#( gv. ) may god be with you all
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writtenforwylan · 2 years ago
My Friends as Marauders Era Characters
So I have a bunch of friends who I think can be a lot like some Marauders Era characters and I therefore am going to share them (and something about them too) with you. 
Evie - Lily Evans
Evie is incredibly intelligent, my best friend, and kinda short-tempered too. She’s the sweetest human ever but also has an ongoing feud with our English teacher (sorry Mr Shaw, but we are planning to give you a heart attack soon sooooo).
Ellie - Marlene McKinnon
Ellie is very opinionated, is low-key scared of everyone while everyone is low-key scared of her, and she’s loud, proud, and unapologetic. 
Ioan - Remus Lupin
Ioan is *the* most Remus Lupin human I’ve ever encountered, I swear. He’s in mostly top sets (everything but Cymraeg), he’s chaotic yet so smart, and he’s an absolute dumbass who puts up with everyone else’s dumbassery too. Love him.
Malachy - Sirius Black
Maiwenn - Pandora Sailstreame
Mai is so funny and so cool, but she knows it damn well, too. She knows she’s a glorious human and we all love her for it. (also, she has a really cute dog called Mostyn but that’s beside the point)
Millie P (i know 3 millies, okay?) - Mary MacDonald
Millie is opinionated, lovely, socially aware, and headstrong. She also knows exactly what she’s worth while being able to criticise her surroundings/herself and earlier she was talking about our RE class and how when we have it tomorrow, Johnny’s gonna eat EVERY SINGLE CHOCOLATE FINGER IN THERE. and she’s not even wrong. 
Hannah - Amelia Bones
Hannah is super sweet, nice, and always misses class for extra-curricular stuff. She’s in choir, ‘llefaru’, and she worked on the summer fair too. She does everything, is the kindest human, and she has a close-knit group of friends she’d do anything for. 
Levi - Barty Crouch jr
Asher - James Potter
As soon as Ash read the GV for me, I knew it would go well. and it did. Ash is so happy to completely nerd out with me for Gods know what, sit with me in comfortable silence while we’re doing our own things (paralel play), and we know we can go to each other for anything. (they also have set-aside pancakes every morning in school cause their mum is one of the lunch ladies)
So that’s my probable incomplete list of my friends as Marauders Era characters!
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baekhvuns · 2 years ago
Ikr 😭 but the social presence thing is so right, i remember I got swayed by my frnds around 8th and 9th grade to install these apps and i did but then corona happened and I got enlightened!
Yes, the moodboard did and honestly i had never read a good fic before, well technically I had never read even simple fic bfr so when I saw tht divorce mention...i was like sign me up for the trauma! No imagine my first fic was lnfila...i was already prepared for so much. Actually I'm glad tht was my first fic.
Omg yes, well as far as ik, YK how people take out a divine and perfect time to tie the rakhi right? So this year there was a lot of confusion bcz it was informed tht the auspicious time was from 9:30PM of 30 aug to 9:30AM 31 Aug. So typically the much religious people followed this schedule but the other ones just celebrated the festival normally. Even today many people celebrated it so yeah it was fun honestly! I mean I'm all for the food and money sooo-
Man imagining his reactions PLSS ✋😭 he would be so creeped out first of all!!
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Idk if its just my obsession with the song but mai agr kahun from om Shanti Om 😩 liek the violins and all. Ofc!!! Just frnds would be incomplete if we didn't put fashion movie songs in it bcz i can imagine all the runway scenes and 'jalwa' playing as a backtrack 🤌🤌omg i had almost forgotten abt tht song WOOAHOOOOHHOHHHH man kk rlly gv the bollywood industry some amazing songs.
LMAO DIVORCE?!?! 😭 Yeah ok i side with rabta, i cn totally hear it at the start when hwa declares the divorce. ....khronus and veer Zara....they fit together 🤧🤧 (my tears play a big role in it) YESS BG AND TERI MERI THE SEPERATION PART 😭😭BRO U JUST READ MY MIND BCZ IK DAMN WELL TUM SE HI WOULD GO SOO WELL WITH BG LIKE THT RAIN SCENE ✨
Hawayein and rewrite the stars, how come i didn't think of that? Bcz come on the lyrics THEY LYRICS!! Ofc i remember patiala house how cn i forget it just like tht, 😭 it was my childhood!! And the way I fell for Akshay in tht idkw but I did, bcz he always plays tht macho role, so when he did tht soft boy role i just melted.
Now tht i think abt it apart frm the mainstream actors in Bollywood there are so many underrated visuals, and i personally stand with reitesh deshmukh!! Like he's just so ....idk but he just is!
