#( ocm : sutek met'hark the sith lord called darth gore )
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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False Sunflower
Come midsummer you’ll be wandering the prairies, dipping in and out amongst the grasses, finding your way in a world in which people fail to realize your worth. Some people might think you’re a little fake, but is it your fault if they mistake you for what you’re not? Turn your face to the sun, and soak up the love it gives you.
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TAGGED BY: @valorums (thaaaanks! <3)
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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⚔️ What Character Archetype Are You? ⚔️
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Misunderstood, perceived unfairly as monstrous. A person with kindness, with a penchant for indulging and caring for other monsters if no one else will.
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Tagged by: @valorums (bless!)
Tagging: @tacticalvalor (König and Valeriya), @rathalascendant @shamisenson @drakecursed @dragetunge @quillheel (Kim) and YOU!
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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// Sparknotes version: They're twin siblings that were brought into the Order together at an older age than is typical for younglings. They already had strong experience with Force magic thanks to their culture's roots and so they had something of a jumpstart in Jedi training. Both felt the Order was archaic and dated in its beliefs. Aurelia thought it would become stronger if it evolved while Sutek thought it was a hopeless cause and turned to the Dark Side with the intention of destroying the Order and forming a new one that would keep up with the times. Same goal, but they took different paths to achieve it.
// One is a powerful Jedi Master who is devoted to the arts, a healer, and a protector that is considered radical by Jedi standards - inspired by the Egyptian creator god Ptah. The other is a powerful Sith lord who believes in his convictions and that the Dark Side will give him the ability to make the galaxy more safe and orderly and advanced, and claims he's doing to to give his sister a better life - inspired by the Egyptian war, chaos, and storm god Set.
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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⚔️ TV Tropes ⚔️
OBJECTIVE: Browse this website and select 3-10 tropes that represent your chosen character. You may elaborate on these selections if you wish, but it is by no means necessary.
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A BEAST IN NAME AND NATURE: An unfortunate consequence of being a child of prophecy - and not the good half of it - is that Sutek is known by several names with very negative connotations. The Black Dragon, the Great Destroyer, or just Mordeu (Death God). As a Sith, his new name of Darth Gore also falls in line with this trope.
BAIT-AND-SWITCH BOSS: In Sutek's case, Sidious is the bait-and-switch. After his fall, Sutek ends up taking over and ruling the Empire from the shadows. He's not named emperor and does not keep power centralized, instead maintaining the idea that the Empire is just "fractured and scattered" to hide the fact that it is still very much alive while he's working on the Palpaclones in preparation for the rise of the First Order.
DRAGON-IN-CHIEF: Followup to the previous trope - despite taking over in Sidious' absence, Sutek still doesn't end up being the true villain in the end. That remains to be Snoke, who takes over once Sutek is redeemed after saving Aurelia.
EX BIG BAD: Sutek post-redemption. Everyone knows what he did since he does come clean after all. They come to realize that he was behind a lot of the more horrifying projects of the Empire. But he's no longer actively working with the Empire and is trying to atone for his misdeeds.
GOD OF EVIL: While not his official title, this is what most people perceive Sutek as. Regardless of the fact that his prophecy states that he can bring peace and harmony to the galaxy if he works well with his sister, the fact that he is the incarnation of a destruction god whose fall ultimately did play a vital role in a creation myth is often conveniently overlooked just so his character can be boiled down to and automatically assumed to be evil. After all, it's easier to assume that destruction god = death god = evil god = reincarnation = evil child. Even if he was just a baby.
INVOLUNTARY SHAPESHIFTING: To a certain degree. Unlike Aurelia, who takes great steps to stop her dragon form from emerging because she has no control over it and doesn't want to acknowledge that it exists for fear of the damage it could do, Sutek leans hard into his. He does have control over it for the most part, but like his sister, intense emotion can just have it BURST out at random.
JUSTIFIED CRIMINAL: In his own mind. Sutek turned to the Dark Side after a mission gone wrong and no backup almost caused Aurelia to die. Because the council didn't believe Sifo-Dyas and his visions. Because it seemed like the Order was more concerned with answering to the Senate than to the people of the galaxy it claimed to serve. And because his own people seemed convinced that he would do nothing but bring about the end of the galaxy as they knew it, no matter how much good he did. He genuinely thought that having the power to control everything via the Dark Side would allow him to prove everyone wrong and protect Aurelia.
