#( it's beautiful and i love it but ngl i'm still learning how to use it )
saidthecaterpillar · 2 years
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( guess who got a new machine )
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envy-of-the-apple · 10 days
Fun Sized
Dark!Fairy!Gojo Satoru x reader
Word Count: 2k
Synopsis: You save a tiny fairy. Gojo Satoru decides that you and him belong together, regardless of how little he is and how little you think of him. 
(Warnings: Yandere, not many warnings in this one ngl)
The fae are a dangerous bunch. You've heard more than enough stories to be spooked. Sirens will sing beautiful songs before dragging you into the depths. Dragons will burn you to a crisp before a second's thought. Nagas would make sure you were alive until the very end as they feast on your organs. Centaurs would use their powerful legs to stomp yours to mere twigs. Driders would suck your blood until there's nothing left but a husk of your body. 
You've never heard anything about fairies. They didn't live in your region. Their lands were high in the mountains, where humans rarely traveled. Also, they were so tiny, according to the books. The biggest seemed to be barely the size of your hand. They were harmless, you concluded. Harmless to humans. Harmless to you. 
He had been harmless. At first, you thought it was a cluster of leaves in the stream, but as the current drew it closer, you noticed tiny arms and a tiny face. He was unconscious; you didn't even know if the poor thing was alive. 
The Fae are a dangerous bunch, but saving one tiny fairy couldn't hurt, right? 
Your guest quickly proved to be a bigger hassle than you initially thought. 
When you brought him to your cottage, he laid in a basket of warm linen, asleep for hours near the warm fireplace. The blueberry pie was still hot when you turned around and caught him staring at you. 
It was silent for a while, and then you said: 
"Do you like sweets?" 
That's how your tentative friendship with the other kind started. Gojo Satoru (you later learned his name) was a boisterous thing. He did in fact like sweets, which helped bribe his friendship. You're surprised that he ate so much despite his stature. Did all faires have black holes for stomachs? 
He healed up rather quickly. At first, you were afraid that his wings had crumbled due to the prolonged exposure to water. But after stuffing himself full of the blueberry syrup, he smiled widely before flitting out your window. 
You thought that would be the end of it, but then he just came coming back. 
Apparently, your baking skills left an impact on the small creature. He didn't visit often, but when he did, you would always make sure you had something. Whether it be cookies, brownies, or that blueberry pie he was so fond of. Anything was good enough for Gojo's taste palette. 
"In the fae lands," Gojo said when you prodded, "sweets are too sweet. Yours is just enough."  You weren't too sure what he meant by that, but you took it as a compliment. You were sure the fae wasn't something who'd give praises so easily. 
It's not like you were upset at providing food for your tiny friend. Quite the contrary. You loved it when Gojo visited. You found him fascinating, the way he could fly miles and miles above your head. How tiny he was. The amount of times you had to hold yourself back from squishing him between your fingers because of how cute he was scared you. 
And you hoped you were fascinating enough to entertain Gojo. You had to be; you don't know why else he'd keep coming back. Even after gobbling down your cooking, he'd lounge around your home, entertaining you with his stories. You learned of the other magical creatures he was in contact with, the students he taught, and how fond he was of them. You don't know why he was so open about sharing his personal life with you, in the stories fae hated humanity, but you would never complain. 
It doesn't click as to why Gojo's so invested in you until he comes out and says it himself. 
"Instead of me coming back and forth like this, why don't you just come live with me?" He says, "I would cut down my flying time by a lot." 
You stare at him in amusement, sure he's joking. "I'm not sure how I'd fit in your house." You tease. "I'd probably crush all your furniture." 
"I can make my house bigger." He announces. "Don't worry 'bout it, just say yes." 
You stare at him, slowly realizing that he isn't as amused. He's still smiling, but there's no joke. 
"No," you finally say, "I'm not doing that." 
He cocks his head surprised as though he's never had someone reject him before. 
"What?" He asks, "Why not?"
"Well." You clear your throat. "For one, I'm human, and you're a fairie. I don't think Fae would appreciate a human wandering around in their lands." 
"Who cares about all that?" Gojo waves his hands around. "You'll be with me, anyways. It'd be fine." 
"I don't get why you're so fixated on the human realm." His mouth turns into a sneer. "It's all so boring. Nothing ever happens. And our magic is much more advanced than yours." It's true. You can't disagree with that. Satoru didn't wear clothes made out of leaves or vines, unlike the common fairy stereotype. His clothing looked much more advanced compared to your loose cotton dresses. A black shirt with intricate buttons and long sleeves. Along with black trousers. You wonder what material could make his suit so shiny. 
You laugh at his disgust. At that time, you saw Gojo as a tiny child clutching their mother's skirts, a cute puppy. You hadn't yet taken Gojo Satoru as the threat he was. 
"It's because I am human." You say, not offended by his remarks. "So I like being near other humans." 
He groans as though your logic makes no sense. "Yuji and the others ask about you all the time, though. They've been dying to meet you." 
"You talk to your students about the giant that cooks for you? I'm flattered." 
"You're dodging," he warns. You roll your eyes. 
"Satoru, I'm not coming to live with you. It'd be too much of a hassle." You finally say. "Besides, you're not my type." 
"I'm everyone's type." He argues. 
"Not mine." You smile, and then you make your first blunder. 
"I like my men a little taller." 
He stiffens, and you know you said the wrong thing. Your smile fades as does the cheery energy in your cottage. He says nothing, but he's zipping out your window before you can apologize. 
He doesn't return for the longest time. You count the weeks. Guilt weighs on your shoulders, heavy and burdensome. Every day you bake something even tastier than the day before. Not even that is enough to coax him back. 
You think you've lost him forever, when he returns on one sweltering summer evening. 
"Hi." You blink. He's watching you, sitting idly on the window, kicking his tiny feet. 
"Hi." He smiles. 
You're happy enough to grab him with one fist and hugging him to your chest, but as always, you stop yourself. Instead, a shy smile rests on your face. 
"I'm sorry," you say, "I really am...will you accept an apology pie?" 
He grins wider, and you relax. 
He eats, and you're grateful. Something you once cherished in your life has finally come back to you. You might not return Gojo's feelings, but you still care for him. You'd rather die than ever hurt him again. 
"No, you're right." Gojo surprisingly concedes when you apologize for the third time. "We're too different. It'd never work out. Not as the way you are, right now." 
You nod, grateful he's so understanding. "Exactly." 
He's finishing up when he announces he brought you a gift. 
"I've been working on it for the past few weeks," he cheerily says. "It took a while, but it's finally safe for human consumption." 
He takes out a tiny glass bottle filled with something swirling and blue. When he asks you to bring a glass of water, you acquiesce. To your astonishment, when the elixer is poured, the entire water becomes a swirling mass of a color comparable to none other than galaxies. You're so mesmerized by the color, it's enough to stump your voice. 
"For you!" He declares. "You've always been cooking for me; thought I might return the favor, just this once." 
"What is it?" You ask, amazed by the color. You admire the glance, unaware of the glint in Gojo's eye. 
"It's kinda like the wine you have in the mortal realms, but a little less poignant." He gives when you glance at him. "Go on, tell me what you think?" 
You're too trusting, and so you make your second blunder. 
Once you start, you can't seem to stop. The taste is otherworldly, addicting. You drink and drink, not wasting a single drop. You're breathing heavily once the cup detaches from your lips. 
"Amazing." You say before looking at him. His eyes are too wide, but you're too distracted by the taste still on your tongue. "Seriously, what was that? Can I make it here?" 
He scratches the back of his head. "Not really, the ingredients are pretty hard to find." He shrugs. "Besides, it's supposed to be a one-time use." 
Your eyebrows twist, and then the world sinks. 
You're falling. You think you are. You don't really know. Everything feels like it's stretching. The walls of your tiny little cottage get higher and higher and higher. The floor gets more and more warped. You're sinking, sinking through the air. When you scream, nothing comes out. You feel like you're choking because you can't breathe, and then your vision grows black. 
The next time you open your eyes. It's still dark, and to your horror, you realize you're buried underneath something. 
You panic, clawing and tearing your way out. The material gives away easily. It's fabric. Cotton. But there was so much, an undying ocean of fabric. You lift yourself up from the pile and that's when you realize you're completely naked. 
