#( i'm not making a proper post cause i didn't like the description )
a-lightbaund · 2 years
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I stole the quiz ‘ assign you a uni major based on vibes ’ and Shoto got: medicine / veterinary / dentistry / midwifery / pharmacology / chemistry / biomed. That means I wasn't entirely wrong for forcing a medicine!student modern verse on him.
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eri-pl · 12 days
But what about the Silmaril's rights?
Or "the erason why the Feanorians shouldn't get them, which may be somwhat compelling even to the more pro-feanorian of you (because it's not about the Sindar)" (to be clear: my goal is not to invalidate the Sindar)
So, the Silmarils are alive. They do have feelings: they enjoy the light (I will not give quotes because my book is in Polish, but it's in their description). This may be a hyperbole or something, like Balrog's wings of shadow, but I'm not sure it is. Elves, with their ability to perceive other minds, would probably not attribute feelings to something that doesn't have them. Not in a serious text like the Annals of Aman.
How did Feanor make them, you ask? He cannot create life. Yes. He didn't create them in the strict sens, or even in the typical artistic sub-creation sense. He bred them. He created them like an artisan gardener creates a living chair from a willow. He bred them from the light of the Trees, and they are offspring of the Trees.
Does it mean they belong to Yavanna? No, I don't think so. In the logic of modernday agricultural corporation or dog breeder they would, but I don't think she would see them as more hers than every plant is hers. More beloved by her, maybe. Maybe not. She has no problem with the idea of them dying, so probably less.
I'm not going to make claims on who they legally belong to under this or that law, that's not the point of the post.
The point is that they are creatures with feelings. And they love light, they metabolize light, they probably need light to thrive. And Feanor in his later days keeps them closed in a dark treasury. And Melkor keeps them on his evil face (considering their nature I would be very unsurprised if the burning of the evil caused them as much pain as the burned person) in a dark fortress.
That's animal magical jewel abuse.
And the sons of Feanor who want to claim them, would also all cause pain to them. Sure, ok, maybe they would keep the gems in a bright, uncovered place where they could see their cousins (sun and moon) and shine for all to see and not be closed like a pupy in a cage. Maybe they would not touch them.
Both of those seem extremely unlikely, considering all facts. SoF are reasonable, and the reasonable thing to do with the Silmarils is to keep them secret, keep them safe in a dark, closed place. (And if you think they would give the jewels proper enrichment, look into my eyes and say: "Yes, I think that the sons of Feanor would put empathy for other living being over their oath".)
(Yes, I know thay have trauma. This post is not about hating them. It is about whether they are fit to take good care of magical jewels. Unprocessed trauma doesn't help in that. they need emotional support jewels, and the Silmarils are not trained for that, they do have a trauma of their own.)
And the Silmaril loved Luthien, oh how itloved her, she shone so bright and the gem drank it and gave it back and it was wonderful it was killing her but she loved this little creature too much to care.
It's complicated. You have a (magical and somewhat holy puppy) who one guy bred and abused (because he didn't know how to care for it and was made distrustful of the people who could teach him, and he had unprocessed trauma), then he died and now his sons believe they'd all go to hell if they don't get the puppy and keep it safe in a tiny cage, and there's the girl who stole the puppy from a terrible guy who abused it (because he's Like That), and it's so happy with her and then there's all that mess.
(I imagine them as some weird thing between animal, plant and magic... they don't talk or move, but they do feel a lot.)
So, as I asked in the title: what about their rights?
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0oolookitsme · 2 years
A Day Made Better
Type- Blurb
Verse- Marvel-Actress!Y/n x Marvel-Actor!Harry and Marvel-Actor!Tom Holland
Warnings- None that I can see, but please do tell me if there's any I should put!
Word Count- 912
A/N- I'm slipping back into writing a lot now. Like, I've literally got two more fics saved up and ready to be posted in my drafts and I'm onto working another one. You believe me now? Good. I hope you enjoy reading this <3
Description- Y/n isn't having the best day of her life, Tom can't seem to stop falling and Harry is just too good at making people happy with his little jokes.
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It'll be a lie if they were to say that they 'didn't even try' to keep Harry from joining the duo of Tom and Y/n.
Cause they did, they really did try their best. Alas, sweat broke on their foreheads as they lost the unconfirmed battle. But that doesn't mean they are at peace now, oh that's such a no. Perhaps that's why they were gatekeeping Harry, to save them from any greater number of chaotic plans plotted against them.
Every morning, Harry is the first to arrive at the set. Followed by eating-something-Y/n and then a disheveled Tom. And everyone loves their presence but somedays they want nothing more than to tie the three up and throw them in some random deep pit.
Today, majority of the marvel actors are on the set because of some random interview filming which apparently required to them to be on the set. This made the lot who wasn't in the camera view feel annoyed- not sure with the interviewers or with the ones who are being interviewed.
Whatever the option, Y/n is most definitely annoyed with both.
She's been asked to come on set at 5am in the morning, since the last two weeks. Well, everyone has been. But today wasn't like just any other days, no. She had gotten her periods last night, which she blames to make her cry last night. In the morning when she woke up, she was met with her unpleasantly puffed-up eyes, causing her to cry almost again especially when her hair wouldn't get in a proper braid.
At the end, she washed her face with cold once again, looked away from the mirror and threw her hair in a hand curated bun. And, as expected, it looked better than anything.
Then when she arrives on set, she sees Tom on the ground looking like an embarrassed five-year-old, and Harry who's standing right behind him, clutching his stomach and laughing his lungs out while providing his friend with his arm for support.
That did turn the corner of her lips up a tad bit. But when she was told how there wasn't going to be any shooting done today because of interview she and the other two are not a part of, she felt like ripping her hair off her scalp.
She had asked if they could go back then, but the answer she received might be the reason she's sitting in a corner as she registers the fact that this day was going to go down the sink of moodiness.
"Let me tell you a joke," Harry came to sit down beside her, his thigh touching with hers and y/n's not sure if it's because his love language is physical touch or just an unintentional thing. Either thought makes her smile a little. "But you'd have to participate in this one- just once!"
"So, a papa tomato, a mummy tomato and a baby tomato were walking down the street. The baby tomato was walking too slow and got a little behind the parent tomatoes. That made papa tomato mad, and he squished the baby tomato, telling him to: 'ketchup!'" Harry shrieked at the last word and started giggling himself before fixing his eyes on y/n's mouth to see if it made her smile even.
It's like she's laughing, but she doesn't want to laugh- like she wanted to remain sad. Which makes Harry bump his shoulder with hers and laugh along.
Y/n feels something brush on her back before the third musketeer's voice follows. "What's so funny, eh?" He asks as he tries his best to sit down in his kinda tight skinny jeans. "Tell me too, my day hasn't been very heartful either. It's been rather hurtful," he continues himself, squeezing out an unexpected laugh by the other two.
"He's been falling on his ass all morning long," Harry tells y/n as he calms down, still giggling every once in a minute. Though when he sees y/n frown in amusement, he goes on full tryna-convince-her mode. "Like literally!"
"I've fallen what, three times? And what did you do about it, other than wheezing huh?" Tom defends himself from the other side.
"What else could you expect me to do? Massage your arse??"
This snatched a wheeze from y/n's lungs as her body shrinks down. Clutching her stomach, she rises back up and starts to clap while still laughing hysterically.
"Shut up," Tom mumbles, the tops of his cheeks reddening as if someone pinched them.
Harry sputters out laughs as y/n and Tom tell him more about the pranks they have pulled on the rest of the cast members before. But none of them pulls a laugh as loud as the can toppled over Tom's head does.
"Should I throw the other two too, or are you guys coming here to get them?" Sebastian shouts from quite afar with two more cans in his hands.
"No wait! We're coming!" Y/n manages to string the words together in the middle of another wheel of laughter, all while Harry helps her up and Tom cusses out Sebastian.
With the cans finally in their hands, they come back to sit back at their spots. The time followed by goes like that, Y/n spilling her drink as she opens her can, Tom almost slipping over the same drink as he stands up to enact a scene from his favourite movie he was describing and Harry throwing lame jokes here and there.
Tagging- @onecrazydirectioner @tatehuxley222 (you both requested for a part 2 :)) | @marvel1dhp @eloquentree (you both asked to be tagged in all the works <3)
Feel free to reply under any of my original posts or send in an ask requesting to be added in the tag list <3
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random-writer-23 · 2 years
Welcome Home (Poe x Gn reader)
Summary: Poe's been gone on a mission for longer than he was supposed to.
Words: 1,387
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, mentions of reader not eating (not eating disorder), brief description of minor injuries, allusions to sexy time cause c'mon it's Poe you can't expect me to not slip that in.
A/n: just thought I'd try my hand at writing something short for once, this has got to be the shortest thing I've ever written, and it's still over 1k words. And it took all the strength I had in me not to turn this into a full-blown oneshot. Anyway, this is mostly unedited but my last Poe thing is doing well so I figured I would feed you more Poe content. What the public wants they shall receive. Also, I'm pretty sure I wrote this with gender neutral reader, but if y'all find something not gender-neutral, lmk so I can fix it :D But anyway let me know what y'all think of my first drabble, and I might write more in the future when I feel like I haven't published anything in a long time. And as usual, all likes, comments, reblogs, and follows are welcome and greatly appreciated Also I am still looking for beta readers so if you’re interested see the pinned post on my profile for more information. happy reading my lovelies!
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I paced the floor of my room, trying to figure out something to do, I could do laundry, read a book, or make lunch. Preferably that option, I hadn't eaten a proper meal in what seemed like weeks. Just snacks when the stress got too much to handle and I didn't know what else to do. The fighter squadrons should've been back by now, they were only sent on a short recon mission, they must have run into some trouble, or worse what if they were dead? I stopped my pacing and headed to the kitchen, ready to make something to eat, I had to take my mind off the quiet in the room. I opened the conservator and looked for what we had that I could use to make something to eat. I rifled through the food I had getting more discouraged the more I looked. A sandwich would have to suffice for my meal today, and I'd also have to make a list of things I'd need to get from the market on base. I mean sure I could always go eat at the canteen but canteen food everynight gets sickening, and theres nothing like a homecooked meal. I began to hum a little tune to myself as I spread mayo on my bread. When I heard a knock at the door. 
"Who is it?" I called to the person on the other side. 
"Lucy!" the voice announced, Lucy lives in the room next to me. 
"Come in!" I told her, and the door slid open revealing her standing there, hair messed up and very out of breath. "Oh dear Lucy, what happened?" I asked her my eyes wide as I moved to get her a cup of water. "Here I'll get you some water" I told her. 
"No time" She breathed heavily, hands on her knees to stabilize herself and catch her breath. I looked at her confused. 
"(y/n) they're back!" She blurted out, and I froze my brain processing what she was saying. 
"They're..." I mumbled my voice going quiet as she grabbed my hand and smiled nodding. A smile quickly made its way across my face and I laughed "They're back!" I shouted giggling, Lucy grabbed my hand. 
"well let's go!" She said turning to pull me out the door, trailing me along behind her, we ran through the base to the landing bay. Only yelling 'they're back' at the people who gave us weird looks. We sprinted giggling all the way back and once we got to the landing bay, time seemed to stop. I stopped running and Lucy ran forward to greet her girlfriend, running into her open arms with shouts of joy. I didn't have to look very long for my love. I saw him immediately, climbing down the ladder from his x wing, when his feet touched the ground, a huge crowd immediately swarmed around him, and he smiled laughing as people patted him on the back congratulating him on another successful mission. He quickly turned his attention away from the people crowding around him, his eyes searching the crowd quickly. A look of subtle panic slowly crossing his face the more he searched. Until our eyes locked and I saw his instant relief. Watched all the stress drain from his shoulders, the exhaustion he didn't let show to the others wash away. I smiled a wide smile, giggling at the goofy grin spreading across his face. He pushed through the crowd around him, and they parted easily around him. Going back to congratulating each other the second he moved past as if he wasn't even there. He finally made it through all the people, and as soon as he did, time resumed and I ran towards his open arms. Once I got to him he picked me up spinning me around laughing. He put me back down, and once my feet hit the floor, he wrapped his arms around me tightly pulling me against him desperately.  As if holding me as tight as he could, would prevent me from ever leaving his side again. And if I had the choice it would. I breathed him in,  my fist clenching around the fabric of his flight suit tightly. The tears welled up in my eyes and I blinked letting them fall. I pulled away from him for a minute looking him up and down, to make sure he wasn't visibly hurt. Just to make sure he was really there, and he wasn't some illusion my mind had come up with. I pulled his helmet off his head dropping it to the floor and grabbing his cheeks turning his head looking for any sign of injuries. He had a couple of scrapes on his face, and smeared dried blood along his brow and forehead, but other than that he was fine. I touched his face, running my fingers gently along the cuts. Once I determined he was fine, I pulled him back in hugging him close, my body shaking with sobs as I came to the realization he was back and actually standing relatively unharmed in front of me. 
