claire de lune isn't exactly my fav bc i prefer the ones with violin😗😗 go and send them to me anytime, i wont mind😉😉
i see your back into your fairy godmother agenda🧙🧙 nah but that actually made me stifle a smile
*grabs the mic* okay so ehem ehem! it feels nostalgic actually *mic drop 😼😼*
0 notes
translightyagami · 7 years
more headcanons... more dam headcanons!!!!!
uhuhuuhhuhhh yeah man fer shure fer shure here’s some headcanons
ryuk always plays as luigi during mario cart. light plays as that mushroom guy. toad or whatever. i’ve nvr played mario cart.
i’m nvr gonna stopped saying this but L loves prog rock. he’s literally tried so many times to get light to listen to ‘the wall’ and its fruitless.
a few months after L dies, light gets top surgery and part of him is kind of miffed that L’s not gonna see him w/o a binder. the other part of him is so pumped to start dressing as excessively horny as he wants.
if misa were kicking around, she’d b pastel goth. there’s no doubt in my mind. would probably hv a rlly cool decoden phone case she made herself.
light started to transition toward the beginning of high school and while his family was supportive, it rlly shook up their dynamic for a bit before it got better. like there was a tense atmosphere for a while bc light’s so rigidly polite that he had trouble correcting his family when they misgendered him but when it happened the air around him would get rlly heavy, like, think of that scene where his dad calls kira evil? that’s the kind of mood i’m talking abt.
misa has a twitter and posts on it constantly abt everything she does. she loves snapchat too and takes lots of selfies w the, like, flower crown filter and the dog one. light has a snapchat bc she bullied him into getting one but he nvr checks it and is only friends w misa on it.
light rlly doesn’t stay up to date on anything that isn’t directly related to kira so misa ends up being his point of reference for pop culture and then eventually matsuda starts to catch on that light’s clueless over media and tries to get him to go to the movies n shit. will bug him to add him on snapchat and light’s like “i don’t hv a snapchat” and matsuda’s like “i just.....i just saw you open a picture from misa on snapchat.” at least once they do see a movie and light hates it but he doesn’t say anything until he gets home and writes a shitty review for it on rotten tomatoes.
L’s joints constantly pop when he moves. he’s like a human glowstick. pop pop pop.
L nvr went to college for real and when he went to to-oh for that little time period he got invited to a lot of parties. he went to one of them and found out light was also there and the two of them just sort of orbited around the room trying not to make eye contact until they eventually ended up in a corner awkwardly sipping bad jungle juice out of solo cups and talking shit abt matsuda and some kid in one of their classes who is trying to make dreads happen.
light’s office is the only room in his and misa’s apartment that has a lock
on the same note as the rotten tomatoes review, light leaves reviews on yelp and amazon constantly. they r so long and so weirdly specific to his own situation with the product that they aren’t helpful at all.
misa helps light do his T shot
during the yotsuba arc, light and L fell asleep on top of each other constantly. one of them always woke up b4 the other and moved so they wouldn’t know so it was just like the game of who would crack and talk abt the sleeping situation. it nvr got addressed.
honestly tbh i rlly don’t think they got together during the yotsuba arc. i think light developed romantic feelings toward L but didn’t know how to process it bc of yrs of repression and also a lot of gender dysphoria which cropped up and L.....he liked light but couldn’t separate this new light from the old light and almost felt a greater kinship to light before his memory loss. plus i think the more time he spent w light, the more their age difference sunk in and he was like “yeah i’m not dealing w a teenager rn esp not one that murders.”
i do, however, think that light tried to kiss L once and L, in a somewhat out of character move, let him down really gently bc he was like “i’ve been here b4 dude and i know it sucks but this isn’t gonna b anything” and light was mortified for the rest of their time handcuffed. just fucking couldn’t look L in the eyes for a week and anytime he had to talk to him he did it while staring at his left shoulder instead of his face.
beyond birthday loves pop team epic.
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