#( i wannna be different and difficult about it )
livingecho · 5 months
do you know what squids are color blind but due to their interesting W or U shaped eyes they can identify the color based on how it reflects the light ? ( its still undergoing studies tho ! ) anyway all this to say
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vis has smiley face eyes now :)
other things may change as i feel she is not ... squidy enough . not enough to be off putting . the horns are to be removed as she does not have any bones anymore but mostly chitin so it really doesn't make sense to have horns . i am also debating removing the tail as well & giving her two squid tentacles instead but unsure on that front .
most of her internal organs are different then humans but her outside didn't really match ( she has three hearts , she has donut brain , she as gills & can make ink instead of salvia if she wanted to ) & i feel i should embrace it more . although she needs to still look humanoid as her visage ( along with any other vyotous not of natural birth ) was taken from the shadow of an elf ( or human )
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ev3rm0re-q · 1 year
study nights.
desc: you have a hard time trying to get taehyun's attention as he tries to study and accomplish his physics homework.
pairing: taehyun x shy reader
genre: fluff
warning/s: nonee
wc: 1,548 words
a/n: bro he looks SOO fine in these pictures i canttt. anyway, im so sorry for being so ia huhu but i j wanted to thank everyone for all the support the first post has been getting <33 i want to reply to the comments but im so bad at simply interacting with others that im scared to sound awkward kjdfnajkd. ik this is another fluff but i swear ive been working on a muchh longer fic that i wannna post soon, so stay tuned and i hope u guys enjoy this one first!!
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Only the scribbling of words on some papers and the sound of typing on a keyboard could be heard in Kai and Taehyun's shared room as the two of you went about with your own separate activities.
Kai, his roommate, was currently in the living area with the other boys, given that he didn't want to interrupt you two during your time alone. Which was a bit of a wasted effort considering Taehyun seemed to be using it more for his solo study time. 
At the moment, your boyfriend was devoting his utmost attention to his academics, with different papers and books systematically scattered all around the small study desk. His favorite pen on hand for extra notes, and he had a laptop propped up by a stand, followed by a Bluetooth keyboard on which he was currently typing his heart out.
You, on the other hand, were sat timidly on his bed with a good novel pressed against your nose. You did not wish to disrupt the boy because you knew how serious he was about his studies.
He had been trying to complete an extremely difficult homework for his Physics class, and because you didn't choose that as one of your classes for the year, you'd have no idea how much pain and suffering he'd have to endure in that class.
Like he was even going to suffer with that Professor Kim around.
Taehyun was very academically inclined, and as a result of the way he behaved himself, participated in class, and excelled in all of the work given to him, he often became the teachers' favorite student.
You could not help but admire your boyfriend for it. He truly possessed a lot of exceptional qualities.
Though your relationship was not as fresh as it used to be―you both being together for eight months long―you could not help but let your bashful manners take over when it came to situations like these.
You'd always been a shy and reserved kid who couldn't seem to take a stand for what you wanted in public interactions.
Of course, you could still converse with strangers when they needed directions and whatnot, but you never bothered to join large gatherings or tried to blend in with the other kids because you felt it was pointless and time-consuming. Basically being the opposite of Yeonjun... but you were still close friends with him.
Which is why you've often questioned how you managed to catch the attention of the extroverted boy sitting at the desk across from you. Maybe it was the random exchanges in the hallways- or you being well-acquainted with the rest of the boys.
Who knows?
You were just thankful that someone saw something special in you.
You looked up from your novel, expecting him to be almost finished with what he was doing and offer you some of his attention. Instead, you were disappointed to see that he remained deeply absorbed in his study. His focused gaze visible in his dark-brown eyes.
Because of this, you began to wonder if approaching him for attention was even a good idea. You decided to move a bit forward from your position until you were directly behind him, sitting on the edge of the bed.
For the following thirty minutes, you continued to silently read as he worked, giving him subtle hints that you wanted him to at least feel your presence from right behind him and take a glance at you.
"Tae?" You murmured out softly, unsure whether you wanted him to actually hear you or not.
He continued to focus solely on his work as he hummed out in response, "Hm?"
"How's your worksheet going?" You awkwardly questioned.
"Pretty rough, if I'm being honest. Why, love?"
"I-uhh just wanted to make sure you were doing alright." You uttered out before going back to your book.
Another hour had soon passed, and his prior hyper radar focus appeared to have cooled down to a more relaxed state as he progressed more with finishing his homework.
You were finding it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand because of the guys' occasional loud noise s outside, which was beginning to increase.
"You know, if you needed my attention, you could have just said so," He suddenly stated, out of the blue, eyes still glued to his screen.
"Huh?" You let out, not expecting him to even notice what you've been doing the whole time he was so immersed in his work.
"You heard me, love." He turned his chair around to finally look at you after hours of having his full attention on his homework.
"I'm not needy for your attention." you sneered, not wanting to appear 'needy' to him.
You hated that word. Needy. You were particularly insecure over having that trait in your relationship. You wished to prove to your boyfriend that you were just as responsible and self-sufficient as he had always been.
You frequently walked yourself home from school and even took precautions as to avoid spending too much time with him by only seeing him once or twice a week or texting him a lot but not too much to bother him. 
Even while you were out with all of your friends, you took care to keep your proximity to him to a minimum so as not to overly suffocate him. It was a pretty big deal to you.
"So you wouldn't mind if I keep going until Soobin calls us for dinner?" 
"Not at all." Your stubbornness took over as your y/e/c eyes never left the book.
So he continued studying for another couple of minutes and you were getting more impatient by the second. 'I fucked up.' you thought, remembering how much Taehyun truly sticks to his word.
You slowly started to fidget with the corners of the pages of your book, looking over your phone every now and then to try and find something to entertain you. Until, you finally broke. You stood up from the bed and headed over to where he sat to place your hands on his broad shoulders.
"Honey~" you called him out and him just humming back again in response.
Actually, he had finished the entirety of his worksheet a few minutes before. He was just pretending to do work to simply get a reaction out of you. The boy only wanted you to get over the shyness you still had, at least a bit, whenever you sought his attention or desired affection. To at least voice it out to him.
You spoke his name out once more, but he simply responded with another hum, seemed to barely acknowledge your calls.
"Can we... you know.."
"Huh?" His eyes still glued onto the PowerPoint he was currently 'studying'.
"...cuddle" You barely whispered out, not even sure if anyone could have heard what you just said.
"Excuse me... can we what, darling?" He teasingly replied.
As soon as you realized he was merely doing it to playfully taunt you, your stubborness resurfaced.  
"You know what, never mind." You immediately took your hands off of his shoulders, backing out of your previous statement and started to walk back to his bed.
You suddenly heard another loud squeal come from the living room, it was probably Yeonjun teasing Kai again. That's when the idea popped into your head. You started making a beeline for the door, trying to leave without muttering another word to your boyfriend.