I was re reading the trouble with hating you AND WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY TO ME RN?? 😭 like idk it just got funnier! And hwa is so random here Literally! Bcz who the fuck brings their ENTIRE dinner set for he library 😭😭 i laughed at this for straight 1 minute LIEK THE VISUAL!! I JST CAN'T- or when he said "so dolphins are like the dogs of the ocean??" WHAT DOES THT EVEN MEAN??? 😭😭😭 MY MAN HERE IS THINKING WAY TOO DEEP ABT THE OCEAN WHEN HE HAS AN EXAM TO STUDY FOR if I was there i would've died laughing!
im glad that u liked the fic and that being ur first fic fbsnbdkw 😭😭😭 my inbox was bursting the day of that release fbanjfksjckc
YEAAAAAH that time of hour like my mom was all panicky trying to tell everyone not to tie them in the morning 😭😭 some kali thing was happening fbwkfjsk UR RIGHT THE MONEY AND THE FOOD IS ALL THAT MATTERED every brown man on that day was my brother 🤚🏻
no ur right i was gonna put dastaan as the khronus one bc it’s slightly haunting!! RIGHT I COULD NOT NOT PUT JALWA IN THEIR SCREAMING THATS THE BEST ONE kk’s oooohoOoOoO >>>>>> what a voice honestly
khronus and veer zaara r cousins ackshully TUM SE HI SUPREMACY >>>>> !!!! HONESTLY IT FITS THAT FIC LIKE A GLOVE AND THE VOICE 😭😭😭
no omf bc that movie’s beginning made me cry a lil fhwmdbsn I ALSO RLY LIKED THAT ONE he’s always played some comedian or macho guy but this one i was pitying his character the entire time 😭😭 O GET IT I GET IT W RITESH but his wife???
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amicidomenicani · 2 years ago
Question Good evening Father Angelo, I know that we all have a Guardian Angel (it is a truth of faith) who has the task of protecting us, helping us, and interceding for us. I wonder why there are so many prayers to the Guardian Angel if his task is precisely to protect us. That is, it’s like I had a bodyguard paid to protect me… What sense would it be asking to protect me if that’s his job?… Wouldn’t it be superfluous since he’s only doing his duty? That is, it seems useless to ask the Guardian Angel to protect me and help me… When he has the task of doing so! The same discourse could extend to the patron saints… If they have the duty to intercede for us, what sense does it make to ask them with prayer? I don’t know if I was able to explain my perplexity well! Sincerely Answer from the priest Dearest son, 1. What you say about the Guardian Angel, you rightly then apply it also to the intercession of the Saints. One could go a step further and say that the same discourse also applies to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to Our Lord Himself. Why does the Lord ask us to pray if He follows us uninterruptedly, if He is our Father and does not even allow a hair of our head to fall to the ground without His will? Yet is the Lord who urges us to pray. Indeed, He commands us to pray. In the Sermon on the mountain He says: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. Because whoever asks receives, and whoever seeks finds, and to whoever knocks it will be opened” (Mt 7,7-8). He also commands it through St. Paul: “I therefore want men to pray in every place, raising pure hands to Heaven, without anger and without controversy” (1 Tm 2,8). He also teaches us to ask in the right way and that is in His name. During the last supper He said: “So far you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete” (Gv 16,24). He also asks to pray uninterruptedly: “He told them a parable about the need to pray always, without ever getting tired” (Lc 18,1). 2. Regarding prayer, we must be certain of one thing: that our prayers do not serve to make our needs known to God, the Blessed Virgin, our Angels and Saints. They know them infinitely better than we do. If we are asked to pray it is because we dispose of our hearts to receive the gifts that God wants to give us to use them well, in a holy way. This is why St. Augustine says that “the reasonable creature offers prayers to God… to build himself, not to instruct God” (De gratia N. Testam., 29). 3. The Church reveals to us the meaning of prayer made to God through intercession of the Saints in a verse of the liturgy: “ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi” (so that we become worthy of Christ’s promises). When do we become worthy of Christ’s promises? When we humbly pray, as the tax collector did in the temple, as the Lord recalls in the Gospel: “But the tax collector stood at a distance, unwilling even to lift up his eyes to heaven. Instead, he beat his breast and said: «God, have mercy on me, a sinner»” (Luke 18,13). In our questions we must remember that we are not worthy of being heard because we have used God’s gifts so many times to crucify the son of God again (cfr. Eb 6,6). This awareness should lead us to a change of conduct. 4. If despite the uninterrupted prayer the Lord does not answer our prayers it means that we are not yet willing to receive the graces that He wants to give us to use them in a holy way or even that what we ask for is not good for us in view of our sanctification. Sometimes it can happen that the Lord does not listen to us because He wants to give us greater good. 5. Coming now to your explicit question: prayer to the Guardian Angels does not serve to remind them that they must do their duty. They are very eager to do so. They are impatient, it seems, to be able to help us. They go out of their way to do their duty to us. But our heart is closed to their action, to their dedication.
