#( ftf — quinn. )
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CMSN - Goth Saria to Harley Quinn TF
Sequence commission for Sarialinde! Originally Published: Apr 12, 2012
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jan-hen · 3 years
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Body Swap 002 - Harley and Power Girl
Here's the first monthly poll winner for August!
Harley Quinn and Power Girl have swapped bodies, and Harley is taking full advantage of her new body and powers!
Feel free to check out the full version early on Patreon! www.patreon.com/retrosqueeze
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doveportkitty · 5 years
tagging: @quinnofthcangels​
timeframe: 26.10
location: festival of frights
“You know if I wasn’t here with Sam, I would totes be going home with you, Q Fabray.. For old time sakes, obviously. You are somehow both the perfect combination of fierce and adorable, a trait I wouldn’t expect from anyone else!” 
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beeanders-blog1 · 5 years
a long, long time || blinn
Blair bit down on the inside of her lip as she stepped off the stage. After taking a picture with Kitty and laughing hysterically over how they’d been twinning,  Blair was feeling light and giddy. Happy. It was so long since she’d felt like that.
Things came somewhat crashing to a brick wall when Blair found herself skipping from the bar and face to face with Quinn Fabray. She wouldn’t lie and say that her heart didn’t start to rush as she saw Quinn donning blue and red, just as she’d done when they were together. Their most recent text conversation led Blair to believe that things were okay between them. Her own feelings had been ignited after singing her duet with Jessi, and Blair wondered if they ever really flickered out.
“Hey!” She chirped, trying to regain some semblance of normalcy even though she had no idea how to tread these kinds of waters. “Can I buy you a drink?”
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multijake-blog1 · 5 years
DATE & TIME: September 13th, early morning. (backdating it a day)
LOCATION: Lima Bean. 
OPEN TO: @multifabray
VERSE: Season 2.
Money was tight and more often than not, the Robinson’s struggled but sometimes... sometimes he went out of his way and splurged on coffee at the Lima Bean. Was it something that was completely necessary? Not really. He could’ve made a cup of coffee at home, but it was kinda nice to be able to buy a frapuccino like most of his friends did. He noticed a familiar blonde waiting for coffee at the counter and he thought twice about walking up to her to make small talk. They weren’t friends, hell they barely knew one another, but they went to school together so maybe small talk wouldn’t be all that bad. Besides, she was Puck’s girl? ...ex? and if he was right about whatever that was that he was thinking could be a thing, then maybe they should get to know one another. “’Sup Quinn?” he said quietly, giving her an out if she didn’t really wanna talk to him. 
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smytheactually · 6 years
FTF → SEQUINN | 07/16
Sebastian: "So..." he starts, pressing his lips together to hold back a smirk, anticipating an eye roll from Quinn as he began. "I was trying to decide when I should bring this but, but I didn't know if I could wait until dinner... I figure asking you about it now is as good a time as any..."
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hunteractually · 6 years
The huge, grassy expanse of Central Park stretched out at all sides. Hunter had a perfect view of it from the rooftop terrace over at his mansion on 5th Avenue. He had another residential property along the same street that was merely a 3-minutes walk away, but that was an apartment, and he needed a much bigger place for his plans to work. 
A glance at his wristwatch showed it was ten minutes after seven. Quinn would be arriving any moment now. An indescribable feeling flooded through him at that thought - one that would render Hunter speechless if asked, or worse, confronted. Quinn was special to him; everyone in the Clarington household knew that. As a kid, Hunter would often stay in his own room and talk to no one unless Quinn was around. He had almost gone berserk the night he nearly lost her - or maybe he did go berserk - as he understood for the first time what it was like to be frightened beyond his control. 
Unwilling to dwell on his past any longer, Hunter simply turned and walked towards the elevator, with his bodyguards trailing behind him. By the time he had reached the front steps the limousine was already there. He motioned towards the car with a tilt of his head and in an instant someone was already hurrying down the stairs to open it. When the car door swung open, Hunter greeted Quinn with a smile and stepped forward, holding out his hand for her to take. “You’re as beautiful as I remember.” 
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nycbanderson · 6 years
There were only a handful of people that Blaine truly respected in his social circle, and Quinn was one of them. There was just something about her character and the way she held herself in front of other people that resonated deeply with him. As far as he could tell, he had never felt the need to censor himself whenever he conversed with her, and that was something Blaine had always treasured. Granted, he didn’t exactly know Quinn very well – just that she came from a similar upbringing as Sebastian did and she meant a lot to Sebastian. But even then, Blaine had always been fond of Quinn. At one point, he actually let down his guard around her, managing to surprise even himself by telling her about his past experiences of being bullied. 
