#( probably out hunting walkers / ooc. )
underground-secret · 10 months
The Hunter and the Witch~ Dean Winchester x f!reader
Description: Sam confronts Y/N on her feelings for his brother.
Warnings: basically none but it is a little angsty. Sam playing cupid. Also Sam might be ooc- sorry
Tag list: @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @okayiamkassandra ,
@fablesrose , @ada--44
A/N: Hi! To start off thank you so much for all the support recently I’m truly grateful for you all and i’m so happy to say I have people who seem to enjoy my writing. But on the writing note I just wanted to acknowledge a sort of plot hole:
if you have read the series up to now you probably know that it was said Y/N has a job and kept it (just doing it basically on her laptop alone) even when she went with the boys to find their Dad. I did this because I wanted a sense of independence for her as I felt like this made sense, would she drop anything to help them yes but I also don’t think she would be so quick to give up her life since she had her own house and didn’t hunt 24/7. Now as we are a little bit further into the story I don’t think she would have this job anymore but I also don’t know how to write it into the story and i don’t think i want to write a half chapter just on it (tho this might change). So for the sake of the story you can decide why she dosnt have this writing job anymore,for me I see it as she secretly quit after the skin walker hunt because she realized where her focus needed to go and how tiring hunting full time was. I also don’t think she ever brought it up to the boys out of fear of making them feel guilty, tho they probably figured it out and didn’t say anything either.
Anyways sorry for the rant i’ll let you read this now! And Happy thanksgiving to any and all who celebrate
Word Count: 819
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A fool in love
(Master list, Previous Ch, Next Ch)
“Here you go” Sam says, placing a cup of tea in front of me having picked up our drinks from some local place as we sat in the library trying to find a new hunt or any clues to where his Dad could be.
He didn’t have a third cup with him, Dean having not joined us deciding instead to go find a “lead” in a bar.
“Thanks” I mumble before bringing the hot drink to my lips.
He sits down in front of me, shuffling in his chair awkwardly. “Are you okay?” I laugh lightly at his odd movements. He clears his throat, “Yeah, I, uh…can we talk?”
“Of course” I smiled at him, my eyebrows scrunched together slightly.
“Promise you won’t get annoyed” He starts off. I laugh, “Okay? But I don’t know if I can exactly promise anything when I don’t know what you’re gonna say.”
“Just…promise” He held out his pinky to me, something he knew I took very seriously. I smile harder, linking my pinky with his, the very sacred promise now in effect. He studies my face carefully as if to see if I was really serious even with the pinky promise.
He bites the inside of his cheek going silent for a beat before finally speaking, “Why don’t you just tell Dean you love him?”
“Sam-“ I sigh, not knowing what to say. We’ve had this conversation before, years ago, where it was established that Sam knew my feelings for his brother.
“Why would I confess to someone who doesn't feel the same way?” I finally say.
“But he does!” He practically yells, getting weird looks from those who sat around us- library rules and all that. His face flushes a deep pink with embarrassment, “Why is it so hard for you to believe that someone loves you, that he loves you?
“Look where he is right now, at a bar probably getting some girl's number or even leaving with her to hook up. He clearly doesn't feel the same for me as I do him.” I explained, a little frustrated. He doesn't say anything for a while again, “I think he does that to avoid his feelings for you.”
“Yes you think but you do not know and I…” I sigh, “I don’t want to get my hopes up.”
“Don’t you notice the way he stares at you? He couldn’t keep his hands off of you” He points out, referring to the Hook Man case. “That was for a cover” I answer simply.
“There were a lot of times where there wasn’t an excuse for a cover up, like the armchair.” The mere mention of me sitting on Dean's lap makes my face feel hot.
I don’t have anything to counter that, I mean it was just to amplify me being his girlfriend for a cover. That’s what it was.
He becomes all sassy and self assured as he speaks, “See! Deep down you know I'm right, you just don’t wanna admit it. And you know what I noticed?”
“What?” I humor him, making eye contact.
“Every time you get hurt or there’s even a little bit of concern towards you he stops hiding his feelings. It’s like suddenly no other woman exists, only you.
You have to have noticed that at least.”
I bit on my bottom lip in thought, he’s right. I can think of numerous occasions where Dean had ignored very attractive women when I was hurt or in the prospect of danger, exactly as Sam said.
Dean Winchester is not in love with me, it isn’t true.
“You know a couple months back” I begin, “I forget which hunt it was. But it was only like a month of being on the road with you guys and through that whole time it hadn’t mattered the circumstance, even when we were in the middle of hunting, or where we were, either way Dean was flirting or hooking up with some girl. And every single time I would feel this…this…pang in my heart or maybe like my heart had dropped into my stomach. Which only made me feel more like a fool.
So it got to a point where I just decided, you know what, I'm gonna force myself. I'm going to pretend that I don’t have feelings for him. That it doesn't pain me to see him like that with other women.
“Did it work?” He asks me, his eyes having a certain solemn look to them.
I sigh for the upteenth time, “No. For some stupid reason I can’t stop loving your brother.” He turns his eyes down towards the table.
I try to catch his eyes, “Do you get what I’m saying?”
He looks back up at me, “Yeah. My brother’s an idiot.”
I choke on my laugh, taking a deep breath before I speak, “Maybe. Or…maybe it just isn’t meant to be.”
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vanhelsiing · 4 years
HI, like for a starter.
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breakinballs-blog · 6 years
here’s the real question; would you y’all still write with me if i moved negan and rick to a multi muse?
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buryourown-blog1 · 6 years
 ok i figured out why ive been struggling with writing and what not, i can't really do off the basis shit anymore, i kinda need a plot before i can really get into it otherwise, i love the muse almost immediately.  so dm me to plot something, otherwise i kinda suck. discord:  big rick energy#9072
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zafirosreverie · 4 years
Hi I was the one who asked about the Daenerys fic if your ok with it would you be ok with doing one where reader was riding the dragon that the night king shot down. And dany had to watch them fall but reader didn’t die and ends up coming back with the dragon and saves dany from the night walkers during the fight at winterfell. If your uncomfortable with it then you don’t have to I will understand. Love your writing by the way.
Here it is hon! As i said, i haven't watch the show in a long time (and it's my first time writting for her in a almost a year) so, I'm sorry if Daenerys feels ooc or if i got something wrong.
I hope you like it!
Fly again (Daenerys x reader)
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You didn’t know what was happening until it was too late. 
You had gone with Daenerys to rescue Jon Snow and the others, fighting against this...thing called The Night King. You really didn’t understand why Dany would care this much for the man, but you didn’t question it either. It was Daenerys, your khaleesi (and a little more)! You would always be by her side, no matter what.
You were so fortunate to have her trust and love. By the time she found you alone, she was already a widow. She took you under her wing and kept you by her side, allowing you to grow closer to her and her children. She would do anything for you and you would die for her. 
Seemed that the universe thought it was a good time to prove it.
When Dany decided to go help the men, you quickly offered to go with her. She smiled and kissed you softly before she told you to go with Viserion.
Viserion. Your lovely boy.
You loved the three children of Daenerys, as if they were your own, and they seemed to accept you too, but Viserion was always your secret favorite. He was often left behind in the sake of Drogon, who was stronger and fiercer, or for Rhaegal, who was much calmer and serene, always at the orders of his mother and brother.
But Viserion was always in the middle ground. Not as strong as Drogon, but much more naugthy than Rhaegal. And you loved it. From the time when he was just a baby, he would often sit on your shoulder, or curl up on your lap, pulling on your clothes to have your attention. When he growed up a little and was learning to hunt, he would often bring something for you, from a single fish or a whole goat. It was so cute of him. 
Dany would joke about how you stole her place as his parent. 
And maybe you did. Not fully, of course, but this was your baby too.
And now, the two of you were falling. Falling from the fucking sky. It hurted you to know that this was the end, that you couldn’t save your boy, that you would never see your other children. But most of all, that you wouldn’t kiss Dany or hold her in your arms ever again. 
“I’m sorry, boy” you shushed as you and the dragon kept falling, some of his blood in the air “I love you” you whispered for both him and Daenerys. 
