#( i hope it was okay that i replied to this!! )
rafecameroninterlude · 17 hours
hey girly may i please request rafe and bitchy!kook!reader who see each other at a party after a breakup, and they can’t help but sneak off together? some arguing and hot make up sex pleaseeee. thank you!
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warnings: ex!bf!rafe, exes to lovers, slight angst, arguing, cussing, mentions of anger issues, descriptions of violence, rekindling, a little bit of jealous!rafe, oral (f. receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, just a little bit of fluff
a/n: i kinda went off the request here and made them go home instead of really ‘sneaking away’ i hope that’s okay! i was heavily inspired by the song ‘best mistake’ by ariana grande <3 beware! this fic is a little long..
no contact. rafe wanted to smash his phone when you texted him that fateful night a little over two weeks ago, saying you were never going to talk to him again unless he apologized for getting angry and acting out of line. while he truly was sorry for yelling at you and breaking everything in his sight, he had too much pride to admit he was wrong. and it was because of that pride that you decided to dump his ass and ignore the hundreds of calls and texts he sent your way.
despite having to block his phone number, you couldn’t help but look at all the pictures and videos of you two, sad because you missed him, but pissed because he couldn’t just get his shit together and make things right. eventually, with a lot of convincing and even a little bit of bribing with a new purse, your besties had managed to get you up and into your hottest outfit yet before they took you to a party where they refused to tell you who was hosting.
after you basically obliterated rafe’s ego by not only ignoring him, but blocking him too, he told himself he wouldn’t be fazed if he saw you turn up at the end of summer party that topper threw every year. however, all thoughts of being nonchalant and giving you the same treatment back flew out the door when he saw you walk in with your friends, your mini dress hugging your thighs in a way that made his jaw tick. he would’ve had no problem with your outfit if you two were together.. but you weren’t.
which for rafe, that only meant he would be spending the night smashing faces in if he saw anyone looking at you. he kept his eyes on you the whole time, taking swigs from his beer until finally he ran out and was forced to go inside the kitchen. “hey, y/n.” you looked up. jeremy, a frequent visitor at the country club had approached you. he was sweet and very easy on the eyes. maybe a little too easy, he had a baby face and was a little too much of a pretty boy in your opinion.
“oh, hey ‘jer.” you smiled, calling him by a nickname you heard your friends say a while back. “you look great..” he complimented you. noticing your dress had ridden up, you pulled the hem down before thanking him. “that’s nice of you to say, thank you.” you laughed awkwardly as he seemingly stepped closer. “hey, uh, i heard you and rafe broke up, is that true?” at the mention of your now ex-boyfriend, you blinked. “i.. yeah. but i’m not looking for anything right now.” you shook your head.
“neither am i.” your eyes widened slightly as you felt his hand graze yours. wanting to change the subject, you backed away slightly before clearing your throat. “so what are you drinking?” noticing your discomfort, jeremy flashed you an apologetic look. “this? oh i just got water-” before he could say anything else, you gasped when he almost lost his footing, having been nudged super hard by none other than rafe himself. “woah, you gotta watch out there, man.” rafe winked at you before walking off, the man in front of you cursing under his breath.
“that was a lame move.” he scoffed. you looked past jeremy and at rafe who had his face turned. “i’m sorry, can you give me a sec?” you didn’t wait for him to reply before you followed rafe outside. as if he recognized the clack of your heels behind him, he spun around, making you stop as you two glared at each other. while his gaze slightly softened, you could still make out the roughness in his expression. “you did that on purpose.” apart of you was glad he did, since it gave you an excuse to get out of conversation with jeremy. then again, that was rafe’s intention.
“what are you talking about?” just then, a girl in a bikini walked by, rafe shamelessly eyeing her backside before giving you his attention once more. oh, okay. you smiled at him, arching a brow as he blatantly acted clueless. “you know what? i have someone waiting for me inside. ‘just wasting my time out here.” you whispered the last part, scoffing as you attempted to walk away. rafe dragged you to the side of the house, your hands coming up to shove at his chest.
“who’s waiting for you inside, ‘jer?’” rafe mocked jeremy’s nickname. “yeah, actually. why don’t you go and get the girl who’s ass you just stared at?” you shoved him again, this time making rafe take hold of both of your wrists as he backed you up against wall. “i was fucking with you,” he scoffed, “you’re the one that wants to go back inside to a guy who drinks water at a fucking party!” he laughed incredulously, like he couldn’t believe you would give that guy the time of day.
you swatted his hands away from your own. “i’m not doing this here. you’re acting like you aren’t the one who owes me an apology.” rafe pinched the bridge of his nose. “y/n..” you shook your head, feeling defeated as he stared down at you. “just leave me alone, rafe.” just as you were going to walk away, he spoke up. “then let’s not do this here! let’s have a serious conversation, i mean it.” you shifted, glancing up at him briefly. “and go where?” you arched a brow.
deep down, you knew where this was heading but you so badly wanted to hear what he had to say. rafe got close, resting his hand on the small of your back. “tanneyhill. the house is empty for the next couple of days, so if you want to yell, fight and scream, be my guest.” you sighed as if you didn’t want to go, walking past him and to his truck where he opened the door for you. your friends were definitely going to give you an earful after this.
the drive to rafe’s place was quiet and a little awkward everytime you had to pry his hand off of your thigh, his excuse being that it was just a habit. rafe knew when you broke up with him, for the thousandth time, that it wouldn’t be too long before he saw your catty self walking up the stairs to his bedroom. “i would like to be home by a certain time so get to talking.” you sat down on the edge of his bed, clasping your ring clad fingers together.
rafe shut the door, leaning on the hardwood as he took in your outfit. there’s no way you showed up at that party tonight with the intention of going home alone when you looked this sexy. strappy heels, a black lace dress that that showed a bra and thong underneath, your hair and makeup done so perfectly, he itched to ruin all of it. “you look stunning.” he crossed his arms over his chest, catching the way you swung one leg over the other.
“we’re not here for that.” you leaned back, resting on your hands as rafe nodded. “fair enough..” he started, “look, i’m really sorry. it was wrong of me to take my anger out on you and have no regard for your feelings when i was in the spur of the moment. i should’ve never yelled in your face when you were only trying to make me feel better, i should’ve never broke your things when you told me to leave, from the bottom of my heart, y/n, i’m sorry.” he kneeled down to your level, a silent act of submission. you stared at him.
rafe had a pleading look in his eyes. “i can see you’re sorry,” you barely reached for his jaw, stroking the side of his face softly before you withdrew, “but what are you going to do to fix it?” rafe had missed your touch so much, he swallowed thickly when your warmth disappeared. “would you believe me if i said i was giving anger management classes a try?” you narrowed your eyes at him. “no. do you have a confirmation email or something?” rafe laughed, knowing you wouldn’t be easy to convince.
handing over his phone without any hesitation, you typed in his pin, your birthday, before going to his mail and checking for yourself. sure enough, he had confirmation for not only one class, but an entire course that would take him approximately three months to complete. “please come back to me, baby. i need you.” rafe hesitantly placed his hands on either sides of your hips, your eyes softening as you gazed up at the man in front of you. god, you missed him so much, these past couple of weeks had been the worst.
“i need you, too.” you whispered, both of you leaning in at the same time before your lips melted against one another. cupping rafe’s face, you brought him up from the floor, your back relaxing against his sheets as he hovered above you. rafe had been dying to feel your hands on him, craving your touch like never before. with your dress rolling up your thighs, rafe looked down at the supple flesh there, wanting nothing more than to bury his face in your cunt.
“i was so mad when i saw you walk in looking like this.” you took your bottom lip between your teeth, propping yourself up on your elbows as rafe’s fingers hooked through the soft material of your thong. you watched as he slid the undergarment down your legs, your head falling back as he pinned your thighs to the tops of his shoulders. “rafe-” you reached down, your fingernails running across his skin. he hummed, cupping your soaked pussy as a gasp fell from your lips.
“use your words.” he traced your glossy folds, cursing to himself at the sight. “my heels— they’re still on.” you blinked hazily when you felt his thumb tease your sensitive bundle of nerves. “yeah? they’re gonna stay on.” you moaned when his tongue finally made contact with your clit, your back arching off the bed as he splayed a hand across your tummy. letting out a cry, rafe ate you like man starved, which in a way he was. two weeks was too long, and he was going to unleash all his pent up frustration on you in a way that would have you writhing in pleasure.
rafe knew your body like it was the back of his hand, and he didn’t hesitate to use that to his full advantage. while still lapping at your clit, you fought the urge to shut your thighs around his head when two of his fingers prodded at your entrance. he groaned when he thrusted them into you, your pretty sounds serving as music to his ears. the coil in your stomach only grew tighter until rafe had your thighs trembling, your first orgasm of the night making all the air leave your lungs.
you cried out, rafe appreciating the way your hips stuttered in a poor attempt to chase his tongue. you blinked up at the ceiling when you came down from your high, rafe wasting no time in flipping you over and grinding his erection into your backside. with one hand, rafe gathered your hair in a makeshift ponytail and with the other, he grabbed a pillow, placing it under your hips so he could shamelessly rut against you. leaning down, he kissed you sloppily, both of you moaning as you tasted yourself on his tongue.
taking himself out of his jeans, he wrapped a veiny hand around your throat, thrusting into you without warning. “oh my- fuck!” you squeaked out, your walls fluttering around his cock. rafe shut his eyes, his mouth ghosting over yours as he fucked into you hard and slow. “did you miss this?” rafe went deeper with each thrust, balling up your dress to pull you against him. “yes. yes, i missed this so much!” you whimpered, meaning every word. rafe never wanted to be apart from you ever again.
the discomfort from having your heels on was slowly but surely melting away as rafe replaced that feeling with pure bliss, your walls stetching deliciously around his length. for two weeks, the only thing you could imagine feeling was the warmth of rafe’s body against your own, your heart blooming in your chest at finally having that back. “fuck, i need to see your pretty face..” he rolled you over, slotting himself between your thighs before picking up his pace.
you gazed up at him, already looking fucked out as he groped your tits through your dress. “all this breaking and making up, i don’t wanna do it anymore, baby,” rafe tucked a piece of hair behind your ear before stroking your chin, “m’gonna go crazy if you leave me like that again.” you nodded at his words, your eyebrows drawing together in pleasure. “promise. i promise i won’t do that anymore.” you started moving your hips, meeting his thrusts as he groaned, leaning down to bury his face in the curve of your neck.
wrapping your legs around his waist, you didn’t leave him any room to pull away, his toned stomach slapping against your clit as you two rolled your hips in desperation to feel the other finish. “ah, fuck,” your nails clawed against his skin when you felt his teeth nip at the sensitive spot of your neck. with the way you were moaning rafe’s name in his ear, and your pussy swallowing him whole, it wasn’t long before you two started shuddering as the waves of euphoria washed over you both.
he never failed to make your head pound with your orgasm, quite literally stealing your breath away as you made him lose all train of thought, his ability to hold himself up nearly impossible with your greedy cunt milking him for all he had. “shit.” rafe breathed out, pressing a kiss to your temple before pulling out. you hissed, whining shortly after at the empty sensation. as much as you wanted to feel his arms around you, you wanted a hot shower and a wardrobe change more than anything else.
as if rafe could read your mind, he carried you to the shower where he undressed you and bathed you. he continued apologizing for the way he treated you weeks prior to tonight. even after he had you in nothing but one of his t-shirts, he spent the night inhaling your sweet scent while telling you how perfect you were for him until you fell asleep in his embrace.
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sanemistar · 2 days
⋅˚₊‧ ᡣ𐭩 it'll be okay, my love
𝜗𝜚 kento x fem!reader, hurt to comfort, reader gets called (dear, love, darling), dedicated to: @iid-smile (idk who’s ur fav jjk character so i guessed you might like nanami ! anyways, i hope you feel better soon pookie i love u <33) 𝜗𝜚 back: jjk m.list
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kento comes back home from work and the first thing he sees is your crying face as you sob on the couch in the living room, holding onto one of your husband's sweaters. his first reaction is to immediately run over to you and wrap you in a tight hug.
you have been feeling down lately and you’ve been crying a lot, but you’ve been trying hiding your sadness away from him because you don't want to worry him. you know kento has a lot to worry about on his plate, so the last thing you want is to add up to his burden.
however, unknowingly to you, kento has heard your small cries all along, and it has pained him every time. but whenever he asks you if you're okay you'd always reply that you're fine and there's nothing for him to worry about with a little smile.
"life's too hard, ken. i keep saying that i have to be strong, but i just can't do it." you've tried your best, you really have. but at that moment you've finally reached your breaking point, and you can no longer bottle your feelings up.
your tears that have been kept inside for too long begin to heavily fall down your red cheeks like a rainfall as you rest your head on kento's broad, firm chest. your arms wrapped around his torso for dear life. he pats your head with one hand, as his other one rubs your back up and down in a soothing motion, you begin to calm down as the crying slowly stops. he breaks the hug and cups your face in his hands, his thumbs gently caress your hot cheeks as he wipes away the remaining tears.
"you've been holding on for too long now, have you, dear?" kento whispers softly against your ears. his tone is so gentle and comforting, like a warm blanket on a cold day. the look in his eyes is as soft as a feather.
“but i’m here for you, and always will be. you’re okay now, it'll be okay, my love.” kento reassures your as he tenderly kisses your temple, and you finally smile genuinely again for the first time in a while.
“i love you, so so much, kento.” you hum softly as you confess your love to your husband. he leans in, closing the gap between the two of you. his lips find home onto yours as they collide in a deep kiss that is so tender, so intimate and so affectionate.
“i love you too, my one and only, my darling.”
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𝜗𝜚 taglist: @yueliie @spkyssn @ayrastv @sylusdoll
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paddockletters · 2 days
comebacks | carlos sainz
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paring: carlos sainz x reader | f1 grid x reader summary: you attends your high school reunion, facing your old bullies and flaunts you newfound confidence alongside your fiancé and with the support of the f1 grid author's note: i hope you like it! it was my first fic with carlossss!... well, as I always say... english is not my first language so sorry if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me—
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As I stirred the last remnants of my wine in the glass, laughter echoed through the kitchen. Carlos leaned casually against the counter, recounting a funny moment from the last race, his eyes lighting up with joy. Lando animatedly mimicked a miscommunication between him and Max, while George and Daniel chuckled at the story.
“Seriously, Y/N, you have to come!” Lando insisted, throwing a piece of bread my way. “This reunion is your chance to show them how far you’ve come!”
“I don’t know, guys. Do I really want to walk into a room full of people who used to bully me?” I replied, crossing my arms, feeling a familiar unease creep in.
“Come on! You’re not that awkward girl anymore,” Max chimed in, a reassuring grin on his face. “You’ve built an amazing career. They’ll be jealous.”
“Exactly! You’ve got a killer job now. Show them what they missed out on,” George added, leaning in with a playful smirk.
“Plus, it’ll be funny to watch them squirm when they see you with Carlos,” Daniel added, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Carlos chuckled, watching the exchange with a knowing smile.
“I promise you, they’ll regret ever doubting you.”
“Yeah, but what if they start throwing shade?” I shot back, my worries bubbling to the surface.
“Who cares?” Daniel replied, his tone upbeat. “We’ve got your back. The Grid vs. Your Old Bullies—what could be better?”
I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought.
“But I can’t be your only entertainment. Don’t you all have reputations to uphold?”
“Who said we can’t all have fun?” Oscar chimed in, flashing a grin. “But seriously, we’ll be right there with you.”
“Think of it this way,” Carlos said, stepping closer, his eyes earnest. “You’ll be showing them just how wrong they were to underestimate you. They’ll be wishing they had been nicer to you all those years ago.”
After a moment of contemplation, I finally relented.
“Okay, fine! I’ll go,” I said, rolling my eyes as laughter erupted around the room.
The night of the reunion arrived, and I stood before the mirror, adjusting my earrings. The fitted black dress hugged my curves, and the diamonds sparkled under the soft light.
“You look stunning,” Carlos said, appearing behind me, his eyes warm with admiration.
“Thanks. Just trying to keep up with my handsome fiancé,” I replied, smirking as I turned to face him.
As we entered the venue, a wave of nerves washed over me. The moment we stepped inside, silence swept across the crowd. I could feel my old classmates’ eyes on us, and I straightened my posture, reminding myself I was no longer the shy girl they used to know.
“Wow, look who it is! The little princess of the tech world!” one of my former bullies sneered, crossing her arms defiantly.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit excessive, flaunting your bling and all?” another chimed in, a smug smile creeping across her face.
“Guess you really are just after money.”
I lifted my chin, feeling a surge of defiance.
“If you think I’m a golddigger, you clearly haven’t seen the annual report of my company. I’m here because I want to be, not because of Carlos’s wallet.”
Carlos, observing quietly, stepped forward, his voice steady.
“And let’s not forget, I’m the lucky one here. I’m with a woman who knows her worth and has earned her success.”
Their expressions shifted from arrogance to disbelief. The room buzzed with whispers as I stood tall, pride swelling within me.
“Where are you two heading after this?” one of them asked, clearly fishing for information.
“Actually, we’re headed to La Belle Époque for dinner,” I replied casually, letting a small smile slip. “I hear their seafood is exquisite.”
Their eyes widened in surprise, and I caught a glimpse of envy flicker across their faces.
“That place is hard to get into!” one of the girls exclaimed, clearly taken aback.
“Yeah, well, Carlos knows a guy,” I said with a shrug, playing it cool.
Carlos chuckled as we turned to walk away, their stunned faces fading behind us.
“You handled that well. I love how confident you are.”
“Thanks! I figured I’d give them a taste of my success,” I replied, exhilarated.
As we arrived at the restaurant, the ambiance was breathtaking, and the scent of gourmet food wafted through the air. The hostess greeted us with a warm smile and led us to a private table adorned with flickering candles.
“This place is incredible,” I marveled, taking in the elegant decor.
“Only the best for my queen,” Carlos said, pulling out my chair with a charming grin.
As we settled in, the rest of the grid joined us, filling the table with laughter and good-natured banter.
“So, what was the highlight of the reunion?” George asked, leaning forward, clearly curious.
“The look on their faces when Y/N schooled them!” Carlos said, raising his glass with a chuckle.
“Yeah, you were on fire!” Daniel added, clearly impressed. “Who knew you had it in you?”
I felt a rush of warmth at their support.
“Thanks, guys. I just couldn’t let them walk all over me.”
Carlos looked at me, pride shining in his eyes.
“You’ve come such a long way. I’m proud of you.”
“Yeah, but how did you keep it together?” Lando asked, leaning back with a playful smirk. “I’d be a mess if I had to face my high school bullies.”
“Honestly? I just remembered all the hard work I’ve put in and realized they don’t matter anymore.” I replied, my confidence buoyed by their encouragement.
As dessert was served, a rich chocolate mousse, I couldn’t help but smile at the camaraderie surrounding me. I had faced my fears, reclaimed my confidence, and found my place among these incredible friends.
As the night progressed, laughter filled the air, and stories of past races flowed freely. Carlos shared tales of his experiences on the grid, and I couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride for him, too.
“I remember the first time I met Carlos,” Daniel said, grinning. “He was so nervous he could barely say hello! Now look at him—engaged to a CEO and winning races.”
“Yeah, and don’t forget his million-dollar smile,” I added playfully, earning a round of chuckles.
Carlos flashed a grin, his eyes twinkling.
“I still get nervous sometimes, especially with Y/N around.”
As dessert disappeared and glasses clinked, I felt a wave of contentment wash over me. I had confronted my past and emerged stronger, supported by the incredible friends I had made along the way.
“So, what’s the plan for the rest of the night?” Oscar asked, glancing around the table.
“We could hit up that club nearby or just keep the celebration going here.”
“Honestly, I’m just happy to be here with all of you,” I said, leaning back in my chair, feeling grateful. “But I’m down for whatever. As long as we’re together, I’m good.”
“Let’s make this a night to remember, then!” Lando exclaimed, raising his glass high.
As the evening wound down, Carlos wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.
“You really were incredible tonight,” he whispered, his voice low.
“Thanks for being my support, Carlos,” I replied, leaning against him, feeling safe and cherished.
“Always,” he said, planting a soft kiss on my forehead. “Let’s get out of here and enjoy our time together.”
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tradgedyinwaves · 24 hours
Part Four of this
Poly141! x fat!reader
tw: social anxiety, self-doubt, drinking, more touchy-touchy, reader thinks about sexual acts
In celebration of 200 followers, this part has way more than 650 words. More like 1600. :)
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Conversation flowed easily with them despite their sole focus being on you. At some point, Kyle’s hand had drifted onto your thigh, fingers pressing into the flesh gently. John’s arm had slipped from the back of the booth and now rested around your shoulders. You couldn’t be sure, but it seemed Johnny couldn’t keep his feet still and kept tapping yours under the table. The only one who couldn’t seem to relax was Ghost, sitting almost across from you. 
His eyes never left you and he mainly seemed to communicate in grunts. At least, he was drinking this time, his glass now empty of his own whiskey. You were careful not to drink too much, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of these beautiful men. But it didn’t keep you from relaxing and feeling the warmth of the two next to you. 
Pulling out your phone, you checked the time and groaned. “I really should be going. It’s been great,” you announce, looking to Kyle to move so you could slide out from the booth. “Aw come on. We’re having so much fun. Just a wee longer?” Johnny asks and you turn to him, finding yourself giving in almost immediately. Damn the puppy dog eyes. 
“Only a bit longer,” you concede and relax back into the seat. This time when Kyle’s hand lands on your thigh, it’s higher and the heat is searing through your jeans. You let out a soft sound, biting your lip as his hand starts slowly caressing your thigh up and down. He’s not even looking at you when you look up, already deep in conversation with Johnny about some sports game you had no clue about. 
John’s arm settled back over your shoulders, pulling you slightly closer so his hand hovers over your breast and you can feel the hair of his arm on your bare collarbone. Your breasts jiggle slightly with your laugh when Johnny makes a joke and you don’t miss the way his pupils dilate ever so slightly before darting back up to your face. He, at least, has the decency to blush, the faint pink color tinging his cheeks. 
When the crowd in the bar starts to thin out and you realize even your friends have left for the night, you’re yawning in your seat and now leaned completely against John with his thick arm draped over your shoulders. Kyle’s hand is now tucked between your thick thighs, the side pressed as tightly to your core as he can get it and you hope to whatever higher powers that be that he couldn’t feel the radiating heat or the damp spot that had soaked into your panties. 
“Okay, okay. I really do need to go now. My friends aren’t even here anymore and that’s saying something,” you chirp, suddenly very awake and aware that you’re in an almost empty bar with four men you’d only met that night. They all look at you like they’d rather eat sawdust than let you go and you feel a warmth creep over you. 
“Ahw, bonnie, we couldn’t let you go home on your own. Let us take you home,” Johnny chimes in, soft smile and kind eyes that hold a hint of something else in them. You swallow, looking between each of them. Your gaze lingers on Ghost for a while, noticing the man’s eyes had almost never left you.
“Yeah, alright. Let’s go. It’s not a far walk,” you reply, biting your lip at the reckless decision. These men could be serial killers and you were just inviting them to know exactly where you live. “Why don’t you let Johnny and Ghost take you home? Kyle and I can follow in our truck so they’re not stuck walking back here,” John offers, a warm smile curling up the thick mustache. 
At this point, you’re ready for bed and just want to get home. “Sounds good to me,” you reply though the words are manipulated by a yawn. All of you shuffle out of the round booth, both Kyle and John kissing the top of your head like they’d known you for years before disappearing out the door. You wrap your jacket around you again, pulling the zipper together over your belly and getting a little frustrated when it gets caught up on your shirt. 
“Lemme,” Ghost grumbled, stepping up to you and taking hold of the jammed zipper. It’s the first time he’s spoken all night and it almost stuns you how deep and growly it is. Your breath hitches as he grabs the zipper, yanking on it and subsequently making your breasts bounce as he accidentally pushes against them. He gets it undone and you mutter a bashful ‘thanks’ before turning on your heel as you finish zipping it up to your throat.
You know they’re meant to be escorting you home, but you’re out the door so fast the two men have to jog to catch up. Johnny’s arm wraps around your waist, fingers pressing into the pudge of your stomach in a way that makes you want to shrivel up. You don’t like anyone touching your stomach, but you’re warring with yourself on whether or not to move his hand, to show that kind of discomfort in front of these men. 
You choose to do so anyway, wrapping your fingers around his and lifting his arm up over your head and ducking under it, dropping it at his side. Johnny looks down at you with a furrowed brow. “Don’ like it when people touch you, do you?” he asks as he shoves his hands in his pockets. He doesn’t look bothered that you’d removed his arm, but your anxiety rears its ugly head and makes you worried you’d offended him. 
“It’s not that I don’t like being touched. It-It’s…complicated. I-I don’t want to talk about it,” you manage to stammer out before picking up your speed. It’s not like you’re going to shake off your two guard dogs whose legs are easily longer than yours by several inches, but you take off anyways. 
