#( this starter took so long i'm so sorry ahhh )
irritablepoe · 17 days
“poe has some really dark fantasies and sometimes he lets it slip during crime investigations - ranpo doesn't mind, he's even amused.”
ik u said these are just ur hc but this particular hc is very very plausible to me😭✋,,,i can just see poe, in a crime scene, treating it like a stageplay set up and the people like characters (but he is aware they're real tho, that's just his treatment) let's say an entire family was murdered he’d say things like:
“had the murderer used a jagged knife it would've created some interestingly cut lacerations, don't you think so?”
“the knife wasn't even twisted!! it should've been driven in like a screw so the organs would’ve been torn and swirled, imagine! well, perhaps this was a work of an amateur....”
i can see him hearing a policeman saying what a tragedy and he’d be like??? wdym? this is cliche what special quality made u think something so stale could be a tragedy???
also,, THE CONSENSUAL STALKING IS SO REAL THO WHAT,,,,and during it poe probably can't help but scheme a very verrryyy doable but graphic or disgusting violence against ranpo, observing him in secret and gets so so close to doing it and just cancels it last minute shwyhshwhw he’d scheme something fucked up like (oki this was from a book i read) :: making him drink beatle aphrodisiac which is poisonous to humans, and imagine him, as he’s dying being invaded by beatles from every crevice and orifice just absolutely crawling with it, brimming—mouth, lungs, stomach, ears just beatles clipping at his skin to get under.
then he'll back out last second HSUWHSHWSH
ok i'm FINALLY going to answer this, i'm so sorry i took so long (again) BUT THANK YOU AHHH <333
regarding poe's dark thoughts, i actually wrote a bit of it into my longfic of them. here's a snippet of poe letting some self-destructive thoughts slip lol
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also you're so right with him treating other's as characters in a play omg i never thought about it like that but hdfjsdhfksdjfh this is great, i'm adopting that hc!!! :D
and yep yep yep this is so poe, he wouldn't do it but he'd think about it and feel so so guilty afterwards fsfjhskfdh i'm feral
edogawa rampo's works that i've read are
the human chair
the caterpillar - this one is particularly body horror like + actual sexual content, also thoughts about and actual further mutilation of a person (that is more seen as an animal/object, i think i should mention that), it's really dark
the fingers - slight body horror
beast in the shadows - this one is so fucking good, i'm gonna be honest, i've read most of sherlock holmes and not one case was as exciting as this one you have to read this shfjsdkfsf
the case of the murder on d. hill - also very interesting; also the first case of akechi kogoro so that's a good starter story :3
the black hand gang - another akechi story; easy to solve actually, i was very proud that i got the overall idea quite quickly
the ghost - i think there's an important character introduced here but i've not read further so i could be wrong
poe's works that reminded me of bsd poe (I'm not listing every work i've read lol)
the telltale heart ofc but you said you read this one right :3
the imp of the perverse - very similar to the telltale heart, i LOVE this story
starter story is also the murders in the rue morgue - it certainly helps understand murder on d. hill better i think? at least i think akechi mentions edgar allan poe in there but i could be wrong
the black cat is another classic
there certainly are more works of poe that inspired the character but that's all my brain can manage lol (also i've not read every work ofc)
also gladly lmk what you think of them :3333
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
A starter drabble for this verse because why not, I love this family in whatever au they are in this week;
"Hey NICU neighbour," Daniel smiled at the unknown alpha, who he'd seen by the bedside of the incubator next to his own pup's every day, but only briefly, meaning they never got to speak. "Your little pup is next to mine I think, in room 2 right?"
The Alpha took a minute to respond, continuing to make himself a cup of coffee in the little parent lounge and kitchen. He looked pale, exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes Daniel recognised; the first days were tough, he'd looked the same for sure. Eventually the Alpha gave a little nod, replaying in a very small voice, "yeah, my little Lando's there."
"That's a cool name, unusual,' Daniel commented, continuing with his usual bubbly self as he tried to reassure the Alpha. "What made you chose that?"
"His mum is Belgian," the Alpha continued quietly, before frowning and sighing deeply. "Was Belgian," he corrected himself, and Daniel noticed the way he swallowed back tears at the correction. "She um, she died the day after Lando was born."