The mountain of cotton you just climbed to the top of was your old dress. 
Everything was gigantic—the table, the chairs. The windows seemed endless. The ceiling looked miles above you, and you know what happened, but your brain can't formulate it because it can't be—it just can't be.
There's a flutter of wings. You always thought he was so quiet before. Now, he's all you can hear. Immediately, you wrap your body with the cloth. It's hard to keep still; your body is buzzing with nerves and you still can't understand. You have to force yourself to look at him.
You don't know why you expected shock, guilt, something other than the pure manic glee on his face. Satoru towers above you, head tilted. He bends down, cupping your trembling face in his hand because he's big enough to do that now. 
"Just when I thought you couldn't get any more adorable." He coos. 
You can see him now. His skin isn't pale, it's borderline translucent. His canines are sharp and pointy. And his eyes. Oh God you've never seen eyes so terrifying before—an endless mass of blue, threatening to swallow you whole. 
He wasn't a cute little fairy. He was anything but that. 
"Gojo..." You start, heart squeezing. "What did you do.." 
You know. He knows. That's why he ignores your question entirely. 
"I'm surprised it worked." He says, mainly talking to himself. "Shoko said it might be a dud, and she was so sure of it, that I mostly believed her." 
"But now look at you!" He roughly pinches your cheek. "You're the perfect size now." 
"Stop." You blubber, pushing his hand off of you. "Don't touch me. Change me back. Change me back." 
He frowns. "Why would I do that? You being human-sized was always such a hassle. Lumbering around. Way too loud. Don't get me wrong, I adore you either way." He proclaims like it's something benevolent. "But this has its charm."
He leans forward, and you scuddle backward in fear. His grin widens. 
"So, am I tall enough for you, now?" 
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piggycyberwarrior · 2 months
How the Arcane Characters would react to a smart!s/o
a/n: hey guys so yeah.. i am backkk. love you all and pls request or talk to me if you want <3 don't be shy!!
Contains: Viktor, Vi, Ekko, Silco, Jinx
Disclaimer: Okay so i know people can be smart without reading books- but reading online articles or there are different reasons BUT there is no "world wide web" in the Arcane Universe. That is why the reader's a massive bookworm-kinda-smart person (?)
warnings: itsy bitsy teenie tiny mention of mature themes (turn on; feral) but NO further description; mentions of kissing (?), goofy Jinx (like what did you expect T-T) not proof read
let me know if i missed any warnings!!
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like really he would be so thrilled to have a smart partner
would constantely go to the library with you- buying old science books or books about stuff that you like to read.
^ he never lets you buy them tho <3
Asks you when there are some issues with his work.. like this is such an honour (my bby has some issues when it comes to asking for help)
Viktor would always and I mean ALWAYS compliment you
-"look at my smart darling"
He just feels understood and so comfortable with you as you are on the same wavelenght as him
Loves to hear you ramble to him about the most random things at night, during walks, breakfast, in the morning, just simply at anytime
peppers your whole face with kisses while you ramble to him in the morning- loves to make you laugh, giggle or chuckle
Also adores it to have deep conversations with you
He just loves you<3
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it would turn her on so much to be honest
like its so attractive (fr guys)
she would listen to you all the time, rambling and or reading to her- even tho she doesn't understand shit sometimes
loves it when you put her in her place when she did something stupid
also loves that you are a walking wikipedia
"Cupcake, what do you mean the dot over the "i" has a name??"
- " yeah its called the tittle or superscript dot- not only the dot over the i but also the dot on top of the j"
would constantely brag about you to EVERYONE like its almost embarrassing stopp vi please
used to steal you books from Piltover (still does it to be honest)
sometimes asks you if that one random fact she heard was true
loves to kiss you after you answered her question- as a price for being this smart <3
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lmao i don't know why but Ekko is such a sucker for intelligent/smart people
like dis man would be on his KNEES for you.
he would be always crafting stuff with you, always making sure you've got a new book in your hand, always kissing the ground you walk on
he wastes no time getting you anything that you need for your studies, crafts or freetime.
Has no shame- will show you off to EVERYBODY ON THIS GOD DAMN PLANET (like Vi)- especially to his teammates tho
loves loves LOVES to spend time with you and teach him the things you know or learned
"So the Midas effect is about people becoming more generous after a simple touch?" "Exactely, but the effect isn't scientifically proven- its just an assumption." "I see.."
also loves your fascination for knowledge
I'm sorry but he would go absolutely feral when he sees you teaching stuff to the small kids in the HQ.
it would make him so happy ngl
He would kiss you after that everytime- praising you that you're so smart
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he would think it's so hot
Lets you read or craft in his office so he can watch you
^ it calms him
i don't think he would brag about you but he would be so proud of you neverthless
tells you that too
isn't stupid himself so he sometimes reads the books you enjoyed reading- he does that because he wants to know what you're talking about- never admits that tho
"What are you reading, handsome?- "Oh.. History of the World- it's quite interesting" you looked at him dumbfounded but quickly smiled "It really is interesting- the text structur is just beautiful!" you happily cheered
he loves it when you ramble to him at night- him laying on your chest and softly carding your fingers through his hair i love this man
just stares at you with that unreadable hot gaze of his when you start mumbling to yourself about some equations.
doesnt look all that dazed but on the inside he is GONE!!
he is so in love
grabs your chin and turns it to his face- pressing your lips onto his. Loves how you squeal- suprised that he interrupted your train of thought
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she adores it SO MUCH
constantely wants you to talk to her like she sits there- criscrossed, head resting in her palms- listening as if she has nothing else to do.
always wants you to tell her anything that you learned
^ she deadass throws a tantrum if you don't
only really listens to you- thinks you are always right
just like her sister- you have to keep her from doing stupid stuff
^ you cannot tell me she wouldn't do anything stupid lmao
decorates your book covers and doesnt know why you're so stressed everytime she does it (like thats a no-no , darling pls)
like thats so weird and all but she loves to read Picture books while you read Aristotle- just to feel the vibe
"How is your book?" you asked her with a raised eybrow while flipping to the next page- hearing her hum as she was reading that picture book. "Oh it's great, pudding- the ducks finally found their home!!"- "Really, that's good to hear" you chuckled softly
gives you suprise kiss-attacks when you're absorbed in your work
brags to sevika how smart her s/o is but gets jealous when others tell you that you're smart like gurl?
please do reblog, sweetheart <3
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kairiscorner · 1 year
im DYING to know how hobie would behave if he had a deaf gf or bf 😭😭😭 would love if you did some headcanons based on this, please !!
HELLOOOOOO omg, that's a really cute idea ngl :D i hope this is any good! please feel free to correct me if i get anything wrong or inaccurate. i'll change it if need be, i have no intention of insulting or harming anyone, even by accident ^^
hobie brown x deaf partner
when hobie learned you were deaf, he didn't pity you in any way, nor was he bothered by it. instead, knowing you were living in such a tough situation and still living your life despite the difficulties, he was actually in awe at you, he admired you.
that's another reason he fell for you, actually--despite being deaf, you were one of the best listeners hobie had ever met. when he'd write down or communicate to you in sign language how bad this one mission went, or how crappy his day had been, you always maintained eye contact with him--never once distancing yourself from him and the conversation, despite you not hearing everything he wanted to say. in fact, you encouraged him to speak his mind, even if you couldn't fully grasp at it, you wanted him to feel free from his burdens.
he struggled at first to communicate with you, being unequipped at learning how to speak in the sign language you were familiar with, you taught him the basics and communicated with him through writing on whiteboards or notebooks, or just any paper that was lying around.
when hobie tried communicating with you for the first time in the sign language you were used to, he was taken aback by how patient you were with him, how you didn't get angry or annoyed at how he struggled at a few signs to deliver his message to you. you corrected him when necessary, and you never made fun of him for not being able to communicate the right message right away. you knew what it was like, being unable to communicate the right message right away, in a way, you and hobie sympathized with each other.
hobie knew that you weren't mute just because you were deaf, and in fact, even if you didn't sound so used to talking if you weren't, or sounded a little different than how hearing people talk--he was a little saddened when he realized you didn't know how beautiful, how lovely your voice was.
AND THIS... (from the same anon who requested !!)