When your building finally comes into view, you slow your pace and breathe a soft sigh of relief. Your bed was so close, just a few more yards and you could get rid of the guard dogs and curl up in bed. “Well, this is me. Thanks for bringing me home. I really appreciate it.” You were grateful that they’d walked you home. It wasn’t safe this time of night to be wandering around in this part of town. 
“We’re walking you to your door, bonnie. Wouldn’t want someone to snatch you up between here and there,” Johnny stated, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You wanted nothing more than to sink into the scent of him, warm and tingly to the nose like oranges and nutmeg, but you shook your head and backed up to the door of your building. “There’s really no need. My neighbors are great.” Lie. Absolute fucking lie. Nestor at the end of the hall on the first floor would, no questions asked, rip you from the hallway if he saw you alone. A chill went down your spine and you conceded the moment you looked into Ghost’s eyes. You didn’t have a choice if they were escorting you all the way up. 
You turned and opened the door to the building, looking down the hall to make sure Nestor was in his apartment before slipping in and letting the boys in behind you. You headed to the elevator and punched the up arrow, biting your lip as you tried not to wither under the intense stare of the man in the mask. The elevator had been the selling point for you. It was the only place within your budget that had an elevator and you weren’t about to walk up five flights of stairs multiple times a day. 
The lift dinged and you stepped inside, Ghost and Johnny slipping in behind you just to stand with their bodies pressed against your back. Unintentionally, you leaned into them before your eyes widened at your own movement and you straightened so your body pulled away slightly.
The doors dinged and opened allowing you to step out onto your floor. You headed to your unit, digging for your keys in your purse. With a ‘aha!’, you pulled them out and shoved the key into the doorknob, unlocking it. “Would you guys like to come in? I might have some whiskey left?” you offer, turning to look at them. You didn’t know why you were inviting them in, but the sense of safety you had around them had you desperate for them to stay. 
“Sure, lemme text Price and Kyle where to come. Go on in, Si-Ghost. I’ll come in in a minute,” Johnny stated, already pulling his phone out and going to stand next to the window at the end of the hall. You opened the door and allowed Ghost in, leaving it unlocked so the others could join once they arrived. 
Heading into your kitchen, you stood up on your tippy toes, reaching up so you could pull out five of your good glasses. You were looking for the last one, but it was just out of your reach. Suddenly, you felt what could only be Ghost against your back, pressing you against the counter as he leaned over you to grab the glass. 
The heat of him against your back has your thighs clenching together while you watch his thick digits wrap around the glass and you wonder briefly what they’d feel like inside you. He takes a step back once he has the cup and holds it out to you. 
You turn back to him while trying to fight off the blush coloring your cheeks. You murmur a thanks and wrap your own fingers around the glass. 
Of course, that would be when the other three burst loudly through the door.
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I wasn't intending for this to become a whole story, but it's really stuck with me over the last week or so.
<- Part Three Part Five ->
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literatureloverx · 2 days
BSD MEN x their first time meeting their darlings
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Characters: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Nikolai Gogol, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
BSD MEN x fem!reader
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
You and Fyodor met at the museum.
He noticed you from a distance, intrigued by your beauty as you stood before a painting for longer than most would.
Drawn by an irresistible curiosity, he approached you to hear your thoughts on the artwork.
To him, you resembled a beautiful doll, exquisite and delicate, with a mind that radiated compassion toward his complex moral code and a heart that was both truthful and sincere.
Your gentle smile captivated him, sparking an interest that went beyond mere admiration; it stirred something deeper within him.
The full scenario is HERE
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Dazai Osamu
You met Dazai either in his Port Mafia or in his Armed Detective Agency era. I will go with the second option, because PM!Dazai is more complicated.
Dazai encountered you on the beach at dawn.
It had been another sleepless night for him, and he was wandering aimlessly, as he often did after consuming alcohol without a care for the consequences.
The cool sea breeze tousled his hair, and the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore provided a stark contrast to the chaos in his mind.
Thinking the fresh air would help ease his slight headache, he walked at a slow pace, allowing the serenity of the beach to wash over him.
As he wandered, he spotted a bench facing the beautiful water, where the dawn reflected brilliantly like molten gold. Without a moment's hesitation, he settled onto the bench, feeling the rough wood beneath him as he gazed at the horizon.
The sun began to rise, casting warm hues of orange and pink across the sky, but even that beauty couldn't quite pull him from the fog of his thoughts.
He yawned, a weary reminder of yet another night spent in restless contemplation, unable to escape the burdens that always seemed to find him.
A few moments later, someone sat beside him on the other side of the bench. His eyes widened in surprise as he turned to see you, a soft smile gracing your lips, almost apologetically.
The way the morning light played with your features was mesmerising, and for a fleeting moment, Dazai forgot the weight of his troubles.
Your gentle, melodic voice cut through the sound of the waves and reached his ears, wrapping around him like a warm embrace. "I hope it's okay for me to sit here? I also came to watch the sunrise."
The sunrise cascaded across your angelic smile, illuminating your hair as if each strand were made of stardust.
Dazai felt an unfamiliar flutter in his chest, a sensation he hadn't expected. He studied you, taking in the delicate way your eyes sparkled with the early light, and the calmness that radiated from your presence.
It was as if you were a breath of fresh air amidst the heaviness that often surrounded him.
"Of course," he replied, a hint of a smile breaking through his usually stoic demeanor. "I can't say I mind the company of such a beautiful young lady, especially at a moment like this."
You smiled, but didn’t answer.
As you both sat in silence, watching the sun rise higher into the sky, Dazai's mind raced.
The tranquility of the moment was refreshing, and he felt drawn to you in a way that was both thrilling and unsettling.
He was self-aware enough to know that this was no simple attraction he was feeling; it was something deeper, something he didn't quite know how to handle.
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Nakahara Chuuya
Chuuya likely knows you either from his childhood—perhaps through the sheep—or your family has loose ties to the Port Mafia, and you happen to cross paths by chance.
I prefer the second option because it excites me more and is easier to write. (I’m really excited about this and want to write a full story with various chapters, but unfortunately, I have too many requests to finish right now.)
You know those Wattpad stories where the main character's dad has ties to the mafia, deeply indebted?
One day, the handsome mafia boss appears out of nowhere, demanding the money back—or worse, the daughter of the man. Well, this is not how Chuuya operates. He is a gentleman, after all.
Due to certain circumstances, instead of Akutagawa, Chuuya—the mafia executive himself—takes on the mission to collect the debt.
The jewelry mart of the mafia is under his care, and he decides to handle the matter personally this time.
It's a rare move for him, but something about the situation tugs at his instincts.
He circles your house, a sleek black car parked discreetly down the street, as he assesses the scene with a discerning eye.
The neighborhood is quiet, almost too quiet, and he can't shake the feeling that something is off.
The thought of confronting someone who owes the mafia money doesn't faze him, but he feels a sense of responsibility creeping in.
He pushes the thought aside; his focus is on the task at hand.
Storming in with a show of force, Chuuya enters your home, flanked by eight other men meant to intimidate.
But everyone knows that Nakahara Chuuya is a one-man army.
The tension in the air is palpable as he strides toward your father, who stands pale and trembling.
Without hesitation, he forcefully pushes your father to the pavement, making him bite the concrete.
"You've made a grave mistake," Chuuya growls, the weight of authority lacing his words.
Your father stammers, trying to explain himself, but the panic in his eyes only fuels Chuuya's anger.
As Chuuya raises his gun, ready to make an example of your father, a pleading voice interrupts him.
You, a young woman, are being held back as you desperately try to reach your father.
"Please, don't!" you cry, your voice breaking.
Your teary eyes strike right through his heart, leaving him momentarily dumbfounded. Here's someone ready to sacrifice herself for her family.
In that instant, he feels something shift within him—a stirring he hasn't experienced before. He doesn't understand what is happening; he can swear he's never felt this way before, and it unnerves him.
"Who are you?" he asks, trying to mask his confusion behind a façade of coldness.
"I'm his daughter! Please let him go! Take me! Take me instead!"
Your words are infused with desperation and bravery, resonating deep within him.
Everything else—the chaos, the noise—fades into silence. He is entirely focused on you, captivated by your beauty and your courage.
Chuuya can't help but admire your spirit. You're not begging for mercy out of fear; you're standing tall in the face of danger, ready to take your father's place. It strikes him as both foolish and incredibly brave. The dichotomy fascinates him.
As he lowers his gun, the gravity of the situation begins to weigh on him. He looks at your father, then back to you, and realizes he doesn't want to be the monster in this story. Not before your eyes, at least. Not now.
"Enough," he says, his voice steady but softer than before.
He knows he doesn’t need to be doing this. He can take the debt in more than one way. He has many options, but he chose this one because it was the quickest. However…things changed.
Without a second thought, he lowers his weapon and releases your father, taking a step back. The shock in your father's eyes mirrors the confusion swirling in Chuuya's mind, but he knows he's made the right choice.
As you rush to your father's side, Chuuya feels an unfamiliar warmth spreading through him. You’re so…mesmerising.
The way you move, the way you talk, the way you cry…he could stand there and watch you for hours, maybe even days. In fact, he felt like he could watch you for all eternity.
He tries to shake this weird feeling off.
"Consider this your lucky day," he adds, turning on his heel, his heart pounding in his chest. "But next time, you won't be so fortunate."
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Nikolai Gogol
He either encountered you during a mission, where you were merely an unusual target that intrigued him, or he met you before he joined the Decay of the Angels.
For the narrative, I would lean towards the idea that "he met you on a mission where you were an odd prey."
For Nikolai to become interested in someone (be it romantically or platonically), he would need to sense a connection between the intricacies of his mind and your understanding of this complex moral system.
You were likely an unassuming office worker, perhaps even a part-timer, blissfully unaware of the corruption that plagued your workplace and why it could become a target for a terror attack.
How naive of you.
When he sees your innocent, almost silly face, he would smile, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he prepares to do something whimsical.
Nikolai approached you, flashing his trademark grin—one that held a hint of danger mixed with playful charm.
"QUIZ TIIIME!!! Guess what I'm about to do to youuuu, little dove?!—“
He moves forward, his nose almost touching your cheek. His theatrical chuckle echoes through the halls left behind.
The floors are covered with blood and shards of glass, and you’re the only one remaining alive—together with this madman.
“—Yes indeedy! I'll make you feel free like a true bird! Free from everything! I’ll free you from the cage of your emotions, so that you can live as a credit to our race, a truly free homo sapiens!!"
His voice danced with mischief as he leaned against the doorframe, tugging slightly at the ropes bound around your wrists.
"P-please..." you stammered, the tremor in your voice betraying your anxiety. He ignores your quiet plea.
"Do you happen to like birds, little dove?" he asked, tilting his head slightly. Your startled expression was delightful to him.
You nod, and he follows up with, "Why is that?"
You have no idea what this strange clown wants from you. The only thing you want now is to flee—to run away, to go home, to survive. You’re not sure how you’re going to reach that goal, but you’re willing to do anything.
That’s why you start making up excuses to occupy him with your chatter for as long as possible. You’re hoping to get rescued… or at least to receive his mercy.
"Some birds are free in that sense, while others are made to remain in their cages…"
Nikolai leaned closer, intrigued by your perspective, his whole presence threatening every fibre of your being.
"So you believe that some birds are meant to be clipped, little dove?"
"N-no," you replied, trying to steady your voice despite the flutter of panic in your chest. "They are meant to be free. But even if the bird is free to go wherever it wishes, freedom is nothing but an illusion.—“
You were scared, and you didn’t know if what you were doing was the right thing to do in this situation. Your voice trembled.
“—Because even if the bird is freed from its cage, it won’t be truly free to go wherever it wishes. The laws of nature still apply—it can’t abandon its flock.”
Your heart raced, and you felt exposed, as if you were revealing too much of your own fear. His unnerving heterochromic eyes scare you, you're trying to make something up, to avoid his gaze.
"—A bird that has never known freedom won't long for it; it is simply content with its cage and the comfortable life it provides—“
You aren’t sure if this is working, but he isn’t hurting you, and he’s certainly listening. You gasp as he tugs at the ropes again, speaking in his usual whimsical manner.
“Can you think of any reason why a bird born in a cage would crave freedom? A reason for the bird to detest its own—“
He giggles.
“…’comfortable’ cage?”
“I…I don’t see a reason for that to happen…unless that comfort turns into terror—"
His façade seems to crumble for a moment. Your voice wavers, the weight of his gaze amplifying your anxiety.
"—unless the bird has been abused in its very cage, sir..."
He stepped back, contemplating your words. The thought was foreign, yet it resonated with an undeniable truth.
Too real.
It felt way too real for him.
"You're quite insightful for someone so naive.”
"Please... just let me go," you whispered, your heart pounding.
He giggles again. It’s just one of the many unnerving qualities he possesses, as you recognize.
"I can't do that," he said softly, his tone shifting. "But I can promise you this—your voice matters to me now, little dove."
"After all," he added, his grin returning with a hint of mischief, "what fun would it be to let you go without revealing some of my tricks first? Riiiight??!!"
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Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
He either met you during a pivotal, life-altering event, like when he was gravely wounded (edgy and intimate), or in a more everyday setting, like a grocery store or shopping mall (wholesome and adorable). I’ll go with the second option, just as you’ve chosen.
He coughs as he takes the shopping bags into his hand, nothing more than some snacks placed inside.
He feels particularly weak today, and he knows it’s best if he returns to a safe space.
It’s time to go home.
As he walks, his thoughts swirl with a familiar frustration.
Weakness gnaws at him, contradicting everything he knows he needs to know—survival of the fittest, strength above all.
He can’t even enjoy something as simple as crisps without feeling the sting of inadequacy, a reminder that he constantly strives to prove himself strong despite the frailty he sometimes feels.
However, a certain someone might change this mindset of his at some point. It’s you.
“Excuse me!”
The soft voice cuts through his thoughts, and he turns around, annoyance bubbling to the surface.
He dislikes attention, especially in public spaces. It serves no purpose, and as a mafioso, he values his ability to blend in, to move through the world unnoticed. Drawing any kind of attention to himself, especially when he feels vulnerable, is the last thing he wants.
He scans the area, irritation rising when he realizes there’s no one in sight. His first thought is that he’s hallucinating—another sign that he needs to retreat to his quarters before the nausea overwhelms him.
But then, out of nowhere, you appear. Right in front of him.
His eyes widen slightly, just enough to betray his surprise.
His shock is mild but undeniable as he takes in the sight of you, someone warm and inviting, standing confidently before him. What could someone like you possibly want from him?
Akutagawa’s gaze flickers over you, searching for a reason, a threat, something to explain why you’re in his path. The unfamiliarity of the encounter makes him uncomfortable, and his guard instinctively rises.
“You dropped this…”
Your voice, kind and genuine, takes him off guard for the second time. Two moments of confusion in a single encounter—he’s already feeling off balance.
It would be a sight to behold had you known who he truly was—one of Yokohama’s most feared mafiosos.
You’re holding out his handkerchief. The one he uses to cough into.
His gaze shifts to the cloth in your hand, then back to your face. The urge to dismiss you rises quickly, but as he looks away, something unexpected happens.
Your eyes meet his. His cold, grey stare, which normally repels others or leaves them frozen, meets your gaze, and for a brief moment, something inside him stirs. The sensation is strange—something between discomfort and intrigue—as if, for just a second, he sees you differently. Not just as a stranger, but as something… more.
He’s not used to this. The feeling tingles at the edges of his awareness, unsettling and foreign, making him question what it is about you that sparked this unfamiliar warmth in his chest. In that instant, he feels the weight of his ideals—the relentless pursuit of strength and dominance—shift slightly, as though something in him yearns for connection despite the ferocity with which he clings to his principles.
Akutagawa hesitates, caught off guard by the genuine kindness radiating from you. He can feel the knot in his chest tightening as he grapples with the implications of your presence.
He clears his throat, attempting to regain his composure. “… Thanks,” he mutters, his voice low and rough, barely above a whisper.
The handkerchief hangs awkwardly between you, and he feels a surge of irritation at the vulnerability it represents.
You smile at his gratitude, and he can’t help but find the expression both refreshing and irritating.
“You didn’t have to bother. It’s nothing important.”
You tilt your head to the side. What could he mean? Nothing important as in ‘just a handkerchief’? It looked expensive. It definitely didn’t look like something you’d throw away after using it once.
“I wanted to,” you reply, your tone light and genuine. “I couldn’t just leave it there.”
He narrows his eyes, instinctively defensive. “Most people wouldn’t bother,” he retorts, his annoyance flaring up.
Oh, he wasn’t trying to blend in at all. He was being impolite.“They don’t care about things that don’t concern them.”
Your gaze wavers slightly, making him feel uncomfortable, which catches him off guard.
“But I do care. Sometimes, it’s the little things that matter.”
He scoffs, an edge to his voice. He mumbles, ready to leave any moment. “Little things? They mean nothing.”
You either survive or you don’t.—Is what he told himself. He recognised that he stepped out of the line. The nausea surely wasn’t helping him.
“Maybe,” you say, unfazed, “but that doesn’t mean we have to give in to that. We can choose to be different.”
Akutagawa’s chest tightens at your words. What were you yapping about? Like that stupid weretiger. He shifts his weight, irritation bubbling beneath the surface.
“You think you can change anything?” he asks, skepticism lacing his tone. He wants to leave. Your presence is making him feel uncomfortable.
“I believe we can,” you answer, your conviction steady. “Even if it’s just for one person at a time.”
His heart races, battling against his instinct to retreat into his shell. He studies you, trying to dissect your motivations, to find the weakness in your resolve.
“And you think you’re that person?” he challenges, his eyes cold.
“Why not?” you reply, meeting his gaze head-on. “If you’re open to it.”
His cheeks flush slightly. He feels an unexpected pull toward you, and he knows that he needs to leave. Now.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 day
could you do a lil drabble for each of the batboys with a ghost!reader who haunts the mansion? like the ghost is super nice and chill, and they help out in minor ways (help finding small items, cleaning up places, fixing someone’s clothes).
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All the boys at some point knew the mansion was haunted, but not by the ghosts of Thomas and Martha Wayne, no but instead of a different person entirely who had no ties what so ever to the manner but thankfully you’re rather helpful and chill in comparison to how movies tends to stereotype ghosts as…something you take full offence to…
Ironically he reacted the least to you when you showed up in front of him one day, his red helmet in hand.
‘You’ve got to stop dropping this dude, it can only take a couple more drops before you break the fucking thing completely.’ You tell him as you set the helmet aside on his bedside desk.
Jason only looks at you with intrigue. ‘How did you get in the manor?’ He asks. You crossed your arms over your chest. ‘I’m a ghost, there is no getting in when I’ve been here for a little over a couple months.’ You replied
‘How?’ He asks.
You shrugged. ‘Dunno, I died a few feet from this manor and yet I got stuck here regardless, it sounds like the start of a shitty horror movie.’ Jason chuckled as he sits back on his bed. ‘Yeah it really does but aren’t you ghosts meant to be, you know…vengeful towards the living?’ He teases and you shot him a look.
‘First of all those ghosts are old cunts who are have a thing for killing young people and kids for the sake of enforcing their hatred towards the newer generation. I on the other hand don’t fucking care because what purpose does it serve me to frighten people into paranoia? None and besides you lot are a messy bunch that don’t know the first thing of keeping your stuff in your own rooms, you and dick are the worst for that.’
Jason raised his hands in defence. ‘Guilty as charged but they always seem to come back to our rooms regardless, so I’m assuming that’s you?’
You hummed.
You shrugged again. ‘I’m bored and got too much time stuck here doing fuck all. So now I clean up after you lot to pass the infinite time I’m now cursed with.’
‘Must suck.’ Jason said as he looked at you. ‘Being dead and I should know but unlike you I was brought back against my will.’ You waved a hand at him as you sat next to him. ‘It’s not all bad being dead but I think coming back to live is an even worse fate to have.’ You then look at him with concern for his wellbeing. ‘How do you do it?’
Jason stayed silent as his steely gaze locked onto the wall in front of him. ‘I’m still trying.’ Was all he said and you decided they your time here was over as you walked over to his doorway but looked back at Jason before leaving. ‘Talk to your brothers, before you regret not doing so later…I know I regret not saying anything to my family before…you know.’ You tell him with a weak smile.
Jason was left mulling over your words that night.
He fainted the moment you handed him his weapons to him. This wasn’t the first time he did it either.
You weren’t amused as you sighed. ‘Okay big guy, let’s get you back to bed.’ You settled aside his weapons on the kitchen counter where you found him, before focusing all your effort and energy into lifting him up and carrying him back to bed, tucked in tight like a baby that he was when it came to horror movies.
You often left dick’s stuff in places he frequently visited or in his room rather then stay long for him to see you, all in the hope of not having to hear him scream and potentially faint on the spot, for in all honestly after the first few times it was beyond ridiculous, and you couldn’t be bothered to make an attempt to ease his anxiety about you if he wasn’t even conscious for you to do so.
He was the one you interacted the least but would keep an eye on from afar like you did with the rest of the boys.
So when he finds himself in his bed, he’s confused, he thought he was in the training room before but then he remembered that his encounter with you sent him into unconsciousness. He wasn’t the biggest fan of horror movies and ever since his first one, his fears and worries towards ghosts has grown since his siblings love horror movie nights, much to his dismay.
There was a ghost in the manor…but you didn’t seem hostile or as angry and violent as the ones he saw in movies, if anything you were the exact opposite but still his worries that this was all just a ruse was enough to have him on edge whenever he heard a creak in the floorboards or shutting of a random door.
‘Christ you’re hopeless boy wonder.’ You say out of instinct and dick, who had gotten out of bed at this point and wandered down the hallway, straightened up and looked over at you with wide eyes.
‘Me!’ You replied sarcastically. ‘Now before you faint on me, your weapons are in the training area where you fainted before I had to drag your ass back to bed, if not ask Tim as I left him the responsibility to tell you where they are.’ You add and within a matter of minutes, dick fainted and you sighed once more as you were forced to carry the man back to bed, more then ready to do this all over again should he cross your path once more.
Didn’t fully encounter you until he was on a hunt to find his missing computer charger, growing ever more annoyed when he couldn’t find it, only to hear someone from his doorway say;
‘Looking for this?’
Tim looks up to find your translucent hand hold out his charger, it almost looked as though it was floating in midair in front of him as though it was the carrot on the stick and he was the donkey, destined to be lured by the illusion of one day eating the carrot only to always be mere inches away from that reality but never getting any closer then those mere inches.
‘What the-‘ he begins but you raised your other hand.
‘Don’t freak out dude, I’m just a ghost who’s trying to help you find a charger, no need to reach for the phone and get a fake medium, nor call that John Constantine dude Christ.’ You said as you threw his computer charger onto his bed. Tim was still very much in a state of surprise at how you could intersect with objects, for as he was aware ghosts had to be able to muster the anger to do so, but here you were doing what other ghosts couldn’t so effortlessly and easily as breathing.
‘Thanks?’ He then says and you shrugged your shoulders.
‘No problem, also when dick comes and ask you where his combat sticks are, they’re in the kitchen…where he left them the night before, I would do it but I’m pretty sure he fainted when I held them t to him.’ You told Tim but before he could say anything else, you disappeared through the wall across his room and it left him with a cold sensation travelling through his body upon witnessing it.
He’s now going to sleep with one eye open in the instance you came back to watch over him like a sleep paralysis demon. That and he found out your death with a quick search.
Didn’t believe in ghosts until he caught you sorting out his art supplies in a neat and orderly manner.
‘Hey!’ He’d bark.
‘At least arrange your paint brushes from thickest to thinnest,’ you groaned, ignoring his bark, ‘it’s a pain in the ass to keep cleaning after you and keep the art desk clean also.’
Damian faltered and his anger subsided to confusion. ‘You’re the one who’s been doing that?’ He asks. You looked at his as though he grew another head. ‘Duh, of course I do. Also don’t wear anything that can get into acrylic paint, it doesn’t come out, like at all that shit ruins any good shirt you have forever see!’ You then showed him your paint covered sleeves with a smile.
‘How did you get in here without setting off the alarms?’ Damian questioned and you then sighed as you balled up a fist and threw a punch that went straight through the set desk, you leave it there for Damian to realise what your situation was before pulling it out. ‘You’re a ghost.’
‘In the flesh! Well flesh for you not me as I’m dead and all-‘
‘Yes I get that but-‘
‘Damian.’ Dick’s voice could heard through the door as the pair of you froze. ‘Who are you talking to?’ Damian was about to answer but when he looked over at where you stood, you were gone as though you had never existed and slowly Damian closed his mouth. ‘No one.’ He replied as he looked over at his art desk to see that you had cleaned his paintbrushes, organised them from height order and even brought a fresh canvas out for him too.