Daniel released a soft coo at that without thinking, his instincts wanting to wrap the sad Alpha in a hug, though he resisted. "Sorry man that uh... that's really rough," Daniel said, feeling lame that that was all he could think to say. "I'm uh, I'm on my own too so I kinda get it. If you ever wanna talk at all I'll uh, I'll be next door to you."
The Alpha nodded quietly, watching as Daniel refilled his water bottled and grabbed an apple from the fridge before turning to go back to his pup. "Does it get easier? Watching them be so small ?" He finally asked just before Daniel got to the door.
"Kinda," Daniel paused, trying to find the right words. "You worry all the time but I guess it's less scary after a week or so, you start understanding everything a bit more, get used to the wires."
"Has your pup been here a while then?"
"Mia's three weeks old tomorrow," Daniel smiled, pulling his phone out to find a picture of her when she was even smaller than now, a tiny little dot of a human on the day she was born. "But she's very very early, and tiny so..." Daniel's smile faltered as he showed the Alpha the picture, reality of his pup's future always making him nervous. "She's got a long way to go."
"Wow," the Alpha murmured at the photo. "And I thought Lando was the smallest pup I'd ever seen. She's adorable though."
"Thanks, I should probably get back to her, she's uh, she's not having a good day today," Daniel said with a sad smile. "But if you need anything, like I said, we're NICU neighbours so you can come find me next door... I'm Daniel."
"I'm Michael," the Alpha eventually replied with a soft smile. "I hope Mia's feeling better soon."
'Yeah, me too,' Daniel thought to himself as he left, swallowing back his own tears now and hoping their wasn't another doctor waiting for him at Mia's bedside for yet another discussion on her future.
Daniel trying to be supportive and cheerful to help Michael even though Mia is not doing well at all???
Them talking about their pups and Michael murmuring he lost his Mate and Dan wanting to purr just AHHH
I love Daniel just wanting to help the Alpha, probably because he doesnt feel like he has only grip on his own life right now with Mia still not doing well even after three weeks...
Although things will first only get worse ith Mia passing....
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icecoldwilliams · 3 years
❄️𝒞𝓁𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝑜𝓇: @streetfightingfemmes ❄️
Nina Williams almost always preferred to work alone, thus naturally when she picked up rumors about that stupid mysterious box appearing again, she was fully prepared to investigate the issue on her own ; Deal with whatever threats lie in it's wake on her own. Hopeful thinking perhaps, with how many people would be after this thing even she would have a difficult time getting to it, but in her mind it was the only option.
Someone had to get to the Pandora before Kazuya, or who knows how many other power obsessed maniacs did, and while a wise choice for a partner, Nina wasn't exactly known as the most...friendly option. Jin, her usual tag team partner, was still MIA so she couldn't work with him this time, even if she was doing this for his benefit..again. Of course, there was her favorite cop. Really she would be the best choice, when both of them had dealt with the weird box before, both of them would know what to expect and would have more info on it than most. Not to mention they were quite the power duo in the few times they've fought together before.
However, Nina was the one who's seen how dangerous this thing can be, there was no need to pull her already stressed out cop...'friend' into more danger. That's why she hadn't said a word about it in her occasional meetings with the raven haired woman, meetings that had become somewhat of a routine. Usually over the phone with their equally busy careers, but she'd still manage to sneak in a visit every now and then after completing jobs. The assassin had to admit, it was honestly... kind of nice to have someone to talk too again. Hell, calling them just friends was clearly a joke in itself now. She actually felt the slightest bit guilty about keeping secrets for one ; about being more silent than usual the last couple times they've met. Even at the little get together at a restaurant she just left about an hour ago, she was far too quiet as this new mission weighed on her mind. Chun-li was more than smart, she's sure she noticed. Her only hope was Chun wouldn't piece together what was going on before she was far ahead.
That's what the blonde thought about as she walked towards a private jet with her luggage. Fancy to most, but just a simple cashed in favor to her. For whatever reason and by whatever means, the Pandora had popped up in the middle of remote Norway this time. Thankfully easier to reach, but not without a pair of metallic wings. At least this gave her a bit of an advantage, she'd be able to get there faster than most of the competition. If all goes well, she might even get there before Interpol catches wind of what's going on.
