#( lucian canon. )
aesopsbaby · 5 months
Lucian Heartlock!!! My baby boy sobsobs
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His outfit design is NOT confirmed yet!! And I'm not done with his full body ref :(( nor do I have a proper introduction post for him yet SIGHHHHH
Anyways!!! Here's Lucian!! His name used to be Antonio,,,kid me randomly gave him a name and I'm really confused on why I picked that at first,,
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sennamybeloved · 1 year
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happy 3 year anniversary to us!! here's luci and sen backseat gaming while i play ghost of tsushima [reblogs very appreciated!!]
f/o 1 (left) uses they/she, s/i (middle) uses he/she/they/it, f/o 2 (right) uses he/him <3
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 11 months
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reindash--yuri · 10 months
Regardless whether or not the Eggs Running Away thing ends up being a lie or truth.
I am kinda tempted on making a Canon Divergence thing where it is the truth and the most of the parents end up going on a Roadtrip Arc thing to get their Eggs back.
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archersgoon · 27 days
i think phaedra & lucian have 1 kid like 8 years into their marriage then sleep in separate beds forever & ever. amen
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crown-ov-horns · 3 months
I said I have 4 storylines of Good Omens fanfiction (including the Crossover with Legion). Had I said that today, I would've lied. There's five.
["Diary entry" under the cut, so there's no litany on an unwilling scroller's feed]
NOTE: I haven't seen S2 of GO, not do I intendt to, so beware of canon divergence
Well... The 5th one is less a coherent storyline, more a concept. I was playing Gardenscapes, and suddenly thought "What if F!Crowley were my Antichrist's mother?"
You know, maybe Crowley owed Satan a new Antichrist, or something. I guess, she'd have screwed up this one, too... Well, she'll gladly take over the world, she just won't destroy it.
The conversation (between myself and myself) went about like this:
Me: ...
Also me: what if?..
Me: for fuck's sake, not again
Also me: Lady Crowley...
Me: please stop
Also me: Was Maxine's mother?
Me: whyever would she be her mother?
Also me: because she owed Satan for the ruined Apocalypse, and had to carry the next Antichrist
Me: Maxine doesn't want the Apocalypse, she's a sane politician
Also me: works for Crowley
Me: she also has black hair and blue eyes
Also me: Satan has black hair and blue eyes, Benedict's not his faceclaim, anyway
Me: fine, why would her last name be Frost?
Also me: Satan goes by Lucian Frost on Earth
Me: why would he ever go by the surname Frost?
Also me: a not to Dante's Inferno
Me: I hate you
Also me: 🤪
Me: you're killing me
Also me: with pleasure 😊
[End dialogue.]
Now, like I always do with any new idea, I of course collapsed down into the daydreaming pit, which often turns fanfiction, and original stories alike, into Tolkien-level complex universes you'd need a lifetime to fully explore.
I thought, it could be funny. When Max meets Anathema and Newt's daughter Agnes in Oxford, they can bond over their unhinged families.
"You'll probably think my parents are weird as fuck, they have a pet raccoon they dye black, and pretend is a cat."
"Honey, no, I get you. My mother mentally abuses her house plants, and wears sunglasses at midnight."
Rich people things, I guess. I mean, they're both nepo babies, who would ask questions about why their families are weird. Who would ask questions about why a rising star politician's mother mentally abuses her house plants.
There's a lot of potential for comedy. Crowley's issues with her sister-in-law, for example. Satan and Michael... They have a strange dynamic. The last time they spoke to each other is mentioned in the Book of Jude. But, they both have the familia ante omnia, blood is everything mentality. They support each other's political aim. They would kill for each other. And, Michael feels very protective (possessive, even) over her niece (the family mediator, why do you think she's a perfect diplomat). It would annoy the Hell (Heaven?) out of Crowley. Still, in the end, she and Michael would probably kill for each other, also.