"What do you think you're doing?" His eyes left the screen in front of him.
"Well, I figured the rest of the boys were just playing around outside, and since you're busy, I figured I could just get extra cuddles from Kai or Beomgyu, or something." You blurted, your novel still safely stored in your hand, as you inched closer to the door.
You then felt a soft hand grab your empty one, swiftly pulling you back. Your body was tenderly encircled by familiar arms from behind, and you felt his body's warmth envelop yours as his head rested on your shoulder.
"Just say it, please." You heard him barely mumbling it into your shoulder.
"Say that you want my attention. That you want me." He practically begged into your ear.
Since he was so close to you, you stammered out "I-I" as you felt his hot breath brush up against your neck like a feather.
"You don't have to look for it from other people, Y/N. I'm here." He reassured you before slowly guiding you back towards his bed.
You two simply lay there together as you gazed into his large, dark-brown eyes that nearly had the appearance of dark pearls. As he was witnessing your open gawking at him, he couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. 
"Why are you laughing so much." You pouted as he continued to tease you.
"I don't know, honestly. I just can't help the fact that I find you pretty cute." He remarked.
"Ugh, you're such a tease Kang Taehyun."
He then brought you in even closer before sealing the already little space between you with a gentle but hungry kiss.
"Were you really going to ask for cuddles from Beomgyu?"
"I think you missed the part where I also said Kai."
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primroseparker · 2 years
I Wish I Were… || TASM!Peter Parker x female!reader (Part 2)
Summary: After accidentally listening to your heartbreak song, Peter realizes he needs to make things right with you before you push him away forever. 
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Mostly angst but also has fluff, friends to lovers, idiots in love lol
A/N: I’m sorry for taking so long, I hope you guys like it! And thank you to everyone who read the first part and requested a part 2 :)
Read part 1 here!
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That night—the night that had changed everything for you—was spent with racing thoughts, unable to get Peter out of your mind; tossing and turning, your body aching to be in the arms of someone you couldn’t have. Your chest felt constricted, unable to expand enough to fill your lungs. It felt like your heart had been punctured thousands of times over by tiny pins. It felt like your whole body was heavier than usual, making it harder for you to get up from your bed. That strange, new feeling was something you couldn't name because it was unlike anything you had experienced before. It was difficult to place a name on it, but eventually, you figured out what it was. You had read about it in books hundreds of times and listened to many songs about it, so you thought you understood the emotion pretty well. But nothing could prepare you for the crushing sensation of unrequited love. Seeing and hearing about it was much different than actually experiencing it. 
As the night went on, the pain became too much to bear. Would that feeling ever go away? How could you ever look Peter in the eye and not let the overwhelming sense of despair crush you? You knew that you needed to stay away from him to heal from such a deep wound. Seeing him again would only make matters worse for you. Eventually, the flow of tears slowed down and you drifted off to sleep.
When you awoke the next morning, your tear-stained pillow only served as a reminder of the heartache from the night before. It made you solidify your plans: you had to stay away from your best friend before the pain would break you. Self-preservation—something you had never been good at but would now have to master. Now, as you look out your window and watch the golden rays of the sun give a bright color to the clouds, a single teardrop falls from your eye. Saying goodbye to the person you loved the most would be easier said than done. 
“Come on, please pick up,” Peter mutters as he holds his phone to his ear. It rings once, twice, and then goes to voicemail. 
“Hey! You’ve reached y/n. Leave a message at the beep, and then wait by your phone until I call you back. Could be minutes, could be years. Beep!” you laugh. 
“Y/n, please pick up. It’s been days since I’ve heard from you. Why did you disappear that night of the festival? If you’re mad at me, it’s completely fine. But please, I just need to know you’re okay. You have no idea how–” a beep cuts him off. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. 
A notification pops up on his screen.
Hey Pete. There’s a showing of that movie you like so much, Back to the Future, I think. Do you wannna go tonight? <3
His heart drops as he reads the name of your favorite movie. It was something reserved for the two of you. Other friends had their own special songs, but the two of you had a special movie. He had told Gwen about it only because he was so eager to share as much about himself as possible. At the time, he was only thinking about winning her over. He thought that his taste in movies and music would impress her and it certainly had. But he now regretted ever mentioning that to her. 
I can’t tonight Gwen, sorry.
Oh, when will you be free?
I’m not sure.
Are you feeling alright?
Well, just let me know if you’d like me to come over. I could bring your favorite snacks.
Just when he thought he couldn’t feel any more guilty. He liked Gwen very much. Her bubbly personality was captivating to him. She made him happy, but not like you did. He had been thinking for the past few days, really analizing the way he felt about you and the way he felt about Gwen. He had been crushing on you since that day you had stood up for him in the third grade. But as time went on, he realized you would never see him as more than just a friend. Which explained why he decided to flirt with other girls; he had hoped to move on from his silly crush because he couldn’t handle losing your friendship. He had hoped to find that with Gwen, which is why he decided to ask her to be his girlfriend. What he didn’t expect, however, was your reaction to the situation. Never in a million years would he have guessed that your feelings went beyond friendship. Was there a way to fix what he had done? Could his wish finally become true, a life with you by his side as his girlfriend rather than only his friend?
As he remains seated on his couch thinking about you, the ringing of his phone brings him out of his reverie. When he sees your name on the screen, he quickly answers the call.
“Hey,” you whisper. 
“Hey,” he breathes out, relieved to finally hear your voice. “Are you okay? Wait, that’s a stupid question. Of course you’re not okay. Look, I just want you to know that I’m really sorry for what happened that night at the fair with Gwen. But you shouldn’t have–”
“Wha– What are you talking about, Peter?” you stammer, your heart pounding. How could he know about the way you were feeling? You hadn’t said anything to him. Had he somehow figured out that you liked him? Was he about to reject your feelings once and for all?
“You know what? It doesn’t matter. I just called to say that I think we shouldn’t be friends anymore,” you continue without missing a beat. “I just don’t think you need me anymore,” you laugh humorlessly. 
“What the hell are you talking about, y/n? How did you even come up with that idea?” he asks angrily.
“It doesn’t matter. You’ve been avoiding me these past months.” 
He scoffs, “That’s not true.”
“Really? Then why have you canceled our plans so often? You seriously can’t tell me it wasn’t because of her.”
A moment of silence follows. “See? You can’t even deny it because you know I’m right. I’m just making things easier for the both of us,” you say. “Anyway, that’s pretty much it. I’m sorry for being such an inconvenience. I hope everything goes well for you. Take care of yourself,” you say in a broken whisper. 
“Wait y/n, I’m–” he says but is quickly interrumpted by the sound of the call ending.
He stares at his phone is disbelief. 