PACIFISM IS COWARDICE: A belief shared by a lot of Sith, including Sutek. The idea that the Order is pacifistic by nature and maintains peace by either serving one side or simply ignoring conflict that doesn't involve them despite their self-proclaimed role as intergalactic peacekeepers makes them cowards in his mind. And he refuses to stand by them for it.
STRIKE ME DOWN WITH ALL OF YOUR HATRED: Sutek, especially towards the end of his Sith arc, will goad his enemies into striking him down. It's an ideal taken from Palpatine. If they strike him down, he taunts that they will be just like him, or that they will simply have removed one cog from the machine of the Empire. Further down the line however, it's done more ferally and more as a cry for help: strike him down and put an end to what he is and what he has done.
YOU WOULD DO THE SAME FOR ME: In reference to how Sutek saves Aurelia after brainwashing her into becoming a tool and a weapon of his destruction. Upon realizing that rather than fulfill his intended goal of protecting her he's about to be the cause of her death, he rushes to stop her before she can gore herself. When asked why, he apologizes for everything he has done and all the hurt he has caused her and reiterates that despite it all, she would have done the same for him.
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TAGGED BY: @valorums (this was so much fun <3)
TAGGING: Anyone who feels up for it!
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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“There is a legend that comes from the Mollidraks. A story that the people of Adrakis attribute as both creation myth and prophecy.
‘Long ago, before the world was blue and green and lush, before there was art and song and dance, the Mollidraks were a different people. They had grand wings, and great horns, and mighty voices, and they staked the world on four limbs rather than two. This was because the world was a vision of hell. It burned with roads of fire and brimstone and the Mollidraks embrace themselves as a violent people of wrath and war. They lived in their primal, darker nature as true dragons, waging war and hoarding that which they held most valuable to them in material. They were lorded over by a cruel god of destruction whose roar was like the eruption of a volcano and whose eyes burned bright like hellfires.
One day, one of the Mollidraks made a jounry over field of fire and river of lava, over burning mountain and broken earth to the throne of the great destroyer. She begged him to change the ways of her people, for she had made something wonderful and wished to share it, but knew that her people would not accept as they were too preoccupied with war and bloodshed. The god laughed at her plea and challenged her that he would not change his creations, and that he would only be swayed if he could defeat her. So, the Mollidrak accepted. She challenged the god and she struck him down, but did not kill him. Rather, she absorbed half of his power and became a goddess. With her foe conquered, the goddess could have assumed the mantle and kept the Mollidraks a dumb and violent people. But she didn’t. Instead, she looked upon the world and offered her gift.
And woe, the people looked upon the gift with wonder so large that they began to weep. They wept until their forms grew small, and their wings faded, and their horns shrunk, and the anger left their hearts. All their tears put out the fires and formed the seas, and the people rejoiced and embrace, for they now knew fellowship and peace and grace. The goddess taught them to paint and to sing and to dance and to write. With her guidance they grew wise and powerful in their grace. But it could not last, for the last god awoke and looked upon the green and blue world the goddess has created, and he grew furious. He bid them to remember their nature, and he grew back the Mollidraks horns and spines and crests. The goddess challenged him, and the two dueled, each insisting that their nature would triumph. But it came that they both struck the fatal blow, and while the god fell in silence for his pride, the goddess made a plea to her creations:
“Remember your darker nature and hide it not in shame but wear the horns it gave you as a crown. Be reminded of your roots and the great burden of power you keep with you. Make peace with it, reconcile with it, and remember your heritage - for those who forget their past doom their future. If you embrace your inner dragon, embrace it with grace and for the betterment of all. Remain selfless and compassionate and gentle, for your have been christened our Mollidraks. And know you all this: one day we shall return to duel once more. Let not our battle raze the world, but find balance in that which is dark and which is light, and keep that balance within yourselves always.”