Something told him that this won’t be the last time that he saw you.
Congratulations you’ve gained his interest.
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capquinn · 2 days
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In Between | Q. Hughes
summary: your friendship with quinn is slowly transforming. there is an unspoken tension and feelings that simmer beneath the surface, keeping you on the edge of friendship and something more. the in-between is where you both linger, uncertain yet drawn to each other. based upon the song in between by gracie abrams [request] pairing: reader x quinn hughes content: mutual pining, bit of fluff, easy reading word count: 4.9k ↪masterlist
Quinn has felt it for a while, though he’s tried to push it aside. It’s subtle at first — small changes in the way he anticipates your messages, the way his heart skips when his phone buzzes, hoping it’s you. He finds himself checking his phone more than usual, almost unconsciously, just to see if you’ve sent something. And when you haven’t, there’s that quiet ache in his stomach, a flicker of disappointment that he tries to ignore. It’s ridiculous, he tells himself, we’re just friends. But the more he talks to you, the more he’s beginning to realise that, whatever it is, feels different.
"I just can't come between 'em, they got their own thingI wish he'd stop pretendin', he won't let his phone ringFor more than a couple seconds, oh, I think maybe twoTwo hearts just fallin' in and out of love for somethin' new"
Quinn’s back home for the summer, a rare stretch of time when he’s free from the constant grind of the season. His brothers are sprawled out on the living room floor, teasing each other as they dive into a game of cards. It’s loud, it’s chaotic, and it feels like home. He loves it — this easy, familiar rhythm of being back with his family.
His phone buzzes on the coffee table, cutting through the noise. He glances at the screen and, without hesitation, picks it up. Your name flashes across the screen, and there’s no delay in his reaction — he’s quick to answer nowadays, barely letting it ring twice, his voice immediately softening as he presses the phone to his ear.
“Hey,” he says, and the easy grin that spreads across his face doesn’t go unnoticed by his brothers.
Jack and Luke exchange a knowing glance. It’s subtle, but it’s enough. They’ve seen this look before. The way Quinn’s whole demeanour shifts when he’s talking to you, how his voice drops to that soft, relaxed tone that only seems to happen when you call and a beaming smile that reaches his eyes. 
“Everything okay?” Quinn asks, his attention fully on you, completely oblivious to the smirks forming on his brothers' faces.
“Yeah, just wanted to check in,” you reply on the other end, your voice a little muffled, but he hears the warmth in it. “You doing anything important?”
Quinn leans back in his chair, ignoring Jack’s playful elbow jab as Luke mutters something under his breath that he chooses to ignore. “Nothing important. Just hanging out.”
Since Quinn has been away, you’ve been in more contact than usual; trying to stay connected despite the distance. Calls that stretch late into the night and texts exchanged throughout the day. What were once quick updates are now filled with small, meaningful details and random moments from your day, like you’re inviting him into your world. At first, it felt casual, like old friends catching up but somewhere along the way, it all started to feel different — more intimate and filled with silences that seem to say more than words.
The conversation flows easily, the kind of back-and-forth that’s always existed between you two. You talk about the little things in your day, sharing stories, inside jokes, and quick laughs that come effortlessly, just like always. Quinn’s responses are natural, his voice relaxed, his words flowing without hesitation. It feels familiar, comfortable — like home. But there’s something more beneath the surface now. 
Quinn has felt it for a while, though he’s tried to push it aside. It’s subtle at first — small changes in the way he anticipates your messages, the way his heart skips when his phone buzzes, hoping it’s you. He finds himself checking his phone more than usual, almost unconsciously, just to see if you’ve sent something. And when you haven’t, there’s that quiet ache in his stomach, a flicker of disappointment that he tries to ignore. It’s ridiculous, he tells himself, we’re just friends. But the more he talks to you, the more he’s beginning to realise that, whatever it is, feels different.
He’s trying to pretend it’s just the distance. It’s easier that way, less complicated. You haven’t seen each other in a while — of course he misses you. That’s normal, right? It’s been months since he’s been in the city, and he hasn’t had the chance to hang out with you like he used to. That’s all it is, he tells himself. He’s just missing his friend. But deep down, he knows it’s more than that. This longing he feels isn’t just about the physical distance between you; it’s about the emotional closeness that’s been growing steadily with every call, every shared laugh, every moment that feels more intimate than the last.
The truth is, it’s not just in his head. The way you talk to each other now — the pauses, the laughs, the silences that stretch a little too long — it all feels different. There’s a tension building beneath the surface, and no matter how much Quinn tries to downplay it, it’s there. He knows it, and he’s pretty sure you do too.
“Alright, I’ll let you get back to it,” you say after a few minutes, your voice carrying that familiar warmth that always makes Quinn smile. “Talk soon?”
“Yeah,” he says, his voice softening even more, trying to sound indifferent that the phone call is ending sooner than he’d like. “Talk soon.”
As soon as he hangs up, he’s met with the inevitable barrage of playful nudges from his brothers. Jack leans over, raising an eyebrow in Quinn’s direction. “You could’ve pretended not to be so eager, you know.”
Luke snickers from his spot on the floor, tossing a card into the pile. “She calls, and it’s like everything else just disappears.”
Quinn rolls his eyes, but he can’t hide the slight blush creeping up his neck. “Shut up.”
But Jack isn’t done. He leans forward, elbows on his knees, grinning widely. “Come on, man. We all see it.”
“There’s nothing to see,” Quinn insists, leaning back, trying to brush it off like he always does. But he knows it’s a weak deflection. He’s never been able to hide much from his brothers, and when it comes to you, they’ve seen right through him for a while now.
"Their past is cold and empty, they know it's been enoughOf waitin' on somebody, someone who doesn't careBut he knows her name, she knows he'll always be there"
The bar is buzzing with life — the hum of music, the clinking of glasses, the laughter of people drifting through the air — but it feels distant, like a backdrop to the moment unfolding between you and Quinn. Tucked away in a quiet corner booth, it’s just the two of you, like the rest of the world has blurred out. Ever since Quinn got back to town, it’s been different. The usual rhythm of your friendship has shifted, and you both feel it — the weight of something unsaid, the way every glance and touch feels like it carries a thousand unspoken words.
You’ve been trying to ignore it, trying to convince yourself that maybe you’re imagining things, but the way Quinn’s knee has been brushing against yours under the table, staying there a little too long, makes you question it. It feels deliberate, intentional, as if he’s just waiting for you to acknowledge it. His eyes keep flicking to yours as he talks about training, about the grind of the upcoming season, but you can sense his focus isn’t on hockey. He’s distracted — and so are you.
You take a deep breath, your fingers tracing the rim of your glass as you try to steady yourself. “I ended things with that guy.” You watch Quinn as the words leave your mouth, a little too quickly, a little too nervously.
His reaction is subtle — just a slight pause in his movements. His fingers tighten briefly around the glass in his hand, a flicker of surprise crossing his face before he quickly schools his expression back into something more neutral. But you’ve known Quinn long enough to catch the shift. The easy smile he wore just a second ago falters, and his eyes flicker away from yours, just for a moment. He’s listening, but something has shifted in him now, and you feel it settle in the air between you.
You should feel relieved, like you’ve gotten it off your chest, but instead, your pulse quickens, and the warmth in the room seems to move with it.
Quinn leans back in his seat, taking a long sip of his drink, his jaw tight. “Yeah? You weren’t happy?” His voice is calm, but there’s an edge there, something quiet and careful, as if he’s trying not to show too much. His eyes meet yours again, and though he’s trying to keep his usual steady demeanour, you can see the tension in his shoulders, the way his body has gone just a little bit rigid.
You hesitate, unsure how to answer. It wasn’t about being happy or unhappy with the guy, not really. It was more about how that relationship never stood a chance, not with the way your thoughts have been tangled up in Quinn. But you can’t say that — not here, not now. The tension between you both is palpable, and you’re not sure how much more you can handle.
You shrug, trying to play it off casually. “I guess it just didn’t feel right, you know?”
His gaze sharpens, and you swear you see something flicker behind his eyes, something that makes your breath catch in your throat. “Yeah,” he says, a little too quickly, his voice low and almost distant. “Sometimes it’s like that.”
There’s a beat of silence, and in that moment, everything feels heavy. His leg, which has been brushing against yours under the table, remains there. He doesn’t move away, doesn’t shift, and it sends a wave of awareness through you. You don’t move either. The tension is thick now, humming between you, filling the space that once felt comfortable, but now feels charged with everything you’re both avoiding.
Quinn’s fingers tap against the glass, a telltale sign of his discomfort, but his eyes are locked on yours. The casual ease of your conversation is gone, replaced by something deeper, something unspoken that neither of you can quite name. His usual calm demeanour is cracking, but he’s still trying to hold it together, just like you are.
“You good with it?” he asks, his voice softer now, but there’s a heaviness behind his words, like he’s asking about more than just the breakup. Like he’s asking if you’re okay with the way things are between you and him — the way they haven’t been acknowledged, the way you’ve both been skirting around the inevitable.
You feel your heart skip as you nod. “Yeah. I think it’s for the best.”
He looks down at the table, lips pressing into a thin line, and you wonder if he’s disappointed or if he’s relieved that you’ve dodged the real issue again. The tension between you feels almost unbearable now, like it’s right there, ready to spill over if either of you says the wrong thing. You can see it in the way his posture has shifted, more closed off than usual, and you know he’s doing the same thing you are — keeping it all locked up inside.
The longer the silence stretches, the more aware you become of the weight of his gaze, the subtle shift in his demeanour. His leg remains pressed against yours, and now it feels more deliberate, like he’s testing your boundaries without crossing the line. It sends a shiver through you, but still, you don’t pull away.
You clear your throat, trying to break the tension that’s winding tighter between you both. “So... hockey. You’re ready for the season?” It’s a weak attempt to redirect, but you can’t handle the intensity in his eyes any longer.
Quinn lets out a quiet breath, almost like a sigh of resignation, and his lips curve into a small, humourless smile. “Yeah,” he says, though it’s clear his mind is elsewhere. “Always ready.”
But he’s not talking about hockey anymore. You know it. He knows it. The tension between you is almost suffocating now. You’ve both sidestepped it once again, pretending everything is fine when you both know it’s not.
Still, the silence stretches, and his eyes drift back to yours, holding your gaze for just a moment longer than before. His leg stays where it is, pressed against yours, warm and steady, like an unspoken promise.
You don’t move. Neither does he.
And the tension, the thing you’ve both been avoiding for so long, continues to simmer beneath the surface, waiting for the moment when one of you finally decides to break.
"She toes the line between 'em, he says he's new at this There's holy ground beneath them, and sparks fly when they kiss"
It’s an unusually free Friday night for Quinn — no games, no media commitments, just a rare quiet slot of time that you had both been looking forward to. You’re both on his sofa, a bottle of red wine shared between you, glasses resting on the coffee table as the conversation ebbs and flows. The city is muted through the window, the distant hum of the nightlife outside contrasting with the stillness in his apartment.
The warmth of the wine is settling in, buzzing just beneath your skin, making everything feel a little softer, a little easier. You’re both relaxed, more than you’ve been in a while, and the absence of his usual responsibilities means there is nothing pulling him away. It’s just you and him, and this moment that feels long overdue. 
The conversation has slowed into something quieter now, the playful banter from earlier fading as the night deepens. You’re sitting closer than usual, your legs brushing his, your bodies naturally leaning toward each other in the comfortable warmth of the room, and while you’d like to blame it entirely on the wine, you both know that isn’t true. The drinks are just an excuse, a convenient explanation for the shift that’s been happening between you for weeks — the simmering tension that neither of you have acknowledged yet.
The wineglass in your hand feels warm, the liquid swirling as you take another sip, and you glance over at Quinn. He’s leaning back against the couch, his arm draped along the top, not quite touching you, but close enough that the proximity feels charged. 
You laugh at something Quinn says, the sound filling the quiet space between you, and without thinking, you scoot closer, resting your head on his shoulder. It feels natural, effortless, and you can feel his body relax slightly next to yours. 
“This is nice… being here with you,” you sigh softly, your words lingering in the air, more meaningful than they might seem.
Quinn shifts beside you, turning slightly as if to make more room for you to settle in even closer. His hand, now just brushing against your knee, lingers longer than before. His arm draped along the back of the couch still isn’t quite around your shoulders, but it’s close enough that anyone watching would assume the two of you were already past the point of casual.
There’s a silence between you, the kind that speaks louder than anything either of you could say. The tension, the closeness, the feeling that everything has led up to this moment — it’s undeniable.
Then, softly, Quinn breaks the silence, his voice low and a little hesitant, as if he needs confirmation of what’s already clear. “You feel it too, right?”
He looks at you, his eyes searching yours for clarity, for reassurance. His question isn’t just about tonight — it’s about everything that’s been building between you. The tension, the unspoken connection that’s simmered for a while now. His question hangs in the air, waiting.
You nod, the answer already written across your face before the words even come. “Yeah,” you say, your voice sure. “I do.”
The relief on his face is immediate, and for a moment, everything else fades away. The space between you closes, the weight of the unspoken words dissolves, and suddenly, you’re no longer just two friends dancing around something more.
Quinn’s eyes remain locked on yours, and there’s a vulnerability in his expression that wasn’t there before. He shifts again, his hand moving fully to rest against your thigh now, his touch warm and steady. The question had been lingering between you both for so long, and now, with the truth out in the open, it feels like something is shifting beneath your feet, like you’re standing on the edge of something new, something sacred.
He lets out a small, almost nervous laugh, and his lips curve into a soft smile. 
“I’m new at this,” he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. It’s not just about admitting he’s new to this kind of intimacy. It’s more than that. It’s about navigating uncharted territory, stepping into something that feels both familiar and foreign all at once. Moving this friendship into something more, and for the love of all things holy, not messing it up. His eyes flicker down for a moment, as if he’s trying to gather himself before looking back at you. “I don’t really know how to...”
The words trail off, but they don’t need to be completed. You can feel the weight of what he’s saying.
There’s a silence, but it isn’t uncomfortable. The ground beneath you feels as is its trembling with anticipation, and the moment stretches as Quinn inches closer, his breath warm against your skin. There’s a pause — like he’s giving you one last chance to pull back, to stay in the safety of what you were before — but you don’t.
Quinn's lips meet yours, and the world seems to tilt on its axis. The kiss is soft at first, almost hesitant, as if he's still unsure, but that uncertainty dissolves almost immediately. The tension that’s been coiling between you for weeks… months… finally snaps, unraveling with each second that passes. His hand tightens on your leg, fingers pressing into your skin like he’s grounding himself in this moment, tethering himself to the reality of what’s happening between you.
The kiss deepens, slow but intense, and it feels like every suppressed emotion, every lingering glance, every accidental touch is being released all at once. There’s a heat between you that wasn’t there before. It’s something that goes beyond the warmth of the room or the haze of the drinks. This is raw, electric, and it pulses through you with every breath you take.
His other hand, the one draped over the back of the couch, finally moves, slipping down to gently rest on your shoulder before sliding around to your back. His fingers trace a slow, deliberate path along your spine, and it sends shivers racing down your body. The contact is firm but tender, pulling you in closer, until there’s barely any space left between you.
You respond instinctively, your hands moving to his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing beneath your palms. His heart is pounding just as hard as yours, and the realisation of that shared vulnerability only intensifies the moment. The air between you buzzes, charged with every unspoken word, every unsaid feeling. Your hands slide upward, fingers finding their way to the back of his neck, tangling in his hair, pulling him even closer.
There’s no hesitation now. The pent-up tension that’s been simmering for so long unravels in waves, and it’s not just the kiss. It’s the way your bodies move together, how every touch feels deliberate, meaningful, like you’re both making up for all the moments you held back.
Quinn shifts slightly, pulling you with him, deepening the kiss, and you feel the weight of him, the heat of him, pressing against you. His hands roam more freely now, one slipping from your back to rest on your waist, fingers curling into the fabric of your shirt, tugging you closer, needing you closer. Your legs brush against his, and it’s as though every point of contact is sparking something more urgent.
The world outside fades, and all you can feel is him. His warmth. His breath. His heart beating against yours. The tension between you isn’t just releasing — it’s transforming.
There’s no need for words. Everything is being said in the way his hands move over your body, the way your fingers press into his skin, the way the kiss deepens and slows, and deepens again. The tension that’s been keeping you apart for so long has unraveled, and now all that’s left is this — this raw, electric pull that neither of you are resisting anymore.
"She loves how he talks late at night, when there's no one else to say How she's beautiful and funny and smart like nothin' he's ever seen He's good to her and she wants it more than everything in between"
The phone buzzes softly on your nightstand, and you don’t hesitate to grab it, your heart skipping a beat when you see Quinn’s name lighting up the screen. You’ve been in bed for a while now, trying to lose yourself in a book, but the pages blurred as your thoughts drifted to him — away on a road trip for a series of games, alone in some unknown hotel room, hundreds of miles between you. Though it’s not the first time he’s been gone for a stretch, this is the first time you’ve been apart for so long since everything changed between you. The distance feels like more than just time zones. It’s a physical ache, an emptiness that lingers.
You answer on the second ring, eager to hear his voice. “Hey,” you murmur, the late hour making your voice rough.
“Hey,” Quinn’s voice comes through, low and familiar, and just hearing it feels like a balm to the loneliness that’s been creeping in. You can hear the soft rustle of sheets, maybe the distant murmur of a TV on low, and you imagine him in some anonymous hotel room, far from you but somehow closer with every word.
“How’s the trip?” you ask, trying to keep the conversation light even though your chest tightens just hearing his voice.
“Same as usual,” Quinn responds, a hint of exhaustion creeping into his tone. “Long flights, long days. But…” There’s a pause, and you know what he’s going to say before he even says it. “I miss you.”
There’s something so vulnerable in those three words, something that makes your heart clench, and you find yourself smiling into the phone. “I miss you too.”
You can picture him there, lying back in bed, maybe one arm draped over his forehead like he does when he’s trying to hide how tired he is. 
“I love this,” you murmur into the phone, your voice soft, barely cutting through the quiet. Your fingers absentmindedly trace the pattern of the blanket draped across your lap.
“What’s that?” Quinn’s voice, low and a little rough from the day, comes through the line, and even though you can’t see him, you can hear the curiosity in his tone.
“This,” you say with a quiet smile. “Just you. Talking like that.”
On the other end of the line, you hear Quinn chuckle softly, the sound rumbling through the phone in a way that makes you wish he was here, with his laughter vibrating against your skin. “You love hearing me talk, huh?” There’s a teasing lilt to his words.
You press the phone closer to your ear, as if somehow it could make him feel closer. “Yeah, I do,” you admit, feeling the warmth of your confession. “Especially when you get all sweet on me.”
There’s a pause, a beat of quiet between you, and you can practically see Quinn shifting, running a hand through his hair the way he does when he’s caught off guard. “I don’t get sweet,” he protests, but there’s no conviction in his voice. You both know better.
“Mhm, sure you don’t,” you tease gently, heart fluttering. “You don’t tell me I’m beautiful, funny, smart — none of that?”
He sighs, but you can hear the smile in his voice. “Alright, maybe I’ve said that once or twice.”
The air feels lighter between you now, but it’s not enough to shake the ache in your chest, the emptiness of the space beside you. Even through the phone, you can feel the weight of his absence like a shadow, clinging to every moment. This is the part of loving him you didn’t expect — the way missing him would feel so physical, like something tangible pressing against you in the quiet.
Time feels fluid, stretching and slipping away as you talk with Quinn. His voice, low and familiar, wraps around you like a blanket, and the distance between you feels inconsequential, almost forgotten. The conversation is effortless, a mix of soft teasing and the easy exchange of stories from your day — his tales from the road, your small updates, and the shared laughter that punctuates each moment. It's the kind of talk that feels more intimate than the miles would suggest, as if his voice alone closes the gap between you.
Every now and then, the conversation drifts into comfortable silence. You can hear the soft rustle of sheets on his end, the quiet rhythm of his breathing, steady and even.
For a fleeting second, you wonder if he’s fallen asleep — the stillness of his breathing so steady it lulls you, too, into a softer state. But just when you think he’s drifted off, his voice breaks through again, raspy and warm. The sound of it tugs at your heart, a gentle reminder that he’s just as reluctant to let go of this moment as you are.
“You should be sleeping,” you murmur gently, the words laced with both affection and concern.
Quinn chuckles softly, and the sound is so familiar that it tugs at your heart. “Yeah, I probably should,” he admits, though neither of you move to end the conversation. You hear the faint rustle of sheets as he shifts, settling deeper into bed, but there’s still no rush to say goodnight.
Eventually, you give in, your voice thick with exhaustion, still playful. “Goodnight, Quinn,” you say, the words rolling off your tongue in a sing-song tone.
“Don’t go,” he whines softly, and you can hear the smile in his voice, even though he’s clearly just as tired.
“It’s late,” you remind him, knowing he’s been dreading the blare of his alarm in just a few hours.
“Don’t care,” he half lies, and you know he’d stay on the line as long as you let him.
You let out a small laugh. “I’m going to hang up now, but I’m doing it for your own good, so you can’t be mad at me.” 
Quinn sighs on the other end of the line, a sound that’s both exasperated and warm, like he’s really not ready to say goodnight. But before he can protest again, the words slip out — “goodnight. Love you.” 
And for a split second, the air goes still, and your heart skips, freezing in this fragile moment where everything feels suspended. You realise what you’ve said, what’s just hung in the silence between you. Panic flares in your chest, sharp and hot, and before Quinn can respond, you fumble to end the call, your finger hitting the button too fast. 
You toss your phone under your pillow, rolling over as if you can outrun the wave of mortification crashing over you. Your mind spins, replaying the words, each syllable sharper than the last. How could you say it like that? Blurt it out so casually, without thought? What if it was too soon, too forward? What if you’ve pushed him away, scared him off when everything was finally right between you?
The thoughts whirl through your mind, gaining speed as you lie there, squeezing your eyes shut like it’ll stop the embarrassment creeping up your spine. But just as the spiral begins to tighten, your phone buzzes from beneath the pillow. You freeze, your breath catching in your throat. 
With trembling hands, you pull the phone out, dread settling like a heavy weight in your stomach. The screen lights up, and for a second, you hesitate, afraid of what you might see. But then your eyes land on the message, and your breath hitches.
Quinny: Love you too
Relief floods you so quickly it makes you dizzy, your heart swelling with a mixture of disbelief and happiness. You let out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding, a quiet laugh escaping your lips as the tension in your body melts away. The words linger in front of you, simple and sure, and you feel the warmth of them settle into your chest, softening everything.
Quinn’s message glows softly in the dim light, and though your relationship has been official for months, it still feels like a quiet, pivotal moment. The in-between — the space you both danced around for so long — has long since disappeared, but the echoes of it remain. It wasn’t just a transition from friends to something more; it was the space where your connection deepened, where the foundation of everything you have now was laid. The friendship that came first is woven into every moment of this relationship, grounding you both in something real, something steady.
You think about that, about how the laughter, trust, and late-night conversations that once kept you in the comfort of friendship are now the very things that make this love feel solid. The in-between was where you found your footing, but it’s the friendship that carried you here, to this place where being with Quinn, loving him, feels as natural as breathing.
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nadvs · 3 days
out of bounds (part five)
pairing zach maclaren and soccerplayer! female reader
rating mature 18+ for smut (zach is subby and packing) (and you can’t convince me otherwise)
summary zach has never been the type to rebel, but when he meets you at a soccer camp where you’re both working as counselors, which has a strict policy against dating between staff, he’s tempted to break the rules for the first time.
» part one | two | three | four
» masterlist
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The setting sun is an orange sliver behind the clouds over the lake, promising a colder night as you sit by the campfire.
It’s been another tiring day and lights out can’t come soon enough. You check the time on your phone to see you have twenty minutes left of free time before campers retire to their cabins.
Zach sits across the fire pit with Malcolm, surrounded by chattering kids.
“It’d be nice if our campers actually wanted to spend time with us,” Ami says to you quietly, sitting next to you.
You laugh, noticing that a lot of your girls are sitting around Zach and Malcolm, talking and staring at them in awe. They’re not subtle at all.
“I have so much to tell you, by the way,” she adds.
“About…?” you ask, your eyes inconspicuously drifting towards Malcolm.
“Yeah,” she says. “He came over when you and Zach went on your little date.”
You laugh again to cover your nerves. Ami was already asleep when you made it to your cabin last night. This morning, you briefly chatted with her about how you ran an errand in town with Zach, making it sound as boring as possible.
You’re still putting up the front that you have no romance between you. You’re not sure you’re doing such a convincing job and it’s been feeding your anxiety.
“We went shopping for work,” you reiterate. “We’re just friends.”
“Sure,” she replies, unconvinced. “He’s totally looking at you like you’re a friend right now.”
