#( using that icon on purpose )
aru-art · 7 months
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head archivist of the magnus institute london commission for the one and only @arqueervist
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elbiotipo · 5 months
Common historical misconceptions:
Suits and ties were not used by everyone: they were mostly used by people of high status on formal occassions.
Daft Punk represent some of the earliest androids registered outside fiction, they were not two humans in suits (this is still disputed)
Similarily, Miku Hatsune was an "anime" character at first, the first sentient personalities of Miku date from 2026.
The "Old City" of Niork in Usamerica was actually built in the 2230s around the JFK Spaceport, the ruins of old Niork are in the Manhattan Swamplands.
Similarily, the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building are later reconstructions. The original Statue of Liberty did not have the shield with the emblem of the Joint Chiefs.
The Joint Chiefs did not refer to an alliance of "chiefs" in charge of Usamerican "states", but rather to the pre-socialist military dictatorship.
Bioengineering allowing for animal features is only registered from the late 21th century onwards. Findings previous to that are understood to be caricatures.
"Anime" art was made for general entertaiment, thus the stylization: it did not reflect a lack of knowledge of anatomy. The 'animation renaissance' of the 22th century is heavily disputed.
Open surgery was not 'primitive' or 'painful': it was a complex procedure with anaesthesia and other processes to avoid suffering of the patient. Widespread internal biotechnology arrived only on the 22th century.
The First Space Race did not end because of 'incuriosity' or 'astrophobia'. While political factors were important, technological developements such as Single-Stage-to-Orbit spaceships came only by the late 21th century.
While it is true that live meat was commonly consumed in the industrial era, it was not hunted or butchered at home by individuals such as Gauchos, but rather produced by ranching. Widespread artificial meat arrived only in the 22th century.
The current Socialist Interstellar is not a direct continuation of the original Socialist International, there were several interludes on which did not exist as such, particularily the Neoliberal Interlude of 1991 to 2089. The oldest continously socialist country is Cuba, now part of the URSAL.
There is no evidence that Batman existed. His introduction to the superhero genre as a 'powerless' hero was fictional, and not based on a real person, despite several claims.
However, Espaiderman is identified to be a real person: Pedro Parques, who lived in Baries, Argentina during the late 21th century, but he did exist as a Usamerican character previously.
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frobby · 3 months
list of haikyuu character with actual real world jobs
-oikawa (accepted player for san juan Argentina )
-hinata (accepted player for sesi san paulo + japanese tourism ambassador for sendai japan)
-kageyama (japanese tourism ambassador for sendai japan)
-kuroo (appointed as special chief of japan's volleyball association's PR department)
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thereaderinsertlady · 27 days
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Based off of @camprell-art 's reblog :3
WAAAH THIS TOOK FOREVER MY HAND IS FALLIN OFF AHRGRGG anyways, in remembrance of @cottoncanderino spending like an hr or 2 on a lil twitter icon only to cover up the background with a (ahem) rather big-chested character, here are closeups of the icons in the pic
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cassandracain52 · 22 days
The Batfamily on a roadtrip:
Bruce: The Driver. You really thought his control freak ass was gonna let someone else drive? Be so fr. Has a migraine the size of the WatchTower and has been seriously contemplating pulling over, getting out of the car, and just walking. Not anywhere particular, just walking away. Has already had to pull over twice to swap seating arrangements around and they've only driven 3 1/2 hours out of 11. (They will do this at least 3 more times before they reach their destination)
Barbara: Shotgun. Declared that as second oldest and second most experienced vigilante that the front seat was her birth given right. No one contested it(successfully anyway). Has been helpfully navigating the fastest route much to Bruce "I know where I'm going" Wayne's annoyance. (Her way was in fact more efficient and she is incredibly smug about it.)
Jason: Behind the Passenger seat. Wanted the front seat but wasn't willing to physically fight Babs for it which was what she assured him it would have taken to get her to move. Brought a backpack full of nothing but snacks that he is only sharing with people that aren't actively annoying him aka Cass. Keeps playing words with friends with Roy on his phone and is Kicking Ass
Cassandra: Middle Left. Volunteered for the middle seat because she wanted to sit next to Jason aka the Snack Source while still being close enough to comfortably talk to Babs and Steph. Is one of the few enjoying the drive and just in general living her best life. Somehow painted both her own and Steph’s nails perfectly while the car was in motion. No one is sure how she did this and they were watching
Stephanie: Middle Right. Was originally sitting Middle Back next to Tim but caused the first seat swap when she got bored and decided Tim made suitable entertainment(imagine like in Detective comics #1000). Bruce declared the car a "No Flirting Zone" shortly after. Pouted for all of thirty seconds before she realized she got to sit next to Cass and abandoned Tim without a second thought. Is also the person pointing to the window and going “cows!” Whenever they pass some
Dick: Behind the Driver's seat. Chose his seat while everyone else was fighting for shotgun because he wanted to be able to see Babs during the drive so they could talk without shouting.(he knew good and well she was winning that fight). Has had a few arguments with Jason but they didn't last or get out of hand with Cass between them. Did manage to steal a bag of chips from Jason’s snackpack while he was on his phone. The roadtrip was his idea and he refuses to admit it was not well thought out.