The last thing you felt was something strong and rough wrapping around you, before the darkness swallowed you. 
Daenerys watched in horror as The Night King shot her son and made him fall. 
“Y/N” she whispered. You were there, you were on Viserion’s back!
The shock made her freez and she couldn’t move as she watched you both falling to the ground. The dragon curled up as he fell, but you weren’t nowhere to be seen. The world disappeared for her. 
She didn’t feel the men getting on Drogon’s back, or Ser Jorah calling her name, telling her to fly. She just couldn’t feel anything as she watched Viserion disappear in the cold water. When Jorah put his hand on her shoulder, she snapped out of her shock and ordered Drogon to get them out of there. 
As they flew away, she glared one last time to the broken ice. She knew her other two children felt the same pain as her. They lost you both.
You didn’t know how much time you were unconscious. You gasped for air when you woke up and quickly watched around. You were lying on the snow, but couldn't see anything beyond a meter. Something covered you, enclosing you in a kind of cocoon. It took you a few moments to recognize the warmth around you.
"Viserion" you whispered.
The dragon was hugging you, protecting you.
You carefully pushed one of the wings and walked outside your cocoon. You heard the dragon groaning as you walked to his head, patting it. Viserion slowly opened his eyes and you sighed in relief when you noticed they were still green. He was still your boy. 
“Good to know that the night king didn’t take you from me, boy” you said as you kissed his head. 
Your second thought was Dany. She probably thought you were dead. Damn it, not long ago you thought you were dead yourself! The simple thought of her mourning you, mourning for Viserion, was too much for you. You wanted to go to her, to hug her and kiss her. And Drogon and Rheagal! They were your children too, and even if your bond with them wasn’t as strong as your bond with Viserion, you knew they loved you as much as you loved them. And they lost a brother too. God, you wanted to comfort them all. But you couldn’t with Viserion in that state. 
His wound was still open and it broke your heart. He saved you. Saved you from the fall, saved you from drowning, saved you from the cold. He protected you even when he hurt himself. It was your turn to take care of him, and you swore to all the gods you knew that you would see him fly again. For him, for Drogon, for Rheagal and for Dany.
“Watch out!” you yelled and Viserion dodged a tree, making you laugh. It felt so good to fly again with him.
The past months were a nightmare for you. It was extremely hard to take care of a wounded dragon, and even more when you were in the middle of nowhere. Finding food was a hard task as you were recovering too and Viserion couldn’t move too much. The cold was often a pain in your ass as you couldn’t even see too much because of the snow. 
That and you also had to hide from the night walkers. Apparently, The Night King thought you were dead too, and wanted Viserion on his army. Hidding a fucking dragon was probably the hardest thign you have ever done. But the love you had for Viserion and the hope to see Daenerys someday again, kept you alive all this time. 
You knew the Night King had a plan and knowing Dany, she would be on Winterfell when the night walkers invade it. So you didn’t have much time. You had to train with Viserion to be ready for the war. 
It made you feel guilty, making him fight too soon after his recovery, but you didn’t have other choice. You had to do it, for Dany.
Daenerys looked around, trying to find someone to help her or something to defend herself. The night king made her fall from Drogon and she was alone on the battlefield. 
It was her fault, really. She has been blinded by the rage. It was him who took it all from her: her son, her partner, the love of her life. Everything she loved! And she wasn’t known for forgiving someone who hurted what was important to her. 
That’s why she risked herself and attacked him alone. She was sure Drogon’s fire would be enough to kill him, but the bastard just walked out of it as if it was a simple breeze. Now she was alone, and pretty sure she would die. 
At least...at least she would see you again. 
The night walkers approached her from all the angles. She was surrounded, without escape and without a weapon. Although even if she had one, she still would not have been able to defend herself, she had no combat experience.
And then, she saw it. 
A fireball coming from the sky, forming a barrier in front of her and burning the night walkers. What the hell? When she looked up again, she gasped. It couldn’t be. 
You were on Viserion’s back, with fire burning on your e/c eyes. You were smiling. And alive. You were pretty alive.
Viserion landed a few steps from Daenerys. You got off his back quickly and ran to her. Surprise filled her beautiful face.
"Khaleesi" you said, smiling at her and waiting for her to recover from her surprise. You knew that you would have to move fast, to help in the battle, but at that moment, the only important thing was that she was there, in front of you, beautiful as always. You had missed her so much. 
“Y/N?” she whispered, not sure if her mind was playing tricks on her. She prayed it wasn’t the case as she threw herself at your arms.
You were there. You really were there. You were alive. And Viserion too!
“How-” she couldn’t finish because you pressed your lips to hers. 
It felt so good kissing her again. She was shocked, but quickly kissed your back, letting all her grieve fade away, replaced with relief and happiness. She thought you were dead, she had mourned you! 
“Viserion saved me” you said and smiled. Dany blinked and couldn’t help but to feel grateful and proud of her son. 
The dragon growled when more night walkers appeared. You took Daenerys’ hand and helped her to climb onto Viserion’s back. You wished you had more time to talk, to hug and kiss her. But it will have to wait. 
For now, you have ice asses to kick.
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whimsical-musingss · 4 years
Summary: Daryl shows you his scars for the first time. (Beginning of S4 before everything goes to hell). Daryl feels OOC to me, but I like how it turned out! He’s a tricky man to write. All mistakes are my own!
Warnings: typical twd gore/violence, past abuse/violence towards Daryl. Fluff. Lil heated make out session. Age gap. Not my gif.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon X F Reader
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You initiated everything between you and Daryl. He always told you he ain’t scared, he ain’t a wuss. And you knew he wasn’t lying. He was just apprehensive to get close to someone else besides Merle.
He also told himself, if the apocalypse didn’t happen, you wouldn’t even look his way. That he was nothing in your eyes, a younger college girl with a fancy degree and a big family. A big group of friends, and probably a fancy, rich boyfriend.
But when your fingers tilted up his chin, all of his doubts and apprehensiveness went out the window. All he saw was you. Y/N, a survivor, no title, no labels. You were a gardener in the prison, who he met way back at the quarry. A bad ass who killed more walkers than he could count.
When he first met you, he didn’t give a rats ass about you, or anyone, in fact, except Merle. But now, with Merle dead, you were the one waiting at the front gate, hands wringing, and when he steps through into the prison, you see his broken stance and his empty eyes. So you go to him, running. Arms tight around his neck, whispering how sorry you were for what happened. Because you knew Daryl, and he knew you. There didn’t have to be words. You read each other like open books, and he knew you wanted to get closer. So did he. More than anything.
No one else cared as much as you did about anything. Especially for someone your age. You had optimism like Carl, but realism like Daryl. He thought he would hate how cheerful you could be. But now, with his face inches from yours, he didn’t care. How could he? You were different, focused, as he looked down at you.
You initiated that first kiss. Whispering, “Is this okay?” Waiting for a nod or shake of his head. He pauses, staring into your eyes, and when he slowly nods, your lips are on his own, but it’s a short kiss. You’re gone in a flash, watching him, in case you went too far.
Nothing was said, but the look on his face was enough. Your lips form into a small smile, but before you could move away completely, Daryl’s hands are on you, and your eyes snap to his, questioning.
He wants more of you, but doesn’t know how to say it. So you just sit together, close, your breathing slow, eyes focused on each other.
The next few weeks were the same. He would always make sure to say goodbye before he left for a run. When he gets back, he spots you in the garden with Hershel. Your hand raises in greeting, and his head tilts up to you in response. Sometimes, he would return with little gifts or trinkets he would find, giving them to you but avoiding your eyes. He was bashful, he never done this before, but the smile on your face when you receive said trinkets was worth it all.
You knew how fragile he is. At nights on watch, he would be apprehensive to touch you or say anything. So you would initiate conversations, making him less tense and relaxed. You would lead his hands where you wanted them: your own hand, your cheek, your hips. Daryl could only watch his hands trace your body, but soon enough, he was doing it on his own, comfortable enough to touch you. You didn’t even have to ask if he was okay with it.
