#( fossey porter )
winniethepoohx · 7 years
fossey ~ “pst, wake up. it’s new year’s.” | @xxomalley !
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as the sudden voice, taytum blinked awake, stretching out her arms above her head and yawning. “what --- it’s ... aw, did i fall asleep? i missed the coming of the new year?” she asked, sitting up and pouting childishly, though she didn’t keep up the act for long, the pout soon turning into a small smile. “happy new year!” she whisper-shouted, doing jazz-hands.
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facrytalcs-blog · 7 years
( text → fossey )
hawk: you know what sounds like a FANTASTIC idea right now?
hawk: pushing you out of that tree if you tap on the glass one more time
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vaa-afrika · 7 years
Rwanda & Uganda:Gorilla Trekking Pt. 1
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Have you ever had a moment of disbelief? You’re in the middle of this life changing moment, but could not believe your eyes? Yep, that was me when I set my eyes on the alpha silver back in the jungles of Uganda at Bwindi impenetrable national park.
See 2017, was a tough year for me and I think a tough year for many of us.  I lost a loved one, the one human being that was closest to my heart. Although I felt crippled mentally and still do so often due to grief, I don’t let this stop my journey, my journey of self-discovery, mostly when it comes down to travelling, I always have a yes can do attitude every time a holiday adventure creeps through (I’m not one of those people who’ve decided to quit their jobs and travel around the world, I try to do both, maybe one day I can but at the moment I prefer to juggle both, although many a times I stare at my computer for several minutes dreaming I’m on the beach in Zanzibar)
On 2nd December 2017, I spontaneously decided to join a group of solo adventurers to Rwanda and Uganda, (bear in mind they had already left and were waiting for my arrival). I was supposed to randomly meet a French guy called Gwendal at the airport and we would meet the rest the group in Rwanda…. things didn’t go as planned and Gwendal was stopped at the check in counter due to visa issues. I had to follow the plan and unfortunately took off without him.
So there I was alone, at 6am in Rwanda airport waiting for my driver, after a 30 minute wait, Patrick showed up and off we went to the lush mountains of Ruhengeri. Anyone who knows the history of Rwanda would be in utter disbelief of how safe and clean this country has become, as an African myself, I felt a sheer sense of pride for this country’s resilience in moving forward.
Day 1: Drive to Ruhengeri and canoeing down river musanze
With serene landscapes and Patrick’s Rwandan music playing in the background, what felt like a brief moment was actually a 3 hours drive to Ruhengeri, we stayed at Le bamboo gorilla lodge, unfortunately I arrived slightly late and the group had to take off and hike up mt. Bisoke without me. 
Not to let a day go to waste, I had my lunch and decided to canoe on River Musanze. The season in December in this part of the world is wet, wet and wet, so I was nervous to go canoeing on a river in such unpredictable weather, soon as we got to the river, lucky I was, the torrential rains stopped!!  My guide Sandrene (from King fisher journeys) told me the water is usually green, however due to the heavy rains, the water today would be muddy brown, a bit disappointed that I wouldn’t see the river in its natural color I still decided to go for the 3 hour canoe ride, bear in mind, I’ve never canoed before (kayak yes, canoe down a river in Africa? No :) I have to say, for a last minute plan, It was a great way to see the lush farm land in the mountains of Rwanda. In addition to the spectacular river wildlife, much of the journey ambles through fields of potato, sugar cane, and bean plants.
You might wonder why a person does this trip at the end of the rainy season... The up side is how green and lush the country side is. So very beautiful. Because of this the gorillas can be found at lower elevations as well. In the dry season they head up the volcano where the vegetation is greener and more plentiful. Thankfully we still have monkey tracking and gorilla tracking to look forward to. Tomorrow is another day!
Ruhengeri, is known as the land of a thousand mountains. There are five main volcanoes, and the views from the river were spectacular! Check out the pictures below! I paid 20Usd for this activity.
