#( trainee mission 011. )
lgcbk · 2 years
⌜ PRODUCT PLACEMENT / @lgcbaekhyun ⌟
Tiring. He scribbled the word a few times on the notepad in his lap, wracking his brain for persuasive ways to really 'sell' the mundane object. In what world would an idol be endorsing a notepad? No clue. But if the opportunity ever arose after what felt like a month of hazing, surely he'd be well prepared. "Hey, what about this?"
He leans forward, balancing the notepad on the tip of his finger before giving it a wobbly spin. "Creativity. Productivity. A universe of endless possibility. Right at your fingerti - " So lost in controlling his facial expressions, he loses his momentum, sending the notepad flying past Baekhyun's shoulder and onto the floor. "Uh - I'm aiming for an immersive experience," he lets his arms fall to his sides as he slumps back into his seat, tossing his head back in a sigh. "They're going to rip me apart in this eval, aren't they?"
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lgcbaekhyun · 2 years
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hello, everyone. this is yooshi again with her second muse that no one asked for, but i'm very excited to have him here. kwon baekhyun is the "evil" form of jiah, meaning he's a lot more selfish and difficult to befriend, but he interacts with people just as fine. he has a brother, and he's at odds with his parents because they suck. below you can find more about his tragic past that makes him think he's the protagonist of a dramatic anime series.
( .. stats .. plots .. timeline .. background .. )
baekhyun was born into a wealthy family that didn't have time for a kid, but they had one anyway, to please the grandparents and make them look like an ordinary happy family.
he was well-cared for by the babysitters and both sets of grandparents. they adore him and love him.
his family was originally from seoul, but his parents moved to busan before birthing baekhyun. he was often alone because his grandparents would visit from time to time on special occasions. his parents, being the good souls they were, adopted a boy to make him company. that's how hyuntae became part of their family.
baek used to do everything to please their parents when he was little. when he realized it was all for nothing because they were never satisfied by his efforts, he went in the opposite direction. he made his interest in the arts more known, and from his early high school days, it was clear he would follow the traditional path.
baekhyun served his time in the military from april 2019 to october 2020.
he moved to seoul in 2020 and started studying theatre.
in july 2021, he became an lgc trainee.
big fan of yoo woonjae. baek wants to follow in his steps and become a respectable actor after building his idol career. luckily, netizens will approve of him, but it'll be super funny if he ends up being rejected. his heart won't be able to take that hit, but i love it.
trainee mission 011
weakest skills workshop *gender restricted (2/2) - @lgcbk, @lgceli
volunteering *gender restricted (1/1) - @hyuntaelgc
side event 017 (love month)
coffee truck trainees *no gender restriction (2/2) - @hyunsoolgc, @hyuntaelgc
rivals because baekhyun doesn’t know how to deal with people and/or emotions. he’ll compete about anything.
past flings, set anytime because i love getting my muses in trouble. why not.
former friends. as previously stated, he’s learning how to people. i’m sure he has had friends upset in the past and had a fall-out.
actor buddies. i won’t say he has friends in the field because it’s always a competition. i do think he needs people who’ll teach him and direct him in the right (and wrong) direction.
friends. like actual friends that call him out on his bullshit. people who stand up for themselves and don’t let the rich kid be the asshole he knows he is. but they are still friends for some reason. and they get along. shocker.
the friend that doesn’t call him out and just let him do whatever. you’re seen.
people who go to dongguk university.
just plots and connections. i should have made a plots page this week but i was so lazy.
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: Cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
back in 2022, the trainees had the (dis)pleasure of meeting LEE HYEMI, and seeing her walk through the doors today cannot mean anything good.
