#( i have so much muse but my spoons and focus are low )
priestbit · 28 days
right, i did intend on writing today but i have been caught in the brain fog™️, so, pop a like on this for me to send you all some memes? ( i might not even send memes in some cases, i may just plop a random thing in your inbox. feel free to specify if you want that in the replies. mwah! )
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judasrpc · 1 year
add context & change gendered language to your needs !! containts references to violence and horror.
if multi, please specify which muse(s) !! credit goes to the channel presidentsplayhorrorgames
" What the hell is it with you and creepy old places, [name]? "
" Let me guess, this is the neighborhood you grew up in? "
" That's like the fucking stone ages, [name], die already! "
" Is that a Pokémon or whatever it's called? "
" What the hell is that supposed to mean, [name]? "
" It's a very self-explanatory sentence. "
" I have a lot of confidence moving forward now. "
" Why are you so fucking negative all the time? "
" 'Cause I'm around you. "
" I told you assholes that we were caught in a paradox, but none of you guys wanted to believe me! "
" These are dangerous toes I'm stepping on. "
" Either he's French, or his parents did not like him as a child. "
" I mean, if your child was French, wouldn't you be disappointed? "
" Never mind, I see what you're laying down. "
" While you two nincompoops are over collecting the scraps of your brain cells, I already know the objective. "
" Good job, guys. Teamwork makes the dream work! "
" Ah, my favorite music from the menu. It's like I'm in a retirement home. "
" Did he just rip his fucking head off? "
" And what not to do! Like rip somebody's head off. "
" Just the casual things! I can reach items on the top shelf, airbend some electric waves, and land in prison for a double homicide. "
" Now you can only commit singular homicide. "
" You're vandalizing an already vandalized building. And it's not even vandalism, you're just moving some boxes around. "
" Funny, the second you mention work, he stops. "
" You know damn well that's too much like common sense. "
" Tall?? He's like the Jolly Green Giant! "
" Alright, listen here beanstalk- "
" I am not enjoying this music at all. This does not give me very friendly vibes. "
" Doesn't matter where it came from, we know where we have to go now. "
" Ah, you really just put anything in someone's mouth and roll with it, huh? "
" I don't even believe I said that yet in your imaginary little world. "
" The hell do you mean I can't misuse company time? I get paid three cents to move around boxes, I'll do whatever the hell I want. "
" Well, it looks like I'll take over for the time being! "
" I could say a lot right now, but I'll keep my mouth shut. "
" Welp, I see no problem moving forward here. Clearly no present danger that is alarming us to what's ahead. "
" I think Hell would be a better place to go than through that door. "
" A long and dark hallway never killed anybody. "
" Is it leaking carbon monoxide to kill us, hopefully? "
" Set the bar low? Got it- "
" It's not practical, but I can see why they implemented these things. "
" That's Business Failure 101! "
" Like I would waste the budget flopping around my Disneyland dick on the table because I wanted the under operations to feel magical. "
" If [name]'s hiding it, that doesn't promise anything good. "
" [Name] was definitely the kid to put the square blocks in the circle hole. "
" [Name], you probably sucked on a wooden spoon as entertainment. Hell, you'd probably do that now! "
" Damn, we're old! "
" You are old and I am not. "
" Are you smarter than a fifth grader? You can put the pieces together. "
" And with that note, I think it's about time we high-tail it out of here. "
" Have you seen how long that motherfucker's arm is? He could probably wear me like a sock puppet! "
" That's an image in my head I wish I could unsee. "
" First, jump off a cliff. Second- "
" Yeah, that really fucking helps, [name]. Just sit there and focus on commentary while you leave the puzzles to me! "
" I thought you said you were done questioning the logic? "
" And that's after five bankruptcies, two divorces, and a criminal record. "
" Another classic [name] joke. A couple more, and they might let you back on the late show. "
" He would know about shady business practices. "
" Yeah! A one percent increase in performance- Let's burst open the champagne bottles! "
" [Name], you would be the type of person to be concerned about international cybersecurity, but will watch online porn sites with so many viruses you'd think it came from a lab. "
" You old bastard, I genuinely wish you'd have a stroke. "
" You're just being an asshole, [name], but what else is new? "
" Those eyes look like they've been around since the Civil War. "
" What do you think I'm trying to do? So shut the hell up! "
" What can you say? I had to bring it home for the boys. "
" It's like the Victorian era vomited all over here. "
" This was not what I meant, but to each their own. "
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stolencrownsofplenty · 5 months
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@lambfated | Accepting
how do you get yourself out of a writing funk?
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((Back before my wifi went out the other night, I was originally planning to make a longer answer for this question. But given I've had a long day, I figure I can answer with a more in general grounded answer as a simple piece of advice.
Coming as someone who has experience with dealing with limited spoons: While taking breaks and getting yourself your "me time" can be helpful, it can only do so much with helping your mind not feel so burn out from writing. Unless the music option is just not working for you and you just can't seem to get yourself in the right muse headspace? Do not expect a giant wall of text from yourself and keep your expectations low; it doesn't serve your mental health to be a perfectionist as you can be your own worst critic, and believe me as I do still sometimes struggle with that lil snob in my brain.
Treat your work like you would treat your own child (metaphorically). It might look like an ugly bird to you right now, but its only in the draft phase and you're still teaching it how to fly and walk. Do not be too hard on it if taking a break doesn't get it to fly right away. It is wanting to learn with you as your creativity is trying to find its flow again.
If you really want to help it? Just focus on writing the one sentence first. It can be as detailed as you want, but keeping it simple does help a bit better if you want to get that idea out on the paper; and you just need the lil start to bridge that gap right now. Sometimes getting one sentence done does help the muse get their groove going, and maybe you can get two out of them if you're lucky, but it's okay if writing one sentence still can't get you full into your own groove. With whatever you have done, take a break on it and let that sentence stir in your mind. Whatever you have already started, it gives your brain enough time to digest it and figure it out at its own pace as you sit on it. You took one step forward, as a matter of speaking, and its progress. But most important, having patience for your work is what matters most. You can't expect the bird to swim to the bottom of the sea in one day, you HAVE to be patient with helping it learn to float and swim first.
Finding your foot in your writing helps. Once you got that first sentence down, you have to trust your muse that they can follow your lead to start running on their own. Yeah you may have to tug them a little to keep them on track, but they only need a nudge to help work with you when you know they have the energy for it. Remember, they are your friend, they will get as frustrated as you will if you try to be super forceful with trying to perform a show without any prep work first.))
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dwaeki · 3 years
yeonjun (연준) as ur bf ! (random headcanons)
a/n: i think i'll continue this series with the rest of the members as well, they're very fun to write and brainstorming ideas is helping me expand my small ass imagination </3 and also this series gives me an excuse to watch a bunch of txt videos for "research purposes"
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pairing: yeonjun x gn!reader; warnings: none other than maybe some slip ups and english isn't my first language!! genre: fluff, comedy;
sweetest guy out there.
an absolute sweetheart, please take care of him <3
adores you so so much, you're his muse.
from the get-go he was head over heels for you, looking at you with the most obvious heart eyes.
but you were honestly kind of oblivious.
he started flirting with you, but you would laugh it off or just pay no mind to it because it's choi yeonjun!
he even flirts with his members, why would you be any different? you're a friend just like the boys, right?
he was so devastated, trying to win you over with his charms.
which was low-key working, because you also had feelings for him.
but neither of you would budge, you thought he wasn't interested in you and was just joking around and being playful.
soobin however, saw how hard yeonjun was struggling, so he gave him some very much-needed advice.
"why don't you just be as straightforward as possible? tell them your feelings, no more dropping hints and flirting."
imagine soobin giving yeonjun that advice while eating bread, please, its adorable :(
anyways yeah... soobin saves the day yet again!
let's focus on your relationship now :)
he's very affectionate and clingy.
has to have his hands on you to feel content <3
whether it's holding your hand, your waist, his hand slung over your shoulder comfortably, etc.
as for cuddling, SIGN HIM UP!!
his favorite thing in the world is coming back to the dorms after a long day of practice, seeing you sprawled out on his bed, sleeping peacefully.
just breaks into a smile, watching you snore adoringly.
drops his bag on the ground and just physically throws himself at you.
you're woken up by yeonjun peppering your face with kisses and the strong smell of sweat :)
he put his entire weight on you, basically crushing your lungs.
"yeonjun get off you're heavy! EW, you stink!!" "i'm so glad you're here, y/nnnn :("
after hours of trying to get him to shower, he finally dries his hair, changes into comfortable clothes that don't stink and joins you in bed <3
he likes being the big spoon, breathing in your scent, his arm draped over your torso, your hands intertwined.
although there are occasions when you sleep with his head buried in your chest, kissing his forehead before and after he falls asleep in your arms,
play with his hair please :( loves it when you do so !!!
if you want him to fall asleep faster than ever, just massage his scalp, he'll let out a content sigh the second he feels your hands on his head <3
if neither of you can fall asleep, you both go for a late night walk... more like sprint-
dresses you in his clothes, claiming that he doesn't want you to catch a cold (those are lies, though, i'll explain later ;D)
he takes your hand and you two just run until your legs give up on you, finally feeling tired.
he gives you a piggy back ride on the way back, though, don't worry!
one night you fell asleep while he was carrying you. your head on his back, your arms limp around his shoulders, eyes shut.
the second he felt you relax he knew you had drifted off, and he honestly didn't mind.
found it extremely endearing and adorable :)
now let me tell you something.. he loves lending you his clothes
is willing to give you his entire closet
you wearing basically anything that belongs to him??? he's eating thAT TF UP !!
you wearing his accessories?? yeonjun.exe has stopped working.
you wearing his hoodies, shirts, pants??? NAH YEONJUN HAS COMBUSTED-
‼️ disclaimer: this part only applies to a reader who is smaller than yeonjun (physically) so if u dont fit this criteria you can skip over it by looking for the next bold text.
if you wear his clothes that look big on you, enough to cover your thighs, he's going to literally tackle you and pepper your face with kisses :(
tells you how great you look and tells you to wear his clothes more often,
you look so small !! and cute !! and so squishable !!!!
if he sees that you've got sweater paws he will quite literally pick you up, throw you onto the bed and demand cuddles,
coos at you the second he sees you walking around with his shirt on, he's so whipped for you‼️
head pats for life!!!!!!!!
along with cupping your face in his hands, squishing your cheeks so a cute pout forms on your lips as he gives them a little peck, making you blush.
making you flustered is his job!
compliments you non-stop, loving the effect his words have on you :D
he really means it though! you're absolutely gorgeous/handsome to him, he's your number one fan <3
the second he finds out you're feeling a little insecure, he's going to spend hours, days, WEEKS, listing off all the reasons he thinks, no he knows you're perfect !!
and when you deny one of his reasons, he grips your shoulders and starts aggressively shaking you (but he's also very careful so you won't get hurt don't worry)
"yeonjun i'm not all that-" "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!! take that back right now!!!!! my s/o is literally p e r f e c t."
he's an amazing listener, always there for you when you need to rant, and also gives great advice.
if you ever need anything, he's got your back, which is very reassuring :(
he's ready to commit a crime if you tell him to, i'm not even exaggerating.
you two go shopping for clothes together <3
it's alwaya fun going to the mall and visiting a bunch of clothing stores with him :))
spoils you to no end!!! anything you lay your eyes on, he's got his credit card out, ready to pay asap.
you two pick out clothes for one another, piling them up
so once you're done you can wait for each other outside of the changing rooms, doing your own little runway show, showing off the outfits you both had picked out 😚😚
models are lucky choi yeonjun and his s/o didn't choose that career, or else they'd be left jobless 🙄👎🏻
your boyfriend takes the runway a little too seriously, striking the best poses he can come up with as you open up your camera roll and take as many pictures as you can !!
the second you come out with one of the outfits he chose for you, strutting over to him, striking an overexaggerated awkward pose as he clicks his phone camera, astonished by your beauty, he just realizes how head over heels he is for you :(
"y/n are you sure you don't wanna be a model??"
sucker for matching accessories <3
matching rings, bracelets, heart shaped matching necklaces,
he loves 'em all !!
honestly feeds his slight possessiveness 😋😋
having couple matching clothes, accessories, etc. just makes him extremely happy, because it directly indicates that you're his s/o‼️ everyone else better back off
weird selca/photo king !!
you could be doing anything like eating breakfast, watching tv, drinking water, laughing, breathing... yeonjun is just there snapping pics of you!!
by now you're used to it, but back then it would catch you off guard
"hEY Y/N LOOK OVER HERE!!" "what???" *snaps a selfie*
doesn't upload them or send them to anyone though, because he respects you and your wishes :)
just really likes to take pictures of you two hanging out together whenever he gets the chance to, because every moment spent with you is precious to him, and he never wants to forget any second of it </3
although he doesn't always use the pictures for a good cause, like maybe looking through them when he misses you, but no!!
sometimes he uses them as black mail material, or just sends some of the embarrassing ones to you at like 2AM going:
"hey y/n rEMEMBER THIS⁉️⁉️" *insert a picture of you getting attacked by a pigeon*
😐👎🏻 rude.
making you embarrassed is his duty as your boyfriend !!
carving your initials on a tree <3
now this may seem cliche and a bit too cringey... but it's choi yeonjun, he loves cliche and cringey :(
especially when it comes to you :)
he got this idea while watching a kdrama alone at the dorms, he just thought it was endearing and he wanted to try it with you :D
turned out to be lots of fun, and very romantic as well‼️
he just likes the thought of you two coming back to the said tree years and years later, looking back at your memories and the time spent together, laughing while squeezing your intertwined hands, never planning on letting go :(
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beewolfwrites · 3 years
The Oar in the Sand - Chapter Two: The First Day of Nostos
And the second chapter is here! I feel evil for writing this, buuutt we need drama. And plot. 
For those who are new to the AIB fandom, this is the sequel to my other Chishiya x OC/Reader fic - you can find the first one, and the Chishiya pov side series, either on AO3 or on my Tumblr. 
I’ll keep this short and sweet, and leave the AO3 link to this chapter here. 
And the link to my AO3 profile where you’ll find the other fics is here.  
As always, thanks for reading! Your support means the world :D
Daylight spilled through the window onto the empty side of the bed. It wasn’t unusual for Chishiya to wake up before me, although usually in my dreaming I would feel the dip of the mattress as he left. I must’ve been in such a deep sleep that I hadn’t noticed. But that’s okay. I needed all the rest I could get.
Rubbing my eyes, I stretched out a hand to feel the sheets. They were still warm, as was the light that enveloped my fingers in its glow. It would have been peaceful morning, here in the sun and the cosy sheets, if not for the budding anticipation within me.
That’s when it all starts.
Kicking back the covers, I forced myself to get up and dressed. No matter how much I wanted to laze around, there was no telling what would happen, and so I chose more comfortable, practical clothes – cropped cargo pants, with a t-shirt and hoodie. It was only when I headed down the creaky stairs into the overwhelming silence of the living room, that Chishiya’s absence became even more apparent.
If he wasn’t down here, that left only one place he could be.
Is he aware of how predictable he is?
Emptying a bottle of water into a pan, I lit up the camping stove, watching as the water slowly frothed into simmer before bubbling away. Then spooning some instant coffee into two small mugs, I poured some of the water into each. It wasn’t great, but it was the closest thing to a real cup of coffee we could get in this world. Carefully carrying the two mugs, I stepped outside, and immediately squinted under the sun’s glare.
If it’s this high in the sky, there can’t be much longer now.
Just around the side of the store was a fire escape ladder. I had practiced this a few times, holding both mug handles in one hand, as I shakily clambered up to the roof. I only spilled a couple of drops, but it was nothing compared to the first time I tried to do this. Moving slowly, I slid onto the rooftop.
And there he was.
Lounging near the edge, one knee bent up, Chishiya was staring out at the cityscape. The first thing I noticed when I sat beside him was the mug in his hand. And once again, I felt like an idiot.
‘You already made coffee?’ I set the unwanted extra between us, eyeing his steaming mug. ‘And you didn’t leave any for me.’
‘You were fast asleep,’ he replied, taking a sip. ‘It would have gone cold.’
‘You could’ve woken me up.’
‘And if I had, you would have complained all morning.’
I hate to admit it, he’s kind of right.
I clutched my own mug, letting the warmth seep into my fingers as I counted each blimp suspended over the city. So far, nothing had changed from yesterday. But then again, it also wasn’t noon yet. Slowly drinking my coffee, I sighed. ‘I guess I’ll just have to drink twice as much now.’
Chishiya didn’t even bother entertaining me with a reply. He seemed content with the peace and quiet. Only, when he finally set down his empty mug, he reached for the extra one.
I raised a brow. ‘I thought you didn’t want it.’
He began to drink it anyway. ‘These cups are too small.’
I dipped my head into my mug to hide my smile, although knowing him, he probably saw it anyway. The sun was now gleaming above the empty city, nearly at its highest point in the sky. Apprehension swelled uncomfortably within me, and I wrapped my arms around my knees while I finished my coffee. ‘Are you going to go to the Jack of Diamonds today?’
‘The Queen and King too,’ he said. ‘I’ll work my way up.’
It was fine. It was fine. Chishiya was clever enough to survive, and I had every confidence that he would complete the games easily. More importantly, he was the most intelligent person I’d ever met. If anyone stood a chance at clearing the Diamond face cards so we could all go home, it was him. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t scared.
He could still get hurt. He could still...
It didn’t bear thinking about.
‘At least let me come with you.’ Before he could protest or decline, I added, ‘Just to wait outside. I can’t sit here, not knowing anything.’
His expression was guarded as he downed the last of his coffee. ‘Do what you want. Although you might be waiting a while. I don’t know how long the games will last.’
A loud gunshot blasted in the distance. I jumped, inching closer to Chishiya. He was stone still. Another shot ricocheted, the clap echoing off the concrete skyscrapers. Were guns usually that loud? Loud enough to be heard all the way from here? This sounded almost like an explosion, only sharper.
Something’s not right.
And I knew exactly what.
Chishiya set his second empty mug on the rooftop. ‘It’s started.’
The city streets were deserted, yet I couldn’t help but stay on my guard. While the games were contained to their venues, that gunfire before hadn’t been normal – I’d witnessed enough of Niragi’s sniper to know the difference. It had gone on for several minutes, before eventually ebbing away, and only then did we set out for the Jack of Diamonds venue.
Despite the threat of the games ahead, Chishiya appeared relaxed on the surface, but there was a slight crease between his brows, and his eyes scanned every alleyway we passed, occasionally drifting to our reflections in store windows. His hands were pushed into his pockets, and I didn’t dare try to hold one.
‘Are you worried about the game?’ I kept my voice low, just in case.
‘You shouldn’t have come with me.’
I thought we’d already talked about this.
There was no way I could sit around in our little hideout, never knowing whether or not he was going to come back. I needed to be there. I needed to see the outcome with my own eyes.
‘You told me to do what I want,’ I said. ‘And this is what I want. I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine. Those guns were probably from a game.’
‘Maybe... maybe not,’ he mused.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Chishiya may not be the easiest person to read, but we both knew what he was really trying to say. We rounded a corner, heading further into the city centre. From what we could see of the blimps, the Jack, Queen and King of Diamonds were all pretty close to one another, and all within a reachable distance from the furniture store.
‘You should be more worried about your game,’ I remarked.  
‘What do you mean, ‘why’? You could... you know.’
‘If I die, it’ll be of no consequence for you,’ he said. ‘And besides, I’ll die at some point anyway. There’s no use in trying to avoid it.’
His words no longer scared me, but rather, they were upsetting. How could he be so cavalier about it?
He really doesn’t care about his own life...
‘It does have consequence. I told you in the dealer’s den, didn’t I? If you’re not going to try and survive for yourself, then at least do it for me.’
The corner of his mouth lifted into that familiar sly smile. ‘Such big demands. You shouldn’t waste your own life being concerned about mine.’
We crossed the road, entering a new street, and the metal edge of a blimp appeared in the far distance.
‘I think I told you about that too. I can’t help being scared for you.’ I glanced away, looking instead at the side of a van. The words still felt strange to say out loud, even if I’d said them so brazenly during the Witch Hunt. ‘I lo—’
The van door erupted in a hot blast of glass and metal. The force blew me back, stumbling, as something struck my face. Hands gripped my forearms, dragging me away from the ground – I was on the ground? – and pulling me in a direction. I didn’t know where we were. The streets were shaking, or maybe I was. Maybe the whole world was shaking. And was that Chishiya in front of me?
There was red in his blond hair and on his neck, wet and glistening. And his fingers were tight – far too tight – around my wrist. Where was he going? My feet were moving after him. No, he was the one dragging me like this, swaying us back and forth erratically. My eyes began to focus, the fog in my head clearing a little.
The gunshots... and that van. But how could a gun do that to a van?
If he heard me, his only response was to pull me harder until his fingernails dug into my skin. My numb legs jittered and tingled, but I tried my best to keep up with him. There was a strange humming above our heads, and I looked up, catching sight of a blimp overshadowing the office buildings above, darkening their windows and...
A gleam.
Glass exploded everywhere as the store window behind us shattered. Someone screamed – they sounded like me, only I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t... Someone tugged at my clothes, but I tore away, sprinting as fast as I could down the street. There was a shooter. There was someone shooting at us.
Side to side... I need to run from side to side.
As I ran, I veered in different directions, trying to keep things as unpredictable as possible. I ducked around corners and alleys, only to realise something. Chishiya was nowhere to be seen.
Don’t panic.
I slowed, breathless, as I swung onto another street, dipping behind a store.
Don’t panic.
The store crashed apart; the windows destroyed. Arms shielding my face, I toppled to the ground, coughing uncontrollably at the smell of hot plastic as mannequin limbs scattered the pavement.
I needed to run... I needed to run. My head was throbbing and burning now. Picking myself up, I pushed to keep going, running no matter how much my limbs ached. There was a strange buzzing noise that clashed painfully with the ringing in my ears.
And then I saw a glimmer of hope.
Across a traffic intersection was a large, off-white building with endless windows, marked 図書館. The entrance door shut softly as someone took shelter inside.
The buzzing noise grew louder and louder, and my vision swam as I tore across the empty roads and into the building, slamming the door behind me. My legs finally gave way, and I collapsed against the wall, my eyes closing as I caught my breath.
Chishiya. I lost sight of him after that window was destroyed. Maybe he ran in the other direction. Or maybe... No.
He can’t be. He wouldn’t, not that easily.
‘It’s you.’
My eyes shot open at the familiar voice. Of all people to bump into, An was staring down at me with mild concern. It was An. Surging with relief, I tried to get to my feet to greet her, only my head flashed with dizzying pain.
‘No,’ she said. ‘Don’t get up. You’ll need your strength.’ I didn’t understand. She came in here to shelter too, right? Before I could question her, she crouched down in front of me and gently touched my forehead. Her fingers came back red. ‘What happened?’
My lungs ached with each syllable. Just getting the words out was a struggle. ‘苣屋一緒...にいた. ダイヤモンドのジャックに... 行っていた. 銃の音... が聞きた. すべて...’ I was together with Chishiya... We were going to the Jack of Diamonds... I heard gun sounds... and then everything...
I didn’t know the words for ‘gunshots’ or ‘explosion’, but An still nodded in understanding. Her eyes narrowed a little at Chishiya’s name, only she didn’t appear to be surprised by what I told her.
‘That’ll be the King of Spades. His sniper isn’t a regular gun. It’s designed to penetrate airships and armoured cars apparently.’
I didn’t understand the latter half of what she said, but one name stuck out unmistakably.  
The King of Spades?
‘どう知ってるか?’ I asked. How do you know?
An gestured behind her, and I finally noticed the two women anxiously watching us. One had long, flowing blond hair and was wearing a thin headband. The other had brown hair tied up in pigtails. ‘He attacked our camp right after the second stage started.’
So those were the gunshots we heard on the roof. And their camp...
An lowered her head to the tiled floor. ‘I wish I could tell you, but I don’t know where she is. She left in a car with Arisu and Tatta. We were in a separate car and we drove all the way here.’
Kuina... she has to be alive. I refuse to believe otherwise.
She was strong and smart, and if she drove away with those two, she was probably okay.
It made sense that the King of Spades started with their group, then travelled further into the city centre before running into Chishiya and I. But if he was moving to attack players then that could only mean... A sickening feeling grew in the pit of my stomach.
‘彼のゲーム会場,’ I said, ‘全部の東京だね?’ His game venue. It’s all of Tokyo, isn’t it?
‘It seems that way,’ An said, adjusting her sunglasses. ‘From what I can assume, the only place that isn’t his game venue is within other games.’ She glanced reassuringly at the other girls behind her. ‘While we’re in here, we should be safe from him, at least.’
At least?
A horrible thought slipped into my mind. A really, really horrible thought. But I almost didn’t want to believe it. It would be too unlucky – a downright cruel trick of fate.
My apprehensiveness must’ve been obvious, as An tilted her head, curiously. ‘You didn’t know,’ she murmured. ‘この建��はダイヤモンドの女王会場だ.’