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if the reader struggled financially and wasn't a spider person, just a regular civilian and all, i think hobie would <:) he'd try his hardest to make if comfortable, unnoticeable, and efficient at helping the reader hear better if they could.
and if the reader heard him for the first time... omg, hobie would be fucking sobbing man. and the first thing he'd tell them when they're able to hear him better, he'd say, "love... you have the most beautiful voice i have ever heard. i want you to hear yourself talk, at least once, and realize how beautiful you sound."
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @pixqlsin @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fictarian
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kerubimcrepin · 13 days
LIVEBLOG: Wakfu Season 4, Episode 2 [PART 1]
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I miss the grittier, browner Bonta of older seasons...
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Agardoes what Jorisn't.
(totally not a joke I've been making for months now)
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Moooooom Yugo was MEAN to me. Ngl Qilby was so good in this season, his interactions with Eliatrope are filled to the brim with insane implications.
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Even more movie asset reusage. Ughh. The tavern Kerubim talked to Bakara at would NOT still be standing. It's canonically underwater and underground and shit. Like the rest of Dofus era Bonta.
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Kettle insulting a pan for being on fire.
Ush will only have the right to insult him if he can stop fucking cats. <3
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Both of these are also asset reusages but I'm too lazy to track down from where. The woman is from Aux Tresors, and the man is from Wakfu season 2, is all I can tell without further inspection.
I'm sure there's more stuff I missed, but I'm already annoyed enough that they decided to cut costs at every single corner even without looking further into it...
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He's still a catfucker. Sad, oh well.
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My beautiful wife.
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[start talking shit about Ush as loud as possible the second he is in a hearing distance, in an exaggerated, expository way]
This is some school locker bully behavior, made funnier by the fact that the person actually doing all the bullying is Ush.
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The way Atch starts staring here, and Ush immediately says "not here to fight, lol" just confirms the fact that this conversation is 90% all about letting Ush know he is not welcome <3
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Something that makes me extremely mentally ill is about to happen, chat.
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When it's Wakfu cast, who are Joris's friends whom he wants to impress, it's all "Papa... you're being awfully selfish for not letting us go and fight together with you :))"
But when it's Ush, it's immediately "whether my little Jojo is home or not depends entirely on what the fuck you want from him." as if Joris isn't a 600yo politician and kind of should hear whatever Ush has to tell him, and as if there aren't huge eyes in the sky that he was interested in.
Conspiracy theory: one of the reasons Joris is still single (besides the aromanticism, horrible personality, misantrophy, 20 psychiatric disorders, not wanting to be in relationships—) is that 99% of people who have ever had a crush on Joris were afraid of disappearing under mysterious circumstances.
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Kerubim's little mad, unamused look...
I want to point out, once again, that when you actually pay attention to the OVAs and this moment, Atcham and Kerubim always kinda... act like Joris is a child.
Joris expressed that the eyes in the sky concern him? They try to stop Ush from talking to him outright. Because they don't like Ush, because they don't want Joris to investigate this, and because they want him to stay home.
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Joris expressed that he doesn't want them to fight Ush together with him because he doesn't want to see them hurt? They don't give a shit, and try to express that in the softest way possible that won't embarrass Joris in front of his friends.
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It feels like a mix of holding Joris on a leash, but also trying to wrap him in a cotton wool. Sometimes it helps Joris, sometimes it's just patronizing.
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Ngl they do have good reasons to protect their [checks notes] 600-year-old ambassador from this guy.
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You have no idea what this moment means to us, Atcham fans. All three of us.
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Kerubim's expression..... probably gauging how likely it is that Atcham might start screaming or clawing at something.
Words can't express how much of a Gift this entire scene is.
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Atcham looks like he's about to lose his anger management badge. Kerubim looks like he's scared that Ush is going to die or kill Atcham in self-defense.
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The anger management classes + not wanting to be arrested?
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Kerubim is probably so used to seeing Atcham freak the fuck out about things. It's his brother's special charm.
[wipes tear] He's learned to love the bomb.
...sorry for making references to the band glass animals. it will happen again,. if you dislike that maybe you should learn to love the bomb too.
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lambment · 2 months
Hello! I love your art so much! Your cult of the lamb stuff has really inspired me and has pumped me up and I’m trying to basically re learn how to draw again! Do you have any advice for a fellow artist and how to approach story telling? :D
anon its been like a good while since this message has been sent (I think? based off all the homophobic crown asks this was wedged btwn) and WAHHH im so happy for you, I hope youre enjoying your reentry into art C:
first and foremost, try to enjoy the process rather than the end result. a much wordier explanation in this post (X)
theres also the discipline aspect of it, you need to be pretty concious of balancing learning with enjoyment (and you can absolutley have that balance without thinking about it). but I find a lot of new/learning artists get easily discouraged when a piece doesnt pop out exactly how they imagined it. I have a secret, lets be realistic, none of my pieces do lol. expectation is the killer of art imo, just go with the flow of enjoyment and learn what you can to become better at it. get used to adapting often.
even if you arent always studying (dont make it boring for yourself now), just you constantly drawing will improve your art, but dont expect to notice an improvment with every piece, its an incremental process and youll have bad days. just focus on the journey not the destination is what im getting at.
REFERENCE!!! its a beautiful, beautiful thing, anyone telling you its cheating is a silly billy who needs to learn. look up artists you admire, try to figure out how they tackle a piece, examine photos that you think are beautiful. just collect different pieces of reference, and try making a piece based off of them, a fun excercise. it'll improve your art.
as for the story aspect of this, im ngl, Im still learning myself. my main rule of thumb is "if i want to see this, someone else out there will too." so dont get discouraged by thinking no one will want to see your story idea.
I'm constantly adding story ideas to my notes to save for later, idk bout you, but I WILL forget the idea if I dont write it down immediatley (built worse), and if you have a mental image of it make sure to add very vague stage direction to supplement it, dont get too detailed tho, youll be changing alot. if youre anything like me -pepaw brained- try to keep in the habit of that. some storyboarding tips for staging tips and reference (X)
from there, I'll take a key moment -money shot or emotional moment- of the story, and base the rest of the comic around that image -> how I tackle formatting and making a comic (X).
the best way to learn is by doing, and failing and learning from that. so dont sike yourself out when you get there and it doesnt turn out as expected, it might be something so much better, thats the fun of it (:
I hope this helped, sorry im a yapper!
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kozumesphone · 3 months
IF U SEEK AMY ! ִ ࣪𖤐
stop ahhh 1. im so proud of you !! 2. you deserve literally every litte follower ngl 🦘
Here's my description, I guess: I can't stand social media, but I use it every day. I've been obsessed with Greek mythology since I was a child—I can't live without it. English is my third language, so I'm still not great at it, even though I speak around seven languages. I'd say I'm a pretty extroverted person. I don't have any specific hobbies, but I enjoy engaging in art a lot since I go to an art school.
My favorite artist is probably Caravaggio, and when it comes to music, my favorite artist is Lana Del Rey. I love her dreamy, melancholic style. I enjoy reading, especially books related to mythology and history. Some of my favorite books include "The Song of Achilles" , "Circe” , any murakami & rick riordan book and “The Secret History”
I'm passionate about learning and exploring new cultures, and I hope to travel more in the future. I’m also interested in psychology and how people think and behave.
I'm turning 17 this year, and I'm so freaking scared about what the future holds... i think that would be all ( btw im a straight female 🙌 )
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
⟢ “but if you send for me, you know i’ll come; and if you call for me, you know i’ll run!”
