#( i'm paying extra attention to these two in comics now lmao )
trencri · 1 year
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Huey / Garvey moments because I love them @rednephew
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jezmmart · 11 months
Chamomile Comic Trivia #28
#146 - Really
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This story arc was vaguely inspired by my job experience. I am A manager but not THE manager at my reluctant retail day job, but there's always something stupid happening and I've had to run the place for anywhere between a week to a month or two so many times over the years, so I had a few experiences to draw jokes out of.
#147 - My
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Having said that, I feel no ownership or pride of authority, so this one is just fun with characters. In my head, the place that the customer goes to for buying something is just "the till" so I remember it took me a while to come up with, of all things, the words "service counter" - something for Layla to refer to that area by that didn't sound completely unnatural in dialogue.
#148 - Follow
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Now this one IS very much based on my own experience going to management meetings and training days. Fleeting moments of inspiration in how to improve things and community with fellow management - followed by immediately getting slammed back down to earth by how hard the ideas would be to implement due to constantly stingy hours and how it's all just about making money in the end.
I remember once pointing out a hypocrisy in a company process during a training meeting. The trainer conceded to my point making sense then came to the conclusion of... "do it like we said anyway". Cool.
The fact that Layla is making notes and paying attention while veteran managers to her left and right doze off was also true to my experience, lmao.
#149 - Help
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Very important lore drop here - the addition of the cute little staff only spiral staircase upstairs in the corner of the shop, which was a memorably fun thing to decide "I really want this in Cammie's shop, I'm always fascinated by them when I see them in a shop and ever since I was little always very upset I can't go up and down them" and then realise "right now I have to figure out how to draw that!!". I've checked the blurry backgrounds for the two comics where this corner of the shop was visible before and there wasn't any sign of it, so this is a very light retcon (those blurry backgrounds were very vague anyway though). A rare case of it being more sensible to draw the background in full since it was getting used for all 4 panels, so enjoy some uncensored spiral staircase:
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I remember coming up with this joke when a Uni friend was visiting and we were just sort of riffing off each other with work related jokes or something, so this comic takes me back to fond memories of said visit generally!
If you look carefully you can see Layla has already performed her management teleportation spell in panel 3, behind the thief's open jacket.
#150 - Stop
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The big 150! Well, it feels like a special number at this stage (250 also feels special, and then after that the 50s don't so much anymore for whatever reason). Either way I decided to do a quadruple lengther!
I haven't always followed this rule but I decided at this time at least, for extra-length comics, I still wanted each "page" to at least vaguely stand-up as a standalone comic too. In that context, the main purpose of going extra length is to keep the pace on a scene which I don't want dragging out across a whole month.
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The spot Cammie runs by in this panel is the same one from comic #56, Cammie's footprints permanently a part of this street's history now. I know for sure these two extras in the foreground will show up in a few future comics when I couldn't be bothered to design new ones too.
The "helping the old ladies across the street" part of this chase is one of my favourite comedy scenes I've come up with over the years, I don't remember at all where it came from, I just enjoy it as a reader now, haha! I'm particularly proud his look back and Cammie's responding glare.
On the flipside I wish I could have come up with something a bit more meaningful than just "there is a dead end" to finish the chase but it's not really super important, the seagull joke is the point.
And now for something that hasn't come up in a Trivia post before - significant unused content!
For a short time I was thinking about following the above with a new arc dealing with an actual fallout from the shoplifting incident, with two comics scripted out. It's been years and I've never used or repurposed these so I think it's safe to share them. I reserve the right to still use a variance of these one day if it really feels right for another story though, not everyone reads these trivia posts, haha!
I'll let the scripts speak for themselves first.
Unused #151:
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Unused #152:
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From here the idea was that Bri and Cammie would have had a falling out for a little while (maybe a couple months worth of comics I was thinking) due to Bri, her dearest and most understanding friend, outright calling her stupid in the heat of her deep concern, sort of an expansion of the little moment where Vi genuinely hurt Cammie's feelings by referring to her "rampant idiocy" back in #59 / #62.
But as the deadline to begin work on the #151 approched I just wasn't coming up with anything I liked to follow that thread through, so in the end it didn't happen and we got... *flips page* a comic about Cammie putting a bucket on her head instead! Good stuff.