I'd imagine Satan forbidding any contact with his disowned son... I don't know. In my fanfictions (where he is a thing), Maxine and Adam usually do have eventual contact, and consider themselves siblings (do keep in mind, though, Max would always choose her father over her brother). Satan doesn't mind her not wanting the Apocalypse, as long as she's loyal to him. He sees good points in her arguments against. He never really cared for it, anyway, it was mostly the armies.
Also... Maxine rides horses, ever since she was a child. Crowley doesn't get along with animals, everyone knows that. But. She's the nightmare equestrian mom (think soccer mom, only worse - much worse). How does she get along with Max's animals?.. Well, Titan (the hellhound) actually likes her. Ulysses (the horse) tolerates her. Horus (the falcon - yes, Max's so posh she's in the falconry hobby)... I have no idea. He'd probably sit on her shoulder, sometimes. But, Crowley's anxious around him, since snakes aren't usually friends with raptors.
At first, I thought about conflict between Crowley and Maxine. For example, her refusing to ride in the Bentley, because she (every author must place pieces of them in their characters) despises Queen. But... I don't like writing that. I like writing loving, healthy relationships between mothers and daughters. So, it's more "What do you mean you're bad at being a demon? You caused the Fall of Humankind. None of them can compare to you", and"You'll be the perfect Secretary-General of the United Nations, honey". We love mothers and daughters supporting each other here. ❤
I even thought of cute scenarios, like Crowley coiling in Max's crib, because she's anxious, and wants to protect her baby.
Max is fiercely protective of Crowley. That's why she'd be in conflict with Beelzebub - funny enough, for a similar season to the other stories (Beelzebub causes the death of her adoptive mother, after she realizes she's raising the Antichrist). Beelzebub hates Crowley, and the Beast of Rev. will show her very sharp teeth, should someone threaten her mom. Satan's on his family's side, don't worry.
Actually... You know why this story is cool? Horrific things happen to Crowley in my other fics. Not this one. Actually, she's doing great. She's the Queen of Hell. Damn... She'd outrank Beelzebub. She could terrorize... Her? Like I said, I haven't seen S2, Ι don't know the pronouns, and I don't care, you can get them right if it matters to you (I just know in S2 an actress from Bridgerton played her (?)).
As for Satan/Crowley... As long at Crowley's female, I don't mind it. I like it. Good for you, you little serpent tempter. Because, you know I always romanticise the Devil.
Have I any ideas for smut? You bet I do. I even have crack ideas... You know that picture of a female wolf protecting a male wolf's throat? Think that, but Crowley's coiled around Satan in her snake form, and snaps at anyone who wanders close.
So, I let this out into the web. Now I'll have to actually do it. Wish me luck. 😑
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chibi-pix · 11 months
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Never have I ever in my years of OC making and utilizing them in stories/RPs with fandoms and canon characters have I ever thought I would be led to potential shipping. Anyway, a few times now, I had dreams where Hobie showed up. Logically, I would think they would involve Eli, my spider OC. But no. Instead, they involve Lucian, a mage OC I had for a while. And. It often depicts Hobie just sleeping on top of Lucian, not caring that he's taller than the mage. And oh yeah, the dreams definitely ship them because they do kiss. Anyway, after having the sort of dreaming enough times, I finally got myself to draw them, all snuggled up and sleeping on a couch. So, here they are. Also. Hobie hates the AM. And the PM. They're gonna sleep all day, aren't they?
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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farbeagle · 4 months
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Every penny of real human currency I have spent on Masters has been worth it for this MOMENT!!! THEY R ON A DATE!!!!! AT THE RUINS!!!!!
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Let's go! I want Lucian, Ava, Adelia, Elijah and KENJI!
Ohohohoho HERE IT GOES
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Ava: (the fanon in question is my update of the character)
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Baby Elijah whomstve I love so so much:
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*rabid dog noises, shaking and trembling and screaming and crying and vomiting* KENJI ASSAI MY MANS
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Thank yooooooou
send me blorbos for the bingo :)
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vonlipvig · 1 year
Lucian is either a ghost, or he can become invisible!