No, it couldn’t be true. Maybe I misheard. I had to have misheard. My mind ran in circles, desperate to find Chishiya, to go home and finish my sentence, tell him what I tried to say before the van windows burst. But Chishiya wasn’t here. I didn’t know where he was. I was alone.
Assuming I hadn’t quite understood, An said it again, slower this time. There was no need. My fate was already sealed the moment I took shelter here.
‘This is the Queen of Diamonds venue.’
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windless-hurricane · 3 years
Chapter Three: The Beauty of a Devil
A Reiner x Reader x (Eventual) Jean Fanfic
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SUMMARY: After the fall of Shiganshina, you joined the military along with your brother. You had hoped to bring peace to the world by doing so, but the world was a cruel place. You seemed to lose more than you gained, but there was always someone - someone who made losing just a bit…easier. You hoped you could keep them forever, but was there ever a guarantee in this world?
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hi, all! I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything, but I’m back to finish this series. I want to catch up to where the anime left off. Therefore, as an apology for taking awhile, I’m posting two new chapters today (chapter four will be posted an hour or so after this one)!
WARNINGS (for entire series): Language, explicit violence, talks of death, suicide, trauma, and mental illness, graphic scenes involving blood and/or death, and sexuality.
TAGLIST: @lovethemilkteasis @grayxblaze @theyoungblood13 @flowersgirl02 @noodlenerd101 @hanabihwa @drowned-pathetic-rat @bestgirlb @bleepop @miinnttyy @1-800-thanos @lovelime
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“I need your help, (Y/N),” Eren proclaimed as he slammed his hand down on the table, causing you to look at him instead of your soup.
If you hadn’t known Eren prior to this, you would’ve been startled by his actions, but you practically grew up with him. You were both from Shiganshina and while you were good friends, you weren’t as close as he, Mikasa, and Armin were. You were closest to your brother.
“With what,” you questioned, your spoon hanging from your mouth.
“Learning the maneuver gear,” he explained, an eager look in his eyes.
“Well, haven’t you asked Mikasa? She was really good at it,” you recalled.
“I did, but it still didn’t work,” he sighed. “So, I thought maybe you had some advice, seeing as you were nearly perfect.”
You blushed at his compliment as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Well,” you breathed. “It’s kind of like a swing.”
“A swing,” he asked confusedly.
“It’s hard to describe…maybe Viktor knows how to say it. Hey, Viktor.”
You nudged your brother’s shoulder with your own, but he didn’t respond. So, you and Eren looked over and were surprised to see him in a deep conversation with Krista as Ymir glared at him from across the table. You both smirked.
“He’s going to die,” you remarked.
“Yeah,” Eren agreed with a chuckle, causing you to sigh.
“Well, I’ll try my best to describe it then. When you look at the seat of the swing, you can see that it is completely balanced. Then, once weight is added onto it, it still manages to stay upright. That’s because it balances the weight throughout itself equally. You have to think of your body as a whole and seek balance within yourself. That’s the best way I can describe it. Does that…sorta make sense?”
He gazed at you with wide eyes, not necessarily mesmerized by what you said, but how you said it.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” he confirmed excitedly and you smiled.
“If you still need help, you can ask some of the guys,” you suggested. “A few of them did well too.”
“Got it, thank you so much, (Y/N)!”
“No problem,” you waved, watching as he made his way back to the table where Mikasa and Armin were sitting.
You noticed Mikasa glaring at you, but you decided to ignore it and focus on your food instead. However, you were only able to get two bites in until someone else came.
“Do you mind if I sit here,” a deep voice asked and you looked up to see a tall, blonde boy with a muscular build standing in front of you. You realized you remembered him from orientation.
“Yeah, go right ahead,” you said, motioning to the seat in front of you. He sat down with a small creak and you gazed at him for a few moments before turning back to your food.
“You’re (Y/N), right,” he questioned once more and you nodded.
“(Y/N) Bauer. I would introduce you to this oaf,” you gestured to Viktor. “But he’s too busy taking his final breaths.” Reiner let out an airy chuckle as your brother was now arguing with Ymir over something ludicrous.
“I’m-“ Reiner started to say, but you cut him off.
“Reiner Braun, I remember you. You’re the ‘save humanity’ guy.”
“During orientation, when Shadis asked you why you were here, you said ‘to save humanity.’”
“You remember that?” You nodded.
Reiner hadn’t thought you noticed him, let alone even remembered what he said. The surprise made him oddly happy.
“Mmhmm,” you hummed, playing with your food. “The only reason I did was because you looked just as scary as Shadis.”
“What,” Reiner laughed, causing you to smile.
“What do you mean ‘what?’ I mean, look at you. You’re a tall, muscly guy with a sharp face. Intense eyes and a deep voice. Who wouldn’t be scared of that?”
“Not you apparently,” he stated with a smirk. “If I didn’t know any better, (Y/N), I’d say you were flirting with me.”
Your cheeks reddened.
While you did find him extremely attractive, especially when you first laid eyes on him during orientation, you couldn’t let him know that.
You couldn’t let him know that you were taken aback by his strong and unwavering stature, the way the muscle within his jaw flexed with determination, and how his amber eyes burned when Shadis asked him why he was there.
When he answered with “To save humanity,” his voice was deep, but so sure of himself. It permanently caught your attention, but still. He couldn’t know that.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Braun,” you finally countered. “You only interested me because of how overachieving your goal was.”
“Really, how so,” he asked with half lidded eyes. He could tell you were bluffing. You had to save your ass.
“Well, don’t you think saving humanity is quite ambitious? How could one person manage to save millions of people,” you commented.
“Why does one join the military to begin with?” Your eyes widened.
While you were shocked, you were also impressed at his question. You couldn’t help the amused smile that made its way onto your lips.
“A good portion of the kids here are either looking to live comfortably within the inner walls or wanting to earn bragging rights as they slack off in the Garrison Regiment. Why do you think the number of people joining the Scouts every few years is so low? ‘Cause in the end, most people don’t want to leave the walls to fight for humanity. They just want to stay back and watch others do the work.”
“Is that why you joined?” You snorted.
“Course not.”
“Then, why’d you join?”
‘Why did I join,’ you thought to yourself.
Then, it hit you. Their words.
Mommy loves you so much. She loves you. Please just do this last thing for her and hide.
Get my brother and sister out of here! I’ll take care of the Titans! Just go!
I’m sorry, (Y/N).
You clenched your spoon tightly as you gazed into Reiner’s eyes with a newfound intensity gracing your own.
“I joined because-” but you were cut off by a large thud and your brother groaning right after.
You and Reiner looked over to see Ymir pushing his face into the table.
“How’s that for a rude awakening,” she sneered, tearing herself away from him soon after. “C’mon, Krista.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Krista whined, but Ymir had already grabbed her by the arm and led her out of the mess hall.
You sighed.
“What did you even say to them?”
“Don’t worry about it,” he mumbled, holding onto his head.
“Honestly, you’re either great at talking to girls or extremely poor at it. There’s no in between,” you commented as you pulled him up by his hair.
Reiner hissed shortly after and you winced at the sight of his face.
“We’re going to need bandages for that.”
“What’re we doing out here,” you questioned, following your brother through the dark forest. “Can’t we get in trouble for this?”
“Not if we aren’t caught,” he mused with an almost crazy smile on his face.
“I think Ymir hit you too hard. Are you seeing double right now?”
You glanced at the bandages around his forehead and were becoming genuinely concerned that he had a concussion.
“It’s because of Ymir I’m doing this,” he revealed, chuckling breathlessly. “She’s going to hate it when I prove her wrong.”
“You still didn’t tell me what you told her,” you mentioned.
“I tried comparing Krista to a lotus flower and Ymir’s convinced that no such thing exists.”
“Really? Then, what was the whole rude awakening thing?”
“I just told her she was in for a rude awakening and she did that. The audacity.”
“You’re a real idiot, you know that,” you stated, causing him to gasp offensively.
“So, you’re trying to find a lotus flower to prove her wrong.”
“Yeah.” You came to a stop.
“If I’m remembering what we read as kids correctly, those only exist outside of the walls,” you exclaimed in disbelief.
“I mean, yeah. They’re from Asia, but the Asian clan lived here for some time anyways,” he mumbled to himself.
“Huh? You’re talking too quietly.”
“Oh, well, what I meant to say is that humanity once lived outside of the walls, right? So, they had to have brought some with us!”
You watched your brother in confusion as he turned away, moving forward once again. That was weird, you thought.
As you followed behind him, you heard rustling nearby.
“Do you hear that,” you asked and Viktor shook his head.
“It’s probably just a deer or something.”
“I don’t know…”
The rustling grew louder and you both stopped.
“I don’t know if that’s a deer,” you murmured, grabbing onto his jacket.
Then, the both of you could make out footsteps and started to tremble in panic.
“What if it’s Shadis,” you whispered. “I didn’t plan on bothering him today. I’m not prepared to swim again…or worse. Clean the restroom after Sasha’s used it.”
Viktor nearly gagged at the idea.
“This was your idea, Viktor.”
“Well, you’re the one who decided to follow the kid with the possible concussion out here,” he retorted.
“You, idiot. Let’s just find a hiding spot, but move very quietly.” He nodded as you led him through the trees, tiptoeing carefully. You turned the corner of a tree and unexpectedly bumped into a firm chest.
You didn’t get the chance to see who it was as you and the owner of that chest started screaming.
You fell back into your screeching brother and heard three more masculine yells follow suit.
You opened your eyes and saw Reiner, Bertolt, Eren, and Armin all huddled together, panting with terrified looks on their faces.
“Huh,” you gasped, but they didn’t hear you as your brother was still screaming. “Shut up!” You elbowed him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
“What the hell are you guys doing out here,” you questioned, attempting to recompose yourself.
“We could ask you the same thing,” Reiner countered, clearing his throat.
“Uh…good point. This idiot behind me wanted to find a flower to win a bet against Ymir.”
“Bertolt and I just wanted to show Eren and Armin the lake.”
“That’s a better reason than ours,” you chuckled, finally having calmed down. “I’m just glad you weren’t Shadis.”
“You and me both.”
“Wow,” you gushed, staring at the moon’s reflection from the water. “It’s like a mirror.”
“I know. Isn’t it insane,” Reiner smiled.
It was. It really was. The moon was big and bright, while the water was still and black. They complimented and contrasted each other all at once. It was like a painting that lit up the night. It was stunning.
“I honestly never pegged you to be a softie, Braun,” you teased with a smirk.
“Well,” he smiled. “I thought Eren could use some inspiration for tomorrow.” And you felt your lips lift into a sweet smile.
You meant it. You didn’t expect Reiner to be so caring or considerate, yet he was and you found yourself liking it a lot.
He was big and strong on the outside, but gentle on the inside.
“Well, Eren. Are you inspired,” you asked softly and he nodded with a big grin, causing you to giggle.
“Ah hah,” Viktor shouted and you sent him a glare.
“Hey, why are you ruining the moment,” you questioned.
“I found it, I actually found it!”
He sprinted to you in an instant and your eyes widened once you saw a lotus flower resting in the palms of his hands. It was pink and gentle with mud underneath it. It really was…beautiful and the rest of the boys gathered around to witness its beauty.
“It only blooms in mud,” Viktor stated excitedly and you smiled. It had been so long since you had seen him this way and you didn’t want it to end. You wanted him to continue being happy.
“It’s beautiful,” Reiner commented. “A true beauty.” You all hummed in agreement, listening to Viktor’s rant that followed.
However, Reiner never started listening. He was still too focused on what, or rather who, he had actually been looking at when making that comment.
He was looking at you - admiring the way you shone just as brightly as the moon and thought…
How could a devil be this beautiful?
40 notes · View notes
spicysoftsweet · 3 years
Chapter 9
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tw character death
Mitsuya was used to listening to crying, comfortable even. It was a normal human response after all, and his sisters cried all the time.
But Kumi cried in a very odd way he wasn’t exactly prepared for. Without warning, in the middle of a conversation about her and his plans for high school and beyond, tears had started to run down her cheeks and her speech had paused for a moment, before she continued to speak as though nothing had happened.
She wiped her tears with the back of her hand as though she’d simply sprung a leak, and promptly continued, her voice wobbling a little, but still smiling.
“I-if I at least stay in T-Tokyo after graduation, we can still be friends even if we don’t go to the same high school, right?”
He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Why wouldn’t we stay friends?” He asked, confused.
She grinned widely from across the low table in his home, her eyes shining still.
“Promise you won’t get tired of me.”
Mitsuya looked at Kumi’s obvious forced smile and wondered if Toman was the only thing Baji had dropped. His behavior was stranger than usual definitely, but maybe he was really just showing his true colors. Even if defecting to an opposing gang was unreasonable (even by Baji standards), Baji and Kazutora had always been terribly close, and if Kazutora changed, so could the latter.
“I won’t,” he replied.
He, like Mikey, didn’t want to end up fighting his friend, but he wouldn’t mind landing one solid punch for good measure.
“I don’t know if I wanna be an angel this year,” Kumi mused as she walked out of the convenience store down the street with her best friend trailing closely behind her. She unwrapped a lollipop, sighing before popping it into her mouth. “You get to look cute and sexy in the devil costume and I’m probably going to look like a nun,” she pouted.
Kaksi took the bag of discounted pre-Halloween candy from her and fished for a milk chocolate bar, unwrapping it for a bite.
“We can trade if you want.”
Kumi turned to her with surprise, but Kaksi grinned appropriately devilishly.
“But you won’t look scary at all, so how can you be a devil?” With that, she held the bar in her teeth and squished Kumi’s cheeks, causing the latter to frown and swat away at her hands.
“Stop!” She whined.
Kaksi laughed louder, which led to her chocolate falling to the ground which had her gasp in dismay.
“Karma,” Kumi pretend-disguised the remark with a loud cough, wincing as Kaksi gave her a slap on the shoulder, then giggled back. “Don’t worry, you can have mine.”
“As I deserve,” Kaksi said, then glanced at her watch. “We should head there quickly, the store will close soon.”
The girls managed to find their way to the corner shop and picked out their outfits, taking pictures together as they tried their accessories, a white halo for Kumi and a pair of red devil horns for Kaksi.
“You didn’t want to trade?” Kaksi asked, looking through their pics on her flip phone as they walked home, shopping bags in hand. “We can still swap if you want.”
Kumi shook her head.
“My parents are already being too lenient by letting me go out for the parade tomorrow in the first place, so putting on leather on top of that will probably be pushing it,” she said, with a dramatic sigh.
Kaksi laughed.
“You know, for a moment I was wondering if you’d change being around gang members for so long, but it seems like you’re still a goody two-shoes after all.”
Kumi smiled in response but her smile was a little less bright this time, and Kaksi frowned. She’d almost gotten over the sting of Kazutora essentially breaking things off with her but she had to remember that Kumi’s situation was still fresh in her heart.
An idea suddenly popped into her head, and she grabbed Kumi’s hand suddenly, turning around to face her.
Kumi’s eyes widened as Kaksi’s beamed.
“Hey, we’re gonna be friends forever, right? A pair, you and me, right?’.
Kumi nodded slowly in agreement, not exactly sure where Kaksi was getting at. Of course, she was her best friend.
“So… I think we should make a pact,” she proposed.
“What kind of pact?”
The sun was starting to set, pinker than usual, and with the wind picking up in that late October evening, Kumi had the feeling that whatever Kaksi was about to say next would be terribly poignant. She found herself holding her breath, as Kaksi continued.
“When we’re old maids later on in life, we should just buy a huge house in the woods and live together. We can get dogs and cats and make a garden where we grow our own food and not worry about any mean losers that just fight all the time. We’ll buy lots of books and play music all day and you can do all the cooking because I hate cooking but it’ll be amazing. What do you think?”
Kumi’s smile was genuine this time. She clasped her other hand over Kaksi’s warm ones.
“It sounds amazing.”
Maybe Kaksi was the only person she really needed after all, Kumi thought.
Even if Kumi was trying to focus on literally anything else aside from Baji, there was a small part of her that still worried about the tension brewing between the Tokyo Manji gang and Valhalla, and the thought of another brawl landing him or even Mitsuya in the hospital seemed to haunt her. It didn’t help that Mitsuya had told her that there would be ‘Toman business’ on the afternoon of Halloween and so he’d have to pass on going to the parade with her and Kaksi. She had insisted that they could all go, and he’d told her that there was something big, without really giving her additional details.
Big was not good when it came to gangs.
All day Kumi dwelled on it until she felt that she had to say something by the time lunchtime rolled around, starting with a long sigh to feign nonchalance.
“So I know we’re not supposed to discuss they-who-must-not-be-named anymore,” she started, stopping abruptly when Kaksi raised her eyebrow at her, “but I feel like something bad’s gonna happen.”
“Like what?” Kaksi asked, barely looking up from her plate.
Kumi frowned.
“I don’t know, Mitsuya wouldn’t really tell me but supposedly they’re preparing for something today and with all that’s going on it seems like it might be a bigger deal this time,” she continued. At this point, Kaksi’s curiosity must have been piqued because she finally looked at her then propped her face up by her elbow on the table.
A slight embarrassment ran over Kumi when she considered how obvious it was that she was still worried about Baji despite the fact that he’d been awful to her, while her friend seemed to take everything in stride.
While Kaksi seemed to be thinking, Kumi decided instead to content herself with spoonfuls of rice.
“Maybe I am nosy,” she laughed out loud for a moment once a couple minutes passed. She considered the idea of showing up again, in front of Baji who probably only found her annoying by now, and she considered that the idea of being chased away a second time was too much to bear. Maybe if she didn’t annoy him, she could pretend that they hadn’t really broken up, just drifted apart. That would work, wouldn’t it?
“Well I’m curious now,” Kaksi said, rising suddenly.
Kumi remembered this exact scenario from just a couple days ago and immediately regretted saying anything.
“Actually maybe this time we shouldn’t-” she began.
“It’s just information. We don’t have to do anything about it,” Kaksi insisted. Kumi agreed.
“Let’s try to ask someone after school.”
The school seemed to empty out before either girl could corner a single person. It was odd really, and when they reunited from their different classes, both grimaced as they realized they had absolutely no intel for each other.
Despite the nagging feeling in the back of her mind, Kumi went home to prepare for the evening parade after separating from Kaksi at her house. Walking the rest of the way, she contemplated further the idea of getting over her feelings completely, reanalyzing nearly all of their interactions over the past couple of years to determine what she had missed. This only made her sadder, and by the time she was nearly at her door, she was holding back sniffles.
She hated the fact that she cried so easily.
Not paying attention to where she was going, she found herself running into another boy her age, surprised when she realized it was Yamagishi of all people, one of Takemitchi’s friends that she’d seen a couple times but not really interacted with.
“Oh my gosh, sorry!”
Yamagishi looked at her in surprise.
“Kumi-chan, what are you doing here?”
She tilted her head, surprised by the question, pointing to her house a few paces away.
“I live here?”
Yamagishi’s face turned a deep shade of red, and he laughed nervously.
“Ah, yes… well, it was nice to run into you,” he said, politely, dashing in the opposite direction.
Kumi thought about the weird encounter and considered shrugging her shoulders and going on her way, but then she stopped in her tracks, and ran back to catch up to him.
Yamagishi stopped, surprised and looked at her in surprise. Kumi faltered a little, phrasing the question, then blurted out, “you know a lot about gang stuff, right?”
Yamagishi scratched his head sheepishly but was clearly pleased. “Yeah, of course. I can literally tell you anything!”
Kumi nodded. “Have you heard about anything big happening tonight? With Tokyo Manji or…?” She didn’t outright say Valhalla, but it was the more pressing question for her.
Yamagishi furrowed his brow.
“Toman’s going to have a huge fight today, if it hasn’t already started…”
Kumi held her breath.
“There’s an old junkyard. I considered going just to see, just because I know it would be crazy, but my parents wanted me home unless I’d get in trouble. They’re going against Valhalla, everyone in the delinquent community knows about it.”
Her heart thumped, and she immediately went ahead to send a text to Kaksi to meet up with her immediately.
“Please tell me where it is.”
By the time the girls made it (with multiple wrong turns) to the junkyard, where there were even more people than the Valhalla hideout those couple days before, the fight was more than half over.
At least in sheer numbers,the crowd had already started to thin from Valhalla’s 300, including Baji, Kazutora, and the tall, lanky and obnoxious-sounding boy the girls would later know to be Hanma, and Toman’s 150, including Mikey, the source of all their problems, Kisaki and the rest of the gang they knew well. There were enough bruises and injuries and unconscious boys to go around, and while Kumi and Kaksi froze in space, their eyes quickly scanned the crowd for those that they cared about the most.
The first thing Kumi saw in the distance upon arrival - what they both saw - was the knife in Baji’s hands.
A knife that was raised to the heavens, loud words that sounded like nonsense to her tumbling out of his mouth, and a bold smile on his face.
What is he-
Before Kumi could even process the situation further, or even take account of the other bodies in the junkyard, Baji plunged that very knife straight into his abdomen.
And her heart stopped.
Maybe his eyes widened for a moment as he searched for her voice, and he did finally see her running towards him, as he collapsed immediately into Chifuyu’s arms who were closer, stronger and faster.
He hadn’t factored this into his move.
In fact he’d thought about what he was doing but he hadn’t really thought at all, had he? Just doing whatever it took to save Kazutora.
Making his death matter.
Bambi, I…
“Kei!” Kumi screamed again, crying this time as she ran, until she found herself intercepted by Mitsuya who saw her run into the fray in time and held her back.
“Let me go!” She shrieked.
Mitsuya said nothing, but held on to her with all his strength, arms tightening as he turned her away, as her screams mixed with Chifuyu’s.
“Someone call an ambulance! Someone stop the bleeding! Please let me,” she sputtered and choked for a moment, losing the ability to breathe. “Let me help him!”
There was nothing she could do. Mitsuya’s grip was like iron and his hold felt like betrayal, and as she watched Baji, turned away from her while he said his final words, her stomach writhed in despair.
Her voice seemed to die in her throat.
“P-please let me go,” she continued helplessly, knowing that Mitsuya wouldn’t give in even for a second, and once she had lost the strength to scream hysterically any longer and her legs grew unsteady, he allowed her to fall to her knees and double over in sobs.
This was cruel, Mitsuya thought, but he could see that Kazutora and Mikey’s standoff was escalating and she couldn’t be in the middle.
Kaksi covered her mouth as she took in Baji’s corpse in turn and it seemed as though time had gone to a stand still until she heard the sickening crunch of Mikey’s knuckles connecting with Kazutora’s jaw.
“I’ll kill you!”
The words came out of Mikey’s mouth, repeated like a mantra and with them, his punches were heavy and relentless; Kaksi could sense the immediate intent to kill.
She couldn’t pretend she didn’t understand why. Kumi was curled into a ball beside her and within Mitsuya’s reach, still sobbing inconsolably while Chifuyu’s eyes clearly went in and out of focus, staring at his friend’s body. She could see the subtle pain behind Mikey’s voidless eyes.
Mikey was absolutely going to kill him.
Her feet moved on their own, faster than she had ever done before, dodging the arms that attempted to stop her. Kaksi could feel her heart racing and her stomach turning at the sight of her ex-boyfriend’s blood being splashed onto the floor. She couldn’t understand why no one was stopping them.
Baji had just injured himself and this fight needed to end. So she didn’t think twice, loudly screaming at them to stop before getting in between Kazutora and Toman’s leader. She faced Mikey while her ex-boyfriend was shielded by her back, even though she was slightly smaller than him and much weaker.
The look in Mikey’s eyes was one she had never seen before. She shivered, realizing in what position she had just put herself in. But Kaksi couldn’t turn back now. The fury in his eyes spoke for him and she was unsure about what would happen to her at that moment. Takemichi stood behind while Chifuyu was still focused on Baji’s cold body in his arms. He watched the scene unfold, holding his breath but thankful that the girl had been quick to act.
“Get out of my way,” Mikey told her in an icy voice.
“Mikey, ple-”
Kaksi’s eyes widened as she felt Mikey’s strong hold on her. She let out a whimper as she felt herself pushed to the side, violently falling onto the ground. Everyone surrounding them watched in shock as Mikey aimed for Kazutora again. Takemichi took a step forward but to his relief, Kaksi was standing up again.
The pain from her fall was still present but she didn’t hesitate to run over to Mikey again, this time wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him back as hard as she could. He hit her once with his elbow and she cried out, unsure about being able to take another hit. Unfortunately, Kaksi only managed to put him off balance slightly despite being taller than Mikey and giving it all her strength.
The second hit she received had her fall back down, her hands as well as her knees covered in blood and dirt. That hurt, her breathing was heavier this time and she took a moment before standing up again. But the sight of Kazutora’s bloodied face and the sound of Mikey’s knuckles meeting bones was too much.
“Stop!” she screamed again, even louder than the first time, throwing her body in between the two boys again.
