#( i miss this blog i wanna write scary shit now :3 )
bloodacre · 1 year
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f1-stuff · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @c2-eh bestie! ❤️
1. are you named after anyone? Nope, there's actually quite an entertaining tale about my parents agonizing over my name, to the point that the hospital threatened to write 'Babygirl' on my birth certificate... 👶🏻
2. when was the last time you cried? are we talking like properly/not related to a movie or tv show? 🤔 I legitimately can't remember. If it's related to a movie, then like last week when I saw spider-verse
3. do you have kids? absolutely not 😄
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? yes, sarcasm might be one of the pillars of my family's sense of humor, along with deadpan
5. what sports do you play/have you played? currently none, but as a youth? 😅 Ballet, soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, tennis, and briefly gymnastics. I was very busy.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people? Oh gosh...idk. I feel like it's entirely dependent on the person. Maybe their clothes? Or else hairstyle?
7. scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! All damn day
8. any special talents? Hm, maybe just that I'm artistic? I play piano and sing, and I love all kinds of visual arts/crafts (drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, textiles...) It's what I went to undergrad for.
9. where were you born? I was born in Oklahoma, USA! A place not many people have the desire to visit, but tbh I rate my hometown OKC pretty highly as a city.
10. what are your hobbies? Probably the 'talents' I mentioned above, altho I hope I can turn my hobbies into a source of income soon. I'm really into bookmaking at the moment. And this f1 blog I guess! I certainly spend a lot of time on it...
11. do you have any pets? My family has a cat that I miss desperately, and I grew up with dogs, but I don't have my own pet currently.
12. how tall are you? 5'7'' or 1.70m (?)
13. fave subject in school? Art. But if not art, then probably Spanish or english lol
14. dream job? I dream of being able to work simultaneously in many different fields. I'm working now as a cinematographer, but I also wanna continue being an artist. I think underwater camera operating/photography for Nat Geo or some shit would be legendary, and would give me the chance to travel for my job as well.
15. eye colour? Brown! 👁️👁️
I'll tag @elizabethmasen @timothyweahs @nottiinrosso @unabashedlycasualangel and @penaltyboxboxbox with the blanket permission to completely ignore this if you'd like/if you've already done it 🙏🏻😘
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. mango eater iced coffee drinker bread lover honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag princess😅
Hm so with my second account, it follows the same blogs I follow in the first one. I don't really know how to just follow certain blogs for each account lol cause I tried to see if I can follow people with my second account name but I can't 🤔
But yeah 😁 it is like incorrect quotes, and right now it's mostly focused around Wanda hahaha I am making it mostly funny because I really don't know how to write anything else. I suck at writing things in detail.
Ah I know what you mean. My best friend is the same way, she is constantly cleaning or just playing with her daughter. I think she will have a hard time when my niece goes to preschool soon lol
I say get drunk! It's the end of the year, let go of it ahahaha let go by getting drunk then having a really bad hangover the next day. Hm, maybe I won't give you my other tumblr name, I don't wanna get weird drunk text from you 😂 just kidding
Okay, I'll see if I can find the movie in the store or stream it somewhere 🤔 I am the same way, I hate when people talk to me during the movie. But if I am at home, I always pause the movie so I can make comments lol
I usually don't mind gory movies. I get iffy though when they show something being done to the characters skin or nails. Hahaha! Thats exactly why I can't watch filipino scary movies. I feel like the ghosts or supernatural stuff are actually there and will haunt me.
Hm I don't know either. I never pay attention to ratings until after I watch the movie. Oh actually there is one that people loved but I hate it because it was so bad. It's the cabin in the woods. It's supposed to be scary, but the whole time I was watching it, I kept going what the eff. 😂
Ok, last question for the night. 3 movies or shows that awaken your sexuality or was your sexual awakening. I hope the question made sense.
Hi hi righty eyebag!
Wow, that was a long nickname plus the princess nickname at the end..😁🤭
Ah i see. So it means ur second account follows mine..i wonder which none is u 🤔 hahahah.
I love incorrect quotes! Some of them can make me really laugh out loud..😅😆 n how they make y/n sometimes stupid but funny n how wanda or nat very patient with y/n. I love it!
Hahaha okay, it's understandable that u dont wanna give me ur tumblr because of not wanting to get drunk text from me. 🤣🤣🤣
Im.not sure if i wanna get drunk. The last time i got drunk, i shared a big bottle of vodka with him n other cocktails, i got so drunk n i felt like shit the next morning.. 🤣
Hahah yeah pls find it n let me know what u think about Knives Out.
Well, that's not fun either if u keep stopping the movie to comment. Just kidding.😆 at least it's bettter than miss the movie because someone is talking. It's still very thoughtful of u.
I will talk in the movie sometimea if we rewatch a movie n the other person already watched it too.
Im like that too with indonesian ghost movie.. i think asian ghosts r described a little more eerily weird.hahaha. n they look scary.
Ah i see.i never really remember movies that i regret watching that people love it.
Oh oh! I remember! I watched Hunger Games Mocking Birds with my friends n they all were excited about it. But i fell asleep watching it.😅 a movie thats called Yesterday also got me bored like hell that i have to stop watching it not even half of movie. The most recent bad movies i watch that people seems to love it is the latest Jurassic Park movies. I even feel like almost 3 hours of my life was wasted 😅 it's just my opinion though, i hv nothing agaisnt the fans of that movie.
Hmm 3 movies that was my gay awakening
1. The Mummy Returns (Rachelle Weisz was sooo hot in it)
2. I Can't Think Straight (the story is quite similar with my story with my ex-gf)
3. Kyss Mig or Kiss me (it's a sweden movie but good story in it.)
4. Iron Man 2 (when Natasha first appeared in MCU)
Whats urs?
Next question
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painted-crow · 3 years
Hey I hope this isn’t awkward but that post about your burned badger (lion?) secondary really hit home for me. I’m pretty sure I’ve had the same burned model in the past - I think I started off with a healthier badger/lion model (I can’t figure out which and am still figuring out my sorting anyway) and some external life stuff going on later, I’m really just pushing through and getting stuff done with all the delicacy of a brick. And same here with the emotional rollercoaster ... 1/2
And same here with the emotional rollercoaster of it between panic/apathy. And the burnout. And the ignoring physical pain. And I can see now how this was uh. Pretty unhealthy actually but it really was just so. effective especially given the circumstances and I kind of miss it in a way. It would be nice if I could get back a healthier version of whichever model it was. Anyway I love reading your blog you always have such insightful things to say thanks for reading this ramble <3 2/2
💙💙💙 :D
Not awkward! I'm glad that was useful for someone, rather than just being an angst dump on my part lol
Emergency secondary mode, Badger or Lion?
Links to previous posts:
- post describing my emergency secondary mode (cw for burnout stuff)
- the worst version of this post (cw for terrible memes)
So, after a lot of consideration and chatting with some lovely SHC people (looking at you @mooglesorts and you @magpie-of-a-birb), I've come to the tentative conclusion that I have a Lion secondary performance.
Which is not something I ever expected to say! I've long had a knee-jerk "aaaaa scary!" reaction to Lion secondary, but actually I think that's because I have this performance and I've had to use it in unsustainable ways.
I should probably put a trigger warning here for self harm through overwork... yeah.
So, I found this song:
(While it is a bop, it is also x2 trigger warning combo for self harm ahaha)
This song's primary is exploded Glory Hound Lion--that's not what's relatable about it to me tho. What I wanted my friends' opinion on was the secondary that's displayed here. Sounded familiar. So I brought it up on the SHC Discord server (which is out of beta, dm me for an invite link if you wanna join!).
I was thinking it might actually be the fully Burned "anything that works" secondary, but Magpie was like "no, that's a Lion sec with a Snake model" and I went "huh..."
...and then Moogle was like no that's a snakesec with an unhealthy Lion model, the masks aren't working so they're busting out Lion--and especially there's the focus on the character feeling powerful because they can hurt themself with it and keep going anyway
And I was like "oh shit that tracks more than I was expecting it to... whoops"
Badger hits different without unhealthy pressure
I do have and use a Badger secondary model, and I used to think my emergency secondary mode was just my Badger model taken to unhealthy extremes. But I don’t think so now.
First, because I actually think that my emergency mode is/was often a product of my exploded Badger primary model, which itself idealized Badger secondary.
I'm still picking through that thing's shrapnel and finding its influence in old memories and automatic reactions I still have and stuff like that--not to mention rooting it out of my system. Which is to say, now that I know what I'm looking for, I'm still discovering how far back this thing goes! Turns out I've been trying to whack this piñata for years, and it used to be so much worse.
The self-destructive "I'd rather run myself hard into the ground than fail" nature of my emergency mode makes a lot of sense in retrospect. When you tie your self-worth to achievement... well: the lyrics "I'll never lose / I'll never die" from the song seem less "I have achieved immortality!" and more "I basically equate failure with death." This song really straddles that edge of relatable but also obviously messed up. It's... something.
Second, my Badger secondary model is very different when it's not under pressure from the 'splodey primary model. I'm kind of having to figure out what it's like without that and it's weird. It seems to be a whole lot more chill and also I'm getting more Courtier than I'm used to?
Yeah, turns out if you dig out "you should help other people to justify your existence, but don't accept help back or it cancels it out" from your system (because damn, there's a system piece I didn't look at closely enough) it might have been holding up Courtier potential you haven't been using.
What's the difference?
I don't know who pointed this out first, I think I read it somewhere, but Badger secondary is very process focused and Lion secondary is very results focused. (Bet you this was from @wisteria-lodge. I'm not sure, though.)
Badger usually shows up as a few main things for me: mirroring, chipping away at big projects, picking up life maintenance and self care type tasks (especially when Bird secondary is burned), and caregiving/service stuff. It can also Burn on its own, which is its own brand of "motivation is a cryptid" exhaustion. None of this looks like Lion, so where does the confusion come in?
The only time my Badger model starts to look like Lion--and here the line really blurs with the performance--is when I've tried to get it to do tasks it's not really meant for. There are things I need Bird unburned in order to tackle (perhaps it's the presence of burned Birdsec that gets in the way? That injured confidence can be really debilitating) and I can't do them with just Badger.
I'm sure actual Badger secs know how to, say, learn Adobe Illustrator's unbelievably complicated controls while under deadline using Badger, but I have no clue. I powered through using probably the least efficient controls possible. (If you're using the nudge tool as a form of measurement, you're probably doing it wrong. I'm guessing.)
Needless to say, that's exhausting. I think there's some point in the project timeline where it stops being "well it's not efficient but at least I'm making progress!" and starts being fueled by raw stubborn determination and a little bit of spite. The contentment with the process goes out the window. I'm fighting my own perfectionism (and usually losing) because I just want this thing done.
Which, that's not necessarily a bad thing! Sometimes it's really useful to be able to go "screw it" and charge. It becomes a bad thing when you ignore all your other needs to do it, possibly because you've tied success and/or productivity to your self worth, and also you're still clutching your perfectionism and hissing "my precioussssss."
It's not always obvious, but I sometimes use Lion secondary in ways not connected to the splodey Badger primary model.
(Occasionally it is obvious though... haha)
I do have this one story about realizing my younger brother might be in danger and charging off to find him, armed with a heavy wooden coat hanger against potential assailants. I went from Bird situational analysis to "this is the best weapon I can find on short notice" in like 30 seconds. In my defense, I was very sleep deprived at the time.
(It makes more sense in context.)
(Sort of.)
I think the emergency secondary mode is a Lionsec performance.
This post took me like a month to write even after figuring it out. And then another few weeks collecting dust in my drafts, because how do you edit something like this
But I've been sitting on it for way too long and I'm tired of saying I should finish/post it, and tonight I'm feeling bored and a little impulsive... so, screw it--I'm calling this done.
(can you hear it? it's there... fighting my Birdsec/Badgersec model perfectionism again.)
(this time, I will listen.)
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ellana-ravenwood · 6 years
Professor Wayne - Bruce Wayne x Reader part 2.5/4 (Erotica-ish)
Well here we are. I know, I took my sweet time to upload. And this is also only a short update, and a sort of transition. It’s because of this all “December 17th” thing, and how loads of my stories were wrongfully took down. Now everything is back to normal (after almost a month) and I can write what I wanted to initially write...Erotica included. 
IMPORTANT WARNING : THIS IS EROTICA ! THIS IS NOT FOR YOU IF YOU ARE UNDERAGED, I GODDAMN MEAN IT. Like there’s cute and sweet feelings in the mix, but also...smut, so if you’re not 18 or more, or if you’re not comfortable with that sort of things etc etc, this story ain’t for you. I have tons of other very SFW story, for averyone to read, and if you wanna check those out instead, it’s right here, on My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives​.
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The fact that this all thing is wrong kinda evaporates into thin air as your lips moves against his.  
The thought about you two being teacher and student, and that you shouldn’t do this, doesn’t exist anymore. The faint guilt he felt because he thought he might take advantage of a weak moment of yours...is gone. 
Because you’re kissing him too passionately for this to only be happening cause you feel down. And before he knows it, his arms snake around your waist and bring you closer to him. Flushed against him. 
You can’t believe it. Professor Wayne is kissing you. And you’re kissing him.
And this time, it’s real. 
You throw your arms around his neck. One of your hand goes to tangle itself in his hair and he shifts his head slightly to have better access to your mouth and...wow. The man knows what he is doing. 
Exactly like you imagined this would be. Except that it’s him, whose tongue softly runs across your lower lip, demanding access. And you’d be damned if you don’t grant it to him. And it’s...real. 
You’re really making out with him. Fuck. How did THAT happen ? 
Oh, right. Months of friendly banter at the cafe you work at. Him being the best teacher ever, you being his best student ever. You getting mugged, and him taking care of you and...Everything snapping at the same time. 
It actually makes perfect sense. 
In a spur of passion he backs you against his desk, and you’re not quite sure how but you’re laying on top of it now, and he’s above you. You managed to get his coat off of him, and your fists bunch in the front of his shirt, bringing him closer as he holds himself above you, his hands on each side of your face. 
Ffff...You’re really kissing him. And he definitely is kissing you back. And now he’s placing his body in between your legs and you wrap your arms around his shoulders again, to keep him there. But he has no intention of moving away, as his own hands grab your waist and...
The sound of shattered glass makes you shoot your eyes open. 
Surprised, he pulls away from you and look to the source of the noise, praying to every gods out there that someone DIDN’T walk in just now ! 
Fortunately, it’s not that. 
It’s his mug. 
His mug full of cold overbrewed tea just shattered on the floor. 
And totally ruined the mood. 
Damn, of course clumsy you would push that damn mug off of the desk ! Such bad timing ! Or...Was it his fault ? As he was pushing you up said desk a bit more ? In any case, the mug is broken and now you’re suddenly very aware of how close Professor Wayne is to you. 
That mug just fucking ruined the mood alright. Brought you back to that unpleasant thing called “reality”. Made you realize what you were doing. The haze of passion slowly fading away. 
He steps away from you clumsily, and helps you sit straight back up, but takes his time to actually fully move away from you, helping you back on your feet. 
You’re so embarrassed. You avoid his gaze as you smooth your clothes down, looking around the room for the coat he through off of you. 
This is...Awkward. Not as weird as you’d think, but definitely extremely awkward and uncomfortable. You just can’t look at him right now. 
What the hell got into you, kissing him like that ? 
The moment seemed so right but now, after the unfortunate mug incident that kinda also broke this beautiful bubble you two were in...It’s just awkward. 
He turns to you again, and he feels like he’s back in high school the day he had his first kiss. So bashful. Nervous. Unsure. 
He rubs his neck nervously and just can’t find anything to say. He wants to make you comfortable again as he sees you’re avoiding his eyes but...He just can’t think, for the life of him, of anything to say ! 
He can’t just go  : “nice kiss, wanna give it another shot ?”...or can he ? He knows you’d say “yes”. Wait. No. No he can’t. 
The mug breaking reminded him of where you guys were, and how dangerous it was for you and him to make out here. It would be catastrophic for the both of you, if anyone found out this ever happened. 
But...He does want to kiss you again. Badly. 
He’s pretty sure his cheeks are a nice shade of pink by now, as he gazes back at you and you let out a little nervous laugh, still avoiding his eyes. Damn. He couldn’t even remember the last time he blushed because he kissed a girl. 
“I um...I...We...This isn’t...”
Nope. Really. He can’t think of anything to say. He rubs nervously at his neck again, and wonders were his confidence all went. 
He’ve always been sure of himself. Always was able to change an awkward situation into a pleasant moment. Always been very good with words. But here, in that moment, with you...He’s a little lost. 
He can’t recall the last time he felt like that. Actually, he’s pretty sure he never felt like that before. And it’s a bit scary, because right now, he really needs to say something to make you comfortable again. 
He hates to see you so embarrassed and oh god you’re probably thinking about how big of a pig he is kissing you like that. You’re probably thinking this was a huge mistake and he hates it. 
He hates the simple thought of you maybe regretting this right now, which would explain why you so resolutely avoid his eyes. He hates it. 
Because for the first time in...forever really, he feels completely at ease. He feels like that kid he used to be before his parents’ murder. 
The one that loved to roam around his gigantic house, that was carefree and thought nothing back could ever happen to him or anyone he loved...The realization of this downs on him all of a sudden, and it finishes what his mug started : the mood is most definitely ruined. 
No one will ever know what would have happened if he didn’t realize what he was feeling. He’s pretty sure he would have resumed kissing you, even in this dangerous place, so exposed to someone walking in on you two. 
