#( muses ) bucky barnes.
andhumanslovedstories · 2 months
The strangeness of fandom is sometimes in the midst of depression you’ll write your magnum opus on dealing with suicidal ideation, and it’ll be like. for an mcu tv show. those two things just have to coexist.
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biteofcherry · 3 months
Summer Garden
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Ruby Garden universe
Summer vacation shenanigans with your favorite Doms. Each pairing gets their own little story that includes summer vibes, miraculous surviving of heatwave and lots of preferred spice 😏 Expect hot babes, cool water, delicious gelato and various kinks (some really borderline extreme).
There's no specific time schedule for posting, but I will drop the stories throughout the summer.
No particular order:
Sunset stripes (Dom!Lloyd Hansen x sub!reader)
A view to kill (Dom!Nick Fowler x sub!reader)
Dive under (Dom!Ari Levinson x sub!reader)
Lady of the lake (Dom!Steve Rogers x sub!reader)
Vanilla & roses (Dom!Andy Barber x sub!reader)
Under the vineyard (Dom!Bucky Barnes x sub!reader x Dom!Curtis Everett)
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navybrat817 · 5 days
Retired contract killer turned sugar daddy. Ruthless. Glares at anyone who looks your way, still keeps weapons on him, and isn't afraid to put them in their place.
Your phone background:
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mostly-marvel-musings · 3 months
Hi, it's me, again! 💙
For my next prompt, I'd love to request Bucky Barnes with the prompt "Tell me what you would want to do, if you were here right now." Perhaps in combination with some phone sex while he's away on a mission?
Thank you in advance! 💙
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A/N: Haven’t written for Bucky in a while! Hope you like it, my darling.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut-ish.
“Bucky, move the phone back I can only see your adorable but huge nose all over the screen.” You giggled.
Helping the supersoldier adjust to routine was as entertaining as it could get. He still struggled with a few things but nothing that your help wouldn’t solve. He’d been away on mission while you were back home, it had reached a point where you physically missed his presence. And you had needs.
“Tell me what you would want to do, if you were here right now.” You murmured, lazily running a hand down your body as you lay in your shared bed alone.
He hummed, rubbing his chin with a finger rather sexily before asking you to flip the camera to show what you were wearing.
“Hmm. You would be in lesser clothes if I were there but I’d start by kissing every last inch of that gorgeous skin, doll. I would gently graze your thigh then part your legs and taste your sweetness. I’d make you come on my fingers before taking you. Multiple times. Until you’d be dripping with my cum.”
Needless to you say, your panties were ruined just from hearing that. And here you thought you would have to take the lead on phone sex. He had the audacity to chuckle and instruct you exactly what he wanted you to do in his absence.
And needless to say, you followed the Sergeant’s orders.
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delightindarkness · 6 months
Fallout AU || Closed Starter
The heavy air itself was suffocating as James' lungs took their first unaided breath in a little over two hundred years. It burned at first.
Something was wrong.
Alarms blared as the cryochamber he was in popped open, mechanical whirring loud in the otherwise silent vault. Stumbling out of the chamber, blue eyes squinted even against the low light. What the hell was happening?
Other than the alarms, there was no other commotion. At least not in this this sector. He was panting as he moved from chamber to chamber in the cold, damp room. Each one said the same as he pressed the emergency release.
System Failure. Life Support Off.
Dead. All of them were dead. Why wasn't he dead? What the hell happened? Last thing he remembered he was being ushered into the vault. His handlers had told him that it was time for the bombs to fall, it was time for their most important, most dangerous mission yet. Purging out the enemies on our own American soil.
Where was everyone?
"Hello?" He called out twice. Once in English, once in Russian. It was a preferred language by many of the handlers and scientists that he'd been working with. Something he'd learned and picked up on quickly. His voice was strained and he hated how it echoed in the almost empty room. It made him think of a tomb. Each chamber was now its own coffin.
His head was still reeling as he moved from room to room. It was all the same. More of the tragic death that he'd so narrowly escaped. A few rooms had their security measures tripped and it made him wonder if it was an attack.
Making his way toward the exit, it became clearer and clearer, especially after seeing several skeletons, that quite some time had passed, and something horrible had happened. It took the Sargent awhile to figure his way out, but after a bit, the vault door was rolling back and he thought he might go blind.
The light that met him was so bright he felt like he was heading out onto the surface of the sun. His eyes began to adjust though...slowly. Things on the surface didn't seem much better, based on what he could see thus far. More bodies. Most of them in military garb. Once again, the tale of time had taken its toll, and they were nothing but bone.
One of the skeletons was still clinging tightly to a 10mm Pistol, and he quickly took it, checking to see how much ammo was left. It wasn't much, and he figured he wouldn't need it as he himself was a weapon, but he wanted it just in case.
The first place he came to was a neighborhood that had obviously seen better days. Other than some bugs and a robot that didn't speak to him, he found nothing save for a bit more ammo and some food that seemed a little suspicious, but it was better than nothing he supposed.
Headed up the road, and over what was once a bridge, he heard movement, slowing his steps, though it did him little good. The dog on premises alerted his presence to whomever was around the moment he let out a long howl.
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ironman-tonystark · 2 months
I keep warning Barnes not to use the Play-Doh when he's playing with Morgan, but I gues it's me that has to spend the day picking it out of his arm.
