#( ship tag tba. )
allxgene · 10 months
ಠ_ಠ for wrio
Send me ಠ_ಠ to know an inappropriate thought my muse has had about yours. @fxmiliarity
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Finger idly tracing the porcelain of the teacup he picked out to have his afternoon cuppa. The gramophone is playing a sweet melody, his work is all but done for the day so he can let his thoughts wander.
They latch onto starlight hair that he is imagining his hand threading through it to grab in his hand gently yank, making the beautiful dragoness arch their back beautifully as he takes her. Bending Yve over the front of his large desk as their delicious moans echo off the office walls. He's very thankful his office is one of the few soundproof places in the fortress. This way no one else gets to hear these beautiful sounds.
Sounds that are only for his ears-
Pulled away suddenly from the fantasy by the record scratching, ruining the mood.
"Gods dammit..."
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ashklad · 1 year
❛ you treat all your ladies like this? ❜
𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 — accepting ! // @redlips-blooddrops-deux
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the edge of his hunting knife nigh grazing lilith's dainty neck had little remorse shed betwixt icy blue hues.
his actions were swift—knelt down to examine the wolf he had stalked prior to its silent fall. these tedious chores to hunt and gather are handled by his lackies. when it concerns to hone his own skills, the chore becomes a necessary exercise.
but the crunching of snow gradually voluminous toward askeladd triggered a reflex—an instinct of steady ascension to his feet, skinning dagger in hand; body swiveling and contorts in tandem to his sharpened blade aiming for the throat of whomever boldly approached a seemingly unguarded askeladd. she did little attempt identifying herself firstly before brazenly approaching the focused man. and askeladd will gratefully and facetiously chide her for it.
" perhaps. " his smirk upticks at a corner, retracting the dagger to his side. " a pretty thing like yourself should know not to sneak up on a viking. or did you want me to rend your head from your shoulders ? "
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anemxvisions · 1 year
Let me all bless you with auntie Beidou this has given me so much serotonin 😭
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superdupersummer · 20 hours
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I had to download the Spongebob font for this. Whether or not it was worth it I’ll leave up to viewer interpretation
[S/I (penguin) uses they/she, F/O (crab) uses he/him]
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ourlittleforever · 3 months
I want to be surrounded by beautiful bug-eyed women
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starsandpigs · 1 day
me, setting down my homework for a split second when i remember i had the best ship with mabel & jack frost years ago when i first had this blog:
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 11 months
this is an official shipping call! like this if you are okay with any of the following; plotting out ships ( crossovers & canonxoc welcome! ), sending you ship/flirty/ns.f.w memes, tagging you in random starters/edits and whatever have you.
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heroing · 3 months
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@1rstflight asked: i've  got  you.  [  to  tim  ]
there’s  a  deadness  to  tim’s  eyes  as  he  stares  down  at  the  hands  in  front  of  him.  they’re  his  hands,  he  knows  that.  but  they  feel  detached  from  his  body.  blood  covers  them,  dried  under  his  fingernails,  in  the  crevices  of  his  palms.  the  scent  of  it  fills  his  nose,  augmented  by  the  way  his  shirt  is  splattered  in  blood  and  viscera.  
his  fault.  he  did  this.  he  took  a  life.  lives.  he  had  to.  he  had  to.  didn’t  he?  there  was  no  other  choice.  not  with  what  they  did.  which  led  him  to  this.  staring  at  the  hands  that  don’t  feel  like  they  belong  to  him.  
a gentle hand  grabs  his  elbow  and  he  blinks,  trying  to  pull  back  from  the  haze  that  covers  his  mind.  hal,  he  realizes  after  a  moment.  hal,  with  a  look  of  gentle  understanding  on  his  face  that  makes  tim’s  stomach  clench.  