He’s pretty sure he would have just made love to you, right here, without another thought about anything. And he knows you would have let him...Knows you wanted it too. 
Shit. The mere fact that he thought “making love” and not “have sex” put everything under a new light. Everything that just happened in perspective. 
Shit. Fuck. Oh man. 
He takes a few steps away from you, and run a hand through his hair, looking away from you. Taking a deep, slightly panicked, breath. 
Oh man.
Ok. What just happened ? 
Sure, things were a bit awkward and all but the way Bruce just walked away from you right now, and was avoiding your gaze and made that...face. That face that you interpreted as him realizing what he just did and regretting it.
Well, it hurt. It actually genuinely hurt. What did you do ? Was it because you got all embarrassed ? Maybe he thinks you’re too immature ? You did just act a bit in an immature way by being so damn bashful because of a broken cup ! 
And Professor Wayne is...Well, he’s a mature man. Older than you for sure. More experienced too. And oh jeez now you’re thinking about Miss Kyle. 
Wonderful, sexy, probably way more experienced than you too Miss Kyle.
Oh what if you were a terrible kisser ? So bad in fact that he had to process it for a while and was only now regretting it and...He looks at you again now, and there’s something in his eyes you can’t really pinpoint. 
It kinda freaks you out. Because this kiss changed everything. You hate yourself for feeling that way, for being such a naive girl, but...it really did. 
So far, you thought you could ignore your growing feelings for Professor Wayne. After all, it was just a crush. So many others had a huge crush on him too, just in your class. And on campus, he was known to be beloved even by those who didn’t take his class ! 
A crush, you could deal with. A crush would pass. A crush was just a phase, and you just needed to meet another guy or girl that was fantastic and boom, the crush would end. 
But this kiss...This kiss, it made you realize that it wasn’t “just a crush” anymore. Somewhere along the way, during all your banter at the cafe, and those months of talking and such...You kinda fell for him. 
Anyway, where were you gonna meet someone as fantastic as him ? Even if you were still in the crush phase, you were doomed...So the fact that he just walked away from you like that, and was now sighing a lot and running his hands in his hair way too much and just staring at you so intensely...It freaks you out. 
“I’m sorry.” 
He says, and your heart drops. Well, this all thing was cut short. You barely had time to kinda fondle each others, and kiss, and it was already over. 
Because you were sure that his “I’m sorry” was going to be followed by a “we can’t do this you’re my student” or some bullshit excuse like that. This kiss started because he wanted to comfort you anyway. 
It was in the heat of the moment. You felt vulnerable, and he was taking care of you and it just kinda happened. Sure he kissed you first but...but...but...
You wanted to cry again. And you hated yourself for that. Damn. What a damn whimp you were being, crying over a guy you didn’t even date. Just made out with. Suddenly. And then it was over, just as suddenly. 
You sucked it up and turned to him. 
Oh no. No no no no no. He could see in your eyes that you totally misunderstood what he just said. He could read you like a book (well, it was easy, given the fact that the corner of your eyes were damped again). And he had to clear the situation quick, before you’d find an excuse to bolt and avoid him for the rest of his life. 
He knew you enough that it could be a possibility, if he wasn’t quick enough. That you could decide to act before he could, and run away. From his understanding, you did that a lot. Whenever there was a situation that was too much for you to handle, you’d “run to hide in your room, and watch your favorite TV show or something, to take your mind off of everything”. 
You told him that, one evening, when the café was calm and you were able to actually sit with him while he was having his ridiculous coffee order and beloved beignet. 
“I’m not sorry I kissed you ! I mean I was, I really was. Until you kissed me in return. Like I’m sorry I kissed you first, but I’m not sorry I kissed you !” 
He mentally face palmed himself. A thing that he found himself doing a lot, when you were around. You always seemed to make him loose any mental capacity he had. 
He knew he was a smart man. A quick thinker. But whenever you were around, it seemed like he was just a stupid awkward teenager at times. Like right now. He couldn’t gather his thoughts properly. 
More often than not, he would think about doing something, and then you’d come in and...All his plans would burn away. Like the fact he promised himself not to go easy on you in classes, or how he always say “I’m just ordering an espresso and a beignet and then I’m out”, but ended up staying until the coffee shop would close...
And now you were smiling, and it made him loose his train of thought even more...He somehow managed to continue : 
“I’m sorry I...don’t remember. I don’t remember why I was saying I’m sorry. It made sense, I swear. Oh and now you must think I’m an idiot. I promise I’m not.” 
You smile some more at him, apparently relieved, and say : 
“I know you’re not. You’re my professor, I know how smart you really are...” 
There’s a mischievous tone in your voice and...Oh. Perfect. You’re totally making fun of him now. Mentioning the fact he’s your teacher as well...You wicked wench. 
He can see in the way your eyes are smiling, that you’re enjoying him stumbling on his words and such. Maybe because you’re glad you’re making him feel that way ? If it’s the case, then he can ignore the little humiliation of being such a doofus in your presence... 
“Right. Yes. I am. Um...What did I want to say ?” 
“I don’t know, I’m not in your head. You were talking about being sorry, but forgetting why you were sorry because you definitely are not sorry you kissed me.” 
Fff...It’s fascinating, how you always seem to manage to turn situations around. 
He saw you countless time spilling coffee all over you at your work, and each time you started by being flustered and embarrassed, but always manage to crack a joke and make customers laugh. 
Quick witted. Smart. That’s what you were. He lost himself in your eyes for a second, and the childish grin that spread across your features. Coming closer to you once more, reaching for your waist. 
Damn you were beautiful. He really wanted to kiss you again...Wait, no ! That’s what he wanted to say ! 
“Ah ! I remember !” 
The sudden way he exclaimed this makes you jump a bit in the air, and you take a few steps back, putting some distance between you two again. 
This time, it’s his turn to grin, though he had no intention of jump scaring you. You shake your head and sigh, and give him a “what the hell ?” face before he continues : 
“I’m sorry because I...I put your entire future in this school in jeopardy.”
You’re confused for a second. Ugh ? Wasn’t it the other way around ? 
“Gotham uni has very strict rules about romance between its faculty members. And even stricter ones about this between teachers and students. You would have been in trouble if we were to be found out...”
“Wouldn’t you have been in more trouble ?” 
“Actually, no. I’m a well loved teacher here, and people know that I’m...liked. Most likely the board member would have given me a warning but fire you for trying to bribe me with...With...” 
You turn white, and then red. But not from embarrassment, from anger, as you say, outraged : 
“What ?! Those bastards ! You kissed me first ! They can’t expel me for that !” 
Bruce smiles and gently reminds you : 
“Well, they’re not. We weren’t found out. But if it happened...you would have been expelled. I know this. More than once a few of the board member hinted at me that they um...”admired me” for my self-control, what with all my beautiful students and all, flirting with me constantly.” 
“Yeah, I think so too. I actually always was disgusted by the mere thought of me ever hooking up with a student because...It’s just not right.” 
“...Thank you.” 
“What ? Why are you...Wait no shit. That’s not what I meant ! Until now I always thought...Uh...Would you please stop looking at me like that ?” 
“Like what ?”
“Just...Turn around.”
“...Are you serious ?” 
“Yes, yes I’m serious, turn around !” 
For the tenth time that night, Bruce slaps himself mentally. 
This definitely not was how he pictured his big revelation. His explanation to you about how he felt about you. Nope. He thought he was going to be all smooth and all, and that you would swoon over him. 
It’s...interesting, how he’ve always been able to be charming and flirty with people he didn’t care about, but was always so clumsy with people he actually liked. 
It used to be the same with Selina, at first, when he thought he loved her. Though after a while he regained his smoothness and wittiness...maybe it’d be the same with you ? Just awkward at first and then he could regain his “sexy charming charismatic professor” status ?
He shook his head, and looked at you. Your back was to him now, and he slapped himself mentally once more. “Turn around” ? Really ? Ugh. 
He just couldn’t think, with you looking at him like that. With your...Eyes and all. Um. Well. This wasn’t his most brilliant moment for sure. 
With yet another sigh, he turned back to you. Or rather, to your back. Without seeing your face, he knew you had that “what the hell ?” expression back on. 
“I..In my head, I prepared a all speech about how I was sorry I endangered your education just because I couldn’t resist kissing you anymore. I was going to tell you about how those months of talking at the cafe meant more to me than it appeared. How I never went there before, up until I realized you worked there. How I’ve never been so impressed with someone’s essays. How I didn’t want to call Selina anymore. I prepared a speech mentally, to tell you all this, and now it’s all coming out wrong and sounds like I’m regretting it but I don’t. I really don’t. I’m rambling nonsense right now, because of how much I don’t regret kissing you. I’m sorry I did it here, putting your future in danger. But I..I’m...I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry about kissing you where anyone could walk in any seconds and therefor risking you being expelled. And that’s the third time I say that, sorry. And I was also trying to insert somewhere, in my speech, something about how you were the only student I ever looked at this way, because your essays move me, because you’re more hard working and smarter than most, because you go beyond my class to learn and...I don’t know, I just think you’re awesome. You make me feel like a teenage boy right now. Jeez, did I just say you were “awesome” ? Do you see what you’re doing to me ? You turn me into a stupid kid who can’t talk normally and who’s STILL blabbering right now. You must think I’m an idiot. And oh look, we’re back a few minutes ago when I said exactly that. Yet I’m still talking. I still hear myself talk. And you’re not helping me you’re just listening. I bet you kinda like that uh ? Me rambling. Not being that collected and calm as I like to present myself usually ? I know you like to lightly mock people. You said it once, in the cafe. It’s your witty sarcastic side, I love it. Especially when you talk back to Fryer, that little shit...Wait why am I talking to Fryer right now ? See, once again I don’t know what I’m saying ! I prepared a clear, short and to the point speech in my head, and I can’t seem to shut up ! But here it is, what I meant : for the fourth time, I’m sorry I kissed you in such a place, and like, was ready to...on the desk...wait scratch that, it makes me sound like an asshole, I didn’t...I mean I did want, I did want you but I...um...I’m sorry. Will you go out to dinner with me ?” 
By the end of his clumsy and extremely cute speech, you already had turned back to face him. He claimed half his speech to your back, but when he started to talk about how special you were, you couldn’t help but turn to him. 
Wow. You would have never thought that Professor Wayne could get that flustered. And all of that, because of you. This was great for your non existant ego. And the way he was looking at you now, hopeful that you wouldn’t turn him down after his long monologue ? It was sweet. 
It made you feel nice. Confident. And damn, only this man could make you feel confident like that ! It reminded you of all the comments he wrote on your essays, encouraging and praising you. He had just the words to make you actually feel special. 
With a smile you say : 
“Well. I kinda want to kiss you know but I wouldn’t risk getting expelled so...Friday, 8 pm ? Let’s meet at Gotham’s piers. Like you can’t come pick me up at my dorm so...Yeah.” 
“Goth...am’s piers ?”
“Yeah. You do know where Gotham’s piers are right ?” 
“So...8 pm next Friday ?” 
“Um yes, yes good. 8 pm next Friday, Gotham’s piers. Great. Good.”
“We’ll talk about this more then, then ? I wouldn’t wanna be expelled for hanging out that late in your office, you know.” 
Oh. Ooooh evil wench. The way you smiled, the spark in your eyes. You were taunting him. ...You were playing a very dangerous game. But before he could do anything, you were walking out of the classroom. With a last look to him, you said : 
“See you tomorrow then, Professor Wayne.”
The emphasis you put on the word “professor” made him shiver. You continued : 
“For what it’s worth, and as bad an idea as it actually was...I would have let you.” 
He’s confused for a second, and asks : “Let me what ?” 
“Oh you know, on the desk.” 
You wink at him and just like that, you’re out of his office. 
Oh. My. God. Did you just...imply that...Oh. Bruce had never felt so flush before in his life. He had to sit down. Wow. Well. You were definitely something else. He couldn’t believe how things turned out tonight. 
From you having a mental breakdown, to him not able to not kiss you, and then rambling for ages to...this. Wow. 
Friday 8 pm. Gotham’s piers. For the first time in his life, Bruce Wayne was excited about a date. 
Your apparent confidence after Bruce told you he thought you were special and wanted to date you (basically) had completely vanished. 
It was Friday. 7:45 pm. And you were on pier 9 (the one you agreed to meet on) and pondering wether you should run away or not. 
This past few days had been very unnerving. Probably as a vengeance for the infamous “desk” comment you told him before leaving (the hell you were thinking about ?! Damn, confidence was a dangerous thing, it made you say things like...that), Bruce drove you crazy the past few days ! 
You started to talk with him discreetly via post-it notes that you hid on your essays and in papers he was passing around. It was exciting, to try and not get anyone to notice ! 
Fucking William Fryer saw one of the notes he wrote you and made a spectacle out of it ! The note read : “Those jeans you’re wearing are really working for you...They are also really working for me, too” and was of course one of the most daring Bruce send you. 
You had to invent a bullshit excuse, in front of the entire class, blabbering about your boyfriend putting such post-it notes in your stuffs for you to find during the day and blahblahblah...So embarrassing. 
It highly amused Professor Wayne. Of course it did. And then every evening, he’d come in the cafe as if nothing ever happened and it. Drove. You. Crazy ! 
He was good. He was really good. And definitely making you pay for this little desk joke (though it wasn’t totally a joke, if things had went that far that night, you definitely would have let him take you right there and then, on his hopefully sturdy desk). 
And because of those last few days of him kinda toying with you masterfully (the man WAS more experienced), you were now a mess of stress and oh my god this first date was going to go horribly, and he’d realize you weren’t that special and end everything before you could even...
“Hello, miss (Y/L/N).” 
Your heart skipped a beat. Actually, a few beats. You turn and here he is... 
“Shall we ?” 
He says charmingly, giving you his arm. And man he looks good. 
Best. First date. Ever ! 
You have no idea how he managed it, but he somehow remembered every single thing you told him you liked. He first took you to a restaurant serving your favorite food, to then go to an “escape room” (of course you loved nerdy puzzle solving). He actually took you to the one known to be the toughest, called “E. Nygma’s house of Enigmas” (not a very original name but ok) and you had a blast, solving puzzles with him ! 
You made it out of the escape room barely in time before the countdown, and you’re pretty sure the owner of the place, the conveniently named “E. Nygma”, was kinda pissed you managed to get out. Apparently you two were the first to achieve this feat. 
Bruce then took you for a walk in the park, and you talked for ages while drinking coffee (you laughed way too much when the  barista thought the double espresso was for Bruce, and his ridiculous coffee order was for you...apparently, the poor barista couldn’t even fathom a man like Bruce getting such a ridiculous kind of coffee).
After making some fun of him, he took you to the park. You sat down on a bench and talked way too long, about anything and...
It was a great first date. And it felt like you and Bruce had been friend since forever. Things went so smoothly between the two of you ! You had lots in common, but also a lot of differences which made things perfect. 
The difference in age wasn’t really noticeable, in the end, because you were...”special”. Mature. Incredible. 
He showered you with compliments all night, and by the time it was time to go home, you were a blushing mess and just didn’t know how to respond anymore...
How could a guy like him think you were such a great person ? Such a beautiful woman ? He dated people like Selina Kyle before you for god’s sake ! And yet, he managed to make you believe every single words he said. 
Probably because he meant all of them...Here we go again, Bruce Wayne, the only man that could make you feel so good about yourself ! 
Somewhere along the night, he told you to call him “Bruce” (people around you were starting to give you weird looks, because you kept calling him “professor” while you two were clearly on a date...they probably thought it was a weird kink or something), and his name rolled naturally on your tongue. 
Just like your name rolled on his. 
You were actually disappointed that the night was about to end. It was really late, starting to get cold and...You really should get back to the dorm. 
You both knew it. And so he stood up and said : 
“Well, I guess I should get you home uh ?” 
Yeah. You never made it to your dorm. 
He was driving you back to the university, and somehow, ended up driving back to his own apartment. 
It was all kind of a blur. He stopped his car at a particularly long red light, and you mentioned the fact that he couldn’t really give you a “good night kiss” on campus, so he really should give it to you know. 
When he obliged, things got quite...heated. Only a car behind you honking at you to move as the light turned green brought you back to your senses. Damn. Making out with your professor on the passenger seat of his car was quite something. And, just like that, you both changed your mind about “going home”. 
He was still taking you home, just, not your dorm. 
You barely paid attention to his apartment as you entered and as soon as he closed his door...He was all around you. 
Backed up against the door, your legs around his waist. 
How the hell did you loose your shirt so fast ? And wow you never undid buttons from a dress shirt that fast before, but here you were, undressing him expertly. 
Your hands ran up and down his muscular chest and damn, the man really was working out. He was even more ripped than you imagined...Your touch made him groan and the next instant off were your pants ! 
He caught you in his arms, and walked to his bedroom. Laid you delicately on his bed, and still kissing, you guys managed to get rid of the rest of your clothes. 
Wow. You never thought of yourself as a “sleep on the first date” kind of girl. Especially not with...Him. You thought it would take a few awkward dates. If it ever happened, to be honest ! Because you were so sure he would quickly discover how un-special and plain you were ! 
And yet. Here you were, on his bed, stark naked, fumbling with the zipper of his pants to take it off as he was furiously making out with him. 
That first date you dreaded so much went perfectly well. Better than you’d ever thought ! And...Oh jeez you’d just never thought you ever ended up here ! 
And now he’s making you dizzy by peppering your neck, chest, belly, with soft wet kisses and...Wow. 
He looks up at you with hungry eyes, and stops.
No. No what ? Why did he stop ? Is he having second thoughts ? 