You glance up to meet Zach’s gaze, the corner of his lips quirked up, his eyes on you. You smile at him and look at Ami again. You haven’t told her a thing. Not even that you and Zach confessed your feelings for each other.
Admittedly, it’d be nice to be able to gush with Ami about your flings. She’s become a good friend over the two weeks you’ve been working at the camp and she tells you everything about Malcolm. But you respect Zach too much to give in.
“Okay, maybe there’s a tiny possibility we like each other, but we’re not doing anything about it,” you offer quietly. “So, what happened?”
“I’ll tell you tonight,” she says.
You nod. You already decided that when you get to your cabin, you’ll tell her that you’re going to the dining hall to have a video call with friends. If she insists you stay, you’ll say you’ll be loud and you don’t want to bother her in case it goes late.
In reality, you’re planning to go to Zach’s cabin tonight. He’ll have the place to himself. And you can hardly wait.
It’s complicated and a bit guilt-inducing to be lying so much, but when you glance across the fire again and see Zach’s bright smile, you know he and his comfort are worth it.
Ami falls into conversation with another counselor and you text Zach to tease him: what’s with the staring? you’re making it a little obvious maclaren.
It’s not until after lights out when Malcolm leaves their shared cabin for his shift that Zach showers, tidies up, sits on his bed and pulls his phone out to text you that he realizes you texted him a while ago.
He’s been riddled with anticipation all day. It’s been hard to focus. You didn’t exactly directly confirm you’d be coming over tonight, but it seemed to be an unspoken plan between you two.
And the fact that you bought condoms last night has been turning over and over in his head. He won’t rush you, he wouldn’t dream of it, but he hopes tonight is the night.
He replies to you: I can’t stare at you? Come on. You’re asking for the impossible here.
And because he can’t wait, he texts again: You want to come over tonight?
Five minutes pass. Then, ten. All he has left to do is reread his texts to you. Maybe he came across too strong.
Come to think of it, your first text calling him out for staring could have been serious. What if you’re not teasing, but actually upset with him?
He’s drafting a text to apologize if he said anything wrong, but you reply: be there soon.
When you knock on Zach’s door, he opens it within seconds and you rush inside.
“Sorry,” you tell him, pulling him in for a hug. “Ami was filling me in on some stuff.”
“All good,” Zach says, although in reality, he was kind of freaking out. He leans to kiss your forehead and his body warms when you tighten your arms around his torso. “Where’d you say you’re going?”
“Taking a call.” You squeeze him once more, his body firm against you, before leaning back to cup his face and pull him down towards you.
Your kiss is gentle, its tenderness proof of just how much you’ve missed him. All the tension in his body fades like you’re pulling him out of a bad dream. He’s relieved that things between you are okay. Your touch shows that you’re still in this like he is.
“Hi,” you whisper in relief.
“Hey, baby.” His deep voice is like velvet, the word spilling out of his mouth as if he’s called you that a million times before.
“How was your day?” you ask.
“This is the best part of it,” he replies. You smile and kiss him again.
When you settle on Zach’s bed, sitting across from each other, you look around his small cabin, laid out like yours, items neatly tucked away.
“Thought you said you were messy,” you say, playfully pushing his shoulder.
Zach takes the opportunity to hold your hand, cupping it, stroking his thumb over your fingers in his lap.
He gazes at you, at how effortlessly pretty you look in your comfy clothes, at how quickly you make his blood go hot and his body go tense just from a hug and a few kisses.
“I cleaned up,” he says. “Think I’ll have to mess it up again so Malcolm doesn’t get suspicious, though.”
“I wonder if he and Ami talk about us,” you say. “She’s been teasing me about liking you ever since our first night here.”
“Did you? Like me then?” Zach flirts.
You look down, smiling shyly, thinking back to the night you kicked the ball around under the starry sky, getting to know each other, bodies lightly brushing together.
“Yeah,” you confess. “Did you?”
“I liked you since you told me there was only one fork left.”
“So, the first thing I said to you?” you laugh, rolling your eyes.
“What, you don’t believe me?” Zach brings your hand up against his chest as he feigns offense. You laugh together and he dips his head to kiss the back of your hand, eyes locked on yours.
He’s acting like he couldn’t wait to get you alone again. You feel the same way. It’s ridiculously hard being in the same vicinity all day and having to act like you haven’t kissed or touched each other.
Now, he’s merely inches away, his heartbeat pounding against your palm, the tension between you thickening by the second.
Zach lowers your hand on his bed. His blanket is soft. His stare is tender. You look down at the way his big hand covers yours and you quickly notice the thick ridge of his erection beneath his sweatpants.
It makes the coil in you tighten, knowing he’s already as turned on as you are. You discreetly feel for the condom in your pocket to make sure it’s still there.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” Zach offers, tilting his head towards his desk. You see his laptop propped open.
You smile, endeared over how considerate he is not to rush anything, especially when he’d so clearly do something else.
The other night in your bed has been on your mind. He was so hard and so big in your hand that your heart is already hammering at the thought of seeing him naked, of feeling him inside you.
“Sure,” you simply say.
He asks you what you’d like to watch and you pick one of the first movies you see, figuring you won’t be watching much of it anyway.
You lie on your side in his bed as he queues up the movie and tilts the laptop screen towards you. The smell of his strong, calming body wash wafts over you as he settles behind you.
Zach plants a kiss on your shoulder once he props himself onto the pillow, curling behind you. He knows you can feel how hard he is, but before he can worry about you feeling uneasy, he reminds himself of how much you’ve reassured him that you want him, too.
“You’re the big spoon type?” you ask with a soft chuckle as he shuffles into position.
“You sound surprised,” Zach mumbles behind you.
“So, you don’t want to be the little spoon? Ever?”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say no,” he replies, earning another giggle from you.
The movie’s opening credits roll over the screen, but all you can focus on is the sensation of Zach’s large hand against your thigh, dragging to cup the crook of your hip as he pulls your body against him.
You arch your back to press against his hard length. His hold on your hip tightens, a shudder leaving his lips.
Zach tries to concentrate on the movie, but he’s so hard that it aches. His eyes refuse to look at the screen; they want to trail over the peaks and valleys of your body, to take in your pretty face.
He shifts to nuzzle against your hair, relaxing simply from the smell of your shampoo. His palm glides up past your hip, over your tummy, resting right under your breasts, where he can feel the wire of your bra beneath the thin fabric of your shirt.
Your stomach rises and falls, his hand moving with every one of your breaths. Having to keep a distance from you all day is hard. Being this close and not touching you how he wants to be touching you is somehow even harder.
All Zach can do is shut his eyes as he nuzzles in and expels warm breaths against the back of your ear. He tells himself to just cuddle you for now, to go slow.
“I feel like I can’t get the smell of campfire out of my hair,” you admit with a laugh. “Sorry if it-”
“No, no, you smell good,” he mumbles. He glides his hand back and forth across your waist and slowly presses his lips against the side of your neck.
You bite your lip, lowering your palm over your stomach. Zach quickly raises his hand, clearly concerned he did something wrong, serving as a reminder to you of how much he appreciates your direction and praise.
“It’s okay,” you say. He realizes you’re lifting up your shirt. “You can touch me if you want to.”
You guide his hand under your top, feeling his palm on your breast. Warmth pools in your stomach when he almost inaudibly groans.
“If I want to?” he whispers with a nervous chuckle. “Of course I want to.”
He gently squeezes, swallowing the lump in his throat as the soft cup of your bra bunches between his fingers.
His touch is soothing, his breath ragged. He spends so much time slowly massaging you that it begins to feel like torture to not have him making direct contact.
You’re sure that he can feel how hard your nipples are under your bra, but you let him decide the pace this time, let him decide when you can move to the next step.
“Can I take this off?” Zach finally asks, his hand skimming over your bra strap.
You wriggle to pull your top off then lean forward, your back still to him.
“Yes,” you say with a note of relief.
Zach plants wet kisses on your bare shoulder as his hands wander to the back of your bra, unhooking and guiding the straps down your arms. You press your back up to him again once your bra hits the floor.
He feels your bare breast against his hand and he’s thrown back into how nice the swells of your flesh felt in his mouth, how hard and perfect your nipples were against his tongue.
He stimulates you with gentle pinches, kneading softly, making you buck your hips back against him.
“God, I love these,” Zach rasps, fondling you. “I just…” He trails into silence.
“What?” you breathe.
He only kisses your shoulder again as he continues to touch you, his cock twitching against you.
You turn to face him and Zach doesn’t waste a second. His lips are soft and wet when they press against yours as he drags his thumb back and forth over your nipple.
You pull back, nose nudging against his.
“You just what? You can tell me,” you reassure him softly.
His heart is racing, wishing a part of him wasn’t still scared that he’s too much for you, that how deeply he feels for you will freak you out. He’s never thought of himself as an insecure person, but right now, one negative word from you could shatter him.
Goosebumps bloom over his skin when you caress his jaw, your hand against his cheek. He’ll say what he’s thinking, even though he’s afraid.
“I just want to make you feel good,” Zach says.
You smile, tilting your head to kiss him again.
“You are,” you say when your mouths part. “All I ever feel with you is good.”
Your words make him dizzy, pushing him to capture your lips again, rougher this time. When his tongue dips into your mouth, you let out a moan that makes him feel like he might go crazy.
Zach sucks your bottom lip as you tug at his shirt, willing him to pull back and take the clothing off. His shirt falls onto the floor behind you with a soft thud and he pulls you tight against him, the sensation of his bare, hard chest against yours utterly perfect as he kisses you.
You’re lost in the moment, making out slowly and heavily. The sounds of your hungry kisses and the movie playing and the wind rustling through the trees just outside his window fill your ears.
You eventually shift to straddle him, coming up for air as you sit up, thighs locked around his hips. Zach gazes up at you in awe, eyes drifting up and down, taking in your every feature.
You can feel how soaked your panties are now that you’re settled on him. You drink in the planes of his muscles and the ridges of his abs and the line of hair below his bellybutton that trails down past the elastic of his sweatpants.
You knew he was muscular, but it’s surprising how much he’s hiding under his shirt. As you look down at his half-naked form, you take in how every plane and edge of his is hard and sharp, except for his eyes. They’re always kind, looking at you softly like you can do no wrong.
“Hi,” he says, voice low and smile lazy. He cups your hips gently, biting his lip as he gazes at your breasts.
“Hi,” you breathe.
“You’re so pretty,” Zach whispers, his half-lidded eyes and messy hair and swollen lips the picture of drunken bliss. You thank him through a soft laugh.
You can feel it in the air that he wants to go all the way, too. But to be sure, you dip into your pocket to pull out the condom.
“Do you want to?” you ask, holding it between your fingers.
“Yes,” he says, paired with fast nods. “Do you?”
“Yes,” you say with a small smile.
“I never go this fast,” he admits impulsively. He typically dates a girl for at least a month before he takes this big a step. But things just feel so right with you. He can’t resist you. He doesn’t want to.
“If at any point, you want to stop-”
“Trust me, I won’t want to stop,” he interrupts.
You giggle at his enthusiasm, leaning over to kiss him again, your hands splayed on his hard chest, the wrapper of the condom crinkling.
“Same for you, okay?” Zach says. “We’ll stop if you want to stop. I won’t be mad.”
You laugh again against his lips.
“What?” he says, amused.
“I kind of can’t imagine you being mad at me.”
Zach smirks, his hands gliding up the curve of your spine. He’s completely weak for you. He’s okay that you can tell.
“Me, neither.”
Your lips meet again and a gentle whine escapes his mouth when you thread your fingers through his hair, grinding against him.
His hands drag down to your ass, squeezing. Another groan sounds from the back of his throat as you roll your hips over him, his cock hard against your middle.
He can’t even control his own body, his hips involuntarily bucking up towards you. His pants feel tight against his erection, the sweet friction of you grinding making his muscles weak.
His throat tightens when he feels you shuffling to take your pants off.
“Let me help,” Zach whispers. “Please.”
“So sweet,” you praise as his thumbs hook under the band, pushing your pants down your thighs. Your words make him move even faster.
Your pants are soon bunched at the end his bed and you straddle him again, left only in your underwear. Zach inhales sharply when he feels the bare curve of your ass without much fabric left in the way.
He sighs in satisfaction, groping you, pushing against you so that you’ll grind at the pace he wants you to, offering him a little more relief.
You lean back down to kiss him and eventually perch up on your knees to tug down his sweats, leaving him in his boxers. You palm him, feeling the wet drop of precome he left on the soft cotton.
You meet his eyes, his desperation for you clear. He’s completely at your beck and call, hanging on what you’ll do next. You’ve never had this much power over anyone before.
You want to please him just as much as he wants to please you. You tilt closer to him again, your cheek pressed against his, knowing how much he loves to be complimented.
“I can’t wait to feel you inside me,” you murmur in his ear.
“Shit,” Zach says with a disbelieving chuckle. He’s in heaven. “Repeat that for me.”
“You like hearing how bad I want you?” you say, dipping a hand in his boxers. He nods wordlessly, too in awe to speak, and when you feel his cock in your hand, the desire deep in you pricks every inch of your skin, your stomach twisting.
You start to stroke him gently and heat rushes through his body. He’s never had someone know how to talk to him. He’s always been a bit embarrassed of how much praise he wants.
Other than offering gentle encouragement, he typically stays quiet during sex, never asking for compliments even though he desperately wants them. But you give him what he needs so effortlessly, understanding him in his entirety.
“So big,” you whisper. “I’m going to have to take some time to adjust to you.”
He feels like he’s going to wake up soon, because this can’t possibly be real.
“As long as you need,” he says through a strained voice.
You smirk against his skin, kissing his cheek as you skim your fingers over him.
“Take these off,” you encourage him, pulling against the band of his boxers.
“Yes,” Zach obeys in a hush. He shuffles to take off his last piece of clothing as you prop up on your knees again.
You nearly gasp when his cock springs out, craving him with everything in you. You start to gently pump his length, eyes flitting between how big he is in your hand and how captivated he looks, watching you palm him.
“That feels so good,” he breathes in a whimper. His breaths are shallow and soft and slow as you touch him.
He’s in disbelief over how incredible his feels, how perfect you look, how hungry his body is for you.
Beneath the hot, overwhelming lust you’re feeling, you can’t help but be endeared at the way his hand is trembling when he picks up the condom lying beside him, having it at the ready, nervous and excited.
“Here,” you say softly, holding out your hand to take it.
Watching you doing this part for him, rolling the condom down his shaft, puts him in an even deeper fog of bliss, making him feel reassured and so incredibly wanted.
You lean over him, perfectly lined up, his tip pressing against your panties as you kiss his lips.
“I can be slow?” you ask.
“As slow as you want,” he mumbles against your mouth, the air thick with anticipation.
“Yeah?” you whisper.
“Mhm,” he mumbles dreamily. The control you have over him, the way he’s hanging on your every word is addictive.
“You’re going to be patient with me?”
“Yes,” he breathes.
Now that you know just how much praise turns him on, you feel more comfortable to speak to him in a way you’ve never spoken to a man before. To tell him what he wants to hear, but is too shy to ask for.
“You’re going to be a good boy?” you whisper.
“Oh, my God,” he groans, his voice thick with pleasure. He could come just from listening to you talk like that. “Yes. I promise. Yes.”
You kiss him deeply as you push your panties down over your hips. He helps you strip, hands clumsily cupping yours, painfully desperate for you at this point.
With a shaky breath, you sit up to look down at him and grip him at his base, lining his cock up against you.
When you slowly start to sink onto him, Zach’s breath hitches, a strained moan spilling from his lips when he feels how hot and wet and tight you are. You exhale in pleasure, keeping your eyes locked on his as you get used to the pressure.
You swallow hard when you get to a point where you need to stop, holding yourself up on your knees, your hands splayed on his toned stomach. He’s stretching you out so much, nearly putting you on the cusp of pain.
“Take your time, baby,” he whispers, his hand resting over yours. “I don’t want it to hurt you.”
You nod gratefully. No matter how bad he wants to feel all of you, he’s so relieved you’re doing what you need to do to feel good. He wants to give you nothing but pleasure.
As you take the time to get used to his size, he takes the opportunity to savor every sensation, to appreciate how incredible you look naked, perched up on him.
You slowly put the rest of your weight on him, burying him inside of you all the way, feeling him hit you deep. You almost can’t believe how big he is and how a man this well-endowed isn’t arrogant or egocentric at all.
You meet his gaze again, seeing the sweet way his face pinches with pleasure, looking like he’s so damn grateful that you want him like this.
When you start to gently roll your hips, his length pressed hard and tight inside you, he pulls your hand towards his mouth to kiss your palm.
“Feels good?” he whispers.
“Yes,” you reply through a lustful moan. “So good.”
You start to rock on him a bit faster. Zach can’t hold himself back. It’s like his voice isn’t his, spilling out of his mouth in low, feeble groans from the pleasure of your soft heat wrapped around him.
“Oh, fuck.” His voice weakens. “You’re so tight. Fuck.”
It’s the sexiest sound you’ve ever heard. You thought he whimpered before, but compared to the way he’s whining now, that was nothing.
“Keep making those sounds for me,” you tell him. He’s flattered and so relieved. He’s not confident that he could stop whimpering, no matter how hard he tried.
“Anything you want,” he says shakily.
Your moans tangle in the air together as you start to roll your hips faster, finding a perfect rhythm and filling the room with the sounds of your body meeting his. Zach has to look up at the ceiling, urging himself not to come, not yet, not until you have.
You lean over, chest pressed against his as your lips meet hungrily. Now that you’ve adjusted to his size, he starts to slowly thrust up into you.
The friction against your clit sends sparks through your body, pulling a breathy moan out of you. Between quick kisses, he calls you beautiful over and over, praising you even more than you’ve been praising him.
His breath is hoarse and uneven, hands cupping your hips to help support you with every bounce. You melt into each other with perfect ease, past the initial nerves, moving like you’ve done this together before.
“Just like that,” he whispers as his fingers dig into your skin. He’s lost in the pleasure, revelling in the feeling of you wanting him as bad as he wants you.
One hand stays on your hip while the other drags up your back, caressing your jaw, tilting your head so he can leave kisses on your cheek. When he starts to thrust into you harder, ecstasy rushes through you.
“That’s perfect,” you moan, writhing. “You’re perfect.”
He tilts his head back, eyes squeezing shut, fighting every urge to come. Perfect? He’s never been called perfect in his life.
Within moments, heavy gasps tumble out of your mouth, your body going stiff. You both feel sweet release, unravelling together, hot pleasure flooding your bodies. His hips stutter against yours as he groans through his orgasm, feeling you quiver around him at the same time.
He’s in a haze when you collapse on top of him, your head buried into the crook of his neck. You’re both sweaty and breathless, reeling, shockwaves making you shudder.
“You okay?” he whispers, twitching inside you. “Was it good for you?”
“Yes,” you breathe. You didn’t expect anything less from Zach, already having seen his sweet and affectionate nature so many times, but the care he’s showing you is making your heart feel like it’s weightless.
It’s too soon, way too soon, but you can’t stop your mind from racing to the thought that you can see yourself eventually falling in love with him.
After he cleans up, Zach comes back to lie next to you. He pulls you in so tight that getting any closer to each other would be impossible. His kisses are featherlight over your collarbones, knowing he can’t leave marks any higher, the sounds of his lips puckering on your skin sweet.
You spend countless minutes like this, still naked together under his covers, your breaths slowly starting to even out, both thankful and recovering.
“It feels like I’ve known you for so long,” he admits. He pulls back a little, meeting your eyes as you both rest on his pillow. “Is that crazy?”
“Not crazy,” you say with a wistful smile. “I feel it, too.”
Zach runs his hand up and down your side, drifting over your back with every other stroke. You’re exactly what he always imagined the perfect girl would be like.
His laptop is still playing the film, a dramatic track softly spilling through the speakers.
“You like the movie?” he jokes quietly.
“The first ten minutes were great,” you laugh. “I picked well.”
He chuckles, squeezing your hip.
“What time is it?” you ask.
He lifts his head slightly, draping his arm up over you to check the time on his computer.
“10:37,” he says.
“I should go,” you sigh. His arm tightens around you, shuffling closer to you.
“I want to hold you a little longer,” he replies.
“We’ll get found out,” you giggle. “I’ve already been out of my cabin for so long.”
You secretly hope he’ll say it’s fine, you can just tell your cabin-mate where you really were, and that if a few other counselors know, it’s okay.
But he shifts back, kissing your forehead, leaving a bittersweet feeling sitting on your chest. Blue eyes meet yours and he seems to notice the sadness in your gaze.
“I don’t want you to leave,” he murmurs, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Stay the night?”
You smile, knowing he’s putting your comfort above his right now. He’s already shown you how important it is to him to not get caught breaking the rules.
“I shouldn’t,” you say.
“You don’t want morning cuddles? For real?” he teases. You laugh.
“Maybe next time,” you say. He breathes a sweet chuckle, adorably burying his head into his pillow.
“So, you want to do this again?” he asks, voice muffled.
“Yeah,” you say. “Do you?”
“I do,” Zach says quickly, moving to press his lips onto yours. “Again and again.”
You smile under the kiss. It’s nearly impossible to tear yourself away from him, but you do.
When you stand, you bend to collect your clothes and he helps, quickly finding your panties bunched up on his bed.
“Sit down,” he says softly.
“Don’t order me around,” you tease, but you sit at the edge of his bed, your clothes balled in your hands.
Zach smirks. It’s never been easy for him to make decisions, to be assertive, but when it comes to you, it’s not as big of a challenge as he’s used to.
You watch as he leans down, lowering close to the floor, his hair still a mess. He unbunches your underwear. It’s wrong to let you leave so soon, his heart wringing at the possibility that you’ll feel cheap, like all he wants from you is physical. The least he can do is help you get dressed.
He drags the fabric up over your ankles, your calves, your knees, fingertips ghosting over your skin.
You lift your hips off the bed as he pulls your panties up and you notice his jaw tighten when he sees you up close.
“What?” you say playfully.
Zach scoffs. He already knows that next time you’re alone together, he’ll ask to put his head between your legs and feel you reach your peak on his tongue.
“You know what,” he says.
Once your panties are on, you rake your hand over his hair, touching him lovingly. He gazes up at you, a soft smile on his face.
“I don’t want you to go,” he says, tone hushed, brows turned down in sorrow.
You agree. Leaving simply because there’s a slight chance it could lead to you losing your jobs feels ridiculous right now. But you’d never forgive yourself if you played a role in Zach being forced to leave a place he loves so much.
You’d rather crack a joke than remind him of the fact that you’re risking something every time you’re together in secret like this.
“You’ll have the chance to be the little spoon next time,” you promise. His smile widens as he laughs. “Does Malcolm usually come back here in the morning after an overnight or does he just go straight to breakfast?”
“Straight to breakfast,” he says. “Why?”
“Just wondering,” you shrug. Then, you start to put your bra on, giggling when he quickly stands to help you with that, too.
He kisses you long and deep before you leave, watching you to make sure you make it to your cabin.
Thankfully, Ami’s asleep when you enter. You’re not sure how you look right now, but you’re almost certain you’re not the picture of someone who just got off of an innocent video call with friends.
The next morning, Zach’s brushing his teeth when his phone buzzes with a text from you. you awake?
He replies: Yes, good morning!
You text: you alone?
He texts: Yes… :)
The knocks on his door are rapid, but quiet. When he opens it to see you standing in your uniform, arms crossed as you glance around the campground blanketed in sunlight and morning dew, his heart flutters.
“You said something about wanting morning cuddles?” you say.
Zach beams, pulling you in, shutting the door and kissing you gently. Falling asleep last night without you next to him hurt his heart even more than he expected.
“I think we have a good five minutes before people start leaving their cabins,” you say. “Then I’ll sneak out.”
“Can we take our clothes off?” His fingers dip beneath the hem of your t-shirt. Your cheeks warm at how desperate he is to touch you, even for innocent hugs.
Your clothes are soon a pile on the floor, and you’re snuggling in his bed in your underwear, facing each other like you did last night.
“There,” you say softly, nuzzling into him. “It’s like I never left last night.”
Zach’s body is buzzing, overjoyed that you miss him just as much as he misses you, that you’re so sweet that you come to spend a few minutes with him before the day begins.
“You need to turn around,” you tell him. He catches on and complies immediately, making you laugh at his speed.
You wrap an arm around his broad frame, pressing your cheek against his back, not feeling like much of a big spoon with someone so tall.
Zach lets himself shut his eyes for a little, breathing calm, sleepy breaths as you hug him. He’s never met anyone like you. He’s never felt so seen. So cared for.
He can’t stop thinking about last night, a little nervous you felt slighted having to leave after doing something so intimate.
“How do you feel?” he asks. “About last night?”
“Sore,” you say with a laugh. Admittedly, you can feel tenderness where his body met yours.
“What?” he mumbles sadly. “I hurt you?”
“No, baby. I’m not sore in a bad way,” you reply. “I had a good time.”
