#( i watched the scene again to see if i missed it )
mooishbeam · 2 days
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『♡』 Welcome Home, Kento!
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♡ featuring: nanami kento x reader
♡ synopsis: nanami can't wait to return home to his wife and kids. little does he know, there's a lot of love waiting for him behind the door.
♡ wc: 2.4k+
♡ tags: nobara and yuji are your children, fanon, domestic fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, salaryman AU
notes: took a break on the capitano fanfic im working on cause domestic kento got me acting unwell i miss him and need him so bad. canon break but idc nobara and yuji are his kids and no one can tell me otherwise. art by getoad on ig! comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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Nanami Kento’s work seemingly never ended.  
Caught between meetings and printer jams, the small talk he endured with simple one-word answers, and the folders piling on his cold metal desk in a cramped cubicle, he was exhausted. Air conditioners blew frigid in the office, making small accidents unbearable. 
The only warmth he experienced throughout his shifts was the art exhibit on the back wall and a wooden frame, sitting not too far from his grasp. Next to the bulky outdated computer was a picture frame of you, sweating radiance despite the fluorescent wall lights, hair disheveled with tired eyes in your hospital gown. You’re holding a newborn Yuji, chubby with a soft hint of pink fuzz on his head. A one-year-old Nobara chose to nestle next to you through the blood and amniotic fluid sticking to your hands. Somehow smiling—blearily, but still smiling so hard your eyes practically close. 
The scene was not pretty; it burned into his memory, committing to the wrinkles in his brain so that he’d never forget your screams and undying strength. Even the grip on his hand, imprinting the wedding band into his skin when you forced a final push. He never averted his gaze, stroking your wet hair and kissing your throbbing temple; if he could alleviate some of your struggle for a moment, share in your pain for a second, he’d do it ten times over. You’re the mother of his children, after all, his wife and soulmate. 
He met you at a small bakery on the corner of a forgotten street after a double shift. Back turning in knots, cranky as ever with permanently furrowed brows. And when he’d order his favorite pastry—a chocolate eclair—only for it to disappear in the hands of another customer, he was downright irritated. Turning to the offender, the kinks in his muscles suddenly melted at the sight of your apologetic smile. Your apology dissipated in his ears, not managing to reach his cognition as he studied your stunning glow in the dim yellow lighting of that cafe.  
Before you could finish your offer to buy him double, his mouth moved ahead of his mind; “Would you like to sit together?” 
That was forever ago, though. Prior to him falling in love, to your laugh breathing life and color into him once again. To you becoming the soul reason he clocked in every day at a dead-end job he settled for. He was putty in the palm of your hand, but could you blame him? You were his salvation from the bitter, grey world he walked alone for years, and now even the sun felt warmer with you around. 
So, when days become thoroughly tedious such as this one, his eyes tend to wander. Once, twice to his watch, then to the countless drawings from Yuji and Nobara stuck to the cubicle. Yuji and Nobara were two sides of the same coin, regardless of the weekly sibling rivalry where he had to stop them from tearing each other’s hair out. Nanami wasn’t a man who chose sides which usually resulted in him taking both drawings from their art competitions, to the dismay of the sore winners. 
The old Nanami Kento would’ve hunched over the desk, mindlessly typing away past his shift ending, until his buzzing lamp was the sole light left in the office. Currently, he was dying to go home, nearly dreaming of seeing your faces, your “welcome home” as he opened the door. His printed tie is lax around his neck, shirt unbuttoned a little too low with an ankle crossed over the other knee, like nothing matters besides holding you at the end of the day. The digital clock rings, breaking him out of a trance and knocking the pen he’d been fumbling with out of his hands. 
Immediately he starts shoving papers in his briefcase, some crumpling and folding at the edges. He throws his suit jacket on, clocks out with the same vigor and heads for the door. 
“Nanami, wait a second!” his boss hollers from his office. He steps out, and Nanami barely spares him a glance.  
“We’re short-staffed right now, I’ll need you to stay behind-” 
His boss stands dumbfounded, and it takes a few business days for him to register that his demand was denied. He brushes his balding combover and clears his throat, “Excuse me?”   
“I’m going home to my wife.” 
“This isn’t up for discussion-” Suddenly, Nanami shoots a glare that stops him dead in his tracks. His legs are glued to the floor, like the senses of prey in proximity to a vulture. He appears to be his standard nonchalance, but with the way his jaw clenched, and his eyes bore through him, perhaps retracting his words was the best decision for his safety. 
“U-understood. Have a good weekend.” 
The city streets are serene following sundown, a calm breeze picking up rustling leaves that began to fall. He checks his watch again; just in time for dinner. He hurries up the townhouse steps of the brick building and clicks his key into the mahogany door. 
“Yuji, come here!” 
“Wahhh, black flash!” 
All the lights in the living room and kitchen are on, and blankets are thrown haphazardly around the floor. The television plays an obnoxiously loud cartoon, but it’s evident none of them are watching it based on the army of colorful toys piled on the couch, and a suspicious stuffed wolf plush sitting on the stairs with its head lopsided. An odd lone cookie lays half-eaten on the floor, and the kitchen counters are strewn with crumby flour and sticky batter. The faint aroma of something sweet lingers in the entryway. 
The best part is you, his wife, chasing after Yuji and Nobara in his dirty button up teal shirt with the sleeves rolled up. You’re all dripping in water, trailing sodden footprints around the house. Nobara comes around the kitchen island in a bath robe and towel headband, bunny ears bobbing as she drags a leash toy behind her popping plastic balls of rainbow pigments.  
Yuji, on the other hand, is completely naked minus a comical formation of bubbles around his lower half. He’s chasing her with a toy car foaming with soap and it soars in the air as he laughs and chants sound effects, “bam, black flash!”, pretending to launch it at her. The lot of you are circling the kitchen island, chaotic laughing and shrieking as Nobara’s toy bangs into the stools and cabinets. Just then, a wind-up robot taps Nanami’s foot and falls over. 
“Yuji stop chasing her!”  
He’s never felt more at home in his life. 
He drops his briefcase, shrugs off his jacket and shoes and joins in. Yuji may be able to evade your grasp, but Nanami was an entirely different beast. You finally manage to intercept Nobara and scoop her in your arms, shaggy robe eclipsing her small cherubic pout. Nanami rushes around the corner and snatches Yuji upside-down, tiny damp feet pressed at his chin with his arms dangling in the air. Amid the chaos you hadn't noticed him, but when your kind eyes meet, a bright smile warms his cheeks, like the first time you met—he's smitten all over again.  
“Daddy!” Nobara screams. 
Yuji squeals and struggles wildly in Nanami’s hold. “I win” he declares. 
“Noo you don’t, not fair!” He tries to escape but Nanami has an iron grip, and you place Nobara on the counter while you get Yuji. He passes him off to you, “Sorry, you’re covered in water now.” He tilts your chin and plants a chaste kiss, skimmed traces of yearning. “Doesn’t matter. I’ve been missing you all day.” 
“Really?” He hates when you ask that, because truthfully, he misses you incessantly. It borders on obsession. The second you leave his sight, he’s wondering when you’ll return, if he could go with you, should it be a family outing, should he follow you? He’ll stir in the thoughts that totally encompass you; you, you, you, until you come back to him. 
“Of course, my love.” Yuji grumbles an annoyed noise and tucks his head in your neck. “Trouble in paradise?” he adds, a tinge of sarcasm. You giggle, brushing the drenched strand of hair from your face, “Yuji really fought the bath today.” 
“Black flash!” he yells, firing his baby fist in the air. Nanami makes a feigned noise of pain to throw his head back and clutch his heart. “C’mon now, let’s finish up” you tell him. As you’re dragging him down the hallway to the bathroom, his defiant wails fade to silence. 
Nanami cleans up the disarray with Nobara’s help. She throws the toys in the toybox, a proud look on her face while Nanami stacks the blankets in a lump on the couch and sweeps the crumbs from the floor. He felt a bit guilty putting a damper on the fun, but winding down the kids for bedtime was most important, and Nobara would gladly change into her dinosaur pajamas if that meant she could spend some time with dad.  
Yuji arrives as a tired, messy-haired but less stinky version of himself, wearing an alien onesie. You’d clearly won the great bath war. 
But a growing scent floods the kitchen, mild smoke emitting from the stove skillet. 
The skillet? 
“Ohh, no no no”, you run to grab a spatula and remove the skillet from the burner. The pancake facing you seems unharmed, perfect even with a nice fluffy texture. You fan the smoke away with a kitchen towel and Nanami approaches you. He looms over the pan, “Pancakes?” 
“Yeah, Yuji wanted pancakes and Nobara wanted chicken nuggets. So, we did both” you say, scraping the underside of it. The crackling of something crispy doesn’t do much to ease your doubts. “Looks good to me-” 
You flip the pancake, and it’s fully burnt.  
Solid black with a thin trail of smoke billowing. You both stare at it in silence. Then you look at each other, and Nanami bursts out laughing. Tears collect at his eyes, and he’s doubled over with his head on your shoulder, a hand around your waist. You sigh in defeat, “Does it still look good to you?” 
“I’ll eat it if it makes you happy.” 
“I’m not trying to kill my husband.” He hums and kisses your cheek. “I’m sorry, I tried to have dinner ready for when you got home. Lost track of time.” 
The last thing he’d want is for you to feel bad about such trivial matters. He hugs you from behind, whispering in your ear, “Don’t worry, it’s enough. Everything you do is enough.” Yuji abruptly hits his leg, and he peers down. “I wanna hug mommy too!” 