Had he just lost you forever? His best friend, the love of his life—how could he ever go back to his “normal” life without you in it? You were his rock. You stood by him when he struggled through the loss of his uncle; you were there every time he had come home bloody and bruised after his night patrols. You were there for every birthday; for every accomplishment and for every disappointment. You made him laugh until his stomach ached and he couldn’t breathe anymore. And it was all because he couldn’t bring himself to be truthful about the way he felt. 
Three months had passed since you and Peter had last spoken with each other. Peter sat on the top of the Empire State Building, thinking back to the conversation he had with Gwen days after your last conversation. 
“Oh,” she said after he explained everything and confessed his love for you. “I guess that makes sense,” she said with a small smile. 
“You knew?” Peter asked in surprise.
“Well, a few months after we started talking, which was right after you stopped bragging about how great your movie and music taste was,” she rolled her eyes while she smirked, “all you could talk about was y/n. About how great she was, how she liked doing this and she liked doing that. I just didn’t put it together until after the night of the festival. The way you went after her right away and became suddenly very distant made sense. You were in love with her,” she said as she shrugged. 
“I’m so sorry, Gwen. I never meant to hurt either of you,” he said in a broken voice. Even Gwen could see just how badly Peter felt about the whole situation. 
“I know, Peter,” she reassured him as she placed a hand on his arm as a way to comfort him. 
“Don’t worry about it. Just make sure she’s fine, alright? Give her time, of course. But make sure that she knows how you truly feel about her.”
“I will,” he whispered with tears in his eyes.
“We can remain friends, right?” she asked in a timid voice.
“Of course we can,” he said as the two shared a small smile. 
He did give you your space. For about two weeks, anyway. After that, he just tried to reach you by call, text, and even went as far as going to your apartment every day. But you never answered. It was like you were a ghost. For three months all he could think about was you. Your laugh and the way your eyes lit up when you talked about something you were passionate about. Your angelic voice as you sang your original songs. How your eyes looked when the sun hit just the right angle. How he often had trouble concentrating on what you were telling him because all he could think was how your lips would feel against his. 
He sighs as his mind comes back to the present. He puts his mask back on and launches himself into the air, shooting a web at a building and heads back to his place. As he swings from building to building, he looks down to the streets once in a while to check that everything is as it should be. Then, the sight of a familiar jacket catches his eye. You were well hidden from most people, in an alley that most would not bother to even look at. Hope begins to creep up on him, knowing that this was his chance to make things right. Then he hears your muffled sob. Concern and worry replaces any hapiness he had felt upon seeing you.
He drops to the ground on the opposite end of the alley as to not startle you, but fails miserably. You scream when a tall figure enters your peripheral vision. 
“It’s me! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, y/n,” Peter says as he approaches you slowly. 
You turn your head and quickly wipe your tears in an attempt to hide the fact that you were crying just a few seconds ago.
“No, it’s okay. I’ve just been really jumpy lately,” you mutter. You turn your head and finally look at him. You both stare at each other for what feels like years before speaking. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry for being such an awful friend. I’m sorry for being so distant and avoidant for months. It’s just that…I was so in love with you that it scared the shit out of me. I was scared that you wouldn’t feel the same way so I looked for happiness in other people, like Gwen,” he rushes out in a single breath. “But it never changed the way I felt about you. I just didn’t have the guts to tell you and I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry for not telling you I liked you too.”
You stare at him in shock for a few seconds. “That you liked me too? How the hell did you find out that I liked you in the first place?” you ask.
He blushes underneath his mask and brings a hand to the back of his neck, a nervous tick that was pointless because all he could feel was the spandex. “The night of the festival… well, I–I was just worried about you, so I went to your apartment. You didn’t open the window, which worried me even more. I went in and heard you singing one of your songs.”
Even though he hadn’t taken his mask off, you could tell he was embarrased by his tone of voice. 
“Oh,” you mutter, feeling the heat rise to your face.
“Sorry, I know I shouldn’t have done that, but you left without saying anything and–” he is cut off by the feeling of your arms wrapping around his waist.
“I’m sorry for shutting you out like that, Pete” you say into his chest.
“It’s alright. I’m sorry for hurting you like that. You didn’t deserve it.”
You look up at him. “I guess we’re just two idiots in love, huh?” you laugh.
“I guess we are,” he snorts with laughter. He looks both ways before he grips the bottom of his mask and pulls it off in a swift motion.
His brown, doe eyes look into yours, showing the depth of his affection. He takes your face in his hands, holding you as if you were a precious gem. He tilts his head towards you, kissing the corner of your mouth. 
“I love you so much. You are everything I’ve ever wanted. You’re more than enough, love,” he croons.
“I love you too,” you whisper as your his lips brush against yours. Your eyes flutter to a close and your lips finally meet his. 
It was better than you could possibly imagine. Like heartbreak, no amount of fairytales or songs could have prepared you for the love and happiness you felt with that kiss. It was a kiss of reconciliation, love, and full of hope for a future together.
Taglist: @hotgirlshii24 @ajordan2020 @the-winter-spider @spideysimpossiblegirl @alwaysbeanunknownfan 
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calpalsworld · 3 years
Not "autistic anon," but also autistic, (being called maybe ableist made me want to put this out there before go to bed) i thought Zane was depicted that way purposefully by the writers. He has stereotypical traits like taking things literally, and has an actual humor switch. The writers have done things with Zane before like have him lose bodily autonomy (during that one Wu's teas short) and did something with his voice be it making him unable to be understood or talking too loud and the forced pirate voice by Jay. (what you're doing isn't too different from that, right?) I thought it was just a little iffy to distort his body and memory bc that could be interpreted as something not that I'm sure what exactly, it's some kind of disability. I dunno. I'm not good with putting this to words. I hope this makes sense.
Sorry I went to bed but now I’m awake 😭
Also I ended up totally spilling all my thoughts here rather than only specifically replying to you please forgive me context: my scary zane concept design, & my ninjago rewrite i refer to a lot 
Im a little confused but I think I get what you're saying? You're saying the Ninjago writers absolutely DON'T write Zane well (you listed examples of this) and you don't want me to fall into the same trap?