Tips: 20USd to Sandrene, she’ll drive you there and drive you back . Your clothes will get wet, so go prepared, you wont take your phone with you on the canoe, but sandrene will have hers and take pictures for you. She takes a week or two to send you these pictures.​
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Day 2: Ruhengeri, Rwanda to Nkuringo, Uganda
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We started with a very early morning, I’m not a fan of 6am wake ups, mostly when I feel like I’m supposed to be “vacationing” but we came for the nature right? So early risers we were!!Before we headed out to Uganda, we were off to see the golden monkeys, the golden monkeys are only found in the central African region and are unfortunately endangered! Once we arrived at the park, we were excited to meet “Francios” who turns out, is a local celebrity, mainly because he was Diana Fossey’s guide in the 70’s and 80’s. Once we were off, I understood why he was a “celebrity” and the man lives up to every word of it!
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The monkeys, never fail to entertain you, they leap from tree to tree in search of their meal. We spent approximately an hour with the monkeys and headed back to our vehicles for lunch at Le bamboo and hit to the road! Excited for gorilla tracking tomorrow!!
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Tips: Should you be wanting to do this trip, not to worry the hike to the monkeys was reasonably short, but quite muddy, so don’t forget your gaiters (you can rent them as well for USD10 from the lodge), we paid approx. 10usd tips to the porter (it might be high if you’re on a budget, you can share one porter with a friend though), I would recommend having a porter, mainly because you will need to leave your bags behind before heading in to see the golden monkeys, and they’re extremely good help if you’re not keen on constantly getting stuck in mud! Ps: the food at le bamboo is exceptional!!
Check out Pt. 2 of our trip to see the Gorillas!
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travellingtern · 8 years
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My encounter with a mountain Gorilla - Annabel Bradley
Ever since I first watched Sigourney Weaver play Dian Fossey in the 1988 film, Gorillas In The Mist, I have dreamed of seeing Gorillas in the wild.
 I did not expect to be living out the dream quite so soon but the opportunity arose and before I knew it I was headed towards Uganda and the lush forests of Biwindi. Nicknamed by Winston Churchill as, ‘the pearl of Africa’, Uganda, where the eastern savannah meets the west African jungle.
The night before the gorilla tracking we arrived at our accommodation in time for a hearty meal and a good nights sleep. The view from our lodge in the morning was breathtaking. As the mist drifted across the forest our excitement rose with the anticipation of what lay out there. I could not quite believe that soon I would be face to face with a gorilla, a primate that shares 97.7 % of our DNA.
There are approximately only 700 mountain gorillas remaining on earth and they are free to move around the forest as they please so finding them is not always that easy. Prepared for this the professional trackers and researchers had set off at dawn to locate the gorilla groups. They radio the location back to headquarters so your guides have a pretty good idea of where you are heading and there has not been one instance where a group has not seen a gorilla.
The day begins with a short introduction and informative video about what to expect and how to act in the forest, once this is finished you are divided into groups of 8, assigned a gorilla group and introduced to your guide for the day.
In Bwindi there are four habituated groups of Gorillas - the Mubare, Habinyanja, Rushegura and Nkuringo.  We were allocated the Rushegura group that consisted of 18 members, the groups range in size from 10 to 20 individuals, each with one or two silver backs.  The guide acquainted us to each individual in our group and informed us that there were several babies amongst them, the youngest being only 2 weeks old.
Then we were off! Led by our guide, two trackers and with the help of several porters. I would highly recommend getting a porter as not only does it support the local community but I guarantee you will find them very useful on the way up and even more so on the way down. Gorillas live in mountain forest, so treks to see them are at altitude and can pass through varied vegetation and terrain. The walk through thick undergrowth is both exhilarating and a challenge. However don’t let this put you off as you are placed in groups of similar ability so the pace can be very steady with lots of stops. One lady in another group was 70 years old and had had two hip replacements! She hired two porters who carried her up parts of the climb.
Suddenly after two hours of walking we saw one of the dawn trackers in front of us. The realisation that the Gorillas were only a couple of feet away was mind blowing. After walking a couple of feet through the undergrowth a black back gorilla casually walked out on all fours across our path and then sat a couple of feet away eating leaves. Being that close to such a magnificent creature is indescribable. I could not take my eyes from him.  