“i’ve  got  you,”  the  man  murmurs.  
he  doesn’t  resist  as  hal  pulls  him  to  his  restroom.  doesn’t  resist  as  hal  strips  off  tim’s  shirt.  urges  him  out  of  his  pants.  the  clothes  get  thrown  out  of  the  bathroom,  presumably  to  be  taken  care  of  later.  
the  shower  is  running,  he  realizes  idly  as  steam  starts  to  fill  the  bathroom.  those  gentle  hands  urge  him  forward  and  he  steps  in.  
the  water  is  nearly  scalding,  just  the  way  he  likes.  he  blinks.  when  did  hal  get  to  know  him  so  well?  
a  hand  grabs  his  own,  pulling  it  away  from  his  body.  when  had  he  wrapped  his  arms  around  himself?  when  had  he  started  shaking  like  a  leaf?  a  cloth  touches  his  skin,  a  distant  sensation  that  he  only  notes  because  he’s  directly  looking  down  at  the  hands  he  knows  are  his.  hal  methodically  scrubs  at  the  blood,  cleaning  each  finger  and  then  his  palm  and  his  forearm.  only  once  the  hand  is  completely  clear  of  blood  does  he  move  onto  the  next.  the  cloth  runs  over  his  body,  quicker  than  his  hands  but  no  less  thorough.  
“step  under  the  spray  and  i’ll  get  your  hair,”  hal  commands  gently.  
tim  obeys,  tipping  his  head  back  and  letting  the  water  soak  his  hair.  he  tries  not  to  think  about  how  the  water  must  be  running  red.  when  he  steps  back,  fingers  scrub  through  his  hair,  painfully  gentle  and  tender  as  hall  works  the  shampoo  through.  he  keeps  his  eyes  closed,  focusing  on  the  feeling  and  nothing  else.  
“rinse,”  hal  says  after  a  moment  and  tim  obediently  steps  back  under  the  spray,  letting  the  suds  rinse  from  his  hair.  
those  hands  are  on  him  again,  pulling  him  out  of  the  shower  and  scrubbing  him  down  gently  with  a  towel  until  he’s  mostly  dry.  the  world  seems  to  settle  back  into  him,  feeling  coming  back  to  his  hands  and  he  flexes  his  fingers.  his  next  breath  catches  as  emotion  slams  back  into  him.  
oh  god.  oh  god.  he  broke  the  rules.  he  broke  the  rule.  as  tim  drake.  bruce  is  going  to一  he’s  going  to  bench him or disown him or一
“hey,  hey,  i’ve  got  you,  take  a  breath.”  
tim’s  gaze  snaps  to  hal,  their  eyes  meeting  and  locking  tim  in  place.  he  takes  a  breath.  and  then  another,  slower.  it  doesn’t  stop  his  mind  racing,  coming  up  with  each  and  every  scenario  of  all  the  ways  bruce  will  punish  him  for  this.  how  the  rest  of  the  colony  will  punish  him  for  this.  but  it  does  slow  the  shake  in  his  breathing,  in  his  hands.  
hal  is  here,  he  realizes.  still  in  his  home  with  him  despite  knowing  what  he’s  done.  despite  seeing  what  he  did.  and  sure,  they  deserved  it.  but  he  still  broke  the  rules.  and  violently.  but  hal  is  here,  taking  care  of  him.  gently  herding  him  out  of  the  bathroom  and  into  his  bedroom.  gently  urging  him  into  soft  pajamas  and  what  smells  like  hal’s  sweater.  
tears  burn  in  his  eyes  for  an  entirely  different  reason  and  he  turns,  throwing  himself  at  the  other  man,  clinging  and  hiding  his  face  in  his  chest.  
“please  understand,”  he  begs.  “please  don’t  leave.” 
send "i've got you" to help my muse clean blood off their body || not accepting
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hifimuses · 2 months
@belovedblossoms (xx)
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"Oh is that a challenge? You almost sound like you might be implying you are gonna make me beg for it instead. You certainly begged plenty the last time. I'm not exactly the one doubting the odds I can make it happen again." He said with a sly gin matching her smirk as well.