“Get in line. She’s my mommy right now” he teases. You giggle when Yuji tries to wedge between your bodies, and Nanami holds his head back like a bull charging at a fence. 
When they’re done eating their chicken nuggets, and he convinces Yuji that celery tastes better than pancakes, you snuggle up for the night. Weekends lasted later into the night, but regardless they had to stay on schedule. It was his favorite part of the week, where you dimmed the lights, he lit the fireplace and crowded on the floor of a striped blanket fort in the middle of the living room. Yuji rested his head on a pillow with his favorite wolf plush while Nobara laid on your stomach. 
“In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf” you start, holding the book with one hand. Nanami always opts to sit outside of the fort. One, because he’s too tall for it. And two, he likes to see your face reading peacefully in the rare tranquility of a hissing fireplace. You were so gentle and nurturing that at times he found it hard to pull himself away from your face, sinking in pure adoration. 
“One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and”, you wind up your hand and tickle Nobara. “Pop! —out of the egg came a tiny and very. Hungry. Caterpillar.” You tap her nose in line with the words.  
Nanami understood why the kids enjoyed your story time over his monotone one. He couldn’t get past the first page before Yuji started to complain and Nobara began to space out. “He started to look for some food” you dance your fingers down her spine like a caterpillar would, and she faintly smiles. 
Yuji normally falls asleep first, snoring like a grown man as he drools into the pillow. Then Nobara will drift quietly, to the point where you barely realize she’s dreaming. Then you, fighting sleep as you gaze up at Nanami, forcing yourself to make conversation in a half-groggy state. Your hair is jumbled and the shirt you stole from the hamper bunches at your waist. Here, he feels fulfilled. Irrevocably whole. 
“How was your day, sweetheart?” you drawl. His heart flutters at the pet name, caressing your face with his thumb. “The usual” he replies, just as soft and tender, “it felt longer today.” 
“Mm? Why?” He picks up on a croak in your voice, a sign you’ll be sleeping soon. “I couldn’t wait to come home.” 
A pleased noise rumbles at the back of your throat. “Let’s go to the beach. It’ll get too cold soon.” 
“Mhm”, you run your hand over his, leaning into his touch, “maybe we could invite Gojo and his kids.” 
“Hell no, that guy’s a nutcase.” You laugh, hushed and weak. He kisses your forehead. “Goodnight, my love.”  
“No, I’m not sleeping yet” you groan in spite of closing your eyes. “Then what are you doing, right now?” 
“Mm. Just resting them.”  
He smirks, aware of what happens right after that. He kisses your nose, then your velvety lips. He can’t shake the fact that he’d found someone like you, someone who’d love him unconditionally, accept his flaws and dry humor and stand by his side under any circumstances. It almost felt undeserved, like that bakery incident should’ve earned him a slap to the face instead of your sweet nature, swelling his heart and pulling him deeper. His only treasures, laid in front of him in a cozy cuddle pile.  
Before he could get up to turn the lights off, a soothing utterance of your voice, words he’d been waiting for since he opened the door. 
“Welcome home, Kento.” 
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© mooishbeam - please don't steal, copy, or post my work to other platforms :)
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ily-sunghoon · 2 days
The Omen of Sterling | CHAPTER IV
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Pairing : vampire!enha x fem!oc
Genre of this chapter : vampire, disgusting little smut scene with jungwon
POV : Author’s
Words count : 5.2k
WARNINGS : MDNI!!! food, blood drinking, pussy eating, nipple play, period cycle, curses, mentioned of kms, kinda power abuse, enha are simps, fighting, witchcraft, DO NOT PROCEED IF UNCOMFORTABLE lmk if I missed anything
Note : PHEEEEEWWWW FIRST SMUT CHAPTER! the smut scene is really short, but! enjoy! ALSO, TWO NEW CHARACTERS WOOHOOO <3 feel free to ask if you have confusion about anything! (dont ask me when will this end)
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TAGLIST : @nshmrarki @capri-cuntz @millieinyourarea @strxwbloody @poeticjustice1010 @leesura @vousty (let me know if you want to be added)
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Wilhelmina is in a good mood today, she’ll be back at her uncle’s mansion! Her favorite place ever, because everyone in the castle is not fun. Here in the mansion, they’ve got Ricardo and Jasper who are just as weird as her. Now, she heard that the new girl is also a fun person too! She can’t wait to meet her!
A little bit contrast for the seven vampires, Wilhelmina is like a thunderstorm. Sure, she keeps the house lively! But no one would deny the chaos that she would be making every five minutes is kind of difficult to handle.
“Tell me what happened while I’m gone. In full. Where is the new girl? I want to meet her.” Wilhelmina demands Jasper.
“Good timing, she’s in your uncle’s office.” Jasper grins.
“Oh! What chapter did I miss?” Wilhelmina smirks at the hinted statement.
“A lot! Go barge in, you’ll see for yourself.” Jasper whispered.
Wilhelmina walks upstairs to Jestel’s office with Jasper.
“I’ll wait here.” Jasper informed. Stopping right next to a vase.
Wilhelmina nods and storms uninvited. She clearly could see the way Jestel was so drooling over the new girl.
“Wilhelmina, how many times—” Jestel sighed at her behavior.
“GOOD MORNING! Hi, I’m Wilhelmina. I’m so glad we finally meet each other!” Wilhelmina smiles widely at Iolana.
“Hi! I’m Iolana. I heard about you from Jestel and Ricardo a lot!” Iolana smiles back, she gave her a smile that she didn’t give to any of those guys. A genuine, warm smile.
Jestel froze when he saw her smiling like that.
“My room is on the 4th floor! Please visit me if you have spare time. Or I can visit you! We can go shopping, gossiping, do each other’s hair—oh, wait! WOW! You have short hair, that’s rare!” Wilhelmina is shocked. She had never seen any girl with mid-length hair like Iolana before.
“Wilhelmina, manners.” Jestel reminded her.
“I apologize, Iolana. I was just curious!”
“It’s okay! My brother accidentally cut it during our duels.” Iolana answered, still with her warm smile. She feels safe around Wilhelmina, there’s no bad vibes from her.
“Are you planning to grow it?”
“Of course! Wouldn’t want to get some mouths on my new society.” Iolana giggled.
“Fuck them, you’re very cool!” Ricardo was right, Iolana gets along with Wilhelmina really well.
“Wilhelmina, watch the language.” Jestel reminds her again. “Get out, you’re disturbing our discussion.”
“Oh, my my! Iolana, you must be special. He hates discussion, let alone with a new girl that he just met.” Wilhelmina giggled. She loves teasing everyone in the house, especially her uncle. It gave her a sense of control and it’s fun.
“Don’t listen to her, Iolana.” Jestel tries to convince Iolana otherwise.
“You can ask everyone, Iolana. I might be a trouble, but I never lie.” Wilhelmina laughed this time. Surely Jestel can’t beat that statement, Iolana knows that it’s the truth.
“Are you done, Wilhelmina?” Jestel is panicking.
“He gave her his blood.” Jasper added, bursting into the room.
“Really, Jasper?” Jestel is frustrated right now.
“What does that mean?” Iolana plays dumb.
“Well, somebody is ready to settle down! Eager, aren’t we?” Wilhelmina is enjoying this. “Iolana, you’re truly special. Blood is a big deal around here.”
“Not necessarily!” Jestel panicked again.
“It’s the biggest love form for us Kroshoviens. Hope that helps!” Wilhelmina is giggling nonstop.
“Oh! Even if they mix the blood with somebody else’s blood too?”
“Well, they’re all confessing to you then.” Jasper shrugged his shoulder. “Who’s the other boys?”
“Saine, Jusarlie, and Sarco.”
“Sarco?!” They stopped for a second. “Sarco gave his blood to you?”
“Yes, yesterday after dinner.” Iolana explained.
“This is so fun!” Wilhelmina eyes lit up in excitement. “Hope you can handle the intensity, Iolana!”
“Wait, Wilhelmina, could you explain it again to me? I’m kind of puzzled here.” Iolana played her part.
“That would be my pleasure! Let’s go to your room, I’ll explain further.”
“Iolana, she might add a few lies.” Jestel warned her again.
“No, Wilhelmina never lie.” Jasper shoos them away.
“Bye, Uncle Jestel! Bye, Jasper!” Wilhelmina hugs Iolana’s arm and walks to the 3rd floor together while chatting.
Jestel is visibly bothered.
“Look who’s in a lovestruck now.” Jasper laughed at Jestel’s expression.
“I could handle those other two, but Sarco? Really?” Jestel faked a deep sigh.
“Don’t you think you should start to listen to Idris? None of his omen are proven wrong, especially for this girl.” Jasper gives him simple advice.
“Maybe I should, it is hard to believe this sometimes.”
“Wilhelmina, are you not bothered by my scent?” Iolana asked her when they reached the 3rd floor.
“Oh, it only works for the opposite gender! I feel comfortable with you even though you’re a sweet-scented human!” Wilhelmina explained.
“Do they just want my blood…? I don’t know who to trust right now.” Iolana frowned.
“Hey, it’s okay. I feel you, it must be very overwhelming. Take it easy, Iolana. I personally think that they’re in real lovestruck.” Wilhelmina waits for Iolana to open her bedroom door.
They walk in and sit on the bed.
“So… about the blood confession? I don’t know… could you explain more?” Iolana asked politely.