The sound of Draken’s voice calling out the girl’s name could be heard as his eyes followed Mikey’s fist but it was too late. Takemichi cried out watching her take a direct hit for Kazutora. Kaksi wanted to scream, the blunt force stronger than anything she had ever felt before but the sounds were caught in her throat as she found herself unable to breathe. She stumbled backwards. Mikey, stunned by the sight of her falling from his blow instead of Kazutora, stayed immobile.
What have I done?
Takemichi caught the girl in his arms, preventing her from hitting the ground, clearly unable to stand anymore. Horror took over Kazutora instantly as he watched her limp body, the pain probably too much for her to have withstood. He stepped forward, fury taking over him again at the sight of his unconscious darling.
Mikey didn’t move, eyes glued to her as Takemichi slapped her face gently in an attempt to wake her up. He didn’t mean to hurt her, he was aiming at Kazutora. He would never ever hit Kaksi, he thought as guilt washed over him. He would never hit a girl, and especially not this girl, his friend, or maybe more.
“You fucking asshole!” Kazutora yelled his fist connecting with Mikey’s jaw for the first time after a while.
The pain brought Toman’s leader back to his senses and it was instinctively that he blocked Kazutora’s next move. Takemichi watched once again, anger taking over him this time. They couldn’t be serious. He screamed out of frustration for Kaksi who couldn’t, Kumi who was still held back by Mitsuya and everyone surrounding them.
“What the fuck do you think Baji died for and Kaksi took that punch for?”
Kazutora’s eyes filled with tears as he looked over to his best friend’s corpse and his ex-girlfriend’s unconscious form. Mikey was about to argue but Takemichi cut him off, getting impatient now.
“He died for Toman! He died for you two, god damn it!”
Takemichi’s tears fell onto Kaksi as he gently moved her body, taking off his jacket hurriedly to put it under her head before walking over to the two boys fighting. But as the piece of clothing was folded, the charm Takemichi had kept with him fell, catching Mikey’s attention.
“Kazutora didn’t kill him!” he continued. “He killed himself because he didn’t want Kazutora to feel responsible! Because he wanted you to forgive Kazutora!”
Takemichi stopped for a moment, the sobs racking his body making it hard for him to speak.
“Everything Baji did,” he said. “He did it because he loved you guys! Why can’t you understand this?”
Kazutora found himself unable to move, too many conflicting emotions taking over him while Mikey kneeled, picking up the charm that was sent flying. He examined it carefully before asking Takemichi where he had found it. Then Mikey’s eyes widened in shock as the founding members of Toman realized who it belonged to and what it represented. He couldn’t help the tears blurring his vision at the realisation of what they had just lost and at what cost exactly. For a moment Mikey reminisced, brought back to Toman’s founding day.
“I didn’t create Toman,” he explained. “Baji did.”
Kumi, who had thought she didn’t have any more tears to cry, felt a new wave wash over her as her shattered heart ached harder. The emptiness she felt, piercing through everyone who had known Baji.
If one of us gets hurt, we’ll all protect them. I want a gang that’s all for one, and one for all.
They could all picture Baji saying those words, whether they had been there or not to witness it two years ago and at that moment everyone found that they couldn’t muffle the sounds of their pain anymore.
There was a pause that hung heavy, impregnated with tears, but where they all remained unmoving, as they considered everything that had been said.
Kumi stirred finally, wiping her tears, and turned to look at Mitsuya. He eyed her carefully, his own eyes no longer dry, and in a voice that sounded too pained to be speaking, she begged for a chance to move.
“It’s safe now, right? I’m not interfering anymore.”
Without waiting for an answer, she rose and walked over slowly to where Chifuyu still held her first crush, love, whatever she would call it. Chifuyu didn’t look up as she knelt down across from him and placed her head against Baji’s chest, her heart sinking as she couldn’t hear a heartbeat. Throat drying up, she might have deluded herself into imagining something, anything where there should be a sound, so instead she lifted her head quickly, and gently slapped him on the face.
“Wake up,” she whispered. She tapped his face again with her open palm, again trying to ignore how unnaturally cold his cheek was on contact.
She took a deep breath again, then thumped his chest again, a little harder this time. She knew very well that this was futile, and if anything she was upsetting Chifuyu even more, who had started to shake, but she was going to do this. She had to do this.
“Wake up, the fight is over and you’ll be fine. Someone called an ambulance and you need to get checked, but it’ll be okay.” She paused, and bit her lower lip.
She reached over to untie his ponytail, letting the hair tie sit on her wrist. As luck would have it, this one she recognized; he had borrowed it from her. She swallowed hard, as she ran a hand through his hair.
“Kumi, he’s-” Chifuyu started then stopped once she cut him off sharply.
“I know.”
Despite this, she still shook him.
“I forgive you for being mean, okay? We still have dates and movies to go to,” she leaned in closer to whisper in his ear, as though that was the reason why he wasn’t responding to her, not the fact that he was no longer breathing.
“I’ll learn how to make that yakisoba you like. Your mom promised to teach me before, remember? It won’t be as good but you have to promise to eat everything.”
“Kumi,” Chifuyu repeatedly her name softly, and she swallowed a sob but kept talking to the dead boy before her.
“I never gave you those chocolates I owe you, remember? You can’t die before I do that.”
As she said this, the tears she’d thought had run out just earlier seemed to replenish and she buried her face into his jacket and finally let herself weep fully, her arms around him.
“You’re so fucking mean, Baji Keisuke.”
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yeochikin · 4 years
your wish. | k. hongjoong
a/n: happy birthday to kim hongjoong, thank you so much for all of your hardwork and efforts! we love you so much ✨💖
word count: 1.1k
main focus: kim hongjoong x fem. reader
warning(s): none!
with both arms stretched above his head, kim hongjoong released a low groan as soon as he felt the tight knots in his lower back loosen up due to the hours of sitting all hunched in front of his laptop and his notebook filled with scribbles of lyrics and ideas whenever some would come to mind. his irises trained over to the clock hanging on the wall briefly, wondering just how many hours he had already spent inside his studio. 
had he not checked the time he wouldn’t even realised that he had spent all afternoon stuck inside the studio, and now it was already the early hours into the evening. 
turning back to his laptop, hongjoong made sure to save his progress for the day. a little break surely won’t hurt. hongjoong also made sure to double check each time he saved his work, before gathering his notes to neatly tuck them into his bag. 
it was time to go home. 
it was time to go where he knew his love was waiting for his arrival. with the way her eyes held a certain cheekiness in them as she kissed him goodbye during the morning earlier when he left for the company, hongjoong knew that something was up in his lover’s sleeve. what it could possibly be, he had no idea whatsoever. 
and that curiosity fogged his mind throughout the whole day managed to keep him on his toes ever since he stepped out of their little home as if thinking a certain beloved would walk in any time. though the curiosity wasn’t all that bad, it managed to give him a little inspiration along the way. 
but the gnawing feeling in his mind will soon go away if he stepped through the doors of their humble abode. he was, and still is, thankful that the trip back home wasn’t that long, so hongjoong was hopeful that he hadn’t been making her wait for his arrival for too long, no matter how many times he was greeted with his lover throwing her arms around his neck, her own way of welcoming him home, each time he walked through the door without failing to do so.
it was no wonder hongjoong felt a little confused for not receiving the action as soon as he closed the door to their home behind him. what’s adding the fuel to his confusion would be how he was greeted by darkness.
“little muse? i’m home.” he called out, walking in further into the house after removing his shoes. 
his hands blindly reached out, caressing the wall in search for the light switch, promptly switching them on as soon as he found them. his eyes squinted ever so slightly from the sudden brightness flashing in his eyes, blinking them rapidly in order to get used to the lights. however, hongjoong’s shoulder flinched when he heard a sudden ‘pop’ going off.
“happy birthday, my heart!” came a familiar voice reaching his ears.
there, standing in the middle of their living room, stood his beloved with a joyful beam hanging over her brims, hands holding onto what seems to be a party popper. that would have to explain the loud sound he had heard earlier. his wide eyes trained down from her to the little coffee table in front of their television, filled with his favourite dishes. and in the middle of it all, was a little cake with a few candles being stuck on. 
he must have been so busy working many hours in his studio that he had forgotten his own birthday.
to say that hongjoong was touched would be an understatement, for how he felt was absolutely unexplainable in his own words. but he knew that one thing was certain:
she never fails to make him fall in love with all the little things she did for him, over and over again. 
“i’m sorry it is nothing special, my heart. but i hope that this will-”
without even letting her finish her sentence, hongjoong immediately cut her off by walking up to him and like how she would always greet him home, the male wrapped his arms tightly around the young woman’s frame, his lips planting fleeting kisses all over her face as he spoke word after word.
“you. are. so. endearing.” 
the giggles she let out along with her lips trying so hard to catch all of the kisses were enough to set his heart rate to pick up its pace, it was only from that thought alone would already let hongjoong know that he is undeniably smitten over his lover, his little muse. 
he felt her hands gently tapping both of his shoulder blades for attention, pulling his face away to look down, a soft smile playing over his lips as his eyes took note of how her cheeks were tinted a faint crimson, no doubt flustered at the sudden act of affection she had received from the male. 
“i promise we can get to cuddling later, but for now, let’s eat! i know how hungry you could get after a day of schedules.” hongjoong heard her say, him sending a sheepish smile as if he was a child being caught sticking his into the jar of cookies. 
“how you know that, i would never know.” he retorted, to which the young woman simply scrunched her nose mockingly in return. 
and with that, the both of them started to dig in, hongjoong playfully making exaggerated remarks with every spoonful of food being fed, loving to see how his lover would laugh and gently push his shoulder upon receiving his reactions. the two spent a few more lingering moments, just savouring the dishes, and enjoying each other’s company. 
before they knew it, it was time for her to light the candles on the cake, giving hongjoong a plastic cake knife before clapping her hands to sing the familiar tune he heard. a shy smile made its way on his features, hands clapping along to his lover’s tune. 
“don’t forget to make a wish, my heart.” she reminded him, sitting back down next to him.
she watched as her beloved clasped his hands together, eyelids fluttering shut as a few seconds of silence embraced the two. soon after, hongjoong leaned in to blow out the candles, the other cheering as he did so. 
“what did you wish for?” he heard her ask, turning in his place on the couch to grab her hand into his own, fingers interlacing with each other’s. 
“it’s…” he leaned in, lips close to his ear while she leaned in to listen to whatever he was about to say next.
“a secret.” he kissed her cheek and pulled back swiftly before his lover could retaliate with a gentle smack on his shoulder, laughing at the sight of her playful glare. 
why would he need a wish when he was completely content with what he has now? what more could he possibly ask for? sure, he may have encountered the number of times where he would be stuck in a rut at times. but hongjoong knew, he has the people around him who will give him all of the support he needed.
especially from her, his little muse.
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ohkiyo · 4 years
Tumblr media
characters: shiratorizawa team, reader, sakusa kiyoomi, and komori motoya. (quick appearance)
warnings: none, just some good ‘ol fluff.
word count: 5.1k
a/n: this is like a peace offering for not posting any content for the last two or three weeks (?), I also did not intend for this to reach over 5k+ words lol, so hopefully you won’t get bored reading this one. I also gave up editing this somewhere in the middle, so yeah that’s that hahaha. XD
anyways have fun and enjoy! :D
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“We’re going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, zooming through the sky! Little Einsteins~” both you and Goshiki bounce on your seat at the back of the bus, singing the theme song of the cartoon you two watch for fun a few days ago. “Climb aboard, get ready to explore there’s so much to find little Einsteins~”
“Aren’t they excited?” a fond smile made its way into Semi’s face as he watches the two first years belting their hearts out to a song made for children. Tendou and Yamagata joining the two, causing the overall noise inside the bus to increased in volume. Their English pronunciation was horrible, but it didn’t stop them from sharing their – talent.
Kawanishi, who was two seats away from the four was also humming along, snacking on a chocolate bar, his phone on his hand capturing it all on camera, probably for future blackmail material. While Shirabu who was seated beside him, continues to sleep, unbothered by the ruckus happening inside the bus.
“This is their first time going to Tokyo after all” Reon answered, before he tilted his head to the side when they switch to a different song, this time, it was Tendou’s famous baki baki ni ore. “Since when did Satori taught them that?”
“Probably since the moment they joined”
They were currently on their way to Tokyo for a practice match with another college volleyball team, the colleges that they use to play against in Miyagi were coincidentally busy with academics, something about an upcoming exam that they need to prepare for so they had to cancel.
Fortunately, with Shiratorizawa being a powerhouse school, Coach Saito and Washijou-sensei had connections to institutions outside of Miyagi. So they called up a friend who’s currently handling a college volleyball team and requested for a practice match.
The singing lasted for another thirty minutes before they eventually fell asleep, the bus now quiet. Washijou-sensei who was seated up front, let out a sigh of relief, thankful for the silence, something that Semi and Reon didn’t fail to notice. The two chuckled, as strict as he may be, Washijou-sensei knows when to let his players have their fun, he isn’t exactly a killjoy like some had thought. He’s actually very nice, once you get to know him of course.
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“You’re allowed to go sightseeing but please always bring a buddy with you, to prevent anyone from getting lost” his eyes landed on the older members, silently asking them to keep a close eye on their two first years. “Washijou-sensei and I will be meeting up with Coach Sasaki, so be back before 11”
Everyone nods their heads at his words before the two finally entered the elevator once it reaches your floor. The hotel you were staying at was a bit high class, you don’t know how the club’s fund covered it, but you weren’t complaining.
Each one of you had your own separate room, each guest had three food slips with, one was a free access to an eat-all-you-can food at the dining area’s buffet, while the other two were for a free breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
“So...” Tendou turned around, a grin plastered on his face as he held up the food slip the receptionist gave earlier. “Let’s go fill up our belly and enjoy Tokyo’s nightlife”
With that all nine of you piled into the elevator and press the button for the ground floor, the space a little too tight for your liking. The elevator stops at another floor, two new people entered, resulting in them moving backward to create a space for the newcomers, leaving you to press yourself to the wall.
“Sorry (Y/n)” Ushijima whispered, after accidentally stepping on your foot, he looks over his shoulder as you gave him a thumbs up. Your face now buried on his shirt, his perfume entering your nostrils.
He sure does smell nice, no wonder the girls are after him.
Luckily, for you, your struggle did not last long because finally, the elevator reaches the bottom floor. You swore you almost past out because of how cramp that space was, you feel like you were starting to develop claustrophobia because of it. For a fancy hotel, they sure have very small elevators.
Your group weaves through the other guest inside the hotel, some of them going back to their rooms; some were going the same way as you all were, while the others were going out to enjoy whatever Tokyo has to offer.
“Tokyo hotels are on another level” you whispered, following after them as they went over to where the eating utensils were placed. You carefully scanned the foods displayed, cuisines coming from different countries were all too delicious-looking, you feel like you want to have a plate of each.
“You’re drooling (Y/n)” you heard Shirabu say as he walks past you, the person that was standing behind the counter chuckled as you rub the spit that unknowingly trickled down your chin.
“It’s fine” she laughs again before she suggested the lamb meat for you to taste. You haven’t tried lamb before so you accepted her offer, watching as she threw in a bunch of slices into the grill. “Well done or medium?”
“Well done please” she started tossing the meat around the steel griddle, the wonderful smell reaching your nose. It smelled so delicious, as the meat slowly turns to that familiar charred look of a well-cooked meat. Once she was done, she places it on your plate as she suggested for you to drizzle it with some of the sauce near the grills.
You moved from one area to another, filling your plate with foods before finally taking a seat on the table they occupied.
“Now we know who are the best people to bring to buffets” Yamagata mused, eyeing yours and Goshiki’s plate filled with different kinds of food, not only that, there were at least one or two more plates on the side also filled with foods.
“They’re big eaters”
Kawanishi took a piece of meat from your plate, exchanging it with a fried dumpling that he accidentally dipped in a spicy sauce. He can handle his spice, however, this particular dip was so spicy his mouth was burning from it.
“Kawanishi-san why…?” you took the glass of cold water Ushijima offered you as you drank it all. It didn’t help though, your mouth was still burning, so Semi fed you a spoonful of chocolate ice cream, the dessert finally easing the flames in your mouth.
“Sorry (Y/n)” Kawanishi bit his lip to stop the smile threatening to come out, secretly sharing a low five with Tendou from under the table. However, that didn’t go unnoticed from Semi’s watchful eyes, stepping on the red head’s foot, Semi shoots him a pointed look as Tendou tries to remove his leg.
“Ow, ow, Semi-Semi that hurts”
The setter didn’t listen to him and continued eating his meal, they all ate in silence after that. Too hungry to strike a conversation with each other, their attention focus on the food in front of them.
Dinner went by fast, once they had finished their food they went out of the hotel and walk through Tokyo. The streets are a little too crowded than the ones they’re used to in Sendai, passing by different kinds of coffee shops, restaurants, inns, and hotels. The choices were endless, it all depends on where you all plan to go.
“Let’s go there first, I want to buy some manga” Tendou pointed at a rather large book shop just across the street, customers walking in and out of the store, wrapped packages in hand.
The inside was filled with rows and rows of shelves full of books, such as novels, textbooks, and of course, manga, on the sides were a section for school supplies and other similar materials. Tendou looks like he’s in heaven because the store offers manga that wasn’t available in Sendai. The moment his foot steps inside the store, he immediately disappeared behind the shelves where the manga was displayed.
“Wasn’t this the book Yato-sensei told us to buy?” Shirabu opened the textbook, skimming through its contents.
“Its ¥2,000” Kawanishi taps the price tag of the same book he’s holding. Shirabu pinches his lips together, closing the book and putting it back to where it belonged.
“Nope, I’ll just borrow from the library”
They move to the end of the aisle to see you holding a basket filled with different kinds of stationeries, Reon and Ushijima also going through the pens and notebooks they had on display before dropping it inside the basket you were holding.
“That’s a lot of pens (Y/n)” Goshiki drops a couple packs of sticky notes in your basket before grabbing a pen and examining it. The little penguin at the top sparking his curiosity as he clicks it, the ball-point emerging from the bottom part of the object.
“My pen’s keeps on disappearing, along with my highlighters and I don’t know who’s taking them” Goshiki stayed quiet at your reply, blinking at you, once, then twice before he slowly returned it in the basket. Reon let out a quiet laugh, fully aware that it was Goshiki who keeps taking your school supplies and not returning them.
Goshiki grabs three more pens and two more highlighters, the exact number of stationeries he took then dropping it in the basket. “I’ll buy these for you (Y/n)-chan”
You smiled at him in gratitude, standing in line at the cashier. “Thank you ‘Tomu-kun”
After paying for the items, you were once again back to the cold street. Aimlessly walking towards your next destination.
“Let’s go to a karaoke bar” Yamagata suggested, zipping up his jacket as the cold had become a little too much for him. Letting out a shiver from the cold air.
“Sure” they located the nearest karaoke bar, entering the establishment. They paid for the amount required for a one-hour session, before entering an empty room. Semi, Tendou, and Yamagata going for the songbook and choosing what song they’re going to sing, while you, Goshiki, and Ushijima went through the menu instead.
“So who’s first?” Tendou’s hand shot up as Yamagata gave him the mic, pressing his song’s code as the title flash on the screen.
“You’re singing Lion King?” Semi laughs watching as Tendou dance around to the song’s opening beat.
“The song has been stuck in my head for a long time now” the redhead cleared his throat before he started singing the first verse.
“There’s a Japanese version of that song?” Kawanishi whispered in surprise, Tendou’s jolly voice and merry demeanor fitting so well with I Just Can’t Wait To Be King’s upbeat tune. It was as if the song was made for him.
There were only 15 minutes left before the one hour expires, Shirabu was singing some sort of heartbreak song, while sitting on top of Kawanishi who was laying sideways munching on some chips. Totally unbothered by the weight on top of him.
The setter ends his song, a cue for everyone to start packing their stuff and go back to the hotel before Coach Saito and Washijou-sensei catches them still walking around after curfew.
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It’s been three hours since you went to bed and unfortunately not once were you able to get a wink of sleep, nightmares were plaguing your mind. Two people, you’ve never met before constantly visits you in your dreams. It was a man and a woman, you couldn’t see their face but their voices you could hear.
They sometimes try to talk to you, asking how you were doing, if you were alright, or simply saying words of encouragement whenever you were feeling down. Sometimes they were accompanied by another girl, a teenager, who looks like the 15-year-old version of your aunt.
Once again, you turned on your side, pulling your blanket a little closer, screwing your eyes shut. However, it wouldn’t work, so you sat up, and check your phone.
1:30 am.
You chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating whether or not you should bother one of your teammates. They had a game tomorrow and you don’t want to disturb their sleep, but you were getting restless, and you’re afraid that you might not be able to fall asleep at all.
Finally making up your mind, you got up from your bed, grabbing your phone, key card, before exiting your room. Walking down the hallway towards Goshiki’s room, you have a feeling he’s still awake since he likes to play games until the wee hours of the night.
Standing on his door, you knock twice, pulling at the bottom of your shirt as you look left and right. The empty hallway looking a little too creepy for your liking, you knock again and this time it finally opened, a half-asleep Goshiki greeting you.
“(Y/n)?” he rub his eyes as he opened the door wider, letting you inside. “Did you have nightmares again?”
You nodded your head. “Can I sleep with you?”
“Sure” you followed him to his bed as he took the other side and you on the other. Both of you laying under the covers facing each other. “Better now?”
“Yes, thank you” he gave you one last sleepy smile before closing his eyes. So far, Goshiki was the only one who knows of your nightmares, after he discovered you one time during your first training camp crying under a table.
He was the one who comforted you and offered to let you sleep with him, it somehow became a routine and whenever you would knock on his door, he immediately knows what’s wrong.
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The door to Goshiki’s room burst open as a group of panicked Shiratorizawa upperclassmen barge into the room. Goshiki having heard of his door nearly tearing off its hinges, sat upon his bed. “Senpai?”
Semi marches over to him, grabbing his shoulders and basically shaking him awake. “(Y/n)’s gone, she’s not in her room. We can’t find her anywhere”
“Oh man, oh man. If the coach finds out we’re screwed” Yamagata and Tendou grips their hair in frustration, as Reon and Ushijima discuss the possibilities of your disappearance. Kawanishi and Shirabu though were the only ones calm in this situation. 
“Huh?” Goshiki’s brain still wasn’t working though as he still sat there in a daze, unaware of the growing problem his upperclassmen were having.
Kawanishi ruffles his hair as he looks around the room, shifting from one foot to another, before his eyes landed on a lump he failed to notice before that was beside the first year. He taps Shirabu on the shoulder then pointing at the said lump, who was starting to move, leaning dangerously close to the edge of the bed before falling off and landing on the floor with a thud. Bringing the blanket along with them.
“What?” they watch as you continued to snore away on the floor, the fall clearly didn’t affect you in the slightest.
Shirabu shots Goshiki a look of suspicion as the rest shakes you awake. “Why is (Y/n) sleeping with you?”
He didn’t really get any answer because Goshiki just looks at him, still half-asleep.
A scandalized gasp left Tendou’s lips as he points a shaky finger towards the spiker. “Did you and (Y/n) do something? You’re only first years, wait until you’re in college!”
“Satori, what are you talking about?”
“Tendou, I think you took this the wrong way” Ushijima’s hand landed on Tendou’s shoulder, as the redhead whips his head to the captain.
“But Wakatoshi-kun you can’t be too sure!”
“(Y/n) probably got scared and went to Tsutomu for help” Reon started pushing them all out of the room. Semi carrying you, still wrap in Goshiki’s blanket, leaving the first year still sitting on his bed. Once his door clicks shut, he fell back on his bed and went back to sleep.
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“Let’s have a good game!”
You carefully arrange the water bottles and towels on the bench as your team and the college team had their match. Diligently doing your duties as a manager.
“Hello” you look up to see your opponents’ manager standing there, giving you an easy smile, stretching out her hand for you to take. “My name is Mikana Ritsu, nice you meet you”
“(L/n) (Y/n), nice to meet you too Mikana-san” you answered, grasping her hand and giving it a firm shake.
She took a seat on the spare bench, with you taking the place beside her. “I didn’t know they had a manager, are you new?”
“Yes, I’m a first year. I started just a few months ago”
She let out a hum in response as the both of you observe the game in silence, leaving your spot once in a while to assist your respective players before sitting back down again and watching the game. From beside you, Mikana lets out a long yawn as she covers her mouth with the clipboard she’s holding.
“Are you tired Mikana-san?”
She nodded, another yawn leaving her lips. “I had to stay up very late last night for my research paper” she chuckled. “Sleep is very hard to come by when you’re in college”
You turn to look at the older girl, a question forming in your mind due to your curious nature. “Mikana-san, how is college like?”
She taps her chin for a moment, looking up at the ceiling to figure out the best answer for your question. “It’s an emotional roller coaster you know? One moment you’re smiling, then the next you’re crying your eyes out”
She turns her body to look at you. “I remember during my first year that my history teacher vowed to fail all of us because the school has enough students already”
You look at her incredulously, surprised at what she said.