Then the god turned to fertile earth and the goddess to flowers and fauna, and the Mollidraks mourned their lost. But they honored the goddess, coming to walk on two legs and hide their wings as she did, but still bearing their horns and crests as reminders of the beast far within them.’
The faith of this myth is incredibly persistent. Its symbolism is visible all over the planet of Adrakis in the form of statues, color coordination of purple and red at sacred sites, and draconic imagery interlaced into everything from festivals to architecture. Some historians have claimed to see Mollidraks change shape into the forms described in the legend. To date, however, there exist only sketches and uncorroborated accounts of such reports.”
— An excerpt from Adrakis and her Mollidraks: A Dive into the History and the Mythology of the Soft Dragons
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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@sithsjedi said: “ you're nothing like i imagined. ” — Prisoner of War Shi’al to Sith Sutek
⚔️ "I Wasn't Expecting You To Change My Life" Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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"Sorry to disappoint you, Princess."
Despite his response, it is a fair assessment to make.
The holovids, the mission reports, and of course - the prophecy - it all painted Sutek as some kind of horrifying monster. A giant, hulking black beast with eyes like hellfire and cracked scales that glowed like fresh lava. A long-muzzled creature with jaws adorned with many rows of knife-like teeth and breath that boiled the air. Giant claws that killed everything they touched and horns that glowed like molten metal, poised to gore everything that crossed them with violent fury. From everything she'd heard, it sounded like he was made to fall like this from the very beginning. Like he was made for the role of a terrifying Sith Lord that no one survived an encounter with. But the truth was so much more... shocking.
Sutek didn't take the form of an inconquerable dragon like she'd seen in the holovids. He didn't wear a sharp white labcoat stained with blood from his many wicked experiments like the mission reports suggested. He didn't even wear the dark robes adorned with the familiar symbols and motifs of the Sith like so many others she'd learned about.
He's nothing like a Sith.
He was tall with a broad frame - bigger than Aurelia to be certain. Unlike her beautifully pale skin, Sutek's was the color of ash and adorned with various warm markings that almost mimicked a Dathomirian's. In the dim light, the spots and stripes glowed like warm, guiding candles. He lacked her soft shapes, instead option for a sharper, more aggressive-looking frame. His horns pointed forward rather than back, and his tail had spines along the end of it that rattled together in an almost melodic way. His crest was much shorter and smaller, and faintly, she could see rolled up feather closing beneath it, yearning to fan out and be free in a form of beautiful self-expression. And yet, despite all the differences, he was so much like his sister. They had the same nose, the same eyes, the same dimples that hid away when they relaxed their mouths. They both traced their hands along things while thinking, considering their purpose. They even walked the same way. It seemed that despite the distance created by circumstances, the twins were still twins.
And he was just like his sister.
"You'll find I'm nothing like Aurelia." His tone is sarcastic and almost dismissive as he half sneers at her. Sharp canines bare themselves past a curled lip. A clawed paw rises and waves casually, her tiny cell (more like a crate) rises and moves to rest upon some sort of mounted base. Above and below her, mechanical arms hold in place metal rings which rotate endlessly around glowing spheres of raw energy. Spheres which she now sits uncomfortably between. "I strive to accomplish something greater than simply changing the stubborn yet feeble minds of a long-dead Order."
Around the cell, the arms move to rest on Shi'al's left and right. The orbs flicker menacingly, their glow dying down only as the rings spin faster, then slow down once more. "While she and the Jedi fantasize about making the galaxy a better place, I am taking action to do so. I will make the universe a safer place for her. But until that work is complete, there is no safer place for her than here with me. And you,"
He approaches a panel nearby her cell and begins pressing several buttons. On their mark, the rings stop and quickly snap to align themselves around the spheres, allowing both orbs to grow brighter once more as they begin to charge. The rapidly increasing energy makes the air quiver and pulsate as their power mounts and builds. Red and blue lights clash against one another, creating sharp shadows in the room and highlighting both halves of his face in their respective light.
And for one dreadful second, there comes the realization that this was exactly the last thing Alfie's people saw before their living Force was so violently ripped away from them.
"You are just a means to that end."