He hovers over you and looks at you. One of his hand goes to softly caress your cheek while the other rests beside your head. 
“Are you ok ?” 
You’re taken aback by his question. I mean, it’s very sweet of him to ask but you were pretty sure that the way you kissed him, and moan whenever he sucked at your skin was pretty self-explanatory ! 
You nod, not trusting your voice right now and he looks so intensely at you...it makes you a bit self-conscious, and you close your arms around your chest, trying to hide yourself from him. 
He frowns, but also seems worried...You avoid his gaze, insecurities flying back in. Until he kisses your cheek. 
As simple as that. He doesn’t touch you anywhere else, just kisses your cheek. Your forehead. Your eyelids. Your nose. 
He hovers over you, in his glorious nakedness (and he looks VERY good), and you can definitely see all his thoughts aren’t really that pure as he’s hard as a rock (you can feel it, brushing against your thigh whenever he bends down to kiss you tenderly). 
But he doesn’t make a move regarding that. Instead, he kisses your all face, before going back to your lips and licking them sweetly. 
You open your mouth to him, and your tongue dances with his for a moment, before he pulls away again and this time goes to kiss your neck. From where it joins with your shoulder, to your ears. 
He doesn’t miss a spot. And then he goes back to kissing you on the mouth. 
Slowly but surely, he goes down, and down, and down. 
When he reaches your breast, he stops going back up to kiss your mouth, but his gaze doesn’t leave yours. 
It’s incredibly sexy, the way his eyes fixes on you, as he proceeds to kiss and lick at every inch of your upper body. Going slowly, making sure “you are ok”. 
And then he reaches that sweetest spot...Looking at you, you nod. 
You are soaking wet – have been soaking wet – and you can see him smiling in the moonlight going through his apartment window, as he teases you softly with his finger.
And then his tongue slips into your hole. His fingers are gripping your thighs as he eats you out. His tongue laps at your wetness before flicking across your clit.
And you kinda loose control. You knew where he was getting at with all his ministrations, but you didn’t expect him to be that good at it. You let out a whimper as Bruce’s tongue keeps flicking across your clit. When you let out a stifled moan, he moves his face away.
"There’s no need for you to be quiet...(Y/N).” 
Him using your name in that situation makes you even hotter, and to his great pleasure, you let out an embarrassingly loud moan as he laps at you again. 
His face is against your pussy and his tongue is back, flickering and sucking on your clit. You make small noises as you arch your back. You know you are grinding your pussy against his face but he doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seems to like it from the way he is working you over.
One of your hand is gripping the bed as your other hand grabs his hair. And hearing the small aroused growl he lets out drives you wild. Ok. Something to remember, his moans are sexy, and he likes his hair pulled. 
And then, without warnings, you are comming. Your hips are bucking as you are. Bruce is holding onto your waist as he laps at your pussy, tasting you feverishly. Your head rolls back and all you can focus on is how fucking good you feel. You have never cum from a guy eating you out before. Most of the time, they had no idea what they were doing. Clearly, Bruce does. The perks of being with an older more experienced man ? 
Then you are laying against the bed, gasping for breath. He is climbing on top of you and is kissing you again. He tastes like you as your tongues meet.
You want to give back to him, but he doesn’t let you. Instead, he reaches for a drawer in his nightstand and takes a condom out. He lets you wrap it around him though, which is already something you guess...
He lines himself up with your entrance and gives you a last questioning look. He wants to make sure you’re ok with this...You nod once more, unable to say anything else and then...then...
He slowly pushes in a bit, then pulls out, just to push back in again. Bit by bit, slowly. Working you open softly, without any brusque gestures. He takes you slowly, delightfully. 
His dick carefully entering you inch by inch, until after a while, he’s fully sheathed inside you and stop moving. 
You felt no pain. The way he poked inside you a little bit just to pull out again, and then back inside a bit further...It didn’t hurt at all. Yes. He really knows what he’s doing. 
You wriggle against him, wanting him to move now, and he gets the message. He bends down to kiss you passionately as his hips rocks against you steadily, purposefully, slowly. 
And it’s...amazing. 
Your moans die in his mouth, and when you join his rhythm by moving your own hips his growls die in yours. 
Your both panting mess, as you move together, in perfect synch. 
It’s sweet, and it’s loving, and it’s something else. 
You’ve never experienced that. He makes you question so much about yourself...up until now, you thought you liked it fast and hard. But here he was, taking his time and building your pleasure more than anyone else did before. 
You were sure that he could get rough if you asked, but this was...a perfect first time with someone. Perfect first time with him. 
Learning to discover the other’s body, at your own pace. Finding all those sweet spots. Touching and kissing.  
You came a second time without even realizing it was coming, shaking against him and tightening around him. Soon after, he followed, and fell at your side, exhausted. You cuddle up against him, and he holds you close. 
As simple as that. And once again, it feels utterly natural. As if you alway knew each others. As if you’ve been together for years. 
This..This was really a great first date. 
Six months of utter and perfect bliss ! 
You’ve been secretly dating “Professor” Wayne for six amazing months. 
The secrecy of your relationship didn’t really bother you, you knew it wasn’t forever. None of you said “I love you” yet of course, it was way too early and for now...for now you were just appreciating being with someone who just seemed to get you so completely. 
From talking about forensics for entire nights, to mocking each others’ coffee taste. It was awesome. 
You’ve never been so glad before to live in such a huge place as Gotham. The chances of you and him being out and running into someone you knew were very slim, and in six months, it didn’t happen once. 
More often than not, you’d spend the night at his place, and would take public transports back to uni (he couldn’t really drive you there..not now at least). 
You took each other in every room on every piece of furniture in his apartment. You were so complementary in everything, sex included ! 
You couldn't believe your boyfriend was...Damn. And he couldn’t believe how happy he felt, how carefree and...damn. 
Sure there were a few bump in the road, it wasn’t always easy to act as mere student and teacher every morning, but it was still good. You were fuming in jealousy whenever a fellow student went to flirt with Bruce, and more often than not you wished you could yell out loud that he was yours and that just the night before, you two were a bit adventurous and ended up finally doing it on the very same desk (the door to the office was close of course)your bitch ass was leaning on trying to flirt with him! 
But those were minor setbacks. 
Other than that, things were doing great. And you were finally in a good mood...Dating someone like Bruce was such a huge help, on every aspect of your life. He help for your studies, but also helped you “growing up” etc etc. He...He was great. 
And you were a breath of fresh air for him, the fact you were younger a blessing in the end. But he knew that the age difference wasn’t really a problem...and once you both realized that it was too late to care about the teacher/student thing...Plus you were so smart, witty, sarcastic. You never hesitated to tell him exactly what you thought, and you were...just exactly what he needed to “live” again. 
Yes. Everything was great. Or...So you thought. 
Things were getting serious. 
You still didn’t say “I love you” yet, but it was spring break and he asked you if you wanted to come with him to San Francisco...This seminar he tried to avoid ? In the end the Uni principal kinda forced him to go. 
But he figured that if you came with him, things would be more bearable. Besides, San Fran’ was a beautiful city and you never even really left Gotham before ! 
It was exciting. And it also meant...Yes. Things were getting serious. 
Good. There were times when you were a bit worried, because you two really had to be discreet...But the only reason you had to, was because of stupid school rules. And Bruce was risking his reputation just to be with you. You were risking your education for it too ! It meant something right ? 
Yes it did. Besides you knew there were a few times he almost said those three beautiful words, and a few times ou almost did. 
It was getting serious. For real. 
Which wasn’t really a surprise, given the instant connection you had once you started to truly talk and such...
At times, you knew Bruce felt a bit guilty. And that dating you was unethical for him and he struggled with it sometimes...But the fact he was still sticking around and actually kissed you first and asked you first on a date and all was reassuring. 
His concerns were normal. He was just always afraid to ruin your life or something. To take advantage of you even if you voiced more than once how much you liked when he “took advantage” of you. 
You understood him nonetheless. You understood him so fully...Or so you thought. 
Today marked the date you were suppose to go to San Francisco with him. It was established that you’d meet at Gotham’s train station and take a train to NYC to take a plane there to San Fran (it was the cheapest option + it allowed you two to spend a night in NYC that you always dreamt of seeing). 
You were waiting, with your bags, at the station when he arrived.
Instantly, you knew something was wrong. He seemed...Colder than usual. He didn’t go to take you in his arms, or kiss you, as he always did when you two reunited secretly. 
He kept his distance, and kept looking back behind him as if waiting for someone and...Your blood froze. You heard your heart broke. 
Selina Kyle. 
That’s why he wasn’t walking straight to you. He...Wait...what ?
She had her hand in his now, and he was turning his back to you. What the hell ? 
Your brain refused to work, and you stayed there, frozen in place, looking at them. He kissed her passionately, wrapping his arms around her like he did with you. He kissed her more passionately than when you saw them together years ago, when they were suppose to be together, and you were a mere freshman on campus. 
What...What was happening ? Were you having a nightmare ? 
They exchanged a few words you didn’t hear, and she went into the train that was going to NYC. And then he turned to you, and walked slowly in your direction. 
You couldn't utter a word, he started anyway : 
“Hey Miss (Y/L/N). So. Um. This thing between you and I, it’s over. Sorry to be so abrupt, but I figured it would be better. Like ripping a bandaid you know. And sorry if I made you think it was leading anywhere...Selina called me back a few days ago and made me realize something. I love her. You...You were just a distraction, I guess.” 
Wh...What ? Each words coming out of his mouth was like a knife in your heart. It sounded so surreal. As if you had been thrown into a bad telenovela with a hundred plot twist a second. 
“Don’t look at me like that (Y/N), you knew what you were getting yourself into. I mean, what did you expect ? I’m your teacher. I had a momentary...moment of madness I guess. Your smile was cute. And you’re smart, I always liked smart women. Seeing you hurt that night it all started, kinda triggered a protective side in me too, that I mistook for attraction. But I’m...I’m in love with Selina. Everything is clear to me now.”
You just wanted him to stop talking. Silently, because you had nothing to say, you picked up your bag. Stared at him. You didn’t even feel angry just...Empty. 
And stupid. Oh so stupid. 
Of course. He was right. Confirming all your insecurities. How could such an amazing man ever even like you ? 
“All those things I told you. They’re true you know. You are special. You are...beautiful. You are an amazing woman. You’re just not the one for me.” 
You shake your head. And you smile at him. Of a sad fatalist smile. This was harsh to hear, but...What could you do ? You know that you can’t force someone to love you. Besides, he was still being nice. Still standing by his points, saying you were great. 
“You’re just not the one for me”. Of course you’re not. And you’d beat yourself up for ever thinking you might be. You should’ve known that if Selina Kyle was ever back in the picture, she’d be the one ! You were just one of his plain student. That he had somewhat of a crush on, maybe. And that helped him get through lonely nights. 
You felt dumb. Not angry or anything. Just...Dumb. You smiled sadly at him again, and shakes your head one last time saying : 
“I’m such an idiot. Sorry. Bye B...Professor Wayne.”
And you leave. You have nothing else to say. And you don’t want to hear him anymore. You barely register that he was still talking as you left and you...you just feel empty. And so dumb, that you’re so hurt by this..You should’ve known. 
You should’ve known.
You’re not good enough for a man like Bruce Wayne. 
Looking at you leaving, Bruce sighs and climbs in the train, joining Selina. He looks sadly out of the window, at your form disappearing in the station’s crowd. 
The six months of bliss were over. 
To be continued...
Well. Hope you liked it. Actual chapter 3 coming out soon (way longer than this transition one, AND will contain ACTUAL smut not just whatever this little thing was), and in case you’re wondering  why instead of a 2.5 chapter I didn’t just add a new one and made this series “5″ parts...it’s because I don’t like the number “5″. Totally logical. All that to say : this was just a quick interlude written in an hour at 4 am because I suddenly had inspiration about it, and blahblahblah. Bonus, I guess. I’m aware a lot of things happen in it, and it’s probably very shitty. If it sucks, it’s because I wrote this while being very sleep-deprived, like I wouldn’t be surprised if some paragraph makes no sense, and know I won’t have time or the want to re-write it later as it’s often the case when I have a spur of inspiration for a story, once it leaves it’s over for the chapter and I have to restart everything and ugh (yes, trying to find meself some excuses...). On that note, I’m off to bed. 
Just a reminder : feedbacks are always MORE than welcomed ! And reblogs became a vital part to spread my work around now as I don’t appear in Tumblr searches anymore :). My last story, the one with Jason and reader drinking tequila, got a lot of feedbacks and all and I’m CONVINCED it’s thanks to all of y’all that were nice enough to reblog and share it <3. 
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dxmagedrose · 4 years
Tagged by: my lover @hammurabicomplex​ I’m tagging: anyone and everyone who wants to pick this one up! share with the class if you feel like it! tag me in it!!
FIRST NAME Good fucking question… It’s (sort-of) currently Dylann! I was Kieran before that, though; it’s still used as one of my first names and I’m not used to Dylann quite yet bc I’ve just started using it. 
Indigo is one of my middle names though, and I’ve used it as an online handle elsewhere forever so I use it here now!  [ Fun etymology facts: Dylan(n) is a mythology name generally meaning “born of the wave” (aspiring diver & a water witch at heart). Kieran means “little dark one” bc of my love for horror, && I chose Indigo bc as a kid to be it was neither boy (blue) or purple (girl) and was both and neither as well as my absolute favorite color as this vibrant ass mystical color. ]
STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF hmmmmm…. I’m a horror lover at heart, so as a child (I wanna say 12), I was walking through an antique store (I have a few cool finds, I considered putting my other one as the fact tbh) and I turned the corner and I saw these two dolls staring back at me at the foot of the stairs of this antique building. my blood froze, and i felt my stomach drop. i got actual, physical goosebumps stumbling across these two creepy dolls staring back at me in the corner, and i couldn’t leave the store without them. perhaps the little painted porcelain boy would be somewhat spooky by himself if it wasn’t for the terrifying lidded gaze of the porcelain girl with the hairline fractures and slightly open lips. i cant look at her. i dont really find dolls scary, I like to find the spookier ones ones, and she makes me paranoid as hell. i keep her face covered and her up in my closet except for when i bring her out to show her off proudly as the spookiest thing I have but……. i dont really collect dolls anymore.  even thinking about her brings a fearful tear to my eye.  i don’t like to think about her for very long, but that’s why I’m so fucking proud to own her. ( YES — I’m THAT white person in the horror film )
TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON hhhhh a beardy jawline, high cheekbones, crooked canine teeth >:3c
A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF b.l.t.’s with avocado. ahhhh. my mouth is watering just thinking about it, oh my god. just a bit of salt and pepper???
A FOOD YOU HATE barbecue anything, i hate the taste of bbq sauce, you keep your nasty black goo to yourselves at the grill. twice in my life i have presented with barbecue pizza and both times i cried literal tears. why would you do such a horrible thing to a person? what kind of a monster are you? how do you sleep at night?!
GUILTY PLEASURE the sims. constantly. always. i’ve sunk thousands of hours into my households. oh also uhhhhhh i run two 80s horror blogs, one being a shitpost blog with occasional art of mine and one gremlin fanfic ship blog for horrible, terrible self indulgent fanfics i’ll get the courage to finish writing & post so i can be cancelled on tumblr for at some point. NO, i won’t link them. as i pretend they’re even all that hard to find, within a day i was found on both by someone i admire here a lot :’) ilu bby thnk u eternally for supporting ur local horrifying dumbass wtf
WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN the same clothes i’ve been wearing all day usually, my sweats & long sleeve raglans or my hoodies. i like being cozy day & and out. and ugh. efoort. just throw me in a blanket in a cool room and im out.
SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS serious relationships with some openness or poly. i wish i could fling! just not exactly easy for demisexual autistics lmao.
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE I think I would be adopted by my grandma as a kid. It would save me some trauma but mostly I think it would get my autism diagnosed way earlier and save me angsting all these years of wondering why & thinking it’s my fault I’m struggling so much and so loud and affectionate and different in a world that i didnt fit in the same way. 
ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON when i get drunk i text people how much they mean to me in my life. does that answer your question? ahhh. i’m sometimes a cuddle monster with friends, i message people with long texts about how much they mean to me, but I sometimes really don’t like to be touched at all. 
A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN FLYPAPER.  F L Y P A P E R.  FLYPAPER.  FLY, and, I can’t stress this enough, fucking PAPER. ( Though also Whole Nine Yards and both Re-Animator & Bride ). I have watched Flypaper already like, 5 times this week and I’m still not done, and the other movies have been on repeat for days in this household within the last year. In the past it has also been Donnie Darko & the new Nightmare on Elm Street.  roast me.
FAVORITE BOOK White Fang by Jack London. Have I actually ever finished it? No. Do I still own a copy I’ve had since childhood thru multiple dogs eating it, taking it to and from school, and highlighting and circling all the best parts of chapter one ever since I was a kid and it was too hard of a book for me to read? You bet your ass. If I ever need inspiration I just reread chapter 1. Although one of my other favorites was Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes. But White Fang is like, a weirdly personal text. We stan London’s writing in this household.
YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE FENNEC FOX!! I used to daydream about having my own named Shiloh when I was a lil kid. they’re adorable little things and i am obsessed. i mean, gimme any fox and im happy, marble foxes, red foxes… but I was obsessed with fennec foxes. Also tbh ferrets. I want a ferret.
TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL] Rosa & @ninetyscnds‘s Luke, Rosa & @iimpulsivity is already screaming my name, Rosa & Constantine, Jesse & Andrea from Breaking Bad, and the joker and harley of 80s sci-fi Dan & Herbert from Re-Ani.  I am but a simple opossum. 