"You're safe" I murmured into his chest, almost disbelievingly. 
"Of course, couldn't leave my pretty girl all by herself" He smiled lifting my head with a hand under my chin making me look up at him. He wiped away my tears with one hand, and I smiled leaning into his touch. I opened my eyes and leaned in placing a soft kiss on his lips. Gently, delicately, hesitantly, pulling away and looking up at him through my lashes. He smiled and pulled me back in for another kiss, fueling this one with more desperation, gripping my waist tightly, and moving his hand from my face to the back of my neck. I wrapped my hands around his neck tangling my fingers in his hair. Smiling against his lips, he pulled away chuckling, and leaned his forehead against mine. "Maker, I love you" He mumbled, pressing his lips against me again, pulling away quickly, "I missed you" he kissed me again. "You're so beautiful, (y/n)" another kiss. "My (y/n)" another kiss, an explosion of affection. My heart fluttered, and I giggled turning away from him to hide my flushing face. "Don't hide from me gorgeous" He mumbled into my ear, only driving me further into hiding. 
"I love you too Poe" I looked back at him, placing one last kiss on his lips before his friends ran up to us cheering and screaming. He rolled his eyes at their approach, and he stepped away from me unwillingly. Not letting me go too far as he stood next to my side pulling me close to him. Finn, Rey and BB-8, came up to us Finn pulling us all into a large group hug, blubbering about how they survived another day. I rolled my eyes pulling out of the group hug with a laugh as I felt something hitting my leg. I looked down and gave a shout of joy as BB spun in a circle joyfully having my attention. I knelt down to his level giving him a kiss as well. "I'm glad you're back BB" I smiled, and he wooped in reply. I laughed, standing back up when Poe tapped my shoulders. I looked at him with a smile and he gave me another quick kiss. Finn groaned,
"Alright, get a room you two" Rey laughed,
"but not before we get a drink from the canteen" Finn added pumping his fist, and we all cheered.
"you good to celebrate" Poe leaned close to my ear whispering the question so only I could hear him. 
"Of course, you are a hero after all" I giggled, "but let's make it quick, I want to give you a proper welcome home" I smiled slyly and his eyes widened, realizing what I meant. He perked up quickly. 
"Alright let's drink!" He cheered loudly and I laughed. He leaned down to pick up his helmet, placing it on my head and gripping my hand tightly. "Maker I'm glad to be home" He smiled. 
"Me too" I replied as we followed the cheering crowd to the canteen, hand in hand, and the weeks of stress I felt washing away, and all was right in the world once more. 
QOTD: What is your favourite star wars movie? Mine. is either revenge of the sith or the animated clone wars movie!
Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/9bwRmtXCuB
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eyndr-stories · 1 year
So!!! I wound up writing the epilogue to 'I Think I Smell A Rat' out nice and proper after all lol here it is! And I'm making this a little series because I would be happy to write more of these silly robots if yall have requests! Yall seem to enjoy being a nifty little robot rat doing rat tasks and making exceptionally tall friends ^_^
Send requests / prompts to me here on Tumblr or yell at me on Ao3 (LINK TO THIS EPILOGUE ON AO3 RIGHT HERE BTW). Consider this epilogue a little intro into the 'after the story' mini stories i'm hoping this will be??
If i do get any requests (or if I ever get an idea of my own i'd like to write :P), I'd write and post them each as their own standalone in-universe chapter! The idea is to have it so none of the chapters are required reading for any other chapters, so each chapter is sort of its own standalone little scenario, and I'll write up a brief little description of the chapter in the summery or beginning notes or some such hooplah, so yall know what each little story is about. Does this makes sense??? I sure hope so lmao
That's all if I even get requests :P either way, enjoy this silly and super chill little epilogue! <3
Things To Know:
Not a lot lmao this is all chill fluff. You and your rat friends play board games with Sun and Moon ^_^
Also if you don't know how to play checkers. Now you do lmao
Friendly teasing between you and Moon
This is an epilogue so a few things and bits of dialogue might not make sense if you haven't read the main story. I'll do my darndest to have potential request chapters be standalone stories but still in-universe!
I am so so sleepy please tell me if I am missing important things here I will amend as soon as I wake up dfhkjghkf
     "TINY FRIEND!!!"
     The mouse hole shaped wall port had barely closed behind you before you were spotted. Sun was barreling across the daycare towards you, although this time around you were not fearful, but actually very happy to see him.
     Before you could even blink out a 'hello' from your tail light, you'd been scooped up and now the world was rushing by as Sun twirled. He finally paused to press you to his face plate.
     "Muah! Muah!!" Sun said, bumping his ever constant grin against your noggin a few times. "Moon told me everything!! I can't believe it, you really fixed everyone and found your friends and saved the day and OHHH I'm SO sorry if I caused you any trouble when I had that virus! I can't even remember what happened after I went in for repairs… I wasn't mean to you was I?! I'm so sorry tiny friend I didn't mean it!!"
     You quickly waved your tail light directly in front of Sun's eye, finally cutting off his rambling before he could get too upset. "Do not worry. Nothing too bad happened, and I'm not upset with you."
     "That's good!!! I'm so relieved!" Sun let out a massive sigh and plopped down onto the padded daycare floor. He cradled you in his hands, holding you up at eye level. "I hope Moony wasn't too mean to you either, he's such a grump sometimes!"
     You quirked your head to the side in amusement. "Oh, he wasn't so bad."
     "Good!! So what brings you back here so soon, tiny friend??"
     Sun flattened his palms out a little, and suddenly your pathfinding program was working again, deciding that Sun's hands were a decent enough surface to read. While you'd gotten pretty used to hanging out in hands, having your pathfinding working properly was something of a relief. You relaxed into Sun's hands and explained.
     "Well, if you recall, I did promise to play a game with you once everything else was taken care of. I also told Moon I'd play a game with him as well. I'm not sure how much time we have until your daycare opens…"
     "OHHHHHHH!!!" Sun's whole frame rattled and his slippered feet tapped excitedly on the padded floor. His sun says sprang in and out. "YOU WANT TO PLAY GAMES WITH US?!"
     You didn't have a chance to reply before Sun had sprang to his feet again, already twirling before he'd even stood all the way up.
     "That's SO GREAT tiny friend because!! The whole building including the daycare is closed for the day!!! So that means we can play games ALL DAY LONG if you want!!!"
     "The building is closed?" You did your best to focus on Sun instead of the world spinning madly around you.
     "Yeah! The staff said that they have to clean some things up, and management wants them done by the end of the day so we can open back up again tomorrow. So that means we have the whole day to play games!! You could even invite your friends if you want!!!" Sun finally stopped spinning, though his sun rays kept swaying from side to side.
     You thought about trying to convince at least your nest mates to come and play games with Sun. Might as well give it a shot, right?
     "Okay, I'll send a few of my friends a ping. They might be busy though. Is there a game we can play just the two of us in the meantime?" you asked.
     "Oh boy oh boy there sure is!! I'll take you to the game shelf!" Sun dashed back across the daycare, still holding you carefully. He rounded the edge of a play structure and weaved between child-sized tables with their chairs neatly tucked under them. He stopped at the wall, where one very long shelf spanned the length of this little back area. There were several cubbies and boxes of toys lined up along the wall below the shelf as well.
     "There's lots here we could play with two people! Hmm but what would be okay for a tiny friend to play…? Maybe a board game with small enough pieces? Cards might be too big for you to handle…" Sun mumbled mostly to himself as he paced along the length of the shelf, eyes scanning over colorful boxes.
     You were a little intimidated by the amount of games here. You'd never played any of them before of course, and didn't have the first clue as to how they worked. "Is there something simple we could play?"
     "Something simple… oh, would you like to play checkers??" Sun held you carefully in one hand and grabbed a smaller box from the shelf with the other.
     Encouraged by the more manageable size of this game's box, you agreed.
     Sun happily carried you to the nearest table, letting you hop off his hand so he could set up the game. "Usually I would discourage a friend from standing on the table, but I think I'll give you an exception!" Sun joked.
     You watched as Sun unfolded a colorful square board with a black and red checker pattern painted on its smooth surface. He explained the rules as he placed twenty-four plastic disks one by one in the board's squares.
     "So we each get twelve pieces, you see how half are black and the other half are red? We each get all of one color. Black gets to go first, and since its your very first time, you can be black!" Sun finished setting all the black disks in their proper places along your half of the board, then started setting the red disks on his side. "We take turns making moves until one of us wins the game! You win the game when your opponent can't make any more moves. This usually happens by capturing all of the other player's pieces."
     "All I have to do to win is take your pieces?" You eyed the disks. They seemed like they wouldn't be difficult for you to lift, and they had groves along their rims that you suspected would make them fit very neatly on top of each other for easier carrying.
     "Yes, but there's more rules!" Sun went on. "In order to capture an opponent's piece, one of your pieces has to leap over the opponent's piece and land in a straight diagonal line on the other side. The square you land in has to be empty. Like this!" Sun took two pieces to demonstrate, one of yours and one of his. He carried his piece over yours, setting it down in a black square on the other side of your piece, then placed your piece on the table next to the board. "See, and now I've captured your piece! The pieces must always move diagonally, and forwards. Unless the piece you move is a king!"
     "Wait, what's a king?"
     Sun set the pieces back in their proper places and explained that any piece that reached the other end of the board would become a king, and a captured piece would be placed on top so that the piece was twice as high as a single piece. Kings could move both forward and backward.
     Sun explained a few more rules, like jumping over more than one piece at a time, winning by blocking in all of an opponent's pieces, and pieces making a non-capturing move only being able to move one square. When you were ready, the game began in earnest.
     You eyed the board and all its neatly positioned pieces. There were only a few pieces you could move right at the start, so you stepped carefully between disks and picked one at random, sliding it to the diagonal square up and to the left of it with a paw.
     Sun took his turn, mirroring your move, then looked back up at you. You moved the same piece again, sliding it up and to the right. Sun tapped the bottom of his face plate thoughtfully, then moved a piece at the end of his first row forwards.
     Back and forth you went, moving pieces around for a while before you managed to capture the first piece. You'd been so excited to take the first piece that you didn't realize you'd hopped your little disk right into trouble, and Sun captured it immediately after.
     "Whoops." You thought more carefully about your next move while Sun swayed happily from side to side.
     As the game went on, you wondered if beating Sun was even possible. Sun probably had the right programming to calculate the best possible move, to plan several moves ahead. Sun had been built to play games with kids all day, whereas you'd been built to execute tasks with immediate response. You were struggling to plan more than a single move ahead.
     All your life it had been 'go here, complete task'. 'Get part, repair item'. Simple, straightforward, not much planning beyond making sure you didn't make your way too far out of your designated repair zone. If there was any sort of 'planning ahead' needed, usually you'd ping your shared network with the other rats and work together to work out a plan. Like with the new charging shifts to prevent another 'virus' fiasco from occurring, the network was buzzing in the back of your mind with discussion of who would get what shift, if rats all in the same nest should have different shifts or the same shifts.
     You got an idea as Sun captured another one of your pieces. You pinged your network with a low priority message, drafting up a somewhat complicated question.
     "You sure are thinking hard over there! Are you still having fun, tiny friend?" Sun asked.
     You turned your attention back to him, realizing you'd been staring down at the board for a while now, processors whirring hard. "Oh, yes! Apologies." You received a few pings back in response to your message. You excitedly moved a piece forward into position.
     "No worries! I'm glad you're having fun, I'm having fun too!" Sun made his next move without much delay, skirting one of his disks further along the edge of the board.