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mythic-rose · 4 months
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❝ — "I’m with you until the end of the line, pal."
rose's 100 favorite fictional muses — 4/100: Bucky Barnes
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kaitlinamberxo · 4 months
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“Don't do anything stupid until I come back.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 9/100: Bucky Barnes
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buckgasms · 1 year
What about
If you were an omega in like 'medieval times', and you were rescued from a pack of alphas who mistreat you and hurt you because your a soft little omega.
It's a miserable night and you are sitting alone by the fire when the camp is attacked by Alpha Bucky's pack? And you are so scared because you had heard stories about how strong and dangerous they were. And the fight was really brutal and you sort of manage to hide in a corner until all the fighting stops and you're just shivering and terrified.
But it turned out they were only dangerous to bad people, and they totally look after omegas and worship the ground they walk on?
And they give you nice clean clothes and tend your injuries, feed you and give you a nice little tent to sleep in, with warm blankets to snuggle up in.
And maybe you spend a bit of time with Peter who is a bouncy omega and he's like really sweet and makes you feel like it's all going to be ok?
And you ask him about Bucky because he smells so damn good and he keeps looking at you but he hasn't spoken to you. And Peter is like, "Oh he's fine, he's just a bit intense, but once you get to know him he's great."
And one night you are all at a tavern and you find yourself sitting next to Bucky somehow (Peter spoke to Natasha and she made it happen) and you are talking with him a bit and it's nice but you feel nervous because now you are next to him it's even more clear how attractive and strong and safe he is and you just want to bury your face in his chest, but you cannot.
And mayyyyybe, you start to doze off on his shoulder because you've been through a lot. And the next thing you know he is carrying you up to your bedroom and you just don't want him to let go, so you whisper to him, "please stay, it's scary in here by myself..."
So after very little persuasion he agrees but doesn't get under the covers because he doesn't want to make you feel pressured or anything. But you have had some mead so you just snuggle up and immediately fall asleep with his scent all around you???
And you wake up and he's accidentally snuggled up to you and buried his nose in your neck and you feel so happy and yet can't stop freaking out because it's so intimate even though you are both fully dressed and nothing even happened.
And what if later that day he comes up to you and tries to suggest that you both should avoid sleeping like that again until he can properly win your affections, but you just pout and say, "but it's scary all alone... Unless you think I should ask another alpha?" And give him your best innocent eyes and bite your lip and he just flares up red at the thought of it.
"Well if you don't want me in your tent and I can't sleep by myself, what am I going to do?" You ask, batting your lashes and ever so slightly pressing your fingers against his chest.
And he just growls and storms off but you just giggle and skip off to tell Peter and Natasha what happened because they are now your number one fans and love seeing Bucky flustered.
So that night over the camp fire you spend time chatting to Natasha, who is an alpha, and you loudly tell her your problem about not wanting to sleep alone and she offers a space in her tent. And Peter is gleeful at the look on Bucky's face as he glares at this exchange.
Especially because he can smell your mischievous delight in your scent and he knows he's being played for a fool. But as Natasha strokes your arm he cannot help himself.
He stomps over and takes your hand in his before pulling you up in the air and over his shoulder, marching away from Natasha as you squeal in surprise.
Finally he puts you down outside his tent and presses a hungry kiss to your lips. "Omega, you pull a stunt like that again and I'll have your ass, now get in this tent and go to sleep before I change my mind."
And you just giggle and kiss him on the cheek before heading inside and making the bed a perfect little nest for when he returns to snuggle up with you?
That might be cool?
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 16 hours
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Domestic Thunderbolts Bucky Drabble coming tonight!!!
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cloudybrews · 7 days
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Bucky was on a case with reader. They were walking when slight meow appeared from Bucky's bag. " Look I can explain" his hands up eyes wide.
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biteofcherry · 5 months
Werewolves leader, Bucky, and vampire king, Steve, keeping a fragile peace treaty by sharing a concubine.
Every decade a new concubine was appointed from neutral human clans, which provided humans with protection and riches. After ten years of servitude, a concubine was released from the contract and allowed to lead a life however she pleased.
Some fell in love with other vampires and werewolves and chose to mate with them. Some reunited with humans and started families. And some became influential patrons with the wealth they were compensated with.
Bucky and Steve always treated their concubines with respect and attention, many of those relations turned into friendships, but never had either of them wanted for them to stay.
That is until you are offered as their newest concubine.
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navybrat817 · 7 months
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On my knees, sir. 😍🥵🫠
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keirou-kun · 6 months
Because I feel like showing off some of my chainmail work and no one can fucking stop me. These are some of my favorites. They are a visual pun. Because as you can see. They are little people. Mostly male. Made of chainmail. This, therefore makes them... Maille-men. And because they are all based on characters from various fandoms, that makes them... Fanmaille. Shut up I'm clever XD
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Shameless plug: these are for sale[USD$10 each], I also make jewelry and I do take commissions. let me make you things >w>
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timeguardians · 5 days
condisdering the addition of: Into the Multi-verse (Will be super selective)
Sgt. Jamie Buchannon Barnes Fc: Ana De Armas
I do not automatically ship her with anyone, but I am open to chemistry development.
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Emphasis on soldier verses, becoming a living experiment, a study in PTSD, friendship, comfort, hurt -- and the THOUSAND YARD stare, and overcoming TRAUMA, (mixed canon from the movies and original lore) from a woman's perspective.
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ironman-tonystark · 10 months
Sam claims not to have superpowers, and yet he has probably caught both the super-soldiers a dozen times, mid-air, and never once has he dislocated his shoulder.
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