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I think henry winter (tsh) would be the best book bf for you (:
he’s such a grandpa when it comes to social media. you teach him how to operate on insta, youtube, etc.
you guys probably definitely met in julian’s class and it was not love at first sight at all—he was jealous you were so good at greek; so much better than him
but slowly, as you started hanging out outside the friend group, he finds so many similarities that he can’t help falling for you
the time he confessed to you was surprising and funny—he had said it in another language, hoping you didn’t speak it (but how stupid was he to take chances with a polygot like you?)
you compliment his introvertedness with your bubbly extroverted personality
being greek students, you both loved visiting museums—for the statues and the art; so expect a lot of museum dates!
also, library dates!!!! since you both love greek mythology and reading, why not? because you both definitely debate on key themes in many retellings and have a great time doing it
you share the same favourite artists—in art and music—driving you even more together
you guys go on a world tour for your two year anniversary!!
whenever thoughts of the future overwhelm you, he’s always there to reassure you that no matter what, you’ll face it together
+ both of you probably definitely grow older together and become heads of the psychology departments in two different ivy leagues <3
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taglist for event — @serendipitous-girl @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby
@sunnitheapollokid @jgracie @zurisworld-com @cinemaconrad @mqshido
@flowers-for-em @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr
@pjoverseluvr @maybxlle @sweetnnaivete @riordanness @starlitszn
@metyouattherighttime @a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor
@iheartgirlzn @nomournersnofunerals @over-the-ocean-call @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia
@lara20aral @bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
@solangelotus @brodieland @s1utlvr @imasimpdealwithit @waitingonher
@nqds @skyrigel @daydream-of-a-wallflower @hermidastouch @catastrxblues
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saturnianprincess · 2 years
[pick a card] love messages
A short pick-a-card where I channel messages from your current lover/future lover/soulmate or just anyone with who you are or will be romantically involved.
Choose any group group from 1-4 or whichever bear you feel drawn to the most. As always take what resonates and let the rest fly! Hope you enjoy this reading :)
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[Group 1] blue bear
Hey sunshine,
I know you are manifesting me and guess what even I am manifesting you! Life has just been about surviving for you lately and trust me I can feel that you have gone through a lot. I am proud of you for being a survivor but please don't feel hopeless, the skies get sunny and clear after the storm. I promise to be the light at the end of your tunnel. You don't have to do this alone, I am always there supporting you (even if I may not be there physically). Please don't dwell on what happened, I know I can't erase that but I promise you wouldn't have to deal with such a thing ever again. I will protect you!
Yours truly
[Some of you who chose this pile have been dwelling a lot about the past. Your future lover/person is saying that you need to heal yourself and let go of the past so that there is space for them to be a part of your life. Keep manifesting the qualities you want your future person to have and try to embody those qualities yourself as well. I am also sensing that some of you have detached yourself from your emotions due to some trauma you may have experienced (i am sorry you had to go through that) but, it's now time to heal it. Also, be open to change don't resist it! Trust the universe, it has some beautiful things planned for you.]
a song from them:
[Group 2] pink bear
hey lover,
How are you? Have you been getting those messages I keep sending you? Yes, it's me trying to connect with you. I am currently working on myself, I might have come across as too arrogant but I swear it's just a facade to protect myself. I have learned a lot of lessons that life has taught me and I am practicing to become the best version of myself for you. I want to build a home with you. A cute family where there's so much love flowing amongst us. I really just want to hold you so tight and give you all my love. I want to be able to give you everything you desire and even more.
Always and forever yours
[Omg, so much lovey-dovey energy in this reading it's so cute! For some of your future lover's higher self is trying to connect with you they are referring to signs or symbols you may see repetitively. Some of you may have met this person recently or you do not know them that well. They have this provider energy, and they really want to fill your cup with love!! Connect to your subconscious to connect with their energy. They are sending you loads and loads of love!]
a song from them:
[Group 3] purple bear
Hey soulmate,
Yeah, I just can't believe that you are real. Damn, I never thought an angel like you could even exist. you are truly my wish come true and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. We really are meant to be. I feel like if I wasn't there at that place that day I might not have ever met you and ngl this does scare me a bit. But I also know your soul has been intertwined with mine for eons and eons. I'm sorry that I have been so impulsive lately but I swear I want to experience life to the fullest with you so I just cannot stay still with you around! My heart gets all fuzzy when I am with you. I can't wait to see the world with you!!!
your fav boy/girl/person,
[Your future lover/spouse is giving me a golden retriever type of energy they are just buzzing with excitement when you are with them. Very wholesome energy! You both meet in a divinely orchestrated manner, it is a fated union of two souls. You might meet them soon or have seen them in your dreams or heard of them through other people. They are mesmerized by your presence.]
a song from them:
[Group 4] yellow bear
Hi y/n,
Life has been shitty to me. This turmoil that I am going through has made me feel like I am incapable of love. I don't know why but I don't have the courage to open my heart again. I have spent sleepless nights thinking about why did I go through that, I did my best but I guess I didn't deserve that. I know you are out there and I know you would never do such a thing but it's hard to keep hope when I see it being taken away from me day by day. But I am thankful for you, I really am. You have taught me that I can heal my heart and trust you to keep it safe. I love you!
[Your future spouse has been going through a tower moment. They are stressed and anxious about their future. Some of them have been betrayed by a person they trusted dearly while for others they are dealing with their own shadow. All in all a bit of heavy energy for this pile. You are the universe's gift to them and they feel blessed for you.]
a song from them:
©️2022 saturnianprincess | home
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Hi. I’m a clown. I love clowns. I love drawing clowns. There is a specific type of clown called the whiteface clown that, you guessed it, covers its face in white makeup. Can I still do that with black clowns, since it’s like its own kind of clown, or should I try to avoid it or modify it?
In a similar vein, the sorta clown lips where it’s like red all around the lips, how should i approach those without making it seem like I’m turning them into a caricature of themselves?
Thank you for all the help you do
I'm glad you enjoy clowns, my friend! Ngl, this a new one, I had to go do some reading.
Well, I found this link on blackface, which is obviously something you want to avoid conveying in your drawings as a racist stereotype for sure. Clowning, especially in the US, does have a strong history with it.
I personally don't see why giving your Black clowns full whiteface makeup would be "racist" per se, in that it's not "whiteface" because the person wearing it is meant to mock a White person, in the way "Blackface" was meant to specifically mock Black people and our features. But I can see how the costume would cause an issue.
Though from a quote from this link- "The Classic (European) Whiteface, sometimes called the 'most majestic and beautiful' of the Whitefaces; an elegant clown, like the Pierrot or Harlequin of commedia dell'arte;" it definitely still shows a bias for whiteness 😅
From what I could find on Reggie Montgomery, Ringling Bros' first Black clown, he personally did not want to perform in whiteface. He preferred to do his own makeup. And given the history, I can see his discomfort with the idea. Another lady I found felt the same.
Essentially, I think that it's your call. Do your research, and recognize the risk you run if you don't have a genuine story to tell with your piece- the intent here matters! Do you have to do the whiteface? Why? Do you know any Black clowns in your clown community? Maybe it would be a good opportunity to go and build with them?
Me personally, rather than doing full whiteface, I'd opt for an Auguste clown. I feel like that's a safer bet, because if you're not confident... 😬And you don't have to use red lips, you could always try another color, and another shape rather than the racist donut lip look. Please don't do the donut lips.
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Hope this helps lol, wish I knew more about clowns. I learned something new today too!
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chlorinecake · 9 months
your first impression of your moots and your impression now?
took me a while to get to this but here’s my long asf answer 🐈‍⬛
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@angel1kisses ✮⋆˙ idk, something abt her blog jst INSTANTLY captivated me, like… even before I saw what she looked like, I knew she’d be a baddie 😏 in simple word tho, jst think of every high school stereotype (minus jock) but in one person. that’s how chaotic her energy was to me 😭 and it’s the same way now… gotta love my random and smexy wifey huhu 🤭
@nikisdubblchococake ✮⋆˙ meme material. she had an asian santa pfp when I first saw her account 😭 so I figured she would have an interesting sense of humor. she also used a lot of slang and meme references whenever we texted, but I just loved her energy from the beginning, and I knew we’d end up being really close friends like we are now 🫶 my copium 💯
@minhosimthings ✮⋆˙ okay so… mona left an interesting first impression on me… I was honestly a bit intimidated by her in the beginning 😳?? I just didn’t feel worthy/brave enough to talk to her at first 😭 like… she had a very quirky, mysterious, and boss bitch vibe all around ~~ but when I finally got to know her, she’s literally such a sweetheart :( like Ik we’re partners in crime but she seriously stole my heart… ❤️‍🩹 my jagi… all mine 🫂
@starrywonie ✮⋆˙ y’all. I’m abt to embarrass the hell out of myself when I saw this, but I was literally OBSESSED with Nana when I first found her page (way before I started writing myself) ~ like, i honestly thought she was older than me bc I just looked up to her as THE Jungwon fan page. now after getting to know her tho, she’s literally a walking wonie 🥲 the cutest bby ever 🫶
@candewlsy ✮⋆˙ okay soooooooo, i didn’t really have a first impression of Mizu bc as soon as I discovered her blog, we were talking and texting on discord the next day 🤪 !! but from that, i can say she has a very lovable and sociable nature… always willing to learn more abt a person while also sharing things abt herself... can't forget how much she loves her cowboys, too 🤠
@wonfilez ✮⋆˙ i discovered her blog during my yandere phase and boy when I tell you she had me hooked with "beautiful monster" 🫠 I just admired how talented of a writer she was (even though that was the only work I'd read by her at the time, it was enough to make me a fan 😭)... aside from the past though, once I finally got to meet her, I admired her bubbly personality 🫶
@enmayz ✮⋆ ˙ I just never felt confident/worthy enough to speak to or even follow Mira 😭 ... just from seeing the way she'd talk about her moots on her blog, I could immediately tell she had such a beautiful soul, and anyone close to her was literally so lucky, like- now tho? don't even get me started on her voice... her looks... her charisma ??? the girl just slays, I tell you...