“She made her exams and quizzes very difficult, and her projects were also very ridiculous” she huffs in annoyance, bad memories resurfacing. “We didn’t understand at first why she was doing it, but eventually we found out that she was having problems with her dissertation and she’s taking out all her frustrations on us”
You stared at her wide-eyed, your mouth open agape. The fuck? “We all passed though, so suck for her”
“That was just mean”
“I know right?” she lets out a sigh, before standing up from her seat and re-wrapping their setter’s fingers with tape. Tying it to his preferred tightness before she went back to her spot and him going back into court. “Then we have our thesis”
“Oh yeah, I sometimes see students having breakdowns because of it. Is it really that bad?”
“The process of doing it is very hard, because not only do you have to choose your own topic, you have to choose a very specific one and one that has a lot of references available” you nodded your head, listening to her every word. “Getting rejected is fairly common, so you have to go through the process again and then present it to your panelist”
“When you do your defense, is it scary?”
She laugh at your choices of words, but she can’t really deny it though, because she did felt scared whenever they had a defense. “It’s nerve-wracking honestly, you have to prepare an answer for every possible question or else they’ll reject your paper”
“And you have to repeat all over again” she nods. “That’s so tiring”
“It is, but we have to comply or else we’ll never graduate”
You both talk throughout the game, until the final whistle was blown and the match finally ended, your team winning the match.
“Shiratorizawa High is still as strong as ever I see” she mused, watching as both teams gave each other a bow. “Congratulations (L/n)-chan”
“Thank you Mikana-san”
You both went on your separate ways, tending to your own players. Giving them their towels, and water bottles along with their snacks. After your final goodbye, you all entered the bus, driving back towards your hotel. It was still early, 3:00 pm in Tokyo is still very lively compared to in Sendai. Most people prefer to stay indoors due to the intense heat, however, a bustling city will always be busy no matter what time of the day.
“We’ll be leaving early tomorrow, so if any of you have anything buy. Souvenirs and other things, you can do so right now. But as always, bring a buddy with you and be back by 11” Coach Saito reminded one last time, before he and Washijou-sensei went inside the hotel, probably to rest and get some sleep before they go out again.
“I actually have some things to buy at the mall” Semi started adjusting his bag on his shoulder.
“Me too” Yamagata said, rummaging through his bag to find his phone, he almost started panicking when he didn’t saw it, but immediately let out a relieved sigh when he saw the device hiding under his sweaty shirt.
“We saw some souvenir shops a few blocks away from here, we’ll be over there”
Once everything was settled and everyone had decided where they want to go. You all separated, Semi, Reon, Ushijima, Yamagata, and Shirabu going to the mall to buy the things they needed while you, Tendou, Kawanishi, and Goshiki decided to walk around instead.
Going through the various shops that were selling different types of souvenirs from shirts to mugs, to keychains and other kinds of stuff.
“(Y/n)-chan, do you have my phone with you?” Goshiki patted his pockets as he looks for the said device.
“It’s in my bag” to patted the backpack you were carrying, adjusting it on your shoulder before letting out a groan at how heavy it is. “Kawanishi-san can we exchange bags? This one’s very heavy”
He nodded his head, pulling the strap over his head as you exchange bags, you let out a sigh of relief, thankful that the strain on your shoulders are now gone. The smell of freshly cook taiyakis catching your attention as the four of you speedwalk towards the stall making it, the food still hot and fresh.
“Ah, hot, hot, hot” Tendou rapidly let out a breath of air to cool down the burning of his tongue and the roof of his mouth. Not expecting for it to be too hot.
You gently blew on your taiyaki, waiting for it to cool down, before you started taking small bites. As your group resume walking along the streets, you spotted a shop filled with trinkets, calling for their attention you all entered the store.
They had a wide range of displays, and although some were a bit expensive, it wasn’t stopping you from buying what you want. The allowance your Aunt gives you every week could literally last you a month, and so any extra money you had, you deposit it in your bank account and wait for the time when you have to use it.
Walking over to Kawanishi, you took your wallet from your bag before you walk off to where they had plushies on display, that dolphin plushy the only thing on your mind right now. Taking the dolphin from its spot on the shelf, you examined it, before looking at a similar one but this time it was a bit bigger. Not too much, so you were contemplating which one to buy.
“The big one looks very comfy though” Goshiki appears beside you, holding a scarf, a cap, and a sweater. “You can snuggle it to sleep”
“Yeah, but don’t you think it’s a little too big?”
He observes the two carefully taking in their size, but still, he preferred the bigger one, so you followed his suggestion.
“Oh! Why not take this one too?” he grabs a tomato plushie of the same size. “Tomato-chan~”
You flick him on the forehead. “I can’t believe you’re sticking with that nickname”
“It’s funny though” he grinned at you.
“Tsutomu, (Y/n) let’s go” the both of you didn’t hear Tendou called you out, as the two of you stayed there. Goshiki insisting that he buys the tomato plushie for you, while you immediately denying his offer because it was already too much. It cost about a thousand yen, and he still has the items he’s holding. Not only that, you still remembered how he bought you those pens and highlighters last night.
The bell hanging at the top of the door rang as the two middle blockers left the shop, unknowingly leaving the two of you behind.
They cross the street, turning a few more corners. Before they were back to the same book store everyone went to last night. Tendou wanting to buy a few more mangas, then Kawanishi forgot he needs to buy a new calculator because he broke his old one. He could just buy one in Sendai, but why wait when he could just do it now?
“(Y/n) can you get my wallet? It’s in the-“ Kawanishi turns around, but no signs of the two first years. He looks from left to right, thinking that maybe they’re just around the corner, but alas, there were no Goshiki, and (Y/n).
“Uh… Tendou-san” Kawanishi tugs on the red head’s jacket as Tendou turns around.
“Hmm, what is it Taichi?”
“(Y/n) and Tsutomu are gone”
Tendou’s eyebrows furrowed as he looks behind the second year, thinking that maybe he was just pulling a prank on him, but still, like before, no first years in sight.
“Oh dear”
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“I can’t believe you actually bought the tomato plushie” you stared at the red-colored plush inside the bag you were holding. Both of you exiting the shop.
“Told you I’d buy it” he looks proud though, you don’t know why, but you’re very grateful for the gift. You note to yourself to get him something in return in the future. “Are Tendou-san and Kawanishi-san still inside?”
“Maybe” he went back inside the shop, as you waited outside the door. When he went back out, he looks worried, which also made you worried.
“Something wrong?”
“They’re not inside”
Your eyes widened. “What?”
He rub his arms, as he went back inside again to check. But still, they weren’t there anymore, walking back out, he shook his head.
“Did they just left us?”
“Should we go find them?” you started fidgeting on your spot, before you remembered, you had Kawanishi’s bag with you. Opening his bag you located his phone only to be left disappointed when you find out it’s dead. “Great, now we can’t contact them”
“Should we go back to the hotel instead?”
“I don’t even know which way our hotel is”
Both of you shared a heavy exhale, retracing your steps to where you both felt your hotel was located. However, you both accidentally took a wrong turn and were now in a different part of the city.
“I knew leaving that place was a bad idea”
“Oh. Aren’t you two from Shiratorizawa?” you saw two persons walking over your direction, wearing a light green and yellow track jacket and track pants.
“Yes” you answered, the one who was currently talking looks nice, you don’t know about his companion though. Even with half of his face covered with a mask, you could still feel the intensity of his stare.
“Ah. I’m Komori Motoya, and this is Sakusa Kiyoomi” he pointed to his friend. “We’re from Itachiyama, we went against your school before”
Itachiyama, the school is familiar, but these two? Not very much. However, they seem nice.
“Are the others with you?” Komori looks around the vicinity. “I don’t see them”
“You got lost didn’t you?” it was Sakusa who asks this time and Komori let out a laugh.
“We can’t contact them because this phone is dead-” you showed them Kawanishi’s phone. “-and it’s also the only one we have right now”
Komori turns to look at Sakusa. “You have Ushijima’s number right? Why don’t you give him a call, they might be worried right now”
Wordlessly, Sakusa fished his phone from his pocket and dialed your captain’s number, pressing the loudspeaker button. It rang a few times before Ushijima finally picks up.
“We found your stray” Sakusa answered before putting the phone in front.
”(Y/n)? Goshiki? Where are you two?”
You both look at the two, but Komori answered for you. “We’re in front of the Kamakura coffee shop, where are you?”
“In front of the Marimo bookstore [1]”
“Alright stay there, we’ll be there in ten minutes”
The call ended and the four of you made your way towards the bookstore, Komori was the only talkative one between the two, instantly befriending the both of you. Although Sakusa would sometimes participate in the conversation, majority of it, he prefers to listen.
“So, what are you doing here in Tokyo?” Komori questioned.
“We had a practice match with a college team today” Goshiki answered, holding your hand to avoid getting separated from the group, his initial fear from when he discovered you two got left behind still present.
“Are teams in Miyagi too weak to handle Shiratorizawa?” Sakusa’s eyes momentarily shift in your direction before focusing forward.
“I guess so” you shrug your shoulders, you were told no high schools in Miyagi wants to have a joint practice with your school anymore, and you don’t really know the reason behind it. So you can’t really say they’re all weak.
Thankfully ten minutes later, you arrive at Marimo Bookstore to see your seniors waiting in front of the building in worry.
“(Y/n), Tsutomu. There you are!” Tendou was about to give you two a big hug, but Semi beat him to it by bonking the two of you on the head.
“You idiots! What did I say about wandering around?!”
“We weren’t wandering around! We were just inside the shop when Tendou-san and Kawanishi-san left us!” you replied with a pout, rubbing your head as Semi shot the two a glare as they both look away. Kawanishi casually whistling a tune whilst Tendou rocks himself back and forth on the soles of his feet.
“Well, we’ve delivered the package. We have to go now, see you guys next time” Komori wave your group goodbye as Reon and Semi said their thanks.
Sakusa gave Ushijima a nod before turning around. “See you at nationals Wakatoshi”
“Of course”
They both left, their tall figures disappearing into the crowd, as your group went back to your hotel. Upon arriving at your lodging, you stumbled along with Coach Saito and Washijou-sensei near the entrance, the two older men inquiring of your shopping spree. Everyone answered the question as honestly as they could, leaving out the details of yours and Goshiki’s little accident.
Satisfied, they both left while your group went back to your own room to enjoy the rest of your stay, and to avoid any more mishaps.
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[1] anyone here who also watches sekai-ichi hatsukoi?
a/n: the idea from the college convo between Mikana and reader was inspired from a conversation I had with a mutual hehehe, though not word per word but just the overall gist of it. Dear, if you’re reading this you know who you are. ;)
also, my team stories aren’t suppose to contain any romance, yet here I am lowkey shipping Goshiki and reader.
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blkmxrvel · 4 years
Haven’t Forgotten My Way Home (20) - [CONVERTED]
Pairing: Kara Zor-El x Female!Reader
Summary: In the D/s society of National City, men and women abandoned by their Dom/mes or otherwise deemed unfit for life “outside” end up at the Mount Overland House for Orphaned Submissives. It is here that Kara Zor-El finds Y/N Hastings, broken and fearful from mistreatment at the hands of her former Dom. Can Kara coax Y/N back into the world that once so terrified her, and show her the true meaning of care and submission?
Warnings: Domestic Violence (Flashbacks, Mentions and Descriptions), Misogyny, Domination/Submission.
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Y/N blinked her eyes then brought her hand up to rub them, trying to focus. Where was—oh. She was at Miss Kara’s, on her couch, wrapped up in a blanket with Theo at her feet. She must’ve fallen asleep. But for how long? And where was—
“Miss Kara?”
“Right here,” came the response, easy and comforting, and Y/N sighed with relief. She moved to sit up as Miss Kara came into the living room from the kitchen, a glass in her hand, but one touch of her other hand and Y/N laid back down.
“What time is it?” Her mouth was dry and she licked her lips, trying to swallow.
“Nearly one, you’ve just been having a little nap.” Kara sat on the coffee table in front of Y/N and reached out to slip one hand under Y/N’s head, holding her up and bringing the glass to her lips. “Drink.”
Water. She drank greedily, almost draining the glass before she had to come up for air. “Thank you, Miss Kara,” she breathed, grateful to have the grainy, cotton feeling from the gag out of her mouth. “I-I’m sorry I fell asleep.”
She felt awkward, suddenly shy, but she realized she didn’t need to feel that way because Miss Kara had soon moved to the couch and Y/N found herself again wrapped up in her arms. She wound her own arms around Miss Kara’s waist and held fast, smiling when Miss Kara kissed the top of her head.
“Don’t apologize for that,” Miss Kara said. “You needed to rest a little bit, and it was good for me to just sit and be quiet for a little while. We’ve had… a rather intense morning, haven’t we?” Y/N nodded. “Are you sure you’re all right?”
Miss Kara’s voice was soft, worried, and Y/N hastened to squeeze her tight. “I-I’m good, Miss Kara,” she said, for her own part sounding a little surprised. “It was nice to just… be with you and listen to you sing. You have the most beautiful voice.”
“And what about… during?” Miss Kara didn’t elaborate, and for Y/N, she didn’t have to.
How had she felt, while Miss Kara was punishing her? The worst part had been when Miss Kara had said that Y/N’s attitude had hurt her. Y/N had wanted the floor to open up and swallow her, along with her shame.  Y/N knew she’d take whatever punishment Miss Kara would give her, as long as she’d never again have to hear that she’d hurt her. The punishment itself had been relatively mild, compared to what Y/N was used to, but that… still had terrified her. Kneeling there at the corner she kept worrying, when Kara had moved away, about when the first blow would fall, even though Kara had said it never would. So she hadn’t been able to resist sneaking a peek back, to see if Kara was gathering up implements to use on her.
But instead, Miss Kara was simply sat on the coffee table, watching her with a raised eyebrow. No blows came. Just Y/N in the corner, thinking about how she had smarted off to Miss Kara and how she would never, ever do that again. Because Miss Kara was right. Y/N had had her voice taken away by him, and now that Miss Kara – had she really said that she loved her voice? – wanted to hear Y/N talk, she needed to make sure she did it respectfully. And she would.
So there had been no blows. Just Miss Kara’s arms around her, and the words.
Good girl.
Then the tears.
Y/N was embarrassed that she’d fallen apart, but somehow, it had felt good too, to let go of all of it. She’d waited so long; she’d had no idea how important those words were to her until she’d finally heard them. And Miss Kara had said them so lovingly; it was clear to Y/N that Miss Kara had meant them, that she wasn’t saying them just because she thought that was what a Dominant was supposed to say.
Y/N had let herself cry until she couldn’t cry anymore, and over it all had been Kara’s voice, Kara’s song. Now Y/N felt warm, almost fuzzy, and she nuzzled her face into Miss Kara’s neck, taking a deep breath and letting herself feel safe in the woman’s scent, in her arms. It was nice to know that she could just be quiet… and in the comfortable silence that went on for several minutes, that made her want to say everything.
“A-after he punished me,” Y/N said, her voice barely above a whisper, “He would never do this. Hold me.” She felt Miss Kara shift, felt her arms tighten around her, and Y/N smiled a little. Miss Kara stayed quiet, listening. “It didn’t matter if I was crying. If I was in pain, if I was b-bleeding.” There was a sharp intake of breath, then a sound remarkably like a low growl, and Y/N snuggled closer.
“I always had to just get up, you know, and go on with my day. He’d get angry if I tried to find some comfort, if I tried to get him to hug me just so I could feel… better. Forgiven. He never said I was forgiven, never said I was a g-good girl. But then, he’d get mad if I didn’t show any sort of emotion and the next time he’d… hit me harder or faster or try to mark me deeper. Because he said he wanted a-a… well, he said he didn’t want a robot. I couldn’t ever win with him, Miss Kara.”
“I don’t think it was you, little one,” Miss Kara said softly. “I think, from what you describe, that perhaps there was no submissive, no girl or boy, to make him happy. You didn’t do anything wrong, Y/N.”
“I just kept thinking i-if I cried differently, or clung to him a little lighter, if I held my position longer, bent over more… gracefully, I don’t know, it’s stupid.” She shook her head against Miss Kara’s neck.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Kara repeated, gently pushing Y/N back so the girl was looking at her. Y/N stared, wanting to believe it was true, but even though she’d said it to Kelly the other day… it was hard, not to have those doubts.
“We should eat,” Kara said, lightly caressing Y/N’s cheek with her hand. “What do you say to a little bit of brunch, hmm?” She leaned up and kissed Y/N.
Y/N smiled. “I think I’d like that very much, Miss Kara.”
“Excellent,” Miss Kara beamed at her. “Let’s go into the kitchen then.” She followed Miss Kara in, and the woman began to pull pots and pans out of the cabinets. “Set the table, please.”
“Yes, Miss Kara.” She had been given an order. Y/N moved quickly, grabbing the plates and setting them on the table, the utensils, the cups, the napkins. She began to fuss over the placement; maybe the forks needed to be here and the spoons here. Or the plates should be a little further to the edge of the table, or centered? Were there placemats? She hadn’t seen any but—
“Y/N. Perfection is not expected at the moment, and may in fact be impossible to attain.”
“I’ll remember that the next time we’re watching one of those singing competitions on television, Miss Kara.”
The words were out before Y/N could think to stop them, and she froze. She’d sassed Miss Kara; what would she do? Her hands gripped the back of the chair where she was standing, and she dared to sneak a glance over her shoulder again. Miss Kara was standing at the stove, a spatula hovering in mid-air as she stared at Y/N. Oh God, Y/N thought. Less than two hours into being her submissive and Y/N was already being a bad one.
But then Miss Kara smiled and rolled her eyes. “Met my match,” she muttered to herself, before turning back to the eggs. “Sit down, Y/N. Brunch will be ready shortly.”
She sat down, and waited. Maybe a little bit of attitude was okay, Y/N thought to herself. She hadn’t really said anything disrespectful, she’d just been teasing…
“You’re thinking too much,” Miss Kara said after a few minutes of silence, coming over and serving the food onto their plates. She put the pans in the dishwasher before returning to the table and sitting down, reaching out to squeeze Y/N’s hand.
“Perfection is a nice thing to try for,” she explained, looking at Y/N. “Goodness knows I am a perfectionist when it comes to my singing. But I don’t want us to be doing this with you always afraid you’ll be punished for not being perfect. I expect you not to be. I expect you to always try, but it’s okay if something isn’t perfect. All right, Y/N?”
She nodded, though her head was reeling. So much had changed in such a short time, everything was different now. And Miss Kara was so different from him… it was all so exhilarating and frightening at the same time, and her voice trembled when she spoke. “Y-yes, Miss Kara.” She picked up her fork, grateful for the food, and then hesitated.
Did she wait for Miss Kara to eat first? Wait until Miss Kara told her it was okay to eat? Shouldn’t she be at Miss Kara’s feet instead of sat next to her at the table? Or… eating from a plate in the corner?
Not eating at all?
She blinked and looked up when she felt a gentle touch on her hand. “Eat your food,” Miss Kara ordered softly, and Y/N felt her cheeks turn pink when Miss Kara waited until she started eating to begin herself.
“I think,” Miss Kara mused, almost half to herself, “That once we’re finished eating, perhaps we’ll establish some rules.” She smiled at Y/N. “That way, you don’t have to be uncertain about what I expect, and I can be assured of your needs.”
“My… needs?” Y/N said after she’d swallowed her food. Miss Kara was the most amazing cook, she thought to herself. Y/N wasn’t used to being cooked for, she’d always made the meals. But as much as it was awkward, as much as she wanted to fix Miss Kara a seven-course feast, this was nice. She felt… cared for.
And now Miss Kara was talking about her needs? She may as well have been speaking a foreign language, Y/N thought, but Miss Kara was nodding, a little sadly.
“You haven’t had many of your needs met,” Miss Kara said, “Other than the basic ones of food and shelter. I want to make sure that you’re being taken care of, emotionally.”
Y/N felt like she’d never stop blushing, as Miss Kara slid the hand not occupied with a fork over to Y/N and gently took hers.  They sat that way throughout eating, just holding hands. Loosely, but to Y/N it felt like the tightest bond that could ever exist.
After their lunch, Y/N watched in fascination as Miss Kara quickly cleared everything away from the table, loading the dishwasher. She turned a little and smiled, flushing a little, catching the girl staring at her.
“I don’t want to start off bossing you too much,” Miss Kara said, “Plus I don’t mind cleaning up.”
Then there was another flurry of activity as Miss Kara dashed into her room and came back with a notebook, two pens, and several different-colored markers. Y/N quirked an eyebrow.
“Color coding. Red for hard limits, blue for soft limits, green for perfectly acceptable activities.” Miss Kara stopped, biting her lower lip, and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh.
“You’re pretty thorough, you know?”
Miss Kara rolled her eyes and moved to the couch in the living room. “I want to make sure everything is set up so that we understand each other. That means being incredibly thorough.” She sat down on the couch and patted the cushion next to her.
Y/N hesitated.
“M-may I kneel for you?”
Miss Kara shook her head. “We need to talk as equals for this, Y/N. I don’t want you to think that we’re not, and I don’t want you to be on your knees and afraid to speak your mind.”
“But that’s just it,” Y/N protested. “I’m not afraid to speak my mind to you, even on my knees. I just… I want to kneel for you, please.”
Miss Kara considered this, and then finally relented. “But only for a little while,” she said, and quickly placed a pillow at her feet, off to the side. “And only if you kneel on this.”
“Yes, Miss Kara.” Y/N knelt quickly, putting herself into the position that Miss Kara had indicated earlier: head up, eyes up, hands open with her palms up and resting on her knees. She was rewarded when Miss Kara smiled her approval, but then she reached down and carefully lifted Y/N up on her knees, wrapping her arm around her and cuddling her close.
Y/N sighed happily, resting her head against Miss Kara’s side and closing her eyes. Once again she found herself thinking about how different it was, how much nicer it was to be in this position. Actually, she’d never really been in a position like this. James had had his preferred ones, and most of them involved her never daring to look at him. Because if she did, it would result in a slap. Or other things, if he was feeling particularly vicious.
But this time… this time there was only Miss Kara, her arm soft and warm around Y/N, and for once Y/N’s knees didn’t get tired or start hurting. It was as if the quiet way Miss Kara spoke to her as she asked her about rules and limits held Y/N up, gave her strength she’d never had with him. One of Y/N’s arms was draped over Miss Kara’s knees, and she felt lulled into a state that was half between sleep and being hyper-aware of everything around her, like the questions and what she was agreeing to, the rough scratch of Miss Kara’s markers against the paper.
The rules were simple. Respect was to be maintained at all times. Questions were to be answered Yes, Miss Kara, or No, Miss Kara. Y/N would arrive for her visits promptly and call if she was to be late. She would do as she was told as long as it fell within the limits they had set. She would tell Miss Kara if anything bothered her or made her feel uncomfortable. Communication was a requirement. The rules page was short, but clear on what Miss Kara wanted. And at the bottom, Y/N’s one and only rule, which made Miss Kara tear up.
Please tell me I’m a good girl.
“We’ll work on some more rules for me,” Miss Kara had said, which surprised Y/N. She hadn’t ever thought that she’d be allowed to establish some rules for Miss Kara. But then, Miss Kara wanted her to set limits, and she supposed they went hand in hand.
The limits were the hardest thing for Y/N to come up with. She’d always been told that she wasn’t allowed to have limitations, that she had to do whatever he wanted. But Miss Kara said that the limits were more important than the rules, and that if she was going to keep Y/N safe, she needed to know.
It was hardest to come up with the things that Y/N didn’t mind, like the gagging. Blindfolds. Being tied. Being scolded, lightly humiliated. She didn’t think she could come up with any others, and Miss Kara had just hugged her and said they’d work on that more later, too.
Hard limits were the easiest, and they flowed off Y/N’s tongue like water. No hitting. No physical punishment of any kind. No hard humiliation. Nothing involving bodily functions. (“Thank Barbra,” Miss Kara had said in a relieved tone, and Y/N giggled.) In just a few short minutes the entire page was full, and staring at it Y/N felt guilty. Miss Kara shouldn’t have to deal with someone so damaged, so hurt and so broken. She deserved someone better. Someone who knew how to be a submissive, someone who was good at it, but Y/N… just didn’t know how. All she had known, all she had been taught… was him.
And so suddenly it all began to come out of her, as she knelt there at Miss Kara’s feet feeling safe and secure, but indescribably guilty. Every last thing that James had ever said and done to her. Y/N was only slightly aware that she was speaking so rapidly that she probably could barely be understood, but she knew if she didn’t speak then she’d never. And hadn’t Miss Kara been right, that now that she had a voice she needed to use it? He’d taken that away from her.
And now Y/N was taking it back.
Her speech slowed then, because she knelt up a little straighter and Miss Kara’s hand was strong against her back, holding her close. She told of how he would beat her, how she would go to bed every night aching and there was never a comfortable spot on the floor, a position that would help her get sleep. She spoke of how he’d drive her to the hospital and take her in, hand rough around her arm, and she would smile and laugh at what a klutz she was, tripping down the stairs or running into a door. The bone in her arm would be reset or the cut in her leg sewn up, and then it was back home to fix dinner or service him in bed.