He sighs like a weight has been lifted off of him.
“Me, too,” Zach says. “And you can call me baby whenever you want. Just for the record.”
“Got it,” you whisper with a smile.
You continue to talk together. Five minutes go by way too fast. You rush to get dressed when you hear people talking outside, worried you won’t be able to leave without being seen. Thankfully, the coast is clear when you sneak out.
The crowds in the dining hall are loud and rambunctious, a hard contrast to the slow, peaceful way Zach started his day. As he stands in line to make his breakfast plate, he spots you a few people in front of him.
You’re everything he could ever want in a girl and every second not right next to you, not holding your hand, not talking to you, feels like a waste.
He’s completely infatuated. His heart is already yours. He steps forward a little, hoping he can somehow fall into conversation with you.
But seconds later, Ruby approaches him, holding her clipboard, to ask about a shift change. Maybe it’s a good thing he isn’t closer to you. It’s better to avoid any chance of being seen wearing the obviously enamored look he’s sure he always has around you.
Zach is glancing at the chart when he hears one of his campers say your name in confusion. When he looks down at Oliver, he notices the boy’s eyes aren’t on you, though. They’re on Zach’s name-tag.
“Why do you have her name-tag?” he asks loudly.
Cold flushes through Zach’s body as he glances down and sees the shiny plastic rectangle hanging off the lanyard. In the scramble to put your clothes back on this morning, he realizes he must have gotten your name-tags mixed up.
When you heard your name exclaimed, you immediately turned around. Now, you can see that Zach’s eyes are wide, looking lost as Ruby and a few kids look up at him, waiting for an answer.
Your mind is jumbled. You feel for your lanyard. You’re not wearing one. You forgot to grab it from Zach’s floor this morning. And then, he took yours without making sure that it was his. His must still be in his room.
You run with an idea that pops into your head, thinking back to the first time you talked with Zach in this very building, listening to his teasing about how impressive it is that he never lost his name-tag in all his years of working here.
“Okay, I get it,” you say loudly, stepping towards him and holding your hand out. “You’re hilarious.”
Zach meets your eyes, confused. You look down at Oliver, shrugging.
“He’s wearing it because he’s trying to make a point. He was telling me how easy it is to lose your name-tag and I was bragging that I’d never lose it.” You look at Zach. “Where’d you find it?”
Relief settles into Zach’s tense muscles. You and your quick thinking just saved you both.
“Outside, by the staff cabins,” he plays along. “Don’t be so sure of yourself next time.”
You laugh as he pulls the lanyard off over his head, handing it to you.
“Funny,” you say sarcastically, hoping nobody asks where his name-tag is. “Thanks, Oliver.”
“Yeah, good eye,” Ruby says with a laugh. Your gut tells you she’s not suspecting anything, but your anxiety refuses to let you fully relax.
For the rest of the day, you can’t get how freaked out Zach looked when he thought he’d been found out right in front of his aunt out of your head.
You don’t have any drills scheduled with him so after dinner, during free time, you stand by the lake with a few other counselors and text him: can you come by the dock to talk?
“Good thinking this morning,” Zach says to you when he approaches you, quiet enough so that other staff don’t hear him. You notice he has his name-tag now.
“Thanks,” you say with a nervous smile. “Think we got away with it?”
“Yeah,” he says confidently. You nod, looking out at the fire, your brows pinched in worry. “You don’t?”
“That was like, our third time almost getting caught,” you say. “What if we’re not so lucky next time?”
Zach’s stomach drops. Maybe if he was more rational, he could agree that it’s harder to hide than he thought. But right now, his heart doesn’t care about being rational. It’s too busy cracking.
But, because he’s never been good at telling people that they said something he doesn’t want to hear, he nods.
“Guess we’re not that good at keeping the secret,” he agrees, forcing himself to joke away the discomfort.
“It’s so much harder than I expected,” you say. “Do we just… cool things down, maybe?”
Zach looks down at you, his throat tightening. How’d things go wrong this fast? You were naked together last night, whispering sweet things to each other, and now, well… this kind of feels like a break-up.
“You think that’s best?” he asks.
“I hated seeing you so worried this morning,” you confess. “I know how important this job is to you.”
Zach scratches the back of his neck. You don’t miss the way his face drops. You couldn’t miss it from a mile away. You want to reassure him that you still want him. That you’re suggesting this because you care about him so much.
“I think it’s best we do what we originally said we were going to do,” you offer. “We wait until the season’s over and pick up where we left off and go on that date we talked about. Is that okay?”
Zach sighs. No. It’s not okay. He wants to touch you every possible chance he can get, even if it is in a stolen moment he knows he’s not allowed to have.
But he’s never been good at being upset with people. It seems that while you bring out so many sides of him, that piece of him remains unchanged. He’s hurt. But in his usual way, he buries it, not letting it see any light.
“Yeah. You’re right,” he says. “Hope you’re ready for the best date ever.”
You smirk, finding relief in his words.
“Can’t wait,” you say honestly. Zach gives you a smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes and heads back towards the campfire. You already miss him.
That night, you step out of the bathroom in your pajamas to see Ami sitting on her bed, scrolling through her phone.
“Did you see that it’s gonna rain this weekend?” she says to you, eyes glued to her phone. “What do we even do with the kids then?”
“How bad is it supposed to be?” you ask. You settle on your bed on the other side of the cabin.
She looks up, about to answer, but her mouth stays open, no words coming out.
“That bad?” you laugh.
“Um, what’s on your chest?” Ami asks with a scandalized smile.
You look down to see that your pajama top slid down when you sat, revealing the marks that Zach left on you last night.
“What do you mean?” you play dumb. But she’s not falling for it. She laughs and stares at you with a knowing look.
“I mean, the hickeys.”
(to be continued)
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moonlit-stay · 3 days
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Kinktober 2024 ▪ Day 2
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▪ Pairing: Lee Minho x Female Reader
▪ Kink: Bath Sex
▪ Genre: Smut
▪ Word Count: 2.2k
▪ Warnings: Soft!Dom Minho, Sub!Fem Reader, established relationship, teasing, dirty talk, sex in a bath tub, unprotected sex, creampie
▪ Other Warnings: tiny mention of being in a crowded place in the beginning, mentions and consumption of food
▪ Please let me know if I missed anything
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Color(s) Of This Fic: Heather Grey, Sky Blue, and Basil Green <3
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If you are under the age of 18, please do not interact with this fic. This fic contains inappropriate content and is strictly 18+
Everything in not only this event, but all of my work in general is consensual. Even if not stated within the work.
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Enjoy :)
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The sun's brutal rays beam down onto your delicate skin, and you let out a huff as Minho's grip on your hand only tightens as he guides you through the crowd of people that flood the busy street.
To Minho, it doesn't matter how hot it is, there is no way he's going to lose you in this herd of people. So, to help ease his nerves, he insists on holding your hand despite all your protests.
The first time you try to slip your hand out of his grasp, he simply stops in his tracks for no longer than 10 seconds, just to turn around and look at you.
"No, thank you." He simply states with a shake of his head. You can't help the loud cackle that claws its way out of your mouth, earning you a few glances from random people passing by as Minho only smirks.
The second and final time you try to break away from him, he stops again, this time with a sigh. "I don't wanna risk losing you, baby." He calmly explains, pressing his lips together in a way that tells you he's serious, but he wants to be gentle about it.
"Okay..." You sigh out in response, opting to try and keep up with his walking pace.
"Besides," he starts, lightly nudging your shoulder when you come to walk next to him, "we're almost there."
You and Minho were friends for a few years prior to being in a relationship, so you're no stranger to the fact that he goes on trips with some of his close friends whenever their schedules allow. However, this is the first time you've ever come along on one of said trips.
Originally, it was a trip meant for him and his close friends, just like always, but he insisted that you come along this time. You immediately declined, not wanting to get in the way of the rare time he has to spend with his friends, but he refused to hear such nonsense coming from your pretty mouth. He simply told you to pack accordingly in a sing-song voice as he walked out of your room, leaving you no room to argue with him.
He just didn't feel right choosing his friends over you when he doesn't get to see you anymore than he gets to see his friends, so he opted to have the best of both worlds.
Now, here you are, putting all your trust in Minho to get you both to the restaurant that him and his friends picked out on the way here in one piece. You could only hope that his two friends aren't already there waiting for you and Minho while you two struggle to find the place.
"There it is!" Minho hollers, immediately walking you both towards the entrance.
Much to both your surprise and relief, you make it to the restaurant only a minute or two after his friends, and you let out an audible sigh at the realization.
The four of you are quickly seated for your meals, soon enjoying the highly anticipated food as you all discuss what you should do the following day. After plans are made and meals are finished, all four of you walk back to your Airbnb together.
When you get close enough, Minho's friends decide to race to the Airbnb, making a joke about how an activity such as this is not lovebird friendly. You and Minho chuckle in response, hearing the two begin arguing before they even make it to the front door.
"I wanna shower first!" You hear one of them yell out the second you and Minho walk through the door of the Airbnb.
"No! I already called it!" His other friend replies just as loud.
"If it's such a big deal, why don't you two shower together?" Minho calls out to them, a straight face accompanying his words.
You chuckle at his solution, noticing how it manages to stop the arguing in a matter of seconds as they quickly agree on who gets to shower first.
"You're an impressive man, Lee Minho." You laugh when you hear the bathroom door close, hearing him laugh with you in response.
"Hey, it worked." He replies, holding his hands up in defense.
The rest of the night goes by calmly. You and Minho decide to watch a movie while you both wait for his friends to finish washing up, and by the time the movie is over, both his friends are already fast asleep.
"You wanna shower first?" Minho quietly asks you, watching as you shake your head in response.
"No, I wanna take a bath." You reply just as quiet, taking his hand when he offers it to you to help you up.
"Okay, you take a bath, and I'll take a shower."
You nod in agreement, a small smile pulling at your features as you and Minho walk into the bathroom together. You close and lock the door behind you as Minho starts the water for your bath, smirking at the sound of the lock clicking into place.
His smirk doesn't go unnoticed by you, all too familiar with him and all his little antics, but you choose to ignore it, nonetheless.
You look over at Minho, noticing him already staring at you as he waits for the tub to fill up. You take this moment to let your eyes trace over all his facial features. His beautiful bare skin, his soft, pillowy lips that slightly curl upward at the corners as he fights the urge to shy away from your gaze, the way some of his soft strands of hair fall to perfectly frame his face, and lastly, his beautiful brown eyes.
When you finally lock eyes with the man, you can see the slight glint of mischief that stares back at you, watching as his eyes slowly rake down your form.
"Stop that." You lightly scold, watching a smile bloom across his features.
"Stop what?" He asks with a smile, slowly moving his eyes back up your body until he's looking into your eyes again.
"Looking at me like that." You state, crossing your arms over your chest and tilting your head to the side as you eye him down. "You're undressing me with your eyes."
"Would you rather me use my hands?"
Your eyes go wide at his words, watching as he moves from his spot next to the tub to make his way over to you.
"I've done it before, and I'd be more than happy to do it again if that's what you want?"
"Behave yourself, Lee Minho." You tell him, your voice stern as you move to place a hand on his chest, keeping him a few inches away from you. "Your friends are right outside that door."
"They're heavy sleepers, baby." He simply states, gently grabbing the wrist of your hand that's placed on his chest and moving it to your side before he lets his hands grip at your hips. "Can even let the shower run to drown out all your pretty noises."
"Min..." You softly sigh out, feeling your resolve crumble with every passing second.
You feel Minho pull you flush against him by his grip on your hips, and you let out a soft gasp at the action. He presses a kiss to your lips before moving to trail his kisses down to your neck.
"C'mon, baby." He whispers against your soft skin, kissing up your neck until he's hovering by your ear. "You know I'll make you feel so good, pretty."
"Please?" You whisper out, feeling Minho smirk against you before he pulls away from you.
You watch as he quickly turns on the shower, letting the sound of the water hitting the tile walls echo through the bathroom before he turns off the water for the tub. You both quickly discard your clothes, tossing them into a pile that one of you would pick up later. Minho steps into the tub first, hurriedly sitting down and letting his back rest against the wall of the tub.
Once he's settled, he holds a hand out to you, guiding you to stand facing him. He looks up at you, his hands coming to grip at both of your thighs as he presses a kiss to your lower stomach, directly above your mound. You feel your knees grow weak, and he's quick to carefully pull you down to straddle him.
With the way you're positioned on top of him, you can feel his hard length rest between your thighs, and you move your hips from side to side until he's pressed directly between your folds.
"Fuck-" you sigh out, your hips jolting at the feeling of him nestled against your entrance.
"Sensitive, pretty?" Minho quietly asks, watching you nod as your eyes fall closed. "What would happen if I..." he trails off, shifting his hips until he feels his tip press against your entrance.
You jolt once again, effectively pushing the very tip of his length past your entrance. A moan slips past your lips, and you're quick to press your hand over your mouth. Minho then brings his thumb to your clit, rubbing harsh circles into the bud as he watches your eyes roll back.
"Min-" you gasp out, hearing him hum in response as he pushes the entirety of his tip inside you with a groan. "Please!"
"You're awfully needy for someone who was asking me to stop just a few minutes ago, baby." You let out a whine in response, clenching around him when you feel his hands grip at your waist to hold you to hover over him. "Go ahead, sit on it for me, pretty."
You swiftly sink down on his cock, taking every inch of him as your thighs shake at the feeling of him finally stretching you out.
Minho is a man of great patience, so even though he wants nothing more than to pull you against his chest and thrust deep inside you until you both cum, he calmly waits for you to adjust to his size.
You bring your hands to grip at Minho's shoulders, lifting your hips until just his tip is pressed inside you before you drop your hips to meet his. You both let out a moan in unison, and you quickly bounce on Minho's cock, chasing the pleasure that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your mouth agape.
"God, slow down, baby." Minho moans out, feeling you clench around him when he moans again.
Water splashes with each of your movements, occasionally spilling over the side of the tub and onto the tiled floor.
"M'sorry, just need it so bad." You whimper out, your pace faltering when the ache in your thighs finally processes in your brain.
"I'll give it to you, baby, it's okay." He soothes when you collapse against his chest, your hips involuntarily rolling against his.
Reluctantly, he pulls you off his cock, quickly shushing your cries as he turns you around, letting your upper body drape over the side of the tub. He repositions himself behind you, pushing back into you with one harsh thrust of his hips. A loud moan tears from your throat and Minho is quick to pull you up until your back is flush against his chest, pressing a hand over your mouth as he pounds into you from behind.
Your head falls back against Minho's shoulder, moans spilling continuously from your lips as your eyes screw shut. Your mind can't focus on anything other than the way Minho feels inside you and the way his warm, wet skin feels against yours. You feel him everywhere, and yet somehow, it's not enough.
"Just what my baby needs, hm?" Minho breathes out, feeling you clench around him. "Yea, but I bet you'd like it more if you could feel me right here."
You feel him angle his hips just slightly upward before thrusting into you again, his tip pressing right against that gummy spot inside you that has you almost screaming. He feels your walls throb around him, and he buries his head into the crook of your neck to quiet his own moans.
"There it is," he sighs out, feeling your thighs shake against his own as you both near your highs. "Just need you to cum for me, pretty."
He knows the knot in the pit of your stomach is seconds away from unraveling, and to help you get there, his hand slips between your wet thighs, reconnecting with your clit once again to push you over the edge.
That's all it takes for you to cum around him, toes curling, eyes rolling back, and mouth agape as your walls pulse around his throbbing cock. He thrusts into you a few more times before he stills inside you, coating your walls in his release.
He carefully sits back in the tub, pulling you to rest against him as you both fight to catch your breaths. Minho's hands gently knead at your waist, grounding you as your breathing slowly evens out again.
"We might need that shower now." Minho quietly states, watching the steam dance through the room as the shower still runs.
You chuckle in response, glancing at all the water that sparkles in the light on the floor.
"Only if you can keep your hands to yourself."
You feel him carefully pull out of you, a cry tearing past your lips at the sensitivity and feeling of emptiness that immediately takes his place. He quietly shushes you, apologizing as he desperately tries to ignore his cum dripping from your cunt, inevitably failing in the end.
"No promises, pretty."
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Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
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▪ Author's Note
This day is HEAVILY inspired by Min's vlogs, truly cannot get enough of him in domestic settings😩
For this work in particular, Lee Know Log 7 and 10😵😵
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▪ Taglist
@kpophubb @whatudowhennooneseesyou @skzgallll
Send me a DM or ask to be added to the taglist
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▪ Extras
©All rights are reserved to Moonlit-Stay. Stealing, reposting, copying, translating, plagiarizing, and modifying any and all of my work is strictly prohibited.
Released: October 2nd, 2024
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated !
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dixons-sunshine · 3 days
Good Boy | Were!Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Finally being cleared to go out on runs again, Daryl took you with him to go explore an abandoned warehouse. There, the two of you stumbled across something that had you saying werewolf puns left and right, much to Daryl’s chagrin.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Alexandria, no arc in particular.
Warnings: Swearing, slight insinuation towards sexual themes near the end.
Word count: 2.2k.
A/N: Okay, so my original intention for week one of @lazyneonrabbitt’s Halloween challenge was to introduce my OC I made specifically for were!Daryl, but I completely scrapped the idea I had and it’s gonna take me a while to rewrite it. In the mean time, here’s this to get my foot in the door with writing for this popular AU. I hope y’all like this!
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“Woah, girl. Hold yer horses. We dun’ know what could be waitin’ for us in there.” Despite his words, Daryl could not help the small chuckle that reverberated in his chest at your clear-as-day giddiness. You had not over exaggerated your need to get out of the community. Two weeks of mandatory bed rest due to your sprained ankle and you were antsy and rearing to go, to do something other than be confined to the walls of your home.
You laughed lightly at the archer’s concern, but complied with his request nonetheless. You slowed your pace and allowed for him to catch up to you, although you knew that he could easily outrun you if he truly wanted to. “Sorry,” you apologized halfheartedly.
Truth be told, you did not completely mean your apology. If there truly were any dangers lurking beyond the doors of the warehouse the two of you were about to enter, Daryl’s keen, heightened senses would have instantly alerted him and he would not have been as lighthearted and lenient as he had been up until that point. Sometimes you truly cherished the fact that you had a werewolf as a boyfriend—well, partner. Daryl was not particularly fond of the ‘b’ word.
With a shake of his head, Daryl chuckled at you. “S’alright. Jus’ stick real close to me, yeah? Dun’ want nothin’ happenin’ to ya. I dun’ trust myself enough to say for sure that there ain’t nothin’ behind this door without makin’ sure first.”
“Okay,” you said with a nod. You remained silent whilst he banged on the metal of the door, a routine you knew all too well at that point. After about two minutes of silence, and no walkers came to inspect the noise Daryl had caused, you stepped forward and lightly nudged his shoulder, a small smile on your face. “You should really learn to trust yourself more, Dar. When was the last time your senses lied to you?”
Daryl opened his mouth to protest, but he realized that what you said rung true. When he picked up on something, he was always right. His supernaturally heightened senses had rarely failed him back before the world ended, and it had not failed him once since the dead had started to rise. However, he was a stubborn man, so he refused to accept the truth that lingered in your words.
“Jus’ humour me sometimes, alright? I jus’ wanna make sure ya stay safe, Sweetheart,” he replied, his tone of voice sincere and filled with love.
Your heart practically melted at his soft admission. You stepped forward and gently took his face into your hands, making him look at you. “You’re too sweet for your own good sometimes, Dar,” you told him softly, giggling lightly as you noticed the crimson colour that had begun to spread across his cheeks. “I’m not gonna say I can take care of myself because I know that’s not going to change how protective you are, but…”
Daryl’s lips twitched up into a small smile as he saw the mischief that sparkled in your eyes. He knew exactly why you had not finished that sentence. If you had, you would have contradicted what you had just told him. “But ya can take care’a yerself,” he finished for you with a light chuckle, his pointed canines on full display.
You smiled at him. You gently patted his cheek before taking a step back, withdrawing your hunting knife—a gift from Daryl—and holding it at the ready. “Damn straight,” you told him confidently, your heart skipping a beat at the lighthearted laugh you managed to coax from Daryl at your confident demeanour. “Now come on. Let’s see what we can find.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Daryl replied, his cerulean eyes sparkling as he looked at you. He adjusted his grip on his crossbow, ensuring that the weapon could be fired at a moment’s notice, before finally opening the door to the warehouse.
The two of you stepped into the abandoned building, your prior camaraderie fading as the seriousness of the situation took root inside your minds instead. You could hear the faint drip of water droplets descending to the floor somewhere within the building, and the chill of the wind outside blew through the broken windows, making the warehouse colder than it needed to be. However, as you continued to explore the area, you noted that there truly were no walkers around, and no other dangers had made themselves known yet, so you were certain that the building was secure. Still, even with that knowledge, you kept your guard up, your eyes searching the place nonetheless.
After about ten minutes of silence, where you and Daryl had just been busy exploring and ensuring that the warehouse truly was safe, the archer spoke up. “Place seems secure.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. However, you could not help the satisfied smirk that painted your features. “Would you look at that? I was right. Your senses didn’t fail you.”
Daryl rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Jus’ rub it i—”
Before Daryl could finish his sentence, a loud bang could be heard. Whipping around with his crossbow raised, he could see that the source of the deafening noise had been caused because a few metal pipes had fallen from their place against the wall. However, what had caused that to happen in the first place, he did not know. All he did know was that he smelled something he had not smelled outside of the community in a long time. He had to be wrong, though. There was no way he could be right about that.
With his finger raised to his lips, a silent insinuation for you to be quiet, he trudged forward to investigate. You followed closely behind him, your knife raised in case you would need it. However, you soon realized that what had happened was not caused by an enemy. In fact, it had been caused by a poor, unsuspecting creature.
You heard it before you saw it. The pained whimpers reached your ears before you laid eyes on the small, injured creature, making you grasp Daryl’s wrist in your hand to stop him before his finger curled around the trigger of his beloved crossbow. “Stop!” you exclaimed hurriedly, instantly regretting your loud tone of voice when Daryl flinched at it. You had momentarily forgotten about his heightened hearing. “Sorry,” you apologized sincerely, sheathing your knife into its holster. “Just... look.”
You moved forward and crouched down in front of the metal pipes, and slowly began picking them up and moving them aside. Slowly but surely, you began to see brown fur, closely followed by a white paw, and then another. Soon, you could see a pair of the cutest dark brown eyes staring up at you, and you could not help the gasp of surprise that left you.
“Hi, baby,” you cooed to it and extended your hand towards it—a small, brown dachshund dog.
The dog slowly began wagging its tail, lifting its head slightly to nudge its nose against your hand, getting familiar with your scent. When it noticed you were not a threat, it began to crawl its body towards you, but stopped and let out a whimper at the exertion.
Your eyebrows furrowed and you picked it up. With a quick look down, you noted that the dog was a boy. “It’s okay, boy. I got you. I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m gonna take really good care of you, okay?” The dog simply looked up at you with his adorable brown eyes, and it made you smile. “You’re just too precious, sweetheart.”
Daryl smiled softly at the sight in front of him. He lowered his crossbow and took a step forward, but stopped when the dog looked at him and began barking. The archer rolled his eyes at that. He was not surprised. That was generally the reaction he always got whenever he encountered a new dog. Thankfully, he knew how to take care of it.
Daryl walked up next to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. He looked down at the dog and let out a low growl, his eyes momentarily flashing an orange colour, before fading back into its usual blue. The dog whined and lowered his head, his barks quieting down. The archer slowly lifted his hand and extended it towards the dog, and when the dog made no protest, he slowly began scratching him behind his ears.
Your giggles soon reached Daryl’s ears. Looking at you, his eyebrows raised questioningly. “What’s so funny?” he inquired, his eyes darting over your face.
You shook your head. “Nothing. I just never took you for a dog person, Daryl.”
Daryl scoffed and took a step back, his eyes narrowed into a glare as he looked at you, but there was no real heat behind his eyes. “Ya think yer hilarious, don’tcha?”
“Oh, I know I’m hilarious,” you replied with a quiet giggle. “I’m just saying, though. Should I be scared that you’re gonna get into a tug-of-war battle with him once I find him some toys?”
Daryl glared at you, but he could not help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. He decided not to comment on the fact that you had decided to keep the dog without even asking for his input, but he did not really mind. He would have said yes anyways. Anything to ensure your happiness. “Nice,” he muttered, rolling his eyes. Opting to change the topic, he continued. “C’mon, let’s go. Ain’t nothin’ here ‘cept dust and some metal. We should pro’ly head back.” He mainly said that because he knew that your mind would be occupied with the small dog instead of looking around the warehouse, so his safest bet was to get you home. He turned around and began making his way towards the exit.
Adjusting the small daschund in your arms, you jogged slightly to keep up with your partner’s long strides. You thanked your lucky stars that you and Daryl had opted to take a truck instead of his bike, because that made it so much easier to get the dog home with you. “Does this mean that he’s a part of your pack now?”