@jaylaxies ✮⋆˙ enhabler's disney princess right here ☝️. I don't know what it is abt Aria, but she just radiates such royal energy??? like, as crazy as it sounds, I'm pretty sure she sparkles like diamonds or smth, bc she's literally a celebrity. an ICON, I tell you. but aside from my fangirling, she really is a sweetheart. very humble, very chill... yeah, she just slays like that 😌
@hoondrop ✮⋆˙ intimidating part 2. I always felt like a peasant whenever I saw Moon’s blog, like- it seemed disrespectful for me to even scroll through her posts 🤡 idk if it was just the aesthetic of her page, but she genuinely seemed ethereal to me. and even now after speaking with her a few times, she’s like an older sister 🥲 cool, chill, while still being relatable, just in a mature sense 🫠
@takiberry ✮⋆˙ miss renè... from the day she followed me, I didn't even bother checking out her blog because I HAD ALREADY BEEN STALKING NGL 🤡 she just seemed so vibey from the way she responded to her fans, plus, not a lot of creators on here write abt &team, so I was like, yes, let's be friends !! now tho, I see her as the lucky friend... blessed with good looks, a sweet personality and the opportunity to talk to ej 🥲 she's just THAT girl ~~
@rowretro ✮⋆˙ even though we just became moots closer towards the end of this year, I had to include Rowan on this list because she's just so cool and bubbly, and I've already had sm fun getting to know this cutie patootie over the past few days and I can’t wait for our friendship to blossom as time goes on :)
@squoxle ✮⋆˙ this beeyatch just gets on my nerves, honestly... from the moment I saw her as a baby in the hospital, I knew she would be the death of my 9 month streak of peace. but to look on the bright side... actually? there is no bright side 😔 only darkness... my impression of her remains the same, tho. she stinks, she's ugly, and HELLA annoying XD
@microwvdstrawb3rri3s ✮⋆˙ when I first saw her account, I didn't really form an opinion abt her bc I saw her as a follower than anything. but once we started talking more frequently, I swear she's like the cutest little sister ever 🥲 so endearing, energetic, and sweet... like, it genuinely makes my day every time I see one of her silly asks or just a random "hello" message in my dms !!
@cheruluv ✮⋆˙ if I'm remembering correctly, I first met Iya when she asked abt one of my yandere fics, so I just assumed right out the gate that she'd have more of an edgy personality, but when I actually got to know her, she's such a ray of comfort ❤️‍🩹. I mean, she's literally a human version of a my little pony character. just so nice and friendly all the time... 🫠
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Side Note: This year has been TRASH to say the least (won’t get into the details because the haters are waiting to celebrate my misfortune)… But ever since I started this blog in early August, I’ve never felt happier, like…. ever 🤑!!! So I just wanna thank all of my precious mooties for literally just existing (?) and getting me through some of the toughest moments in my life this year… obviously I’m religious, so I gotta give credit to the LORD too 🧎‍♀️ but knowing you guys is such a slay for me. Legit feels like I’m winning at life… but anyway, Happy New Year to all of you lovelies 🫶🫶🫶 and special thanks to @ashgonedash (the original gangster... kudos to this queen for requesting blood on ice 🫡), and @yourmomscuntis2tighy (my highness... MEGA props for coming up with the convenient chances plot, like HELLO???)... these two girls have supported my goofy ahh blog since the beginning, and I will always remember y’all baddies for that :3 Take care and stay safe !! MUAH 😽 Love, Chloé 🩵
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upslapmeal · 3 months
73 Yards
Doctor lite episode!! On the one hand these are usually good fun (and we've not had one since...Flatline kinda??) but with only 8 eps it's a shame to be missing out on Fifteen even more than just the reduced ep count!
ok so straight up getting the title without the title sequence
Doctor you’ve really got to watch where you’re walking this is becoming a problem
forget BSL I'm going to learn SLSL (spooky lady sign language)
Susan Twist!!
that was genuinely chilling......what on earth did spooky lady say
oh they completely got me with that fairy circle stuff
there I was thinking about how fairy tale the show had got and just fully buying into it lmao
lol poor Ruby with legitimate reason to think they didn't know about paying by phone #timetravellerproblems
ngl I'd kinda hoped she was in the past
would have caused some more problems
looks like they’ve fixed the kitchen ceiling!! Fifteen better have coughed up some cash for that
is Spooky Lady going to be like. Ruby from the future
oh the lady from the train window...actually genuinely unsettling congrats RTD
maybe this is going to be an Aliens of London situation where Ruby’s been gone for a year and it’s not actually 2024
oh lol no
I guess Fifteen and Ruby just used the time machine to.....go a few miles west lol
Mrs Flood!! always slightly suspicious
not Carla :(((
what can she possibly be saying about Ruby?????
‘even your real mother didn’t want you’ oh Ruby babes
nightmare scenario she must have imagined before and had Carla talk her out of :((((
‘I was hardly with him’ give us a concrete length of time!!!! are we talking less than 6 months
oh no
Ruby :(((((
world's most youthful 40 year old
skincare tip: have an unperceived lady who follows you wherever you go and was maybe created by a fairy circle drive away everyone you love so there's nobody but yourself you can stress about!
glad to know the people of 2046 are worried about the same stuff as now
2031 the Great Russian War nice let me stick that in the calendar
very Years and Years vibes
did Ruby…use Marty as bait to find out what Roger Ap Gwilliam is really like
she's been relentlessly positive in general this series so interesting to see this more (reluctantly) ruthless side to her
I wonder if younger Ruby who hadn't had a life of Spooky Lady would have made the same decision
the most fake thing is still using yards in 2046 lol
she got him!!
‘don’t worry everyone had abandoned me my whole life’ :(((
the abandoned tardis is sad and beautiful
it was Ruby from the future!!
the only person she has had with her all her life is herself, and the reason she only has herself is because herself has driven away the people she cares about most. and even herself is always distant
poor Ruby just a life of not allowing herself to form connections
so that was actually a fairy circle??
and why did she make everyone run away????
where did the Doctor vanish to!!
I want answers but also I feel like so answer would truly be satisfying
What an episode!! And I can't get over the fact that this was Millie's first episode, she really arrived and decided to make her presence Felt!!
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Hey, I wanna say i really really like the way you write fics. It feels??? Natural?? To read it?? Always an adventure everytime I read a fic of yours.
How do you write so good?? I'm a writer as well and I'd love to hear your tips and tricks ^^
First of all, I wanna thank you for liking the crap stuff I write. (Cause I'm genuinely amazed some times that people just like it and I'm not saying this because.)
It's kinda funny, ngl. Lemme tell you something, I don't know if you guys struggle with Impostor Syndrome a lot like me, but everytime someone gives a compliment like this my brain just goes into self sabotaging mode.
In the outside its :
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But in the inside, my brain immediately goes:
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Cause I'm aware that I can do better. (And we will ~) it's weird. I'm always striving to do better.
As for the tips and tricks, I'm surely not the right person to ask advice from 😅, but Imma just tell you this from what I experience and from my perspective (Hopefully won't get backlash from this, if not, R. I. P. me jsksj) Be warned though, it's kinda contradictory cause writing is hard yo!