She talked about him shoving her out of the bed afterward to sleep on the floor. She’d lie there alone in the corner, hugging the sheet to her and burying her face in the pillow, trying to find warmth as she drowned her sobs against the fabric. She would wonder what it would be like to leave, to find her own way, but then morning would come after she would worry what he’d do to her if he ever found her, and there was breakfast to make and chores to do.
She was quiet and mournful as she talked about that first night, how she’d been so breathless and shy and happy with him. Nervous and eager to please. She talked about how it hurt, how rough he was, how he never stopped to make sure she was okay.
How he never stopped to make sure she was okay.
How it was merciful that he never really lasted long anyway.
The best times were when he wasn’t there, because even though she had things to do and she was constantly worried about if he’d be pleased with her when he came home, he wasn’t there and she could breathe. She’d walk around their little house and redecorate it in her mind, adding little touches of things she remembered she liked when she was little. Sports trophies would be replaced with drawings, sketches of landscapes or still lifes. Dark foreboding curtains would give way to bright colors, yellows and greens and maybe even some pink in a guest room. And books. Rows and rows of books, in every subject.
But always he would come home. Usually angry. And dreams of her own life would fly out the window so she could preserve the one she was already living.
She cried as her rambles turned to her grandfather, how he would pick her up when she was little and swing her around. How they’d dance together in his living room and he’d tell her that someday, someday, his little Y/N/N would have a Sir to love her as much as he loved her grandmother.
Y/N confessed to Kara that it was the only time her grandfather had lied to her.
She was practically laying over Miss Kara’s lap now as she cried, a position she knew well, but again Y/N was struck at how different it was. Because instead of her hand descending rapidly and hard, Miss Kara’s hand was still soft, light, whether her fingers were running through Y/N’s hair or her hand lightly rubbing her back in smooth, gentle, comforting circles. The dam didn’t stop then, brought on by Miss Kara’s very kindness; it was as if every motion of her hand, where James’s had only drawn cries of pain, drew just cries from Y/N, of release and hurt. She spoke of her parents, how much it had confused and devastated her that night when she’d called to ask if she could come to their house, come home… and the phone had just rang. It had rang and rang, and there had been no answer. The two people Y/N had always thought she could count on, and no one had been there.
She was clutching at Miss Kara’s skirt, fisting the material in her hands and holding on as if it was the only thing that could keep her from drowning in the tears and the memories, and then her blood ran cold when she heard Miss Kara ask the question.
“Y/N, why did you leave?”
She raised her tearstained face to Miss Kara’s, her lower lip trembling still. Miss Kara was crying, too; her cheeks were streaked but she didn’t bother to wipe them away. Y/N shook her head but Miss Kara gently tugged her up again until, as she had been earlier, she was settled on Miss Kara’s lap.
The command was simple, but final.
“Tell me.”
She tucked her face into Miss Kara’s neck then, not knowing if she could bear to see the look on her face as she told of how he’d gone out with his friends yet again that night. He’d come home drunk but happy, almost euphoric as for the first time in their relationship he’d told Y/N that he had a present for her.
She’d been excited, but wary. And it turned out she had reason to be suspicious.
It was a cold night, late autumn, and she had a fire roaring because he’d told her to make it before he left; he couldn’t stand the cold, and he hadn’t brought out the extra blanket for her yet. She remembered the heat well, how it tingled her skin as she knelt in the middle of the floor in front of it, and waited for her Sir.
Her mind was alive with wondering what her present would be. A dress? She hadn’t had a new dress in years. A necklace? Probably not that, since the silver circlet around her neck made a necklace unnecessary. A ring? She’d loved rings when she was a little girl and had always wanted one. Or maybe a book. That idea excited her the most.
And then he’d come out of the bedroom carrying it, and everything in Y/N screamed. He’d been threatening it for months, and now as he brought out the rod with its broad, flat end,  the smirk on his face just as broad, she knew he was about to make good on his promise. She knew why he’d told her to have a fire ready.
The two letters on the end of the brand were clear. JO.
“He… he wanted to…” Miss Kara’s voice sounded odd, strained, almost strangled. She was holding on to Y/N so tightly that the girl could hardly breathe, but she didn’t say anything or move Miss Kara’s hands away.
Instead Y/N only nodded as she said that it was the first time she’d ever really told him no, the first time that her protest had actually had some weight behind it. The first time she’d ever realized that anything would be better than being with him. Even being alone, being lost, being dead. And so she’d run away.
“It’s illegal,” Miss Kara spat out, and Y/N shivered a little at the anger. “It’s illegal, and it’s barbaric, and if I saw him right now I’d… I’d…”
“Miss Kara?” Y/N whispered. “Please?”
It was… sweet, Y/N guessed, to hear Miss Kara so angry and ready to do battle on her behalf, but it wasn’t really what Y/N wanted, not at that instant. Her arms had come to wrap around Miss Kara’s waist and she held fast, not wanting to let go. She knew it was getting late and by all accounts she could get back to Nia’s house. Even if the thought of being alone in her room made Y/N feel sick for the first time since she’d woken up in Mt. Overland House and there’d been no one there.
She’d felt so lonely… she’d wished for Him.
But then Miss Kara picked up the phone and by the way she talked, Y/N knew she was talking to Nia. Telling her that Y/N would be home sometime tomorrow. Yes, she was fine, it was just late and Miss Kara didn’t want her out by herself. Yes, she’d tell her to rest. No, they weren’t going to do any hanky-panky and Miss Kara resented the idea that she would take advantage of Y/N that way.  Apology accepted, and Y/N smiled a little.
Then, without so much as a word, Miss Kara was leading Y/N into the guest bedroom, where a pair of Y/N’s pajamas was still tucked into a drawer. She undressed and redressed quickly when Miss Kara went to her own room to do the same, then came back to Y/N with a smile.
“We should sleep,” Miss Kara said. “Nia’s right, you do need your rest.”
When Y/N moved to pull back the sheets Miss Kara stopped her, instead doing it herself. She motioned for Y/N to climb in; she did, snuggling her head against the pillow with a soft sigh. Miss Kara pulled the covers up around Y/N and stooped to press a kiss against her lips before climbing in next to her. Y/N blinked in surprise; she’d expected to sleep alone. But Miss Kara pulled Y/N into her arms, pressing Y/N’s head to her chest, and it was clear to Y/N that Miss Kara meant to stay there with her. The tears sprang to her eyes and she cried quietly as Miss Kara stroked her hair and sang low in her ear.
She must have drifted off because when she woke again it was dark. She jerked up in bed, frightened, having momentarily forgotten where she was. But then the gentlest hands she’d ever known lightly lowered her back to the bed, and she found herself safe in Miss Kara’s arms again.
“Miss Kara?” she queried, and once again the answer came, as it had several times during that day.
“I’m right here, little one.”
I’m right here.
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op-peccatori · 4 years
autoc(rat) | MLQC Victor
Fandom: Mr Love Queen’s Choice (and Ratatouille?)
Pairing: Reader & rat!Victor | chef!Victor
Rating: General
Word Count: 1275
Summary: Victor remains the same no matter what size he comes in.
Warnings/tags: alternate universe, chef!Victor, chef!Reader, and can’t cook!Writer, inspired by Ratatouille...the  movie
a/n: this idea came to me and gave me an excuse to rewatch one of my favourite movies~ 
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“I need plates!” 
“Is the sauce ready?”
“One soupe à l’oignon, one salade niçoise!”
Not quite used to the organized chaos around you, it’s with a slight wince that you drag your focus back to skinning the tomatoes. Kiki’s cheerful humming reaches you as she comes near your station, grabbing the bottle of wine Willow had left on the counter.
You’re confident enough when it comes to cooking, but admittedly far from perfect—which just won’t do. Sure enough, you’re wincing again as your hair suffers for your wandering mind.
“Too thick. Stop daydreaming, you’ll ruin the dish. Thinner.” There’s a slight pause, filled with the soft, rhythmic sounds of your knife hitting the chopping board. “Yes, good.” 
A small, unbidden smile curls along your mouth at the praise. 
“The zucchini.” 
You reach for the mandoline, slicing the yellow zucchini, then the green. Once the eggplant is done, the low-pitched voice of your mentor drifts down once more.
“The saucier should be nearly done with the sauce. If he’s messed with my recipe…” The warning is clear. 
Unable to help it, you tilt your head to the side, catching your reflection in the glass window, and that of your helper. Eyes reminiscent of stormy skies glower at nothing in particular, and then over at Lucien’s station, where he is indeed working on the sauce. 
You would be afraid—you should be afraid, for he has the wrath of Zeus and his pettiness too—if it weren’t for the physical signs of his ire. Because a pissed off Victor means: little whiskers, quivering with vexation, his tiny nose twitching with constant feedback from the rich scents in the room, and his beady eyes narrowed suspiciously. 
It doesn’t exactly make you scream with terror. Even so, you know to keep your thoughts to yourself, because the last time you had mocked him, you were stuck cleaning your bedroom for a while. 
You will never forget waking up to the sight of him perched on your chin, staring down at you with a menacing gleam in his beady eyes. 
He tugs at your hair, impatient, and you make your way over to Lucien’s station, passing by Willow arguing with Minor, who had just come back with a new order. 
“No, Willow, I didn’t mishear! He really did order coke and pepsi. Mixed.”
Victor’s ears twitch at the words, followed by a quiet mutter of something terribly uncharitable.
He can be a bit high-strung. Thankfully, a trip to the supermarket is usually enough to appease any bristling; you avoid angering him anyway, because those trips are terrible for your wallet. 
According to the rodent himself, Victor grew up in the sewers and whatever kitchens he could find. You’re not sure how that experience turned him into one of the biggest food snobs you’ve ever met—and you work in the food industry—but it’s probably for the best, since it contributes to his brilliance with cooking.
Still, him turning his bulbous nose up at the cheese you’d been eating for years did sting. He also forced you to clean out half of the ingredients in your refrigerator and bullied you into buying fancy cheeses you’d never even tasted before.
“Well, well,” he says now, peering down from your head at the bowl Lucien presents to you. “That doesn’t look half-bad.”
“I wouldn’t dare mess around with y/n’s dish,” Lucien responds evenly, offering you a quick wink as you take the bowl. 
“Thank you, Lucien.” If your tone is a tad warmer than usual, it’s between the two of you. Well, three, you amend hastily as Victor digs his feet into your scalp lightly.
“I told you, you can’t give him the time of day until he passes the test,” Victor hisses at you, glaring back when Lucien waves. 
“No one is ever going to match your standards for cooking,” you mutter, spooning some of the sauce into the pan. 
“Certainly not him,” he sniffs, watching over you as you arrange the sliced vegetables in the pan. He’s careful to not tug on your hair when you slide the dish into the oven.
“But he’s cute,” you whisper plaintively, watching Lucien chop some very lucky carrots. Not that you want to be chopped up, but he does handle his ingredients well. 
“Is that why you’re staring at his hands?” 
“They’re beautiful hands.”
“I suppose his chopping skills are up to par,” Victor muses, whiskers twitching as he thinks. “Better than yours, at least.”
“Maybe you should sit on his head,” you suggest cheerfully.
“I’m pretty sure he’d cook me,” he says flatly, and you both have to wince at that. He may be a tiny jerk, but Victor is a dear friend. You’ve developed some very protective tendencies over the course of your friendship, what with every other cat looking to take a bite out of him.
The neighbour’s cat, Hades, has been something of a nightmare. As a result, you’ve also developed fantastic reflexes and a strained relationship with Helios, the cat’s owner.
“What do you want for dinner tonight? I was thinking quiche,” Victor thinks aloud, examining his claws critically. His coat, as always, is dark and glossy. People are skeptical enough due to what he is, there’s no need to give them more reason to doubt him, he says.
Somehow, though, throughout all of this, you’ve also been spoiled to bits.
Getting to eat such wonderful food everyday? It’s a blessing. 
If only things could stay this way forever.
“Wake up, you dummy.”
With a choked gasp, you sit bolt upright, looking around wildly. It takes a moment for you to reorient; you’re in the kitchen, you place of work. You had been in the middle of cleaning up and then—
The back of a hand touches your forehead, and your panicked eyes follow the length of a long arm before coming to rest on a familiar face. 
“A fever,” he murmurs, kneeling next to where you seemed to have collapsed on the floor. “Why did you not inform me?”
The Chef de Cuisine, Victor Li, whose kitchen you had joined about a month ago, frowns down at you. Victor, who had just made a frankly bizarre appearance in your dream.
You study him carefully, your hazy mind imagining whiskers wiggling over his perfect cheekbones. He raises a single, sculpted brow in response. 
“I was supposed to be cleaning up…” you recall, looking around nervously. You had managed to clean up most of the kitchen before you had apparently blacked out, but there are a few dishes left next to the sink.
“Yes, I know,” he says, patient, before standing up and offering you a hand. You take it with a little trepidation, expecting meticulously groomed claws instead of blunt fingernails. “Go wait outside, I’ll finish up in here and give you a ride home.”
Left to gape as he turns to the sink, you flail your arms and sputter in protest. Your throbbing head offers its own protest. “No! I mean—I can do it, I’m so sorry—” 
He presses one, slender index finger to his lips, and the words die in your throat. He points the same finger at the doors, where the moonlight peers in through the two circular windows.
“I...okay,” you grab your bag and head for the exit, shoulders slumped. Still, you can’t accept a ride home, knowing it’ll be way out of his way.
“If you leave, you’ll be on scrubbing duty for a whole week.” The borderline peremptory words are eerily reminiscent of the ones from your dream.
They’re oddly comforting.
“Yes, chef,” you call back, trying not to smile.
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being able to type the words ‘rat!Victor’ gave me so much joy
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prettybuckybaby · 3 years
we lay here for years or for hours, so long we become the flowers; chapter five
The avengers babysit, part two
part seven of single parent peter parker
read on ao3 here
“You know we can’t keep doing this.”
“I know. We’ll tell them soon.”
“Yeah. Just one more date before we do?”
“Okay. Yeah, of course,”
“Thank you. I’ll call you later?”
He doesn’t really remember when it happened, but at some point, May and Tony came to the agreement that Peter would spend one week in Queens and the next at the tower, instead of him staying at the tower every other weekend. He loves it, he loves spending time with Tony and the other avengers, and he knows Leia enjoys getting to see them for longer periods of time more often. He calls May every night that he’s at the tower, and it means that May can spend a week doing longer shifts without worrying about coming home to look after Leia so Peter can go patrolling, which means that the weeks where Peter and Leia are in Queens, she can spend most of her time with them.
This arrangement is how he finds himself in the living area of Sam’s floor at the tower at four in the afternoon. It’s a Wednesday, and he’s spent most of the day in the same position: sprawled over the couch with a history textbook and notebook in front of him. Most of the team have just come back from a mission early in the morning, meaning Sam has spent most of the day baking to relax. Leia is helping him (although Peter’s not sure how much she’s actually helping and how much she’s really just eating what he’s making out of the bowl) and every so often she toddles over to him and hands him something fresh out the oven.
He’s like this, pretending to focus on his work while he’s really listening to Sam and Leia bicker lovingly, when his phone rings.
“Hey, sweetheart,” He breathes down the line, soft smile on his face. He is vaguely aware that Sam lifts his head to look at him. “We’re with Sam. They’re baking…Yeah, there’s flour everywhere. It’s pretty funny,”
“Hey,” Sam whispers, nudging Leia with his elbow. “You know who Daddy’s talking to?” He asks, voice still low. He frowns when Leia shakes her head.
“Number twenty five?” Peter asks, flipping a few pages of his notes. “I got…I wasn’t sure between December 7th and December 10th1941…Oh, I didn’t find it in the textbook, I just asked Steve…Yeah, I’ve done most of it, but I’ve asked him for help with some of them,”
“Do you think Daddy’s got a girlfriend?” Sam’s voice is still low as he speaks to Leia, glancing over at Peter from the bowl he’s stirring. Leia just shrugs. “He’s not told you about anyone?”
“No, Sammy,”
“I don’t know,” Peter sighs, sounding apologetic. “Dad looked pretty tired this morning; I don’t really think he’d be up for babysitting. Unless there’s something Leia could watch with us?”
“Hey, kid?” Sam raises his voice.
“Hey, hang on a sec,” Peter says into his phone before turning his head towards Sam. “Yeah?”
“If you wanna go out, I can keep Leia for a bit longer,”
“Sam, you’ve just got back from a mission. Do you have the energy to watch a toddler?”
“Yeah,” Sam shrugs glancing over at Leia. “I mean, I might conk out when she does, but it’ll be fine,” He smiles when Peter frowns at him. “Really, Pete.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind taking her with us,”
“Of course I’m sure. You go on your date, have fun,” He smirks when Peter’s cheeks flush.
“Thank you,” He smiles before turning back to his phone. “Babe? Okay, Sam offered to watch Leia for me,” Sam smiles when he sees the soft look on Peter’s face. “Yeah. I’ll meet you there in an hour? Alright, I love you…Oh, my God. Shut up! I can just go to bed instead- that is blackmail! I’m going. Goodbye. Bye bye bye bye-” He ends the call and turns straight back to his work. He writes for thirty seconds before he scowls up at Sam. “Why are you staring at me?”
“I’m not staring,” Sam defends, handing the spoon in his hand to Leia and holding the bowl steady as she stirs. “So…you got a girlfriend?” He smirks when Peter blushes again.
“Is it scary MJ?” He asks, laughing as Peter’s face flushes deeper.
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” He mutters, turning back to his work.
“What about…Cindy. You went to her place the other week, didn’t you? After that competition?”
“I don’t have a girlfriend. Plus, the whole team went to Cindy’s. We were celebrating.”
“Betty?” This time Peter looks up at him, an eyebrow raised.
“You think I’m going on a date with…Ned’s girlfriend?” Sam shrugs one of his shoulders.
“No judgement here, man. I don’t know how Betty feels about all that stuff.” Pete smiles lightly. “Is it Betty?”
“No, it’s not Betty,” Peter shakes his head, and then groans as Sam laughs.
“So, there is someone?”
“You know what, Sam? I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve gotta get ready,” He says quickly, gathering all his books up. “Such a shame,”
“Uh huh,” Sam laughs as Peter comes over to them, kissing Leia on the head.
“Love you, sweetie. Be good,” Peter turns to Sam again. “Thank you for this. I’ll be back-”
“Don’t worry about it, kid. Just get back when you do.” He smirks as Peter steps into the lift. “Go have a good night with your girl, man.” He laughs loudly when he sees Peter scowling before the doors shut.
“Peter was right, you are covered in flour,” Sam muses once he’s put the tray of brownies into the oven, wiping his hands on a towel. “You gonna get messy again if I give you a bath now?” Leia looks up at him where she’s licking the wooden spoon, brownie mixture getting on her nose. Sam laughs softly. “Yeah, okay. We’ll save a bath for later, yeah?”
“When will they be ready?” Leia asks when she’s finished cleaning the mixture off the spoon.
“About thirty minutes. But the others will be cool soon. Was the batter good?” He takes the spoon off her and uses it to scrape the bowl, handing it back over when the sides of the bowl are clear.
“Uh huh,”
“Good,” He smiles as he starts to wash the bowl. “It’s a new recipe. Wanted you to be the first to try it,”
“Me?” Leia looks up at him, grinning around the spoon.
“Yeah. I trust you to be honest, Bug,” He dries his hand on the towel before he pinches her cheek softly. “I would have asked your Daddy, but he’s too polite to tell me if they’re not nice. And Steve and Bucky will eat anything I give them. Plus,” He lowers his voice, and looks around as if checking there was no one listening. “You’re my favourite,” Leia grins up at him again, holding out the spoon. Sam smiles as he takes it off her. “Finished?” When she nods, he smiles at her, licking the last of the mixture off before putting the spoon into the sink.
“Mr Wilson,” FRIDAY’s voice makes Leia jump slightly, which causes her to giggle. “Sergeant Barnes and Captain Rogers are requesting access to your floor.” Sam glances at Leia for a second before replying to the AI.
“How is Barnes doing after this morning. Has he…calmed down?”
“I will check, Mr Wilson.” The AI is silent for a few moments before she replies. “Sergeant Barnes is in peak condition. He says he could smell your baking.”
“Alright. Let them up then,” Sam laughs. One of the timers he set goes off at the same time as he hears the lift doors open.
“Oi, Wilson!” Leia grins when she hears Bucky’s voice. “What’s with asking FRIDAY how I’m doin’? I just wanted brownies and I’m getting interrogated? Jerk.” Sam doesn’t turn around when the two super soldiers come into the kitchen. “Oh. Hey, ptichka. Wilson, you’re forgiven.”
“Oh, thank you, Barnes. Not sure how I would have coped without your forgiveness.” Sam rolls his eyes as he turns around just in time to see each of them kiss one of Leia’s cheeks at the same time. He smiles when Leia giggles.
“Where’s Peter?” Steve asks as he takes a seat, reaching out to take one of the brownies that Sam places on a tray in the middle of the table. He frowns, pulling his hand back when Sam slaps him. “Ow.”
“Nu uh, Leia gets the first taste.”
“Why?” Steve whines, reaching out again. Leia laughs when Sam hits him again. When Sam is distracted, Bucky manages to take two of the brownie squares, handing one of them to Leia.
“Because I like her more than I like you,”
“The feeling is mutual,” Steve smiles sweetly at him. “So, where’s Peter?”
“Spider boy’s on a date, isn’t he, Bug?” Sam smirks as he sits down. He laughs when Bucky and Steve both turn to him.
“He’s on a date?”
“With who?”
“He wouldn’t tell me,” Sam sighs, smiling as he goes to hand Leia one of the brownies. “Hey, where’d you get that one?”
“Buck gave it to me,” Leia responds happily, taking another bite of the bake in her hand.
“Uh huh,” Sam looks over to Bucky with an unimpressed look on his face. “They good?”
“Yeah,” Leia grins up at him.
“Good.” Sam smiles, taking his own brownie and turning back to Steve. “He wouldn’t tell me who it was. Sounded pretty serious, though. Called her ‘sweetheart’ and everything,”
“Scary MJ?” Bucky asks, taking another brownie.
“What about Betty?”
“What?” Steve asks, frowning. “Ned’s girlfriend?”
“People are into all sorts of things these days, punk. Not everyone is monogamous, you know,” Bucky says with a shrug. “Why are we assuming it’s a girl he’s seeing?”
Leia starts yawning at about half past eight, after she’s helped Sam make a few more batches of brownies and a batch of cupcakes. Steve and Bucky have stayed with them in the kitchen, mostly talking quietly between themselves while Sam and Leia bake. When Leia starts yawning, it sets Sam off as well.
“Steve?” He asks as he puts the last of the dirty dishes into the sink and begins to clean them. “Could you go and grab the wet wipes for me?” Steve stands up and he’s back in the room by the time that Sam’s finished cleaning and put what’s left of the cupcakes into the fridge. He manages a small smile as he takes the packet off Steve, pulling a few of them out and using them to wipe the buttercream where Leia has managed to get it all over her face. “You staying to watch a film?” He turns to the other two men when he picks Leia up. They follow him into the living area, where FRIDAY has already queued up one of Leia’s films on the TV.
He’s not entirely sure when he falls asleep.
It’s quiet when Peter gets back to Sam’s floor at ten to ten, which he was half expecting. He knew Leia would be asleep, would have been for the better part of an hour at least. If he’s being honest, he would not have been surprised to see Sam moments away from sleep himself, but he’s not sure he was expecting this.
There’s one of Leia’s favourite films on the screen, around ten minutes from the end by Peter’s estimate, and four sleeping bodies sprawled out on the seats. Well, three sleeping soldiers and one toddler blinking up at him sleepily from Sam’s chest.
“Hey, tesoro,” Peter whispers and smiles at Leia when she reaches out for him. He picks her up gently, taking care to be quiet with the two super soldiers sleeping only feet away. “Let’s get you into some pyjamas yeah? And then you can come and sleep with us,”
“Per favore,” She yawns, burying her face into Peter’s shoulder. “Stanca, Papà,”
“You’re really sleepy, huh?” Peter asks quietly with a smile when his daughter slips into Italian muttering. “Hang on a second, I’m just going to leave Sam a note.”
Sam wakes up the next morning sprawled out on his couch. He blinks his eyes a few times, smiling when he sees his two best friends cuddled together on a chair too small for them, limbs intertwined and fingers tangled together. He feels a moment of panic when he doesn’t feel the weight of a toddler he is sure fell asleep on top of him. His heart rate picks up as he frantically looks around the room. He notices a sheet of paper on his table, Peter’s scruffy writing on it.
I’ve got Leia upstairs. I didn’t want to wake you up. Thanks for watching her, love you Sammy.
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{Admittedly, not feeling too well today (physically) & overall low on spoons, so thankfully I was allowed to stay back at the apartment where I’m staying for the summer to rest. Yay for self-advocating~ So, I likely won’t be too active today. And that’s okay, which is something I really have to learn & stop apologizing for. If I can’t be active and/or not get much writing done, then that’s okay. I’m disabled in more ways than one which can very much affect my ability to write/socialize, so I shouldn’t be so bothered by not being as active as I “should be” or expect myself to be here & write/socialize every day. I also shouldn’t beat myself up for it. If I can’t be here, then I’ll give a heads up. If I can only focus on one muse at a time, I’ll say so.