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kiiiiinda slay tho, i love this rat bastard.
(but agreed, he's obviously a ghost and has been living in the maroon palace for decades. that's why he's so punctual!)
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helluvatimes · 1 year
Dendrobium Lucian Pink
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Dendrobium Lucian Pink orchids in the Singapore Zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
Flowers, like these light coloured orchids, when photographed against a dark backdrop seemed to stand out better. It could really be a stark difference at times.
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
getting ready for bed.
✨ — ship: senna x lucian x seren (s/i)
✨ — cw: a very brief mention of weed.
✨ — summary: a polyamorous triad's antics as they get ready for bed. nothing too special.
✨ — from @timothymcgees’ drabblecember prompt list :) i really like this challenge and i plan on doing a few of these. this is way longer than a drabble is supposed to be, but that's... fine. reblogs are appreciated as always!
Seren always draws out her gaming sessions into the late hours of the evening—or all the way into the early hours of the morning if she can manage it. Even when she’s exhausted, demotivated and annoyed, she can’t bring herself to put the controller down.
This only becomes a problem when it’s very late and she has somewhere to be in the morning. She knows she needs to sleep, but five more minutes wouldn’t hurt, right? She just wants to take this bounty, or grab this last collectible, or buy a new saddle and maybe a new horse too. Then she’ll go to bed, she swears!
But alas, it’s never that simple. Her partners have to pry her away from the screen almost every single night.
Tonight, she predicts them. She’s mindlessly tapping away at her controller, slumped over in that old, dusty beanbag chair of hers when she hears Senna and Lucian begin to move around upstairs. She glances over at her phone, which sits on the floor beside her, to check the time. 11:20 PM. Yeah, okay. She needs to get off her ass and get ready for bed.
Senna, who’s already in her pajamas—a black tank top paired with colorful, fluffy pajama pants that have stars on them—comes down to the living room to collect her phone charger. As she passes Seren, she taps her on the shoulder, “C’mon. It’s time for bed.”
Seren groans in childlike annoyance, yet she’s very quick to stop what she’s doing and close out of the game. She’s exhausted, that much is obvious; she can barely keep her eyes open.
“When do we have to get up tomorrow?” She calls over her shoulder. She knows they have to go grocery shopping in the morning, so she knows the answer is early, but how early, exactly? She wants to gauge how screwed she is.
“Uhhh… like, eight.” She calls back, already on her way back up the staircase.
Okay. That’s not too bad. That’s like, uhm… more than 5 hours of sleep, she thinks.
Seren sighs through her nose. The end of her tail flicks against the ground in overtired agitation as she shuts her PlayStation down for good. It takes her several long moments of silent encouragement to will herself to her feet. She grabs her phone and her blanket—a thin Dollar Store blanket with a fox printed on it—and begins the long trek upstairs.
All the lights are on. The bright, yellowed light strains Seren’s eyes, despite having spent the previous hours staring at an even brighter screen.
Lucian and Senna are going about their nightly routines, darting between the bathroom and the bedroom, washing their faces and changing into clean, comfy clothes. Seren doesn’t have a nightly routine. She simply collapses into bed and passes out for ten, sometimes twelve hours. She wants to do that now, but the only thing that stops her is a hand grasping forearm, yanking her towards the bathroom.
“C’mon.” It’s Lucian’s voice, deep and gravely and commanding. “Brush your teeth.”
Seren grumbles as she’s crammed into their very small upstairs bathroom with the pair of them and practically shoved against the sink. With a defeated sigh, she drops her fox blanket on the floor and snatches her toothbrush- no, wait, that’s Senna’s toothbrush. She grabs her toothbrush and smears a glob of toothpaste on it, holding it under the running facet for a little too long before sticking it in her mouth.