     You put a second piece into position, sliding it into danger. Sun took the bait, capturing your piece and unknowingly creating the perfect opening. Gleefully, you used the piece you'd set up earlier to hop over three of Sun's pieces in a row.
     "Woah!! What a good move!" Sun gasped.
     You happily hopped in place, being mindful not to bump any pieces on the board. With that move you'd evened the playing field between you and Sun.
     You informed the network of the success and sent another message, asking for further assistance. More rats replied this time. Gradually, as the game went on, you had nearly every rat on the network strategizing with you, and you were giving Sun a run for his money.
     "Gosh, you really picked this game up fast!" Sun scratched at his forehead with a finger, staring down at the board. "Oh boy, looks like I'm in trouble…"
     It only took a few more moves for you to win the game, with the help of the other rats. There was delighted chatter all across the network as you made the winning move, capturing Sun's final piece.
     "Wow!! You won, great job tiny friend! That was really fun!" Sun exclaimed, clapping happily.
     "Thank you!" You pranced in a little circle on the board, then climbed atop a king piece. "We won!! That was fun!"
     "We?" Sun tilted his face plate curiously.
     "Me and the other rats. I asked them to help me with planning ahead."
     "You mean I was playing against all your friends too??" Sun put his hands on his hips. "If I'd known that I would have adjusted my difficulty setting!"
     You looked at him blankly for a moment. "You mean to tell me that you weren't even trying very hard??"
     "I always set my difficulty setting lower when I play a game with someone for the first time! That way the game is fair, because people don't have as much fun when the game isn't fair," Sun explained.
     "Oh." You thought about that for a moment. "Was it unfair of me to ask all the other rats for help?"
     Sun answered with a kind and patient tone. "You can always ask for help from your friends! But not telling me made the game a little unfair. If you like to play that way then that's okay with me! There are lots of kids who have fun playing that way, and I don't mind! I just like to play. It's always good to ask first though if the other players want to play that way too!"
     "I see. Okay." You nodded in understanding. "I would like to play fair. I apologize for not telling you I had help winning."
     "That's okay, tiny friend! No hard feelings!" Sun lightly tapped you on the head between your little ears. "Would you like to play again??"
     "Yes," you answered immediately. The onslaught of low priority messages from the network asking you for more strategy questions ceased as you informed everyone you were playing again, and you were met with a new onslaught of delighted messages. "My friends are all excited to play again too."
     "Really?! That's great!!" Sun bounced excitedly as he made quick work of resetting the board. "Tell them they can come play with us anytime!! I've got lots of games, you know. OH, and speaking of excited friends… Moon really wants a turn, if that's okay??"
     "He does? Sure!"
     Sun laughed. "He says to tell you that he's definitely NOT excited, it's just that you did tell him you wanted to play a game with him and he just doesn't want you to be sad."
     "Right, of course." You watched as Sun stood up from the table and took a step back. "Maybe you two could take turns throughout the day?"
     "Yeah, that’s a great idea!!" Sun paused, then went on. "Moon agrees! Okay, here we go, lights off!"
     Immediately, all the lights in the daycare turned off. The darkness fell in a comforting blanket over the room, and your eyes immediately clicked over to a lower light setting. You watched with interest as Sun and Moon made a much more dramatic adjustment. A few yellow panels slid back to reveal blue waiting underneath, and small hatches opened to change out Sun's scarf with Moon's capelet, storing the spare costume piece away in a little compartment on their chest. Their face plate spun, latching onto Moon's nightcap as a smaller compartment closer to their neck opened, little magnets snapping into place and holding the cap to Moon's head, pulling it out of the compartment. You weren't sure what happened exactly to their pants. The fabric seemed light sensitive, the low light causing a different pattern to become visible, long bright stripes vanishing to make way for a starry pattern that matched Moon's nightcap.
     The whole transformation took only two seconds, and then you were faced with Moon, who focused on you at once.
     "Tiny terror," Moon greeted.
     You waved your tail at him in greeting. "Tall terror."
     Moon's face plate spun as he crouched down on the other side of the table. "Did your friends help you come up with that little nickname?"
     "That one was all me," you assured.
     "Good. Because unlike Sun, I have far less tolerance for cheaters." Moon waggled his finger disapprovingly at you.
     "I didn't mean to cheat!" you insisted.
     Moon 'tsk'ed at you and folded his arms. "Mhmm. Sure.”
     Moon chuckled quietly, and you had a feeling he was just messing with you. “Are you going to antagonize me all day or would you like to play a game?”
     “Who says I can’t do both?” Moon reached across the table and gave you a poke. He picked up one of the game disks and idly spun it over his knuckles, plastic ‘tik-tik-tik’ing over metal. “I’ll tell you what… since you’ve got your entire little rat crew backing you up, why don’t we try a game with a tad bit more strategy?” Moon flipped the disk into the box, then started picking up the other pieces.
     “What game?” You tilted your head at Moon, both cautious and curious.
     Moon reached into the box and took out a a taller game piece maybe half your height, carved to resemble a horse.
     “Chess,” Moon said, setting the piece in front of you. You had a feeling he’d be grinning even if he could have altered his expression beyond his eternal grin.
     Turns out, chess was a lot more complex than checkers, although it’s still played on the same board. Moon explained all the rules in detail, and then preceded to obliterate you in the first match, even with your friends helping you out. As you’d feared, he was very good at this game. Now you and the other rats were all getting the hang of it though, and the next game was more evenly matched as you all learned quickly.
     You were still struggling because relaying the state of the board and possible options each turn was taking a lot of processing power. The other rats were having a hard time keeping up as well, though everyone seemed to want to help out regardless.
     All of a sudden, you found a large number of rats ceased responding in the middle of the game. Figuring they’d finally gotten tired, you resolved to just do your best to finish out the game.
     “What’s the matter? You seem worried i’ll win by a landslide once again…” Moon moved his remaining tower only one space, and you peered suspiciously around the board, trying to see what kind of trap he was setting.
     “Hush you, i’m trying to concentrate.” You paced around the board, eying all the pieces. You had to admit, you were in trouble. Moon had a few more pieces in play than you, and both his king and queen were still well protected.
     You didn’t realize Moon’s face plate had been spinning until it stopped abruptly.
     “What is that… noise…” Moon straightened up, lifting his face plate up high to peer around the darkened daycare.
     A moment later, you heard it too. You immediately knew what it was. It was the sound your tiny metal paws made when you scurried over the padded floor of the daycare, only multiplied by fifty.
     No sooner had you placed the noise did you see its source. Rounding the edge of the play structure behind you was a small wave of metal rats, scurrying in a group towards you and Moon.
     “What the-?” Moon got to his feet, eying the rats warily.
     You were happy to see your friends, and a few quick back and forth pings dispelled your confusion at seeing them here. “They say they are here to play the game!”
     “Ah, they want to play in person? I suppose that doesn’t make much difference to me.” Moon shrugged. “You won’t all fit on the table, though…” Moon gently lifted the board, keeping all the pieces on its surface steady. He moved it to the floor beside the table, and all the rats immediately gathered around and started chatting excitedly back and forth in your shared network.
     You hopped from the table to one of the chairs tucked in around it, then dropped to the ground. Once you joined your friends, you shifted your attention to the strategy unfolding in the network.
     With your friends able to see the board and all its pieces, strategy discussion was much smoother and quicker, not to mention easier on your processors. In just a few moves you’d managed to turn the game around, and now you had Moon on the ropes.
     There were no more quips and jabs as Moon focused, puzzling intently over the game. He made some very good moves, but in the end you and your friends won the game. You toppled Moon’s king with a paw, declaring checkmate.
     Moon huffed and grumbled as you and your friends cheered and danced around the board.
     “What a fun game! That was great!” you told Moon.
     “I suppose I did have fun. Even if I lost to a bunch of rats.” Moon sighed. “Well, since you’re all here, would you all like to play a different game or would you like to keep playing chess?”
     The rats all chatted excitedly. More games?? What other games could there be??
     At your request, Moon listed off a great number of games, none of which you’d played before. You weren’t sure what games would be best for a whole group of you to play.
     “We could all play tag?” Moon offered.
     The rats all sounded interested, still excited from the previous games. Moon explained the rules, and everyone agreed to give it a try. You looked around at your group of friends and noted there were several more than there had been at first. You checked the network and found a low priority location ping with a unique task type labeled ‘GAMES’. The range request was set to ask every rat in the plex to come help with this ‘task’.
     “I will be it first, just to show you all how it’s done. Now, i’m going to count for thirty seconds! Remember, no hiding in the walls or outside of the daycare. I’d also stay out of the ball pit if I were you, I don’t think any of you would be able to get yourselves out of there and it’d be a pain to have to fish you out.” Moon swept his gaze over the assorted rats, hands on his hips. “Ready?”
     You spoke for everyone, stating you were all ready. Moon sat down and folded his legs, then slapped his hands over his optics and started to loudly count.
     You and the other rats scattered, creating a sound almost like soft rain against the outermost wall as dozens of tiny paws scurried over the padded floor.
     There were so many places to hide, you weren’t sure where would be best. You’d be well hidden in a pile of plushies or amidst those big colorful foam blocks, or you could try and climb up into one of the play structures… but you had no doubt Moon would look in any and all of these places. You needed somewhere he wouldn’t think to look…
     You paused in your tracks, swiveling your head back to Moon. He’d just reached fifteen seconds. All your friends had made themselves scarce; you spotted ends of tails dashing around the edges of slides or under toys. You turned back around and ran right back to Moon.
     Moon was sitting hunched over in his typical looming fashion. The end of his nightcap just barely reached the floor.
     You reached Moon with five seconds to spare. Carefully, as gently as you could, you grabbed hold of the end of Moon’s cap and pulled yourself up until you were around halfway up the cap. You managed not to jostle the bell, and Moon seemed none the wiser. He finished counting, and stood up.
     “Ready or not, here I come!”
     The world rushed by in a blur, and you found yourself way high up off the ground, clinging to the backside of Moon’s cap. It occurred to you then that this might not have been the safest idea you’d ever had, but it was far too late to back out now.
     Moon chuckled quietly as he started to stalk around the daycare, tiptoeing around and sweeping his gaze back and forth. He really hadn’t noticed you…
      Absolutely delighted with your success, you watched on as Moon started to track down your friends. He plucked them from toy piles and cubbies and slowly amassed a collection of rat friends in the middle of the room.
     Moon paused after a few minutes to study the found rats. “For some reason there seem to be more rats here than what we started with…”
     One of the rats informed Moon how many rats were left to find. You did some quick math and realized nearly three fourths of the entire rat crew was here in the daycare playing games. With the plex closed for the day, there must not be that many tasks to do.
     Rat by rat, Moon combed his way through the daycare. Soon he only had a small handful of rats left to locate. He eyed the rats congregated in the center of the daycare, all of them watching him stalk around with amusement.
     “Hm. Still haven’t found tiny terror yet…” Moon swiveled his head back and forth.
     You swung with his cap, glad you didn’t have a voice box because if you did you were sure you’d be giggling.
     A minute later, Moon had found every rat in the daycare besides you.
     “Only one left!” one of the rats helpfully supplied.
     “Yes, i’m aware.” Moon tapped at his chin thoughtfully. “There’s not many places left to hide…”
     Moon stalked the length of the daycare once more. You held tight to his night cap, little paws locked firmly in place in the fabric.
     “Where in the world…” Moon muttered.
     “Only forty-three seconds left!” another rat flashed.
     Moon grumbled to himself. You responded to a few amused pings. The other rats could see you very well and were commending you on your hiding place.
     Moon scaled up a play structure and cast one last desperate look around, hoping his vantage point overlooking the whole daycare would grant him some insight as to your whereabouts. He was unsuccessful.
     Several rats started flashing their tail lights. “Time’s up!”
     Moon heaved a sigh and climbed back down. He put his hands on his hips and looked around. “Alright tiny terror, where could you have possibly been hiding?!”
     You swing your tail around and tap it against the back of Moon’s head. Moon jumped and spun around as his sensors picked up the touch. You flew with his cap, remaining out of sight behind his head.