"i'm sure none of you hoped to see me again and the feeling is mutual. 2022 was the first year in a while since LGC ENTERTAINMENT had to deal with a dating scandal. coupling that with the... issues we ran into with some trainees earlier last year, my team has been putting overtime to vet all our artists and trainees. some might have noticed that following their dating news, DBSD'S SHIN and actress LEE HANBYUL have been laying low. even they have to weather the storm that such news creates. fortunately for them, SHIN is several years into his career and has more than enough shown that he's trustworthy and HANBYUL, while newer, has been in the industry for almost 3 years now and is a beloved rising star; she'll quickly get back on her feet and we'll be there to support her. which is something none of you can boast of. even the most popular trainee present today is far from rivaling HANBYUL’s popularity and public notoriety." she takes a pause. "we thought my intervention last year and what happened with SHIN and HANBYUL would make you all realize that this isn’t a game. but we were wrong. during our investigations we were baffled to learn about female trainees visiting male dorms, various clubbing antics and what seemed to be public dating. it's one thing hanging out with a friend here and there, it's another seeing same said friend many times over a short period of time. we've thought it through and realized that, perhaps, some of you just shouldn't be here... why even put the effort of tightening a leash if you do not take this seriously?" her cold gaze sweeps over the trainees present. "this is why BANG YOHAN, LI HALEY, SON HAEUN and YOO KIHA are now on probation. we do not wish to have any of you tarnish our reputation. therefore, you are barred from ANY public appearances, auditions and opportunities this trimester. and yes, this includes the CAFE PERFORMANCES. you will have the trimester to prove that you truly DESERVE to be here, and only then can we try to rebuild the trust we have lost in you."
after addressing the 4 trainees, she turns to specific people: "HALEY, this has cost you a place in FUTURE DREAMS, hopefully this knowledge is punishment enough for you." next she turns to YOHAN, clearly displeased with him. "YOHAN, you would've been pulled from the showcase, but we didn't want the other boys to suffer for your actions. however, it was embarrassing for us to have you stand in front of investors and industry professionals. while you are free to ruin your own debut chances, as well as other trainees', please don't drag your DEBUTED SUNBAE into your spiral of chaos. there's enough space in this building for you to meet HER somewhere that won't get HER in trouble. thank you.” another staff member arrives at the opportune time and after telling HYEMI some important news, she excuses herself and lets the staff member proceed by explaining the upcoming events for all of the trainees on her behalf.
due to the current circumstances, all of the trainees NOT participating in FUTURE DREAMS S6 will be doing the following for each month:
JANUARY: all of the trainees will be attending several additional workshops related to image maintenance. possible topics that they would cover during this time are: studying and discussing past scandals, what to do and not to do in various situations, participate in exercises to help decide what is deemed acceptable for sns posts, and how to act around their sunbaes and hoobaes ( along with knowing WHO their sunbaes are ). at the end of the month, the trainees will be given two written exams; the first is knowing what is acceptable to do under different situations and the second is knowing legacy’s senior artists, their major accomplishments, and the songs and projects they’ve participated in ( by legacy senior artists, we mean the groups that are currently active [ type zero, v&a, crystallis, fabula, lgc girls, lgc boys ] AND the npc artists [ blazing, dbsd, haru ] ).
FEBRUARY: all of the MALE trainees will be cleaning the interiors of the legacy building after their training is done. during SATURDAYS ( FEBRUARY 4, FEBRUARY 11 ), the MALE trainees will then help with legacy’s kitchen and prepare the ingredients needed to make the meals for the café. then on the remaining SATURDAYS of the month ( FEBRUARY 18, FEBRUARY 25 ) they will be helping carry coal briquettes to the low-income families in a village nearby. as for the FEMALE trainees, after training, all of them will be cleaning the snow on the curb. during SATURDAYS ( FEBRUARY 4, FEBRUARY 11 ) they will be carrying groceries and delivering them to the elderly and people with reduced mobility in the areas near legacy. then on the remaining SATURDAYS of the month ( FEBRUARY 18, FEBRUARY 25 ) they will be spending their time inside the legacy kitchen and organize all of the ingredients and products that they receive that day to their respective locations.