Because of sin we remain closed and impervious to their help. Moreover, perhaps a thank you never comes from our lips, never a hint of gratitude, never a request for forgiveness for having remained so long closed to their love and their incessant dedication. And then we expect them to do our duty! As you can see, it is we who must do our duty by opening ourselves to these messengers of divine goodness towards us. Our Angels want to help us primarily to grow in holiness. And there is no holiness if there is no humility, if there is no gratitude, if there is no repentance. 6. I like to remember that in the old Confiteor that was recited at the beginning of Mass, and that now it is not forbidden to recite in one's personal devotions, the Church taught us to repent even before the Angels because of our closure and our ingratitudes. Here is the text: “I confess to Almighty God, to the blessed ever virgin Mary, to St. Michael the Archangel, to St. John the Baptist, to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to all the Saints and to you brothers that I have sinned a lot in thoughts, words, works and omissions. My fault, my fault, my very great fault. And I beg the blessed always virgin Mary, St. Michael the Archangel, St. John the Baptist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, all the saints and you brothers to pray for me to the Lord our God”. In St. Michael Archangel, who is the prince of the ranks of the Angels, all the Angels are enclosed and in particular our Guardian Angel. 7. Becoming saints is the same as growing in love and communion with everyone. In particular with those whom God has given us so that with infinite solicitude they enlighten us, guard us, govern us, according to what is disposed of by the paternal love of God for us. Wishing you to grow in communion of love and gratitude with the Angels, I assure you of my prayers and I bless you. Father Angelo
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lilisouless · 2 years ago
i’m glad your poll is no longer as anti-nina as it was, but it still makes me so sad my fav character is apparently everyone’s least favourite 😭 why do you think people see her as the most expendable (after matthias, which is a whole other can of worms)
I honestly didn't know Nina wasn't as liked as i though, i was sure she was one of the gv characters everyone liked.
I have diferent theories, maybe people see her as less expendable because, a lot of tumblr people prioritize ships over character and (as another poll of mine showed) at least among my mutuals helnik is not as liked as wesper or kanej , so they are not thinking on Nina as an expendable character, just a sacrifice to preserve the other ships (a very shallow reasoning if you ask)
Now , on the "least evil crow" i was expecting people to have diferent opinions, since the parameters of good and evil are diferent for every people. The thing is that i was expecting people to vote Wylan higher because a lot of us conffuse "nice" with "good" and Wylan is pretty much the nicer out of the crows. The surprising thing was that Inej ended up leading that poll while Nina got so little votes ,less that Matthias for godness sake.
My theory for that (hope is not true) may be that people have a really REALLY outdated labeling for bad and good
religious,quiet and wise girls are "good", loud, flirty and hot headed girls are "bad" , thats how a lot of people think and i am really afraid people might be fitting Inej and Nina on those labels. I adore Inej, with all my heart, you all know i do and i hate when people get her wrong. But between those two, the most heroic one , the ligther of the greys is clearly Nina. Not that Inej is a bad person, she is simply not the girl that is oriented to save a whole country, she still wins "goodness" points for going out of her way to save slaves. This is not saying is wrong thinking Inej is the least evil, just that so little votes for Nina make no sense.
Also, now that i think about it. It could be the already mentioned ship focussed mindset. Lets be honest, only half of the fandom loves and see Inej and Nina for their characters , the other half only see them as self inserts, only whorthy of being studied in their relationships with Kaz and Matthias. This is why EVERYTHING about Inej must be related to Kaz and Nina is better off dead than witouth Matthias (soc fandom has more misoginy than you would expect)
Therefore this people see Inej/Kaz as a devil/angel thing, while Nina and Matthias as a flirty girl/quiet boy , which probably supports while they are not seen as individual people , just extensions of their ships.
Now for the "which crows would win on a fight" which, obviously is Nina! can the other crows freaking raise the dead? I´ll leave it like this: Superman beats Batman, Batman himself knows it thats why he needs a lot of preparations and resources (so whoever voted Kaz over Nina, Jesper and Inej, like huh?)