As the weeks pass, he starts conversations too. Asking how the garden is doing. Asking if you’re making any friends from the people from Woodbury. You ask how his runs are, how hunting is, and he would try to give you more than a one word answer.
After a lookout shift, he froze when you asked if he wanted to go to your cell. It’s been weeks since that kiss, and he feels comfortable, but suddenly he’s back in that tower, with you looking up at him, asking if it was okay to kiss him.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to,” you say. “I just...wanted some company. Just to sleep.”
He couldn’t say no. He knew that by now, how he could never say no to you. Ever.
So he follows you to your cell, watching you curiously, wondering why you want to share a bed with him. You turn to look at him, as if he’d disappear. But he’s there, staring at you, and he watches your cheeks turn crimson.
You don’t share your cell with anyone else. It had the bed in the corner, with a knitted blanket on top. He recognizes it from the quarry. Candles are spread across the cell, all over your desk, where he sees all the trinkets he got for you spanning weeks before this.
The locket he found in a department store. The mini glass figurine of a flower. A random beer bottle but it’s filled with the wildflowers that he found on the side of the road.
He turns to you, confusion on his face.
“What is it?” You ask, and you close the curtain so no one can peek through the bars.
“You kept ‘em,” he says gruffly.
“Of course I kept them. I love them,” your fingers trace on the figurine.
You’re in front of him, close enough he can feel your breath on his neck. Your eyes peer up at him through your lashes, lips parted slightly and it takes everything in him not to slam his lips onto yours.
“Can you...” she whispers, almost too quiet he can’t hear. “Can you kiss me?”
He stares down at her, and she quickly says, “You don’t have to. I’m sorry, I-“ she gasps when his hands grab her hips, pulling her closer, her nose brushing his chin.
“You drive me crazy, girl,” he grumbles, but there’s a small smirk on his face before he’s kissing you, not to roughly, but hard. Your fingers tangle in his hair and he makes a small noise of approval.
Daryl is now initiating. His body is moving you so you’re sitting on the desk, moving the trinkets so you don’t sit on them. His hands are under your chin, tilting your head up to meet his lips. He’s intoxicating and wild, bending his head down to kiss your neck and you’re breathing heavily.
“Daryl...” you whisper, and that makes him go softer on your neck, kissing under your chin and the side of your neck and back up to your lips. His tongue is on your bottom lip and his hands gripping your hips so he can stand between them. Your fingers go to his shirt, unbuttoning the first button. He stops, stepping back away from your lips.
“I’m sorry,” you say quickly, standing up on shaky legs. “I got...carried away.”
He says nothing, only watches your flushed face and your swollen lips. “I really am sorry, Daryl. If...if you need to leave, you can-“ he’s shaking his head, making you stop talking. You watch his bigger hands take in your own, leading them to his shirt buttons.
“I want you ‘ta see,” he rumbles, and you look up at him, unmoving.
“Just your shirt,” you whisper. “Nothing more.”
He seems to relax more at your voice, and what comes out of his lips next surprises you the most. “Please,” he urges you, and you unbutton the second, the third, the fourth, until his shirt just hangs on his shoulders, exposing his chest to you. You look at it, transfixed, then back to his eyes.
“You sure?” You ask again, and he’s nodding, his chest heaving. “Please,” he says again, and your hands slide under the shirt on his shoulders, removing the shirt from his body. It falls to the floor, and the candlelight makes his skin look warm and like gold.
“You’re beautiful,” you whisper, and he doesn’t move as your fingers graze over his collarbone and down the center of his chest. His heart is beating like crazy, especially when you put your hand over it. “Relax,” you whisper. His breathing is still heavy, as is yours, from the kissing before. But his is also anxious.
“Why do you want to show me now?” You ask, tilting your head.
“‘Cause you ain’t gon’ run away,” he says, and when he finishes, he backs up slightly, turning around, and your eyes widen when you see the scars across his back, big, and you knew at that moment Daryl was showing you everything he had. His life. His memories. His darkest days.
You walk to him, arms wrapping around his warm torso, your lips on his back, over the scars. He’s tense, but with every kiss you bring him down. Every kiss he relaxes under your touch and lips. He’s breathing is still shaky, but it’s not as heavy.
Your hands stay at his torso, but your lips move everywhere on his back. Making sure no scar gets left untouched. You don’t get to finish, however, Daryl is turning around, still in your arms.
“No one has ever...,” he trails off.
You nod, understanding. No one has ever comforted this man, not emotionally, or physically, or any of it. There were no tender moments with him back then, you knew. His back proved that. His apprehension to get close to you proved that.
“I...I love you,” you are whispering, and you knew in your heart it was true. This man had your heart in his hand, and you knew he would never, ever, hurt you.
“I love ya,” he confirms, his voice equally soft as yours, and your lips find his again, and it’s not rough as the ones before. It’s soft, tender, as if you both will break.
“I love ya,” he murmurs, mostly to himself, confirming what he has with you is real, and he will never let you go.
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vestzmc · 4 years
Ok now I did some research and finally fixed the ninjas into how they'd fit into the Magnus Institute so here's the stuff, GET READY FOR A RAMBLE :DDD
I have the notes
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This AU's timeline is not the same as the original Magnus Archives' timeline! The ninja boys took over the institute long after Jon and the others passed away so have no fear of spoilers for the podcast aside from the existence of entities! :D
For those who don't understand the TMA universe it is a world where the supernatural exists and people who experience it goes to the Magnus Institute where they give a statement, via letter or a personal statment to the archivist who mostly reads the stories and records it by a tape recorder (because they're old style).
They put it in the records data and gather more information about the supernatural being on whether it is avoidable or could be solved. Sometimes it doesn't even need to get solved and a statment of a supernatural event is good enough.
This supernatural is tied to 14 entities that manufactures these beings through fears. Avatars are people who are tied to these beings either willingly or unwillingly by ritual which gives them certain abilities. You gotta die for it tho.
I'm not gonna go on full detail what these entities are but I will describe my important ones and their traits to have more context to the characters.
The Desolation: what a bitch this entity is, seriously. It's the entity that feeds on fear of pain, loss, burning, fear of unthinking or cruel destruction. Always has a grill party in the backyard. It has a cult.
The Eye: are you a private person? Well Nord VPN can't save you this time. It feeds on the fear of being watched, exposed, followed, having secrets known, drive to know and understand even if it destroys you. Fun times.
The Buried: feeds on the fear of being trapped, pressured, crushed, drowning, heaviness, and sinking. Kinda cool until you find yourself trapped in a coffin for 2 weeks.
The Vast: feeds on the fear of our own insignificance in this universe, loosing yourself in too much space. Basically 12 year old me.
The Web: you like spiders? Well, this entity manufacturers on the fear of being controlled, entrapped, being trapped and not knowing it, your will not being your own, or being manipulated. It is often seen in the symbol of spiders. *shivers*
The Hunt: i love this bitch, the Hunt is so gucci to listen in action. It is the animalistic and initial fear of being hunted/chased or becoming prey. It's Avatars are called Hunters and gain enhanced health and seem predatory and feral.
Now that the entities are out of the way
Kai Smith
He was invited by Wu to work on the Magnus Institute as a new archivist. Needing a job, Kai agrees where he meets Cole, Jay, and Zane where they soon become great friends after solving a statment that has been abandoned for dacades. Kai is unknowingly an Avatar of the Desolation, which gives Kai has the ability of sharply noticing things others don't, such as information or sentences that doesn't seem important but actually is. (y'all thought i'm giving him fire, hah! Let's not focus too much on that)
Jay Walker
Worked for the institute with Cole and Zane for 4 years before Kai became the new archivist. He works on finding information in high places such as police records or government files. Jay discovered the Vast entity when he was 14, living in the desert with his parents and kind of became an Avatar by accident because he really freaked out when he was suddenly lost in sand dunes with no one around. He has the ability to paralyze people, locking them in place as if frozen even if they're on air.