1. You gotta read. Either books or whatever your favorite genre is, but you gotta read. I consume fan fics and non fanfics cause you learn from other people too. I read fanfics mostly to know new words, how the character develops and the like.
I read more spanish stuff than anything. Which I try to transfer to what I write.
2. I try to keep it as simple as possible. With that I mean to not over embellish words cause it gets boring and weird. Sure, everyone wants to make their fanfics pretty (nothing wrong in that) but sometimes I feel that less is more. Like, nothing wrong if you wanna poet the f- out of your fic. (THIS IS A DOUBLE EDGED ONE SO BE CAREFUL!!)
I mean there is a huge difference in reading:
"The anger and frustration on her way of living was taking a toll on her mind"
"Her nemesism had muddled her mind into an endless spiral of what ifs and what not, and frankly if her mind could speak, it'd beg for a break."
It's hard to pick one style, but as long as you keep it consistent, I guess it's all good (?) (Funny cause I always aim for the second one and end up in the first jsksj and I dont even know myself if I'm keeping it consistent)
3. Get yourself a beta reader that doesn't coddle you. It helps alot!!!! Cause again, compliments sure are nice, but they don't tell you where you could get better. ✨( Unless the reader provides puntual feedback on what they liked and what not. Those are my favorites and a rare gem ❤️)
4. I know this one is hard because everyone at some point have done this. But IF YOU COMPARE yourself to other writers? You'll lose yourself. Not only you'll lose motivation cause you seem unable to write like them, but you will fall into this... vicious circle of self deprecating and burnout. And the self doubt sky rockets nonstop.
Everyone is different. Everyone learns in a different pace. Trust me, I wanted to make great stories with a good looking writing when I had the slightest idea of what I was doing (Still do!) 😂. Writing fanfics is not a competition to who writes more beautiful/good/professional than others. Or who has more notes or the most canon-stuck character, or the cause let's face it, none will get a character's personality to a 100%!!! (And that's ok cause it's fanfiction and we all have a different approach to the character either emotional or mental) .
Personally for me, the cockyest thing someone can do is to claim to know a character more than the creators themselves. Kinda rude for me, if you ask . Like, sure feeling a deep connection with a character doesn't mean it'll grant us instant access to their whole self. Characters just like us evolve. Either for the good or the bad, but they don't remain the same, so knowing them completely is a big fat lie. Unless stated by the creator. (But we're delusional in this site, so~)
I mean, sure characterization is something we all struggle since we guide ourselves by some of the character's most prominent traits and make them their default personality. (I've sinned in this jsksj so don't worry)
5. HAVE FUN AND TAKE BREAKS. I mean it. The favorite things I've written is where Im genuinely having fun writing it. But also after a well deserved rest. Cause if something doesn't feel right, it won't be right. And burnout is easier to get at than we actually think.
6. I recently started to follow writing advice blogs, one of my favorite @heywriters.
@she-who-fights-and-writes. (They have amazing writing resources, so does Pinterest and YouTube. Seize them!!!)
But yeah, I'm still an amateur on this, I make emphasis in the 5th one tho.
Hope this helps you? ;w;.
Love you❤️✨
Thanks for stopping by. ❤️
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Say what you will about Arthur and his utter lack of game, but always appreciate the fact this man looked at Morgana, duchess of drip, and decided a dagger would be the best gift for her.
And when it was pointed out that it might not be her style, he went "ah shit you right" and just had the fucking thing tricked out. That was his solution. That was his thought process. Not that a knife was inappropriate, but that it needed to be a custom piece. No basic bitches in this household.
Mans said "what shall I get my significant annoyance this year?", shook his braincell like a Magic 8 Ball, and came up with "knife."
We stan one princely himbo.
ngl i like to use this as proof for Arthur and Morgana being so close and knowing each other so well because i have such a soft spot for my pendragon siblings 🤧
(thoughts under the cut bc….*coughs* i suffer from pendragon sibs brainrot)
listen, listen to me: these guys really did only have each other when they were younger and surrounded by nobody but stuffy nobles and an emotionally repressed/abusive father. Arthur lost his mother king before he got to know her, and Morgana lost a father whom she knew and loved so dearly. they were children who never really got to grieve what was lost from them (although, in some way, Morgana was given some time to grieve and mourn but never for too long).
Arthur has known Morgana for her spunk and rebellious nature against the status quo King Uther enforces since they were children. She was always trying to learn to fight (see her bragging about beating Arthur when they were younger in 1x10) and probably taught herself secretly how to use a sword (or had some help as well 👀 but that’s just a headcanon). She was always at odds with Uther about magic (while Arthur would receive severe punishment for disagreeing with his father, Morgana’s anguish was treated like the flights of a lady’s emotions).
It would be offensive (towards Morgana) if Arthur were to ever gift her something so stereotypical and stuffy on her birthday. He most likely knew that she would have wanted something to use to protect herself: ergo, dagger.
Fuckinnnnnnng, read what Arthur says about his gift omfg 🫠
ARTHUR Beautiful, isn't it? Feel the balance, feel the sharpness of the blade.
This man put so much thought and care into this gift for her. Listen, she was his first friend, the first person to not treat him like he was fragile or the fault of his mother’s demise. She was Arthur’s sister before he even knew that’s how he saw her and their relationship. Morgana meant so much to him, your honor, I fucking can’t. They loved each other so much despite the gradual rift that he gained when we first meet them in s1, your honOR—
But then you have Merlin’s comment:
MERLIN Well, I'm no expert, but don't women normally go for pretty things? Like, maybe, jewellery?
(yes he said this as a way to deter Arthur from sticking with a dagger bc of the vision he saw but still)
And so Arthur Dumb-of-ass & bi-of-sexual Pendragon takes Merlin’s advice, realizes that yeah, Morgana still likes feminine things like dressed and jewelry and pretty shit. LET ME BEDAZZLE THIS DAGGER JUST FOR HER
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SHE LOOKS ENTRANCED BY IT???? MAYBE TOUCHED (<- fluffy is reaching, she has gone insane) MAYBE EVEN CONSIDERING THAT ARTHUR DOES CARE AND MAYBE SHE COUOD TURN HIM AGAINST UTHER TO JOIN HER???? (<- fluffy.exe is suffering malfunctions. delusion file has been corrupted)
Literally every other noble gifted her a fancy hairbrush (those fucking posers) and you would think! With how much this show presents Arthur as emotionally repressed and very obtuse when it comes to women, you would think they would regress his character (again) to make a joke out of him (again) not knowing what to give Morgana for her birthday
Not only that, BUT SHE TAKES THE DAGGER WITH HER WHEN MEETING MORGAUSE (s3’s big bad villain who is the new up-and-coming High Priestess after Nimueh, whom Merlin smited (smote? smitten?) and does not give any fucks about Uther or Arthur. Both could just die for all she cares.)
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I would never lie to you. Transcript speaks the truth. Also, what other dagger would they speak about??? It’s Arthur’s gift and she was so touched by it that she decided to use it for her nefarious schemes of regicide!
ARTHUR To lose her now, like this...I've grown up with her, she's like a sister to me. I'd sacrifice my place on the throne for her to see another sunrise.
*deep breath*
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So much shit could have been avoided if these dumbass Pendragons just talked to each other T^T Jfc, Arthur loves those close to him so deeply. He is so loyal to them that it blinds him, that he would willingly give up anything just to keep them alive and happy.
ough, yeah I’m okay (<- liar)
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Season 2 First 3 episodes thoughts (spoilers below the cut, DO NOT click the cut if you do not want to be spoiled!)
Episode 1
The dimples are a bit disarming ngl.
The chorals Bear added are interesting. Someone translate them please and thank you.
Ewwwww bug!Sauron nope nope nope.
Why hallo there handsome asshole :D
What's in the pouuuuch? (I don't think we're ever gonna find out tbh)
O shit are these the raft redshirts? Oh nooo.
I support horse girl rights and wrongs.
Mooom, Galadriel is a lying liar who lies.
Gil-galad looks so done lmfao. "Great-auntie whyyyy."
Elrond about to pull an Elwing.
I want to see my little boy (Isildur). (Where is heeeee?)
Hello Glüg, you SDCC photo gem.
Ah Waldreg you fucker. Guess you figured out between seasons that he ain't Sauron.