     Carefully, you climbed down Moon’s cap just far enough to kick the bell at the end. Moon straightened at the noise, pausing for a moment. Then, slowly, he spun his face plate around until you were dangling in front of his chest. He tilted his face at an angle and rotated it the rest of the full 360 degrees, causing his hat to dangle in front of his face. You found yourself suddenly very close to Moon’s eyes, which were studying you intently.
     “…I’m mad because I can’t even say this is cheating,” Moon grumbled.
     You tapped your tail against his pointed nose, amused at his despair.
     “You’re very lucky you’re cute, tiny terror.”
     “This means I win, right??”
     Moon sighed. “I’ll let it slide just this once. Yes, you win.”
     Delighted at your success, you found yourself not minding at all when Moon plucked you disdainfully from his hat and deposited you on the ground with your friends.
     Moon crouched down in front of the crowd of rats. “Okay, Sun is demanding a turn. Try not to miss me too much while I’m gone.”
     The rats all chatted excitedly. Very few of them had ever even seen Sun before. Everyone knew Moon of course, but not his more cheerful other.
     You bid temporary farewell to Moon, and he took a step back before declaring ‘lights on’.
     Before you knew it, Sun was back, and he was beyond delighted to be greeted with an army of tiny friends to play games with. He won over the good graces of your friends nearly instantly with his endless optimism and promise of more games.
     The day went on, and Sun and Moon taught you and your rat friends all kinds of fun games. A few of your friends came and went, some sticking around for some games and leaving for others. You stayed the whole day, only leaving briefly to charge before hurrying right back. You knew you’d eventually have to return to your tasks, but for now you were free to play games with all your friends and have fun.
     You found yourself marveling at how wonderful your life had become. Not that it was even bad before, you do still enjoy your tasks! You just never knew how absolutely wonderful it was to be surrounded by all of your friends, everyone safe and happy and having fun together. Despite the stress of last night, everything really had turned out alright, and it seemed to you that this outcome was more than worth it.
     You pulled yourself from your happy musings. Another game was about to begin, and you weren’t about to miss it for the world.
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iamthewoowoo · 1 year
Something cool happened last night.
(Note: Wrote this three days ago and drafted. Decided to post it today.) Today is a boring day, and I need to write something. I need practice. So to pass the time I figured I'd share an anecdote on what I experienced last night. I need to put this in my records anyway. I also wanted to make an introductory post. So I figure I can wrap the two into one that way - a lot of what I write will be like the anecdote below. With that said here's a little bit of background. You can call me Vigil. I'm a polytheist and eclectic magician who really digs chaos magic.
To be honest, I'm not sure what else to put here? Saying anything else makes me feel weird. I'm going to be talking about myself enough.
I just want to say I've been at this for a while, and it's where I picked up how to do what follows. Anyway this anecdote is about an experience I had while I worked on visualization, bordering on full-on astral projection after inducing hypnagogia.
tw: description of death
First off I just want to say: I wasn't alone during all of this, I am a polytheist after all. Due to certain agreements however I'm not at liberty to really write about that. So while I won't be getting into it, I do want to point out I was under protection as I experienced all this. I may have been in the forest, but I had someone lurking in the canopy with a high powered rifle. If it got too far they would have intervened.
Keep that in mind as you read further.
So I was doing some visualization in bed last night, where I basically work on an internal temple through my imagination. Think something akin to a memory palace. However the goal of this practice in particular is to bring on a hypnagogic state, which I've noticed over the years helps with achieving lucidity, or just having more beneficial, occult-y dreams. However it's been a while since I've done this, I'm getting into my mid thirties. When I lay down these days I just want to sleep. But last night I was feeling inspired and wanted to work on the method a little.
So I laid down, got into the proper mindset, and 'awoke' in my temple.
There I worked on moving around and so on. Did some squats. Walked a bit. Tripped and smacked my head on the floor. The usual.
Once I felt good and ready, properly in-sync with the place I was occupying, I decided to check out this library/reading room I used to frequent. While I won't be getting into all that, it's a pretty neat place. Has this kind of Backrooms vibe to it. Very beige and brown and fuckin' weird. It's a circular place lined with shelves of books and a square workspace in the middle with a table and chair. It's like a collective archive of various grimoires, most of which I can't ever seem to read. But I still like to visit and check it out.
So I walk in, and the place was loud. Unusually loud. Typically in the past it's stone silent, but this time it was like a fully loaded cafeteria. Just a bunch of voices talking over one another. I looked around and noticed no one was there though. It was as if the books were talking - or rather repeating all of their contents. Reading themselves aloud in some weird telepathic cacophony. So I muted it. Cause y'know, fuck that. I don't need a cafeterias worth of noise echoing in my head. I took this as a good sign though, it meant I was really melting into that ~mindspace~ if things were reacting dynamically to my presence as opposed to being prompted. Anyway I checked out the desk in the middle, and to me it seemed like there was a grimoire currently in progress of being written. On the table there was an open book that had text scrawled within it, along with reference books strewn out in piles over the rest of the surface. I decided to take a look at the open book but only saw the flash of a sigil, before the text on the pages swirled into nothingness. I guess it didn't want me to read it. Then I decided to check the books on the table. There was one in particular that stuck out to me. It was bound in a red cover, with gold text on the side that was in some kind of imposing, gold font. It almost looked like Latin letters with the roman numeral for 1. followed by a title that was all jumbled. Naturally, I opened the book. Cause I mean - why not? It was right there. In it I saw more text that was mostly jumbled. And then like a train it hit me. Hypnagogia began to kick in. The image of the library in my imagination was kind of blacked out as I had a close-eyed hallucination. It was a bright light, that turned into the sun, and then the image of a humanoid corpse raising itself in front of the light, effectively eclipsing it with its narrow head. Its skin was dry and grey, like all of the moisture had been sucked out of its body. A kind of sickly smoldering light enveloped the space around it. But this thing didn't have human eyes, this ones were vertical slits with two holes underneath where it's nose used to be. Then I could feel it. The descent into sleep, a kind of brain zappy sinking feeling in my head. And I did not want to fall asleep while I was currently enmeshed in whatever business that was. So I refocused once more in that place, and quickly shut the book and threw it back on the pile. Whether it was some cursed bestiary or something else - I was having none of it. I quickly returned to my temple, banished, and then roused myself awake. Ate some food, went out for a smoke, y'know. Put this event to bed by touching grass. All in all I feel like that was a pretty productive session. It's definitely given me an avenue for further exploration, though next time I'd be going in better prepared. So yeah, that's it. I just felt like sharing a neat experience. :-) Anyway here's All My Exes Live In Texas by George Strait.
Stay safe out there.
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intelligentbiscuit · 2 years
Freed AU (Fairy Tail)
First off, sorry it's taken so long to talk about this again but I've been mulling over this draft I've got of the story breakdown for a while. It's not finished yet but it gives a rough idea of what I'm going for, it does have an OC mention (totally fine if you don't like that, I think it can work without too?)
Let me know what you think! some feedback is appreciated
I apologise for any gramma and spelling mistakes
Here goes...
-Overview of Golden Cutlass- The mercenary guild is called Golden Cutlass and was founded and ran by Freeds family who are incredibly wealthy. They are noted as being an expensive but efficent hire, taking on specific jobs most guilds wouldn't touch. To match it's namesake, the most elite in the guild possess blades in some shape or form. Freed being one of these people, armed with a raiper sword and is one of the strongest of this elite group. He was a force of nature and could strike fear into his opponents, even toying with them before obliterating them with perfect precison. While he still upholds his prim and proper demenor, it doesn't stop him being an absolute menace. Another member of the elites was Eloise, a requip wizard* with a taste for the masquerade, like Freed she has a sword but hers doubles as a violin bow. Freed and Eloise left for their current guilds seperately, Freed being the first to go. Freed joining Fairy Tail and Eloise joining Blue Pegasus.
-Freed Leaving Golden Cutlass and joining Fairy Tail- Leaving his former guild for Fairy Tail was a choice he didn't think he'd make, but something about the wizard he met drew him in. Freed was on a job going after a dark guild when he encountered Laxus who had a job in the same area, it was a less than plesant interaction. Laxus on first impressions was convinced he was watching some rich boy with a silver spoon shoved down his throat be way over his head with some flashy sword he bought with daddy's money. In Freeds head, Laxus was another foul-mouthed meat head from Fiore's most famously destructive guild. Laxus didn't take too kindly to Freeds description, thunder crackling around his body rapidly and threatened to show him up in the middle the steet but Freed didn't bend to his threats instead drawing his sword sharply, holding it directly under Laxus' chin. Laxus was taken a back by the sheer amount of magic power excuding from this man infront of him. He may have been a little intimidated but hell, he wasn't about to admit that.
-Basic Story Breakdown- Golden Cutlass is still active to this day, they know how to leave their mark and have stired numorous conversations within the council. Notably taking out chunks of the councils wanted lists, snuffing out a few dark guilds aswell. However, Golden Cutlass suddenly went dark for a while before aggressively stealing the spotlight back again but not in a good way. Attacks on cities and towns increased with Golden Cutlass being the cause, news travels fast and soon word gets to Fairy Tail putting Freed in a perculiar position. He debates going to visit his old guild to see whats going on until an odd request is posted and seems to have an enchantment placed on it to hide it's true message. It specifically asks for Freed and even after breaking the enchantment there's no clue as to who the client is, after some discussion, Freed decides to go (probably with the Thunder Leigon in tow) and meets with the client in a small town which turns out to be Eloise who appears to be nursing injuries. Eloise and Freed have a somewhat bittersweet reunion, she explains what happened with the guild, a sudden over-throw of power and slaughter for good measure. Eloise is vague with the details, saying it happened so fast and nobody really saw it coming. However, a handful or so of their members managed to escape along with their masters spliting up which left Eloise by herself. Eloise explains that she had managed to track Freed down in Magnolia and tried many attempts to get in touch, but soon realised that submitting a job to the guild would be the ticket. She asks for his help to take down the people who did this to their former guild. Will he accept?
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believerindaydreams · 2 years
@theoremproved I hope I'm not overstepping, I just. Couldn't resist writing a little post-canon AU snippet for your fic, on Gallifrey.
You've made the Doctor and the Master such partners...not just "need you in my life for snarking and hate sex" but like ...actual partners. Never ran across that before. It offers so many possibilities!
anyway here's some words
"I can still hear her," the Doctor says, resting on a hay pile with his eyes shut. "You know that, don't you?"
He would, the Master reflects, know it considerably better if they were using more than words. With the loss of his TARDIS, all the Doctor's telepathic shields had snapped on instinctively, and two days later he's yet to lower them even in exhausted sleep. They have not touched each other since escaping the Citadel, clenched hands giving way to the smooth silky freedom of nighttime winds.
The words are in the Master's mouth, that given the opportunity he could readily verify whether the Doctor is sensing a genuine psionic signal or succumbing to wishful thinking. Not so many lifetimes ago he would have already insisted on deciding the point, so that they could make further decisions based on the stern necessities of fact.
Age may not have taught either of them wisdom, but at least one of them has experimented with patience. "I'll make tea."
"In the ruins of the House?" The Doctor's unseeing gesture is grandiose and careless, his fingers coming perilously close to a rusted saw-toothed blade of some description. The Master removes it from harm's way, carefully hanging the rawhide loop over his own shoulder. Better to have even so minor a weapon as this than none at all. "And even in its glory days, the table never boasted triangular tea bags."
More properly this is the ruins of an outlying barn and not the house proper, but in his present mood the Doctor would call that quibbling. "It wouldn't now, either. Lapsang souchong is better brewed loose."
"Really? That's clever. However will you manage that?"
"Other persons in this cosmos also possess pockets." If the Doctor can't bring himself to anything closer, words are still a vast improvement on yesterday's tortured silence. Muteness has never become him, and especially not this incarnation with his deft way of employing words like perfectly honed knives.
Almost sufficient to talk them out of trouble in the Capitol. Almost.
The Master piles up fallen chunks of wood and wisps of hay, sets it alight by sparking the near-exhausted battery pack of a melted staser. There's little chance of the fire being seen- the taboo on leaving the Capitol is deep and profound- but he arranges it to give off as little smoke as possible. It isn't beyond possibility that the Shobogans will be offered some sort of reward for capturing them.
If that happens, he will have no qualms about self defense. Hunters should always be prepared to become the hunted.