 We then found ourselves in the company of a group of mothers and babies eating, playing and grooming each other. It was a privilege to be so close to them and see how affectionate they are with each other. As you watch their gentle human like movements and look into their eyes, there is no mistaking the link that exists between primate and man.
The next viewing was the 12 year old Silver back, weighing in at around 150 kilos he was a big boy! The next hour spent with the Rushegura group will stay with me forever. I kept having to remind myself that it was real, a dream realised. Seeing the gorillas in the wild was awe-inspiring. It is an incredible experience that I would recommend to everyone.
 It is hard to believe that these creatures lie on the brink of extinction. However thanks to the hard work of several high-profile individuals and the International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP), Gorillas are finally getting the protection they deserve.
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adyeri · 5 years
3 Day Nyiragongo Mountain Hike
The Virunga Volcano of Nyiragongo is surrounded by both the North and West by adjacent Nyamuragira Volcano, and other several volcanoes to the East namely, Mikeno, Karisimbi, and Lake Kivu. Mount Nyiragongo shelters, one of the largest active Lava Lake in the whole world. Mount Nyiragongo seats on an elevation of about 3470m, with a wide caldera at its summit about 1.5 km wide.
Nyiragongo is located in the Albertine Rift, on the western branch of the East African Rift Valley system, the Mountain is Africa’s most active volcano, and the fact is that it has erupted 34 times since 1884 and world’s largest lava Lake, about 20 km, North of Goma and approximately 180 km from Kigali International Airport.
Highlights of the Hike
Day 1: Pick up from Kigali International Airport Day 2: Nyiragongo Hike Day 3: Descend Mount Nyiragongo
Day 1: Transfer to Gisenyi
You will meet our driver guide at Kigali International Airport upon your arrival, you will have a brief stopover at the Genocide memorials and other cultural sites around Kigali then transfer to Lake Kivu for a boat cruise and later on check-in at your lodge lunch will be served, relax and overnight at your lodge.
Luxury – Lake Kivu Serena Hotel Mid-range – Gorilla Lake Kivu HotelBudget – Hotel Dian Fossey
Day 2: Hike Mount Nyiragongo
After breakfast our driver guide will be waiting for you, transfer to the starting point for your hike; meet up with the Park Ranger Guides who will brief you about the dos and don’ts while climbing the active Nyiragongo Mountain. The hike starts at Kibati starting point at 10:00 am, the hike usually takes 6 hours to the summit depending on the physical fitness of hikers. You will be able to see wild animals like elephants, buffalos, primates like mongooses, civets, chimpanzees and many endemic bird species like congo peafowl, schouted’s swift, graver’s cuckoo shrike, Prigogine swift, Bedford’s paradise flycatcher, Rockefeller’s sunbird among other bird species along the trail. Upon reaching the summit, enjoy your evening with breathtaking photography of the world’s largest active Lava Lake.
Day 3: Descend Mount Nyiragongo
After an early morning heavy breakfast, you will descend Nyiragongo back to the starting point. Meet your driver-guide who will transfer you to Kigali International Airport for international flight back home.
What to carry or requirements Hiking shoes Raincoat Hiking permit Yellow fever immunization card East African Visa Porter
Other Activities Gorilla tracking in the Virunga National Park Chimpanzee tracking and Chimpanzee Habituation in the Virunga National Park Community visits around the park environs.