I am NOT trying to prop out Nina at the expense of Inej,(i am not stupid, i know what that would imply) i actually think this is missing Inej´s character too, along Matthias she is the crow that goes trought the most moral challenges and she is shown to be extremelly competent at fighting by her own merits (she is the only important non grisha female on the whole saga) i think those things make her special.This is NOT to say people should like Nina more than her, i love that Inej is the most beloved crow in most grishaverse circles. I just think that people see Nina as more expendable (like the question said) because of a mix of stereotypes and shipping
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archive-tobemoved · 7 years ago
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         he was packing up supplies for the road   (   stuff that he wouldn’t need to pay for for the next 12 hours  ).  dean was cautious when he entered the convenience store.  his hand was on his gun, and he took quick, careful steps.  there was no one there, at first, until a moment later, he heard the doorbell.  someone had walked in.  he exhaled heavily, prepared for a fight      which wasn’t the first one of the night.  there were a lot of people doing the same thing that he did, and some were willing to pick a fight for a bag of supplies.            ‘             i don’t want any trouble.   ’          /   OPEN TO GV
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seesgood · 7 years ago
&. OPEN GV STARTER; may god be with you all.
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“I JUST WANT TO FIND MY MOM---” The words burst out of her amidst the echoing sounds of gunfire, windows breaking, whooping screams and the thundering beat of her own heart. All things that signal the onslaught of another successful purge. The only difference is that now, she’s in the thick of it. Not protected by the walls of her phone and her mom sitting mere feet away with a shotgun in her lap. Just in case. But Liz never came home. And she can’t risk something happening to her mom without her being here. “I’m not here to take anything or hurt anyone, or...or do anything I just want to find my mom.” From where she remains practically cowered against the corner, she looks up, eyes wide with terror, mouth dry, her heart racing so fast that she becomes almost def to the sounds around her. “Please.” Don’t kill me. The words won’t leave her mouth, her throat closing in fear instead.
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imthelcstprincess · 7 years ago
( @seesgood | ☼ )
The immediate, snapped response surprised her, and she stood there for a moment with her jaw slightly dropped, a shocked look on her face.  She stood there, in silence, taking in each and every single word that Caroline spoke, and her heart began to sink.  There was no way she could force the other blonde to stay behind, to sit and hide in safety when the sole reason she was out here was to find her mother --- and now, there were other people’s lives on the line.  The stranger, to her, who Caroline met.  And herself.  “Fine,” she said simply, her decision already made.  “Then I’m not leaving you.  Knowing that you’re out here, if anything were to happen to you that I could have prevented...  I’m coming with.”
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texcsfcrevera · 7 years ago
@elenaloveablekotsala // sc.
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“I suggest you back the fuck up. Right now.”
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saviorbuilt · 7 years ago
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pureandcorrupt · 7 years ago
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name → stefan salvatore age → twenty four occupation → paramedic purging → at great risk to himself, stefan tries to help as many of the injured as possible. he keeps an extra bag full of supplies and medical equipment on hand just for the night of the purge, knowing that all emergency assistance will be unavailable. he’s only one person, but he tries to take on the role of an army by himself because that’s just the kind of guy he is. he doesn’t understand, nor agree with the purpose of the purge and fights the system any way he knows how. skills → manipulation, first aid/medical skills, patience, fast reflexes weaknesses  →  his compassion and his selflessness. stefan physically cannot say no to someone in need. he has an endless amount of empathy and drive to help people, even the murderer's. it's bound to get him in trouble.  weapons → he carries a pistol on him, but only for protection. he’d rather not have to use it.  connections →
katherine pierce // @hellsreine:  his ex girlfriend. mysteriously, her father told him to never come near her again and he didn’t put up a fight. his heart was broken, but eventually he moved on. (unbeknownst to him, she was carrying and birthed their baby) clarke griffin // @saviorbuilt: fwb, co-workers, and partners in aid
if anyone would like to plot connections with me just hit me up!  ♡ 
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oddyssea-a · 7 years ago
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Name: Karter Kane Alias: The King of Hearts Age: 24 Weaponry: Barret 50. Cal Sniper Rifle ( Named Guillotine ), Twin 7′ Bowie Combat Knives ( Named Judge and Jury ), 1911 Handgun ( Named Executioner )
Backstory & The Purge
Karter was never a man with a clean soul. He’d done many things he wasn’t proud of. When his father died life at home turned to a living hell when it mother became a reckless alcoholic with issues coping with the death of her husband. On many occasions she’s beat him down and then call the police on him claiming he had assaulted her. It was a vicious cycle that he lived through until he turned 18 and enlisted in the armed forces. 
It was at this time that things began to spiral out of control. Death and the way things were across the globe took its toll and after four years of service Karter left the armed forces a VERY different man at the age of 22. He came home to a mother who hadn’t changed a single bit...and then he learned of the nature of the purge. Of course he was smart enough to know that it would be unwise to try and catch her by surprise on purge night, so he steadily planned his revenge upon her. He let things go and let her do as she pleased.