“Basically, if they give you, their blood. It means they’re consenting to you to call upon them whenever you want and need. Hence why we see it as the greatest form of love. It’s not common for one to give their blood so easily to someone they just knew. That’s why I called you special.” Wilhelmina explained.
“Is it that serious?”
“Yes! Only engaged and married people usually do that thing to each other. So, sum it up by yourself.” Wilhelmina laughed. “They’re so in love with you, they think you’re the one for them.”
“This is a bad thing, then?” Iolana gulps.
“Depends on how you look at it, me personally, it’s so fun! You can just summon them as you wish. How fun is that?” Wilhelmina tries to make Iolana see the bright and fun side.
“Whenever, huh?” Iolana nods and smirks.
“That’s the spirit!” Wilhelmina knew Iolana hides something mischievous behind those shy smiles. “Don’t you want to try to summon one of them?”
“Sure! Who should I call?” Iolana is confused.
“Call my uncle.”
“Okay, let’s try.” Iolana is giggling. She tries to focus herself while taking a deep breath. “Jestel, I need you.”
In a second, Jestel teleported in her room. He looks confused.  “Iolana, did she ask you to do that?”
“We just want to try!” Iolana defends Wilhelmina who’s smugly grins at Jestel now.
“Okay, next time do it only if you need me, alright?” Jestel tried to be as soft-spoken as he could. It’s a funny scene to watch for Wilhelmina.
“Okay, Jestel.” Iolana puts up her innocent gaze.
“I’ll get going.” Jestel nods and walks out from her room.
Wilhelmina laughed loudly as Jestel had already walked up the stairs. “You’re so good at acting sweet, you should teach me.”
“The key is in the eyes. Just make it bigger, full of hope, and blink a few times, you know. Like this.” Iolana gives her an example. “Always work on men.”
“Let me try, let me try.” Wilhelmina closes her eyes, preparing to try the sweet-looking eyes method. She opens her eyes, giving it an essence of hope, and blinks a few times. “Like this?”
“Yes, that’s perfect!” Iolana claps her hand, proud of Wilhelmina. Girlhood is so fun.
“I’m going to use it against Jasper.” Wilhelmina mumbled to herself.
Iolana gives her a smug grin, “You like him, don’t you?”
“No, no, no! No way, right?” Wilhelmina’s nervous chuckles are enough evidence of her real feelings toward Jasper.
“Sure! No way, right?” Iolana mocks her.
“Don’t tell anyone! You’re the first to know!” Wilhelmina whispered.
“Let’s just hope Saine isn’t in his room right now.” Iolana whispered back.
A knock on the door made them jump. “Iolana, it’s me.”
Oh, lord. It’s Saine.
“Speaking of the devil.” Iolana laughed. “Come in, Saine.”
Saine walks in with a sweet smile, but it fades away immediately when he sees Wilhelmina. “Oh, my vamp, it’s you.”
“You gave your blood to her, right?” Wilhelmina strikes back. “That’s so sweet of you, Saine.”
Saine swifts uncomfortably, “Uh, yes. Anyways, I’m going for a walk in the town. Do you want to join me, Iolana?”
“Sure! Can we invite Wilhelmina too?” Iolana is in her innocent mask again.
“Sure.” Saine nods. Praying to every deity and his ancestors that he could think of right now.
“I’ll go ask Jasper.” Wilhelmina smiles at Iolana, then smirks at Saine. “Jaspeeer!”
“Stop screaming, I could hear you perfectly without all the screams.” Jasper shows up immediately at Iolana’s door.
“Relax, soulmate. Let’s join Iolana and Saine for a walk.” Wilhelmina chuckled.
“Sure, let’s go. I’m ready.” Jasper nods.
“Okay, our first stop is my father. He made a special necklace for Iolana. We should grab it first, I’m sure it can hide her sweet scent.” Saine smiles warmly at Iolana.
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Holstein crouched in front of the last Sterling that he could bring here alive. Fortunately for him, it’s Tama Sterling! The eldest son of Tearle. Luckily, Tama survived his own suicide. So, here he is! Lying on the special prison’s floor, helpless, out of energy, hungry maybe? He’s also very angry. Only if he is a vampire, they’ll be dead by now.
“Is your sister alive?” Holstein asked.
Tama remained silent.
“She’s important to me.” Holstein said again. “She might be the one.”
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“Over my dead body.” Tama mocks him.
“You’re so hard to talk to, just like Jestel. I’m sure Iolana is just like me. Easy to talk to, cold-headed, and not stingy.” Holstein scoffed. “Don’t worry, Tama. You’ll be a vampire soon.”
That can’t be happening, what are their plans now?
“Without your memory too, isn’t it sweet? You’re going to be our little dangerous weapon.”
“I’d rather die.”
“You don’t get to choose here.” Holstein hits Tama’s head, not enough to make him die, but enough to knock him out.
Iolana stands up and hugs Saine’s arm. Ready for the quick speed she’s going to face. They’re instantly gone in a second, it takes fifteen seconds to get to the Cairneye’s Mansion. Iolana never realized how far it was. Maybe yesterday she was really enjoying the view.
“Papa!” Saine shouts for his father.
“My ears,” Idris acts like his ears are hurt by Saine’s voice.
“Whatever, where is the pendant?” Saine is fed up with Idris’ playfulness.
“Oh, there’s a few things that I need to tell you. Are you sure these two can keep their mouth shut?” Idris points at Jasper and Wilhelmina.
“Guys, get ou—” Saine was interrupted by Iolana.
“They can stay. I trust them.” Iolana calmly answered.
“Are you sure?” Idris frowned.
“I have their secrets, it’s good.” Iolana tilts her head a little bit.
“Woah, what is my secret?!” Jasper is panicking.
“She’ll tell you later, now Uncle Idris tell us.” Wilhelmina glares at Jasper.
“Well, Iolana. Get ready to be hex!” Idris tells the news like it’s a birthday party, full smile, little claps. This man is crazy.
“Idris, slow down.” You can see Iolana is slightly panicking. “What did I do?”
“It’s not a you problem, it’s Slevado.” Idris laughed. “As usual.”
“Ugh, those bitches.” Iolana couldn’t hide her hatred toward that nation. “What did they have in mind this time?”
“First of all, do you know this?” Idris holds a necklace in front of her face, for her to see clearly.
“That’s… how did you… is my brother alive?” Iolana is out of words. The necklace was Tama’s. He always wears it wherever he goes. It’s his treasure.
“He might be alive, I’m not sure. Can you sense him? It took a lot of energy for someone to transfer their real time vision to me, let alone letting me grab a thing. He’s a great wizard.” Idris complimented Iolana’s brother.
Iolana doesn’t say a thing, she holds the pendant of that necklace and focuses her energy to find her brother.
“We found you in the woods. We don’t know who turned you into a vampire, but you’re safe here with us.” It looks like they’re having a feast. Tama is right there, sitting next to Holstein.
“I’m thirsty.” Tama looks miserable.
“I know, drink as much as you want.” The heir of Slevado is such a sweet talker. It scares Iolana off.
“You’re all so kind to me, what do you want from me?” Well, Tama is still Tama after all. Straight to the point and couldn’t trust people easily.
“Nothing! You can live here, this is your new home.”
Tama stares at him blankly. “Why?”
“You’re strong, you knocked out my guards. That’s why I decided to bring you here, to my castle.”
“You want me to be your guard?”
“No, we just want to give you a better life. That way you can explore more of your powers. We just want to help you.”
“Okay.” Tama is still not very friendly.
The vision ended. Iolana drops to the floor slowly after she witnessed all that. Saine holds her arms, he feels sad for her. She doesn’t deserve any of this.
“Turn me into a vampire.” Iolana said helplessly. “I’m your only chance.”
“Iolana, take a deep breath. What do you mean?” Wilhelmina crouched down.
“If they’re going to strike Krashoviel with Tama as a vampire. None of you will survive. Tama is a lot stronger than me.” Iolana explained.
“How strong was he as a human?” Saine asked, hoping that Iolana could provide a specific detail.
“As strong as Ricardo, but heartless.”
They gulp in unison. Ricardo is young, but he’s already almost as strong as Jestel. Maybe it’s all because of Sarco’s hard training, but since he’s young… he still follows his heart sometimes. He often lets emotion take over him.
“He might be stronger than Sarco now… with the fact that he’s also a new vampire as well.” Idris strokes his chin. “Where were you guys going?”
“Just a walk to see the town.” Saine answered.
“Cancel it, we need to do an urgent meeting.” Idris said calmly. “All of us.”
The palace is nervous, Idris said he will bring Iolana to the meeting today. How the table has turned, vampire fears a mere little human. Such a funny scene to watch.
“What do you think just happened?” Odelia asked Jestel.
“Another vision, maybe.” Jestel guessed. “He’s your son, you should know better.”
“They’re here.” Sarco said, standing up to greet Idris and the people that he brings to the meeting.
Idris opened the door and let his son, Wilhelmina, and Jasper enter the room first. Meanwhile, he enters the room alongside Iolana. Anyone who studied the art of people’s aura will definitely notice the flame and shadow competing to take over Iolana’s aura. The whole room are terrified. It’s so suffocating.
“Iolana, what happened?” Jestel asked her gently.
Idris let Iolana make the announcement. “My brother, Tama Sterling, has been kidnapped by Slevado. They turned him into a vampire just recently. You need to turn me into one too. I’m your only hope.”
“How so, my child?” Sullivan asked Iolana. Genuinely curious as to why she’s their only hope.