Cole Brookstone
I've seen plenty of people put Cole as the Avatar of the Buried but GET THIS: HUNTER COLE. Enhanced strength and health, hunts down mosters and avatars he'd love to kill??? :DDD He did get into loads of trouble that connects to the Buried entity but he never really terrified of it so, maybe it's like a respectable fear for it to Cole. He works as the protector and searcher for the institute, the first person hired unwillingly by Wu by binding but soon got used the institute and Wu. At least he can still freely move from place to place rather than just staying in the institute. He can hunt down people easily with just a place and a name and as a Hunter he has this ability to know where people are by touching the ground.
Zane Julien
Second hire after Cole, so both of them are quite close. Zane is orphaned at a young age and couldn't remember remember anything before that. Was hired by Wu which he accepted. Zane was poorly troubled at the thought of his unknown past that he nearly went to the hospital on how unhealthy his research was. The Eye soon made Zane a Avatar, from Zane going mad by paranoia and fear of where he came from that Cole had to stop his hunting schedules and keep Zane down and help him. Zane and Cole eventually was able to heal from Zane's lost past by jokingly making up stories of where Zane came from when Jay arrived. They sometimes tell Jay he is a emperor from japan, that he is a robot heavyly programed to do good and cook kickass food, that Zane trained in a clan of ninjas before Jay learned not to trust anything the two were saying. Jay and Zane enjoy talking alot since they'te both knowledgeable on tech than Cole and Kai. Zane has the ability to put ideas into people's heads that affect their actions, that the 'victim' would think said actions was their idea, like walking out a door.
Lloyd Garmadon
Not part of the Institute. He's a student journalist that goes around poking into people's business and most especially into the Magnus Institute's records which gave a bit of a bad first impression on the guys when they caught him snooping. Lloyd is however allowed access in because of Wu's influences and soon became friends with Kai first, then the others. Lloyd isn't a Avatar which is great because being controlled by an entity kinda sucks but Lloyd is hunted often by the Web because of his fears of being controlled without his will and him going after people and areas with supernatural encounters because, journalism! Cole babysits Lloyd from afar. He often finds comfort around the ninja crew and likes spending time with them other than in school where he's often avoided and ridiculed by his peers. After several weeks the ninjas have all decided that they are willing to die for Lloyd, who they all treat as a younger sibling. Also! Lloyd is totally trans in this au.
And that's that for now! Might write about the side characters if any of you guys want more. It's kinda OOC about the avatars really because it basically canonically takes loads of years for an entity to charge up enough energy to posses an avatar but eh, creative writing for power using boys.
Also you guys probably noticed I didn't make the boy's abilities as their original elements? weeeellll it's kinda because it has to fit in the tma universe where everything is more subtle than outgoing when it comes to powers.
I also noticed that the only way I can write long ass sentences is when I ramble so that's a thing.
Have a great day! Statement ends.
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janiedean · 5 years
Honestly, I would like to hear you rant about Brienne's s5 storyline and her killing Stannis. It felt weird to me that in the book there's this whole thing with Lady Stoneheart wanting revenge and using Brienne as a tool to to try and get it tho she probably won't get it, and then in the show it's Brienne still seeking revenge for Renly and actually getting it. Like there's a "revenge isn't actually a good thing" theme that got lost along the way.
... lmao.
well okay this is not for renly fans so just so you know, you’re warned.
I don’t have.... like, anything specific against renly nor I think he’s a Bad Person which is why in modern aus I just let him be his best version, but.. canon renly Is An Asshole when it concerns his brother, his niece and brienne and that’s A Thing because like sorry but skipping succession ‘because no one likes you but they like me’ is not a good reason to do anything, ‘my niece is so ugly ew grayscale’ is just bottom level of being... let’s just say vapid, and it’s canon that the reason he keeps brienne around is not that he cares about her, it’s because he knows she’s good at what she does and doesn’t want nothing in return and actually would die for him, which........
considering that brienne would have died for renly because he was nice to her once and danced with her which is like bare minimum for decent human being, sorry if I side-eye this narrative that renly believed in her etc because sorry guys renly in asoiaf canon didn’t give a single fuck about that;
specifically, when it comes to brienne renly is that one crush you get at some point that you’re in love with the idea of, not with the person they actually are, and as someone wise said on some post once, brienne thought she would die for him and didn’t and didn’t know she could die for jaime but she immediately knew when she had the choice, so I think that just seals it, but ahead with that...
affc is also about brienne getting over renly because she was in love with the idea of renly, not with renly himself, never mind that renly wasn’t in love with her anyway and could have never been. like, all of her affc povs are about that. she thinks about him less and less, she superimposes jaime on him like ffs when she’s naked in the bath she has to MAKE HERSELF THINK ABOUT RENLY, at some point she dreams of renly’s death except it’s jaime in his place, then jaime puts renly’s cloak on her shoulders and at the end of it when she has that dream which is sort of very similar to jaime’s in asos where he sees people he thinks he disappointed and she sees renly and cat.... well. it’s because she thinks she disappointed them, or that she failed them, but she’s plain not in love with him (or his idea of) anymore;
now, she also swore to cat she’d kill stannis in revenge for him... and she’s never so much as thought about it. ffs there is ONE single instance of brienne thinking about stannis in affc. THIS ONE:He shrugged. "Sometimes. At tourneys, from afar. Once at Baelor's Sept. The gold cloaks shoved us aside so he could pass. Another time I was playing near the Mud Gate when he come back from a hunt. He was so drunk he almost rode me down. A big fat sot, he was, but a better king than these sons of his."They are not his sons. Stannis told it true, that day he met with Renly. Joffrey and Tommen were never Robert's sons. This boy, though . . . "Listen to me," Brienne began. Then she heard Dog barking, loud and frantic. "Someone is coming."IT’S WHEN SHE RECOGNIZES THAT GENDRY IS ROBERT’S SON AND THAT STANNIS WAS RIGHT WHEN HE SAID TOMMEN AND MYRCELLA WEREN’T HIS. that’s it. that’s all brienne has to think about stannis in affc. she doesn’t think about killing him once.guess why? because meanwhile she’s found better things to think about and she doesn’t feel the need to avenge renly as much as she feels the need to fulfill her vow to catelyn and jaime and she’s fucking over renly and she has realizes at least subconsciously that guess what she didn’t want to die for him;
the entire point was that she is over her crush on a guy who might have been decent to her though it was the bare minimum anyone should have shown her but who didn’t give two shits about her personally and that she thought she could and would die for, and sorry if being willing to die for someone because he danced with you isn’t healthy as much as people don’t want to accept the fact that brienne has Issues with the capital I;
therefore, the moment the show dragged her north FOR RENLY and OMG I HAVE TO KILL STANNIS FOR RENLY before getting her stuck watching a tower for a season for that crap joke of a winterfell storyline and don’t get me started on how they made brienne’s sl secondary to sansa for three seasons when surely her point in her narrative is not that ita) ignored that brienne had a character arc that included getting over renlyb) elevated renly to sainthood (forget saint tyrion) because it implied that yes he was that nice dancing with her so yes he deserves her avenging his death when sorry but what the fucking fuck he just paid her the bare minimum it didn’t mean she should have joined his army for it or that she should avenge him for having being a decent person oncec) made it look like renly actually gave a shit about her for real when lmao nod) trashed lady stoneheart when as you said they lost the REVENGE IS A BAD IDEA theme and all that she brought with bc stoneheart is fundamental for both jaime and brienne as characters but hey let’s just stick brienne serving other people without a personal storyline and let’s not let jaime have his arc because what the fuck amritee) missed all of the themes in her affc arc because where was meribald? where was the anti-war message? where was the fact that brienne is a vulnerable person with doubts? we saw none of that shit except oMG SHE KILLED STANNIS BADASSSSS. yeah, no. character assassination my old friend here we are;
now, specifically re stannis: what angers me on a molecular level in that choice, not counting the fact that never in my life I ever want to see character #1 I relate to in a series (and period) kill character #2 I relate to in that same series without any goddamned reason to do that but that’s personal is that....... since brienne doesn’t give a fuck about avenging renly anymore in the book it’s very likely that if she and stannis meet again they might actually like talk about things and now I’mma give you the other hot take of the year....
