#( matt | musings )
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nothatsmi · 5 months ago
The foxhole court, chapter five
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First books monsters were something really.
On an aftg reread, which is very useful to survive school these days. Currently into the raven king, i'll make more fanart cause this brings me so much joy (which - idk what it tells about my mental state). If you have suggestions on what I should draw next I'm taking em.
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tinystepsforward · 5 months ago
okay i am pretty fucking triggered by it but today's "how is there more matt mullenweg shit happening", quite apart from the (comparatively minor) bullshit he himself has been up to today, is learning that he has allegedly trafficked at least one woman
because that's what this sounds like to me
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i'm also a bit upset about the tone that the easiest website to find both complaints on takes, where it's all about matt's mother as a gotcha against him. like it's approaching things entirely sideways, in terms of the seriousness of what's alleged by each complaint. it's (unfortunately) par for the course for people caring for the elderly, especially once there's cognitive decline, to be exposed to bigotry. it's not acceptable for there to be money laundering and falsifying arbitration agreements as is implied in those complaints, and it's certainly not fucking acceptable to engage in human trafficking. so like. i don't actually care what this man says about how smart he is or how rude he is on twitter any more. justice for these two women, and may the truth come to light. jesus fucking christ
(also, if you do go look at the complaints: know that there's a hell of a lot of homophobic, transphobic, and incredibly racist content documented, as well as significant sexual harassment. read with care.)
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bluestarlett · 3 months ago
if you don’t listen to Muse WHAT ARE YOU DOING GO LISTEN TO MUSE
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bullseyelover · 1 month ago
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daredevil born again for sfx magazine
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miscellaneous-dragon-art · 5 months ago
I finished painting Muse albums on very tiny squares!!!
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I hope @musedotmuofficial likes this!!!
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eph3merall · 2 months ago
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an. sorryy i couldnt wait to post this. pls dont flop .... pls ...
the pen in your hand accidentally rips the thin piece of paper in your notebook, scoffing under your breath as you quickly scratch out some unintelligible words before writing a little note next to it with your new thoughts. your eyes flick up to scan over the canvas of art on the wall, a scenic painting of a crowded forest experiencing its first snow.
it was a pretty piece of art, no doubt. but you didn't think much of it, you didn't feel your attention getting captured like usual when you find an artwork that really grabs at your brain. your friend is next to you in a second, hearing her mumble an 'ooh' under her breath at the painting hung up in front of them.
"it's pretty, isn't it?" you turn to her with a weird look on your face, shoulders shrugging as you smile sheepishly.
"it's not my favorite.. but yeah. you should write your report on it, i know you like this sort of thing," but your friend is already jotting down various notes and nodding to herself, one of her hands lifting up to shoo you away.
"y'should go down that hall to the left, i saw something i think you'd like."
snaps of cameras and hushed voices surround you as you peer at the canvases hung on the walls. your eyes meet your professors, as he stands to the side to let everyone inspect and make a final decision. you flash him a smile, and he nods at you—prompting you to go and find a piece of artwork you like with a wave of his hand.
you aren't sure what your friend pointed you to, surveying every painting you see after another. nothing really scratches that itch inside your head that aches to be scratched. maybe you just aren't seeing the true beauty that other artists would see, being a writer.
as you keep walking, two paintings hung up beside eachother seem to stand out to you. not only were they both in black and white, what you presume is the artist also stands beside one of them—greeting some of your classmates and flashing a charming smile.
funnily enough, the brunett you're staring at doesn't even look like he would paint, if he even is the artist. he's dressed in baggy denim jeans and a hoodie, the brightest of smiles adorning his face at something a few girls say to him. the corners of his eyes crinkle when he grins, and you cant help but smile to yourself at the sight of him.
but then it hits you that you're staring, and you clear your throat while stalking up to this mysterious guy, watching as he runs a hand through tousled brown hair. the group of your classmates are hurrying off to take more notes, giggling to one another and talking far too loud for an environment like this.
approaching him, you gaze at the paintings first. it would be awkward to come up just to meet the artist, because you're writing about a piece of art, not the person who created it. but, you wouldn't exactly mind writing about him either. he's sweet looking—nonchalant but in the sense that you can feel he has hidden energy that comes out with close ones.
your eyes scan across the two paintings, both in monochrome black and white—one canvas showcasing an eye and the other two hands delicately joining together. the little plaque next to it explains the name of the work and the name of the artist, who you read as 'matthew sturniolo'. you jot down some words that popped into your head to describe both pieces of art, then turning to matt.
"these are nice. s'pretty.. you did make these, right?"
he laughs, and you cant help but melt a little at the sound. his eyes are a pretty blue and its even cuter seeing him grin up close. assumptions about matt are already forming in your mind, like how you believe hes the type of guy to laugh at everything. he doesnt seem too professional like the other artists you've encountered, all shaking hands and brief nods. but matt is all loud laughter and bright smiles, yet he doesn't seem overbearing or a push over at all.