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vendettavalor · 9 months ago
// I like to think that Hemlock was originally Sutek’s apprentice before he was promoted to project Necromancer after Sutek vouched for his intelligence, pragmatism, and resourcefulness-
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vendettavalor · 9 months ago
// Star Wars AU Lucas Grey fascinates me bc in Hitman, the whole reason he gave up on living a normal life for both himself and 47 was bc he realized that the guy he was working for was part of the evil organization that made and broke him and that reminded him of all his anger and hatred and set him on the path to return to that original goal of finding 47 and fulfilling their pact or burning it all to the ground
// So translating that over into Star Wars, I imagine that moment would be something along the lines of him being a mercenary/bounty hunter working with the Empire initially to help hunt down the remaining Jedi/Force sensitive individuals and then realizing that the Inquisitors that he’s been working with all along are part of the Sith, the ones that originally created him- and then destroyed him
// And added layer to it would be the realization that the only reason he’s working with Inquisitors at all and not another skilled or more reputable person like say Cad Bane is, is because he himself is Force sensitive- and they pick up on that and want to keep him close to keep an eye on him.
// The fact that he can use the Force also means it would make sense when he makes the ship of the Inquisitor he’s been assigned to go down in what looks like an accident, takes all their information, and vanishes without a trace just like in his normal canon-
// Also looping Sutek into this lore bc after he turned to the Dark side, he became a high-ranking Sith scientist dabbling in cloning experiments in the same vein as Hemlock’s and 100% he was responsible for the creation of initial line of Assassin Clones that Lucas and 47 came from-
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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@valorums said: 42. Sutek lifts Shi’al’s chin to look her in the eye
⚔️ 100 Indulgent Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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How can he look so much like her and yet be so much colder?
He has paws just the same as Aurelia’s. They’re soft to the touch, covered in a short, fine hair that feels like fleece to the touch. The pads of his palms and digits are immeasurably soft but firm, glowing as though the fire of a candle burns brightly from between a pattern like cracks in cooling lava. His claws are long and curved for traction (much like hers, though she never shows them.) His touch feels familiar. How delicately he grips her chin and tilts her head up to look him in the eye— it is not unlike how her mother figure would so often do, wiping her tears and kissing her forehead and looking at her with such love and pride and adoration.
His gaze holds none of that though.
His is cold and calculating. Devoid of any affection. Rather, he studies her nonchalantly and with an expression most unimpressed, as though he were doing little more than studying an insect under a microscope. Disgusting but somehow intriguing, if for just a brief moment.
“Utterly baffling.” He mutters. “All this desperation, this distress - over a mere child. An utterly unremarkable one at that. With the way she frets over you, I would have expected you to be some sort of prodigy. A blessed disciple, perhaps some chosen Jedi of legend. Or at least a respectable senator or politician of some sort, but you disappoint me.”
He draws back, bringing his knuckles to his chin. His words are cold and blunt, his tongue unafraid to lash out like knife burying itself into soft flesh, cutting deep wounds into the psyche far more painful than any lightsaber could manage. ‘He’s not that same kind drake I grew up with.’ Her mother’s words seem to echo in his ominous, imposing aura. ‘The Dark Side has made him cruel and venomous. He uses a light-dagger as his primary weapon because he does not feel he needs a lightsaber. Not when he has his tongue and his manipulation. With just that, he can and will cut you down to nothing. Make you feel as though you are nothing.’
“You’re just a backup. The projection of a frustrated soul’s unhealthy coping mechanism. Just another desperate attempt to unload her frustrated maternal instincts and affection on someone young and impressionable to try and fill the void inside her. A void that she could fill herself but she’s too much of a coward to. Too stubborn and too loyal to a corrupt Order that would rob her of her happiness and leave her with nothing to show for her efforts and devotion. So you’re the next best thing for her. But it’ll never be real. You’re not the child she wants and you never will be.”
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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Sweet Memories Make a Painful Legacy
⚔️ For @ledcouncil who liked for a starter ⚔️
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You must have had a good teacher.