It has taken the better part of the day, for a jury-rigged atmospheric condenser to provide sufficient water. Half an hour to get that water properly hot. Five and a half minutes to brew, in two cups fashioned from a shattered bucket.
"It's ready."
This would all have been a great deal of needless trouble, he thinks, if the Doctor refuses to get up.
"No, I don't want to-" and is that a mental response or a physical complaint? "But I'll try to muster up some cheer. You didn't cause anything like this fuss about your own ship."
It is perhaps because, the Master doesn't say, I know what happened and the coral heart beats quietly next to mine; whereas yours is being taken to pieces and plumbed for secrets as no time ship has ever been dishonored.
If they must be separate a while, he can be glad the Doctor won't have caught this particular underlying thought.
"Tea," he says simply.
The Doctor sits up suddenly, brushes hay out of his curls, and gulps down his share without a pause for breath.
"You know, that is rather better. I suppose we'll have to start making a plan and such this time, won't we? A pity. I always have more fun improvising on the spot."
"I'll finish my tea first," the Master says, unruffled. They are not going to take on the Citadel's rage without several good plans, and preferably better weapons than one ancient farming implement.
"There's something to do before that, even."
The Doctor leans in and kisses him, his mouth hot and flavoured with smoke; and all the day's efforts are, in the Master's opinion, thoroughly repaid.
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Aasi, Morso ja Mauri Mourunen - Aasi/Morso/Mauri Mourunen - Bad Things Happen Bingo Prompt : Hate Plague
Tumblr media
Warnings : Verbal and (brief) physical abuse from a romantic partner (caused by magical berries rather than a conscious choice on their part but still), vomiting, brief speciesism, brief fatphobia
Chronology : Post-canon (book not the show, hence why Morso is a mouse here and why the cat is called by his actual name instead of "Mouru" since that's just a nickname they gave him in the show- The layout of their house is based more on the show though since we don't get a proper layout of their house in the book)
Author's note : Ironic that this is the first one I'm doing considering I was wanting to put it off cause I wasn't quite sure what it meant but the way I'm selecting these is from a random choices wheel and this was the first one that got picked, so... Fun. I didn't know what a Hate Plague was so I looked it up and idk if this is what the prompt was referring to but I'm basing this one off of the description on the TV Tropes page for Hate Plague so if that's not what this is, I apologize
Aasi had decided to go wandering in the woods for a bit by himself, just to get some fresh air. He loved both of his partners to death, but he liked to take some alone time every once in a while to make sure he didn't feel too trapped. Besides, it was spring now, and the weather was nice.
While on his walk, he noticed some bushes a decent way into the woods and they had the most beautiful, juicy looking berries sprouting from them. Naturally, he assumed he found more cranberries, as those were quite common in the area, and happily began picking and eating them.
He quickly realized they were not, in fact, cranberries, but they still tasted amazing so he didn't care and continued eating them until he was nearly full.
On his way back towards the house, he noticed he was growing irritable, groaning in annoyance at every little forest noise and he found himself becoming less and less excited to see his partners, but nonetheless he finished his trip home.
The rest of the evening, the other two could tell something was wrong with the donkey, but they were both too uncertain to address it in any meaningful way. All the while, Aasi grew more and more bitter and resentful towards them.
Eventually, Mauri settled down on the couch, stretching out his body and taking up the whole thing while he watched TV. The trio had all worked through their frustrations with the cat's behavior and Mauri had also grown a lot since he'd first got there so normally this wouldn't be that big of a deal but, because Aasi was already so angry, this just served to make him all the more irritated.
"Get up" he said sharply. The cat looked at him and rolled his eyes, thinking he was joking. Morso watched anxiously from the kitchen, because he knew very well when Aasi was joking and this was definitely not it.
"I can grab a chair-" the mouse began to offer but then Aasi's head snapped to him with an almost murderous expression.
"Shut up, mouse" he said harshly, spitting that last word out with venom in a way that cut deep due to his past prejudices towards the species. He then turned his attention back to Mauri Mourunen, who was now far less sure that the man was joking. "Get up"
"What's your problem?" Mauri asked, and this only served to make Aasi more angry.
"My problem is you" Aasi said bitterly, prodding his hoove into Mauri's chest in a way that slightly hurt. "You are an ugly, fat, and lazy freeloader who does nothing but eat our food and waste our electricity"
"Aasi" Morso said firmly, now approaching the situation. Aasi looked at him with a scathing expression.
"I thought I told you to shut up, you disgusting little freak" Aasi spat. "Or is your brain just as small as your gross little body?"
"What's gotten into you?" Morso asked, a hurt expression on his face. Aasi scoffed and then chuckled to himself.
"I'm not dealing with this" the donkey said, kicking the mouse aside and then leaving the house. Mauri quickly leapt off the couch to make sure Morso was okay.
"I'm fine" Morso told him, but the tears in his eyes and the bruise forming from where Aasi had kicked him said otherwise. Mauri pulled him close and wrapped his arms around him.
They didn't see Aasi the rest of the night and eventually fell asleep on the couch together.
The next day, Aasi woke up in the middle of the forest with horrible nausea and soon realized he was going to throw up, which he did.
It was chunky and unpleasant but his head felt a lot clearer afterwards and that's when he remembered how horribly he'd treated his partners the previous day. A deep guilt settled into his stomach when he realized just how cruel he'd been and he almost threw up again just from the shame.
The worst part was, he wasn't sure why he'd done or said any of that. Sure, those were all things he'd felt in the past, but he'd moved past that stuff and truly didn't feel those things anymore.
Terrified and horribly guilt-ridden, he ran and ran until he was eventually back at the house, standing outside the front door and trying to build up the courage to go in. It was dark now and he felt even guiltier knowing that the others had no clue where he was the whole day.
When he did eventually make that leap, he saw Morso cooking something in the kitchen and Mauri lounging on the couch again. They both looked up at him and went rigid. The tension was so thick, he swore you could cut it with a knife.
"Hey" he said awkwardly. Neither of them replied. "Um... I'm sorry"
"Uh huh" Mauri replied halfheartedly from the couch. Morso was still silent. This was a lot harder than the donkey thought.
"I... Don't know what came over me last night" he told them. "I ate these random berries I found in the woods and then-"
"Morso has a giant bruise on his chest from when you kicked him" Mauri cut him off sharply. Aasi's heart sunk as he looked over at the mouse, who was still standing deathly still in the kitchen.
He forgot he'd kicked him.
"Morso, I-"
"It's fine, Aasi" Morso tried to reassure him, a weak smile on his face. Aasi swallowed thickly.
"No, it's not" the donkey shook his head. "Are you okay?"
"It's just a bruise" Morso dismissed and Aasi felt worse and worse by the second, especially with Mauri glaring at him so intensely.
Even if it was just a bruise, Morso was a small and fragile animal. Being kicked aside by a much larger animal with sharp, hard hooves cannot have been fun.
"I..." Aasi didn't know what to say and he felt like he was going to throw up again from guilt and anxiety alone.
"Dinner's almost ready" Morso told him, trying to stay cheery. "Mauri, can you scoot over so we can all just eat together... Please?"
"Yeah" the cat agreed, sitting up. He flinched as Aasi sat next to him and Aasi wanted to cry.
They ate dinner in silence that night.
Do not repost on other platforms!! This will be crossposted to AO3 under the same username
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
Nice. (+ Self Reflection)
Well, so far at least 5 of you have looked at that thing, which is about 3 more than I expected, so the fic is doing much better than I thought it would, so thanks for taking the time to check it out \(^o^)/
But it is in my nature to not shut the hell up about my inner thoughts, so here they are (warning, contains spoilers to "Heart and Soul"):
The main idea of getting separated from your parent on an elevator is based on something I saw in real life once, except it was an escalator and probably didn't involve robo-security. I always wondered what happened to those kids afterwards...
I really should have cut more out. I feel like there's just a little too much "nothing" happening.
Is calling Tatiana, "Miss Quartz" annoying? The idea with the narration early on is that while it's a third-person narrator, it's still mostly from Yinu's point of view, so her inner thoughts inform the narration more often than not. I dunno, it's kind of inconsistent, and I'll probably stick to something more traditional if I ever rewrite this.
I feel like I accidentally set up the hairbands to be more important than they actually were. They were just supposed to be the cause of the inciting incident, just something to get Yinu to the elevator, but since the front end is the most heavy with description, it put too much emphasis on them. There was one version of the draft where instead of the bandage, one of the bands was her token of appreciation, but it didn't make sense to me to give 1010 a wearable keepsake when his physical body is routinely destroyed, and it would have been lost over time. Having him just lose the memories should have been sad enough on its own. He doesn't need to lose what she gave him too.
I hope that I fixed most of the instances of 1010 being referred to as "it". He's supposed to be an "it" up until he has a proper name, but in an earlier version, the pronoun would change depending on who was focusing on him, so Yinu and Neon J. use "he/him" because they recognize him as a person while Mama and Tatiana use "it" because they don't. I thought it was confusing, so I tried to fix all of them, but there might be some remnants left over. OTL
I feel like I could have cut all this action if I'd just thought to set this during a power outage instead of having 1010 be willingly defiant. I didn't think about this until I was taking a shower after posting. Sometimes shower thoughts are useful. If I ever rewrite this fic, I'll try that out to see if I can keep it saccharine through the entire run. I didn't mean to play "Gotcha!" and make it sad out of nowhere, but that's just where it felt like it was going. If they were both lost due to a power outage, then I think them sticking together and not being able to find the adults is a little more justified.
I should have checked if "Heart and Soul" is actually in the public domain first. I don't think it is, so it doesn't make much sense for 1010 to be programmed with it as one of his default songs. But the whole fic was written around getting to the scene where they play that song together, so I was willing to bend that plausibility to get there.
I wrote this imagining 1010 with his MKI design, hence the cap, but the implication is that he's currently a MKII and then gets upgraded to MKIII. So... yeah. If I rewrite this, I'm gonna have to fix that.
It's not that I don't like stories where the robot outlives its human companions, and it has to learn to cope with that, I just feel like in reality, it would be more likely that the robot either breaks down or loses their memories before their human companion dies. Machines are fragile.
I hope I didn't write Yinu to seem too young. I'm not exactly sure how mature that age range is supposed to be. At 8, she'd be the equivalent of a 2nd or 3rd grader, so I figure this is an age where she can understand complex thought but just not have the vocabulary for it.
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wutlaikalikes · 10 months
new Stars? welcome! ....? just my thoughts, scroll on...
I'm on a digital detox so I held back on posting especially on Twitter. (I kinda broke it though cause of SF6ホロスタ大会開催). Also these series of announcement happened last night and I was literally about to sleep.
When I first saw it, I really didn't think much of it. I just thought, 'new talents'. But there are Holosutamins/Starlights/Tempuras that thinks its new Stars cause of the word "corruption" on description.
It's a word that has been mentioned by Tempus a lot, especially recently. When Altare got sick, instead of saying he was sick, he said it was a corruption. And Shinri even put out a map of Elysium after his break.
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Before I slept, after reading the theories, I have to agree that the announcement screams debut and most likely for Holostars EN. I just think its crazy that Tempus Vanguards is roughly a month away to their first year anniversary. And that none of the Tempus boys even have new costumes.
Honestly, I think its too soon and I am also not ready for it. Advent was also just released. What is going on? This feels like they are playing catch up with Nijisanji and VShojo, when it comes to talents/members release.
I am starting to feel protective towards OG9 again. I don't watch Tempus as much. There's no problem with the timezone, its just that its more comfortable to watch the JP talents.
If there is any, I'm kinda happy this didn't clash with SF6ホロスタ大会開催. Rather it was placed nicely before the debut. Bravo! Cover, for once they didn't put it this all in one day.
I just find it funny that no one, even in the Holostars community, asked for new talents. But much like the Cover announcement said, let's be nice! And whether I am ready or not, they are here.
I'll make a proper post about the new talents later, gotta watch SF6ホロスタ大会開催!!
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Seriously, though, putang ina! lol x
0 notes
blueparadis · 3 years
❝I wanna be yours ❞+ NANAMI KENTO
+. CWs : gn-reader, mention of alcohol & cigarettes,description of sub!Nanami,fluff, comfort, dom-sub dynamics , indication of switch-reader, wc : 0.5k type : oneshot; 1k Special Event Post
+. tap here to view my works.