So, yeah, this was my little epiphany today. And I’ll be just resting today since yesterday was physically exhausting due to all the walking. We did go to a botanical garden where I got to see some cacti, though, which was nice.}
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forever-rogue · 5 years
Lover Boy - Down the Road
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A/N: So, since this month is the 1 year anniversary of Lover Boy, I decided (and you guys seemed to like this idea) to do a new little part to the story, featuring our favorite little family, set in the future. I love this story so much, and I know a lot of you did as well, and all the support I got on it really did warm my heart. So a continued thank you from me, and an I love you, and I hope you enjoy. The time period for this is set in later summer of 1985, so shortly after Live Aid.
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader
Word Count: 9.3k
Warnings: None
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Mum?” Ella asked as she came into the kitchen, a very concerned expression on her face as she went to fridge to grab a snack. Y/N raised an eyebrow as she waited for her oldest daughter to continue. She had been in the midst of making dinner, listening to the twins squabble between themselves as they watched a program on the television and worked on their coloring books. Ella had claimed she had been working on homework, but Y/N knew from the giggles she could hear from her room that she was most likely on the phone with one of her friends, gossiping away. 
“Yes, my love? Did you actually get your homework done?” Y/N asked as Ella jumped onto the kitchen counter and sat there, intently watching her chop away. She reached for a piece of carrot and popped it into her mouth and chewed it thoughtfully, “keep your fingers out of the stuff for dinner or your fingers will become dinner!”
“I did my homework,” she insisted, keeping her eyes averted from Y/N’s. It was her giveaway every time. Y/N cleared her throat as she waited for a proper from her oldest daughter, “okay, I finished half of it. I’ll do the rest after dinner, promise!’
“Thank you, my darling,” Y/N kissed the top of her blonde mess of hair before going back to chopping. She noticed Ella’s hesitation and turned back to her, attempting to give her a reassuring smile, “go on. What’s eating away at you?”
“Nothing…” she sighed dramatically; her blue eyes so reminiscent of Roger’s own. When she realized Y/N wasn’t going to let it go, she decided to just get on with it, “fineee. At school today everyone was talking about Live Aid from this summer and they were asking all sort of questions about Daddy and Uncle John…and Uncles Bri and Freddie of course. They were all so curious, they made it seem like they were so important. Why does it matter? They’re just old dinosaurs anyways.”
“Oh? You think they’re dinosaurs?” Y/N was amused, struggling to stifle a laugh as she continued prepping the vegetables. Ella nodded fervently as she tried to put two and two and realize why everyone knew about their family, “that’s interesting though, huh? Were they rude to you about it?”
“No…they were just asking lots of questions,” she responded, “I just found it weird. Are…are they like famous or something? Does everyone know them?”
“Oh Ella May,” she put down the knife and took a step back, leaning against the counter as she let out a low sigh, “it’s a long story, it really is. But to put it simply, yes. They’re all very famous for their music. Lots of people all around the world know them.”
“Oh,” was the only sound that came out of her mouth as she processed what Y/N had said, “but we’re so normal. We’re not like...famous too.”
“Is there anything wrong with that?” Y/N teased, reaching over and giving her cheek a gentle pinch, “just know that no matter how famous your father is, his first priority is always you. He loves you and your brother and sister more than anything in this world.”
“What about you?” she mused as you just gave her a small smile. Y/N froze for a second as she tried to keep herself composed, feeling the blow of her question deep in her heart. She keep her eyes trained on the cutting board, not ready to drag any of the kids into what was going on.
“I love you all more anything too. You’re all my favorite little loves,” Y/N answered, feeling herself getting choked up, but decided not expand further into the issue with her, attempting to artfully dodge the question. She was just a child still and didn’t need to be bothered with things that weren’t her concern just yet, “why don’t you get cleaned up for dinner? And get your brother and sister too please.”
“I meant Daddy,” Ella pressured further, “he loves you too right?”
“Mhmm,” Y/N made the sound through lightly pressed lips as she gave her a quick nod, “now run along, dinner’s almost ready.”
“Yes Mumma,” she slid off the counter and set off in the direction of the living room, “when is Daddy coming home? He’s been gone ages and I miss him. Aurora and Johnnie do too. He’s coming back, right?”
“Yes, of course,” Y/N answered quietly, her heart shattering into a million little pieces from the simple question, “he’ll always be back for you, my love. He’ll be home soon.”
“Good! Because it’s almost Christmas and Daddy’s always home for Christmas! It wouldn’t be the same without him!”
Y/N stood there, speechless, as Ella ran to get the twins, humming one of Roger’s songs under breath. She truly hoped she hadn’t just lied to her own daughter. Was Roger coming home? Even she didn’t know the answer to that one.
Ella was talking excitedly to the twins and as she took them upstairs to clean up, which left Y/N standing there, seemingly frozen as she played the dish towel. She felt like she was going to cry, but didn’t want to completely break down in front of the children so she turned back to the task at hand and put all her attention and focus into making sure each chop was perfect. If her chops were perfect, then her mind couldn’t wander too much. And that was exactly what she needed at the moment.
Dinner proved to be a quiet affair, despite how hard Y/N tried to keep everything as normal. But it was hard to keep her mind focused on any one thing, so she let the kids do most of the talking, all of them expected about their days and their upcoming school break for the holidays.
“Are you okay, Mummy?” Aurora asked as she looked at Y/N noticing that was much more quiet than normal. Plastering a smile on her face, she shook her head and reached over to tug a few loose strands of hair behind Aurora’s ear.
“Just fine, love bug,” she tried her best to speak in a calm reassuring manner, “just tired is all. Nothing to worry about.”
“Ellie said Daddy’s coming home,” she said as she shoved a spoon full of food into her mouth, “isthattrue?”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Y/N raised an eyebrow at her, and she swallowed the bite before giving her a sheepish grin. Y/N sucked in a breath, amazed by how much her mannerisms reminded her of Roger, “and I don’t exactly when he’ll be back home. Soon, I promise. You’ll see him soon.”
“Finally,” John grinned at his sisters, “he’s been gone forever!”
“I know loves,” Y/N reassured them, “he won’t be gone forever. He’d always come back for the three of you.”
They went back to talking among themselves, leaving Y/N to pick at her plate silently. She made a comment here and there, but otherwise tried to focus on keeping her cool and not having a complete mental breakdown.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Over the next couple of weeks Y/N busied herself with working at the bakery, which thankfully was busier than ever before, and events at the kids’ schools to keep her mind occupied at all times. She knew she was pushing herself, probably more than she should have been, but she was willing to do whatever keep her mind busy.
At night it was worse, much worse, as her mind was free to wander and all the dark thoughts she repressed came out to play. The next space in the large bed next to her didn’t help, and she often found herself reaching over touching Roger’s side of the bed, almost as if she’d actually be able to touch him.
But she never found him, instead pulling the blankets tightly around her body and sometimes crying herself to sleep.
One chilly, but sunny morning, a loud knock came on her door, quickly followed by John opening it and poking his head in. He gave her a bright smile as she just sighed and threw a pillow at him, “good morning little sister!”
“John,” she sighed heavily, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“It’s the weekend,” he stated as he walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind him, coming and sitting on the edge of the bed. He put his hand on Y/N’s leg and gave it a reassuring squeeze, “it’s our weekend to watch the kids, remember? You get them all next weekend!”
“I guess it must have slipped my mind,” she said as she leaned up and rubbed the remainder of slip from her eyes, “I’ve been busy but it’s been...”
“A vain attempt at keeping a certain something from your mind?” he finished for her and Y/N gave her older brother a slight nod. He watched her for a moment, wishing there was something he could do for her, but he knew whatever he said wouldn’t be very assuring to her at this point. Besides that, it was his place to fix what was going on; all he could do was to help and support her at this point.
“Yeah, something like that,” she sighed heavily, giving him the smallest of smiles, “what am I going to do Deacy?”
“I wish I could help you with that,” he said quietly, “but unfortunately that’s up to the two of you to figure out. There’s no on else that can fix this...if that’s what you to do. You’re both just going to have to talk it out and see how to go on.”
“You and Vee make it look so easy,” Y/N lightly groaned and let her head hit the back of the headboard, “ugh, why are you two so perfect?”
John snorted as he raised his eyebrow at her, “us? Perfect. You don’t know the half of it then. Y/N, things for us are hardly perfect. We argue and disagree about things all the time, just like everyone else. No marriage is perfect.”
“But you two always seem so happy, so in love.”
“Because we are, but it doesn’t mean things are always easy. Marriage isn’t easy, it’s not supposed to be, but it’s about fighting for what you want,” he explained, “you just have to ask yourself about what you want, and then you have to work for it.”
“Well,” she sighed and shrugged at him, “I guess I have to figure out what I want first. H-have you heard from him yet?”
“No, love, I’m sorry,” John’s face turned into a grimace for just a moment as he realized what he was saying wasn’t good news in the slightest, “last I heard from him he was still in Montreux.”
“The kids miss him,” she responded simply, her heart sinking just a little bit. The idea that he was even in the same country as her was heart breaking and she felt a pang in her chest. It felt odd to her that she didn’t even really know her own husband’s routine anymore. 
“What about you?” he asked quietly, reaching for hand and giving it a tight, reassuring squeeze that he hoped would convey to her just how much he loved her.
“I miss him too,” she responded, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back her tears. It was too early in the day to be going through a complete breakdown, but here she was - scared and heartbroken, “I miss him so much. I love him, John, I always have and I always will.”
“Well,” he leaned over and kissed the side of her head, “I think that gives you your answer. You have to fight for what you want; the least you could do is tell him.”
“It’s hard,” she responded quietly, dabbing at the few tears that were running down her face, “we didn’t exactly part on the best terms...I know that means nothing, I know I could just pick up the phone and call him, but every time I try...I just freeze and do nothing.”
“I know it’s hard, Y/N. But that’s just the thing, none of this, marriage, love, children, it’s not easy. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it,” he continued on and as much as Y/N wanted to roll her eyes, she knew he had a point. Her relationship with Roger hadn’t been easy by any means from the start, but she hadn’t expected that it would always be so hard. She just wanted things to be smooth sailing for once, “do you remember how happy you were the day you married Roger?”
“Yes,” she smiled at the memory of their wedding, how Brian had spilled their secret and announced her pregnancy, how it had been the best day of her life, topped only by the birth of their children, “it was perfect...well as perfect as it gets with us.”
“Exactly,” he said gently, and Y/N slowly began to put the pieces together, “and you can still have all of that, but you just need to work for it. That’s it. The two of you worked so hard to be together all those years ago, and you can still do it. You just have to be willing to do it.”
“Thank you, Deacy,” she let out a long, low sigh, but leaned over and wrapped her arms around her older brother. She always said he was so overbearing when they were growing up, but nowadays she was so thankful for him, “you’ve been the best and most helpful big brother as always-”
“Come on Uncle Deacy,” not even bothering to knock, Ella stuck her head, sounding impatient. She was slowly, but surely becoming more and more of a pre-teen developing a lot off sass and attitude. Besides just looks, her personality almost exactly mirrored Roger’s; it was almost scary sometimes how much alike they were, “we’re all ready to go. Auntie Vee promised to make cookies today, and there is no way I’m missing that!”
“Ever heard of knocking Ella May?” Y/N asked as she gave her the look.
“Ugh,” she groaned lightly, “sorry. We’ll be outside waiting! See you tomorrow, Mum!”
“Be good for your Aunt and Uncle, do you hear me?” Y/N called after her as she trudged down the stairs, mouthing something unintelligible back just before the door slammed shut, “and be nice to your siblings and cousins!”
“I better get going,” John said as he slid off the bed, “otherwise they’ll never forgive me if they miss the cookies. I won’t be the cool Uncle anymore - and I refuse to give that role to Brian!”
“Oh dear, can’t afford to lose that title,” Y/N laughed, the first real laugh she’d experience in ages, as she followed him to the door and gave him one more big hug, “thanks again for everything. I’m going to spend today doing some thinking.”
“If you need to talk, you know who to call,” he said with a wave as he walked down the hallway, “see you tomorrow, Sunshine. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Y/N said quietly as she closed the door again, letting out a heavy sigh before going to her dresser. She picked up the photograph that was on it, and studied it, fingers tracing over the ornate rose gold frame. It was of her and Roger, taken sometime during their honeymoon, the two of them nothing but huge smiles; they looked so young and happy. It was hard to believe they had come so far, and this was the point they had reached. 
“I love you more than anything,” she whispered to no one in particular as she held the picture to her chest for a moment before setting back on the dresser.
After a few moments of silent contemplation, Y/N gave in and decided to go back to bed for a while. It wasn’t like anyone was going to be for a while and besides that who was going to stop her? Pulling back the covers she crawled into Roger’s side of the bed, which had been empty for what seemed like eons, and she clutched onto his pillows.
The pillowcases had been washed many times since his departure, but the faint smell of his cologne still managed to hang on. Unable to hold back the wave of emotions that she had brought upon herself, a few tears streamed on the pillow as she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. It seemed like a much better idea than just laying there and pitying herself. She knew all of their problems weren’t only Roger’s fault, but they were hers too. 
Both of them had said things that came out in the heat of the moment and they immediately regretted, the only issue was that they didn’t seem to manage to apologize. Instead they just let everything fester and choose to ignore their problems, almost as if they were hoping they would sort if just go away. But they didn’t, much like the issues they had before they had finally gotten together.
But this time fate didn’t seem to bring them back together; it had felt her at home with their three children while Roger had left for Switzerland. She didn’t even try to stop him, and he didn’t look back, only calling later on to tell their children how much he loved them and that he had to go away for work for a while.
A while had turned into a couple of months, with nothing but a few intermittent phone calls. The conversations were sort and stiff between the two of them, and he spent the majority of the time speaking to the children, which Y/N didn’t mind. As long as Ella, Aurora, and Johnnie knew how much he loved them, she was okay with that. That was all that mattered at that point, her own feelings pushed to the side for the sake of her children; that’s what mothers did after all.
Their last interaction had been almost a month ago and he told her he’d been back within the next couple of weeks, but it wasn’t brought up again. He was still, obviously, in communication with John, Brian, and Freddie, who all gave her whatever updates they could. But it was never enough, if truth be told, nothing would be enough until he was back at home and they could see other face to face.
But she was scared, so scared, of all the possibilities for when he came home. Would he be fuming and it would end up in a fight and screaming match with the two of them more broken than ever? Or would it be a silent affair where they didn’t speak but they just coexisted like roommates until their kids moved out? Or would he just take his things and leave? Or would he stay and they would work everything out like they had always done?
It was a lot of what ifs and the idea that most scenarios ended up with them basically breaking up was enough to crush her soul. He had been her everything for so long, they had overcome so much together, fought for each other, but what now?
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Y/N looked around be kitchen and let out a small sigh when she had realized she had run out of things to do, and it was only mid-afternoon. Not having three kids running around made it simple to clean up with interruption and get all the laundry done. She’d even considered going into the bakery to do some work since it was nearing the holidays and it was peak business, but she knew Marie would chase her out as soon as she stepped foot into the building. She’d already worked for most of the week, and knew it would be good to have the weekend off, but it didn’t leave her with much too do. Being alone with her own thoughts for too long was just as bad.
She glanced at the wall and her eyes landed on the phone. Just call, a voice in her nagged her on, just call him. She felt like she was frozen as she willed herself to walk over to it. It would be simple, just dialing his number and listening to the ring while he most likely wouldn’t answer regardless.
After a few moments of arguing with herself, she finally walked over to it and picked up the receiver. She slowly dialed the number of the apartment he was staying, and played with the cord while she waited for him to answer. A part of her really wanted him to answer, and a part of her hoped he wouldn’t. She was sure which part of stronger.
A few antagonizing moments later the call was sent to the answering machine, which just gave her a generic response to leave a message. Y/N was ready to slam the receiver down, but she held onto it, and decided to leave a message. What was the worst that could happen?
“Hey Rog,” her voice was slow and shaky as she tried to keep herself composed, “it’s me, Y/N. I-I don’t why I said that. I imagine you know what I sound like by now…I’m rambling, I’m sorry. I just…I…miss you. I miss you a lot actually, and I just wanted to say that. And I love you, God knows I do…come home please. I need you, I can’t do this without you. Any of this. Or just…call me back when you can. The kids miss you too, and they’re dying to see you again. Even if you don’t come for me or you’ve decided we’re done, please just come home for them, they deserve their dad.”
Before she could continue and ramble on, Y/N slammed the phone back down on the receiver. Unable to control herself anymore, she let the sob rack through her body, the tears following down her cheeks. She ended up plopping into one of the kitchen chairs, and rested her head in her hands.
She kept trying to calm herself down, telling herself that it was going to be alright. But she wasn’t able to trick herself into believing that it was true. It felt wrong, it all felt so wrong and bad and like it was never going to be the same anymore or get better. She just want things back to the way they were.
She wanted nothing more than things to be back to how they were when they were young and madly in love. How they used to be before things seemed to fall apart.
Taking a look around the kitchen through bleary eyes, she let out a heavy sigh. Wiping away her tears with the sleeve of her sweater, she came to the conclusion that a hot bath might help. It wasn’t much, but she decided it was worth a try, that maybe the warmth of the water would surround her and comfort her. The only other thing she knew that would comfort her was hugs from her children, but they were gone; not that she would have bothered them with her problems anyway.
Finally managing to drag herself up, Y/N slowly headed upstairs, going slowly and taking a moment to study and straighten the pictures on the walls. There were so may from throughout the years of her and Roger, the children, and their extended family. It was a sobering experience, and gave Y/N a moment of pause. She ran her finger over one of the last photos, one of their little family taken the previous summer. They all looked so happy and careless, big grins on everyone’s faces; if only they had known then what they knew now. She wondered if everything would ever go back to normal, if they’d ever take pictures like that again. 
Reminding herself not to get too caught up in memories or feeling nostalgic, she continued on her way upstairs, taking them two at a time to speed up the process, quietly repeating to herself what she was going to do: get clean pajamas, new towel, bubble bath in tub, turn on water, get in hot water. Get clean pajamas, new towel, bubble bath in tub, turn on water, get in hot water.
She went through the motions as she repeated everything, letting out a long sigh as she tested the water with a few fingers to make sure she could get inside without being scalded to death. Slowly stripping off her clothes, she slid into the water and let herself sink underneath the mass of bubbles.
 It felt good to be surrounded completely by the water, to experience nothing but stillness and quiet. After holding her breath for as long as she could, Y/N resurfaced and took a long breath and settled against the back of the tub, closing her eyes. She thought about taking a nap in the water, but knew she would regret it as soon as the water cooled and she woke up as a chilled prune, so she opted to relax for a little bit while the water was still hot.
But the relaxation was short lived because as soon as she closed her eyes, and tried to silence her brain, fleeting memories of her last fight with Roger started to invade any sense of peace and ease she was experiencing. 
“Nice of you to finally come home,” Y/N sighed as she rubbed her tired eyes, glancing at the watch still on her wrist. She had been on the couch, watching old movies on television while she waiting for Roger to come home. She knew they had a gig and it would run late, but she wasn’t expecting him to be gone well into the early hours of the morning. 
“Why are you still up?” he asked, his speech slightly slurred as he kicked off his shoes and left them by the front door. He looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot; it had clearly been some kind of night.
“Gee, I dunno, maybe because I expected you home hours ago, and I called every place I could think of but couldn’t get a hold of you?” she countered, crossing her arms over her chest, “everyone else was home hours ago, Rog.”
“I was just having fun,” he insisted, heading for the stairs to get to their bedroom and crash for the rest of the morning, “it’s no big deal.”
“Oh? Leaving your wife and three children home alone to wonder where you are is fine?”
“Don’t you dare start this-”
“I was worried, Roger! They were all worried and wanted to know why their father wasn’t here.”
“You know what my job is,” he insisted, growing more annoyed with each passing second, “you know how things are!”
“Yes, I get it, Rog, you’re a big rock star and everyone fawns over you,” she could feel herself growing more angry, “but that doesn’t change the fact that things aren’t the same as they were a decade ago. We have three kids, Roger, we’re not the kids anymore, and you can’t keep doing this.”
“Don’t try and put this all on my me, Y/N,” his voice was laced with venom as he tried to keep his voice down to keep the kids from waking up, “what about you, huh? You work hours and hours and then spend half the weekends away from the kids and I too! Why am I the bad guy here?”
“Because what I do is an actual job,” she jabbed her finger at him and poked his chest, “I spend time at a real job, at a business that I started from the ground up, and you know what? Half the time the kids want to come with me, and I let them. I’m actually here for them, I don’t spend half the time traveling around the world!”
“You always knew it would be like this,” he said as his voice started to crack and Y/N realized they were both on the verge of tears, “we always knew. And now you’re using it against me?”
“No, no-” she tried to make sense of conversation and keep it from getting derailed, “I just...we’re adults, Rog, and we’ve got three people that depend on us for everything. And they love you more than anything in the world, and it’s hard on them to have you gone so much.”
“So you’re saying I’m a bad father?” he was just speaking out of anger now, the alcohol still cursing through his veins.
“I never said that!”
“Then what are you trying to say?” Y/N found herself staring at him, mouth opening and closing wordlessly. After a few moments of nothing but tense silence, he scoffed and turned to head up the upstairs without another word. She listened to his footsteps before the door slammed, and she found herself in tears and alone. 
Walking back over to the couch, she had laid down, halfheartedly pulling a blanket over herself as she tried fall asleep, replaying their fight over and over. Throughout their relationship they’d had arguments and little squabbles, but never something like this. But, then again, she supposed this was maybe a long time coming. All the little things they had just put up with were finally coming to the surface and causing them to explode in anger. 
The next morning she woke up to a quiet house, the kids keeping themselves occupied and a note on the kitchen counter. It was a hastily scrawled few sentences from Roger letting her know he had gone to Montreux for the time being. It had taken everything in her power not to completely breakdown and go after him. But things were different now. Very different.
“Fuck,” she hissed under her breath as she sat up in the tub, suddenly feeling more lonely than she had thought was possible. The silence was suddenly deafening and it was almost unbearable. Drumming her fingers along the edge of the tub, Y/N pondered what she should do. There wasn’t much to do at the house, although she could have had a movie marathon, work probably wasn’t the best idea, and everyone else already had plans - Veronica and John had all the kids, Brian was out of town, and Freddie was off on holiday. 
“Napping it is,” she murmured to herself, she’d already gotten clean pajamas ready, she might as well use them. But her plans were suddenly cut short when a loud banging came from downstairs, causing her to almost jump out of the tub, “shit, shit, shit.”
She almost jumped out of the bathtub, quickly grabbing her towel and wrapped it around her frame as she debated what to do. Running and hiding seemed like a good option, but she was also curious and wanted to see if it was someone attempting to break into. Maybe it was some sort of stray animal that was just making a ruckus. It was the middle of the day on a Saturday, would someone really be dumb enough to try and break in? A million thoughts ran through her mind as time ticked away. Of all the times for her to alone, it had to be now of course.
Toweling herself off, she hastily pulled on her pajamas and made her way out of the bathroom. Trying to remain calm, she sneaked onto the landing and tried to peek downstairs to see who the sudden intruder was. She couldn’t see anything, just heard a few more knocks and some hushed whispers. It definitely sounded like a man.
Unsure of what seemed to possess her, but she ran into the bedroom and grabbed the first thing she that she spotted…which just happened to be a few of Roger’s drumsticks. Y/N didn’t know exactly what she wanted to do with them, but she was sure could find a way to use them in one way or another, even if it just involved throwing them at the person.
Slowly and tactfully she went down the stairs, one by one, getting closer and closer to the source of the noise, surprised by how quiet the stairs were being for once. As she got to the last step, Y/N jumped onto the floor and held out the drumsticks, feeling a rush of adrenaline flow through her.
“Stop thief!” she shouted at the top of her lung, ready to toss the sticks in the direction of the door. She heard a surprised gasp before looking up, letting out her own squeak of surprise, “Roger?!”
“Y/N,” his voice climbed as his voice climbed up an octave, holding his hands in the air to show that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. He finally noticed what she was holding in her hands and couldn’t back the small bits of laughter that bubbled up, “were you...attempting to harm with drumsticks? My own drumsticks at that?”
“I didn’t now what to grab!” she sighed as she tossed the sticks to the side and ran a hand through her messy, still wet hair, “I was in the tub when I heard all the noise. I thought it was an intruder or something, so I panicked.”
“At this time of day in our neighborhood?” he cocked his head to the side and gave her a bemused glance.
“I’m home alone and was naked and afraid!” she countered, crossing her arms over her chest as she realized what was really happening. Roger was standing there, in the flesh in front of her, several months since they had last seen each other. She wanted to cry, but wasn’t ready for a complete breakdown, so she comprised on attempting to make a joke, “and just so you know, I could have done some damage with that stick, shoved it up your ass something.”