PIE OR CAKE Pie! I’ll take both pumpkin & melty apple over cake. also, cheesecake is more pie than cake soooo, pie wins.
FAVORITE SCENT my dogs / my blanket. :’)  It’s the most grounding smell in the world. 
CELEBRITY CRUSH oliver jackson-cohen, i’m fucking GAY and im angry about it. there i was, minding my own business, and i saw that asshole in a certain SHIRTLESS GIF and it AWOKE SOMETHING IN ME. dont talk to me about it, holy shit im obsessed with beardy men now god fuckkdafjaask i hate him why did he make me this gay i was perfectly fine being into girls but NOOOOOO him and his dumb hairy chest and sweet rugged face and I——  I also am obsessed with the archaeologist & television personality Josh Gates and may or may not be considering making a fan blog for him bc idk if my anthropology docuseries host is Dad or Daddy but i love him lots
IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO I would go on a dive with anthropologists and archaeologists doing fieldwork research in the ancient cenotes of the Yucatán Peninsula. My actual dream job, catch me crying & fantasizing about being underwater documenting Mayan skulls given as offerings. Fuckkkk, I love anthropology so much!!  take me anywhere in the world to immerse myself into culture & archaeology.
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT Introvert. I have a real life friend I see roughly once a month, and that’s it. Plenty of online relationships, I’m chatty, message me all day every day. but i dont do people well.
DO YOU SCARE EASILY I used to! Really bad. I don’t as much anymore. I do get paranoia a lot still. Having therapists telling you that the FBI could be outside your house watching you through your windows will kind of nervous. ( no google results for: yes hello fbi i am a writer please dont put me on watchlists i just have research i need to do for this idea im working on, would you like to try again? ) I have nightmares nightly but not they never make me afraid, they just make me feel like crap. jumpscares and loud noises and seeing people reaching into their pockets dont set off as many brain alarms anymore tho!! progress haha.
IPHONE OR ANDROID I like my android better bc of capabilities but meh
DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES My mom, her husband & I play COD for family game night, and Silent Hill is my life’s blood. I’ve sunken hours into Sims & Skyrim, and Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain is my #1 fictional character in existence, why do i love the druggie babies
DREAM JOB Oh… You’re asking me to pick? I’d love to be an anthropologist doing work out in the field. Underwater archaeology is peak, but I’m also heavily considering being a body recovery diver or police diver. I’d love to see myself in uniform someday, if possible. Just the thought makes me teary eyed & proud.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS fund my person creative & educational endeavors. get myself a spooky ass abandoned house to make my own home to create in, and travel to the world’s best dive sites. just live a mild life of education, creation & exploration. that’s the dream TM.
FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE dr. hill is a gross and whiny lil bitch this post brought to u by the miskatonic crew, how is everyone here an even worse bad guy than herbert west precious dan excluded talk shit get hit tho john winchester from spn and both walter white & todd from breaking bad are all in my crew of hated characters. i jusT…   the reani novel is difficult to read because i have to deal with this old sack of shit.
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briteboy · 6 years
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okay i’m gonna be real with you. i have...a LOT...of messages. going as far back as like...january? probably? i know...i’m so bad...don’t crucify me. i tried to get through all of them but there were a lot that i didn’t have a worthwhile reply for so i’m sorry if i didn’t answer something you sent :{
so here we have: a lot of nice things, a lot of santisms, reactions to the lou and cillian punchout, a few responses to my portfolio and other stuffs...i wanted to put astrology asks in at the end but it’s...a lot more than i thought it was and it’s 3 am so i’d rather die than answer all of those LMAO sorry. i’ll get to it next time
Anonymous said:
u can delete the snorting cum asks but it will still follow you for eternity
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okay so I saw the ask about snorting cum and it reminded me of a time that cum came out of my nose. It was gross but my boyfriend and I laughed it off. idk. I thought it would be a funny thing to share!! i'd understand if you didn't want this on your blog!! (maybe it makes you laugh!!)
wELL. WE’RE OFF TO A GOOD START HERE. i’m screaming at this...i hope nothing EVER comes out of my nose ever in life...i hate this but ur right it did make me laugh
(Winry anon again) Also, did you get her name from FMA Winry Rockbell because if so I love it
this is what bartsim calls me and i hate her for it
whats the truth bitch
I missed santirat's beautiful face there are literal tears rn
me too...i hate that i miss him so much it’s so freaking dumb...i haven’t cried to my own story in a while but i bet i’m gonna once santi’s comeback rolls around. i’m already bracing myself
nvm u can have the lovely rat back, that way my heart wouldn’t be hurting like it is now
honestly yeah that’s fair
Been silently following your blog and though I'm more of a "ghost"(? What does that even mean¿) follower, I can't help but express just how chocked I am to see Santi again OMG. Gutted Lou has had a flashback, she does not deserve this. :'(
hello casper the friendly ghost...i love having santi pop up with surprise flashbacks hehe...ur right though she DOES NOT NEED THIS in her life, but it will get better for her soon do not fret my ghoulish friend
I need more pics of Lou and Santi together I’m not satisfied, thankssss
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HEHEH i love it cause that’s literally how my friends and i act, it was fun to write in a scene :~} i’m glad you liked it :’}}
Yeah when I cut my hair short everyone assumed I liked girls I found it kind of odd, but I didn't care too much. It mostly just made me end up realizing all the shit lgbt people go through, one time a guy literally went up to me and my friend, my bff who no one really knew was a lesbian was terrified because he said "oh dont worry lesbians are hot, but gay guys are just disgusting" it ended up he was talking to me, i just rolled up a piece of paper as tight as I could and smacked him on the head
EWW first of all that guy can take his weird fetishization and homophobia elsewhere thanks...i’m glad you threw a paper ball at him LMAO. but yeah on one hand, coming from ignorant/straight people it’s like “uhhhh why would you assume that about me”, within the lgbt community it’s like...common ground...an inside joke...i guess? so it’s weird. the link between hair, clothes and sexuality is can definitely be harmful in certain circumstances
fiona is my spirit animal and i love her ok thanks for coming to my TED Talk
that was illuminating thank you
i re-read santis story and i s2g i've read it so many times idk, but like its so easy to read i dont mean like emotionally but it flows really well. and like its not too confusing i hate when people make overly convoluted stories in an excuse for being deep its some good shit good job my dude
AKJSDKGKSJD THAT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never expected anyone to read it oNCE let alone REPEATEDLY...that really makes me so happy though because it’s definitely something you have to go back and read to catch all the details. ahhhhh thank you so much, i never ever want my story to be too complicated so i’m glad you don’t think it is!!
im crying because your recent post reminds me so much of my relationship with my mom when i was younger... she was always out of a job and sometimes we had to resort to living with other family members, it was all really hard on her and especially with having a kid she had to take care of at the same time. even though these are fictional characters, it’s comforting to know that other people have gone through the same situations i have. i love fiona and lou so much, they’re my heart and soul <3
OMG ;_________; i’m crying i’m so glad it resonates with you...i had a lot of friends growing up who were in similar situations and i think i kinda based lou and fi’s relationship on that, so you’re definitely not alone <33 i’m so glad you love them i love u
basically what I’ve learned from these asks is that Gianni is a perfect god-like human and I want one
he is. one time an anon told me they were like santi but they wanted to be rooney and i was like “i’m both santi and rooney on different days and i want to be gianni.” now u know why
hi, i just wanted to pop in and say that i really, really love your blog and i admire your editing skills SO much, i think you are EXTREMELY talented and i don't think you get told that enough. i've been following you for awhile now and i am in love with ALL of your stories, characters and edits you've put out! you're really an inspiration to me and i hope someday my edits can turn out as good as yours!! i don't have reshade so it's harder for me, but i'm trying to learn!! ok have a good day :-)
OMFG ;-; I DO GET TOLD IT A LOT AND IT STILL SEEMS FAKE...you don’t have to go out of your way to compliment me ;___; but thank you so so so much i’m crying...it makes me so giddy that i might inspire someone like WHAT...i don’t even know what i’m doing half the time i edit so u will definitely be able to catch up to me one day even if you don’t have reshade, i know it. i edited without reshade for like 2 and a half years on this blog so you can do it i promise!! have a good day/night/life i love u
fuck my succ
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I'm in need of some giannti in my life
we all need some gianti in our lives
Hey! I just wanted to say that ur an amazing writer. You portray everything so well, it’s insane. I want to be a writer someday and I hope my writing is at least somewhat close to yours. Have an awesome day my dude💕
WOW I’M CRYING...i still have a lot of room to grow and so do you, i hope you are able to become the writer you want to be :’} and thank you so much for the wonderful compliment i’m emo have a great day as well
aver is my queen, confirmed.
avey is everyone’s queen confirmed
oksy but listen, look up the model Charlotte Ray Spencer
i did but i couldn’t find her?? all that came up was ray spencer obituaries in charlotte, SC LMFAO...charlotte spencer is an actress tho it seems, is that...who...? omfg
I had a ectopic pregnancy when I was seventeen but I feel like I got off lightly compared to Molly. Your story is so beautiful in so many ways, I think it’s incredible how much character development you’ve managed to pull off honestly I’m amazed. Thank you ❤️
omg ;_______; i don’t even know what to say to this, but it means so much to me i can’t even put it into words. thank you thank you thank you so much, and i’m so sorry you had to go through that as well. molly was an extreme case and i hope no one has to go through what she went through. i’m glad you’re okay now, and thank you so much for reaching out to me and reading my story at all ;-; <3333
just a heads up: the links button on your ccfinds blog goes to the femmefinds url still
oh yeah i know i’m gonna be real with you...i’m too lazy to fix it lmAO
Luv your stick n poke tats u posted!!! Could u do more? Maybe on diff places on the bod?? Ur so talented. Xx
omg that was FOREVER ago...maaaaaybe in the future...we shall see...but thank you <33
Can u do a family portrait for all ur characters like u did w Lou!!!
oooooh hehe i probably will in the future!!
Kill v maim is one of my favorite songs of all time omg it makes me wanna wear ripped jeans and a leather jacket and cover myself in glitter and smash some windows with a baseball bat MMMMMM
HELL yeah me too...i become a cyber punk alien vampire when i hear that song
maybe do a casting call posted here ? u have many followers and im sure a good chunk live in ur area and would be willing to model ^_^
omg SCARY...i probably could tho tbh that’s a good idea, thank you!
hi sunny, what program do you use to merge your cc and what do you use to detect and remove broken cc that just doesn't work in game anymore? thanks!
i actually haven’t merged on my new laptop yet but i used s4s for merging and there’s the mod conflict detector!!
My game hasn't been working since the first Cats and Dogs patch but I uninstalled and reinstalled and it finally works again 😭
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sunny!! would you recommend your computer to play ts4 on? has it good graphics, can handle the highest settings and so? i really need a new computer but i have no idea which one to go for
yes i would recommend it!! i have reshade, ultra settings and like 8 gb of cc.
thanks for answering my ask eee ur story is probably the best ive read on here and yeah. i love how everything connects and everyones just so real. you dont have to post this i just wanted to thank you for being my inspiration and making me smile, laugh, cry, and scream in the middle of the night with your characters.
I LOVE U...it still sounds so fake to me when people say i inspire them, i don’t even know how to respond to all this ;-; just thank you for sparing a glance my way and resonating with my creations. <3 we scream and cry 2gether
I listened to Separator by Radiohead on repeat whilst reading Santi’s story and now that song just reminds me of him and Lou. I’d totally suggest listening to it’s so good! As is your story :3 xxx
oh radiohead that’s good sh*t...i’m listening to it now and i feel the santou vibes...especially when santi’s feeling out of his mind and she’s the only one who can calm him...haha cool..anyways THANK YOU!!!!
how do you make poses for the roof? i'm not sure how i can know if the sims will clip into the roof or float
honestly i just...eyeball it...because all roofs are different and you can’t put them into blender so. i just winged it lmao...i just made a pose that looked like it could’ve been lou climbing out the window, only the rig was still ground level, and then i used alt + 9 to lift the teleporter onto the roof as best as i could. that’s why it probably wouldn’t be a very practical pose to release, because i have no way of making it easy to use 
Lou punched him and I knew it would happen. 😀👌 nice, nice I like Lou whopping ass.
hehe i’m glad you enjoyed it...who knew she had a freaking hook like that
ok a theory... santi went to look for molly's mother and yea
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omg tell me cillian sings every other freckle at some point
OMFG well...that song came out in 2013 and the current flashback year is 2008 so. i would personally murder cillian myself if he was still in lou’s life 5 years after this honestly
hey kitty girl! i was wondering if you could answer this teensy lil question i got. im writing a "story" anddd i was trying to figure out how to make some parts not cliche. like i hate reading about whatever and being like girll ive done seen this before so i just needs to know. kisses
i absolutely love how this is worded and the fact that u called me kitty, very cute. anyway...this is pretty broad, perhaps you could clarify what kinda cliches you want to steer clear from? a lot of the time when i know something is gonna be cliche and there’s no avoiding it, i just kinda own up to it and try to subtly point out how cliche it is and somehow that makes it work out better...like being self aware somehow adds another more realistic element to the story that makes it better? idk...anyway dm me if you need help!!
so.... lou can remember more of what happened? this is good! go 2 the police bitch! tell them!!!!!!!
she should!! but the only problem is she doesn’t have proof. so... 🤔
how do you write your stories in a way that everything is organized and you're certain and not confused with everything? i mean, do you have any way for writing that let you develop your stories with not so much difficults? i'm trying to write an story for months but i only have a few of the most important events on my mind, i don't know how to develop another important details, i always feel that everything is confuse or crap
hmmmmm well my mind is very ah convoluted so it’s a wonder any of this comes out even somewhat cohesive? but basically i have a very good memory and utilize google docs a lot hahaha. i’ve gone in depth about my writing process here!
whats a good way when it comes to starting a sims story? i mean like the first post? :/
ummmmmm maybe test the waters a bit and just make a post introducing your character(s) first? or dive right in and get sh*t started. it could go either way tbh
boyish by japanese breakfast is a santixlou bop
oh sh*t!!!!!! i love japanese breakfast!! and i love this thank you!
So is lou like into cillian in a way? Making him kinda be in her type
as of right now (in the flashbacks)? HELL fucking no. but you’re right, she did say those things in the future to santi. so 🤔
Everyone guessing shit stupidly annoys me haha. I'M UNOBSERVANT AND I DON'T WANNA GO BACK AND CHECK SHIT, LET ME LIVE. *Like* if you a ~dum~ reader who doesn't want every bit of foreshadowing called out. lol
i respect this honestly whenever i drop the hottest foreshadowing of 2018 i never expect my inbox to flood like it does but here we are and i am amazed
i’m screaming...i’m so sorry it’s my fault about your phone but like also i’m poor i can’t pay for that
i'm studying your latest posts because they're beautiful and my hatred for that long necked bitch is intensifying -- what makes me burn even more is that he's still wearing her necklace, can we say let the bitch burn?
burn babey burn
Why don't you use quick tags?
i’m dumb is why
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What if Fi's blue eyes are from... Cillian..?
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wHY did you have to make him cute and fucking cool though? I still hate him but it's harder.
I SCREAMED AT THIS SERIES OF QUESTIONS OISDFNGJKDSKJN yeah sorry he’s conventionally attractive but unsettlingly so and i feel uneasy when i look at him and plus the fact that he’s literally evil so .
im like, to 90% sure that cillian is in ace joker. so that song might have reminded lou of him...
this was sent right after that scene of lou hearing the song at pippin’s, so
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My conspiracy theory is that cillian is Lou's father. Speakimg of which are we gonna get to that soon, I'm dying of curiosity;.;
what do u resize ur photos to?
whatever 33% of 1920x1080 is i forget. i have a resizing + sharpening action so i just run that
im about to kill those kids if they keep fucking with my baby
me @ these ugly kids:
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Who are the best creators for mens clothing? I struggle so much to find good cc creators with men specifically!
badabing badaboom
I’m not sure if you’ve converted things before but do you know any good sims 3 cc to sims 4 tutorials? Or your followers?
errrrrr i have no idea i’m sorry :x
would you consider making like a photoshop psd file with all the layers in your editing process?
omg...heck no it would be so unhelpful OMFG mostly because my editing is just my own action + shading and highlighting unique to that pic
would you ever do an editing timlapse of your gameplay pics? 💖💖
ahhhhh maybe!! probably in the future!
OMFG THAT’S RAD...i’ve literally only seen it once tho i’m fake
I'M SHOOK. my friend kinda asked me out and I wanna say yes but my parents won't let me date. I'm 18! I need your advice! -signed 18 and alone anon
Can you pretty please link some photoshop tutorials you recommend? I really want to make my photos more cinematic and like your's without totally copying you or someone else. All I do right now is sharpen, color balance, and add some noise and then resize. I really need some more ways to get better looking photos such as yours.
ahhhhh the problem is i don’t know of any i’m sorry...lmao this is totally unhelpful :\ i have my own editing tutorial which is outdated but can probably help you out with the basics of lighting effects and shading n stuff?
Heyyy, I saw that you answered a question about making a ps action like your reshade, and I just wanted to say that I would love that! Unfortunately Mac users like me, can’t use reshade unless boot camping Windows onto our computers...☹️ and your reshade is just soooo pretty...
i don’t know if i’ll be able to replicate the reshade effect totally but i could release the action i’ve made for myself? it warms up screenshots but is totally adjustable to your liking for different color tones so in that way it’s kinda similar to the reshade. i’ll seeeeee what i can do...i know the woes of mac users all too well, my friend
i just wanna give lou a big ol cozy hug :o((( pls
pls hug her she needs it.