MARCH: all of the trainees will be focusing on working on their weakest skills ( singing, dancing, rapping [ if the muse has points in it ], acting, modeling, korean, and english ) throughout this month. rather than having FREE TRAINING like the trainees normally would, they will be replaced with workshops and practices on the trainee’s WEAKEST skill. at the end of the month, each trainee will be evaluated on their weakest skill by one of the coaches to see if they have improved within the past month. for SINGING, DANCING, RAPPING, and ACTING, each of the trainees will be asked to have a performance ready for it. with MODELING, the trainee will be given a random product ( ex. shampoo, water bottle, notepad, bucket, etc. ) in which they will have to advertise and convince the coaches to ‘buy’ the product. while for KOREAN and ENGLISH, they will be asked to make a presentation about one of their favorite skills/hobbies in the language that they are working on.
and just like before, all of the trainees will be required to write journal entries pertaining to their experiences and hand the journal to their coaches at the end of every week for them to read and review through.
TRAINING SESSIONS: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with another trainee of the same gender about anything related to the image maintenance workshops ( january ) OR the weakest skills workshops ( march ). completing this will earn you +10 POINTS TO THE WEAKEST SKILL CHOSEN ( SINGING, DANCING, RAPPING, ACTING, MODELING, KOREAN, ENGLISH ) ! ** can be done up to two times, as long as it is with different partners **
VOLUNTEERING: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with another trainee of the same gender about the volunteering experience. completing this will earn you +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE !
JOURNAL ENTRY: write a 300+ word journal entry solo ( this will have to be from the character’s point of view ) talking about anything related to the above. this can include their volunteer experience, struggling with the workshops, etc. do note that whatever is written in the journal entry WILL BE seen by the coaches. completing this will earn you +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:traineemission for all of the tasks. you have until MARCH 18, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
- TRAINING SESSIONS: +10 ( singing, dancing, rapping, acting, modeling, korean, OR english ) [ LINK ] ** can be done twice ** - VOLUNTEERING: +6 ( skill points distribution ) [ LINK ] - JOURNAL ENTRY: +5 ( skill points distribution ) [ LINK ]
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lgcseojin · 1 year
✱  TRACK 011
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— TRAINEE MISSION: reflection vlog
Admittedly, Seojin did not get into the rhythm of relaxation until well into the trip. It was difficult to mitigate his workaholic tendencies and move past the many people he missed back home. ( Not to mention the lull in his work out routine and the separation from his beloved container of protein powder and vitamin packs. ) On the eighth day, he finally learned what it means to relax, dipping into vacation mode a bit too late. So here he is, on the seventh, finally feeling the tendrils of having a "good time".
He flicks on the camera while everyone else is busy wandering around the ship with a calming view of the sea. He tucks something onto the chair while he readjusts his stiff body. It appears to be some sort of small cutout of a person.
Letting out a loud groan with a stretch, he waves before giving a casual greeting in that Gyeongsang dialect of his he is unable to push down. "Hey, it's Park Seojin." Midway through his greeting, he glares playfully off camera to an unseen trainee pestering him off frame from the doorway. "Now that there's a moment of peace, I finally have my thoughts together. Maybe it's the sea air." Sarcastic, given his propensity toward motion sickness.
He finally settles onto a chair, clumsily readjusting when he nearly falls backwards. It's familiar, he thinks; a similar feeling to when he shot the reflection for Spring Boys earlier that year. Next time, he wishes for something he is permitted to be more dynamic in.
"So, I'm not really big on the whole Disneyland thing we did yesterday and I just spent time getting souvenirs for my sisters but... the other places outside, I really liked. You can play around or just sit around calmly. Glad we went to a bunch of nice looking parks. Next time, I definitely wanna go bungee jumping or do something daring like that sky walk in... Europe? I don't remember where it is. Anyway," a smile begins to form.