Her voice cracked as she awaited his response, but even after a few moments have passed, a silence hung in the air. Roger watched her closely as he finally chuckled, clearly close to tears of hos own, “you could never have done that. Hate to break it to you, but you’re not tough enough, Sunshine. I could have easily won that one.”
She perked up when she realized he had used her nickname; she hadn’t heard it come from him in so long, and at this point she couldn’t hold back the tears that streamed down her cheeks. He looked at her with a small sad little smile on his face, and she just looked at him, lost for words as she gestured with her hands, trying to get something, anything, out. 
“I...you...you’re home,” she managed to get out after a few moments of stillness. She met his cerulean eyes and he bit his bottom lip, and nodding, unsure of what exactly to himself. They locked eyes for a few moments, saying so much to each other without evening having to utter a word. Just when she thought she was about to burst from emotion, she ran over to him and jumped into his outstretched arms, which he already had open and waiting for her. 
Y/N burrowed her head in his chest as she let him hold, having been deprived of his touch for so long. It was like she had come home too; nothing compared to feeling of being his arms. Roger closed his eyes and rested in his head in the crook of her neck, and pressed a few soft kisses to the exposed skin he found there. He held her so tightly she was sure he might break her ribs, but she didn’t care, she didn’t. Nothing mattered in that moment besides him and her. They stayed like that for sometime, wrapped in each other’s arms, complete silence except sounds of a few sniffles.
“You came home,” she whispered finally, pulling back and studying his face, almost as if she was trying to see if he looked any different. Luckily it was the same old Roger, the only difference being that he looked tired, dark circles under his bright eyes. He nodded as he put his hand to her face brushed his calloused fingertips over the high points of her face, “the kids will be so happy.”
“What about you?” he asked quietly, watching as she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. It was almost as if no time had passed and everything was normal.
“I’m happy too,” she admitted, her smile stretching from ear to ear, “and I’d be even happier if you stayed. I want you to stay.”
“I want to stay,” he agreed gently, “I don’t want to leave and I don’t want to fight. I want you, only you and everything that entails, including working through our problems. I should never have left.”
“I shouldn’t have let you leave,” she countered, leaning forward and resting her forehead against his.
“To be fair, you were sleeping when I left,” he joked, pressing his lips ever so lightly as against his, “I should have come home a lot sooner.”
“What made you finally do it?” she asked, letting her lips linger on his, trying to re-memorize the feeling and taste of them, “did you hear my message? I called earlier and probably left a blubbering, incomprehensible message.”
 “I’m sorry, love, I didn’t get it,” he said, “I probably had already left.”
“Oh,” Y/N laughed, part of her relieved that he didn’t have to hear the message, “that makes sense. Probably better off anyway...you’re here now, that’s what matters.”
“Deacy,” Roger let out small chuckle, “he called me this morning, after he picked up the kids. He’s called me a lot really...he’s probably the one whose kept me sane this whole time, but don’t worry he’s being calling me a right wanker since the day I left.”
“Of course he did,” sometimes she wanted to strangle John, always feeling like he was overprotective, but deep down, she couldn’t have asked for a better brother. No one ever came close to John (sans for Roger) when it came to amazing human beings, “he had a long talk with me too this morning.”
"He always knows exactly what to say, doesn't he?" the conversation was growing stilted and she could both tell they were skirting around the issues at hand. They couldn't avoid them forever, and for whatever reason, Roger seemed to read her mind. He took Y/N's hand and gave it a tight squeeze before bringing it to his lips and giving it soft kiss.
"Hey," his voice was soft and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from crying, "I love you, Y/N. Nothing's ever going to change that. We're going to be okay."
"Yeah?" she asked, closing her eyes to attempt to stop the tears from running down her cheeks. This moment was something like they hadn't experienced in some time, it reminded her of when they were both still much younger and kid free.
"Yeah," he promised, "always. One fight isn't going to break us apart, Sunshine. We're endgame, remember?"
"I could never forget that," she put her hands on his chest and watched him closely. Even though the years had aged both of them, he was still the same Roger that she had fallen in love. His blue eyes still twinkled like they always did, the smile same as ever. He was her love through and through.
"We should probably...talk about some stuff," he suggested and she nodded.
"Let's get you settled in first," Y/N agreed, reaching for his bags to take them upstairs, "you must be exhausted."
"It's a short flight," he chuckled as he took charge, and gently swatted her hand away. She grinned as you let him grab everything, "are you just trying to get me upstairs and take me to bed?"
"I mean, I'm not opposed to the idea," she felt her face heat up at his words. It had been a long time since they'd been together, especially since he'd been gone for some time. He paused for a moment and turned to go upstairs, making sure she was following him.
He took the steps two at a time, quickly making his way into the bedroom, dropping his bags by the door and flopping onto the bed. He let out a long sigh, as he kicked off his shoes and burrowed into the covers.
"I've missed this," he sighed contently as he pulled a pillow close to him and caught a waft of Y/N's scent clinging to the fabric, "no other bed compares to this."
"Well, I suppose it is a good thing we invested in a decent bed," she laughed and as she walked over to him and he held out his arms to her.
"It's not just that it's a good bed," he insisted, as she crawled into the bed and into his arms, "its because it's our bed. Nothing comes close to getting to be next to you. You’re the best thing in this world.”
“Oh shut up, you old fool,” Y/N couldn’t help the smile that was spreading across her face as she snuggled into his chest, inhaling his familiar scent and listening to the steady beat of his heart. She had missed this more than anything else. 
“I’m an old fool? What does that make you?” he joked and nudged him in the side. He let out a huff of air that turned into a laugh as he kissed the top of your head. 
“I’m still your wife and the mother of your children,” she reminded, “choose your words carefully.”
“You’re still as beautiful...” he started but then stopped for a moment as he trailed his fingers along her arm, rough fingers soft on her skin. She waited for him to go on, wondering what on earth he was getting at, “no, you’re even more beautiful now than you were back then. And you get more beautiful and radiant with every passing year.”
“Are you trying to rack up brownie points?” she joked as she tried to prevent the crack in her voice, “because it’s working. And if you’re trying to make me cry, you’re about ten seconds away from doing so.”
“I don’t want to make you cry,” he reassured her; he’d seen her cry on many occasions, and mostly due to joy which was good, but the times it was for something sad, it broke his heart and make him want to fix everything for her, “never again. And I realize I’ve done that, and I’m sorry.”
“’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” he insisted, “the things I said to you right before I left weren’t okay. I’m sorry truly...I’ve been thinking about what you said, and it was true. I can’t go on acting like I have no real responsibilities and can do whatever I want. It’s not fair for me to leave you and Ella and Johnnie and Aurora alone. You four are the most important things in my life, and should always be my priority. I should have realized that sooner.”
“We know how much you love us,” she reassured him, turning her head so she could face him, starting into those ocean eyes she could get lost in, “I know, and I’ve always made sure they know too. I’m sorry for not bringing up my worries earlier...I just sat on them instead of coming to you about it, and that wasn’t fair to you. I shouldn’t have said all those things either.”
“Your words weren’t nearly as bad as mine.” he admitted, cringing slightly as he replayed that fight in his mind. It was definitely the only blow up they’d had, and he planned on keeping it that way; all the other disagreements were small and easily overcome, but that one had been a whole new experience, and one he didn’t want to relive, “what I said was totally out of line. And you don’t...you’re not gone too much. You’re always here for everyone, and you’re the greatest mother...and wife and sister and friend.”
“Roger,” she was biting her lip to stop her sniffles, wondering why she was even bothering to hold back, it was just the two of them after all, “you don’t have to say all of this just to make me happy or whatever-”
“I’m not just saying these things,” he promised her, “they’re true. And while I was gone, I had a lot of time to think...and I think I’ve made some decisions.”
“I want to be home more,” he said firmly, “I think it’s time to slow down and be around more for the kids, and for you.”
“What about the band?” Y/N sat up and turned herself so she was sitting on his lap as he laid against the pillows. She smiled at him and reached one hand over to touch his face, gently running her fingers all over highs and lows, remembering how his skin felt under her fingers. Before she could stop herself, she closed the small distance between them, pressing her lips to his. 
It was soft and gentle at first, but quickly ended up more urgent, as Roger sat up and pulled her tightly into his body, his hands on her waist as hers tangled up in his fair. There was a neediness to it, a hunger that hadn’t been fed for a while as the two of them got lost in one another. He pulled back for a moment, giving her a few quick pecks as he tried to read the expression in her eyes. 
“They understand,” he explained, “especially John and Bri, and Fred too. We’ve all got our own families to look after now. We’ve been doing this for so long without a break, it’s high time we took one.”
“You’re not breaking up, are you?” she asked, her eyes wide with concern.
“Never,” he insisted quickly, “Queen’s never going to break up. We’ll be going on well into our golden years, all of us, I’m sure. But right now, we’re all much over due for a break.”
“Good,” she beamed at him, “what are you going to do with all of this free time?”
“Dunno,” he admitted, “it’ll be weird. Well, I’ll be able to help more with the kids...and maybe I can even help you at the bakery!”
“You...you’ve burnt toast, my love,” she burst out laughing, failing to even try to imagine him in the kitchen, “I don’t think that’s going to be your calling. But the kids will be beyond excited; they’ve been dying for you to come home for ages.”
“I’ve missed them too. I feel like I’ve missed so much from them, and now Ella’s almost a teenager,” he said and you nodded. It was hard to believe that time that gone by that fast, “I don’t want to miss more.”
“Then you won’t,” she played with a lock of his golden hair, twirling it around a finger.
“I was thinking-”
“Oh dear!”
“Very funny,” he joked as he laid back down and pulled her on top of him. She noticed that his heart was beating a little bit more rapidly than it had been and she wondered what he was getting at, “but...ummm...well...”
“Okay with it, Taylor,” she pressed a few kisses along his jaws trying to get him to spill his thoughts.
“What if we had another?” he blurted out, his face flushing bright red as he anticipated her response. Y/N took a moment to process what he had said before pausing, her eyebrows raised so high they almost disappeared into her hairline.
“Another...child?” she asked and he nodded shyly, “you want to possibly, maybe have another baby? To do all of what we’ve done with three of them already all over?”
“I mean....kind of. It’s just something I’ve thought about,” he admitted, “we’ve got the time, and we’ve always talked about having a big family. But obviously, only if you want to! This is totally just a throw it out there situation. This is all up to you of course.”
“You’ve just come home and you’re already propositioning me?” she joked and threw her back with laughter, “a few days ago I was wondering if I’d ever see you again and now you want to do the deed and have a baby?”
“I mean, when you say it like that...” he laughed, biting his lip in that way that drove her crazy, “but did you really think I’d never come back?”
“On the surface I did,” she confessed, feeling silly that she had even let her mind go to that extreme, “but I guess deep down I knew things would be okay. We’ve been through so much, I should know by now it’s going to make a lot more than one fight to break us up.”
“Nothing’s ever going to break us up,” he insisted, taking her hand and entwining his fingers with hers, “even if it did take me some time to figure myself out and get my head out of ass.”
“Hey, this was both of us, not just you.”
“I know...but it was mostly me...”
“Roger,” she reached up and put her hand under his chin, tilting his face up so he was looking at her, “our relationship is the two of us. We’re a team. We’re going to get past this and learn from our mistakes. Whatever problems we have we’re going to talk about them and work through them and not just let things blow up. Yeah?”
“Yes,” it wasn’t even a question that he would try and prevent anything like this from happening again. He never wanted to lose Y/N, and the fact that she thought, for even a fraction of a second that he might not come back was enough to break his heart in two, “let’s never fight again.”
“I dunno if that’s possible,” she giggled at him, wondering how she got so lucky as to have him and get to call him hers and only hers, “there’s always going to be some stuff we argue about and don’t agree, but that’s okay. It’s only human. But one thing I know, my Lover, is that we’ll always be together.”
“Always,” she said with as she laid back down on his chest. He put his arms around her, stroking up and down her back gently, switching between tracing shapes and beats into the soft fabric of her top. It was in that moment that she knew this was exactly where this meant to be; home.
“I love you,” he whispered in her ear, his voice the softest and most gentle thing she had heard in a long time, “a little more every single day.”
“I love you,” she whispered into the crook of beck, barely loud for him to hear, “now tell me more about this whole having another baby thing. I’ll admit, you’ve got my curiosity piqued. Tell me more about possible Taylor baby number four.”
»»————- ♡ ————-«« 
A soft knock at the door stirred Y/N awake from her light slumber. She stretched and sighed contently as she felt Roger move next to her, one arm still wrapped tightly around her waist. The sun was steaming in through the curtains and the clock on the night suggested that it was well into the morning. It had been a long night, and she and Roger had decided to sleep in and take advantage of the quiet and slow morning. 
She wondered if she had imagined the knock and closed her eyes again, snuggling further into Roger’s side. There was a beat of silence before the door creaked open ever so slowly, and a small head poked inside the room. Y/N opened an eye, a grin spreading across her face when she saw it was Aurora looked excitedly back at her.
“Mummy?” she asked as pushed opened the door and stepped into the room. As soon as Roger had heard the sound of her voice, he’d sat straight up, his face threatening to split in two at the sight of his daughter. Aurora beamed at him before almost shouting, “Daddy!”
“My love bug,” he stretched out his arms to her and it took her a fraction of a second before she launched herself at him. She was giggling like mad as Roger peppered her with kisses, “I’ve missed you, baby. Look at you’ve gotten so big!”
“I’ve missed you too, Daddy,” she gap him a gap toothed grin as she sat in his lap.
“What’s going on?” Ella asked as she opened the door and stepped inside, Johnnie on her heels. Her mouth dropped open as she realized what the fuss was all about. Johnny gasped as well as Ella shouted, “Daddy!”
“Hi kiddos,” he said as he beckoned for them to come and join the cuddle pile that was currently happening on the bed. They jumped onto the bed and once they had said hello to Y/N, turned their attention back to Roger, “I’ve missed you three so, so much.”
“We’ve missed you too,” Ella sighed contently as she settled in between the Roger and Y/N, happy to have both of her parents back at home, “you’ve been gone forever, and let’s be honest, Mum’s not nearly as fun!”
“I am fun!” Y/N insisted, as Roger started to snicker away, “just because I have to be the serious one sometimes, excuse me!”
“You’re fun Mummy,” Johnnie reassured her, burrowing into her side as he got under the warm blanket, “but Daddy’s more fun sometimes.”
“Alright, alright,” Y/N leaned over and gave them all kisses, “we all know who the fun parent is, but don’t forget who gets you all the sweet treats!”
“That is a fair point,” Ella admitted as she looked between her parents, “you’re staying, right Daddy? Please say you’re staying, it’s never the same without you.”
“I’m staying,” he promised them, “I don’t plan on leaving, not for a long time and never this long again. Not unless you’re all coming with me.”
“Finally,” Ella said as she flopped at the foot of the bed, “it’s always better with both of you around. Mum’s no fun without Dad and Dad’s also no fun without Mum. It’s kind of gross really, how in love you are.”
“You won’t always think it’s so bad, Ella May,” Y/N said as Roger took her hand and gave it a light squeeze, “one day you’ll fall in love with someone too!”
“Ugh, as if,” she groaned as she rolled off the bed and headed for the door, “love is icky, and so are all the boys and girls at school. Come on, you two, we’ve got tons of cookies left from Aunty Vee!”
“Do not eat all the cookies,” she groaned at them, knowing they’d be bouncing off the walls from their sugar intake, “save some for the two of us and for after dinner tonight. Or I’ll never let you go to their house again.”
“No, you wouldn’t!” Ella called back as the three kids trampled down the stairs, giggling amongst themselves. Y/N exchanged a look with Roger and they both let out a chuckle as they laid back down. 
“They haven’t changed a bit,” Roger commented as he stifled a yawn. The two of them had stayed up more late than expected, doing all sorts of...catching up.
“They’re definitely your kids,” she reminded him, “but I’m just as glad as they are to have you home. I’m glad you’re home, my love.”
“As am I,” he whispered, “as am I. Endgame, remember?”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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elmidol · 4 years
Be Wary the Blade You Sharpen (NSFW)
Three Blind Tooke Part Two Precarious Harmony
Read on AO3
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Warnings: sex; some coercion; emotional manipulation
Three Blind Tooke
Part Two: Precarious Harmony
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Be Wary the Blade You Sharpen
It had become too natural for you, spooning with Kylo Ren. This would have unnerved you had it not been for your arrangement; and thus the cool draft that crept along your back allowed you to know that you were alone. It awoke you. Your chest rose then fell as you sighed. You turned over, running your hand along the pillow that had previously cradled Ren’s head. You had focused so long on making your life’s goal the murder of the man; all the while, your general had been hoping for him to be saved.
 It’s a decision he would have to make for himself, you thought, rolling onto your back. You placed the back of your hand on your forehead. He said he killed his father… And then later he had berated you for feeling sympathy for a man you had never met.
 You started at the sound of a knock on the door. A single, light rap. Sitting up, you slipped out from underneath the covers. The cold air assaulted your flesh, prompting you to rub your arms with both your hands. You hit the button, and the door slid open. On the other side stood General Hux. His arms were crossed behind his back, and he had an air of patience about him. “His training has begun.” An explanation as to why you were alone. “He left this morning. Supreme Leader believes your presence would be too much of a distraction during the beginnings of his lessons.”
 All the same, Snoke did not wish to have you killed. At least, not at this moment in time. You eyed the General, the man who had essentially ordered the murder of your mother. “Am I to assume I’m once more in your care?” He smirked at you. “What does this entail?”
 “Our arrangement still stands, tooka. I will later take you to the firing range for practice… I don’t doubt that your skills are in need of improvement after all this time. You will remain in Ren’s quarters at night—and the medical droids and physicians will continue to monitor your condition.”
 Partway through him speaking, you had dropped your gaze down to the shirt you wore. It was large on you, yet that was nothing new. What was new was that you felt rather naked in it. This man before you was not someone you wished to be intimate with—not any longer. General Hux, ever observant, took a single step backwards simultaneous to hitting the button that ordered the doors to close. You headed for fresh clothing without a moment’s hesitation.
 You flinched when the material of your shirt grazed your flesh. It was still too tender for your liking. You removed the shirt immediately, grabbed out another of Kylo Ren’s, and put this on instead. It hung low on you, to the middle of your thighs. You blinked, fiddling with the hem. It was older. Stretched out, save for at the neck. Shrugging, you finished dressing and then moved back to the door.
 General Hux’s eyes were drawn instantly to the tooke hair clip you had decided to wear. His mouth was open, yet only a strangled sound emerged. He almost seemed so human, you thought; not like the monster you knew him to be. Someone who could order the destruction of an entire system… So many deaths. Unnecessary. Innocents. Casualties.
 I’m going to destroy you one day.
 This day, however, you flashed him a quick, sarcastic smile, and stepped out. “Shoes.” You paused, your gaze drifting down to your bare feet. Scrunching up your nose, you obeyed solely due to the fact that you knew you needed the practice as well. Out of the two pairs of footwear that had been given to you, you selected the slippers over the daytime shoes. General Hux grit his teeth when he saw this, but the man raised no objections. He likely understood that the slippers were lighter weight, and thus they did not exhaust you as much. Nor aggravate your sore body.
 In this, you respected General Hux despite your dislike of the man; he picked his battles.
 Not that you wished to think of his battles. Though it had not been said explicitly to you, you were not an idiot. The First Order, following the destruction of the Hosnian System and thus the Republic, had taken hold of much of the galaxy. Enough to where you knew the Resistance would be running out of resources. All those occasions during which Kylo Ren had invaded your mind—you wondered what details they had been able to use to their advantage now that they could attack the Resistance more openly. They were the rising power in the galaxy, much as the Empire had been long ago. You wanted to vomit at the thought.
 The redhead gestured for you to follow along after him. This snapped you out of your thoughts, and you obeyed without question. His arms were once more crossed behind his back, one wrist cupped in his hand. You stared at his gloves. Clean. Immaculate even. You expected nothing less of him.
 Officers, stormtroopers and technicians alike greeted their General with respect whilst at the same time making a point to sneer at you. They were well aware that you were off-limits; they could not assault you as some had attempted to in the past. That would never erase the disdain they held for you. A Resistance member—or were you a former Resistance member? You mulled this over, ultimately unsure of the exact answer. It did not matter. Your goals were inline with the Resistance and that mattered.
 Following along behind the man, you allowed your mind to continue to wander. Kylo Ren was training with Snoke at this very moment. Had he taken a shuttle then? You had previously been under the impression that you would leave the Finalizer with him. That Hux would. Unless, for the time being, Snoke wanted only Kylo Ren present. It was entirely possible. And you were fearful—not knowing what to expect when the man returned.
 All your mind could focus on was that Snoke had been the one to tempt your captor-slash-host to leave the Light and join the Dark side of the Force. All of Kylo Ren’s actions ran through your head. The way he had cut down people on the battlefield. That red saber piercing your own flesh. Waiting to be burned to death—hoping that you would be. Wishing against everything that the man hovering over you that day would not take you away from the corpses of your allies. The way he had not seemed to care for you despite his interest in your memories, in your knowledge. Would he become that man again? Or would it be even worse?
 The glares and snarls of those around you hardly cut through your musings. You were drawn back into the present only when General Hux stopped walking. You planted your feet firmly on the ground, waiting for him to open the door to the range.
 “I should inform you… At all times, you are in range for stun blasts. Do not be foolish.”
 Your fingers twitched, a shudder along your spine causing you to roll your shoulders. “I will bide my time, general. It would be suicide…a pointless suicide…for me to try anything now.”
 He hummed at that, his hand rising in an arc. The doors opened, and the pair of you at last entered the facility. It was a generous size, and yet you knew it was a meager thing in comparison to whatever true training grounds they had aboard the Star Destroyer. A private sort of range. Room enough for roughly three shooters to practice on targets that were set at one of four distances. Already there was one target ready for you; it was set at the closest possible distance. You took no insult to this. In fact, you preferred it.
 General Hux led you to the weapon rack, where you were allowed to select a blaster to use. A child’s toy, you thought. Even when your father had been teaching you to use a gun, you had not been given such a weak blaster. Then again, your father wasn’t your enemy. He had never been…
 Your chest felt as though it were constricting, your throat equally tight. Your father. Daddy... It ran through your mind, that memory—real or fake, you still did not know, and perhaps never would—of him when you had died. Staring down at Kylo Ren raging. Your father telling you to return, letting you go back to the pain that was living.
 You slipped your finger against the trigger and relished at the familiarity. A weapon in your hands.
 Neither you nor General Hux spoke to one another—or at all. You shifted into the correct position and took aim. A buzz in your head. The sensation that everything around you was not real. This wasn’t real. It was a dream, or something of the sort. Your finger abandoned the trigger in favor of resting on the side of your weapon. You would not fire when your mind was anything other than clear. Your chest rose and fell with every breath that you took. Steady, you told yourself. Steady.
 In your peripheral, you could see the man with you walking. Back and forth. He was pacing, his eyes never once leaving you. His eyes were narrowed, which allowed you to know he could sense your unease. Perhaps clearly see it. You lifted your chin defiantly. He would have no excuse to take away the weapon, to retract his offer to allow you to train this day.
 A wave of calm. You replaced your finger, corrected your aim, and fired. A snarl broke across your face. “You are here to practice for a reason, Tooka.” You lowered the blaster prior to looking his way. “That may not have been a kill shot, however it is rather respectable considering.”
 Considering you were months out of practice. That your body was not as strong as it had been in the past. You were too fearful of the recoil on that first shot.
 You shook this failure off, deciding to try once more. A second shot turned into a third, a fourth. General Hux was directly behind you now. You could feel his breath on the back of your neck. Irritation grew within. “He’s getting stronger right now.” Another shot. “But you’re both so replaceable to Snoke.” Bam! “That’s why you want me… To take the puppet away from the Master once the training is done… You want Ren to kill Snoke, don’t you?” Two shots in rapid succession. You did not give the redhead any time to respond. “But it won’t work. Flattered as I am that you think I could be so important… Ren won’t.”
 “You misunderstand, tooka.” A dry chuckle escaped him, the sound ringing in your ear louder than the blaster shots. “It is not out of love that I expect him to kill Snoke over you. It is out of his sense of entitlement. The stronger his powers grow, the more he will feel he is entitled to your adoration. To owning you… Should Snoke attempt to dissuade him of this—and I do not doubt that Supreme Leader will do exactly that—Ren will lash out. That Rule of Two he spoke of, Tooka… You must see it.”
 You lowered the blaster. The student will attempt to betray the Master… And to think… I need him to succeed…in order for Snoke to be defeated… And then I will be able to focus on destroying Hux and Ren…who both want the other dead. I can use this.
 “Allowing him to become powerful enough to kill Snoke, however…” Your eyes flicked over to the man, who had started to pace. Looking forward again, you raised your firearm. The worries that General Hux was implying were yours as well. “That is why I need you as well.”