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Every weekend when you step into that bar painted with the aroma of rusted alcohol, your eyes lurk for a specific man;that man who sits at the utmost corner, occasionally stares at you inbetween his talks. His urge to strike up a conversation dies at the tip of his tongue everytime you catch him gazing at you. It's not pinnable whether he wants to be let you be aware of him or is simply another ' let's hook up' type.Does he drop by every weekend? Does he always visit with his friend?
I wanna be your vacuum cleaner
Breathing in your dust.
"May I have a sit here?", you ask and this chatty friend of his exclaimed, "ofcourse" with a wide grin.The man with a pale ivory hair, casually dressed ; excessively talkative compared to him, shifted to his next seat. You cocked an eyebrow at him; curling your hands into your bosom. Your eyes shifted to the cocooned man exclaiming,"I asked him, not you." His eyes met yours.
I wanna be your Ford Cortina
I will never rust
He stared and nodded. As you made yourself comfortable beside the tight-lipped man, the other went out of the sight receiving a call. Your soft palms scoured the insides of your tote bag in search of the lighter. "Here!", he exclaimed as his sturdy hands cupped around your mouth providing the proper aid in need.
If you like your coffee hot
Let me be your coffee pot
He was close, your eyes fell on him as you leaned forward while his focused on the warmth in between your faces. He clicks his tounge muttering,"you have no idea what you're doing to me?"
You call the shots, babe
I just wanna be yours
"I'm y/n and you are …?
Call me Ken he yelled at the back of his head but all he could manage to mumble was ,"Nanami; Nanami Kento."
The funky man turned up breaking the momentum between two of you."I've to leave , we'll drink some other time Na-Na-Min." & he faded into the exit of the bar.
Your eyes were focused on him 'cause all your senses could feel was Kento's stares. And if you made him aware of this,he would probably shift his orbs in disappointment.
Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours
"He actually invited me today and now he bailed on me" , his voice crept to your ears grabbing your attention. "But you're regular here." , you added. Probably this wasn't the best way to keep up the conversation but it didn't turn out to be in vain.
He shifted his bold stature to face you as you let out a puff of smoke. Propping his elbow on the table he rests his temple on his calloused broad set of fingers, eyes fixated on you. As you offered him the ciggerate he declined stating that he doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. Then, Why on earth he has the lighter?
Let me be your 'leccy meter
And I'll never run out
"Would you like to drop me home?",you blurt out of nowhere. His pupils become vivid at your gesture as you tried to maintain the eye contact. He tapped his fingers on the table a few more times than one should. As he left his sit, he exclaimed,"Please stay here! I'll be right back." You watch him leave his seat as he headed towards your previous seat.
Let me be the portable heater
That you'll get cold without
He places your long overcoat hanging upto your knees & waits for your response. You were so baffled at his act that his slight curve upon his lip snapped you back into reality.
I wanna be your setting lotion
"After you!", he exclaimed making a way for you. "Okay! Kento" , you reassure. His footsteps anti-synced with yours that made you giggle. Before heading out you paused so as he could walk along with you. Your hands tried to palm his but in a swift movement he averted it interlacing his fingers with yours.
Hold your hair in deep devotion (I'll be)
He is so patient that it actually makes you impatient. He held the door of the car so that you could make yourself comfortable in backseat. "Let me know where I should drop you,'kay?", he exclaimed cowering his face. You smiled in approval.
At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean
Now I wanna be yours
As the car bathed in city lights, your eyes shifted on those vibrant colours of the mini shops. Maybe i shouldn't have asked him like this. Did I make him uncomfortable? Is it okay for me to do something this reckless just to kill my curiosity?
Thoughts just wouldn't stop. Your chest heaved as you let out a long deep sigh totally making him aware of your pool of regrets. The stagnancy of this heart wrenching feeling stayed until his voice created ripples of hope. "You can call me Ken or Nanami". He seems to be a bit eased. Okay Ken, you exclaimed in your head since you're quite sure how childlike you'd sound if you squealed his name in excitement.
Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
The jingling of keys made him fidgety. Nanami pauses before leaving; His heart longs for your touch. He is so intimidated by your feeble presence that his mind larks up with a single thought, "Maybe I just wanna be yours. I wanna be yours ; I wanna be yours but the question is R U MINE?"
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
fallin' all in you
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Bucky takes care of you after a hella day.
word count: 1.216.
warnings/tags: none. bucky being the best man on earth.
author notes: as i said so, i didn't plan to post anything today but this is a product of my mix of feelings because of my period and the first time (of many) watching monday. i'm drunk too and i haven't re-edited it, so enjoy my little fluffy shit. i love you all. none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
join the tag list here.
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It had been a hell of a day in the hospital, running from one side to another and attending a difficult surgery. As soon as you closed the door of your apartment behind your back, you took off your shoes and left them thrown along the hallway, leaving a path of clothes to the kitchen too. Conscious that Bucky would complain about the little mess you had done, you really didn't care about it. He knew you'd have a stressful and long shift. Grabbing a bottle of wine from your personal reserve, you opened it up before continuing your way to the bathroom.
The first sip came while waiting for the tub to be filled with warm, warm water, using one of those bath bombs your sister gave you with a floral smell and rose petal inside it. For a second, your mind blanked, keeping your eyes on the dense bubbles eroding in the middle of the crystal water until turning it completely white. Once it was ready, you didn't lose time on sinking your body to your neck, resting your back against the huge tub, closing your eyes while taking another gulp from the bottle.
The house was silent like a cemetery, just what you needed. Peace, calm, no noise. A minute to relax, feeling the pleasant temperature slackening the contracted muscles in your legs and arms. You rested your drink on the floor, next to the bathmat, to dip your hands and place them on your relaxed thighs.
You weren't sure if you were just too submerged in the nothingness of your mind for too long, after making your brain overwork during the day, or if you really fell asleep in the tub when you heard the front door being closed —but the fact was that the water was a little cold. Tilting your head to the hallway, you just waited with pouty lips and puppy eyes for Bucky to show up. And he did. He did show up with the same gesture on your face, causing in you an exhausted half-smile as he rested his shoulder against the wooden frame, crossed arms.
“Y'know? When I've come and seen all your clothes spread on the floor, I thought you were cheating on me”.
“Yeah, could be an option…”
“But then I thought… what a drag, right…? Fight, packing, move”. Bucky kissed his teeth while squeezing his bottom lip funnily.
“Uh—huh, don't have the energy to breathe, imagine having to bear with you… such a pain in the ass”. You joked, sitting up a little enough to rest your arms on the edge of the tub and your right cheek on them.
“Long day?”
He didn't need to ask and you didn't need to reply using words, the tiredness taking control over your face and body spoke by itself. Bucky removed his jacket to hang it on the doorknob and rolled up the sleeves of his t-shirt to kneel close to you. Beckoning his left forefinger to urge you to turn around inside the bathtub, you gave him your back, curling up your knees to your chest not knowing what he was going to do. But watching his flesh hand borrowing your shampoo, gave you a clue. His iron digits offered you the bottle of wine before taking care of his new mission.
Kissing the back of your head, Bucky focused on rub hand against hand to place them on your hair. His fingertips massaged slowly your scalp, starting by the roots and making some gentle pressure on your temples. It was like a dream, everything you needed at that moment —and everything you deserved. Your boyfriend was such a loving man whenever you needed him to, without asking him to pamper you, Bucky knew exactly at any second what to do to make you feel good, to feel better after a long, tedious day in the hospital.
He washed your hair without any rush, enjoying the intimacy between both inside the bathroom. And you could swear that you were about to fall asleep when he took the wine from you to take a sip and leave it close to the sink, on the floor. Grabbing the showerhead, as he took off the stopper, Bucky checked that the water had a proper temperature on his forearm. Not too hot, not too cold. Rinsing your hair with all the care and tenderness in the world, he helped you to finish your relaxation routine.
“You're a blessing”.
Your boyfriend chuckled because of the delighted purr you let out on his neck, whilst wrapping you in a cozy towel, carrying you onto his arms to your shared bed. Bucky left a kiss on your forehead, disappearing afterward to find one of his shirts to put you on.
“D'your hands hurt?” He asked then, staring at you drying your skin before wearing the piece of clothing he was offering you.
“They're good for now”.
“You sure?” You just nodded as he held them onto his palms to bring them to his lips and kiss them both. “What else can I do for you, darling?”
“Cuddle me?”
You couldn't help but pout again at him. Bucky leaned forward, pressing his lips on yours so loving that the gesture almost dizzy you. Licking his bottom one, almost brushing yours, he nodded one time.
“Lemme take my clothes off”.
You did, tucking in your side of the bed and waiting for him not more than a minute. Your boyfriend locked the front door and turned the lights off before meeting you. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as soon as his strong, toned arms wrapped around you, sticking his bare chest to your back. Bucky intertwined your legs and fingers together, spreading a bunch of tender kisses on the back of your neck.
“What I'd do without you?” You whispered holding back a yawn, feeling warmer by his body and caresses under the clean sheets.
“Wash your hair by yourself”. He chuckled, causing you to turn under his firm grip with a smirk showing up on your mouth.
“And also find my own clothes after the shower”.
“That's obvious”. Your boyfriend replied with a feigned deep tone of voice, stroking your cheek gently using his thumb. “Want to talk 'bout it?”
“About finding my own clothes?”
“Nah, 'bout washing your hair by yourself”.
You both laughed lively, still feeling like you were about to pass out at any moment, shaking your head. You couldn't help but sink your face into the crook of his neck, taking a deep breath of his strong scent under his jawline.
“Sleep now, doll… I take care of you”. Bucky murmured tightly embracing you.
His fingertips roaming your back —as if it was the first time he touched you, with so much delicacy and adoration— caused you to fall asleep in the blink of an eye. Bucky wasn't tired, actually, but watching you sleep peacefully under his caresses and soft kisses was his favorite thing in the world. He used to fall in love with you once and again every single day, but the trust you used to put on him every night when the noise and all the chaos were shut off (...), that made him feel sure that there wasn't a life for him without you.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
and REBLOG!!!
tag list: @whatrambles @phoenixhalliwell @homesicam @marvel-diaries @amelia-song-pond @heartbeats-wildly @met4no1a @weenersoldierr @petlaufeyson @sillygamingartghost @wildflowergubler @isnt-it-loverly @zealouspursecowboydeputy @rvgrsbrns @artisancowbells @plagooey @tinylumpiaa @hemsbucky @bxmaaa @quxxnxfhxll @soldierstucky @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @hateinthemorning @asemistablehundredyearoldman @purpleelfwizard @twinerd14 @nikkixostan @stolenxkissess @wintersfilm @whoreforsamwilson @thatcrackheadsadbitchtm @baconmuffins1216 @28cnn @hxlyhoax @lieswithoutfairytales @angrybirdxx @clownerlyluv @kait-is-always-late @marvel-ousnesss @natashadeservedbetter @ebxny27 @fanofalltheficsx @spider-man-lover @masterlists101 @lewd-alien @warm-sensations @stealapizzamyheart @talk-on-the-street @theresnoplatypus
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m-jelly · 3 years
Hi Jelly.. Can I request an angst fic (reincarnation AU) , *I kinda wanna make myself cry*. In which Levi and the reader is in a relationship but Levi is already distant because he felt overwhelmed by everything making him think he's losing interest and thinking he's slowly falling out of love to her? Then the reader confronts him about it leading to a huge painful argument whereof Levi said hurtful words (like- "I wish I never met you", etc.) And then the dreadful day happen- reader died in a mission. Levi cried and apologized to her grave cause he never got the chance to do so when she was still alive, they did not even have a proper goodbye. Later on, Levi lived that life full of regrets. In another life where both of them are reincarnated, Levi remembered everything vividly that he just waited to see and to be with reader again. He wanted to make it up everything for her. As they met each other again, their reunion was full of pain and happiness. Levi cried hard, he promises the reader that he'll love, protect and treat her right. That he'll never let her go again. Finally, they have happy ending in present life where Levi won't let them being apart again. (I'm so sorry if the description is too long)
I love your works. Each any of us, don't mind the prick that commented such awful thing. Everyday, I am always looking forward to read your posts, It makes my day complete and It makes my worries and tiredness wash away. You wrote everything well, especially Levi-my comfort character. You brought his character and presence deep and well to our mind and heart. You're one of the best writers that I admire, you are smart and kind. I hope you're doing well. Lots of Love ❤
Ohhh we want pain? I'm happy to provide! Dont' be sorry about the long description, because it helps me know exactly the story plan you want and I can just fill in the gaps ;) I weirdly have a reincarnation story idea for Ao3 that's in the works for the future. So, this can help me with the angst. Plus, this is such a great idea! So, I don't know if people have played it, but I will be a bit inspired by AOT 2 game for reader's good act. Also Manga Spoilers!