Do you post on tumblr from your phome or from your computer? Just curious.
mostly from my computer, sometimes i answer messages on my phone while i’m out and you can tell because autocorrect actually makes me use proper capitalization for once in my life
how many hours have you played the sims? for me i have 4,070 hours. haha help
OMFG i think mine is like...900 or something...i can’t tell if that’s too much or too little, but it’s definitely inaccurate
if i could only look at one person's tumblr from now on it would be yours. ur literally the queen of tumblr #shookaf and also i really hope i die before you ever say ur leaving tumblr cause when u do, i will legit die and bury my own grave. i really appreciate u and hope one day i can be on ur level but rn im at level 1.5 while ur up in the millions :D
I’M SCREAMING PLEASE I AM A PLEB.............i cry u flatter me too much ;-; i genuinely hope i never leave this place because it’s been so fun and it’s helped me evolve so much as an artist and a writer, plus i made some of my greatest friends on here. so i hope that day never comes!! but who knows life is wild. anyway i’m sure you’re actually like at level 578 and are just being modest. it’s okay you don’t have to be humble
i think its so cool that you and wanderlust and other simmers use multiple worlds to make your own town and stuff. idk why but thats just so cool to me and i would have never thought of it. love your blog and story <3
omg!!! well i couldn’t resist, i love a bunch of them and can’t limit myself to just one ya know. plus the more i thought about it, the more my gen 2 story kinda centers around these kids from this one town and the town itself is very relevant. so i felt like i had to make my own!! and i’m very excited to get started with that hehe
I just met a guy named Rodrigo Santiago and I sCREAMED HOLY SHIT
Update (tho idk of you got the first one): I just got a text from a classmate named Rodrigo Santiago. I'm sCREECHING
no freaking way. there’s no way i don’t believe...i want proof...
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dont worry about posting this or do idc but i just wanted to say you should write about whatever you want and not care about whether people think you condone it or not. if i (a gay male) were to write about lesbians its not like im saying YOU HAVE TO BE LESBIANS BLAH BLAH BLAH you know what i mean? or if im writing about a robbery doesnt mean im like condoning robbery so like idk you do you boo and keep it coming ;D ilysm btw
OMFG no yeah i get it, i mean i think now especially in this online environment, people are hyper aware of Problematique things and so they’re a little too quick to point fingers without looking deeper than the surface. and whatever it’s fine people are always gonna be like that because people are mostly inherently judgmental, especially when it comes to consuming media. artists/writers face stuff like this all the time because people refuse to look past the surface, hence why works have gotten misconstrued all the time. but yeah i really appreciate this sentiment, thank u i love u
hope this isnt a weird question but what is the image size that u used for your character page?? thnk u 💕
omg it’s 300x300
have u listened to visions of gideon by sufjan stevens i was listening to it while reading ur stories and it made me so :(
oh my boy sufjan aka gianni’s personality claim i love him...and this song is :{ but i love even if it’s from the nasty age gap peach fucking movie
If i was married to Jamie and he treatin’ our daughter like that… oh I swear HES GOT TO GO!
it’s 2 am i’m so tired answering all of these i forgot who jaime was for a sec i was like um why are we talking about GoT anyways good night
how does alpha hair work with reshade? it seems so good in your screenshots and i’ve seen that in others screenshots it looks bad? whats the secret?
well good morning haha jk i never went to sleep anyway here u go
hooow do you make adorable toddlers in ts4?? teach me, gimme some advice please :(((
chubby cheeks! big eyes! small faces! little but plump lips! a good skin! dats all
how did u get ur sim onto the fire escapes?
ze teleporter mod, that’s it
I snickered at the, THE RETURN OF SANTI. Like I imagine it written in red horror lettering and santi just busts down the door and says ho ho ho im back bench, Did U miss me?
honestly i own a calendar and if i knew a definite date u already fucking kNOW it would be up there
ahhh im sorry for asking but im wondering how you find voice claims?? i'm looking for some for my sims, but it's tough to find one that's *right*, you know?? and your voice claims are great!! thank you <3
OMG voice claims are HARD, i literally just like “collect” them over time...i have a list in my phone of voices i like/may use in the future lmao, but try to think of actors or musicians and search interviews/movie or tv scenes with them speaking!!
i don't even read your story but i still follow you because i love your personality, sim style and just your whole entire tumblr
u follow me for ME? UM...what are u doing here...i’m so sorry (i love u...)
do you have a different reshade preset for flashback screenshots and for the present ones?
i do not!! i just edit differently
what happened to the honeycomb?
OMFG it’s still there...but we legit haven’t seen it since girooni’s wedding so um...it’s gonna have to get a makeover. i’m gonna do it when girooni come back home so i can finally show rupi working there like...wow...she deserves to be seen
lou's dad is the biggest asshole and i am waiting for the day that bitch dies
us when he dies
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shit theory: caroline goes to find and confront cillian about what he did in teen lou timeline. care ends up forming a crush on cillian and goes back to meet him several more times, but cillian ends up liking lou more which makes caroline jealous. and that's why they don't speak currently, 'cause cillian ruined lou's life in more ways than one.
uM holy fuck that’s all i got to say
pls tell me that Caro killed the dude that choked Lou (or beat his ass)
god i hope so !
how many people do you follow? are you “strict” with who you follow?
i follow 264 people and yeah i’ve gotten a bit stricter with it just cause like...i only want to follow people whose content i truly care about/will actually notice on my dash
would you ever do a sim dump?
probably in the future, it seems like people want more male and female sims from me SO
ramona got some moves tf
the girl is out here bobbing to the chicken dance like nobody’s business
have u seen the end of the fucking world? if u did what are your #thots
UM......................i watched the first episode ‘cause i heard so much about it and um.............................it was so bad OMFG i hated it. way too edgy for me. completely missed the mark. not into it at all. hard pass
HOPEFULLY ezra will follow through with that and i don’t necessarily mean in a romantic way but like...as her new roommate MAYBE he will be a blessing we can HOPE
I'm not sure if you've been asked this or not, but your poses are so good and I was wondering if you have ever considered making a pose pack? Sorry if this came off as rude! I love your posts!
i will probably in the future!! but first i gotta figure out which ones i’d actually include
okay so this is random but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your sims stories. Everything is so perfect and I'm forever shook because I can't believe the "sets" you use are actually the game. Your sims are so fleshed out and you are a huge inspiration to me. Anyways sorry if this was weird but I'm like obsessed with ur blog. bYe
AJHSDHJFSD THANK YOU!!!!!!! yes somehow we work miracles into this game can u believe it...ahh but thank you so much, it means everything that i would inspire you in any way...like what...omg
Santi is actually standing outside present Lou’s apartment wondering where the fuck he went wrong
he’s been there for 6 months just on the street standing there please someone let him in .
there it is fellas. this message is sooooo old i’m so bad
Have you read/heard of The Lunar Chronicles
i have not!! but i’ll jot it down!
I was wondering if you’ve ever had any problems with skins? For me some on the palm side of the hand it’s noticeably darker than what the skin is supposed to be.. like the rest comes out find but the hands are darker.
hmm...that’s weird, i haven’t seen that. i think it probably depends on the skin? or maybe your sim detail settings?
santi my daddy, honeybodies my mommy, lou looking like a cutie when she saw dat tiny puppy. my name is rappin anon, and i just wanted to say, ur are my favorite simblr basically saving my day. rappin anon OUT
o...my god
i love u
i love u...
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lepus-arcticus · 7 years
how did you begin writing as a career? like what are the steps you took?
I’m gonna put this under a cut, because it turned out to be long as hell. Sorry to everyone on mobile! 
1. Pursue an absolutely useless, albeit interesting, post-secondary education
2. Watch as all your friends get their lives together while you’re still studying ancient literary Tibetan to round out your religious studies minor
3. Graduate, and instead of pursuing your masters degree, as was the original plan, get hired to host community groups at your local orchestra4. Fight with musicians and colleagues. Cry all the time at work. Dream about burning the concert hall down every day. Dream about jumping out of the window. Take up smoking in secret. Gain a really unhealthy amount of weight. Do this for around three years5. Begin writing a blog during this time, because you want to be admired from a distance without having to emotionally engage with anyone on an interpersonal level and blogging is a Great Way to Do That6. Become really obsessed with the image you project to the world and obsessively curate your instagram feed and your tumblr blog. Which will kind of work for a while7. Take a few writing classes and actually begin to fall in love with authentic storytelling instead of just aping popular bloggers. Somehow convince your writing instructor to actively mentor you in exchange for headshots and other photography services. Accidentally become really good friends8. Actually begin to start being vulnerable and honest and trusting your own voice. Be surprised when people really respond to that. Grow your blog readership past anything you felt you were capable of. 9. Get an upwork account and start blogging for other people, even though upwork is terrible. 10. But hey now you have a bit of a portfolio and relationships with employers! Pitch a few stories to magazines and blogs. Annoy an editor you like for almost a year until they finally cave and let you write an article for their popular publication. This is supposed to be your ‘big break’, and you will spend weeks utterly disappointed and pissy and petulant when money and fame and consistent work don’t fall into your lap once the initial thrill of it is over11. Work and write for free a lot of the time, even though you know you shouldn’t, because if you have to work in that windowless, ghost-ridden concert hall for very much longer you’re going to Lose It. Work all day and then come home and work all night. Try to soothe pissed-off friends who miss you12. Get married to someone who is generous and kind and self-sacrificing and offers to financially support you while you get your shit together because they want to see you happy and thriving and doing something that fulfills you13. Save every penny for six months. Quit your arts job. Quit smoking. Endure countless eyerolls and concerned messages from friends and family. Endure poorly-veiled ridicule from former colleagues. Get called a housewife a lot14. Make only enough money in the first year of freelancing to cover your cell phone bill and your student loan payments. Rely on your partner for rent and groceries. Don’t go on vacation, don’t go out with friends, don’t buy any clothing or books or non-essentials for a very long time. No more 7 dollar bath bombs from Lush. Constantly second-guess yourself. Watch your friends and siblings buy houses and have babies while you get paid $0.43 to figure out 10 ways to eat almond butter15. Say yes to things even though you’re scared shitless and constantly battling impostor syndrome. Fail a lot. Win sometimes. Pretend you’re a functioning adult in your professional emails. Get really nice business cards (I mean it). Start to make enough money to begin to contribute to the household expenses again. Build relationships with editors, do your best work always, keep regular office hours, guard your down time, write fanfic and teach workshops to keep yourself sane. Take the boring and scary and mundane assignments along with the fun and easy and exciting ones. I’m still figuring things out, obviously. Writing for a living is anything but glamorous or cool - people think it’s easy, and they underestimate how hard I work, how punishing it can be. They think I sit at home on my ass eating bonbons while my husband goes out and works all day. They attribute what success I do have to talent, instead of hard work and perseverance. I just spent probably around 15 hours researching and writing an article I’m getting paid $50 for. My carpal tunnel syndrome is brutal. But it’s all totally worth it to do something that I actually enjoy doing, and to do it on my own terms. If you wanna DM me, I’d be happy to answer any specific questions or just chat about writing in general! 
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fatal-blow · 7 years
I got tagged by @protectignisscientia (WHY DID YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME I’M NEVER GOING TO REMEMBER THAT) so let’s do thIS
Name/nickname: Fatal, Flatal, Lataf, Faefae, various forms of Fatal, basically
Gender: Enby
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 5′3″
Hogwarts House: Uh i’ve never really done the quiz but i’m prolly a Ravenclaw
Favorite animal: cat
Hours of sleep: 9-10, depending if I work the next morning or not
Dogs or cats: cat!
Number of blankets: 1 in the summer and 2-3 in the winter
Dream trip: I wanna go back to the East Coast my body didn’t hurt as much and there was an ocean :(
Dream job: Writer
Time: 8:57p...idk my own timezone on a good day sorry lol
Birthday: August 28th
Favorite Bands: Pentatonix, SUPERFRUIT
Favorite Solo Artists: Panic! At the Disco, Lindsey Stirling, Marina and the Diamonds
Song Stuck In My Head: I’m listening to Killer by The Ready Set rn if that counts
Last Movie I watched: Thor Ragnarok.....it Good....
Last Show I Watched: I was half watched Supernatural when my dad put it on but the last show I actually paid attention to?? prolly Lucifer
When Did I Create My Blog: shrugg like 3 years ago now i think?? almost exactly cus i remember i made it in the fall
What Do I Post/Reblog: uhhh lot of art, fandom related and otherwise, art ref, writing ref, my own art, my bitching, and just talking about my stories in general
Last Thing I Googled: the oh hellos soldier poet king lyrics
Other Blogs: @writers-all-around and @inspodevils the first is to reblog resources for authors and also their work so it gets more exposure and the second is a personal blog where i reblog cool stuff that i might wanna use in stories or something
Do I Get Asks: uhh yeah occasionally but usually only if i bitch at people to talk to me lol which is a shame cus i love answering asks
Why I Chose My URL: uhh idk i’ve been Fatal_Blow for as long as i can remember and i chose that cus it sounded cool
Following: 92, gotta prune that number a lil
Followers: 506, and i try to block all porn bots so it’s actually p accurate?
Lucky Number: 72
Favorite Instrument: Piano and violin.  I don’t play tho
What Am I Wearing: uhh brown sweats, white socks, my Gay Agenda shirt, and two sweaters, one orange and one grey
Favorite Food: pasta..
Nationality: Canada
Favorite Song: uhh like...idk the songs i’ve been putting on repeat are Guy.exe by SUPERFRUIT and Leave the Light On by Tom Walker (which are two very different songs and tell you a lot about my musical preferences)
Last Book Read: my...own...  if that doesn’t count then i recently read Yellowfang’s Secret and it was awful don’t read it
Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: uhh besides my own? Pokemon,,,, and that’s it the others are too scary
uh i’m supposed to tag people so...mutuals...  @kaligulas @cognitioncorsair @tombstonescreak @g-g-freak @toastyhat uh if i missed you i’m so sorry my memory is shit it doesn’t mean i don’t love you tho <3
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dilfhakyeon-moved · 5 years
yO i was abt to write to you abt the new modc ep (what's going on with the weird cuts at the beginning jcbjfbjb im crying) but i saw your post so!!!! tell me abt your dream bro i wanna hear abt it!!!!!! -✨
OH I HAVENT SEEN IT YET RIGHT I FORGOT IT CAME OUT TODAY!!! Let me watch it then we can talk abt it !!
And well my dream is pp long so bear w me 😔 i don't have the 'read more' function on mobile so i apologise in advance for everyone who comes across this !! I'll edit the 'read more' into it when I can 😊 ( i hav edited it hehehehe )
SO . actually there are several parts to this dream and I woke up between the first two parts but ... YEA.
At first I was home but a cat had gotten inside my house, I already had two cats ( my current cat and the one that will have died one year ago exactly tomorrow... yes five days after my birthday december is a cursed month for me. but if u wanna know abt him just search 'tchoupi' on my blog ) and I don't think my girl was okay w that new cat ? also new cat looked wonky sjhsjsh ? I wasn't sure abt its behaviour bc it seemed like it cld get irritated fast. In the end my mother told me to throw it out so I did against my will but when I saw it walk away... it had a missing leg.... I was like oh shit dude no come back... so I went and opened the front door and it came back running !!! I couldn't leave it like that w/o food if it already was incapacitated in a way. so that was my new cat. everything ends well ( I'm pp sure I forgot a part of that part but it's not the one I'm interested in )
SECOND PART... THE CÅSTLË. i was in a castle that was more medieval than renaissance styled or whatever the fuck i didnt study architecture but yes this. it had a courtyard with a fountain and that courtyard had a beautiful view on The Unknown ( aka fields and forests and stuff yknow just. The view ) but there were also bridges ( not the rock kind the "we use it in movies to make a character dramatically fall after the villain cut the rope" kind ) and little paths to go to The Unknown. there was a built-in church ( not a christian but i guess that was a smart choice given most attendees were fire emblem characters and they were definitely christians ) and also stables i guess ? but the front stables were empty and i didn't get to see the actual stables. the front stables had a pathway going around them ( there was a front stable on the left and on the right, with the courtyard being a little pushed back ? like if you left the end of the stable pathway you were already past the courtyard )
so now picture all ot this but suddenly the sky is super dark and everything is grim and gloomy. like a typical halloween movie. everything that was neat feels now worn out and the pathways are definitely scary, nobody wants to go there !
i was looking for my friends ( aka mercedes from fire emblem three houses ) but somehow couldn't find them, a fight broke out between ingrid and annette ( also fire emblem three houses ) and i don't like rich horse girls nor do i like racists so i was about to beat ingrid's ass. this big dude comes in and threatens me so i scold him and he and ingrid both go away. i win. i talk to more people but they're all acting weird except annette i guess. whatever weirdos i'm out
next i keep looking, but now i'm not alone - i'm not sure of whether it's a real presence or just a spirit until the end of this sequence where this boy tells me where to go and what to do to fix things a little, so i go into both stable pathways and end up being possessed twice ( demonic possession isn't as bad as they tell you i turned out fine ) so when the boy tells me where to go next i'm like "are we getting possessed a third time ?" he chuckles. ( i am gay so that was cute )
but we don't get any time to do that third thing ! we get out of the pathways and everyone is planning to go fight whatever is beyond The Unknown ! i look at the boy and awake me now pictures him as kraam from the stranded. cool i have a nice partner in crime i'm okay with that. the others leave, there's a lot of them but a second group is getting ready ! so kraam-but-not-quite grabs my arm firmly but like he doesn't hurt me or anything and we start going into The Unknown as well. im like hey wtf do we do now. and he tells me oh these two groups are going mad that couldn't be us let's go find the stray kids ( awake me now realises this is ~cringe~ but dream me was like whoa a solitary group of ppl who fight bigger evils ! BC YES THAT WAS WHAT SKZ WERE DOING IN THIS DREAM but i never met them ) so we can join forces w them and defeat these ppl. i look back. i see the second group from afar bc they have torches. im like wow this is like beauty and the beast.