I still think canonically, Bri wouldn't have approved of Cammie's chase, but in this case she kept her frustrations to herself!
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Just wanted to let you know your writing is AMAZING. dunno if you take requests or not but if you do I'd love one of protective kuroo, kind of like the akaashi fic you did! I know you just did a kuroo one (which was also amazing, I loved it) but I'm a kuroo girl so i can't get enough haha
Thank you so much for the kind words! I am taking requests on top of the other stuff I’m writing:) everyone is low key a Kuroo girl and if someone disagrees with that they can fight me lmao just kidding! But here you go! I hope you enjoy the story:)
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You hummed softly to yourself as you watched your legs swing back and forth, the bench you were sitting on kept your feet off the ground.
 You looked around and sighed softly, Kuroo was running late. 
 It had been a long time since you guys had gone on a date, he was busy preparing for the Spring Tournament, and you were busy with your extra college prep courses.
 So when he had suggested going to the amusement park that recently opened up, you definitely couldn’t refuse. 
 You were waiting in front of the entrance for Kuroo to arrive, considering he was the one who had bought the tickets.
 “Y/n!” you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend call out. You looked up to see him waving an arm in the air, smiling at you. Behind him you saw Kenma grumbling to himself as he stuffed his hands further into the hoodie he was wearing.
 Your lips twitched in amusement. That was probably why he was late.
 “Hi Kenma!” you said brightly once they reached you, wrapping the second year in a tight hug.
 “Hi Y/n.” he mumbled quietly, softly returning the hug. 
 “Oi! Why does Kenma get a hug before your boyfriend?” Kuroo grumbled, an annoyed expression taking over his features.
 “Because Kenma wasn’t the one who was late.” you retorted, sticking out your tongue. 
 He huffed angrily and reached a hand out to grab you away from the setter, only for you to slap his hand away, continuing to cling to the pudding haired male.
 “Damn you Kenma!” 
 “Be quiet Kuroo.” Kenma sighed. “I didn’t even want to go. You dragged me out of the house.”
 “That’s because if I didn’t you’d be stuck inside all day playing video games. It’s good to have fun once in a while.” Kuroo stated simply, finally pulling you away from his teammate and into his arms.
 “Playing video games is fun Kuroo.” Kenma shot back, taking out his phone. “Besides, isn’t this supposed to be a date? Why would you have me tag along? You and Y/n haven’t spent much time together recently.” he glanced up looking between the two of you.
 You had forgotten about your annoyance towards Kuroo for being late now that you were wrapped up in his arms. Right now you were incredibly content as you leaned against his tall form.
 “It’ll be fun Kenma! I haven’t seen you much either. Let’s go enjoy the park together!” You said happily.
 You had known the two boys since you were in middle school, and quite frankly once you had started dating Kuroo you kind of expected Kenma to be there half the time. They were a package deal, and you honestly didn’t mind, sometimes preferring the quiet second year’s presence more than your boyfriend’s.
 Kenma sighed in defeat and trailed after you guys as you made the way to the counter to hand in your tickets.
 Once you guys were actually inside the park Kenma seemed to have perked up just a bit.
 You talked animatedly towards Kuroo about what you wanted to do for the day. Your hands intertwined together as you spoke.
 You hadn’t noticed the soft gaze that came over the tall third year. Kuroo couldn’t help but to stare at you. It had definitely been too long since the last time you guys got to be together. He missed you terribly. He missed the ridiculous facial expressions that came over your face when you were talking, he missed the way you pouted whenever he teased you, he missed the way you would play with your long hair whenever you were nervous. 
 Fuck, he just missed you entirely. He felt guilty about how busy he was with the volleyball club, feeling like he was being a terrible boyfriend for neglecting you for so long.
 But you understood completely, you knew how important volleyball was to him and you just wanted to be able to give him unconditional love and support. 
 Plus, those extra courses were brutal. While you loved spending time with Kuroo, you also knew how incredibly distracting he was during homework. So you were grateful for the time apart to get everything done.
 “Do you guys want food?” Kuroo asked, staring at the food stalls. You guys had finished riding the thrill rides, and playing most of the game stalls at the park. 