... which is that I would like it if people saw that actually if brienne were to get along with one baratheon brother, she and stannis would have a lot more chances to hit off than she and renly ever could have because sorry but:a) they’re both introverts with huge issues communicating with others who also have been treated like shit for their entire lives based on people judging them before they opened their mouthb) as much as brienne isn’t THAT hard on it she has a sense of justice that he’d definitely appreciatec) if we assume that a guy with a daughter with grayscale whom renly also referred to as ‘that ugly daughter of his’ who is considered disfigured by everyone who still treats her like his only heir and doesn’t gaf about her looks would give two shits about brienne’s looks and not about her skills instead then we assume wrong nvm that stannis has a hand who used to be an illiterate commoner and melisandre used to be a slave like.... come on he’d definitely treat her with respect and not just because he needs herd) reverse, if she saw how he is with his daughter thaaat might remind her of her father not having forced her to marry eventually and agreeing to let her join renly/learn swordfighting instead I mean... come one) never mind that as stated before both of them are way more similar when it comes to take your vows seriously than notlike........... okay but with these premises if they meet when they need all the men they can spare to fight the white walkers I’d presume they will actually talk about renly’s death and get an understanding, not that she’ll take out a sword and impale him there especially if it’s post lady stoneheart which is the point in her sl where she 100% understands you can’t follow all of your vows and you will have to choose at some point (btw she chose jaime already over stoneheart and we all know it bye)...
which means that having her kill him in the show after a thing they made happen from 0 to 180 just to make him look irredeemable, for renly when brienne doesn’t gaf in the books anymore and reinforcing this - excuse me - bullshit narrative of saint renly who was the ideal king and never did anything wrong except trying to pass over stannis who was ahead of him in the line and further creating drama in that damned war because his brother didn’t happen to be immediately likable (nvm that I have issues with the fact that renly doesn’t even seem to remember having been at storm’s end during the siege which means that stannis made sure he actually had to eat while everyone else was starting to consider cannibalism but hey who cares that my brother almost died and never let me starve with the entirety of the castle I’ll now go and stab him in the back because NAAAH WHY SHOULD I SUPPORT HIM? sorry but what the fucking fuck) while stannis was an asshole who eventually got what he deserved because he wasn’t fun amrite will never not irk me to a molecular level because that wasn’t brienne’s storyline anymore and it hasn’t been since asos, the renly vs stannis situation is way more complicated than renly was nice and stannis was an asshole, stannis is nowhere near the piece of cardboard dnd think he is and the fact that both characters didn’t move on from their renly-related trauma but that it went down in the cheapest most ooc way ever should have woken people up about how dnd couldn’t be trusted for shit with these books if the WF adaptation of the adwd storyline hadn’t showed that already.
tldr: it was ooc and an insult to both characters and also can we stop with the saint renly narrative, thanks.
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cupcakecoterie · 5 years
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard
@miaaoi - Froseth, dragonborn monk
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin
@sfwarlock - Nai/Eryn, elf ranger
Marion - Ava, human ranger
@noctumsolis - Riswynn, dwarf rogue
This session could have ended better. This session could have ended worse. This session was brilliant and amazing and epic and a little traumatising. So here are the bullet points.
Ava, confronted with her half-dragon half-sister, a lot of Crownsguard and the Lady Emavaela, surrendered ... mostly quietly as she was very securely bound to avoid her being able to use somatic or material components, threatened with harm to her friends if she tried to use a verbal-only spell, and marched off to the throne room.
Riswynn picked the lock on the door to her room, but couldn’t do anything about the magic component to the lock. That was negated by someone firing a grappling hook at her windowsill. She climbed down it to find a wood elf woman with a very ... well, now truly unique hairstyle - she said she went by Beth (which would make her Bethrynna, Eryn’s cousin who went to hunt for him when he first disappeared) and said that she and some of the wood elves she’d befriended since arriving were willing to help deal with the soldiers and half-dragon woman who’d arrived at the palace.
Froseth took a unique approach to getting the hell out - he just used Mould Earth to loosen the stone door frame and quietly lower door and frame out of the doorway.
Darvin got a warning from Tysha, his new half-elf friend, and proceeded to Dimension Door himself into the garden. After stealing a glass rose as a potential weapon, and getting a bit of an update from the kitchen staff, he went down into the cellar to find Froseth and Eryn, and found Froseth’s door just as Froseth levered the door frame out of the doorway.
Alisaie let Flitty out of the Flitty-bag and then out the window to try to find the others, immediately before she was also seized by Crownsguard. She went peacefully, but not before Remi cast Hunter’s Mark on her, so that hunting for her when she finally got out wouldn’t be so difficult. Alisaie was bound like Ava, also gagged because bard, and slapped around a bit as she was hauled off. Remi immediately put on her armour...
Flitty found Hazel (who had attuned to Alisaie’s axe), and managed to do something about the magic on her door lock so she could get out. She snuck down to the basement at Flitty’s suggestion as Flitty went to fetch Riswynn with the agreement to meet by the cellar stairs.
Eryn got clever by moving the bed, using Silent Image to make it look like an elf was in the bed, and then hiding behind the door ... which didn’t matter because Froseth used his Mould Earth trick to get his door down. Hazel joined them relatively quickly, and Riswynn snuck up to pounce-hug Hazel, which thankfully did not get her killed - though the botched Strength check in her attempt to lift-hug Hazel resulted in her nearly throwing her back out. From there, they decided to get to Remi - ‘Beth’ (who was going hooded and unnamed at that point) elected to accompany them while the rest of her little band of wood elves went to find the group’s weapons.
While all that had been going on, Crownsguard dragged a bound and somewhat beat-up Alisaie into the throne room and the half-dragon half-sister (who was sitting on the throne, which Lady Emavaela didn’t like much) issued Ava an ultimatum - unless Ava gave up the Vanedar name to her not-Vanedar half-sister, willingly and in spirit as well as in word, Alisaie would be taken to Blackcrown, to ‘answer for her crimes against the king’s family’, so to speak (so many dragons with her delivering the killing blow) - before the king of Baronsvere, and said king’s five-headed bitch of a god. There may have been intimation that the black tainting gunk might be involved in her punishment. Alisaie tried to indicate that no, no, Ava couldn’t give the half-dragon bitch the name and all that went with it, but Ava was badly torn and kept trying to ask what they wanted with Cedargrove. The half-dragon simply said that she wasn’t going to respond to that and she’d take Ava’s hesitance as a no, at which point she had the Crownsguard drag Alisaie over to the throne.
They found Remi’s door with Flitty’s help, and Hazel was just about to step aside for someone to pick the lock when Remi, at the end of her tether, kicked the door down more or less right in Hazel’s face. So at that point the group was together again and with Remi’s Hunter’s Mark, they knew where Alisaie was at least, and figured Ava would probably be there too. So off they went, collecting their weapons on the way from the wood elves who decided to cover the halls against reinforcements while the rest did their rescuing.
Remi kicked the throne room doors in and yelled at Lady Emavaela “You have broken the laws of hospitality”, and then the half-dragon, “and you’re next!” and combat started, with some veeeeeeery bad initiative rolls and Ava, in the middle of the room flanked by four Crownsguard, yelling at them to get to Alisaie (near to the throne and effectively swarmed) first.
First thing Lady Emavaela did? Port right the hell out. Noped straight out. Which was good for her because Froseth got moderately close and used Gong of the Summit to take out a goodly number of the Crownsguard around the throne. The half-dragon - apparently a dragon-blooded sorcerer - tried Dominate Monster on him, either not knowing or underestimating Stillness of Mind. Eryn tried Fae Presence to terrify two of them into the Frightened condition but that didn’t work. The half-dragon got a couple of arrows in her courtesy Beth and some funky Horizon Walker abilities. Darvin blew an action on Countercharm, and Froseth had to on Stillness of Mind, and no one let Ava out so she couldn’t use her Arrows of Switching to get Alisaie out of the mess of Crownsguard, and dwarven movement speed is not as good for flanking as it could be, and at the end of it all, the half-dragon hit a few people with a nasty amount of chain lightning before using her Quickened Spell metamagic to bonus action Plane Shift out with Alisaie. This pissed off everyone and Hazel switched on Spirit Guardian fairy dragons, which mulched all of the rest of the Crownsguard over by the throne (with help from Riswynn) while Beth, Remi, and Darvin more or less eviscerated the ones near Ava. There was a lot of screaming from Remi and Ava. Like, a lot.
