#( rathalascendant )
thenten · 3 months
@rathalascendant liked for a starter!
Monstrous roars echoed out the area, sending wildlife scattering in the wake of it all as trees shook and branches snapped in what, upon further inspection, would reveal itself as a chase.
A blur of deep orange leapt gracefully from tree to tree, quills perched on-end upon the unfamiliar creature's back as it evaded the rather large creature that had apparently decided to try make prey of it, in spite of the tenacity it was putting on display.
Unfortunately, the hunter is just as persistent, and knows the lay of it's territory better; the eyeless beast being successfully cornered in a clearing, snarling as it turned on it's heels to face it's pursuer.
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It reared it's head low and digging it's claws into the dirt as it roared it's mighty roar again, readying to fight for it's continued existence.
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multisuperfluity · 5 months
Starter for @rathalascendant from Miles!
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"Hang on, hold up. Wait." With hands raised, an expression of pure disbelief splayed plainly on his face, Miles took a pause. He mentally reran over everything the other had just told him, every little detail. It was strange enough he had ended up in this world, though nothing new in his day to day honestly, but this was a first.
And he wasn't sure how he felt about it.
"You're tellin' me there are monsters here and...people are just cool with that?"
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xamassed · 2 months
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"Shhh! Don't move, just — trust me. I'm not going to hurt you." Which was an odd thing to say considering she had her thin, trembling hand pressed to Mari's mouth. She left the girl's nose free, of course. This wasn't a poorly executed assassination attempt. It was the opposite, in fact, though her concern laid more in the massive ( and probably highly protective ) creature that Marcille had spotted.
She thought she heard hints of a threat coming from the beast, low and rightfully given, but she was quick to pry herself away. Both hands up, sweat beading on her skin under where her fringe framed her face. Green eyes, wide and doe-like, flick from the strange girl to the corner of the wall they had collided around.
"I don't know who you are or what that thing is, but if you don't want it put on the menu, then don't go around that corner." Voice low and hissing from behind her teeth. A single finger was pressed to her lips, a warning to keep her voice down.
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digitalworid · 3 months
The dream began on the cliffside above the village. Not dangerously so, no, there was nothing threatening in this visage. A lofty perch from which to draw her memory of Hakolo Island.
Certain rocks closer together than they would be in the waking world; fuzzy edges of indistinction on terrain her memory doesn't care about. The way she remembers it is more important than what's really there. Placed into this simulacrum the moment her consciousness fell out of reality, there is no time preceeding this. No reason why she's standing there or past context. She is simply here now.
As is the Winged Lion.
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"Your home is a very lovely place." It speaks gently, in the tone of a father and an accent unlike her true surrogate parent. Warm yet firm; masculine, adult. Strangely human for how its vocal chords would presumably be constructed.
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sonorous-eisfyl · 5 months
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// @rathalascendant sent:
He didn't like being confined. To accommodate a large monstie, the researchers and medics of astera had cleared a space and created a makeshift tent to act as a temporary stable for Ratha. It was spacious enough, but past experience has taught Ratha that it was still a cage. And cages frightened him.
Thankfully, this time, they were doing their best to make it seem like it wasn't. He had a soft bed of hay, and his rider visited frequently and lay at his side when she could. Food and water was readily supplied. It seemed that in spite of everything, the commission was doing their best for the beast with the Wings of Ruin.
Tonight, a new visitor pushes past the tarp of his shelter. He can immediately tell that it isn't his rider—nevertheless, he shifts so that he can look at them from his place on the ground. Ah, the young hunter.
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Said hunter was standing by the entrance of the tent, visibly unsure if he should approach or move any closer.
---- Walking cane in hand, Frosting shifts slightly as he observed Ratha. He finally came back from his original task that he was sent out to do, clothes dirtied by the forest floor and covered in various cuts and scrapes...