Lucian mirrors Seren, moving much less lazily than her. No one in this house had a history of great self-care, but Lucian and Senna have a history of being motivated to take action long before Seren is, so as they assume better habits, they force her to as well. She’s grateful for this.
“Do we have a shopping list?” Asks Senna, who’s sitting on the edge of the bathtub, tucking her curls into a satin bonnet. "I know we need eggs, bread, uh, cereal... but what else?"
Lucian spits out a mouthful of toothpaste before replying. "I wrote a list. Don't worry."
“Don’t we-” Seren tries to speak into her toothbrush, but she stops herself. She, too, spits out a mouthful of toothpaste and wipes off her mouth before starting over. “Don’t we have to meet Akshan for something too?”
“Uhuh. That’s why we’re going so early. He couldn’t meet us later, for whatever reason.” Senna responds, the annoyance in her voice very clear.
It feels like they're always meeting Akshan for something. No one but the person who orchestrated the meeting knows for what. It's usually for something really stupid, too. Once, it was for a giant variety pack of Monster Energy. Around this time last year, it was for marijuana seedlings Senna had offered to pay for. Those really got them through those late winter months. Seren hopes that's what it's for this time.
“Huh,” She shrugs, wearing a sarcastic smile on her face. “Busy man.”
Senna hums. “I doubt it.”
Lucian splashes cold water onto his face, drying himself off with a very old and overused hand towel. He tosses it aside into the overflowing dirty laundry basket afterward.
Someone should do that laundry, Seren thinks. It's not gonna be her, though.
Pulling away from the sink, Seren goes to leave the bathroom. However, she's quickly grabbed up by Lucian, who takes hold of her face this time.
"Wait," he says. "You still have makeup on."
"Uhg..." Seren groans, halfheartedly struggling against his firm-yet-gentle grip on her jaw as he reaches onto a low-sitting shelf, pulling a single makeup wipe out of a dispenser and bringing it up to Seren's face. It feels cold and wet against her skin, making her groan and grumble some more. He wipes off a layer of foundation, concealer, and powder she's had caked to her face since early this morning, as well as faded eyeshadow and black eyeliner. One makeup wipe was hardly enough for the. job, but Lucian made it work.
"There. Don't that feel better?" He says in a half-teasing, almost patronizing way, and Seren glares at him. While doing her best not to get caught in the crossfire, Senna takes the filthy makeup wipe out of his hand and places it in the trash.
"I'm going to bed," She announces pushes her way past the two of them.
"Uh, I am too!” Seren pulls away from Lucian's grip, who lets her go without a fuss since he's done with her anyway. She scoops her blanket up off the floor and practically skips out of the bathroom, towards the bedroom, and into bed. She collapses onto the mattress and worms her way under the covers before Senna even has the chance to get comfy.
Seren hears Senna laugh; a warm, melodic sound that warms her heart and clears her head of worry. "I thought you didn't wanna go to bed," She comments, slinging an arm around the vastaya's body.
Seren snuggles closer to her in response. "I never said that." She speaks into her skin, face nuzzling against her shoulder.
One by one, the lights flick off. First, the bathroom, then the hallway, then the bedroom room, leaving only the dim light of their lamp. It's enough to illuminate Lucian. He slips off his shirt—a big, black t-shirt that's even too big for him, the six-and-a-half-foot giant he is—and crawls into bed with them. He, too, huddles up to Seren's side, effectively sandwiching her between the pair of them.
Seren feels her face grow warm. The feeling of laying between them, their skin touching hers, their hands dancing over her body so lovingly, still proves to be too much for her after all these years.
"I love you guys." She blurts out. She couldn't have stopped the words from leaving her mouth if she wanted to.
She's always worried they find her flirtations incessant, meaningless, annoying or boring, but they smile bashfully and reflect the energy nearly every time.