I had the opposite logic earlier. I thought: If Ninjago writers made Zane have stereotypical autisitic traits while also being a dehumanized robot, I may as well embrace it, say he is autistic blatantly, while also making him do funny/cool non-human robot things, so its clear as possible the two aspects of his character are literal and separate and not a metaphor for each other. But you're right! I do have a choice and I dont have to embrace things! :)
Like there were a couple ways I was gonna reject the original, for example, I never wanted Zane to have a funny switch, and I hated how other characters could fuck with Zane and he didn't even care 😬. I want to change that stuff. So youre right, if I am changing shit like that, it would be counterproductive for ME to GIVE him MORE traits along that theme. 😬😬😬 I should try to feel less obligated to portray Zane like he originally is. I still like the concept of "scary zane" (for reasons i explain below the cut) but I might tone it down a bit like with the claws and weird proportions and shit. I’d def make him look more skeletal and undead. That was my original intention, but i didnt execute it as good as I could have.... idk if anyone could tell thats what he was supposed to be like...my bad! But rn I dont wanna redesign him I wanna draw other stuff like normal alive Zane. Sorry LMAO 😳. Like I said in some earlier asks I think, I think Im gonna focus rn on how I should portray season 1 normal not dead Zane so thank you and feel free to share any other Zane thoughts ^_^ SOME OTHER THOUGHTS:
Also I Wanna Argue Some Stuff But I Understand its a Weak Argument Since All of This Context was Just In My Brain (so don't take this as an argument, just as me rambling): I don't want messed up things to happen to Zane and for it to just be ignored. I think if Zane is going to have fucked up things happen to him, as all characters must, its best for it to happen during a season where he actually addresses his feelings about being a robot (learning to accept that he will always be himself, regardless if hes "human" or the "original" or whatever. (thats how I always interpreted his emotions)). But I wouldn't have the other Ninja be very phased by Zane's looks because the whole point is they already love who he is (seasons 1-3 were about getting to know Zane) and now Zane himself just has to learn the physical, robot part of him is okay. Its about person-hood rather than humanity. Because the season focuses around Zane's soul, and because he lost his original body, I feel like I could mess around with his current, temporary body and have fun and make it scary. Because that body should be irrelevant. I understand it possibly being upsetting for an autistic character to be designed like this, but other people I talked to see it the opposite way. They find it comforting for him to look so different but still be himself and be so loved. SO IM ABSOLUTELY NOT saying its wrong to be bothered or to hate it or to feel any way. Just that I personally think it would be cool for Zane to be portrayed with a little spice lol, so thats why I like scary Zane for season 4.
Another Thing I Wannna Say But Is REALLY Hypocritical: (this isnt directed at anyone I just REALLY want to say this) I know I say "this is Zane but scary, he looks like fnaf" so he's obviously dehumanized, but I always felt like "scary" is more of an objective fact. Its an instinct. But what's "not human" is subjective. I think there is a problem with saying anything different from "average" human is dehumanized because that could extend to real people. Lol I know its bad for me to compare FNAF-ass Zane to real people, but I mean he could be real. People can have exposed teeth, and people can be shaped weird. And when someone first sees a person who looks like that they'll probably think "woah those features are scary" by instinct. And that surprise doesn't make someone ableist obviously. But bring that person’s humanity into question is NOT an instinct, and is fucked to shit. This is kinda a bad point for me to make since its about the fictional FNAF Zane I drew, and I am NOT implying ANYONE was thinking like this. [especially not the original asker anon who I am totally forgetting about at this point OOPS]. But I just thought it was an opinion of mine I couldn't go without mentioning when talking about dehumanization and disabilities.
^^^ I think you (anon) understand what I mean and might’ve said the exact same thing as me if you were writing a long ass response? I think this because you started to bring physical disabilities up and you said it was "a little iffy." ^_^ So we agree, but I don't see Zane's relation to real life disabilities as "a little iffy" I see it more like "complicated"? IF THAT DIFFERENCE EVEN MAKES ANY SENSE?????? I feel like a lot of things about Zane are really just complicated and need the right context, rather than the concepts necessarily being wrong -- NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT! THATS THE WHOLE REASON I DO THIS STUPID REWRITE! XD thats why a lot of my rewrite SO FAR has been the same concepts and plot beats, but different dialogue n specifics and such. I like a lot of concepts in Ninjago but I dont think they were presented correctly.....! :( So I guess all we can do is wait and see if I make Zane offensive or not....???
Also something about the memory part - yeah i agree i was surprised no one thought that was weird to make jokes out of his memory issues..... BUT I am like 100% firm on making his memory take longer to come back because I think its stupid how quick Zane was able to recover from literally dying. Like its just dumb to me. Hate it. (also bc memory & soul mechanics is ummm kinda important in my rewrite.... for reasons). Another memory thing btw, I was going to make his original amnesia come from hitting his head in an attack against the Skulkin when they stole his dads corpse, rather than his dad fucking choosing to make him forget. (its a sweet & iconic scene, but Um, WHY?!!!?!?!?!?) He has to follow data recovery instructions he finds in his dads diary. I think in that context it makes moments of memory loss somewhat different for Zane's character? Instead of loss of autonomy associated with disability, its a literal violent loss of autonomy associated with being traumatized by physical force. Idk how to phrase it exactly but I think that makes some vibes different?
Sorry, I think I got really distracted, and I don't know if I responded well to your points. Because uhhhh I think I agree with your stance actually? If I understand correctly? Fuck Ninjago writers for making the robot lose autonomy (a stereotypical robot theme) while also making him seem clearly autistic (NOT A HAPPY THEME FOR AUTISTIC PEOPLE) and not addressing it. And also auuugh Zane with a weird body is a difficult topic - kinda sussy pretty iffy.
Lol anyway idk if this made any sense and I REALLY rambled on you. but this was nice 👉👈 more Zane criticism pls love you and i love zane. i hope u dont feel mad at me because then it would be weird that im saying that lol. if you do feel mad at me tho you can send another ask (ILL TRY TO JUST LISTEN NOT RAMBLE NEXT TIME) but assuming ur chill rn, love you thnx
Take this page, don’t mind cole’s ass.
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niylah · 4 years
10 Questions Tag Game
Rules: Answer 10 questions, ask 10, and tag however many people your heart desires to answer them.
thank you, Iva, for tagging me in this!! I love this kind of ask games @jasperjoordan
1. What’s your dream trip/adventure look like?
this is rather difficult to me, as I don’t plan trips in my head, I follow along when others have planned it and love it then. I guess I still want to go to scandinavia, we had planned to go to Denmark this summer but had to postpone it due to covid. travelling is more about the company than about the place for me, I wannna relive the trips I had with friends
2.A song that you can not get out of your head these days and listen on repeat?
I’m not really listening to songs lately, just the car radio when I’m driving
3.What is a dream that you used to have as a child but forgot/gave up on that you wish you hadn’t?
I dreamt of writing a book. I wish I could get the feeling back of taking a notebook and writing what I believed to be amazing fiction, while in fact it was garbage. now I am so perfectionist that I usually don’t start. even more so with poetry! I write a poem maybe once a year? and then it really feels good but I need to actually start writing it down
4.Is there a hobby you’d like to pick up? Something you’ve never tried before?