“They brainwashed Tama. It’s not good, Tama is far stronger than me even as a human. He will end you without any difficulties as a fresh vampire.”
“Do you know the possibility of his power right now?” Sarco asked.
“Do you know my grandfather? Thessio Sterling?”
“Oh, I’d rather not. I agree, turn her into a vampire.” Sullivan had a war flashback from that name alone.
“Is he that strong?” Wilhelmina is clueless.
“He’s dead and grandpa still has goosebumps just by hearing his name. What do you think?” Jestel asked Wilhelmina.
“Well, one of you should be Iolana’s host vamp then.” Wilhelmina nods.
“It’s not that simple. She needs to bond first.” Odelia is opposed to that idea. “Iolana, I’ll give you time to choose until Jestel’s birthday party.”
“Jestel’s birthday party? Do you want us dead, Odelia?” Sullivan sees this as an emergency.
“No, we must wait. Let her choose. Who wants to be his host vamp?” Odelia knows what’s going on.
Jestel, Jusarlie, Saine, Sarco, and Hiael raised their hands.
“Oh, my vamp.” Ricardo mumbled under his breath.
“What the fuck are you doing, Hiael?” Jestel yelled.
“What?” Hiael seems unbothered.
“Put your goddamn hand down.” Jestel couldn’t believe this.
“I was just answering Your Majesty’s question. I’m not going to be some ambitious Iolana’s chaser like you and the others.”
“Then put your hand down, don’t make this more complicated than it already is.” Saine tries to stay collected.
“I was just being honest?”
“See?” Odelia turns to her father.
“Iolana, I’ll guide you to choose a host vamp. Feel free to ask about anything. I’ll provide you with my information.” Idris said to Iolana.
“Sarco, I want you to train Iolana to be as strong as you in her human form.” Odelia ordered.
“Are you sure?” Idris is concerned. “As strong as Jestel would be enough.”
“We need someone who’s stronger than Tama, we can’t let anything out of control.” Odelia explained. “Do you copy, Sarco?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Dinner time is almost ready, Iolana is in the bathroom. Preparing herself. Well, today is not nice to her apparently. She sees fresh blood on her panties. This is the least thing that she needs right now. Iolana panicked, she didn’t know what to do. She quickly changed her panties and washed the blood stained one.
“Iolana, let’s go.” Jusarlie’s voice makes her gulp.
“Jusarlie… tell Jestel and the others… my menstrual cycle is here.” Iolana holds the door with her body, just in case Jusarlie lost control.
“Shit.” Jusarlie panicked. “Wait, I’ll tell them. Don’t open the door to anyone before we gather here.”
For half a minute, she waits there patiently. Afraid of what could come for her.
“Iolana, it’s us.” Their voices somehow calmed her down. “Don’t open the door just yet. We could lose control.”
“What should I do?” Iolana is scared.
“Wilhelmina will take you to the basement’s bedroom. You should stay there for a few days.” Jestel explained. “It has triple protection door. You should be safe there.”
“T-triple?” Iolana was surprised by that.
“Yes, three iron doors. So, we can’t come in easily.” Jestel answered. “Why did it come faster than it should be?”
“Probably because I’m stressed.” Iolana took a guess. “I’m sorry to bother you, guys.”
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault.” Jestel reassured her. “Okay, we’ll be out of the house for a bit. You listen to Wilhelmina, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you.”
“Take care of her, Wilhelmina.” Saine taps his cousin’s shoulder.
They are out from the house, along with the butlers, maids, and guards. Waiting outside, while Iolana is being moved from her room to the basement.
“Iolana, let’s go.” Wilhelmina said gently.
Iolana opens the door slowly.
“Oh, wow. They would lose their mind if they were here. Come, quick.” Wilhelmina brought Iolana’s bag.
Iolana clings to Wilhelmina and they go to the basement in a second.
“Alright, I’ll explain fast. Every mealtime, they will give you food through this little food elevator. Remember to not open the iron door. It’s there for a reason. Jestel has prepared this room especially just for you, so I guess everything is here? If there’s anything you need, just talk through telepathy. You’ll figure it out. You’re a Sterling.” Wilhelmina smiles. “I’ll go. The door will be locked once I get out, only you can unlock it afterwards.”
“Thank you, Wilhelmina.” Iolana nods.
“Alright, you take care right here.” Wilhelmina waves before closing the ordinary door. Iolana could hear the iron door closing one by one while Wilhelmina walks out.
The basement’s bedroom is not bad, a good place even. Sure, it’s smaller than the original bedrooms, but it’s enough for Iolana. She began to unpack her things, praying that her menstrual cycle wouldn’t last long.
Meanwhile, the dining room is unbelievably quiet. Everyone tries their best to focus on their food and drink.
“Her scent. I’m going insane.” Jusarlie’s eyes dart to the secret door that Wilhelmina and Iolana pass through earlier.
“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.” Saine is doing the same thing.
“Hold yourself together.” Jestel told them.
Sarco seems like he’s not listening, though. He’s done eating. Now his eyes keep staring at that secret door.
“Sarco.” Ricardo tries to call him. No response.
“Sarco?” Wilhelmina is worried now.
Sarco is gone in the blink of an eye. They were all panicking and rushed to the basement. They felt great relief when they saw Sarco is just standing in front of the first layer of iron door.
“Iolana, summon me if you need me. I know you’re in pain. I could help.” Sarco sounds so tempting for Iolana.
“Sarco?” Iolana replied hesitantly.
“Yes, just remember that you can summon me whenever you want.”
“Iolana, don’t listen to him.” Saine scoffed. “Summon me, instead. I know you better than him. We shop together, remember?”
“You’re high, let’s go.” Wilhelmina tried to drag Sarco and Saine out of there. “Do not summon any of those guys, Iolana. They’re not in their right state of mind.”
“Sarco…” Iolana whimpers loud enough for them to hear.
That awakens something inside them. Something deeper. It crossed the line, it’s unethical. It’s something primal.
“Iolana, summon me if you need help. You know the words, Darling. You did it once yesterday, you can do it.” Jestel bangs on the iron door.
“Iolana, I could bring you your favorite novels. Just summon me, okay?” Jusarlie is also banging at the door.
“Jusarlie?” Iolana did leave the book that she’s currently reading.
“Iolana, you need me, right?” Sarco looks so desperate right now. That is surely not on anyone’s bingo list.
“Iolana, go to sleep. Don’t listen to them.” Wilhelmina keeps her sane, to be honest. Iolana is close to summoning one of them.
She knows it’s wrong, but at the same time it feels very right. She needs one of them. Menstrual hormone messes up with her.
“My vamp, I need to call Idris.” Wilhelmina faked a deep sigh. “Jasper, help me.”
“Let’s go.” Jasper nods, they immediately go to Idris as fast as they could.
Idris, who’s currently busy with customers, is puzzled by their sudden appearance.
“Wilhelmina, Jasper, what’s wrong?” Idris stopped stirring his pot.
“Iolana is in her menstrual cycle, and we couldn’t get the four of them away from the basement’s door.” Wilhelmina informed Idris.
“Bloody hell, couldn’t it pick a better time? I’ll be there in a minute, keep an eye on them.” Idris nods at them. They rushed back to the mansion while Idris excuse himself to the guests, “Could you wait for maybe ten minutes? I need to take care of something. Vampz in love, you know.”
“Sure! We could wait, Sir Idris. Take your time.”
Idris smiled at the guests and rushed himself to Jestel’s mansion. He goes straight to the basement and found an uncomfortable scene. Jestel, Jusarlie, Saine, and Sarco are practically begging. Beyond desperate to open the iron door.
“Collect yourself.” Idris goes to his son first, he slaps him a few times. Not working. Saine is still high. “This is what you get from giving your blood so generously to someone you just met.”
“Is this normal?” Jasper is curious.
“Yes, this is normal, if Iolana is a vampire. Well, unfortunately for us, she isn’t a vampire. Yet.” Idris sighed. “They’ll riot if we drag them upstairs. I’ll knock them out. Ricardo, Jasper, Hiael, help me transport them to the living room.”
Idris began to knock them up one by one with just a touch on their nape. Idris is indeed scary.
The others do what Idris said earlier, they’re now gathering in the living room. Idris sealed access to the basement for the four of them.
“When will they wake up?” Jasper asked.
“A minute from now, two minutes maximum.” Idris sighed again. “This is troublesome, we have to turn her into a vampire as soon as possible.”
Saine opens his eyes. His head is dizzy as he tries to sit. “What happened?”
“You were high, you dumb fuck.” Wilhelmina scolds him.
“Oh, I remember now.” Saine nods. “Is she okay?”
“She’s fine as long as she doesn’t interact with any of you lovestruck heads.” Wilhelmina scoffed again.
Jestel and Sarco are slowly opening their eyes too.
“Did I drink too much? What happened?” Jestel had no idea as well.
“You were high due to Iolana’s amazing scent.” Jasper laughed.
“Why do you think I need to call Idris here?” Wilhelmina scoffed.
“Oh, I apologize.” Jestel giggled.
“Iolana, please! You need me, Iolana. I could help you.” Ricardo mocks them.
“I didn’t say that.” Sarco shook his head.
“I am not even exaggerating anything, ask Hiael.” Ricardo is fed up.
“He’s right.” Hiael nods.
“Iolana.” Jusarlie sit straight, making the others surprised by his sudden move.
“Is he still high?” Ricardo looks confused.