"We love you too, Seren," Lucian says. He brings his hand up to caress Seren's face; a much gentler touch than the one she'd felt mere minutes before. Callused fingertips dance over her freckled skin, carefully tilting her head towards him. He leans down and kisses her on the bridge of her nose. His fingers lace into her hair as her face—her entire face—rests comfortably in his palm.
Seren feels Senna's arms snake around her waist. She cuddles up to her back, pressing a kiss between her shoulder blades before resting her head there.
Seren sighs, long and heavy, her entire body melting into the bed, and into their touches.
Without disturbing the embrace too much, Lucian is able to flick off the lamp with an outstretched arm. He then readjusts himself, wriggling deeper into the nest of blankets, wrapping his big, strong arms around both his partners, but mostly Seren—she feels like the most important person in the whole world right now. She feels like a king or a queen or a god. She cannot imagine a better feeling than this, not even worship.
It doesn't take long for her eyes to drift shut. She falls asleep peacefully in the arms of her lovers.
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hotel portofino season 1 just ended (last night, but i just finished it today so therefore the final episode didn’t exist until i saw it). things occurred.
so anyway im planning a longfic that i can promise will be at LEAST 200k and will be fic number 2 of the fandom (and yes, fic number 1 is also me)
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reindash--yuri · 10 months
Quick, incomplete list of the residents that's going on the Roadtrip
Ayepierre Badboyhalo Baghera (Joins the group later on) Etoiles Favela Five (without Mike) (and then Mike joins the group later on) Fit Foolish Ironmouse Jaiden Niki (Joins the group later on) Philza Roier Tubbo
Characters I'm on the fence about adding to the list: Antoine, Missa, Tina, and Vegetta.
Also, it would be kinda funny if they found Skeppy while on the trip and then everyone else has deal with being in close proximity of q!Skephalo for the entire trip.
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where be my Lucy/Caspian enjoyers, hmmmm?
sad that it's such a rarepair :(
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demonlover92 · 2 years
[Shipping Head Canons - Lucian x Shauntal]
-Sfw Edition - Since I don't really have a place to put these I'm just going to put this here.
♡ Despite their relationship being long distance, they keep in contact via Rotom Video Call. Their calls usually involve conversations about the challengers they face, their health (let's be honest. These two get wrapped up in books so frequently that they sometimes forget to take care of themselves) , and about their latest books.
There are occasions where she does ask for help with parts of her book, but she usually reserves that for in person meetings. ♡ With them being 8 hours apart via timezone (Unova being the US and Sinnoh Russia, there’s about an 8 hour difference with Sinnoh being ahead), they usually have to carefully plan when they meet up with one another. Shauntal normally informs him when she is going on a book tour or a trip to another region for inspiration. That way, if there is a lag in time for communication, they both know why.
♡ Shauntal and Lucian take turns visiting each others regions for the holidays. For instance, she would go to the Sinnoh region for Christmas and he would go to Unova for New Years.
♡ When Shauntal visits him, she feels like her social battery being charged. This is mostly due to his psychic powers. He gives off calming vibes to her, allowing her to lower her guard and enjoy his company.
♡ Sometimes she plans visits with Lucian when she's stumped on her writing. She trusts his opinions on her work. On occasion, she will ask him if he could help her figure out characters so she can bridge ideas she has. This can sometimes get a bit intense for her and she has a difficult time separating him from the characters -- leading into them getting briefly distracted.
♡ She starts a tradition where every year, they exchange books that they haven't read. Shauntal will admit that she cheats on occasion and writes him a book instead of buying one for him.
♡ When Shauntal is staying with Lucian for a long period of time, she brings her Pokemon with her. Though Lucian doesn’t mind her Pokemon, his Pokemon do. This is mostly between Shauntal’s Gengar and his Espeon. Their rivalry usually occurs at night, when most of the ghost type Pokemon are active. Usually, Gengar shifts items out of place and sometimes even pushes books off of shelves just to attract attention.
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