 “Do you expect to kill me, and hope he will have a moment of weakness?”
 “I have considered it…and yet… This man also killed his father, Tooka. It won’t happen.”
 This did not insult you in a way it might have in the past. That he was implying you were not important enough for Ren to cry over—the fact of the matter was, the rage that would consume Kylo Ren over your death would only fuel his powers. There was something else that General Hux had in mind. He was not letting you in on it either. You wrinkled your nose, frustration bubbling up inside of you as you felt helpless. Until you regained some of your strength and made progress, you would be at their mercy.
 You started to tune the man out, which was not difficult given that he had fallen rather quiet again. You did not stop shooting until General Hux demanded that you do so. You lowered the weapon. He pulled it out of your grasp, and you stood there with your arms dangling at your sides.
 Your aim had started to suffer as time had gone on. Desperation. Frustration. Memories of your father rising up inside of you, memories you did everything you could to choke down.
 The General of the First Order returned you to Kylo Ren’s quarters, informed you that food would be brought and that you would be visited by a medical droid around dinner time, and then he left. You did not look back as the door closed. Your hands were on your clothes, ripping them off. You needed a shower—the steam. It would help you clear your mind.
 You sat on the floor of the shower, your knees drawn up to your chest.
 He was going to become a true monster. The creature you had so feared would soon become reality.
 It took days for you to realize that the jumps in and out of hyperspace often took the Finalizer to the Supremacy. It was only when you caught a glimpse of the ship in your peripheral that your heart lurched and stomach churned. Kylo Ren would be on that ship, wouldn’t he? TIEs streaked out from the vessel. You moved away from your chaperone in favor of nearing the glass. Numerous TIEs were those you had seen in the past. One, however, caught your eye. You stared at the TIE Silencer with a snarl, noting how the other ships followed its lead. There was no mistaking the identity of the pilot.
 He was destroying more of what you loved. Fulfilling his role as monster.
 You tore yourself away from the window to instead follow your chaperone back to the absent man’s quarters. If anything, witnessing this caused you to push yourself more. Not recklessly as you had in the past either. You read over the texts he had provided, exercised while also allowing yourself time to rest. Followed his example in meditation. You sat in the chair on which you had lost your virginity to him. Gripping its armrests until your knuckles were white, you reminded yourself to not think of him.
 But his absence was not for as long as you had suspected it would be. He returned from Snoke’s ship to the Finalizer, and his presence showed you once more that the role of monster was one he easily filled; that had not changed since first you had devoted your life to tracking him down and killing him. The scent of fresh ashes filtered into your nose. You stared at them from your position on the bed. Kylo Ren rubbed the edges of the leather pouch between his thumb and forefinger, and this caused more ashes to sprinkle into the canister. It was a smaller table than the ones you had seen in the past. Monster, your mind whispered, the knowledge that these ashes belonged to either one of his fallen comrades or a—a what? Did they happen upon a lone Resistance shuttle? Some innocent bystander in the war?
 You imagined the amount of such individuals who had been murdered in the destruction of Hosnian Prime. Civilians not directly involved in the war. Such heinous acts you could not imagine any of the other sides having committed. Not the New Republic, nor the Resistance for which you had battled. The First Order was truly a reprehensible group. And their power was only extending throughout the galaxy.
 Jaw trembling, you shifted your legs. Your feet were planted firmly on the mattress, your knees bent, and you narrowed your eyes whilst observing your enemy. Kylo Ren lifted his eyes from the collection of ashes he had been adding to over the course of eight hours. Slowly but surely—each time there was a knock on the doors to his quarters, your heart sank. Kylo Ren placed the emptied leather pouch on the edge of the canister. It would be taken by whatever stormtrooper or officer came next.
 The difference in Kylo Ren was not only physical. The scar was narrowed now. The wound fully sealed, unlike before he had left. As for the helmet that had so haunted you in your nightmares, that was gone. When he had entered his quarters, Kylo’s face had caught you off guard. His attire was different as well. A cape. Less robes.
 Less robes had meant he was able to undo his pants faster—and he had. He had pinned you to his bed without the need to use a gesture of his hand. When he moved inside of you, there was something in the way he swirled his hips that brought you pleasure. And that was how you knew something was pleasing him. Your eyes tore away from the thinned scar to instead rest on his lips. That smirk. It was ruined only when his lips parted as he grunted above you.
 “Tooke,” he hissed, the Force leaving you so that he could shift into a sitting position. He had you straddling him. Your bottom lip quivered. “There’s a connection.” You did not understand his words, nor could you have. “With the girl—Rey.”
 A punch to your gut. He was not speaking out of romance for this other woman, though you could hear the curiosity in his voice. You were also able to discern that this was the individual who had left him with the scar. She was your hero in ways that she would likely never know. She had come close to defeating the monster whose hospitality you were forced to accept. The sensation of a punch renewed itself when his words fully hit you. Kylo Ren had ceased fucking up into you to observe your reactions.
 “In the Force,” he said. His lips again twitched. “She’s like…you. I know her weakness. It’s the same as yours. And she’s desperate for a father figure. Han Solo. Now Luke Skywalker. Ben Solo will be her undoing, won’t he?”
 You balled your hands into fists against his chest. Rather than succeed in your mission, not only had you been captured. You were now a tool against the Resistance. This Rey, this other woman with Force abilities, one person with whom you would have hoped would be able to defeat Kylo Ren…
 She would be deceived into thinking Ben Solo wanted to be saved. That Kylo Ren had not killed his past and accepted his role in the Dark Side.
 He had not allowed you to pull away from him. Instead the mouth that had spilled words that threatened to break your spirit had slammed atop yours. Kylo Ren had wrapped your legs around his waist as he pushed you onto your back and fucked you. His joy was palpable. His glee had a taste to it as his tongue caressed yours.
 And you… You had hardly moved from the bed since then.
 “What happened to the Rule of Two?” you asked, your voice timid.
 Kylo Ren furrowed his brow. “That’s where she comes into play.” You shook your head, nostrils flaring. With shaking hands, you raised the bed sheets over your body. General Hux had been correct. Kylo Ren was gloating to you as though he owned you. To him, you were property. You would have considered yourself his lover if it had been a consensual and healthy relationship. Kylo Ren’s plans were to have this Rey woman rule alongside him as the two dominant Force users in the galaxy. He only needed to manipulate her first. Play her in the same manner Snoke had been able to do to Ben Solo. “She can’t see you. You needn’t worry.”
 He had explained it to you, this connection. They could see one another from time to time though not the other’s surroundings. Kylo Ren was willing to feed into the connection. You did not have to ask. The girl, given that she had viewed Han Solo as a father figure, she would despise the man. Ren had chuckled when revealing she referred to him as a monster. Without meeting Rey, you somehow loved her all the more.
 “Your aim is to kill me, Tooke. Hers won’t be.” A pause followed by a soft exhalation of air. “Oh.”
 You pressed your legs together. The pouch that had been in his hand now dropped into the pile of ashes. Kylo Ren strode closer to you. The man who had left you had been less sure than this creature who now approached. You could not help but wonder about this Snoke. General Hux alternatively appeared worn down and composed when you encountered him. On the former occasions, he allowed you to train without remark. Yet he would snarl at you, eyeing you as though he loathed your very existence. You were Resistance yet refused to bow to or cower before him. When he was composed, the man hardly interacted with you at all. You were beneath him and he did not have the time for you.
 By contrast, when Kylo Ren was fully composed he wanted to dominate you. This need for reasserting ones power spoke volumes. Snoke played General Hux and Kylo Ren against one another. Far more fluently than you could. You were thus torn with the idea of Kylo Ren influencing Rey. What if, you thought, she could help to eliminate Snoke? Wasn’t that for the betterment of the Resistance? Or would Kylo Ren rise into more power?
 This man…doesn’t want to be saved, does he? You cupped your hand, thumb caressing the name Ben Solo that was tattooed on your finger. This pleased Ren. He surged forward and attacked your throat with his mouth. His hand went underneath the blanket. Your legs were not allowed to remain squeezed together. Kylo Ren pressed his hand between them and shoved two fingers into your depths. The initial prodding had you wincing. You were dry. Not aroused in the least given where your thoughts had wandered.
 “Call me Ben,” Kylo whispered, and your body betrayed you. You were wet. It was the game of make-believe that you had always wanted. Yet how you despised him knowing his motivations. If Ben Solo was to be Rey’s weakness, she would learn to use the name. She would use it with the desperate hope that she could save this monster. His breath, hot and somehow so damp, caressed your ear. The pads of his two fingers buried inside of you stroked expertly. Your toes curled, and you forced yourself to shake your head. “Tooke…” A chuckle again. Then he purred your name. Your jaw dropped, tears gathering in the corner of your eyes as he manipulated your body.
 Kylo Ren set his free hand against the side of your face. It was tender. Your eyes darted to his countenance. There was something soft there. A mask, you knew. The one he had destroyed was no longer of any use to him. Instead he wore the mask that was Ben Solo. All the while saying your name as though he truly cared for you. As though he had never raped you.
 You knew it was a game that thrilled him. His cock twitched in his pants. His fingers shifted out of you to instead draw lazy circles on your clitoris. No, not circles. He traced the name Ben Solo while puckering his bottom lip.
 Please, don’t do this, you wanted to beg. Yet begging him would bring him as much satisfaction as you giving into his wants. You opened your mouth to speak—the kiss that silenced you was softer than the previous time he had pretended to be his former self.
 “I could have loved you,” he teased. You closed your eyes. “I could still… Say it. Say it.” For a moment, on that second utterance, the façade slipped. He had a momentary lapse back into his true self of Kylo Ren. It was the present, not his past. It was…just a name.
 “Ben,” you said. Your eyes jerked open; his fingers paused in their actions. The pair of you stared at one another. It was then that things fully fell into perspective.
 Snoke needed to be defeated before you could focus on destroying Kylo Ren and General Hux. You tried to formulate methods in which tricking Rey would be unnecessary, but therein was the issue. You had no knowledge of the position of the Resistance. And, should you escape, you would not be allowed to see the battles. They would use you for information to be sure. To help the Resistance you would have to betray it.
 That makes no sense.
 He kissed you again, just as tender as the last. You repeated his birthname. The man who had once been Ben Solo drew aside the blankets, and you allowed him to. This monster was more devious than he had previously been, you noted. He wore not the face of a monster. He wore the face of a man he had destroyed. He wore the face of an innocent.
 “Would you like to play?” he asked you.
 How were you to respond?
 To answer no would be to take yourself out of the equation entirely. He would likely use the Force on you at that point to compel you to do his bidding. Otherwise he would practice elsewhere. Kylo Ren wanted this Rey to be by his side, however she would be an ally. You, on the other hand, would be the enemy in his bed who kept him on his toes. You would give him power. In the end, he viewed both this other woman and you as mere tools for himself.
 It was that he was asking you to view Rey as tool as well, that was the issue.
 His mouth was again at your ear. “Too much at once.” You cringed. Even when you did not play along with his game, you were still playing. He was learning by gauging your reactions, the same as when he had been hunting the splinter cells. “Hmm.” Kylo kissed your cheek. Your lips next. Only a quick peck. Your throat, collarbone—down your body, though he paused to suckle your breast. Your cunt throbbed at the attention. You set a hand on his shoulder to shove him away. Ren dove, his tongue inside of you so that you instead grabbed at his hair and pulled him closer simultaneous to bucking your hips.
 “Ren!” His assault on you stopped. As he began to pull away, you weakly whispered his birth name. Ben. The man stiffened then relaxed. You understood why he required your assistance The name had been something forbidden by Snoke to be said. He had never quite allowed you to call him it in the past. And the tattoo…it had been to toy with you.
 You needed Kylo Ren to destroy Snoke and General Hux. Only then could you hope to kill him and thus fully assist the Resistance’s cause.
 Kylo Ren was correct in what he had said. The connection between him and Rey were different. They would be partners together. You, however, were what helped him train. If he hoped to remain in power above Rey—that is, should he successfully bring her to his side—then he would have to constantly improve by using someone who would not just strip him of his power and make him a second. No, he was already like that with Snoke. He needed you. You were someone who would kill him.
 “Ben,” you said again. His nose brushed your clitoris. You hooked your legs over his shoulders, placing your palms flat on the mattress and rocking your hips forward when his tongue flicked in and out of his mouth. A tease. A promise that he’d fuck you with it if you were good. You were each in your own way using one another as a tool. “Please, Ben.” His reactions were less noticeable the more you said his name.
 Kylo Ren seemed to forget that Ben Solo was also his weakness. Unless Snoke somehow managed to erase that before he was eliminated. Your lip curled up into a snarl at the thought. The expression did not last. You could feel him manipulating the Force around you. Ghost touches that were electric across your flesh. Your nipples hardened. This power was not harsh nor forceful against you. There was no move to restrain you. It was all to pleasure you. A reward for you playing.
 As though he truly did love you. As though you saying his birth name brought him joy for reasons that weren’t Dark.
 His time with Snoke had reminded him that he was, on some level, a monster. Now he could balance the two halves—man and monster—and succeed in his goals. He was growing bolder, more certain of himself.
 He was becoming, for you, the perfect weapon to kill Snoke and General Hux.
 If you weren’t careful, he would destroy the entire Resistance in the process.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
wild winter | the quiet game; kyle o’reilly [m]
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LOCATION: a shared hotel room ( with Bobby Fish asleep in the next bed, ftw)
SITUATION: knowing people can/might  overhear
TYPES OF SEXUAL CONTACT: hand focus (holding hands), intense eye contact, spooning
So this is the unofficial begin to my year long smutty self challenge. I figured that the few I did in February could count as a begin to winter. So, I’m transferring them all over to my blog(s). Perhaps later, I’ll make some kind of information post so that you guys know what this is all about. Or, maybe I’ll just leave it a mystery, bc Idek myself why I chose to do this other than boredom, wanting to stop writing god - awful and cringe inducing smutty stuff when I feel up to writing smut. Anyway, here it is. This oneshot fits into the universe I started in fake fic titles with Kyle O’Reilly and the OC used there, Dominique Carron. { x | x | x } < if you wanna read those before reading this. Time frame for this oneshot is a few months between the second part and the third part when Kyle and Domi have become an established couple.
Kyle O’Reilly x OFC, Dominique. 
uhh... smut. filth. shared hotel room / risk of getting caught. body fluids. an awkward but funny moment in here where they do kinda get caught by Bobby, whomst they’re sharing a room with (thank you so much for the inspiration for this part @kyleoreillysknee​ love you forever for throwing it out there) aaand that’s pretty much it, tbh.
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                           KYLE & DOMINIQUE in
                      THE QUIET GAME.
He’d been on the verge of dozing off when he felt the bed dip low and he felt her, wiggling into place. He cuddled into her, his arms going around her after he’d pulled the blanket up over her better.
Dominique rolled over to give him a goodnight kiss and when she did, Kyle’s hands raised, cupping her face, pulling her mouth into a deep and gentle kiss. “Was startin to think I’d have to come in there with you.” he yawned into the kiss. Dominique cozied herself up to him and trailed her fingertip over his lower lip.
“I’d have honestly loved that. I just wanted to soak.” Dominique muttered softly, eyes fluttering open and shut as he pulled her closer. It always felt like sheer bliss when he held her close and tight.
“A little sore?” Kyle questioned, his hand leaving her cheek to ghost over her side and settle at her hip.
She shivered and bit her lip, pouting at him as he flashed her a mostly innocent grin. “More than a little. Turns out, not only are you sexy, amazing in bed, kind and funny.. You’re also really smart and I should’ve listened and stretched out instead of curling up in back like I did.” she pressed her lips against his lazily, an innocent little kiss.
Kyle pulled her closer and his tongue slipped past her lips as he raised his hand again to rest it against her cheek.“Good night, baby.” Dominique muttered softly, nuzzling her face against his hand.
“Good night, babe.” Kyle yawned lazily as Dominique rolled to face the opposite direction.
He slipped his arm back over her, pulling her completely against him, thinking he’d start to doze off. But naturally, he didn’t. And he knew she wasn’t either.
Bobby, on the other hand, snoring up a literal storm across the room.
Kyle’s mouth brushed against the back of Dominique’s neck and she sucked in a breath because as his mouth was wandering over her neck, his hand was wandering  up and down her sides, stopping a second or two to squeeze at her hip. He moved even closer and she bit her lip, whimpering a little, her breath catching in her throat as he rubbed into her from behind.
“Kyle.” Dominique whimpered almost helplessly as she continued to really try and rub herself against him in the hopes that she could get him all worked up. She just wanted him so badly. Right then. Right that second.
“Yeah, babe?” his voice was husky with sleep and that always did things to her. She licked her lips and swallowed hard. Parts of her wanted to turn over and face him but parts of her also liked it when he spooned against her from behind, strong arms tight around her body. And they had a shared room tonight, she didn’t trust herself to remain quiet.
Kyle had this ability to bring out the side of her that got loud. Insanely loud. And needy. Oh so needy.
“You know exactly what you’re doing.” Dominique gasped right as she felt his hand slipping beneath the hem of the t shirt she’d kind of stolen from him to wear to sleep. He chuckled, his lips against her ear as his hand crept higher up her thigh. “I’m not doing anything. Promise, babe.”
“Yes. Yes you are.” she gasped a little, rocking herself back against him about the second she felt his hand settle over her unclothed heat, rubbing lightly. She heard him swear upon the discovery that she wasn’t wearing panties and when his teeth grazed at her neck, she bit down on her lip.
Kyle had her flat against the mattress in a split second and he was settling himself over her, his hands grabbing hold of her hands and holding them flat against the pillow.“Kyle… oh..” her voice came in a soft whimper against his neck. He gazed down at her with lust blown pupils. “So beautiful. And all mine.” he mused, lips crashing against hers as he bucked into her teasingly.
The kiss broke and his mouth strayed. And despite his burning desire to get his hands all over her, he continued to hold her hands flat against the pillow and gaze down at her adoringly. Bobby stirred, grumbling in his sleep and rolling over in the bed across the room and for a second or two, Kyle and Dominique froze, Kyle taking advantage of the pause in kissing and whispering to let go of her hands and slip his hand down between them, circling his cock, teasing it along her bare folds.
She shivered and tried to thrust her hips upward, to get some kind of friction going but he shook his head and chuckled quietly, pressing down into her as he whispered against her ear, “Think you can be quiet, babe?” questioningly. He’d honestly been planning to be a good boy and just attempt sleep since they had to be awake hellishly early, but.. the fact remained… He couldn’t keep his hands -or his mouth, to himself tonight. And she’d been nothing short of a playful tease the entire drive.
“It’s doubtful but..” she started to whimper as she felt him lining his cock up and the tip teasing between her folds all over again, “I’ll try.” the whimper and her words were swallowed up in a hungry kiss and Kyle shallowly thrust into her, barely letting the tip enter her heat. Dominique wanted to raise her legs and wrap them around his waist, this was so much worse than the way he’d been teasing her earlier in the SUV on the drive to the hotel… His hips were pressed so firmly into her lower body that she couldn’t lift her legs and wrap them around his body and drive him into her to the hilt like she wanted.Just as she thought she’d at least get to keep movement of her hands so she’d be able to touch him like she wanted, his hands found her hands again as he sank into her, keeping still for a few seconds as he gazed down at her and lowered his mouth, capturing her mouth in a kiss.
“Kyle..” she whispered, breathy and soft because her breath caught in her throat at his touches and kisses.
“Shh.. Gotta keep quiet, remember, babe?” his tone was a thick and sleep laced almost teasing drawl as he spoke.
She nodded, swallowing hard. All she wanted to do was get her hands on him. To wrap her legs around him.“C’mon.. Please?” Dominique tried begging again but she could look at him and tell that it was falling on deaf ears.
“Uh-uh.” he replied as he started to thrust, slowly and carefully. Almost agonizingly slow. It was quite evident that Dominique was about to pay for her little teasing throughout the drive today. And it was clear that Kyle wanted control.That turned her on more than anything. And he knew this.That combined with the way he was staring down at her, lust blown pupils almost blackening his entire eye.. She shivered as his cock buried inside her even deeper and he dipped down, mouth roaming hungrily down her neck. A gasp caught in her throat when she felt his lips latch on her neck, quiet sucking sounds drowned out by the noisy snores of their roommate for the night.The thrill of being caught at any second had her dripping. When she moaned a little louder than intended because he started to drive into her deeper and harder, his hips snapping quietly against her body as he did so, he chuckled against her skin. “Shhh.”
“You’re trying to make me scream.” Dominique choked out after a deep and bruising kiss broke because they needed to breathe.
“You were the one teasing me all the way here, babe.” Kyle replied, flashing her that cocky smirk from above. He started to fuck into her a little faster, his hands gripping her hands tighter, his hips pinning her flat against the bed. The orgasm started to build all over again, this time more intense and just like before, Kyle came to a full stop, cock buried inside her, gentle kissing and sucking noises as his mouth roamed all over her neck and dipped down, leaving a line of marks littering her collarbone as he smirked against her skin. When he felt her starting to back away from getting off, he started to fuck into her again. Deliberate and slow.
Her fingers laced through his and she gave his hands a gentle squeeze, trying and finally managing to move her hips just enough to get a little more friction going between them. It did nothing for the tears of frustration stinging at her eyes. Bobby stopped snoring and Kyle went still on top of her, mouth moving over her skin, finding her mouth as his tongue parted her lips. “Feels so good, Domi. God, you feel amazing.Shit.” he muttered into the kiss as he remained still, both of them caught up in kissing each other, Dominique trying and failing at wiggling her hands free.
Kyle chuckled and shook his head no at her with a teasing gleam in his eyes. “You’re in for it when we get back to our apartment, Kyle.” Dominique muttered as her teeth caught on the side of his neck and she nipped at it, leaving a mark of her own.
Kyle shivered. He definitely had a weakness about her lips anywhere near his neck. And she knew it. So he knew she was trying to tease, to do anything she could right now to get back at him for holding her hands still.“I’m counting on it, Domi.” Kyle muttered lazily against her collarbone.
Bobby hadn’t said anything or really moved again and he’d started to quietly snore again, so Kyle started the delicious torture all over again, slow drives deep into her heat as careful as he could. She moaned and the kiss swallowed it up, Kyle chuckling right after. The mattress’ quiet creaks had them both laughing in whispers that were swallowed up in even deeper kisses. When she started to rock her hips upward, meeting his deep drives, he growled quietly, burying his lips in her neck to muffle the sound and leave another mark behind.
“Eyes up here, babe.” Kyle coaxed as he started to move faster, letting go of her hands finally so he could grip her hips, angling them up, driving into her as deep as he could get. He buried his mouth into her mouth, their teeth bumping against one another in the hurry to deepen the kiss. “Kyle, fuck.. Oh..” her back arched away from the bed slightly and he buried his mouth into her mouth even deeper, muttering into the kiss, “C’mon, babe.. Wanna feel you.” coaxing her right over the edge and straight into an orgasm that shattered through her with enough intensity to make her want to scream his name over and over until she lost her voice.
Kyle deepened the kiss, his fingertips digging into her hips, the mattress creaking steady and quiet. When she clenched around him he growled into the kiss, teeth sinking into her lower lip, tugging at it, gasping as his own orgasm built to an almost dizzying rush and the snap of his hips against her hips was almost neck and neck with the sound of Bobby’s snoring across the room.
She managed to get her legs around his waist, her heels digging into his ass, driving him in even deeper. Her nails dragged slowly and carefully across his shoulders and down his back and Kyle grunted, “Fuck. So close.”
“Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop.” Dominique coaxed, staring up at him. Kyle raised his hands, putting them over her hands again as he continued to fuck into her, his hips at a steady and almost bruising tempo against her hips, fucking her deep into the mattress almost. As his orgasm shattered through, he crashed his mouth against her mouth, groaning as she whimpered his name over and over quietly into the deepening and dizzying kiss. “Love you Domi.”
“Love you too, Kyle.”They shared a look and Kyle’s head bent, burying in the crook of her neck as Bobby spoke up from his bed, “Love you, Bobby.” and after a few seconds of them both trying to compose themselves and not answering, he spoke up again,
“Oh come on? You two are seriously gonna leave me hangin? Just when I felt like we were gettin really close…” Bobby chuckled, trailing off with a mumbled, “Horny as a couple of actual teenagers, I swear to God.”
“Bobby go to sleep.” both Domi and Kyle responded in tandem, both embarrassed at having been heard, Kyle falling to the bed completely spent, immediately turning onto his side and pulling Dominique into his arms, gripping her tight, pulling her into a yawn filled and lazy goodnight kiss.
“What are the odds he was pretending to be asleep?” Dominique asked, cringing because she had a feeling that there was a high chance Bobby was pretending to be asleep just to give them shit.
“Knowing Bobby, babe.. Pretty high.” Kyle gave a sheepish chuckle as his lips brushed lazily against her forehead.
“Awesome. This is never gonna be not awkward.” Dominique muttered against Kyle’s chest as she rolled over to face him, throwing a leg over his hip. Kyle’s hand found her thigh, squeezing gently as he chuckled and yawned.
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