"My parents are probably relieved I finally got to relax even though it took me a while to kinda... get used to not being on the go all the time. It's been hard to focus. My younger brother enlisted in the military right before the trip so it's been tough actually calming down. My mind's still reeling and I'm all over the place." He sighs, desperate to drift from the painful topic he brought up himself. "Learning to sit and chill... It's underrated, for sure. I'm glad they gave us a chance to do something like this. Oh, and I did like the workshops where we got to cook, especially. I got to show off my skills to the instructors." He sends an intentionally awkward wink to the camera.
Seojin suddenly reaches behind him to grab for the cutout he placed on the chair earlier. He presents it to the camera. It is the size of a standard piece of paper, the image of his good friend Baek Byeongkwan printed out on it. Laminated, of course, with a nice pair of plastic sunglasses that he places on it with tape. He places his own down over his eyes.
"Also, since Kwannie couldn't be here, I decided to bring this along and take pictures to show him while we're floating along." After detailing more of his various adventures, he stands and shows the cutout to the camera, holding a peace sign with his fingers in front of it.
"Well, I gotta go do my work out. It's leg day." He waves to the camera, and on the way out nearly trips over the chair. He scurried to the camera to turn it off midway into a curse from the pain in his shin under his breath. ( Hopefully to be edited out. )
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samlgc · 2 years
to sum up sam's reaction to this... he is pissed that the group is being reprimanded for the actions of a very few. he thinks it's unfair and will voice that... however he will still do his silly little tasks. so anyone who can put up with his grumbling, help me out!
1/2: with @lgceli
2/2: with @hyunsoolgc
1/1: with @lgcbk
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lgcsejun · 2 years
journal entry ( winter '23 )       ( trainee mission ) 011
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we've all been working so hard... these days seem to melt into the ones from physical camp. long hours and lots of time to really think about why we're here for sure. i'm not sure that these punishments were really a good lesson to learn but nevertheless, we're learning it --- what expendable assets we are in business terms and how much (how little) we mean individually. i hope i won't get in trouble being so vaguely, mildly, honest about this. there's more i wish i could say.
for the manager or coach reading this, i don't mean any of it in a bad way... i'm just lamenting as usual.
despite this, i've kind of enjoyed the ever so small break from training to do volunteer service. not so much the cleaning from top to bottom or kitchen duty but definitely getting to spend time with the community more. i think sometimes i forget how small my world is and how there's so many other people with other things going on that don't even remotely mirror my own. it's always good to be reminded of that.
it's easier to focus on everything now that i've officially left school but if i'm honest, i just want this quarter to be finished. working on our weakest skills and learning our senior groups is fine and all but i think i'd rather things just get back to normal.
the dorm is too depressing right now. i miss yohan and kiha so much; i've never seen them so defeated and ghost like. conversations seem either empty or too full, if that makes sense. even forcing yohan to watch minions with me isn't the same as it was before the punishments. but i'll buy him (and kiha) as many corn dogs as they want in order for me to get my friends back to normal.
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yohanlgc · 2 years
plot call & tracker !!
current open plots, give this a like or comment if you’re interested !! updated: 17th march
trainee mission 011
training sessions: @lgcsejun ( waiting ), @lgcyuuki ( waiting )
volunteering: @lgcakio ( writing )
journal entry: solo ( to be written )
non event threads ( if anyone wants to drop, just let me know !! )
molang! with @lgcaeri ( writing )
sunbae with @lgcjaesun ( writing )
sense of solace with @lgcxhaeun ( waiting )
bubbles with @lgcsomin ( waiting )
unity with @lgcyujin ( waiting )
miracle with @lgceunhye ( writing )
sunshine in a bag with @lgcsejun ( waiting )
off@night with @lgchayoung ( waiting )
blurred with @lgcsori ( waiting )
adventures with @lgcteddy ( waiting )
a screen away with @lgcsomin ( writing )
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lgcrp · 11 days
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↬ PENDING DEADLINES ( all deadlines are due at 11:59 PM EST )
NOVA MISSION 006 ( PART 1 ) is due 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
STAR TOP PET CARE ( SUMMER 2024 ) is due 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
V&A MISSION 007 is due 28 SEPTEMBER 2024
none, good job everyone !
carter jaejin ( @lgcjaejin )
chae rua ( @lgcrua )
jeon haru ( @lgcharu )
nam gyuri ( @lgcgyuri )
seo nina ( @lgcnina )
seo yura ( @lgcyura )
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lgcpoints · 2 years
      ⭑  TRAINING SESSIONS: +10 SINGING ( ✰ ).