Rolling his eyes, he opened the door to the back of the truck and took the dog from you, placing him into the backseat. “He’s a dog, m’a werewolf. We’re not the same.”
You nodded at his words. “Okay,” you responded. When Daryl turned around, you smirked to yourself and reached down, picking up a stick. “Hey, Babe?” When Daryl turned around, you threw the stick to the side. You smiled at the way he perked up, his eyes following the stick, clearly wanting to chase it.
However, he refrained himself from doing so, and instead shut his eyes at the fact that he had been caught. “Yer on thin ice, woman,” he grumbled.
You laughed and stepped forward, gently cupping his cheek in your hand. His eyes opened and he stared at you, his gaze softening considerably. “There’s no need to be ashamed about your more dog-like tendencies, Dar. I find them endearing. Plus, I think it’s adorable when you glare at a squirrel or you have to refrain yourself from doing things like that.” For added emphasis, you gestured towards the stick you had thrown a few moments prior. “I think those things perfectly balance out your ‘scarier’, stronger qualities. I love everything about you. Everything about you makes my heart howl with joy.”
Daryl rolled his eyes, but he could not help the smile that spread across his face. “Thanks,” he mumbled, closing his eyes at the feeling of your hand slipping into his hair, scratching at his scalp right behind his ear, and he leaned into your touch. However, he soon realized what you had done, and he stepped back and sent you a playful glare, a small smile on his face. “Okay, yer a bitch for that one.”
You laughed and leaned in to give him a quick kiss, before pulling back. “I’m sorry. That one was just too good to pass up.” You stepped back and smiled at him. “Come on, let’s go. You did good today, and every good boy deserves a treat.”
Daryl deliberately ignored that last dog pun, instead focusing on the insinuation behind your words. Within seconds, thanks to his supernaturally enhanced speed, he was situated within the truck, looking at you through the open window expectantly. “Ya jus’ gon’ stand there and look pretty or are ya comin’?”
You giggled and made your way over to the passenger side, clambering in to the vehicle before shutting the door behind you. Daryl started the truck and pulled away from the warehouse, beginning the drive back to Alexandria. You glanced back and noticed that the dog you had found had curled up into the seat, his breathing steady as he slept, and you smiled at the sight. “Is that what our kids are gonna look like in the future?”
Daryl glanced at you, his heart swelling at the knowledge that you had thought of having kids with him. “Yeah, somethin’ like that. They come out human, though. They shift on their first birthday if they carry the lycanthropy gene.”
“Well, if that’s the case, I can’t wait until we have our own litter of puppies.”
“I walked head first into that one, didn’t I?”
“Yes. Yes, you did.”
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yelenasdiary · 1 day
A bit of angstytober request of love triangle Mob Boss Natasha and mob boss Yelena so basically Natasha and reader and like flings and they both have to choose partner to help them with their mob boss activities, so Natasha chooses someone with more masculinity because her fellow mob bosses and parents were telling her too so she chose logic over her heart, but yelena decides to chose reader
Tangled Hearts
Pairing: Mob Boss! Natasha Romanoff, Mob Boss! Yelena Belova x Assistant! GN! Reader
Summary: Having feelings for two people is never easy.
Angst, Fluff & Suggestive Themes. 18+ Only, Men & Minors, DNI!
Warnings: Mentions of illegal activities, mentions of alcohol | 2.3K
Translations: Detka (baby), 
AC: I love this idea so much! Jess also sent me a mob boss idea (which you can see here) so I picked some ideas from that and included it into this request. I hope that’s okay! I hope you enjoy! x
October Special 2024 Masterlist
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“What are you thinking about?” You asked Natasha in a soft tone watching as she buttoned up her white shirt, the bed sheets covering your naked body. Natasha looked over her shoulder, her jaw ever so slightly clenched at the thought of telling you what you was playing on her mind. You wondered if you had any reason to be asking her this, after all, it was mostly just sex between the two of you, both of you using it for your own selfish reasons but you’d be lying if you didn’t start to feel something bigger than the heated moments shared in her bedroom. 
“It’s just business stuff” she replied, tugging her crystal white shirt into her black dress pants. 
“Anything I can help with?” You asked kindly. A heavy sigh filled the room as Natasha turned to you, sliding her phone into her pocket. She shook her head, “thank you but no thank you” she smiled ever so softly, “I have to go deal with somethings, um, thank you for last night” she added, reaching for her suit jacket before leaving the room. You let your head hit the softness of her pillow once more, allowing yourself a little time to gather your thoughts before you got your things and went home. 
Entering the ‘office’ which was nothing more than a mansion or a safe house of those who worked for the crime syndicates boss sisters, Natasha and Yelena. You sat down at your desk, turning your computer on when Yelena knocked softly at your door.
“Late night?” She asked with a slight hint of disappointment in her voice. You spun around on your chair to face her, “nothing out of the usual” you smiled softly. You’ve known the sisters for most of your life, they took you under their wing when you had nothing left. Both sisters have always admired your genius skills in cyber hacking and your high attention to detail. 
Yelena’s eyes dropped to the piece of paper in her hand, “got a job for me?” You asked, shifting the conversation. The blonde handed you the document with information, “Nat asked if you could wire some cash to detective Agnes O’Conner. I’m surprised she didn’t tell you this morning” Yelena explained causing your eyes to drop to your feet for a brief moment before you looked up at her once more. 
“Please don’t start, not today” 
Yelena closed the door behind her, “She hasn’t told you, has she?”  Tilting her head slightly to the right as she locked eyes with you.
“Told me what?” You asked with a light frown. 
“She’s moving. There are some issues in Mexico and cargo needs to moved, that’s why she’s paying Agnes to turn a blind eye” Yelena explained.
“Why does she need to move?” You questioned. 
“Because she’s taking over the cartel over there, it’ll be good for us, the business. It’ll open up a new world of money for us, new clients, we’re stepping up again” Yelena says with proudness in her voice. “You sound excited” you replied with a light smile. 
“Well, yeah” she wanders over to the sofa in your office and takes a seat, “You’re up for raise” she adds. 
“A-are you saying what I think you’re saying?” 
Yelena nods, “things are going to change around here. With Nat moving, she needs some extra help so between her and I, we have to pick who we need most for our organizations. I thought she would’ve told you all this” 
The information made you understand why Nat was distant with you this morning. Your mind filled the thought of all the new changes that would be happening, and you could see that Yelena, although she was excited, she was nervous. 
“She’s going to ask me to go, isn’t she?” You asked the blonde. 
Yelena ran her fingers through her short blonde locks, “well since you both are such an item, I just assumed it would be the case” she replied, barely able to look at you. 
“Lena” you said softly, placing the document on your desk and wandering over to the sofa to take a seat next to her. “Lena, you can talk to me” you added, placing a hand gently on her knee. Her jaw clenched for a moment, deep down, her heart skipping a beat as she looked you in the eyes. 
“You should probably get that money wired” she said, brushing you off and standing up. 
Yelena turned to you, “oh, uhm, don’t leave for lunch today. We’re ordering in” she gave you a soft smile before leaving the room. 
“When’s your flight Natasha?” Alexei asked. 
“Later tonight” she replied, taking a puff from her cigar. 
“And you have everything sorted? You have an assistant, yes?” He asked. Natasha lent forward, “you stress to much old man. Everything is fine” she assures him. 
“So no, you don’t have an assistant” Melina pitches in, downing a shot of vodka. Nat sighed, “I don’t need an assistant” 
“Did you even look at the resumes I gave you? There is some good, strong men and women on that list” said Alexei. 
“Yes, I looked at them, not interested. Like I said, I don’t need an assistant” 
“It’s not negotiable Natasha. You’re going into foreign territory, this isn’t about getting you an assistant, you also need a bodyguard” Melina says, raising a brow at her daughter while the red head chuckled lightly at her mother’s words, “I can handle myself” she comments. 
Melina rolled her eyes before she locked eyes with Natasha once again, “you pick somebody Natasha, or I will” she says sternly. Natasha puts out her cigar, defeated, knowing she won’t win the argument no matter how good her skills are.
“What about Yelena?” The red head questions, she knows Yelena can look after herself and can stand her ground but she’s still her little sister and Natasha can’t help but feel protective of her. 
“Yelena is fine, she’s more organized than you” Melina replies, “you’re avoiding what needs to be done Natalia. Your heart, it’s clouding your judgment. You need to think logically, there isn’t anything wrong with them but are you sure that they can handle themselves and protect you if need be?” She adds, catching Natasha’s attention once more. 
“Ah, you and Yelena are still fighting over this hacker huh?” Alexei chimes in, exhaling smoke from this cigar. Natasha’s eyes shift to her father, “Fighting?” She questions, “Yelena isn’t interested in Y/n” she adds. Alexei chuckles before taking another puff at his cigar. 
“What is this idiot talking about?” Natasha asks, looking at her mother who sighs at Alexei’s words. 
“Hey!” Alexei frowns.
“Maybe I was wrong, maybe your heart isn’t in the way” Melina starts, “you’ve never noticed the way Yelena looks at them?” She asks making Natasha’s eyes drop to her feet. “Think logically, got it.” She says before standing up, wanting to end the discussion. 
Lunch time came with catered mini subs from subway, everybody at the office enjoying light chatter and laughter while taking a break from their illegal lifestyle for just a moment, everybody but you. After the news Yelena gave you this morning, you found yourself burying yourself into work. Finding anything to do, breaking into the FBI’s cyber security to access files you found yourself reading from time to time, your own personal record. 
“You’re torturing yourself reading that, you know that, right?” Yelena’s voice broke the silence in your office. Quickly, you closed the window and spun on your chair to face her, “doesn’t hurt to refresh your mind” you replied while Yelena let herself in with a mini sub on a plate for you. “You didn’t come to lunch” she said, placing the plate on the end of your desk.
“I got busy, sorry” 
“Thinking about Nat?” Yelena questioned. 
“Lena, just say it. You keep bringing it up so just say” you said, slightly raising your voice at the blonde. 
“Okay. Fine” Yelena sighs, “why don’t you just admit it?” 
“Admit what?” You question just as a soft knock on the door interrupts your conversation. You both look up and see Natasha leaning against the door frame, she gives Yelena a look that makes her excuse herself, leaving you along with Natasha. 
“She told you about Mexico?” Natasha asks, breaking the silence as she closes the door behind her. 
“Yeah, was that what this morning was about?” You watch as she steps closer to you, cupping your left cheek as she looks into your eyes, “I’ve been selfish” she says as her thumb gently strokes your cheek. “and I’ve blind to see what has been in front of me for so long. I’m not taking you with me detka” she adds, keeping strong eye contact with you. 
Gently, you remove her hand from your face and swallow the lump in your throat, “well we always said it was just casual” you remind her, but she sees past your wall. “When do you leave?” You ask her, trying to avoid an awkward situation. 
“Just because we have casual sex doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings for you, you need to know that” 
“Just not strong enough to ask me to go with you, right?” 
“Trust me, if I could ask you to come with me, I would but I can’t. Not when I know that your heart never belonged to me” 
You frown at her words, “what are you talking about? You’ve never asked me about my feelings and now suddenly my feelings matter?” 
“Your feelings have always matted detka, I was just too selfish to see the truth. I’m not the one who deserves you, I never did” she says.
“That’s not for you to decide Nat, but thanks for making up my mind for me” you snapped. 
“It wasn’t me who bailed you out all those years ago. It was Yelena. It’s Yelena that makes your eyes sparkle, that makes your laugh contagious, it’s Yelena that makes you rest your limits and makes you push yourself harder. It was never me and that’s okay. I wanted to be that person so much that I blocked out the way you look at her and the way she looks at you” Natasha explains calmly, as you stand from your chair in disbelief. 
“I’ve stood in the way of the happiness of the two people I care about the most for too long and even if I did choose you, Yelena already has.” She adds. 
You’ve known about Yelena’s feelings for a while now and you’d be lying if you didn’t feel something different with her than you do with Natasha. What you share with Natasha is something you’ve struggled with; you love the time you have with her, but you noticed just how different she is with you compared to Yelena. Maybe all you and Natasha were was a casual hook-up to keep one another distracted of the world you both lived in, maybe you tried too hard to convince yourself to have deeper feelings for the boss, these were thoughts that rang through your mind while Natasha made herself comfortable on the leather sofa. 
“You have every right to be mad with me” Natasha adds, drawing your attention back to her. 
“Mad with you? I could never be mad with you” you smile softly to assure her, “I’ll never understand truly what you and I share but I know I’ll miss it, and I’ll miss you” you add.
“I’m not going forever” Nat returns the soft smile, “I’m sure Alexei will fuck something up” she adds causing you both to chuckle. 
“I’m sure Yelena will keep him in his place” you replied. Natasha nodded in agreement before your office went silent once more, “are we okay?” She asks. You took a deep breath in before giving her an answer, “yeah, we’re okay”
“I’m glad, because I still need you regardless of if I am here or not. I need somebody to keep an eye on Yelena” Natasha jokes once more just to hear you laugh. 
With Natasha settling into things in Mexico, the workload didn’t seem so high. Although Yelena had meetings lined up all of next week, you kept working on a side hustle in hopes it would strike interest for the blonde. Using your skills, you heard word about a rival mob planning to move some military trade weapons, you made sure to have all the facts before presenting the idea to Yelena. The weapons could easily be sold to connections that Yelena had in Russia, a quick easy few million dollars to add to the accounts. 
Yelena was puffing on a cigar on the balcony when you approached her, almost startling her when you leaned against the railing overlooking the pool beside her. “I’ve got a little gift for you” you said, smirking at her. 
“Oh yeah?” Yelena replied, looking over at you. 
“You can have it on one condition” you tease, watching her put her cigar out. She never liked to smoke around others. 
“I’m listening” she said, turning slightly to face you better as you looked into her eyes.
“That you tell me what you wanted to tell me before Nat left last week” 
Yelena’s eyes dropped slightly as a smile tugged at her lips, “you really want to go there?” She asked. 
“Go where? I have no idea what you’re talking about” you teased her once more as she looked up at you, running her tongue over her bottom lip, “I’d rather skip that and get straight to the point”
“And what would that point be?” You questioned, feeling Yelena rest a hand on your hip, gently pulling you closer to her, “that Natasha never loved you the way I do, and I’ve been waiting a very long time to call you mine” she confessed. 
“Then do it” you said softly, “call me yours” 
With a soft smile, Yelena lent forward, capturing your lips with hers and only deepening the kiss when you kissed her back. The side hustle plan forgotten about, the world of crime non-existent just for the moment until Yelena pulled back ever so slightly, “I’m yours” she said in a soft whisper as you smiled, “and I’m yours” you replied.
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rosenclaws · 3 days
Hi love, I hope you’re doing well! I’ve been a fan of (stalking but let’s not talk about it) your blog for a little while, but this is the first time I’ve sent in a request for you! Your writing for Leopold is literally the sweetest ever and you’re the only writer I know of that actively writes for him, it’s so dry out here!! I was wondering if I could request something fluffy with Leopold x fem!reader where is like the most tooth-rotting fluff you can think of. I’m talking him trying to court the reader even though it’s the modern day and that’s not really a thing anymore and shes a bit confused but loves it, a super touchy reader that loves to shower Leo with her affection, literally anything. Those are just ideas, feel free to be as creative as you’d like (and don’t be shy if you wanna make it a longer fic, I’ll take what I can get). This fandom (if I can even call it that) is such a barren wasteland for fanfics and you are such an amazing writer for him and just in general!!
Much love 💕
Courting || Leopold Mountbatten x Reader
a/n: Hi!! Okay I kinda took this in a slightly different direction so if its not what you wanted then plz feel free to send in another request (ik they're closed but I will make an exception) ALSO FUCK HES SO HANDSOME IM GONNA SCREAM
wc: 1.2k
warning: reader wears lipstick
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The last thing you expected was to find a neatly written letter waiting for you when you got home. Pinned neatly to the door with a small rose attached to it. You recognized Leopold's handwriting immediately, no one else you know has such beautiful penmanship.
There’s a flutter of butterflies in your stomach as you open the letter. You and Leopold have gotten very close to each other. He’s unbelievably charming and so sweet and he’s just everything. The way he looks at you, it makes you feel like the only one in the world.
Hello my love,
I am writing to ask if you would do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner and a show this Friday night. I have found myself completely captured by your beauty, you live in my every thought. Every breath I breathe for you and every beat of my heart calls your name. I wish to court you and have the honor of calling you mine.
Your dearest Leopold
You read the letter once, and then again and again. Your fingers trace each letter. Never have you had anyone say something so precious to you before. The rose smells fresh and sweet, he must have gotten it this morning. You hurry to write him a reply, accepting his offer with great enthusiasm.
Folding the letter you press your lips the corner of the paper leaving a lipstick mark. Leopold lives just down the hall so you walk over. Just as you’re about to slip the letter under the door it swings open.
“Leo!” You squeak out as stand back up, almost knocking your head into his chest.
"Hello darling." He's dressed in casual clothes and my god you need to thank whoever introduced him to sweatpants. Anyways.
"I see you received my letter." You bite your lip as you hand over your letter. His name written as fancy as you can.
"Yeah, it was really sweet Leo." He takes the letter and you swear he blushes a little when he sees the lipstick mark. He stares at you for a while, with that perfect smile and gorgeous eyes.
"I uh, I'll see you Friday." His eyes light up at your words.
"I'll see you Friday my love." He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles.
You manage to keep it together as he shuts the door but once you make it back to your apartment you're melting. A giddy feeling you haven't felt in years. You have to wonder how he will attempt to court you in modern day. People don't really court anymore but all you care about is that you have a date with Leopold. Friday couldn't come fast enough.
You had never felt this nervous before. Spending way too long getting ready just to be done an hour early. It's just Leopold, you know Leopold. There's no reason to be nervous but you can't stop the tornado of worry brewing inside of you.
What if something goes wrong? Or the date goes horrible? What if he decides he doesn't like you anymore? What if this ruins your friendship. You shake your head and try to dispel any bad thoughts.
Tonight was going to be great. It has to be. There's a knock at the door and you quickly double check everything before opening it. Any worry still residing in your mind disappears. A beautiful bouquet of flowers is handed to you as Leopold is dressed to the nines. A crisp white shirt and black pants.
"They're beautiful." You say admiring the flowers. Fresh and absolutely gorgeous.
"Not as beautiful as you." Leopold says, barely at a whisper. Like he can't believe that you've even agreed to a date with him. He can't help but admire everything about you. To your smile, your beauty, your laugh, your voice. You're perfect.
You place the flowers in a vase and then the two of you are off. He rests his hand on your back as you walk through the city. His thumb draws circles in your back as you approach the restaurant. He's planned everything himself and he can't help but hope it's enough for you.
Dinner is lovely and the conversation flows without any awkwardness. You're talking to your friend Leopold but you know there's something more as you slowly get closer to each other as the night goes on. Hidden away in the corner booth you are free to get lost in each others eyes. Though you wish you could stay here all night he promised a show. Leopold loved the theater and he promised one day to take you and tonight was the night.
"How did you get such good seats?" You ask as he waits for you to sit before he does.
"I have my ways darling." You're hyper aware of just how close the two of you had gotten at dinner and how close you are now.
The show is interesting yes but Leopold was a very distracting man. Your hands inch closer together. Glancing over at Leopold you find him already looking at you. He waits for your silent approval, not wanting to cross an boundaries. So you take the leap. Intertwining your hands together.
A faint blush on his face and a big smile on yours. His hands are so warm and they fit so perfectly with your hand. When the show ends you reluctantly head back home. You don't want this night to end. Your hands swing together as you gush about the play.
"I had a wonderful night Leopold," You're leaning against your door, wanting so badly to keep the night going. His hair swoops perfectly in front of his forehead and he's got this pretty smile that you can't stop staring at.
"So did I, Thank you for accompanying me tonight." His eyes drift to your lips.
It's adorable seeing just how old school he really is. You know he's from 1876 but still. Modern boys pale in comparison to Leopold.
"You know you don't have to be so nervous Leo, I want to kiss you too." You say boldly.
He chuckles, ducking his head as bites his lip softly. He cups your face gently and you close eyes as he gently captures your lips in a kiss. He's gentle and sweet and you crave more. Still he pulls away much too soon. You pout slightly and he laughs.
"I know I'm much more traditional than you're used to." He traces your lips with his thumb. Admiring every little detail of your face.
"But someone as wonderful as you deserves to be treated with the upmost respect." He kisses your forehead gently.
"You deserve to be loved," Another kiss.
"To be cherished," Another.
"And to be worshiped." Words fail you completely. Leopold has rendered you utterly speechless.
"Did I overstep?" He asks, worried about you silence.
You shake your head. practically jumping into him as you kiss him. Passionately running your hands through his hair. He groans slightly as you tug on his hair. He pushes you against the wall, bracing your head with his hand as he kisses back.
"I'm falling in love with you." He whispers. A hopeful glint in his eyes.
"I'm already in love with you." You admit.
You become lost in his lips as he kisses you again. He just can't get enough. You blindly reach for the door handle and without argument pull him inside of your apartment.
Soft kisses and laughter are shared quietly between the two of you. Time ticks by but you have lost all sense of care in the world. All that matters to you is this moment. Your fairytale come to life. And it was just perfect.
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rosyrosethings · 2 days
Man Eater/Siren Y/n.
Y/n is a the girl every man desires and Harry can't resist her.
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Disclaimer: I feel like a lot of writers make Y/n a little insecure girl and I know everyone has insecurities. But idk about yall but I feel like the I can have any man I want(sometimes) so I really enjoyed writing this. Hope you guys like it.
Warning: smut, cheating, sub harry, dom reader
4.5k words
Harry stood by the drink table, swirling the ice in his glass as he half-listened to Dan go on about his latest project. His mind was elsewhere, drifting back to Jane, who had opted to stay behind, nursing a cold. She'd insisted he go without her, to enjoy Mitch's birthday, to relax.
But relaxing had been impossible the moment he felt it—her presence. His body had sensed Y/N before his eyes had. A wave of heat and energy swept over him, tightening his chest, and without even thinking, he glanced toward the entrance.
There she was.
The woman he thought he had moved on from, the one who could ensnare any man with just a look—Y/N. Her dark skin seemed to shimmer under the dim party lights, her long legs accentuated by a dangerously short skirt. Her hair cascaded effortlessly down her back, swaying as she moved through the room, her smile dazzling as she greeted familiar faces.
"Harry? You okay, mate?" Dan’s voice snapped him out of his trance.
Harry blinked, turning his head sharply. "What?"
Dan chuckled, following Harry's gaze. "Oh, yeah... beautiful, isn't she?" That was the effect she had on men. Sometimes Harry wished he never met her. The power she held over him was unreal. Even Dan calling her beautiful had him feeling a bit possessive   
Harry gritted his teeth, feeling his heart race as Y/N hugged and mingled with the guests. Her laugh floated through the air, and Harry swore he could feel it wrapping around him like a spell.
"Excuse me," Harry muttered to Dan before heading for the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and leaned against the sink, gripping the porcelain edges tightly. His reflection stared back at him, his jaw clenched. Get it together, Styles, he thought. Don’t let her lure you in again.
It had been months since they last saw each other, months since they last… messed around. He would text her, no response for hours even days but whenever she texted him. He would respond immediately. If she called for him he would jump.
Jane was everything stable, safe. But Y/N? She was wild, unpredictable. A siren, pulling him deeper whenever she was near.
He took a deep breath, splashing cold water on his face. He couldn't let himself get caught in her orbit again. Not tonight.
When he finally left the bathroom, the air felt charged, his skin tingling with anticipation. He weaved through the crowd, heading straight for Mitch. He needed something—anything—to distract him.
"Mitch, mate, happy birthday!" Harry exclaimed, clapping his friend on the shoulder.
"Thanks, man! Glad you made it," Mitch replied, smiling.
They chatted easily, Harry grateful for the reprieve, until—
“Happy Birthday, Mitchell!" a familiar voice cut through the conversation.
Harry froze.
He turned just in time to see Y/N wrapping her arms around Mitch in a tight hug, her voice sweet as honey. She was the only person who called him Mitchell, a nickname she'd coined ages ago. Mitch didn't seem to mind; in fact, his grin widened as he hugged her back.
"Thanks, Y/N," Mitch said with a chuckle, patting her on the back.
"I got your gift. It's over on the table," she said, pointing behind her. "Didn’t know where else to put it."
Mitch barely had time to respond before someone else called his name from across the room. "Sorry, guys," he said, excusing himself. Sending Harry a sympathetic look before walking away.
And then, it was just Harry and Y/N.
"Look who it is," Y/N said, her voice dripping with playful mischief, her eyes sparkling as she smiled at him.
Harry felt a lump form in his throat, her gaze drawing him in like it always did. She tilted her head slightly, as if daring him to speak.