I’ve tried crochet but there are some steps I don’t understand, which made me abandon it. I’d like for someone to explain it to me so I can actually make things instead of just rectangles
5. What are some of your favorite fics in the 100 fandom or other fandoms? Like top 5 picks that you could always reread?
omgomomg, so my forever number one is In love and war and politics by centuriesofexistence, I can’t explain how freaking good it is, it’s the one fic that I waited for updates for years and aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Strangers on the phone by Rochke11 is the very first clexa fanfic I read and it is forever in my heart (it has been deleted from ao3 but I have it saved). She by thefooliam is a classic which I’ve reread too. the rest of my faves is pure smut lmao, I’ll go with don’t wanna be your girl by faithtastic and Picking up what you’re laying down by verbaepulchellae (also deleted I think, but I have it saved). so yeah four clexa fics and one bellarke fic
6. What’s your favorite drink (alcoholic and not)?
water. sounds boring, but I drink a lot of water during the day and I get a headache when I don’t
7. What’s your favorite plush toy look like/what are they called/do you still have them?
I’m gonna mention more than one. ZEEKOE is a manatee plush toy that my best friend crocheted for me in my favourite colour and it is so sooooooooft!! LANDHOND (it’s name is wordplay with five insiders) is a highland cow plush toy that I bought for my boyfriend last Christmas. Moefwitje is a white rabbit plush toy that I often still sleep with, pressed against my stomach. I have the same one in brown, called Chocomaantje, at my dad’s. and lastly, honorary mention to Bruin, the plush toy that I used to sleep with as a pillow for yeeaaaars until it became super flat. I still have it stored away in my room
8.Favorite fanfiction trope?
in drabbles, I love the soulmate trope, and being linked by tattoos or some feeling or when everything changes by a touch. in longer fics, I absolutely live for moments when a lot of friends are together and joking and having fun
9. What did you plan to do this year that you didn’t get to because of circumstances and you really wish you could’ve?
oh, this hurts. this music festival for mentally disabled people that I volunteer at every year, where I met and got to know my boyfriend, always have so much fun with friends and look forward to the entire year. but, we met with eight and rented a holiday home for a few days at the time when the festival would have found place, and it was wonderful in a different way
10.The beach or the mountains?
I wanna say beach but nope not our Belgian beach with all the negative media attention right now, not the beach cities, simply the beach and the water and the waves
and now for my questions to you:
@madbutgloriouspond @andyoumightsurvive @butterflyblake @space-delinquents @bellarkekomlovekru @sxpositive @aryaestarks
1. Do you underline sentences in books?
2. What kind of face masks do you wear? if using selfmade ones, what kind of patterns?
3. Do you change the background of your laptop and phone often?
4. Who is your favourite artist and what is your favourite work from them?
5. Do you keep a diary?
6. Have you ever given flowers to someone randomly?
7. If you are in love, please tell me about it
8. Is having an own home important to you or are you okay with renting?
9. When did you last take pictures in a photoboot? With whom and for what occasion?
10. What kind of souvenir do you bring from the places you travel to?
2 notes · View notes
oceniram · 5 years
Big Little Princess
My Stories - Wattpad
Emma was sitting inside the play pen watching who, her parents were praising; her little brother for going on the potty and not on his pull-up. Neal's pull-ups annoyed Emma to end because she was stuck in diapers. It seems that the more Neal grows the more she grows down, or more specifically her bodily functions. "Me next" Emma was practically begging her parents to potty train her.
"Please mommy can I use the potty?" Emma wanted out the playpen and out her diapers to bad for her she just messed her self. She just couldn't tell anymore. No one knows how it happened one day Emma was fine then all of a sudden she lost all control.
Today she was determined to get back her control. Her parents were starting to potty train Neal maybe the could kill two birds with one stone and potty train her too. How difficult could it really be. "Please mommy can I go next" She continued to beg and pled from inside the playpen.
Snow smiled over at her baby it was cute that her little one wanted to be like her big brother, she knew Emma wasn't quite ready for potty training she rarely let anyone know she had a soiled diaper, which from the smell she was sure she did right now.
But all the books say showing interest in the potty was good so there was really no harm in letting her try...or at least let her feel like she was. She could play and just sit on the potty.
"Hm I think a certain little girl already did potty.." she cooed going to lift Emma from the play pen patting her messy bottom. "but once mommy cleans your butt I suppose you can try and sit on the potty" she said laying Emma out with her changing supplies in the middle of the living room.
"Really, can I use the big potty like I use to before this happened," Emma asked excitedly at prospect of being allowed to use the toilet like an adult. But something told her that her mommy was going to make her sit in the plastic one like Neal. Ever since she lost the ability to go the bathroom everyone in town has treated her like a little baby and her brother like he was older.
"Mommy why do people think Neal's my big brother when we all know I was born first?" She asked her mother as she was getting cleaned and waiting to be taking to the potty, As she lied there  her thumb found its way into her mouth and she began to suck it without even realizing it.
"Can I sit on the potty now?" she asked in the middle of her mom cleaning her Emma just couldn't wait to be back in big girl pants. She kept on as if she could sit on the potty a few more times. "Can I get big girl undies or pull-ups?" Emma was already jumping the gun thinking that she could master it on her first go.
Snow giggled a little as she went about wiping Emma's bottom. "Well baby I think people saw what a cute little baby Neal was and want that time with you too...after all they were all expecting a baby princess," she cooed tickling her little girl's tummy, trying to give the best explanation she could. She knew telling her it was because she behaved like a younger baby and used her diapers while Neal was potty training would make her upset.
Snow nabbed Emma's thumb from her mouth and quickly swapped it for her "Daddy's Princess" pacifier and she giggled "almost baby you made quite a mess for Mama" to clean up she cooed.
"Hm maybe we can get you some pull ups..if you show me what a big girl you are we'll make you a potty chart like Nealys hm? Then you can get some big girl undies if you can fill up your stickers? How's that sound?"
Emma didn't understand her- her mother's explanation it makes sense to her but at same time it doesn't make ay sense at all. When her mommy tickle her tummy Emma laughed and little pee came out of her. She wasn't sure but she thought something different was going on.
When Snow replaced her thumb with her favorite paci she began to suck contently on it. When her mother mentioned her mess Emma began to blush her face was Redder then the reddest thing. "Not more then Neal." Emma complained she was stating that Neal leaves bigger messes than her.
She knew that the potty chart was her best chance of getting out of this mess so she nodded her head agreeing with her mother. "Thanks mommy for giving me this chance this cant be easy for you." Emma felt that she hadn't turned into a burden for her family.
Snow smiled down at her little one, quick to catch the little trickle with a spare burp cloth in the changing basket before making one last wipe over her to make sure she was all clean.
"I don't know Emmy...both my babies are pretty messy" she teased. She helped Emma up and led her over the little plastic potty helping her sit down. She knelt down in front of her and ruffled her hair.
"No need to thank me darling girl...I'm your mama this is my job" she went about cleaning up the changing supplies and putting on a cartoon to keep Emma and Neal entertained. "I'm going to throw out your diaper Emmy you stay in the potty until I come back okay?"
"Yes, mommy," she blushingly agreed to stay in the plastic potty until Snow came back. She sat their nothing came out. She kept pushing and hoping for a sing that all of this was over, however as soon as the cartoon started Emma got engrossed in it more then Neal, causing her to forget that she was in the middle of potty training so she simply sat their watching the cartoon not trying to push it out.