Indeed he had. His Master had taught him so much. His lessons went far beyond the simple lessons of mastering meditation and using the Force. It went beyond teaching him how to wield a saber and balance pragmatism with the spirituality that imbued itself into every thought, every word, every action of the Jedi. More than just a teacher, he had been a father. Nourishing young Mace’s heart as much as he nourished his mind and soul. He was there to hold his hand and guide him through the hardest parts of growing up in the Order. He was there to hold him whenever he had a nightmare, offer him comfort and safe spaces to express himself when his emotions overwhelmed him, and lift him upwards towards the sun when the world around him felt too dark and cold. He had always been there for him, expressing his pride and his faith in his apprentice.
“You’ll do great things for the galaxy, Mace.” He’d told him the night before his knighting ceremony. “I just know it. You have grown into an amazing young man. Your Padawan journey is at its end. You’re a leader now, and a teacher, and a protector unlike any other. You’re going to make an amazing Jedi Knight.”
The words had lingered on the tip of his tongue, yearning to be said but never coming out. Though, he’d never needed to say it. Mace already knew through all of his actions.
I’m so proud of you, my son. Know that I will always love you and that I will always be here for you.
That moment had meant so much to him. Reassured him. Offered him comfort during one of the most tense and stressful moments of his life. But also one of the most important. Little had Mace known it would be the last time he ever saw Sutek. The day grew thin, the night came and went, the day of his knighting dawned and there came no sign of his master, he father. Not a late appearance and not afterward either. To say it was heartbreaking was an understatement. It was devastating.
Yet the worst still had yet to come.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Mace?” Aurelia’s voice was soft, a paw coming to rest heavy upon the other Jedi’s shoulder as she spoke. “You haven’t seen him in so long, and he may not be the Sutek you remember.”
If he’s even there.
This was a critical mission. Infiltration of a lab founded by the Techno Union- or at least one branch of it which was suspected of being sympathetic to the Separatist cause. That alone would not have been cause for alarm, nor such an invasive operation, but it was suspected that said facility was performing unethical and borderline cruel experimentation on living, sentient beings. Still, the situation required more tact than clones could offer. So, the council volunteered a few Jedi to handle the task. But alas, there was just one small complication; the whispers that Sutek was alive and simply under the spell of the Dark Side had lingered for quite some time. Rumors that he had been spotted in various places willfully carrying out the machinations of a mighty Sith Lord were not only prevalent but persistent. Though no one had actually procured any real evidence of this, there was the persistent detail that he was involved in scientific experimentation and studies. It was a haunting notion- assuming it was true. But all the same, there had been some detail or clue somewhere that implied he might have been part of this particular operation.
And Aurelia believed that. Though she refused to believe that bantha fodder about him being involved with the Sith or the Dark Side. No, her fear was that he was indeed involved - as a victim of the experiments. And if that were the case, she worried how Mace might respond.
“We don’t know for certain that he’s there. So just… temper your expectations for that possibility too, alright?”
Truly, they were flying into this blind. Left to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
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vendettavalor · 1 year ago
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@valorums said: “ you know my name? ” [ SUTEK ]
⚔️ Something Special About You Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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"Through whispers and whispers alone." The Mollidrak remarks without emotion. His eyes linger on her, following her every move like a loth-cat stalking its unwitting prey, biding its time for the perfect opportunity to pounce. Were it not for the plasma screen separating them and ensuring her relative safety it might've been frightening. Unlike Aurelia, whose form is beautifully pale and accented with familiar soft shapes in shades of purple, he is a shadow - blending in perfectly with the darkness with which he fell to. His eyes glow, as do his marks when he temper flares.
A warning and testament to his powers.
"Though distance I have created and maintained from the shadows, even I cannot cut all ties from those who linger in the light." He means Aurelia. Of course he does. His downfall was for her. He allowed himself to fall so far in the hopes it would grant him the power to protect her. And despite his best efforts to separate himself, they were children of destiny. Inextricably linked.
But more than that they were siblings.
And a good big brother would never and could never simply abandon his sister like that.
"I knew of your birth. I knew my sister's role in it. I know of her role in your life." He scoffs. "She always was an obsessive maternal type. Willing to do anything and adopt anyone if meant satisfying that frustrated maternal instinct of hers."
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