Lmao not Sauron pulling a Moses on Adar. Wtf are you doing buddy?
Nori my beloved
Wow The Stranger has so much vocabulary now. I still think he swallowed a Harfoot dictionary.
Ok additional Harfoot food note: Beetles (scarab beetles?)
Oh yeah some fic writers are reaaaaally gonna enjoy the scenes of Halron chained and collared. Here comes another fic deluge!
Sauron, don't you remember what happened with Huan in the FA?
RIP to this random elf messenger bc I don't think he's gonna make it.
Ben Daniels has the raaaaange.
Eärendil mentionnnn. And Beleriand mention! I wonder why the Mariana Trench option wasn't considered in the TA. Update: Ok nvm Círdan will answer that for us.
Poppy! Hopefully the others can still travel without the maps she took.
The music is so prettyyyy.
"Your people have been set free." #doubt (show me the proof! also why did Sauron want that? He needed slaves to work the fields in Mordor, right?)
Ah Waldreg did die in the exact episode we predicted.
More elf nuns!
Elf costumes! I need an analysis post!
Lmao Elrond's face. "Grunkle Círdan, you betrayed meeee!"
Galadriel: How 'bout I do anyway?
Elrond: Thanks I hate it.
Galadriel: Please don't jump off waterfalls again.
Mirdania! Aw shit Halron got there before the nameless doomed Lindon elf.
Ominous ending music, Bear.
Episode 2
I love the terrace farming so much.
Dwarf food note: Mole-tail stew, Large mushroom (chanterelle-like) that is very valuable, smaller mushrooms, gourds!
ilu Disa
This scene was exactly what I needed for dwarves and dwarvish food reasons.
Oh shit not my dwarves :(((
Alfirin seeds!
Ooh creepy!
New elf characters! Do they have names? Please give them names!
"Crush two spiders with one boot." Ooh I hate the foreshadowing of that metaphor. Hates it, hates it.
More foreshadowiiiing.
Mirror of Galadriel foreshadowing specifically!
Eregion is so beautiful and majestic (thanks, Season 2 budget!). Sure do hope nothing bad happens to it! (sobbing)
Yup, RIP Lindon messenger elves.
I looove this music.
Skeletor! (By the power of Grayskull!)
Ooh cultists.
The Dweller is back!
"curse upon our flesh" wut
I have a bad feeling about this. (Wait, wrong fandom)
Where is Narviiii.
Do Disa's friends have naaames? Wait x-ray actually was helpful for once. Rachel Payne as Brenna and Laura Jane Matthewson as Revna! I'm so happy she has named friends who even gossip!
Hi Narvi!
King Durin: But do I still have grandparent's rights?
"Stubborn as a root-bound parsnip!" Hah.
Oh my god he's working on ships. I love that so much.
Ooh shit a flashback to the woods scene from Udûn.
Why are you shaving, sir? Sir.
Ahhhh poetry mentions from the FA! How nerdy.
The bell seems bad.
Eye of Sauron?
Uh-oh. Is this how he learns how squishy hobbits are on adventures?
Ooh he's developing door ideas. Fun!
I get the feeling Mirdania ain't gonna last the season, either.
Fuuuck tower foreshadowing.
Ooh elf umbrella!
Oh you little weasel!
"I'm going to open a First Age bottle." Love that detail.
"Are you my friend?" Hoo boi.
Ominous thunderclap. Ooooh.
Is he gonna larp as an Istar? Lmao.
"Soon every realm will fall." Because of you, asshole!
Title drop!
Wow. Okay. Playing on his insecurities and also calling him the "Lord of the Rings". Overdoing it a bit much there, Ronnie?
"I am your partner." screech
Pope-galad says you need babysitter, Gal. I'm sure this will go splendidly!
Episode 3
Bronwyn ;_;
Berek best boi my beloved
Sad Elendil and Valandil :(((
Pls don't kill Berek. I couldn't stand it 😭
Ooh the shells funerary detail!
Eärien girrrrl your evil phase alarms me.
This ship is so saddd :(
More ominous tower shit.
Pharazôn, you weasel 2.0.
Fucking foreshadowiiiing.
Valandil my beloved! Oooh tension with Kemen.
A baby orc! Fascinating!
Damrod has arrived!
More title dropping!
"--a friend." The emphasis was so funny.
Durin is suspicious. Love it.
Celebrimbor: Well if I start a Catholic schism then so be it.
It is your moment, Holly-boy, but also your doom. You're being Anakined into Vader by Palpannatar.
Isildur has discovered the DnD means of equipment acquisition.
Noooo more dead horsies :(
Estrid :D (please don't be evil)
Lmao at least he knows proper wound procedures lol.
Potato food spotted!
Arondir sir you are low on arrows.
Arondir ;_;
Bronwyn :(((( fuck I'm so sad about this
I will never recover from the Aronwyn ship, I fear :(
Theo, buddy, need someone to talk to?
Sad version of Aronwyn theme nooooo :(
Really not liking how much King Durin's crown sorta resembles Sauron's this season.
Theo taking over his mother's skills :(
Yup, poisoned orc arrow theory confirmed.
Stepparenting with foreshadowing for Numenor, delightfulll.
Please don't be foreshadowing.
Who is his dad? Oh no hurtful, Theo. Buddy :(
My Garden Fam is broken and I'm deeply unwell about it.
Theo-Isildur friendship time?
Isildur really is so relieved to be alive and not eaten by spiders that he's gone friend mode. How very like his Grunkle Elrond!
Oh no Isildur mom backstory :(
Don't cry Isildur and Theo bc then I'm gonna cry ;;_;;
Also now this is a narrative parallel!
Ah good gift discussion next to the word "precious" is throwing my brain. Oh lordy.
Please don't be evil, Estrid! I'm already suffering without Bronwyn and both Disa and Míriel are doomed af.
Theo wtf are you doing?
No don't lose the sword Galadriel gave you!
Míriel in white, Elendil in blue and gold, Pharazôn in red. Totally Kate Hawley doing some fascinating storytelling here.
Oh no my quote about Elendil and his daughter in a courtroom is suddenly very apt. Oh dear.
What did Elendil see?
Huh the unrest happened sooner than I thought.
Eagle: Y'all are gonna die!
Elendil: Top 10 anime betrayals and by my own daughter. Wtf.
Annatar gets his own cute lil forging outfit :D
More symbolism!
Oh god what a way to end the first 3 episodes. Send help.