Tim: Back Left. Was thoroughly betrayed when Steph abandoned him to be left with the two youngest bats and said so at length. Only quieted when Jason threw a pack of gummy worms at his head with a demand for silence. Brought an abundance of handheld electronics despite knowing he gets car sick. He threw up on the side of the road 90 minutes into the trip and Dick confiscated anything that had a screen until they reached their destination. He is his own worst enemy. Has since resorted to playing the license plate game with Duke
Duke: Back Middle. Was originally in between Cass and Dick but had to move to sit Back Left next to Damian when Steph took his spot. He stayed there for exactly 45 minutes before Damian caused the second seat swap when he attempted to strangle Tim with his headphones because he was "breathing obnoxiously". Is now a human barrier and he hates it. Jason offered him a small amount of sympathy by offering him some Sour Patch Kids. Duke accepted them. Bruce was more sympathetic and gave him DJ control. Is mostly just talking with Tim who is bored since his electronics were taken.
Damian: Back Right. Attempted to attack Stephanie with a pillow because he “couldn’t listen to her and Drake anymore and she was closer” before the first seat swap occurred. Did not regret his actions in the slightest. Warned his father that nothing good would come from him sitting directly beside Tim, was ignored, and then moved when "nothing good" did indeed come. Despite these to things, he actually spent the majority of the drive with his headphones on full volume and messing around on his phone while he pretended to be anywhere other than there.
Alfred: In The Car Following Behind Them. Yeah there was no way he was getting in that car. He knows a recipe for disaster when he sees one. Didn't hesitate to "offer" that he would happily transport all the luggage and supplies and meet them there. Was already loaded up and ready to go in a separate car before anyone could question him. Somehow got there first and had made dinner for them when they all finally showed up with half the car at war with the other half. Peace was made only in the name of Alfred’s cooking
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kataraslove · 10 months
you know the ship is iconic when an official band (with 6M spotify users and 143K Instagram followers) makes an edit of your ship to promote their song
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orcelito · 1 year
minor details, but in chapter 68 of trimax we do see this bit:
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the items that vash kept in his coat.
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a "funbari doll" (which i cant find anything definite online about what that is with just a cursory look, so im going to run under the assumption that theyre some kind of collectable in-universe) & it's a red one, which is apparently rare. he still has the same pen radio that connects to his earring that's used waaay back on the sandsteamer. a swiss army knife, a random key, a used tissue (?), and...
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a lighter? blow torch? i still cant tell what that last bar thing is tho. & i guess he had some kind of (normal) coin too? but Only One.
love the characterization implications for this lol. definitely the kind of pocket contents i'd expect from a silly immortal with a big coat
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buddstar-hugger · 1 year
Been roleplaying as homestar runner characters recently using tuppers, and seeing how all I draw anymore is homestar stuff, MIGHT AS WELL DRAW THEM ICONS!
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And guess what! You can use these as icons too! Fitted for discord pfps, just make sure to give credit and your good to go!
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annoying-1 · 2 years
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shiver screenshots
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nugatorysheep · 26 days
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Eggman voice: I have 70 alternative accounts! i just wanna look at pretty art why must you care so badly what other people think
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mp3minded · 2 months
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@codename-mango i was only trying to make a new pfp, but this Pizza Hudson and jester!Liam link up goes way harder than it should LIKE 😭💀
Gary Rennell WISHES he was this camp
*mic drop* 🖐🏽🎤
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aru-art · 11 months
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girlfriends kicking ass! commission for @snowglyphss <3
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espy-heart · 2 months
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new icon
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revamping this entire blog. pending.
as always feel free to unfollow i 100% it's nothing personal
3/7/24 - new icon, lily gladstone
3/16/24 - gonna be studying for an exam so probably following more study blogs & whatnot
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i diagnose you with hot tagged by @daxamight. <3 ilysm tagging @wickedlehane @libraryrippcr @baby-royalty @xxgotthedevilinsidexx + all my mutuals !!
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pink panther hot
you're a modern queen. you sit to the side of the dance floor and drink out of martini glasses, a perfect vantage point to look over your court. you like to see the way people's eyes linger on you, hoping you'll see them, that they'll gain your approval. you are offered drinks by many overeager servants throughout the night. when you finally join the ball, the sea of people parts just for you, and you hear the nervous titters of the crowd who are so captivated by what you'll do next.
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ask-hector-and-isaac · 5 months
Sir Hector, Sir Isaac says you call him daddy Father. Is that true?
... you really should stop taking for granted what Isaac says.
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Don't you get that he thrives on sowing chaos and driving me mad? Stop indulging him when he's acting like a child.
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