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Student Perceptions of College Funding
'In the name Students Perceptions of Factors that chance upon College Funding Decisions, the authors Julia Y. Porter, W. Richard Fossey, William E. Davis, Janice Stuhlmann and Patricia A. Suchy generate detailed instruction active the subject. The denomination shows what contrasting scholarly persons call up some the apostrophize of college and the benefits that come with it. This expression would capture souls worry because it shows how much students hold up about the appeal of college. The overall expression provides thoroughly learning but most of the studies that were shown could have been through better.\nThe main tear and thesis of the term argon factors that college students observe are outstanding in part them make good financial decisions about paying for a college education (Student Perceptions scalawag 1). The study categorizes and summarizes students self-reported responses to an slack ended written report question about recommendations for c hanges in financial assistance counseling practices (Students Perceptions Page 1). The article shows how the financial abet process whole works and where the comprise of college comes from. The authors showed some studies on different topics that students were surveyed on. The article is upright found on how students think the cost of college is broken down.\nIn the article Students Perceptions of Factors that chance upon College Funding Decisions the authors are addressing college students and the students that are supply on going away to college. The publication of the article, which is the NASFAA ledger of Student monetary aid, shows that the authors are exhausting to grasp college students guardianship because financial aid is a major(ip) part of college. The extension phone list too shows that the article is for college students because in that location are galore(postnominal) references that are based on student loans and financial aid. The gentle of the art icle tells the readers whom the article is meant for since it is students perceptions of college funding.\nThe diffe... '
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mappingmegan · 7 years
Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda: Trekking w/Dian Fossey's Porter https://t.co/J7Vxi8OrWb via @GreenGlobalTrvl
Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda: Trekking w/Dian Fossey's Porter https://t.co/J7Vxi8OrWb via @GreenGlobalTrvl
— Megan Claire (@mappingmegan) April 4, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/mappingmegan April 04, 2017 at 07:51PM via IFTTT
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xxomalley · 7 years
fossey wiped the goo from her eyes as she stepped out of the science wing of the university, hershey von schweetz at her tails. “fuck’s sake, hershey, can’t you do one thing in that lab without making it into a damn warzone?” the prince just shrugged and smiled as he left, singing something like ‘yyoouu are sooo beautiful to meeee --’ before he turned the corner. 
goo still all over her, fossey turned around and stopped herself just in time from crashing into someone. “-- it’s not a good time.”
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xxomalley · 7 years
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( fossey porter | instagram )
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xxomalley · 7 years
( MASQUERADE !! ) ❶ for a one line starter ( fossey and pappy | @dataugust )
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"does it look bad?” she asked, worried, as she looked down at the chocolate pudding stain on her skirt.
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xxomalley · 7 years
presmouse location meme*
( feel free to send your own location instead of these ones !! )
the auradon forest where the only sound is the occasional crow
the harbour without a boat or person in sight
the harbour during a storm
the athletics track but there's a ghost running on it and they won't stop
music rooms and they can't tell where the music is coming from
the student lounge during a blackout and you hear a noise on the roof
blacktower club and it’s 80s night
the diner but everyone's wearing cosplay
the library past closing time and they’re stuck inside
end of the road
the auradon forest and there’s whispering in the trees
the museum of cultural history and things are moving in the corner of your eye
enchanted lake and something’s moving in the water
the bookstore that uncomfortably knows exactly what book you need to read
the cafe with the nicest people but the worst coffee
the video store with a ‘CLOSING SOON ALL DVDS MUST GO’ sign that’s been up for the past year
the observatory that has a telescope unusually, specifically looking into the isle of the lost
the fireplace that, when you look into the flames, makes you feel like you can’t lie
the stationery store, where a sample letter-writing kit has two letters with your characters’ names on it
the auradon forest, with a tree that has names carved onto the bark, and a knife lodged into the wood
the bridge with the love-locks on it
the janitor’s closet that looks into the fairy godmother’s office
the ‘room of requirement’ in auradon prep, accessed on a third floor corridor.
the small carousel in the middle of the park that hasn’t worked in years, but it just turned on.
the statue in arcadia university that opens up and has a tunnel leading to…?
the painting of the fruit bowl in arcadia university that, when you tickle the pear, leads to the kitchens.
the room with the life-sized chess board.
the book that lets you see into any place, anywhere.
the locked closet full of floating broomsticks.
( fossey porter | mal carabosse | shakes hook | mak aidoneus | aubie mcclain | marge shadix | rita senior | james frank silver | rex ritchi | jubilee bird | ingrid haraldsen | katzu shiranui | doc de maldonia | barney radcliffe | brandy utonium | her name | sheldon astronomanov )
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xxomalley · 7 years
( instagram names !! )
MAL CARABOSSE: mal.avita
SHAKES HOOK: shooked
AUBIE MCCLAIN: aubergine00
MARGE SHADIX: mayormarge
MAK AIDONEUS: ladyy.makaria
RITA SENIOR: livinlavidarita
REX RITCHI: mega_trex
JUBILEE BIRD: birdbirdbird
INGRID HARALDSEN: ingrid.haraldsen
DOC DE MALDONIA: doc_strange
HER NAME: she_her
JANE PORTER: j.porter
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xxomalley · 7 years
send my muse a name, and they’ll respond with a gif/reaction pic.