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crow-in-a-teapot · 1 year
unreal unearth first impressions
de selby (part 1) i turned on the album sitting in the absolute dark, ten minutes past twelve at night, this started playing, cue instant tears. i think i was just hit with 'this is the most beautiful thing ive ever heard' and i wasn't expecting that from de selby 1 for some reason. and when the irish kicked in that just. no words, just crying and im what two minutes in. i wasn't even thinking about what he'd been saying about connemara in the dark and mirrors of people you used to know (i'd seen him talk about it, but purposefully skipped the actual song when it came up online) it was just. de selby 1. and the part as gaeilge
de selby (part 2) sexy groovy silly fun, it's really growing on me, thinking about 'i'd still know you, not being shown you
i only need the workin' of my hands' also i cant wait to read third policeman and look at this completely differently
first time the beginning was jarring, and then at the lyric about his name i kind of :( i also liked the lethe/liffey parallel, it's so very hozier of him to do that. god the push and pull of there must have been something off from the beginning? if every time they called him baby he died? something like that was my first interpretation, now im wondering if it's because it's not his name and they're the one that made his name sound wonderful for once. intellectualising that part of the lyrics kind of ruins it for me ngl, i think it's more about how it feels, i think it feels like contrast like not knowing if it hurts or is wonderful. little detail of when he says come here to me and it sounds so casual and irish like come here to me tell me, i really love it. and the final lyric hurt. really impeccable timing for a breakup album like
francesca why can't i listen to i'd tell them put me back in it for the first time again WHY CAN'T I LISTEN TO I'D TELL THEM PUT ME BACK IN IT FOR THE FIRST TIME AGAIN AND REEXPERIENCE THAT. my favourite thing from this hozier era might just be that music video (over all the other ones help)
i, carrion (icarian) is just really devastating. sunlight but what if you wanted your heart to be torn to shreds. the imagery is so vivid
eat your young is growing on me too, the lyrics are just so good. they're just SO GOOD, their rhythm is so satisfying they fit together so smoothly, and at this point it's just as fun and danceable as something like de selby 2
damage gets done is kind of pop? it made me think of the bones ft marren morris
who we are [had to remove a section here] the vocals are otherwordly. the drums are gorgeously frantic. quietly it slips through your fingers love??? falling from you drop by drop??? HOLD ME LIKE A KNIFE???makes me physically ache
son of nyx i'm so glad this is here, an instrumental was something that really could put me back to where i was mentally with de selby (part 1). first thing i thought was i can't wait to learn the piano part. i've seen people say this, but it does seem like the obvious, it's an instrumental that just belongs in a movie
all things end all things do end so real. very cool how much of a direct inflence gospel music is
to someone from a warm climate (uiscefhuarithe) i can't wait to relisten to this one again and again, the parallels between being a child warming up a bed and jumping to later in time with a lover aaaa so tender NATURAL AS ANOTHER LEG AROUND YOU IN THE BEDFRAME AAAA
butchered tongue A FAVOURITE A FAVOURITE foreigner's god but softer, how can i listen to this and ever leave ireland how can i listen to this and feel like this and be packing suitcases what is wrong with meeeeee. the violin and the instrumence. jesus christ. instantly picturing my road signs when he started singing about the native ones
anything but THIS SONG STARTED AND I INSTANTLY STARTED SMILING COMPLETELY INVOLUNTARILY, THOUGHT OF ALMOST (SWEET MUSIC) i started thinking of bright lion king imagery before he even started talking about stampedes and hoofbeats. and the vocals here too, so overwhelmed by how cheerful and joyous it sounded that i really didnt pay attention to lyrics, so it'll be cool to look deeper later
abstract (psychopomp) the production here i was very unsure about, because there was something that made me think if it were more rustic/intrumental and less modern, it might have hit me even harder, like there might have been a way to elevate it further. it made me think of colours and purples and reds and oranges, another really visual song, like i, carrion. it's really gorgeous. SEE HOW IT SHINES will be in my head for a long long time... ugh it's all so bittersweet and sad and beautiful. all my love and terror there balanced between those eyes what a line
unknown / nth if you've scrolled through my accunt for longer than a second you know how i feel about unknown / nth
first light i was hit with such intense terror that this was the last song of the album. what am i supposed to do for the next decade without music to look forward to while andrew goes back into hibernation under bray train station jean jacket lost and found or whatever. so i didnt play and instead did this musing on how beautiful the vocals throughout the album are and how funny it was in the zach sang interview when he talked about singing instead of playing instruments when recording songs because he's 'better at singing than most intruments' and his producer just wouldnt replace those voice recordings and that's why there are so many choirs and zach is basically like 'you absolute weirdo no one else has the talent to do that but ok' (affectionate) (paraphrasing). i love the drums so much. i love the strings so much too. A VOICE YOUR BODY JUMPS TO CALLING OUT YOUR NAME :(((((((((((( imagining hearing this in the 3arena and having colours break out across the whole ceiling ill remember those lights during no plan in 2019 forever im an indoor concert girlie forever what they can do visually is so magical.. i saw a good omens edit of this today already i love you good omens fans
not to sound like a broken record i wish swan upon leda and through me the flood and love of were on this and maybe even but the wages and
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Hi there
I know you said you don’t do requests and I suppose this isn’t technically a request but I’ve been wondering if you’d ever write something with Ivan Drago and a female reader who’s insecure about her body (this is kind of a self insert ngl). Like, how would he act? Would he constantly assure her that she’s pretty and would he pay special attention to certain parts of her body she doesn’t like during lovemaking? I’d personally love to read something like that but it’s totally up to you if you wanna write it.
Keep up the good work, love your stories btw ❤️
Omg hell yes! (Why didn't I think of this?) I'm insecure af so this is also self insert af on my part. Enjoy!
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Headcanon/Preference # 32
Picture & Gif NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
*So I've got this coworker that I get along with well. And he's a muscly guy that's into plus size women, and we've talked about that sorta stuff a lot. So I'm using his insight about why a guy like that, would be attracted to a bigger girl. He'll never see this but hey shout out to him. Also a real story might just come out of this in time, but for now enjoy these headcanons.
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✨Ivan loves his plus size sweetheart~
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🌹 When Ivan first met you he was immediately drawn to you like a magnet. He'd never seen a woman like you in Soviet Russia, and you looked like a pure goddess in his eyes.
🌹 When he finally got the chance to touch you for the first time. He was instantly smitten, your so soft and squeezable. He's not used to that, and he's finding that he's obsessed with the contrast.
🌹 Once you're together Ivan will spend hours worshipping you from head to toe. Every single inch of you is paradise to him. But his favorite part? Your soft tummy.
🌹 There's just something beautiful about your soft plump belly. It's his favorite thing to caress and kiss, and often times his favorite place to lay his head. And one day he hopes he'll get to see it swell more with his child.
🌹 On a bad day when you were feeling particularly down about your pudgy body, Ivan took the time to explain to you why he loves your supple body so much.
🌹 Everything in his life until now has been hard and rough, from his work, to his home life, his environment, and so forth. Finding you was like an oasis to him.
🌹 When you try comparing yourself to his ex-wife, he immediately stops you. Making you chuckle by telling you she was like a skeleton, and nowhere near as cozy and lovable as you are.
🌹 During intimacy Ivan shows you what love making really means, his words of praise, his adoring touch that leaves fire in its wake, and his hunger to show you just how much he wants you makes you dizzy.
🌹 If anyone says anything bad about you while Ivan is around, odds are he'll kick there ass, or at the very least he'll berate them. Ultimately making them apologize no matter what tactic he uses.
🌹 If he's not around, and only learns about it when you break down and tell him about it. He's pulling you into his arms and assuring you that they don't know a single thing about what their missing with someone as amazing as you. (Making a mental note to scare the shit out of them next time he sees them.)
🌹 You got stretch marks? Ivan will trace them idly, and commit them all to memory, mapping out the span of them as if it were vital.
🌹 Got cellulite? He'll caress every inch, nuzzle into it, and all around worship it. Explaining that it makes you more you, and that much more beautiful.
🌹 Not a big fan of how pudgy your face is? Ivan is cupping your cheeks. Looking into your eyes with so much love, as he tells you how cute your chubby cheeks are. And to him you are still small, as his hands can easily cup your cheeks.
🌹 Got big boobs? He fucking adores them, he adores you! There big and round and soft, the perfect place to lay his head at night when you cuddle. Plus there fun to play with not gonna lie. (and not just sexually, but that's a plus too.)
🌹 Not a fan of the size or shape of your butt? Are you kidding? Ivan is obsessed with smacking your ass every single chance he gets, doesn't matter who's around or where you are!
🌹 Worried you'll never fit in his shirts? Haha that's funny! Ivan is huge, you'll fit in his shirts just fine. Maybe not swimming in it, but it'll fit comfortably.
🌹 Ivan grows obsessed with making sure you're well fed, and simply watching you eat. It makes him feel like he is providing for you well, and that makes him very happy. (Plus you look adorable when you do a happy little food dance.)
🌹 Once he convinced you to sit on his face, though you had agreed anxiously, you still refused to actually sit down, and instead hovered over him. That wasn't gonna fly, so Ivan pulled you flush against his face, and gave you the best head you've ever experienced in your life.
🌹 Anytime you act as if you'll crush him, maybe saying he'll strain or hurt himself picking you up. He'll prove you wrong again and again, when he just hoists you up as if you weighed nothing. If anything he takes those worries as a challenge, and he'll never fail in proving you wrong.
🌹 The first time you wore a sexy lace piece for him, he was practically drooling. Needless to say the lace was ruined in his nearly feral haste to have you. But he happily bought you more, a lot more.
🌹 Within a year of being with Ivan, and him chipping away at your insecurities. You become the confident goddess you were meant to be! And he's so fucking proud of you, he's always showing you off, and praising you.
🌹 Ivan doesn't want you to change for anyone, not even him. He loves you just the way you are, it's what drew him to you in the first place. And he's beyond honored for not only getting to love you, but to show you just how sexy you truly are.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
*Hope this was satisfactory!
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