He didn't know why he made his way here of all places. One second he was at the canteen to get a snack on his way back to his room and the next he was... here. Frosting notes the broken wing, instantly taken by the guilt of what happened again. Even though he had time to calm down from the situation earlier, seeing the harm that was caused once more was enough to make him feel as horrible as he did then. While the medics had presumably no experience when it came to directly treating a monster, they were skilled and adaptable- they'll probably figure it out.
The hunter eventually takes a small step toward Ratha, watching for any sign of agitation or weariness before pulling out a paper wrapped sausage from his bag in offering.
"H-Hey," he starts, voice as soft and gentle as it could be. "I-- um... I brought you this from the canteen, if you'd like?"
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revulnance · 3 months
A horrific scream could be heard as Disgust barrels right towards the unfortunate person in her path in order to escape the curious herbivore. "That BEAST is trying to eat my hair!" Disgust cried out as she hid behind them.
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"Use your body as a meat shield for me!"
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bxtonpxss · 3 months
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@rathalascendant said: Curious, Ratha sniffs the strange creature that his rider has recently befriended. The monstie slowly inches his snout closer, until he is practically in Thor's face . . . then, deciding that he was safe, rubs the top of his head against the Raichu's cheek—ah, careful, Ratha! You might get shocked!
Thor would blink at the larger reptile, nostrils flaring as he sniffs the other right back. Then, he keeps perfectly still as the other inches closer, eyes nearly crossing once they're face to face. It's his first time interacting with them and he's not sure how this might go.
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Instinctively his stout frame tenses, but when all he gets is a large head rubbing against his cheek, the rodent relaxes a bit. Brightly furred cheeks brush against dark scales as Thor tilts his face a bit so he could properly nuzzle Ratha's head. They'd be fine as long as he wasn't too rough!
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mxstball · 6 months
Route 216, Sinnoh
The snow was beautiful today, as it was any other day. At the basin of Mt. Coronet, there was a small lodge that peacefully rested there. Snowbound Lodge used to be just a bed nothing else, but recent rumors have cropped up that someone had moved in after the old owner's disappearance.... No matter what, the rumors did state that the original offer of resting was still extended to those who visit.
And it was there that Professor Cherry had sent Mari and her friends. She recommended Mari to see Arceus, the creator of this world, and that the rumored woman in the Lodge would help her. So, it was through the light snow that Mari found herself...
Upon knocking, Mari would hear but a single word. "Coming," it said. Then, the only thing that could be heard for a moment was the snow coming down.
The door opened, and someone emerged. It was a woman, short in stature with white hair. If anything, she could be mistaken for a growing girl, though one statement was enough to dispel that possibility.
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"Hello." She bowed. "Thanks for knocking. Welcome to the Snowbound Lodge. Here. Come in. Let's get you out of the cold." Heidi gestured Mari to come in and enter.
There was a warm bed along with a small kitchen area and sitting area. There was even a television and a computer nearby as well. It didn't seem to anyone else in the lodge for now, however.
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"My name's Heidi. I'm the current owner of the lodge, but I don't come here all too often. Did you come here to rest a little? I can make some tea if you're still feeling cold."
She hadn't realized that who she was waiting for was right in front of her.
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airxn · 3 months
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" 𝐄𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧…? " Airin blinks up at @rathalascendant. " Sounds like you should leave'em alone. "
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spikemuthtoothfairy · 6 months
[x] @rathalascendant
James laughs softly and puffs.
"I am, Mari. Trust me, I am." He grumbles playfully, beetroot red, but flashes a good natured smile. Off to one side, just out of view it seemed, was a fairly large cup of water he'd brought with him and had been nursing for the past two hours. He takes a long drink before he manages to shuffle just enough to sit up.
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"Hup-- I've got it, I think-"
The Arzuros promptly follows as best he can without really getting up. He's not fully grown yet, but he's still huge. James grunts just a little as the massive head is promptly flopped back into his crossed legs, and the Fanged Beast gets another pat on the head. One ear twitches happily.