     ⭑  VOLUNTEERING: +6 DANCING ( ✰ ).
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haeminlgc · 2 years
journal ☾ entry
trainee mission 011
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January I understand the need to revisit the topic of image maintenance after the scandal we've had but to subject everyone to it seems a little bit… drastic. Why not just the people who have shown not to have sound judgement? Unless it's just an exercise of power and fear to keep the rest in line. I will say that I have enjoyed delving into the projects of our legacy sunbaenims in greater depth and seeing their passions for everything that they have been involved with. It has inspired me to become even more dedicated to my goals in the future.
February Is forced volunteering really volunteering in the true sense of the word? Cleaning the building and prepping ingredients for the kitchen didn't give me quite the sense of fulfillment volunteering usually does but delivering charcoal briquettes to all those families in need… made me feel like I was doing something useful, something greater. It was hard work, no two ways about it, and I did ache the next day but seeing how grateful the people were made it all worthwhile. It must be hard to be able to provide all the neccesities when one doesn't have the means.
March Throughout this month I have once again realised that I am definitely not linguistically gifted. Like at all. Improving my English, despite having lots of help and backup, was an uphill battle. There were many times where I wanted to just lay down and give up but I managed to persevere helped by copious amounts of caffeine and prayers my fellow trainees. I think that my presentation on my movie watching hobby was satisfactory but could always be improved upon in the future. In the far, far, far future. Honestly, I never want to see my presentation again but I will dutifully improve my English to avoid such embarrassing matters ever again.
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lgcbk · 2 years
I don't know how to start this.
I've never kept a journal before. I guess I'll start here. If I did this a few weeks ago I don't know if I would have written much. I didn't have a lot to write about. Nothing good anyway. I was pretty angry. At first. Why should I be punished for something someone else did? I was annoyed.
I'm still pretty annoyed. There was a chunk of coal in one of my sneakers the other day and I didn't realize until there was a welt on the side of my foot. When I'm not in my usual workshops I'm preparing for the new ones. I don't have much time to relax. I like to be well-rounded. Mental health is important. The staff tell us this often. I used to be able to relax by cooking, but I was so stressed that every time I tried to make my signature sauce it came out tasting like ketchup. I don't even use ketchup. I don't know why it tastes like that. It went on like this for a week. I just gave up.
Instead I just started to sit around and think. Think about how someone could be so careless. Look where we are. Did they ever think about how this was going to reflect on everyone else? But then that made me think about myself. I'm not faultless, either. I don't always think things through when I should.
We're supposed to learn something from all this, right? I think I did. I understand my weaknesses better. It's not as easy to improve as I thought it would be. The volunteering was hard too, and I was pretty tired. But it wasn't about me being tired... or hungry, or thirsty, or my hands freezing... ... ... It was about us working as a team. When I played sports it was a lot easier to do that. Think about the team effort. It didn't matter if you made one goal if you can't help your team make the rest of the plays. You all lose. And I don't like to lose.
I won't always get things right. I'll probably get things wrong a lot. But I'll try to think about others more. Be more understanding when they make mistakes.
Sorry this is my only entry. I'm not good with these kind of things. Maybe I'll start writing more.
- BK.