She was so into the cartoon that when Neal changed the channel she began to cry loudly. Her wails could wake the dead. Emma was pleading for Neal to change the channel back and Neal said no and started to tease her by calling her a poopy baby which made Emma cry even harder then before.
Neal just laughed at his baby sister, they are siblings after all and every set of siblings end up fighting at some point. To Emma's credit she never once stood up from the potty chair not that it matter since nothing happened.
Snow had simply left long enough to take Emma's diaper up to the diaper pail, a quick trip to take the bag to the garabage and back to wash her hands she was nearly finished when Emma's wails sent her racing back to the living room. What in the world had her kids gotten into.
"Neal is everything okay!?" she asked panikedly.
"Emma's bein a baby" Neal said moodily settling back on the couch with the new big kid show he picked.
"Neal" Snow sighed don't tease your sister she said going over to take the remote.
"Emmy shh shh it's okay tv time is over anyway it's time for both of you to go down for naps" she said going over to her sobbing child.
"Am not a baby," Emma argued with her brother sticking her tounge out at him.
"Mommy Neal was being a big meanie. She complained proving that Neal was right that she was being a baby
"Yeah Neal dont tease me" she said sorta happy that Snow was scolding Neal for once
Hearing her mother say it was nap time Emma got worried. "But I didn't get to go potty," Emma whinned from behined her paci."Besides I cant go down for a nap without my milky." Emma didn' t know why she said it, By saying her milky she was referring to Snow breastfeeding her whatever caused Emma to loss her control also gave her babyish quirks.
"Mama I'm a big boy I don't need a nap!" Neal protested.
Snow sighed heavily both her children needed a nap or she'd surely loose her mind.
"If you'd rather sit in time out you may" she told Neal seriously. Neal nodded and grabbed his own blankie off the couch. "I'm going to go put Emmy down for her nap and then I'll be right in for you okay buddy?"
Snow walked over picking up her half naked baby from the potty
"That's okay sweet pea we can try again later" she said kissing her cheek. "I'll give you your milk before your nap don't you worry" she said tickling under Emma's chin as they went off the nursery m.
Emma didn't want to take a nap but, she knew from experience that a nap was better then a time out. She let her mommy take her to her nursery Emma giggled and a little bit of drool escape her mouth and drip unto her chin. "Am big girl right mommy?" She asked her mother after Neal's teasing and her wailing over a cartoon made Emma thing thinks.
"Can I try and use the potty after my nap mommy?" She wanted to prove that she was the big sister and not the baby. But she hasn't felt like an adult in a long time. She was beginning  to think that the universe was against her.
"Is Nealy going down for a nap or is he getting a timeout?" Emma didn't think it was fair that Neal could get big boy bed and she had to sleep in a crib. Not that she would mention it to her parents.
Snow smiled at her curious little girl kissing her cheek before laying her down on the changing table.
"Yes Emma you are a very big girl" snow said..she knew she wasn't but telling Emma should was would satisfy her for now and get her down for her nap.
"Well someone is suddenly very interested in the potty" Snow smiled.
"Nealy is getting a nap just like you cause he listened to Mama and didn't argue" she said as she grabbed a diaper and slid it under Emma's bottom tapping it up deciding it was warm enough in the house to leave Emma in just her shirt and diaper. She settled them both in the rocking chair before she removed her blouse, unclipping her nursing bra so Emma could latch on.
"Now lets have our milkies and get you down for a nap"
Hearing her mother call her a big girl made Emma forget about her worries. She laid there babbling like the baby she had become while she was getting a diaper on.
"Yeah I wannna be the big sister not the baby sister cause Nealy teases me cause he can use the potty and I can't.". Emma explained why all of as sudden she wanted to master the potty.
Once Snow had gotten her close Emma drank the warm thick milk that came rushing to her mouth. The more milk she drank the heavier her eye lids got. Then slowly she drifted into blissful sleep.
"Everyone learns to potty at their own pace Emma" Snow assured her rocking her "you'll get it eventually Neal's just doing what brothers do best" she giggled "I know he loves you very very much" she promised.
Once her baby was asleep snow laid her in her crib and flipped on the baby monitor and then went to put Neal down, with both her kids down Snow took a bit of time for herself before she started to prep lunch for her kids.
During her nap Emma dreamed of the days she could do big girl stuff like wear pull-ups and stay up late. As she dreamed of becoming a big girl again she wet her diaper not that bad that would cause her to need a change right away.
"Honey Am home," David announced that he had returned from work walking up to his darling wife he gave her a passionate kiss on the lips "Where is our little man and our baby girl?" He asked her nicely.
Snow leaned into his husbands arms and sighed happily "surprisingly both still napping" she said pecking his lips.
"I'm sure they'd both be very excited if you woke them from nap...and then you all can come down for lunch..maybe we can go have a fun family outing to the pier?"
"Have I ever told you that you're incredible Snow," David kissed his wife one more time and rushed off to wake their children he started with the baby. "Emmy wake up Daddy is home he gently wake her up checking her diaper we can change you later."
Emma ignored the comments of her diaper the moment she saw him he lunged her self at him "Daddy daddy, mommy says I can start potty training" She happily told him the Events as he carried her to the kitchen and place her in her highchair. Stay with mommy while i get Neal okay. Frst he went to Snow and whispered that Emma had wet herself.
"Hey buddy wake wake up its lunch time then were all going to the pier I heard you used the potty like a big boy. Keep this up and you'll bin big boy undies," David complemented his son picking him up he carried Neal to the kitchen and placed him in his booster seat "There we go buddy," He took his place and sat down waiting for Snow to join them.
"Have I ever told you that you're incredible Snow," David kissed his wife one more time and rushed off to wake their children he started with the baby. "Emmy wake up Daddy is home he gently wake her up checking her diaper we can change you later."
Emma ignored the comments of her diaper the moment she saw him he lunged her self at him "Daddy daddy, mommy says i can start potty training" She happily told him the Events as he carried her to the kitchen and place her in her highchair. Stay with mommy while i get Neal okay. First he went to Snow and whispered that Emma had wet herself.
"Hey, buddy wake wake up its lunch time then were all going to the pier I heard you used the potty like a big boy. Keep this up and you'll bin big boy undies,"David complamente his son pickin him up he carried neal to the kitchen and placed him in his booster seat "There we go buddy," He took his place and sat down waiting for Snow to join them.
Neal giggled and hung onto David "I'm a big boy huh Daddy!? Baby Emmy tried to use the potty too but she had a poopy diaper" he giggled "it was smelly!" He continued his little giggling fit.
With both kids down for lunch Snow got them all some lunch, for the kiddos mac and cheese with some fruit. For her and her husband a nice chicken salad, and they split a sandwich. Snow smiled at her family. "Who's ready for a fun day hm?"