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disturbnot · 11 months
papa shan's off work yeehaw. i got nothing on the docket and dinner is on the way. now it's just you, me, and these 7000 drafts i put between us. 💕🥰
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ashklad · 1 year
"If you were mine I'd make sure to assist you in making your plots and ambitions come to fruition~"
𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄. . . — accepting ! // @redlips-blooddrops-deux
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" yours in what way, dear ? " a quip embellishing conveyed genuity. hand's perched 'pon wide of his hip, nestled betwixt his scabbard. posture bearing nonchalance. suspicions arose with an ephemeral glint in his eyes. it fades behind confidence painting his features.
" you boast much about your own strength. is there a facet reserved; a weapon unsheathed ? show me what separates yourself among the common woman. "
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voidfell · 8 months
Fully Alastor's need to be the center of attention is why he's equally as obsessed with Vox as Vox is with him. Like, thats it 100% he is Getting Off on making Vox so mad that he's the only thing the TV Man can think about. Maybe not sexually but you gotta understand it could go that way with the right Vox. He may be ace but on that spectrum "pissing a guy off so bad he causes rolling city wide blackouts" tips it y'feel me??
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superdupersummer · 4 days
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I can’t believe the first polished drawing I’ve made in actual weeks is Maryōku Yummy yuri I’m a parody of a human being
[S/I (purple) uses they/she, F/O (blue) uses they/he]
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oneirataxia-girl · 7 months
Relationship asks!! # 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 21, 36, 39, 45, 48! I realize this might get a little long but I want answers for both Keller and Midlaw hehehe
hadley lovely you're so right this was long af 😭 so I split this into one post for Keller (this one) and another for Midlaw (link here!) but without further ado, let's jump in! tagging the other op anime girlie @auxiliarydetective bc I don't wanna spoil the others
1. How did they meet and what were their first impressions of each other?
Sabaody arc, when the Heart, Kid, and Strawhat pirates leave the auction house and they're surrounded by Marines. Killer jumps in and takes out one of them just as the man is about to attack Kenji's unknowing back; cue Kenji's eyes widening like dinner plates watching Killer land on the ground in slow motion and Killer thinking wow this guy is so dumb (affectionate) like my captain when we were young KID TF ARE YOU TOYING WITH THESE MARINES FOR WE GOTTA GO-
2. What kind of dynamic do they have with each other?
smartass x dumbass, sunshine protector x sunshine, "I'd die for you" "who said you could die??? WHO SAID YOU COULD DIE KILLER I NEED NAMES"
3. What do others think of them?
Kid is like ???????? at Killer's choice of a boyfriend, but Killer's taste is all his fault because Kenji like him in some ways (much to Kenji's horror but we'll get to that another time) and Killer is basically programmed to like that type; the other Kid Pirates, after grilling Kenji about his intentions of their beloved second-in-command, are pretty supportive of the two; Mari approved of Killer before they even got together; the other Strawhats also become fond of him, Franky and Usopp are the (joking) exception since both of them had to put up with Kenji ranting about Killer's weapons for weeks after Wano, Jimbei is the fishman Kenji goes to ask about having a crush and it’s very fluffy, then Brook, Sanji and Chopper pop in and it dissolves into teasing jabs, Robin mentions offhandedly to Nami about Kenji’s not-so-subtle attempt to ask after Killer in the day’s newspaper and Nami is iffy on whether the other pirate is good enough, but keeps those thoughts to herself until she can access Killer’s potential herself. Zoro pretends to be asleep through all this but he’s glad that Kenji doesn’t know about his fight with Killer as Kamazo (and has no plans of telling him that), and Luffy’s just glad that his crew is getting along with Jaggy’s
5. Is their joint future bright or bleak?
uhhhhhhhh... ideally yes. but it might have to change for canon events, but I do think they get a happy ending