( fossey porter - mal carabosse - shakes hook - mak aidoneus - aubie mcclain - marge shadix - ritasenior - james frank silver - rex ritchi - jubilee bird - ingrid haraldsen - katzu shiranui - doc de maldonia - barney radcliffe - brandy utonium - her name - sheldon astronomanov )
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xxomalley · 7 years
pres.mouse iconic vine starters
​❛ suck a motherfucking dick . ❜
​❛ i thought you were bae , turns out you were just fam . ❜
​❛ i thought you were american . ❜
​❛ is that a weed !? ❜
​❛ i won’t hesitate bitch ! ❜
​❛ chipotle is my life . ❜
​❛ turn off the flash you fucking moron ! ❜
​❛ kiss my ass bitch motherfucker ! ❜
​❛ is that a police !? ❜
​❛ i’m calling the weed ! ❜
​❛ done & done , let me pull the table out of my ass . ❜
​❛ merry crisis ! ❜
​❛ i don’t have enough money for chicken nugget . ❜
​❛ i’m ready to die anytime , any place , for any reason . ❜
​❛ hey guys , we’re unboxing this cheese stick today . ❜
​❛ i aint never gonna stop loving you , bitch .  ❜
​❛ this is the comedy police ! that joke’s too funny ! ❜
​❛ i’m not going back to jail ! ❜
​❛ what the fuck ? $599 for a fucking playground ? that looks like a piece of shit . ❜
​❛ the feminists are taking over ! ❜
​❛ and they were roommates ! ❜
​❛ i’m not your friend ! ❜
​❛ there’s no saving this sweet piece of ass . ❜
​❛ hi welcome to chili’s ! ❜
​❛ yeah tip of the penis to you too . ❜
​❛ this is why mom doesn’t FUCKING love you ! ❜
​❛ welcome to bible study , we’re all children of jesus . ❜
​❛ aw fuck , i can’t believe you’ve done this . ❜
​❛ this is the dollar store , how good can it be ? ❜
​❛ step back , i think i’m gonna vomit ! ❜
​❛ oh sorry , i didn’t see ya there , i was too busy blocking out the haters . ❜
​❛ shut up ! your mother buys you mega blocks instead of legos ! ❜
​❛ i hate to do this but i specifically asked for no mustard and you just brought me a bottle of mustard on a plate . ❜
​❛ how are we gonna win if we fucking die ? ❜
​❛ why the fuck would i say printer ? ❜
​❛ the benefits of killing him would be that i’d be pushed way less . ❜
​❛ but it pays off, because i dont even have time to think about dying . ❜
​❛ welcome to my kitchen. we got bananis. and avicadis. ❜
​❛ *take on me by a-ha plays*. ❜
fossey porter | mal carabosse | shakes hook | aubie mcclain | mak aidoneus? | marge shadix | rita senior | rex ritchi | james frank silver
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xxomalley · 7 years
@dataugust​ ;; pappy & fossey :: “ on a scale of 1-to-10 how would you rate your childhood. ”
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“oh, definitely a 10. is that too selfish? i like to think it was a 10. i mean, of course there were the ups and downs -- the kidnapping, the threats, the danger lurking in the every nook and cranny of the jungle --” fossey rolled her eyes with a smile, “but, all in all, i’d say it was a fabulous 10. what about you?”
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xxomalley · 7 years
( for fossey ): 1, 12, 17
What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
"I've never really been in the second situation, nor the first one in that romantic sense, so it's a big difficult to decide...probably the second one? How do you just reject someone like that? Is there an option to run away?"
What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
"...this is really mean, but I’d like to be rude to people more. Some people do it so easily. I mean, I can be rude, but I always feel terrible about it after.”
When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
"Fruits. Every morning, there would be fresh fruit, picked by my grandmother. And then I wake up and there's the jungle, all of it just right in front of me."
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