“Iolana needs me.” Jusarlie said before completely disappeared in front of their eyes.
“ABSOLUTELY NOT.” Idris panicked. He rushed to the basement to check if Jusarlie teleported or walked. Wilhelmina and Jasper follow him along.
Their hearts dropped when they saw the basement was empty. Iolana summoned Jusarlie.
Iolana summoned Jusarlie.
“Iolana! Iolana! Don’t be ridiculous now!” Wilhelmina panicked, banging at the door. “Iolana! What are you doing?”
“She’s in good hands.” They could hear Jusarlie’s low chuckle from behind the doors.
Idris couldn’t say anything. He was speechless. He went back upstairs, hugging Wilhelmina and Jasper.
“Idris, what happened? Where’s Jusarlie?” Jestel is puzzled. “Why did you put a spell to lock us out?”
“Let’s just hope Iolana is alive and well after this.” Idris said calmly.
“What the fuck do you mean by that?” Sarco is annoyed.
“She summoned Jusarlie.”
The room felt thick. Completely shocked at the announcement.
“But she’s mine.” Sarco said almost to himself.
“Papa, you’re joking.” Saine tries to be as positive as he could be.
“Saine, let’s just hope she makes it out alive.” Idris pats his shoulder.
“Why? Why? WHY?!” You could hear the despair in Saine’s voice. “Why not me? Why?”
“Idris, read the future. Is he going to be her host vamp?” Jestel looks very insane right now. He grabs both of Idris arms. “Tell me, Idris. We need to know.”
“I’m not sure, but you still have your chances. If she makes it out alive.” Idris answered as much as he needed to.
“I’m going to chop his head off.” Sarco closes his eyes, holding his anger in.
“This isn’t fair. I’m going to kill myself.” Saine grabs a fist of his own hair. He’s very devastated.
“Let’s just hope she makes it first.”
“Baby… you need me?” Jusarlie almost lost his self-control when he was being summoned at Iolana’s room.
“Jusarlie, if you drink some of my blood. Wouldn’t my menstrual cycle end faster?” Iolana asked a very difficult question right now since Jusarlie can’t think straight.
“Oh, baby… should we try?” Jusarlie voice got deeper. Iolana could see his eyes darkened at her words earlier.
“Let me make sure of something first.” Iolana smirks back at him. How brave. Jusarlie raised an eyebrow, what could she possibly do?
“Kneel.” Iolana stares right into his eyes.
Jusarlie suddenly lost control of his own body. He kneeled in front of Iolana. He doesn’t even know what is going on right now.
Iolana giggled, “I was right. Let’s try it, Jusarlie. I hate my menstrual cycle.” She shamelessly lifts her night gown and slides her panties down with that pair of innocent eyes staring at Jusarlie.
Jusarlie? Still kneeling. He’s drooling now. This girl is so fucking dangerous.
“Come and get it, Jusarlie.”
He doesn’t have to be told twice, Jusarlie quickly positioned himself between Iolana’s thighs. He inhales deeply. “God, Iolana, you smell so good.”
Iolana squirmed under his touch, she held her whimper.
“Thank you for the meal.” Jusarlie didn’t waste any second to finally lick her bloody folds down. It was the most delicious blood he had ever tasted. He is becoming more passionate as he sucks her clit, trying his best not to bite her.
Iolana is a total mess, she couldn’t contain her moans anymore. Her hips moving up and down, all because of Jusarlie’s talented tongue. And he doesn’t plan to stop. He licks her like a kitten, her blood is intoxicating.
Jusarlie swirls his tongue inside her, making her cry out a whimper. One of his hands naturally reaches up to lifts her night gown higher. Once he found her breast, he fondles with them with both of his hands, pinching her nipples slowly and plays with them like a toy.
The pleasure from her core and her breasts is enough to make Iolana breaks, “J-Jusarlie… fuck… it feels so good.” Iolana’s breathy voice makes Jusarlie’s cock twitch.
“Don’t say it like that, you’re making me hard to control myself.” Jusarlie opens his eyes and stare at Iolana fucked up face. She is so fucking beautiful. He would not share this with others. Iolana should be his and his alone. He sucks at her pretty pussy until there’s no blood left coming from her vagina. It was the most delicious meal he ever had.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to be your host vamp?” Jusarlie climbs up while caressing her body, teasing her. Her jolts stroke his ego for sure.
“No, not yet. I haven’t decided.” Iolana is sweaty, out of breath, after Jusarlie devoured her pussy.
“I don’t want to share you.” Jusarlie holds her face gently.
“That’s your problem.” Iolana smirks again. “We’ll see if this method works tomorrow.”
“You’re cruel.”
“Never said I’m not.” Iolana makes him sit by pushing him while she raises her body to sit as well. “Now, you get out like the way you enter this room.”
And just like that, Jusarlie is gone in the blink of an eye. Iolana is very satisfied with the power she currently holds right now.
Jusarlie is back in the living room. His smile never leaves his face. He licks the remaining blood on the tip of his lips, unaware of the eyes that stare at him like he just did something really bad.
“What the fuck did you just do with her?” Jestel holds his collar.
“None of your business.”
“Tell me she’s alive.”
“Oh, she’s alive! Breathing normally, body temperature is normal for human, heartbeat normal, and… well pleasured.” Jusarlie giggled at himself.
“Did you fucking touch her?” Sarco’s blood boils.
“She asked me to. Not to brag about it or anything—”
A thud makes the whole room shocked. Saine just punched Jusarlie in the face.
“Don’t say any word about it.” Saine looks insane. He completely loses his mind. What the hell did he do wrong? Jusarlie is not better than him. Why did Iolana choose Jusarlie instead of him?
Jusarlie laughed like a maniac. “Just know that the sweet scent did not lie.”
Jestel, Saine, and Sarco stare down at him. Full of hatred. Full of jealousy. What makes the feeling worse is they can’t do anything about it.
In the very same room, Idris, Jasper, and Wilhelmina know that the future is going to be more complicated than they anticipated. As if the four of them being insane isn’t enough, Iolana chose the crazy path as well.
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beemochi-art · 2 days
Thoughts on the transformers one movie?
Me? you wanna here my thoughts about the TF one?
First off the movie looks amazing, the ost is incredible, the voice acting is pretty good and the writing is Awesome! The pacing a little fast, the story movie kinda quickly which is fine, I’d rather have a fast movie then a slow one.
You can tell the actors really cared about this movie, I have never seen actors get this much into the marketing for anything! Brian Tyree Henry did an amazing job for Megatron, by far he was the best.
There was plenty of action! The fighting and weight of the character was great, you can tell they were really hitting each other hard. This movie had a lot of love put into it. Incredible watching experience.
D16 was the star of the show! In my opinion at least! They were able to capture the innocence and the loss of that innocence really well. The slight character tics also didn’t get past me and did a lot to add to the emotions the character were showing.
I loved this movie, and I will be watching more as soon as I can! I accidentally missed that end credits scene. We were just too excited and wanted to talk about it!
Alright! This movie fulfill something the fans have been asking for year for. The Orgin of Optimus prime and Megatron on the big screen. We all knew it was going to be a tragedy! Whether you ship Megop or not, we can all appreciate the loss of someone close, when we think we know someone but then seemingly out of nowhere, they flip. But I assure you, the flip was not out of no where.
But before I get to the main two I want to talk about everyone else first.
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Sorry Oplita fans, Elita is on a path to get that promotion and get that bag! Elita is in fact a mean boss babe, but that not all she is. She is a strong and determined worker. Even tho she is one of the lower classes bots she does everything with a sense of pride, no matter what she’s doing. She cares a lot, her gruff and aggressive attitude may try to hide it but I see past that. Although she really didn’t have an arc to her character you know? Idk I might have to watch it again.
Bee is the goofster to the group. Very cute and very funny. He really didn’t have an arc either and I wish he did. Bee was mostly there to serve as the comedic relief. And honestly I think we all needed. He wasn’t ever too annoying or obnoxiously stupid. I very much enjoyed him!
Sentinel Prime
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God what a fantastic villain he was! Kinda sad he died. I always knew Dee would kill him. He was just as pompous and trashy diplomat as I hoped. Such good lines from him. He died like a dog and couldn’t be happier. We didn’t get to see his alt mode which made me kind of sad. He’s like a mega church pastor! They are usually secretly evil. Him turning the tides of the battle with the primes is something else dude.
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Oh god here we go. His character was just fantastic! I’m really happy we are getting an origin story. His personality being the adventurists, rowdy, troublesome questioner is so cool! And such a big contrast to the usual iterations of Orion pax. He’s stray kitten coded. His young age makes him optimistic, selfish and naive. It also causes him to mistreat Dee; having the best intentions of course, even tho he completely disregards what Dee feels. It started off as him just wanting to be seen and help his people to everything quickly getting out of hand and him losing his best friend. I’m sure he regrets making Dee participate in that race. His issue just being childlike innocence and being self centered.
DEE (aka Dean. Aka Megatron.)
Oh god y’all aren’t ready for this one!
Dee starts off as the goodest boy. Will of whimsy! But like most villains all it takes is one bad day. Oh Dee you poor thing. If robots could cry he would have like four times in this movie.
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Good Christian boy. Followed the rules, didn’t ask questions and had unwavering love for the Primes. Megatronus and Sentinel being the big two.
It’s cool to think of Dee eyes being a dead giveaway to how he’s feeling. Betraying him even in the final scene.