Some healing got dumped into those hit by the chain lightning (except Froseth, with his Evasion, lucky sod), and Beth revealed herself to Eryn, which more or less broke him, and Hazel destroyed the throne with Alisaie’s axe, and everybody’s very upset but Bethrynna is a Horizon Walker and can help them hunt down their friend, probably as the last thing she does before her deal with Nerull comes due. They’re going to need some rest first - that’s the bad news. Good news? So is the half-dragon. They have a bit of time, and that’s if the half-dragon - on her own, no backup, though a fair bit of magic - can keep a really pissed off bard-barian subdued in whatever plane she used as her escape route. So the Cupcake Coterie are going to be meeting up with the wood elves in their outskirts-settlement to plan that whole thing.
One of the things I am starting to notice about some of the players is that they are terrified of anyone taking any damage, at all, ever. A couple of guards with swords but no class levels aren’t going to do a lot of damage to players at level 7-8 or so - not before they turn the offending cannon fodder into a damp smear. I don’t entirely get that, to be honest - sometimes taking damage is a tactical move. I guess it’s the people that don’t understand that who also think that attacks of opportunity are unfair because it obliges them to take damage. If there’d been a tactical decision to let damage happen, that might have gone ... better. Still, things happen as they happen and it might not be as much an OOC thing as an IC thing sometimes, but we’ll see what lessons the party - players and characters alike - take away from this.
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winterisfinallyhere · 6 years
How season 7 should have gone...
...if they wanted a believable Dany/Jon love story.
Even the most dedicated of JonxDany fan must admit that there love story lacks finesse at best and at worst is not a love story at all. As a storyteller and watcher of way too much television, I decided to put together this little re-write of season 7 with an actual Dany x Jon romance. Mostly to demonstrate how easy it could have been done with this was the actual aim of the writers/ producers.
Let’s jump right in.
We’ll assume everything starts off the same. So we have 7x03 with Jon arriving and being stripped of his weapons. Because Dany is careful and so even though this is an impolite way to act towards someone you’ve invited as a guest, we’ll keep it
1# First meeting.
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 If I was writing it the first meeting would take place pretty much anywhere but a cold and mostly empty throne room. Maybe over a shared meal, where Dany could talk like equals (which they as Queen / King are at this point). Even her small council / the war room would have made it feel better. But let’s keep the setting the same because Dany of the Many titles likes set-up like this. 
So yeah. It goes pretty similarly only this time, during their first meet, Dany tells him of the Red Woman’s visit and is a tiny bit more open-minded about the prospect of the White Walkers and the speech about how Dany managed it all because she had faith in herself gets taken out.
Jon x Dany would meet and talk and rather than having Tyrion tell her to give Jon the Dragon Glass, she would come to this decision on her own and while perhaps still a little doubtful (not sure why the girl who has three dragons isn’t willing to believe in magic, but I digress). Perhaps here, she’d ask him to bend the knee again (because she sure likes doing that) Jon would point out he’s been named king and can be unnamed(very true). The only way for her to win the north is for her to show the north she’ll fight for them. That if she truly believes herself the true ruler of all of Westeros seven kingdoms, isn’t it her duty to protect all of them? She’d come away from this talk a little unsure.
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Next episode we have Jon finding the cave paintings as they mine for dragon glass. Dany agrees that this is something and rather than asking to bend the knee, she suggests he show her the army of the dead. He’d asks, “How? The Wall is hundreds of miles away.” She’d smile and say something like “Do you forget so easily? I have three dragons. I can go anywhere.” But as they exit the cave, Dany learns her forces have been defeated and that the Lanisters army is on the move with food and gold. This is where she gets annoyed with Tyrion and asks Jon’s advice. This time the advice would maybe be more like, “Send your army to handle this, but let us fly north and I’ll show you the true enemy.” She’d agree, because who wouldn’t want to spend hours cuddling with Jon Snow on the back of a dragon?
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So this is where things would change majorly. Dany would not take part of the field of fire, but if the desired/ needed outcome here is to have both Sam’s brother and father dead (so he can be lord at some point maybe?) then having the Dothraki kill them would be just as effective. The coolness of a dragon battle would, of course, be lost and so would one of the defining Dark!Dany (bend the knee or die is pretty dark, an executing prisoners of war is a war crime) moments but if DxJ is going to have a happy ending this would just be a good thing.
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So, now we have Dany X Jon, off on an adventure together. Possibly Dany just misses her reunion with Jorah, because that would just be for the best. Or it could be included and we’d have some much clearer parallels on how both Jon and Jorah has the hots for Dany but Dany only has eyes for Jon. 
Anyways, JXD are off to see the WW’s army. So many chances for bonding and bantering and maybe some talk of succession. Maybe how they both can’t see much further than the wars. Maybe they’d still stop off at the wall and meet up with the Brotherhood + hound. Maybe not.
Back south the gang left behind could still be attempting to negotiate some sort of peace treaty with the most amazing royal bitch of them all (Cersei) which would be a chance for the Jamie / Tyrion reunion as well as Gendry’s reintroduction. Maybe this meeting could be set up to discuss possible terms for the return of the remaining Sand Snakes / Theon’s sister (which show!!Dany seems to just have forgotten were her allies since it’s no longer convient for her).
In the north, perhaps Dany’s dragons aren’t faring quite as well as she’d hoped. This could serve as a sort of reason to why they suddenly are super easy to kill. Let’s say they do a fly over and Dany sees the Night’s King’s army and is actually horrified by it and the implications.
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This is the second big change. Because in order for Dany X Jon to work out, they need to get on the same page about who the real enemy are. Canon!Dany refuses to do this even after seeing the White Walkers and having lost one of her dragons to them.
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Let’s say now Dany or Jon together come up with the crazy idea of getting a wight back south. Maybe to get Cersei’s army to help them. Maybe to just show everyone that the danger is real. Not just Cersei (my sweet darling Queen of evil) but the whole realm (because let’s face it, at this point no one really believes in dead men walking). Jon agrees, a little reluctant because he knows that Cersei is not to be trusted. But he tells Dany she can’t come on this mission and instead the Brotherhood without Banners tags along. Before leaving, Jon and Dany would share a romantic kiss and she’d tell him he had to come back to her safe.
Wight hunt goes the same as the show and they end up with one they can bring along. Gendry runs back to Eastwatch but instead of having to send a raven across a whole bloody country, all he has to do is tell Dany and she’s off to save her new boy toy friend. When she shows up, she gets to play the hero, one of the dragons still dies, and instead of being a heroic fool Jon actually takes her hand and get on the dragon. The “awwaaws” in the audience is deafening.
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Still wanting to return home, Jon asks Dany to come with him to Winterfell, because even though he’s falling for her he still wants to see Arya and Bran who he hasn’t seen in ages (and maybe first now learn have returned to WF). Maybe at this point, we could have some Jon X Rhaegal bonding? Maybe jokingly suggest Jon could almost fly home himself. She would tell him she can’t leave with the dragons for fear of being attacked by Cersei’s fleat but that she’ll let him return home if that is what he wishes. He chooses to stay with her to go to KL to try to gather more support and awareness.
Yet another quite OoC move, as I believe Cannon!Jon would have gone home. But alas, he’s in love with Dany or at least getting there (because he’s a guy and all guy must fall in love with Dany) and wants to stay with her.
We all know how the rest goes. We’d have the silly dragon pit meet, Cersei would find some other excuse to not accept the treaty other than Jon having bent the knee to Dany. We’d still get the shady exchange between Cersei and Tyrion, which we still don’t know what he promised her to get her to agree.