Needless to say, he was eager and pleased to catch up with Quinn in person again, accompanied by a caffeinated drink they both thoroughly enjoyed – coffee. “I think I’ll get the Aeropress, with... oh, this ‘Hana’ blend looks interesting.” Blaine pondered aloud with an amused voice, before continuing, “‘Easy, approachable with sweet notes of dark chocolate and berry.’ Yup, that definitely sounds like my kind of coffee bean.” He let out a soft laugh, closing the menu and sliding it to the side of the table. “What are you thinking of getting? Black, with a splash of vanilla, or perhaps something more adventurous?”
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roryshudson · 6 years
ftf // ruinn
Rory was drunk, and thus pestering every single contact in his phone. Break ups did a weird thing to him. Rory was typically pretty open about his sexual experiences, but he was far more sophisticated about it, unlike the blunt questioning he’d taken on tonight. Though... he also didn’t get drunk like this very often, tipsy being his breaking point. He was just laid out in his bedroom, texting when Quinn mentioned coming over. He agreed, pretty excited at the idea of being fed and having his nails painted. He stumbled down the steps when she said she was there, Rory doing his best to sneak her into his bedroom - mostly just not wanting to wake up Carole. She knew he had plenty of people over, by now. “Hi,” he finally said, once his door was shut, his smile bright. “What are you gonna feed me? What are you gonna paint my nails? This is so exciting.”
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samxvans-blog · 6 years
FTF | FABREVANS | 6.29.18
Seeing someone for the first time in a long time was nerve racking for Sam, regardless of the situation. Things are always different, so it’s hard to tell if you’ll still be vibing in the same way you did then. But there are cases like this one with Quinn where Sam is glad that things are different. The last time they got to hang out, Sam was finishing up physical therapy for his knee. He and Quinn were both at their lowest points, where things seemed like they’d never look up, and Sam’s gotta be honest, it helped them bond in a super weird way. He saw Quinn in a vulnerable state and she saw him the same way, and since then Sam’s pretty sure they’ve had a kind of bond he doesn’t have with anyone else.
But all that aside, needless to say he’s happy that isn’t the case anymore. Like Quinn said, they’ve yet to actually walk to each other, and Sam is thankful for the casual situation in which they’ll get to do so. He decided on his favorite hole-in-the-wall Italian place with a back entrance, texting Quinn the details to meet him there. The goal was to bring as little attention to themselves as possible, of course. He sat waiting for her, his fingers drumming on the table with just a hint of nervousness until she arrived. Sam stood to greet her, feeling an overwhelming sense of...something wash over him to see her walking and looking so well. Pride, maybe. Whatever it was, Sam grinned and met her halfway. “Hey,” he said quietly. “God, look at you! This is amazing, Quinn.” He took a breath, shaking his head in disbelief before resolving to make it as simple a night as possible. He held out a hand — Southern hospitality, y’know? — to lead her to where he was sitting. “Shall we?”
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starredriley · 7 years
ftf | 12.21 | quiley
Quinn: Seeing Riley’s face flush made her own cheeks warm, and she hoped he wouldn’t notice. It made her feel stupid, like she had some sort of schoolgirl crush; but she did. As much as she didn’t want to acknowledge it, there was definitely a crush lingering. A brow raised as she looked behind him, before her eyes fell on him. “I didn’t mean to, um,” was she staring? She only just realized that she might’ve been. “Impose or anything,” she finished with a nervous laugh. “It looks like you’re in the middle of something, and I don’t have to stay long. Or at all. I could just give you this and go, if you need me to,” she offered, wanting to not bother him. It already felt clingy enough, just coming over here, and to interrupt him felt worse. “It’s nothing, like, special. Just a thing,” she shrugged. She handed over the bag, containing mini-ornaments that she had mentioned to him previously. “If you don’t actually have a mini-tree, I guess these are pretty pointless… though it was pretty pointless to begin with too, so…”
Riley: “No, really. I was just...playing a game,” he explained, turning to gesture toward the still paused game. “And not packing.” He let her in and closed the door behind her, heading over toward the game to finally turn it off. He could play later. “You’re really not imposing at all,” he promised, and it was true. Of course he liked seeing Quinn. He took the gift from her, a smile forming as he listened to her explanation. As promised, she had given him the mini ornaments, and Riley couldn’t help but laugh a bit. “That’s awesome.” He looked at the tree next to his bed, immediately going over and crouching beside it so he could put the new ornaments on. “You really didn’t have to do this. But I’m glad you remembered.” He hung the ornaments on the little branches and stood up, admiring it for a moment before turning back to face Quinn. “I love them. I really do.” He reached out to pull her in toward him for a hug. “And now you’ve got me feeling like a bad friend because I didn’t get you anything.” He knew she wouldn’t mind, but still. “I have to admit, I thought it was gonna be a gingerbread house and I was pretty excited.”