 You were having a wonderful time, and there were those rare moments where you saw Kenma smiling to himself, he had the most fun playing the stall games, and he was actually pretty good at it. He had won the majority of the prices that were now in your grasp. Much to Kuroo’s distaste. 
 But Kuroo had won you a black cat plushy. Despite the frustration he felt at only being able to win you the small stuffed animal, the look on your face was worth it. 
 He had never seen anything more beautiful; the way your eyes lit up and the wide smile that stretched across your face. It was definitely worth it. Especially when you declared that the cat’s name was going to be Tetsu. 
 While Kuroo went off to go get food, you and Kenma found a place to sit. “You’re really good at those shooting games Kenma.” You stated, sitting across from the quiet male.
 He looked up at you from his phone and smiled slightly. “It’s not that hard, it’s just like some of the video games I play.”
 “I suck at video games.” you sighed, frowning slightly. “Tetsuro always makes fun of me because of it.”
 “I know.”
 “Don’t be mean.” you pouted. Kenma laughed slightly at your expression before closing his phone and standing up. 
“I’m going to the restroom real quick, are you going to be okay by yourself?” Kenma asked.
 You waved him off as you settled down into your seat. You would be fine, this was an amusement park afterall. Nothing bad ever happened at these kinds of places right?
 You were wrong.
 You were definitely wrong about that statement. 
 It had only been a couple of minutes of being alone before an arm draped over your shoulders. 
 You stiffened and looked to see a guy around your age sitting next to you. His friend sitting  across from you.
 “What’s a cute girl like you sitting all alone for? Did your boyfriend leave you?” he teased. 
 You frowned, shifting your body away from the male. “No. He went to go get us food.” 
 “Where? I don’t see him.” his friend said looking around halfheartedly. “Why don’t you come hang out with us?”
 You glanced around to see that people weren’t paying attention to the uncomfortable situation you were in. 
 And Kuroo and Kenma were still gone…
 “No thanks. I suggest you leave before my boyfriend gets here.” you said dryly, crossing your arms over your chest. A hard expression covering your face.
 “Oh come on, don’t be like that.” the one that was sitting next to you cooed, shifting closer to you and grabbing your chin. “We can show you a real good time…”
 You flinched away from his touch, fear and annoyance overtaking your body. 
 While you didn’t tolerate being talked to this way, it was still incredibly scary considering that you were outmatched right now.
You ignored the feeling of dread sinking deep within your stomach and was about to start telling off the two males when a tray full of food was slammed down in front of you, causing you to jump in fright.
 “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to my girlfriend?” 
 You had never seen Kuroo so pissed before. His cat-like eyes were piercing as they glared down at the unwelcomed males. His expression was dark and angry. 
 It was a frightening image to behold.
 Behind the angry and towering male was Kenma. His eyes watching the two males with a calculating expression before flickering over to you, walking from around Kuroo he stood next to you, carefully pressing his hand against your elbow and tugging you gently away from the table. 
 Kuroo’s eyes briefly moved to yours checking to make sure you were okay and not hurt before moving back to the males that were beginning to look frightened.
 Kuroo’s confrontation finally brought other eyes to your area, the people around you looking on which made the harassers even more nervous.
 “Do you two losers usually go around touching girls that don’t want to be touched?” Kuroo asked coldly, this caused an eruption of whispers to take place around you guys, older adults getting ready to step into the situation.
 “How about I show you guys a good time…” he said darkly, cracking the knuckles of his right hand.
 You have never seen boys run away as fast as they just did. 
 You released the breath you had apparently been holding during that encounter. You watched Kuroo’s expression go from dark and cold to loving and worried as he turned his attention to you.
 “You okay doll?” he asked gently cupping your face. 
 You nodded softly. “Y-Yeah. Let’s eat. I don’t want this to ruin our day.” you smiled slightly.
Kuroo stared at you for a moment before nodding slowly. He shared a pointed look with Kenma but didn’t press the matter further.
 You were definitely not okay.
 All too soon the day had ended. You and Kuroo found yourselves outside of your house.
 “Do you want to come in? My parents won’t be home until later tonight.” you said quietly.