7. Do they have a desire to protect each other?
YES. Killer is of the opinion that Kenji can't fight, and although that's objectively Not True, Kenji's combat levels are a lot lower than Killer's, so when their crews fight together, Killer tries to keep an eye on Kenji. Kenji is also fiercely protective of his Kil, so when anyone makes a snide remark about Killer's time on Wano, the poor sod has to face a very angry red ball of fluff (Kid) and a similarly furious, gun-cocking blacksmith
10. Who would win in a fight?
Killer. no diff, if they're forced to fight (which would be the only scenario either of them would raise a weapon at the other), Kenji would be out without question
12. Who is a better caregiver?
it’s a close one but Kenji. Killer is good at caring for everyone but himself, but Kenji is a firm believer of "you can't take care of anyone if you don't care for yourself" so Kenji is the deliverer of sunshine and smiles, and he's mentally okay while doing it!
15. Who has better fashion sense?
I really wanna say Kenji because he is the crew's secondary fashionista (behind Nami but before Sanji), but I believe that Killer's polka dot era is going to come back and that Killer was iconic af. so for now it's a tie
20. What's the worst thing about them teaming up?
Killer would constantly check up on Kenji, which could impact his focus and allow the opponent to get some hits that normally Killer could block. Killer's checkups and possible injuries could also affect Kenji's aim, as he might abandon logic and charge at the enemy without even loading his guns
21. What's the best thing about them teaming up?
if Killer does close range combat while Kenji takes care of mid-range, with both of them equipped with a talkie-walkie version of a transponder snail to communicate, then they could deal some serious damage to anyone facing them. other than the battlefield, they're also a pretty fire duo when it comes to making drinks (Killer watches in loving astonishment as Kenji comes up with the weirdest mixes that always turn out delicious); if both of them + Sanji are in the kitchen, the crews just know they'll be eating and drinking well
36. What is a gift one would give to the other?
Kenji would give him little metal decorations like bracelets or brooches with his mask's design integrated into the pieces. Killer would buy fun trinkets when the Victoria Punk docks on islands to show his boyfriend when they meet again
39. What's an inside joke they'd have together?
"when will Kid and Mari and Trafalgar finally kiss, I wonder?" "my sister has WAY better taste than those ruffians, Kil" "Ken, I'm one of Kid's 'ruffians'" "but you're the best ruffian to ruff, and Mari doesn't settle for anything other than the best, so she's definitely not getting with Jaggy or Tra-guy or both of them"
a ton of angst, lots of yelling, and three confessions later...
"so..." "don't. just lemme mope in peace, Kil"
Killer never lets Kenji forget this. it later becomes a joke that Kenji is actively terrible at predicting romantic relationships and he has fun making the wildest matches ever
45. If one of them was in trouble, what would the other do?
look... all I'm saying is if a guy named "Massacre Soldier" Killer has a boyfriend who apparently once used a person's blood to make his bullets, I would think twice before trying to hurt either one of them. rip(ieces) to those who do otherwise but I value my life
48. If they swapped bodies, how would they handle it?
first, Kenji would claim this as the reason why Mari should leave Law (Mari's typical poker face nearly breaks at the sight of big beefy Killer waving his arms around in typical Kenji fashion); then he'd get Killer to teach him how to use his Punishers, which leads to Killer strapping the blades to Kenji's body to prevent Kenji from hurting himself, which leads to a pouting Kenji, which leads to Killer petting his own head (wow Ken wasn't lying his hair really feels nice in these hands), which leads to Midlaw & co stifling their snorts at the sight of a (compared to Killer) smol twig of a guy stroking back the hair of someone twice his size that practically has a raincloud over his head. let's just say that after this, Law had to endure quite a few dirty glances and passive aggressive remarks from his brother-in-law for a while
give me a number + relationship and I'll tell you something about that relationship!
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land-of-sinners · 9 months
The fact that we get Sonic Prime season 3 on Thursday, and then immediately after we get the early access episodes of Hazbin Hotel on Friday means I’m gonna be so fucking FED next week! 😫😫😭😭❤️❤️💕💕
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