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This part! This is my favorite part of the whole movie. Dee had the audience full attention. The desperation, sadness and anger in his voice. Fantastic! As D16’s friend, this needed to be addressed immediately. But I can understand Orion not knowing what to say or how to comfort him, cause as a kid yourself what do you even say to that?? Orion always knew something was wrong, he was the questioner, but to Dee this was his life. To Orion, Sentinel Prime’s betrayal wasn’t that deep. But this was Dee’s life, he followed them without question, just to see his hero struck down in cold blood. His anger is something Orion can’t comprehend, he never knew he had that in him. I think Orion could probably right this off the first time but it wouldn’t be that last time D16 would start scaring Orion.
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I’ve always heard people describe Dee has flipping his personality. There is no flip. Dee is deceptively passive. His whole life has been flipped and need Orions support. But sadly that moment would never show up. I don’t even think Orion would know how to go about it since he was so focused on his goal. My mom said Orion was a bit irritating because  he couldn’t properly read his friend.
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At first I thought he had carved this into himself. Which is bad, really bad. But I think Sentinel doing it to him actually makes it worse. He hasn’t just mutilated Dee once, But twice. He took something he liked, something that was special, something that was a symbol of him and Orions friendship and made it cause him pain. It’s like the last of his innocence being taken away from him.
So when he was trying to kill Sentinels and Orion was holding him back he said “He needs to die.” And that last part sounding so emotional hits so hard. He loved Sentinel. You can hear the hurt and sadness in his voice for megatronus prime, sentinel the other miners, but mostly for himself. And almost all that hurt Orion had to say “you’ll be like sentinel.”
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Oh brother that was no the move. Immediately upon it being compared to sentinel by his best friend, the rage returned. Blinded by his rage he accidentally shot Orion.
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Finally we have Megatron. Bro is on his Kratos arc. Sentinel was driven by greed. Megatron is driven by his hate and anger.
This by far the best transformers movie. I think ever.
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shaunashipman · 2 days
He refused to write about any of the good things Eddie done in the episode like let all the bees attack him to keep them from attacking innocent civilians and asking Buck if he was hurt because it doesn’t fit his narrative of Eddie being an irredeemable villain. He also said that Buck and Gerard are fucking so clearly he’s not that concerned with accurately describing a scene. And no sending death threats is never ok but nobody cared when kat got sent death and rape threats because she said she views Eddie as gay, or Whitney or Lizzie. Buddie journalist get sent death threats all the time
hE rEfUsEd tO wRiTe—shut the fuck up
"let all the bees attack him" you mean do his job. you wanted the author to sing eddie's praises for doing his job. he didn't sing hen and chim's praise for doing their job, was he bashing hen and chim?
"asking buck if he was hurt" first of all when? where? no seriously, did i miss it? i've only watched twice, but a quick check through the transcript doesn't show him asking buck if he was hurt. and even if he did, again, prize for basic decency? he didn't write about every single second of the episode. we didn't even get a mention of the henren/madney dinner scene and the obvious tension brewing there. but you're mad that he didn't write about something that as far as i can see didn't even happen, because it's about your uwu lil fave who everyone's just being so mean to
"narrative of eddie being an irredeemable villain" where in the good godsdamned fuck did you come up with that? was it the line "eddie has grown a mustache that looks suspiciously like gerrard’s and therefore can’t be trusted."? the line that was clearly, as evidenced by the tone of the entire article, meant to be light-hearted and joking. buck is being overdramatic in the scene he is recapping, and the author is matching the dramatics. every single normal, i.e non-echo-chamber-addled, person who read that line understood it was meant in a joking manner.
he literally did not say buck and gerrard are fucking, how do you ppl keep expecting to get away with claiming this bullshit when we have the proof to back it up
here, read the actual fucking words he wrote (id in alt)
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how do you get "buck and gerrard are fucking" from this? he's saying, that to him, the comment about buck's "broody little pout" felt sexual to him. it felt sexual to others. and to others it didn't. like, the author clearly states it's his own, subjective, reading of the statement, as evidenced by "or am i just seeing homoeroticism anywhere".
and again with the accusations without proof. i've heard this claim of threats against the journalists, and yet no one has ever provided proof. if you have it, please share, i would love to call those people out and make sure everyone else knows they did it. inbox is open
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redeclipsee · 1 day
I want to get something off my chest so like... Here I go. Just saying that at the end, this is is my opinion on it and I just want to share it as I've seen a lot of conflicting opinions and I want to join lol
The Elrond and Galadriel kiss is not romantic and people are making it a bigger deal than it is.
There is so much nuance in that scene that needs to be taken into consideration, and one is, that all through S1 and mostly of S2, Elrond and Galadriel's relationship has been portrayed as HEAVILY platonic. S2 Elrond did not gag Galadriel at every chance he could so people would call their relationship romantic. He felt betrayed and rightfully angry at her, having war flashbacks at what happen to his parents because of a piece of jewelry. Elrond and Galadriel love each other, but their dinamic and relationship is not romantic. I think we are just so used to characters who care so much about each other and physical intimacy to be romantic it's clearly disruptive to us.
Now, if people want to actively ship Galadriel and Elrond, then be my guest and go ahead. It hurts absolutely nobody. I'm pro let people ship whatever they want.
Next, there is the topic of physical intimacy and platonic relationships between elves. Elves are not human, they feel and love each other so much, they care about each other so much, I don't feel like a kiss is inherently romantic, or sexual. Just expression of love in other sense of the words.
Which leds me to the scene as a whole. Adar is giving Elrond the choice of giving him Nenya or save Galadriel's life. Elrond can't give him Nenya and has a plan to let Galadriel out, which is giving her a pin to set herself free. But he's surrounded by orcs and Adar, watching his every move. He needs to be very close to her and he needs time to not make harsh movement.
A hug would need his hands. A kiss on a cheek or forehead would be too fast. A kiss on the mouth would give him the close distance, the time to pass her the pin and the value of shock.
The scene was filmed was if we were in Adar's POV. When he passes her the pin is so easily missed that a lot of people actually missed it. Just like Adar. Distraction way too good.
But we as the audience know that there is no romance between Galadriel and Elrond, unlike Adar. We should know there was something else going on there, and that was the pin.
Now, since this is a fictional story, yeah the writers could have avoided the kiss and just go with the kiss on a cheek or forehead because they could. But I think the kiss adds a lot of emotional burden because even if Elrond is giving her a chance to escape, he can't know if she'll make it. He says sorry not only because he has chosen to save Nenya but because he might not see her again. A goodbye to someone he deeply loves.
But again, that's my interpretation of the scene and the reasons why it went down the way it did.
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vicsbasement · 15 hours
3. Clingy Charles
For the ask game
me using the same tropes and scenes sometimes as a mechanism to get me to write? fork found in the kitchen - if y'all can pinpoint from which fic i took the scene with Charles barging into the office while Carlos was getting fired you get another snippet. Also it seems like Teto is a recurring character in these! It's just that he's been so present lately it's impossible for me to ignore him.
"Leclerc's been acting weird." Teto tells him, one day. Carlos is walking along with him towards the back of the house where the bikes are parked when he says the thing out loud. Carlos arches and eyebrow and turns to him, questioning silently and asking him to elaborate as he starts checking the bike’s tyres are in good shape.
"Haven't you noticed?" Teto asks, his curls swishing to the side when he tilts his head in a silent inquiry. "I know you don't watch things back or anything but ever since they announced... Well. Pretty sure it's from before, even, but ever since the thing went public he's been... I don't know how to say it." Roberto pauses again as they open the garage door and Carlos is already fidgeting with the bike's lock to unclasp it. Carlos nudges him to get his lock off, and Teto obeys for a second while he thinks as the garage door whirs in the background.
"Remember that day I went to the factory with you?" He asks instead, and Carlos nods. It was a couple days after the team called him and met him in private to explain the leaked information about them contacting Lewis. It was a terrible day. He remembers some of it, but the fact that Charles was at the factory stuck to him the most. They weren't supposed to even be there together, let alone meet, but Charles seemed adamant to see him and had barged into the office instead of waiting outside, like he was supposed to.
Carlos was accompanied by his usual posse, his dad, Caco. Teto was there because they'd been training together and since Rupert had left, Carlos missed the company.
When Charles had barged into the office, he seemed out of breath, and his eyes were puffy and red-rimmed. Carlos couldn't really recall the last time he'd seen Charles cry, it had been too long, so he compartmentalized the whole thing as to justify the eyes with some other excuse, like allergies, because Charles was very sensitive to a plant that was very prominent in Italy and the pollen lifted during the winter, so he tended to have a bad time with sneezing and red-rimmed eyes.
"I mean, I remember. But I'm pretty sure that didn't mean much." Carlos says, sure that Teto meant the little display of emotion when he barged into the room.
Still, as soon as he had barged in, he'd bailed. He noticed that they were talking to Fred and Menkies, showered the room with apologies and bolted.
"I'm not talking about him barging in." Teto says, and Carlos now really is confused. If it wasn't about that, what was it?
"When we got out of the office, he— remember he asked for your dad's permission to take you out to eat?"
"Pretty sure he was just being polite, given that we were all there together and he was sort of breaking us up."
"Yeah, but... Well, okay, then, if you didn't notice that I don't know what to tell you. Still, have you watched the interview you guys did before Bahrain?"
"I watched it before they edited it." Carlos replies. And Teto's eyebrows shoot up to his hairline as he gets on his bike, still trying to make a point.