Yeah right... More wishful thinking. Chun-Li's pals at Interpol may not be smart enough to realize the secret relationship happening right under their noses, but when it came to a potential other worldly threat appearing out of nowhere... even Nina had a feeling they definitely wouldn't slack on the job.
Like usual, the blonde supposed she could only cross her fingers that luck was on her side.
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english-with-avery · 4 years
[ timestamp: sunday, may 2 ]
The day so far had been a pretty normal one. Avery had gotten up early, finished the last of her grading, taken Rhea to her ballet lessons, and they were now back at home having lunch. Both with a grilled cheese on their plate, they were sitting at the table and Avery was listening to her daughter tell a riveting story about how one of the girls in her dance class had said she was wanted to be a princess and a vet when she grew up, but that she couldn’t decide which to be. “That’s just so silly,” the little girl insisted. Chuckling, Avery said “Why is that silly?” Grilled cheese in her mouth, she began to speak and the brunette shook her head, saying “You know better. Finishing chewing and then you can tell the rest of your story.” Once the little girl’s mouth was grilled-cheese-free, she said “It’s just so silly because she was trying to pick. I said ‘You don’t have to pick, you can do both at the same time!’” Avery couldn’t help but tilt her head back in laughter, proud that at the meer age of five--almost six--her daughter saw no limits to what she could do. God, she just hoped she never lost that tenacity and spirit. “You’re absolutely right, Miss Rhea, you can do both at the same time. You’re a smart cookie, did you know that?” Grinning, Rhea said “Yes!” Just then, the doorbell rang. Standing up from her seat at the table, she smiled at the girl and said “Finish your grilled cheese and you can have some ice cream for dessert, deal?” Excitedly, she replied “Deal!” Walking to the door, figuring it was just probably UPS dropping off one of the many things she’d ordered off of Teachers Pay Teachers, she practically gasped when she saw who was actually behind the door. God, she’d know those captivating eyes anywhere. For once, she was at a loss for words, though after a moment, she said “Um, hi. You know, people usually give each other a call before they fly across the country and show up on their doorstep.” She wasn’t angry that he’d shown up at her door. No, it wasn’t anger that she felt--rather, it was the mild irritation that always seemed to come along with Noah and his endless surprises.
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“And you’re willing to give us a piece of the booze, hm?”
“Only for a decent enough percentage of the profits in return, Ms. Ponciano.”
“Alca will do just fine, Frank. We are becoming allies as we speak in this moment, yes? Did you not offer first?”
The dark haired man looked at the toon brown squirrel with a brow raised as if puzzled by her words. A small sigh was let out before he spoke again. “Right you are.” Soon enough, a delivery truck turned into the alleyway that the gangsters were standing in, nearby the back entrance of one of Alca’s hidden warehouses. With her were three other squirrels: one 6′3″ gray squirrel with tints of red on his ears as well as the top of his head; and two 7 foot dark gray squirrels who look almost identical; though one had a large scar across his right eye and the other had one across his chin. All four were wearing dapper suits and fedora hats. The human before her also had three accomplices with him, dressed in the same fashion.
As soon as the truck had parked near the group, two human males climbed out, opened the trunk, and began to unload heavy crates into the warehouse, with one of the 7 foot squirrels opening and holding the door for them. After only a couple of trips of retrieving crates and setting them inside the building, the door was shut and the eight gangsters walked silently out of the alleyway soon after the truck drove off. It wasn’t too late in the evening, but this particular Chicago area was almost somber in setting; with its buildings and lamp posts giving off few sources of light around the two groups.
“So I trust that you won’t share even so much as a sliver of my half like I swear I won’t do with yours.” Alca spoke as soon as they reached a black cadillac parked near the alleyway entrance.
“It’s a promise, Alca.” Frank spoke, a half smile of reassurance on his face as he reached a hand out towards the squirrel. “See you on Monday, yeah?”
Alca, giving a small smile in return, grabbed his hand and gave a firm handshake. “Monday it is. I hope that we can make an agreement that will benefit us both.”
“Anything to show those rats, huh?”
“Oh, of course.”
After giving out one more salute, Frank and his associates entered the vehicle and drove off into the night; leaving Alca and her men standing by the alleyway entrance.
“A quick check up, ¿sí?” she said as soon as the car was out of sight, motioning for the other three to follow her back into the alley and towards the warehouse back door.
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