But he couldn’t move. Not yet. The memories of their last night together—the heat, the tension, the way her touch lingered far longer than it should have—flooded his mind, clouding his judgment.
"Long time, no see," she said, stepping closer, her presence commanding all his attention.
Harry swallowed hard, trying to muster the willpower not to fall under her spell again. But the pull was undeniable. She was electric, like pure fire, and he, once again, was the moth drawn to her irresistible flame.
He forced a smirk, trying to seem casual despite the chaos swirling inside him. "Didn’t think I’d see you tonight. Thought you were off traveling."
She shrugged, her smile lazy and seductive, never wavering. "I was. But Mitch's birthday is special, you know? And besides… I always find my way back."
Her words lingered between them, heavy with a meaning he couldn’t ignore.
"Where’s that little girlfriend of yours?" she asked, her voice soft but pointed, her gaze locking onto his. Every time their eyes met, it was as though her power seeped into him, coiling around his thoughts. He could feel the familiar tug, the way she seemed to unravel him with just a glance.
So he looked away, pretending to scan the room.
"Jane couldn’t make it," Harry said, clearing his throat, the weight of her name like an anchor tethering him to some semblance of control. He hoped it would be enough to ground him.
Y/N’s smile faltered, but only for a fraction of a second, something darker flickering behind her eyes. She stepped closer, leaning in just enough for her voice to lower, teasing him. "Shame. I guess it’s just us, then."
His heart pounded, the sound of it deafening in his ears. He kept his eyes fixed on the crowd, avoiding her like he was running from a storm he couldn’t outrun.
"Uhh… so, how are things?" he asked, his voice dry and brittle. It was the only thing he could think to say, a flimsy attempt to steer the conversation away from dangerous waters.
"Things are okay," she replied softly, her tone suddenly casual, as if the tension between them hadn’t just spiked. "I’ve been around the world, but I think I’m staying put for a while."
There was something about the way she said it that made Harry’s stomach twist. He was about to respond when her voice dropped, the concern in it almost unnerving. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"
Her question threw him off balance, her concern cutting through the haze in his mind. "Just a bit parched. I’m going to grab a drink," he muttered, stepping to the side, desperate to escape her gravitational pull.
But before he could slip away, her hand wrapped around his arm, firm but gentle. The touch was electric, sending a jolt through his body, forcing him to look at her. He met her eyes, and for a moment, he was lost all over again. Maybe a drink could help him relax.
"Can you bring me something, too?" she asked, her voice soft but commanding, her gaze locking him in place.
His breath hitched, his mind spinning. The look in her eyes was hypnotic, and no matter how much he tried to resist, he couldn’t pull away.
"Yea, I can do that." He said, his nerves getting the best of him. He made his way to Mitch kitchen. Quickly grabbing him some water to help deal with the tension he could feel building. He looked over to see look at her again. Seeing another man already talking to her. His jaw clenched it was no time wasted. It was always like this with Y/n. He could tell that the man was offering her a drink but she denied making eye contact with Harry who was already looking at her. He could see her implying that Harry was getting her a drink. Harry grabbed a glass filling his with scotch. Needing something strong to deal with this. Filling Y/n a can of lemonade. She hated the taste of alcohol. Pouring her lemonade in a cup so she gives off the appearance that she is drinking. Which is what she likes. Harry remembers every detail about her.
Harry made his way back to Y/n. Stepping beside the random man.
"Here you are love." He said with a smile handing her the drink. Adding the 'love' almost like he's claiming his territory. He knew he shouldn't be behaving this way. But he hated how attractive she was.
"Thank you Harry." She said with a smile. The guy looked between them. Taking a hint before walking away. Y/n didn't even notice too focused on her newest victim.
Y/N raised the cup to her lips, the faintest smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she took a sip. Harry stood beside her, his pulse quickening as the man who had been lingering near her quickly took the hint and left. He wasn’t sure if it was the scotch in his hand or the tension that had been simmering all night, but he felt a surge of possessiveness he couldn’t shake.
"You didn’t have to scare him off, you know," she teased, glancing up at him through her lashes, her voice smooth and low.
Harry raised an eyebrow, forcing a nonchalant smirk. "Scare him off? I didn’t say a word."
"You didn’t have to." She leaned in just slightly, her eyes locking onto his, her lips barely brushing the rim of her cup. "It’s like you claimed me in front of him, Harry. Didn’t think you’d still care that much."
His grip tightened around his glass, his mind spinning as her words hung in the air. He took a sip of his drink, letting the burn of the scotch fuel his response. "I don’t care," he lied, his voice coming out rougher than he intended. "Just didn’t want you to get stuck with some guy who’s not worth your time."
She laughed softly, the sound sending a wave of heat through him. "Is that so? And here I thought I could handle myself." Her eyes sparkled with amusement, but there was something more beneath the surface, something that felt like a challenge.
Harry felt the tension building again, the same magnetic pull between them that he had been fighting all night. He knew he should walk away, keep his distance, but there was something about her that always drew him back in.
"Maybe you can," he said, his voice softer now, his gaze flicking down to her lips. "But it doesn’t hurt to have backup, does it?"
Y/N tilted her head, studying him with a look that made his heart race. "You offering to be my backup now?" she asked, her voice dropping lower, teasing. "I remember a time when you’d jump at the chance."
Harry swallowed, trying to steady himself. "Things change."
"Do they?" She stepped closer, her body brushing against his as she whispered, "Because it feels like nothing’s changed at all."
He felt the heat of her body, the scent of her perfume filling the space between them. His breath caught in his throat, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts, none of which involved Jane or any sense of control.
"You really should stop looking at me like that," he muttered, his voice barely audible.
"Like what?" Y/N asked, feigning innocence, but her eyes betrayed her. She knew exactly what she was doing, and Harry hated how good she was at it.
"Like you know exactly what’s going on in my head," he replied, his voice thick with tension. "Because I’m trying really hard not to—"
"Not to what?" she interrupted, stepping even closer until their faces were just inches apart.
"Not to fall for your game again," he admitted, his voice hushed, almost like a confession.
Y/N smiled, her fingers lightly tracing the edge of his collar. "Who says it's a game?" she whispered, her lips dangerously close to his ear. "Maybe I just missed you."
The words sent a shiver through him, and he couldn’t stop the way his body reacted. His hand instinctively reached out, brushing against her waist, pulling her closer. He was losing the fight, and he knew it.
"I don’t believe you," Harry said, his voice low, but even as the words left his mouth, they felt weak.
She laughed softly, a sound that felt like it wrapped around him, teasing him, pulling him in deeper. "Then don’t," she whispered, her lips brushing against his jaw. "But you’ll stay anyway. You always do."
Harry closed his eyes, his mind screaming at him to stop, to pull away, but he couldn’t. The way her body fit against his, the way her breath felt warm against his skin—it was all too much.
"You’re impossible," he muttered, his voice strained, but his hands were already on her, pulling her closer.
"You love it," she teased, her eyes flicking up to meet his, a challenge dancing in their depths.
For a moment, they stood there, the tension between them crackling like electricity, neither of them willing to break the spell. It was dangerous, playing with fire like this, but Harry couldn’t resist her. He never could.
"I should walk away," he said, though his hands remained firmly on her hips.
"Then why don’t you?" Y/N whispered, her voice sultry and daring as she leaned in, her lips barely brushing his.
Harry's breath hitched, the fire between them burning hotter by the second. He knew he should walk away, but the pull was too strong. "Because you won’t let me."
Y/N smiled, her fingers tangling in his hair as she closed the distance between them, her lips grazing his in a soft, tantalizing kiss. "Exactly," she whispered against his lips, and before he could think, he was kissing her back, their bodies melting into each other like they had been waiting for this moment all night.
The kiss was slow at first, testing the waters, but it quickly deepened, the heat between them rising as all the restraint he had been clinging to shattered. Harry’s hands roamed over her back, pulling her closer as if he couldn’t get enough of her, as if he needed her to breathe.
It was everything he had been trying to resist, and now that he had her in his arms, he didn’t want to stop.
"See?" Y/N murmured against his lips, her voice breathless and full of satisfaction. "I always find my way back."
Harry’s phone buzzed in his pocket, the vibration cutting through the haze of desire that clouded his mind. He broke away from Y/N, breathless, blinking as though he’d just woken from a dream. The air between them still crackled with tension, but the sudden intrusion of reality jolted him back. He glanced down at the screen.
It was Jane.
His heart raced for a different reason now. Guilt settled in his chest as he quickly looked around the room to see if anyone had noticed. But no one was paying attention. The room hummed with casual conversation, and he realized they had tucked themselves into a corner, mostly hidden from view.
"Hold on" he muttered to Y/N, his voice low, his throat tight. He stepped away from her, feeling the weight of her gaze on his back as he moved toward the hallway just outside the bathroom.
He answered the call, forcing his voice to sound steady. "Hey, Jane."
"Hey, baby," Jane’s voice was soft, concerned. "Are you okay? I was just checking in. It’s getting late."
Harry ran a hand through his hair, his pulse still racing. He leaned against the wall, trying to gather himself. "Yeah, I’m fine," he replied, his voice calm despite the chaos swirling in his mind. "I should be home soon."
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Harry could feel Y/N’s presence even before he saw her. She had followed him into the hallway, her steps slow and deliberate. His back stiffened, but he didn’t turn around. Not yet. He could hear Jane asking something, but his mind was already distracted.
Y/N didn’t wait for an invitation. She stepped closer, her breath warm against his neck, her fingers grazing the back of his shirt. Harry’s entire body tensed, but before he could react, her lips found his skin, pressing soft, teasing kisses along the side of his neck.
Harry’s grip tightened around the phone, his voice nearly cracking as he tried to focus. "Yeah… I’m still at Mitch’s. Just... just saying goodbye." His words were hurried, clipped, but he tried to keep them even, praying that Jane wouldn’t notice the strain in his voice.
Y/N smiled against his neck, her lips trailing lower, dangerously close to his collarbone. She wasn’t holding back now, her kisses deliberate and slow, her hand sliding around his waist, pulling him back into her orbit. It was intoxicating—the way she knew exactly how to play him, how to unravel him even in the middle of a phone call.
"Are you sure everything’s okay?" Jane asked, her voice tinged with worry. "You sound… off."
Harry squeezed his eyes shut, his breath catching in his throat as Y/N’s teeth grazed his skin, sending a jolt through him. "I’m fine," he forced out, his voice shaky. "Just… just tired. I’ll be home soon, I promise."
Y/N’s soft chuckle was barely audible, but he could feel the satisfaction radiating off her. She was pushing him, testing how far she could go. Her hand slid up his chest, and Harry had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from making a sound.
"Okay," Jane said, clearly still concerned. "I love you, Harry. Drive safe, okay?"
He swallowed hard, guilt crashing over him in waves. "I love you too," he muttered, his voice almost breaking as Y/N’s lips continued to work their way along his neck.
As soon as he hung up, he let out a shaky breath, his head spinning from the intensity of it all. Y/N pulled back slightly, her smirk visible in the dim light of the hallway.
"You’re playing a dangerous game," he whispered as he turned to face her. his voice rough, his heart pounding in his chest.
Y/N’s smile widened, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "You love it," she teased, her voice soft and seductive as she leaned in again, her lips just inches from his ear. "Besides, you didn’t stop me."
Harry’s breath hitched, his body still trembling from the closeness of her. She was right—he hadn’t stopped her. He could’ve, but he didn’t. Instead, he had let her push him further and further, crossing lines he knew he shouldn’t.
"I should go," Harry said, though the words barely held any weight. His body was still on fire from her touch, and despite everything, he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. Instead, he did the opposite. His hands slid down to her waist, gripping her tightly, pulling her closer to him, their bodies pressing together as if he needed the contact to breathe.
Y/N tilted her head, her smirk never fading, her eyes gleaming with victory. "You don’t really want that," she whispered, her hands finding their way around his neck, fingers gently brushing the nape. She pulled his face closer, their lips inches apart, her breath warm against his skin.
Her words hung in the air, thick with temptation. Harry felt like he was standing on the edge of something dangerous, teetering between falling back into the same patterns or somehow finding the strength to walk away. His mind screamed at him to stop, to go home to Jane, to salvage what was left of his control.
But Y/N’s pull was too strong. She was too close, too intoxicating.
He looked down at her, his breath shallow, the last threads of his resolve unraveling. He could see the amusement in her eyes, the way she knew exactly what she was doing to him, how she always had the upper hand.
"I hate you," he muttered, though the words held no conviction. His hands tightened around her waist, pulling her even closer until there was no space left between them. His lips hovered near hers, his body betraying everything he was trying to fight.
Y/N laughed softly, her lips grazing his ear, sending another shiver down his spine. "Mmhmm," she hummed back, her voice thick with satisfaction. She knew she had him.
And with that, Harry gave in. He kissed her again, harder this time, his lips crashing against hers as if he couldn’t get enough. There was no hesitation, no holding back, just raw, unfiltered desire. His hands gripped her waist even tighter, pulling her flush against him as they melted into the kiss, the world outside disappearing.
Harry pulled away, looking down at her. He reached behind her opening the door to the bathroom.
"Inside. Now." He said, his voice authoritative. She grabbed him by his collar pulling him in with her. Harry closed the door behind him. Kissing her immediately as she leaned against the sink. The kiss intensified behind closed doors. Harry has missed her mouth so much. She started to unbutton the shirt. Once unbuttoned her hands grazed all over her chest. Harrys lips made it way down her neck. Kissing her neck. All there movements were hungry and desperate. Her top was scoop neck no bra in sight her nipples hard harry pulled down the top revealing her small breast.his hands started pinching her nipples. Getting a small gasp from Y/n. He loved the sound of satisfaction from her. Whenever she gave him the slightest moans. It was more than enough for him.
Her hand slid his chest to the bulge in his trousers. "Ohh you're so hard already. Must have missed me?" She said with a smirk she worked the button of his pants undoing and quickly unzipping the pants before letting them fall to his feet. Once her hand grazed his dick through his briefs he felt like he was going bust right then and there. He quickly picked her up. By her ass putting her on the counter of sink. His lips found hers kissing her hungry as he grinding his bulge against her as he he kissed her. Their tongues exploring each other excessively. Her pleated skirt flipped up against his her. He let out moans. Enjoying every second of her. Grinding against the west spot between his legs. Feeling like a teenage boy who finally was able to touch a woman. He was so eager
"Take my panties off," she panted against his lips. He complied, stepping back and pulling the red lace down her legs over her red heels. leaving her skirt in place. As she took them from him, she held the soaked fabric up to his face; he buried his nose in them, inhaling deeply and savoring the scent of her arousal.
"You missed havent you?" She asked seductively , He nodded. His nose snuffed in the panties. He did miss it. Her scent was his favorite.
"Take them off." She said her hand gesturing to his gray briefs. He nodded pulling his briefs down to his ankles with his pants. He stepped closer to her. His dick grazing against her pussy. A small hiss released from his mouth. She grabbed his dick. Placing right at her entrance before he could push himself in.
"Do you want to fuck me?" She purred as his hardened tip grazed against her entrance. He nodded fervently, unable to form words with the overwhelming need coursing through him. She raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
"Use your words, tired of the nods," she scolded, a hint of arousal lacing her stern tone.
"Yes, please," he pleaded desperately, earning a satisfied smirk from her.
"That's it, my good boy," she cooed, "come on baby."
With a soft sigh and an alluring smirk, she guided him inside her. Harry's eyes rolled back in bliss. He was lost in the ecstasy of Y/n's pleasure, craving nothing but the sweet release that only she could give him.
"My baby, did you miss my warm, wet pussy?" she purred, her hand caressing the back of his neck.
"Mmmhmm," he moaned in response. He grip tightened on his neck,
"Say it with your words," she demanded firmly.
"Yes, I missed it so much," he gasped, closing his eyes in pleasure. He craved this submission to her. Jane was a good partner, but Y/n ignited a fiery passion within him that he could not resist.
"Can your little girlfriend give you the same pleasure that I can?" she taunted with a knowing smirk. He didn't answer, instead thrusting faster and harder into her awaiting body.
"Answer me," she demanded, her grip tightening around his neck as she pinched his nipple with her other hand. The pain shot through him, but it only added to the pleasure.
He mumbled incoherently, desperately trying to answer her question. "She can't," he repeated, his words becoming more and more slurred as he lost himself in the moment. But Y/n just smiled, moving both of her hands to the back of his neck and pulling his forehead towards hers.
"You're such a good boy," she purred, looking deeply into his eyes as their bodies moved together in rhythm. The friction between them was electric, driving them both closer and closer to the edge. Harry could feel himself getting close, his release building within him.
"Are you gonna cum, baby?" Y/n whispered seductively, knowing exactly what effect her words would have on him.
"Yes, please," he groaned, still thrusting deeply inside her.
"Can I cum inside you?" he asked eagerly, desperation evident in his voice.
"Hmm, I don't know," Y/n teased, biting her lip playfully as she continued to move with him. She wanted to draw out this moment, make him beg for release.
"Y/n, please," he begged, his control slipping away from him.
"Tell me who your dick belongs to," she commanded with a sly smirk on her lips. And with that final push, Harry couldn't hold back any longer. He surrendered completely to her, letting out a guttural moan as he finally reached his peak.
The sound of their grunts and heavy breaths filled the room as they moved in perfect rhythm. "Fuckk! It's yours! Only yours!" he said, struggling to maintain a steady pace with his thrusts.
She smiled and whispered, "You can cum." With her lips still connected to his, she felt Harry release inside her, feeling his body shudder in defeat. He collapsed onto her, breathing heavily as he rested his head on her shoulder.
"You're always so good for me, Harry," she said lovingly, running her hand through his hair and placing a soft kiss on his ear. He didn't say anything in response, but the way he held onto her told her all she needed to know.
"Harry, you have to get back to Jane." She said, his dick still resting inside her. Harry's reality sinks back in. What he did. He pulled himself out of her quickly pulling up his pants. She could see the flustered look on his face.
”Harry.” she said placing her red lacet panties in his hand.
"Keep these for the next time I feel like playing with you," she whispered, a sly smile tugging at her lips as she handed him her panties. She casually fixed her hair and applied a fresh coat of lip gloss, her movements slow and deliberate. With one last teasing glance over her shoulder, she left the restroom, now panties-less, leaving Harry standing there, still burning with desire, his mind racing as he watched her disappear.
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xiaominghao · 2 days
Midnight present
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Genre: Fluff. Literally fluff.
Pairing: Dokyeom x reader.
Warnings: Seokmin was careless, but only a little.
Yuin's note: i actually have a seal pillow and called him Mimi bc why not??
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"Hello, can you come to the door? I don't want the neighbors to wake up"
You rubbed your sleepy eyes while lazily turned on the lights along your way, as you opened the door a very enthusiastic Seokmin jumped in and closing the door, he wraped his arms on you.
"Happy birthday!" he exclaimed as he squeezed you tightly against his chest. At that moment, you noticed he was holding a gift bag in his hand.
“Did you drive all the way here at midnight just to wish me happy birthday?” you replied, a little confused, a little happy.
“It’s our first birthday together, of course I did!” Seokmin took you by the wrist to the living room, where he placed the gift bag in your lap. “I hope you like it.”
It was too late and all you wanted to do was just cover up with your blankets, but he was so eager... He wasn’t going to sleep without seeing your reaction. Inside the bag was a stuffed animal, a soft and very fluffy stuffed seal.
"Mimi!" you exclaimed while laughing, looking at him and then looking at the seal. "But, why...?"
"Remember that day, when we're looking at that online store and you said you wanted it?"
"Well, congratulations, is now yours!"
“Ah! Just look how cute it is! Thank you!”
Although you seemed very calm and not that happy, you were holding your present tightly against your chest. It wasn't just another stuffed animal for your big collection; it was a gift he had bought especially for you, and that made it even more valuable.
"I'm delighted to see you like it" Seokmin tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, and brushed a soft kiss on your cheek. "Okay then, ready for the sleepover?"
"Sleep... What!?"
Because of the excitement of the moment, you hadn't noticed, but he was wearing very comfortable and very suspicious clothes...
"What? I'm far from home and it's too dark to get back". Seokmin smirked at you, but you raised one brown in protest making him burst in laughter. “I was really excited to come and I didn’t plan it, will you forgive me this time?”
You thought about punish him and letting him sleep on the couch, but his beautiful eyes were shining, pleading, as if he were screaming inside how much he wanted to be by your side. You sighed in resignation.
"Fine, but my bed is small"
"Who talked about sleeping?"
"I did. Now" One glare was enough to make him understand that you weren't playing around.
Entering your room, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, moved by the scene before his eyes. It was his first time in your room, your personal space, the bed was set with pastel-colored blankets, and surrounded by all of your plushies.
"Sorry, there's just too much here..." You said as you made room, placing the stuffed animals in a corner with the clean clothes. "I need some shelves… You'll make me run out of space".
"You can move in to my place" Seokmin whispered, though his tone made it clear he wanted you to hear.
"I'll still need the shelves"
Despite the efforts, you had to leave a few stuffed animals around the bed. You scratched your head, a little frustrated, but there wasn't much you could or wanted to do.
“Well, if you don’t mind waking up with a cramp…” you leaned against the wall, making as much space as possible, and patted the bed, “you’re more than welcome.”
A happy Seokmin laid down beside you, both of you staring at each other’s eyes as you were wrapped in the thick blankets and the warmth of his embrace. The dim moonlight filtered through the window behind you, illuminating Seokmin’s face, who smiled serenely as he caressed your cheek with his finger.
Yeah, he had given you a beautiful birthday gift, but being honest… He himself was the best gift you could ever had, and you closed your eyes feeling your chest beat with happiness…
“y/n” he suddenly murmured.
“Tell me.”
“You left the seal on the desk.”
“There wasn’t any space,” you rested your forehead against his, placing your hand on his neck; he chuckled softly. “Goodnight, Mimi.”
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beausling · 2 days
pov: you’re jensen ackles’ controversially young gf (part ii)
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youruser guess what’s in my pockets🤭
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gibson_g1rl better not be what i Think it is🤨
youruser nah, it’s actually just used joint filters and train flattened pennies from chicago
archiveofvirtue @/youruser TRAIN FLATTENED PENNIES???😭
youruser @/archiveofvirtue cus they’re cool😸😸🎀
youruser EXHALE THE STRESS !!!!!!!!!!!!
suicideleopard is that the hearse we saw in carrollton?
youruser indeed !!!
suicideleopard @/youruser dude send me all the pictures you got
youruser @/suicideleopard omw bd😜
pearlzier @/youruser BABY DADDY?!!?!!????!!????
youruser @/pearlzier well Yes!!
vamps4y/n @/youruser jensen will be hearing about this📞
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jensenackles Ahhh New York….. 😎🤎
Till next time.
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youruser another day, another slay✨
jensenackles liked your comment
gibson_g1rl the brown heart emoji??? ohhh, y/n cooked here🤭
hrtsy/n was just omw to say this🤭🤭🤭
vamps4y/n i’m gonna ask the question everyone is thinking… @/youruser did y’all link up or not??🤨
youruser only got to see each other in passing yesterday, i’m in florida rn for rockville🙁
pearlzier @/youruser ohhh thats fucked up, #universe let my parents see each other
archiveofvirtue @/pearlzier mama y papa liked😸🤞
jackleswife let me sit on it
gibson_g1rl OH so you’re Gross huh!?
vamps4y/n ermm Aktually🤓☝️ it’s y/n to sit on
y/ngirlies @/vamps4y/n CRYINGG SOO REAL GIRL
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youruser nobody needs to know . . .
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y/ngirlies okay but when is the album coming out?
youruser eventually…
jasvtsc @/youruser PRAISE THE LORD🙏
yourbffsuser what a time we’ve had✨
youruser it was definitely a time !!!!!
gibson_g1rl need to know where that shirt in pic 8 is from tho
youruser olivia sade fuck baby tee🤞
archiveofvirtue HEY GUY WHY ARENT WE TALKIN AB PIC 4!!!!??
pearlzier are we thinking the same thing🤭🤭
gibson_g1rl okay so we’re all on the same wavelength rn??🤭
deanluvr like thats GOTTA be jensen’s hand ru kidding
hrtsy/n explain yourself love @/youruser
youruser @/hrtsy/n CAPTION !!!!!🙌
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jensenackles Just another night in Paris. Watching body parts explode on a giant screen. No biggie.
Are you guys ready for this?!?!
@/theboystv this Friday!!!
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youruser le brouillard approche…
jensenackles Stop saying ominous things in French…
youruser quoi que tu dis, joli garçon😸
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vamps4y/n @/youruser there you go again flinging that name around……..
deangirlsride why is #She around every corner🫣
gibson_g1rl girl stfu😭
j2texas fr it’s like a horror movie😟
hrtsy/n @/deangirlsride @/j2texas kay why ess❤️
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youruser got to live my da vinci code dreams (nuit blanche was so funky fresh!!!)