"You didn't notice how he physically recoils from the reminder that you're leaving?" He insists, and Carlos gets a little defensive because this isn’t really what he wants to be discussing right now, so he gets on his bike and whirs the pedals to fill the silence. Still, Teto nudges his shoulder so they both bike slowly towards the exit of the garage.
"Oye, Teto, ya está, ¿sí? Te estás pasando con lo de interactuar con las fans, tío. Qué coño le va a importar a Leclerc si me voy o no..." Carlos says, his tone final. Teto shrugs his shoulder cartoonishly as he takes the lead, moving swiftly out of the driveway.
"Oh, Carlos, you've got big eyes but not a good way to use them. You'll see. He's... I don't know. He's been different.” Roberto keeps searching for a word as he stops in the driveway to get his helmet on. “Changing. Like he's... Clingy!” He snaps his fingers victoriously. “That's the word. He's been clingy towards you. And he is like that sometimes but only when you start it. Now it's like he's... Craving it. I don't know, man."
"What the fuck are you saying, cabrón?" Carlos fights the urge to kick his shins as he puts his own helmet on. Sometimes when Teto gets an idea in his head its nearly impossible to convince him otherwise.
"Que Leclerc se va a dar una hostia de los cojones este año cuando se dé cuenta del compañero que está perdiendo, cabrón. Ya vas a ver." Teto grabs the handle of his bike, jumps back on it and starts pedaling in a soft pace, Carlos in tow.
"Huh. Well, okay, then. Let's... Start the season and see."
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miss-bushido · 2 days
When I think of you, I see what we might do
*Rating: M (cursing, fake injuries) *Characters/Relationships: Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Argyle, Jonathan Byers; Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington, Argyle/Jonathan Byers *Tags: Paramedic Steve Harrington, Paramedic Robin Buckley, Bartender Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Eddie Munson Are Best Friends, Bisexual Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Robin Buckley & Eddie Munson Are Roommates, Meet-Cute, Inspired by an Instagram reel, Pretend Injuries, Title from a Humbird Song
I saw a reel on Instagram where a guy was saying how he hadn't understood why women went for big burly guys like firefighters and other guys like that, until he was helping a friend with their final para-rescue exam. After hearing his explanation, I knew it had to be something I wrote for a Steddie fic. The reel in question is here.
Any and all medical information/terminology in here I have gleaned from Google searches and retained memories of watching 'M*A*S*H' and 'Scrubs' as a teenager. So, that means that any and all mistakes are mine, including specific information about the paramedics/para-rescue exams.
Title from the song 'Seven Veils' by Humbird.
Also here on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59286868
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Eddie sat on the ground as he leaned against the brick wall inside the empty building. His clothes were covered in blood, and he had a sucking chest wound. His left leg was gone below the knee, and he hoped someone would come along soon.
He was really starting to get hungry.
When Robin had asked him earlier in the week if he could help her with her final paramedics exam on Friday afternoon, he had readily agreed. It meant he didn’t have to work at the bar on Friday night, and she agreed to treat him to dinner afterwards. It was a win-win for both of them.
“I really appreciate it,” she’d said over beers the night before. “Thank you again for agreeing.”
“Hey, no problem,” Eddie said, clinking his beer bottle against hers. “If I was in your place, I would have asked, too. And I know you would’ve also said yes. Especially since I’m your favorite roommate, and all.”
Robin laughed. “You’re my only roommate!”
“The sentiment still stands,” he pointed out. The doorbell rang with their delivery order, and he stood up to get it. “Get the first movie put on and let’s have a good night.” They’d spent the rest of the night watching movies: ‘Rashomon’ (Robin’s pick), and ‘Scanners’ (Eddie’s pick) and eating Thai food. They had picked off one another’s plates and grossed each other out over some of the more gruesome scenes in ‘Scanners’, opting to let the plates soak overnight in the sink rather than run the dishwasher before they both passed out in their respective rooms around 11:30.
The next day, Eddie made sure he was early to meet up with Robin at the site for the exam, and was met with the din of seemingly everyone from Robin’s class. They were milling around, along with the other volunteers, and some of the firefighters and para-rescue crew, handing cards and what looked like dirty clothes to people. As Eddie came closer to Robin, he saw that the clothes looked like they had blood on them.
“Oh! You’re just in time!” Robin exclaimed as he came over to her. She handed him a casualty card and a set of clothes: a big blue shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. “There should be an empty locker for you to change into these.”
“What the hell is all over these?” Eddie asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Corn syrup,” Robin answered. “It has to look like blood, and obviously we wouldn’t use real blood because that’s disgusting and it would make the clothes reek, plus it would be weird to keep requesting blood from the butcher’s all the time-”
Eddie held up a hand. “I got it, thanks.” He flipped his casualty card over and read his triage notes. “A ‘sucking chest wound and a missing left leg’? Sounds gross but cool.”
Robin smirked and shook her head. “Remind me to tell you some stories, Eddie.” She put her hands on his shoulders. “Go change. We’re leaving to go across the street in about twenty minutes. You all have to be in your positions at least thirty minutes before the test starts.”
Eddie did as he was told, swapping his tight black jeans and Slayer T-shirt for the shirt and sweatpants she’d given him. “Robbie,” he said, grimacing as he walked out, holding his casualty card in his right hand. “These are so sticky.” His left hand had touched some of the “blood” on the left leg of the pants.
“You’re not supposed to touch the fake blood,” she pointed out, but handed him a warm rag for him to wipe his hand off on. “Come on, let’s get you into position.”
She walked him over to the empty building across the street, past numerous other volunteers who had varied injuries. Two guys had “bloody” bandages wrapped around their head, or around an arm. A girl he passed had a soft cast on her left arm and bandages wrapped around her stomach.
“It’s like a warzone here, huh?” he asked as they passed a group of three guys laying on stretchers. One of them, dressed in garish yellow clothes and with the longest hair he’d ever seen on a guy, glanced up at him and pointed to his casualty card. “Sucking chest wound and missing left leg.”
“Ohhhh, sick, brochacho,” came the response as the guy grinned up at him. “I got a broken neck.”
“So maybe you should lie still, Argyle,” Robin scolded him.
“Sorry Robin,” the pale lanky guy next to him said. “Hey, babe,” he started, reaching for his boyfriend’s hand as Eddie followed Robin to his place. It was in the far back of the building, almost out of sight of everyone else, though he could faintly hear Argyle talking with the other guy.
“Make yourself comfortable,” she said as Eddie sat down against the wall once they got to his designated area.
“Sure,” he groaned as he stretched his long legs out, setting the casualty card on his lap. “Concrete is the most comfortable surface known to man.”
“And don’t talk,” she said, ignoring his remark. “You’re supposed to be critically injured, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he replied, waving her away. “I’m going to my enjoy dinner later!” he called as she continued walking. He saw her shake her head and then compose herself as she went to join the rest of her class.
That was about thirty five minutes ago now, and Eddie was hoping this would be over soon. In addition to being hungry, his ass was starting to go numb from sitting still for so long. How long could this exam actually go on for?
Suddenly, the doors at the other end burst open as about twelve members of the para-rescue group charged in. As they moved through towards the back of the building, they peeled off from the main cluster to assess the damage to the other casualties on the floor. By the time any of them got to Eddie, there were only three guys left.
The guy in front: a tall, muscular guy with floppy brown hair and the most beautiful face Eddie had ever seen on a person, looked to the right where Eddie was sitting, and zeroed in on him. He came over, and knelt down, his face flushed prettily with exertion. He grabbed Eddie’s casualty card and scanned it briefly, licking his lips as he read, before his eyes flicked up to meet Eddie’s.
Eddie felt his heart hammer in his chest when he locked onto those beautiful hazel eyes as they stared into his own brown ones. Eddie felt as though his brain had shut down, breath completely gone. He had enough wherewithal to glance down at the name badge clipped to his button down: Steve Harrington.
‘Holy shit this guy is hot,’ Eddie thought, face reddening the longer he looked at him, He could have kicked Robin for not mentioning that she shared a class with an Adonis. Not even an invite over to the apartment for a movie and pizza night!
“I’m gonna get you out of here,” Steve spoke, bringing Eddie back to the situation at hand. He blinked dumbly at him. “Don’t you worry,” Steve added, giving him a big smile, and a wink. Eddie felt his eyes widen at the wink, sure that his face was the color of a fire engine by this point.
Robin came over then, her clipboard in hand. She tossed Eddie a look before she turned her attention to Steve. “What’s the triage situation?”
“Open pneumothorax, and amputation of the left leg below the knee,” Steve answered, quick, professional, controlled. Eddie was glad he was wearing sweatpants because just the hint of authority he heard gave him the beginnings of a semi.
“Is he stable enough to be moved?” Robin asked, writing quickly as Steve spoke.
Steve checked the casualty card briefly before he made the decision. “Given the severed leg, we should prioritize getting him somewhere so we can put on a tourniquet and then see to the chest.”
Robin nodded in agreement. “There’s no stretcher-”
“I can carry him,” Steve interrupted. No sooner had he said this than he put his arms around Eddie’s body and under his legs, using leverage to lift him up, holding him close to his chest.
Eddie felt as though he was going to swoon. “Fuck,” he murmured quietly, hoping he hadn’t been heard. Steve’s lips quirked just enough to let him know that he had in fact heard him.
“I’ll see you back in there, Robbie,” Steve said. He adjusted his hold on Eddie, shifting him up momentarily. Eddie used this opportunity to wrap his arms around Steve’s neck, and then they were off to the triage area.