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lgcbaekhyun · 2 years
.. journal entry : dated mid-march 2023. trainee mission 011
to whoever it might concern,
i wished i was the type of person who could express themselves in words easily. it's not something i usually do, and i find it weird pretending to speak to someone when they are just blank pages, but well. let's give it a try. being a celebrity is difficult.
of course, there is no way for me to know that because i'm not yet one, but i can only imagine how burdensome it is, especially if you're doing it like me and training to be an idol first. i mean, there are so many requirements and skills you need to have to be deemed as interesting. show good performance skills, but don't forget you have to be funny and handsome and charming. it's so much to keep track of, and that's a bit tiring, especially since the company has been picking on us more strictly with the punishments.
the dance workshops were difficult. coming into this, i knew i would have to learn how to dance. i already had lessons in the past, but ballroom dance is different from the dance we have as trainees to be idols, and the pace is quite different, too. my instructors used to be more forgiving when i was a kid. 
it sounds so dumb to complain about things like this. oh, poor baekhyun is having a hard time, as if i didn't have worse when i was serving. the thing is: i had a different mindset prepared for those two distinct circumstances. going to the army, i knew i would have a hard time, and no dashing smile would save me there. i hoped that would be different in the entertainment industry, but they are relentless. 
i'm not being ungrateful or anything. i've been in this company for the last year and a half. it's not because it's challenging that i'm going to peace out and leave. but it makes me wonder a little. if they add more pressure, how would i respond to that? because i have set goals, and i know the path i want to tread, but what are the costs of getting there?
very introspective, huh?
yeah, that's a thought.
i'm sure i'll look dashing as a celebrity.
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on JULY 10, all of the TYPE ZERO members are gathered together in the living room of their dorm. while BOMIN is present, the members may have noticed that NATHAN’s manager, HWANG SEUNGJO, was missing during the past few days. but rather than bringing that topic up, BOMIN begins his first set of announcements.
“as we’ve observed from the recent happenings, the higher-ups decided to make this official and permanently give the leader title to YOO DAEHO. so congratulations to DAEHO and consider this as a belated birthday gift from legacy.” BOMIN discloses the information as succinctly as possible, knowing that there are other important matters to talk about. “and DAEHO, after this meeting i’ll need to talk to you about a very important project. i’ve told KYUWON and KYUHWAN to discuss about it to JAESUN and JIHO, but the three of you will be part of a something related to this year’s lgc family concert.” the older man leaves his statement with some ambiguity, knowing that when the time comes, everyone will know about the project.
with EUNHO and PARKER’s birthdays happening around the same time ( AUGUST 7 & 8 ), the two of them will be doing a joint birthday livestream where they will be spending some time taking polaroid photos of each other and decorating the polaroid photos using art supplies and stickers. during this time, they’ll answer any questions that fans may have about them and share any memorable stories since joining type zero. the decorated polaroid photos will then be given to 10 random fans who watched the livestream. near the end of the livestream, BOMIN will appear to give them their birthday cakes along with gifts.
“PARKER and DAEHO, you have been informed beforehand about your participation in the seventh season of FUTURE DREAMS. while i cannot bring you to certain places due to my schedules, SEUNGJO has been assigned to take care of you two along with JIHO, YUSHIN, and YEONWOO for all of the FUTURE DREAMS activities. if you happen to see him, say hi for me. i know it was short-lived that he was part of our team since NATHAN left recently and soon after DOWOON, but i’m glad some of us will still see SEUNGJO.” BOMIN dislikes pondering on his past thoughts and feelings for too long, so he had to remain professional and think about the present moment.
“with everyone busy, it leaves one other person who has the lightest schedule…” BOMIN eyes at EUNHO, knowing that he was the only one left. while he was aware of a brand event that he would be partaking in the future, there were still some things that needed to be taken care of. “EUNHO, remember how before you were confirmed to join type zero, you and DAEHO were part of an evaluation group?” BOMIN hopes that his words would serve as a hint for EUNHO as to what he’s about to disclose.