We can still have everyone reuniting at once (because that was such a great idea) and have Dany x Jon talk about the dying of the dragons and her not being able to have babies. Only she’s as determined as him to fight the NK even if Cersei tells them she won’t help. The stakes are lower, but the still need Cersei’s men to fight for them.
Having gotten their peace treaty, Jon and Dany decide to sail to Winterfell together.
We can have something similar to boat!sex the original with Bran letting us all know just how doomed this love story is in the voice over (only let’s assume they’d have skipped that if JonxDany were endgame. because it made so freaking creepy)!
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We’ve almost everything happening the same way they did, except for a small few changes in the character’s choices and settings. This way we get Dany actually believing in Jon, Dany X Jon spending private time together, an emotional first kiss, a rescue of lover and we totally eliminate the whole “I am your prisoner” aspect (if she offers to let him leave) and we still end up with creepy boat sex. Jamie can still betray Cersei, Sansa and Arya can still cut LF’s throat and Theon hopefully would have gone to rescue his sister without a Jon Snow pep talk.
So yeah. That’s my take on how Jonerys should have been done if they were actually being portrayed as a romance. But clearly, they weren’t, because there were so many chances to actually add it and make it more believable.
Dany sharing about her brothers should have led to a bonding conversation. The cave scene looks pretty romantic but Dany ruins it by asking him to bend the knee again. Rather than share why he got the scars, Dany figures it out by peeking at him as he sleeps and then deduces from what Davos said about taking a knife in the heart. Jon fails to tell her he saw his Ucel Benjen out there and that he saved him. No first kiss before the sex scene. No emotional commitment/ admission beforehand. No marriage proposal. The list goes on and on.
Point is,DXD  and their whole team didn't just completely forget how to write romance. Which means Jonersy is not the endgame romance we’ve all been waiting for. Jon might very well be attracted to her and in the commentary and in interviews they can tell us DanyXJon are in love as much as they like. But their story, what actually happened on the show was not portrayed as a romance and without changing much else in season 7 probably quite easily could have, begging all viewers to ask, why?
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princess-in-a-tower · 6 years
What do you think Jon was referring to when he said "They'll come to see you for what you are"?, I do not think he meant that the lord will realize that she is great and the best queen, but that she is their last hope, and their only chance to survive, but of course he made her believe that it was the other. What I like most about political jon, is that most of the time he is not lying to dany, he just makes her believe things the wrong way! Do you think it is possible for northerners to accept
Dany?, I know she has dragons that they need, but I do think it would be ooc if they accept dany, especially because they already knew that she had dragons and an army but even so they do not care. It’s not like this is new information for them, and since they will found out that the wall fell because of one of her dragons, they will probably blame her for the invasion (and they would be right). They could also claim that if Daenerys is as good queen as Jon and others say, then she would helpthem even if they decide not to kneel, since the white walkers are not only going to attack the north but the whole continent, which Dany wants to rule. 
Obviously, we know Dany and we know that she has a closed mind, she apparently does not think that way and she prioritizes her fight against Cersei, but to the northerners, she is being sold as a beloved queen and a savior, therefore they have no reason to doubt that even if they refuse to kneel,she will help them because it is the right thing.
Hello anon! Thank you for the ask!
What do you think Jon was referring to when he said “They’ll come to see you for what you are”?
I think he was mainly blowing smoke up her ass and telling her what she wanted to hear. It became obvious in previous episodes that she couldn’t be reasoned with and that her ambition has blinded her. It’s also become apparent that the only thing she responds positively to is flattery, no matter whether it’s sincere or not. He chooses his words very carefully, making them ambiguous on purpose. Thus, he’s purposely deceiving her by making her hear what she wants to hear. It’s a dangerous game he’s playing, but one he’s played before rather successfully with Mance and Stannis, so don’t see why he wouldn’t use the same technique of flattering, reluctantly giving military advice and lying by omission with Dany since she’s giving him such a hard time (unless “Dany is a Good PersonTM and Jon can’t trick her like that” counts as a reason).
Do you think it is possible for northerners to accept dany?
I think in an ideal world it would be possible for them to pretend to accept Dany. She’s the lesser of two evils at the moment, with total annihilation by ice zombies being the most pressing matter. If Sansa, Arya and Bran (and Sam) played their cards exactly right and convince the Northern Lords that the Starks still support Northern independence and that Jon was acting alone when he knelt, I believe they would have been able to stage a mummer’s farce for Dany’s benefit and keep it up until the White Walkers have been defeated.
That said, Westeros is not an ideal world and people who live there just refuse to see what would be to their benefit in the long-term, focusing on short term benefits or old grudges. So I think there will be conflict between the Northern Lords and Dany. The Northerners have bled and died for their independence in order for them to finally have a northern ruler. They have suffered and died under the rule of southern kings for way too long and Dany in s7 proved to be more of the same.The field of fire 2.0, the burning of the tarlys, the idiotic wight-hunt, losing a dragon to the Night King (which led to the destruction of the Wall) and refusing to help Jon save humanity unless he kneels to her are all plotpoints that have set up Dany and the Northerners as adversaries and I can’t see them bridging those differences, no matter how good a diplomat Jon or Sansa are.
Even if they somehow accept her as their queen though (my bet is through fear), RLJ is still a damoclean sword hanging over this fragile alliance and the moment it drops the alliance will be blown apart. That imo means that Dany will not help much with the AotD and on the contrary she will hinder the battling of the ice apocalypse by declaring war on the Starks, and Jon in particular. And I say that because I believe it would be more interesting and dramatic if everything completely went to shit and the Starks had to go above and beyond to deal with the enemies that have surrounded them.
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soulofevil · 6 years
Shipper with 10, 12, 37 and 40!
10. I don’t have many ships between characters that have never met but I kind of ship Steve Rogers and Trish Walker (season 1 Trish, not the crazy one we got in season 2 of Jessica Jones). Two badass blondes who just want to do the right thing and save the world while their surly, damaged BFFs hang out at a bar drinking and not talking to each other.
12. I can’t think of any ships that I’ve been disappointed by when they finally get together. Probably because a bunch of my ships aren’t canon. I will be very disappointed if the comics don’t give me something happening between Kitty Pryde/Illyana Rasputin, even if it’s just confession of love from one of them.
37. Oh man, picking my favorite tropes is hard! I typically prefer something closer to canon than AU (I love my superheroes and I love it when they’re doing superhero things vs a coffee shop AU). Hunt/comfort fics are wonderful, and stuff that’s heavy on the angst cuz I love the pain.
40. Does making Quakerider canon count as a change to my OTP? I don’t think I’d change anything about Quakerider, Robbie being the Ghost Rider gives me the angst that I love, though for their sake it’d be nice if he wasn’t stuck with the Rider for eternity.
Emma wearing a hideous combination of Cyclop and Magneto’s armor after Scott’s death. That’s what I would change. That was more OOC than the awful things Scott said to Emma or Emma going crazy after Scott’s death.
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vanhelsiing · 5 years
I'll format this whenever I'm on my laptop, but feel free to like for a starter!
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breakinballs-blog · 6 years
 people  do  realize  that  negan  isn’t  some  softie  who  cuddles  people,  right?
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buryourown-blog1 · 6 years
i appreciate the patience, i haven’t really felt like being online lately?
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occupyvenus · 7 years
Deus Ex Machina to the rescue!!!
!!!This post will contain some spoilers from the leaked episode 6 AT THE VERY END. I will put those under a cut and warn you before I get to them You can safely read until that point as long as you are caught up on 7x05!!!
As a book-reader ooc-disease and not giving a shit about the setting and rules established in asoiaf upsets me. But I can kinda live with that, it’s an adaptation and has to be changed for mass-appeal. I’m not happy about it all, don’t get me wrong, but I can simply take the show as a simplified fanfiction-version of the book series. 
But what really pisses me off as a mere show-watcher(!) is that Douchebag&Dipshit have been creating fake tension by ex machina-ing the shit out of the series since season 6. It’s bad writing in any show or movie, but it’s especially appaling here, because that’s exactly what the show is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE. This is connected to them not working with the source material anymore, but it mostly shows how bad story-writers they themselves are. 