something happens, idk what, but kraam starts running ! i'm a slow runner so i thought oh fuck not again but i ran after him anyway, the next bit is us running through a sort of jungle ( the sky is clear again ) and like its CRAZY i fucking loved that bit bc WOO ADVENTURE !! ( im a sagittarius )
then we slip between two trees' leaves and end up in a facility. we keep running bc if we stay there We Will Die. suddenly i am slowed down ( which leads me to believe before that he was holding my wrist but released my wrist when he slipped between the trees ) but he checks on me which i appreciate because that means he would rather die with me than survive without me, romance luv
his father ! the bastard. tries to kiss me in front of his mother. im like lmao dude thats disgusting die n go to catholic hell. i push him away and tell him off, he gets pissed but i cant go look for kraam bc his brothers r telling me abt how we're gonna go on a road trip. im like ? the world is abt to end tho ? but apparently my dream rly wanted a drama plot so fine.
his brothers have, allegedly, caught on to an alleged potential relationship between us. no im not gonna complain abt it im lonely and sad and gay so my dream fills in for me. theyre talking abt how theres not enough room for all of us in the van unless i sit on kraam for the trip but they ( specifically the one brother who oddly reminds me of dbk rain ) somehow make it into a sexual joke ? being me tho i didnt get it KSBSKDH... they were like talking abt legs ?? i remember it was abt how it wouldnt work with smth with four legs 'unless i could go with three' and like i dont even know what the hell that was supposed to mean we're talking abt a van not a horse ygwim ?
idk if i woke up after that but my brain did picture both me complaining to kraam abt his dad doing that and him getting quietly angry and just telling me to not come close to him again just in case hed try it again AND the beginning of the 'road trip' where i was indeed using kraam as a seat. and i was sleeping bc idk maybe i was tired from the running ! i hope my next dream is the continuation bc boy that was a whole drama episode
also i gave up and started calling him just kraam but it wasnt kraam ofc he just had kraams face from what i remember ! but he wasnt kraam at all
0 notes
Question Tag
Thanks @softlysweetlystan for tagging me 
1. Are you named after someone?
After Aphrodite(goddess of love and beauty lol that’s fucking lie), all my sisters have ‘A’ names that end with ‘elle’
2. Time you cried?
Had a vivid, almost realistic feeling dream where a boat was sinking like the titanic, but instead of my family and I running out, we all just hugged and died together (like the old couple in the movie)
3. Do you like your handwriting?
When I try hard hell yeah it’s nice, I write in cursive, unilke alot of my peers. When im in a hurry/dont wanna try, bitch I cant even read it. One time a guy told me “you look like your writing the declaration of independence”
4. What’s your favorite lunch meat?
Chicken? idk thats a weird question tho
5. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I guess. I like to think of myself as very sarcastic and joke alot, but I make sure to never step over the boundaries (for example: the “roast” thing people do, I NEVER mention something  that could be a person’s actual insecurity, instead I call them stupid or something like that)
6. Do you use sarcasm?
I wouldn't use it for people I dont know well, because it could be intense; but when I do know you well, then might as well rename myself as “sarcasm”. I use a shit ton of sarcasm in my post too
7. Do you have your tonsils?
8. Would you bungee jump?
Hell nah one time I rode this one roller coaster that was just a series of ups and downs ONLY and at the end my family was telling me I had purple dots all over my pink face, I guess i couldn't take it and it cut off my oxygen? So when ever I ride a roller coaster I make sure there is no intense drop. (bungee jumping is prob just like that feeling)
9. What is your favorite kind of cereal?
Rice crispy, and frosted  flakes
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take off your shoes?
My shoes are perfectly tied so I can take them off and put them on, but they still stay snug
11. Do you think you’re a strong person?
Im very sensitive when it comes to certain words (about my insecurities) other than that I could say I’m pretty strong. I’m physically strong?
12. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
coffee,strawberry, cotton candy,vanilla bean etc.
13. What is the first thing you notice about people?
facial structure, and then personality 
14. Red or pink?
red, a deep red
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
no shoes,black spanks
17. What was the last thing you ate?
I ate a tomato omelet  and a mango
18. What are you listening to right now?
Seventeen’s AI1 album and myself breathing
19. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
A very dark blue (kinda like my blog background)
20. Favorite smell?
citrus body soap and FUCKING MINT
21. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
my fatha
22. Favorite sport to watch?
I like being in and watching a live Volleyball game , I dont watch it from the tv
23. Hair color?
black, hints of brown
24. Eye color?
black as my soul
25. Do you wear contacts?
26. Favorite food to eat?
egg, steak, everything?
27. Scary movie or comedy?
I LOVE watching scary movies with people, cant do it alone tho.
28. Last movie you watched?
Train to Busan 
29. What color of shirt are you wearing?
grey with white pattern
30. Summer or winter?
Winter; the cold is a blessing you can add as many layers and as for the summer- BITCH you cant take off your skin can you? (I mean you can try...)
31. Hugs or kisses?
 hugs make me uncomfortable if not done right/done too long and kisses are weird to me
32. What book are you currently reading?
it’s summer babe, book who?
33. Who do you miss right now?
my friend; she coming over later tho
34. What is on your mouse pad?
35. What is the last program you watched?
man vs.food, playfull kiss
36. What is the best sound?
Rain/thunder, tapping of SVT’s feet during choreo vids (esp aju nice), sound of the guy you like’s voice
37. Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
dont listen to em, I’m a piece of shit
38. What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
‘Merica to half way across the world
39.Do you have a special talent?
Art, singing, editing?
40. Where were you born?
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mathtc · 7 years
TC May Challenge 1-22
Since I missed the first 22 day and I really don’t wanna get out of bed rn
Day 1 – Have you ever said something embarrassing to/in front of your TC?
Yeah. I think one time he said sth about proposal and I screamed someone proposed here?! It sounds normal now but I swear I sounded like a little fangirl. My rights to speak should be taken away.
 Day 2 – When did your TC start teaching you? Does he/she still teach you?
Yes. Two years ago.
 Day 3 – Do you know anything about your TC’s childhood/youth?
I know where he went to school? Oh and his middle school pic. Thank you Jesus. 
Day 4 – Describe your TC’s eyes.
Day 5 – What’s your favourite outfit on him/her?
 Blue t shirt
Day 6 – How do you try to impress your TC?
I usually tried hard in studying, not only in his subject. I make jokes?? 
Day 7 – Describe what you think your wedding would look like. What are you both wearing? Who’s invited? What’s for dinner?
OH WOW this question. Actually haven’t given thoughts on this. But I will now! Probably simple, in a church, closest friends and relatives are invited only. 
 Day 8 – Have you ever caught him/her staring at you? How did you react?
Yeah. When we were having a work lesson. He awkward smiled after I caught him. I think he might be in a middle of a thought or something. I won’t read too much into staring. 
Day 9 – If you would buy your TC socks, what would your chosen ones look like?
I’m gonna buy one with periodic table on it. He hates chem as much as I hate socks. 
Day 10 – If he/she visited your family for any reason and you’d have to cook, what would you cook?
I’m not great at cooking. I’ll have to look up something real simple. 
Day 11 – If you lived together, would you rather have kids or pets with him/her?
Kids. He like kids. I like kids. Enough said. 
Day 12 – What is your opinion on age gap relationships? Do you think a certain age gap isn’t good anymore?
I was against this before this tc shit. Now there’s more insight on this. I think being with someone older is no difference than being with someone that is your age. We are all human after all. 
Day 13 – What would you do if a friend told you she had a crush on your TC?
My friend does actually. We get along real good. Again, it’s nice to share and talk this w somebody openly. 
Day 14 – Do you know when your TC’s birthday is? How old is he/she?
Yes. I said happy birthday to him. 30ish, privacy reasons. 
Day 15 – What would you do if he/she found your blog, knew it was about him/her but he/she was still trying to figure out whose blog it is?
Hahah I think he would know. Too much hints and too much exposures. I would be chill about it. But again, I’m graduating so. 
Day 16 – If you were on a class trip with your TC and a friend of yours wasn’t feeling well in the middle of the night, would you be the one to knock on your TC’s door loudly and wake him/her? Would the sight of his/her sleepy face and pajamas be worth standing there in your own pajamas and with your sleepy face?
AHAHAH FK YEAH. This is a bad decision btw. But I think with my impulse so this is definitely something I would do. And no it would not be worth it, that’s why it’s a bad decision. 
Day 17 – Can you remember what happened in the last dream you had about your TC?
I think I had a dream about him last night?? Forgot what happened tho. There was a dream that we just hanged out. It was nice :)
 Day 18 – Has your TC ever had a conversation about you with your parents? If yes, what did he/she say?
 Yeah, he chatted with my hose parents. It was a nice convo. He said something like oh she’s a nice student, she’s smart. My host dad later told me “wow that is one young teacher.”
Day 19 – Think of a song that reminds you of your TC and tell us your favourite line from it.
OMG. Um I guess the most famous one here in Tumblr is TALK ME DOWN.
My other friend who also has a crush on him discussed this a lot in the car actually. Any songs came up. Not all are innocent. 
Day 20 – What was the best mark you had in one of your TC’s tests? Did he/she say something to you about it/write something on it?
It’s a hard class, he usually gives a curve and I am usually the one who sets it. So you get it.
He usually write “Nice!” besides it. Btw he gives comments on tests, they usually sounds angry in a way, it’s really funny. 
Day 21 – Have you ever stalked your TC online? If yes, what did you find? If no: do it and tell us what you find, it’s fun!
Guilty. I know a lot. Way too much tbh. His house, his phone #, his middle school, high school, place where he brother works, where he brother graduate, house he lived in when he is a kid, review packets he wrote 5 years ago.
Internet is a very very scary place. Be careful kids. 
Day 22 – Does your TC come to school by car/tram/bus? Car: Do you know what car he has? Tram/bus: If you come by tram/bus as well, have you ever seen him at the station or on the vehicle? Did you talk to him?
Car. Yes I do. There’s a funny story relating to this car things too.
There’s one time I saw him on the car. I waved he waved back.
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angel-nero · 7 years
I was tagged by @wonderseverythingabove @glaspaladin and @kageyama-tobiyo sorta idk
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag


mints/halls (i drink too much Coke to be eating mints and I bought two packages and… oh god)
Five Things In My Bedroom:
huge ass scary wardrobe
clothes everywhere
a lot of lamps cus I like to draw and I am super blind.
no posters cus they never keep there. old 14 years old me wasnt happy about it 
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life:
play piano
learn more languages
travel a lot

dance ballet
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
art supplies
good education
my dog! Fuck! I love my dog!
buying things I want
Five Things On My To-Do List:
enter uni

study for uni
laundry yeah same
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
I get anxious a motherfucking lot about everything and no one irl knows besides my bffs. And family last year.
I eat a lot but can’t win weight and i am super skinny and look sick all the fucking time but…..
I might actually be v sick lmao. Im doing studies rn 
apparently I have french accent LMAO 🤠💦 some mx pals even asked me if I’m french and im like???? No??? i just cant focken speak right, okay? 
Im a coastal who doesnt likes seafood and old ppl constantly tell me shit about how i am missing the joy of life or how i am actually not a resident. yea, u rite, i am an alien 
Name?: Gabriela
Nicknames?: Bowie in school 🤠💦 gab, gabs, babe (gabe), uh, gabalooney toones? Idk dawn is nuts. dont call me gaby pls that's my mom 
Zodiac?: aries, constantly annoyed and an annoyance
Sexual Orientation?: Fuck this question honestly
Ethnicity?: mexican/Spanish but born in México, you get? Mexican
Favorite Fruit?: grapes
Favorite Season?: Summer. im a sucker for summer, find me in the beach, its too fucking hot so everyone wants to die
Favorite Flower?: idk i dont frikin care leave them alone
Favorite Scent?: scents that ain’t too strong. I rather breathe fresh air for all my life cus sometimes, no matter what smell, get me nervous 🤠💦 just… never food. any food
Favorite Animal?: all animals are cute I don’t play favorites
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: Hot chocolate even if it kills me. then coffee and kill tea. The only i’ve had is fuze tea lmao. tea i believe is fucking bad in here and this city is too hot to actually care. i love frappes
Cat or dog?: dogs
Dream Trip?: idk, bex’s ufo spots is actually a good one but i wouldn’t like to go to merica. Also… i wanna go to yucatán and see the place where the meteorito crashed and killed the fucking dinosaurs. and i think yucatán has a beach w pink water!!!! but nvm i checked and apparently you cant see shit. just take me somewhere idc
Number of Followers?: never will tell u
What do I post about?: i have two blogs. I used to post Queen/beatles pics and gifs and shitposts. In this one i was sooo quiet for like, 2 and a half years, I barely followed anyone and stopped entering once cus all i saw was su and v0ltr0n i was so lost in my dash 🤠💦 came back this year and its good 😎 and…… idk just texts i tag under bullshit.txt if u wanna block em. i wont b posting jaaaackshit
Do I get asks on a regular basis?: blep? Sometimes. I laugh cus when I was so quiet I answered em all on private. Look, that experience is fuckin hilarious to me cus i didnt have hopes of the anime fandoms or whatever   
Favorite Band?: queen. But i love a lot of music bruh. Queen was my first fav band so shut the fuck up and eat dirt if you say something
Aesthetic?: bleeeh bleh bleeeh bru the sun, keith, the desert, the beach, the sky, the universe, fight club and trainspotting, big buildings, parties, cool stories, me dyin
Fictional Character I’d Date?:  Eren 🤠💦. Listen…. I love him, and i knew about him when we were both 15… it’s special….. and now we are both 19….. and we’re so alike. I picked him so we could b friends actually he a little motherfuck
Hogwarts House?: gryffindor 
Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses (all the fucking time)
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined (i didnt even kno about this i checked a birthday pics w my friends and i had a croptop an suddenly i had abs. its from laughing probably)
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well (my throat is super fucked fam i barely can speak :/)
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling 
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports (bleeh sometimes)
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship (almost v close actually)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close at my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (axayactl but its easy tho and whe called him axa!)
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life (yah whatever who care)
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
i dont kno who to tag, idk who is down for this lm but if you see this and wanna do it…………… bbbbleaaassseeeee consider yourselfie tagged ily we dont have to b mutuals. tag me tho so i can read it!!!!!!!! i‘d love to 
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djrelentless · 7 years
“2014...Friend Or Foe?”
December 23, 2014 at 3:08pm
Well, another year has come and gone. And what can be said about the year that bought usThe Ice Bucket Challenge, Lumberjack Beards and The Battle of Celebrity Silicone Parts. 2014 cemented history for some and unraveled it for others. We watched the product of racism grow into an epidemic of police brutality and learned a lot more about ourselves than we wanted to know. So, let's jump right in and do a recap!
I can't think of anyone else who deserves this cover more than President Obama.
Politics is one of those subjects that we are told never to discuss at a dinner party, but this year I don't think any of us could escape this topic. In the United States, President Obamahad a roller coaster ride that I don't think any otter president has ever had to face. His uphill battle with the Republicans just got nastier as they continued to be "The Party Of No". It amazed me that their hatred for the first Black President would drive them to put in place rezoning laws to secure the elections later in the year. Republicans cunningly said "no" to many ideas just to later blame Obama for things not getting done. This hatred and racism would spill into other areas later in the year.
Here in Toronto, we started out the year with Mayor Rob Ford being defiant by not stepping down after admitting that he smoked crack on The Jimmy Kimmel Show. His arrogance would make him believe that he would win the next election. But as my grandmother used to say….."God don't like ugly (and he ain't too fond of pretty either)." Health issues would eventually take him out of the mayoral race and have his brother take his place in the running. But the good folks with common sense had the good taste of send the message to the Ford brothers that they are not welcomed in City Hall anymore. And although the gay community were really hoping that Olivia Chow would have been our next mayor, the inner core of downtown could not out voted the conservative suburbs and John Tory was voted in.
It was really interesting to watch the blogs and twitter-sphere talk about what was going to happen and what should have happened. I was surprised to see how many conservative acquaintances I had on my facebook friends list. I even had someone in my circle who is super-gay and a Ann Coultier fan. Talk about a walking contradiction…..I mean….who knew we had gay republicans in Canada? And one of my favorite things (….this is sarcasm), is watching some Canadians who only know what is sensationalized on the internet and on TV talk and post about life in the states. As if what they read or heard is the only life for Americans. Everyone has guns, everyone voted Bush in office in both elections and all Americans are stupid. That's no different than the Americans who think Canadians live in igloos and say "a-boot". I guess that's why many Canadians believe that the racial problems that happen in the states are not here in their own backyard. I often joke with my husband that I now know why Canadians get mugged and shot in The Big Apple. They go in with preconceived notions and carry their Canadian philosophies with them when traveling (like walking directly behind New Yorkers instead of giving a little breathing space while walking down the street…..definitely a good way to get shot or at least cursed out).