"Yes, you are a big boy." David agreed with his son he was proud that Neal was learning how to use the potty like a big boy."She did?" David asked with surprise at the fact that Snow let their baby girl use the potty before she was ready. Neal its not nice to laugh at your baby sister" David scoldeded his son for laughing at Emma.
"I 'am," Emma yelled messily with her face and bib covered in mac and chesse some of it wound up in her  blonde hair. "Can I try and use the potty again please? She asked not knowing that she had goine potty in the middle of her lunch. Where are we going can I wear pants? She asked not that it made any diffrence the whole town was aware of Emma's diaper butt.
Snow giggled at her baby all covered in food looking over at David "A certain little girl of ours wants to be like her Bubba and sit on the potty all the time" she said. Taking a quick second to wipe Emma's face a little she smiled
"You can try baby but when we go out your gonna have a diapee okay? Of course you're gonna wear pants silly girl mama will pick you a cute outfit" she cooed
Emma fused a little as her mother wiped her face clean"So our baby girl wants to be like her big brother," David said sounding proud of Emma for her benfit. Just like Snow David knew his baby girl was no where near ready to potty train he can smell her messy diaper from here.
"Am not baby Neal is," she whinned at her father, "But I wanna wear pull ups lke Neal am a big girl his the baby." Emma whined to her family like the little baby she is.
Neal shook his head "Nooooo you're the baby I can use the big boy potty and you wear diapies!" Neal argued back sticking out his tongue. Snow rolled her eyes hoping the kids would get over this little debacle soon.
"Nope you're both mamas babies" she said "and will always be my babies" she reminded them "but if you two keep this up we won't go out and have fun we can stay home instead.
"Not a baby," Emma crossed her arms and pouted. She was not a baby why couldn't her family see that. "Okay princess your not a baby lets get that messy diaper off you and d sit you in the potty you can leave the potty chair when mommy comes back with your outfit fror the day." David let Emma out of her high chair and cleaned her up the he sat her in the plastic potty .
"Okay Snow our little girl is sitting in the potty could you please bring the outfit she's going to wear today." David asked his wife a loving and caring manner after he turn to Neal "Buddy do you have to go potty" He aske his son if he nned it to use the potty
Snow picked out a pink shirt with Minnie Mouse and some denim overalls with snaps all the way up the crotch, ruffle white socks with pink Velcro tennis shoes and matching bows for her hair to top it off. She brought it all down and say the items aside "Are you going potty Emma?!" She cooed to her.
Neal nodded his head "Yeah daddy I gotta potty!" He said nodding his head urgently.
No mommy nothing came out she said sadly asdavid helpe her stand from the potty. Emma went to her mommy so she could get dressed "Why cant I get mommy?"  Emma was in tears since she couldn't potty right.
"Okay buddy your turn," David motioned for Neal to seat on the potty "Let me know when you're done then we can head out  to our family fun day" David waited for Neal to tell him he wasthat he was done.
Snow laid Emma down on a change mat and put her in her diaper before getting her dressed "Aw sweetie it's okay" she assured her running cirlcles on her belly, you'll get it one day, it took Nealy a long time to learn to go potty! You'll learn in your own time" once Emma was dressed snow did her pretty blonde hair and then started getting the diaper bag ready.
Neal happily did his business then announced proudly "In all done!"
"But mommy i was potty trained then something happened why did I lose control?" She wanted to know what happened how did all of this start was this some weird curse or spell. "Mommy do I have to sit on the stroller?" She asked her after she was ready to go.
"Great job Neal ," David praised his son he also helped the boy wasah his hands and to get him ready, Snow we're ready how about you ladies?" David got near his wife.
Snow felt awful not being able to explain to her daughter what was happening "I know baby" she said stroking her cheek "I don't know how this happened but I do promise me and daddy and Nealy are gonna be there every step okay? We'll figure it out" she sighed and ruffled Emma's hair "How bout we bring it just in case you get tired...or have a hard time staying close with mommy and daddy?" she suggested.
Neal bounded down the stairs with his stuffed dragon in hand along with Emma's unicorn he handed to her with a smile "Here Emmy I brought you Sparkles!" He said knowing his sister didn't go many places with out it "in sorry for teasin you sissy"
Snow smiled at her sweet little boy..took after his father clearly "We ready to go! Let's go have a good day" she said to her children.
"Okay mommy," she replie d Emma felt alot better knowing that her family will help her overcome this thing."Sure mommy." Emma agreed with the stroller idea "Thanks for helping me mommy,"  Seeing her unicorn in her brother's hand she bounced up and down "Sparkels," She shouteted happily .
"Thank you big brother." Emma only reffered to neal as  big brother when he did nice things for her. Beside with the way things are going Emma was starting to see herself as the baby of the family. Its okay mommy says you were just being a big brother." she gave her brother a hug and the family made their way to the pier.
Neal smiled proudly "Welcome Emmy! Wanna play on the castle!?" He asked excitedly as they walked to the pier.
Snow walked hand in hand with her husband watching their children. "They're so cute aren't they? This is the way things should've always been"
"Yeah you the brave knight that has to save me from the evil wizard." Emma said all excited forgetting about her earlier problems.
"Yeah our kids playing togther and having a fun time. David agreed with his wife on it.
Neal look after your sister oh and check her diaper from time to time okay and come to us if you need to go potty or if Emmy needs a change okay. And dont stray to far.
"Daddy," Emma blushed at the idea tha her brother was going to check her diaper.
Neal nodded dutifully her took his job as big brother very very seriously, he took Emma's hand and took her to the play structure being sure she wasn't doing anything to dangerous.
Snow continued to watch their children as she snuggled into Davis's side. "I don't know why Emma is suddenly so very interested in potty training l" she giggled "I just think she's been watching Neal and is trying to imitate him, she always is wanting to be like her brother"
ma blushed at the idea tha her brother was going to check her diaper.
Even tho Emma was dressed like an overgrown toddler and her brother was basically baby sitting her she was having fun, "Look Nealy I can fly," she babbled happily from the highest point of the structure. She blushed any time Neal would checked her diaper. But he was her big brother its okay for brothers to check their baby sister's diapey.
As Snow snuggled to her husband, David wrapped his arms around her. Hearing her comment about Emma David had different theory, "I think its because we let her think she's a big girl when we all know she's just a baby but yes Emma likes to be like her big brother," David commented his thoughts on the matter.
Neal giggled and he chased after Emma "don't gonup too high Emmy!" He warned scared she'd fall and get hurt.
"I think it's awfully cute" she said "I know she's not quite ready but there's no harm in letting her try" Snow said. "It's hard to tell her no when she's got such a cute little face"
"It'll be fine am big girl," Emma stated proudly to her brother however she did not see the rock and triped then she started to wail, "Nealy I gotts an owie," she cried as she showed her brother the little scrap
"Yes its cute that she wants to be like her big brother,". David replied to his wife when he heard his baby girl cry he went up running to her "Neal what happened?"