 “Oya? Are you trying to seduce me Y/n-chan?” Kuroo smirked leaning down towards you.
 You flushed brightly, slapping his chest. “Shut up Tetsuro. Do you want to come in or not?”
 He laughed loudly at your embarrassed face. “Fine. Fine.”
 You rolled your eyes as you guys stepped into your house. It wasn’t the first time Kuroo had been to your home, he immediately made himself comfortable as he went upstairs to your bedroom.
 “I feel gross. Will you be fine out here if I go shower?” you asked, setting down the prizes you had gotten at the park.
 Kuroo dismissed you as he picked up one of your comics you had laying around, making himself comfortable on top of your bed. You rolled your eyes as you left to the bathroom after grabbing a change of clothes.
 Kuroo felt his phone buzz in his pocket. 
 Don’t leave Y/n alone tonight. She definitely wasn’t okay after what had happened. Kenma texted.
 Kuroo frowned and glanced towards the closed bedroom door, he knew that you weren’t okay. If he was being honest, the rest of the day he was waiting for you to break down crying.
 Kuroo knew that you were a strong person, that was one of the many things he loved about you. But a situation like that, would leave anyone frightened. He noticed that too, the way you would jump slightly at his sudden touch, and the way that you would glance around worriedly.
 Of course he wasn’t going to leave you alone tonight. Before that had happened he had planned on coming over anyway, he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible, and considering that tomorrow was the weekend, he thought it was the perfect time. 
 Kuroo didn’t notice you walk in until you plopped yourself on the bed, drying your damp hair.
 He smirked slightly as he took in your clothes, your soft legs were exposed due to the shorts you opted to wear to bed, and his familiar volleyball shirt hung down your body.
 “Did you steal that?” he teased, setting down the comic book. “I was wondering where that shirt went.”
 “Nooo…” you said, averting your eyes. “You left it here.”
 “Lying doesn’t suit your sweet face doll,” Kuroo drawled out, sitting up from the many pillows on your bed and clasping warm fingers around your wrist. “Who knew that my girlfriend was a thief.” he smirked and yanked you into his lap.
 You fell into him with a loud ‘oomph,’ your face squishing against his hard chest, and then you melted against him.
 Sighing softly to yourself, you shifted against him comfortably, straddling his hips as you wrapped your arms around his muscular shoulders, your head laying against his chest.
 Kuroo’s hands rested on your upper thighs carefully, thumbs rubbing gentle circles into the skin.
 You both were quiet for a moment, just appreciating the comfort and warmth of being in each other’s arms.
 “You know, you don’t have to act tough around me right?” he said suddenly. “I know what happened earlier freaked you out.”
You stiffened and relaxed against his chest. Kuroo just knew you too well.
 “Yeah.” you said quietly. “I just didn’t want you to worry… and I didn’t want to ruin the day…”
 You remembered the way that guy had touched you so casually, and despite the shower you had taken, and the way you had all but scrubbed your skin raw, you still felt gross.
 Kuroo sighed, pushing you back slightly so he could stare at your face. “I already know that you’re a crybaby. Kenma does too. You’re forgetting that we’ve known each other since we were kids.” he said bluntly.
 You huffed angrily at his statement and whacked his chest with your palm, causing a wide smirk to appear on his face. “I’m not a crybaby!”
 “If you’re not feeling okay, it’s okay to tell us,” he finished, ignoring you completely. “It’s okay to tell me, because I’m always going to take care of you. Yeah?”
 The sincerity in his voice and the gentle expression on his handsome face caused you to blush. Your eyes moved away from his and settled on staring at his chin as you tried to get your racing heart under control.
 Your fingers played with his hair at the nape of his neck. The way you felt about Kuroo was indescribable, the admiration and adoration you had for the third year volleyball captain was too much. It felt like your heart was about to explode from how much you just loved him.
 “Thank you Tetsuro.” You said finally meeting his gaze. “I love you a lot.” you confessed.
 He smiled gently at you, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead. “I love you too.”
 It was quiet for a moment as you rested your head against his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent.
 “If you want to thank me properly, you should take off your shirt. Well actually it’s my shirt.”
 “Shut up Tetsuro or I’ll tell Kenma."
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