“well, it’s happening again. except this time around, you’re not on the verge of being removed from an experimental group. now you will be helping one of the coaches over there prepare the trainees for something important.” BOMIN pauses as he hears a knock from the door. opening it, he spotted SEO YOUNGJAE. after a few minutes of talking, BOMIN returned back with the type zero members and signaled EUNHO to follow YOUNGJAE while BOMIN finished up the rest of the meeting for the remaining members.
the continuation of this can be found over at TRAINEE EVALUATIONS 007.
just like some of the groups’ missions that have been posted today, TYPE ZERO will be participating in WRITING CHALLENGE 002. everyone will be expected to participate in that to help determine the music chart rankings for TYPE ZERO’s upcoming comeback, which is slated for Q4 2023.
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lgcyichen · 2 years
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 【 TRAINEE MISSION 011 / JOURNAL ENTRY 】            ✎... 328 words
FEBURARY 4, 2023
tldr:  i messed up in the kitchen and i think kai gave me the side eye behind my back.
dear mr black book,
ugh, this still feels weird, greeting a book as if i’m writing a letter to a friend when in fact, i’ll be submitting you to my coach every week. anyway, let’s move on...
today, we’re tasked to prepare meals for the cafe. honestly speaking as someone who doesn’t cook at all, how do people do it? they made it so easy on tv when in reality, there are actually steps and techniques like holding a knife, which brings me to the next point ㅡ holding onto a knife with two hands. i think holding it with two hands makes it easier to chop the vegetables. 
but kai doesn’t think otherwise. i’m not sure what triggered him more ㅡ my way of holding the knife or the fact that vegetables are flying off the chopping board and onto the floor. but in my defense, they are still edible after washing and cooking them, no? so why was he unhappy about it? i don’t understand... maybe i’ll ask the next time i see him.  
now that i think about it, i’m quite bad at doing chores. forget about food preparation, how can i be this bad at cleaning with a piece of cloth? what’s worse was that one of the staff had to give me a tutorial. do you know that you’ll have to squeeze every drop of excess water before wiping the windows and mirror? i always thought they just have to be wet... 
looking back, i think i’ve taken things for granted. back in china, the maids do the cleaning. in korea, my foster parents do them. and now as a trainee... well, i don’t remember doing them. although it’s late, but learning how to do chores could be my resolution... yes, it will. men that do chores will always be attractive. 
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lgcjungmo · 2 years
trainee mission 011 | journal entry 
dear journal what’s up party people! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ,
it’s your amazing, funny, talented, beautiful, handsome, pretty boy jungmo here with a brand new thrilling installment of jungmo’s journal! i want to reiterate that everything i say now is the whole truth and that nothing is exaggerated whatsoever. it’s one hundred percent me being park jungmo, the best trainee to ever grace legacy’s doors, detailing my life and experiences as usual. well anyways just to recap the last month or so, we were forced to attend several image maintenance workshops. as if i needed them. i’m the cool, charming jungmo. whoever is reading this, please don’t laugh, i’ll be mad. real mad.
... anyways. to catch you up on what’s happening now - we, as in just the male trainees, are supposed to be helping the kitchen by preparing the ingredients for the cafe. you see, i wouldn’t have a big problem with this if i wanted to be a chef or something. i didn’t realize that being a trainee meant i had to dip my toes into other careers too. i can’t be a cook though. i literally have never used a knife to cut my own ingredients before. it’s way different from using a knife to cut a nice, juicy steak, of course! i’ve done that a million times at least. but cutting raw vegetables and stuff like that? kinda gross. hmm, yeah, i’m not sure that’s gonna be a good fit for me. not my style. if i injure myself, i’m expecting at least a week or two off from training. just kidding! haha. 
oh ho, but that’s not all folks! we’re also being forced... i mean tasked to carry these things called briquettes to families of low-income? apparently, it’s made out of coal? coal as in like what santa gives to naughty children or whatever. and these people use it to heat up their homes for the upcoming cold season? interesting but so so unfortunate. usually, when it’s cold, i just ask our housekeeper to turn up the heat on the thermostat. i’m just putting it out there that i am not santa so why should i be the one to deliver these poor families some coal? being given coal is because you’re naughty and you’re on santa’s naughty list! that’s all i’m going to be thinking about when we go volunteer. i don’t think we should have to bring coal to them. i think they’d feel bad for being on the naughty list but that’s just me. what about giving them heated blankets instead? plug it in and boom, nice and toasty. 