Levi didn't understand why you wanted him as a lover and boyfriend. He couldn't figure it all out. You confused him, but he loved you. You really were his life and soul, yet you made him think and feel things he didn't understand. He acted in a way that wasn't him. He saw himself becoming soft to the scouts and he didn't like it. He had a reputation to hold.
You showed him new things in life, like holding someone, kissing and sex. You were Levi's first. The two of you explored life and love together, but then he started being consumed by his feelings. Levi was focused on only you and he overheard the scouts talking saying he had become a pushover. Levi hated that people thought he was weak, because if he'd become weak then he couldn't protect you.
You started noticing Levi was getting distant. He wasn't hugging you or kissing you as much as he used to. Levi was spending all his time training himself and others. The sex even disappeared and Levi was very hungry before for your body, but now it's like he didn't even want to look at it. The days you spent helping him with paperwork, as well as living with him in his room became less and less. You spent many nights lying in his bed waiting for him, but he never came. You'd dress up for him, but he never noticed anymore.
One night as you lay in bed, Levi had finally come back. You listened to him undress, then pull on his night things. He slipped into bed and you waited for your goodnight kiss, but nothing happened. You lay there and felt cold as the tears welled up in your eyes. You felt unlovable in that moment.
You rolled onto your side and looked to Levi with his back to you. "Levi?" You stared at him, but he didn't move or say anything. "Levi?" You reached over and lightly touched him. "Levi."
Levi turned and glared at you. "Tch, what!?"
You retreated and gulped. "I umm. I was wondering how your day was."
He rolled back over with his back to you. "Same as every fucking day."
You sat up and looked down at Levi. You leaned down to kiss Levi's cheek, but he flinched then sat up and smacked your arm and chest. You winced at the pain, then looked to Levi as he stared at you in the dark.
Levi gritted his teeth. "The fuck are you doing?"
You welled up. "I was just giving you a goodnight kiss."
He lay down in bed. "Just go to sleep."
"I love you."
Levi clenched up at your words. "If you won't shut up, then go to your room."
You stared at Levi, then rubbed your tears away. "What happened to you, to us?"
Levi sighed. "What do you want from me? You want a fucking sob story? Leave me the fuck alone."
You hugged yourself. "But we need to talk. You don't kiss me, hug me or sleep with me anymore. You avoid me as much as possible. You speak to me worse than you do the cadets. What did I do? Tell me what I can do to fix this, to fix us."
Levi clenched his jaw tightly. "You make me into someone I don't like. You make me weak and soft. I'm a disgrace."
You moved closer. "You're none of those things. You're strong and amazing. You are humanity's strongest! You haven't changed. The only thing that has, is your heart has gotten bigger. You care more."
"Caring gets you killed! Loving someone gets you killed!"
You stared at him as he lay there in the dark. "So, what are you saying?"
He pulled the covers up more. "Sometimes I wish I never met you."
You sat for a while in the dark, then you slipped out of bed. You changed into your clothes and grabbed the things that belonged to you. You walked to the door and looked back at Levi. "Goodbye Levi."
You went right to your room, then sat at your desk and stared into the void. As the days went on, you barely ate anything. You trained by yourself and away from Levi. You kept your distance from him, but he still seemed to be in a terrible mood. In fact, Levi seemed to be in a worse mood now you were acting like the two of you were broken up. You didn't understand what he wanted anymore. So, you decided to write a letter to explain how you felt about him.
When you got ready to go out on a mission, Levi was there for the send off and his eyes were on you. You didn't say anything to him as you got onto your horse, then left with the group to go on a experdition led by Hange. Usually, the others came with but this didn't need everyone invovled. You were just going to go out, investigate titan activity and then come back. Hange also wanted to inspect the land where titans had been, so maybe she could find out how they work and move.
Everything was going so well and smooth, but then something went wrong. It was a mess and people were getting hurt and killed for stupid reasons. Everyone rushed to get away and it ended up with you riding in the back of an open carriage with the injured. You looked back behind to see titans running for you all. You knew no one was as skilled as you, but it really was suicide.
You gulped hard, then put your hand in your pocket and pulled out a letter you'd written to Levi of all your feelings. "Hange!?"
Hange moved her horse closer and shouted back. "Yes!?"
You handed the letter over to her. "Give this to Levi and tell him." You welled up. "Tell him I'm sorry!"
Hange looked to the letter, then up to see you pull out your blades. She shouted your name. "What are you doing!?"
You looked to the titans running closer. "I have to do this, because someone else would get it wrong." You smiled at Hange. "It's been an honour."
Hange screamed your name and watched you lead the titans away. Hnage took her squad to the extraction zone and waited, but you didn't show up and there were no titans either. She kept waiting, then she and two others rode their horses to where you were last seen. She told everyone to spread out and call if they find something. She heard a shout, then raced over to see a blade stuck up out of the ground. She got closer and saw your lifeless body, eyes void of life. She could see you used up all your gas, broken all your blades and fought until the bitter end. You'd managed to kill off the titans, but it seems in your fight that they had beaten you badly. The last titan you'd killed must have landed on you giving you a finishing blow.
Hange returned with your body covered up. She slipped off her horse and saw Levi looking around for you. She walked over to him and handed him the letter. "She says she's sorry."
Levi gripped, the letter and looked down at it. "What...what do you mean?" He watched her walk away without a word, then he saw the carriage go past with a body covered in a sheet. "Hange. Hange what happened!?"
Hange turned to the scouts gathering around and announced your name. "Face down a group of charging titans so the rest of us could live. She attacked them head on and killed every last one of them until her body and gear gave up. It was the bravest thing I've ever seen."
Levi felt his soul leave his body. He then became devoid of life. He held onto your letter and didn't read it, not even at your funeral. One day he visited your grave after everyone had cleared out. He sat at your gravestone, then opened your letter and read your words of love. You told him how he meant the world to you and you'd always love him in this life and beyond. You said you were sorry for everything and that you weren't there enough for him. You told him you'd do better if he gave you a second chance.
Levi clenched the letter tightly, then cried. "I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry." He turned to your gravestone and hugged it. "Please, come back to me. Tell me this is all a lie. Tell me this is a dream. Come back to me. Let me hear you say you love me one last time." Levi waited, but he heard nothing. You were gone.
Levi carried your letter with him for the rest of his life. He regretted it forever and the darkness in his heart showed to others. At the end of the war, when Eren was dead, he was now in a wheelchair with a bad leg and a scarred face. He'd read your letter over and over and made people promise that he be buried next to you with his letter written by you. As old age took over Levi, they started preparing just like they asked and when he passed away in his dream filled sleep full of you, he was taken care of the way he wanted.
Levi didn't expect that all of these memories, this pain of war, loss and hardship would appear again, but it did. When he was born into his new life, all of his old friends were back. Erwin was alive and well as his boss. Hange was a researcher at the company. Mike was a department leader and none of them remembered their past life, but Levi did. Levi didn't understand why he was tormented and weighted by pain. He was happy that his mother lived in this life and he got to spend his life with her, but he still didn't know who his dad was.
The one thing that pained him the most, that he spent plenty of money on was trying to find you. Levi did everything he could, he even searched social media like a possessed man, but found nothing. He was pained and this time he had no letter to clutch as his heart called for you. He was beginning to give up and his heart was pained, so today he decided to go home to his mum's apartment and gain comfort from his mother.
He opened her door and sighed. "I'm home mum." He frowned when he saw a pair of woman's shows by the door, then he tuned in to his mother laughing at someone. He frowned, then walked in further. "Mum? What's going on?"
Kuchel turned her head and smiled at Levi. "Oh hey sweetheart! Lovely to see you. I do love your surprise visits." She walked over and hugged him. "Mm! I love you so much, my sweet man."
Levi blushed. "Love you too. So, who are you takling to?"
She gasped. "Oh! She's my next door neighbour." She turned and gave Levi a full view of you stood up and smiling. She said your name and smiled. "She came over with lovely baked things." She leaned over and whispered. "She's single too."
Levi walked past his mother and right up to you to see a tear run down your cheek. He said your name. "Hi."
You smiled brightly. "Hi Levi."
Kuchel looked at you and Levi. "I'll head to the shop and get you kids some food."
You looked away from Levi and walked over to Kuchel. "No need Kuchel. I'm actually going home now. I have a little dog waiting for me." You gave Kuchel a hug. "Thank you for having me over." You slipped on your shoes, then waved. "Bye." You looked to Levi. "Goodbye Levi."
Levi's heart stung as he saw you in the past saying the same words as you left his room. Levi stood there for a moment, then chased after you. Levi knocked on your door, then jumped when the door opened and a little dog ran towards him. "What the?"
You picked up the pup and laughed. "Sorry, Levi is a little scamp."
Levi stared at you. "Le...vi?"
You smiled at him. "Yeah. I named him after you."
Levi's eyes widened. "You. You remember?"
You stepped to the side. "You should come inside."
Levi walked into your place, then slipped his shoes off. He walked around your place to see art work everywhere. "You're an artist?" He stopped in front of a painting of him in his gear from the old life. "Wow."
You smiled. "I paint the war we were in. It's really popular. People are a little scared of the titans I paint." You hummed a laugh. "But it's a good scared." You looked to Levi. "I remember everything we went through and the pain I went through. My death hurt a lot and I weirdly remember that."
Levi looked to you. "I'm sorry." You both locked eyes. "I'm so sorry for what I said to you." He welled up. "I was a fucking fool. I thought I was weak and couldn't protect you, but as a result I pushed you away. I was crushed when you died. I almost lived by your gravestone and I was buried with your letter."
You stared at Levi and blushed. "You were buried with my letter?"
He nodded. "I was buried next to you as well." He dropped to his knees. "I'm so sorry. I know that nothing I can do could fix my words and actions, but I'm so sorry. I know you could never love me again, but I will always love you."
You smiled at Levi. "Didn't I tell you that I'd love you in that life and beyond? Hell Levi, I made a life out of painting you over and over. I might have made some racy ones, but we won't talk about that. I named my dog after you because I love you so much." You put your dog down. "I still love you." You knelt down and hugged him. "I'll always love you." You cupped his face and smiled. "I love you."
Levi crashed his lips against yours, then yanked you close to him. "I love you too. I love you always."
He slowly lowered you down onto your floor, then he traced your body with loving touches and kisses like he used to. Levi remembered your body as if it was in his very soul. He showed you love all night long. After that, there was no question about it. You and Levi were a couple right away. He moved you into his place, along with little Levi and had the life you both dreamed of. Instead of growing old alone, he grew old with you and his kids. He made sure that this time, you knew how much he loved you. He dedicated himself to you and you did to him
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phantoms-lair · 3 years
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#i was bullied myself and much like in this story the bullies never faced reprecussions while i'm still dealing with the psychological fallo
My Top Posts in 2021
Batfam AU Snippet
"A snack, Master Tim, Master Danny, while you work on your homework."
Danny scrunched up his face, but Tim gladly thanked Alfred, snagging up a cookie before turning back to his English assignment.
"Doesn't that bother you?"
English was immediately forgotten. Danny was initiating a conversation. More to the point he was doing so about his feelings on something. Tim had theorized he'd be the easiest one for Danny to open up to, being a 'normal' kid before his adoption, and it looked like he was right. And now all he had to do was not waste the opportunity. "Does what bother me?"
"Being called 'Master'." The discomfort was plain on Danny's face. "I mean, I have my own discomfort with the word-"
Oh Tim was definitely filing that juicy clue away.
"-but even beyond that. Doesn't another person calling you Master feel wrong?"
Tim gave Danny a co-conspiratorial grin. "Do you want to know a secret I don't think anyone in Gotham outside Wayne Manor know?"