"yeah, i did.." and he glances over to his work. you follow his gaze and even manage to find some little details you didn't notice the first time. a few unblended spots of paint that dont make the piece any less appealing, some random spots of darker colors so it isn't all black and white. you scribble down some notes, peering out of the corner of your eye to see matt talking to one of your classmates. and she was being awfully touchy—a hand on his shoulder that trails down his arm while giggling.
with scratchy, hurried handwriting, you jot down your number on the paper and tear it off. when you're sure no one's watching and people aren't crowded around, you turn to the brunett and offer him a soft smile. you hold your hand out with the little slip of paper, tilting your head a little as if saying 'call me?'
matt glances down and takes the slip of slightly crumpled paper, letting it slip into the pocket of his pants with a wink as you turn away.
the words dont come to your head easily, sitting in your bed as your fingers hover over the keyboard of your laptop that rests in your lap. you thought this writing assignment would've been one of the easier ones, being both a fan of writing and art. but, your attention is elsewhere, eyes promptly straying to your phone that sits face down on your desk.
you've been eyeing it every five minutes to see if a certain someone would text. and... well, there's been nothing. but, you've learned to give things time. its not like matt is free 24/7, recently learning he went to the same school yet you've just never seen him before. he has classes and work he needs to do anyways.
with fifteen more minutes of typing and deleting everything you put down, a decision is made to put the assignment to rest for tonight. as you're plugging in your device, your phone buzzes and its like a tiger pouncing on a gazelle. blinking at the screen, you read the text from the unknown number.
11:32 pm | unknown caller
'hey? yk who this is baby'
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@conspiracy-ash @sturniolosfavkayleigh @lvrsturniolo @st7rnioioss @meatballlover10 @ashlishes @ferdzom @55sturn @chriseatingmeoutin4k @unknvhx @mattslolita @chaossturns @slut4brunettes @starclinexo @slvtf0rchr1s @itsmaddielouis @slut4chris888
an. phone sex at the end whatt who said that
©eph3merall 2025
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zenerased · 4 months ago
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CHRIS WOLSTENHOLME Knights of Cydonia | Hurricane Festival 2023
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youll-wake-the-thot-police · 4 months ago
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Good time to remind yall of this tweet.
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acidicalchemist · 8 months ago
muse blinkie set :)
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these are fun as hell to make actually. next up is most likely gonna be msi
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captin-azoth · 7 months ago
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Doot da doot DOOT DOOT
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supermassiveart · 6 months ago
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Posting the sketch too because I like it 🙃
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nothatsmi · 2 years ago
"I'm fine"
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I'm literally obsessed with these fucked up motherfuckers
I'm currently reading the third book, but this is a snippet from the time before Christmas at the Ravens :)
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Here, gained a bit more trauma :))
I'll do more illustrations of the post-xmas-at-Riko's bit, I guess I'll just draw more of them in general
I'll draw some Andreil >:)
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tinystepsforward · 1 year ago
Okay, so this is a wild hypothetical and begging baseless speculation... but would Matt getting the boot be better for Tumblr specifically? Have unintentional knock-ons? (And thanks for all your commentary and updates!)
this is absolutely a wild hypothetical! the answer is, perhaps predictably, that it depends on who replaces him.
automattic as a whole is rotten from the top down. one of the board members is a perfect example of this: the very first female general in the US military. #girlboss, right? matt was very excited about bringing her onboard.
matt is on the board. toni, who i believe is the interim ceo and know very little about, is on the board. i would assume that any replacement ceo would be less likely to start a complete PR trashfire, but that doesn't mean that they're not still going to be making cynical, profit-based decisions.
in this economy it's very unlikely that tumblr will be staffed well enough or given enough agency to create actual lasting change for the better. but we'd at least have a ceo who isn't prone to using superadmin tools to fuck individual people over when trying to win arguments, i guess? which is not a structural win in any way, it just removes one particular volatile factor.
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overflowingteacupoflove · 5 months ago
a new fairy couple has dropped in the mushroom circle
painter!matt x muse!reader⋆·˚ ༘ *
thank you to @raesalvatore for the idea also inspired by this post I made
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"Will you stop moving? Please, you're really messing up my painting here, babe." Matt mumbles as you shiver yet again, shifting to the side a bit causing the dark pink paint he was using to smear into a green section ruining the flower painting he had on the plane of your back.
"It's cold, the paint is cold, Matt." You grumble but lay your head down on your arms to lay as still as possible for Matt to continue his painting.
You're his muse in everything he does. Every painting he makes, every sketch, every drawing, it's all you.
But you got tired of posing for hours, not being able to move too much or use your phone or read a book, all for the painting. So Matt decided that you would be the canvas instead of the muse. You can use your phone or read, still can't move too much so you guess it isn't really different from being the muse.
A few more hours of this and Matt's finally done, paint is splattered on his hands and his clothes, some even in his eyebrow, as he sits back on the heels of his feet. "Done."
Theres a gorgeous pink carnation,your favorite, in the middle of your back and it crawls up the middle of your shoulder blades, stopping at the nape of you neck. Its the center of a vase of flowers, a small blue ribbon wrapped around the lip of the vase. He has you pose for a few pictures for his Instagram and shows you the final product.
"It's gorgeous, honey. I'm so proud of you and the painting and I'm so happy I could be your canvas but, can you please wipe it off? My back itches."
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a pr3ttyf4wn scroll ☆
taglist ☆ @chrissypoosworld @cup1dsd3ad @hrtsdollie @slxt4chriss
@jetaimevous @cherib3lla @mommykinks4matt @venusiers @chrispotatos
@pearlzier @shadowthesim
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shinypetrichor · 24 days ago
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MUSE at MTV EMA 2022 Düsseldorf, NW, Germany
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starlight-bread-blog · 1 month ago
Fun fact: Matt from Muse and Plankton from Spongebob share a middle name<3
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