Eddie was struggling to come up with anything to say. Normally he couldn’t shut up to save his life, but in the arms of Steve Harrington? He felt like he’d swallowed his tongue. He searched his brain for something to say and finally landed on, “I had no idea you were so strong.”
He was lucky Steve was a paramedic because he thought he might die of embarrassment.
Steve grinned. “It helps when you do a lot of heavy lifting daily. You have to be strong to lug around the heavy equipment, or to pick someone up bodily because they lost a leg.” As they reached the triage area, Steve turned serious for a moment as the instructors milled around, before they moved to a spot farther away.
He deposited Eddie gently on a gurney and grabbed some bandages from the cloth bag on the side, leaning over Eddie to grab them. Eddie inhaled the smell of Steve’s cologne, and his deodorant, and a musky smell underneath that he attributed to Steve’s natural scent and some sweat.
He wanted to lick it all off of him.
‘Get it together, Munson,’ he scolded himself, watching as Steve took his left leg in hand and wound the bandage around his knee, securing it and then gently setting his leg back down on the gurney. He leaned over Eddie again to grab something else from the bag, his bangs falling in front of his eyes.
“Are you usually this flushed?” Steve asked as he ripped three strips of medical tape off of the roll and draped the ends on the metal bars of the gurney. He took another bandage and folded it carefully, placing it in the middle of Eddie’s chest. He grabbed the tape and began placing each strip along three sides of the bandage, as he would have done had Eddie actually had a sucking chest wound.
“Oh, no,” Eddie said, unable to take his eyes off of Steve as he worked. Some of his confidence came back and he said, “It’s just been awhile since I had the attention of such a gorgeous guy.”
Steve smirked, his cheeks and ears going red at the compliment. “Robin warned me you would be a flirt, Eddie,” he said. He bit his lip and then looked back at Eddie, eyes darkening. “I’m glad she was right.”
“She talked about me? To you?” Eddie asked incredulously. This was the first he had ever heard of this.
Steve nodded. “She did. I saw a picture on her phone of the two of you at a birthday party, and asked her who you were. When she told me you said you’d help her with her exam, I was pretty giddy.”
“Wait, wait a second,” Eddie said, placing a hand on Steve’s arm. “You asked Robin about me because-”
“Because I thought you were really hot and I wanted to see about spending some time with you to see if we might click,” Steve interrupted, giving Eddie a big smile.
“Well, shit, what are you doing after this?” Eddie asked, eyes bright. His stomach was doing flip flops. “Oh wait. Fuck. Robin told me she would treat me to dinner as a thank you…” he trailed off as Steve’s grin turned sly. “Oh…was that-”
Steve nodded. “In case we didn’t hit it off, she was still going to take you out as a thank you.”
Eddie started to push himself up as he asked, “Do you think we hit it off?”
Steve stopped him, hand on his chest, heavy gaze fixed on him. “Oh, I think we did, Eddie.” He let his eyes roam appreciatively over Eddie’s body, his gaze burning a trail as he made his way back up to his face. “Do you like sushi?”
“I love sushi,” Eddie affirmed, letting his own eyes roam over Steve’s chest and shoulders in appreciation. “What time did you say?”
Steve checked his watch. “It’s almost 6:30 now, so the exam should be just about done. How about we plan to meet at 7:15 outside, and we can go from there.” He looked again at Eddie’s clothes. “It’ll give us both time to get changed into non-grody clothing.”
“It’s a date,” Eddie affirmed, giving Steve’s arm a squeeze before he laid back down on the gurney. Steve gave him a wink before he turned around to go back to the front, giving Eddie a perfect view of his incredible ass.
“Well, fuck me,” he murmured, placing his hand over his eyes.
“Maybe I will,” Steve answered back, turning his head to give Eddie a meaningful stare before he walked away.
7:15 could not come soon enough.
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
So we're just supposed to let people die because some algorithm says that that's supposed to happen? You realize how messed up that sounds, right?
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ants-personal · 9 days
this is ranson to me
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sealbee101 · 24 days
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he deserves to be a little crazy, a bit insane even as a sweet treat :) + him and his goofy ginger
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nocturnalnewsiestrash · 4 months
So do we think Charles got to see Dead Poets Society before he died or...
Cause I feel like the answer to this question influences a billion shrimp emotions I may or may not feel. Cause it came out in 1989 in June and I've seen people saying he died in December so it's possible
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allmyandroids · 3 months
and once again i am crazy and feral about the curator
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My partner finally finished BG3 but has no idea that his ending was actually bad cause he was a pro-Vlaakith githyanki who rode off with Lae'zel but got NO EPILOGUE where Withers points out y'all died im 😭😭😭
they have no idea what happened with Gale or anyone else (who was still alive) after flying away 🙃🙃🙃
#i cant even tell him cause hes gonna play again more “normally”#its so tragic he would like skip dialogue and just fight to get the jump on boss battles instead of waiting for the cutscenes to start#and he didn't exhaust dialogue trees!! like... how... why...#and also he staked Astarion 😭 and p much never reloaded#and didn't clear the shadow curse so no Halsin#also everyone at Last Light Inn died so Dammon was gone and Karlach only got 2 upgrades#and he didnt know moonrise towers was basically a second town#and his game was buggy a lot maybe? cause he kept trying to be hella creative with things and do things out of order#like killing gortash before doing steel watch 🙃#it's fine it's fine everyone plays differently#he tends to care more about gameplay than anything else but still!!#i just want him to know all the character backstories and see everything that made me emotional#i mean he did say he was sad when Lae'zel broke up with him in act 3 and when Karlach died and when he had Gale use the orb in act 2#which he considered his canon ending :/ sigh#i dont think he got Jaheira's lines about death#and he didnt understand why Karlach wouldn't go back to the hells#and he thought Wyll was happy being the duke (and has NO idea you could save his dad cause the mission didn't happen!! 😭)#the iron throne was like my fave mission outside of killing Cazador and I can't discuss either one cause he didn't do them properly yet 😭😭#he also avoided talking to children so he missed those quests and yenna glitched so no cat appeared in camp 🙃#sighhhhh cannot believe he plays so differently than i do lollll#he didn't even do unlimited kisses with Lae'zel!! meanwhile im over here kissing Astarion every night hahahah#hoping my partner doesn't see IRL if I have the office door open as if it matters lmfaooooo#i need him to play again and see why im in love with a video game character lol#maybe we could both um... benefit from knowing more about all of Astarion's scenes lmao#but like he has NOT SEEN Astarion's silly or sweet side yet just him being a bit of a chaotic vampire#and thinks i like him cause of vampires WRONG!! play the game again and see that i love his silly & sweet real self!#bg3 spoilers#baldur's gate 3 spoilers#bg3#baldur's gate 3
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hauntingblue · 6 months
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Ace...?? they cloned my beautiful wife...
#ace if he was born with his mother's hair but without freckles.......#this 3d intro... damn they spent their coins here but didnt age that well xd#i love how there is nearly a movie for every character that joins since usopp.... sanji got the last one. chopper has one i havent seen#and robin now.... i mean its not their movie but you know what i mean#zoro and nami on the same wavelength i miss you.... my fag and hag sisters....#robin old design i miss you.... her and nami look so different.... not like now....#I MISS CHOPPER OLD DESIGN HE LOOKS SO SILLY!!!#the goofy scenes are too good..... 'luffy what are you doing''nothing just a fight' 'okay dont get lost'#also sanji with robin and nami while the others fight... the girls AND sanji#this guy looks like ace with his kinds long middle part hair and eyes.... and luffy likes seeing hum fight#i am seeing things where there are non but my beautiful not dead yet wife keeps haunting me once again#seeing luffy talk about how if he dies fighting to be pirate king then so be it and like HE DID!!!! AND THAT DIDN'T STOP HIM!!#kids with guns TUN TUN kids with guns TUN TUN#robin made a gigantesco mano.... this was visionary#ROBIN giving back the gun to the child so he shoots luffy and he can bounce it back.... luffy enabler num 1.#nami threatening a child with zoros sword.... i needed this so bad.#shryer.... your drip too hard.... your swag too different.... your smoke too hot.... they will kill you#NOOOOOOO the clone of my beautiful dead wife died just like him.... face down...#the old man is dying and zoro knows....#shryer is alive who woulda thot.....#'be serious' 'im always serious... didnt i get out?' this is him. omg#sanji with the cooking hacks for the fight.... i am sure of it... also sanji spy come back to me....#THE BOY IS THE SISTER??? AND THE OLD MAN AND ACE CLONE ARE BLOWN UP???#it is flour lmao they got their ideas from the fight with crocodile#everyone is alive and well 👍🏻including the hat#that was kinda beautiful with that plot twist and everyone wanting to live and all....#nami strangling zoro!!!! more!!!#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies
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vivitalks · 5 months
guys i genuinely don't know what to do. my quirky little destiel fic which was already far too long to begin with now has a second smaller fic nested inside of it and somehow the second smaller fic is the absolute crackfest of this supernatural/tazamnesty crossover where dean lowkey hooks up with barclay the bigfoot and i don't KNOW what to DO. do i cut the scene. do i post it separately. do i post it separately but ALSO leave it in the fic. do i just pretend like barclay is an OC i made up and all the references to the fictional town of kepler west virginia are incidental. WHAT IS THE MOVE HERE
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matadorofheart · 2 months
sk8 fandom complaining abt adam existing in promotional art for the new stuff is like if one piece fans got mad every time we found out the next season has luffy in it
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