"It'll be fine am big girl," Emma stated proudly to her brother however she did not see the rock and triped then she started to wail, "Nealy I gotts an owie," she cried as she showed her brother the little scrap
"Yes its cute that she wants to be like her big brother,". David replied to his wife when he heard his baby girl cry he went up running to her "Neal what happened?"
Neal ran to her and sat down by her side "It's okay Emmy it okay!" He urged. When David came over Neal was relieved "Emmy feel Daddy got an owiee!"
Snow was close behind her husband searching her purse for a first aid kit she kept there. She can kneeling in front of Emma "Emmy it's okay, we'll get you all cleaned up"
"You did Good buddy," he ruffled his son's David was proud that his son was looking after  Emma even when Neal teased her he was always the first to try and calm her.
"Want mommy," Emma cried harder even tho both Neal and david were there to help her she wanted her mommy  to kiss her boo-boo.
when she saw her mommy she lifted her arm and showed her the little scrap in her elbow with tears roling down her checks."Kiss it better mommy?" She wante her mom to kis her boo-boo
Snow was quick to kiss her babies bobo and hug her close rocking her slightly "it's okay baby" she said. Snow wiped away Emma's tears and gave her plants of kisses before cleaning up the scrape and giving her a Wonder Woman band aid "There we go all better!"
"Mommy was I brave big girl or a crybaby?" She still had tears rolling down her eyes it didn't make sense she can take down a dragon but she can't handle a little fall what was wrong with her. " Uhm... mommy can you carry me please?" Emma was getting tired and she was sad that she got hurt.She didn't want her mother to know that she was tired otherwise her parents would make her sit on the stroller.
"Hey buddy did you check your sister's diaper, does she need a change and do you need to go potty?" David asked his son, he was concerned for both his children.
Snow kissed the side of Emma's head "You're always my big brave girl even when you do cry" she assured. "Aw yeah baby Mama's got you. Good thing we brought your stroller hm?" she teased gently tickling her girl's side
Neal shook his head 'I think Emmy all clean" he said "I don't gotta potty" he continued "Can we go feed the duckies?" he asked.
"Really mommy," Emma giggled and laughed at Snow tickling her, but she pouted at the idea of sitting in a stroller. "No want stroller want mommy," Emma whinned.
"Sure son lets go feed the ducks," David smiled at his son and let the way to the ducks.
"DUCKIES DUCKIES DUCKIES MOMMY," Emma yelled excitedly at the idea of seeing ducks and feeding them.
"Yes baby really" Snow con firmed kissing Emma's cheek. "Of course I'll carry you baby," She said tucking Emma close to her "Just in case Mama gets tired" she soothed kissing her blonde curls.
Neal bounced on his toes looking over at Emma and Snow "Mommy! Emmy we're gonna see the duckies"
Snow winced a little at Emma's shrieking but quickly dissolved into laughter at Emma's sudden change in mood at the mention of the ducks. "Yes babies we're going to see the ducks!"
"Okay mommy," Emma agreed  on the stroller she knew her mother would get tired but she was clingy to both her parents. Emma gave her mommy a wet kiss. The blonde has never felt so loved warm and fuzzy on the inside.
"Mommy duckies go moo- moo" Emma was just being silly now, She knew what a duck said.
"Hey son race you to the ducks," David challenged Neal sometimes David acted like a big kid too.
Snow giggled at her baby "No silly baby you know what sounds the duckies make" she said "What sound does a ducky make Emmy?" She asked. As she got Emma tucked into her stroller
Neal feeling like a big kid cause he got to lead the way with his daddy and got to run and didn't have to be in the stroller with the baby.
"Those silly boys" Snow said shanking her head "Are Daddy and bubba silly hm?" She asked Emma as she pushed her along
" Duckies go Quack Quack Quack mommy," Emma clapped her hands as she kept quacking, like the ducks she was so excited to see. "Daddy' s not a boy he a daddy but big bubba silly," Emma was starting to accept that the roles between her and Neal had changed.
Mommy can I feed the duckies too pwease? She asked  her thumb in her mouth thats why she was lisping.
"Come on Neal try and catch your old man," David teased his son. He was making sure Neal could keep up with him
Snow laughed at that "Daddy's still a boy just a big boy" she told her.
"I'm gonna beat you daddy!" Neal shouted as he caught up with him
"Yes baby you can food the duckies" Snow said as they arrived near the pond "But no thumbs let's get your paci okay?"
Neal giggled and jumped up on a near by bench "Someday can Emmy race us too?" he asked.
Snow giggled and helped Emma out of the stroller and onto the bench "Yes baby we're gonna feed the ducks" she said giving her some grain to feed the ducks
"She can race us when ever she wants as long as your mother says its okay," David answered his Son's question, Giving him a high-five.
Emma took the grain like the baby she had become she threw it wildly at the ducks to her this was a game. "Mommy talk to duckies." Emma was asking her mother to talk to the ducks . Emma had believed that Snow can talk the animals and understand them.
Neal looked to Emma and her babyish actions making him giggle a little not realizing he did pretty much the same thing. "Emmy wanna race us sometime!" He asked.
Snow giggled and bent down by the ducks giggling at her daughters antics "What's that ducky? Oh you think Emma's the prettiest little girl you've ever seen!? She is! Isn't she" she said acting along
"Not little, I a baby... I mean a big girl," Emma pouted and started to arguing with the ducks. "Mommy tell ducky am not little." She looked at Snow with a cute little pout. Emma started to quack at the ducks for no reason.
When Emma herd her brother she forgot about her feud with ducks then turned to her mommy, "Mommy can I wace with Dada and bubba pwease." She asked permission to race with her father and brother.
"So what do you say hon can our baby girl race with us," David asked his wife he didnt want to cause any problems with the family.
Neal giggled a little at Emma cause she was a baby even if she was bigger than him she still needed a bottle and he had a sippy cup, and she always potties in her diapers.
Snow giggled pretending to tell the duck off "That's right Mr. duck Emma day on thebpotty today she's a very big girl!" She smiled watching her children and husband "If you're very careful my love" she said she just wanted Emma to have some fun playing with her brother and father she knew David would keep her safe..that didn't keep her from staring him down
"Keep her safe" she said
"Always hon, oh and what about the bandit princess would she like to race with her family or is she afraid to lose to her two babies and her Mega awsome husband," David teased her wife after teasing her he went to set up the starting race
"Okay kids the starting line is the bench while run from it to the pond and back." David helped Emma get to the starting point. He helped Neal as well and he waited to see what his wife's decision would be.
"Am gonna win Nealy daddy," Emma was boasting and declaring victory before the race even began. Emma was exited that she got to race with her daddy and big brother. Something she very rarely got to do.
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