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hrtsy/n so we’re just not gonna talk abt pic 8??!!!
youruser the food was SO scrumdilly😸
pearlzier @/youruser that is NOT what we mean😭😭
jackleswife if it’s real i might have to kms
archiveofvirtue girl BYE you’re weird😭
jasvtsc @/archiveofvirtue @/jackleswife NO FR like IF IT IS TRUE.. why can’t you just be Happy for him????
vamps4y/n @/jasvtsc mama y papa liking iktr🤭
jacklesfan isn’t she like super young too?
y/ngirlies she’s literally pushing 30 so gtfo with all that😭😭
pearlzier @/y/ngirlies PUSHING 30 IS INSANE😭😭😭😭
y/ngirlies @/pearlzier ITS TRUE THOUGH SHE TURNS 30 IN A FEW YEARS !!!!!!!!
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꩜ thank you so much !!! i hope you guys enjoyed reading this😸 all feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 💟
꩜ this one is a bit more silly, a bit more drama.. things are starting to pick up a bit more🤭 (sorry, but i just love a good slow burn)
꩜ tags : @gibson-g1rl @pearlzier @jasvtsc @archiveofvirtue 🎀 lmk if you wanna be tagged and/or featured in the next part !!!!!
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daddy-dylan291 · 3 days
steve harrington x reader x eddie munson.
summary: eddie teaches steve how to fuck reader after finding out in a playful game of truth or dare that he was still a virgin despite all the rumors
it wasnt uncommon to find the three of you together. in fact it was more uncommon to find you apart, espically during the summer. the heat was intense, luckily it was cooler the later it got in the evening but the sun still beamed threw the gap in steves curtains.
the trio of you, were sitting in different places sprawled out across steves bedroom. eddie sitting with his legs thrown out infront of him on steves bed,dark curls falling infront of his face as he rolls another joint.
steve sitting by the window, one foot placed fully on the floor the other bent with his head leant against it. the window open next to him the slight breeze that blew in feeling amazing against his burnt shoulders.
and finally you, sitting on the floor, laid out on your stomach flicking threw a comic book you found under steves bed. your legs just swinging slightly behind you as you hum along to the distant sound of whatever song was coming out of the jukebox on steves desk.
"cant you think of something more interesting?" you sighs rolling your eyes slightly.
the group of you had been playing truth or day for the past 20 minuets. and the truths and dares were boring. nothing out of the ordianary 'i dare you to lick your own foot' eddie's dare always were distgusting. or steves 'truth: how many lies have you told?'
"like what?" eddie scoffs, himself brushing his hair out of his face aagain as he packs up the rolling tray and grinder on his lap tucking them back away into his little box.
"i dont know, something a bit more fun" you mutter, your eyes darting away from your comic to glance over at steve seeing him looking between the two of you, an almost bored expession on his face to match yours.
“Okay...okay, so who’s next?” Eddie grinned, running a hand through his messy hair as he shuffles to the end of the bed the joint being pushed to sit behind his ear making you look over at him.
His deep brown eyes danced with mischief as the group of friends stared at each other, a mix of curiosity and anticipation hanging in the air, in hopes that the large feeling of boredem would quickly fade.
“I’ll go” Steve grunts, trying to mask the slight yawn in his voice. He leaned forward, his heart pounding a little faster than usual as he notices the gimmer in eddies eyes. that wasnt there before was it?He was always nervous around Eddie—there was something magnetic about him that both thrilled and intimidated Steve.
but he wouldnt ever admit that to anyone.
“Alright, Steve!” Eddie leaned back, eyes glinting with delight. “Truth or dare?”
“Uhh, truth,” Steve replied, his face warming under Eddie’s playful gaze.
Eddie’s lips curled into a smirk as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Is it true that all those rumors about you being a stud in the bedroom are actually just rumors?”
the question made Steve’s cheeks flushed a deeper shade of crimson, his timid façade crumbling under the scrutiny.
your quick to look at eddie with wide eyes, yes the three of you wasnt shy when it came to sex but this was a big change compareed the previous questions that had been asked.
" you dont have to answer steve eddies just being an asshole" you speak quickly sitting up a small smile on your face as you look at steve before glancing back at eddie with wide eyes.
“Actually… that’s really not true. I’m… well, I’m still a virgin.” His confession hung heavily in the air, and the room fell silent, where laughter had just flowed freely.
Eddie was momentarily stunned, his mouth slightly agape as he processed Steve’s words. “No way. Really?” His tone was teasing but there was an underlying sense of curiosity in his voice.
your were shocked, there was no way. not with how you had heard rumors all the way threw school so far, about steve harrington. king steve.
"so you and nancy never?" i ask staring at him making the blush more apparent on his cheeks, he shakes his head his feet now both coming to firmly lay on the ground infront of him as he turns fully towards me and eddie.
“no erm...yeah, well, I guess it’s just never been the right time, you know?” Steve shrugged, trying to play it cool despite the heat radiating from his face. you could see the way that he was getting uncomfortable....in his mind his body was racing, he felt flushed. hot. and was confused by the way you was frowning up at him.
A sly grin broke across Eddie’s face. “Well, well, well! I think it’s time someone taught you how to have some fun, don’t you?” His eyes flicked toward you, a glint suggesting he had a devious plan forming, he stood up quickly, both yourself and steve looking at him with confused and shocked eyes.
You felt a flutter of excitement mixed with trepidation. You loved Eddie—his slightly dominant persona always made your heart race. But there was a curiosity and closeness with Steve that made you feel equally drawn to him. You looked between the two boys, sensing the charge in the air.
“Wait, what do you mean?” Steve asked, his brows furrowing slightly, though you could see the intrigue building.
"eds?" you ask watching eddie walk past you, his hand reaching out to pet your head a small shush coming out of his lips as he walks over to steve.
standing just infront of him, steve looks up at eddie. now that the munson boy was closer he could see the pink flushed look on steves cheeks and the way that his eyes were glazed over just the smallest amount.
eddie would have to fix that he thought.
“Dare!” Eddie smirked, a challenge in his tone., as he reaches out and took steves chin in his hand. you wacthed from your place sat on the floor, the way steve was looking up at eddie, the hold your boyfriend had on his bestfriends chin making your cheeks match steves.“I dare you, Steve, to… you know, make sweet love to my girlfriend here.” He flashed a cocky smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief, the implication weighting his words.
You gasped, feeling your heart race. “Eddie, wait!” But deep down, there was a part of you that was curious, that wanted to explore this dynamic.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” Eddie said smoothly, as he walked over to you holding a hand out for you stand up, instantly taking it, a concerned look in your eyes as you glance over to steve before feeling eddie push your face to look at him instead. leaning in and placing a soft kiss against your temple. "it'll be fine."
The air thickened with intensity as you looked into Steve’s eyes—his nervousness apparent but laced with a hint of excitement. You bit your lip, feeling the swirl of emotions ready to erupt.
"is this what you want?" you whisper eyes slowly falling back onto steve as he sits on the window bench still, his eyes stuck on the two of you.
you left eddies arms as you walked over to steve, eddie making his way to sit back down on the bed. the whole tone in the room and air thickening as you stepped over to steve and stood between his legs.
"if you dont-" you go to speak but feel steve slowly reach up and place his hands on your hips.
"i...erm...i want...to" steve stutters slightly, the way his fingers brush lightly against your hips is a good contrast compared to the way eddie normally grabs you and tugs you against him, leaving bruises in his shadows.
“Okay,” you murmured, feeling a strange new warmth rush through you. “But… how?”
you and steve found yourselfs standing by the bed awaiting eddies comands, on one had you wasnt shy when it came to sex. you and eddies sex life was fairly acivate. you and steve just didnt want to cross a line. after all you were still eddies girl.
Eddie took charge, motioning for you both to lie back on the bed. “First, just relax, Steve. It’s all about the connection, alright? You’ve got to feel the moment.”
Steve nodded, visibly trying to suppress his anxiety as he settled himself on the bed, his back leaning against the headbpard, leans parted slightly. eyes just starig over at eddie. The chemistry crackled—Eddie’s dominant nature mingling effortlessly with your sweetness, and Steve’s shyness turning into a compelling curiosity.
You shivered slightly as Eddie placed his hands on your waist,lifting you up, and placing you on steves lap, instantly your legs widening to strddle his waist, knees digging into the sheets on either side of his hips.
“No pressure, okay? Just be yourself, Steve. You’re a sweet boy, and I know you can do this.” Eddie’s praise wrapped around Steve like a warm embrace, igniting a spark of confidence in him.
you glanced over at eddie as he went to sit on the bench by the window tugging the joint from behind his ear, he smirks feeling the way both me and steve were looking at him for direction.
"well dont look at me" eddie chuckles before gesturing towards us again, in an almost shooing motion.
the blush on yours and steves cheeks were incredibley apparent as you both turned to look back at each other. steves hands lifting to rest on your hips again.
"kiss her then"eddie chuckles once again, he couldnt believe how adorable king steve really was. it was shocking, to watch the way steve fumbled at first his hand slowly raising to rest on your cheek before you both brought your lips together.
steve slowly kisses you, you could feel how unsure he was, how he didnt really know what he was doing. moving his mouth with yours slowly, you placed your arms around the back of his neck just leaning into him as your kiss deepened. eddie smirked in the background lighting his joint.
the smacking noise of your lips together was ringing threw the room, as a sudden confidence in steve made him lower his other hand to your behind, and slowly rolling your hips into his
eddie watched a smile on his face as he smokes his joint, his eyes training onto the way steve had his tongue in your mouth, the way he grinds your hips into his, a sudden quiet whimper slipping from your lips.
"alright alright"eddie's words made you and steve quickly pull away, staring at each other, it was apparent by the way you both pant and stare darkly into each others faces. you both wanted each other.
With coaxing laughter and gentle touches, a newfound intimacy blossomed. Eddie guided Steve’s hands to your body, whispering encouragement, reminding him of the thrilling dance of exploration. Every tentative caress sent shivers along your spine, your head quickly becoming floaty with anticipation.
“Eddie… I—” Steve’s voice wavered, confusion and wonder mingling together as he gazed at you, before slowly looking over to the munson boy smoking.
eddie runs his tongue across his top teeth before balencing his joint on the window and walking over to the bed.
“It's okay, just follow my lead,” Eddie said, a commanding tone lacing his voice, but filled with care.he grabbed a hold of the back of your neck, pulling your hazing eyes away from steve to stare up at him. he rgins looking down at how flustured you were,He captured your lips in a heated kiss, igniting the fire within you, and you felt your heart thrumming in sync with the moment.
As Eddie’s lips found yours, you felt Steve’s hesitant hands grow bolder, exploring your curves. You whined softly against Eddie’s mouth, the pleasure brewing inside you feeling the way that steve ground your body against his again, the thrill of being the center of their attention making your heart race.
you could feel how wet you were, how hard steve was under you.a whimper coming from your lips made eddie pull away, his hand still holding the back of your head.
"you want to show stevie how much of a good girl you can be?"eddie's tone was full of domiance, but so much care. you knew he was just double checking again that you wanted this.
you nod, a small smile on your face as eddie lets go of your neck making you quick to look at steve.
"take em off pretty boy"eddie also turns his attention to steve, the boy quickly looking at him with a glazed expression. eddie lifting you off the harringtons lap to help you remove your joggers and t-shirt, leaving you in just your bra and panties.
steve did just that taking off his jeans with shaky hands, leaving him still in his boxers, eddies eyes roaming over the large buldge in the boys underwear. the small trail of hair that leads out from benith the fabric running up to his chest.
without saying anything else eddie lifts your body back onto steves, a gasp coming out of the both of you feeling the way your cores brush against each other as you straddle him and sit on his lap again.
"kiss her"eddie's gruff voice spits out, he couldnt deny the way that this was making him feel. watching the way that steve brings your lips to his again hungrily.more confident in his moves this time.
eddie had to strip himself of his own t-shirt and jeans before sitting down on the edge of the bed his hands slowly reaching over to placy with the hair at the back of steves neck. steve shivers his hips that were once slowly starting to rut again yours, shaking slightly at the feeling of both of you touching him.
"relax" eddies calm voice speaks out to him, guiding him slightly, his hand moving from steves hair to the hand that he had on your waist. fingers interlocking before eddie showed him exactly how to grind your hips against his in the best way, the best way to make the both of you feel good.
the moment he did a groan left steves lips, a whimper leaving yours.
"thats it,harrington..doesnt she sound pretty"eddie smirks, he was smug with the way that you and steve's lips pulled a way from each other, lips red and swollen, eyes heavy and filled with lust.
eddie reached up again this time, his hand locking in your hair tugging your head back slightly, a gasp leaving your mouth as your neck was revealed to steve.
"this little spot right here"eddie his breath was hot against the side of your neck as he brought himself closer to the two of you, now kneeling on the bed. he leans down sucking a harsh mark into your soft skin just behind your ear making you fill the room with a whimper, holding back the moan that was threatening to fall."thats the spot, have a go"eddie says a proud grin on his lips, seeing the way steve was watching so closely.
with eddies hand still in your hair, your neck still revealed steve tiltings his head towards you before going to the same spot, his breath hot like eddies but more shakey as he pressed his hot lips against your skin and started to suck.
the way your hips shook was like nothing you'd felt before. yes whilst eddie was amazing and felt rough and raw. steves lips felt soft againt your skin the way he was sucking your skin into his mouth felt needy, making you release that moan that was building up.
steve contiuned to leave kisses across your neck, leaving slightly lighter bite marks than eddie normally does but it still felt amazing.
you gasped when you felt eddies ringed finger brushing against the side of your panties.
"just gonna get you ready for him doll"eddies soft voice speaks as he nudges your underwear to the side, his fingers quick to slip onto your clit, the way he rubbed slow circles against it at first, and the feeling of steves wet sloppy kisses to your neck had your whining out. hands tugging at the hairs at the back of steves neck.
the whine made steve pull away and his eyes darted down to see what eddie was doing, eyes mesmerised by the way he was able to pull whimpering whines from your lips.
"i...i..." you try to speak, eyes going to eddie, finding him staring back at you. a smug expression on his face as he brushes your hair behind your ear.
"shhhh" his hand comes to brush over your head, tugging your face towards his as he brings your lips against his again, steve watching the way you submit into eddies hold straight away.
whilst eddies tongue easily pushed it's way into your mouth his fingers stopped there circles and moved to push at the enterance to your hole.
"p-please" you whimper against eddies lips, forgetting steve was even there for a moment.
"eyes on stevie baby"eddie whispers to you, making him whimper, the munson boy turning your head to look at steve.
meeting the harrington boys eyes, he smiles warmly at you, both of you hot and flushed,you both looked like a pair of horny teenagers.
when eddie pushed a finger into you, your mouth feel open, eyes quickly closing and body leaning into steves.
quick gasps leaving your lips as eddie moved his fingers inside of you.
eddie knew it wouldnt take long to stretch you open enough to take steve. he glanced over to the two of you noticing the way steve was holding your body against his lips back onto your neck.
it seemed like he liked leaving those small brusies into your skin. the thought made eddie pick up his pace, your body was shaking on steves lap. his own grunts were starting to leave his lips, as you rutted against him.
eddie slowly pulled his fingers out of you, your eyes shooting up to glare at him quickly.
"but-" you go to speak but you noticed the way he was shaking his head,
"you wanna cum on his cock or not you slut?"his words were mean but had you smiling. stevees eyes widening at the name he gave you.
whilst you climbed off steves lap to remove your underwear, eddie sat down next to steve.
"take these off for me"eddie speaks tapping steves hip, the boy nodding his hesd quickly like an obedient dog. his hips lifting to shift his boxers down quickly before throwing them off the side of the bed.
eddies eyes roamed over steves cock, as did yours. your eyes widening.. he was big. bigger than eddie. made not as thick as him but definetly longer.
you bit your lip watching the way eddie glances up at steve face before slowly reaching out placing his hand around the base of the body cock.
the gasp that left steves throat, oh my you wanted to hear that again and again. with a small grin you climbed back onto the bed too. watching the way eddie slowly brings his mouth down onto the tip of steve's cock. the way steve threw his head back instantly, had yourubbing your thighs together as you knelt on the bed.
you knew eddie wasnt exactly straight, you knew that he had a fantacy of wanting to share you with someone else. you just never believed how hot it would make you feel. watching your boyfriend open his mouth futher and take his bestfriends cock deeper into his mouth had you whimpering.
watching the spit that drooled out of eddies mouth and into the small amount of steve pubic hair.
steve was gasping, groaning, any sort of noise that could leave his lips was, before eddie pulled off him, a smirk on his face as he brings his thumb to the side of his mouth wiping away a mixture of precum and spit.
"come ere pretty" eddie speaks holding a hand out for you making you smile at him before taking his hand and shuffling back over to kneel, knees either side of steves hips.
steve looks up, still breathing heavily, his eyes scanning your naked frame, eyes roaming over your chest before landing on your pussy.
staring at the way eddie brings his hand to his mouth mouth you watch as he spits into his palm before slowly rubbing his fingers between your folds.
a whimper leaving your lips as you lift your hips upwards, eddies other hand coming to land on steves cokc, holding the base of it.
"go slow baby"eddie talks to you as you nod, your eyes going to steves as you look at him once again, checking he was okay with this. seeing nothing but list and pleasure and want, you slowly lower yourself down.
feeling his head brushing against your folds you gasp, steve quickly reaching out to grab your hips.
"ah ah slow"eddie tuts, his other hand that wasnt holding steves shaft coming to pick steves fingers off your hips.
steve grunts slightly as you slowly lower your self down onto him, taking him deeper and deeper the two of you breathing heavily, steves eyes watching the whole time as you sink onto him. your eyes closing, squeezing shut,
at first it was painful, you'd not even taken anyone or anything this big before, but when you finally felt the way steve was bottomed out. the feelin of all of your weight now resting on his own. the way he was burried as deep as he could be inside of you
slowly, eddies hands gripped your hips and pulled you up, his own cock was pushed painfully against his own boxers left and forgotten about. tonight was about steve.
"fuck..."steve groans out, feeling the way your inside's clenched around him as eddie lifted you off his cock slightly before lowering you back down again.
"just like that huh?"eddie taunts, a smirk on his lisp as he watches steves face closely, he couldnt deny the way his own cock was leaking seeing the please steve was experiancing. the way his breaths were short, a layer of sweat starting to wet the tips of his hair that brush against his forehead."your turn"eddie speaks, his words gentle as he takes steves hands in his and places them on your hips slowly guidng steve on how to rock your hips into him and lift you up enough that you could sink back down.
your body felt like it was on fire, everything was so hot, the way steves fingers lightly held your hips, the way his cock was slowly moving in and out of you. it was a stark contrast to the way that you and eddie normally fucked.
not rough and needy, not raw and harsh. no steve was slowly guidng himself in and out of you at a steady rythm, his eyes stcuk on your enterance taking him.
your own whimpers left your lips as you held yourself up right,eyes watching his face like eddies did. you felt eddie movng behind you and expected him to place his hands on you again but he didnt.
instead he climbed off the bed and went back to the window, you tossing your head over your shoulder confused, a throaty whine leaving your moan.
"eddi-" you try to whimper, steve moving slowly still inside you.
"pay attention to steve dollface" eddie gestures to the other boy making you whimper but turn to face steve, your hand now landing to rest on his chest.
eddie sits down on the bench by the window, his fingers reaching out to pull his own cock out of his boxers, his hand quickly grabbing the base of it and tugging at it. the angle he had was incredible. he wacthed the way steves balls bounced against your skin each time that he thrusted inside of you. the way your head was throan back slightly, the sunlight that was shining into the room showing the sweat that was rolling down your back.
“Good boy, just like that, Steve,” Eddie encouraged, his voice sultry and deep. “You’re doing so great.”
eddies voice made steve whimper himself, your eyes opening to stare at his face as he makes that noise. you'd never heard eddie make such a vunerable noise before. it made you grind your hips down deeper onto him, wanting him to make the noise again.
"fuck, feels so good" steves voice was short and almost whiny as he speaks, your own whimpers matching his as he starts to quicken his pace.
Steve’s initial shyness peeled away layer by layer in the wake of Eddie’s guidance. With every gentle kiss and soft sigh, the connection between the three of you only intensified. when eddie praised Steve, the dominant energy mixing with soft encouragement, made steve beam with newfound confidence that was intoxicating to witness.
You found yourself floating in a haze of pleasure, both from Eddie’s steely gaze and Steve’s delicate exploration. It was a whirlwind of sensations—the way their energies merged together, molding a dance that was both thrilling and intimate.
in the background you could hear the way eddie was fisting his own cock, the scene making himself grunt into his own hand.
when steves hips started to stutter, you knew he was close and you knew you was to. seeing the way a frown etched into his forehead as he focused on thrusting up into you, your head is throne back as you gasp turning to look over at eddie.
"close princess?"eddies voice comes out gruff and deep as you stare at him rubbing his hand up and down his own shaft at the same speed steve was pushing himself into you.
"yeah" steves reply made both you and eddie look at him, eddie smirking seeing the completely fucked out expression on the harrington boys face, his hips still moving, hands digging more into your hips.
"let go stevie, fill her up for me"eddies voice was strong and domianting as he watches steves eyes screw shut quickly, his hips shooting up to thrust a particullar deep thrust into you, shoving himself so deep inside you it had you coming undone at the same time.
your own eyes screwing shut, lip bitten between your teeth as you feel him stuttering inside you, your walls clenching around him quickly. steve doesnt bother to pull out of you, or even move as you both ride your highs. the feeling you was both feeling was intense, amazing euphoria.
you laid on his chest his cock still inside you, both of you sweaty and out of breath, one of his hands lifting to wrap around your waist.
5 minutes passed and neither of you had moved but you was both breathing more slowly, when you felt eddies rough palm brush against your back you jumped at first, before he started to rub it up and down.
"just me baby, come ere" he speaks slowly, his tone more gentle now compared to the rough and domiant one he once used.
he lifts you up slowly, when steves dick slides out of you the pair of you groan slightly before eddie lays you on the bed next to steve. a wet rag he must have grabbed from the bathroom made its way between your legs cleaning you up before he helped you slide a t-shirt over your head.
"lay back down" eddie speaks slowly pushing you to lay down, before he walks over to steves side of the bed.
the harrington boy was blushing still, now sitting up more with his back against the headboard.
"got you a fresh pair"eddie speaks holding out a pair of clean boxers for steve making him smile appreciatively at him before shifting to slide them on.
"did you-" you quickly speak looking over at eddie, your eyes roaming down his body noticing the way he was wearing his boxers once again, the tent he once had, no longer there.
"yeah sweetheart, dont worry about me"eddie chuckles warmly, before he pushed steve to lay back down, you quick to cuddle into steves side which made eddie smile.
steve felt a bit awkward at first, when eddie walked back over to the window, and sat smoking his joint. laid in bed with his girlfriend after just fucking her. your head rested on steves chest, the blanket that eddie had pulled over the two of you resting just above your hips.
but steve smiles slightly, as eddie comes walking over to the bed and climbed in next to him, himself wrapping his arm around the boy making steve sigh happily leaning into his touch.
"so harrington? how was that?"eddie asks, one hand reaching up to brush his fingers threw steves hair, his legs intertwining with yours under the blanket.
"that was.....amazing"steve didnt have the words, he was glad that he got to lose his virginity in such a happy and safe enviroment. glad that he had someone to show he how to do it. he couldt deny the way that after all of that he felt.
but he tensed slightly now thinking of what was going to happen next. even if eddie and you wanted to do this again, steve wasnt sure he could. he wasnt just going to be the person you two come to when you want to spice up your sex life.
"i should erm, go i think robin wanted to hang out" steve mutters trying to sit up making you frown sitting up too, eddie quickly pushing him back down, hand on his shoulder,
" whatever your head is telling you right now, it aint true"eddie grunts, shaking his head, his eyes sticking into steves as steve sighs.
"do...do you want to go?"your voice speaks up, it was quiet and unsure as you saw steves nervous face.
"i erm...i dont wanna intrude"steve mutters, still staying put however. not moving after eddie told him to stay
"sweetheart after what we just did, you aint going anywhere"eddie chuckles laying back down tugging steve and you closer to himself.a relief filled sigh leaving steves mouth as he hum happily one hand around your waist, his head resting on eddies chest"but can we talk about the whole princess thing" eddie chuckles looking down at steve with a knowing look, the boy just blushing back at him.
you watched the two of them with a warm smile, knowing things were going to be much different from this day on, and you honestly prefered it. after today you found yourself looking at steve in a way that you never did before.
you couldnt imagine doing anything without him, or eddie.You felt complete, the puzzle pieces of your relationships fitting together in a way you had never anticipated. You had opened a door to new experiences, ensuring laughter, warmth, and a whole new understanding would linger well beyond the melding of your bodies.
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