also, since we’re on the topic. why am i being forced to volunteer when the act of volunteer work should be done through one’s own personal choice? this was certainly not my choice. in fact, it might as well be my last choice. hmm. for me, i think i’d prefer to spend my time doing something in the arts, like maybe moving art supplies for kids that don’t have access to them. or anything involving music instruments. or better yet, maybe if legacy gave us a list of different volunteer work, i’d be more inclined to have a happier time enjoying this kind of thing. hello coaches, if you see this, please let me do volunteer work for something else that’s more my speed! thank you! 
well, whatever, volunteering is definitely gonna be ten times better than image maintenance and learning about the legacy groups by a long run. i don’t know if it’s obvious but i have never been interested in all these music groups or the music industry in the first place. i never followed those kinds of trends before i became a trainee but now here i am. a real trainee. at legacy. it feels ironic, yes. but i just want to be famous. that’s my end goal. which path i choose is just whatever’s available to me and hopefully the easiest i can achieve. but hi, hello, i’m jungmo, i’m 21 years old and i’m ready to be a superstar! just putting it out there.
but please don’t get me started on maintaining one’s image and learning how we should act so we can avoid scandals. the thing is - you can do whatever you want - just don’t get caught. i feel like that’s common sense but then again common sense isn’t so common. either way, couldn’t be me! i wouldn’t ever get caught. at the very least, people should’ve just kept secret rendezvous under legacy walls. oh well, can’t turn back time now. we can only look back on this and learn from past mistakes or whatever. that sounds like a good life lesson to me.
that’s about it for my thoughts. whelp, thanks for nothing! i hope you enjoyed reading this week’s exciting installment of jungmo’s journal! check back again next week and i’ll gladly tell you all of my thoughts again. we’ll see if the rest of the month turns out as bad as i’m thinking it will. i’m practically an open book at this point anyways so you’ll know exactly what’s up. 
to whoever's reading this sentence, i hope this journal finds you well and if not, that’s not my problem. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
park jungmo (future star and the most handsome and talented trainee)
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lgchyunhee · 2 years
she’s said it once, she’ll say it again. this all feels like school to her. hyunhee joined legacy to get away from school. now, it’s like she’s back in the classroom. she decides to write about her volunteer experience, it’s the easiest option. she’s worried if she writes about some of the lessons, she’ll leave out important details, leading the coaches to think she wasn’t paying attention. 
spoiler alert — she wasn’t. well, she was . . . she tried to, but it was hard for hyunhee. it felt like a lot of information at once, even though training wasn’t too different from what they normally do, especially during the image workshops. she had a hard time trying to focus. however, the coaches don’t need to know that.
dear diary, 
out of all volunteer work we’ve had to do this past month, i think i enjoyed delivering groceries the most! the bags were heavy, sure, there’s no denying that i had difficulty carrying the food  (especially with my noodle arms, i knew i should focused more on weight lifting during the bootcamp . . . ) to everyone’s door.
anyways, i’m getting off track. the reason i liked it so much was because i was able to speak with all the elderly ladies! well, elderly gentlemen too, but mostly i liked talking to the older grandmas. they were very chatty, and i am too! we were able to trade stories and have small talk. 
i think my least favorite part was having to shovel the snow. it was so cold outside, i felt like i was going to freeze. all that taught me was that i need to wear more layers if i’m going to be doing manual labor. speaking of layers, maybe this is a good excuse for me to buy a new jacket . . .
i hope i’ll get to speak to everyone we helped this past month again. eventually, of course. i think it would be nice to catch up, they were wishing us all success in our debut. even though i know debut is far away (for me at least) it’s nice knowing i will have their support. 
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