"Its-- weird. Not bad weird though! And the fact you and your people have been nothing but welcoming is more than I ever could have hoped for. So, firstly, thank you. I don't know what I'd have done without everyone here. I'm just glad what I went through taught me how to do stuff like fish and hunt so I can help pitch in." He hums gently. "The monsters are amazing too. You really weren't kidding about how similar they are in a lot of ways to Pokemon."
A pang of homesickness. He'd find a way back, just like Mari had. Back to Jasmine, to Jade and his Pokemon.
"I have to remind myself that Armel isn't quite as smart, though. He understands me, but he's still-- well, an animal, y'know?" James smiles then. "-- He reminds me a lot of Ozzy, actually. Same big stupid face and tongue. I think that's why I latched onto him."
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indentedheartner · 9 months
Ken was, frankly, a bit young too young to be fighting a Nargacuaga.
Even at a glance from the skies, he was several dozen times too small for a hunter, shorter than his insect glaive and swamped by his Jaggi pelt clothes. Panting like hell and covered in bruises.
He was, in point of fact, eleven years old. Your average Jaggia was bigger than him.
Even the giant cat he was in a cowboy staredown with must've known this wasn't a fair fight.
The Nargacuaga launched a barrage of spikes about his own size at him. To which he most certainly did not shriek as he bolted away.
"Fine, fine, you can have it! Christ!"
Ken was almost as fuming mad as he was frightened. Why couldn't it go get it's own food!? That was his kill!
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sillymuses · 2 months
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"Oh no. Oh no! It's hatching! W-What do I do??"
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multisuperfluity · 1 month
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@rathalascendant had liked for a doodle!
Again, humans are my specialty but she was fun~
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haseti · 6 months
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The right hand was honestly just happy to be in warmer weather for the time being. He honestly loved visiting tropic places. He could swim so much easier and longer for that matter. He was used to frigid waters and other things. But there was just something about warmer waters he loved. They always seemed clearer to him for whatever reason. And the locals here seemed extra friendly. He hardly minded their touching as in his own tribe they showed affection through touch as well.
Some of the elders taking interest on his tattoos on his face and their meanings. But Hiccup on the other hand oh his poor husband Was suffering in this heat. He had retreated for the day to a rather shady spot on the beach where Toothless had taken to digging into the sand to bury himself.
Amber eyes looked upon Mari overlooking something further on the docks of her home. Never had he seen such a clear shot at the little snot. He watched his step. Made his footsteps as quiet as possible which deceived his very large form. He simply uses his foot and taps Mari's back with enough force to send her over the edge. Head first into the water as he looked down with a smirk on his face. "Ye looked 'ot lass. Should cool off aye?"
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xamassed · 2 months
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⟬ meme / @rathalascendant ⟭
"You really don't know how to take it easy, do you?" | meryl my friend meryl
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The cap she had jammed onto the end of her pan was tap-tapped against her lower lip before her teeth went on to add a few more small, shallow divots to the soft plastic.
"When you're following a bunch of misfits like them..." The end of her pen was popped out and used to gesture towards the three men sitting at a different corner of the tavern. "You don't really have time to take it easy. It's like babysitting three babies that are faster and bigger than you."
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sonorous-eisfyl · 3 months
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// @rathalascendant sent:
"Ah, fighting the impossible just seems like your average everyday adventure in my group . . ." Mari sighs. Girl are . . . are you okay?
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She sure didn't seem very alright
---- Frosting tilts his head curiously, quietly taking a few moments to consider if he should ask about it. He was never really that good in the comfort department, but at the very least could probably offer at most his time to listen. Lowering the book in his hands, he blinks before eventually speaking
"Do... do you uh, want to... talk about that?"
She didn't have to, really. If he wasn't currently waiting for the argosy to try and get him some ingredients for other sweets he would've offered her some kind of food. There was still a good bit of matcha powder in his room, so a drink maybe...
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