2014 could be described as history repeating itself. With the re-election of President Obama came more racial divide in the world. Remember….what happens over here effects over there. In his first term, the Republicans accused him of going on an Apology Tourthrough Europe. But Obama realized that in order to fix the US's standing in Europe, he had to repair relationships. Recently he began speaking about fixing things with Cuba. As an American (especially from Florida), I was surprised when I came to Canada and saw commercials for vacationing in Havana. This would never happen in the states. But with the Democrats' big loss in the Senate election this year, Obama lost any power in Congress. And try as he might to reach out to work with the Republicans……they are not having it.
The Ebola Crisis, Russia, North Korea, the Israeli-Palestine Conflict, the missing Malaysia aircraft, Healthcare Enrollment, "The Interview"……..whatever Obama said or did was not good enough or was not soon enough. But I guess the Republicans were not counting on him to remain so level-headed. Just once I wanted him to explode and show full anger for all the shit that he has had to endure as the first Black President. But he knows that he has to remain focused and stay on course. When it is all said in done after he leaves office, his legacy will out live the assholes who tried to sabotage him every step of the way. Let's just hope that Hillary Clinton really does throw her hat in the ring for the 2016 election (I wanna see the US make history again as Bill Clinton becomes the First Husband). So far, the Republicans have not presented a viable candidate.
Unfortunately for Obama, his presidency has brought up the old "Jim Crow" mentality. Just as the US took two steps forward, bias crimes and hatred slowly started to rise and knocked us four steps back. We are still recovering from the Zimmerman Verdict. Paula Deen andDuck Dynasty are still on the air (and I just got back from a trip to Florida where I was surprised by how many Redneck reality shows are in production). Chick-fil-a became the fast-food headquarters for homophobia while some gays tried to turn the situation into black people and the n-word situation nothing changed.
In July, I heard a report about a mentally challenged black man named Milton Hall being shot 46 times in Detroit. And then we watched on YouTube as Eric Garner died in a police choke hold because it was believed that he was selling loose cigarettes (known as a "lousy" on the streets) on Staten Island. Shortly after that came the news of Michael Brown being shot and left in the street in Ferguson. The  reports of 12 year old Tamir Rice being shot and killed by police in Cleveland left me stunned. Earlier in February, I wrote a blog called"Hunting Season Is Open In The U.S." which talked about the rise of hate crimes against black youth. Little did I know that this blog would become a prelude to a summer of killings by the police. And all of these shootings would open a huge debate about what is excessive force. Of course we want to support the law enforcement officers who are really out there to protect our communities, but something has to be done about the percentage of cops who are hunting down people of color while the judicial system seems to not be holding them accountable. Yes….there are bad people and bad cops. Out of all the names I mentioned above, there were no cigarettes found on Eric Garner. The rest had probable cause to be stopped…..but not killed.
And while the internet can be the perfect place to see the world and learn new things, it can also be the breeding ground for hate and misinformation. It's scary to think what and who is lurking behind the keyboards out there. Agendas to start a race war and spread propaganda is at every turn. Folks writing sensational articles and blogs to get hits to their sites (without regard for who they hurt or discredit). For every positive article or blog there are probably hundreds to counteract that message. And unfortunately, many people don't check the sources or credibility of these sites and articles and then just accept them as truth. Look before you leap, people.
With the rise of cyber-bullying, teen suicide is slowly becoming common place. Many deaths happened in 2014 (including the death of Bill Cosby's image). And although we lost quite a few celebrities and icons this year (Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Robin Williams, Joan Rivers, Jan Hooks, Maya Angelou, Ruby Dee, Casey Kasem, Shirley Temple) there was one particular non-celebrity death that struck me really hard. It was the suicide of 16 year old Sergio Urrego. His story really got me because he did not kill himself because of bullying by classmates. No…he killed himself because of the faculty at his Catholic School in Colombia found a photo on his cellphone of him kissing his boyfriend and began harassing them both. Forcing the boyfriend to out himself to his parents about his sexuality then forcing him out of the school. Then they went as far as not releasing Sergio's records so he could not transfer to another school. The poor child posted the lyrics and the YouTube clip of Pink Floyd's "Goodbye Cruel World" on his facebook page on August 4th and then killed himself.
This is the danger of allowing religion into politics. People kill in the name of religion. And now people are killing themselves because of religion. And with idiots like Andrew Caldwellproclaiming that he is not gay no more and dancing around with the holy spirit on YouTube, it's hard to believe that in this same year Pope Francis in the vatican declared that "homosexuals need to be welcomed…..and have gifts and qualities to offer the Christian community." But the majority of black churches are not following the Pope's words. In the communities of color, there remains homophobia (which is completely silly because there are plenty of gay people in the church). When will everyone understand that we are not free until everyone is free. It is hard to break down the years of institutionalized hatred, racism and homophobia. We must first look at ourselves and ask the question…."how would I like to be treated?"
Another topic that has risen since the summer is the appropriation of Black Culture. One of the great things about the United States is the concept of making something out of nothing. Ideas being turned into reality fuel the imagination and the economy. So, the concept of Hip Hop and Ballroom Culture being repackaged and marketing under white artists has come under fire. Since the Eric Garner choke hold, many of the black community have asked where is the outrage from folks like Miley Cyrus, Robin Thicke, Justin Timberlake, & Iggy Azalea. And it seems that since Iggy's sales have been through the roof and she has been deemed the new Elvis of Urban Music, she has been the subject of complaints. Rivals Nicki Minaj and Azealia Banks have voiced their distain for the gal from down under. Because I am leery of most things I read nowadays on the internet, I don't know what to believe about Iggy. I like her music and her flow, but is she really stealing thunder from other black artists? I mean….Kendrick Lamar seems to have moved on since the Grammy's. And it's funny that we haven't heard very much from Macklemore since all his accolades. The argument is that "everybody wants to be black to sell records", but when it comes down to actually being down for the cause of fighting for justice no one is around. Don't use our music and culture for record sells and then turn your back on us when we need your voices as much as ever. And don't think because you adopt black children that it gives you card blanche to say the word "nigger"….I'm talking to you Madonna. Even though you are about to drop your new album, I haven't forgotten your Instagram comment on your son, Rocco back in January.
And the continuation of Ballroom Culture appropriation continues as many gay white men love to ki-ki and duck walk to RuPaul's "Sissy That Walk" (which is another kind of appropriation since Ru was never a Ballroom kid either). But the funny thing is watching"Paris Is Burning" and seeing all the appropriation of the 80s rich Republican Culture as they aspire to be all the things they watched on "Dynasty". And today's Kardashians don't help either. Getting rich off of poor people's lust for power and fame. So, who's wrong and who's right. Should we take this opportunity to adapt and accept each other's culture instead of pitting black women against white gay men? I mean….we can all be "Gone With The Wind Fabulous" if that's what we aspire to be. We are all guilty of admiring something about another race or culture. Some imitate it and others try to destroy it to make themselves look superior. Everyone wants to point the finger, but no one wants to look in the mirror.
So, as this year comes to a close I am grateful for a few things. One of the things I am most proud of for 2014 is that I received the 2013-2014 "Friends Of The Foundation Award"from the Toronto Peoples With AIDS Foundation for my fundraisers, POZ-TO andSUNDAY NIGHT FEVER. My husband and I have worked really hard to create a space for the HIV+ Community and raising awareness. My "HIV/AIDS IS EVERYONE'S BUSINESS" Campaign has brought a lot of people together to raise their voices in the fight. And we celebrated our second year anniversary of the POZ-TO event on World AIDS Day(December 1st). Another is the sense of community that rallied together to help me after my bicycle accident in October that left me with a fractured cheekbone and jaw accompanied with a chipped tooth. It was amazing to see how many people cared and came out to perform, donate and support me in my time of need. I am also grateful for reconnecting with my family. I know too many gay people who do not have the support of their biological family (and there is nothing wrong with our adopted family, but there is something really special about being connected to those who are in our blood line). And lastly, I am forever grateful for my loving husband, John Richard Allan. I have never met anyone who has understood me or supported me as much as this man. I am truly blessed.
I don't know what 2015 will hold. But I do know that our conversations and debates about justice and racism will probably be more intense until we change some laws and outlooks in the United States. I know that Bill Cosby needs to address all of the rape accusations against him. It's tough watching the death of another black man. I know that not all cops are bad. I know that not all black youth are bad. I know that shooting police officers just because they are cops is not going to help the solution of fixing what is wrong with the relationship between communities of color and the law enforcement. I know that there are still some good people out there who are working to make their immediate worlds better (and honestly….that's all we can do on a personal level). I know that if you can't see passed the bubble you live in, you are not gonna go very far in life. And as for me….I am looking forward to seeing what else I can do to make my immediate world a better place.
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
Here's to my start at @CollegeIsMyLife <3
Hi!! ♌
 My name is Laurunce Rosenthal and this is my first blog for my new job ayeeee. We have a loootttttt to cover so here we go. Wow I don’t think anyone, including myself, is ready for what’s about to be written. Here we fuckin go.
Okay let’s start from the start. I’m Laurunce, some know me as LJ some Laurunce, some call me names they make up like Lauren or Lawrence or LG or even shit like TJ like idk where we getting these letters from…but anyway that is me. I’m Laurunce. And you’ve probably never heard the name Laurunce before which is so lit for me because now I hope you never forget it. I’m the girl that’s going to make an impact on this world. Wanna know why? Because no one else is going to? “Oh LJ so many people are doing stuff for this world..” well my niqqa why aren’t you? Glad you just asked yourself that question I want you to ask yourself it again…and again… Ask yourself why you aren’t doing something for this world; some action to better this world. And if you are HELL YEAHHH glad you’re on the winning team. Now for people not doing anything positive for this world, or even worse doing stuff that NEGATIVELY IMPACTS our Earth, yuuuuuppp I’m calling you out bartards and litterers, and yep even you past LJ meanie gal. You were not a nice human in your past. Glad you woke up girl. Make some positive changes in this world people, we gotta do it not only for us, but for our children and grandchildren, and our grandchildren’s grandchildren. I’m doing this for you, my babies I hope to have. Obviously cannot predict the future, but my two beautiful baby girls, hopefully twins, if not the best of friend sisters: Summer Raine Rosenthal and Brooke Lynn Rosenthal. How cute omg cannot wait for these beautiful humans to enter the world Anyway back to start, we are going to stray off track a lot I feel like but it’s worth it to me because my ideas are all over the place but begging and pleading to be put onto this page, which will then transfer to your brains. This is my literal thought process running like a wild lion (where my Leos at?) through my brain, and leaving my fingertips to be available for your eyes to read and your soul to listen to. These are my lyrics on some platform, somewhere, wherever you are. And wherever you are I hope you are at home and at peace, because you are your own home. “You can’t make homes out of human beings, someone should have already told you that.” – Warsan Shire (my twitter bio for idk maybe the past 4 years), and as Porter Robinson said at the event that sparked this enlightenment of my soul, #OkeechobeeMusicFestival2017, “Every place you’ve ever imagined, it’s real. There is a fictional city in your mind and you know every corner of it. Your mind is a world, each of us is a place.” Do you understand why music is my new favorite drug? Lyrics and beats SPEAK TO ME.
How did this change all occur??? Well, I microdosed on LSD (microdosing is where you cut of a liiiitle piece and take that instead of dropping the whole tab) and my eyes were opened to the effects of drugs and how they can hinder such beautiful people and decided that is not the path I wish to be on anymore. If I can enjoy life without all the drugs and other influences I was under, why do I NEED them? That is not to say I am going to stop cold turkey, but I now know and trust my limits.  I was addicted to this fake feeling of satisfaction for however long my high lasted. Now I truthfully am high on life. I could sit here and type forever about the changes I am making in my life, but I will just show you all, and show myself, because it’s kinda counterproductive to brag (#NOMORENEGATIVITY) and try to explain how amazing it is to finally be happy in my own skin and with a new cleansed and refreshed soul. It’s the flesh I will be in for the rest of my years on this planet, so I should prob get comfy in it, and I encourage you to do the same, get comfy peeps it’s going to be a nice journey. And I am not here to scold you, because who am I to try and control your life, and who are you to try and control mine? I needed to take a drug to realize I don’t need them. I DROPPED a tab (tab = the acid for my family right now reading this going ‘huhhhh what’s a tab??!!!’) Anyway, I DROPPED a drug to realize I could DROP drugs, ahhhhh finally a big part of my life, “Double Entendre” which I hope to call this blog/the book I am going to write. There will be many of those DEs throughout this new blog. Wow I am excited. If you are reading this and it touches you in any way please share. I am just a New York girl trying to be successful, and there are many cliché stories like that, but who is to say I can’t be one of those cliché stories too? They usually have really awesome endings.
           So what am I going to do with this blog platform? I am going to change the world. Don’t believe me? Watch me. THE ONLY PERSONEVER STOPPING YOU, IS YOU. And I believe that about myself. At Okeechobee, a woman who looked JUST like my older sister Janeen, (Janeen you are one of my heroes, this one’s for you) approached me and said to me, “Watch who you hang out with.” and proceeded on her way. You will see throughout my blog I believe in Her, She, The Universe. She is Us it’s so weird and hard to explain but I’ll try…She is not a religion, She is not something we have to go praise every Sunday, or someone who we have to fear, She is within and among us, trying to guide us on our life’s journey so we can experience all the necessary experiences we have to go through in order to become our true selves. I believe in Astrology a crazy amount, and I’m no expert, but I am learning. And I believe She chose me to be a Leo, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio for a reason. (Find your Natal Chart here, it will unlock so many secrets to your life. It very well may be exactly what you need to read in your life right now to start your enlightenment, http://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php. ) If you look up my signs you will learn a lot about me, which if you aren’t interested you don’t obviously have to but you’ll learn more about me than you could imagine. Here’s a video (https://youtu.be/ymmq1E37sJQ?list=PLGn9j5IRilElxuRGQz0Voy7JEHF9nQOqZ)  that literally is so scary spot on I laughed at Her because she has a humorous side I’m so serious. Anyway go look up your info wait lemme get this out first, most of us will be adults reading this…remember no one can tell you what to do but you. Others can influence your decision, but no one can MAKE you do anything. And if someone FORCES you to do something…drop that human out of your life, they have no place in it. That is what I did and look at me now. I listened to the woman in the #BOSS hat at Okeechobee, (she was on the security team not just some random) and holy shit did she remind me of my sister. I let her influence my decisions, and I reevaluated what I was doing with my nights and who I was spending it with. I will always have so much love for the people in my past, and I’m so grateful for all the lessons they have taught me, but some people just don’t have a place in my life anymore. I refuse to let anyone hold me back from pursuing my dreams. Please let these resonate, “BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.” That is exactly what I am here doing, and I encourage you to do the same. That was my senior quote and I am realizing that She has guided me to do many things in my life (that She is still revealing it’s so dope) that have led me to exactly where I am, the happiest I have ever been while on this Earth. That quote was my senior quote, and at the time of choosing that quote I had so many others I was going to pick. (Thank you Universe and Margaret Grace for helping w the selection, YOU ARE MY PERSON. The Meredith to my Christina dude. More like my Froggies Windman to my F’real Pumpkin Cheesecake milkshake let’s be real here, omg I miss you my bff of how long…like 13 years lmao. I love you.) Can you believe I chose that one, and that it has fueled me to where I am today… Florida State University-the best school everrrrr, a working gal-just got hired to do what I love to do, spread positivity and write from the soul, and happy- something I have been striving for my whole life. Once you realize you are the only one in your own way you realize you can break the barricade and dance wild to the beat of your own journey. AHHH LIFE IS SO GOOD I’M SMILING WRITING THIS AHHHHH.
 On to another thing I am going to do with this blog, I have decided to take the initiative of #MAKINGFSUKINDAGAIN. Yes, boys and girls, or rather men and women since we should start to realize this is the beginning of our adult lives (let’s wake up and smell the roses people have your priorities right), and we need to start acting a little more like adults. I have taken it upon myself to start this trend and I won’t stop until FSU IS KIND AGAIN. And the best part is, once FSU is kind again, I’ll choose my next target audience (hello Mr. Solomon your class rocks and Advertising is definitely a part of my career path in the future. S/O to target audience, a term I learned in your class). But yes I have dreams of a world at peace filled with love and kindness and happy humans and pretty flowers and GOOD FUCKING MUSIC THANK GOODNESS. So how am I going to do this…? Lemme tell ya… I am going to pick up as many pieces of trash I see around campus hoping others see me and are inspired to do the same. I am going to spread the light I have within me everywhere and brighten others’ lives as much as humanly possible. Along with my light comes my positive vibes I believe myself to bring around, and if my positivity is bothering you, I hope you take a step back and realize POSITIVITY IS CAUSING YOU DISTRESS. CHANGE THAT.