For those of you who don’t know what “deus ex machina” means, here are some lines from wikipedia: 
The term has evolved to mean a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved by the inspired and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability or object. Its function can be to resolve an otherwise irresolvable plot situation, to surprise the audience, to bring the tale to a happy ending, or act as a comedic device. 
It is generally deemed undesirable in writing and often implies a lack of creativity on the part of the author. The reasons for this are that it does not pay due regard to the story's internal logic (although it is sometimes deliberately used to do this) and is often so unlikely that it challenges suspension of disbelief, allowing the author to conclude the story with an unlikely, though perhaps more palatable, ending. 
To put it in simpler terms: It’s when some random bullshit happens to get our protagonists out of a tricky situation. It’s strongly connected to the term “plot-armour”.
It’s a plot device tv-watchers and moviegoers are so used to that we are expecting it every time our protagonists are in danger. “He’s the main character. He can’t die.” *Some bullshit happens* “See? Of course he didn’t die.”
We all expected some deus ex machina to swoop in and save Ned from the executioner's block, Robb and Cat at the Red Wedding and Jon when he was stabbed by his brothers. But it didn’t come. That’s what made these events so shocking and surprising. Because they went against our expectations, acquired after consummating hours of mainstream-media, completely. That’s what made GoT famous and shocking and fresh. Everyone was in danger, everyone could die, because grrm and GoT DON’T DO DEUS EX MACHINAS. If you can’t find a solution that has been carefully set up, there probably is none and our characters are fucked. Not only are Dickhead&Dumbass ruining the characters and the world-building, they are ruining the core narrative concept of what made this show so successful. Turning it into a 0815, predictable, action, fantasy TV-show. 
Having one every now and then is fine, but if it happens too often ... you stop giving a shit about what happens on screen. Because why should you be scared for a character if he gets out of every situation somehow anyway? It’s bad writing if you resolve most conflicts with it. Mostly because it happens because the author wanted it to happen, not because it makes the most sense within the story. You might not be aware of it, but your brain is. 
All of this wouldn’t bother me if this was about anything else, but again: THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT GOT IS NOT MEANT TO BE. THE SERIES IS FAMOUS FOR NOT BEING LIKE THAT. 
I’ve been scratching my head to think of a real, obvious deus ex machina moment prior to season 5 or 6. If you can name one please let me know. The thing coming closest to it might have been the wildfire-trick in the battle of blackwater, but it doesn’t really fit the bill because Aerys and the pigshit were properly established before it was used. Stannis attacking the Wildling camp might come pretty close, but we knew that Stannis received the letter from the Night’s Watch and we knew that Melisandre cares about the all the stuff happening beyond the wall. 
There are a few events that have some characteristics, but I can’t come up with a single instance really worthy of that title from previous seasons, but a handful from season 6 and season 7. That’s not good
Here are a couple of Deus ex machinas from season 6 & 7 I can come up with from scratch (7x06 under the cut): 
Brienne saving Sansa and Theon from the Bolton men.
Brienne missing Sansa’s candle in the broken tower is like the opposite of a deus ex machina. Some random bullshit happens in the perfect moment for our heros to miss something important. 
Benjen - the ex machina - Stark saving Meera and Bran. 
The Knights of the Vale ride in to ex machina the shit out of the battle of the bastards. 
Lady Crane can stitch up a bunch of really deep stab-wounds once Arya reaches her. You know Arya should be dead, right? 
Sam healing Jorah by following the instructions in a fucking book. 
Both Bronn and Jaime getting away from the Field of Fire unscared because they jumped in a fucking river. 
I’m sure there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind right away.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! SPOILERS FOR 7x06 AHEAD !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You wanna know why everyone but Thoros got out of that stupid wight hunt alive? Why the only human characters dying by the hands of the Dead were nameless side-characters no one gives a shit about? Because this fucking episode was littered with ex machinas of variable sizes and proportions and the GoT-characters have apparently achieved plot armour by now. Thoros himself isn’t even an important side-character. He’s not on the same level as Tormund or the Hound. Fuck, all beloved characters made it out of this shit alive. What the fuck. What am I even watching anymore. 
Thoros gets bitten by giant undead ice bear??? He dead. But wait, what’s this? Beric to the rescue !!!! He did die later, so this might not count, but I’ll keep it in because it perfectly portrays how all the fight scenes this episode went down.
Tormund almost gets killed by Wights. I was pretty sure that’s it for a second, they’re going to drag him underwater, I was already writing his eulogy in my head but ... what’s that? Hound to the rescue!!!!
The D flying in to save them all on her dragons. Just when all seemed lost, after the army of the dead was hold off for the perfect amount of time. Dragons to the rescue!!!!
Jorah almost falls down from the dragon? Somebody (forgot who... the hound again?) to the rescue !!!!
Benjen literally only shows up to ex machina Jon out of that situation. Them meeting had no other purpose, didn’t further the plot in anyway, didn’t achieve anything at all, but to create some cheap cheap tension, resolved within a heartbeat by another fucking ex-machina. They wrote him into that scene for the only purpose of being a fucking deus ex machina. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was *this* close to crying when he showed up, what have they done to this show? What Jon got separated from the group, he has to get by on his own beyond the wall? Don’t worry, EX MACHINA UNCLE BENJEN TO THE RESCUE!!!! Jon could have just get on that fucking dragon with anyone else, wouldn’t have made any difference. 
While we’re at it: Them finding a single, lonely white walker talking a handful of wights for a walk in the park was ex-machina-ish as well. How will the catch a wight? Oh look, a manageable amount has split from the massive army for whatever reason. And when Jon kills the WW all but one drop dead. When they only need one. How convenient. How very fucking convenient. 
If this was still the Game of Thrones we grew to love in the first seasons, most of these characters would be dead. Tormund would be dead, the Hound would be dead, Gendry would be dead. Hell, I was hoping that the Hound would die and Beric would give him the last kiss to bring him back to life or some other shit like that. Giving their “why are you still alive you asshole?” conversation from episode 1 some depth. But no, all main-ish characters have plot-armour now, tell me why I should give a shit about any of this anymore? 
It’s pretty obvious what their thought process was... Well, someone has to die. First the Wights can pick off all nameless dudes, you know so the audience knows this is serious business .... but someone with a name ...Not Jon, obviously. Not Jorah either, we just brought him back and he still has that Samwell Tarly, the-D-burned-the-father-and-brother-of-the-man-who-saved-his-life issue to sort out, he also has *whatever role* to play in the future.... Tormund? No, people love Tormund. He’s funny. But make it look like he’s going to die because of the “tension”. Gendry? We just brought him back and *some bullshit still has to happen with him*... Leaves us with The Hound, Beric and Thoros. mmmhhhh 
They picked Thoros, because they knew that the audience cares about him the least. That’s why HE had to go. It’s shitty writing and it’s only one of the reasons ( the fucking stupid plot itself, the fucking stupid starkbowl and the fucking stupid targcest ... though I still have hope that the later two are bait-and-twist’s) why this episode sucked balls. It was a nonsensical, badly written piece of shit hour of television. I can’t even tell you how disappointed I am in the show right now.
Seriously this episode followed the most simple action-movie-climax pattern there is: Main character and a bunch of main-ish characters go on a dangerous mission. All extras die. Least interesting main-ish side character dies for a tear inducing scene. Rest of the characters all get super close to dying at one point, but get safed in the last second. puuuhhhh that was close. They get into a hopeless situation they could never get out of by themselves or in any other conceivable way. A really powerful semi-ally, whose trustworthiness or availability was unclear until now, flies in (literally this time) to save them in the last minute, just when all seems lost. Earning their trust and coming on board with their cause in the process. Hero wants to sacrifice himself, but gets out alive because of some bullshit. Shows up at the very end, when everyone else thought he was dead and were about to leave. They ultimately accomplish their goal. End with a “romantic” - ugh - scene. 
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