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lunarmadison · 7 years
about next year | madiquinn
Madison: Evening fell strangely in the spring. Light still filtered through the dorm room windows long after Madison returned from her afternoon class, which meant that it was tricky to determine when exactly she ought to eat dinner. Time almost didn't feel quite real; and on a campus like NYADA, that was also an entirely plausible possibility. She checked the watch strapped to her wrist (after being saddled with the watch eye for so long, her wrist began to feel naked without it, so she'd purchased a genuine timepiece to make up for the feeling), and found that she actually had ... time? Incredible. She had even finished with the mountain of homework that was due this week, because she was sure that she wouldn't have time to do it during her work shift tomorrow. The NYADA course catalog lay on her nightstand, with potential classes for the summer session highlighted, and fall selections marked with colored paper tabs. It could be worth flipping through, for the moment, since she still hadn't narrowed it down. Nor was she sure how her fall semester would look, exactly -- would she even be in this dorm? Madison let out a barely audible sigh and looked up. "Hey ... Quinn? Do you know what you're taking next semester?"
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jonesingforben · 5 years
Midnight | Quinn & Ben
There’s a very simple way to make sure that happens.
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I got you one more thing.
Continue to spend time with you?
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Oh yeah? And what’s that?
continued from [ here ] @quinntessentialsub​
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seb--smythe-blog1 · 6 years
lake house ftf | open
If he was being honest, Sebastian was nervous. He was in close proximity to a piece of his family he hadn’t heard from in years, and it felt a little weird to be spending time where Jenny often did. He had been pretty on the fence about going, but after Quinn’s brutal text attack on his ego and insecurities the other night, he decided to show. At least for a bit. And thankfully, Sebastian was an expert liar, so he easily pushed down all of the nerves he felt. Thus far, it seemed to be a proper celebration, which allowed him to really drown those nerves in whatever various beverages he kept mixing together. He felt loose and warm from the mixture of alcohol and the general vibes of a party, a scene he was comfortable in. All had actually been going fairly well, until he turned a corner and found himself running into someone a bit too hard. The cup in his hand spun through the air, and he fell into the wall in a rough attempt to keep his own balance, spitting out a, “Jesus, fuck, ‘m sorry”, as he tried to straighten himself out. 
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smytheactually · 6 years
FTF → SEBLAINE | 07/16
Sebastian: After his meeting with Russell then call with Quinn, Sebastian had texted Blaine, asking him to come over as soon as he could talk to him about 'something'. More nervous than he expected to be, he turned on the TV and began flipping channels as he waited for his boyfriend. When he had finally arrived, Sebastian gestured him over from the couch, pulling him down into his lap. "Hi, baby," he greeted softly, a small smile spreading across his lips before leaning in and attaching his own to Blaine's. He gave him a series of sweet kisses, savouring the taste of Blaine's lips, the sensation of their tongues brushing together as they moved in unison, and the rough feeling of slight stubble across his jaw as he moved his thumb against it affectionately. It took a moment for him to pull away, not wanting to break the kiss but knowing it couldn't last forever. He pressed his forehead lightly against his boyfriend's, whispering softly, "I've missed you..."
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hunteractually · 6 years
Hunter had been looking forward to this night ever since he had promised Quinn that she could have him to herself, which he meant wholeheartedly. There was nothing he wouldn’t do or give to make Quinn happy, even if it meant upsetting his father. Fortunately, it didn’t, although Hunter wouldn’t care even if it did. This was one of the very few things he wouldn’t budge on or compromise, and besides, it was about time his father realized the importance of Quinn to him. 
With an arm wrapped around her waist, Hunter held her close as they danced to Norah Jones together, noticing for the first time just how much he had missed having her close to him like this. The way her body molded against his as they danced, slowly, and gently, as if they had been doing this their whole lives, except that wasn’t the truth. They were just childhood friends who had been through a lot together, nothing more and nothing less. At least that was what Hunter had been telling himself over and over again for as long as he could remember until it became a reflex. 
“Are you having a good night so far?” 
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