 Anyways, I have a quick story and I hope you all listen up because you may be my next target (*insert Dracula laugh* harharhar) . I go to a school with a lot of frat boys and sorority gals. Greek life is huge here at FSU and that has many pros and many cons but that’s beside the point. Anyway, I don’t want my school to get in trouble so I won’t mention whatever group(?) these people are associated with, and I will be using different names. But pay attention to the first letters because I am a detail-oriented woman and you all will see that. ANYWAY story time, yesterday I went to a bar for Happy Hour (best day I love happy hour how you gonna be MAD at HAPPY hour lmk) and at HH I went to the clambox of a bar that FSU students will know exactly what bar I am talking about. At this bar a mean kid, let us call him AA because remember what I said earlier, this one’s even more specific but still so vague I love it..nevertheless, AA was A DOUUUUCHHHHEEEEEEE to me. We were at the bar and he would lower his glasses and say some rude shit. He fucking asked me if I was a prostitute like multiple times…. ME, LJ, a new woman of integrity, he asked me that. I was in a killer outfit too like it was honestly modest af and that bothers me even more because his comment wasn’t even relevant. Anyway, he was a douchebag stereotypical “frat boy” which has a negative connotation but wanna know why it has that connotation……. BECAUSE OF BOYS LIKE AA!!!!!!! So yeah he was so mean and so rude and here we go baby… Remember what I told you AA, you probably don’t because you black out every opportunity you get which is gross because you’re a senior with no goals and I’m not judging you I am spitting facts right now (Scorpio in me coming out oh boy) but yeah you need to WAKE.THE.FUCK.UP BOIIIIII because you will never get a job or a respectable woman in your life if you continue these habits. But anyway, do you remember what I told you, no?, okay I gotchu. I said these words right to your mean little face I said, “You’re fucking with the wrong girl.” And guess what everyone, I am a woman of my word so yaaaaaa AA, watch the fuck out who you’re fucking with because I’LL ROAST YOUR ASS IN MY NEW BLOG THAT’S GOING TO MAKE ME FAMOUS YAAA YEEEET BOIIII. And in all seriousness AA, I really do hope you wake up and change (omg Aquarius Rising LJ coming out [just googled Aquarius Rising Woman and found this on the link I put above “our personal destiny and soul function is ultimately related to the impulses toward progressive change, experimentation and innovative, creative thinking which reside in the collective psyche of your generation. You are a conduit for change, for awakening new thought.”] …. Holy shit like lmk if astrology isn’t real…kk wake up it is).  But seriously AA, awaken your soul my dude, you’re in my favorite frat, one I hope to be the first GDI gal to be Sweetheart for, and you’re giving my boys a bad name. Don’t black every time you go out, get happy drunk, and don’t be mean to women or anyone while we are at it, be niceeeee and pretty gals like me and all other gals who start with beauty from the inside will be attracted to you, we are the kind of girls you actually want to be with.
            So yeah, here we go, here is my blog, here is my soul on my sleeve, and I’m super excited to feature my friends and the stories I acquire on my journey, and I can’t wait to instill some positivity into the lives of the people around me and all the people who will see this because SHARESHARESHARE my friends!!!!! If you are my friend, or consider yourself my friend, or have spoken to me, or if I in any way have impacted your life, I am asking you please please share. I am ready to start my life, to put myself out there, and with your help I can. I plan to engulf everything on my path with the fire within me (FIRE SIGNSSSS WYAAAA) and I am ready to do that NOW. If not now….WHEN? Now that I have my attitude chosen, how I go about the next seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years is what really matters. I am only 18 years of age, I am bound to make mistakes, hella mistakes, but if I’m starting at 18, where will I be at 19? I am ready to push my limits in success and respect my limits in life. That’s why I started this blog, so that it’s not a book just yet, so it won’t take as long to write (patience is a virtue which I am learning, but in the meantime, I’m not going to wait around when I can do something about my life). One of my new mottos is “Don’t complain about it if you aren’t doing anything about it.” Well Hi, I am Laurunce Rae (yupp no J we’ll get to that in another blog) Rosenthal and this is me doing something. I have confidence in myself and the people I have met on my journey, whether it be me just flashing you a smile or actually having touched your heart. Maybe I’ve improved your mood one day, or you were a victim of one of my random stranger conversations.  I am grateful for the people I have met and the places I have seen, and now I am ready to expand my horizons even more, see new lands meet new peeps. I hope you will join me on my journey. Spread the love my people and, of course, BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.
Another thing before I end, Daddy, Mark Rosenthal, my huuuuummaaannnn. I adore you, you literally keep me going every.single.day. You are the funniest, most diligent, most resourceful, most reliable human in my life and I cannot wait to make you so so proud with what I do with my life. No one will ever top you my dude. NO ONE. I will never forget where I came from (peep the new back tattoo peeps, ROSENTHAL BABY… REMEMBER THAT NAME.) and I cannot wait to see where She leads me.
With so so so so much love,
Laurunce LJ Rosenthal ♌
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thegeminisage · 8 years
more botw blogging, SUPER spoilery
this is a real long post sorry normally i break these up and this time i didn’t
and finally, off we go to a new province
this time im making its tower my first stop, since i can see it from here
i tried to paraglide across the river but i didn't have enough height so i landed on the cliffside and ITS RAINING!!!!! for fucks sake
i cant believe this game actually got me to hate rain..........
not only that but when i died in the water it didn't reload me back to where i started to glide from but a bit of cliff i stood on lol so #struggles right from the first minute
rain for the next 3 hours.......and i gotta climb it in the rain....jesus
i guess i could fast travel but i'd have to walk all the way back there :/
hmm. maybe the gae's throwing me the rain on purpose. an npc mentioned this river was notoriously difficult to cross :///
yep as soon as i turned away: it cleared. Great
well i see some bridge-like things further downstream i guess i'll check that out
lol jk i managed to glide across a different part and climb
like i saw my forecast change but then it changed back to sun so w/e i'll take it im up here now
aaaaah i can see so many cool things from here!!!!! i cant wait to explore them all!!!! that #new province feel
i hate like, feeling obligated to track down every last bit of stuff in the old ones when you're seeing new exciting stuff
but i love the feel of getting to a new one and not even knowing which cool thing to check out first
ohhh my god lol there's a big-ass bokoblin camp on the way to the tower i think i see a moblin but im not sure
aaaand im dead
at least there werernt any moblins!
tbh it isnt a difficult camp i just wasnt vigilant about healing
me every time i see something new: what the Fuck is that!?
in this case it was an ice wizzrobe which made it snow EVERYWHERE oh my god
That Was Difficult
if i didn't have my fire arrows and lynel bow it would have taken way longer
i died again!!!
those weird pattern bokoblins have SO much attack power ):
come on i have to clear out the camp AGAIN? and kill the wizzrobe?
naw dude i am skipping this nonsense i am going straight up the fucking cliff
HA i sniped them from above >:3
there's a zora on top of this tower!!!!!!!
omg poor thing he can't get back down i wish i could carry him on my paraglider
man i love the tower cutscenes and music and the way they unfold it's so cool
oh hey i found another zora down near these bridges
they all want me to go see their prince haha noooo i have too much to explore!!!
oooh it's so easy to get all turned around on these bridge thingies
man i love this province it's SO pretty
ah i found a goron on a sandbar!! how did you get out here with all this water...
nooo the blood moon again i knew it was coming the music has been funny all night >:(
lol jk the music faked me out its 2am and i warped to the stable for nothing (i was trying to get that one dude's reaction)
i came back and did the shrine and found another zora!! lol they all really want me to go see that dude
there's a thing i need to climb but ugh rain
while i was bored i chopped grass and attached octo balloons to things
now i am in the wetlands which are AWFUL to walk through i can practically feel the mud squishing between my toes and i want to die lmao
there are horses here!! i miss mine ):
ive done enough shrines now to get another upgrade but i dont feel like doing all that backtracking blegh
oh noooo i see a guardian out here, a moving one ;_;
ah it's been awhile since i failed to fight the still ones on the plateau...i wonder what the start screen meant by "the right tools" ive got a lot of damn tools!! did they mean arrows??
lol yet another zora telling me to meet with the prince.........dude
this prince must be either desperate or spoiled
okay maybe its a glitch but i think?? i see?? a flying island in the distance? What The Fuck
wait no it looks kind of like a ship or giant bird??
my pins don't stick to it, it's definitely moving around
jesus fuck
jesus christ i hate those things!!!! you can't kill them!!!!!!!
NO oh my god there's a hinox over here too
why this Why This
lol the hinox fighting music is giving me trauma flashbacks
actually that wasnt so bad with a defense elixir on
maybe it's just me but this province feels kinda small? i feel like i could finish exploring it p quickly, which is nice
not that i'm not having fun but i know i'm going so slowly ):
me every five seconds: i miss my hooorse i want one to ride around to go faaaaster
i guess...i could catch...one of these
and like. not register it bc the stable is 10000 miles away but
a temp ride. let's see if i can. need to use up some of my sneak potions anyways
i caught one and rode it awhile, but my heart's not in training it...i want My Horse
oh my god wait i hear town music!! is this a stable right here!! AAAAAH
so i did catch a pretty black one and named it luna - had to let the first one i caught go lol but it didn't have great stats and i only rode it once so it'll be happier in the wild probably
he's playing epona's song i'm gonna CRY
oh my god he had a story for me!! the same one that impa told!!!!! man
the music is still so good. fuck.
lmao i was talking to one dude and he was like well might as well head back inside ugh that place is so filthy and the women so free you might as well call it a manfill
i can see hyrule castle super close from where i am and it looks super scary and i super want nothing to do with it rn
i get the feeling you can like, go in there whenever? maybe even do the endgame stuff early? but oh my god i Dont wanna
OMG i just mounted a bear
i read that you could ride things other than horses but holy shit lmao
i mean
it killed me after i got off, but man
sadly i must now board my horse and continue with The Story see i explored the non-story bits of that province SUPER quickly dang
oh no
this shrine is called a minor test of strength
Oh No
Why, God
oh. that was actually like SUPER easy compared to the other two haha phew
this lady at the crossroads said the prince was creepy omg i knew there was something, ahaha, excuse me, "fishy"
whoa i love his music theme!!
lmao i always get so SHOCKED when they talk!!! even still!!!!!
voice acted cutscenes of this game are like fmvs of final fantasy games in generations 5-7 lol
oh my god...the wink/sparkle thing...he's such a HAM
he's flattering me TOO much omg dude what do you want.......
ok, ok, i like him
he doesn't seem very trustworthy but since his people are in trouble i'll cut him some slack on that one
oh nooo i gotta climb this in the rain......
ah, it's sunshowering tho! that's kinda neat
i just got attacked by octoroks and my heart wept a little because traveling up zora's river dodging octoroks to get to and save zora's domain...I've Been Here Before
listen, i could write a book on this
(lol i did write 300k on this but shhh that was a long time ago)
like...if link is actually a reincarnation does he get flashes of memory
oot happened in every timeline but i know wind waker didn't
but do you think assuming this is in the same timeline as wind waker something in him feels at home the first time he sails a raft again
or hears kass play epona's song at the ranch
or ducks an octorok on his way to zora's domain
people treat the incarnation thing as a kind of tragedy - the world will never be free of evil so long as ganon/ganondorf exists
but maybe there's happiness in it too
no matter what happens, no matter how sad the ending - i mean hell, in this very game, link and zelda LOST
no matter what though, it's guaranteed that they'll see each other again
over and over and over without end, link and zelda are gonna meet and be together for awhile while they defend hyrule again
frankly if that's not a soulmate idk what is
and frankly i'm perpetually offended that they don't develop ganondorf the man more like they did in wind waker...that was the Peak tbqh
i would kill for something like that again
i love how present the current here is, like with the stuff floating down the river, thats a NICE touch
tbh it's actually really nice that he keeps uselessly checking on me on the way up the river
like, i've been so lonely
even now i miss my companion going "what's WITH that guy" like they probably would if i had one
so this is nice. tbh.
i know it was probably a deliberate choice and makes the game stronger but a companion for this game, someone to share it with...that would've been cool
even just zelda as the protag, she could do some internal narration
but the whole thing is just so quiet.
this place is so pretty tho?? in the distance i see these like, pink coral looking plant things, and the blue columns and bridges are gorgeous
i think its an area thing too i cant just wait it out lmao im gonna Die
oh jk it's just rain now
idk why my entire forcecast changes to a particular type of weather and its only like that a few seconds...super weird and annoying
lol sidon all "you're almost halfway there i believe in you!!" and not helping fight and link's little "k" wave
i love link as a silent protag even if i did have him talk in my writing like it's so endearing
i wonder if link is like sgr like "i am 100 years old what is this zora kid even doing. what is he EVEN DOING."
lol just had to dodge some rocks rollin down a hill
you see this is what i mean. there's a weird sense of familiarity and nostalgia if you've played the games a lot. i wonder if the spirit of the hero feels that way with each new adventure, too
like if he's okay doomed to an eternity of fighting and parting with zelda over and over
because in the end he always gets to do this again
like i can see the spirit of the princess/goddess being high key miserable about those circumstances but i wonder if the spirit of the hero is maybe secretly glad
because part of him will always yearn for the next adventure
he never COULD be happy settling because this is what he was born for
WE love doing this again and again and again, maybe it's not such a stretch to think the spirit of the hero does too
or maybe i'm projecting so hard onto him because undertale has so successfully blurred the line between the player and the game for me LMAO
oh man i just noticed all the names on this map
lulu, mikau ;_;
i miss them!!!!
just once i wish zelda games would feature the same side characters in two or three titles
we never got to see saria or darunia or lulu again
we get to come back to the world but every friend we've ever made has been gone
like some narnia shit i swear to god
lol this is why i should never do story all i do is rant about My Zelda Feels, which are literally endless
oh NICE battle with a blue moblin on the bridge!!!!
ah i like the zora history here too please give me all the worldbuilding i wanna know everything about this world that i can bc rn all i know is "we got Fucked"
i guess i also know about the automans but i need More
i say, while procrastinating on getting to the story
in other news i have an ice and lightning rod which i havent bothered trying to use
bc when i tried to use the boomerang i failed utterly lol
but these? holy shit dude these are Powerful when you actually land a magic hit like Dang
i Love them im never avoiding another wizzrobe again (thats where they drop from)
oh wow
i finally made it, and
man. oh man. it's so beautiful
i wish i could see if better
jesus the zoras always had the prettiest parts of the games imo
OH NO!!! im gonna cry omg
it's the same melody from oot i think!! oh my god!!!!!!
omg there's a zora here named rivan who says he knows me?!?!
omg no he's listing some of link's old pals from Before im so sad why can't he remember
OOOH i shouldn't speak to the elderly bc apparently i am "guilty" of something?? i love this development PLEASE tell me more
i love that they all age so slowly #nice
am i walking into a fucking execution lmao sidon don't play me......
omg the little zora kids are adorable!!!
omg there's a statue of the zora champion ;_;
man this is all so cool i wanna know EVERYTHING about what happened back then!!!!
lol the shrine here was SUPER nerve wracking god you had to like, roll the giant ball down a hill and stop time at JUST the right moment skjghf
oh my gosh ANOTHER zora who knows me (lol "linny")
im so ;w; they all know me!!!!!!
i slept on the blissful water bed at the inn and was mystified and alarmed by the sound effects but i got an extra stamina wheel and 3 extra hearts!!! god damn you can't beat that shit
im so amazed at how many people knew link and like, blame him? i wanna know so bad what happened, i wanna know more about mipha
ten bucks says she's still alive and like trapped in the divine beast but corrupted
or a ghost or something like the old man ;_;
aww zoras sleep in the water aw aw :3
i'm loving this theme of link sleeping for so long like at first i thought of sgr but i just realized it's also like oot (and i can't believe i didn't make that connection first...)
like in oot the people who knew him Before are so happy to see him again and are sure he can help them
but in this game it's a bit mixed
and in this game we don't know the details of 100 years ago yet ;_;
zora's domain here is like. so GLOWY. reminds me of waterfall from undertale tbh lol i wanna paint it
so i'm talking to the king and this one elderly zora goes "the hylians abused an ancient society's power to turn hyrule into what it is today" & like...tbh my dude you have a point. if they had never gotten those guardians out then they couldn't have turned on them
oh my GOD
i just got my first look at a divine beast and i can't believe i was calling them jaegers
my jaw dropped irl holy shit
like that thing truly looks both divine and beastly (this one is an elephant)
is mipha still in there as like a ghost ;_;
it's so clear how much everyone misses her
and she seemed so sweet in the one short memory i recovered
every time sidon does his sparkle smile i love him a little more
i didn't trust him at first bc he seemed a little too eager but now i see he's just doing his best!!!!
especially as someone who thinks radically and progressively in a society where elders stay around hundreds of years
SWIM SPEED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omfg and it's an engagement thing just like the sapphire
thats right that other lady said link was supposed to choose between her and mipha
listen mipha seems cool and all but i've been shipping zelink for 19 years, so
oh NO, mipha had feelings for link
oh no poor mipha...oh my god
"no matter how bad the wound i will ALWAYS" heal you and then link wakes up in water
did she do that!!! did she save him ;_; oh my god im going to cry
"you are quivering like a hatchling" PLEASE protect my poor son
muzu is making me sad dude he misses her so much and he hates this so much
ooooh i have to fight another lynel for shock arrows...good Lord im not looking forward to that
"calamity ganon took control of the beasts and trapped the champions inside" yep either she's still alive like link and zelda or her body is in there and so is her fucking ghost
DUDE!! i just swam up my first waterfall and it was AWESOME!!!!!
so im at shatterback point now hwere lynel is just bc i wanted to swim up a waterfall but probably he will kill me quickly lmao
apparently you can mount him too which. sick.
but idk i dont have any good food or elixirs or weapons ready im just up here for science im probably gonna knock off soon i gotta Draw
Oh Fuck There He Is ):
it's super tedious to have top go back and delete every fucking picture i take for my copendium one by one those shouldn't save in my album automatically come on dude im trying to take a picture of this lion centaur thing here
aaah there's a rainbow here too #nice
ah well got him about a quarter pf the way down before i died :/ not bad for being completely unprepared
tbh i only had one defense food?? had i had more i could have whittled him down eventually
anyway thats all for tonight!! i doubt i'll play anymore tonight bc i have drawing to do
lol this is a long post but it's all in one bc i'm typing them in notepad now and don't have to worry about them getting too long
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