Danny pursed his lips, but didn't comment, so Tim continued. "In proper British butler parlance 'Master' refers pretty exclusively to children. It's basically Alfred-speak for 'Kiddo'."
Danny lost his sour expression and now just looked confused. "But he calls-"
"Bruce that. It's a little joke of his, basically that he's as much a kid as you or I. And yes, Bruce is very aware of this." Tim pointed out before Danny could think it was a private jab of Alfred's.
"And he's okay with this?" Danny asked, disbelievingly.
"Very. It's...you ever notice how in all the old movies and stuff butlers are always referred to by their last name? Jeeves, Wadsworths, Higgins. But Alfred is Alfred, not Pennyworth. He and Bruce are a lot closer than they let on, unless you know how to look."
Danny looked thoughtful. Tim wasn't sure what his thoughts were, at least not yet. But hopefully he helped alter the mental image Danny had about Bruce. Now to figure out Danny's history with the term 'Master'.
468 notes • Posted 2021-04-25 16:13:19 GMT
BatFam Snippet
"Danny, we need to talk."
Danny was already stressed with having to deal with Vlad having been there earlier. Wayne having to talk to him in that tone sent his anxiety through the roof. "What about?"
"Your past. As Danny Fenton and Phantom."
"No-you can't-you can't know-" But obviously he did. Danny had messed up and he was known and it was over, it was all over.
"Danny breath," Bruce commanded. "I want to help you."
"That's what he said." Danny was hyperventilating. "I can help you with your powers. I can help you. Well, the last time a millionaire we a secret identity and underground lair expressed a desire to help me and adopt me, I ended up in a power nullification box while he tried to kill my Dad, so no thank you!"
Bruce didn't have time to unpack all that, even if some things suddenly made a horrible kind of sense. Staying in Wayne Manor must have been traumatic for him. He hadn't expected Danny to know he was Batman, or that it would actually make it harder for the kid to trust him.
"Danny, I've read your parents' thesis on ghosts." Danny flinched. "And they read like a hate crime. One that it sadly looks like the government has bought into." That was a new description. "What do you mean a hate crime?"
"These beings, though capable of rational thought, are other. They don't have real emotions, can't feel pain, and only exist to cause suffering to humans, therefore it's not only perfectly fine to do horrible things to them but morally justifiable to kill them," Bruce summarized. "It's exactly the kind of rational people use to commit atrocities on each other. And while I certainly don't wish your parents dead." Facing professional censure, yes. But not dead. "Given your abilities I don't think you're be safe in that environment, much as I wouldn't trust people who champion conversion therapy with the well being of a queer teenager. And I don't think you feel safe there either, or you wouldn't be trying to hide on the streets of Gotham."
"They love me," Danny protested weakly.
"But they don't love all of you."
Danny wilted.
"Danny, right now there are two factions trying to claim you, your parents and Vlad." He assumed from what Danny had said earlier. "And neither would be safe places for you. And you can't tell child services why without putting a bigger target on your back for a certain government agency."
"I'm sure you can handle yourself in a fight, but a legal battle is something else. I have the double bonus of being a very public figure who'd be hard to make disappear and a good legal department. I can keep you safe until you're no longer in danger, then help you find a new home."
That caught Danny's attention. "A new home?"
Bruce raised an eyebrow. "You've made it very clear you're not happy here. Once your physical well being is assured, the priority is your emotional well being. And if here isn't a good place for you, I want to find somewhere that it." That was...Vlad would never give him up. Never. "Ideally, where would you place me?" "With Superman's parents." Bruce answered without hesitation. "Superman's parents?" Danny asked in disbelief. Bruce shrugged. "They have experience taking care of metahuman children. They're very humble and down to Earth. Their farm has plenty of space for you to fly. And one only has to see the son they already raised to know it's a good loving home. But that said, they are getting on in years and I don't know that they'd be up for raising another teenager. But you asked for the ideal and that would be it."
Okay, this was a lot he needed to go over. But...later. "Okay, but before we tackle anything else, there's something I need to tell you about Vlad..."
487 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 20:54:18 GMT
Danny was a puzzle.
In his defense, Danny had put a lot of effort in making sure no one in this house got to know him, so Tim didn't feel bad about thinking that. Honestly he was half surprised his new foster brother hadn't already fled from Wayne Manor, given how much he actively seemed to dislike Bruce.
Maybe he was afraid of something bad happening if he ran? Bruce's resources gave him an extremely long reach and while Tim knew he would never do anything to harm Danny, or any child, Danny obviously wasn't sure sure of that.
He'd wondered for a while why Bruce hadn't tried to find Danny a new home where he'd be happy. given how much he'd hated being there and refused to get to know Bruce. But Tim had realized the answer when Danny's eyes had flashed green once in frustration.
There are all sorts of things that could cause a kid to be running scared on the streets, but for the most part child services could hadn't them. A metahuman kid running scared? That could be the same, or things far more dangerous. And Bruce wasn't going to let the kid out of his metaphorical sight unless he knew Danny would be safe.
The trouble is Danny wouldn't talk to them, not about himself in any way. So it was hard to gauge what he was running from. So Tim had been working on solving the puzzle. Speech patterns and terminology put him as a New Englander, though not one from a place with very thick accents. He had a strong distrust for the rich, and it was clearly personal. So either he'd suffered at the hands of someone with money and power, or his family had been the ones with money and power and he'd witnessed it's affects first hand. He also had an aversion to labs and scientists, which lent credence to the idea that he was running from more than an unpleasant domestic situation. Aside from the glowing green eyes, Tim is almost sure at least one of Danny's powers is stealth related, because being able to sneak around anyone in this house is a god dammed superpower and Danny seems to do it effortlessly.
It wasn't enough, not nearly. But every day was another chance to grab new pieces of the puzzle. And hopefully when they had enough pieces, Danny could be safe
654 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 17:50:16 GMT
A continuation of the snippet I did based off @redrobin-detective's post
"Do you sleep?" Danny suppressed a groan. He really wasn't feeling up to Youngblood right now. "Yes. I'm part human. I need sleep."
"When do you get it?" "Not often enough." Danny grumbled, getting ready for a fight. But to his surprise Youngblood was gone.
"He does need to sleep and he doesn't get enough of it." Youngblood supplied.
"How'd you find that out?" Sydney wondered. "I asked." Youngblood said simply.
"That matched what I, Technus- Master of All Things Electronic and Beeeping, have discovered from the records the machines held at his place of schooling." "And what did you discover?" Skulker prodded.
"Before he became the Ghost Child, his school records were positive. Solid Bs, good attendance, no behavioral issues. For the next month afterwards he became clumsy, after that, when we started poking at Amity, he starting missing classes, falling asleep in classes, and all his grades fell. Also something about multiple altercations with some human child named Baxter?"
"Dash Baxter." Johnny supplied. "Football star. Guy's been bullying Danny since forever."
Sydney's head swung around. "What?"
Johnny looked uncomfortable. "Look, Jazz really needed someone to talk to, okay, and I was being a good boyfriend."
Kitty crossed her arms. "You were trying to steal her body."
"I was trying to be a good boyfriend to you," he specified. "And that meant being who she wanted me to be, which was someone she could open up to. And she's really worried about her brother, so she talked about him a lot. So yeah, Baxter came up, since he's been target Danny since at least Middle School."
"I have to go." Sydney said, abruptly leaving.
They let him. They all knew bullying was a sore spot and he would need some time.
"So what we have is he's a guardian who's territory has been violated repeatedly, his human survival needs are only barely being met, his home is extremely unsafe for him, and literally the only three people who care about him are all human teenagers with little to no power because no one with power or authority can be trusted to help him." Ember summed up.
"He's going to break," Kitty whispered. "I don't know how he hasn't already."
"He's tough." Johnny reassured her. "And we're going to fix things."
"I can set traps to keep the vermin from getting through." Skulker offered. "We should probably still make forays into Amity to keep him from getting suspicious as to our intents. We'll just keep it to well after school or on weekends."
"But not too late, so he gets some sleep." Lunch Lady recommended. "I should check his fridge while you're at it. He's so skinny, he must not be eating right." "His parents will have sensors and traps," Technus advised. "Let me disable the first." "That's an excellent idea. I may be able to assist." Skulker offered. "I wonder if Sydney would want to help with the Baxter Guy?" Youngblood wondered. ~ Dash stepped out of the shower. He must have had the water on hotter than he thought, it was so foggy everything looked gray. He wiped the condensation off the mirror and a pair of glowing red eyes glared back at him. "BUUUUUULLLLLLYYYYY..."
713 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 22:37:54 GMT
Danny Phantom AU
Starts with reveal going wrong. Oh they still love him. That's why they have to cure him. He'll feel so much better one they've removed that nasty ghost essence corrupting him. Sure he says that will kill him, but that's just Phantom talking, trying to trick him into not getting help.
Danny escapes and flees Amity, feeling very bitter. Thankfully Sam made sure he had a back up plan if things went wrong (because she inherently doesn't trust parents). A Bug Out Bag was waiting and his destination set.
He sent out two messages before ditching his phone. One was to Valerie, promising her she'd never have to deal with Phantom again, but asking her to keep the town safe from ghosts. The other was to Vlad. "You know that advantage I always said I had over you? I don't. Let go or die. Those are the only two options she gives."
Danny had two criteria for his destination. It had to be a big city (people are less nosy) and it had to have it's own hero or heroes (so he wouldn't be tempted to reveal himself as Phantom). He picked Gotham, because it seemed the easiest to fall through the cracks.
Danny does not fall through the cracks.
To be fair, he's a dark haired blue eyes kid with a troubled past and strong moral compass. The adoption papers are like, half filled out.
But here's the thing. Danny is highly against the idea of being adopted by Bruce Wayne. Millionaire who puts on an affable front, but is secretly extremely dangerous and has a secret alternate identity where he can be threatening and also wants to adopt him is, well, it sets off some very specific alarm bells.
(He finds out about Bruce's secret identity day one. He phases through the floor of the mansion to see if there's a secret lair like Vlad's hidden lair and what do you know.)
So Danny does not trust Bruce one inch. But then Vlad shows up, talking about a joint project between Dalv and Waynetech and Danny (VERY Hidden) realizes that Vlad is planning something against Bruce.
And like, for all he distrusts Bruce, he knows how evil Vlad is. So he's going to have to save him, somehow without revealing himself to Vlad.
Bonus: Danny couches his mistrust of Bruce as believing Millionaire only get there money through criminal means (cause he's not letting on he knows about the secret lair) so Alfred tries to go over financial records with him to prove that false. In the process it's discovered Danny's 'bad at math' is a learning disability (dyscalculia) and he starts learning how to cope with it,
1031 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 12:34:50 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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saltymongoose · 3 years
Announcement: Wattpad??? (+ Theme Stuff)
It was just brought to my attention that apparently people are taking my hcs and posting them on Wattpad? For some reason? So keep in mind that if you see my stuff there, it isn't actually me. I don't want to be personally affiliated with Wattpad, since their monetization scheme just rubs me the wrong way.
And just to make one thing clear; I really don't care if you post my stuff on other sites (like Wattpad, Fanfiction.net, Quotev) as long as you give proper credit and state you didn't make it. If you wanna share my stuff with other communities, sure, go ahead. I can't stop you. But I'd rather you do so in a way that isn't actually outright stealing it and lying to people about the originality of the work.
I do this for fun, so I’d rather not cause drama with this or anything. Just please, put a disclaimer saying it’s not original and my name in the description and we’re good. :)
That being said, I do actually have an AO3 account! (at the suggestion of ASB Anon, ty ;)), and have posted an archive of the self-aware series' chronological hcs there. I'll likely be posting my other stuff up there at some point as well. It's the same name as this blog, all lowercase. That and this tumblr are the only pages I have, so you know where to find me.
On a lesser note, I'm considering changing my desktop theme because I've grown bored of how it looks. I found one that I really like, but I'm working out the colors and stuff, so quick question: how many of you use dark mode or palettes like it? And are there any issues some of y'all might have with reading lighter text on darker backgrounds? I don't want to make a page that's difficult to look at or impossible to read, so I figured I'd consult you guys first.
In any case, thank you for reading my works, and this rather long update. I appreciate all of your support. :D 💕
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