He even went as far as to set up cameras in the home to ensure that she didn’t step foot outside the house. And then the cathartic moment came. The purge was announced and his mother in her drunken stupor took a swing at him, using the sharpened end of a broken bottle as she screamed slurs at him about how much of a mistake he was. In a single swift moment he took her down, grabbing her by the face and slamming her against walls again and again and when she struggled against him he put her out of her misery and snapped her neck like a twig.
Unfortunately for Karter his suffering wasn’t over yet, the rest of the purge was spent differently. His apartment complex was full of people who’d supported him despite his trials with his mother, but when he’d realized he should be helping to protect them he was already too late. As it had turned out there was a member of their humble community seeking vengeance upon the families and he’d already begun taking them out one-by-one. By the time the end of the purge came, Karter was too late. 
So he planned again, and come the next purge in his 23 year, he murdered the man who’d ruined the home he once had. However in the midst of his search and eliminate he’d come across the worst thing he’d seen.
Gangs. Purge gangs, and so he repurposed his efforts to a new cause. Eliminating the gangs. He’d have no part in allowing people so pent up with rage such as that living in his neighborhood, so he procured his arsenal and began picking off gang leaders one by one as best he could until he’d reached the end of the purge.
The year passed and whispers about him had popped up. Labeling him the dreaded ‘King of Hearts’ for his ruthless efficiency in decimating mass numbers of gang members during the purge and ensuring that such hostilities were removed. So he devised a plot to make that his new mission now that he had no family or place to call such.
He’d destroy the gangs.
None yet! IM me for plotting!
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archive-tobemoved · 7 years ago
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    ‘       i had a very long, long day.  i wouldn’t get too close if i were you ...   ’     / OPEN TO GV.
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seesgood · 7 years ago
&. @bloodmirrored | boop.
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She’d always kept her distance from Lukas Sweetmeadow. Even when Adrienne had been...when she’d still been around. Months later and she still couldn’t really think about it without wanting to bust into tears. Someone so good, so kind...just gone. Truthfully, she wasn’t really surprised to see him here. Had she lost someone that close to her, she probably would have wanted vengeance too. Caroline swallowed, giving him a cautious look before pushing a curl behind her ear. “She was a really good person.” The best person, really.
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imthelcstprincess · 7 years ago
( @brxkngilbert | ☼ plotted group verse starter )
Rapunzel held her breath, hoping that her hiding spot hid her well enough not to be noticed, though she knew that was mostly just wishful thinking.  Moments like these made her regret ever stepping outside during the purge, the whole adrenaline rush and thinking that this was the end.  And she knew it was no use - her shadow was a dead give away, so she did the stupidest thing she had ever done next to going outside during the purge.  She stepped out of her hiding spot, hands in the air in surrender, and held her breath.  “I mean you no harm.”
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texcsfcrevera · 7 years ago
@seesgood // sc.
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This was not how he expected his night to go. But here he was, making sure this blonde girl didn’t get herself killed. He’d taken off his bullet proof vest and fastened it around her before he’d pushed her into a dark corner and told her to stay, disappearing across the street to rummage around in the convenience store that had already been broken into. She was obviously still shaken from what had almost happened, so he figured getting food into her system would be the best option as far as the night went. She just needed to calm down before he actually helped her.
“Here,” he muttered gruffly once he’d returned, handing the blonde a bag of potato chips before he ripped open his own bag of Cheetos, popping a few into his mouth. “Eat. You’ll feel better.”
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anditsxsorrows-archive · 7 years ago
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b a s i c s;;
name; klaus mikaelson age; 28 occupation; retired soldier weapons; mossberg 500 / machete personality; paranoid af, violent af, angry af, basically everything negative af
b i o g r a p h y;;
coming to the states when he was only 19 Klaus wanted to do anything that would steer him from the path that his father built for him. Quickly he jumped on the idea of joining the military in hopes that it might upset his father’s great plan. He was rather successful within the ranks until he got injured in the line of duty. It didn’t take him long to fall to his darker personality traits - namely his paranoia that told him that his injury had been on purpose and his getting discharged was part of a bigger plan from the government, from his father - and now he believes that everyone is out to get him in some way. The Purge is a way for him to not only get his rage out but it’s also a way for him to get rid of those that might be plotting against him. 
c o n n e c t i o n s;;
@amongthcwreck;; met bellamy upon arrival in the states, the first person to suggest he join the military alongside him. ( ok there have a connection ) everyone else ~ hmu !
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